#Stella is a well-intentioned disaster
lunarlegend · 9 months
Stella Plays Matchmaker (For No Reason)
~ or, The Story of How Stella Accidentally Created a Love Triangle Out of Nothing
(Brotherhood Era - featuring Stella, age 16; Noctis & Prompto, 18; Ignis, 20; and Gladio, 21)
[ basically, Stella believes herself to be inherently irresistible to men, so naturally she mistook Prompto's growing crush on Noctis to be directed at her (despite there being absolutely no evidence to support this whatsoever)
...and decided to remedy the (very awkward and very imagined) situation by inviting a very confused Prompto over to her apartment one night so she could gently break the news to him that she only likes him as a friend.
and that's how it all started... ]
Stella: -opening the door- "Prompto! Come on in!" D:
Prompto: -cautiously steps inside and looks around- "Uh...I appreciate you having me over, but...why did you choose 9pm on a Wednesday?"
Stella: "Let's not worry about that." -pulls out a chair for him at the table- "Have a seat." D:
Prompto: .... -hesitates for a moment, then sits-
Stella: -also sits- "Would you like a cookie?" D: -holds out a plate of chocobo-shaped cookies-
Prompto: ...! -very carefully takes one- ... -suddenly blurts out- "...I-is something wrong?!"
Stella: "No no, of course not!" D: -stares at him-
Prompto: ...... -takes a small bite of the cookie-
Stella: -continues staring-
Prompto: "... ...S-Stella...?"
Stella: "Prompto, I need to talk to you." -reaches across the table and puts her hand on his hand-
Prompto: -jumps- ?!
Stella: -sighs deeply- "...This isn't easy..."
Prompto: -on the verge of an anxiety attack- "...O-oh gods, what's wrong?! Just tell me...!"
Stella: -dramatic pause- "...Prompto, I...I only like you as a friend."
Prompto: ....
Stella: ....
Prompto: "...I-I...I also like you as a friend...?"
Stella: -sighs again- "Prompto, you don't have to hide it anymore. I know you like me...I've seen the way you act when we all hang out at Noct's."
Prompto: -genuinely confused- "Uhh..."
Stella: -continues- "But I just don't feel that way about you. I already have someone who I like."
Prompto: -still confused- "...Uh...yeah, I know. You like Ignis."
Stella: -suddenly blushes bright red- "...H-How do you know about that?!" o//A//o;
Prompto: "Stella, you literally stuffed your bra with my socks."
Stella: -covering her face with her hands- "We don't talk about that...!" >//A//<;;
Prompto: "Besides, I..." -sighs- "...Well, I guess I appreciate you trying to let me down easy, but..." -takes another bite of the cookie, blushing slightly- "...I already have someone who I like, too..."
Stella: -looks up at him- ?
Prompto: -catches her gaze and looks away, blushing more- "...I-it's not important..."
Stella: -suddenly grabs his hand with both of her hands- "No, you have to tell me!" D:
Prompto: -jolts- "Uwah!"
Stella: "Tell me! Maybe I can help!" D:
Prompto: -stares at her for a moment- ... -looks down- "...It's...uhh..."
Stella: -waits expectantly- D: ?!
Prompto: "...I...I-I like..." -mumbles a bit- "...I like...Noctis..."
Stella: -practically shouting- "Noctis?!" D:
Prompto: -blushing profusely now- "Ahh, don't say it so loud...!"
Stella: -already in her own little world as she thinks about it- "...Of course..."
Prompto: "S-Stella...?!"
Stella: -looks up at him again- "Does he like you back?!" D:
Prompto: "...! I...well...I don't...know. I mean, I hope he does, but..."
Stella: "Let me find out!" D:
Prompto: -blinks- "...Y-yeah...?"
Stella: -nods confidently- "I can totally find out!" D:
Prompto: -stares at her for a moment- ... -slowly nods back- "...O-okay...just...just don't make it obvious that I like him, okay?"
Stella: "Of course! Your feelings are safe with me!" D:
[ so the next day, Stella headed across the hall to Noctis' apartment after school, determined to discreetly get some information out of her cousin. ...which went about as well as you'd expect. ]
Stella: -settling into the couch while Noctis starts the PS4- "Y'know..."
Noctis: -focused on what he's doing- ?
Stella: "Prompto's a really great guy, huh?"
Noctis: -grabs their controllers and sits down on the couch beside Stella- "Yeah, I guess so. He's my best friend, after all."
Stella: -nods, taking her controller as he hands it to her- "...He's pretty cute, too, huh?"
Noctis: .... -glances over at her for a moment- "...I mean, I guess. If you like blonde guys."
Stella: -with no hesitation whatsoever- "And those freckles! So adorable!" D:
Noctis: ........ -hesitates awkwardly and turns toward the TV- "...Can we just play the game?"
Stella: -nods and watches while he starts the match- ... -waits until they're in a middle of a round before she brings it up again- "...I wonder if Prompto likes anyone?"
Noctis: -jumps and misses his move, causing his character to throw the match- ...! -turns to Stella again- "...Why are you even thinking about that?!"
Stella: -practically oblivious to what's happening on the screen- "I'm just saying...guy like that, he could probably date anyone he wanted!" D:
Noctis: ...... -stares at her-
Stella: -stares back- D:
Noctis: ...........
Stella: D:
[ later that day ]
Stella: -on the phone with Prompto- "I haven't been able to get any information from him so far. ... ... Well, you know how he is. ... Yeah, I know. ... ....No, I don't think it's a lost cause! Just gotta do a little more investigating..." D:
[ even later that day ]
Noctis: -angrily tossing his dishes into the sink just as Ignis walks in the door-
Ignis: -blinks and pauses at the scene- "...I can see you're in a bad mood, so I take it you didn't get to the paperwork I left you?"
Noctis: -continues without even looking at him- "As if I have time for that!"
Ignis: -suppresses a sigh and places a bag of groceries down on the counter- "...What's going on? Did something happen?"
Noctis: -considers talking about it for a moment, but decides against it- "...No. It's fine."
Ignis: -raises an eyebrow- ... -surveys the mess in the kitchen before moving to start preparing dinner- "...Well, your father is waiting for those documents. So if you could at least glance at them before--"
Noctis: -suddenly blurts out- "I think Stella likes Prompto!"
Ignis: ....... -blinks-
Noctis: -staring down at the counter- .... -hesitates before he continues- "...She...she wouldn't stop asking about him today!"
Ignis: ... -chooses his words carefully- "...If she does, would that bother you?"
Noctis: -looks up at him- "Of course it would!"
Ignis: ...! -pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose- ...
Noctis: -looks back down- "...I mean..."
Ignis: ... -quietly starts preparing dinner, giving him time to continue-
Noctis: "...Well six, why did it have to be Prompto?!"
Ignis: -glances up at him calmly as he begins dicing veggies- "...Why does it bother you so much?"
Noctis: -abruptly yells- "Because I like Prompto!"
[ later that night ]
Ignis: -sighs as he unlocks the door to his apartment-
Gladio: -had been waiting for him inside- "There you are. Did Noct give you a fight about the paperwork?"
Ignis: -takes his shoes off and sets his bag down, looking even more stressed than usual- "Not exactly..."
Gladio: -places comforting hands on his shoulders- "You wanna talk about it?"
Ignis: -sighs again as he leans into the touch- "...I think...I think Noct has a problem I can't help him with."
Gladio: -barely suppresses a snort- "Well yeah, that kid has lots of problems..."
Ignis: -ignores his comment and continues- "...He's upset because he found out Stella likes Prompto, apparently."
Gladio: -pauses- ...
Ignis: "He's really distraught about it. I'm not sure what to do..."
Gladio: ... -hides a chuckle- "...So you...you think Stella likes Prompto?"
Ignis: ...? -turns to look up at him, raising an eyebrow in confusion- ...
Gladio: -trying not to laugh- "...No, it's just..." -sighs and leans down to kiss Ignis on the forehead- "...I just think it's cute that you think Stella likes Prompto."
Ignis: ...???
[ and that's the story of how Stella inadvertently caused all sorts of drama by literally being the worst matchmaker in history. obviously Noctis & Prompto eventually did figure out their feelings for each other, but not before several more weeks of this, and with absolutely no real help from Stella.
she's an idiot, your honor. ]
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
The twister roared it's way through Imp City, sending cars and debris tossed everywhere high in the air like toys thrown by an angry child as imps and demons of all sorts rushed for cover away from the storm. tornadoes were a very rare sight in the Pride Ring, so unfortunately most infrastructure and the populace wasn't prepared for such inclement weather when it happened. Though said shoddy building was also somewhat intentional on Lucifer's part as an added punishment to the Sinners and wicked trapped there as well, shame about the native born caught in between the political strifes of the outsiders. All they could do is carve out a living the best they could among the near post-apocalyptic underworld they were born into, hoping someone could care enough about things to make some form of difference, even if said action was motivated more by their own self-image than genuine compassion....
Said someone did eventually arrive from a very unlikely place: The Goetia Royal Family. Usually viewed as far too disconnected to care about the little people beneath them and caring too much about their own royal status to do anything despite their immense powers. You see, the current prince and princess of the family, Stolas and Stella, known more for a relationship and family life more turbulent than the weather outside, have been rumored to be the two mysterious caped figures that have been seen aiding civilians throughout the seven rings. Either by averting natural disasters like the flaming twisters of Wrath, or by stopping the plans of far less scrupulous individuals of the Underworld like the crime families of Greed, or just generally intervening whenever something went awry, like when another one of Wally Wackford's wacky inventions malfunctioned... Again... For the fourteenth time that week..... For the third week in a row this month....
No one except for Stolas and Stella really knew why those two aristocrats would be so bothered to go out of their way to help citizens for little to know rewards. Some imps say it's for entertainment for the rich like an extreme challenge of sorts to test their might, some think it's for public relations to look at least somewhat good in the paper, very few seem convinced they seem to be doing it out of the kindness of their own hearts to use their power to help those who can't help themselves, though that is by far the rarest interpretation of their good deeds.
For Stolas, it was mostly initially for the thrill of the challenge. Living such a stuffy and sheltered life and being pampered with every want and need attended to was fine, but could definitely get boring after a while. Plus, with how rocky his familial affairs had become, it was a good way to blow off steam. Especially after the turmoil caused by the incident with the grimoire and an imp trying to start his own business a while back. But, it was in becoming attached to that imp named Blitzo and his friends/employees of his company, that Stolas began to see the general plight of the underclass of the Underworld and realized that maybe, just maybe, he could be able to turn at least something down here around for the better. Said thoughts were what was currently going through his mind as he chased down the rampaging cyclone, his crimson cape and fluffy grey feathers flapping in the gales as he drew closer and closer to the swirling and whirling dark funnel cloud. He began to cycle through all the different ways he could best use his amazing powers to to tame this tempest. He could fly around it in the opposite direction to create a counter wind to dispel the tornado, No.... That could just cause it to spin up into a hurricane... His laser vision to heat up the air inside to dispel it? Maybe, though that might just make the storm worse... And you can't just petrify a tornado easily, either... Opening up a portal into space to suck it in could work, but might be a bit dangerous to make a portal that large in such a crowded city... His mind then landed on his personal favorite power: His super breath. Ice breath might have the same negative effects as laser vision if he wasn't careful, blowing it away was out of the question given how deep the storm was in the city by now and could possibly just absorb his winds and use them blow even stronger gales. It was then perfect plan struck him: If he couldn't blow, then he could suck! A smirk crossed the edge of his beak as he tried to surprise an immature chuckle at that idea as he rocket past the tornado and stood in between the roaring wall of churning clouds and winds like a guardian of the city.
"Well, this might not be the most dignified way of disposing of rogue cyclones, but it is certainly the most efficient and safest way to do so I believe..." He said as he exhaled gently, emptying his lungs to make room.
"Here it goes!" he said as he opened his beak wide and began to draw in a tremendous breath using the full force of his avian lungs and air sacs as a mighty rushing wind began to roar into his mouth. Suddenly, like a powerful vacuum drawing in dust, thousands upon millions of cubic tons of air began to rush into his lungs, dragging the tornado towards Stolas' immense vortex. The storm raged and roared, writhing and twisting fruitlessly against the blustery bird's own mighty gales. Soon, with a satisfying woosh, Stolas began to suck up the twister, clouds and all as he flew upwards towards the storm's massive cumulonimbus cloud to keep swallowing up every last bit of vapor and wisp of wind until finally, with one more monumental effort and a satisfying "PUMFF" noise, Stolas snapped his beak shut, leaving only clear skies and relatively balmy breezes in his wake. He smiled as he surveyed the area from above, looking at the confused, but relieved, inhabitants of Imp City now that the storm was over and Stolas looking more than a bit comically puffed up from his stunt compared to his usual rail thin appearance. "Well, this certainly is quite the experience, isn't it?" He thought to himself, feeling the tons upon tons of violently swirling winds and clouds churn and puff inside of him. "Good thing I can hold my breath for quite a while! Now... To open a portal and blow all this excess air somewhere safe!" He thought, only to be interrupted by a ring from his phone. He quickly checked it and saw that he was late for a movie night with his imp friend, Blitzo.
"Hay, Ivv gor thee mobbie al sey up! Wat's takin u so lung?" The text message said. Ever since the incident at Ozzie's a few weeks back, Stolas had been trying to connect more with Blitzo as a friend as opposed to just an item like he used to. Completely forgetting about the swirling storm he swallowed, Stolas bolted back to his castle as fast as he could, hoping Blitzo wouldn't be too upset at him for being late. Upon arriving and entering through his living room window, he was greeted by a red with white spots imp half of his height wearing a black jacket and a cheeky, fang-filled grin. "Hey Stolas! Was wondering where you were! What took you so long?" The Imp asked his feathered friend. "I've got the Seabiscuit in the player and the Popcorn already to go! Had to disguise myself as a butler so your guard dogs wouldn't question why a random imp was bumbling around your castle screwing with your TV and digging through your cupbaords!" He gave Stolas a cheeky wink and gently nudged the owl's puffed up middle with his elbow, causing the Owl 's eyes to widen as he made a "HMPH!" noise, trying to keep the storm at bay inside of him after the poke. "Say.... You feeling okay Stolas?" Blitzo asked, looking up and down his royal friend, noting just how... Puffy... He looked. "You look a bit... Bloated. You been eating too much rice or something again?" He asked, thinking that the rumor about birds not being able to eat rice was true. "I'm sure I can ring up Moxxie for some antacids or other medical crap like that. He's got so much medical stuff on him and acts so jittery all the time that I'm half wondering if he spends his breaks just using that stuff on himself!" He laughed. "No phank you, I'm quite phine, Blitzo..." Stolas said, his voice muffled by the increasingly intense swirling cyclone inside of him. "Oh my, it seems that I overestimated how long I could contain this tempest inside of my being! I simply cannot hold my super breath in any longer!" Stolas thought frantically to himself as he tried to get away before he quite literally blew a gasket from the pressure brewing inside of him. But alas, it was too late....
