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sigmasteelpipes · 2 years
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A stainless steel round pipe can be used in various industries because of its strength, design and surface. We, at Sigma Pipes, have set a benchmark in manufacturing stainless steel pipes including stainless steel round pipes, tubes and railings. Visit us at https://sigmapipes.com/ and get the best of stainless steel round pipes.
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penig · 1 month
So we're having a rough summer and I haven't been talking about it because why brood but it's different when you talk about people being nice. So, thumbnail sketch:
We finally (as I've been wanting to do for years) got an estimate on getting the house rewired (pretty sure some of the original wiring installed in 1910 is in use) and partially replumbed (can't use the shower tub because the iron pipes are too clogged), and the paperwork for the loan took forever, and then a high wind came along (on my birthday) and dropped a dead redbud tree on our porch and a large branch on our car, which was totaled, and we had to buy a new (used) car and get a tree service to come out and take care of the fallen wood and trim the trees so no more wood falls, but the cost to take care of the big branch and woodpecker damaged tree in the back yard was more than we could afford with the car business, but that could wait a few months assuming no more high winds come along; and the loan comes through and we get the car squared away and the tree service is scheduled to come and we're starting to breathe again -
And I spy somebody putting what I recognize as a code violation notice on the front gate so I open the door and come out to tell her that if this is about the redbud tree on the porch we've already scheduled the work and she says: "It's everything on the lot. Cut it down to 12 inches. You have ten days" So I point out that most of the tall stuff is legal garden plants that should not be pruned in August, that it's two years since I've been physically capable of doing yardwork of any kind, that the work she's demanding is impossible in that time frame and oh yes, it's August, in Texas, with triple digit temperatures predicted for the foreseeable future and it could very well kill me to try. She thought there might be a local program to help me (No; they're all for structural work) and wouldn't budge. So that was like being shoved back underwater when we'd almost crawled out on shore.
But we put out a call to our friends, and people came over Saturday and did miracles, and almost every day this week somebody has come over (in addition to the people putting holes in our walls and ceilings and arguing over how to run the wires and occasionally turning pale at what they find) to help me in the mornings before the third digit kicked in. We did not, of course prune any of the poor heat stressed legal plants, but great inroads were made on the rest of it, and one friend even cut up the big branch in the back yard and the tree service people hauled it off, along with a collapsed picnic table which they told me, when they quoted the price for this small secondary job, that they would not take.
This morning I could barely move. I'm getting a lot of pain in the good leg as well as the bad leg, and in my back, plus I was just weak with heat and tiredness, and for the first time in almost a year I decided I'd better break out the cane again, at least to take the stairs and walk in the yard to discuss with the friend who came today, the last day before the inspection, where best to put his effort (because it was plain to both of us that I wasn't lifting a finger) in order to convince the inspector that we really had done the best we could and to let the stuff we couldn't get to slide until fall and spring.
And I guess one of the workmen noticed the cane, and noticed that the handrail on the upper staircase had pulled out of the wall on one end (it had been anchored to the sheetrock, not the wall proper; the other end was anchored in paneling and was fine; this happened a couple of months ago and we had bigger worries), and just - fixed it. Because it's certainly fixed now. As is typical in Texas most of the workmen are people I can't even talk to because my Spanish is as bad as their English, so it's not as if we've made friends with them. And I didn't see it done, nor did the foreman know who did it when I brought it up and asked him to thank whoever it was, so it wasn't somebody looking to make points. They just saw a chance to do a small simple thing to benefit a total stranger, and did it.
The point here being that two people - whoever called in the code complaint (seriously, that should be illegal in August, at least for yard code with no clear and present danger) and the city employee who wouldn't listen to reason - went out of their way to force me to focus on the least pressing problem facing us right now at the expense of my own well-being. But they are far, far outnumbered by the people who have gone out of their way to help us, just because we needed help.
So, suck it, cynicism!
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awhitehead17 · 1 month
Totally (not) handling it
Core Four, Friendship, Kon being an idiot, Fainting, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff.
Summary: While trying to prove his worth to Clark, Kon almost works himself into an early grave as he looks after Metropolis. Thankfully his friends step in before it’s too late and put a stop to his lack of self-care.
A/N: This is done for the 'Fainting' square on my Bad Things Happen Bingo Card.
Also on A03
Enjoy! :D
He’s a liability. A fact which took him longer than it should have to admit it. The endless hours of pushing himself, using his powers constantly without respite, lack of sleep, and not eating enough is all finally catching up to him and therefore leaving him exhausted and on the brink of collapse.
Kon knows he should ask for help. He knows handling it all on his own is next to impossible, but he wants to prove to Clark that he can handle it. He’s been doing alright so far! Although it comes at the price of pushing himself way past his limits.
Clark’s been off world on a mission and asked Kon to look after Metropolis in his absence. Understanding this is a major ask, a test of trustworthiness and more, Kon resolutely agreed and swore he’d do everything in his power to keep the city safe and running like Superman always does.
It’s been a long seven days and he’s still got three more to go before Clark returns. There have been many times over the week when Kon’s picked up his phone to call his team for back up but only to hesitate before pressing the call button. He never called them. Kon has this idea in his mind of wanting to solely be able to look after the city to prove his worthiness.
Having just returned to his apartment from helping out the city’s water company with an exploded pipe downtown, Kon collapses onto his couch and lets out a long and tired sigh. He’s aching all over and is fed up with everything. Thankfully that latest call wasn’t the worst thing he’s had to deal with, he shouldn’t complain really because at least it wasn't a cat stuck in a tree situation, that’s just old and cliché and shit Kon couldn’t be bothered to deal with anymore.
Tipping his head back against the couch cushion he closes his eyes and feels his body starting to relax. God, what he wouldn’t give to get a solid five hours of sleep right now. He says five because eight is too hopeful and the most he’s gotten in the last seven days consecutively is three. So five hours would be a luxury.
He doesn’t even get five minutes.
Groaning in frustration Kon swipes at his face and wills himself not to cry. When will he get a break? What’s disturbed him this time isn’t a cry for help but rather someone knocking at his apartment front door.
“Kon. It’s me. Open up!” A voice calls out and a pounding on the door follows. Kon frowns into the space of his living room. Why is Tim here? He never called him. Did he? Kon glances around for his phone in hopes to get an answer for that question but is unable to find it in immediate proximity. Oh well, that’s probably for the best. The last thing he needs is his phone blowing up with notifications on the city’s next catastrophe that needs his attention.
The pounding on the door continues and Kon finally gets his ass into gear to go answer it. Apparently he takes too long because by the time he’s made it to the hall Tim is there opening up the door himself with a key in his hand. If it was surprising to hear Tim on the other side of the door, Kon was furthermore surprised when Cassie and Bart make an appearance just behind the boy wonder.
Kon had either fallen asleep and is dreaming or he's really seeing his friends in front of him and not understanding why they’re there. He wipes at his eyes to clear his vision from the grey that seems to be forming and blinks stupidly at his friends not saying anything. Maybe he did call them after all and just can’t remember, it’s been an exhausting week.
“Are we allowed to come in? Ma Kent would be so disappointed with your lack of manners Kon!” Cassie laughs but there’s a tightness to her tone as if the humour is being forced.
Kon shakes his head, although a wave of vertigo hits him and causes him to stumble, he grabs hold of the open door to steady himself. At his stumble his friends surge forward to help him but stop short once he's steady. Ignoring what happened Kon swings an arm towards the inside of the apartment, “come in.” Just because he wasn’t expecting his friends doesn’t mean he’ll turn them away.
The three of them all give him the side eye as they pass through and make themselves at home in his living room. As Kon turns to shut the door he’s hit with a second wave of vertigo and forces himself to breathe through it until it passes. Once it does he turns back to his friends and asks the million dollar question.
