#Sterek fics of 2020
hemeraandnyxx · 2 years
Why is Satan so cruel for letting unfinished Fanfictions exist?
It’s 4 am I don’t need sleep, I need answers!!
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cinematicnomad · 10 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
oh, WELL, thank you! honestly, in terms of fics i've posted that i'm actually proud of...five might just be the number lol. my account has fics posted to it that i wrote when i was like. 13 (i'm looking at you harry potter fics). and then fics i wrote when i was 30. VERY different 😅
let's go in order of word count, biggest to smallest:
01. taste your beating heart (19/19 | 112k+ | M) sterek; stiles POV; post s3; emissary-in-training!stiles; slow burn; mystery
something was wrong in beacon hills. derek was halfway across the country when he felt a call to return to his hometown, and somehow stiles had been talked into letting the werewolf stay in his guest bedroom. this could lead to nothing good.
notes: this fic took me 7 years to complete. i started it in 2012 during my senior year of college in a random word doc and finally posted the epilogue nov 2019. it's the first long fic i ever wrote and actually finished, and it's far more heavily plotted than my usual ~*vibes*~ type of fic. there are definitely some things i'd change if i could go back and do it again (for starters—man, i hate that summary), but i'm still proud of it to this day—especially the arc i created for stiles and scott's friendship and the dynamics between stiles, john, and derek. forever toying with the idea of a companion piece from derek's POV, but i doubt there's really any interest for that these days.
02. finding our way (back home) (5/5 | 91k+ | M) buddie; alternating POV; post s5a; minor buck/taylor; slow burn; mutual pining
when eddie left the 118, he promised buck that nothing would change. but six weeks later, things were strained between them as eddie tried to adjust to his new role at dispatch while buck decided to take a major step forward in his relationship. after a series of revelations forced buck and eddie to confront what they really wanted out of life, it was up to them to find their way back to each other. back home.
notes: THIS was a feat for me in the sense that i got an idea right after the winter finale aired and i completed the fic basically in time for the second half of the season to start airing (ok i was late by, like, 2 episodes). there are some things i LOVE about this fic, including how i handled buck/taylor, and some things that i'm like. ehhh i could have expanded on that more (looking at you, diaz parents). i hope one day i can pull off another fic like this.
03. so show me (family) (1/1 | 16k+ | T) buddie; alternating POV; post s3; buckley parents; protective!eddie; getting together
eddie’s heard these stories before. buck has a lot of them. the random, wild nonsense that he got up to as a kid. but eddie’s never considered who's missing from the stories until it’s pointed out to him: buck’s parents. they should have been there to reassure him, to hold his hand. but they weren't. buck was alone growing up. all alone. eddie never wants buck to have to be alone again.
notes: before the buckley parents ever showed up on screen there was A LOT of speculation about what kind of parents they must have been like. this fic was my attempt at figuring that out. written in the summer of 2020 after i'd first gotten in the fandom, i'm still pretty proud of how i captured them, and i'm pretty partial to the eddie POV scenes. obviously written before s4 had ever aired, if you ever read it you'll just have to deal with the parents and the madney baby having wildly incorrect names lol.
04. take my hand (take my everything) (1/1 | 10k+ | T) buddie; alternating POV; post s3; getting together; injured buck
when buck has another near death experience, he decides the smartest thing to do is update his will. it's not a big deal, really—he just wants to take care of the people who matter most to him: eddie and chris. but to eddie? to eddie that's a pretty huge deal.
notes: the first fic i ever wrote in the fandom in june 2020! also a fic involving a will reveal BEFORE eddie's canonical will reveal which still kind of blows my mind lol. fun fact, when i was writing this fic i almost had eddie update his will to make buck chris's legal guardian, but i changed my mind bc i thought that was too fanfic-y and not believable. imagine my face a year later when we saw what happened!! i'm still pretty proud of this fic and always happy when people stumble across it.
05. you never said a word (1/1 | 6k+ | T) sterek; derek POV; AU–no werewolves; mute!derek; group therapy; angst w/ a happy ending
slowly, but surely, they worked themselves around the circle of chairs until eight sessions after the first they finally found themselves sitting next to each other. (or the one where derek and stiles meet in a counseling support group for teens)
notes: a fic i wrote in college that i'm still pretty proud of! it was one i kept posting to livejournal prompt threads but no one picked up, until eventually i was frustrated enough that i decided to write it for myself. like all fics, there are some things i'd change nowadays, but it's a pretty nice time capsule and i still think there's merit to it. i LOVE the scene when derek finally speaks for the first time and that it's to laura. the sterek of it all kind of takes a backseat to derek's healing, but that's because derek's my favorite character and he deserved Better™ than canon ever gave him.
and then, because it's more a drabble than fic, here's an extra one i'm proud of:
BONUS: so far from who i was (1/1 | 1k+ | T) gen; margaret buckley POV; character study; pre-canon; grief
the other mother's looked at margaret—at her dyed hair and her crow’s feet—and assumed to know that evan was unplanned. when in fact he was anything but. evan was the most carefully considered decision that she and phillip had ever made.
notes: is it clear i'm a little fascinated by the buckley parents?? this character study wouldn't leave me alone after buck begins aired until i finally got it all on the page. i tried to really make sense of margaret's grief and her shame and her guilt and her feelings about everything that happened with daniel. i'm pretty proud of what ended up on the page, and honestly, if you ever read and like this—please tell me??? it's maybe one of the works i'm most proud of to be honest.
i've written fics for other fandoms, but most of those were written in my teens or early 20s, and i tend to cringe a little when i re-read them. if anyone actually reads any of these fics because of this post...let me know! i'd love to hear your thoughts.
also: basically none of these fics would have gotten written without the help of @crazyassmurdererwall and @woodchoc-magnum so a HUGE thank you to both of them 🥰
thanks so much for sending this to me anon!! it was v fun to put together
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fredficaccount · 6 months
I read 32 fics in march and reread 1.
