#Steph and Pete you will always be famous
wickerss-s · 11 months
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Okay but the "what if I am wrong?" part in "Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise)" always gets me because Pete does take that moment to pause, to ask if sacrificing himself so completely is really the right move to make. But then he immediately answers his own question by telling Steph "you get to live on." And that's enough for him. Steph Lauter will give to live and that's all he needs to know. In Pete's mind, the solution that gets her out alive simply cannot be the wrong one, no matter what it means for him.
He loves her so goddamn much already.
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
just finally got to watch workin boys and OH MY GODDDDDDD I HAVE THOUGHTS
jeff as hidgens is so. he’s just so
chad’s name stayed the same even though it was changed to workin’ girls everyone clapped
hidgens backstory oh my fucking god. what the hell this man has suffered more than jesus
the songs are amazing I wasn’t expecting to want to buy the album but now I actually need it their vocals are all SO GOOD mariah bryce and kim are absolutely incredible
bill and ted are on a date and you cannot convince me otherwise (I am delusional). also I love that ted loved it bc he was fucking INTO IT in tgwdlm
still need to know why hailey was dumping ass so much
I love the detail that paul didn’t want to go with bill lmfao
ted got brutally murdered again. I knew they would do it but it’s still hilarious
they really said ✨dutch angles ✨ huh
their real stage manager played the stage manager 😭 I love it he has a self insert hatchetfield oc
linda’s the only person who auditioned but didn’t get in lmfao hidgens really said #eat the rich
I love ruth SO MUCH rip queen (again). lauren managed to make her even more cute and pathetic than she is npmd, what a top notch blorbo 100/10
bailey wearing his uniform and taking his gun to a community theatre production why is he a himbo and why do I love him
I know I’ve already said this but sweet jesus mariah and kim’s voices are actually the best things ever they are so perfect in every way
grace just cannot do anything without discovering her passion for violent murder and lethal weapons and honestly girlboss
“our wet sinewy bodies” “I just came”
hidgens’ death scene was absolutely stunning oh my god
the fact that richie and grace went together to support ruth?? so cute to me. this obviously isn’t in the npmd timeline so it’s just adorable to me that they actually became friends in this timeline, I’m obsessed.
also they had an opportunity for pete and steph and tom and becky to be there on dates but OH WELL
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Prompt: "Are you sure I can't just portal him somewhere else? It doesn't have to be Mt. Everest."
Paring: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Word count: 915
Tony quickly walked into his office, Stephen's wrist in his hand as he dragged him along. Stephen allowed himself to be dragged the smaller man, he was in trouble. Letting the door close behind them Tony told FRIDAY to lower the curtains in front of the glass surrounding the office. FRIDAY complied and did just that, not allowing anyone that wasn't already inside to see what was happening. The windows being blocked made the office a lot bright, most likely FRIDAY's doing.
"Thank you baby girl." Tony said not bothering to look up to towards the ceiling.
Tony then went to stand in front of his tall fiance, craining his neck to look at him face-to-face instead of face-to-chest. Tony's arms are crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face, Stephen had his hands behind his back and smirk nicely placed on his lips despite the fact that he knew Tony was going to chew him out for what he did.
"This isn't funny Stephen." The smaller man said, voice as stern as his expression and stance.
"Oh come on," The sorcerer said, his smirk growing bigger. "you have to admit, it was a little funny."
Tony's expression calmed a little, his eye brows and shoulders relaxed a little.
"You shouldn't have turned Rogers into a chicken."
"You're not even a little amused by him running around the conference room clucking?"
The sight of seeing the man that broke his heart running around as a chicken, feathers and all, clucking out, probably for help, was an entertaining sight. Tony couldn't stop himself from cracking a smile at the thought which prompted Stephen to do the same.
"See. It was hilarious." Stephen told him.
Tony couldn't stop the laugh rising in his throat. He burried his face in Stephen's chest to muffle them but the other heard them ans chuckled himself. Wrapping his arms around his lover's waist and pulling him in closer, letting him try, and fail, to stifle his giggles of amusement.
When Tony fianlly had his laughs under control he lifted his head and looked at Stephen. Chocolate brown eyes meeting sliver green ones before laying head on the sorcerer's chest, face turned to the side and ear pressed and loving the heart beat it hears. Stephe let his chin rest ontop of Tony's head.
