#I hope I captured his adorableness well haha.
cherry-207 · 2 years
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After the sleepover
This is a birthday gift from @sysig hope you like it ♥♥♥ .
Scriabin belongs to @zarla-s
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biolumien · 4 months
Hi!! Your rooftop smoke fic with Hoshina was just superb. 😭💖
Was wondering If could request a scenario where they had been mutually pining for one another. And they'd, on more than one occasion catch each other's eyes across the room. And a handful of people from the Defense Force notices. Cause could they be more obvious?
Whether that would end up angsty or with a happy ending is up to you! I love the way you write for Hoshina. You capture him pretty perfectly haha
Stay safe and healthy!!
notes: omg... thank you for your compliments... it means smsm! uhh... well. this kinda took on a life of its own, i'm sorry. i hope you don't mind ;-;;
say it! come on, say it!
soshiro hoshina x gn!reader alternatively: romcom except then i smacked it so hard with angst at the end. sorry. word count: 2400
“you need to close your mouth when you’re staring.” you feel the ice-cold touch of a can press against your cheek, and you shriek as you stare up at–
“ah, fuck. i’m not staring, narumi,” you mutter, taking the soda can from him. narumi seemed less than convinced, his eyes barely visible from underneath his bangs. 
“o-kay. and you’re totally not ogling hoshina with googly eyes.” narumi cracks open his own soda, taking a long sip from the can. “why don’t you just date already? i’m gonna be honest, i’m sick of you looking at him like that. it’s boring, bland, predictable… fuckin’ hate that will they won’t they bullshit.” 
“i can’t,” you complain dramatically. 
hoshina, from the other side of the room, was talking to captain ashiro while examining some paperwork. occasionally, okonogi would come over, point out some new development, and there’d seem to be another heated debate between the three. you always liked seeing hoshina in his element—whether it be instructing other officers, training with his blades, or awkwardly not making eye contact with him when he spoke to you. 
“like hell you can’t!” narumi hissed, reaching out to put you in a headlock. “stop looking at him like that!” 
“like hell what? who’s looking at who?” 
hoshina had come over, staring at the two of you, right as narumi’s arm was beginning to wrap around your neck. narumi immediately flew back from you as you laughed nervously. 
“uhh, like hell i, umm…” you fumbled for an answer, staring up at hoshina nervously. why had he just come over? why was he looking at you like that? your lips quiver for a moment.
“oh, relax!” hoshina clapped you across the back, laughing. “you look so nervous! like you’ve just confessed you had some very, very personal feelings or something! that’s adorable…” 
let me die, you think furtively as hoshina’s hand brushes your shoulder. narumi’s face was pinched. 
“don’t let narumi bully you too much; he’s just a little lowlife, after all,” hoshina said with teasing venom in his voice. 
“you bitch,” narumi growled. “i have no idea how they see anything in y—” his face paled as the words left his lips, and you think you almost see god for a minute. you hide your face with your hands, waiting for hoshina’s verdict, and you swear that the next moment you get, you were going to make narumi very sorry for spilling your metaphorical, hell, call them literal at this point, guts out in the open. 
“hmm?” hoshina hums. the world fell silent—at least silent to you, in any case, your eardrums pounding in time with your heartbeat. “well—”
“vice captain hoshina!” mina ashiro’s voice was sharp and piercing. “time to go.” 
“huh?” hoshina cocks his head. “ah, of course, captain. be right there!” 
he turned to you and narumi with a small smile, one of his fangs peeking out for a moment before waving his fingers. 
“see you.” he nods his head to you specifically before he turns away. 
you wait until you are absolutely, absolutely sure he’s out of earshot before turning on narumi, throwing your soda can at his head. 
“fuck!” narumi swore. “what the fuck was that for?” 
“you idiot! why did you basically confess to him for me?!” you hiss. “i’m trying to count on you to not run your damn mouth!” 
“hoshina’s an idiot,” narumi says sullenly. “i bet he didn’t even notice.” 
the walk through the hallway was silent, up until—
“you’re red,” mina says, her hand reaching for her skirt pocket to pull out her phone. 
“stop,” hoshina’s voice is strangled, far more strangled than he’d like it to be. “no, i’m serious. no photos. you’ll need to talk to my PR agent about that.” hoshina’s ears were tinged pink, and he raised his hands to try and hide the flush. 
“hoshina,” okonogi sounded disapproving, “why don’t you just confess already? i’m getting tired watching you get so concerned over them…” 
“ha! confess,” hoshina laughs. “and what good would that do? i’m not exactly peak romance material, you know this…” 
“the only one not noticing that is you, hoshina,” mina mutters. “you get all sullen when they leave and happy when they come back, but you have to act like a… hmm… what does he act like, okonogi?” 
hoshina’s eyes went wide as okonogi hummed. 
“a cat!” okonogi declares emphatically. 
“yes. you’re right,” mina says decisively. “that’s a good fit. you act like a cat about it. you try to—”
“stop. stop it, stop it, i don’t want to hear it. stop analyzing my personality. this isn’t some kind of joke,” hoshina says, his voice sounding more flustered as he went on. “they’re never gonna say yes. it’s stupid. confessing like this… it would only be a burden on all of us.” 
mina and okonogi exchanged a look.
“besides, i’m a bad boyfriend. remember that last girl, from operations,” hoshina laughed. “broke her heart in three seconds flat.” 
“… if i remember correctly, you liked her quite a lot, though,” okonogi said hesitantly. 
“ha! so what if i did?” hoshina asked. “she only just left when i… hm.” his smile seemed to falter somewhat, but he laughed. “it’s fine. it’s fine. i’m fine.” 
behind his back, mina and okonogi exchanged another look. 
but his mind flickered back to his hand on your back, and wondered if you leaning into his touch was a fluke. 
you stare at hoshina from across the room. he’s eating by himself, half a piece of melon bread in his mouth as he stared down at some papers in his hand. you’d have asked to sit next to him, if only you were braver. but you were a coward, so here you were. you stare down at your own food, tearing off a corner of the red bean bun you were eating, popping it in your mouth. 
your crush on hoshina was about as subtle as a freight train. which is to say, you felt it coming on, and then by the time you’d fully reconciled it, you were already being run over repeatedly. it was just grappling, mostly, with how cool he was, endlessly. 
you wondered what it would be like to live under the intensity of his stare, as it enveloped you whole. 
would it be like a benevolent fire? or would he raze you so wholly that there’d be nothing left? 
you wanted to find out. you wanted to find out, but you were so scared he’d burn you before you could even get close. but what was important was that hoshina, for sure, didn’t even bother to reciprocate your feelings. that’s what you were so sure of—because why would someone like him give you the pleasure of his time? surely his time was more valuable than wasting it on a nobody like you. 
his intensity, sharpened to a fine point, was better spent figuring out how to permanently eradicate the kaiju threat altogether. 
you sighed miserably. 
“now that sounds like a miserable sound to me,” hoshina’s voice rang out right next to your ear. 
you nearly jumped out of your skin as soon as you heard his voice, too focused for a second on the soft, tickling sensation of his breath against the shell of your ear. your face bloomed bright red, and you immediately backed away from him, your heart pounding loudly in your chest. 
