cherry-207 · 2 years
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After the sleepover
This is a birthday gift from @sysig hope you like it ♥♥♥ .
Scriabin belongs to @zarla-s
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eclipsen-smiles · 2 months
This is what human eclipse sounds like when you squeeze them.
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glitchven · 24 days
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This is literally me whenever he shows up
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anothermonikan · 7 months
Have I told you guys about the fucked up dreams I've been having recently? I've been having some fucked up dreams lately. yeah <3
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#sorry this is mostly about a dream I had yesterday and if I just say it it's gonna sound so creepypasta-y#like I have a lot of creepypasta-y dreams it's just how my dreams have always worked hehe#It wasn't fucked up because it was scary or anything it was fucked up because of how I felt in it#how to describe it...like I was like almost too calm and accepting of my fate#like okay previous dream context (whether this was context from another actual dream or just. lore my brain made up idk)#I got sentenced to execution. It's...really hard to describe the context without it sounding really silly.#like it was a part of some sick game that a person planned out and it all ended in a white maze room#I was told I could either choose to go free from a month and then be collected for execution or be trapped in the room forever but alive#and I chose to be executed. everyone knew. we all even had silly inside jokes about it ehe#like my friends were picking music out for it. it was really silly hehe!#but the person who came to collect me for execution was so striking. she was like. almost literally a doll#A big doll!! Like she was so so tall!! she actually shrank to be more my size as the dream went on. she was strikingly pretty#and kind. she was so kind#we walked around and said goodbye to everyone. she made friendly conversation. she guided me through how everything was going to go#god the tenderness of it all makes me sqee a lil aha. a little fucked up I think#it was self-inflicted you see. Rose bushes over a tall fence. that's why she was so tall. to help me over#I caught on pretty quickly that she was a person who decided to stay in the room instead of being executed#that's what becomes of them. they become subservient to the game master. they're made to collect the ones who chose to leave and die later#she told me that deep down she kinda wished that doing this for him would convince him to make her human again and to let her be free#I told her that it was bullshit and that he'd never do that. and she was like. yeah. but a girl can dream right?#another one of those dreams that have lines that stick out in my head as well...okay one of them was just really funny#'Hey guys' 'I'm being executed today :D' 'oh. okay!'#dhdhdh#'It's scary isn't it?' 'yeah. it is' 'Well. It'll all be over soon'#like gwah. gwahhhh#'There is something wrong inside of you' levels of impact on my psyche I reckon#me and the doll girl kissed a few times. it was weirdly quite natural. nothing intensive#but I think we both had an understanding that we weren't seeing eachother again and we cared about eachother#it was so greatly platonic and nice. yearning for something I will never experience aha ^^;#Idk if I even want to be in any sort of QPR but it was definitely nice in this dream
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sfwmxpiggie · 10 days
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I need to cry but can't for some reason
Partner left and I feel so alone... At least now I can clean the apartment 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm kinda worried when we move in together the house will always be this dirty unless I clean it... But I don't want her to live in squalor 😢
I've been eating too much lately, next time we hang out I'm gonna refuse fast food more than once a week.
Might try to set up my art tablet today... I'll probably throw out my old mattress Sunday (I have nowhere to put it after the new couch gets here)
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larvabyte · 1 year
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thank you to everyone whose been liking and reblogging my work. i've only gotten back into drawing more recently and it's been a wonderful experience to get to see people's comments even if the team galactic community is small. its been really cool and some of my favourite artists/writers have even seen my stuff. that's still mind-boggling to me. thank you again to everyone who checks out my stuff
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dorothy-rainbird · 2 years
Part 3
“You know, y/n is a very special person in my life. They found me, raised me, patiently taught me so many things…”
Kuni stared at the blue sky above him as he relaxed more under the giant tree of Windrise.
“They taught me about ‘good’ and ‘bad’, how to take care of myself and others…” he gently pat Bu napping away on his lap.
