#Starr family lore
simpystarrr · 1 year
Ey you. You want some Starr family lore? You get a bit of Xaviar backstory too!
Samiya's family is... Full of drama. They made her work in the SCP Foundation to continue the "family legacy". And for what? Because they think making her take the same career path as them is what's best? Well that's only part of it.
Her father, Harold has a brother named Amos. Amos betrayed his family and the Foundation to join an enemy organization. Amos did some horrible things and ended up obliterating what must've been the entire Starr family reputation because now they're associated with the Chaos Insurgency.
Amos has a son named Xaviar. But unlike his father, he was part of the Mobile Task Force (MTF). Amos decided to ambush and kill the MTF units. He threw several grenades at the MTF units.This resulted in Xaviar being one of the many casualties. While he survived he was seriously injured. He got some pretty serious burns and shrapnel wounds which almost killed him.
Amos grabbed his injured and unconscious son and took him to the Chaos Insurgency base. He forced his poor son to fake his death and join him to help him destroy the SCP Foundation. He threatened to disown him if he didn't. This is why the Starr family name has associations to the Chaos Insurgency.
Harold used his own children to salvage what's left of the family's reputation. And now poor, sweet, innocent little Samiya has to deal with all this because of her uncle's actions. He believed that Samiya, being one of the youngest scientists to work at the SCP Foundation, will cover up Amos's crimes.
Samiya's parents put a ton of pressure on her when she was a kid, wanting her to get exceptional grades so the Foundation would take her.
Samiya didn't know about her uncle at first and she thought her father was just strict. In reality she was turned into a prodigy to cover up the terrible things done by her uncle she knew nothing about.
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samwisethewitch · 3 months
Bewitching Your Coffee
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I am 100% a coffee drinker. I love drinking it black, I love it in lattes and cappucini (yes, that's the actual plural of cappucino), and I especially love the experience of sharing coffee with another person. And, like everything that comes out of my kitchen, I like finding ways to make coffee more magical.
But even though coffee is a daily essential for a lot of us and has a long history in folk magic, people don't talk about it nearly as much as tea magic. I did some digging, and this post contains my research into the magic and lore of coffee and the things we like to add to coffee. I hope my fellow kitchen witches find this helpful!
Correspondences of Coffee and Common Coffee Add-ons
Coffee: Used for grounding and to anchor a spell in the physical world. Useful in spells for mental clarity and enhancing psychic senses. Used in several types of American folk magic as an offering for spirits. Author Starr Casas uses coffee for powerful cleansing and blockbusting in her Southern folk magic practice. Because of its association with energy and movement, coffee can be used to add strength to spells. I personally associate coffee with the Earth and Air elements and with the planet Uranus.
Milk has different correspondences based on whether you are using cow's milk or a plant-based milk.
Cow's Milk: Associated with nurturing, love, and abundance. In pagan Ireland, offering someone milk was an effective blessing. Milk and cream are said to be favorite offerings of fairies. I associate cow's milk with the Water element and the Moon.
Soy Milk: Soy may have been a sacred food crop in ancient China and is associated with blessings. During the Japanese festival Setsubun, soy beans are used to repel bad spirits and draw good fortune in a practice called mamemaki -- soy products can be used in spells for protection or good fortune. Use soy milk or other soy products in spells for success, good luck, and prosperity. I personally associate soy milk with the Earth element and with the planet Jupiter.
Almond Milk: Associated with prosperity, wealth, and success in business, as well as with increasing wisdom. Almond milk and other almond products are associated with the Air element and the planet Mercury.
Coconut Milk: Associated with purification, healing, and protection. In African American magic traditions, coconut can be used for peaceful home work and protection work, as well as ancestor offerings. Coconut is associated with the Water element and the moon.
Oatmilk: Associated with prosperity and money magic. Oats are associated with the Earth element and the planet Venus.
Sweeteners attract sweetness and good fortune. Different sweeteners have their own associations.
Sugar: Associated with love and lust. In Southern folk magic, sugar is sometimes used in money work. Sugar is associated with the Water element and the planet Venus.
Brown Sugar: Has the same associations as regular sugar, but works more slowly because it contains molasses.
Honey: Associated with home, family, love, and blessings. In Southern folk magic, honey is sometimes used in domination or control work, especially honeycomb. I personally associate honey with the Water element and with the planet Venus.
Maple Syrup: Associated with love, money, and long life. I personally associate maple with new life and transformation based on Robin Wall Kimmerer's writings about them in Braiding Sweetgrass. Associated with the Air element and the planet Jupiter.
Artificial Sweeteners (Splenda, xylitol, and other man-made sweeteners): There's very little written about the magical uses of these sweeteners, but I personally associate them with creativity, innovation, and new discoveries. I associate these sweeteners with the Air element and the planets Mercury and Uranus.
Caramel* is actually made from sugar, which is cooked over low heat until it caramelizes, or turns brown. Caramel has the same magical associations as sugar, but with a stronger connection to Fire energy and to transformation.
*Note: In the US, "caramel" is often made with corn syrup. For example, the caramel drizzle at Starbucks is basically 100% corn syrup, or at least was when I worked there a few years back. This isn't to say you can't work magically with corn syrup-based caramel, but the energy will be different. I don't have experience here because I have a corn allergy, so I'd love to hear if anyone has experience working with corn syrup in witchcraft!
Chocolate** is originally from Latin America and was an important ceremonial drink in Mayan culture. In Mexica (Aztec) culture, chocolate was used as currency and was said to be a gift from the gods. It was associated with the devil and with witchcraft when it was first brought to Spain by colonizers. Later, during the Renaissance, it was seen as a miracle cure for all kinds of medical conditions. Based on its history, chocolate can be used in magic for love, sex, energy, spirituality, magical abilities, and healing. I personally associate chocolate with the Fire element and with the Sun.
**Note: Scott Cunningham includes a note on "chocolate" in his book on magical herbs, but this is actually carob, Jacaranda procera. The cacao tree, which produces chocolate, is Theobroma cacao.
Cinnamon is associated with success, healing, adding power to spells, spirituality, wealth, and protection. Cinnamon is important in Christian folk magic because of its use in the Bible. In Southern folk magic, cinnamon is used for money, luck, and lust and is said to work very fast. It can also be used for blessings and protection spells. It is associated with the Fire element and the Sun.
Clove is probably most famous for its use in spells to stop gossip, but it is also used to drive away harmful spirits and to attract wealth. It is also sometimes used in love and sex magic and for successful business work. It is connected to the Fire element and the planet Jupiter.
Ginger adds power to spells and situations. It is used in spells for love, money, success, and healing, but it can be included in any spell to add power or make results happen faster. Ginger is associated with Fire and with the planet Mars.
Hazelnuts have long been used in Western European folk charms for luck and good fortune. It is said that eating hazelnuts makes you wise and can increase fertility. Hazel is also associated with protection and with granting wishes. It is connected to the Air element and the Sun.
Lavender is used in love spells, especially spells to attract a masculine partner. It also has a strong association with peacefulness and with calming emotions. It is sometimes used for protection and is said to both attract and banish spirits, depending on the source. Lavender has a long historic connection to the queer community. It is associated with Air and the planet Mercury.
Nutmeg is most famous as a good luck charm, but it is also used for healing, money, and success. In Southern folk magic, it is used mostly for money, success, and good luck. It is associated with Fire and with Jupiter.
Peppermint is commonly used in healing magic, but it can also be used for purification, attracting good spirits, divination, love, and money. In Southern folk magic, peppermint is used for hex breaking. It is associated with Fire and the planet Mercury.