With an involuntary exhale from Stolas, Blitzo found himself swept up in a mighty torrent of swirling gale force winds and turbulent grey clouds that carried him and whatever was unlucky enough to not be nailed down in the room tumbling through the mansion as Blitzo cursed up a storm of his own over the roaring winds and thunder before finally coming to a stop as he landed against a wall, the windstorm dying down as soon as it started, paper and feathers fluttering around the room like a surreal snowfall as the couch cushions landed nearby with a resounding "thud", too. Though the clearing dust and storm clouds, he could see the shape of a very embarressed and apologetic looking Stolas. "Cheese and hot sauce, Stolas!" He called out across the room. "When I said you were a gigantic blowhard that one time you wouldn't stop lecturing me about those stupid plants of yours, I didn't mean it like that!" He said with a mixture of surprise, mild frustration, and also mild amusement at the whole situation that just unfolded between the two.
"O-Oh... Sorry about that, Blitzo..." Stolas said sheepishly as he went to go help his friend up and start cleaning up the mess he accidentally caused.
"It's fine..." Blitzo sighed as he dusted himself off. "Just be sure that next time you go out playing hero and stopping storms with your underwear on the outside, be sure you blow next time instead of suck." Blitzo joked. "Oh, and pack some mouthwash or something, too. Just to be safe." He teased, causing Stolas to blush and giggle himself.
There we go, might post this to the Ask Super Stolas blog sometime soon, too. What'd you think? -Super Goetia Anon.
Worthy of Ask Super Stolas, for sure!
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ask-super-stolas · 7 months
Super Stolas Story Time Episode 1
(OOC: thought it'd be a fun writing exercise to expand on these comics in text form. Let me know what you think and I might make more in the future depending on how busy this blog gets.) ------------------------------------------------
The twister roared it's way through Imp City, sending cars and debris tossed everywhere high in the air like toys thrown by an angry child as imps and demons of all sorts rushed for cover away from the storm. tornadoes were a very rare sight in the Pride Ring, so unfortunately most infrastructure and the populace wasn't prepared for such inclement weather when it happened. Though said shoddy building was also somewhat intentional on Lucifer's part as an added punishment to the Sinners and wicked trapped there as well, shame about the native born caught in between the political strifes of the outsiders. All they could do is carve out a living the best they could among the near post-apocalyptic underworld they were born into, hoping someone could care enough about things to make some form of difference, even if said action was motivated more by their own self-image than genuine compassion....
Said someone did eventually arrive from a very unlikely place: The Goetia Royal Family. Usually viewed as far too disconnected to care about the little people beneath them and caring too much about their own royal status to do anything despite their immense powers. You see, the current prince and princess of the family, Stolas and Stella, known more for a relationship and family life more turbulent than the weather outside, have been rumored to be the two mysterious caped figures that have been seen aiding civilians throughout the seven rings. Either by averting natural disasters like the flaming twisters of Wrath, or by stopping the plans of far less scrupulous individuals of the Underworld like the crime families of Greed, or just generally intervening whenever something went awry, like when another one of Wally Wackford's wacky inventions malfunctioned... Again... For the fourteenth time that week..... For the third week in a row this month....
No one except for Stolas and Stella really knew why those two aristocrats would be so bothered to go out of their way to help citizens for little to know rewards. Some imps say it's for entertainment for the rich like an extreme challenge of sorts to test their might, some think it's for public relations to look at least somewhat good in the paper, very few seem convinced they seem to be doing it out of the kindness of their own hearts to use their power to help those who can't help themselves, though that is by far the rarest interpretation of their good deeds.
For Stolas, it was mostly initially for the thrill of the challenge. Living such a stuffy and sheltered life and being pampered with every want and need attended to was fine, but could definitely get boring after a while. Plus, with how rocky his familial affairs had become, it was a good way to blow off steam. Especially after the turmoil caused by the incident with the grimoire and an imp trying to start his own business a while back. But, it was in becoming attached to that imp named Blitzo and his friends/employees of his company, that Stolas began to see the general plight of the underclass of the Underworld and realized that maybe, just maybe, he could be able to turn at least something down here around for the better. Said thoughts were what was currently going through his mind as he chased down the rampaging cyclone, his crimson cape and fluffy grey feathers flapping in the gales as he drew closer and closer to the swirling and whirling dark funnel cloud. He began to cycle through all the different ways he could best use his amazing powers to to tame this tempest. He could fly around it in the opposite direction to create a counter wind to dispel the tornado, No.... That could just cause it to spin up into a hurricane... His laser vision to heat up the air inside to dispel it? Maybe, though that might just make the storm worse... And you can't just petrify a tornado easily, either... Opening up a portal into space to suck it in could work, but might be a bit dangerous to make a portal that large in such a crowded city... His mind then landed on his personal favorite power: His super breath. Ice breath might have the same negative effects as laser vision if he wasn't careful, blowing it away was out of the question given how deep the storm was in the city by now and could possibly just absorb his winds and use them blow even stronger gales. It was then perfect plan struck him: If he couldn't blow, then he could suck! A smirk crossed the edge of his beak as he tried to surprise an immature chuckle at that idea as he rocket past the tornado and stood in between the roaring wall of churning clouds and winds like a guardian of the city.
"Well, this might not be the most dignified way of disposing of rogue cyclones, but it is certainly the most efficient and safest way to do so I believe..." He said as he exhaled gently, emptying his lungs to make room.
"Here it goes!" he said as he opened his beak wide and began to draw in a tremendous breath using the full force of his avian lungs and air sacs as a mighty rushing wind began to roar into his mouth. Suddenly, like a powerful vacuum drawing in dust, thousands upon millions of cubic tons of air began to rush into his lungs, dragging the tornado towards Stolas' immense vortex. The storm raged and roared, writhing and twisting fruitlessly against the blustery bird's own mighty gales. Soon, with a satisfying woosh, Stolas began to suck up the twister, clouds and all as he flew upwards towards the storm's massive cumulonimbus cloud to keep swallowing up every last bit of vapor and wisp of wind until finally, with one more monumental effort and a satisfying "PUMFF" noise, Stolas snapped his beak shut, leaving only clear skies and relatively balmy breezes in his wake. He smiled as he surveyed the area from above, looking at the confused, but relieved, inhabitants of Imp City now that the storm was over and Stolas looking more than a bit comically puffed up from his stunt compared to his usual rail thin appearance. "Well, this certainly is quite the experience, isn't it?" He thought to himself, feeling the tons upon tons of violently swirling winds and clouds churn and puff inside of him. "Good thing I can hold my breath for quite a while! Now... To open a portal and blow all this excess air somewhere safe!" He thought, only to be interrupted by a ring from his phone. He quickly checked it and saw that he was late for a movie night with his imp friend, Blitzo.
"Hay, Ivv gor thee mobbie al sey up! Wat's takin u so lung?" The text message said. Ever since the incident at Ozzie's a few weeks back, Stolas had been trying to connect more with Blitzo as a friend as opposed to just an item like he used to. Completely forgetting about the swirling storm he swallowed, Stolas bolted back to his castle as fast as he could, hoping Blitzo wouldn't be too upset at him for being late. Upon arriving and entering through his living room window, he was greeted by a red with white spots imp half of his height wearing a black jacket and a cheeky, fang-filled grin. "Hey Stolas! Was wondering where you were! What took you so long?" The Imp asked his feathered friend. "I've got the Seabiscuit in the player and the Popcorn already to go! Had to disguise myself as a butler so your guard dogs wouldn't question why a random imp was bumbling around your castle screwing with your TV and digging through your cupbaords!" He gave Stolas a cheeky wink and gently nudged the owl's puffed up middle with his elbow, causing the Owl 's eyes to widen as he made a "HMPH!" noise, trying to keep the storm at bay inside of him after the poke. "Say.... You feeling okay Stolas?" Blitzo asked, looking up and down his royal friend, noting just how... Puffy... He looked. "You look a bit... Bloated. You been eating too much rice or something again?" He asked, thinking that the rumor about birds not being able to eat rice was true. "I'm sure I can ring up Moxxie for some antacids or other medical crap like that. He's got so much medical stuff on him and acts so jittery all the time that I'm half wondering if he spends his breaks just using that stuff on himself!" He laughed. "No phank you, I'm quite phine, Blitzo..." Stolas said, his voice muffled by the increasingly intense swirling cyclone inside of him. "Oh my, it seems that I overestimated how long I could contain this tempest inside of my being! I simply cannot hold my super breath in any longer!" Stolas thought frantically to himself as he tried to get away before he quite literally blew a gasket from the pressure brewing inside of him. But alas, it was too late....
With an involuntary exhale from Stolas, Blitzo found himself swept up in a mighty torrent of swirling gale force winds and turbulent grey clouds that carried him and whatever was unlucky enough to not be nailed down in the room tumbling through the mansion as Blitzo cursed up a storm of his own over the roaring winds and thunder before finally coming to a stop as he landed against a wall, the windstorm dying down as soon as it started, paper and feathers fluttering around the room like a surreal snowfall as the couch cushions landed nearby with a resounding "thud", too. Though the clearing dust and storm clouds, he could see the shape of a very embarressed and apologetic looking Stolas. "Cheese and hot sauce, Stolas!" He called out across the room. "When I said you were a gigantic blowhard that one time you wouldn't stop lecturing me about those stupid plants of yours, I didn't mean it like that!" He said with a mixture of surprise, mild frustration, and also mild amusement at the whole situation that just unfolded between the two.
"O-Oh... Sorry about that, Blitzo..." Stolas said sheepishly as he went to go help his friend up and start cleaning up the mess he accidentally caused.
"It's fine..." Blitzo sighed as he dusted himself off. "Just be sure that next time you go out playing hero and stopping storms with your underwear on the outside, be sure you blow next time instead of suck." Blitzo joked. "Oh, and pack some mouthwash or something, too. Just to be safe." He teased, causing Stolas to blush and giggle himself.
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raayllum · 2 years
i’m just thinking about how much i would die if we ever got a flashback with everyone’s old arc 1 designs again… or maybe possibly time skip era in-between designs?? i highly doubt it, but ngl i’d enjoy getting to see a disaster-heartbroken-16-year-old Callum, a desperate on-a-dark-mission claudia, or an on-her-own rough-adventure rayla.
I do think it’s very likely we’ll get flashbacks of Claudia and Rayla for a few reasons.
1) Rather than Claudia’s hair turning white solely because of the ressurection spell like we thought (in addition to it being far simpler), Claudia’s hair might have gradually grown whiter over time. This would provide an easy way to show time passing as well as her continued corruption. In addition, seeing more of the specifics how she suffered would complement her arc with her father if Viren still ends up being hesitant about completing the spell / as the Sparklepuff squad potentially learn more about just who and what Aaravos is. 
I feel like Claudia has to at least have an idea of just how bad unleashing him would be for her choice to go ahead with it to be as impactful as possible, and rn she has really no idea (besides what Soren has said, and even then, it was pretty vague). That, and seeing what Claudia has been through would keep her sympathetic because we would understand more of why she feels like she can’t back out now, after everything she’s gone through for it.
2) There are two important parts of Rayla’s journey we have to see, but they would presumably be spaced decently far from each other. The first is how she met Stella, which the team has said they can’t say too much about it right now, which is creator speak for “this is important, we’re going to get into it later” rather than just offering up a headcanon if it wasn’t relevant. This could’ve been a few months into Rayla’s time away or given that Stella is still just a baby, could’ve been as late as a year and a half into her time away. 
The second important event is whatever happened to make Rayla realize she had to / could come back to Callum in the first place. Her appearance at 4x02 is very much like if we had just seen 1x02 without the context of 1x01 and it’s also a question Callum asks like three times ( “What are you doing here?” “So why are you back? You must’ve found Viren, was he dead after all?”) and never gets an actual answer to, her response implies she’s been travelling with the intention of coming home for over a week, etc. 
3) Rayla and Claudia have always been strong foils to each other and now even more so in S4. They are also the two characters the most rife with implications rather than knowledge of what they’ve been up to during the timeskip, both rejoin the story with new Xadian companions (Stella, Terry, respectively) and had their unique face off at the end of 4x09. Rayla is going to be desperate to save Callum and/or her parents next season, Claudia is going to be desperate to save her parent next season, etc. I think a flashback episode that focuses on both of them could be really interesting and a great opportunity for storytelling (think ATLA with “The Storm” or “The Avatar and the Firelord”). TDP has had the dual narration for a flashback episode, with 2x06′s “Heart of a Titan” going in between Harrow and Viren’s words and perspectives and like. I just think it’d be Neat
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
What A Lie
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Oh besties. I am sorry for the pain that this may inflict upon you. This was the first time that I actually hurt my own feelings while writing a fic. This bad boy was written for the wonderful and talented @sweeterthanthis for her 6k follower writing challenge! I had a lot of fun writing this (even though I hurt my feelings) and my best friend cursed me endlessly after I had her look it over for me. I hope you guys enjoy (especially you, Lau!) and don't hate me too much!!
Pairing: Andy Barber x reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Angst (oh god is there so much angst), infidelity, cursing, mentions of alcohol, and brief illusions to sex.
You told yourself that the previous encounter would be the last. That you were finished. That you were going to wash your hands of him and be done with it.
But here you are again, standing before the home you knew all too well.
Fists balled up at your sides, feet firmly planted to the ground, you couldn’t help but curse your body for bringing you here. It wasn’t your intent to end up in front of these gates, but for some reason you always did - as though there was some magnetic force that pulled you in every time.
The rational portion of your brain was screaming at you to turn and walk away, to keep the promise you made to yourself. However, there was some part of you, probably the sick and twisted part, that willed you to keep standing there.
It was never supposed to play out the way that it did. It was supposed to be innocent, with no strings attached - just two lonely people helping each other feel a little less so.
“If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.” Stella, your manager and dear friend, sighed as she leaned against the bar, “they always choose the wife.”
You always knew she was right. You knew in your heart that the two of you were passengers on a runaway train, destined for disaster, but you just couldn’t stop. There was something about the relationship, no matter how toxic and fucked up, that your body craved.
You craved the way his lips felt like fire against your skin, igniting every nerve ending in your body. You craved the marks he left behind, a subtle reminder to you that you were his. You yearned for the soft whispers of promises as you laid holding one another, promises that you knew were too good to be true.
“After this whole thing is over we should go somewhere. Get away for a little while.” Andy whispered as he trailed his fingers up and down your spine.
“I think that sounds amazing. Somewhere all inclusive. Just me, you, and a big soft bed that we never leave.” You grinned at the image as you squeezed his waist.
“I could get on board with that.” Andy chuckled as he leaned down to capture your lips in another searing kiss.
Your lips moved softly against his as you propped yourself up to move closer to him. One hand laid flat on his chest as the other came up to cup his face. Andy’s hand met your wrist as he held it, tilting his face slightly to deepen the kiss.
Just as his tongue darted out to caress your bottom lip, you both were interrupted by the sound of a phone chiming.
A sigh escaped your chest as you dropped back down on your back, missing the warmth that Andy provided immediately.
Andy rubbed his face and remained laying down for a moment before he sat up and twisted to grab his phone from the nightstand. You kept your eyes attached to the ceiling fan, watching it go round and round, unwilling to look over at his face as he read the words on his screen.
Moments later you felt the mattress move and warmth slip away as Andy slid to sit on the edge of the bed. The familiar sound of his zipper and clink of his belt gave you a clue as to what the message had been about and who it had been from.
