sburb-confessions · 5 months
SSpacebard SSessions are worse than SSpaceprince SSessions. fight me
spacebard sessions are worse than spaceprince sessions. fight me
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Cronus/Kanaya; possible ship name “This sucks”? (Vampire pun)
thats a good name lol heres some more! (already added)
Fog machine
Jade Olivia
Meddling whiners
Vampire otherkin
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berenixium · 1 year
"Stones" - Space Bards - #SoundCloud #Music #Ultima #Midsummer
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neopronouns · 2 years
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spaceheiric | spacewitchic spacebardic | spaceprinceic spacerogueic | spacethiefic
spaceheiric: a gender related to being an heir of space
spacewitchic: a gender related to being a witch of space
spacebardic: a gender related to being a bard of space
spaceprinceic: a gender related to being a prince of space
spacerogueic: a gender related to being a rogue of space
spacethiefic: a gender related to being a thief of space
colors are from the space aspect and these class gender flags! i’ll be tagging any terms like these as ‘classpectic’.
flag id: six flags with 4 stripes. the top left flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark pink, faded pink, off-white, and near-black. the top right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark pink, pink, off-white, and near-black. the middle left flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark red, faded red, off-white, and near-black. the middle right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark red, red, off-white, and near-black. the bottom left flag’s stripes, in order, are very dark blue, faded blue, off-white, and near-black. the bottom right flag’s stripes, in order, are dark blue, blue, off-white, and near-black. end id.
dni transcript here
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stileteckel · 5 years
Space Bard Dan Span of the Band, Recap, Is Kickstarting a Solo Mixtape!
While I have spoken to Dan Span several times in the last few years about his release of a solo Album, I had no idea this was happening today when I was checking messages!
— Dan Span (@danspanmusic) August 15, 2019
I’ve honestly been like OMG, OMG, OMG since!
If your not familiar with Dan Span and his work, get that way! He has serious talent and your going to want to be able to say someday “I was listening to him before he was as big as Snoop Dogg!”. As not only a friend, but official number 1 fan, I know what im talking about here!
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Dan has previously released two albums with Dom John and Steven Goldman of Four Legged Records. Neon Milk and Pronoia. You can learn more about those, listen to some tracks, some covers, and even purchase them here: Recap – Electronic Rap Rock – Hudson Valley, NY
I first learned what INCREDIBLE skill and talent Dan Span has when he worked with Dom John to win a contest for a Video Game, with a Music Video. They did this in one weekend!
The have been Finalists and have played at Blizzcon. TWICE!
Every piece of music Dan has ever been involved in, that I have been able to get my hands on, is on my Iphone Playlist. Help me add these, go support an amazing and talented young individual, and get some of the best music you’ll ever have in return!
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From Sir Stile Teckel of Caverns, Dungeons, and Beyond - http://www.thecaverns.net/Wordpress/space-bard-dan-span-of-the-band-recap-is-kickstarting-a-solo-mixtape/
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I know I don’t post enough here but I’m going to try to get a little better.
Right now I would love if anyone who catches this could go check out my story on WebNovel. It’s called “A Fish Who Dreams of Stars”.
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We’ve got a non-binary, gender fluid main character who gets to fall in love, find themselves, and follow their dreams. Also they’re a humanoid cuttlefish with shapeshifting powers, but don’t worry about that part (I just can’t resist a drama with scifi/fantasy elements). 
Anyway, any reads, reviews, whatever small little bit is appreciated. I love writing novels and I’m terrible at advocating/advertising them, but I hope anyone who clicks likes it. I just want to write stories where diverse, “alien” personalities get to be human. 
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thegorgonist · 7 years
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As it has been deemed Elfuary, here's my trashelf from space, Orpheo Radical Clashaclysm (you can call him Clash.) He's the hero of my next indie comic project, Startrash. The prompt for this week was "New"
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blue + orange 😁
awe same tbh!!!! n thank u sm i think ur amazing too!! 💝
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vastbard · 4 years
Minkowski hasn't quite given up on her Comms Officer just yet. Set between Season 2 and 3. Episode 29 spoilers!!