Vanilla is strongly associated with love and comfort. It can sometimes be used in lust spells. Scott Cunningham mentions using vanilla to replenish lost energy. It is associated with the Water element and the planet Venus.
Magical Coffee Brews
With these ingredient correspondences, you can easily mix a spell into a coffee drink. For example, a pumpkin spice latte (which is made with pumpkin pie spice, i.e., a mix of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves) can be a spell for money and success. A lavender latte with oatmilk could be an excellent love spell, especially for queer love. A peppermint mocha (coffee with chocolate) could be a healing spell. There are lots of possibilities for a magic brew!
Witchcraft for Everyone by Sam Wise
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
Hoodoo Herbal by Starr Casas
Jambalaya by Luisah Teish
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Wikipedia article for soybeans
Wikipedia article for Setsubun
"History of Chocolate" on History.com
"Chocolate: From witchcraft to miracle worker in early modern Europe" by Erin Alice Cowling, published in The Conversation
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mor4l3 · 1 month
Colette & Edgar HC
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Author's note: This is the first time I put my writing out in the wild, hope you like it Words: 452
Colette and Edgar are siblings, many would say twins for being almost identical, with Colette being older (17-20) and Edgar younger (16-14).
They sometimes have some squabbles but they know that they have each other's backs.
Their family went to Starr park for holidays since they were little  and probably had a subscription.
So Colette starts as “normal” fangirl (for “normal” I mean boy band fangirl type of normal) about SP mascots and SP media in general, having watched every movie, listened to every song, games, ecc.
She especially likes to collect merchandise, but she still has touch with reality.
Edgar at first liked going to SP but when he started to grow up (and getting tired of Colette’s obsession) he saw SP as nothing but a childish place and he is so edgy and mature, so why should he go there?             
He is practically an adult now, he can stay home alone!
This boy really likes parkour but he is scared of heights, of course the only one that knows about this is Colette.
Another thing he enjoys making jokes about “S0cIEtY 🖤✊😔”, he also love mystery and writes poetry.
He watched fnaf lore as a kid.
 At school Edgar was bullied for being into “childish things”
His sister too but she didn't care, sometimes she didn't even understand the sarcasm, for this people found her funny and she became "The Weird Popolar Girl" mostly for her extroverted personality.
So with others he tries to be serious and mysterious but when he is with Colette (and friends) he can be himself and ramble about his interests.
It’s summer and their parents send them to a dear friend of theirs, Griff. 
Colette was overjoyed for the news, staying a whole summer working part-time in her favorite place in the world? A dream come true!
Edgar wasn’t so pleased like his sister, working all summer? He was supposed to be at home and getting his perfect gamer tan!
 (In reality he was very happy, like he had to work but he could go to Velocirapids or any other place for free)
  Griff was thrilled. He finally has workers who can help him out with the shop and for free too; well almost free he still had to feed them and make sure they live, wasting his precious time for business but it was free labor nonetheless.
There was only a problem: they were too similar.
Short black hair with brown eyes and the same height.   
How the heck should he remember who is who?
Colette had the perfect solution: dyeing her hair white!
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Hope that in another universe we aren't two siblings who spend the summer with a greedy uncle in a place full of conspiracies
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crownedcrowrow · 1 year
So yall want to know why its taking me so long to get to the request that I asked for?
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Was dragged ( invited ) to the Pit and it took over my brain for over a month.
Anyway, I had to get all of this out of my system before I could work on stuff for Tumblr heres a art dump of a bunch of art I did for the Pit specifically the family tree because I love them so much.
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Butterlfy belongs too @bluepeachstudios @amevello-blue Wind belongs too @tired-o-fighter Starr belongs too @ninjastar-ace Argo belongs too @super-weed-ninja Gio belongs too @hibiscusbiue and Human belongs too @thegodovereverything
Don't ask me to explain the Pit family tree or ill have to explain Pit lore and that's a lot.
Now we can get back to normally scedualled program.
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nolan-chance · 2 months
If i was waitifng for the right excuse to uninstall fortnite and it's already here: They're adding FUCKING ELLA BAILA SOLA DE PESO PLUMA AL PUTO FORTNITE FESTIVAL CHINGADAMADRE PUTA MUSICA DE NARCOS WANNABE. NO SE POR QUE SIGUEN FOMENTANDO LA NARCO CULTURA Y A ESOS TIPOS NACOS. El baile de Kunno me da igual, el juego está lleno de cosas estúpidas por obvias razones, asi que el hate que le tiraron en su tiempo me parece injustificado. PERO LA PUTA COSA ESA NO LA AGUANTO. Yo se que es un juego de disparos, eso es obvio, pero no es lo mismo tu lore suavecito tonto de viajes en el tiempo, copias para vender mas skins con ropa distinta y pendejada y media que la MALDITA NARCO CULTURA. Ya solo falta que agreguen las misiones de descuartizar, desollar y dejar a tus enemigos en bolsas negras esparcidos por el mapa. Tal vez es solo mi prejuicio por que vivo en un lugar que está a merced del narco, pero justo lo digo por eso. Estoy cansada de esos putos desgraciados que no saben hacer más que dañar a la gente trabajadora que le hecha ganas para salir adelante de verdad, ¿Y ahora tengo que aguantarlo hasta en Fortnite? AU en el que La Sociedad es un grupo de narcos y Montesco manda acabar a La Contracultura de una muy narco manera: Jonesy encuentre descuartizada y quemada a Hope, a Bananín colgado de un puente por que se negó a pagar la cuota en la gasolinera, le mandan los deditos de Starr Oakley como mensaje para que termine su rebelión. E igual lo matan aunque haga todo eso. Ahi va tu lore de mierda. ¿No que muy mamoncitos para hacer el juego más "family friendly"?Ya basta de esa pinche gente tratando de normalizar a esos tipos en el mainstream.
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What happens w Oeca
Oeca! Gone too soon in Canon I miss this knife wielding child. So with full transparency I didn't watch too many of Oeca streams and I wish I had because his lore seems fascinating but I think I understand his whole deal. He is a kid who killed his family and a girl he loved and he has an evil half of him that took over to commit the crimes. 
Honestly he fits in perfectly in this messy family,  very rude and a little psychotic, what else could you need in an annoying baby brother. Plus Krow gets to be a murder gremlin so Oeca does too. Everyone knew something was up with Oeca as his red eye gets worse and worse but he refuses to talk to any of them about it, full on lashing out sometimes when they ask. His obsession with getting rid of Gracie is as strong as ever though so he still follows her into the maze with intentions of killing her and Ori follows behind them. They fight as usual but when Oeca tries to kill himself Ori lunges forward and grabs the knife by the blade from Oeca. Gracie snaps out of it and rushes forward to help restrain the boy and they manage to get him down just in time for Apo to come running in with Mohwee having seen that Ori flipped all three of their levers down on the way in. This is the worst Evil!Oeca moment they have, it takes ages to coax the normal Oeca back out, they sit with him for hours at a time trying remind him of who they are and that they want him back. Eventually he does wake up as himself and he feels shaky about the whole thing. 
As with all the oddities of the Outsiders they get more used to the subtle changes in Oeca that lead into Evil!Oeca and what they can do to help keep him grounded. Soup tries to help, I'm undecided on if she ever truly gets rid of this other half of his but she does make potions that help quell it, that he takes regularly. There are still scares and close calls but everyone is quick to grab him if he gets violent and though many Outsiders get some cuts and scrapes only Gracie ends up with a scar when he attacks her with her back turned. He becomes a mapper and goes on plenty of Maze runs, though he in particular likes the challenge of mapping the dark maze. He firmly maintains that he does not in fact like any of them and he's only keeping them alive so he can escape but no one believes him. He also picks up a habit of forcing people to carry him on the way back through the maze since he's always "too tired". 