“I gotta go, baby. I’m sorry.” He said quietly, standing in front of the mirror in the corner of your room as he straightened his tie.
“S’okay. I figured.” You sat up, pulling the sheet up so it covered your chest. You gripped the material a little tighter as you let your gaze finally meet his. This part always hurts like a bitch.
You watched Andy as he crossed the room to your side of the bed. His large hand cupped your cheek and tilted your face up toward his. Silent, he stroked your cheek for a moment before he leaned down and placed a kiss to your lips. You sighed into the kiss, continuing to clutch the sheets to your chest - wishing it were him instead. When Andy pulled away you opened your eyes slowly.
“This’ll be over before you know it. I hate putting you through this, you know.”
Words failed you in that moment, so you responded with a silent nod.
There was a moment of quietness between the two of you as he stood and held your cheek in his hand. A small smile graced his lips as he muttered his goodbye and walked out of your room.
That should’ve been the moment that you let him walk out of your life.
Much to your chagrin, you didn’t know about Laurie in the beginning. That night at the bar he hadn’t been wearing his wedding ring and of course she didn’t come up during your tryst.
It wasn’t until your 3rd or 4th meeting that he deemed the news of him being married was important enough to share with you.
“It’s not going well. We’re on the brink of a divorce.” He confessed, attempting to calm your nerves as you hurriedly put on your clothes.
“That somehow makes this okay?!” You yelled, feeling completely blindsided.
“I wouldn’t have gotten into anything if I had any hope for us working it out. That’s not the type of man I am. She’s seeing other people too. The whole situation is just…it’s fucked up, okay?” He looked so broken, so pathetic in that moment that you actually felt the walls of your heart clench.
You knew this was a bad idea. You knew that there was no way this was going to work out well for either of you. This was the first time you should’ve deleted his number and walked away.
Instead of doing the right thing and calling off the…whatever it was that the two of you had going on, you left him on read for a few days and ultimately ended up in the same exact spot you were standing now.
The devil on your shoulder told you that he would leave her and that he was serious about everything he told you while the two of you were wrapped in bed together. Andy Barber was a good man with a good reputation, there was no way he would sacrifice that.
The last time you saw him, however, he stopped by your house late one night. The encounter went much like every other one before it had and ended with the two of you skin to skin beneath your sheets. The sex felt different - that should’ve been your first clue. Instead of the typical needy, rough, fast fuck that you were used to, it was slow and intimate. You realize now that it was a goodbye.
“Laurie and I have decided to resolve things after all...” Andy broke the news to you as he held you in his arms, his words so nonchalant as though he hadn’t just shot you right through the heart.
He continued to speak after that but you don’t remember a word he said. Neither do you remember the fight that followed. Hell, you barely remember shoving him out of your apartment and slamming the door in his face. All you remember is collapsing into your bed and the gut wrenching pain that made home in your chest.
That had been a few months ago and you haven’t seen him since. Not in your bed, smiling at you as you saunter over to him wearing nothing but a grin. Not at work, occupying the second to last stool at the bar. Andy Barber was suddenly nowhere to be found. Almost as though he fell off the face of the earth completely, taking your heart and your dignity with him.
It took some time, but you had finally convinced yourself to move on. No longer was every thought occupied by Andy, no longer did you dream about his fingers on your skin or the way he felt when he filled you completely. You had made peace with your demons and it was finally time to put the past behind you.
At least, that’s what you thought.
Now, here you are. A little drunk, standing in front of his door. You left the bar a while ago with the intent of going home, crawling into bed, and watching TV until you drifted to sleep. Apparently your feet had other plans.
You’re not exactly sure what you came here to accomplish, but that didn’t stop you from raising your fist to knock on his front door. You took a step back and crossed your arms over your chest. As you waited, your gaze drifted from the door to the driveway, the BMW parked there triggering a memory from the last time you were here.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” You moaned as you tightened your fingers around the locks of his hair.
“I know.” Andy responded simply as he sucked a bruise onto your collarbone.
The steering wheel dug into your back painfully as you sat in his lap and allowed him to mark up your neck. The whole thing was cramped, hot, and wildly inappropriate.
However, as you felt his fingers make contact with your aching core, all thoughts of reason went out the window.
A shiver ran down your spine as you tried to shake the memory from your brain. The sound of the deadbolt unlocking brought your attention back to the present.
When Andy’s eyes met yours, it felt as though time stood still. The bags that decorated his beautiful blue eyes looked more defined than what you remembered. He always looked tired, but now it was more so. Not necessarily exhausted from lack of sleep, but from something else. It appeared as though the last few months hadn’t been kind to him either.
“What are you doing here?” Andy finally whispered as he stepped out onto the porch, closing the door behind him.
Honestly? You didn’t know, but you weren’t about to let him know that.
“I deserved better y’know.” You slurred at him.
It didn’t feel like you had control whatsoever over your words. The accumulation of the last few months emotions began to pour out of your mouth involuntarily. Andy started to say your name but you didn’t give him a chance to speak.
“I gave you everything. Every little piece of me belonged to you and what did I get in return? A broken heart and a scarlet letter on my chest.” You could feel your volume rising but you also couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
Andy closed the space between the two of you and grabbed onto your shoulders.
“I’m not playing games here. You need to lower your voice.” He growled.
“Is that what I was to you?” You tilted your head to the side, “A game? A conquest? A pretty little younger model of the busted up thing you had back at home? Fuck you, Andy.”
You pushed him away and turned to stomp down the steps. Before you reached the sidewalk, you felt a strong hand wrap around your wrist and yank you back into a solid figure.
“You don’t get to come here and do this. You were a willing participant in everything we did. You knew what was going on with me and you chose to get involved anyway. I didn’t force you to do anything.”
The urge to connect your palm with his face was rising as you listened to his words. Mostly because you knew he was right. You knew how this romance would end and yet you indulged in it regardless.
“You strung me along. You made me feel important, made me feel loved and wanted. All I was to you was a quick fuck. A bandaid on your shitty fucking marriage. All I ever wanted was you, all of you. Instead you left my house to come back to her every time. You never chose me. Not once.” You shouted.
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you emptied the vault of feelings you kept built up over the last few months.
“You never loved me. Sometimes I don’t think you ever even cared about me. You used me, Andy Barber. You used me to feel better about yourself and you know what the worst part of that all is? That I fucking let you.”
Andy’s hand fell from your wrist to his side. The look on his face was stoic, but you had peered into those eyes enough times to know he was hurting. You had seen that look before - when he showed up at your place in the middle of the night or when he nursed 6 whiskeys at the bar. It was a look you knew all too well, except you were used to being the solution for that look - not the cause.
“I knew how this would end. All my friends tried to warn me, but I didn’t listen. I waved them off and I convinced myself that this would be different. That what we had was different. How pathetic is that?” A laugh escaped your lips, but it held no humor.
Andy continued to hold your gaze. Unmoving. Chest rising and falling rapidly as he stood there and listened to your words. Not once did he mutter a word during your monologue.
“I don’t even know why I came here. I don’t even know why I come back to you every. single. time.” Your voice cracked on the last syllable. “I want to hate you so fucking bad. But I can’t.”
Just as Andy opened his mouth, you assume to speak, the lights on the porch flickered on. Your gaze locked on to the front door and your heart felt as though it stopped beating. Andy turned around as his wife opened the door and pulled her robe tighter around her figure.
“Andy? Is everything okay?” She looked between the two of you as she stepped out onto the porch.
“Everything’s fine, honey,” Your stomach lurched at the pet name, “go back inside. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Laurie stood there for a moment. As her gaze began to meet yours, you glued your eyes to the sidewalk. A few minutes later you heard the front door close again but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at Andy.
“I’m sorry you didn’t get the ending you wanted. If I could go back and stop myself from walking into that bar, I would.” He spoke softly but his words cut through you like a knife.
“But I can’t. So I guess all I can do is say that I’m sorry. To say I never cared about you would be a lie. But it’s so much more complicated than that. I hope one day you can understand.” He sighed, you could hear the defeat in his voice.
“Yeah,” you finally lifted your head to meet his gaze, “I hope so too.”
The two of you stood before one another for what felt like eternity. This was the end. The real end. You both knew that. What surprised you was how okay you felt with that realization. How for the first time in months you felt peace.
Your body brought you here, not for his touch, but for closure - to make good on your promise of washing your hands of him.
It was you who made the first move as you turned and started down the sidewalk. After a few feet, you heard his front door close. For a brief moment you wanted to turn around - to look at the lights as they turned off and hear the sound of the lock sliding back into place. But you didn’t need to. You knew that as soon as Andy walked back into his house and closed his door, that it was over for the two of you. Actually over. No more drunken phone calls, no more secret hook ups, and no more standing in front of his house, begging him to love you.
Tonight was the night that you started to love yourself.
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solariaswitch · 3 years
Were Darcy and Stella set up to be narrative foils?
A lot of people showed an interest in my “hot take” (although it really isnt a hot take lol) post about Darcy and Stella being supposed narrative foils and asked me to elaborate. And in full disclosure..,, The more I think about this take the more stupid it sounds but then again, the dumber the theory, the more I like it. And I think this one is pretty cool, even if it might be my imagination and my tendency to overanalyze details that weren’t actually meant to mean anything all. But first things first. I’ve received two questions about what narrative foils are, so here’s a short description that I copied from wikipedia; a foil is a character who contrasts with another character [...] in order to better highlight or differentiate certain qualities [of each other]. And this is exactly what I think Stella and Darcy were meant to do; to contrast each other while also highlighting that witches and fairies really aren’t all that different. 
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Now, why do I think they were meant to be narrative foils? Well, to begin with, the writers of Winx really seem to enjoy making their heroes and villains foils. Bloom is a narrative foil to both Icy and Valtor, and one could argue that Faragonda and Griffin are as well. With Stella and Darcy, the first thing to look at is what might be the most obvious part of this relationship; the powers. The relationship between their respective powers parallels the relationship between Blooms and Icy’s fire/ice powers. Light and dark, clarity and deceit. Their powers are two sides of the same coin. Light powers have commonly been associated in almost all cultures with truth, enlightenment and protection, while dark powers are connected with chaos, mental disarray and manipulation, and yet one can not exist without the other. Just take a look at some traditional symbols in many cultures, yin and yang, the celebration of midsummer and the equinox as the times where light and dark are equal. They always contrast each other, it’s their one inherent quality.
Further, Stella and Darcy have personalities that share strong similarities while simultaneously being complete opposites - once again highlighting the yin/yang kind of relationship, where there’s always bound to be a similarity between light and dark. Stella is impulsive and cheerful, loud and expressive. Darcy is all about control, and she’s very emotionally restrictive. But they share some interesting similarities. They both operate as second in command in their respective groups. They’re the respective “hot girl”-stereotype as well, but they live this out in very different ways. Both of them are obviously very pretty and know that their looks can gain them attention and get their will through. Stella expresses at several points that she often feels that people struggle to see past her appearance and that she often feels people only see her as pretty. Darcy also uses her beauty to have people do her bidding, the most obvious example is the Riven ordeal in season one. They’re also both the most fashion-conscious within their respective groups.
Now, let’s talk about character design. Darcy and Stella have the same eye color. And it’s an uncommon eye color, which has led many people in the fandom to speculate if Darcy might be Solarian. Straffi actually put a lot of love and effort into character designs, enough effort to hire actual high fashion designers to help draw the outfits of the show. And so, I’d like to think that not much was left to just pure coincidence. Additionally, it’s an interesting detail to note that Darcy’s secondary color is gold, and Stella is often presented with some purple in her transformations. Here, have these shitty side by side comparisons I made to show my point (and thanks to @bitchatcloudtower for helping me notice this!);
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I think that the creators of the show were trying to make a point to highlight these narrative similarities in season one, but then gave up and settled with having Bloom/Icy as the main narrative foil relationship. The Stella/Darcy one is only shown a few times in later seasons but is a bit more prominent early on in the show. In the episode “Date with disaster.” Darcy disguises herself as Stella in order to steal her ring. They chose to specifically send Darcy to steal the ring, despite the trix being fully capable of using illusion powers to send anyone (we see them turn Knut into a human, and Stormy can change her appearance in season two). Arguably, Icy would have been a better actress and had more success at finding the ring, sending her would have made more sense. I think that sending Darcy was a deliberate choice made by the creators to highlight that they were setting Stella and Darcy up as narrative foils, similarly to how they were setting Bloom and Icy up. But like many early subplots in winx, it was buried and forgotten about, or in this case just never explored that much more. Intentional or not, I think it’s an interesting thought.
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imkylotrash · 4 years
Recipe For Disaster
Pairing: Riven x reader
Request: A light fairy from Earth that started already in the second year bc of her potential, but do classes with the first year too. They become friends and start dating. The faires are being terrible to her, only the winx help and he doesn't know. When he sees her crying in the dining hall when the faires are being mean bc of her talent, relationship and origin (like "What he sees in her?), he stands for her and the winx too. Anonymous
A/N Thank you for motivating me when tumblr deleted my first draft of this. It kept me going when I just wanted to call it night and go to sleep, haha. 
Tagging: @grey-girl​ @bitchwhytho​  
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Starting at Alfea when you know absolutely no one is hard. Add starting as a second-year student because of your powers and you have a recipe for disaster. No one wants to befriend the freak who was clever enough to skip a year and it gets very lonely having no one to talk to. It takes you weeks to find your people. It happens accidentally one day when you ask Terra for directions to the green house and she instantly starts talking your ear off. Something you’ve grown to love by now. Terra introduces you to the rest of the girls and finally it feels like you belong somewhere. Through them you meet Riven. The bad boy who’s remained ignorant to all the rumours flying around at Alfea in turn making him unaware of what people think of you. It’s part of the reason why you love hanging out with him. It becomes a little bubble where you don’t have to deal with the rest of the fairies. One day he kisses you out of the blue admitting that he’s been wanting to do that for a while and it melts your heart. After that the two of you become inseparable.
“Hey handsome,” you say coming up behind him. He sneaks his arm around you instantly making you blush. Even though you’ve been together for a while now you’re still getting used to his carefree PDA. He doesn’t care who’s watching or what they think.
“Get a room,” Sky laughs but Riven only has eyes for you right now.
“Hi baby,” he says quietly clearing intending for it to be a moment just between the two of you. Without taking his eyes off of you, he flips Sky the finger.
“Are you busy?” you ask relishing in his undivided attention.
“I promised Sky I’d do some practice with him. But I’ll see you for dinner?” You nod thinking it’ll give you plenty of time to catch up on some reading.
“Perfect,” he says giving you a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing with Sky. You head straight for the library where you get a few good hours of reading in before deciding to call it a night. When you exit the library, you notice a group of fairies standing outside.
“If it isn’t Y/N. Did Riven get tired of you yet?” You’re not sure what they’re intention is but you’re not going to stand and listen to this. When you try to walk past them, they block you keeping you right where you are.
“Tell me just how you’ve gotten Riven so bewitched by you. Because clearly, it’s not your looks,” the first girl says venom dripping from the words.