"You really need to stop doing thing like that to Rogers though." Tony said in a serious tone.
"Why?" Stephen asked.
"Pepper's been on my ass about how you treat Rogers and said I need to keep you in line."
Stephen frowned his face. "Why does she care, i thought she hated him?"
"Oh she does, but a video of you letting him repeatedly fall in and out of portals made it to the public and now they're wondering if it's okay to still trust you."
Stephen rolled his eyes at that. He couldn't blame the public really. No one outside of the Avengers knew what happen in the bunker. To them Steve Rogers was the all around American hero the know and love.
"I'm not as famous as you are. My existence nearly unknown so it won't affect me that much."
"It will be soon, remember."
Stephen let out a chuckle that made his shoulders bounce a little. Tony always thought that was cute.
"Oh yes, how could I possible forget. The moment I marry the whole world will know as Tony Stark's new permanent eye candy."
"I was thinking more of a magical lover."
"Of course you were."
They stayed silent for a few moments, just enjoying each others presents.
Stephen chimes in about a minute later with "Are you sure I can't just portal him somewhere else? It doesn't have to be Mt. Everest."
Tony sighed at his future husband's persistence to get rid of the thorn in his side.
"You're not portaling him to hell Stephen." Tony told him.
"I wasn't going to portal him to hell!" Stephen yelled slightly in defense.
"Oh yeah? Where were you going to send him?"
Stephen mumbled something under his breath in response.
"What was that? You're going to have to speak up louder honey."
"The middle of the Sahara Desert."
Tony's head shot up from it's place and stared wide-eyed at Stephen.
"What!? I'd bring him back before he died of dehydration."
Tony slapped his arm playfully and called him a mess before heading towards the door telling FRIDAY to lift the curtains around the window. Stephen followed Tony and the moment the door open they were greeted with a slightly worried Peter and a pissed of Steve.
"Hey kid, what's up?" Tony asked the awkward teen.
"Is everything alright?" Peter asked keeping the question short as to not pry into much.
"Everything's fine Pete. Stephen" Tony said turning his attention to the man behind him. " will learn to be a good boy and to not embarrass Rogers in front of people again."
Steve sighed. "Thank you Tony."
"So what you're saying is that I can do it when no one else is around?"
Steve visibly stiffen at the question and looked to Tony, hoping he'd tell him no to that as well. Tony made a face that said he was thinking about it before giving Stephen the thumbs up to that said man giving the captian a wicked smirk. Let's just say that afterward Steve tool great care as to not be alone in place Stephen might be.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Peter Shilton at 70: England’s most capped player opens up on Clough, Clemence and being pro-Brexit 
England & # 39; s most capped footballer sits in a quiet corner of an Essex hotel and asks Wonder why the experience gained during 125 gigs is no longer used.
Peter Shilton is week 70 on Wednesday, but does not look. That compact squat frame still looks in good condition, his black hair now only slightly flipped with gray.
He played his football in four different decades, won the first division and the European Cup and represented England in three World Cups. He was not exactly lost in our game, but he has not really been there – since he had retired on the other side of 1000 games.
Peter Shilton has thought about his life in it football as he prepares to turn 70 on Wednesday
Recently he made a video of goalkeeping techniques that were fundamental to a career that only ended when he was 47. He has the & # 39; Shilton & # 39; s Secrets & # 39; mentioned and not sure what to do with it. If there are no customers, he can simply put it on the internet.
& # 39; I'm older now, so I obviously don't want to throw balls on a training field every day & # 39 ;, Shilton said. "But I recently told my wife Steph that I do not want the techniques I have built up for more than 30 years to be lost.
" Many of the exercises that coaches now use are those I have developed . But I'm not sure if they understand current techniques.
& # 39; I made the film two years ago and I would not mind using some consultancy, using the film to explain some tips.
& # 39; Many people do not understand anything about keeping. I look at a keeper and know what he is doing or should have done. Don't you get anyone explained on your TV?
Shilton believes he could improve modern keepers with & # 39; 15 or 20 percent & # 39;
Shilton has compiled a video of keep techniques he wants modern keepers to use
& # 39; All modern keepers are very fit and make great saves, but it's the one they let in that I'm watching. I think they can improve with 15 or 20 percent with the right techniques. & # 39;
Shilton was not coached at all until he was coached at all was played by Bobby Robson in England in the early 1980s. The gloves he wore with Leicester and Stoke in his early days were of rope and were bought at a garden center. He had designed the black he wore when he made a famous rescue at Wembley from Kenny Dalglish from Scotland in 1973.