“So what are you guys doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you of course.”
Apparently it’s the wrong question because his friends stop what they’re doing and stare at him and Kon tries to not squirm under the intense scrutiny.
“Kon it’s the twentieth, we’re going to the hockey game tomorrow remember? We arranged to come and stay with you months ago.” Cassie explains putting her hands on her hips looking worried.
Frowning, Kon rubs his eyes again as the grey re-appears, and tries to focus on his friends. He has vague recollection of them organising it. However, “that can’t be right, it’s not the twentieth yet.”
“Yeah it is bud. What’s going on?” Bart speaks up looking concerned and Kon hates how apparently he’s the one that’s put that expression on his face. “If you’ve lost track of time, that’s easily done, but it would explain why you haven’t answered our calls and messages.”
That reminds Kon of his missing phone and he absentmindedly pats his pockets. As he tries to remember what he did with it, a sudden bout of nausea hits and has Kon controlling his breathing yet again until it passes.
Wait... what was he doing again?
Frowning Kon looks up and is surprised to see his friends in his apartment. “What’re you guys doin’ here?”
When his friends don’t say anything and simply stare at him, it takes Kon a moment to remember that he had just let them into his apartment. What was wrong with him? He breathes deeply and rubs his eyes yet again when the grey reappears in his vision, the nausea comes back too leaving Kon like he’s about to throw up any second. Something isn’t right.
“I don’t feel good,” Kon mumbles under his breath. The grey turns to black and the last thing Kon can recall is the distant shout of his name.
Waking up with a splitting headache is never fun. The pounding going on inside his skull makes him reluctant to open his eyes knowing how irritable the light is going to be and that’s saying a lot considering he usually thrives off sunlight.
“Kon? You with us?”
The voice calls out to him, and feeling like he’s got the worst hangover ever Kon begrudgingly opens his eyes, squinting to try and see through the predictably irritating sunlight. “Huh?”
“Oh good you’re awake. We were getting worried.”
Kon forces himself to wake up further, trying to clear the fog from his brain. His head feels like a bull is charging through it while his body feels like he’s gone several rounds against Solomon Grundy and lost. He sits up and finally sees his friends gathered around him on the sofa. Bart’s looking at him with a frown, Cassie is clearly angry and Tim has his whole stoic expression going on which means he's livid.
“What happened?” Kon asks trying to wrap his head around what’s going on. In front of him, Bart flickers in place and suddenly he’s handing him pain killers and a glass of water. Accepting them, despite usual painkillers not working for him and downing the water, Kon tries to recall what happened for his friends to be like this.
Bart thankfully takes pity on him and explains, “dude, you fainted. Not cool.”
Kon blinks and thinks back. Oh shit.
“Why didn’t you tell us it gotten that bad Kon? You know we’re only a call away. I thought you had more sense than this.” Cassie says with a forced calm to her tone, clearly trying to not blow up at him. He appreciates it, his head won’t be able to handle any shouting matches right now.
With his mind finally catching up, Kon sighs and fiddles with the rim of the glass not looking at anyone. “I was handling it. It’s all fine, I only have a few days left then he’s back and everything can go back to normal.”
“That doesn’t excuse you from working yourself into an early grave Kon…” Tim snaps disapprovingly. Kon does look up then and sends his best friend a glare.
“Fuck off Tim. You’re one to talk.”
Tim looks affronted by his comment and opens his mouth to obviously retort back but Bart slashes his hand between them and cuts in before he could say anything. “No. Absolutely not. We’re not having this pissing contest right now. This is what we’re going to do,” he pauses looking between everyone before speaking again in a no nonsense tone. “Tim, go help Kon wash up and changed into some comfy clothes. Cassie please coordinate cover for Kon over Metropolis for the next 24 hours or so, whether that’s us taking shifts or some of the other Titans, it doesn't matter. Do not argue Kon. I’m going to set up for a movie night and run down the street to grab us food.”
Before Kon could protest, Bart’s gone in a blink of an eye, Cassie has her phone against her ear dialling whoever, and Tim has grasped his arm and is helping him off the sofa leading him towards the bathroom.
“I’m not a child. I don’t need babysitting.” Kon grumbles, although he leans on Tim for support as he’s still feeling weak and shaky which he won’t admit too.
Once they get into the bathroom Tim deposits Kon down on the toilet and backs up looking at him with a frown in place and his hands on his hips. Kon suddenly feels guilty, like he’s disappointed a parent for being naughty.
Sighing deeply Kon shakes his head and starts trying to strip out of his clothing. “C’mon man, don’t look at me like that.” He huffs when his shirt gets caught around his neck.
“You deserve the look and you know it.” Tim retorts. He snorts at Kon’s predicament before helping come free of the fabric. “Why didn’t call me Kon? You know I would’ve helped out. Any of us would have if you just messaged! You didn’t have to work yourself to exhaustion.”
Once the t-shirt is off Kon works on stripping his trousers off while Tim turns away and puts the shower on. “We all know what it’s like trying to live up to their expectations. No matter how long it’s been or what we’ve already achieved. I know for a fact you sometimes still feel like you need to prove yourself to Bruce and push yourself. This is the same.” Kon pauses before narrowing his eyes at his best friend as he plays with the edge of his boxers. “I also don’t need you in here with me as I shower.”
It certainly wouldn’t be the first time they’ve showered together, but believe it or not Kon still has some dignity left. He also doesn’t need a babysitter.
“I’ll turn my back.” Tim comments moving to stand to the side facing the wall as he promised. He doesn’t say anything else on the matter and Kon certainly isn’t going to bring it up. Rolling his eyes, and then having to grab the sink to steady himself thanks to some vertigo, he stands up and removes his boxers before entering the shower.
The two of them are quiet as Kon washes off and he has to admit he feels much better being clean. Tiredness still pulls at him but he’s feeling more human now than before.
He gets out, dries off and pulls on the clean clothes Tim hands him before the two of them make their way back into the living room. Sure enough Bart’s gone the extra mile and has turned Kon’s living room into a slumber party den. Blankets and pillows cover the sofas, snacks and bottles of soft drinks line the coffee table, the curtains have been drawn and a dim lamp is on giving the room a warm glow and finally Netflix is up loaded on his TV awaiting for a film to be chosen.
Tim herds Kon to the couch and then proceeds to wrap a blanket around him until he’s resembling a burrito. It’s as Tim is settling down on the couch next to him Cassie appears and flops into the love seat adjacent to them.
“Shifts and cover have been arranged for the next couple days.” She announces, sinking into the chair with a sigh. She looks over at him with a critical stare. “You’re not allowed to help for the minimum of two days. What were you thinking Kon! You’re not a novice at this anymore, you should have called us before things got this bad.”
Feeling like a child being scolded, for a second time, Kon scowls. He opens his mouth to snap back but Tim jumps in before he could defend himself. “Cassie.” He shoots her a warning look. “Trust me when I say he deserves the scolding, but let’s leave it for when he isn’t about to keel over.”
Cassie huffs but otherwise quietens down. Kon knows he’s been let off the hook for now but is definitely in for a hard time in the near future.
Bart soon speeds in and stops in front of the TV with the remote in hand and is already browsing through the movies on offer looking for something to watch. With input from everyone and ten minutes later, they manage to find something they agree on and quickly settle down to watch it.
As the film plays Kon feels himself dropping off to sleep. The jerk of his head as it drops keeps him awake and fighting to keep his eyes open. He’s just so tried. A hand grabbing his shoulder jerks him into awareness and he blinks at Tim who is looking at him pointedly, he doesn’t need to be the world’s second greatest detective to tell Kon is close from being beaten by The Sandman. The hand on Kon’s shoulder starts tugging and still wrapped up like a burrito, Kon is helpless but to obey Tim’s command and is moved until he’s lying across the sofa with his head on Tim’s lap.
