#Sparda x Eva
icedlava1 · 1 year
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That one cleveland clip, but make it sparda x eva
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super-jump · 4 months
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Sparda boys and their girlfriends.
This picrew is so good.🥹
Try it! : https://picrew.me/share?cd=USN3UQ3UiI
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bergilandbante · 7 months
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eva + sparda :)
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animelovelover123 · 1 year
DMC: Family Pet AU – First Breeding Privileges
Link to Master List
After giving you (up to) 2 years to mentally prepare, the time came for you to start fulfilling one of your primary responsibilities. Children needed to be had. Now usually the demon family would fight, sometimes to the death, for first dibs on breeding a Pet. But this was the Sparda family, who loved and respected your feelings. So instead, they gathered in a meeting and unanimously agreed that you may choose whose child you wish to bear first, and within a month you are to announce your decision. Though, if you couldn’t come to a decision yourself, several members were ready to fight for the privilege.
Lady, Eva, Kyrie, and Nico
Being human women, all four were eliminated from the running automatically due to not actually being able to impregnate you.
Eva is at peace with this. She has already experienced pregnancy with her own body, and though she would be lying if she said she wasn’t a bit curious of what it would feel like on the other side of the situation, she also wished for her children to enjoy the pleasure of creating new life.
If you request her to parent your first child, she suppresses her shocked expression and instead gives a genuine smile full of love and sympathy. “My dear,” Eva motions you to sit in her lap. When you do, she holds your pouting face to her chest and pets you. “it’s very sweet of you to think of me. I am honored to have you even consider an old lady like me, but you know that I cannot do this for you, don’t you?”
Kyrie was a naturally nurturing person and would rather be the one getting pregnant. If anything, she was excited to care for you and live vicariously through you during your pregnancy.
If you try asking her to parent your child, she will freeze for a moment in confusion then break out in a light giggle. “Oh my.” She will smile jovially at you as she scratches behind one of your ears. “Such a sweet little thing.”
Nico wasn’t really interested in having kids, at least not at this point in her life. She was still hung up on her own family issues and trying to settle down with the one she suddenly had now with the Spardas. Though she is a little disappointed because “you and I would have made the cutest little munchkins”.
If you try to choose Nico she will blatantly laugh, though she will rein her humor in if you become upset. “Don’t take it personally sweet pea, but I ain’t got the equipment to do that, if you know what I mean.” She gives a playful wink.
Lady was the only one of the four actually upset that she couldn’t be the parent. She was kind of hoping that, through some magical or demonic means, she could maybe pull it off. And she technically could, but not without her becoming a demon like her father did, which was obviously out of the question. She wanted to be a mom but the idea of getting pregnant herself was scary and it would involve asking someone else to help her which would be excruciatingly embarrassing, even if she wouldn’t mind if it happened with a select couple of the other members. And maybe she wanted the satisfaction of having you and shoving it in the face of the twins.
If you come to her and ask her to be the first to breed with you, her disappointment grows tenfold. “God, I wish I could. I want to. You have no idea how badly I want to. But I just… can’t.” At that moment, for but a minute, she truly considers becoming a demon.
Technically, Dante is the most optimal choice. He is the oldest and strongest of the possible partners that do not already have an heir. This is something he holds over everyone else as a playful jab. In all honesty, he doesn’t feel anywhere near worthy to have a kid. Still, he has always kind of wanted one and he couldn’t ask for anyone better to be the other parent than you. Even as he looks through porn magazines to try and get his mind off the possibility, his face goes red with daydreams of you happily waddling over to him for a kiss with a full belly and later coming home to the excited calls of “Papa!” as his cute little guy or gal waddles over to him. His self-doubts keep him from expressing these more enduring feelings though, instead hiding behind teasing and jokes.
If you are unable to decide and it is left up to a fight, he will naturally stick to his usually cocky and cheeky attitude. But as the fight goes on, he becomes more determined and, if provoked enough, may give in to his demon blood to upgrade the battle into a life-or-death struggle. Someone, most likely Sparda or Trish, may need to step in if Dante and Vergil get each other too heated.
If you choose him though, his facade nearly shatters that instant. His casual smile and posture suddenly flip to that of an excited puppy. If there are other people around he tries to rein it in, both out of wanting to uphold his image and not wanting to risk making others feel worse for having not been chosen. But when you are alone, he is more affectionate than usual. And by the time you hit your second trimester all his restraints are gone as he excitedly prepares his place for his kid and showers you in attention.
“Thank you.” Dante says, making you look down at your lap where he is resting his cheek on your thigh and rubbing a hand over your swelled stomach. “Thank you for choosing me. I’ll be the best damn father I can be.”
Vergil already has a son. He and his father are the only ones out of the potential partners who have already secured an heir, and this results in some pressure to not participate in the competition. To step back and let others have the chance to be parents first. But that’s the thing, Vergil never truly got the chance to be a parent. Sure, once he is properly reunited with Nero, Vergil has been trying to form a bond with his son, but he can never make up for all the lost time. Vergil wants another chance to be a father, one in which he can be there for every special moment and lead his child through life’s difficult hurdles.
And so, if the privilege to have you carry his child is left up to a battle, Vergil is ready to fight tooth and nail. It doesn’t matter if he is up against his brother, his father, or even his own son, Vergil has no intention of giving in until he is on death’s door. In reality, others will step in to stop the fight before it gets to that point, but Vergil is ready.
If you instead seek him out to be your first breeding partner, he feels as if the world is giving him a sign. A sign telling him that he can repent for his failure with Nero, even though Vergil had been enslaved and did not choose to abandon Nero. Vergil takes the utmost care in every step of the process. From conception to each trimester and to the birth itself, Vergil has researched every possible thing. This actually gets in the way sometimes, but it is the thought that counts. He wants to do things right, not just by the child but by you as well, who was suffering more than he would like to bring this child into the world. He also tries to integrate Nero into the process by encouraging Nero to spend time with you and him. To speak to his future sibling, to play games of tag when the child is restless, and to be the third, after you and Vergil himself, to hold the baby once they are born. Seeing Nero half lay on your bed so he can get a good look at the bundle in your arms, watching you both smile down at the wriggling baby, cooing things at it like “you’re so cute” and “I’m gonna teach you all sorts of crazy stuff”. Then seeing you both look up at him and excitedly beckon him closer… that was the first time you or Nero saw Vergil cry.
“I can do this.” He finally truly believed. “I can grow a family.”