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rnollymauk · 8 years
spacebard replied to your post: spacebard replied to your photo: ...
also bro i’m probs visiting late april/early may so be ready for that i’m gonna visit all the dongs
:0 i’ll write a rly quick one-shot D&D campaign that we can do while you’re here
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dlrge · 8 years
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you guys are gonna make me cry 😢 yall are so good thank u so much ❤❤❤
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burnedtoasttuq · 4 years
Group Task - Part 3
This will be the final submission for this journal. Our group has just finished our playtesting and the documentation for the final assignment in rapid succession so I’m going to write about both in this one post.
First of all, our playtesting more or less went as planned. We ended up organizing it so that each of us tested with 2 different people and recorded the footage so that we could take notes on it later on. This was more convenient than all of us having to meet together and conduct playtesting as a group, as our timetables didn’t really line up and we were just really struggling to work together cohesively over Discord call. Of course we got consent to record the playtesters, as we were only using the videos for our own personal notetaking.
The results were interesting. 3 of our playtesters enjoyed bullet hells, fitting our target demographic and they each had greater success getting through our game and enjoying our game than the others, meaning we have fit our target demographic quite well. There are still some issues with the game that have been recorded though. In particular, a big trend we saw was that all of our playtesters struggled to figure out the controls. This was a result of a few things. First of all, we didn’t have any tutorial to teach this, and secondly, the title screen used the mouse to navigate it, which is not used at all after that point. This meant that it took each player time to realise that they were using WASD and Spacebar. Some players didn’t even discover the Ultimate, which was assigned to the spacebard, and NONE of them discovered that you could perform a Focus which slowed down the player for precise movement using the Shift key. This lack of cohesion and major misdirection ended up being the biggest issue with the game. A lot of the playtesters also complained about difficulty, however, they were all the players who did not have any experience with bullet hells. While their feedback and information is still important, and if we were to improve our prototype going forward, we would consider their feedback equally, for this prototype we are happy with the difficulty level. Although, it could be introduced slower and more naturally. There isn’t much of a consistent difficulty curve as the player is more or less thrown everything at once. This would definitely need to be fixed. If this is done effectively, we could also afford to make the level much longer without making the player feel strapped for lives or Ultimates when they get to the boss, as the stage as a whole would end up being much more balanced and user friendly.
With regards to the playtesting process itself, it’s hard to comment on as we all weren’t around for eachothers’ playtests. While this was a potentially dangerous decision on my part as, ideally, each of us should have been supervised to make sure we were all conducting the test exactly the same way, it luckily ended up okay. While each of our playtesting notes vary in detail and length, the information contained within each paints a pretty clear picture of the playtesters’ opinions. The Survey in particular was very useful for this as the questions covered a lot of things that people may not have commented on during testing. During the writing, that data ended up being the most useful for me as it gave each playtester’s overall opinion on any particular aspect, rather than just what they were thinking at the time of testing. While both are important, with a difficult and potentially frustrating bullet hell game like ours, it’s important to get a tester’s opinion on the game after the playing phase, because it can be very easily swayed in the moment of play.
Speaking of the writing phase, that also went relatively smoothly. The resources provided to us on how to write a report like this were very useful for each of us personally, which was useful because many of the group members had managed their time poorly and were in a rush. As Project Manager, setting tasks for each person to complete by a deadline and no one completing them by then is certainly frustrating, but our lack of cohesion early on in the group task made me more prepared for this, with me creating multiple back up plans that included the possibility of team members being absent or busy. This meant that I ended up taking on more of the writing than first intended, but in general, the process ended up being quite smooth as a result. I don’t want to be too mean to my teammates though. In the end, I’m very happy with our finished product and they did work well most of the time, despite a somewhat tense atmosphere between us. They definitely know what they’re doing in their fields of interest and that is evident in our finished prototype.
If we were to continue working on our prototype, I’d definitely make us all meet up in-person during work time. In hindsight, online meetings don’t provide a good sense of person-to-person interaction with a lot of messages’ tones being misinterpreted and the overall frequency of talking makes asking questions and reaching out for help harder. I’d also like to focus more on planning ahead of time and having clear goals that need to be completed for each week. While I did set these for this assignment, I didn’t enforce them as much as I could have. And within a week or two of missed objectives, you already end up snowballing into uncertain territory where you will probably be scrambling to catch up before the deadline.