“Maybe she has experience keeping men in the bed,” someone snickers. You’re not going to cry. You repeat that mantra over and over again in your head determined not to give them what they want but they’re bringing up all your insecurities and it feels horrible.
“Maybe you’re just another project. Everyone knows he’s had his share of them,” the first girl says with a horrible smile. It’s the final drop. You can’t fight the tears falling.
“Well, I heard it’s because she has great taste in music.” You look over to find Musa standing there with the rest of the girls.
“Actually, I heard it’s because she’s literally the nicest person alive,” Terra argues making you smile. This right here is the reason why they’re your best friends.
“Well, I heard that it’s because he loves her.” You spin around to find Riven watching you. There’s murder in his eyes as he looks at the girls surrounding you.
“You love me?”
“Yeah, I do. How could I not?” he says walking past the girls and straight to you never breaking eye contact. Gently, he dries away your tears and place a kiss on your forehead.
“I love you too,” you say feeling a new wave of tears hit you but this time they’re happy tears. It’s the first time he’s said those words to you.
“Now get lost,” he says looking at the fairies still standing around you. He doesn’t let go of you as they hurry off.
“They should be grateful I don’t know their names,” Riven says clearly still upset. But you couldn’t care about what they said because you have the girls and Riven and you couldn’t ask for me.
“How long has this been going on?” he asks looking down at you. You’re about to tell him that it’s a one-time thing when Musa beats you to it.
“Ever since she started. They’re jealous assholes who thinks degrading Y/N will make them feel better.” You’ve never heard Musa curse but you like the fact that she’s willing to do it for you. Even though you’re not sure how you feel about Riven knowing the truth now. You don’t want it to change anything or make him think that you’re not worth it.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice is soft - free of judgement.
“When I found out you didn’t know how other people felt about me, I guess I just really liked the fact that you didn’t know. It was an escape that allowed me to feel normal. And I worried you would feel differently about me if you knew.” You’re scared to look at him as you admit the truth you’ve been hiding for a while now but once again Riven proves to be the best boyfriend one could ever ask for.
“I don’t care what other people think. I love you and that’s all that matters. I’m here for you,” he says kissing you.
“We’re here too, you know,” Musa says with a smile.
“Yeah. I know we don’t kiss you and stuff, but we’re here if you need us,” Stella laughs and you can’t help but laugh a little yourself. You open your arms and they all attack you with hugs. That night you have a slumber party with the girls and Riven. Sky even shows up after hearing what happened telling you that he spoke to Silva and it won’t happen again. It’s at that moment you realise that you’ve gotten this amazing family at Alfea and while you have no idea how you got so lucky you know that you’re grateful.
“Thank you for being there for me tonight,” you say. Riven kisses your temple once again making you blush.
“We’re always ready to kick some fairy ass if they don’t treat you right,” Terra says trying to sound all tough. She fails making you all laugh but it’s the thought that counts.
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gubes-sweaters · 4 years
Mind, Body, and Soul 5
Authors note: Hey, so it's been a while oops. I’ve been writing one-shots in between writing chapters 4 and 5 only because I wasn’t sure where to take this series, but I’ve figured it out and now I’m back. I still have 3 or 4 one-shots written that still need to be edited. This chapter has a couple of switches of the POV. Sorry if it’s a little confusing, but it’s the easiest way to write the story. Also, I know Gideon and Rossi didn’t work together in the early season, but I’m changing it. I realize the TL of a lot of the members is off, but it’s all intentional for the story.
Content warning: Nothing I can think of, but don’t be afraid to tell me about a warning I should put in.
Word count: 2.7k
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Chapter 5: New Member of the BAU
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
I shift under Spencer's grip trying to reach my phone as it's ringing. He’s such a heavy sleeper that by the time I wiggled out from his arms and grabbed my phone he was still sleeping. He just rolled over before snoring very quietly. I look at my phone and see it's my dad! Shit, I was supposed to meet with my dad at ten today and it's already eleven. I'm not even ready this is such a disaster, what am I supposed to tell him? Oh, don’t worry dad I’m just busy because I’m in the back of this guy’s car and I slept through my alarm! He’s going to kill me because I'm supposed to meet some of my dad’s work friends then go out to lunch with him.
“Ciao papà,” I say trying to sound like I'm awake. He can probably see through my bullshit though because I'm a shitty liar, and he's a profiler.
“Where's my bambino and why isn't she at the BAU right now? My colleagues want to meet you.”
“Sorry, I spent all night studying and I must've slept through my alarm I'll be there as soon as possible,” I technically lie to him I did sleep through my alarm.
“Okay...well, I love you. I have a security badge ready for you. All you have to do is tell security who you are and you're here to see me,” He's clearly not convinced but I don't think he cares enough to press the issue.
“Okay, love you too. Bye!” I hang up then turn to Spencer trying to wake him up.
I shake him over and over until he finally stirs. Seriously how the hell does he sleep so heavy. Once I get him up I explain that I’m supposed to have lunch with my dad and I’m supposed to meet his coworkers now that he’s coming out of retirement for whatever reason.
“Okay, yeah give me a second to clean up the back, and we can take you back to your apartment,” He says while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Thanks,” I say before planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
He blushes at me before signaling for me to hop out of the trunk. We make a collaborative effort to clean out the trunk and sit the back seats back up. We then get in the front and make small talk on the way back to my apartment. Once we arrive I feel that pit in my stomach again, the same one I feel every time one of us has to leave.
“Thanks for yesterday!” I say before turning to open the car door with the bear we made yesterday. When I asked who's keeping the bear he jokingly said we’ll split custody and I guess this is my week. Before I could open the car door he placed his hand on my forearm very gently like I was made out of glass. He has this pained and disappointed look on his face.
“Can I see you again?” He asks just barely above a whisper.
I just respond with a nod and a quick kiss before I hop out of the car and wave goodbye. All I see is a wide grin on his face and a wave before I disappear into my apartment building. I knew Stella and Raven weren’t home because neither of their cars was in the parking lot. That meant I could get ready quickly and slip out of the apartment without any questions being asked.
I set the stuffed bear on the bed and begin getting ready. After I shower, dry my hair, brush my teeth, apply a small bit of makeup, and slip on a sweater and jeans I’m finally ready to leave. It’s only one pm, so I'm not making a horrible time given that I was already late. I then practically drive like a mad man to the BAU. I stop at security and tell them I’m here for my dad David Rossi. I get directions to the floor and where my dad’s new office is. I walk into the bullpen and see two very familiar and comforting faces, but the others belong to complete strangers. I immediately spot my dad’s old partner Jason Gideon and the Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. I met them both when I was in middle school, but the rest of the team was new to me and my dad as well. He’s been there for a couple of months since his book tour was just now ending. As soon as Gideon sees me he walks towards me with his arms outstretched.
“Hey kiddo it’s been a long time. I may be getting old, but I’ll never forget that face.” He says while engulfing me in a hug. Honestly, I talked to Gideon probably more than my dad growing up. This is odd because he didn’t have the best relationship with his own son, but he was always like a cool uncle. Then the same click happened to me and Aaron Hotchner when we first met. He always wanted kids and some of the only times you would see him smile and laugh was around kids. He and his wife Haley jokingly called me their test run when I would spend time with them. When my mom and dad were both busy I spent a lot of time with Haley because I didn’t want to be with a nanny.
“Hey, guys!” I say before hugging them both once more.
“So, how’s school been? You’re not getting into any trouble are you?” Uncle Jason asks before nudging me as the three of us walk towards my dad’s new office. I can see two people’s eyes on me from the bullpen then suddenly a third when a blonde woman who doesn't look much older than me comes strutting out of her office flashing me a quick smile.
“You know me, I’m David Rossi’s daughter, so I seemingly can't stay out of trouble,” I joked with them as we arrived at my dad’s new office. It had a shiny new nameplate that said “David Rossi” on the front of it. Gideon knocks and I feel a wave of nostalgia. I remember in the 6th grade visiting my dad at the BAU and walking up to my dad’s office hand in hand with Gideon. Now I’m much older and much taller, but much hasn’t changed. After a few seconds, my dad opens the door with a huge grin on his face I swear he hasn't changed since I was a kid. He still wears overly expensive suits and a watch that probably would pay a year and a half of my rent if not more.
“Ah, there she is. Oh, how I’ve missed you,” He says before eloping me in a bear hug.
“Come I want you to meet my other co-workers,” He says as the four of us walk back down the stairs where a small conglomeration of desks are.
“Everybody this is my daughter (y/n),” My dad proudly says while the three people went to introduce themselves. The first being the woman walking out of the office earlier. She is tall and blonde. She looks a little young to be a profiler though.
“Hi, I’m Jenifer Jareau, but you’re more than welcome to call me JJ. I’m the communication's liaison,” She says as she sticks her hand out for me to shake. After a woman with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes also extended her hand out to me. She was wearing a tan leather jacket with a black top beneath it and black dress pants along with tan ankle boots.
“Hi I’m Elle Greenway, it’s nice to meet you these three have been talking about you all day,” She says while gesturing towards my dad, uncle Aaron, and uncle Jason. Lastly, a tall very muscular man walks up to me with an awful lot of confidence. He’s wearing a tight heather gray t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Accompanied by his gun sitting snugly on his hip.
“Well Hello I’m Derek Morgan and you must be an angel,” He says forgetting that my dad is standing right behind me either that or he doesn't care. I shake his hand before my dad clears his throat not amused by Morgan's antics.
“Well, now that you’ve met my team it’s about time we went to lunch. Aaron don’t hesitate to call me if something pops up about that DC hacker case,” He says as we walk away and Uncle Aaron just responds with his usual very stern-looking face and a slight nod.
“DC hacker?” I ask as we exit the bullpen and make our way to the elevator.
“Let’s not talk about work. I want to know about school how are you?”
“I’m doing good I guess I've been a little distracted as of recent but I'm keeping myself on track I promise.”
“Atta girl,” He says before the elevator doors open, and he leads me out to his car.
-----Time Skip----
“So how are Raven and Stella I haven't seen them since I went to sign the lease again last year.” I can tell what he’s doing he’s making awkward small talk, so he feels like he's an integral part of my life. I appreciate the effort and I can’t shit on him too much because at least he’s making an effort. So I’ll play into this and make him feel better for the time being. I’m hoping that he doesn't feel like utter crap because we have nothing important to talk about besides this DC hacker case that I can’t get out of my mind. I haven’t talked about it since we were in the car because he clearly doesn’t want me to know anything about it since he keeps dodging my questions.
“They’re doing pretty good. I mean we don’t have any classes together this year because our majors are somewhat different, but we live together, so we're still close.”
“Oh, how's that friend you were telling me about? Penelope Garcia, that's her name right?” He asks as he leans in close to me. If I didn't know any better I would think he's shamelessly profiling me right now. We continue to talk about school and my friends throughout lunch. For someone who has such an extra and boujee person, he didn't talk about himself at all. Which is not my dad's usual behavior at all.
“Well, that's good to hear. So I was thinking after lunch maybe we-” As if God himself answered my prayers my dad's work cell starting ringing. I can hear small mumbles from the blonde woman I met earlier I believe her name was JJ. I can't exactly make out what is going on but either way, I'm taking whatever excuse I can get.
“I’m sorry sweetheart I’m going to have to cut this short that was a call from work. On the bright side, I’m not going to be on my book tour anymore, so whenever I have a day off we can spend time together.”
“Of course!” I say trying to humor him.
“Well, I’ll drop you back off at the FBI building.” He says before flagging down the waitress to pay for the check.
----Rossi’s POV----
I walk back into the FBI building after dropping (y/n) off. Aaron, Gideon, and I feel terrible for using her to get information. I feel the worst out of the three of us because I promised her after going back to the BAU this time would be different, but she's currently just another pawn in a game she didn't agree to.
“So what do we have Aaron?”
“Follow me to the round table we got all of the information needed from another technical analyst in the building Kevin Lynch.”
As Aaron and I walk into the room JJ is giving Gideon, Morgan, and Emily all of the information we need to know.
“This is Penelope Grace Garcia. She is a 28-year-old female. We didn’t have many people to contact for information on her because her birth parents are no longer alive. Her parents passed in a car accident ten years ago that was caused by a drunk driver. Since then she has seemingly lived a low profile life and has managed to stay under the radar when it comes to the justice system. We have been able to get enough evidence on her because of her close relations with David Rossi's daughter (y/n) Rossi. We are going to bring her in for questioning. She’ll likely have no prior knowledge of interrogations because she’s been able to fly under the radar. That also makes her extremely cocky, and she’ll think that we have no information on her. Our job is to be as docile yet forward as possible. We want to be docile, so she’ll trust. She has so much skill that Strauss approved for us to recruit her into the BAU. She’ll be of more use to us than she would be in jail. That’s all for now.”
As JJ finishes with the profile we all gather our things and mentally prepare ourselves for the interrogation. I was advised to stay out of it just in case she knew I was (y/n)’s father. Given the fact that she’s an elite hacker that isn’t such a farfetched statement.
-Hotch’s POV-
“You have two options either you can serve jail time or you can work for us at the BAU,” I tell her just before Morgan walks back into the room.
I have her make a quick resume, so we can hire her onto the BAU. I think she has potential and that she’s just putting up a tough front. I have to give her props though because I’ve seen grown men crumble a lot easier than her. Once we’re able to strike a deal with her I have Morgan unlock her cuffs. I make sure Morgan knows to tell her that she can’t talk about any of this with (y/n) for a while especially since the case involving her isn’t fully closed.
-(y/n) POV-
I finally make it back to my apartment when I get a text from my mom asking how lunch with my dad went. As I unlock the door to my apartment I text her back and let her know that it was okay, but dad was acting super weird. I told her it seemed like he was interrogating me. She just let me know that it’s out of habit because he’s a profiler and it’s not that big of a deal and to not read too much into it.
I feel like there was something that I had to do but I can't remember. It’s not until I check the calendar on my phone and realize Daisy’s birthday is in two days and I didn’t get her anything. I’m far too lazy to leave my apartment for a second time today which was supposed to be my day off. I also don’t want to go alone maybe I should text Spencer and see how busy he is.
Me: Hey, I have a birthday party to go to on Saturday. I still need to get her a birthday present would you mind coming with me tomorrow?
Spence: Sure, what time should I pick you up?
Me: How about 10?
Spence: Sounds good I’ll see you then :)
Taglist: @haylaansmi @rexorangecouny
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reinepadova · 3 years
To Be Seen
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There are many paths up the mountain. But the view from the top is always the same.
Qingce Village. A plot of land once dwelt by an enormous, dreaded beast. A great threat, and source of terror for its inhabitants. Dark were the skies, and molten was the earth. Stones quaked and shifted from battles sown, and water turned fog from the heat of conflict.
Many a life perished or fled – those that are able, found refuge in the marshes or by the sea. Those that could not, stayed and endured.
But long has passed those years of misery, Morax reflected, eyes turned soft at the drifting dust under sunlight. Only Mt. Qingce remains, steadfast and true. A preserver of the old and the young, and of the croplands turned abundant. The landscape painted with colors of tranquility, with shades of the quiet.
To this, he could say, was one reason he fought. Why he dared raise great spears against those that oppose him, that question his strength. Why his ambitions for a seat with the Seven was so great.