 Oeca remains his slightly unhinged self and doesn't change all that much when they leave the Maze and head back into the world. After all his only mentors are other murders, criminals, and rebels at the heart. Plus he's only so dangerous in a group of people who spend hours training to fight and do manual labor on the daily to survive. What's a few light stabs between friends anyway. He's definitely one of the most excited by the prospect of taking on Starr and even offers to fully sneak onto the show and pretend to be a contestant but he's denied, for now at least. He spends a lot of his time with all of his friends, in fact he's almost never alone because he's afraid of slipping too far into his other half if no one is there to help him. He builds himself a tree house that has zip lines connected to the other ones and he and Krow begin a game of knife throwing throughout the clearing that ends up with both of them being told off all the time. Huh I just realized how much the short period of time between leaving the Maze and going back in is the only time the Outsiders get to be kids and have some meaningless, if violent fun. So what happens with Oeca is, he gets to be a kid and be himself with no judgment from the others for whatever is wrong with him.  He gets to be happy, no matter how unconventional the place he finds that happiness is.
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toodleoorblx · 7 months
Chapter: 34/?
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: America Chavez & Stephen Strange & Wong, Hela (Marvel) & Wanda Maximoff, Ava Starr & Janet Van Dyne, Agatha Harkness & Señor Scratchy, Katy Chen & Shang-Chi, Carol Danvers & Kamala Kahn & Monica Rambeau, Wanda Maximoff & America Chavez, Agatha Harkness/Hela
Characters: America Chavez, Wong (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Doctor Strange, Hela (Marvel), Agatha Harkness, Wanda Maximoff, Ava Starr, Ghost (Marvel), Janet Van Dyne, Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, Kamala Kahn, Katy Chen, Shang-Chi, Señor Scratchy (Marvel), Moonstone (Marvel), Karla Sofen, Tags to be added - Character, Original Female Character, Nicholas Scratch
Additional tags: Team as Family, Team Bonding, Everyone is BAMF, everyone is protective, Everyone Needs A Hug, Parent Figures, Awesome America Chavez, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff/Angst, The Team Is Complicated, Agatha Harkness Is Mean But Softens Up, Hela and Agatha Harkness are besties, We need more fics of them, like seriously, Stephen Strange Is So Done, Ava Starr is so cool, Stephen Strange & Wong Friendship, Katy Chen is very Katy Chen, Shang-Chi is chill, mcu - Freeform, Slow burn, Marvel Norse Lore, Nore Mythology - Freeform, implied/Referenced Self-Harm
Series: Part 1 of Dear America, you’re not alone anymore.
Summary: Wong is stressed. A girl that has the ability to travel the multiverse at her fingertips, just landed on the New York Sanctums rooftop claiming she’s from outside the multiverse; And being hunted by an unknown entity! Again, Wong. is. stressed. At least he won’t be alone.
Word count: 57,032
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My 11th reference post 💀
These are all at.tumblr.com links until I can figure out how to fix that -_- So this was actually a pretty easy fix (see bold & three stars below) most of them should be good now, but one way or another I'll go back and fix them
Names between cultures
Staff post community labels
Staff: human moderators check blazed posts
Ghost stories 2000-2001 gifs
Horror movies for people who don't like horror movies
Party Girl Extinction
Lie Detectors are Bullshit
Every Horse Movie World Heritage Post
Strongly worded abortion post
FBI robbed security deposit boxes
Buzzfeed fed their employees Greyhounds
2 times I've been around that track and there is no queen of England
Ben Shapiro short stories
The two-headed calf poem's real meaning
Couldn't agree more and we're best friends now
Passive aggressive museum
How to reformat tumblr links ***
Spy X Family Loid thinks Yor Thinks
Writing research Google alternatives
Tom Brady's Witch Wife
Death of the Queen Tweets
Historical fashion resources and references doc
Quick and dirty laptop buying
BMI and weight loss scams
Loid sees yor looking a LITTLE bit sad and
British politics lettuce
Hundreds, perhaps billions lung expansion
"god gave us transness for the same reason he gave us yeast but no dough"
Elected fic of the year
Lone prairie traveller and their feathery steed
De-google your life
Child poets
Solid color guide
What main thing did you project onto your oc's
Navigating adult ADHD treatment shouldn't suck this much
Cop shows fuckhands the baby murderer
Tumblr folk stories
Soda cake
Death fetish
Elon musk isn't smart bought twitter dragWhat people have and didn't have in the middle ages
UBlock doesn't hurt YouTube creators
Lemon stealing whore lore (rats)
Chocolate guy food that looks like food
A class on what
Adobe Reddit gaslights you
Wish list for people who don't want anything
Fudgers->meaners world heritage post
Ringo Starr told me to fuck off story
Advice to get doctors to take you seriously
1947 anti-fascist video
The blue check debacle tweets
Are prisons obsolete
Changing people's minds
The grand unifying theory of the forger family teacups
Insight into the mind of Elon musk
Do people actually say things they don't mean when angry?
Anya being like "the fuck you mean we all like you?"
Crying world heritage post
Goncharov video synopsis
Contributions of Stephanie Meyer
Edward scissor hands (scissors when?)
Horrid dreadful atrocious sex scenes
3 yo learning to language
Trolley problem vid tom Hanks reaction 💀
Why can't Muslims tell other Muslims to stop killing people
SpongeBob movie is about coming out
Coward learns the futility of punishing evil comic
Water Biden catgirl
How I could tell the Twitter users were coming back after we were allowed to have tiddies again
The court of public opinion is inhumane
9/28/2022 Halloween Reference Post
Emotional Landscapes Audio
Red sniper dot porn
Try Guys Recent Nedless vid
"saw it coming/never trust a wife guy" discourse
On "you guys"
"and how can I ever thank you for this way home you've given me"
Doctors are almost all fatphobic
My sister's twin sister (Amber)
You win bitch
Happy rigamortis Wednesday
Pukicho asks "fake" internet culture
Natsu and Lucy Skipping Stones on a Lake
Typical dad polishing gun yor
Damian proposing to Anya spy x family
Nalu take that you fucking lake
Anya Damian balcony
Damianya typical dad polishing gun scene but it's Yor
Spy x family dog-owner mood
Healthcare providers are pretty much all fatphobic
The self-centeredness of bigots
Call-out liste
Spy x family chapter 72 predictions
I, an ADHD possible autistic person, am like mulan in my mind
Skin tag virgin
Tim omelet
"ban porn illegalize sex work" shut the fuck up
Laxus "small now go away
Franky & Loid best friends when Loid dressed him up as wife
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neils-pen-to-paper · 2 years
For the world building OC questions thingy!! Pick your oldest and most recent OC for the q’s :D
On it boss o7
OLDEST: DetectiveStar
Who are they?
Full name? - TinyStar "DetectiveStar" Starr
Nicknames? - Smalls, Tiny, Detective
Gender/pronouns? - not on a human binary! Intersex is the best way to put his species' gender. Uses he/him.
Orientation? - Bisexual
Age/Birthday? - around 50? I lost rhe document that had the full timeline of the story he's in xC. 8/17/20??
Fun fact! Zodiac? - Leo!!
What’s their personality?
Major good traits? - Steadfast and stubborn. Kind to kids.