Surrounded by his best friends who are all safe and currently uninjured, the comfort and warmth from the blanket mixed with the exhaustion and knowing he’ll soon be getting a lecture about self-care, Kon falls asleep easily.
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Hi 👋 Can i request 43. “Frost the damn cupcakes.” with Santi or Nathan please? Thx 🙏
AN: Thanks so much for your request, nonnie (and also for your patience, ugh, I'm so sorry this took so long). Apparently it is a HC for me that Santi makes great arepas bc this is the second time I’ve mentioned it lol (also, apologies again if the Spanish is terrible/wrong. I tried but I am regrettably not a native speaker).
Rated: T Words: 894 Pairing: Santiago “Pope” Garcia x GN!Reader Warnings: fluff fluff fluff, kissing, butt pinching, playful teasing, Santi being bad at something, possibly terrible writing. AO3
Santiago Garcia is a fantastic cook. You’ve watched him make the most difficult dishes with ease, throwing ingredients together in a way that looks like a chaotic, unintelligible mess only to result in some of the most deliciously beautiful food you’ve ever had in your life. Plus, his arepas? To die for. The man can even bake, the heavenly scent of his cookies and pies permeating every square inch of your home and making your mouth water.
Unfortunately, he can’t decorate cupcakes to save his life.
It’s not like he hasn’t tried, hasn’t spent hours tediously piping and spreading frosting. He even watched a video on YouTube once but, for whatever reason, he just can’t get the technique down. He spent years in the service being one of the best in his field, and it kills him that he can’t figure out how to do something that should be so simple.
Naturally, you tease him for it. Mercilessly. Helps keep him humble.
“Querida,” he calls from the kitchen, frustration evident in his tone.
You bite back a smile, putting down the book you’ve been pretending to read. “Yeah?”
There’s a loud clang as he drops something on the counter, followed by a muttered curse. “Can you come in here, please.”
You smile, rising to your feet with a stretch. “Coming.”
His aggravation is palpable when you enter, rolling off him in waves. You say nothing as you fall into place beside him, shoulder pressing against his.
“Go ahead, say it.”
“Say what?” 
He shoots you a sour look, raising an eyebrow as he braces his hands on the countertop.
“Don’t play dumb, it doesn’t suit you.”
You smother a smile, studying the batch of half-frosted cupcakes sitting on the counter before you. They are, to put it mildly, a trainwreck.
“Wow, babe,” you say, cringing as you shoot him a sideways glance. “What exactly were you going for here?”
Six of the twelve cupcakes are slathered with just a little too much pale pink frosting with uneven globs of green, white, and yellow.
“Are these supposed to be flowers?” you continue, leaning in to inspect the cupcake closest to you.
“They’re daisies,” Santiago grumbles. “Thought Frankie’s kid would like ‘em.”
Something in your chest warms at his words and you decide to throw him a bone.
“Hey, this one’s not…terrible,” you offer, pointing at one of the cupcakes.
He shoots you a look. “Don’t patronize me.”
“I’m not!”
“You are.”
He stares at you in silence for a moment, and you try to look innocent, but you know he can probably tell how amused you are by this.
He sighs, holding a spatula out to you. “Can you please just fix them?”
You take the spatula, leaning your hip against the counter as you turn to face him. “Maybe. For a price.”
He scoffs, looking at you in mild exasperation. “What price?”
You pretend to consider your options for a moment before tapping your lips with a playful smile. “Gimme some sugar.”
There is a pause as he looks at you, his gaze softening a little as it roves your face. He snorts, taking a step into your space and pressing you back against the counter with his body. A giddiness swells in your chest when his hands come up to cradle your face, his lips brushing yours teasingly as he hovers.
“I don’t have all day, Garcia,” you whisper, raising a challenging eyebrow at him.
He sniffs, amusement in his eyes as he leans in to press his mouth to yours. When he does, you sigh, hands twisting in the fabric of his shirt in an effort to somehow bring him closer. He smiles against your lips, angling your head as he languidly licks into your mouth, his tongue hot as it slides against yours. He pulls away after a moment, smile widening when you chase his lips. 
“We square?” he asks, hands falling to rest on your hips.
“Hmm, you know,” you begin airily, snaking your arms around his waist. “I think I’m gonna need a little more, I mean, there are twelve cupcakes here, baby.”
His chuckle is low and warm as it vibrates against your chest. “How many then? One for every cupcake? Because that could take a while.”
You smile, chewing your bottom lip as you consider. “Give me one more now and I’ll collect the rest later.”
“Deal,” he hums, leaning in to press his lips to yours again.
The warm, soft slide of his lips makes your chest ache, and you whine when he pulls away far sooner than you’d like. He rests his forehead against yours, breath fanning against your skin in light puffs as you allow yourselves a moment to just enjoy being close to each other.
“Te amo, cariño” he mumbles, nuzzling his nose against yours.
You smile at him sweetly, leaning in to press a kiss to his stubbled cheek.
“Yo también,” you breathe, pulling back a little to meet his gaze, a teasing glint in your eyes. “Mi pastelito.”
He rolls his eyes, releasing you from his hold. “Don’t call me that.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you retort, your brows raising challengingly at him as you turn back to the counter.
He grunts, pinching your ass in retaliation, your surprised yelp making him smirk. 
“Just frost the damn cupcakes.”
Review (pretty please?)
🌟 Masterlist 🌟
i am no longer doing a taglist. please follow @charmingupdates for updates and turn on notifications.
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nrdmssgs · 9 months
Golden days of winter
Summary: Christine 'Riot' Vega (belongs to @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot) has a little vacation and Nikolai and Olga 'Zhar' Samoilova show her St. Petersburg.
TW: Description of a panic attack.
AN: This may be out of character for Riot, but I really wanted to talk about the fear of loss and old wounds, that will never heal completely. Christine is not a crybaby - she is just facing one of her worst pains. And it's a songfic. Meeting @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot is one of the best things happened to me this year and I wanted to express my gratitude for her. I dont know, how much it hurts, but Im always here for you, when it does.
When Nikolai asked Riot, when would she like to see his hometown – she didn’t hesitate for a minute.
“January! The very start of it, please!”
Christine was ready for Nik to deny such a wish, since it was one of the coldest, harshest times to visit St. Petersburg. But he just smiled mysteriously and typed in something in his smartphone. A few months later, one evening, when Riot returned to her room on the base, she found a fresh bouquet and an envelope on her desk.
“Crazy man,” she murmured under breath, pulling a ticket from an envelope with a small sun scribbled on it.
So now here she is, dragging Nikolai towards yet another sculpture in the next hall of the Hermitage museum.
"Nik, look! It's Diane, the Goddess of the hunt! Oh, I was her biggest fan back when I was still a kid!" Her breath is uneven from constant chatting, laughing and pulling quite a big guy after her, but Christine doesn't care. She is thriving on every moment here.
"And look at you now - you could take that lady down in any challenge." Nikolai rests his chin on the top of her head, hoping to slow her down, but it's useless - Riot already has top ten her favorite facts about Diane ready.
He naively believed, he has to be Christine's guide here, but that was before she crossed a threshold of the first hall. A few hours in, this little ray of sunshine was still full of energy and didn't want to stop even for a brief pause.
"Gonna have to explain my sudden death to Olga and Price yourself, little one. Do you ever get tired? " Grumbled Nik on their way to the next sculpture.
"C'mon, old bones, one more hall and you're getting a beer. My treat!" She chuckles, watching as Nikolai forgets about his sudden weariness.
Start of the year is a bad time. The dark one, the too loud and incense one. The time to clutch her teeth and just endure through.
But not when Nikolai's around.