Why he let his life's blood spill and his flesh torn asunder, all to be used for trade.
All he had sacrificed... so that all may prosper. So those deemed weak but with a passion for life, and a mind that craves understanding may learn, may improve. May become greater than what they thought to be. What they can be.
And flourish they did, Morax thought fondly, gazing out the window to watch three children play. A boar in the distance, charging away. Admirably so, like the trees and blooms that persisted amidst the cracked earth, or emerged from the muddy waters that once flowed red.
His eyes narrowed, then shut, musings turned grey.
He has danced and sung to the tune of combat, played his part well into the final act. His will, ironclad – unyielding and absolute, against the odds. Against all the other gods. All to reach the peace the entire land longed for after the audacious declaration from Celestia:
「Survive, and be crowned The Seven.」
「Gain the power of the divine.」
「Be one above all, in your chosen land.」
And to this, he succeeded, with glory placed upon his head, and the remnants of slaughter at his feet.
The Prime of the Adepti, said they. A riotous cheer. A whisper, filled with dread. Ha. Even among the Seven – the original, and the newly seated – he is the eldest, hence, the most respected. And therein lies his burden. To be charged as the standard, to be exemplary in the eyes of his people...
Still. This position is not without its advantages – he would not have fought for it if there were none.   Truly, he could not ask for more, even if he tried. The enormity of his titles, to be granted the highest of honors among those that dwell in the newly named Teyvat – bearing in mind the heavens that granted his godhood of course.
His people are proud of him. His land reveres him.
And yet.
And yet.
Why must this... dissatisfaction linger? The feelings of restlessness. Aimlessness. Like a shell drifting in endless sea.
What must be missing, when the fruits of his labor, the smiles of his people, and the generations therafter, are present and abundant? When the inhabitants accepted his protection, his standards, with delight, and worship. When they honor him by fulfilling contracts in accordance to how he fulfill his. When they sing songs and tell stories of his conquests, of his deeds as lessons to keep in mind, as morals to strive for and progress to.
Why then does this void exist? What is it he still lacks as a being?
Is... he still enough? Is he –
“... is Mei still doing good?”
A murmur, gentle and small, broke through his musings, eerily echoing his thoughts out loud. Morax turned inquisitive, amber eyes at the closed door, wonder outshining the memories, and bringing him back to the present.
The Miss Lala had been explicit about the necessity of his confinement, citing the resurgence of chaos upon his appearance. Seeing the tired yet resolute set to her shoulders, he could only acquiesced. He did not wish to tire the lady more with an argument. But truly, it was an odd request, at best. His people are familiar with this form, and would not run in fright, as she so fears. Why, they would likely crowd around him, vying for his blessing and attention and –
He rested one claw under his maw, pondering. Ah. That brand of chaos. I see. It seems she has better foresight than the average mortal. And most considerate as well. How kind.
His ears perked, hearing a faint, crackling call of farewell at the main entrance. He swiftly nudged open the door of the lady's chambers and floated out, seeing immediately the quiant scene at the kitchen.
“You're doing very good. You can stop when you smell it turning to powder. It's like... milk, but very very faint.”
“Oh! Can Mei put it on the lilies after? Please? Pretty please?”
Even from behind, the tilt of her head, the softness of her stance, indicates a fondness for the child. There is no doubt she is smiling down at her as well. She patted Young Mei in between her pigtail buns and replied, “Of course you can! You can sprinkle as much as you want. After we make the soil mix.” The little girl squealed, turning back to her task with renewed vigor.
He drifted closer, brows furrowing when the lady discreetly rub at her eyes while the little one is distracted.
It seems I may need to intervene.
Stella raised a brow, feeling long whiskers brush over her shoulder, before the slight weight of the guardian's muzzle rested on it. She smiled when gold orbs focused curiously on the crunching and banging Mei's been doing, relieved that he showed himself after the chief went out for her rounds.
“It's for the flowers,” she explained, reaching to caress a glowing petal nearby. “A bird's eggshell is rich in minerals. Its as effective as any other fertilizer... but with lot less smell.” Mei giggled in agreement, adding that her Gran-gran was ecstatic when she was taught other tricks in the garden from Lala – especially doing away with 'pork poopy' all together. “Also, also, Lala taught Mei how to water plants!”
Stella chuckled at the inquiring eyes of their floating guest, who managed to tilt its head at her from an odd angle – the perks of having a long neck, I guess? “She keeps drowning the Jueyun Chili plants back in the Harbor. At most, they just need a sip within a week. Ha! I know that look,” she crowed, seeing familiar incredulity on the guardian's face. “I don't know why no one thought to cultivate herbs in their own garden. Or to water them for that matter. They can't always depend on the rain. No one can control the weather.
Besides, if you can cultivate rare flowers, like the ones in Yujing Terrace, why not something as common as herbal plants?”
It is because of their plenitude that such notion is not considered. The oceanids have a knowing of the needs of the land – as such is my deal with them. They have been good to Liyue ever since. Why, when the croplands of Qingce are at their most vulnerable, Rhodeia answered their plea in an instant!
– Is what Morax would have said. But he only let out a small rumble and slow nod, turning back to the little girl covered in flecks of white powder, gaze softening at the sight of her bright smile.
As insightful as the siren has been since the start of their journey, it is not unwise to tread carefully. Knowledge is power. I have yet to know what she will do with it, once bestowed. If only the Fatui have not been such a conniving force as of late. I would have welcomed any foreigner within my stone walls.
Nevertheless, her care for a child not her own or of her people is admirable and exceptional, a far cry from how that organization operates. Her good sense too, would make for an engaging conversation.
Throughout the endless centuries he lived through – and will continue to, perhaps – he beared witness to a myriad of changes, great and small. No detail is insignificant enough for him to overlook. Or at all. He could not afford to. For one changed clause, nay, even one unclear word, could spell disaster for his land's defenses.
That said, he could assert he has very good memory. All printed and verbal contents of a contract is written like a tablet in his head, etched deep and fixed. The prosperity Liyue is blessed with is proof of his steadfast attention to detail; to consider all particulars, both the advantage and disadvantage, before he would, as they say, 'seal the deal'.
It is rare indeed for him to think 'what more does he not know?'
And yet, here he his, observing and listening. The lady elucidating their intention to gather an interesting mixture made out of smoked rice husk, charred wood, clay and soft sand. Another source of nutrients, she says, for the Lilies to be comfortable in during transport.
Eventually, he could focus no longer at her words, seeing her fighting to keep awake, feeling her sway dangerously on her feet. Her charge looked up in concern as she leaned on the counter, eyes closed shut in pain.
Stella gritted her teeth, about to reach for her temple when her world shifted again.
Although she never indulge in the various wines this world had to offer, she can imagine this was how the drunks at the dock feel: head, heavy as ores; body, light as a feather.
Or was it, float like a feather? It certainly feels like she's in the air. Literally. A sensation she never thought she'd experience again after –
An inkling of worry crept up her neck, minutely thinking of Mei, before she faceplanted on something soft. She reached out a hand, feeling cotton and smooth silk. Her...bed?
“Urgh... where – what?”
A low snort nearby answered her. She felt too tired to think of anything of it. The pillow under her seems exceptionally comfortable right now. Maybe she won't suffocate if she stayed this way?
So. Tired...
A chuff sounded next, lighter in tone, before something wrapped around her shoulders. She breathed deep as sunlight burned her eyes, a tugging at her feet made her crane her head down. She now lied flat on her back, with a large, blurry... something, weighing her down.
“... Mei? What are you doing?”
Her charge was quiet, wholly concentrated on making sure her boots were placed near the bed before coming up to her. The little girl tugged and dragged a blanket up and over her legs, intending to swaddle her with it. Stella feebly raised an arm, wanting to help, but a gleam of teeth made her pause. A muzzle cradled a handful of the cloth near Mei's arm, and lifted it easily up to Stella's chin.
“Lala? You rest, okay?” the little girl whispered, smoothing down the blanket while staring at her with wide, understanding eyes. “You work hard again for Mei. The Lilies? Mei tried to follow you last night, but Chief-dàmā told Mei to stay and wait. Mei tried, but Mei too tired. Mei wants you to sleep now.”
“But Mei. The Lilies – ”
“Gran-gran always scold bàba 'a person who does not know good rest, does not know how to do good work'. Leave the Lilies to Mei! Mei will ask for help. Promise! Lala should rest.”
“Are you sure – ”
“Lala. Rest.” the girl asserted, a stubborn tilt to her chin, but eyes still pleaded for her to agree.
Before Stella could make up her mind, the weight on her chest suddenly spread, encompassing her down to her legs, trapping her effectively. A huff of hot breath made her squint and look up. Larger, glowing orbs stared her down, making her stare back, mouth agape.
Mei giggled, seemingly satisfied she'll behave while Mr. Guardian was around, and quietly left. The skipping tone of her steps was still loud enough for Stella to hear behind the closed door.
She sighed, gaze turning wry. “Alright. You made your point. Get off.” Having a predator over her like this would normally be a terrifying experience. But when she remembered how kind it had been with her during their sprint back to the village, and how gently it gazed down at Mei, she knew she could trust it – to a certain degree. She's sure it has the strength to crush her with a quick squeeze, but she's oddly confident it won't.
Stella quickly reconsidered her good opinion though when the creature had the gall to chuff, as if amused, and placed its large head next to her, adjusting its body to lie comfortably on the bed – but with her still under it!
A sudden thought went through her like a lightning bolt.
“If you can grow this large, why didn't you do so last night and we could, you know, fly back here?”
Amused eyes turn blank, blinking back at her with a look that spelled of realization.
Stella groaned, grumbling about 'common sense is not common at all' under her breath.
“I apologize, good sir. But Zhongli-xiānsheng has not yet returned,” Ferrylady intoned quietly, bowing her head.
The gentleman in Fatui robes raised a blonde brow, growing pensive. “Still? How peculiar. We thought this special consultant is only busy during an adepti's Rite of Parting. It's been awhile since the last one, isn't it? We heard he's fond of strolling around the harbor. He's not one easily missed.”
“That is not inaccurate. But – ”
“But as we value his expertise in all matter of things, we believe he deserves some 'R and R' once in a while, don't you think~? I gave him leave to do so however long he likes~” said a laughing voice at the doorway.
“Hu Tao-zhǔrèn!”
“Oh. The Director?”
Hu Tao smiled wide, closed lipped, strolling into the office with a dancing step. Despite her upbeat demeanor, the gentleman still sweat dropped at the strange gleam in her eyes. “A consultant's work is just as demanding as any other job in Liyue, you see. Its why those of this realm, and of the next, leave very satisfied from our parlor~ No complaints at all!” she giggled sweetly, eyeing him more as she took a dainty step closer. “Buuut. Considering you have been on such a long wait, we will give you a great discount! Twenty percent, including the incense. You'll even get double the savings if you have a buddy with you~” she sang, fanning out two dark coupons from her sleeve and waving them invitingly.
The gentleman froze in place, quaking internally in terror. His time in the Fatui made him all too familiar with subtle threats, and this is a masterfully done one. Luckily, the Ferrylady spoke softly again, distracting him from his oncoming panic.
“Sir, may I take a message? Or would you rather we send for you when he arrives?”
“Ah, ahh...no need! The Director is... very clear, ehem – we don't mind the wait at all! An appointment with him is not that urgent anyway. Just mention the Fatui is interested to get acquainted with him, and his knowledge of the obscure. We’re confident your business will greatly benefit from a connection with us.”
“Hmm... I doubt it,” the Director hummed breezily, turning to a window to gaze out at the full moon.
The gentleman blinked, thinking he misheard. “Excuse me?”
Hu Tao giggled cutely, glancing back at him with smiling eyes. “We'll keep your words in mind, good sir! Buh-bye now~ I'm sure you're a busy man yourself. Our dear undertaker will tend to you when you need our services. At any time.”
The gentleman gulped, eyes widening. “Uhh, right. Yes! With gratitude!
Uhm, farewell, Director Hu. Thank you for gracing us with your presence, and your time. You too, Ferrylady,” he hurriedly added, not wanting to often the boss of the funeral parlor by being rude to the undertaker –
The... undertaker...
One who buries the bodies...!
When the gentleman hastily scurried away into the night, the Ferrylady turned to her young boss, face turning worried.
“Hu Tao-Zhǔrèn? I apologize if this might be spoken out of turn but – ”
“Why am I so direct with a potential customer?” Hu Tao smiled more lightly, doodling something on a parchment with careless brushstrokes.
Hu Tao chuckled, used to the Ferrylady's silence. The quiet suits the atmosphere perfectly.
“Hmm. Let’s just say for those that have incurred death's wrath, dark butterflies shall sure to follow. Poor things. To think they would have to do such a thing. Such a waste of delicate beauty.”
The Ferrylady gasped, hovering her hands over her mouth, eyeing the rough symbol of the Fatui next to large ink splatters. “Oh my! You mean – ”
“When Zhongli-xiānsheng is back, warn him of the visit. Business might pick up soon. Who knows~?” Hu Tao shrugged, humming thoughtlessly into the moonlit night.
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A/N: Sorry for the long introspection. I’ve been like this whenever I try to think link a 6,000+ y.o. Archon. Then again, no matter how much knowledge you have, there’s so many things you can still learn about. 
Like common sense.