But Shilton was always talented and always worked desperately hard. His rival and friend Ray Clemence – with whom he came to England for ten years – called him & # 39; the perfectionist & # 39; and Shilton doesn't mind.
& # 39; It was funny, & # 39; Shilton told Sportsmail. & # 39; People said Ray was natural. He didn't train that much. He would get a shot and & # 39; wide & # 39; shout instead of diving.
& # 39; But then Clem got coaching coaching in England and I stood at the side of the field for Sky when he worked with Paul Robinson. He did all my exercises! I shouted at him and he admitted.
& # 39; But we were good friends. We are still laughing and giggling. We were in England for ten years and never talked about football.
& # 39; We were different keepers, but I like to think we can play. As Brian Clough once said: & # 39; You can train anything you want, but you need a little talent, son & # 39 ;. I think I had a few. & # 39;
Shilton remains great friends with keeper and former roommate Ray Clemence (left )
Shilton & # 39; s youth hero was Gordon Banks (left) and he was delegated to him in Leicester City
Shilton & # 39; s hero was Gordon Banks. As a child growing up in Leicester, he was invited to come and watch the wonderful man who trained on Filbert Street.
& # 39; Usually I was just fetching the balls, & # 39; he remembered. & # 39; Gordon thanked me. Little did he know that I would join the club. I joined at 15 and made my first team debut at the age of 16.
& # 39; Gordon was away with England. They did not then suspend the competition matches. I was still a student so I did odd jobs on the floor, explained the set, swept up and then went home for a sleep and a little tea.
& # 39; Then I played against Everton for the entire house that evening. We won 3-0 and I had a solid game. The next morning at 7.30 am I was behind cleaning boots. & # 39;
Shilton had a legendary career and will always be remembered for the league title and two European cups that he won with Clough & # 39; s Nottingham Forest.
But he is a Leicester boy and a Leicester fan. From the age of six he wanted to play for his hometown club and when Leicester finally had to choose between him and Banks, it was the star of England who had to be stunned to make way.
Shilton was part of Nottingham Forest & # 39; s first division winning side under Brian Clough
"Arsenal and Manchester United were enthusiastic about me and I think Stoke and West Ham saw that situation and Gordon came in," Shilton said.
"He was sold to Stoke and yes, he was a little surprised. But then he came to me and said: & # 39; I did pretty well & # 39; that was the only way on which you once received money by leaving. & # 39;
Coincidentally, after eight years in Leicester, Shilton Banks followed to Stoke, and the £ 325,000 compensation in 1974 was a world record for a goalkeeper. a challenge at the top of that season, but when a storm blew the roof of the main grandstand on Victoria Ground, players had to be sold to finance repairs, Shilton stayed on, but Stoke was relegated in 1977 and it wasn't long before he started a relationship was building with Clough that had its roots in a meeting between the two men a year earlier.
When I was in Stoke, I felt sad when I was out of the English team and we our best players had sold out, & # 39; revealed Shilton. & # 39; Brian Clough asked if I could come over to chat. I knew he had tried to sign me when he was in Derby and in Leeds.
I did not know him, but he invited me to a meal at a hotel behind Trent Bridge. We chatted away and had a lot in common. He made me feel better. He signed me a year later. & # 39;
When Forest won the first division in Shilton's first season, he gave only 18 goals in the 37 league games he played. That year he won the PFA Player of the Year Award, the most recent goalkeeper to do that. He was then part of the Clough team that surprised Europe.
Shilton says he does not like being associated with the notorious goal of Diego Maradona in 1986
& # 39; I actually thought I had a better season in the year that Stoke relegated, but what happened in Forest was a miracle, & # 39; he said. & # 39; I could have ended up in Man United from Stoke. Jimmy Greenhoff called me and said that Tommy Docherty had agreed to Stoke for me. Two days later, Tommy received the bag. So maybe it was my destiny that I went to Forest. & # 39;
Clough & # 39; s Forest team has been immortalized in books and in movies. Shilton says he finds it hard to say what the best performance was, Forest & # 39; s or Leicester & # 39; s winning the Premier League in 2016.