Because with him, Christine can let herself be small again. Jump around him and start snowball fights, laugh so load, as if they are alone on the street, or get tired in the middle of a huge square and be sure, he'd gladly lift her up and carry around. It was a tad strange feeling, but a good one - go back to her childhood in this strange place.
This is a strange-strange place. It snows almost always, but snowflakes do not descend to the ground separately from each other - instead, large but weightless lumps of snow fall on her shoulders and rest on her eyelashes. When locals demonstrate their hospitality – they try to shake her hand, not switching from familiar to them death stares even for a second. She knew that people here are not very accustomed to constant smiling, but the expressions she saw here so far reminded her of times when Simon had to calm Johnny down by force.
This place smells of cold fur, fancy fragrances, and old rusted exhaust pipes. It tastes like a bitter liquor, you snitched from your grannies drawer. It sounds like homeless dogs’ bark and intricate piano symphonies. It is so otherworldly.
There's a huge hole, sucking in all the joy, waiting for Christine in every January. It's a hungry animal with myriads of dirty fangs and claws, it sleeps somewhere deep behind her reflection, caught at a bathroom mirror in the middle of the night. It waits to remind her of something, she never forgot.
But Nikolai is always there to help her fight this creature. As soon as he sees a shadow of sorrow in her eyes - he puts his glass of beer back on the bar counter and opens his arms, already knowing, how good his embrace scares the creature off.
"Talk to me, little one. Let's remember some good stuff, that you're thankful for, yes? Something from the last year." Nik murmurs softly, as Riot presses her face further against his chest.
The first thought she gets sounds awkward, but she is so desperate to draw her own attention away from bitter memories, that her mouth vocalizes it almost automatically.
"That Slaughter to prevail T, you got me, was nice. I'm thankful for that."
"Solnyshko*, I’m flattered, that my gift is a more highlight, than all your operations with Price and meeting Si-" Nikolai is being cut off by a friendly but firm poke. He immediately shuts his mouth and listens to Riots further memories, patting her back softly.
"... and of course, i'm thankful for you being back with us after the capture and all. Now your turn!" Christine pull away and sit back on her chair.
Nikolai speaks about the things, he is thankful for so casually, as if he is retelling his shopping list. He draws a little invisible line with his finger on Riots hand every time, he 'checks out' another point. He remembers everything: from meeting Riot, to helping 141 with every single 'incident' they had this year. The list goes on and on, until it ends with an unsettling "and the last thing, I'm thankful for is that my love is still around."
Christine's mouth falls open under the mask. Somehow, the beast, they two were trying to banish is now so close, she almost feels its breath in her hair.
"You had a fight? You let Olga, my Olga, down?... W-why?" Normally Riot is much calmer about her friends having their ups and downs with their beloved ones. Life happens, and she knows, that a good couple is not the one, that never fights, but the one, where the two are always willing to talk things through even after a fight.
But when it comes to Nikolai and Olga - it hits harder. Christine can't even explain this, but she needs these two to be together. They are like a pier to her, a solid cutwater, that withstands everything. And them not being happy with each other would mean, that something is very wrong with this world.
"No-no-no, solnyshko, no fights between us, never. We are too old to waste our time on that." Nikolai smiles innocently, as if they were speaking about some funny incident. "Its hard to explain, you see-"
"Ty snegurochka?*" A thin childish voice and a small hand that tentatively touched Christine’s sleeve made her shudder. She looked back and met bright blue eyes, looking at her with the same admiration with which she ran through the halls of the museum just an hour ago. A boy, not older, than seven. Dark hair, sticking out in a different direction from under the hat, a little face full of ave.
Riot was absolutely lost and didn't even understand, what the boy asked her about, but Nikolai was there to help her.
"Da, nastoyashaya snegurochka. Ty uzhe podarok poluchil?*" He started talking to a boy, smiling widely. The child nodded and looked back on Christine with a pure exitement.
"Vot teper` nado khorosho sebya vesti ves` god, chtobu snegurochka peredala tebe podarok na sleduyshiy Noviy God. Poidem iskat` roditelei, otdadim im obratno khoroshego mal`chika." Nikolai stood up, took boys hand in his and walked with him further in to the reastaurant, looking for childs parents.
Riot knew Russian to some extent, but when it was spoken that fast - she could understand only the topic of conversation and not the fine details. So when Nik came back alone and congratulated Christine with becoming a Snow maiden in boys eyes - she still was confused.
"A what maiden?"
"The "Snegurochka". Here we tell children stories about a beautiful young girl made of snow or ice. Her origins vary across different versions of the story, but generally, she is believed to be the daughter of Winter and a spirit of winter and frost. She's often depicted as beautiful as you. A-a-a-and you've got wet eyes once again..." Nikolai helped Riot into her jacket and started wrapping a scarf around her. He insisted on doing it every time, they were heading out, because according to him, Nik knew better, how to keep a little thing like her all warm and cozy even in Russian winter.
"Why are you having such sweet kids here?" Christine was sniffing, but did her best to not start crying.
"You should have seen me, when I was that small. Oh no, wait, you shouldnt - I was a little demon." Nikolai opens the door and takes her back to the cold streets.
They are back in their apartments only in the evening. Nikolai proceeds to tear Zhar off her work laptop and Christine goes to her place next door to warm up in a hot shower and write Simon, how her day went.
They have two apartments on the last floor of an old building rented. Riot can see Nikolais apartment from a window in her kitchen. She doesn't even try to peek on what is going there, but sometimes, especially in the evening, she catches a glance at their happy and cozy life. One of them is usually still working, when the other is slowly drifting to sleep on a couch. These simple scenes warm Riots heart.
But when shes back from the shower to her kitchen to warm up some cocoa, something is different - Olga is sitting on the windowsill and enthusiastically looking at something on the screen of her laptop, while Nikolai is nowhere to be seen. She notices Christine and calls her with a gesture to their apartments.
Riot smiles, but something makes her feel uneasy. Maybe it's that unfinished conversation with Nik, maybe the goddamned creature awakens once more. In any case, she quickly dresses and within a few minutes knocks on the next door.
"Hey, you want to blow shit up?" Not the most common greeting, Christine ever heard, and one of the last things, she awaits to hear from Olga.
"Always!" Riot grins wide and hugs Zhar. "What and when?"
"Enemy warehouses." Olga touches the keyboard and the laptop monitor comes to life, showing a broadcast of aerial footage taken from a drone. "Now."
Riot comes closer and her eyes widen.
"Wait a min- Thats not a simple combat drone..." She never forgets, that Nik and Zhar have a whole private army, but still such a warbird makes quite an impression.
"My man spoils me, I know." Olga lands on a couch and pulls Christine down, so that she almost falls on her. "But what's the fun of playing with these toys alone?"
Riot listens to the details of the operation Olga is commanding. The two of them have to wait for the signal from the Chimera men and launch the warhead, waiting for its moment on the drone. 'Easy endorphins', as Zhar says.
When the right moment comes - Olga pushes the laptop towards Christine, letting her hit the final command button. Riot smiles so wide, as if she's five again and it's her birthday. She pushes the button and mutters 'ka freakin boom, baby'. The warehouse blows beautifully - as if Christine planted an enormous flower of fire and smoke and now it blooms widely.
"You're a menace, Christine 'Riot' Vega." Olga plants a small kiss on the top of Riots head and lifts from the couch.
"And you guys love me for that," throws Christine, still watching the aftermath of an explosion.
Zhar makes a few calls and throws her winter coat on.
"Ok, love, I'm going to the café across the street to grab a coffee, you'd fancy one too?"
Riot nods and turns back when Olga is already on threshold, leaving the flat. She notices, that her friend, unlike her, is barely clothed for such a cold weather. But when Christine calls Olga - it's too late, and she is left alone.