“Taught me how to handle emotions, how to deal with grief, manage anger, to open up…”
He continued,
“Everything, everything but one.”
“They never taught me how to deal with this tingling feeling in my chest. It feels so strange…”
“It’s as if I feel small around them. Am I scared of them? If I am then why do I want to be around them so much? Why so I want them to…”
“To h-hold me and….-“
“W-WHAT??” He managed to yell despite the embarrassment, his face was so red it looked like sunburn. Unfortunately because of that, Bu woke up. Realising they were being noisy, they quieted down a little.
“Sorry Bu, I didn’t mean to scream. Go back to sleep, Kay?” And so he did. Bu snuggled closer to Kuni, letting out a quiet “sqee” before dozing off again.
“So Kuni…”
“What I think you are experiencing is…”
He was about to scream again but Venti shushed him in time, pointing at the blob on his lap. He nodded as Venti removed his hand and let him speak.
“You mean…love?”
“You sure it’s not some uh…something else? L-like something um..”
“So…it’s like those novels?”
“I um- *cough* uh…”
“Forget I asked”
A very awkward silence danced among them as none of them felt brave enough to break it. Still, Kunikuzushi wanted to know more, so with one sharp inhale,
“If I’m in love with Y/n, then what should I do? Considering you’re the love expert of Mondstadt, any advice?”
“Of course of course! But for my advice so fine, won’t you invite me to dine?” Venti elbowed his arm with a smirk.
“Haha sure, Y/n will be delighted by your visit.” Kunikuzushi replied with a smile.
“Thanks for visiting us Venti, but are you sure you don’t wanna stay over? It’s a little chilly tonight.” You stood by the door as Venti was about to leave. Yes Venti joined for supper but decided to leave earlier than usual.
“Ehe sweet Y/n, Don’t worry about me, I’ll be just fine! Take care everyone and thanks for the delicious meal!” Venti waved you, Kunikuzushi and your slime child goodbye as he began to turn around and leave. You couldn’t help but feel as if he winked at Kuni…did those two have something going on? Nah.
“Bye Venti, goodnight!”
“Tip 1: Compliment them”
You stood by the sink, doing the dishes. Kunikuzushi saw this as a perfect opportunity. He shared a look look at Bu, who gave him a nod of confirmation. Then, with a deep breath made his way towards you. Leaning on the counter beside you, he went,
“Hey has anyone ever told you that y-your eyes are p-pretty?” bruh he stuttered. Without taking your eyes off the sink, you went,
“Aw thanks”
Expectation: *flushed y/n*
Reality: often disappointing
“Tip 2: Leave them small gifts”
“Okay Bu, the first plan didn’t go as expected. Time to step things up a little.” Kunikuzushi said as he picked the most perfect Cecelia of his garden. Bu wasn’t paying attention though, he was busy playing with another plant in the backyard. Kunikuzushi approached him with the flower and crouched down to his level.
“Bu, my son, my child.”
“Can I trust you to deliver this flower?”
“I knew I could count on you :)” Kunikuzushi pat him with a bright smile. He then balanced the flower on his head, hoping it won’t fall off.
“Okay Bu, I want you to deliver this flower to Y/n. Please don’t drop it…”
And with that Bu entered the house.
Expectation: “Did Kuni give me this flower?” *flushed y/n*
Reality: Kunikuzushi entered the house after a while, expecting to see a lovestruck y/n. His dreams were brutally shattered as he saw you hugging Bu and giggling while kissing the top of his “head”.
“Aww Bu did you get this for me? You’re so sweet!”