Fuck YEEEEESSS! Nero is so ready to have a kid. He’s always wanted to be a dad, to be everything he never had growing up. And ya, he had Kyrie and wanted to have kids with her too, but why can’t he have both? He knew that was a bit selfish, but he loved you both so very much, and maybe the thought of getting you both pregnant ignited a weird but intoxicating masculine pride in him.
So hell ya. If it’s a fight the others want, it’s a fight they’ll get. He’ll pull out all the stops weapon-wise. Thankfully though he hasn’t awakened to his full devil trigger yet so he won’t go into ‘kill or be killed’ mode like his dad or his uncle.
If you pointedly choose him though, he is honestly overly proud. He will parade this information and your full tummy around, usually not intending to offend or rub it into other people’s faces, except sometimes with Dante and Vergil (and maybe Trish if he is mad at her). He wants everyone to appreciate your strength and beauty, and to acknowledge him as a mature adult who can take care of himself and others. People are quick to point out that his giddiness in showing you, and anything to do with his child, off to anyone that would listen was not helping his mission to be seen as mature.
He will be nervous to leave you alone while pregnant, but he will manage to still do his jobs if you are in the care of other family members, especially Kyrie. But if he actually manages to get both you and Kyrie pregnant at the same time, all restraints are off. A family meeting is being held? Unless both of you can safely attend then he’ll pass, someone can give him the 411 later. There’s a mission to do for Devil May Cry? He has a family to deal with that. He has more important places to be. The world is ending? Well, he has to be with his lovers to make sure they and his future children make it through the apocalypse. Okay… maybe he’ll let others watch over you both while he helps. But this better be quick!
He knew this was coming, but when the time did come, he still wasn’t sure. He did not really want children. He wasn’t averse to children or having them, but he felt nowhere near ready to father one. Even though he was physically an adult and mature in many ways, he felt far too naïve. He has only existed in his own body for a handful of years and has spent even less time as his own being with individuality. He was comparatively a child to the world, how was he supposed to lead a baby through it? Even if he did indulge in scribing the most beautiful of art in his mind while imagining you with a child he helped create from time to time.
Even so, he was pressured to participate. As the only human eligible to be a breeding partner, other humans in the family (namely Lady and Nico) elected him as some sort of representative and encouraged him to put up a good fight at least. His familiars, primarily Griffon, argued with him every day to assert more dominance in the family, and being the first to impregnate the family Pet would definitely raise his standing. Others egged him on through mocking comments. Some were unintentional, like Sparda and Nero honestly worrying that the battle over you may be too rough for him, while others were very much meant to aggravate him, such as Dante’s playful remarks of V being “too fragile” and Vergil’s assertion that V is “simply too weak”.
If the brawl is to be scheduled, V approaches it with a tired frustration and hidden discomfort. “I suppose I must,” he says over and over with a shrug to get others to stop bothering him about it and to try and work up the nerve in himself. Despite fully expecting to fail, V still trains for the fight and hopes, at the very least, not to leave the fight as an utter disappointment to everyone present. He, in fact, ends up impressing his family.
Everyone is utterly shocked if you ask him to father your first child, including V himself. Whether other people are around when you utter the words or it is just him present, the room falls silent for a long while, wide eyes turning to watch you as if you would throw your hands up and laugh off the joke any moment. It’s Griffon who breaks the silence as he emerges unsolicited to cheer. This becomes a recurring problem, Griffon gloating to everyone that his master was chosen which means his master is better than them. V gets in the habit of calling Griffon back within seconds of sensing the avian’s pride. Shadow is also prideful but at least she simply struts alongside you proudly like you are a queen out for a walk with her faithful pet. V, though taken aback by this sudden responsibility placed before him, does take it with all due respect and seriousness. Though continuing to ask, “are you sure?” even after the baby is born, he will do everything in his power to be the man he needs to be for you and the precious gift you have given him.
As a loyal follower of Sparda, and later Vergil, and a well-researched man on demonology and society, Credo knew from the moment the idea of adopting a Pet came up in a family meeting that the stream of children would follow soon enough. What he was still trying to wrap his brain around was that he had the privilege of being in the running to have you. He still very much felt like a simple soldier under the great Sparda and his eldest son rather than being part of the Sparda family, even though most of the family had treated him kindly and welcomed him wholeheartedly. Credo also hadn’t really considered being a father before. Having spent most of his life helping to raise his little sister and adoptive brother while also leading the holy knights, he never really stopped to consider what to do with his life outside of these things. If he did take time to consider the possibility, he found that he kind of liked the idea, but the single month between having the meeting and you giving your answer was not enough time for him to come to a clear decision.
In the end, if he was called to the battlefield, he would fight. However, if he was ordered to stand down he would comply. With his lack of commitment at the moment, he treats the fight almost like training. A clash of blades to test each other’s prowess without grievously wounding anyone as they were all on the same side.
If you approach him to be your partner, he stares at you long and hard, his expression seeming to be an angry glare but was actually furrowed in thought. If any of the higher-ranked members of the family are around Credo will look to them before responding to you. What did they think of this? Was this acceptable? Was he acceptable? Whether there are third parties present or not, Credo will say with a straight face, “Thank you for telling me this. Please give me time to think things over.” He gives you a bow and leaves the room before his racing heart and heating face ruins his stoicism.
Credo feels the need to converse with the heads of the family, Sparda and Eva, about this matter. Credo considered inviting Vergil to this meeting but there was a nagging fear in his heart that Vergil would vehemently deny you and him. This was picked up on by Sparda and Eva who recognized it as Credo seeking affirmation and blessing, which they give him. After a bit more consideration he agrees.
“Though I am still unsure of my qualifications, I will stake my honour as the head of the holy knights on providing for you and our child.”
As a demon, Trish was the only female that could get you pregnant and so was the only woman in the running. This resulted in her feeling just a bit pressured, by other girls in the family and herself, to step up and succeed as a gender representative. Not that she doesn’t want to be a parent with you, far from it. She has always held a maternal instinct that, though somewhat soothed via her teasing mothering of other family members, she knows she won’t truly be vindicated from until she has a kid of her own. Now whether that kid was with you or Lady didn’t matter, both of you were her favorites. But this was a prime opportunity.
If it came down to a fight she would step up to the plate. With the sword Sparda in hand and the cheers of Lady and Nico she would give it her all. But she also was levelheaded enough to not take things too far. No matter how much she wanted a kid, she had no intention or desire to kill her family for it. She would subdue the others, not eliminate them. She knew her limits and the limits of her family and would keep an eye out for how much damage they and herself had taken. If things got bad or those observing became too upset at the violence, her maternal instinct would drive her to abort the fight and try to stop it.