Major flaws? - ... Stubborn. Doesn't know when to quit. Was very gullable. Quick to anger.
Goals? - keep his son happy.
Fears? - dying again
Optimistic or pessimistic? - Was very optimistic. Now is kinda in-between.
Introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? - Ambivert.
Empathetic or un-empathetic? - Empathetic
Do they wait and plan or dive right in? - Dive right in
Do they go with the flow or forge their own path? - Forces his own path
Fun fact! Other defining traits? - fucjing SMALL. Has a huge scar on his face and neck going over his eye and lips.
Relations to the world?
Who’s their family? - Starrs.
Where are they from? - Plainstown.
Where do they live now? - Plainstown, but did live in Desert City for over half his life.
Do they have a job? If so, what is it? - an ex- public eye. (Just a nicer word for detective. Cops are called Private Eyes.)
How are they with technology? - Decent.
Connections to religion or spirituality? - no.
Powers or magic? - Has time powers but doesn't know it.
Fun fact! Connections to the lore? - Basically kickstared it all.
Favorite season/weather? - Fall. Hates the heat.
Favorite place? - the cliff near his father's house.
Favorite food? - Chicken Parm
Favorite clothes/accessories? - His trenchcoat and hat.
Favorite animal? - Any that isn't loud. (Animals are like humans in this universe! Think furries if they weren't humans.)
Favorite/most frequently used mode of transportation? - Legs
Favorite holiday? - His son's birthday.
Hobbies? - Writing. Drinking.
Favorite thing about themself? - Nothing.
Fun fact! Favorite [fill in the blank]? - Favorite person? His son, Blackstar :)
Best friends? - Tuo and Coach Zed.
Closest family member? - his :] son.
Partner/s? - Coach Zed and Tuo.
What organizations/clubs/etc are they in? - Eastern Public Eye Agency (defunct.)
Who are their antagonists? - Himself, The Ugly One (ex-wife), The Cancer.
Fun fact! What are they like with their best friend or partner? - Goofy as fuck.
NEWEST: Roneth Pets'op
Who are they?
Full name? - Roneth Pets'op
Nicknames? - Row
Gender/pronouns? - HS Troll gender? He/they
Orientation? - Greyromantic, Bisexual
Age/Birthday? - equivalent to 20 human years. Roughly 8/17. Yes I have no shame in using my own bday for two ocs. Augh
Fun fact! Zodiac? - Leo! Extended is Leiborn.
What’s their personality?
Major good traits? - Weird with it. Amicable. Very flexible.
Major flaws? - Terrible judge. Easy to anger, very vocal about opinions.
Goals? - [TBD]
Fears? - Dying. Pushing away everyone. Being alone. Having no friends.
Optimistic or pessimistic? - pessimistic.
Introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? - introvert.
Empathetic or un-empathetic? - Empath
Do they wait and plan or dive right in? - In the middle, can do either.
Do they go with the flow or forge their own path? - Go with da flow
Fun fact! Other defining traits? - Smokes weed
Relations to the world?
Who’s their family? - A Dog lusus named Tank and a cat lusus named Shadow.
Where are they from? - The countryside
Where do they live now? - Land of Wrath and Rivers.
Do they have a job? If so, what is it? - Painter
How are they with technology? - Great!
Connections to religion or spirituality? - None, an ex-Angel of Double Death follower.
Powers or magic? - Sylph of Rage.
Fun fact! Connections to the lore? - [TBD]
Favorite season/weather? - Summer.
Favorite place? - Bed
Favorite food? - Mac and Cheese.
Favorite clothes/accessories? - Any that's comfortable.
Favorite animal? - Dog/wolf
Favorite/most frequently used mode of transportation? - Seated Scooter with his lusus attached to it a la Bolt.
Favorite holiday? - Halloween!!!!
Hobbies? - Art and music.
Favorite thing about themself? - Good artist.
Fun fact! Favorite [fill in the blank]? - nah im okay.
Best friends? - Reideo, Basker, and Pixora
Closest family member? - Well seeing as je only has two lusii... Shadow!
Partner/s? - Pixora :)
What organizations/clubs/etc are they in? - None.
Who are their antagonists? - [TBD]
Fun fact! What are they like with their best friend or partner? - GOOFY AS FUCK NO BRAINCELLS JUST COCK AND FAMILY GUY FUNNY MOMENTS
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random-movie-ideas · 4 days
DC Cinematic Universe Pitch (TL;DR version)
So, in case you didn't have the time or interest to read through the hundred+ reblogged layout of the DC cinematic universe I was proposing over the last while, here's a relatively truncated version of that:
(Edit: Apparently it undoes my tabbing when not in edited mode, so I'm going to try bolding)
Elements they introduce*
Wonder Woman
Princess Diana
Queen Hippolyta
Donna Troy
The Amazons
Steve Trevor
Barbara Ann Minerva (pre-Cheetah)
Etta Candy
Baroness Paula von Gunther
Doctor Poison
Martian Manhunter
J’onn J’onzz
John Stewart (pre-Green Lantern)
Katma Tui
The Green Lantern Corps
The Guardians
The Manhunters
The Flash
Barry Allen
Wally West (as Kid Flash)
Iris West
Joe West
Ralph Dibny (pre-Elongated Man)
Sue Dibny
The Rogues
Captain Cold
Captain Boomerang
Heat Wave
Weather Wizard
The Trickster
Pied Piper
Green Lantern
Hal Jordan
Thaal Sinestro (still a Green Lantern)
Abin Sur
Arisia Rrab
Carol Ferris (pre-Star Sapphire)
Thomas Kalmaku
Red Lantern Corps
Jackson Hyde
Garth of Shayeris
The concept of Atlantis
Atlan, the Dead King
Black Manta
Cal Durham
Dr. Stephen Shin
Black Jack
Charybdis and Scylla
Green Arrow
Oliver Queen
League of Shadows (Mentioned)
Black Canary
Roy Harper
Task Force X
Amanda Waller
Count Vertigo
Justice League
Martha and Jonathan Kent
Lois Lane
General Zod
Ursa and Non
The Kryptonians
The Phantom Zone
Alfred Pennyworth
Queen Clea of Atlantis (briefly)
Teen Titans
Dick Grayson (as Nightwing)
Beast Boy
The HIVE Academy
The HIVE Queen
Doctor Light
The HIVE Five
Wonder Girl
Cassie Sandsmark
Vanessa Kapatelis (pre-Silver Swan)
The City of Kandor
Darkseid (Mentioned)
Perry White
Jimmy Olsen
The Daily Planet
Batman and Batgirl
Barbara Gordon
Jim Gordon
The Mad Hatter
The Joker (in memory)
Catwoman (in memory)
Harley Quinn (in memory)
Two-Face (in memory)
Jason Todd’s death (in memory)
The Penguin (in memory)
The Riddler (in memory)
Killer Croc
Harvey Bullock and Renee Montoya
Tim Drake
Poison Ivy
Roman Sionis (pre-Black Mask)
Queen Mera
Orm Marius
Tula Marius
Queen Atlanna
Nuidis Vulko
The Kingdom of Xebel
King Nereus
The Siren
The Trench
Green Arrow 2
Mia Dearden
China White
Wonder Woman 2
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
Queen Antiope
The White Magician
Green Lantern 2
Guy Gardner
Ganthet and Sayd
Carol Ferris as Star Sapphire
The Star Sapphire Corps
The Zamarons
Jillian Pearlman
Hector Hammond
Doctor Polaris
The Tattooed Man
Hawkman and Hawkgirl
Carter Hall
Shiera Saunders
Prince Khufu
Princess Chay-Ara
Kent Nelson (as Doctor Fate)
Inza Cramer
Linda Danvers
The Silver Banshee
The Flash 2
Linda Park
Elongated Man
Gorilla Grodd
Gorilla City
Marvel Family
Billy Batson
Mary Bromfield
Freddy Freeman
Dr. Sivana
Black Adam
The Wizard Shazam
Martian Manhunter 2
Saint Walker
Blue Lantern Corps
The Orange Lantern
Aqualad 2
King Shark
Justice League 2
Vandal Savage
The Blue Beetle Scarab
Daniel Garrett
Ted Kord
Teen Titans 2
A new lineup of Task Force X
The Atom
Ray Palmer
Jean Loring
Booster Gold
Chronos the Time-Thief
Per Degaton
Ronnie Raymond
Martin Stein
Killer Frost
Jason Rusch (pre-Firestorm)
Superman 2
Lex Luthor
Emil Hamilton
Kryptonite and its properties
Batman and Batgirl 2
The Iceberg Lounge
Catwoman, Joker, Harley, Two-Face, Penguin, and Riddler in person
Hugo Strange
Wonder Girl 2
Doctor Psycho
Aquaman 2
Corum Rath
Lorena Marquez
The sinking of San Diego
Nightwing 2
Mr. Freeze
Nora Fries
Stephanie Brown
Arthur Brown
Wonder Woman 3
Barbara Ann Minerva as the Cheetah
The Duke of Deception
Marvel Family 2
Darla Dudley
Eugene Choi
Pedro Pena
Victor and Rosa Vasquez
Mister Mind
The Anti-Life Equation
Teen Titans 3
Rose Wilson
The Wildebeest Society
Various new Titans
Green Lantern 3
The Sinestro Corps
Amon Sur
Lyssa Drak
Parallax mentioned
Other Lanterns like Boudikka and Tomar-Re
Supergirl 2
Earth Three
Power Girl
The Crime Syndicate
Alexander Luthor and family
Mr. Mxyzptlk
Martian Manhunter 3
Mongal and Mongul Jr.