“hoshina!” you stammer. “what—what are you doing?” 
“eating?” hoshina raises his eyebrow, a teasing smirk on his lips. “noticed you were staring. take a picture, by the way, if you want. they do last longer than the momentary glances.” he sat down next to you, continuing to eat.
so he had noticed you staring. 
“s-sorry. for staring,” you say. 
“huh? why are you sorry?” hoshina asks, cocking his head at you, one of his eyes opening a bit wider. “i don’t mind. if i minded, i woulda said something.” your face flushed a little more at his words, and you looked away as he laughed. 
“you really are cute,” he says fondly, reaching out a hand to pat your head.
… huh?
“what?” you ask weakly. 
“huh? did i say something weird?” hoshina asks, the picture perfect image of innocence—or so you’d say, if his eyes weren’t narrowed at you, and the smile on his face a little too much like a smirk, waiting for how you’d react. 
“no…? i guess? it’s just not something i thought you’d say. to me,” you say falteringly, looking away for a moment. 
“mm. i guess i should make a habit of saying it more, huh?” hoshina teases, removing his hand from your head. 
and as you fluster a little more, you curse god for your crush on soshiro hoshina. 
“you need to quit fucking around,” narumi says, pointing a dumbbell at hoshina in the training room. 
“fucking around? i’m doing nothing of the sort,” hoshina says, that mask of innocence still on his face. narumi’s brow furrows. 
“sure, and you don’t also ogle… you need to get your shit together and confess, or swear to god, i’ll kill one of you. or, hell, why don’t we just kill both of you so i don’t have to fucking look at you?” narumi scoffs, anger spiking in his voice. 
“ha, yeah, maybe if you do that i’ll finally be free from hearing your annoying, grating voice,” hoshina says, prodding narumi in the chest.
“yeah, but then you won’t confess your feelings and then i’ll have to die knowing i broke up a couple that hadn’t even gotten together,” narumi grumbles. “i’m not a monster.”
“huh?” hoshina asks.
narumi looked like he was about to blow a gasket.
“wait, so you didn’t know they reciprocate?”
“i–well, i… hoped?” hoshina says, realizing how stupid he must sound. his mind flit back to your reactions the past few days–hell, the past few weeks? maybe the past few months? “oh. shit.”
“oh. shit. indeed,” narumi mocks. “so, are you going to tell them?”
“i…” hoshina suddenly realized how terrified he was. his face paled, his hand coming up to his mouth. “i… shit. wait. this is–fuck. i…” he ran a hand through his hair, pushing his bangs up past his face, a shaking sigh passing his lips. “no. this is… how would i even begin to explain it? i’m not… i can’t. i’m not–i can’t be a good partner. not in this line of work. my judgement could be compromised! that wouldn’t–”
“your judgement is already compromised,” narumi says, a bared snarl-turned-smile on his lips. “you know, hoshina. this is probably the most interesting you’ve ever been. you’re always facades, niceties. pretended you were untouchable, swimming in that sea of self-loathing and ineptitude. but maybe you’re beginning to live a little, aren’t you?”
hoshina’s eyes widened.
it’d always come to the worst, you thought. you coughed up a mouthful of blood as another round of rubble began to creak overhead. you tried to force your body to move, and your suit pulsed in response to your movements, attempting to close the bloody gashes across your body from the kaiju attack. 
“command, come in,” you gasped out, holding up a shaking hand to your in-ear. you winced as there was only a clicking static in response–was no one coming? were you all alone? were you going to die like this, your limbs barely even able to hold up their own weight even with most of your combat power unleashed? is this all you were good for? your knees buckled as you collapsed onto the ground, coughing out a mouthful of blood.
were you going to die like this?
you couldn’t.
you didn’t want to.
your vision swam a bit as you coughed out another mouthful of blood, your mind lingering.
hoshina had touched your back right before you’d left, a small smile crossing his face.
“don’t die,” he’d said. 
and here you were, stumbling through the rubble, hurting so badly that you might as well be dead. 
it was utterly and painfully cliche to think about letting hoshina down. you didn’t want to, and yet there was a horrifying possibility that you would. and as you buckled again, collapsing onto your knees, you coughed out another mouthful of blood.
“command,” you repeated, in a weaker voice. “please. if someone–if anyone can hear me–i need help. suit damage is–” you cough again, wiping blood from your mouth. “--critical. please.” 
and as your vision swam, you felt a hand press against your shoulder.
“there you are.”
you blinked hard, staring up at the face of soshiro hoshina, who’d pulled his mask off, leaning down to pull you into his arms.
“hoshina,” you whisper. “i’m sorry–i shouldn’t have… i got…”
“why are you apologizing?” hoshina asks, his voice sounding more choked than you’d like it to be.
“i didn’t mean to–i didn’t mean for this to happen.” you think you’re bleeding across hoshina’s suit, across his gloves as you press your head against his shoulder. 
hoshina laughs desperately, wetly.
“you didn’t mean to–of course you didn’t mean to!” hoshina protests. “the attack was more than any of us could have predicted–of course you didn’t mean for any of this happen–i don’t want you to apologize for that.” his hand reaches up to swipe some blood away from your brow. “come on, love. i have to tell you how i feel–that bastard was right, after all. my judgement was compromised from the beginning, around you.” 
“that bastard? narumi?” you ask, coughing a bit. why did it feel so cold? your eyes fluttered for a moment,  “what does he have to do with any of this–”
“i love you,” hoshina says. “i’m sorry it took me this long to tell you. and i’m selfish, for waiting until you’re bloodied, like this, to tell you.” you didn’t like the desperate look in his eyes like he was convinced you were going to die. you leaned up, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“you bastard,” you muttered. “couldn’t you have thought up a better time and place for all of this?” 
“no,” hoshina admits. “because i’m selfish, after all.” he smiles at you, the corner of his mouth twitching ever so slightly. “come on. let’s get you to the medbay. i’m not letting you die on me yet.”
“okay,” you whispered weakly. “okay.”
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soo hiiii i saw ur requests r open for… könig….. and honestly i think ur cool sooo yep! :3
but anyway-
what r ur thoughts on König w his innocent lil wify afab reader??
like i just wanna know what u think he would do if his precious darling were just running around their shared space w nothin but his t-shirt n panties, smiling at him n kissin his cheeks n lips bc he’s “such an innocent sweetheart” WHEN IN REALITY HES THROBBING IN HIS PANTS AS WE SPEAK-
um anyway-
u don’t have to respond or anything, pook. just hope ur doing well and takin care of urself!! stay safe, love ya babe!! ::::3
Honestly, no, we NEED to talk about this!!!
It's not a full-on smut, but you can gladly come back for more babes <3
And im doing okay! Had a long day at work and all haha,, I hope you're good as well, love ya too xxx
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He quietly watches from the couch as you shimmy around your apartment in such skimpy clothes. Nothing but his (way too big) shirt, and some panties. It didn't seem like you were trying to rile him up on purpose, no.... you were just being you; his cute, little spouse who he'd do absolutely anything for. And that thought alone is all you need.