If she is the one you choose, she coos affectionately. “Why of course sweetheart.” She pulls you into a loose hug so she can look at your cute blushing face as she strokes your hair. “Let me handle everything darling, I’ll take such good care of you.” She won’t gloat about it to others, though maybe throw around a teasing remark occasionally. This was mainly between you and her, so she never gave out unnecessary information or listened to others’ unsolicited suggestions, except perhaps from Eva and Sparda out of loyalty and understanding that they knew best in this scenario. Even though she knew you belonged to the family, for the time being, you were primarily hers and she was yours.
As the head of the family, Sparda had full right to simply choose whom you bred with first and when. The only thing that would get in his way is any family member who dared fight his authority, which Sparda could only think of Vergil and/or Nero trying such a thing. But that wasn’t the kind of man Sparda was. His eyes have been opened to the kinder ways of humanity and he no longer wishes to continue the cruel treatment of Pets that his kind primarily did. He was also reasonable enough to understand that he already had two strong, healthy, adult (in terms of human biology) children. Though his demon body was formed with the natural intention to live several thousand years and create many offspring in that time, he was mature and self-aware enough to understand that he has had his time as a father and that now it was time to give others a turn. And yet, he couldn’t help his craving to bear children with you. He cherished the experience of having children with Eva and wished to have it again, and again, and again. What an uplifting and proud life he has lived since becoming a father, but with his sons carving new paths in life he desired to bring about more joy into the world. But this he kept contained, only speaking to his wife about it if she could pull it out of him.
Sparda did not intend to participate in the battle for breeding privileges if it came to that. But he may be convinced to join if encouraged by others, whether that be by Eva telling him to follow his desires or his children and grandchild itching to fight him. The fight was admittedly tougher than he had expected, which gave him a rush of demonic violent adrenalin and a surge of fatherly pride at how strong his kin was. This paternal pride is what held him back from letting out his full power though, not wanting to hurt his children’s pride by a swift defeat and still believing that his kin deserved the chance to be parents like he already had.
If you request him to be your first partner, he is able to hold back his pride and excitement to give you a kind but questioning look. “Are you sure Pet? I am flattered but perhaps we should give others the chance first.” He quickly gives in to your pleading eyes and pouts at his gentle rejection though. He lifts you into his arms, just as he did with Eva on their wedding night. “I will be sure not to fall short of your expectations. Now, shall we begin right away?”
Sparda is a family man, and so he does his best to involve as much of the family in the new child’s life. From relying on his patient and considerate wife to help lead you through the highs and lows of pregnancy and childbirth to easing the twins into accepting their new sibling. He also uses the experience as a teaching opportunity for his kin on what to expect from fathering/mothering a child and what they should do. He’ll even encourage others to play at being a parent for practice, assuming you are comfortable with that. It becomes a regular occurrence for all family members to hover around you; figuring out how to hold, cuddle, lift, and support you and your changing body; and to expect the unexpected, sudden, but strong desires you will have, along with knowing how to keep you and the baby safe while they satisfy you in every way.
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almondpants · 4 months
the sparda and eva shipname should be sparda4eva
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dmc-questions-anon · 7 months
I just realized that Eva and Sparda were probably under the impression that he'd outlive her, but she ended up outliving him, even if only a little bit.
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royal-gaurd · 1 year
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I’ve always noticed these two don’t get as much love as they deserve, so I’m fixing that. Behold, my best work yet…
Sparda and Eva!
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furyunbound · 9 months
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A Sparda x Eva fic I did last year, since I have writers block have a taste of my writing lol apologies in advance if there's anything confusing I promise I write better now 😅
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With the demon realm being sealed by what the demons may call "The Traitor", humans were, for now, free of fear of being brutally executed from said demons. The brave dark Knight that did away with the demons had decided to settle among the humans, trying to learn as much about them as possible, traveling around the world to expand his knowledge.
He had been traveling for many years, and during his travels he visits a city named Red Grave, he had planned to stay for a month before he would set off to travel again. As a couple of weeks pass by, the temperature decreases as a season ends and a new one begins.
The people around him now wore coats and jackets to protect themselves from the cold elements, however Sparda was the only one who didn't wear a suitable outfit for the cold season.
"Aren't you cold, sir?"
A stranger asked, Sparda would kindly reply with a smile and a chuckle "No no this weather doesn't affect me at all." In which people would find strange, but would quickly mind their own business and move on with their lives. Though it came to a point where too many people asked the same question to him, and he had to admit to himself that it did become tiring getting asked the same question over and over again, so he brought it upon himself to get himself a coat for the cold winter.
It was the next day after Sparda got himself a coat that it had suddenly snowed heavily, it was the first time it snowed so much in Red Grave after some years. You can hear children running outside and screaming with joy, as excitement filled their souls at how much snow there had been, their minds coming up with millions of ways to play with the snow to their heart's content.
Sparda had gone outside with his newly bought coat on, gazing at the massive amount of cold not-so-solid ice in front of him. He was glad he had bought a coat just in time, for he figured many eyes would linger on him if he hadn't gotten a coat and many would find him strange for it. As his gaze lingers to the snow before him, he quirks a brow, in his many years of traveling he hadn't seen anything like this. He wanted to linger a while longer to continue gazing at the white ice, but he wanted answers, as his thirst for knowledge never ceased to end.
The man starts to make his way to the local library, however upon making fast steps the poor man slips on the slippery icy ground and falls face first
"Careful, grounds slippery!"
A man shouted in the distance. Sparda groaned and got up, taking a mental note to be careful with his steps. He took some time once he finally arrived in front of the library, however to his dismay, it was temporarily closed. He sighs, as it seemed he would have to wait a while before he could find some answers. He turns and heads for a nearby park. Once he arrived he decided to take a walk, seeing the many people playing with the snow, children making snow angels, friends throwing snowballs at each other, and families piling large snow to create a snowman. It intrigued Sparda how much one could do with snow. After some time the man would decide to take a break and sit on a bench, and as he makes his way to the nearest bench, he stops in his tracks, seeing tiny white particles fall from the sky. He gazes up, his mouth partially opens from the sight, he slowly takes his hand out, the snow particles falling into his gloved hand. "What.. is this?" He asked, and though his voice was low, a child hears him and answers gleefully
"It's a snowflake, mister! That's where the snow comes from!" The child said "If you look real hard you'll find a really pretty snowflake!"