Both parties had an incredible team spirit and a never-say-that-die attitude , & # 39; he said.
He feels a bit like diplomacy and it's hard to blame him.
Regarding his relationship with Clough, he was as personal and contradictory as we are used to.
& # 39; I always strip at the door next to the shower, & # 39; Shilton smiled. & # 39; My gear and boots would be set up at 2 p.m. on Saturday and I would concentrate on the competition. That was me.
& # 39; But Brian would have played squash – top rugby, shorts and filthy trainers – and he would come in, pushing all my stuff out of the way and time for his shower.
& # 39; He would drag himself down and there would be a large pool of water where I had to stand.
& # 39; He had something like & # 39; Hold on, Pete, won't be a second & # 39 ;. and then I would sail past me as he walked away and say: & # 39; I hope you didn't mind. & # 39;
& # 39; All the boys would growl chuckling while I opened the water. They knew that I would be irritated. But I would just mumble a little.
& # 39; But it did me good. It kept me sharp. He wanted to make sure I didn't get over myself. It was called management and how can any of us look back and say it was wrong? & # 39;
Shilton says he would not shake Maradona's hand if he met the legend of Argentina today
The English team that traveled to Spain for the 1982 World Cup was the best Shilton feel he played in . If Kevin Keegan and Trevor Brooking were not injured, he believes they might have won him.
As it is, Ron Greenwood went out on what was then a second group stage. Inevitably, however, Shilton remains forever associated with one of the most notorious moments of the World Cup, Argentine striker Diego Maradona jumps with him to hit the ball at a quarter final in Mexico four years later. Argentina won the match 2-1 and then won the World Cup.
& # 39; I don't want to belong, & # 39; Shilton shrugged. & # 39; It was so blatant. He first started running, so I had to rush out. But I was always there first.
& # 39; I made a good decision to get out of my line, but couldn't get close enough to jump in like I normally would. He knew he was being hit.
& # 39; You are in a quarterfinal of the World Cup and you watch the officials. Everyone saw it separately from them.
& # 39; People say he scored a great second goal afterwards, but we still didn't focus well when he scored. & # 39;
The two men meet periodically, but Shilton has never been interested unless an apology is guaranteed.
& # 39; Some things he has said since then and the fact that he did not apologize is not good, & # 39; he added.
& # 39; His attitude is what some of the boys don't like. Gary Lineker says he's not bothered, but me and Peter Reid and Terry Butcher and others are and we wouldn't shake hands with him. In coincidence.
Shilton ended his career on 125 England caps and he also made more than 1000 club appearances
& # 39; Eventually I achieved that this has become a point of interest and I don't like it.
& # 39; If he had wanted to meet and apologize, I would have, but he refused. & # 39;
Next year it will be 50 years since Shilton made his debut in England against East Germany. His record of 10 clean sheets at the World Cup Final is only matched by Fabian Barthez from France.
& # 39; I would only have that record if I had not been for Diego, & # 39; he said.
England lost the 1990 semi-final on penalties against Germany – & # 39; they were brilliant penalties & # 39 ;, Shilton says – and he stopped the international match after the tournament.
His club career continued until the age of 47. He said he was & # 39; desperate & # 39; to reach 1,000 games and he eventually played for Leyton Orient against Brighton in November 1996.
An enchantment in management with Plymouth had actually preceded that milestone and it would not have been repeated.
He said: & # 39; I was interested in the job in Blackpool and they just asked me to send my resume. That was kind of, well, you know … & # 39;
Nowadays he settles near Colchester with his second wife Steph. He is noticeably pro-Brexit on Twitter.
& # 39; It's just an honest opinion & # 39 ;, he said. & # 39; I am British at heart. I loved the England Women at the World Cup and currently support the cricketers.
& # 39; I have always followed politics. You have a view and I am not ashamed of mine. You get idiots on Twitter, but I have thick skin.
& # 39; As a goalkeeper you are used to it. I always got worse behind the goal. & # 39;
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realestate63141 · 7 years
In The Age Of 'Fake,' These Surprising Adversaries Are Keeping It Real On Donald Trump
As President Donald Trump has rushed to proclaim as “fake” everything he doesn’t like (see: investigations into his campaign’s ties to Russia, his approval ratings, the media), a surprising new brand of authenticity has emerged ― one that counters the contrived fakeness of Trump with, well, “real.”