@angryhope @hana-chie @twst-123 @depressed-bitchy-demon @milza12 @inlovewithwaffles @shizunxie @koi-chairowo @someone-with-wild-imagination @melodibells @franini @xiaosimper @kithewanderingme @tinykokomi @rinaxst @shizunxie @thetwinkims @mouchie @einnunnie @myahandhurts @arima26 @we-wo-we-wo @themistcherry @miss-tea-cza @etherisy @bigcandlesmolbrain @n8mareee @peachytears11 @esthelily @imyme20 @teal-clouds-sword @general-kuri @apyrose @campanula-rotundifolia @shoujishu @thebeanofdoom @mentallyunpresent @scaramouches-girlfriend @alicehasdrowned @genderfluid-insomniac @claymitch @night-shadowblood-writes2 @justakiro @valeriele3 @peter-the-pan @erosdevil @blockswon @missb00bs @a-single-pizza @that-boi-sus @gullantys @ekrii @astr4ray @angelkazusstuff @multifandomvoyage @hikaru-exe @forgotten-blues @perpetually-simping @coquettemaiden @kisuneasahi @kunisbeloved @nebulaera
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dawns-laboratory · 6 months
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Been a mix of "7 Days to Die" and "Palworld" together with dad, or "Astroneer" with a friend (Hi, I know you'll see this, we have to continue that someday soon when I have energy)
And then I've been playing "My Time at Sandrock" quite obsessively the last few days. Both because I want the story, but also because I just find the character interaction soothing. Also because I want to get through the story so me and the same friend can play multiplayer together. ...Mostly because I want the story, since Multiplayer doesn't have it in the same manner.
I'm just going to ramble below the cut, but TL;DR:
I'm okay, just low on energy. Likely not eating well enough and sleeping schedule is a mess because of stress.
So this will be a bit about me just gushing, and also just my thoughts and feelings. It's more me wanting to talk to the void, even if I get no reply. It's soothing in its own right.
I won't go on too long about this specifically, but I believe I mentioned having broken up earlier this year. Specifically my previous relationship ended early December 2023.
I still don't feel okay from that, my self-esteem is... Not doing well. If anything I feel a bit scared of entering a relationship in the future because of how hurt I feel, and especially because I have such a strong sense of "I am not good enough". So some days are harder than others, but I'll be okay.
But I've kinda realised now that I have... Not really gushed over characters as much. Not really allowed myself to feel much regarding those, felt guilty almost. So Sandrock has been soothing, as I've allowed myself to bit by bit just sqee on the inside because the interactions are adorable.
...Also me having felt guilty to have to turn down a confession from one of the NPCs, like damn did that hurt- But the NPC I wanted to meet hadn't appeared yet and I didn't know who I wanted to go for. I'd say I'd have to do another playthrough and go for the other character, but at the same time........ I'm very stuck on the character I'm with. An odd sense of safety that I once used to have, it's nostalgic. Soothing, even. If I can find that again in a person irl, I'd be happy.
But currently I'm happy as is with my plan to just adopt a lot of cats when I get a better living situation. Become the crazy cat lady. Frankly- I'd probably be happy just living with cats if anything. I'm okay with that future, it's a good one.
And that's me being genuine because I can't see a better future than having a bunch of cats to cuddle with like come on
Cat person, through n through lmao
...Maybe I can get a cat to call Galby after the antagonist of the Eragon books called Galbatorix- Hmmmm.
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blackbird-brewster · 1 month
Friday Fic Recs
I've been catching up on CM Kink Bingo fics , but there's also a lot of fluff in here. This is gonna be a long list because there's so many good fics to talk about!
What I've Read:
Tara/Emily | Rated: E | WC: 1082 | CM Kink Bingo Fill Author: @alexblakeisgay (ArwenLalaith)
Why I Love It: TEMILY CME SMUT!!!!! Everything ArwenLalaith writes is awesome, I was so happy to see them participating in the CM Kink Bingo event this year, doubly happy to see them writing for Temily.
Tara/Emily | Rated: E | WC: 1038 | CM Kink Bingo Fill Author: ArwenLalaith
Why I Love It: I enjoy how in character this is and absolutely loved the menopause mentions, because these women are in their 50s! I also loved the discussions about using weed as an aphrodisiac, that's so real.