You're aware that what you're wearing is provocative; not like you intended to tease your giant of a husband, really. You were just doing casual things around the house, and when you were done, you spotted him on the couch. "Love, can you help me with the plates? I can't reach the top shelf..." You ask him, avoiding eye contact since your cupboards are higher than normal ones due to König's gigantic stature.
He rises and follows quietly behind, his eyes glued to your naked legs, watching as the shirt you're wearing rides up just enough for your butt to poke out. König could feel the blood rush to his cock at the sight, moving closer and trapping you against the counter. You turn around, looking up at his face, which you so deeply adore and flash a smile.
He bends down to capture your lips in a kind of rough but passionate kiss that leaves you breathless and hot and bothered at the same time. "What are you doing?" You whine a little when he lifts you on top of the counter, slightly shivering when the cool wood makes contact with your warm legs.
"You made me so fucking hard.... walking around like you're easy... aber nur für mich, nicht wahr?" (But only for me, right?) König says, lips millimeters away from yours. The way he says it got you feeling butterflies.
"Yes, only for you." Is all you can mutter before he delves in, his kisses all tongue and teeth, and you wouldn't have it any other way. You like when he's a little rough with you. "I'm sorry for riling you up... I didn't think anything of it..."
"Oh, ich weiß, mein kleines Schätzchen. I'll teach you what you're getting yourself into for the next time." (Oh, I know my little darling) He smirks before effortlessly throwing you over his shoulder, one hand smacking your ass. Hard.
You're in for a long night, dear.
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daydreamingyuta · 3 months
It’s insane how well you capture mark’s personality through your writings that it feels so real yk?😵‍💫
If it’s possible could you write another version of this butttt make it spidey!mark where the reader tries on his costume?? (don’t blame me pls. 200 and his rem acc is making me feel things HAHA)
Spidey Suit | Mark Lee
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summary: fluff, drabble, asking spiderman!mark if you can try on his spidey suit <3 wc: 375 a/n: omg thank youuuu!! that's literally such a sweet compliment omg! thank you for reading and liking my mark drabble 🫶 also I loved writing this and I'm sorry that it took so long but I hope you enjoy it! <3 <3
“Can I… try it on?” You ask, unsure of how he’s gonna respond. Mark isn’t the type to not want you wearing his clothes, actually most of the time he’s the one suggesting it, but you’ve never tried to wear his spidey suit before. 
You watch as his face turns into that smile of his that you love so much, revealing his cute cheekbones. “You wanna wear my suit?” You nod your head, hopeful for him to say yes and before you know it, he’s rummaging through one of his draws and pulls it out. “Ok, but I get to take pictures of you in it.”
You thought that it would be super hard to squeeze into, but it was surprisingly easy. It was tight, without feeling tight at all. Actually, it felt like the most comfortable thing you’ve literally ever worn before. 
“It’s nice right?” You hear Mark ask. You had asked him to turn around while you got changed but he must have noticed that you managed to get it on when you stopped moving around so much. (spidey senses). 
“I cannot believe you made this yourself, It’s genuinely incredible.” You say, checking yourself out in the mirror. You can’t see him but you know he’s blushing by your comment. “Can I um turn around now?”
“Oh, yeah.” You say, now facing him. 
You watch as his eyes focus on you and his head moves back slightly, something he always does when he’s surprised. “Wait, you actually look so cute.”
“What do you mean actually? You weren't expecting me to look good in it?” You say playfully, crossing your arms.
“No, no '' he says, his voice cracking. “I just meant like, when I wear it it’s super intimidating and cool looking. But somehow you just look adorable.” He says, walking towards you. 
You give him the sternest look you could muster. “I’m intimidating too.” 
“Right right.” He says as he cups your cheeks in his hand, pulling you in to kiss you, “I definitely wouldn’t want you as my enemy.”
“Exactly.” You kiss him back until Mark starts to laugh. “What?”
“Nothing, it just feels funny. Like I’m kissing myself.” You let out a laugh too because of course he would say that.
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ashwhowrites · 9 months
Hi can I have a Jonathan x female reader, Jonathan gets invited to the gangs new year’s party, he feels awkward as it’s his first time seeing Nancy since they broke up. But he meets the reader and they instantly falls in love but are both too shy to say anything so Argyle becomes Jonathan’s wingman. Just something cute and funny :)
I adore Jonathan 🫶🏻 I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Happy new year! 🥳
New Year, New love
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Steve and Robin wanted to throw a New Year party in their new apartment. They invited everyone in the gang and some friends of the gang. Jonathan got to bring Argyle, which he was thankful for because he didn't want to be the loser older brother who had to hang out with Will all night.
Jonathan was still awkward with Steve because of Nancy. And well, Nancy and Jonathan broke up and it was always awkward to be around an ex. Jonathan broke up with Nancy and even though she took it well, he felt a lot of distance between them.
Jonathan and Argyle were smoking on the balcony, another thing Jonathan loved doing with a friend. They finished off their second joint, and Jonathan already felt the buzzing in his body. They walked into the party, laughing to themselves.
"There they are!" Steve said, his arm wrapped around a girl. Jonathan wasn't sure if he was choking on the smoke in his lungs or over the fact this girl was gorgeous.
"This is Jonathan and Argyle. Jonathan is Will's older brother. Guys, this is Y/N. She's a coworker with Robin and I." Steve said. Y/N stuck out her hand, both boys took turns shaking it.
"You are beautiful, sweetheart," Argyle said, a dopey smile on his face as he pressed his lips against her hand. She laughed and thanked him, but her eyes kept glancing towards Jonathan.
Steve and Y/N walked off, as Steve showed her around the apartment. Jonathan felt like he was holding his breath. Finally letting out a big sigh with a "Wow"
"Dude I know. She fine as hell." Argyle said, his eyes half open as he nodded his head. "I think she liked what she saw." He joked, nudging Jonathan's arm.
"What? Me?" Jonathan scoffed. He shook his head. There was no way she was into him. She was probably into Steve and his charm.
"Dude! I had my lips on her hand and she was looking right at you. She shook your hand longer and kept staring at you. She's into you." Argyle explained.
"I don't know how to talk to girls...or anyone," Jonathan said, his eyes on her frame as she walked back into the living room.
"Shit, I so got you man. I might be a pizza man, but I know how to be a wingman too." Argyle said, cracking his neck for exaggeration as he walked over to Y/N. Jonathan panicked and followed behind. He planned to stop Argyle but he was already talking.
"New years, huh? Such a couple of holidays, but I see you are here without someone. Got a boyfriend that's coming over?" Jonathan wanted to smack himself in the head and hide. Argyle wasn't subtle at all.
"Haha no, I'm single." She awkwardly laughed, yet the sound made Jonathan's heart race.
"What about you...guys?" She asked, her eyes once again on Jonathan as she finished the question.
"Single as ever, and my boy here is single and so ready to mingle," Argyle said, throwing his arm over Jonathan proudly. And god Jonathan wanted to kill himself. He wasn't sure if it was worse or better to look back at her.
"Good to know." She said with a small smile. Her attention was captured by Steve as he waved her over.
"Nice to meet you, again." She said and walked off.
"Well if Steve is going to be a cockblock, he must be removed," Argyle said with a glare.