Riot closes the laptop and puts it away. Suddenly her friends' apartment feels too big, too cold and empty. She looks around, stands and walks to the door to their bedroom. She already knows, Nik is not there, but she knocks nevertheless. Nobody responds and a light shiver runs down Riots spine. Suddenly her head feels flooded with unsettling questions. Like 'where is Nikolai?', or 'why is Olga leading this operation alone?'. And then another question pops up.
What did happen between them? What is so complicated, even Nikolai, can't find the right words to describe it?.
Christine pats a sweater left on a chair - its Nikolais, she recognizes it. But the overwhelming feeling of loneliness and fear only grows stronger with every next second - no matter how hard Christine tries to switch her attention to anything else.
"Come on, it's nothing. Everything is fine, Olgas going to be back soon." Riot hisses to herself, while her hand automatically grabs onto Niks sweater.
The world around starts turning, then blinks and goes to black. A deafening noise mixed with the pounding of her own heart hits her ears. She loses count of minutes, gets lost in space and barely breathes, trembling like a leaf on a wind.
It all ends as abruptly as it started. The first thing, Christine sees are giant snowflakes descending on her. Then she notices Olgas face right before her. At last, she looks down and sees Nikolais sweater, that she clings to with all her strength.
"Christine, love, look at me! Look at me, my little one! It's ok, everything's ok, you're safe." Its strange to hear Zhar calling her little one. Riot looks around and finally understands, that they are standing in their court: it snows and it is dark, they are alone, two steaming paper cups stand next to them. Olga covered Riots shoulders with her winter coat and massages her cheeks to help the blood flow.
"I... You left so fast, and I was scared, you get cold, and Nikolai was nowhere. I-I.." Christine feels her cheeks turning warm with tears.
"I lost someone very dear once. The most dear! I lost them in January. I-I cant lose you too, please! Please, Olya!" She doesn't even care anymore, if that is oversharing. Her beast, her hungry nightmare, is hard on her heels and she will anything to fight it away - even if it means showing her vulnerability to her. So she goes on, forgetting the cold and the tears, rolling down her face.
"I need you both. You and Nikolai. Together. Please! Never leave him! Please! If he ever does something stupid - punch him or come to me and I will punch him. Just don't part ways! I need you both! I can't lose you!"
Zhars face is growing from worried to understanding. She listens intensely and nods slowly.
"Love, I am staying with this man for as long as he would have me. And I'm with you forever. I promise, you won't lose us. Ever. We will follow your steps." Riot keeps sniffing, but catches every word, leaving her friend's lips.
Zhar hugs her and starts rocking them both back and forth slowly, humming some melody, Christine never heard. And as she does that - the beast slowly leaves Riot alone, no shame or regret litter her heart. All the sad things are getting covered with a snow, which doesn't feel so cold anymore.
Solnyshko (here and further Russian) - Sunshine
Ty snegurochka? - Are you a snow maiden?
Da, nastoyashaya snegurochka. Ty uzhe podarok poluchil? - Yes, its the snow maiden. Have you got your New Years gift already?
Vot teper` nado khorosho sebya vesti ves` god, chtobu snegurochka peredala tebe podarok na sleduyshiy Noviy God. Poidem iskat` roditelei, otdadim im obratno khoroshego mal`chika. - Now you have to behave, so that snow maiden brings you a gift on the next New Years Eve. Lets go find your parents and give them back their good boy.
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ryuki-blogs · 6 days
I keep thinking about this one apartment I toured when I was hunting and I simply cannot get it out of my mind. It was simply unforgettable.
First, this apartment was in a building that was literally at the end of the world. Behind this building, there was nothing. A field, empty and flat, not a single piece of city skyline in sight. It was also an eerily silent place, even though there was a school and playground just around the corner.
It was painted in the same ugly shades of grey and rusty red as three other buildings around it but let me tell you, as someone who grew up at an eastern block communist housing estate and is used to concrete block buildings that all look the same, this one just hit different. It didn't even feel real, it felt like something procedurally generated on a computer game map. The vibes were just strange from the start but I told myself, okay, silent neighborhood is a nice thing actually, I can handle a bit of backrooms level energy.
But then the apartment itself. The real estate agent took me to the 4th floor and started unlocking the door with a giant number 13 on them. I'm not superstitious but I had to laugh internally. Apartment number 13 on the 4th floor. How more of a bad omen can that be?
The first thing the agent did before opening the door was apologize and said the place is not much. I had to laugh again because these people are paid to show apartments in the best light possible. The public transport is good, the owner is very nice, there's lot of light, yadda yadda. Previously I had an agent present a semi-basement 19 square meter apartment with zero light as the best thing that ever existed and this guy haven't even opened the door and is already apologizing. Alright then, let's see.
It was shabby but nothing unusual on the first glance. The paint was fresh, there were buckets and a ladder still in the room, but already cracking, The flooring was old. The kitchen and bathroom were original, non-renovated. There was plenty of light (with the view on that vast empty field) but that was it. I was politely looking around, while the agent was stating the basics, rent and energy prices. He also said there was no gas in the apartment, which I said I didn't mind. Except when I came to the kitchen corner... there was a full gas stove with an oven.
Connected to a giant frickin gas canister.
I couldn't help but let out a nervous giggle with a loud "Uuuuh..." while pointing to it and the agent could just nod sympathetically. Yeah, now I get why he's apologizing. But he told me no problem, an electric stove could be arranged with an owner. Well I better hope so!
"I'm aware of the problem, plumbers were also here last week, a pipe in the bathroom exploded and flooded the apartment and the neighbors. But they're working on a fix."
Ah. I see. Needless to say, the rest of the tour was very fast. He reached out to me a few days later if I'm interested - I politely declined and he said he understood with a sympathetic tone. But I still keep thinking about that place.
The apartment number 13 on the 4th floor with a gas canister stove and exploding bathroom pipes. I wonder who lives there now.
And let me tell you, I desperately need a story with a character living in this apartment because I couldn't make this up even if I wanted to :'D
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tubetrading · 1 year
Premium Square Pipes Supplier in Vadodara and Gujarat | Tube Trading Co.
Tube Trading Co. is your trusted square pipe distributor and dealer in Vadodara, Gujarat. We offer a wide range of top-quality square pipes, catering to various industrial needs. Get the best square pipes in Vadodara from the leading supplier in Gujarat - Tube Trading Co.
Contact us now for competitive prices and exceptional service.
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hirocimacruiser · 11 months
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Tommykaira Cruze brochure. The Chevrolet Cruze was designed by Holden (sold in Australia as a Holden Cruze) based on the Suzuki Ignis. This brochure lists them only being available as an auto but the Holden versions were definitely available as a 5spd manual as i was recently looking at buying one.
Like wearing everyday clothes casually...
Tommy Kaira believes that Suzuki and GM's development concept for the Chevrolet Cruze is a compact car that is stylish and focuses on user-friendliness.
For this reason, since the vehicle lineup only includes an automatic transmission, we thought it would be best to tune the car to make it more enjoyable to use as a fun city commuter than as a sports car. For this reason, we have light-tuned the intake duct, iridium plug, earthing kit, etc., and the electrical system, and tightened up the legs with Tommy Kaira's original coil spring.
Although it is not tuned for performance like a sports car, you will find it highly practical when driving around town, shopping, or driving to the suburbs. .
Body graphics that emphasize your strong personality
The image has been completely renewed with Tommy Kaira's original body graphic kit, without sacrificing the overall sense of unity of the Cruze's exterior! The well-balanced design, centered around Tommy Kaira's mascot emblem, on the entire surface of the vehicle stands out in the city. Show your unique personality. Furthermore, the front grille (with Tommy Kairama square emblem) and pillars are finished in a carbon-like finish, subtly highlighting its presence.