Here are a few of the surprising people and groups trying to keep Trump in check:
The famous dictionary’s Twitter account has regularly acted to correct the president’s record (to say nothing of his spelling).
Super Bowl ads
In a Super Bowl full of surprises, for many, the biggest surprise of all was how many advertisers used their costly airtime to take on Trump and his policies.
Scarce were the stereotypical ads of yore featuring scantily clad women and poorly disguised lies about beer. In their place ran numerous, surprisingly emotional spots, ones that highlighted the power of diversity, empowered women, and ― in several instances ― clearly endorsed immigrants and their contribution to the American fabric in the face of Trump’s proposed ban against immigrants from majority-Muslim countries.
Emergency Puppy
The Twitter account Emergency Puppy started as an innocent attempt to fill Twitter users’ timelines with painfully adorable photos. But the account got deeper as Trump took office, pairing those cute pup photos with philosophical quotes about politics, justice and resistance.
More than 640,000 people currently follow the account, which was created in November 2011. 
"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -Elie Wiesel http://pic.twitter.com/AODEkzoABw
— Real Emergency Puppy (@EmergencyPuppy) March 29, 2017
National parks
National park workers handle everything from bears and alligators to armed suspects trying to hide from the law.
When Trump announced his Muslim travel ban, Death Valley National Park’s official Twitter account also handled some history lessons, helpfully reminding Americans of the shameful Japanese internment camps it once hosted.
Badlands, Redwood and countless other national park accounts have shared facts about climate change throughout Trump’s time in the White House. The administration even asked the National Park Service to temporarily stop using Twitter after its official account retweeted someone’s post comparing the size of the crowd at Trump’s inauguration to that of the crowd at the 2009 inauguration of President Barack Obama.
Did Trump really think he could silence them by muzzling their Twitter accounts? Instead, he only added more fuel, turning it from a cozy marshmallow-roasting campfire into a raging inferno of dissent.
The pope
In the past, when conservative policies needed a moral backing, they often found refuge in papal proclamations. Pope Francis has bucked that tradition, instead urging world leaders ― Trump included ― to help the less fortunate by doing things like combating climate change, which he called a “sin,” and to embrace “the “poor, refugees and marginalized.”
“We live in cities that throw up skyscrapers and shopping centers and strike big real estate deals,” Pope Francis said in a video earlier this year that seemed clearly aimed at Trump. “The result of this situation is that great sections of the population are excluded and marginalized: without a job, without options, without a way out. Don’t abandon them.”
Steph Curry
There’s no shortage of people who think athletes should avoid politics and just stick to sports. But we live in a time when NFL quarterback John Elway think it’s appropriate to use Broncos letterhead to endorse a Supreme Court candidate, wo we might have crossed the “sports and politics don’t mix” line a long time ago.
Enter Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry, a devout Christian, who has grown more outspoken in calling out Trump. In an interview earlier this year, Curry called Trump an “asset,” but only “if you remove the ‘et.’”
“I don’t get in people’s faces and out in the streets with a bullhorn [spreading my message] that way,” Curry said. “But every opportunity I have to show love, to show respect, to show just that positivity, I feel like that’s my job and that’s what I stand for.”
Pete Souza’s Instagram account
Souza was the official White House photographer for former President Barack Obama. Now, he’s putting his photos to work on Instagram, where he’s made a name for himself by visually contrasting Trump’s conduct with that of his predecessor.
After Trump blamed Democrats for the failure of the GOP’s initial attempt to overturn Obamacare, Souza published a 2010 photo of Obama meeting with Republicans, including Mike Pence:
Before voting on the Affordable Care Act in 2010, President Obama met with many members of Congress on both sides of the aisle over the course of many months. This picture was taken at the end of a multiple hours-long meeting with the entire Republican House caucus in which he responded to dozens of questions and critiques. It was carried live on cable TV.
A post shared by Pete Souza (@petesouza) on Mar 24, 2017 at 1:40pm PDT
When Trump declined to throw the opening pitch at opening day of the Washington Nationals game (a tradition that dates back to 1910), Souza was quick to post a photo of Obama getting in a couple warmup throws. And after Trump’s notoriously awkward first meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Souza dropped this gem:
First time meeting Angela Merkel in 2009
A post shared by Pete Souza (@petesouza) on Mar 17, 2017 at 12:54pm PDT
Tiffany & Co.
