#Spill Containment
IBC Spill Pallet | Spill Containment
Top-quality Spill Prevention at Ocean Safety Supplies!
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Discover top-quality spill prevention at Ocean Safety Supplies!
Introducing our IBC spill pallet – your ultimate solution for containing leaks and protecting the environment.
Trust us for reliable, eco-friendly spill solutions.
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Reasons to Choose Industrial Safety Products for Spill Containment
Businesses and industries dealing with hazardous materials often experience deadly accidents. The spills and other such accidents lead to life and asset damage. As a result, spill containment at every stage is essential. For this, businesses can rely on industrial safety products. Here are a few reasons why industries and companies have to pay attention to spill containment. Potential Environment Damage: The first matter of concern in hazardous chemical spills is environmental damage. Hazardous materials start reacting to every visible and invisible object in their surroundings. It can easily lead to air, water, soil, and other pollution. Spill containment makes sure that the spilled hazardous materials do not get access to more resources, like air, soil, and water. They restrict spills from spreading further. Therefore, companies and industries consider spill containment solutions and take steps to protect the environment. Hazardous material spills also damage the environment severely, threatening life and the environment. Such spills often turn out to be costly. Businesses and industries may have to pay heavy penalties, which could make them inoperable for some time. This way, they may experience bigger losses. However, the use of industrial safety products can make a difference here. It can help save the environment and industries from such heavy penalties and bans. Potential Safety Hazards: The people working day and night to take your business up deserve recognition and appreciation. However, the ones exposing them to potential risks of being around hazardous materials deserve more. These employees need more safety than others. Industrial safety products, especially spill containment and similar solutions, help establish a safety shield ahead of workers. Therefore, industries have to pay attention to these solutions. In addition, employee safety will ensure premises safety. Spill containment solutions not only protect the workers but also restrict spills from spreading further and damaging industrial structures. The wise use of spill containment trays, berms, etc., can lower the risks and possibility of accidents. So, make sure to invest in the right spill containment solutions. About Industrial Safety and Supply: Industrial Safety and Supply brings a range of solutions for industries and companies dealing with hazardous materials. You can find IBC pallet, spill berms, trays, and many other similar products that are required every day in the industry. So, explore the products at Industrial Safety and Supply now. For more info, visit the store at https://industrialandsafetysupply.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/4d0BFnd
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industrialproductss · 3 months
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Equipping your facility with essential spill response equipment is crucial for safety, environmental protection, and regulatory compliance. Regularly train employees on proper use and ensure all equipment is easily accessible and well-maintained. Stay prepared to handle any spill situation effectively. Ready to enhance your spill response capabilities? Browse our comprehensive range of spill response equipment today and ensure your facility is fully prepared for any emergency. Shop now!
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herewegobebe · 10 months
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This boy! 😆😂😇💞 [x]
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imperial-daffodil · 3 months
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One last for the night - how the Emperor's gaze always follows Tav has my chest hurt.
There is pride here. And fondness. And in that moment, I imagine, after all that has come to pass, anxiety.
Will they stay?
And then, the question. Of course, hidden as an offer to continue their partnership. Because, how else?
And look, his eyes, while asking, and after Tav answers positively. The Emperor is smiling.
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Bonus, the cutest Illithid shoes award goes to Tav:
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anna-neko · 3 months
Welcome to another episode of "let's cosplay an audio-only chara!" because sometimes the brainrot lies dormant for months and suddenly.... (goin to live show needed a new outfit)
Scary Marlowe - the Sophomore Slump album
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details and whatnot rambling under cut
basic concept was easy enuff: make another t-shirt. "Shit Garden" needed a break, now its time for this
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The font seemed basic enuff to copy out and then I'm sittin here like... how to...draw circles... a wholeass ball? (btw no printer access)
frellin BLESS Terry for pulling out his graphic design skills and making me a fantastic ball stencil! He even did a size readjust after my hasty tests the night before
.......anyway, the black shirt had for over a year. It was supposed to be for a Scorpion Slut logo, but scorpions are impossible to draw/cut-out at this detail (aka my lack of skill lvl)
So! because was terrified would fuck up, did a test run first. T'was most educational, seeing how much seeps out and heat needed frm blowing hot air vs ironing over
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Kept peeling off bits, readjusting (negative space be dammed), running back to trace out a failed letter (hey kids, want easiest way to fake a light table? ANY backlight works. window, glow of the monitor...) and try again.... (did "O" so many times, its no longer real letter in my brain)**
Went OCD as fuck getting everything super blocked-out on the actual shirt once was ready to commit
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This shirt wasn't painted, but bleached, and i wanted only the words/logo in and nothing else. Clearest outlines, no stencil far edge outlines, no bleed mess
Yes you can see a pin holding on the "hole" of a letter. When I say wanted crisp outlines, that wasn't a joke
of course - irony be dammed - after this part was done, went back and Very Carefully splattered lil bit with my brush. In a highly controlled way
Also the secondary loose concept is ...well.... the first shirt (Shit Garden) she angrily tore at to be punk and all, but this one.... this one was an old team souvenir... Thus soccer ball on both front and back
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For this reason (slightly more 'treasured' if you will), the rips were far less chaotic. The hem is left intact, and the neck a careful trim to show she wasn't blindly goin at it with scissors. Ditto on sleeves
Still freehanding this, but folding stuff in half to at least pretend symmetry, ya know?