Big Barda
The Flash 3
Bart Allen
Meloni Thawne
Reverse Flash
Don and Dawn Allen
Time travel using the Speed Force
Green Arrow 3
Bronze Tiger
League of Shadows
Connor Hawke mentioned
Death of Oliver Queen
Justice League 3
Granny Goodness
Mr. Miracle
New Gods
Earth Two
Golden Age Superman
Golden Age Lois Lane
The Ultra Humanite
Delores Winters
Plastic Man (Cameo)
Wonder Woman
Golden Age Wonder Woman
Jay Garrick
Jay Garrick
Johnny Quick
Jesse Quick
Mirror Master
Rainbow Raider
The Thinker
Golden Age Aquaman
Lori Lemaris
King Neptune
The Fisherman
The Malignant Amoeba
Golden Age Batman
Golden Age Robin
Golden Age Joker
Golden Age Penguin
Golden Age Catwoman
Golden Age Riddler
Alan Scott
Alan Scott
Rose Canton
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden (Pre-Jade)
Doiby Dickles
Ma Hunkel
Solomon Grundy
Justice Society of America
Mr. Terrific (Terry Sloane version)
Johnny Thunder
Hawk and Dove
The Justice Society
The Legion of Doom
Clark Kent
Earth Prime
Teenage Clark Kent
Jonathan and Martha Kent
Lana Lang
Pete Ross
Leslie Willis (pre-Livewire)
Chloe Sullivan
Whitney Fordman
The Toyman
Clark Kent 2
Teenage Lois Lane
Krypto the Super-Dog
The Parasite
Clark Kent 3
The Multiverse
Leslie Willis as Livewire
Atomic Skull briefly
Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 1-3)
True nature of the Anti-Monitor
The imps Qwsp and Quirk
Destruction of Earth Two, Three, and Prime
Death of Barry Allen
Hal Jordan as Parallax
Apparent death of Mr. Miracle and Darkseid
Teenage Clark Kent only survivor of Earth Prime
Superman 3
The death of Superman
Lois pregnant with Jon Kent
John Henry Irons (pre-Steel)
Batman & Batgirl 3
Arkham hostage situation
Barbara Gordon paralyzed
Jonathan Crane’s allegiance to the League of Shadows revealed
Batman, Catwoman, Joker, Harley, Penguin, Riddler, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, and Killer Croc taken by the League
Wonder Girl 3
Vanessa Kapatelis as Silver Swan
Kendra Saunders
Fel Andar
The Thanagarians
Katar Hol
Shayera Thal
Nightwing 3
Jason Todd resurrected as Red Hood
Roman Sionis as Black Mask
Kyle Rayner
Genocide of the Green Lantern Corps by Parallax
Kyle Rayner
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden as Jade
Alexandra DeWitt
Alexander Nero
The Indigo Tribe
Miss Martian
M’gann M’orzz
Kid Flash
Wally West as the Flash
Hunter Zolomon as Zoom
Golden Glider leading a new team of Rogues
Golden Glider
The Top
The original Teen Titans disbanded
The Planet Tamaran
The Citadel
The Planet Rann
Adam Strange
Buddy Baker
Aquaman 3
Offscreen death of Aquababy, separation of Aquaman and Mera
Doom Patrol
Niles Caulder
Negative Man
The Brotherhood of Evil
The Brain
Monsieur Mallah
Madame Rouge
General Immortus
General Zahl
Swamp Thing
Swamp Thing
Abigail Arcane
Anton Arcane
John Constantine
John Henry Irons as Steel
Natasha Irons
Conner Kent AKA Kon-El created
Hank Henshaw becomes Cyborg Superman
Owen Mercer, son of Captain Boomerang
Max Mercury
Cobalt Blue
Teen Titans 4
The Big Bang
Major Disaster
Rolando Texador
The Blood Syndicate
Zatanna Zatara
Jason Blood and Etrigan
Brother Blood
Cult of Trigon
Blue and Gold
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle’s friendship
T.O. Morrow
The Red Tornado
Maxwell Lord
Firestorm 2
Lorraine Reilly
Jason Rusch becomes Firestorm
Ronnie Raymond dies of cancer
Supergirl 3
Legion of Super-Heroes
Brainiac 5
Cosmic Boy
Saturn Girl
Lightning Lad
Brainiac 13
Kara remains in the future
The Atom 2
Murder of Sue Dibny
Murder of Doctor Light
Kimiyo Hoshi becomes Light
Jean Loring exposed as murderer
Blue Beetle murdered by Maxwell Lord
The Question
Vic Sage
Helena Bertinelli
Victor Zsasz
The Court of Owls
Death of Vic Sage
Justice League 4
Checkmate revealed
Anthony Ivo
Jaime Reyes becomes the new Blue Beetle
Secret Society of Super-Villains revealed
Justice League Dark
Zatanna, Constantine, Raven, Swamp Thing, Etrigan, and Jared Stevens form Justice League Dark
Trigon unleashed
Son of Batman
Damian Wayne
Jonathan Crane as the Scarecrow revealed
War of the Gods, Part One
Circe, Cheetah, Giganta, Silver Swan, Doctor Poison, Queen Clea, Zara, and Blue Snowman form Villainy Inc.