From several fandoms : larry, rwrb, tarlos, drarry, athelnar, cmbyn, sterek, obikin.
As always, I'm infinitely grateful to all the authors for their gifts and to AO3 for being this space for sharing.
Apart from my re-reading, which I'll talk about at the end of this post, I particularly enjoyed 6 of these fics.
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2 Larry :
Landslide, by @aimmyarrowshighaes, spibsy (lucy_and_ramona)
Explicit, 143k words, completed 2014-02-19
Historical AU, 70s AU, Strangers to lovers
The year is 1976. In November, Jimmy Carter will take control of the White House. Americans are meeting Laverne & Shirley at their apartment in Milwaukee. Hotel California diverges from the reign of Kool & the Gang. And the FBI is still reeling from the repercussions of Watergate, the tragedy at Wounded Knee, Operation Family Secrets, and the strategic terrors of the anti-cult movement.
That's what Special Agent Harry Styles has been told is the basis of his mission to an abandoned farmhouse in rural New Hampshire.
With his hair grown out long and his shirt untucked, he's going undercover to do reconnaissance on suspected cult leader Louis Tomlinson, who has led a group of people out into the middle of nowhere, leaving no record of the life he'd had before. All Harry knows is what the agency gave him: Tomlinson's name, and instructions to figure out what he's doing with the eleven people he brought with him.
In the year that Harry spends undercover and under Louis Tomlinson's wing, he learns more than he ever expected.
What I liked :
This story is perfect : masterful scenario, well crafted characters, and a very special and absolutely unique atmosphere, all to achieve about how a remote place can help you find in someone the home you were looking for...
@louisbumpenguin did this superb cover :
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With blood and soft stitches, by @bravestyles
Not Rated, 57k words, completed 2020-07-30
Established relationships, suicide attempt, hurt/comfort
Summary :
After a failed suicide attempt and a three month long coma, Harry wakes up.
What I liked :
Suicide, depression… It's not an easy subject… And yet the author comes up with a story that is all sensitivity and emotion. They describe perfectly what it's like to go wrong, even when you love your husband, even when, from the outside, everything seems to be going well. The distress of Louis, the husband who almost lost his love, is also palpable and poignant.
Both characters are amazing, and it's literally impossible not to fall in love with Louis, who reminds me TTS Louis, a marvel of solidity and devotion to his other half.
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2 Drarry :
Life lessons, by @bixgirl1
Explicit, 68k words, completed 2019-06-04
Enemies to friends to lovers
Fic post
Summary :
On the cusp of a promotion, Harry needs a little help with his image. Enter Draco Malfoy — who doesn't really do that, Potter — to whip him into shape… and make him feel things he hasn't for a very long time.
Featuring: odd jobs, surprising chemistry, lots of accidental kissing, the Prophet living up to type, owls exhausted by the carrying of dirty letters, a secret no one can talk about, a merry band of Slytherins (none of whom really approve), and an enchanted mirror (who really, really does).
What I liked
This is another one of those drarry fics where I fall in love with both characters and their stories, each so different yet so compatible.
The Cabin Trip, by @gallifrey1sburning
Explicit, 23k words, completed 2021-02-22
Friends to lovers, Sharing a bed, Pining
Fic post
Summary :
When Harry decides to swap his house in London for a cabin in the Catskill Mountains for a week, he’s excited for the chance to take a vacation with a group of his closest friends. He’s positive that his long-standing crush on Draco won’t be a problem; he’s been handling it just fine for years, after all. Unfortunately, he wasn’t counting on those tiny swim trunks. Or the way Draco licks melted chocolate off his fingers. Or having to rescue him from a rogue shower. And he definitely wasn’t counting on Draco deciding to sleep in Harry’s bed. But it’s going to be fine. Right?
Featuring: gender fuckery fashion icon Blaise Zabini, Greg Goyle as “the dad friend,” Luna Lovegood petting wild animals that she absolutely should not be petting, and Harry and Draco not being nearly as subtle as they think they are.
What I Liked :
This fic is a sort of grand epilogue, set against the backdrop of a beautiful cabin in the Canadian woods, with a lake, obviously a shared bed, pining and a great bunch of friends. A lovely serotonin moment. I could have gone on for pages and pages.
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1 Tarlos :
No rules in breakable heaven, by @strandnreyes
Explicit, 75k words, completeted 2023-07-27
Private chef AU, friends with benefits
Fic post
Carlos doesn't know what to expect when he takes a position as a private chef in the Hamptons for the summer. All he knows is that he needs a job, and one that puts a roof over his head, gives him a chance to practice his craft, and will look great on his CV is more than he could ask for. Turns out he has no idea what he’s in for.
