#Starlight Vega
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The canon queer character of the day is:
Queen Scherza from Starlight Vega, who is a lesbian (and polyamorous).
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alex-w0ke · 1 year
March's remaining budget: -12
A Detective’s Novel. The Adventures of Fei Duanmu and the English-supported DLC. Arcaea. Bought the rest of the side stories I’m missing during the anniversary sale. Bought the Lanota and maimai collabs, too. Beatstar. Bought the smallest in-app purchase available. I really want to play the game, but the ads are getting too embarrassing. I know it’s a marketing ploy, but oh boy did I fall…
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shadow-collinss · 17 days
I thought I was a fool for no one
David, Babe, Milo, Sam, Vincent, Porter, Avior, Geordi, Gavin, Lasko, Damien, Honey, Vega, Hush
but ooh baby I'm a fool for you
Angel, Asher, Sweetheart, Darlin', Lovely, Treasure, Starlight, Cutie, Freelancer, Dear, Huxley, Guy, Warden Doc
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deezbignutz · 1 month
Silly little quote I scooped up from redacted audios fanfics on ao3 that I found on my desktop :)))
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Special shoutout to these tags I found on some fics:
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Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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brand-new-girl · 2 months
Old Starlight Express Merch I Would Sell My First Born Child To Own
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6-atlas-6 · 11 months
Redacted headcanons cause why not
After the second Quinn audio where he told Sam everything him and Tank did, when they went home Tank started secretly packing up some of their stuff because they were sure Sam was going to leave them
Blake only uses his sight when he absolutely needs to because he's terrified off watching his listener die in his arms again
Morgan never particularly cared that he can't use his sight for things related to him, but he always wishes he could see what him and his listeners lives would be like together in the future
Avior is so terrified about being alone without Starlight again that he panics over the smallest things, like waking up in bed in the morning and Starlight not being next to him
Damien calls Huxley's moms "mom" because they're more of mothers to him than his ever was
Vega is so used to his life being about hate and being feared that he doesn't know what love feels like himself. When Warden wasn't immediately scared of him and treated him like a person, he assumed it was only to get information out of him
Dear made Lasko so comfortable with himself that Lasko actually tried to get in contact with his mom for the first time (she didn't answer)
When Lasko said he wasn't ready to have yk he genuinely thought Dear would leave him because he's so used to that being the only thing people want him for, especially because he doesn't understand how anyone would like him for his personality
When James left his listener again, he took a piece of their clothing with him and cried for hours when it lost their scent
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mzradyer · 2 months
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vega bitch x dragon boy
tory vega and darius acrux from zodiac academy by caroline peckham and susanne valenti
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capitalisticveins · 4 months
Yall need to know that the only other mf voiced by Erik that was alive during the Cacophony is Brachium.
And Hush says before he was turned into Hush, he knew Vega when he was a daemon, before Vega started calling himself a demon, which means Hush’s old self knew Vega before and during the Cacophony, but not after, which is when the group of Serenity Daemons sealed themself in the River of Death to keep the Sovereigns contained.
TL;DR: I think Brachium is Hush 🫢
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scopekale · 7 months
i’m never gonna finish this so take what i have (redacted characters as fruit)
Sunshine is an orange 🍊
Elliott is a grapefruit
Warden is a fig
Brachium and Vega are pomegranates
Cutie is a lemon 🍋 (for humor, Cutie is a cutie.)
Vincent is a cherry 🍒
Freelancer is a raspberry
Honey is a blackberry
Coworker (Lasko’s listener) is honeydew 🍈
Huxley is a pear 🍐
Baaabe is a blueberry 🫐
Starlight is a passion fruit
Hush is a lime .. strange little guy
Milo is an apricot
David is a coconut 🥥
Damien is a mango 🥭
Bestie is a plum
Treasure is a (purple) grape 🍇
i have other fruits and other characters i wanted to do i just never got around to it el o el
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starlitangels · 1 year
Marvel: Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history
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You sure?
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The canon queer character of the day is:
Melody Rococo from Starlight Vega, who is a lesbian (and polyamorous).
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barblaz-arts · 8 months
Quick question, has Enid ever introduced Vega to Loona?
Of course!
Growing up, my own mother played music of artists she liked a loooooot. Ranging from local artists like Regine Velazquez to old boybands like NSYNC and Backstreet Boys. I never became a FAN fan, but because her music was what I grew up with, me and my brothers inevitably know all the words to a lot of their songs.
I imagine the same can be said about Vega with Enid favorite kpop girlies. Which is to say, Enid has definitely taught the songs and choreo to most of Loona's discography as a kid.
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op3ra · 3 months
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I'm not saying I didn't like the showgirl costumes, I'm SAYING the costumers were cowards for not giving rusty the same design
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Hi and welcome to quotes/conversations I've heard/had at uni but as redacted characters. Reminder I just finished the fourth day.
I'll fix the format and everything when I get a computer charger. Which should be some time after this coming Friday. Not today.
Freelancer: so that's your number?
Gavin: mhm.
Freelancer: great. What's your credit card number and social security?
Gavin: woah. Take me out to dinner first. Jesus.
David: until this water is cleaned up, that door remains locked. I have headphones. I can wait a while. Can you?
Damien: it's only the third day of school and you're already not taking responsibility.
Gavin: I've been here for a week longer than you. The only responsibility I'll take is the one that means showing up every day.
Caelum: ooh! What are you drawing?
Freelancer: don't know. Garbage mainly.
Caelum: are you overly attached to your sketchbook? Can I label the drawings?
Damien: or you could actually study for the test we have in a hour and a half.
Avior: what are you gonna do? Bite me?
Starlight: I consume knowledge. Not people. Dipshit.
Warden: is today that day where we clap for old people?
Kody: he shouldn't have been arrested!
Damien: would you like to go in his place?
Huxley: what do you mean you're not coming to the game? If youre not there at precisely 5:30 I will eat dirt.
Asher: wait you can drive??
Milo: yeah and I can shove the emergency brake so far up your ass you'll be stationary for the rest of your life.
Lasko: and maybe you're planning how you're going to ask that cute girl or boy out. Explain it to me. I've never asked a cute anyone.
Random student: arent you married?
Lasko: they asked me. That's different.
Dear: you'll find an assessment that I assigned today. Make sure to finish it before the end of class please. I don't want to have to grade anything over the weekend.
Random student: a great way to avoid that is to not assign us anything.
Vega: how about... Five minutes?
Warden: who do you think I am? Sonic??
Dear: and that makes it 17 over 3.
Student: you wrote 5
Dear: I have bad handwriting. Now just listen and write your own notes.
Gavin: he broke my water.
Freelancer: your water is no longer virgin.
Gavin: no holy water for me.
Damien: can you two move? You're blocking the stairs.
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6-atlas-6 · 10 months
My depiction of Hush and Doc as little guys
(+ Avior and Vega for funsies)
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totallynuwonhere · 5 months
TO WIN: YOU NEED TO MARK STRAIGHT 4 SQUARES (Diagonal, Horizontal, Vertical)
Winner gets crowned AMAZING HUMAN/REDACTED THEORIST (look at me paying homage to 3 of my beloved fandoms)
If you get bingo, tag me, I'll be bestowing this crown: 👑
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I really tried with the card guys 😭
Happy Bingoing
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