As the child runs off to continue playing, Sparda repeats the word "Snow…" before looking up again to gaze at the falling snow. As he looks down in front of him, a woman sits on the bench, her hair long and blonde while she wore a red coat, her skin as white as the snow before him and lips as red as a rose. Sparda gazes at the woman much like how he gazes at the snow in awe. The woman sat alone, and there was an open space to sit next to her, though the woman looked as if she was possibly waiting for someone. The woman glanced up, and quickly Sparda looked away. The man scolded himself mentally for staring, for he knew it was rude to stare. However the woman had caught his interest, and he was yearning for a moment where he could look at the woman again. Soon reality struck, and he realized he had been standing there for too long. He slowly looks to the opening seat that was next to the woman, his mind telling him he should go sit next to her, but there was another part of him that told him not to, for the woman looked as if she was expecting company of sorts, and he wouldn't want to cause any trouble to the woman's possible significant other if she had one.
Reluctantly, Sparda walks past the bench the woman was sitting and looks for another bench to sit on. However he made the mistake of walking too fast and once again would slip and fall face first on the ground. "Oh my!" He heard before he'd try to lift himself up. "Are you alright, sir?" The woman had ran to his aid, landing on her knees to help lift the man up. "I am- I am fine I'm just clumsy today-" he turned himself around to where now he was sitting on the ground and rubbed his head and as he gazed up his eyes locked with the woman's and was left completely awestruck "I…" speechless, all he could do was stare at the beautiful woman before him. As more snowflakes continued to fall, the woman had mindlessly been staring into the man's eyes as well "S-sir?" Her voice quiet, Sparda immediately said what was on his mind, his gaze not once leaving hers
"You are a beautiful snowflake."
The woman gasps lightly, in shock at his statement, and now it was her that was left speechless. Silence filled the air, and they were left to stare into each other's eyes. His first snow wouldn't be his last, and he was glad he would find a beautiful snowflake among the rest.
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pascha-chan · 2 years
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If Capcom ever decides to give us a prequel Devil may cry with Sparda and Eva they better have a special move with them dancing like Bayo and Rodin!!!
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cute-sweet-corgo · 3 days
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pitasmare · 5 months
learning that at one point in time during concept art they entertained the idea of v being a woman drives me fucking insane! i've lost sleep over this!!! it was such a good idea!
vergil picturing his human side as a woman because he can't de-entangle his humanity from eva. the resulting simultaneous rejection of both his mother and his humanity after the fire, and all the love and frailness that came with it (ignoring the strength found in it as well)!!!!!!! the continuation of a perceived abandonment cycle with nero! the guilt! the shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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polarisbibliotheque · 4 months
Hey Polaris, hope this helps as a vent piece:
Anger is one of the main traits of demons. Everyone's anger has manifested outward at least some point yet, one person keeps it under Heavy lock and key, Dante.
One day, the anger manifests in its destructive, gruesome and targeted anger in his Sin Devil Trigger as it manifests when that last patient strand snaps.
So here's the prompt:
As Reader wakes up from a hard hit, once fully back to full consciousness, they witness that destructive rage that Dante kept under lock and key. Nearby, Vergil is protectively standing in front of Reader but something's wrong, his hands quivering as he keeps Yamato out in front of him. The real question now pops into Reader's head, how do you calm to a blazing inferno that's unrestrained and now in full swing?
Dante going on a full Sin Devil Trigger rampage (or, very angry Dante)
Pairing: Dante x Reader
Summary: Vergil wasn't one to fear easily - but one thing he would always dread to see; and that would be Dante losing his humanity.
Trigger Warning: Reader stops breathing and is seemingly dead for a while. Lots of blood, lots of anger, lots of self-loathing on this one (they all need therapy)
Author's Note: Oh boy, this was a conversation I was having with dear Fury: how Dante is 10/10 the scariest when he's mad because he keeps his demon on a leash *cough* Subhuman *cough* and he's the one everyone should fear when going berserk, not Vergil. With all the requests I'm having, currently, Fury decided to leave this suggestion out until I had a little more time to write...
Fast forward a few weeks, I'm having issues with a couple of ~friends~ and, honestly, I haven't been this angry in years. To the point of trembling, laughing like a maniac, and wanting to fistfight the gods. Hence, Fury sent me this vent piece so I could satisfy my wrath in a more ~healthy~ way. Hope you guys like it, though, Dante needs a big ol' hug and someone to openly cry too, not just Vergil.
Again, they all need therapy
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Not many things could stir fear in Vergil’s heart.
Mundus’ voice, silently taunting him in the back of his head, the memory of everything he had been through in Hell was one of those things. The other one was his twin’s fury.
It was a rare thing for him to grip Yamato with an unsteady pair of hands, putting a lot of effort and strength for them not to tremble – but the sight of Dante completely lost in his bloodlust was not to be trifled with.
The first time Vergil saw it with his own eyes was in Hell, when he and his brother spent a considerable amount of time to cut down the Qliphoth. Vergil was used to the taunts of demons and Dante was as well… Or at least he should be, at that point in their lives.
But the taunts were many. They had been running through the fields of fire without sleep for a couple of days – in the human world, probably, as time had a different flow in Hell – killing everything in sight; and hearing every kind of putrid taunt they could.
What made Dante snap, though, was a simple implication: that it was Dante’s fault that Vergil fell and got subdued by Mundus, suffering endless nightmares for years to come. A strange glint sparked in Dante’s eyes at that moment. The scream that rumbled in his chest was enough to be heard through many layers of Hell.
It wasn’t Dante’s fault, Vergil knew that very well. He had refused to hold his brother’s hand, there was nothing Dante could have done. It was Vergil’s choice, and his sin only. But… For the first time, he saw how much his brother blamed himself for that. How much Dante had suffered, all those years, alone in the human world.
As above, so below… Dante suffered alongside Vergil all those years.
And all of that because of a stupid, childish decision from Vergil’s part. He observed Dante in shock as that realization came down on him – and as he watched the prized human heart of his twin brother seemingly disappear, giving place to a blind, bloodthirsty demon in full Sin Devil Trigger fashion, killing everything in his path.
Vergil stayed away from the destruction, always keeping an eye on his brother… If he could call him that. Dante – the foolish, laidback, talkative, jack of all trades, witty and quippy brother he knew – seemingly was nowhere to be seen. He was gone, and everything left was his demon, with a never-ending thirst for blood.
Not that Vergil hadn’t had moments like those, but he was always alone. He would always find the end of his rage on the floor, exhausted, weak and cold. And so, he waited for Dante’s wrath to wear off – patiently, observing with a heavy heart, sorrow and guilt.
He didn’t enjoy seeing his brother like that.
That was the reason why, when Nico put to vote who was the scariest when angry, you threw your vote at Dante. You and the rest of the crew, except for the Spardas, decided to have a night out at a local diner, just to wind down and have a bit of fun – that sort of talk was a given when you were together.