For the interior, attention was paid to details such as the leather-wrapped steering wheel (with Tommykaira emblem), carbon-like meter cluster, and shift knob plate.
Tommykaira Customize Cruze Customize menu
High heat value iridium spark plug
・Intake duct
original muffler cutter
(Suzuki Sports rear muffler) - option
・Suzuki Sports front pipe - option
earthing kit
・High pressure radiator cap
・Carbon style plug cover
Tommykaira original security system
Sports coil spring (front/rear)
Suzuki Sports shock absorber - option
・Brake pad (front)
Carbon style front grill (with Tommy Kaira mask emblem)
・Carbon style pillar
・Exclusive Tommkara "ProR" aluminum wheel (5.0JX15+42 4-100 with exclusive nut)
・Tommykaira original body graphic kit
・Tommykaira emblem
・Cruze model name sticker
mirror plate
・Tommykaira customized plate
・Leather-wrapped steering wheel (with Tommykaira emblem)
・Carbon style meter cluster shift knob plate
In today's world, vehicle theft is not just a matter of human resources, but a crime that can befall anyone who owns a vehicle. Tommykaira will equip the complete cars that will be released in the future with a newly developed original car security system to prevent this and protect your beloved vehicle.
If you don't release the lock, even if you try to drive, it will detect an abnormality and stop the engine.This system is an original system that sets it apart from other products.
■Other options, equipment, and body color are based on Suzuki genuine products.
■Prices, specifications, data, etc. are subject to change without notice.
Challenging Dream
Tomita Yume Sales Co., Ltd.
601-8307 MEUS
TEL 075 (326) 3233/FAX 075 (316) 3588
E-mail: [email protected] Web site:http://www.tommykaira.com/
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 1 January 1836
8 5
12 ¾
no kiss A- took two pills last night peewee and poorly and hipped this morning but says she is better - Ready in 50 minutes - breakfast at 9 10 in about ½ hour - at accounts and settling about Etrennes -before and after till 11 25 at which hour snowing (small snow, the ground whitish) and F30 ½° - went out at 11 ½ - no had Sharpe the cook and then George and gave them their new year’s gift - long talk to the former as to managing the house and keeping order - out from 12 to 1 20 in the farmyard and about - then 10 minutes with A- then (in the north dining room) from 1 35 to 4 making notes and extracts from vol. 2
‘A steam voyage down the Danube with sketches of Hungary, Wallachia, Servia [Serbia], and Turkey etc By Michael J. Quin, author of ‘a visit to Spain’ 2nd edition Revised and corrected. In 2 vols. vol. 1 London Richard Bentley new Burlington street 1835’ Printed by ‘Cox and sons, 75, Great Queen Street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields’ 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 321 and 324.’
out again from 4 to 5 ½ - Had Mr. Husband with Nelson’s bill (2 men not quite a day, but, of course, charged a day = 8/.) for fitting the 4 additional rag-stones that raised the Lower fishpond cistern 2ft. higher so that the cistern is now 6ft. deep and 3ft. x 2ft. 6in. inside - Mr. Husband told me Mr. Harper said it was odd that Firth called the 28lb. overweight in his bill for lead pipe (from the Lower fishpond) solder - solder being 10d per lb. and F- would probably have charged me 1/. a lb. for it - instead of putting it in at the same [prices] and the lead i.e. 2 3/4d. per lb. setting solder and everything included as agreed - However Mr. Husband seemed to think Firth had best perhaps furnish the 30 to 40 yards wanted of ½in. pipe for the farmyard and I could employ mercer in future - agreed - ¼ hour with my father and Marian - dressed - dinner at 6 ¼ - coffee - A- and I with my father and Marian - ¼ hour till 7 ¾ - I sat reading the Greek botany in the Encyclopaedia of geology till 8 55 and staid with her till 10 - during which time read the newspaper - found Marian with A- all annoyed about John Clarke and Mary Rhodes - a little partiality between them - John bad to get out and keep out of the parlour - Marian sick of her household - no order etc consoled her as well as I could - proposed setting all right by my being considered in my father’s place - my being master and Marian mistress - made this plan palatable to us all - Marian staid till 10 50 and had been 20 minutes with A- before I came - but we all seemed satisfied at the conclusion come to - such steps to be taken as right on consideration seem best for the purpose - A- and I sat up talking till long after 11 - fine day - F24 ½° at 11 ½ pm - note this morning by George from the P.O. from the H-x philosophical society and letter this evening from Mr. James Peat, 167 Piccadilly acknowledging the receipt of my letter and check on Hammersleys and letter this evening from Mr. Robert Walker 2 Jones street Berkeley square London with his bill for the morning Herald
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sigmasteelpipes · 2 years
All You Need To Know About Round Stainless Steel Pipes
When it comes to stainless steel, the first thing that pops in our mind is stainless steel pipes. Since the past one decade, stainless steel pipes have become the heartthrob of any and every industry because of the exceptional corrosion-resistant qualities they exhibit. As a manufacturer and supplier of stainless steel pipes, Sigma pipes has been enjoying the reputation of being the best in the industry. One of our widely demanded products is round stainless steel pipes and today, we will tell you everything you need to know about them.
What are round stainless steel pipes?
These are stainless steel pipes that serve the purpose of transporting gas, fluids etc. within industrial premises. Since the fluids and chemicals they carry are corrosive, these pipes are made out of the corrosion-resistant stainless steel. At Sigma Pipes, we use premium-quality alloy steel to manufacture round stainless steel pipes. These pipes contain more than 8% of the requisite elements, such as chromium, in them making them perfect survivors of all-weather times. Available in a variety of sizes, these pipes are in great demand around the nook and corners of the country. Because of their versatile nature and demand, they cost an exorbitant amount. However, at Sigma Pipes, we quote the best prices for round stainless steel pipes. Our product can endure all-weather times and serves the purpose well. 
Read More - What Is The Best Way To Procure Good Quality Stainless Steel Tubes?
Properties of Sigma Pipes’ round steel pipes
Since our very inception, we have been enjoying the reputation of manufacturing and supplying the best stainless steel round tubes and round steel pipes at reasonable prices. The properties our product exhibits include the following:
Corrosion-resistant: Our round stainless steel pipes are corrosion-resistant and thus have a longer life span as compared to other steel pipes. Because of this very property, they are opted by industries operating in coastal areas where there is too much moisture in the air.
Strength and durability: All the products of Sigma Pipes including stainless steel round tubes and round steel pipes are string and durable in nature. They can withstand wear and tear, and are instrumental in increasing the life of your industry. 
Recyclable: At Sigma Pipes, we pay special attention to environment. These pipes can be recycled with ease. This makes them eco-friendly. In addition to that, they are very sustainable in nature. They are long-lasting in nature.
Seamless to handle and manage: We work specifically on the surface improvement of our round stainless steel pipes so that you don’t require any extra equipment to handle them. They can be handled seamlessly. 
Uses of  stainless steel round tubes and round steel pipes
Since the round steel pipes size varies, they can serve the purpose of being fitted in various industries. SOme of them are mentioned below:
Round stainless steel pipes are suitable for kitchen plumbings since they do not get rusted easily. Loaded with antibacterial properties, they are apt for hygienic places like the kitchen. These pipes can be foun in kitchenwares too.
Be it gas pipelines or water pipelines, Sigma Pipes have fitted the best and the safest stainless steel round tubes making them the most reliable source of supplying and manufacturing stainless steel pipes. 
Chemical industries
Corrosion-resistant and leakage-free round steel pipes are used in chemical industries to ensure the safe transporation and disposal of toxic industrial affluents. 
In hydraulic lifts
Thanks to their long life span, Sigma Pipes round stainless steel pipes are used in hydraulic lifts.  