Doctor Psycho turned into a pig
Death of Queen Hippolyta
Doors of Death opened
War of the Gods, Part Two
The Firstborn
Murder of Circe, Doctor Poison, Queen Clea, Zara, and Blue Snowman
Gods of Olympus
Artemis of Bana-Mighdall returns from the dead
Aquaman, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Captain Marvel called on to protect the gods
Death of the Olympian pantheon
Champions of Olympus found a new pantheon
Blue and Gold 2
Booster and Jaime attempt to save Ted through time travel
Rip Hunter
Black Beetle
The Reach
The Bat Family, Part One
League of Shadows prison
Cassandra Cain
Batman, Catwoman, and eight villains work together to escape
Expedition to Krypton
Alexander Luthor Jr.
The Eradicators
Death of Emil Hamilton
Teenage Clark Kent from Earth-Prime becomes Superboy-Prime
Birds of Prey
Black Canary, Huntress, and Renee Montoya as the Question form Birds of Prey
Barbara Gordon as Oracle
Dinah Drake, the original Black Canary
Lady Shiva
Sarah Lance as White Canary
The Speed Force
Barry Allen brought from the past
Barry, Wally, Bart, and allies join forces
Professor Alchemy
Death of Eobard Thawne, Hunter Zolomon, and Inertia
Death of Max Mercury
Kate Kane as Batwoman
Bette Kane as Flamebird
Duke Thomas
Zatanna 2
Klarion the Witch-Boy
Swamp Thing 2
Tefe Holland
The Floronic Man
Blackest Night
Jessica Cruz
Simon Baz
Black Hand
Birth of the Black Lantern Corps
Nekron mentioned
Adam Strange
War between Rann and Thanagar
The Bat Family, Part Two
Ra’s al-Ghul
Talia al-Ghul
Bat Family fully reunited
Deaths of the Joker and Ra’s al-Ghul
Steel 2
Natasha Irons as Steel
Manchester Black
Black Lightning
Jefferson Pierce
Anissa and Jennifer Pierce
Tobias Whale
Joey Toledo
Death of Earl Clifford
The Atom 3
Princess Laethwyn
The Morlaidhans
Adam Cray
The Bug-Eyed Bandit
The Micro Squad
Firestorm 3
Ronnie Raymond resurrected as Deathstorm
Connor Hawke
Connor Hawke
Death of Merlyn
The Rogues
Owen Mercer takes his father’s place
Abra Kadabra trades the team’s souls
The demon Neron
Blackest Night, Part Two
Zombie apocalypse caused by the Black Lantern Corps
Resurrection of dead heroes and villains such as Superman, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Oliver Queen, the Question, Ted Kord, Jean Loring, Sue Dibny, the Joker, various members of the Suicide Squad, and more
Death of Amanda Waller at the hands of her fallen Suicide Squad members
Creation of the White Lantern ring
All intact zombies restored to life
Alan Scott 2
Icicle Jr.
Jakeem Thunder
Universe still existing despite Crisis
Jennifer missing from this universe
Courtney Whitmore
Pat Dugan
All-American Kid
Nathaniel Adam’s transformation into Captain Atom
General Wade Eiling
Solomon Grundy’s past revealed
Al Pratt
Al Pratt as Golden Age Atom
Atom Smasher
Michael Holt’s Mr. Terrific
Fire and Ice
Ultra-Humanite’s return
Rick Tyler
Rex Tyler
Matthew Tyler
Hawk becoming Extant in the future
The Spectre
Boston Brand’s murder
Doctor Mid-Nite
Beth Chapel (pre-Doctor Mid-Nite)
The Hook
Jay Garrick 2
The Phantom Stranger
The realization something is wrong with their universe
Justice Society of America 2
The Sandman
The revelation that their universe is preserved through the dreams of Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, residing in Earth-One
Final Crisis (Part 1-3)
Superboy-Prime, Alexander Luthor Jr., and Jennifer-Lynn Hayden the keys to restoring the Multiverse
Resurrection of Darkseid
Restoration of Earth Two, Earth Three, and Earth Prime
Edit: Let's see how that does.
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simpystarrr · 1 year
Starr lore time
Some members from Samiya's father's side of the family are associated with enemy organizations. (such as Xaviar, who is a member of the Chaos Insurgency) Not wanting to have a bad reputation to the family name, he wanted his children to become part of the Foundation once they were ready.
One reason Samiya got in the Foundation so early is because her parents wanted to get her in the foundation early, thinking that the news of "one of the youngest scientists to join the foundation" will cover up the fact that our family is associated with such organizations.
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samwisethewitch · 3 months
REVIEW: Hoodoo Herbal by Starr Casas
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One thing that I think sometimes gets lost when we talk about Southern folk magic is that there's a lot of regional variation within the Southern US. Appalachian folklore and folk magic is trendy right now, but Appalachian traditions are actually very different from what other communities in the South are doing. While authors like Rebecca Beyer and Jake Richards do a great job of documenting Southern Appalachian lore, I think Starr Casas is one of the most high profile authors who covers what I would consider Deep South folk magic.
I know some people have issues with Casas, and I personally don't agree with her on everything (for example, she uses the words "hoodoo" and "conjure" interchangeably, while I use "hoodoo" specifically to refer to African American practices), but she is clearly very dedicated to documenting traditional Southern conjure as it was taught to her, and I can respect that.
This book is an herbal, and like most herbals, it's somewhere in between a spellbook and an encyclopedia. This is not a Conjure 101 book. Instead, this is a book for people who are already familiar with the basics and who want a reference book where they can quickly look up the lore and uses of different plants and curios in this tradition.
• Like Casas's other books, this is very authentic to traditional conjure in the Deep South. She covers things in her books I learned growing up here but have never seen written down anywhere else.
• Very comprehensive. This book covers most basic herbs, but also goes into how to work with houseplants, curios, and Biblical figures.
• Great breakdown of the hot/cold and sweet/bitter system used in conjure, and explains how to choose herbs for a work based on these properties.
• Easy to use as a reference book. It's easy to flip back and forth to find information about a specific plant or curio. I read this as an ebook, which made it even easier to look things up by searching specific words.
• Casas is very insistent that conjure must be passed down in person from an elder and is kind of condescending about people who learn conjure from books. This feels... not exactly like gatekeeping, because I see the point she's trying to make, but it rubs me the wrong way. I mean, the people in my family who knew this lore and practiced these works all died before I was born, and my parents and grandparents weren't interested in learning. My only option has been to reconstruct a personal/family conjure tradition based on local lore, talking to other workers, and yes, reading books. And while yes, I think books alone can only take you so far, I think we should acknowledge that not everyone has access to an in-person teacher.
• The other reason this bothers me is because Casas says her motivation for writing her books is to keep traditional conjure alive as the tradition's elders are aging and dying. So if she's aware that elders are dying without passing on what they know, why the insistence that true conjure can only be learned in person? Why write the books at all, then?
Other/Miscellaneous Observations:
• Casas feels very strongly that Christianity and the Bible are essential to conjure. If you do not feel the same, this book will piss you off.
• Casas is from Texas, and while I definitely consider her work more Deep South than Southwestern, there are some regional influences there. For example, Casas works with Catholic saints in an otherwise very Protestant magic tradition.
• Despite the above observations, Casas makes it very clear that she is not overly fond of churches and does not think you have to be a church-goer to practice conjure. She also talks about how she has taught conjure to people who aren't Christian, in case anyone was worried about that angle.
Conclusion: This is a solid reference book and a great collection of plant lore from the Southern US. I'm always happy to add books to my shelf that don't just parrot Western European herbalism, and it's nice to read a book that has info on New World plants. I have more issues with the philosophy/politics of this book than I did with Old Style Conjure by the same author, but this book does do a good job of showing what traditional conjure looks like. I recommend this as a reference for Southern US plant and curio lore, but definitely balance your perspective by picking up books from other authors and looking at other sides of the conversation.