“Dante, really?” Lady raised one of her eyebrows, staring at you with nothing but doubt in her multicolored eyes. “He can’t hurt even a fly!” When she said that, though, all of the eyes of the group turned at her in disbelief. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been hunting with him for a while. Dante can be a weapon of mass destruction, but he just… He doesn’t have that heart.”
“Hmmm… I think I have to agree with you on that one.” Trish slowly stirred her chocolate milkshake as Lady thanked with a sip of her vanilla one. “Look, I saw him killing Mundus. I saw Dante fighting the greatest and worst of Hell. He can be dangerous, but his human heart doesn’t let him be scary.”
“That is exactly my point.” You were ready to defend your thesis like a lawyer at court.
“Then why the hell would you vote for him as the scariest?” Nico didn’t have a cigarette on her hands because she had been forbidden to smoke inside the diner, but if she had, she would have been pointing at you with it. “Big flamin’ demon got nothin’ on Vergil, that one’s got the eyes of a killer. Got you chillin’ just by lookin’ at you.”
“Vergil doesn’t control his anger that much – I go as far as saying he doesn’t control himself as much as Dante.” And with those words, you won all the shocked looks you could at that evening. You would count that as a feat. “Is Dante a fool of a Tûk, as my dear Gandalf would say? Yes, he is. Is Vergil a walking death omen? Yes, he also is. But, I have talked to him about Dante being angry, and Vergil gave me enough hints to make it very clear Dante doesn’t let all his feelings out – he chooses to pass as a very aloof himbo of a man, but he is far from that. I’ve been his partner for enough time to say I agree with Vergil.”
“You might have a point.” Kyrie took a sip of her strawberry milkshake, as you let a triumphant smile take over your lips. “Dante might be playful, but we all know he has very deep emotions underneath that. It’s just like with Nero and his punk attitude.”
“But instead, he’s a cinnamon bun on the inside.” Nico topped Kyrie’s phrase, provoking some laughs on the group. That was the most accurate description of Nero if you had ever seen one.
“Dante loves his human heart, but he has a certain beef with his demonic one.” You wouldn’t say to the whole group you went as far as to believe he actually loathed his demonic heritage, as that was something too personal, but you had a hunch they all had some suspicions of that deep inside. “He keeps it in check, hidden, tamed. He lashes out when it’s a good time to do so – when fighting demons.” As you started getting some hums of agreement, you sneakily took Trish’s milkshake. “We have never seen Dante actually angry. And I don’t think we ever will.”
“Oh, now you’re makin’ it difficult.” Nico had to ponder those words, even if she couldn’t really see Dante being as dangerous as you said.
“Eh, not for me. I’m still going with Vergil.” Lady shrugged, firm on her opinion as always.
You took a little longer to get to the final vote – discussing what you had just said, as Trish called you out for stealing her milkshake and having it back, only to share it with you – but the answer was almost unanimous: the scariest one on a fit of wrath was Vergil.
Almost, because you kept adamant in voting on your red devil.
Vergil never came to know about all of that, but if he did, he would have agreed with you – not publicly, as he would hold his new title with pride, always content on inspiring fear as a way to keep himself and his loved ones protected. He would, however, agree with you privately, remembering Dante’s display of wrath in Hell.
That was the reason why his hands trembled on Yamato during your latest hunt together – the one where everything went wrong.
If only you would wake up. Maybe he could save Dante’s soul.
It all happened so fast, Vergil didn’t even see how things ended the way they were at the moment. On one second you were fighting by their side, on the other, you were tossed on the floor, soaked in your own blood, chest immobile. Not breathing.
“Y/n! No, y/n!” It was the very first time Vergil saw Dante dropping everything to run towards you. His brother let go of his sword, ignored all demons around and ran as if you were the only being in that godforsaken place. Vergil had to put himself between him and the demons, keeping them at bay as Dante quickly made his way to you. “Y/n! C’mon, babe! Y/n!”
Dante’s knees hit the floor with a loud thud as he dropped all his weight by your side – not feeling anything at the moment, but it would certainly leave a couple of horrid bruises. As his sky-blue eyes met that harrowing sight, desolation filled his face; Dante forgot how to breath for a split second, barely feeling his very own hands, legs tingling as his body seemed to sink in the ground even further.
Vergil stated the very same thing his brother did – and he never thought he could feel that way with the thought of losing you; but there was Vergil, with numbness on his fingers and a sickness in his stomach. You were the little light that Dante had found in his life, one of the only good things that had happened to him during all his damned years of living. Vergil knew how important you were, how only you could make Dante smile with a sincerity he only had seen when they were kids. What would be of his brother – his foolish, stupid, beloved brother – if he lost you to demons as well…?
The answer would come very soon, but not without a fight from Dante’s side.
“C’mon, y/n, open your eyes…!” Dante’s voice trembled, in a way Vergil had never listened to before. He watched as his twin brother desperately tried to bring you back, heavy hands massaging your chest, followed by breathing inside your mouth, and repeating once more. “C’mon, babe… Don’t leave me here…!” Those words were a whisper as he trembled trying to make your heart beat again, giving his breath to you once more so you could also breathe.
The realization washed Dante’s body as a cold wave, as he slowly felt he wasn’t in his body anymore – his body feeling your weight on his hands, but his soul completely out. Maybe flying away to meet yours wherever you were.
But then, a twisted symphony of distorted cackles and mockery ripped through his ears – the realization also came to the demons, and now they gloated with their first victory. Not only that, but humiliated the son of Sparda for losing his own beloved just like his father had lost Eva.
Vergil was ready to unsheathe Yamato and unleash all his fury to cut those demons in million pieces for that lack of respect – and to allow his brother to mourn properly. He himself had to mourn: you were too precious at the Devil May Cry for Vergil not to feel your loss.
But he wouldn’t need that. A deep growl grabbed the Dark Slayer’s attention, making him immediately turn to his brother. Dante got up from the floor with nothing but rage in his eyes bleeding tears, bare teeth as his demonic heritage boiled to rip through his skin and unleash all its fury on his enemies.
If only Dante had waited a single second, he would have realized what Vergil did. He would have heard a faint heartbeat – trembling, but fighting to survive. He would have seen your broken body trying to breath underneath the blood.
Dante killed the first demons with their own weapons, running towards his sword with a scream that only grew in strength. Vergil kneeled by your side, checking your pulse on your neck, staining his hands with your blood but stating what made his heart beat faster: you weren’t lost. Dante had to know.
