#Spell Practise
hollowwrites · 1 year
Spell Practise
Playing with the companions mod makes me so sad. Some of them (and by some I mean literally just Ominis and Garreth, they’re the only people I take with me) just don’t say anything when certain spells are cast and I get that it’s probably because they never recorded the lines but…I’m still mad about it.
Garreth: Lumos…How enlightening…
Ominis: Lumos. I hope this is helping you…I still can’t see
Garreth: I think I trod on my own foot
Ominis: Is this working? Can you see me?
Confringo or Incendio
Garreth: Wooooo…getting hot in here!!!
Ominis: (laughing hysterically) NEVER GETS OLD!!
Garreth: Say Hello to the Jobberknolls
Ominis: …it’s actually LeviOsa, not LeviosA
Garreth: I…didn’t think you knew that
Ominis: …please…stop
Garreth: You’re better than this
Ominis: I’ll be speaking with Sebastian after this
Avada Kedavra
If you do this around these sweet babies you are a monster
Garreth: This isn’t you…No you have to have misspoke…
Ominis: Do you think I’ll treat you differently to Sebastian?! I won’t!!
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will-bonna · 6 months
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another background practise but this time not exactly rain world
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feelingthedisaster · 27 days
betsy is a witch. why? bc i said so
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thiefbird · 8 months
Well my sleep schedule is fucked(nearly an hour past Bedtime and I'm vibrating) but don't cry. 21 pages of Stephen Maturin trying to convince himself he's not in love with his captain, alright?
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nothinggold13 · 1 year
Begging Google Docs to just let me write without correcting one half or the other of my Canadian Frankenstein English---
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kangpingyu · 4 months
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Yonghoon phototime from his production live turned beautystream turned seranade
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
Ferrothorn nose rating: 6/10 disc shaped individual
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aha i see you caught me postin. i personally think ferrothorn's is pretty good. no true Nose there but i really like their smile. the disc shape is pretty good if you ask me. frizbee type creature honestly
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the best thing about journalling is i get to have a whole repertoire of in-jokes that i literally am unable to share with anyone at all
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aftermyownart · 7 months
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Just did a fun little play around, testing my favourite pens, pen colour and drawing paper colour... I would trust all three of these people to hold an infant.
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disabled-dragoon · 1 year
Been making a conscious effort to get back into learning BSL and I’ve just realised I’ve never actually practised signing my name???
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unvsannvs · 1 year
Go ahead, write the most barbaric, traumatizing, disgustingly out-of-character piece of literature the entire fandom has yet to see.
But I'm dropping it once I see "Practise."
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lolasucksmints89 · 1 year
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eloping with a guy you knew for a few weeks isn't a good idea
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anglicanaformata · 5 months
What are your favourite lyrics/verses from songs, quotes, and poems?
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tj-withers-author · 6 months
When is it practice vs practise? (and why the education system gets it confused)
I noticed this week that I was getting annoyed that one of my teaching textbooks consistently uses “practice” every time, when they actually should be using the verb “practise” in some sentences. How do you know when to use practice or practise? To practise is a verb that means you’re doing the same action or process over and over, usually over time, to get better at that action or process. For…
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improvingatart · 1 year
just looked up some tags on tumblr and panicked because i used "art practice" on all my posts and I saw that someone was using "art practise"
i checked the definitions on google, and assumed "practise" was the right word
it took changing 10 post's tags for a doubt to arise within my rotten brain, i checked again and sure fucking enough i was wrong and i had to change them all back
"practise" is a VERB and "practice" is a NOUN
american is so hard
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chemicalburns · 1 year
the amount of people who believe magick is just "spicy psychology" is baffling. how are you a witch who doesnt believe in witchcraft?
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