What I liked :
I sincerely hope that the author continues to write for a long time to come, because every time, it's a joy to read. Carlos and TK are beautiful, moving and touching, no matter what reality they find themselves in, and this AU private chef is no exception.
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1 Athelnar (Vikings) :
Uppsalir, by @gwylliondream
Mature, 66k words, completed 2019-02-01
Strangers (Or Enemies ?) to lovers, slow burn
Fic post (kind of)
Summary :
In the raid at Lindisfarne, Ragnar takes a blow to the head and is knocked unconscious. Thinking Ragnar is dead, his kinsmen leave him behind on the beach. When Ragnar awakens, he suffers from amnesia. He cannot remember why he sailed west, or what transpired at the monastery. Athelstan discovers his bruised body on the shore, and they embark on an adventure that challenges their faiths, their lives, and their love.
What I liked :
Years ago, I was really into the Vikings series. And all my interest collapsed when Athelstan died (I don't suppose I'm spoiling anything for anyone?), because G. Blagden was due to join the Versailles series. Here we are in 2024, I'm discovering Uppsalir on AO3 and omg it's a gem! It's a shame that such perfections don't have more readers, for lack of a more popular fandom…
My monthly reread :
We cant take the long road home, by @pinkcords
larry fic
Explicit, 45k words, completed 2020-07-09
Road trip AU, strangers to lovers, pining
Fic post
Late afternoon seeps into the cab, just shy of too warm, and the breeze that crosses window to window tosses their hair in their eyes, around their faces. They ride in pleasant silence, the radio humming softly in the background as they speed down the coast, and when Louis looks over, Harry’s smiling to himself, a private happiness born from whatever’s going on in his head. Louis likes to think it has something to do with him, or at the very least, this adventure they’ve embarked on together, chosen to see through to San Diego.
Or, Harry and Louis fall in love down the coast of California.
What I liked :
I finished March by rereading this fic after watching a TV documentary about the Seattle area with my mum (Easter weekend). This is the third time I've reread it, and the third time I've loved it! It's got some of my favourite ingredients: road trip, pining, a lonely character whose heart gradually opens up, beautiful landscapes, pining, emotion… Really, We can take the long road home is one of my all time favourite fics.
What's more, there's a lighthouse and a sea glass found on a beach…
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anonazure · 1 year
Me having thoughts on my self dug rabbit hole that is Sterek...
You know, I originally watched Maze Runner for Thomas Brodie-Sangster. Didn't really care for Dylan as Thomas at all. 
Scorch Trials is where I fell in love with him, cause Dylan is such an amazing actor
It wasn't until after American Assassin and my 3rd rewatch of the MAZE RUNNER trilogy did I actually wanted to see the where did Dylan O' Brien get famous from...
I watched the TEEN WOLF series around 2020 I think, I never even heard of it before...
I really wanted to watch it and NOT ship anyone.
I'm so obsessed with the ship and the other characters that my art is almost ALL Sterek related, I have several AUs in my head...
I made a fan-comic (I have not made a comic in years), and now I'm 18k words to writing my first fic in a decade just to gaslight myself because I hated the movie so much.
Why am I ranting? Cause my mom and I are planning a Dylan O'Brien movie marathon and I'm having feelings
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myulalie · 9 months
Author interview
@aceon-ice tagged me and I’m really looking forward to this, thank you ♥
1. How many works do you have on ao3:
165 and I am extremely upset because Alex Rider got more than Teen Wolf and I can’t seem to catch up D:
2. What's my total ao3 wc:
1 047 026. wow. apparently I wrote 400k in 2020 and I’ve been putting out between 100 and 200k every year since, just wow.
3. What are my top 5 fics by kudos:
Mixing business with pleasure (Explicit, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec has to go to the Seelie Queen herself and strike a deal, release Jace from the curse in exchange of… what, exactly? He has nothing to offer. Magnus Bane is the warlock who grants wishes. His father is a Prince of Hell after all, the demon of lust… maybe Alec has something to offer then.
Yeah this fic took off alright, I really liked the concept ♥
Eyes on Fire (Teen, Sterek, Teen Wolf)
When a rival pack goes after Scott and his friends, Stiles finds himself caught in the crossfire. With his subsequent turning to haunt him among other nightmares, Stiles has to learn how to control his new abilities and make something of a situation he never wanted for himself, much less with the tensions that linger in Beacon Hills since the awakening of the Nemeton. As he eventually figures out how to be a werewolf, he finally finds common ground with one Derek Hale, catching feelings as he goes. The unexpected alliance might be just what Beacon Hills needs to bring the established werewolf packs together once and for all.
This was my first reverse bang and I finally tried my hand at werewolf!Stiles, I had a lot of fun coming up with the fic to match the art.
Deepest Desires (give in) (General, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Were-cats are good luck by shadowhunters' standards, so when a black, jewelry covered cat appears at the Institute, Alec pays him his respects. He needs it, considering the messes Clary and Jace keep dragging him in. Alec certainly doesn't expect the were-cat to take a liking to him, and even less to start flirting with him...