The floor rumbled. As Vergil turned his attention towards Dante, he immediately turned back to you to protect you with his body. Dante’s scream thundered through the floor, as if it came from the deepest pits of Hell itself – and a thousand degrees exploded in sparks and molten lava as his Sin Devil Trigger took the place of the man who stood there before.
Vergil was used to the flames of Hell, they would not hurt him. But he wasn’t used to the wrath of his brother – and that might be something none of you would be able to recover. Vergil could take the heat of the explosion that took down many demons in its wake, but your human body couldn’t – and that was the reason why he had to do everything in his power to protect you.
Those silvery eyes turned back at Dante, still keeping a protective arm above you. Usually predatorial, now Vergil had nothing but worry in his gaze, watching with desolation as his brother became the bloodthirsty ruthless demon he never was.
In that state, Dante could make mistakes. He could hit you without even realizing. A misplaced use of his power, a wrong swing of his blade, another explosion of million degrees into hellish flames… Vergil could survive, not you. And, if Dante, who hadn’t realized yet you weren’t lost as he thought you were, ended up being the real reason of your demise…
Vergil didn’t even want to think what would happen.
For all he could see at that moment was a demon fiercely fighting other demons – or, better yet, easily subduing and mercilessly slaughtering all of them. And that was something that was so intrinsic to Dante’s heart: his mercy. Having Dante without his mercy, his kindness, his gentleness, his love, was the same as not having him at all… That was the source of his power, like rage was the source of Vergil’s power.
Watching his brother lost in wrath was heart wrenching, but knowing it could get even worse if he was to completely lose his soul was even more harrowing. Dante’s eyes bled his pain, even in that form, as he soaked his whole self in the viscous blood of his enemies – a monster beyond salvation, a creature without a soul, a lover without a heart. A man with his fragile hope crashed into pieces, abandoning everything that made him who he was, to allow himself to find some comfort through burning his own wrath.
For the first time, it downed on Vergil his brother might not come back. If he lost you, if Dante fatally wounded you, Vergil would never have him again – for Dante would lose the very last brink of humanity inside of him; a brink that Vergil couldn’t even see at that moment and didn’t even know if it was still there. Dante’s eyes were red, his growls distorted and animalistic, his power… Greater than Mundus, greater than even Sparda.
If Dante approached, Vergil would have to fight him. His brother wasn’t in a leveled state of mind to see logic – and he could hurt you, even if Dante would never do that. With all that blind wrath, though, Vergil didn’t even know if his brother would answer if he called.
Holding Yamato with a stronger grip than usual, Vergil stood in front of your body, guarding you from whatever harm that could come your way – be it in demon form… Or in his own twin brother form.
The cold hand of fear, though, slowly crept into his heart and held it on its stark clutches. Yes, Vergil spent his whole life sparring with that fool he had to call his brother – hearing Dante’s taunts and impossible physics, as if he didn’t even make an effort to make Vergil look like a complete buffoon during the fight, no matter how much technique and skill he had – but never Vergil imagined not having that.
Having Dante was a given. Fighting him was a given. Bantering, arguing, sparring, behaving like the bickering old set of twin brothers that they were. Vergil could say he wanted to defeat Dante, but he never wanted to get rid of him. What would his life be without his stupid brother?
Empty. Silent. Cold. Devoid of color.
Dante couldn’t go. And, most of all, he couldn’t go by Vergil’s hands. But if he was too much of a lose canon, if he was too far gone in his demonic frenzy, Vergil would have to put a stop to it…
Like Dante did with him as Nelo Angelo so many years before.
Vergil had to hold the cry that seemed to want to force its way out of his throat – holding back the tears that now glistened in his eyes. He was the most foolish of all… He was responsible for putting Dante on the same situation he found himself in at the moment – and just now he understood how harrowing, how painful and how much of a hell Dante had to go through.
Alone. Just like Vergil was alone in Hell – as above so below, the twins mirroring each other’s fates, on their realms and heritage of preference.
They weren’t so different after all.
As you started to hear the chaos around you once again, your head was spinning viciously and the pain that spread inside your lungs made you think you were going to explode. With an almost inaudible moan, you felt tears streaming down your eyes as you tried to open them, seemingly inhaling blood and pain every time you tried to breathe. You could feel you were covered in something wet and sometimes sticky, but it took some time for you to raise a trembling hand in front of your barely focusing eyes to realize it was blood.
Were you dead…? What had happened…? You could barely remember. You didn’t even know what hit you: suddenly everything turned black and now you were feeling like a bulldozer went over your body and somehow you managed to survive. Perhaps you didn’t, but if you were dead, you wouldn’t be feeling that much pain… At least, that was what people always said that happened after departing from the human world.
Plus, you could still hear the demons – but now, screaming in fear and trying to run away from something that was growling in such an inhuman tone, you wondered if you guys had accidentally summoned something bigger. By the noise, it had to be. The likes of Mundus and the other Kings of Hell – Vergil being the smallest of them, but still as deadly.
Perhaps it was Vergil…? To be fair, though, he never went all out without a really good reason. Maybe he thought you were dead? He appreciated you as much as a brother would appreciate his twin’s partner, but you didn’t expect him to have such a visceral reaction to your death; Unless…
You widened your eyes as your whole body seemed to be washed by a cold wave followed by a lightening that made you tingle from head to toes. Your heart sunk in your chest and the painful breaths you tried before were all but gone. Vergil would have a visceral reaction if he lost his brother. And that, you couldn’t even fathom: life without Dante didn’t exist… Or, at least, it would be something you wouldn’t want to go through.
You forced your body up, slowly turning to one side and barely using your arm to keep your weight as you tried to see what was going on. You had to find him, you had to find Dante. You would crawl to his body, you would shake him around as you could, you would give him your breath, you would give him your soul – but you would try everything to bring him back. You would hold him as tight as you could, you would cry over him, and there wouldn’t be a living or dead thing in this world that would be able to part you from him.
You widened your eyes once more when you saw Vergil keeping your body as a guardian warrior and the source of the chaos and destruction was your beloved red devil – lost in a frenzy, dripping with blood, eyes melting like lava and nothing of human in them.
You had never seen Dante like that.
“Verge…” You tried to cough the word out, but it was nothing more than a dying whisper. You couldn’t see how the blue devil furrowed his brows, thinking he might be hearing things – until you allowed a harsher breath to hurt your lungs so you could try to raise your trembling voice higher. “Vergil…!”