Quick translation of the honorifics I chose to use:
Chief-dàmā = Mei affectionately calling Granny Ruoxin ‘Chief Granny/Auntie’.
bàba = daddy/papa
xiānsheng = mister. In Japanese, its like ‘sensei’ (hence the Jap Dub xD)
zhǔrèn = director/manager
Follower Tag:  @meladollsims
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6, 9, 22, 35, 36, 42,
which muses can speak languages other than English?
stella garcia is trilingual - she speaks english, but also spanish & portuguese fluently. her accent is an absolute abominational mix between cuban & bostonian, since she was born in worcester, mass but spent a lot of her formative years bouncing between the area and visiting her family in cuba. rachel berry & lila dorsey can speak a modicum of hebrew - enough to get by, at least. spencer hastings can speak like 8 languages because she downloads language apps on her phone and plows through them until she masters them. she's not necessarily fluent in all of them, but can definitely hold a decent conversation and understand a lot of what is said around her if they're speaking another language. luci martinez, camilla baker, and abi tomas are all fluent in spanish and english, though camilla and abi rarely actually use it. luci speaks spanish around her family, as her grandmother prefers it to english. zelda monroe and parker wyatt are fluent in french as well as english. aylin kaplan's first language is turkish, making english her second language even if it's the one she uses more in person.
which of your muses is most likely to get thrown in jail for disorderly conduct?
i didn't even have to think about it, it's 100% devan park. probably drunk or high on cocaine, admittedly, and PROBABLY after her marlins lost a game. she will deck a guy for insulting her team.
which muse is the most dramatic?
i'd like to ask which muse isn't dramatic. i think it's a three way tie between zelda monroe, merrick wood and stella garica, though all for different reasons. zelda because she likes the attention, merrick because she feels too much all the time, and stella because...she's just like that man.
which muses have pets? tell us their species and names.
in merrick wood's original verse, she adopted a dog named ethan with her ( not yet at the time ) boyfriend ethan, so she had ethan the dog and ethan the person. ethan the dog was a baby rottie, though they originally went looking for a wolf-esque breed to scare a friend into thinking werewolves were overrunning their town. rachel berry usually has a kitten named 'roxie' after a character in chicago, but i rarely write her anymore anyways. stella garcia has a little white matlese named bear in most of her verses.
do you have an old/retired muse you don’t use anymore but love? tell us about them.
i have a lot of muses that i'm considering 'retiring' but my main two former that i never write anymore are devan park ( anna kendrick ) and sarah fox ( brittany snow ). devan was a spitfire of a disaster, usually very low ambition and working dead end jobs like bartending or waitressing, and absolutely obsessed with baseball and her hometeam, the florida marlins. hailing from florida, she was the only girl with three brothers, spent most of her time hanging around the guys, and had a severe coke addiction that usually caught up to her when things got bad. also a borderline alcoholic, she had a Lot Going On, but mostly she was just a lot of fun and chaos ( kind of like if merrick wood allowed herself to follow in her fathers footsteps of addiction, tbh. ) sarah fox was originally essentially a next-gen o.c. character; we created her and her counterpark max fiori as the children of seth & summer and ryan & taylor. sarah was very much a hippie esque go with the flow love child, intent on having fun and loving the world as much as she could. she had a bunny named waffles and helped bring max ( a very serious law student ) into a world of fun. i also rarely get to write any of my canons anymore, specifically rachel berry who was ALL i wrote for the first like five years of my rp experience. but i could write essays and sonnets about rachel barbra berry ☆ so that's for another ask.
which muse has the most money?
it honestly depends on the verse. on average, usually zelda monroe - either as an actress or a socialite, she's usually top tier. stella garcia, if i play her as the socialite daughter/hotel heiress. eleanor hawthorne and iris lexington, each different kinds of variations of my blair waldorf esque characters. autumn abbott and dylan delaney both come from monied parents, and aylin kaplan is the daughter of a crime boss, so they all have $$$ too.
multi muse questions
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geeky-writes · 4 years
The Phoenix Project Chapter 7 Preview
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Awesome moodboard created by Stella @therollingstonys thank you so much! 💖
Steve was quiet as he towelled off and got dressed, contemplating if he should ask Bucky the question that had been rolling around in his mind ever since he’d found the paper sack outside his door.
“You mind if I ask you something?” he finally said as he sat down to tie his shoes.
“When did you realise that Sam was… was the one?” Steve asked, biting his lip.
Bucky paused, his right foot halfway into his shoe as he breathed in and looked at Steve. “If I’m honest? Pretty much right after our first date.”
“Really?” Steve said. “That soon?”
“Yeah,” Bucky said, shrugging. “I mean, you even know that I was over an hour late to meet him ‘cause I got the spot wrong, and well… not everyone would've been as understanding about it as he was, so… And then, he was just… so good to me. And he’s hotter than hell, too, I mean, that much is obvious, but… I dunno, it’s kinda hard to explain. I just… knew. Does that make any sense?”
“Yeah,” Steve said with a rather emphatic nod. “It makes perfect sense.”
“You thinking Tony’s the one for you?” Bucky asked, quirking an eyebrow.
Steve instantly smiled. “Yeah, I do. I just… I didn't know if maybe I’m trying to push things too fast or something. I don’t have a lot of experience with this kind of thing.” And it’s probably too late to take it back now anyway since I already told Peter the same thing.
“I don't think experience really matters here, Stevie,” said Bucky. “If you know, you know. It’s really that simple. You might wanna mention it to your ma one of these days though.”
“Yeah, I know.” Steve had even checked in on his ma just the previous afternoon after leaving the hospital with the intention of telling her all about Tony, only to spend the entire hour or so he was there trying to fix a broken door on one of her kitchen cabinets.
“I’m just not sure how well she’s gonna take it. I mean, he’s a Stark for one thing, and you know how she feels about Howard Stark. And she’s always wanted grandchildren, so…”
Bucky shot Steve a questioning look. “Okay, but I thought Tony had a son?”
“Yeah, he does,” Steve said, frowning. “But how do you know that?”
“Uhh, I thought everyone knew?” Bucky said, confused. “It’s not like it’s a bad thing.”
“No, of course it isn't, but… I just don't think Tony would appreciate people talking about him is all.” And neither do I.
“No one’s been talking about the kid, Steve, I promise,” Bucky said as he finished tying his shoes. “It’s just something we all just kinda found out after he started working with us, but none of us know his name or how old he is or anything.”
“Oh. Well, that’s good, but still—”
“Have you met him yet?” Bucky asked. “Tony’s kid?”
Oh gods…
“I have, actually, but I’d really, really appreciate it if you didn’t mention him around anyone else, and that includes Tony,” said Steve. “At least not for awhile. There’s… a lot of mitigating circumstances with him that I know Tony doesn’t want being talked about around the base.”
Bucky’s brow furrowed. “C’mon, Steve, why would I do that? Especially about a kid?”
“You wouldn’t,” Steve said quickly. “Sorry, I wasn't trying to imply anything. Tony’s just really protective of his son, and… I kinda am too.”
“Nothing wrong with protecting a kid,” Bucky said as they exited the locker room. “I had plenty of practise protecting you, didn't I?”
“Yeah, you definitely did. Say, speaking of kids, has Sam been out to see Riley’s wife and son recently? Just wondering how they’re doing.”
“Oh yeah, we both went out there just the other day,” replied Bucky. “Erin’s doing okay. The kid keeps her pretty busy, I guess he’s starting to pull up on the furniture now? She said she barely gets a chance to sit down with how active he is, so that’s probably a good thing.”
Steve’s eyebrows knitted together. “So she’s still at home with him?”
“Well, yeah. Why wouldn't she be?”
“I just figured that she’d’ve gotten a job already,” said Steve. “She’s gotta make a living now, doesn’t she?”
Bucky shrugged. “As far as I know she’s on the widow’s compensation fund now since her husband was killed in action.”
“Okay, but…” Steve bit his lip. None of that made any sense. “Bucky, my ma was an Air Corps widow too, and she told me she was forced to get a job only a month after I was born or we would’ve been evicted from the house. Was that compensation fund around back then too?”
“I don't know, Steve. Things were a bit different back then, so maybe it’s a newer thing?” said Bucky. “I’m sure your ma would know if you asked her.”
“Mmm,” muttered Steve. Asking his ma questions about either money or Howard Stark was usually a recipe for disaster. “Yeah, I guess. I just… those kinds of conversations don't ever go over very well.”
“Well, I don't know what else to tell you,” Bucky said as he got to his feet. “I guess I’ll see you at dinner?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
The full chapter will post on Monday, May 11th 😊
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societybydesign · 4 years
Coping with life through art: Minimalism
The past eight and a half months have been tumultuous to say the least — dare I say, unprecedented. I have certainly had a lot to grapple with this year, trying to navigate the pandemic, reckonings with race in America, the political landscape approaching the elections, natural disasters, and personal (so far, often failed) attempts to keep my mental health in check and sustain healthy relationships with others. That being just the tip of the iceberg, I know for a fact I am not alone in feeling weighted down by 2020.
The chaos of this year has shed a new light on one of my lesser favorite art movements/styles. As someone who loves art history, deciphering the metaphors, symbolism, and meaning behind all kinds of art, Minimalism always frustrated, and to be honest, bored me. That’s not to say I didn’t respect it as art, I just didn’t get the point of making something void of meaning. It was outwardly unrelatable. 
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‘Untitled’, Donald Judd, 1980, concrete
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‘Lament for the Children’, Carl Andre, 1976-1996, concrete blocks
Minimalism developed in the early 1960s as a counter-movement to Abstract Expressionism. It was a deliberate renunciation of the hyper-emotive artwork in favor of anonymity, lack of expression, and a reduction of art into its most basic shape, form, and material. Minimalist art does not try to represent anything other than itself, and when everything around you is chaotic and difficult to process, this offers more solace than I had previously appreciated.
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‘The Diagonal of May 25, 1963 (to Constantin Brancusi)’, Dan Flavin, 1963, fluorescent light and metal fixtures
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‘Cube Structure Based on Five Modules’, Sol LeWitt, 1975, acrylic on wood
The simple geometric shapes and perfect linework conjures feelings of control, balance, and harmony — all things that feel especially out of reach in the current moment. Minimalist art uses color and material with no underlying meaning. Often Minimalist art is sculptural, built from factory manufactured shop materials — raw and straightforward. When these works are placed in galleries, they are frequently displayed in ways that forces viewers to become more aware of the space surrounding them. To look at something made with intentional lack of emotion and narrative other than a heightened sense of awareness feels like a breath of fresh air.
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‘Circles’, Sol LeWitt, 1973, lithograph
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‘The Marriage of Reason and Squalor, II’, Frank Stella, 1959, enamel on canvas
It’s no new phenomenon that we experience art in relation to our own experiences and feelings, but at this point in our collective lives I feel as though Minimalism offers a refreshing escape. Whether it be visiting your local gallery (adorned with masks and strapped with sanitizer), finding archives or posts online, or creating yourself, Minimalism can provide some of the simplicity and structure that is lacking. Minimalist art does not project a feeling onto the viewer, the only thing it asks is that you are aware of the space around you, of shape and form and structure. Looking at Minimalist art is like a meditation for me, and I hope that upon reading this you can view it in a more cognizant way as well.
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‘Happy Holiday’, Agnes Martin, 1999, acrylic paint and graphite on canvas
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‘Untitled’, Robert Morris, 1965, reconstructed 1971, mirror glass and wood
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jawnjendes · 5 years
her eyes are tired | shawn mendes
chapter 12/?, university au, shawn x goth oc
AN: a filler but issa good one! i also just wanna remind you all that no matter how bad things seem rn, things do get better and things are always changing. i believe in you!
***let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist
masterlist | playlist (new song added every chapter!)
“Really, it's fine,” Annalise said to Shawn as he pulled into the last space in a crowded parking lot. “You don’t have to go the extra mile. I just needed company for the doctor.”
Shawn took the liberty of driving her to a nearby Starbucks after leaving Dr. Pacini’s office. He figured Annalise wasn’t in the mood for a full meal, at least this was better than nothing.
“Your blood pressure was low,” Shawn reminded her.
"Yeah, because I knew I would take a blood test, so I was fasting," she said back.
“And now the blood test is over. You need something in your system. Besides, food will help boost your mood. I know you like the chocolate chip muffins they got here."
Annalise took off her seatbelt as she hummed. She was too tired to argue, and she knew she wouldn't find anything more comforting or appetizing in the confined space of her dorm. "Thank you."
“Of course. I told you I’m here for you.”
He smiled, and Annalise couldn’t help but smile back. It was safe to say that most of her rage towards him had calmed down. The pelvic pain got her mind off of the stupid relationship problems for the time being. Replace one anxiety with another.
There was some noticeable space between Shawn and Annalise as they entered the coffee shop. She kept her phone in one hand and the other clutching the strap of her bag, like she was worried he would try to hold her hand or something. It just wasn't the time for those things.
Shawn happily paid for their order, both of them having some fruit refresher. Annalise couldn't find it in her heart to tell him that Starbucks was very 50/50 when it came to working with her digestive system. She knew the mango dragonfruit was safe for now, but the thought that it could suddenly be too sugary for her fragile stomach was a little nerve inducing. But she did have a soft spot for the muffins, like Shawn said.
Today, however, Annalise just picked at the treat, taking a couple of bites every so often. She was hungry, but anxiety was still very much in her system.
"History is kinda repeating itself, eh?" Shawn asked, getting her attention.
"What do you mean?" she replied.
"Where were we on this day a year ago?" He grinned before sipping his own drink.
"A coffee shop less crowded." Annalise slouched in her seat. Her feet naturally found their place between Shawn's legs under the table. "You were with a girl who was not as messy as this one."
"And my feelings for her haven't changed."
At least he didn't try to deny the disaster sat in front of him. It was much better than straight up coddling, in her opinion.
"I have a question," Shawn prompted.
"Out of everyone you know, why did you call me?"
Suddenly, Annalise had an appetite. She ripped off a rather large piece of her muffin and stuffed it into her mouth, avoiding eye contact. Several different answers popped into her head, but she refused to speak any of them into the universe.
"Okay, how about this," Shawn tried again, "why couldn't, say, Stella go with you?" He already knew why, he just wanted to see if she would share something like that with him.
And she did. Annalise swallowed, and then spoke. "She's really mad at me. We argued, and she left the dorm for the time being."
"What did you guys argue about?"
"I don't even know at this point. I just know I messed up and she's rightfully upset. God, I'm tired."
She didn't need to say that twice. Seeing her without her signature dark eye makeup made Shawn notice the fatigue in her brown eyes. It looked like she stopped trying, and it broke his heart. He wanted to touch her hand or her face, attempt to remove every kind of pain she was dealing with. But he still didn't know if this was the right time to do anything like that, and he wasn't sure if he was even allowed to ask.
"She'll come around," he told her. "I know it. You guys are unbreakable."
Annalise only took another bite of her muffin. She didn't want to talk about this anymore.
"Another thing," Shawn said, changing the subject. He took a deep breath, knowing he had this coming, and he didn't know if he was going to see her again after this. "I'm sorry for what I said to you that night."
She knew what he was talking about. She momentarily distracted herself with downing half of her drink. Then, "You weren't exactly wrong."
"But it hurt you," he told her. "I hurt you. It was never my intention to make you feel that way."
Annalise pursed her lips as she considered the words. He wouldn't have gone all this way for her today if he wasn't telling the truth. She sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't believe what you were telling me."
"Well, I didn't make it easy for you," he said.
"Yeah, but I know better than to give into my own paranoia. After all this time, I should have known to trust you more."
That was definitely true, but Shawn didn't say it out loud. "Just so you know, I did tell Alessia to back off. I don't talk to her anymore."
Annalise was surprised. "Really? But you guys were friends."
"She didn't want to be just my friend. No, I think it's better we're not around each other for now."
The persisting guilt made itself known again. If Annalise hadn't said anything then Shawn have had to just cut someone off like that. Admittedly, she was a little jealous of the chemistry he had with Alessia, and the fact that they were a more believable couple than "Shawnnalise" (still the worst name ever.) But if the roles were reversed, Annalise wouldn't just stop talking to someone like Stella or Patrick because of her boyfriend's jealousy. That would just be something he'd have to deal with.
"I hope you guys can go back to being friends after all this blows over," she told him, mindlessly twirling the straw in her cup. "She was really cool."
Shawn grinned, appreciating the sentiment. Then, came another subject change. "Do your parents know about anything that's been going on?"
To his surprise, Annalise chuckled. "All they care about is that I'm getting good grades and that I don't end up in the hospital again. I told my mom about the pelvic pain and she literally told me to stop talking to her about it and go to the doctor. So much for parental support."
"She just wants to make sure you get the help you need."
"I know… I just don't always want advice."
"Do they know what's been going on with us?" Another question Shawn was hesitant to ask, but he needed to know.
Annalise paused for a moment. "It's better that they don't. They like you, but it can be really easy for them to turn against you."
So that's where she gets it from. Must run in the family.