Now I want to read it again haha
A piece of night sky (Teen, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec is doing his best to keep the city safe. With no support from the Clave, the New York Institute is desperately understaffed. He begins patrolling with help from the Downworld factions - which proves to be tricky at best, and becomes almost impossible when the werewolves start hunting Alec.  His siblings have no idea of what he’s up to at night and to keep them all safe Alec needs to keep it that way. Then, he meets the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Suddenly, patrolling also includes pop songs and bird puns in between watching someone's back when fighting demons. But, what’s one more secret to keep?
This was my first collab with a beta and an artist for a bang, I’m exceptionally proud of this one!
(Vir)Gin and Tonic (Mature, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec and Magnus have barely met when the High Warlock asks for virgin shadowhunter energy in exchange for Clary’s memories. Naturally, Jace offers Alec’s virginity. It doesn’t go according to plan.
The first fic in this list is actually a remix of this one with a slightly different take on virginity x)
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, always! I just love interacting with other fans, it’s nice to know someone actually read your fic and noticed details or reacted to some choices you made in the narrative. Also it can be a great way to find new ideas and motivation, I wish I could be more invested in writing communities to keep those creative juices flowing.
5. What fic has the angstiest ending?
I’d say Dangerous Tastes (Explicit, Yalex, Alex Rider), it’s a bit of a star-crossed lovers romance and the ending is particularly bittersweet, albeit hopeful.
After a failed assassination attempt during his horse ride around the property, Alex gets a bodyguard against his will. He keeps flirting with danger from then on, even at the risk of getting his heart broken.
6. What fic has the happiest ending?
Oh, definitely 17 Suits (Explicit, Malec, Shadowhunters)! Alec and Magnus find common ground over the one thing that pushed them apart all throughout the story.
Magnus Bane, a sworn bachelor, receives his fair share of wedding invitations on a regular basis and makes sure his friends get through their weddings unscathed. One dark, wounded and mysterious Alec Lightwood is not going to rain on Magnus’ parade as he celebrates the best day of his loved ones’ lives.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not really, I don’t read them either. I do write fusion fics though, specifically Pokémon like I did with Idris Tour Sweethearts (General, Malec, Shadowhunters) for instance.
Alec is fascinated by dragon types and has learned everything about them in books. He’s always dreamed of finding them in the wild and see them for himself, but he never went on his journey with a Pokémon and now, it’s too late to travel the world. Except, is it? Alec’s siblings are all grown up, and he doesn’t have a job — or friends — to keep him in his hometown. He could leave and attempt to complete the Pokédex, hopefully meeting some dragons along the way. Maybe he’ll even find love, like so many Idris Tour sweethearts before him… But the winner of Pokémon beauty Contests, Top Coordinator Magnus Bane, couldn’t possibly want more than one night in Alec’s arms. Right?
8. Have you received hate on ao3?
No? but then I usually assume good faith so unless you’re insulting me or my mom I’ll either think the comment is clumsy but the person meant well, or just move on. 
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah, surprisingly. I was never really interested in smut, would even skip smut scenes for the longest time but eventually I found it useful in some stories and then I made a point of doing kinktober (Malec, Shadowhunters / Sterek, Teen Wolf) and smutember (Yalex, Alex Rider) just to figure out how to fit the prompts into some ideas and it’s been a lot of fun!
10. Have you had a fic get stolen?
I don’t think so or at least I’m not aware if there has been one. I did occasionally share ideas that got passed around and written by somebody else which is always uncomfortable but that’s on me for both sharing and not mentioning it wasn’t up for grabs lmao
11. Have you had a fic get translated?
Nope! I thought of translating a couple myself though, I’m just too lazy x)
12. Have you co-written a fic?
Several! Even though @spark-draws will deny it I do consider them a co-writer because they came up with a good chunk of the outline and I implemented major edits due to their feedback on The Mortal Instruments: Skyrim (Mature, Malec, Shadowhunters). 
Magnus and Alec are now enemies who have been saddled up with a mysterious quest to save Skyrim. Will rivalry, distrust and fierce and dangerous dragons get the better of them? Or will they find some much needed guidance on the slopes of the Throat of the World, where a mysterious brotherhood holds some of the answers they so desperately need?
I also recently worked on Vastly Different Things (Teen, Yalex, Alex Rider) with @polarnachtsblog as a thank you fic for our pinch-hitter in the Yalex Secret Santa. We literally wrote parts of the fic on our own then merged it all together with minor edits and transitions, it was a lot of fun!
Alex almost gets tossed from a helicopter into a river in Chile, and spends some quality time with a certain assassin.
13. What's your fav ship?
Right now I’m on a roll for Sam Carter x Ba’al (Stargate SG-1) but my one true pairing is definitely Helen Blackthorn x Aline Penhallow (Shadowhunters). I love them. so much.
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but never will?
I don’t know, I’ve completed WIPs several years after I started them so I tend to not consider a fic discontinued until I’ve deleted the fic from the platform, and considering most of my WIPs have not been posted anywhere… ;)
15. What are my writing strengths?
I’m really good at “getting it done” I think because productivity breeds productivity. If you get started and power through long enough, it becomes easier and you can keep going and enjoy yourself while you’re at it!
