#Stefano Zanchi
patemi-pk · 6 months
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Stefano Zanchi is an artist to be cherished.
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frc-ambaradan · 11 months
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Stefano Zanchi's quadriptych of covers dedicated to the four seasons he realized for Picsou (from Zanchi's facebook page).
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thefearsomefangirl · 4 months
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I'm such a fan of Stefano Zanchi art <3
And that picture of Magica its so awesome!!!
SOURCE: From Stefano's Instagram page
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balu8 · 11 months
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Stefano Zanchi: The Seven Ghosts
Source Fabio C. (comicartfans)
The Seven Ghosts - Mickey, Goofy, and Donald , in Fabio C.'s DISNEY, GREATEST STORIES EVER TOLD, REIMAGINED Comic Art Gallery Room (comicartfans.com)
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beurkivol · 2 years
Artiste coup de coeur, stefano Zanchi
Pour les abonnés au picsou magazine, ils ont du voir en couverture et à l'intérieur du magazine duck préféré de la donaldiste qui vous écrit un illustrateur, enfin ses oeuvres. Oeuvres déjà rencontrées pur mon cas au détour d'un trésor de picsou, le 51. Gros coup de coeur, mais jamais cherché (honte à moi) d'autres histoires de ce dessinateur.
Stefano Zanchi. Et si j'orthographie mal, honte à moi vu la proximité du mag sur mon bureau.
Que dire... Mis à part que j'ai trouvé ici un dessinateur disney préféré n°2.
Pourquoi ? déjà, je trouve ses découpages de planches très intéressants et "parlants". ça va paraitre bête, mais les dispositions et les plans des personnages coupent avec ce que j'ai souvent pu voir dans les BD des ducks ou des souris.
De plus, les poses des personnages sont très dynamiques et "vivantes".
Mais le mieux, la cerise sur le gateau, le sou fétiche sur le coffre, c'est... Les couleurs. Au lieu des mêmes couleurs flashy auxquelles mes pauvres yeux étaient habitués, on jongle avec des gammes de teintes harmonieuses qui rendent extrêmement bien l'ambiance et les impressions que peuvent ressentir les personnages mis en scène (il collabore pour des personnages secondaires et les mets très bien en lumière, c'est archi intéressant.
Voilà voilà, je savais pas vraiment quoi j'allais dire en ouvrant le post mais bon, j'avais besoin de pousser ce cri du coeur là, c'est officiel j'adore cet illustrateur ettt son style est pas sans m'inspirer (si, jvous assure que j'ai déjà fais qq travaux inspirés de son style). Donc pour conclure ce cri du coeur, j'incite clairement à lire mais surtout regarder Pas de chance pour gontran, La solitude du trèfle à quatre feuille et l'ultime aventure de reginella !
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sikyurame · 2 years
The heart attack I get when a topolino artist likes my art 8)
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dailygladstone · 1 month
stefano zanchi
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polisena-art · 11 months
Poli primeiramente queria dizer que amo sua arte sério, seu estilo é muito lindo ❤️
E também eu queria perguntar como vc faz pra os seus desenhos serem tão fluídos? Tipo as poses são muito suaves e expressivas, essa é uma das coisas que eu mais gosto nos seus desenhos, a fluidez.
Vc tem alguma dica ou estudo de como fazer desenhos assim? Qualquer coisa já ajuda. Vlw 🤠
AAA OBRIGADA!! Sinceramente fico muito feliz que fluidez é o que tenha chamado sua atenção nos meus desenhos. É algo que eu venho tentando melhorar a algum tempo no meu traço e ainda tem muito espaço pra evolução! Acho que quando se trata de fluidez o primordial é saber construir uma linha de ação clara pros personagens, ainda mais se tratando de cartuns. Dessa forma você consegue amplificar o propósito de uma ação e deixar ela mil vezes mais interessante!
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Além disso o que tem me ajudado muito é buscar referências dos quadrinhos do Topolino (as revistas italianas da Disney) porque acho a estilização deles especialmente LINDA. Além disso eu salvo alguns quadrinhos de edições publicadas no Brasil (principalmente pra refs do Zé) e qualquer edição em que apareça o Panchito.
Sério acho que a melhor maneira é estudar os profissionais, eu recentemente comecei a seguir esses caras aqui ó! Paolo de Lorenzi Paco Rodriguez Stefano Zanchi
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gcldbound · 1 year
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Stefano Zanchi Uncle Scrooge
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violetganache42 · 8 months
*clears throat* Anyway, here are the first two!
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Scrooge McDuck - Uncle Moneybags
Ink Cost: 2 (Can be put in the Inkwell) Card Type: Character Ink: Sapphire Classification: Dreamborn • Hero Strength: 1 Willpower: 3 Lore Value: 1 Rarity: Promo [TREASURE FINDER] Whenever this character quests, you pay 1 Ink less for the next item you play this turn.
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A strange new world is the perfect place to make a strange new fortune!
Art by Stefano Zanchi (Yes, you read that right. THE Stefano Zanchi!)