The famous jeweler has always touted the ethical sourcing and responsible mining of its diamonds, but the company took its climate-friendly stance a step further when it issued a direct plea to Trump to keep the U.S. in the Paris Climate Agreement. The company called climate change a “disaster” and a “threat to our planet and to our children.”
“The Big Bang Theory”
The CBS hit comedy has taken hits at the president at the end of some episodes via the vanity card ― a graphic featuring production company logos that typically pops up after a show’s end credits. In addition to a jab at Trump’s former reality show “The Apprentice,” producer Chuck Lorre also used the card to slam Trump’s campaign slogan.
“‘Make America great again’ is a bumper sticker for victimhood,” Lorre wrote on a vanity card in November 2016.
Whoever runs the “House Of Cards” Twitter account
When it first started airing in 2013, the hit Netflix series was no more than a dark political drama, focused on a scheming man with a twisted worldview, obsessed with the pursuit of power. Fast forward a couple years, and it’s turned into an uncomfortable reflection of reality.
That isn’t lost on whoever runs the “House of Cards” Twitter account, which has taken to sharing pithy, dark lines from President Frank Underwood as they become relevant in the real world.
After Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, for instance, “House of Cards” subtweeted Trump with a gif of Underwood smiling.
“When you’re fresh meat, kill and throw them something fresher,” the tweet said.
Even Trump’s Inauguration Day wasn’t spared from the show’s snark.
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from DIYS http://ift.tt/2r56D65
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Okay but the tragedy of Lautski in the Nerdy Prudes timeline. It’s understated, but it’s there.
To find the love of your life, to get to keep him despite all the odds, and yet to always know that you pulled the trigger to put a bullet in his head. And that he knows it too. He may not blame you, he may have begged you to do it, but that knowledge will always be there.
To get the relationship of your dreams with just the right person, to have a chance to be happy in a way you never believed was in your cards, and to know that the price of your love was the lives of at least six people, including your two best friends in the entire world.
Or including your father.
They may have by far the happiest ending of any of the Hatchetfield musical couples, and if anyone can make it through that grief it’s them, but there’s still a shadow, a sadness placed there by Max and Grace that never should have existed, and that’s a tragedy all of its own.
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wickerss-s · 11 months
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cool as i think i am / the best of you
having thoughts about these two <3
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Okay but Steph going from "he's not sexy, it's Peter" in Act 1 to literally having to fan herself after they get up close and personal during "If I Loved You."
It's very funny and very cute and I just really love them, okay?
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"You're Funny"
Steph saying to Pete "I didn't know you were funny" vs. Max telling Grace "you're funny." The parallels and the contrasts in the context and deliveries are so good.
Both scenes happen at the start, feature the characters' first out-of-song interactions in the show, and have the cool, popular kid complimenting their nerdy, unpopular love interest on their sense of humor.
And yet. When Steph calls Pete funny she really means it, she's truly responding to what he said and her interest in him as a person is genuinely piqued. Max, on the other hand, laughs like he didn't find Grace's line actually funny, but rather was primed to laugh at and repeat anything that came out of her mouth. He doesn't really listen to Grace or understand anything she's saying, he's just got the hots for her and is pursuing her...erm..."peach."
And this perfectly sets up the difference in their relationships throughout the show. Steph and Pete develop a soul-deep connection that thrives on multiple levels. Each truly sees and cares about the other, and they never actually objectify each other despite their obvious physical attraction. Meanwhile Grace and Max, though two very fun sides of the same very fun coin, never actually connect on any level but the physical. They each simply see the other as something hot to be used/attained/conquered whilst in the pursuit of larger, more ultimate plans of humiliating/murdering/sending the other straight to hell.
And one little bit of parallel dialogue sets all that up and communicates exactly what we need to know. Fuckin' neat.
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...i never wanted you, anyway...
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When Steph and Pete get married, a few years out of college, it’s the easiest decision in the world. After all, they were pretty much a done deal from the moment Max Jagerman fell through those fucking rotted floorboards. Hell, part of Steph believes the game was over the second she asked the awkward nerd next to her for help cheating on that stupid test. That’s just how the two of them are.