Same with edits, I’m not afraid to change things (although I can be lazy). It also applies to plotting/outlining, I’m an excellent planner, sometimes too much of a planner though.
Style wise I’ve been told I’m good at writing fight scenes and setting, I do enjoy my descriptions!
16. What are my writing weaknesses?
I’ve always thought I’m terrible at dialogue!
I can get stuck in a writing slump from too much planning.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages on ao3?
I used to really like it, especially since I’m bilingual myself. I wanted to use some fancy script to have the translation appear when you hover or link it to the notes and then back to the exact line in the story but I couldn’t figure it out xD
Nowadays I like the much simpler “POV character doesn’t speak the language” or “blah blah blah, they said in French”. You get it or you don’t x) 
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Either Naruto or Harry Potter, let’s say Harry Potter because there is a completed fic I can actually remember lmao.
19. What fandom/ship have you not written but want to?
Definitely Stargate SG-1 these days because I’m on a Sam/Ba’al binge!
20. What's your fav fic you've written?
Right about now it’s Blue for Brooklyn (Teen, Malec, Shadowhunters) but it may change depending on my mood!
Asmodeus is a legend among Shadowhunters and Magnus has a duty to the Downworld. When a renegade warlock unleashes a powerful demon in the streets, he has no choice but to get involved.
Tagging: @polarnachtsblog @geekmom13 @brightasstars @sterekxhale @countessrivers @1lostone @strangesoulmates @kelkblr @lastlymatt @ravenjames @junemermaid @freesirius4life @turtlesnails
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hotgirlstiles · 1 year
been watching a lot of period romances lately and smth ab sterek in a regency era esque courtship is so special to me.........................ESPECIALLY mixed with a like werewolf courtship???????? like this is so important to me derek asking the sheriff to court stiles!! going on little chaperoned walks and dates!! theres a scene from the 2020 emma adaptation where emma and mr knightly dance and emma has taken her gloves off and their bare hands are touching and imagining sterek in that scene has me insane!! honestly i know derek is a great mr darcy and thats why theres multiple p&p fics but i NEED someone to write an emma au!! the 'if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more' speech is SO derek hale coded it makes my heart hurt!!! this ask is all over the place tbh but regency era sterek!!!
YES!!!!! YESS SYES YES OFMEOAPSJWIDJ my ultimate fav regency sterek fic is the one inspired by pride & prejudice…. ill link it later but OHGODDD THERES JUST SOMETHING ABOUT A STEREK REGENCY AU.. derek all broody and mysterious…. I especially love a good jane eyre au.. puhhh…. i lovelove thinking abt sterek as jane eyre cause it fits soooo fucking well.
i dont know much abt emma—like only the basic plof but OHGOD THAT LINEEEER I ONLY KNOW EMMA BC OF THAT LINE BUT UES GOD. SO TRUE. and it fits so so well too cause stiles always pairing his friends and being the ‘perfect matchmaker’ but struggling to find ‘the one’ for him…… sometimes i think abt tyler hoechlin saying the line “if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more” just to feel pain. the image of derek holding tightly onto stiles’ hands and trying SO hard to put it into words. GODDDD STEREK REGENCY AU PLEASEEEE PELASEPLEAS
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nixie-deangel · 1 year
9 people you would like to get to know better
Tagged by @hawkstincan, @aqua-fail and @sophiainspace <3
1. 3 ships - So I usually rotate my top ships as to which I'm currently very into. So the currently top contenders are Sterek (it's like I'm back in 2012 with how far into these feels I am), Obikin (it's had a tight hold on me since 2020, even if I'm not showing it much love right now) and Stevetony.
2. first ever ship - Cory x Shawn x Topanga from Boy Meets World. Though I could also argue that it was Faith x Buffy from BtVS or Xena x Gabrielle from XWP. I kind of fell into all three roughly around the same time, so not entirely sure which is the true first one for me.
3. last song - Something Real by Post Malone. (@asexual-fandom-queen this song is still fucking me up and I'm still blaming you for it!)
4. last movie - The Nightmare Before Christmas.
5. currently reading - I'm actually currently in between both books and fics right now.
6. currently watching - Critical Role (trying to catch up on the current campaign) and debating with myself about doing a re-watch of Teen Wolf to see if I can finally finish it out. I stopped after 4 :/
7. currently consuming - A drink and tumblr as I put off going to get started on dinner.
8. currently craving - Cookies. Like, I would kill for a chocolate chip cookie right now and what sucks is I could make myself some but I don't want to do that. I just want to eat the cookie.
Tagging: @partialtotheperiwinkleblue, @that-gay-jedi, @kittimau, @dear-massacre, @thetorontokid, @bi-wan, @dreaminghour, @ragnarlothcat, @jasontoddiefor and whoever else would like to do this!
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keldjinfae · 3 months
I was tagged by my musical doppleganger @oldefashioned to list my top ten recent(ish) movies, but my memory is absolute shit and what feels like was "just last year" was probably back in 2017. I also can't remember if I've already responded to this one. Thankfully it's not a coffee pot or the house'd probably have burned down by now.