He turned his head enough to see you in the corner of his eyes – doing his best to still keep Dante in his sight. A wave of euphoria washed through Vergil’s body as his hands seemed to get steadier around Yamato: he was right, you were alive. As the fighter you were, the survivor you were… You were breathing and doing your best to get back on your feet again.
“Y/n…” But he couldn’t even talk: the floor rumbled again and Vergil knew what was coming. You placed your hands on the ground, widening your eyes and furrowing your brows, having never felt that before.
For a split second, you caught a glimpse of what was going on: Dante harnessing his power, ready to explode. You had never saw that. You had never saw his eyes devoid of his humanity. You had never seen your Dante as a complete demon like it was happening at that moment.
And, something that you had never been conscious to witness, Vergil threw himself over you to protect your body from his brother’s wrath. You had to cower behind his frame, gripping Vergil’s coat lapel for dear life, but still feeling the burning of a thousand degrees engulf you.
The blue devil didn’t even waver – but both of you had something in your eyes… The dread of the harrowing knowledge that that was Dante. All that destruction, that chaos, that blood… It was all Dante.
You were right, after all. His rage was the scariest to see.
“I need t-…” Your voice was raspy, having to stop mid phrase to cough some more blood that needed to come out of your lungs. “I need to talk to him.” You tried to take a deep breath, but once again it just stopped with a harsh sting on your chest. “He needs to know I’m alive.”
“Hmmm.” Vergil agreed with his head, but you knew he was still pondering what you had said. He helped you up on your feet – doing more of the work than you, easily lifting your body with his strength. “Dante isn’t himself at the moment…” Again, Vergil stood in front of you like a guardian, gripping the Yamato with both hands as soon as he saw you could stand by yourself. If you faltered, though, he was quick enough to hold you. “You must keep that in mind.”
“I know… And I am scared.” You answered in a whisper, looking over Vergil’s shoulder only to see Dante mercilessly slaughtering the last unlucky demons. “But it’s still Dante.”
Vergil didn’t know what to do, if he was being honest with himself. He could have held you back and kept you safe, as his demonic side told him to do, but something inside told him he should let you do what you had to do. Those silvery eyes watched as you bravely walked in haste towards danger; towards hell and doom, ready to embrace it… And willing to make it stop.
“Dante! Dante, love!” You kept calling, but, as Vergil feared before, his brother didn’t respond. He was too far gone, too lost in Hell to come back that easily. Vergil followed your steps slowly, lingering like a shadow behind you… Ready to do whatever he needed to do if Dante’s demon didn’t even recognize you in that blind rage. “Dante! You can stop now… Dante!”
With all the filthy bloody corpses piling up on the floor, that flaming red-hot demonic figure slowly turned its head towards you. Covered in blood, sword dripping with red, molten lava eyes raining all its hollow pain. Expressionless, as he always was on his Sin Devil Trigger, made of fire and coal, hate and rage.
Did he recognize you…? Did he understand what was going on…? Vergil’s grip on Yamato got stronger, ready to unleash a blow on his brother in order to protect you. What you were doing was a gamble – and one with not so nice odds to you. There was a reason why Vergil let Dante’s anger wear out when they were in Hell: he knew there was a good chance Dante wouldn’t even recognize him at the height of his wrath, just like it happened with Vergil on those situations. So, to say the moment at hand was dangerous was a serious understatement.
But humans would always be fascinating, wouldn’t they…? At least, that was what Vergil thought. That towering demon with a flaming chest and leathery wings turned towards you, carrying his huge sword dripping with demonic blood, doing nothing but heavy breathing – and you decided to fearlessly walk towards it.
Vergil kept his distance, watching it all unfolding with a weary heart and a trigger hand at ready to fight his brother – to death, if he unfortunately needed to – in order to protect you. He couldn’t have the certainty you had, as your steps kept going in Dante’s direction.
Your legs were shaking, your knees were trembling, but… It was your lover. It was Dante. No matter how much he was lost into his frenzy and wrath, you had to believe his heart would remember you. His soul. It all happened because he thought he had lost you, he had to come back upon knowing you were alright.
It didn’t matter how horrid his wrath looked like, you knew he was in there somewhere.
“Dante… It’s me, I’m alright…” Your voice was still a whisper, unable to speak too loud, but also trying to soothe the anger in his heart. You hesitantly reached out to him, making a growl rumble inside his chest and your steps stop for a while – with Vergil half-unsheathing his sword, ready to fight. “Love…” You called again, breathing as deeply as you could, resuming your walking and extending your hand towards him. “My Dante…”
You were finally at arm’s reach. Vergil held his breath, eyebrows furrowed, silvery predator eyes fixated on what was supposed to be his brother. You raised your hand higher, resting it on Dante’s face.
His Sin Devil Trigger form was nothing but rough. His skin seemed like hard leather and rocky coal, burning so hot it could almost hurt your hand. You wouldn’t back down though: compared to him, you were soft and cold, too fragile and breakable; but you wouldn’t leave. You caressed his rough face, fingers feeling the sharp teeth, the spiky crevices, the unwelcoming features of a face made in Hell.
You felt, though, an unlikely moisture reaching your fingers: a droplet, running from those fiery, empty eyes – those inhuman eyes. You looked at it running through your fingers to the back of your hand, looking back into those frightening eyes that had nothing of a soul in them…
But he was there, wasn’t he? It was him, a part of him that Dante always fought so relentlessly to keep hidden, to keep on a tight leash in the deepest corner of his self. You could see Dante in those eyes – and, as soon as that realization washed through the demon’s body, his head leaned into your hand.
With a flaming spark, the red devil was gone and you had the man back: tired, desolated, falling apart. Dante still leaned his head into your hand – now with soft skin, smooth lips, closed eyes and flowy white hair – almost like an animal that had never been touched with kindness in a whole lifetime. As he opened his eyes, you could see the redness of his tears crowning those sky-blue tones you always loved so much… And there was nothing but fragile vulnerable humanity in them.
“Hi, cowboy…” You whispered with a shadow of a smile on your lips, while your very eyes poured tears – you didn’t know what kind of tears, though, if of happiness, sadness, desperation, pity or love. Maybe all of them at the same time: it was inherently human to feel more than words could describe. You caressed his face as Dante himself started to pour all of his feelings out – this time, not in a fit of rage. “I’m glad you’re back.”