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there's no "Butthole Ricochet" branding ... snuck in a lil Warlock symbol at sideseam instead
New skirt! It has stars!! ★★☆☆★★ she IS a rock star for her album dammit (and it goes on w/ the stars of the barbwire-and-stars long-sleeved shirt frm before)
Everything else (bracelets, fishnet armwarmers, skelenimal scrunchy, etc...) are frm previous incarnations. Tape-measure continues to live on the hip chain
No jar of horrors daddy magic memories, instead there's a funny lil resin charm Terry made (he also once again helped with safety pins AND contributed a few black and white new ones for the sleeves)
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The thigh-highs no longer have purple stripes in them (no purple on this one whatsoever, byeeee Omega Patron poison)
Exact same style have used before with alternating sheer & solid stripes, but fully black! (@sockdreams out there continuing to miraculously have Always what am looking for!)
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sleeplessv0id · 1 month
I kind of want a reason to talk about myself and the things I like. I'm *that* kind of autistic.
could somebody, anybody, ask me questions so I can yap. like, this is a genuine ask to those who see my blog.
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crowinstitches · 2 months
Coming from IWTV s2 (where they are all kissing each other all the time) and catching up with HOTD s2 is wild bc im celebrating the main character kissing a single girl (not the one I want her to) bc it kind of retroactively sorta makes my fave ship canon if you squint at it (which doesn't really matter but its the principal yknow)
Also don't recommend going straight from IWTV to HOTD bc oh man does it fall flat
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spotforme · 3 months
i think they could achieve piece on Red Dwarf, for a day at least, if they had some soap bubbles to blow
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soupzardous · 1 year
They should bring Juanaflippa back not just for Mariana. Not just for some misclick duo crumbs. But so she can be the only egg who’s not missing, causing her immense guilt for being alive when her siblings are unaccounted for. Think of the misdirected anger she’d face. Think of the shit that’d put the family thought. It’s not a want it’s a fucking need I’d go insane
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concorp · 2 years
the rift is a nether portal now instead of glass???? and it zapped false when she got close???? and the way her episode ended???? “grumbot is no better than the other one. man, gotta keep an eye on him. he knows what happened last time.” FALSE WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. 
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oceansafetysupplies · 2 years
IBC Spill Pallet | Ocean Safety Supplies
One-Stop Solution for All Spill Control!
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Made of 100% Polyethylene material, IBC spill pallet from OSS are safe and reliable for sub-packaging, storage and transportation of containers.
Check out online for further information on all type of spill control.
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owlafterhours · 7 months
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happy delusion day everyone!!!
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lone-nyctophile · 2 years
It's so adorable and heartfelt when authors dedicate the books they've worked so sincerely hard on to someone. (^o^) <3
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 8 months
It's weird being a 20-something at work, and I wonder sometimes what it's like EMPLOYING people in their 20s.
Like, my coworker and I did a pretty good job today. We worked quickly and effectively, and (I hope) our nearly 40 year old boss was proud of our work.
Later in the day, said boss had to politely warn me to not spill Fun-Dip on our register counter.
Also, props to him for managing to say that sentence NOT like he was talking to a 5 year old.
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entryn17 · 11 months
had biophysics lab today using blood and everything that could have gone wrong, did ❤️
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