Rating: 3/5 Stars
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catinasink · 4 months
wow... an intro post.. how original
most recent edit: 17.4.24
welcome to the sink i live in :]
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who am i?
you can call me cat or nico. it/he/they pronouns please :3 alternatively, no pronouns works :3
some people call me neptune. please dont call me neptune without permission if you are not one of them.
i'm a minor, and i would prefer not to interact with people over the age of 18, thank you (there are a few exceptions, you know who you are)
transmasc agender (probably something fluid as well but i havent really thought much yet), polyam, aspec (cupiromantic + aroflux, aegosexual + aceflux, demiplatonic + aplflux)*, and pan
what do i post about?
i tend to make original posts often
i tend to reblog often
some random fandoms, once in a while
music :33 i like to lyricpost a lot
gayposting (i do this often)
sadposting/ventposting (sadly, also often)
family, pets, friends?
i have one older sister (she/her)
i have two cats (kim and shego (aka floorshitter))
irl friends who i mention sometimes:
pissboy (he/they, origin story. has his own tag)
lee (she/her)
preppy (she/her)
miss eighth grader (she/they, i gaypost about her sometimes)
ashes (she/her)
no eyebrows (she/her)
oona (she/her)
orange muffin (she/her)
spring (she/her)
zebra (he/him)
life tips guy (he/him)
girl i met at an event (she/her, has her own tag)
can you tag me in tag games and send me chain asks?
uh, i rarely participate in tag games and i'm no longer responding to chain asks
PST (west coast best coast!!)
the usual ig (terfs, bigots, zionists, queerphobes, as well as nsft/nsfw blogs)
unless we're close/you have permission, please dont call me your friend. it makes me uncomfortable.
also, please dont dm me without permission.
also please dont use hearts.
what can you call me?
i love pet names :3
i would kinda prefer not really gendered terms, other than like boy in some contexts
*i tend to use both labels listed, because while i am cupiro + aegoace + demiapl, my romance plato an sex-repulsity tend to fluctuate
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other info
tone tags would be nice if you think you're being too vague
scorpio sun, sagittarius moon, scorpio rising
i speak english and russian, learning german and hebrew (for reasons)
a couple sideblogs, @catinasink-writes, @nymph-of-the-sea, a vent one, and some more
i might ask you to re-explain a sentence sometimes, words just dont word in my head at times :(
it would be nice if you tell me before you leave lol my brain is kinda mean about that to me
currently matching descriptions with @shrimpysstuff!
currently matching banners with @homoashell!
please don't just. reblog my vent posts without adding anything or something, that's a little icky
somehow i got a family 😨😨
i swear. a lot.
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everything basically (excluding asks and reblogs, so just original posts ig): #cat's rambles
posts mentioning my cats: #cat's cat
writing (in general): #cat's writing
writing (/gen): #poetry maybe
my art: #cat's art
my asks: #cat's asks
schoolposting: #cat's schoolposting
lyricposting: #cat's lyricposting
my music that i wrote: #cat's lyrics
yearning: #nico catinasink is yearning
queued posts: #queue you
my friend @this-is-me-lolol: #basil my beloved <3
pissboy: #my lovely pissboy
my friend @o-kye: #tumblr user o-kye
girl i met: #pretty girl my beloved
my spouse :3 (@homoashell) :#starr my beloved
cali cult: #calicos
sink lore: #happenings of the sink
blender anon: #cat's blender anon
platonic love anon (@platonic-love-letter-anon): #💌 anon
dear anon (dreamscape nexus thing) (no longer used): #cat's dear anon
dreamscape nexus: #dreamscape nexus
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have a wonderful day :]
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superfam · 2 years
a guide to this place
to be consistently updated.
Original Content
My art tag
Meta writing/analysis Lex Luthor's public image Lois and Clark's relationship/identity reveal What the hell is Pink Kryptonite?
Supertwt (fake Tweets) > The Cast Part One Part Two (feat. Jimmy Olsen) Part Three ("Nice one" saga p1) Part Four ("Nice one" saga p2) Part Five ("Nice one" saga finale) Part Six (rumour mill)
Screencaps/Edits '80s Lois Lane edits (1) (2) Superman TAS: Superman saves Clark
Tag guide under the cut
Family/group tags Super Family Bat Family Wonder Family Flash Family Arrow Family Justice League Titans Young Justice (comics) DC Trinity
Character tags Clark Kent (Superman) Martha (Ma Kent) Jonathan (Pa Kent) Krypto Lois Lane Jimmy Olsen Kara Zor-El (Supergirl) Karen Starr (Power Girl) Mae Kent (Matrix Supergirl) John Henry Irons (Steel I) Natasha Irons (Steel II) Conner Kent (Kon-El) Linda Danvers (90s Supergirl) Christopher Kent Cir-El Val-Zod (Superman of Earth 2) Jon Samuel Kent (Superboy III) Kong Kenan (New Super-Man)
Relationship tags Clois (Clark/Lois) TimKon (Conner/Tim Drake) Stephkara (Kara/Stephanie Brown) Helstarr (Karen/Helena) Superdad (platonic Clark + his kids)
Misc. DC (news/lore/mostly Bitching) Comic panels Comic edits Fanfic prompts Shitposts Headcanons Comics history Pre-crisis Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Lois Lane's husband
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ok so today i’m feeling very sentimental because i’m pretty sure it’s the last time i’ll hang out with my family until i graduate in July so we’ll be ranking the top 10 locations from Ace Attorney i’d rather be at right now instead of at my desk trying to write my 3,500-word essay due in 8 days. i haven’t included locations from Investigations because that’s a list for another time. let’s take a look:
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10. Prosecutors Office Underground Parking Lot: kicking off the list is a location i initially hated but have ultimately to come to appreciate. what’s there not to like? there’s a sense of mystery, it’s supposedly the scene of the crime, Edgeworth’s busted car is there, it’s where we meet Angel Starr (an icon). the only thing that could make it better would be Maya’s input
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9. Sunshine Coliseum Backstage Hallway: if you tune in to Turnabout Podcast you probably know I love Scooby-Doo. this is straight out of a Scooby-Doo episode. it might sound like sacrilege but i chose this over Turnabout Samurai’s studio locations because this is just so... Scooby-Doo-y, i can’t. the glam of it all !! it’s reminiscent of the Mystery Inc. episode with the Hex Girls (love). and also the fact that Apollo and Ema were ki-ki-ing outside while Romein Letouse was getting shot in the dressing room? honey, yes.
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8. Hotti Clinic: ok listen. i am an absolute slut for public sector locations (i don’t know what else to call them, pls educate me). as morbid as it sounds, i love the white LED, reflective floor, sitting area reception of the hospital. so many stories to tell, so many people to meet. and Japan is known for how well organised their public sector is. it’s not American tv drama hospital, like all grimy and disgusting, it’s more like... Trauma Centre.