Edit: Thanks to an artwork reblog, I remembered that 1) my sister and I also saw Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, and 2) it was released in 2019. We enjoyed the hell out of it, and it's a shame that there likely won't be a sequel.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - I went to see this one with my sister right before the pandemic shut-ins, and we loved the hell out of it. We expected to because it was a Tarantino movie, but both DiCaprio and Pitt were brilliant in it, and were each given the opportunity to stretch their comedic muscles in a way that the '90s and early '00s didn't really allow for because they had to be Hollywood's ideal of "leading men." They're both just dudes in this movie--totally relatable dudes.
Bullet Train - I actually went to see this with my sister right after the pandemic shut-ins, and we thought it was poetic to be bookending the experience with Brad Pitt in another oft-times comical role. The whole thing is a very black comedy, but it's so damn good. The timing is perfect, the acting from everyone is spot-on, and Pitt is only arguably the main character in a brilliant ensemble cast, because he often just sits back and lets everyone else steal the show. Also, there's something about Michael Shannon that draws me into every single thing he's ever been in, so...
John Wick Chapter 4 - also went to see it with my sister, but this was the one that we finally managed to get my brother-in-law to go see as well and thereby pulled him into the John Wick 'verse. Sis and I also flailed around like idiots over the reference to The Warriors, and I'm never going to dismiss a chance to see something with any of the Skarsgards.
Love and Monsters - I put off watching this one for a while because of the marketing for it, actually. I thought it was going to be another movie about a protagonist who was the butt of everyone's joke, and I eventually "went in" prepared to cringe hard and take frequent pause breaks... only to be very pleasantly surprised when this wasn't the case at all.
Red, White, and Royal Blue - again, one that I put off for a bit partly because of aversion to secondhand embarrassment, but also because I'd been in the middle of writing a Sterek fic with an approaching deadline. Still, I was also once again pleasantly surprised.
Joker - yet another one I went to see with my sister. Appropriately twisted, had Joaquin Phoenix, and we both walked away wanting to get our hands on the soundtrack.
Bohemian Rhapsody - I know this one was pre-pandemic, but 2020 was also the year that my back gave out and I've more or less been struggling just to get by ever since, so "recent" is going to have a somewhat warped definition. It wasn't "the perfect biopic," but it was still enjoyable, and my sister and I went to see it with our mom and her best friend, who've both been die-hard Queen fans since they were twelve. We couldn't afford to take Mom to see Queen in-concert, so we took her to see their movie instead.
Deadpool 2 - loved it just as much as the first Deadpool, though I do wish that the movies would just let Vanessa be Copycat already instead of making her a damsel in distress/killing her off every time.
Infinity War - I honestly preferred Civil War and Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 2, but there were plenty of moments in this movie that either hit hard or hit right.
End Game - I saw it, though I don't remember a lot of it. Not because it was a terrible movie or anything, it just came out less than two weeks after my father passed away, so my sister and I basically went to see it because he didn't get to see the last two movies of the series. Well, before they went ahead with Phase Four, that is. Dad, Sis, and I were all die-hard Captain America: Winter Soldier fans and we'd loved the hell out of Civil War, too, so Dad would've wanted to see how everything resolved. More no pressure whatsoever tags for people who have hopefully been able/willing to see more movies than me in the past few years: @vmures @nerdherderette @ice-mage @dear-massacre @renmackree
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hey, can you help me find a fic? I think it was Steter but it could've also been Sterek or Stetopher, pretty sure it was either canon divergence or AU but still werewolves, possibly post nogitsune, all I have is this excerpt from a Tumblr screenshot from June 2020:
"Except, BAM! Seven months later and, uh, Stiles was not okay and the world sucked and if someone even so much as looked at him, he was ready to murder or be murdered.
But fear not! It's just delayed-onset PTSD! No biggie! Everything is still a okay!
Stiles was just going to rent a cabin several states away, far out in the woods, and live his own sexy bisexual hermit lumberjack dreams. Never mind that Lydia told him he was a lazy skinny bitch that would never be a lumberjack.
Whatever. Jokes on everyone because Stiles has been here for four months and it's been great."
I think the fic was on AO3 but it could've just been a Tumblr fic tbh, either way I've run out of ideas on how to find it unless you can
(resending this hope it works this time)
I'm sorry I couldn't find it. If anyone recognizes it send me an IM!
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killerandhealerqueen · 9 months
For the ship ask meme thing: tang fan x sui zhou and/or sterek <3 hope you're having a great day/night Sass!!!
Oh fun! Thank you Billie!
Ah, SuiTang, my beloved. They were my first proper couple when Covid happened, like I think my first introduction to cdramas, besides S.C.I. (I wasn't really on cdrama tumblr when it came out so none of my fics happened till 2020). Anyways, I love them a lot. They're so goofy yet so domestic...and I love that their love language is food. And we can't forget about their beautiful daughter Dong'er (who's like not really their daughter but like...she is. You know she is). Love them a lot. They made me lose my mind (not in a way that Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi do but my god are they up there) and I'm very glad I watched them when I did.
As for Sterek, I'mma be honest, I never watched Teen Wolf. However. I knew about Sterek because when I was a freshman, all of my middle school teammates on my golf team would talk about it, so I watched Teen Wolf through tumblr to understand what the fuck they were talking about. But I do love sterek. They are very enemies to lovers, grump x sunshine/sarcastic little shit, human x werewolf, like come on...what's not to love about them? (And honestly, I thought Stiles was the main character, not Scott, with how much I saw of Sterek and of Stiles and shit)
Send me a ship and I’ll share my thoughts about it.