So, this was all about round stainless steel pipes. If you wish to get the best of stainless steel round tubes or pipes, then reach out to Sigma Pipes at https://sigmapipes.com/ now.
Source link - https://sigmapipes.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-round-stainless-steel-pipes/
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hitechpipes0 · 15 days
Color Roofing Sheets Price: A Complete Guide for Buyers
When it comes to roofing solutions, color roofing sheets have gained immense popularity due to their durability, aesthetic appeal, and cost-effectiveness. These roofing sheets are not only functional but also add an element of style to your construction projects, be it residential, commercial, or industrial. However, the price of color roofing sheets can vary based on several factors, including material type, thickness, and design. In this blog, we will provide a comprehensive guide to color roofing sheet prices and the key factors that influence them.
If you are looking for high-quality color roofing sheets, Hi-Tech Pipes offers a wide range of durable and stylish options to meet all your roofing needs.
What are Color Roofing Sheets?
Color roofing sheets are metal sheets coated with a layer of paint, often made from materials like galvanized steel, aluminum, or tin. These sheets offer protection from harsh weather conditions, provide insulation, and enhance the appearance of a building. The color coating adds a layer of protection, making the sheets corrosion-resistant and durable over time.
Factors That Affect the Price of Color Roofing Sheets
Material Type: The price of color roofing sheets largely depends on the material used. Common materials include:
Galvanized Steel (GI): Known for its strength and durability, GI color-coated sheets are ideal for both residential and commercial roofing applications. These are usually more affordable than other options.
Aluminum: Lightweight and rust-resistant, aluminum sheets tend to be more expensive than galvanized steel, but they offer excellent durability and are ideal for coastal areas.
Tin: Tin-coated sheets are another option, though they are not as common as GI and aluminum due to their lower strength and higher susceptibility to rusting.
Sheet Thickness: The thickness of the sheet plays a significant role in determining its price. Thicker sheets are more durable and offer better resistance to harsh weather conditions but are also more expensive. The most common thickness ranges from 0.35mm to 0.60mm.
Coating and Color: The type of color coating and its quality can also affect the price. Premium coatings with superior corrosion resistance tend to cost more but offer greater durability and longevity. You can find sheets in a variety of colors, including blue, red, green, and more. Custom colors or special finishes, like matte or glossy, may also influence the cost.
Design and Profile: Roofing sheets come in different designs, such as trapezoidal, corrugated, or tile profile. More intricate profiles may have a higher price due to the complexity of manufacturing. Tile profile sheets, which mimic the look of traditional tiles, tend to be on the higher end of the price range.
Brand and Manufacturer: Established manufacturers like Hi-Tech Pipes ensure that their color roofing sheets meet stringent quality standards, which can sometimes mean a higher price compared to less-known brands. However, the investment in a reputable brand ensures longer-lasting, high-performance roofing solutions.
Quantity: As with most materials, buying in bulk can often reduce the cost per sheet. For large commercial or industrial projects, manufacturers or suppliers may offer competitive rates for bulk purchases.
Explore our full range of color roofing sheets on our product page.
Estimated Price Range of Color Roofing Sheets
Here is a general price range based on the material and thickness of color roofing sheets:
Galvanized Steel Color Roofing Sheets: ₹250 to ₹400 per square meter
Aluminum Color Roofing Sheets: ₹400 to ₹600 per square meter
Tile Profile Sheets: ₹500 to ₹800 per square meter
Please note that prices can vary based on market conditions, location, and specific customization requirements. For an accurate quote, it’s best to reach out directly to a supplier like Hi-Tech Pipes.
Benefits of Using Color Roofing Sheets
Aesthetic Appeal: Color roofing sheets come in a variety of colors and profiles, allowing you to enhance the overall appearance of your building.
Durability: These sheets offer high resistance to corrosion, ensuring a longer lifespan compared to traditional roofing materials.
Cost-Effective: Color roofing sheets provide excellent value for money, combining strength, durability, and style at competitive prices.
Weather Resistance: They are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, including heavy rain, high winds, and extreme temperatures.
Easy Installation: Lightweight and easy to install, these sheets can help reduce overall labor costs in construction.
Why Choose Hi-Tech Pipes for Color Roofing Sheets?
At Hi-Tech Pipes, we understand the importance of quality and affordability in roofing solutions. As one of the leading manufacturers of steel products, we offer a wide range of color roofing sheets that are designed to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Here’s why you should consider us for your roofing needs:
High-Quality Materials: We use only the best materials, including galvanized steel and aluminum, to ensure that our roofing sheets offer maximum durability and weather resistance.
Customization: Hi-Tech Pipes provides customizable solutions, allowing you to choose the perfect color, thickness, and design for your project.
Affordable Prices: We strive to offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
Excellent Customer Support: Our team is always available to assist you in choosing the right roofing sheet and provide guidance on installation and maintenance.
To explore our full range of color roofing sheets, visit the products page, or contact us directly for pricing and availability via the Contact Us page.
When it comes to selecting color roofing sheets, understanding the factors that influence the price can help you make a more informed decision. With the right material, thickness, and design, color roofing sheets offer an excellent solution for long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing roofing.
At Hi-Tech Pipes, we are committed to providing high-quality, affordable color roofing sheets for all types of projects, from residential homes to large-scale industrial installations. Explore our wide range of products today, or get in touch with us for customized solutions that suit your needs.
More Read: Roofing Sheet | color roofing sheets
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satthepdongnai · 2 months
Sat thep bien hoa
Sat thep bien hoa is one of the leading companies in the South, specializing in providing a variety of high quality Hoa Phat Steel Pipe and Hoa Phat steel square tube products. With many years of experience in the industry, we are committed to providing customers with prestige and outstanding quality. A strong point of Sat Thep Bien Hoa is its competitive prices. We always strive to offer reasonable and market-appropriate prices, bringing customer satisfaction. At the same time, we not only focus on providing high-value products, but also always commit to dedicated and thoughtful service. With a team of experienced staff and deep understanding of the iron and steel industry, Sat Thep Bien Hoa confidently brings customers the best quality products. We are not only a reliable supplier, but also a reliable partner in the construction and development of projects. With Sat Thep Bien Hoa, customers can be assured of the quality of iron and steel products and professional services. We commit to always be willing to support and accompany our customers to bring success and progress in every construction project. Contact Info: Website: https://satthepbienhoa.vn/ Phone: 0946 90 6363 Email: [email protected] Address: 16/ 108B, Kp. 3, TP Bien Hoa, Tinh Dong Nai Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/fv8YowoNpnqDmnmQ8 Fanpage Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/congtylocthien website google: https://sites.google.com/view/satthepbienhoadongnai/
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steeloncall1 · 2 months
steel product
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tridentsteelc · 2 months
alloy steel pipe suppliers
Supplier of Alloy Steel Pipe in various sizes as per ASTM A335 specification. Buy Low Alloy Seamless/ Welded/ ERW Pipes in round, square at best price in Mumbai, India, view grades and schedule chart.
