#Sports Wrestling Music
chelseajackarmy · 5 months
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readtilyoudie · 24 days
If you want your dreams to come true, stop thinking of excuses and start making realities.
No Is a Four-Letter Word: How I Failed Spelling but Succeeded in Life by Chris Jericho
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wrestle-dweeb · 4 months
Hi there! 👋
I thought I'd reintroduce myself since I have a decent amount of new followers ❤️
My name is Katie. I'm a freelance graphic designer who loves wrestling! I'm also music, movie and sports obsessed so you'll probably get a mishmash of everything on here.
Thank you all for following me and my nonsense 😘 I'm so happy I found my way back to wrestling/wrestling fandom. My inbox is always open if you have questions/comments or just want to chat!
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bruhmanbeyond · 2 years
shout out to the Mad King Eddie Kingston.
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Follow @WordsFromBlerds
🎵: Gangsta’s Paradise by Coolio ft. L.V.
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turbomnstr · 11 months
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WCW Saturday Night May 9, 1992 (Review)
For more old school wrestling reviews and live streams check out my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@oldschoolwrestlingrambles595/videos
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oldschoolhip-hop · 1 year
24 Inch Brush Strokes by Sam Evans
Sam Evans is a talented artist who brings your favorite wreslers from the past back in a brand new 4 cornered canvas that elextrifies the art world with this piece showcasing the leader of “Hulkamania”, Hulk Hogan in full hot dog red glory! Evans specializes himself in illustrating some of the many legends of the ring such as “Macho Man” Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Sting among just some of his…
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heelmarcus · 2 months
Marcus Alford Stream | Episode 7122024 | Wasteland Rider
The weekend is finally here. Kicking off the night with some3 Pokemon Unite. Finishing up some Solo Challenges then some Ranked battles, then jump over to Fortnite for some random squads before we end the night with some EA Sports FC while we talk about Smackdown and Rampage. Plus we will talk about the Phillies and MLW Blood & Thunder. This Month’s birthday fundraiser is with the Lupus…
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spearzreloaded · 3 months
Joint Was In My Head :
Then I Did The Google Translate :
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Joint should be BGW's new theme :
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nerobearo · 3 months
I am going to bed after a peak of anxiety and a rough time at work just for my mom to be questioning the legitimacy of pro wrestling (???), asking what the point is and my dad on the bg just saying that its all just for the money
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tscnews · 8 months
(TSC News with Fred Richani)  Thoughts on WWE's damning allegations.
WWE's Culture of Abuse - Janel Grant, Ashley Massaro, Rita Chatterton
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readtilyoudie · 27 days
One of my favorite movies is the original Dawn of the Dead (the remake is pretty badass too), and there’s a great scene towards the end when Ken Foree’s Peter is trapped on the top floor of a building, surrounded by zombies. Even though a chopper awaits to take him to safety on the roof above, he’s tired of fighting and doesn’t have it in him to get through the maze of the undead. Broken, beat, and scarred, he puts his revolver up to his forehead, but before he can muster up the will to pull the trigger, he sees a clear path through the mass of walkers, shakes himself out of his suicide pity party, and makes a run for it. He fights his way through the pack, races up a ladder to the roof, and climbs in the chopper to safety just as it takes off!
That scene is the perfect example of what I’m preaching to you today, Constant Reader. Peter could’ve just rolled into a ball and waited to get eaten alive by the flesh-chomping zombies, but instead he beat the odds and survived. There’s a lesson there: it may not be easy, but you can always find a way to make it work. Even if we’re talking about the struggles we face every day, it’s worth it to battle through the zombies to get what you want.
No Is a Four-Letter Word: How I Failed Spelling but Succeeded in Life by Chris Jericho
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hooksprinc3ss · 9 months
I am curious. Who have y'all met? It can be anyone from music to sports to actors and so on.
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bruhmanbeyond · 1 year
“Punk SZN has returned”
Nas x CM Punk
Edited by: me
🎧: Hate Me Now by Nas fr. Diddy
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idiopathicsmile · 3 months
School Gymnastics: A Tragicomedy
So one day when we were in third grade, our P.E. teacher divided us into girls and boys. (I don’t remember what the boys had to do. Wrestling? Tackle football? I don’t know, probably not at age nine, but that’s not the point. Gladiatorial combat? I still don’t really understand kids’ sports.)