As soon as their cups were empty, Shawn and Annalise left the establishment. The ride back to his apartment was oddly silent until Shawn bumped the radio.
"Who's this playing?" Annalise asked as an acoustic tune started playing. It reminded her of Shawn's music, but it wasn't his own.
"Niall Horan," he told her.
"Hm, never heard of him."
"Seriously? He was in One Direction."
"Never listened to them."
"You what?"
She cracked a smile, but Shawn wasn't amused.
"They were the biggest boyband in the world!"
"So? They never piqued my interest."
"Yet you listen to Little Mix?"
Annalise chuckled, blushing. "That's different. They're super underrated! Their lyrics are sassy and full of life! And have you seen what the girls look like? They're all gorgeous!"
"So is Niall!" Shawn caught himself. "And all the guys from One Direction!"
Now she knew why he was passionate about this topic. She giggled. "Did I just discover your celebrity crush?"
He scoffed in disbelief. "What? No."
"Aw, he's not your free pass?" Annalise teased. This was the most fun she had today, and she wanted to savor it. Besides, she didn't know much about this side of Shawn. "So like, if I gave you my blessing, and you saw Neil-"
"-at a hotel or something, you wouldn't…?"
On a rare occurrence, Shawn was blushing. He focused on the road and stayed quiet for a moment. "Okay, maybe!"
"Ahh, I knew it! And it's okay! My free pass is either Jade from Little Mix or Amy Lee! Whoever I see first!"
Shawn breathed out a chuckle as his shoulders relaxed. "Okay, you have my blessing for either of them. But only them!"
For a moment, it felt like all the bad shit they had gone through these last few months had never happened. Annalise felt her chest get warm in that nice, heart fluttering way it used to. Her feelings hadn't changed either, and it was a relief to discover that. She wasn't stringing him along for nothing. None of this was for nothing.
They were in a comfortable silence when Shawn was pulling up next to Annalise's car at his apartment building. Neither of them wanted this thing to be over, but what were they going to do? Say it out loud? Make it known?
"Thanks again for everything," Annalise said. "I really appreciate it."
"Anytime." Shawn smiled.
Was it bad that she sort of wanted to kiss him? No, it would be bad if she actually did it. Everything between them felt so delicate, one sudden move could demolish whatever was left. Annalise had gripped the door handle for only a moment before Shawn spoke again.
“Wait.” His hand flew to her shoulder.
Annalise felt her heart race instantly, gently grabbing his wrist. “I-”
“I’m doing a gig,” Shawn explained. “Well, I plan to, anyway. The lounge hasn’t called me back yet, but when it comes around, I’d like for you to be there.”
She exhaled, her body relaxing. “So it’s not even booked yet?”
“It’s not set in stone, but it will be. I just wanted to let you know ahead of time. I really want you to be there.”
Annalise narrowed her eyes. “It’s not another serenade, is it?”
Shawn chuckled. “No, I promise. I already learned that lesson. Just be in the audience, okay?”
“Okay,” she said.
“You promise?”
“I promise I’ll be there.”
Shawn’s eyes lit up and he was smiling once again. “Great. I’ll text you when I get the date.”
For a moment, they just sat there and gazed at each other. Annalise felt herself melting like she did a year ago, but her brain caught up quick. She really missed Shawn. Although she was no sweet dream, she missed the pleasant romance they had prior to this mess. It was easy to tell that Shawn missed it too, and it wasn’t just because he previously told her that. There was that longing in his brown eyes that made Annalise’s next statement sting a little bit.
“I have to go,” she opened the door, only to hear the plea in Shawn’s voice.
“This isn’t a ‘fuck-it’ moment,” she told him.
And yet she still lingered in his Jeep. Shawn just had these stupid cute eyes and stupid cute everything. In the end, however, Annalise climbed out of the vehicle and went to her own. It wasn't time for all that yet.
“So you are on the same page again?” asked Callie the very next day. “You went through all of this just for you to make sure you still love each other?”
Callie wasn’t one to judge, being a professional psychotherapist. However, Annalise could tell when she didn’t quite understand something. For example, Callie asked a lot of questions regarding the separation. Whose idea was it? How long was it going on for? Annalise only found it strange because she knew Shawn must have talked about it during this time here. Callie had to have already known about this…
“Yes?” she said in response to her question. “Yes, we want to be with each other. But I can’t express that because Shawn will jump right into it and I don’t want that to be the thing to ‘fix’ this funk I’m in. Y’know what I mean?”
“Ah, I see. You’re aware of your depressive episode now.”
Annalise sighed as she nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been feeling the effects of it now. I’ve cried a lot, and I had an anxiety attack yesterday.”
“Did it help to get some of the pent up feelings out?” Callie asked.
“I don’t really know. Ever since the hospital, I thought if I let myself cry about it, I’d never stop. Like, I’m not crying nonstop, it comes in waves. So does the aching sadness. I don’t remember it being this brutal the first time I had a session here.”
“Some traumas are worse than others. This one clearly took its toll. I know it’s painful, but letting yourself feel the emotions will help you in the long run. And we can slow down with talking through all of this if you wish.”
Annalise nodded, realizing she was able to name something she was feeling. Sadness. It was a persisting issue in the past. Not speaking of her feelings and not knowing what they were was troublesome not only in romantic relationships, but with family as well. The fact that she was able to point out her sadness now made her think that maybe she wasn’t such a lost cause.
“And, I presume you have people around you?” Callie inquired. “People to support you, or distract you?”
Now, she slouched in her seat. “Yeah, uh… this particular episode hasn’t been nice to me or anyone around me.” She explained the fights with Stella and Shawn, and the impromptu dropping out of gaming club, which led the session to be consumed by tears and meltdowns.
But Annalise did manage to name another feeling: guilt. She felt guilty for screaming at the people she loves. She felt guilty for going off her meds. She even felt guilty for breaking Chad’s nose.
“And, I’m aware I’m lucky to be where I am,” she sniffed. “I’ve had good parents and good friends. Shit, I found a guy who actually cares about me! I have an education and I’m throwing that away because I haven’t done any school work… I’m lucky, and I should be happy! Why am I gonna complain about my perfect life?”
“Isn’t that something? You have all these good things in your life, yet the depression persists. That’s the thing with mental illness, Ann: it doesn’t discriminate. And, not to take away from everything you just said, but nobody’s life is perfect. You’ve had as many downs as ups.”
Oh yeah, because Annalise totally forgot about that load of crap.
“The fact that you went off your medication definitely contributes to this as well,” Callie went on. “So the first thing you need to do is get you back on something, maybe a new one altogether. When was the last time you spoke to your primary doctor?”
Annalise wiped her tears with her sweater sleeves and caught the words printed on. So much for having a ‘positive mental attitude.’
For the duration of the day, she felt quite shitty. The therapy meltdown took every ounce of energy from her. That, apparently, is the work of therapy she had gone through before. Like every illness, this needed to run its course and be treated. Not to mention, she couldn’t do it alone either. There wasn’t time to talk about it in detail during today’s session, but Callie suggested the obvious: try to make amends with the people hurt by Annalise’s words and actions.
It was important, duh, but she still made the point to go to her primary doctor on Monday morning instead. That same day, Annalise went to each of her professors and asked for extensions on whatever assignments she was about to royally screw up. Last semester didn’t go so well in the sense that Biology nearly killed her goal of attaining her Bachelors. The idea of having to repeat the class a third time was painfully unfathomable. This is how she procrastinated making apologies to anyone.
These days, it was hard to study in silence. Annalise had her phone on YouTube, and Bella Santiago's soft voice filled the living room. Having this particular YouTuber on was a comfort to Annalise; She felt like Bella would be the one to truly understand her. Although, for a beauty guru, she got quite deep in her videos, especially as of late. Bella's signature pink hair was long gone, but her infamous tangents remained the same. Annalise had just been working on a psych essay, having a makeup tutorial on as background noise, but she zoned back in to hear Bella's rambling.
"I'm not saying you all need to run away from home," she said as she dabbed concealer under her eyes. "Don't do that. But if you are gonna get away from everything for a bit, tell people where you're going. They might be able to talk you out of it. They might be able to help you with whatever you're going through. Seven months ago, I forgot that there are people who care about me here in LA."
That was the first strike to Annalise's chest. She slowed down her scribbling in her notebook, eyes glancing to the tiny screen.
Bella casually powdered her face with a large fluffy brush. "Mental illness has a way of making you think you're alone, and that makes you lash out. All the friends I have, all the ones that you see, none of those are perfect relationships. I've cut these people off before for no good reason other than thinking I was a burden and not worth their time."
And there's the second strike. Annalise put her pen down and sighed, now giving her full attention to this makeup artist.
"I know it's hard to believe when you're stuck in your own head," she continued, "but you are worth it. There are people who want to be there for you. And remember to forgive yourself for the things mental - or even physical - illness took away from you…" She paused and chuckled softly. "Okay, that got a little too real. Anyway, I'm moving onto contouring, and I'll be using-"
But Annalise never discovered what made Bella's cheekbones so defined and beautiful. She closed the video and opened up her text messages, scrolling down to the conversation with Stella. The last text was from a month ago, and it was just Annalise notifying her that she would be home late. It was the day of the Bart adventure gone wrong.
If Annalise were to apologize, how could she do it over text? Stella deserved more than that. She needed to know she matters to Annalise.
It's not like she didn't know where Stella was hiding out, but Annalise still procrastinated. Every morning in the elevator, she briefly considered going to the second floor on her way to class. Then she would make the "I have no time" excuse and carry on. That little surge of guilt settled deep in her stomach, though. When did she not feel bad about something?
The elevator did stop on the second floor that Tuesday morning. Annalise had the typical internal debate of getting off here before someone showed up and paused at the threshold.
That someone was Alessia. She had her phone in hand, texting while walking. One foot was in the elevator, and she had frozen on the spot. Two pairs of brown eyes pierced into each other, both clearly caught off guard. Somehow neither woman expected to run into each other despite living in the same building.
Neither woman noticed the two girls behind Alessia until one of them rather rudely spoke up.
"Are you going in or not?"
Alessia jumped, glancing back at the blonde girl and her friend, mumbling an apology. Then she turned on her heel and sped down the corridor. Annalise took only two steps out to follow her, until she hears that same rude, squeaky voice.
"Looks like she found another victim."
Annalise stopped in her tracks, hearing Ms. Blonde-Hair-Blue-Eyes and her friend giggle to one another. Yeah, that's not the first time Annalise has received a comment like that, but come on! She wasn't even trying to dress her best today. She didn't even have her signature "scary" liner on!
She turned and stuck her hand between the elevator doors before they could shut. They slid back open, causing the two normies to cease their laughter immediately. They both stared at Annalise, eyes wide.
"What was that?" she asked, voice sickly sweet but her face full of murder.
Blondie trailed her icy blue eyes down the other girl's appearance. "Just wondering whose funeral you going to?"
"Oh, I haven't gotten that far yet," Annalize replied. "Still gotta decide who is gonna be sacrificed to Satan himself. But uh, the decision just got a little easier." Then, she pulled out the pentagram necklace from under her hoodie and rubbed the charm. "Sana… sana… colita de rana…"
The two girls backed up against the wall, disturbed. "What did you just do?" Blondie frantically asked.
Annalise smiled. "Nothing at all. But now you're gonna be thinking about me all day." She winked, and then to be even more petty, "Boo!"
They both shrieked, satisfying the goth. She smirked and then went down the corridor.
She may have lost Alessia in those two short minutes, but it was worth it. She quickly rushed to the staircase and practically bolted down three floors, sidestepping past students coming in the opposite direction. Thankfully, she spotted Alessia's wild curls in the lobby and called after her.
It was easy to tell that Alessia did not want to be stopped, but she did anyway. She clutched her books to her chest as Annalise approached her, brown eyes wide with fear.
"What's wrong?" Annalise asked.
"Huh? Nothing!" she replied a little too quickly. "What's up?"
"Um…" It dawned on her that she had nothing planned out. "I… wanted to apologize…?"
Alessia tilted her head. "Why?"
"Uh, I've been an asshole to just about everybody, you included. Just wanted to say I'm sorry for being cold and antisocial."
"I think you should be mad at me. You haven't been an asshole. I already knew you weren't exactly social. You've been nice to me, actually. All I've done is hit on your boyfriend."
Annalise hesitated. "Yeah… but lots of people do. Like, come on, he's beautiful. You're the only person I've been mad at for doing so."
"Oh…" Alessia trailed off. "Well, since we're here. I already apologized to him, but I'm sorry to you too. I know you've got him wrapped around your finger. And I'm sorry for getting so drunk that you had to drag me home. And I'm sorry for the comments I made about your health."
Honestly, Annalise had been so preoccupied by her current health issues that she forgot about all of that. The resurfacing of these things brought the smallest hint of annoyance to hit, but she also logically knew that it was time to right the wrongs.
"It's okay," she said. "Water under the bridge."
"Cool." Alessia smiled.
There were still hints of awkward in the air. Annalise decided to change the subject.
"Still going to gaming club?"
"Yeah. Chad broke his nose somehow, that's the main topic going on. We're all trying to figure out what happened since he won't tell us."
Annalise chuckled. "Oh, I know all about that."
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @ilsolee @mendesromano @1-800-khalid-mendussy @kitykatnumber @strangerliaa @iloveshawnieboi @poppyshawn @shawnsunflower @shawnvvmendes @shawmndes @ruinhoney @someoneunimportantxx @calyumthomas @yourdeflightfullyleft @havethetimeeofyourlifee @wronglanemendes @chillingbythesea @softmendesss @mutuallynotmutual
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gemmawalker · 3 years
soooo how does it feel to have all the good stuff for yourself when everyone else is getting sick?
“It is a relief to know that my people have at last been offered some respite from the disasters taking place in Assyria. However - as it stands there is still so much we don’t know about it. Some of my sirens were recovering from the illness on land - of those, a few volunteered to return to the Coral Sea to determine whether the healing properties would apply to those who were not in the sea at the time of activation. Those sirens have recovered as well now, but we still have no way of knowing how long this gift will last or even how it works. Will it work on sirens who aren’t from my sea? Mermaids? If someone is healed in the sea and then leaves, will the illness return in full force?”
“To the extent that it’s possible, I’d like to share the gift we’ve been given with others who need it - but I don’t know if it would work. And if it does, is it really worth the peril of swimming through other oceans and seas to get to the Coral Sea when for all intents and purposes it appears that spending time in the water worsens symptoms? Even if the answer to all of those questions is yes - I have no idea how long the Coral Sea’s current properties will last. For a siren or mermaid to swim all the way over, only to realize when they got there that the sea would no longer heal them...” She shook her head at the notion. To decline offering to share a cure would certainly make her and her sea unpopular, but offering a cure only for it not to work would be worse. The potential political ramifications were steep either way, to say the least. 