It was nearly eleven, everyone surrounded a random board game. The group was split into two teams, Jonathan couldn't help but blush when he was put on Y/N's team. And the way he had goosebumps when she sat next to him and grazed him when she shuffled around.
By 11:30, the game was half ignored by everyone, excited Dustin and Eddie who were going head to head. Jonathan kept trying to come up with something to talk about. Argyle kept mouthing words across the room and he could barely understand them.
"Movies." Argyle mouthed, pointing towards the TV.
"Moo?" Jonathan mouthed back, and Argyle looked at him like he was an idiot.
"M-o-v-i-e-s. She works at a movie store!" Argyle started mouthing but harshly whispered at the end.
"MOVIES!" Jonathan yelled once he caught on, the group looked at him confused and Y/N jumped as he screamed it in his ear. He felt his skin heat up as he coughed.
"Um I mean, movies. You work at a video store, do you have a favorite genre?" Jonathan asked. He saw her eyes light up as she answered the question right away.
Jonathan couldn't help but stare as she talked and talked. She was very passionate about her favorite movies, and he knew that job was perfect for her. She knew everything about almost every movie.
"How about you?" She asked back.
Jonathan was back at square one, he barely watched movies or even TV. He sat in his room with music and comics.
"Um, I don't watch movies too much." He shrugged, he felt a frown on his face as she deflated a bit. "But! You work at a video store, maybe you can point out the good ones?" He tried.
She lit up again and nodded her head. "I'd love to have you around!" She said he could tell she didn't mean to quite say that. and Jonathan felt himself smile. "at the store I mean! Good company during work." She said, her eyes wide as she tried to cover herself.
"I'd love to be around you," he said, "for company and stuff." He added as a tease with a small wink. She giggled and shuffled closer, and Jonathan couldn't believe it was working. He looked up shocked to Argyle, who stood there with a smirk and nod.
"1 MINUTE TO NEW YEARS!" Eddie yelled, drunk, at the TV. The ball drop countdown began and the group cheered.
Jonathan finished off his cup, setting it aside. He took a deep breath and looked over at Y/N. Her eyes locked on the TV as the countdown ticked closer to the end. Jonathan knew he was going to go for it. The weed and alcohol in his body as he rested his hand on her thigh. The touch made her turn her head to look at him.
"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" the group screamed as the ball dropped.
And Jonathan's lips pressed against Y/N's. Her eyes were open as she felt the shock take over her body. But then she closed her eyes, cupped his cheek, and kissed him back.
"I did that," Argyle said, a proud smile on his face as the two ignored everyone around them.
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wexhappyxfew · 5 months
12. pushing a strand of hair behind their ear
For Annie and Brady please.
I love them soo much. And I adore your writing.
Also I hope you’re doing well and are having a great day :)
hello anon! thank you so much for submitting this prompt!! 🥹 it absolutely took a fairly cute direction in quite the circumstance (we’ll see what that means), so i hope you enjoy!! :) thank you for the love on annie and brady too! 😭 that’s so sweet!! they’re a joy to write so i hope this provides some goodness for them! YOU TOO ANON!!! i hope your day (and now weekend) is going wonderfully! please enjoy!!!
i found you again
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(a/n): had a much longer version that this but….did not feel ready for that so, i shortened it up and made it work a bit more with the prompt and i liked how it came out so :) it is shorter than some of my other writings, but i hope to expand on it more in future postings haha! please enjoy!!
Annie slowly slid out of her bunk and moved through the tiny room towards Brady's bunk and got a look at his face, immediately shrinking a bit at the sight of him looking so safe, small and youthful in his sleep, reminding her of that last time they'd found each other side by side, the unknowing between the two of them, one of their last conversations face to face. And now….he was right there.
Annie reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a small shake. In almost an instant, he awoke and turned to her in the darkness and immediately reached towards her like he always used to do and grasped her arm. Always reaching.
"Hey, everything okay?" he whispered quietly, his voice a pin-drop in the dark.
"I can't get myself warm." she whispered back, the frustration behind her voice, flogged with a bit more emotion than she was going for and he immediately moved over the best he could in the cot and lifted his blanket up.
"Hop in." he whispered, a small smile on his face. Annie immediately sat on the edge and pulled herself into the bunk, wrapped in her own blanket and turned on her side, immediately becoming engulfed in Brady's chest, his bit of warmth and him. He let the rest of the blanket fall around her form and then he immediately wrapped his arm around her, pulling her shivering form to his own side, arm rubbing up and down, a bit of friction on her clothes, from him. Annie snuggled her head into his neck, where it seemed to be the warmest and let out a small sigh of relief at the bit of warmth that was finally entering her body.
"Better?" Brady whispered, warm breath tickling her neck, and she smiled and nestled closer and nodded.
"Much." she whispered, "Thank you." He smiled, and she shifted a bit, cuddling deeper, and then sighed at the immense amount of comfort that she hadn't felt in days, finally encircling her. Slowly, she brought up a hand out of the warmth of the blanket, and brought it to the side of his face, gently brushing her thumb over the bit of stubble on his cheek, the pleasant feel of him just right there, was comforting in it of itself. It was all she needed.
"So," Brady whispered, his voice somewhere next to her ear, "I never asked, after you were captured - what happened?" Annie shifted a bit and sat up, away from the warmth of his neck, and instead staring down at him, her thumb brushing his cheek, head resting on her hand, staring at those twinkling eyes.
"I was out of it for the most part," Annie whispered back, reaching up to brush some of his strands of hair from his face behind his ear, over and over, watching the sleepiness roll into his eyes, "between the knock to my head and the knee, the lack of food and water….I don't remember much aside from well…..the questioning. The staring." She met his gaze, watching quietly as he let his eyes linger over her face.
"What'd they ask you?" he whispered, his voice so low, all she really saw was his moving lips in the bleary darkness.
"Questions about everything. The 100th. About Birdie; newspaper clippings and such. About Buck and Bucky, about the Regensberg mission - my name was in the paper. Asked about home." Annie managed out, her eyes hardly leaving his own, "I didn't tell them anything. I told them my name, my number, my unit. That's it." Brady watched her and slowly brought up his free hand and brushed it against the bottom of her lip, lingering over the few scabs under her chin from the few scuffles with Germans and falls and punches.
"You?" she whispered back.
"The same." he whispered, "Lot of questions about the 100th - Buck especially. A few about you." She stared at him.
"I didn't let on a thing, though," he whispered, "I'd rather die than give away info about any one of us."
For a moment, they just stared at each other in a way that was far more intimate than anything else in the past few days, enough where her heart raced, and she suddenly felt consumed by his ever-present gaze on her own.
"Did they do anything to you?" he whispered, his thumb brushing her cheek again as her hands continued to prod his hair, "I swear to-", he looked at her, "Annie, if they laid a finger-"
"No, they didn't, not like that," she whispered, hand shaking against his face, "just shoves, a few…punches-"
"Punches?" Brady whispered, "Annie I-"
"John." she whispered, louder than she had wanted and quieted herself, shaking her head, "I'm fine, look-" her hand cupped his cheek, "I'm right here." He stared at her so longingly her stomach hurt, that yearning, that want, that desperate, reaching nature lingering between them.