What matters for this story is that all the girls had to do gymnastics. Now—and I suspect this won’t surprise you if you know literally anything about me—I was always terrible at any form of school athletics. I am intensely, almost impressively uncoordinated. This doesn’t affect my life much at 36, but it was often a miserable way to be a kid. The only playground game I liked was playing pretend, because when you are playing pretend, you don’t have a bunch of people ostensibly on your side screaming in your ear, “Pretend faster! Pretend over there! Pretend with greater accuracy!”
Anyway, gymnastics and my clumsy, doughy little body. I couldn’t do a cartwheel. I couldn’t do a backwards somersault. I couldn't do any of it. We had an entire unit on this business and I literally did not learn how to even safely attempt a single move besides the log roll (lie flat and roll sideways on your belly). In retrospect, this seems like maybe it was in part a teaching problem, not a me problem, but that’s actually not the point either.
The point is, at the end of the unit, we were told to divide ourselves into little teams and choreograph a group gymnastics routine. My group, faced with my long list of limitations (more limitation than girl, really) decide my role will be to just forwards-somersault around the rest of the group as they do their moves. (This is itself kind of embarrassing but trust me, it is but the appetizer.) My friend Ashley has the Lion King soundtrack and we all agree that it is a great choice. The movie has only come out a couple of years earlier, and it of course features some funny, peppy options. 'Hakuna Matata'? 'I Just Can't Wait to Be King'? It's all coming together.
Carried on a wave of youthful enthusiasm, none of us even think to double-check which track Ashley has picked. Foreshadowing!
So the day of the performance comes. Another group goes right before us. They had picked “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls, which was a huge hit at the time. I mean, it still is because it’s a classic, but then it was big and new. They step onto the mat and immediately begin to do choreographed dance moves, which they have worked into their routine. We had not thought of this. Oops. Dance moves, of course! So they incorporate the necessary gymnastics, it goes over really well, the energy is high, and now it’s my group’s turn.
I take my place at the edge of the mat, the mat we are required to stay on for the length of the piece. Ashley cues up the track she’d chosen.
A song starts up. Instantly, I recognize it from the movie. It is the very slow instrumental music that plays when Simba realizes his dad is dead.
‘Well, this is not optimal,’ I think. I've been on this planet for nine years; I can see that much. But it’s too late to change the track, and so I tell myself, ‘It’s okay. I’m a performer. I can sell this.’ I put on an extremely solemn face and begin to execute a series of the world’s saddest somersaults.
Friends, when I say “sad” I mean it, in every possible sense of the word. Picture a nine year old with the gravest possible affect, determinedly doing somersaults to the slowest, most serious music she can imagine, in a careful ring around her friends who have actually learned any gymnastics whatsoever. Okay, now as the music starts to pick up and get more hopeful, imagine she gets real dizzy and in front of everyone, she rolls all the way directly off the mat, careening dangerously towards the assembled students.
Somehow, I roll myself back onto the mat, we survive what feels like hours of humiliation, we stagger away, and I blessedly avoid adding “puking my guts out in front of all of my peers” to my very short list of gymnastics tricks.
Later, I asked Ashley what in the world possessed her to choose that song.
“It didn’t have any words,” she said.
(There was absolutely no rule against using songs that had lyrics.)
Anyway, that’s why being an adult is better than being a kid.
I may have to do laundry and make my own dinner and wrestle with more complex existential angst, but you know what I haven’t been asked to do in like 26 years? Somersault for three minutes straight to the musical shorthand for “this cartoon lion cub has no choice but to process the weight of unimaginable grief for his dead dad.” And you know what? If I live another 50 years, I can be pretty confident nobody will ask me to do it then, either.
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oldschoolhip-hop · 1 year
Tag Team: The Definition of Greatness by Andrew the Artist
Connecticut based artist Andrew Chavers Jr posted this amazing piece that showcases some of the greatest tag teams from the WWF/WWE on March 21st, 2023. We get some of wrestlings finest from multiple eras such as (top to bottom) Legion of Doom, The Hart Foundation, Harlem Heat, D-Generation X’s Billy Gunn and Road Dogg, The Rockers, The Hardy Boys, The Dudley Boyz and The Outsiders all who are…
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