However, overall, this has been a very productive course. I feel like I’ve learned a lot about how much work and thought goes into each video game, even if they are short, as well as how hard it is to work in a team effectively. Obviously it has also demonstrated the importance of playtesting. One thing I noticed a lot during my own self reflection is that you, as a designer, can often think that what you made is fun, just because you enjoyed making it, when they very often isn’t the case. Players view your game through a very different lens than you do, so their constant feedback is important, and it’s vital that you get it unfiltered and uninhibited. And while testing with the right target demographic is important, it is also necessary that you test with people who aren’t in that demographic as they often will pick up on issues that perhaps those in the demographic are blind to out of habit or ignore in focus of the smaller details relating to the genre. With all of this new knowledge, I definitely feel a lot more confident going forward with game making, both at QUT and during my own free time as I definitely have a much better understanding of how I need to work on these games.
That’s all from me! Thanks for reading my blog. I hope it did a good job of portraying my thoughts on each of my games, and that you enjoyed reading. See you next time! 👋
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arasdir · 7 years
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@cosmicsunny @spacebard @nuclear-nebula @blue-star-rose
Heeeeey, wanted to do something for y’all since it’s the holidays and stuff. Hope you guys like it! Have a nice day! 🙂
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berenixium · 8 years
"Stones" - Space Bards
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gothmutt · 7 years
@spacebard is harassing me with equius pictures hoping I'll love him BUT IT WONT HAPPEN!!!!!
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stileteckel · 8 years
Analyzing the Lyrics of “What We Do” by The Recap Band, From the Album “Neon Milk”
Analyzing the Lyrics of “What We Do” by The Recap Band, From the Album “Neon Milk”
You can’t sing a song all about life and not include things about yourself. Neon Milk as an album uses the life lessons that the band members have learned and presented them to you to also hopefully take something from.
The group tells these stories but sometimes in generalities and sometimes using their passions to explain things that can translate into your likes and dislikes.
This track like most others also carries a lot of life lesson in it but is also has a lot of focus on the band and what their music is.
Let’s break it down!
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(Verse 1) When I’m on a beat I feel complete got lines to burn through Waited all my life for this I guess that patience is a virtue
Doing what you love and enjoy, is more rewarding than just about anything else.
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And people sleep on me like it’s past the mothafuckin’ curfew
Sort of meaning, why did people hold me back from being myself.
But I’m so sick and so fly I might as well have the bird flu But word dude yo Earth I would never desert you Had to take a little break to give birth to More nouns and verbs a thousand words to earn proof I deserve you take a breather I’ll be sure to But for now I got the urge to rap my ass off And never stop ‘til I turn blue
Meaning that sometimes you just have to step away from it all. You give up for a while and regather your passion, your strength, your thoughts, and emotions. Ultimately you know that you also have not to give up or turn your back on everything else.
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(Chorus) Do you believe in what we are Now that the stars look just like us Do you have love for who we are Now that we’re up high and you’re watching What we do What we do
So your hearing what we have to say and our message. You supported us, and here it is. This is who we are and what we are trying to do, do you still like it and us?
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(Verse 2) This is what we do Knock ya ass all the way to Timbukto
Now talking about them or himself a bit and going to do it with rap. With music and art, to make it enjoyable for you.
I’m stuck in a rut and lookin’ up
Realizing that I don’t have all the answers but that I also see that something needs to change.
But there ain’t nobody to look up to
No one can give me all those answers, though. While there’s lots of aid from the world ultimately one can only figure out what ones own self-needs.
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I sucked at school in class acted like such a fool I didn’t know what the motherfuck to do
Not doing well in school, growing up, in society, and the peers around you. Not fitting in or understanding and instead of getting help, or digging deeper, just turning it all into a joke.
So I dropped out and started stackin’ songs to the fuckin’ moon Chi­chi­chika hey Better make a quick escape time tick tickin’ away Recap takin’ over better pick a date To be outta town by ‘cause we flippin’ The game of life around and playin’ it a different way Ain’t nobody else who gotta sicker brain Sticks and stones bitch they just ricochet Give up music yeah that’ll be the friggin day wish away
So now making a change to life. Instead of listening to others, listening to ourselves and doing what we want to do, our answers, our path.
From Sir Stile Teckel of Caverns, Dungeons, and Beyond - http://www.thecaverns.net/Wordpress/analyzing-lyrics-recap-band-album-neon-milk/
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