"I know." Brady whispered, his hand grazing her neckline which was layered in blankets and clothing, "Just….if I ever see them doing anything, I'm jumpi-"
"John," Annie whispered, her voice soft as cream, "you don't have to do any of that now. It's just you and me. Right here." She reached out and took one of his hands, placing it on her chest where her heart was, hidden under skin and bone and overcoats. Brady watched her, like some sort of miracle and believed her. He let out a breath and swallowed.
Watching each other in their current circumstances was an art in it of itself - their hesitant, lingering gazes, the touches on one another's faces, the way her eyes evaded his, but always came back, their bodies so close, pressed against one another, but still distant.
Watching Brady now, he looked beyond exhausted, more than he ever did back at Thorpe Abbotts, and the more she continued that same, calming motion of brushing his strands of hair back, sometimes to settle behind his ear and sometimes to not, she watched his eyes grow more tired.
And in a sense, she got the idea it reminded him of when he was a child, when there was no war and his Ma probably tucked him in at night and brushed his hair gently until his eyes closed. And now, he was halfway across the world, in a P.O.W. camp.
"You need rest," she whispered softly, watching as he leaned a bit more into her touch as her fingers graced over his cheek, his eyes fighting to close, fighting the sleep, "it's okay." He watched her through half-open eyes and brought a hand to her neckline and watched her.
"I'm glad I found you again, Annie." he whispered, "I don't know what I'd do if I knew you'd gone down and didn't end up here." Annie stared at him, her world stilling around her and she couldn't help but lean forward and press a soft kiss to his forehead, before pulling back and cupping his cheek.
"Get some rest, okay?" she whispered, "I'll be right here." Brady watched her again and then nodded, that small smile on his face failing to disappear, as his eyes slides shut and his body finally seemed to relax.
You couldn't do that much here, you were always on guard, waiting for the next sound of explosions, or someone in the hallway, yelling, screaming.
Yet, here, he finally seemed to let go of all of that and sleep.
And until his breathing became deep and slow, she sat up, running a hand through his hair and letting him feel at home for once.
Even if that home was nowhere near here.
Even if home was this, right here.
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feelyxstuff · 28 days
Fan Fiction Recommendation #3
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Hey everyone! 🌟
I’m back with my third recommendation, and this one is all about the amazing IwaOi pairing! ♥ Before Sakusa and Atsumu came along, I was totally head over heels for IwaOi, and they’re still one of my top favorites!
I really hope you enjoy this pick, and have a fantastic day! 😊
(P.S. I’m going through a pretty significant change right now, and I spent the past few days diving into stories and getting lost in reading. Haha!)
Name: Conquering the Great King
Author: SuggestiveScribe
Fandom: Haikyuu!
Summary: Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, "Last time was supposed to be a one time thing," he said, voice low, lacking some conviction.
Oikawa's lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi's, "One time thing, Two time thing, what's it matter as long as it's not a Relationship thing?"
Rating: Explicit
Warning: No Arquive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Relationship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru; Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi; Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou; Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime; Oikawa Tooru; Kageyama Tobio; Sawamura Daichi; Sugawara Koushi; Kuroo Tetsurou; Kozume Kenma; Kindaichi Yuutarou; Azumane Asahi; Nishinoya Yuu; Kunimi Akira; Irihata Nobuteru
Additional Tags: #Alternate Universe #Alcohol #Smoking #Rimming #Orgasm Delay/Denial #Anal Fingering #Riding #Semi-Public Sex #Masturbation #Pining #Fluff and Angst #Friendship #Exes #Porn With Plot #Public Display of Affection #Hand & Finger Kink #Scent Kink #Blow Jobs #Mild Face-Fucking #Sexting #Nudes #Phone Sex #Dirty Talk #Light Bondage #Voyeurism #Begging #Power Bottom #69 (Sex Position) #Improper Use of Outerwear
Language: English
Stats: Completed 2015-05-30
Link for the fan fiction: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3301085/chapters/7209029
Link for the picture: https://ca.pinterest.com/pin/572449802653344782/
My thoughts: Iwaizumi and Oikawa have become one of my top ships, right after the classics like DaiSuga, KageHina, TsukkiYama, and AsaNoya. Their dynamic is just so captivating! I fell for them after the initial excitement of the first years, and their chemistry really stuck with me. 💕
I recently came across this fanfiction that is an absolute gem. The author writes IwaOi so perfectly, capturing their personalities and interactions flawlessly. The story is set with them as businessmen— Iwa is a dedicated editor, and Oikawa is in finance (from what I remember). They meet for what they think is a ‘one-time thing,’ but the chemistry between them is off the charts! The plot is so well-crafted and teasing that you’ll be hooked from start to finish.
There are also side relationships like DaiSuga and KurooKen (which I adore and totally recommend their side fics too!), along with a bit of AsaNoya and KageHina. It’s exciting to follow these characters through adult life challenges and savor the satisfying ending. Dive in and enjoy the ride! 🌟📚
My tags: iwaoi; haikyuu
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satanicsanity · 1 year
So like, yandere Wally gives me so much life. Could you do like, a double yandere where he and the reader are both adorable and lovesick until something has the potential to get between them??? 💕
Surey sure I can try!- sorry if it didn't come out that good, haha! I tried to interpret this the best i could!! Hope you like it!
Tw: Talk of un-aliving and stealing!
‼️please go support wally's ACTUAL voice actor, @DaFrankiestein!🩷🩷🩷‼️
The art & characters used are by clown/party coffin!🩷Go support them and donate to their Kofi of you can!
Subtitles, wally speaking: Oh hello neighbor! What's wrong?? ...someone.. "flirted" with you today? Like-........oh. Like that. Oh, [chuckle] now, we talked about what to do in these rules of situations, didn't we? How about.. A Bet. Whoever has their head on a pole, at the end of the day.. Can-...well..[pause, thinking]..oh! Make a painting, I'll give you all the art supplies, if you win of course! And if i win.. Then you have to steal a basket of apples from howdy's for me, hahaha! He already has me written down on his little "watch list", quote on quote.. Now I say it like that because.. We all know no neighbor here can.. Physically actually capture me! That would be too dangerous and stupid. Alright! Well.. Do we have our bet? Good! May the fastest win, My love.~
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how are the cats going? also, how are you? hope you are well 💗
Well well well, if it ain’t one of the most amazing people I know!!
The cats are doing good, menaces as always but we love them<3 I know you didn’t ask about the dog but… he’s here too!!
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Darling little girl! my sweetheart! the s’more of my heart! has recently started sneaking into my room to sleep on my homework!! I think she like the crinkle of the paper, little bugger. She has also recently moved her favourite napping spot from the bathroom floor to the new chairs! I assume she likes the cushions. (That’s where she’s sleeping in this photo!)
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Goodest of boys! Fluffy little man! Snoring extraordinaire! I don’t think I’ve posted much of Monty, he doesn’t like photos(my phone usually captures him in low quality 😭😭) this is a rare good photo of him, and don’t let his cute little face fool you his tail is A-WAGGING!!! that thing should be classified as a weapon by now!! Haha. Still as cuddly and soft as ever though!