Emily/Rebecca | Rated: E | WC: 1176 | CM Kink Bingo Fill Author: ArwenLalaith
Why I Love It: Embecca lives!!! The hooking up with a stranger who turns out to be a co-worker trope is one of my absolute faves. I love this take on how Rebecca and Emily met. This line absolutely killed me:
“I have to call you something...” came the retort.
“You can call me Sir,” Emily instructed, undoing buttons as her lips travelled lower and lower.
JJ/Emily | Rated: E | WC: 2177 | CM Kink Bingo Fill Author: @justjasper
Why I Love It: This is smut at the highest caliber, it's so hot. Been really vibing with ABO stuff lately and this is just *chef's kiss*. This fic is the sister fic to Only If For a Night, which I also highly recommend.
Tara/Penelope | Rated: T | WC: 1468 | Series: Drive Author: @swpf
Why I Love It: The world needs more Tenelope in it and this fic was absolutely fluffy and adorable. It plays on the instant chemistry Tara had with Penelope and it made me kick my feet and sqee with joy.
Tara/Penelope | Rated: T | WC: 1740 | Series: Drive Author: swpf
Why I Love It: This whole series is a delight, but I think this one is my favourite so far. The hurt/comfort to fluff ratio is sheer perfection. I love Penelope seeing the window of opportunity to make her move on Tara and just going for it.
Tara/Penelope | Rated: M | WC: 2749 | Series: Drive Author: swpf
Why I Love It: This was so cute and hot. I love Tara going to visit PG when she's under lock down at Quantico. It's so extremely Tara to also bring comfort snacks for her girlfriend. These two are too wholesome.
What I'm Writing:
Tara/Rebecca, JJ/Emily, Emily/Rebecca | Rated: E | WC: 74,012 Series: The Age of Pleasure
Author's Note: I recently finished my CME S17 fic! This fic focuses on the tangled web of emotions between JJ, Emily, Tara, and Rebecca. It's an absolute ride from start to finish, full of plot twists, secrets, and lies. I loved writing this one, so much so that it has been expanded into what will become a series focusing on these four women.
Tara/Rebecca, JJ/Emily | Rated: E | WC: 9,235 | CM Kink Bingo Fill Series: The Age of Pleasure
Author's Note: This is my first ever foursome smut (and apparently the first fic tagged as femslash foursome in the CM fandom on AO3). What can I say other than, READ IT, trust me. This piece is 9k of pure sinful sexual indulgence. Emily gets railed in a 3-on-1 foursome. It's sheer perfection.
ICYMI (Other Recent Fics and Updates):
When You Looked My Way Tara/Emily | Rated: T | WC: 4246
Summary: 5 times Tara thought her feelings for Emily were unrequited and 1 time Emily proved her wrong.
FANVID: Million Times Tara/Rebecca | Rated: G | Series: CM Fanvids
Jemily Ficlet Archives (Update) JJ/Emily | Rated: M | WC: 32,800+ (WIP)
Chapter Summary:
In which JJ accompanies Emily to Paris and the pair finally address their feelings for each other.
[EXTRAS] Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) (Update)
JJ/Tara/Emily, Tara/Rebecca | Rated: E | WC: 17,338 Series: Fooled Around (and Fell in Love)
Update Notes:
Added Part 3 Author's Commentary
Added Part 3 - Timeline Notes
Past Friday Fic Recs:  [Friday Fic Recs - Tumblr] || [CM Fic Recs - AO3 Collection]
My Fanfic Master Lists: [JJ/Emily] || [Tara/Emily] || [JJ/Tara] || [Tara/Rebecca]
2023 Rec Lists: [JJ/Emily] || [Tara/Emily + Other Femslash]
2022 Rec Lists: [JJ/Emily] || [Tara/Emily] || [Other Femslash]
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snugonthatperch · 1 year
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Is this anyone else?! Pretty sure my friends are sick of me talking about Alex and Henry, ALL the time. Wish I had a friend who loved it as much as I do... who would watch it with me, gush and even recite the lines together with the characters (which I already do on a regular basis)... because that would be sooo much fun and not at all over the top. But I'll just keep watching it by myself, sqeeing over these boys and driving my current friends bonkers.