Deciding on her name, however, is a little more complicated. In theory, there’s nothing wrong with becoming a “Spankoffski” (okay, that might not be completely true, but it’s his name so how can she dislike it?), but saying goodbye to her own surname is unexpectedly hard. As much as she’d always hated being a Lauter, with the accompanying weight of her father’s needs and expectations, maybe there’s still some small part of her, some un-killable child-like kernel deep in her soul, that’s desperate to assume the family mantle and finally make her father proud. Thanks to years of failed expectations, not to mention the guilt over Solomon’s bloody death (still officially “unsolved”), not even a near-decade of Pete’s miraculous, stalwart belief in her can shake the feeling that Steph was never quite good enough. She’s the last Lauter standing, now, and to let that go and allow the name Solomon worked so hard to polish fade into memory feels like one last betrayal. The proverbial nail in the coffin. Perhaps the little girl who yearned for her father’s love does not want to deal that killing blow.
Or maybe that’s all bullshit. Maybe she believes that Solomon would view her taking Pete’s name as a long-awaited admission of inadequacy, of not being worthy of the family she was born into. Maybe she wants to stay a Lauter just to piss the old man off. She can be petty that way.
And her mother had been a Lauter too, before her death. Steph keeps coming back to that.
But Pete’s relationship with his family is not so complicated. Sure, Hatchetfield might not hold the Spankoffskis in the highest esteem, but Pete loves them. He’s proud of who he is. And Steph is incredibly proud of him. So she ultimately decides to dump the past and move forward with a name like a clean slate and a family that’s happy to have her and all of her mess. Stephanie Spankoffski does have a certain ring to it, after all.
It’s not until two days into their honeymoon (one week in the Florida Keys—not as glamorous as the Maldives but much more affordable and at least it isn’t Clivesdale—fuck Clivesdale) that Steph knows for sure she made the right decision. She’s sitting at the kitchen island in their hotel suite, checking to see how work is going without her (she runs the social media for a chain of hip, affordable clothing stores) and prattling on about recent changes to some site’s algorithm, when she catches Pete simply staring at her with those big fucking doe eyes brimming with love and that small smirk specifically reserved for when he thinks he’s about to be funny.
“What?” she asks. “Just say it.” And so he does (and God, how she loves him):
“You’re such a nerd, Spankoffski.”
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A few months after Max Jagerman's killing spree, Peter Spankoffski wakes up one morning in the wrong life. He's still himself, sure, but everything else is wrong: the bed, the place (abstinence camp?? Really??), the time of year, even his relationship with Steph... The Peter Spankoffskis of Nerdy Prudes and Abstinence Camp inexplicably swap lives a little while after their respective monstrous run-ins. In order to go back to their own timelines, and their respective Stephs, they each must figure out why the switch happened and how to swap back. And who knows, along the way they might uncover some certain family secrets...
Well here it is, on Day 5... my thing for Day 4 of Lautski week, prompt of "swap." Fell a day behind, oops. But this absolute monster (it's so long I'm so sorry) is the first chapter in what will definitely be a multi-chaptered epic if I decide to continue it.
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So, uh, I wrote a thing for Lautski week. Set in the Nightmare Time 2 timeline.
I just love them so much
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Steph's Phone
Thinkin' about Steph's phone. And everything that is wrapped up in that one tiny object. 'Cause obviously Solomon confiscating it drives the plot into higher gear, but there’s also so much more.
There’s how we establish Steph’s protective streak, how she puts hand between phone and hammer just as she later puts herself between Pete and danger in the woods, as she steps up to help the geeks protect themselves from Max in the first place.
There’s how Steph sacrifices herself for her phone in front of Solomon without a second thought, yet later offers up the very same object to the Lords in Black without hesitation when she is faced with all the blood and death and pain and fear. After trivial worries crumble to dust and everything important starts to take shape with startling clarity. After she is abruptly orphaned. After she grows up.
And then there’s how Steph first calls up Pete as a way to reclaim her phone, but soon the damn thing doesn’t matter at all and she would give it up in a heart-beat so as not to lose him...ensuring that she gets to keep the phone after all. And doesn’t really give a fuck.
Just… the utility, the symbolism, the dramatic irony, the tragi-freaking-romance of Steph’s phone.
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Lautski week, day 5 (still running a day behind lol)--"test."
Steph and Pete start to go through Solomon's possessions.
That's right, it's Steph's turn with the trauma ball!
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