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Menace. Agent of chaos. Stinky little lady. I love her to death, but she sat her stinky, furry, adorable,little behind on my face today so I’m holding a grudge. Little rascal. She still lives for cuddles but she has recently discovered that eating my food is, alas, something she can do. Woe is me, am I right?
Im doing alright, im sick and not really aloud to go to school (or anywhere really) doctors orders. “No strenuous activity at all” not anything new but y’know, so I’m online for now.
Onto some more lighted news, me and some old friends are starting a dnd campaign!! It’s fun so far, im playing a Druid! I’m a total noob though, LMAO🤣!!
How have you been? Anything fun? I remember you talking about that finance competition you did awhile back but I never saw the results of how that went, did you have a good time?
Sending you many many many hugs and well wishes Bee <3!! Thanks for checking in on us, means a lot <33!!!!
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peachesofteal · 5 months
as always, i read it like a rabid animal, and then reread the prev 4 chapters and then reread this again HAHA
your work ages like fine wine, and i read and treasure every word of it, especially on rereads when i can make myself slow down to really take it all in <3
"He takes it all away. Every time." made me WEEP!!!!! its what she DESERVES!!!! the dependability and the escape into him and simon (simon takes charge obvs, but johnny is just as much an outlet. sweet sweet boy)
i think he also realizes that she's seeing it as escapism and starts to fall away a bit, bc of how he stops her and asks to check in. it makes me curious abt his and simon's early relationship, if he's recognizing the same pattern of behavior and comparing them.
going on with that, when she was showing them her scars, AUUUUUUGH. that hit so hard man. the “No but… they’re hideous.”
“No.” Simon croaks, voice thick. “There isn’t a single part of you that isn’t perfect.”
SIMOOOOOOOON he sees so much of himself in her. its gotta be heartbreaking, knowing she's where he used to be. he gets it fr. i cant imagine two people more suited for her, someone who's been where she is and got out, and the person who's helped get that someone out of that pit. fuck dude. you're so good at this HAHAHA
im not gonna say nothin abt the good girl stuff…. but heehee!
also also "I'm not a little human nurse" made me laugh so hard LMAO pure arizona from grey's. ive been watching it lately (started right before you started posting simple math actually) reading the hospital bits of SM, you do a really good job of capturing the same energy and stakes and work dynamics that you get watching grey's. im honestly still waiting for the other shoe to drop on the stupid attending marshall, there's always something that a shitty attending can mess up down the road lmao
the ending on this chap killed me though. they knew she was flighty, and that she's smart and capable, but its gotta be so hard to get the relief of her coming back after the day out without answering the phone, only to find the papers the next morning. in bunny's defense though, she mentioned in chapters before moving in (i think before graves hurt her?) with them that she had to start looking at outs, and these papers aren't a 2-day turnaround; she probably bought them weeks ago and only now picked them up. i could be wrong though! i think its unfortunate timing, but she also probably just wants the relief knowing that she's got the backup plan accessible. as much as she loves the boys and penny, she's still not used to having the dependability. the safety scares her, or at least gives her the idea of a false sense of security, since she's been on edge for so so long.
i give her big smooch. poor bun. poor boys, and poor penny. manifesting the worst for graves, truly, rot in hell you idiot american
i hope you're feeling better, its lovely to read your works but even better when you're doing well yourself ❤️❤️❤️
I loved reading this! I adore you.
I love how you noticed that Johnny does stop to check in. He has a very firm grip on her mental and emotional state, (it’s not his first rodeo) and he knows just how to bring her back.
The two of them + Bunny is really a dream come true even if she doesn’t realize it yet (they do) and it will take a lot of time and work on everyone’s part.
I think your notes in your last paragraph are pretty spot on, too. Bunny will talk about it more in the next two chapters but- getting a new identity is not a two day turnaround.
Also yeah, I was channeling Arizona with that line 💀 I was hoping someone would catch it!
10/10 I love your breakdowns, no notes, perfection, they always make me smile.
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wackulart · 1 year
Haha! Philip not wanting to know why Reader wants to be carried like a sack of potatoes, but inevitably going along with it anyway.
If you're up for a Part 2, Philip carries Reader over his shoulder again on a long walk through the local forest. Reader is so excited about being carried again that they kick their legs more this time. Philip intentionally bumps Reader a few times as they go along so he has an excuse to adjust them on his shoulder.
Philip's always got a soft spot for the reader's antics
Part 1
Philip Wittebane x Reader
He stared at you with his arms folded as you hung off of his shoulders, that same devious sparkle in your eye.
"Come on, pleeease?" You begged him.
Philip couldn't understand this sudden fascination you had with being carried by him. Especially over his shoulder as if he was a villain capturing royalty to have them locked in a tower. Yet he couldn't deniy you the second time either.
He held your face in his hands. "..Fine."
You cheered and jumped until he took you in his arms, beginning to lift you. For the sake of his back, he surely hoped that this didn't happen every time you were going for a walk. With a groan, a huff and a hop, you were now on his shoulder again.
Immediately, you became giddy with excitement as you two began to travel through the forest together. Maybe it was because of the nostalgia of being carried when you were younger or maybe it was the feeling of weightlessness, but you were having an immense amount of fun in that moment.
So much fun in fact, that you had kicked your feet much harder than you did on your last walk.
One of the faster kicks made Philip stumble off balance a bit before he tried to place you back over his shoulder properly. That didn't stop your legs from going any faster as you patted his back with a hyper giggle.
Philip joined in your laughter while trying to make sure you didn't go tumbling to the ground.
"Calm down!" He laughed as he made you hop on his shoulder so he could place you back in the right position. "You're going to fall down!"
You laughed harder at that. "I'm not worried, you'll catch me if I fall!"
He shook his head, amusement on his face as you two kept going. On this trail, there were much less people around. Philip had only spotted a handful of demons that were probably hiking along recreationally like the two of you.
Well, maybe not like the two of you but other than a raised eyebrow they paid no mind to you both.
Another few kicks and Philip shrugged his shoulder, making you bounce again, deriving more giggles and kicks from you. That made his heart absolutely soar. You were so adorable that it was almost unbelievable. His face heated up so much that he was glad you couldn't see his face right now.
On the way back, there had been a steeper trail and as Philip tried to balance the both of you, he tripped a bit. You both immediately fell to the ground. you landed at his side and you both looked at eachother in silence before laughing your heads off.
You shifted up to lay on Philip's shoulder, leaning into him as he smiled back at you.
With a huff, he brushed some dirt off of your face. "Now we're filthy."
You shrugged and cuddled closer into him, his arm wrapping around your shoulders instinctively. He placed a kiss on your forehead and you returned it by kissing his nose.
It wouldn't be too bad to just sit here for a while.