alloy steel pipe suppliers
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 10 November 1837
1 ¾
dull rainy morning F48° at 9 ¼ and breakfast in about ½ hour then stood reading last Quarterly Review ¼ hour till Hinton came in a/c Northgate drains – gave him check for £30. not yet paid in full – longish about Mawson – (mentioned his leaving the Stump X Inn) – Hinton said Nelson found M- so difficult in knowledge of plans and sections when in the Rail office (at Manchester I think it was) that N- declined being in partnership with him  M- has .:. connected himself with a mason, Bray,  of Bradford who, H- is sure has not brains for the job – a clever but moneyless man (Binns) has taken 4 lenghts (a length seems to be 2 mile) near Darlington – had taken what George Mawson has now got but obliged to give it up because could not get a bandsman – Nelson going to join Binns; and N- sure of his bond – E.C. Lister gives bond for Nelson – H- says M- will have Leadbeater and Nelson to contend with and Leadebater is determined to be the taker (near Wakefield or Rotherham) or will leave a bare job – H- going off to Leadbeater for job under him – has before worked under him 7 years, or 7 years ago – 1 or other – M- seems to have little chance – H- would not have given notice about the Inn till after Monday next when the job is to be let – Messrs. Bates and Pollett waited for me some minutes before H- went away – came to say their estimate for shafting and gearing too high by it seemed about £50 now that the pumps were taken away and the spin wheel left – said I should do nothing more about the worsted mill (the corn mill quite given up) till I had a good tenant in views – it would not answer to lay out £1500 more to the £2000+ for less than £400 a year – things worse now, they said , than last year but hopes of trade again in the spring – 7 good years of trade without a backening considered  as much as could be expected – owned mills would not pay under 10 p.c. – had best not cover over the wheel – keep the water out of the wheel race and the wheel well painted and turned round occasionally if not lying dry – for the part in the water would become a heavy side and spoil the motion of the wheel afterwards – (I never thought of this) – get the pipes undercover from rain as soon as possible – asked what I should take for them mentioned an offer per cwt. (did not tell name a price) – could not get at an answer, till I said if I could guess at the weight I could calculate for myself – I thought I ought to have ¼ of the cost – yes! certainly – it afterwards turned out I ought to have £40 for them – I said the man who offered the  price said he had made a good offer but I did not like to be bound as to who should do the shafting and gearing
I said each pipe = about 3cwt.
my 80 yards of pipe = 32 pipes x 3 = 96cwt.
at 10/. per cwt. (Engine Holts’ offer) = £43
it seems .:. that P- calculated I ought to have 10/. per cwt. but by no means could I have elicited this directly I said if I did not build a mill I thought of advertising the wheel for sale – B- mentioned the Leeds paper – mercury I suppose he meant –
some talk about steam engines – they thought I should not like the smoke – no! I should drive it into the hill as Mr. Akroyde is doing- B- and P- staid about an hour – asked for a chance if I should build the mill in which case they would reconsider their estimate – have just put up a 30 horse power engine for Mr. Bray (A-s’ late tenant at Water mill) at Lilly mill – Mr. Crossley has 2 rooms there – P- mentioned an improvement in their manner of putting up the iron pillars with a cap and plinth so as to take off all weight from the timbers and entirely support themselves – he mentioned also another improvement 2 moveable square brasses that slip up and down so to keep the shaft at its proper height for the machinery – a little while with A- after B- and P- went – sat with her at luncheon till about 1 – then till 3 10 (in spite of the rain rough day she rode off to Cliff hill about after? 2) writing out memoranda in rough book and wrote the whole of today – Mr. James Bentley about the Landmere stone waited for me 20 minutes – went down to him at 3 ¼ - stood talking till A- came back about 4 – then she and I had him in the little dining room not able to get rid of him till near 5 – I having sent A- off as soon as the material part had been arranged – satisfied to begin at the low corner and be roaded out into the old road under Aspinalls’ new house – Debtor and creditor account to be kept and weekly examined by SW- He seemed to think £5 not enough for his trouble if he did not get (agree for) the stone; so settled that (Captain and Mrs. S- approving) he should have nothing for his trouble if he got the stone and £10 if he did not – he would be glad to buy and pay for immediately £400 or £500 worth of sone – and would be glad to give Mrs. Carter something to quit the farm but we said he should 1st be sure what rent he would have to pay as if the farm belonged to A- and me we should not relet it at the present rent – out at 5 when I left B- still not out of the room – poor fellow! he knew not how to get away – in outbuildings – apparently little done – Edward had doing the blacksmiths’ shop and flagging and beginning the fireplace – 2 or 3 flagging the laundry – Robert Mann and co. not here this afternoon so Robert Sharpe the mason in the cow house stable – to be called farm stable – levelling up ready for paving – Note from Thomas Greenwood to ask if I would see him and Mrs. Crossley at 7 tonight about the Northgate hotel – he had just shewn her over all the buildings and thought her a proper person for the hotel – just tore off a bit of the note and wrote back in pencil ‘Mrs. Lister will be happy to see Mrs. Crossley this evening at half past seven – Friday 10 November 1837’ directed to ‘Mr. Greenwood’ – did not know till A- read the note that G- was coming himself – came upstairs at 6 5 and wrote the last 19 lines – dressed – dinner at 6 ¾ - Mr. TG. and Mrs. Crossley arrived at 7 55 and staid till 9 ¾ - Mrs. C- seems a good sort of managing 2nd rate person, the tenant of necessity? her husband had taken medicine was afraid of taking cold and had staid home but she (she said) had all the talk! G- praised her and she praised herself – to judge from what I heard and sat I should suppose Mrs. C- cook and housekeeper, her husband bar-man and waiter, and the nephew head ostler – but G- said they were all very fit for the hotel and Mr. Adam said they were the only people in H-x fit for it – From her talk, I should think they would indeed creep, as Mr. Parker observed in making the hotel what it ought to be, P- adding to Mr. Harper that Carr would make it at once – Mrs. Crossley proposed having the hotel for 7 years – the 2 first for nothing the 5 last for £300 a year! answer I should not give a lease for more than 5 years nor let the place rent free for more than one year, even if, on consideration, I consented to this – G- thought this very fair – on my part – I then adverted to the end of the 5 years what was I to expect? Mrs. C- thought the hotel might bear a small advance – I said I should be sorry for them to think then that they had made the house and I had taken undue advantage and raised the rent too much – after considerable talk (helped by G-) she agreed that rent would be nothing if there was a good trade – that the Inn might be advanced a hundred a year – I said then at the end of 5 years this capital hotel would just be worth what Mr. Carr pays for his inconvenient promises at present! hinted that I should have C-, had he applied to me, as much now, as he paid at present – and said I should think of raising the rent at the 5 years’ end to £500 a year but should wish to be guided by the value of the hotel – Mrs. C- at last made no objection to this – I had said I could let the tap – it was worth £100 a year –no! she said not so much and added they only paid £70 per annum for their present house (the Golden lion George street) – she would keep the tap – and would rather not make any offer to Mr. Carr – but if he made any to her (the poor husband Crossley always invalided and unreferred to) she would do the best she could for him – she let slip that she had by and by see what they should want – meaning what they should occupy and what let off – I took no apparent notice of this, but thought this system of parts and parcels not very promising – I inquired if the casino would need being so painted as I had thought of – (it would be throwing pearls etc. etc. ?) yes! on that she seemed to have set her heart – she had lived with a Mr. Allett near Doncaster – her husband not butler but valet (the t pronounced) but tho’ they had a full establishment (8 servants) yet when they had company Mr. C- went into the cellar with his master, and took care of the wine – the poor womans’ speech and manner and self-praise (‘tho she should not say it’) all betokened the 2nd rate or 3rd that no idea but that of a pot-house and suggested it to my mind – and I afterwards told A- it would be ‘the Pot-house hotel’ – G- mentioned the 3 yards breadth of ground the town wanted to widen the street – and talked of a guinea a year – I said I thought it ought to be worth as much as the ground town bought of G- in Northgate – G- seemed not at all of my opinion and I merely said things had best remain as they were – the street was wide enough for the present – G- mentioned their getting an act for cattle market and Green grocery ditto – I merely answered I thought had best get an act for the new road from Keighley – it was settled that I should think about the terms (1 year rent free and 4 at £300 per annum) and give an answer in a fortnight – tea at 10 in the north parlour and A- and I sat talking till after one till 1 5 – Rainy windy rough day  
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