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7. Dr Meraktis’s Office: fittingly, yet another hospital location. what an a amazing office. this belongs in a coffee table book on office decor. i mean sure, the choice of desk lamp, wallpaper and exposed safe are all very gaudy, but the jars of fluorescent liquid more than make up for those. and the wall-sized window? stunning. knowing Apollo, he probably didn’t even stop to take this all in during his investigation. he probably complained too, like idk about the hospital smell or the spilled coffee. what a nerd. hate him
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6. Kurain Village: Kurain Village looks like such a peaceful place. it’s so rich with history and culture, and Maya, Mia and Pearl lived there. i love that we get some more exposition in SoJ and get to explore the stunning view of the mountain in the background. i love that taking the bus there is also like a little excursion too. 100% i’d visit and i’d join one of the Fey classes too
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5. Blue Screens Inc.: your eyes are not playing tricks on you, this isn’t a Tumblr shitpost. the design here? 10/10 stunning. imagine working at Blue Screens, under Lisa Basil’s supervision, with charismatic coworkers like Glen Elg and Adam Mada. one of my friends is currently writing her dissertation on how personalised workspace helps build up work ethic, and honestly i’m gonna tell her to include this place because if i worked there i’d be the most productive employee
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4. Gourd Lake Entrance: as we reach the top picks on this list, you’ll notice that a lot of them have been chosen because of the sentimental value they hold. not only does Turnabout Goodbyes take place here but it’s also such a peaceful and endearing location. forget the other Gourd Lake locations, full of clues, where we interrogate Lotta Hart, Larry and Yanni Yogi. this is just a serene entrance to the park, where Gumshoe gives us the lowdown and the Wintery backdrop looks so charming. i wanna walk my dog down that nature trail
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3. Fey & Co. Law Offices: i don’t want any of that Anything Agency bullshit. this is the original, so rich with lore. Charley front and centre, Mia’s favourite movie on the wall, the view of the Gatewater. the conversations we’ve had here, asking Maya any ideas? and what do you think? or having Gumshoe be the office caretaker, preparing food for us? it’s the location where we receive all our original cases, Phoenix gradually starting to make a living out of being a lawyer. it’s home away from home
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2. Damon Gant’s Office: this is another Scooby-Doo-esque location. a true villain’s lair. the dual nature of Gant and Lana’s former office clashing with each other, the villainous decor like the church organ, the stained glass windows and the knight armour, it’s all so... malevolent, so dramatic. like i can imagine Damon Gant on the 81238016th floor of the police station playing the organ and the people down at the basement hearing it through the pipes. and the church vibe is kinda illustrating Gant as this self-righteous, divine individual who loves to play God because he’s got the systematic power. the location elevates the narrative here and further fleshes out the characters. 10/10 love
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1. Viola Hall: this is a masterpiece. this is not only a location straight out of an excellent Scooby-Doo episode, but it’s also so majestic. looking at it transports you into the moment. imagine wearing your best tux/gown, gathering for a tv show convention of all things, the food being delicious, the company being lovely, and all of a sudden there’s both a murder and a kidnapping. i live. honey, i live, truly. and the fact that in the end Maya has 0 PTSD from getting kidnapped and they all celebrate there because the two misogynist disasters Juan Corrida and Matt Engarde have been eliminated - chaotic excellence.
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cadaceus · 3 years
EXU 6: “The Gift Among the Green”
Hello everyone and welcome to my liveblogs for this week’s episode of Exandria Unlimited: “The Gift Among the Green.” I absolutely loved the worldbuilding that Aabria gave us in this episode, and some of the character moments--especially with Opal--were truly so emotional. I am both so ready and not ready at all for these final two episodes! 
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- This cozy Matt look is really working for me, personally (plus Omar’s outfit is so cute!)
- Fy’ra Rai calling Dorian “little brother” is gonna get me every time isn’t it  😭
- DARIAX AND HIS 0 PERCEPTION CHECK IS SO ON BRAND.... it’s okay baby boy.... we’ve all been there....
- Dorian getting the crown again via his friends skinny dipping into an ancient civilization... EXU once again being peak D&D
- A PUPPY??? Googol my beloved! (Oh and now Googol has the scary crown... this went downhill so quickly oh my lord)
- Ruidus has been mentioned... I just got flashbacks to that hour long Exandrian moon theories video on Youtube.... give me the moons lore Matt and Aabria!
- Oooh, his real name is Bronte... I wonder what his last name is and why he refuses to say it? He must be some sort of nobility, right?  👀
- Orym admitting to checking out Dariax during the skinny dipping LMAOOO Liam’s characters will just always gravitate towards Matt’s magic men
- FEARNE’S PARENTS LEFT HER 50 YEARS AGO?? So she has spent almost half her life without them... oh my love 😭
- Dariax LIED to the group and about Tharla Starr too, he is so precious
- “I’ve never done anything without Ted” :((( Love them
- Dariax saying to the Observer “there’s been a lot of people in my head recently” reminds me of one of my favorite Yasha lines, “There’s been a lot of people in my head and I don’t want to give them you” and now I’m emo again
- “That’s called... branding” I mean, Dariax is not wrong LMAO Dorian has one of those names where you just want to say the first name and last name together
- HUH? Who/what did Opal see in the mirror? At first I thought maybe Ted, but Ted would look like Opal (ie: not blue eyes) right? Curiouser and curiouser....
- Oh, she saw her mother.... baby girl... Opal is making me sad today, Aimee has done such an incredible job with this character 😭
- Orym got a seed! I wonder what sort of seed! (Or maybe they said and I missed it...)
- That group Perception check was..... rough
- HUH??? Someone got Opal with a dart, but they are in the ancient city so did someone sneak into the city or is there someone after her that is a resident of this place?
- A chase scene?! Let’s gooooo
- This derailing into a conversation about gender and sex in the animal kingdom is so valid of them dfgdhjkfl
- Wait, I didn’t know Word of Radiance was a 5e spell.... any Stormlight Archive fans here who know exactly what I was thinking of when I heard her say it...
- “Save Opal--and get my axe back!” Priorities on point :’)
- Ashley’s two Natural 1s in a row...  😭
- Opal Misty Stepping on to the back of Dire Wolf!Fearne is so badass, I love that imagery so much... anytime someone uses that spell it ends up being so freaking cool
- Wait why was Opal kidnapped again? Or do we not know yet?
- Fy’ra Rai going “I tell you all these things with two slaps on the back!” made me laugh so hard tbh sfghdjkld that’s just how D&D works sometimes, I wasn’t even questioning it until she pointed it out!
- The way Ashley went “I apologize” in that long drawn out way was so funny dfgdhjk
- Huzzah for getting the Ring of Invisibility, that’s so cool! But also YIKES IT WAS THE PURPLE PEOPLE WHO WERE AFTER OPAL?? HOW COME??
- Dariax’s Opal impression going “Help me Ted!~” before spellcasting truly made me laugh out loud quite literally fsghjkdl (timestamping it at about 4:22:28 on the VOD, 4:07:28 on YT)
- Poor Opal is in shock isn’t she :(((
- NOOOOOO I DON’T WANT ANJALI TO GOOOO I was lowkey hoping that she would stay with the group for the rest of the time, she feels like such a key part of them now!
- “Don’t worry... I would do anything for my friends.” This is still giving me Dorian Corruption Arc vibes and I am not mad about it... what if he makes the same bad turns/choices as he did previously (that Fy’ra Rai is referencing) but this time it’s not because he thinks he’s better off alone, it’s because he does it for the sake of his found family? This is not a theory just an angst dump but woof I love how much potential this storyline has
- I like “the Chosen Ones” as a name so much! Maybe not as much as “the Natural Ones” as I saw suggested in the chat, but hey it’s still a keeper ;)
- Ooh, so is this Ted’s body that someone found? Or is it more of a metaphysical imagery of Ted, ie inside of Opal’s mind? I am so intrigued at what’s to come in these last two episodes!
- See You Next Thursday friends! ;)
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