Just you and him.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
PLSS DO ONE WHERE READER INTRODUCES MIGUEL TO KPOP LIKEEE this man definitely has loona on his workout playlist 💯💯💯🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
HELLO !! ok disclaimer: i'm not really that well-versed in kpop, so i had to ask help from my friends and kinda combined theirs and my opinions together, so sorry if it's jumbled and ooc, i tried :')))
introducing him to kpop – miguel o'hara x reader headcanons and blurbs
"what am i listening to?" he asked you as he looked at you with a perplexed expression as he listened to the beginning of the song russian roulette by red velvet. he didn't take the headphones off, but he didn't fully comprehend what exactly he was listening to. "it's k-pop." "ok, and why does it sound like a cotton candy fever dream?" he asked you as you chuckled aloud, knowing what the lyrics really meant. "it... it's part of the appeal." you said as miguel sighed and sat back as he listened to the song. you swore he swayed his head a little as he listened to the song; and you might've, sort've caught him on camera doing it.
miguel only agreed to listen to kpop because you wouldn't stop bugging him about it, like you and lyla keep streaming newjeans songs (FUCK YEAHHHH) and they just become an earworm for him 😭😭😭
he probably unironically likes supershy and it's his deepest, darkest secret.
why do i see him playing 'attention' while working out what, he blasts that while he's at the gym, ignoring everyone else and........ maybe hoping to get your attention (haha kairi's a shitty comedian)
the song's lyrics and melody are the only things filling his ears right now, the calls and greetings of the spider people in the gym are being tuned out by the song as miguel lifts a couple of weights. peter b walks over with mayday on his chest, the redhead babbling and trying to call for her 'tio miguel' as her father keeps rambling to him about his dad bod and proposing an idea to make a playpen for the spider babies when the spider parents aren't around; but miguel can't even hear either of them--he's too engrossed in the song and hoping that he'd not only go away, but that somebody's attention would be captured from his exercising. hopefully.
when 'paint the town' comes on his playlist while working out HE GETS IN THE ZONE; NOBODY CAN RIP HIM AWAY FROM HIS WEIGHTS
the only reason he likes boy with luv is because of how cute you are when you sing along to it :>
imagine him listening to life goes on while looking back at memories of him and gabriella (•‿•)
he can't stop the tears from falling; he knows it's a kpop song sung by really flashy guys who many people all over the world adore, that it usually wouldn't be something to bring him to tears, but... the message is conflicting with his emotions.
as he watches his daughter come back to life through the videos and photos they had together, though the stinging feeling that she's gone–that he can never hold her nor speak to her again, and can only see her in his dreams–won't leave him alone. the song's lyrics, after he understood the translation of it, made him feel a little achy, but it also helped him feel a little relieved, in a way?
"life goes on..." he read the title aloud as he tasted the salty tears rolling down to his lips as he blinked them back, seeing the distorted image of his daughter as he watched the video of the two of them at a soccer field after her big win. even without her, miguel still lived; life... went on.
though he couldn't understand why he lived when his daughter should've been given a full life ahead of her, he lived. and because he lived, his life will go on, with or without her–but he refuses to live another day without thinking of her his beloved daughter, and... apologizing for being the reason her life didn't continue, her life couldn't go on because his did.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @arachnoia @meeom @ophanimgold @melovetitties @popeheywardssecretgf
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stormflypirateskin · 2 years
hello! so I've definitely been binge reading your writing pieces and I have come yet again to request something for yoosung and saeyoung!
could I request sitting with them and just having an honest chat about how much they appreciate MC?
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Yoosung and Saeyoung sitting with the reader while they say how much they appreciate them!
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I hope this was okay, haha! Thank you so much for requesting! Tell me if there is something you want me to change!^^
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Being snuggled up to Yoosung on the couch watching movies was something you two always enjoyed. It could be a lazy day, busy day, but at the end of it, you always cuddled together.
It was one of your favorite moments to spend time with him. Not worrying about anything else as you stay in his arms and just enjoyed the current moment.
The same could be said for Yoosung, as well. He was always happy to be holding you as he got lost in anything you two were watching. Occasionally nuzzling into you like a little puppy as he wore that cheerful smile.
"Hehe, I feel so happy whenever you are beside me." He laughed softly as he left a kiss at the side of your head. "I'm so lucky that you are in my life, you know.. I'm so happy every day just being here with you." Yoosung's hand held yours tightly.
"You changed my life for the better and I'm so thankful for it." He had started to whisper by now, making you feel flustered under your lover. "I want to make you happy for the rest of my life." Yoosung hugged you tighter and exhaled happily.
"I love you, Y/N. Always and forever. I will make sure to have you smiling for me every single day." He giggled as he leaned in closer to capture your lips on his. "So cute.. I'm so glad I'm the only one who gets to see you like this, hehe!"
His smile was enough to make your heart race and your face more warm as you gazed at him.
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Stargazing was definitely one of the best activities you did together with Saeyoung. It was so relaxing and staring at the so so many stars in the sky would always leave you two in awe as you were on his embrace.
He always had this expression on his face and whenever he squeezed you lovingly in his arms, it made you feel so safe being with him like this. Nothing else mattered in the moment as you two felt like you were in a special place while staying side by side.
Of course, that didn't mean that you could escape Saeyoung's affection. He would often shower you with so much affection and he sometimes did it aggressively. You were so cute while you were cuddling with him, after all! So many kisses, nuzzles and rarely some biting was happening.
"I often stared up at the sky back then.. but doing it together with you makes me feel so.. relaxed, so nice.." He let out a chuckle as he stared up at the stars, holding you even tighter. It didn't matter if it was cold, he felt so warm and comfortable this close with you. "Makes you wanna stay here forever.. right?" He laughed softly as he looked at you with love in his eyes.
"You are so beautiful.. how did I get so lucky..? I feel like.. every single day I'm falling more and more in love with you.." He said softly as he booped your nose with the most gentle smile. "You are my angel, huh? Haha.." He nuzzled your nose with his own as he reached down to hold both of your hands.
"I don't think you know how much I love you.. my dear Y/N. I love you, I will love you forever and I want to spend the rest of my life loving and being by your side through anything. Hah.. so adorable.." He then took a deep breath before leaning in to kiss you. Holding it for as long as he could before pulling away. "That's impossible.. you're even more cuter while you are flustered.. makes me wanna kiss you again, haha.."
You felt like you were the only two people in existence as he gazed at you with so much love in his eyes.
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osarina · 11 days
Hope you’ve been doing well!!
So I’ve been on a manhwa binge recently, reading a lot of villainess isekai into otome/novel, I’m such a sucker for those, I mean pretty dresses and harem of hot guys sign me up hahhaha ,and idk whether if you’ve read them, but do you have any favourites??