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ceilidho · 1 year
holy shit sometimes i read your writing and, like, forget how to breathe
I’ll be honest I only found out I was good at writing smut in like? Summer of 2020 when I wrote a short sterek fic. And then I didn’t write again until November 2022 and remembered like oh man. Idk the fuck how but I’ve got this.
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whimsicalmeerkat · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tag, @thotpuppy! I've been thinking about this off and on the last couple of days. I really do enjoy this sort of thing, both reading others and making my own. Blank after the cut.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
135. 23 of which are drabbles
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
354,120 total, all since the beginning of 2020
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The big ones are Teen Wolf and Black Jewels., but I also write Perilous Courts and The Hollows, along with some other assorted SFF book fandoms. I have a lot of Men's Hockey RPF fics, but rarely revisit the fandom. Spideypool's another fandom I fell out of at some point.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tell Me No Lies (Spideypool, 5k. Explicit, grocery store meet-cute)
my heart was connected (Teen Wolf Steterek, 11k. Explicit. fake SO for the holidays that grew legs and ran away with me)
I give hell my worst (Spideypool, 5.5k. Explicit, merman Peter Parker and pirate Wade Wilson)
just give me one thing that I can hold onto (Teen Wolf Sterek, 9k, Explicit, Derek and Stiles keep waking up naked in the woods)
Joke's On You (The Witcher, Emralt, 12k, soulmates get married for Reasons)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond, but sometimes it takes me a while, especially when I have a lot I want to say.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably it kind of vanishes away (Teen Wolf Dargent, 866 words, Explicit, two sad and lonely men getting off together)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know what I would say is the happiest, so I'm going to go with the kitten is happy (Perilous Courts Julien/Whisper, 300 words, Gen) because it's the most unequivocally happy ending I've written in ages.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I've been pretty fortunate. I've gotten a few shitty comments, but nothing I felt the need to dwell on. Another commenter yelled at someone for one of them once, months after the fact. That made me laugh.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. I don't know what this means by kind, exactly. I write a lot of wall/door sex and work knotting in whenever possible, especially if I can make it accidental.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
As a general rule, no, but I did co-write a Spideypool/Men's Hockey RPF one where Peter Parker was the guy inside the Gritty suit.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Just the one mentioned in #10
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Daemon Sadi/Lucivar Yaslana from Black Jewels
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Black Jewels modern AU of sorts where magic comes back and I strip out all of the gender bullshit
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization is my greatest strength, without doubt. I'm also good at writing banter and funny moments during smut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm really bad at planning ahead or sticking to a plan I've made. I think overall it's worked out in my writing, but it can get me in trouble during the process. Plot in general isn't a major strength for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done a curse or two, but in general I avoid it both because I don't speak any other languages and because I don't think there are many good ways to incorporate translations.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically, it's probably the Wheel of Time message board RP I did on Dragonmount in the nineties, but if we're talking about actual fan fiction it's Men's Hockey RPF.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Man, this wasn't easy. I genuinely enjoy my writing and reread my stuff a lot. I'm going to have to go with no words needed (Black Jewels Daemon/Lucivar, 565 words, Explicit, zero dialogue smut with wink kink) because it's different and because I like it more every time I read it.
I'm going to tag @calenlily, @dear-massacre, @mswhich, @pterawaters, and @alondradina, but would love to see anyone else's answers too!
20 questions for fic writers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
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adrianfridge · 2 years
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It’s 2023 and it’s time for my yearly* count of Stiles-ship fics on AO3. (*I unintentionally skipped 2022 because I tried to learn to Python to automate the counting process, ran into too many obstacles, and then kind of just never got around to manually counting like I usually do)
This is by no means an exhaustive list of all possible Stiles pairings
I have not excluded fics tagging them as secondary/background pairings
I’m only counting fics tagged using AO3’s canonical relationship tags
The numbers do include restricted fics, so you would see a smaller number if you’re logged out
When I say “total” I mean “gross” (and when I say “gross”, I mean in a NUMERICAL way, such as gross income, and NOT a judgmental way)
ship / total # fics (change since 2021) [sterek] derek / 70,613 (+5,535) [steter] peter / 10,710 (+2,075) [stydia] lydia / 4,824 (+334) [sciles] scott / 3,762 (+201) [stackson] jackson / 1,830 (+214) [stalia] malia / 1,425 (+71) [steo] theo / 1,339 (+290) [stisaac] isaac / 1,315 (+48) [stargent] chris / 890 (+189) [stanny] danny / 846 (+18) [stoyd] boyd / 629 (+339) [stallison] allison / 444 (+30) [starrish] parrish / 399 (+50) [sterica] erica / 351 (+13) [steucalion] deucalion / 303 (+58) [stora] cora / 279 (+12) [stiam] liam / 182 (+23) [stira] kira / 81 (+12)
The notable changes since 2021:
Steo has significantly grown, and it’s overtaken Stisaac as I suspected it would based on the trajectory from 2020 to 2021
Stargent has also overtaken Stanny as I predicted
Surprising me, Stoyd has had massive growth spurt and jumped several places up, past Stallison, Starrish, and Sterica
Steucalion has had a bit of a boost, jumping above Stora
Thankfully there’s no one on the list who’s had a negative change this time, but this is also a count of two years instead of one
Considering that I skipped a year, what’s interesting is how Sterek has now only grown by 5.5k in two years when it last grew by 5.5k in one year. The same could be said about Steter, Stydia, Sciles, and Stackson, which do not show double growth either
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dimpledpran · 2 years
8 Shows to Get to Know Me
I was tagged by the lovely @talays-portkey and @i-got-the-feels​ !