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Gizmosuit (It's worth noting that this card depicts the 1987 version of the suit despite Lorcana focusing on the 2017 reboot.)
Ink Cost: 3 (Can be put in the Inkwell) Card Type: Item Ink: Steel Rarity: Common [CYBERNETIC ARMOR] Banish this item - Chosen character gains Resist +2 until the start of your next turn. (Damage dealt to them is reduced by 2.)
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It stands in the Halls of Lorcana, waiting for someone to speak the secret words.
Art by Dustin Panzino
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patemi-pk · 2 years
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Stefano Zanchi, A Christmas Carol
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frc-ambaradan · 1 year
Sketches and inked artworks by Stefano Zanchi from the upcoming story "I cieli di Farmtown" (Skies of Farmtown):
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from Topolino #3531
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modmad · 4 years
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not sure if these artists will see this but if anyone knows how to get it to them I’d be grateful! :’D what a beautifully written and drawn little masterpiece that was, time to reread it again!
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dirtyriver · 4 years
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Topolino 3198, March 8, 2017, cover by Stefano Zanchi, colors by Andrea Cagol
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kenatthecon · 6 years
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Rapalloonia! 2018 – Signature sessions (16 of 18)
Paolo Mottura puts the finishing touches to his Scrooge and finally starts picking up the print-signing slack. Crisis averted!
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evilblot · 7 years
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This took me like a week, no jokes.Also forgive the weird colours but tumblr is shit ™ when it comes to process big images 😒... ANYWAY. 
Full analysis with artists’ names and such under the cut.
▪ ULTIMATE FAVE : from the Darkenblot saga, drawings by Lorenzo Pastrovicchio. It’s my canon reference when I draw him. The embodiment of literal perfection. Like y'all can have any other version but this one is mine and mine alone,believe me I’m gonna fight you for it.
▪ AESTHETIC : Lord of Deceits ( both Shadow & Human version ) from Wizards of Mickey, drawings by Lorenzo Pastrovicchio again. Love seeing the Blot with long hair and, as for the Shadow form, well… he  t h i c c   👀 
The version beneath is from a series called Goofy Reporter, drawings by Stefano Turconi. This version holds a special place in my heart, probably because of both his vivid and suggestive facial expressions and that he somehow manages to show certain sides of the Blot’s character that are usually hidden. Also my man looks dapper af in that suit.
▪ MOOD : speaking of showing personality aspects, I cannot forget these guys here. The bottom image is Giorgio Cavazzano’s interpretation of teh Blot which I adore because he’s able to portrait him as the cold criminal genius he is and yet he also paints him as some sort of cute dork. And all in the same page. Stunning ain’t it? Anyway.
Above you see him as General Nero, from an Italian parody called Topolinix inspired by the famous Asterix saga. The drawings are by Silvia Ziche, and man I love the expressions, they just crack me up anytime I see them. Also, in this case, I’m weak for the husbando wearing armors, especially if they show some skin too (´ヮ`)
▪ MAH HART MAH SOUL : Let’s face it, when I see my man in his early stages of his life I melt in a sugary puddle. I just can’t help it. Drawings by Stefano Turconi and Marco Gervasio.
▪ HONORABLE MENTIONS : First place obviously goes to the Blot by Romano Scarpa because it’s the first version I’ve laid my eyes upon and the one I basically grow up with. Great story, amazing drawings. And maybe also the reason I enjoy bondage a bit too much.
Then there’s the Gran-Khan-Gnar version, from a Star Trek parody named Star Top drawn by Alessandro Perina. Despite not liking the saga since I’m not a sci-fi enthusiast, seeing my man wearing a space battle armor with chiseled abs helped appreciate the reading none the less.
Speaking of fancy costumes, I cannot forget Stefano Zanchi’s version, heavily inspired by 1800’s South Italy dress code for a comic that portrait the Blot as sort of tomb raider, pass me the term. Love the hat. Also he can use that rifle against me whenever he likes to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
▪ EXTRA : Dr. Blackfang from Metopolis, parody of the movie Metropolis, drawings by Paolo Mottura. First time I saw this version I literally burts into laughter until I couldn’t breathe no more. And it still happens. I mean, what kind of hair is that??! ? [ wheezes ] 
Still, I would more than happily stick my hands in that messy mane and braid it with badly concealed enthusiasm. 
So yeah, this is my classific. As you may notice it covers only the Italian comic production but understand this is the material I most know and appreciate.Don’t get me wrong, I literally came when I saw the animated version of the Blot in both Ducktales and House of Mouse series but I noticed that in both cases they reduced him to a caricature of himself and it’s a shame. Not to mention that thing they gave me in Epic Mickey. Ok he’s a big buff ink monster who wants to rule the world yet it has nothing of the original Blot so for me it was kinda disappointing.
Better than nothing, sure, but still ¯\_(:/)_/¯
Anyway, aqain a thousands thanks anon for your request, it made me immensely happy to have the opportunity for sharing my thoughts about one of the most influencing things in my life 😍😙
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