“And of course, there’s also the matter of security. While offering access to my sea could potentially help create and strengthen alliances, I can’t ignore the fact that it could also put my own people in danger. With everyone fully healed, we are strong - and even in my absence, my people are not without strong leadership. But to invite sirens and mermaids from around Assyria to converge all at once would be to invite political tensions directly to my territory. Even if all who visited came with good intentions, that would not be sufficient to guarantee peace.” She had some ideas on how to set things up to at least somewhat limit risk, of course. Isolated areas for visiting mermaids on the edge of the sea, well away from isolated areas for visiting sirens, with strong security parameters established to prevent visitors from getting into certain parts of the sea. Checkpoints to ensure no weapons were brought in would be helpful, as well - perhaps she could convince Stella to allow use of the edge of her ocean for that purpose? That seemed like a more than fair exchange for access to healing waters, in her opinion.
Speaking of more than fair exchanges. “I must admit, I’m also wary of the way all of this came about. Clearly it’s repayment for my helping that Scylla woman, but all the gifts we received seem quite excessive considering what little was done to earn them. I can’t help but wonder if it’s a trap of some sort - especially considering that box that came with the gifts. I have it under constant guard well away from residential areas of the sea, but so far we are no closer to discovering its contents.” She had half a mind to dispose of it in case it housed something terrible, but depending on its contents that could very well be more dangerous than keeping it. 
“And then there’s the fact that the gifts were delivered by seals - I’d had my suspicions previously, but now there is little doubt in my mind that Scylla was somehow involved in the origin of selkies.” Whether the woman had done it herself or had simply found a way to control them, she wasn’t certain. What was clear was that the so-called sea witch was very powerful, which only led to even more questions. If Scylla somehow held the power to heal an entire sea, why hadn’t she done so sooner? What else was she capable of? It occurred to Gemma that someone who could heal an entire sea could very well be capable of creating the illness that was plaguing Assyrians to begin with. And what of the darkness? If Scylla was connected to all of that somehow... well, it was a good thing she had earned the woman’s favor rather than her wrath for the time being, but she also wondered if she’d made a mistake by helping rather than attacking when she’d had the chance.
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dynamitekrp · 4 years
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birthday: june 4, 1999 years trained: 4 position: lead rap, vocal 
2017, stella beauty cf 2018, maybelline cf 2019, creating an aegyo song on weekly idol (viral moment) 2019. supporting role of high school student kim yoo na in hotel del luna 2020, king of masked singer appearance
bora seemed to be a step behind the other members of her groups with her emergence following the new, bold concept - hobgoblin. she fit the maknae role, almost too well, having people wondering if she was trying too hard for the sake of the cameras. for a while, she was a cute face to do variety shows with, but struggled to do much more. girl crush concepts were awkward for the young girl, and while some felt she should’ve been implemented during the cuter era, others felt they should’ve waited to debut her until she was better altogether. she had been a confident trainee, but seemed to blend into the background with the other girls, slightly shy and less bold in stage presence. it was only after receiving a good bit of hate for this that things started to take a turn, most prominently during her peek-a-boo era. it was then she began to create her own spotlight for herself, and seemed to mature into violet’s concept out of nowhere. while many love her, nearly just as many are still discontent with her addition. since then, the imprint her cute moments left have impacted her image, and though they stay a prominent part of her career, she’s becoming known to be a more serious maknae for her growing maturity and confidence.
im bora was born in the spotlight, in her own way - really. even underneath the bright light of the hospital, as the infant pried her eyes open for the very first time, her mother’s intentional words rang clear, both throughout the hospital and into her own ears.
“ a little star has been born. ”
nothing from the situation was surprising. after all, bora’s mom wasn’t exactly a celebrity, but famous in her own right. im miran - a popular model for skin care commercials, nearly all of seoul’s were filled with the catchy jingle and her kind face, marketing the hydrating masks that bora had a lifetime’s worth of free samples of. but before this, she was sohn miran, the teenage pageant queen of seoul. starting young, she went from local, to national levels, winning over the audiences with her charming smile and timeless beauty. her father, a dermatologist, made the perfect match for her, and often let her lead the house in the way she felt was fair. there was no room but anything for perfection, and with bora’s birth, it seemed she wasn’t willing to end the trend anytime soon. not even out of diapers, bora was thrust into countless beauty competitions, the toddler wearing her many crowns and sashes over her pull-ups.  the days were long, her mother was strict, and the competition was fierce, but it was the world that bora had grown up in. what else did she know?
but soon, bora would learn that not everything was going to be pleasant for so long. as she grew, so did her agitation for the hectic schedule her pageant days would bring her. there was no time for fun with friends, no acne spot left untouched, no room left for happiness. a cycle, it was - vocal lessons, instrument lessons, salon appointments. a life seemingly for the rich and glamorous, turned corrupt before she realizes. she tries to initially break free, but her mother’s insistence is enough to cut her rebellion short before it even really started. she’s forced back onto the throne, adorning a crown she’s never really desired.
but bora smiles, does what she’s told, and lives in an internal prison, looking for an escape. that is … until she does. after one of her pageants, she’s stopped by a recruiter, handing her a simple card with the words ag media entertainment on it. bora remembers hearing somewhere that there were certain short moments in life that changed everything. little did she know how true that was going to be.
even now, bora doesn’t know the reason which motivated her to walk into that studio and audition. whether it was her love for idol groups, a way to show her skills differently, or….just escape her mother’s constant bickering. but, one day after school, she skips her vocal lesson without her mother’s knowledge, and instead makes her way to ag’s company building, in hopes of having her true debut. not one filled with stress and tears, as she had on the pageant stage, but one that made her feel like a true princess.
the true shocker, however, is when bora realizes her dream is slowly becoming a reality. after auditioning with a song she often used for talent segments, as well as a poorly improvised dance routine, something must have triggered the evaluators to consider her. after receiving the news, bora sprung into a literal frenzy, elated at the chance to do something that truly made her fulfilled. rather than disappointed and angry as she thought she’d be, her mother surprises her by being incredibly accepting and encouraging. in her eyes, even if it was a different type, her daughter could still be a star. perhaps, a bigger one. as long as she was able to keep living her daughter’s excitement through her, she’d take it.
so, at the young age of fourteen the girl is sprung into a world much like the one she’s lived in for years. though bora is a bright-eyed, optimistic girl still, the pageant life has conditioned her for this moment. at least …. she thinks. she had perfected the spins, the smiles, and the speeches. bora was the epitome of a pageant girl. however, with idol training? she was hopelessly lost. not nearly as strong of a vocalist of the others, and lacking in the strong energy those around her did, the young girl found herself constantly losing herself in the shadows of others. evaluation after evaluation, things seem to be getting worse. she watches as violet, a group she desperately hoped for a space in, went on to debut without her, leaving her in the dust.
little did she know that her time would come a short three years later, when offered the chance to jointhe girl group as a late member. it was something she was definitely not expecting, thinking she had years ago until her call to fame. but the fresh face in the group was both a joy and a disaster to have. many took to her, if nothing but for her looks, enjoying what a new girl could bring to the group’s concept. on the contrary, there were the loyal fans, who swore by a group of only the originals.  the constant back-and-forth was something that bora surely wasn’t used to, working to only up the pressure of her newly rising career.
it takes some time, but eventually, as her career as an idol unexpectedly soars, bora slowly finds her own. after the emergence of peekaboo, she’s re-introduced with a sort of charismatic prowess that wasn’t to be expected of the usually childlike female. she becomes more comfortable expanding outside of just group activities, and begins to develop a name for herself. the merging of the two companies is rocky for her, just adjusting and then being forced to deal with change once again. there’s an odd sort of … rivalry she feels against puzzle, scared that they might threaten to ruin her youthful concept. so, she soon becomes colder than what those around her are used to, really working hard to hone her craft and make it to the top. the hate comments she so frequently read begin to fuel her, and she has another sense of renewal. maybe this time, everyone will stop doubting her, and with all the competition in the room she can prove her worth.
once again - a new era, and a new bora.
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macbetha · 8 years
What are some of your favorite books of all time?
sorry this took a bit to answer, i took this question prettyseriously because books mean so much to me haha. so, i made a list! thesearen’t all specifically books; there are plays and poems as well, just becausethose have a tendency to have as much of an impact me as novels and such.
D R A M A / P L A Y S
Tennessee Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire- On a streetcar named Desire, Blanche DuBois travels from the railroad station in New Orleans to a street named Elysian Fields, where her sister, Stella, pregnant and married to Stanley Kowalski, lives in a run-down apartment building in the old French Quarter. Having lost her husband, parents, teaching position, and old family home—Belle Reve in Laurel, Mississippi—Blanche has nowhere to turn but to her one remaining close relative.
William Shakespeare: Macbeth- Macbeth is thought to have been first performed in 1606. It dramatizes the damaging physical and psychological effects of political ambition on those who seek power for its own sake.
G R E E K  D R A M A ( C OM E D Y  &  T R A G E D Y ) 
Aristophanes: Lysistrata- Originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BCE, it is a comic account of a woman’s extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War by denying all the men sex - and it works. 
Sophocles: Oedipus Rex- Oedipus was a mythical Greek king of Thebes. A tragic hero in Greek mythology, Oedipus accidentally fulfilled a prophecy that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother, thereby bringing disaster to his city and family.
C L A S S I C S : G R E E K L I T E R A T U R E
Homer: The Iliad- Set during the Trojan War, the ten-year siege of the city of Troy by a coalition of Greek states. The Iliad mentions or alludes to many of the Greek legends about the siege; the earlier events, such as the gathering of warriors for the siege, the cause of the war, and related concerns tend to appear near the beginning. Then the epic narrative takes up events prophesied for the future, such as Achilles’ looming death and the sack of Troy, although the narrative ends before these events take place. However, as these events are prefigured and alluded to more and more vividly, when it reaches an end the poem has told a more or less complete tale of the Trojan War.
The Poetry of Sappho- She was one of the few women mentioned in ancient Greek literature and doesnot frequent the topics of other writers of her time, such as politics and war. She writes about compassion and love; her work is really beautiful andheartfelt. 
C L A S S I C S : E N G L I S H/ A M E R I C A N  L I T E R A T U R E
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”This first sentence filled with irony and playfulness. The novel revolves around the necessity of marrying for love, not simply for mercenary reasons despite the social pressures to make a wealthy match.
Emily Brontë: Wuthering HeightsAlthough Wuthering Heights is now widely regarded as a classic of English literature, contemporary reviews for the novel were deeply polarised; it was considered controversial because its depiction of mental and physical cruelty was unusually stark, and it challenged strict Victorian ideals of the day regarding religious hypocrisy, morality, social classes and gender inequality.
F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby- The best third-wheel story of all time.
P O E T R Y / S H O R T  ST O R I E S
Sylvia Plath: “Lady Lazarus”Out of the ashes / I rise with my red hair / And I eat men like air.
Sylvia Plath: “Poem for a Birthday”“Eaten or rotten. I am all mouth.”
Lucille Clifton: “Homage To My Hips”these hips are mighty hips. these hips are magic hips. i have known them to put a spell on a man and spin him like a top! Maya Angelou: “Phenomenal Woman”It’s the fire in my eyes / And the flash of my teeth, / The swing in my waist,/ And the joy in my feet.  
Warsan Shire:Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth- “later that night / i held an atlas in my lap / ran my fingers across the whole world / and whispered / where does it hurt? / it answered / everywhere / everywhere / everywhere.” - “give your daughters difficult names. give your daughters names that command the full use of tongue. my name makes you want to tell me the truth. my name doesn’t allow me to trust anyone that cannot pronounce it right.” - “every mouth you’ve ever kissed / was just practice / all the bodies you’ve ever undressed / and ploughed in to / were preparing you for me. / was it a long journey? / did it take you long to find me? / you’re here now, / welcome home.” -“I have my mother’s mouth and my father’s eyes; on my face they are  still together.” -“I want to make love but my hair smells of war and running and running.”
Maya Angelou: “Still I Rise”Does my sexiness upset you? / Does it come as a surprise / That I dance likeI’ve got diamonds / At the meeting of my thighs? 
Maya Angelou: “Chicken Licken”When she saw a bed / locksclicked / in her brain
Edgar Allan Poe: Murders In The Rue Morgue- i read this in eighth grade and it is a mystery that stuck with me for therest of my life. it is fascinating in the way that poe always is, i so recommend it.
Edgar Allan Poe: “Evening Star”- “I gazed awhile / On her cold smile /Too cold - too cold for me.”
M E M O I R S / B I O G R A P H I E S
Christine Wiltz: The Last Madam: A Life In the New Orleans Underworld- In 1916, at age fifteen, Norma Wallace arrived in New Orleans. Sexy and shrewd, she quickly went from streetwalker to madam and by 1920 had opened what became a legendary house of prostitution. There she entertained a steady stream of governors, gangsters, and movie stars.
Stephen King: On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft - Shares the experiences, habits, and convictions that have shaped King and his work.
Y O U N G  A D U L T / C H I L D R E N ‘ S 
Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instruments- so, i didn’t finish this series but it’s the memories of reading these books that makes me put it on this list. i remember reading them on the bus rides home from school, in my eighth grade history class, running to the store on their release date and begging my dad for the newest addition. it is a very fascinating universe; i haven’t watched the show shadowhunters, which is based on this series, but the books were good.
Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events- i read ALL OF THESE BOOKS THEY WERE MY LIFE. they were so depressing but i loved these three siblings so much that i refused to leave them alone in that horrible world. haven’t watched the netflix series! 
Rick Riordan: Percy Jackson Series- for me, as a bored thirteen year old, this was one of the things that opened the door to greek mythology, which is now one of my favorite topics to study. 
S O U T H E R N  G O T H I C
Flannery O’Connor: “Good Country People”- Southern Gothic literature is a genre of southern USA writing. While it may include supernatural elements, it mainly focuses on damaged, even delusional, characters. The humor is strange and even when it is finally realized, it might not be all that funny, because humor in Southern Gothic stories is twisted, and usually quite vile. There are consistent grotesque themes of decay, desolation, and supernatural forces that are often credited to lost family honor, ghosts, witches, faeries, or god - but the shit all takes place on an isolated corn farm. It is a very fascinating genre and “good country people” is a prime example of this. (personal note: most of ewoatt chapter one was inspired by the southern gothic genre).   
Thomas C. Foster: How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines- THIS IS THE BOOK I REFERENCE MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE WHILE WRITING. It’s an introduction to literature and literary basics, including symbols, themes and contexts, that shows you how to make your everyday reading experience more rewarding and enjoyable.
Joseph Bates: The Nighttime Novelist:Finish Your Novel in Your Spare Time - Franz Kafka was an insurance agent. William Faulkner was a postmaster. Stephen King taught high school English, John Grisham was an attorney, and Toni Morrison worked in publishing. Though romantic fantasies of the writing life don’t often include a day job, the fact is that most writers have one. Yo, if you’re wanting to write a book or just a big fanfic, please get this book. I give it so much credit. 
Barbara & Allan Pease: The Definitive Book of Body Language: The Hidden Meaning Behind People’s Gestures and Expressions- It is a scientific fact that people’s gestures give away their true intentions. Yet most of us don’t know how to read body language–and don’t realize how our own physical movements speak to others. Now the world’s foremost experts on the subject share their techniques for reading body language signals to achieve success in every area of life. Great writing reference. 
Natalie Goldberg: Writing Down the Bones- This text offers encouragement and advice on many aspects of the writer’s craft, from first thoughts to the use and misuse of adverbs, from where the best places are to write - both public and private.
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