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renaerys · 2 years
what is it about sakura that makes her just so… shippable?
There are a few answers to this question. I suspect you may not like most of them, so I’m putting this under a read more. But you did ask, so here it is.
Rather than answer this with some sqeeing agreement over our flawless shippable queen being just That Hot, I'm going to try to answer this seriously. This is your second warning that what I'm about to say may not be warm and fuzzy to read.
Prefacing that Sakura is a character I have deeply loved and appreciated for many years, but it is exactly my love for her that makes me critical of her and the way I've seen her portrayed and, in some ways, mismanaged by fanfic authors over the years. Take all this with a grain of salt. These are just my own observations and opinions. I'm not here to ruin your faves, shame you in any way, or make you feel bad.
1. She’s got very self-insert protagonist-chan vibes that allow all types of people (us) to project onto her. This is admittedly an uncharitable answer (and, fwiw) not really in line with canon. Because in canon she actually does have some unique personality and she definitely does have some glaring character flaws that make her more closely resemble a real person. Kishi doesn't go very far with this, but it is absolutely there. So we're not working with cardboard here.
But unfortunately, so many fanfics erase a lot of that about her, or borrow parts of other characters/the idealized girlfriend experience and superimpose them onto Sakura as a catch all to make her "cooler" or "more interesting" to suit whatever they are trying to accomplish with her. I'm talking about how Sakura is portrayed as some combination of all or some of the following: a gorgeous, insanely empathetic woman who also has a temper (but only in the Strong Female Character way, not a true-to-life feminine rage way that addresses and unpacks her canon deep insecurities and demonstrated emotional insensitivity toward others, because that would be unattractive), is able to see past her love interest's issues and secrets and "understand" them perfectly (often without any real substantive work put into exploring how or why this makes sense in the context of the story), is both therapist and powerhouse in all that she does, is possessed of unparalleled kindness but also """"she's so sassy!""" type of shit. She's full of so many contradictions yet somehow the perfect, ideal girlfriend that my head spins. Who is she anymore? I don't know this person. That’s the protagonist-chan shit I’m talking about (see also, relatedly: Mary Sue, but I think that only captures one dimension of the problem). I think we’ve all seen those fics. There are a lot of them, and they are egregious or not to varying degrees. It’s boring as hell.
2. For some reason (no, I know the reason and I’ll get to it in a sec), people tend to like only Sakura and not care about maining any other female characters. Like the number of people I have encountered over the years in this fandom who outright (and, bizarrely, quite proudly) proclaim that they only read Sakura fics and will not entertain any other female main is…well, it makes me sad for them. Not that you can’t main your faves, but to wear it as a badge of honor feels red flag-y to me. What is it about the other ladies that offends you so? Have you questioned what it is about those other female characters that puts you off without giving them a shot? (I have some possible answers to these questions below.)
Anyway, we know why. The generous reason is that she is simply the main character of canon and has the most screen time, so it’s understandable that she’d have more fans than the other girls with comparatively less screen time. Nothing wrong with that on its face. It just makes sense.