Was thinking of a villainess isekai plot with bsd haha, like dazai can be the crown prince, either the cold tyrant or playboy flirt, like he can fit either bill hahha. Chuuya can be the dragon duke/knight commander/bodyguard ??? Idk he can fit a lot of roles. And reader is the poor lucky soul that gets isekai as a villainess
Those isekai have such good romances, thinking bout the sweet moments you can have with dazai or chuuya hahah sometimes it gets cliches but I can’t help but love it
Can be a classic plot of reader who finds out she isekai into the villainess who’s arranged engaged with the crown prince that kills her in the future and tries desperately to break of the engagement and dazai who is at first apathetic towards the reader but after seeing her changed unexpectedly and becomes a mystery to him, he gains a interest in her that turns into love and now he’s the one desperately trying to keep the engagement hahah
Just thinking bout a otome game with dazai as a love interest urghhhh, he’s got so many red flags but he’s so prettttyy hwjdhjd hahhah, maybe he’ll be one of the harder love interest to capture, so many chances for a bad ending
Its been on my brain for a while so here’s a doodle of prince dazai
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omg ... crown prince dazai & knight commander chuuya ... reader isekai'd as the villainess GUYS, ARE WE ADDING ANOTHER VERSE TO THE DAZAIVERSE ????? okay wait because also kaifhiuashfsadiuf don't these manhwa's usually have like a character that would have been the female lead because LODFKJASIOFHSAOIDFH that WOULD turn me into the villianess if dazai is going to be itnerested in another girl SORRY LOLLL
okay but no lets talk about this
crown prince dazai -> i don't think he'd be the stereotypical crown prince, he's probably apathetic toward his duties - if he doesn't outright disregard them - and he probably resents villainess because it's his duty as prince to marry her. eventually something happens between the two of them that leads to her execution and BOOM reader is isekai'd as the villainess at the beginning of the plot again. reader as villainess is NOT interested in her engagement to dazai and tries to convince her 'father' to call it off. THIS catches dazai's attention because it's the typical 'wdym she doesn't want me?' and that makes him want HER. so now he's desperately trying to charm her because she wants nothing to do with him and is actively trying to break off the engagement
knight commander chuuya -> he's all duty, duty, duty. maybe the villainess/reader is from a foreign kingdom that they'd been at war with so he's on edge the entire time her and her family are at the castle.... BUT ... but what if, in the original game, knight commander!chuuya was the only one to really get to know the villainess and was one of the few against the execution and cared about her. maybe he stumbled upon her one day while she was in the gardens upset over how her engagement w dazai is falling apart because the man actively despises her, and he's like oh wow... she isn't just some cruel bitch she's just a girl that wants to be loved. now when reader is isekai'd she obviously doesn't tell anyone BUT i imagine chuuya might be one of the ones she knows she might be able to rely on because she knows from the og game that he's genuinely a decent person
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
Saw someone mention their favorite mcsm artists, and I wanna do the same except I’m rambling about it and also including mcsm editors from tiktok :))
My favorite minecraft story mode content creator is Enden!! Something about his art perfectly captures the little block characters even in a more ‘realistic’ artstyle that still contrasts well with the cartoon-ish artstyle. In my perspective, every artwork he has created is perfect :] Along with his fics and AUs too!! Definitely my favorites.
Some other artists I absolutely love are Sopuu, Fruut, Shelly, Batunatu, etc!! Every mcsm artist on every platform is amazing, and I’m so surprised but grateful that such a small fandom consists of many people who hold great talent. Sopuu’s cute art style and champion Jesse au had me so happy the first time I saw it, and their art in general has this comforting atmosphere that I absolutely adore. Fruut’s origin au + designs are amazing, plus their jesstra art?? I love!! I don’t know how they’re always so creative when it comes to colors and designs, but I’m not complaining. Shelly’s art is so amazing too, her coloring and artstyle is so yummy in the best way possible!! Also the way she draws Aiden is gorgeous, despite him being my least favorite I absolutely love and WILL consume every Aiden art from her. And I LOVEVE Batunatu’s art style, art format, coloring, and quite literally everything?!!? I fall in love with every drawing I see from their account.
Editors now yippee!!! Mcsm is such a small fandom, especially on tiktok, so most of these will be recognizable. Some of my favs are Nancy/Beacontowner, Vui/Vuixyii, Cosmic/Cosmiczbomb, Ava/Ocelotvsp, Silky/Silky.rainbow, Zizi/Strawbzizi and a lot more that but these were on the top of my head. All of the edits these people made are amazing and i hope you guys know i search up mcsm edits every day
Anyways I’m so sane about mcsm content haha. now give me more
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stuiie · 1 month
Hi Stuie!
I absolutely adore your story! I started reading it two days ago and just finished it 😅 There are SO MANY things I love about it, I could go on forever, but I’ll just name a few.
For starters, the pet names! They have me on my knees 🧎‍♀️‍➡️ I love how Wanda and Natasha call each other “My love” and Ducky is referred to as “My little love”. My personal favourite, simple as it may be, is “Darling”. It makes me melt every time without fail. And when she was all shy about wanting to be referred to as “Princess” , I think that was in the club? Either way, *chefs kiss*.
The slow burn in this story was so well-written, I love how you set the scene and gave us backstory instead of going straight in, it really adds to the reading experience. The fact that they took so long to tell Yelena, much as she may dislike it, also adds to the authenticity, because it feels like something that would just kind of happen? Ducky was so scared of losing Yelena as a friend, of course she was hesitant to tell her.
This is just a small thing, but the rest of the characters in the story being from the marvel universe is just such a nice touch. Sometimes I’d be so deep into the story that I wouldn’t realise, like it took me a while to realise that Peter was Peter Parker lmao. But especially all the scenes at various parties and the club, where all of Natasha and Wanda’s friends are pre-existing characters. I like knowing what characters in stories look like, so it’s nice to already know or to be able to just Google them.
Another thing related to the characters is that you write them all so well! Sometimes it can be hard to give characters separate personalities, and their dialogue can be a little dry. But you’ve done a wonderful job of giving them all unique dialogue and little personality quirks, which just makes it more enjoyable to read. Like how Wanda has less control than Natasha, as is made clear in the elevator scene.
One of the specific things I enjoy is when Wanda paints with Ducky, especially when she sits behind her. The way you describe it, with Wanda taking charge and helping her is so sweet. That first time she did it and Ducky got all nervous when Natasha came in was cute lmao.
Thank you for writing this great fic, you’re a fantastic writer and I can’t wait for chapter 30! <3
Hi endofn1ght 🥰,
First of all wow, thank you so much for your incredibly kind message! 🥹 I’m honestly so touched that you took the time to share your thoughts in such detail—I’m over the moon over here. Second of all, it means a lot to hear that you enjoyed the pet names; I was afraid I had overused them a bit, but I love them so much. I wanted them to add an extra layer of affection between the characters. Thank you so much for sharing your favorite ones; I love to know these things.
The slow burn was something I really wanted to get right, so I do get a bit emotional hearing that you liked it. It means a lot to me as a writer to know you felt Ducky’s hesitance to tell Yelena was a natural reaction and that you enjoyed how it all unfolded.
Haha, hell YEAH! I’m so very happy that you enjoyed the inclusion of other Marvel characters! I had a lot of fun incorporating them into the story in subtle ways, and I love that you picked up on those moments. It’s super rewarding to know that the characters and their personalities felt distinct and authentic 🥰.
The painting scene was one of my favorite scenes to write between Wanda and Ducky. I spent a lot of time trying to capture those intimate, sweet moments between them. Your feedback makes me feel like all the little details I put in are really appreciated, which is so motivating.
Thank you again so very much for your wonderful words and for being such a supportive reader. I really needed this after some extremely grueling days at work. 💖
I’m so excited to share Chapter 30 with you, and I hope to finish it soon. I’m still aiming for this week, unless something unexpected happens!
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