“I thought I lost you.” His coarse voice came through as if Dante had been weeks without speaking and his very own vocal cords were barely working. You didn’t doubt his body would be in pain after all he had been through during… That. “I thought… You were gone. I’d never see you again, you were… Like… Like…” Dante closed his eyes again, head hanging low. He could barely breathe as the words fought to get out of his chest and stop suffocating him. His tears hitting the floor while you took his hair out of the way so you could see his face – there was nothing but pain; a pain that hadn’t been healed since he was a child. “Like everyone in my damned fuckin’ life; those things… I thought they had extinguished… Your light, like everyone… Like everyone eventually does… By my side…”
That was rare. Very rare. Dante was very honest with his feelings and usually didn’t hide anything from you, but not to that point – the point where he would honestly and openly say how much he thought he was the thing that doomed everyone else who decided to live with him or be friends with him. That loathing he had inside his heart, that he hid so carefully, it wasn’t something he would say out loud – it was something you knew because you always understood him so well.
You let go of his hair and locked your arms around his large frame, resting your head on his chest – you could hear his heart beating, his human heart. Dante hesitated for the very first time in his life, keeping his arms by your side for a split second, his teary eyes shocked with your reaction.
After all, you had just seen his absolute worst. All the things he always smothered so much inside himself, keeping them on check, always so controlled. You had seen it in all its spiteful and horrid glory – and your reaction was to embrace him instead of running away. Dante expected you to run, it would honestly be the logic and most human thing to do after seeing all of that.
But you walked towards him with your heart beating in fear, touching his face to grab him out of the pit of wrath he was buried into, holding him tightly in your arms as he broke down in all his anger, misery, trauma and self-loathing.
It lasted a split of a second indeed – for soon Dante’s strong arms were wrapped around your fragile body, keeping you close and safe from harm… As well as having his face buried on your neck, crying all that smothered pain inside of his heart out. Your bodies were too exhausted to keep standing for too long – so when your knees wavered, Dante did the same and you kneeled on the floor, never letting go of each other; Dante holding you as tight as he could, promising himself he would never let go.
Vergil could finally put Yamato to rest. When they were in Hell, he allowed his brother’s rage to wear off while observing from afar. This time, he could do the same: guarding you and quietly keeping you both safe and sound.
A sad ghost of a smile graced the Dark Slayer’s lips as he calmly observed you. Maybe his brother was right after all, and he could only wish someday he would be as strong as Dante to carry such power.
A human heart.
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super-jump · 7 months
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Valentine’s Day kiss challenge. 😚😘😍
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animelovelover123 · 3 months
Devil May Cry Master List
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A list and links to all of my Devil May Cry fanfiction works, from 2014 to present. This includes stuff I posted on other sites, not just on Tumblr. I apparently had too many stories to fit on one post so I had to separate them. Here is the list to all lists -> Master of Master Lists
If any of the links are broken or you have suggestions to make the list easier to navigate, let me know.
Pink heart divider by @superawesomelurkaccount
The shity DMC divider was made by me in MS Paint. (Feel free to use it if you want, just give me credit for the mess I made please, thank you.)
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Dante x Reader
Devil May Cry Boys Dealing With Your Violent, Emotional Breakdown Surrendering to the Longing of Demons I Want to Feel Fear Devil May Cry Boys Filled With Your Eggs Family Pet AU - Master List Taking Your Virginity Headcanons Devil Trigger Sex Devil May Cry Boys During Threesomes For My Valentine Devil May Cry Boys x Pornstar/Webcam Model Devil May Cry Characters During Threesomes Extra
Nero x Reader
Devil May Cry Boys Dealing With Your Violent, Emotional Breakdown Surrendering to the Longing of Demons I Want to Feel Fear Devil May Cry Boys Filled With Your Eggs Family Pet AU - Master List Taking Your Virginity Headcanons Devil Trigger Sex Devil May Cry Boys During Threesomes For My Valentine Nero's Yandere Alphabet Devil May Cry Boys x Pornstar/Webcam Model Devil May Cry Characters During Threesomes Extra
V x Reader
Devil May Cry Boys Dealing With Your Violent, Emotional Breakdown Surrendering to the Longing of Demons I Want to Feel Fear Devil May Cry Boys Filled With Your Eggs Family Pet AU - Master List Taking Your Virginity Headcanons Devil Trigger Sex Devil May Cry Boys During Threesomes For My Valentine V's Yandere Alphabet Devil May Cry Boys x Pornstar/Webcam Model Devil May Cry Characters During Threesomes Extra
Vergil x Reader
Surrendering to the Longing of Demons I Want to Feel Fear Devil May Cry Boys Filled With Your Eggs Family Pet AU - Master List Taking Your Virginity Headcanons Devil Trigger Sex Devil May Cry Boys During Threesomes For My Valentine Devil May Cry Boys x Pornstar/Webcam Model Devil May Cry Characters During Threesomes Extra
Reboot Dante x Reader
Meet at the Beach Devil May Cry Boys Dealing With Your Violent, Emotional Breakdown Surrendering to the Longing of Demons I Want to Feel Fear Devil May Cry Boys Filled With Your Eggs Taking Your Virginity Headcanons Devil Trigger Sex Devil May Cry Boys During Threesomes For My Valentine Devil May Cry Boys x Pornstar/Webcam Model Devil May Cry Characters During Threesomes Extra
Reboot Vergil x Reader
Meet at the Beach Devil May Cry Boys Dealing With Your Violent, Emotional Breakdown Surrendering to the Longing of Demons I Want to Feel Fear Devil May Cry Boys Filled With Your Eggs Taking Your Virginity Headcanons Devil Trigger Sex Devil May Cry Boys During Threesomes For My Valentine Devil May Cry Boys x Pornstar/Webcam Model Reboot Vergil's Yandere Alphabet Devil May Cry Characters During Threesomes Extra
Sparda x Reader
I Want to Feel Fear Devil May Cry Boys Filled With Your Eggs Family Pet AU - Master List Devil Trigger Sex Devil May Cry Boys x Pornstar/Webcam Model Devil May Cry Characters During Threesomes Extra
Dante x Nero
Calm Down Shhh, I'm on the Phone What Now? The Little Things Drinks, Virginity, and Determination I Don't Want Them
For Once in My Life (Either Dante x (Anyone You Want)) Family Pet AU - Master List (Poly Relationship with DMC boys and Trish, Eva, Lady, Kyrie, and Nico.) Devil Trigger Sex (Includes above plus Credo and Nelo Angelo) Devil May Cry Characters During Threesomes Extra (includes above plus Credo, Nelo Angelo, Urizen, and Kat)
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skrunksthatwunk · 15 days
devil marbly carbly ft me trying to figure out how to draw all of them in real time
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(the dubstep weed jacking off shirt is from a meme i would source if i uh. remembered it sorry </3)
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dmc-questions-anon · 7 months
It's the way they are able to bring solace to each other after a life of turmoil.
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