However, my cynically in-this-fandom-for-15+-years ass also knows that, to a certain degree, this aversion to other female characters who are not Sakura is related to #1 above. She’s protagonist-chan, an easy personality to obliviate and make vanilla/ideal in a way that is simultaneously reductive and inoffensive, and that makes her approachable. Safe. An aspirational "that could be me." Characters like Ino, Karin, Mei, Tsunade, etc. don’t flatten as easily. They have more polarizing personality traits you can't squirm your way out of like you can with Sakura (I say you can with Sakura only because people do it, not because it can actually be done well or in any way that is satisfying to me personally). Those polarizing personalities put a lot of people off. It’s not unique to Naruto, it’s just the way people tend to write and consume stories in general. That’s why we get the “sassy best friend” trope and "women be catty". Sassy BFF is generally a more interesting character because she is allowed to be a chaotic fuck up on screen or horny on main, but she rarely gets the spotlight because that very same leeway makes her unrelatable to too many people. Some very "I'm in this picture and I don't like it" type of reactions.
Here's the part where I say "not every fan". Obviously, it's not every fan. If you don't want to read an Ino fic, don't. I'm not going to arrest you. But these generalizations are helpful in identifying patterns and for forcing ourselves to question our unconscious biases and unpack them. Which, personally, I find interesting.
3. All this to say that I'm honestly dismayed by how far fandom falls astray wrt Sakura at times. She actually has a lot of cool traits, interesting personality, and plenty of cracks in the plaster to make for a well-rounded, relatable character while still proudly repping the "normal girl" or "everyman" position. All she needs is some care and extrapolation, the same as most of the other characters. The foundation is there in canon even if it isn't fleshed out well enough on its own. But it's more than enough to build upon in fanon, which a lot of very skilled authors do super well! I previously talked about why I think Sakura is so much more than just protagonist-chan in this post and why it isn't a bad thing on its face. There are plenty of authors who understand that and write it well, and those fics are some of the best in the fandom imo. Unfortunately, there are also many authors who don't. Those stories are not bad and those writers don't suck. They just don't appeal to me personally because that's not what I'm looking for in Sakura fic.
4. Why is Sakura so shippable? I suspect that people take her "everyman" positioning and find very little that is offensive when you put her next to other characters. Like a staple food, rice or beans or potatoes. Goes with everything, and it gives room to sweat over the character you pair her with who, typically, is allowed to be more interesting and complex (the patient to Sakura's therapist). And if that's what you like, awesome! I wholeheartedly support you and I hope you create and find the content you wish to see. There's nothing at all wrong with this preference, and the Sakura fandom is very blessed to have a lot of good content to choose from. There is literally something for everyone, which is such a nice perk of being a Sakura fan.
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sanguine-squid · 5 months
Who would win?
Sqee-g with a knife attached to it or small fry?
small fry would eat the knife.after that it's anyone's game
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radiant-fanon-maker · 2 years
Raspberry Mousse getting tickled by everyone
Rose Cookie
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White Choco
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W: Oh Raspberryyy~
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W: I got a new "Foil". I have to try it on you...
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W: I'll take my stance and...
R: NoHoNo You don't nee-
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R: NO! Ahhheeheee sqee!
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C: Looks like the tournament made you lose a bit of weight. I guess I need to make sure adjustments.
R: Really? I didn't think other cookies would notice that. But thanks...
C: You think I wouldn't notice a top customer and my work not work together?
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R: oh that's what you focus on..? I... Nevermind
C: Oh.
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R: what the?
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C: Oh I'm so proud of you!!
R: eheeheehee Bohon-Bon aheeheehee nohoho
C: But look at you. You look cute. And you've been working so long.
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sexy-rat · 3 months
Squeak squeakk 😢😢👉🪤🪤💔💔
Sqee squeak saueak, squeeeekakkkk saueak!! 😍😩😩🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘
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sfwmxpiggie · 12 days
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By the gods I've done it again
Back in the 300's again. Said I wouldn't but here I am. I've been eating way too much. Was about to blame it on being with partner but I know that's a lie. I would've found some other excuse 🤡🐽
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proxylynn · 6 months
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i found these on tiktok
im imagining opening animal crossing and he just... pops in and yoinks my character
... im planning on making him a little garden on my island
[My god...This is fuking adorable! *sqees*]
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