1. Ghost Whisperer (2005-2010) I think this was the first show that i actually tried to watch as it was airing. I still remember waiting for 10pm every Friday, whether everyone else was awake or not. I think I watched all the way from Season 1-4, until it stopped airing on our local channel. 
2. Glee (2009-2015)  Honestly this was my introduction to the English music scene. I did not grow up listening to English songs, so my initial playlist was basically Disney Channel artists and Glee covers. As a music lover, I just enjoyed listening to their takes of the songs. I think I stopped watching somewhere during Season 3, and only did the Cory tribute episode after that.
3. Teen Wolf (2011-2017)  This was the first show that I started reading fanfics for. Well I started reading before I watched it, but Sterek stole my heart. I was very into the series, to the point that I watched Season 3B in one night because I had to find out what happened. Dumb me thought it was a good idea to start a new season at 8pm at night. I stayed up through the night, and texted my friend at 6am to yell about the whole thing. And they replied that it is too early to be awake to scream about it. “What do you mean wake up and watch it. I haven’t slept yet” So yeah. Stiles is my baby, and I will protect him with my life.
4. The Untamed (2019)  My friend recommended this to a few of us during covid lockdown, and I am very glad she did. It really opened me up to a whole new world. This show had such a grip on me. To the point that I started a new side blog for it, and learnt how to make edits for it. I got to know so many incredible people through the network cos of this show. It was such a brilliant show! The plot is so intricate! It has angst and heartache and amazing costumes and stunning sets and a cast who honestly killed it. Definitely a show that I would recommend to everyone. 
5. Bad Buddy (2021-2022)  Obviously I can’t go without talking about BB here. Have you seen my blog URL? Till BB, I never watched a show as it was airing. I usually wait for it to end and then binge, or start watching it just in time for the finale. But I kept seeing gifs on tumblr and it made me want to check it out. And boy am I glad I did it. It was such a fun experience to watch it live and scream on a weekly basis. For some reason the hold that this show has on me seems to be lifelong? I have no complaints though. I am still enjoying all the BB brainrot. Pran is my baby. I have never related to a character as much as I relate to him. He is so precious to me. And this show just blends angst with humour and a touch of reality so well. I am making it my personal mission to read through every Patpran fic on AO3. This show made me want to try writing. I cannot explain how much this show means to me. A definite must-watch as well!
6. Arivaan (2019-2020)  So my sister told me that this is my kind of show and made me watch it. I started it while she was halfway through, and finished it way before her. It was right up my alley. The whole premise is about trying to identify a serial killer who has been murdering women, and leaves an origami paper crane behind. There is a police officer who manages to find these clues and tries to identify him, but the killer disappears and due to personal issues he end up leaving the force. Years later the killer is back and he somehow gets roped into it again, but his partner is now leading the case, and is finding out things that he doesn’t really want to. And I really enjoyed the way it was taken, and the I am really hoping that there will be a Season 2 for this. 
7. Paava Kadhaigal (2020)  Honestly no show has made me as mad as this has, and that is totally the point. (Although I am totally gonna be ignoring the second episode. That does not exist to me) It is an anthrological series, with 4 3 episodes touching on different hard topics/issues prevalent in society. The way it was taken , the music, THE CAST, EVERYTHING WAS BRILLIANT!! I had to pause it and just scream on twitter to release all the frustration that this brought up. Which means it really did its job well. I have not watched this series  since the first time, but trust me when I say I remember every detail because it has such a lasting impact. Especially the first and the last. I was bawling.  NOTE: This can be very highly triggering, so please do check out the synopsis before you watch it. Or feel free to hit me up with any questions, or just scream about it if you do check it out. 
8. 3 Will Be Free (2019)  Insane plot with amazing characters with so much depth. Loved that each character was so complex. There is no character that is purely good or bad, like it was so real, and you feel for them all equally. This really set a standard that no other show has reached so far. I need another series like this. And of course anyone who put Tay Tawan in funky suits gets a plus from me. Also more female characters need to have guns!!
Honorary Mentions: Mindhunter: This would have been number 8, if it wasnt cancelled!! The casting directors for this deserve all the bonuses for how creepily identical the actors look to the actual serial killers! It was so interesting to try and get into the head of the serial killers and understand why they did what they did. LOVED IT!!! Until We Meet Again: This used to be my favourite BL series until Bad Buddy took over. I loved Fluke’s effortless acting. He is brilliant. And I love the whole concept of reincarnation and finding you soulmate. And this did it so well with the angst and touch of humour and romance. And of course TeamWin stole my heart. 
Theory Of Love: Honestly, wasn’t that much of a fan the first time I watched it. But the redemption arc is so goood, that I felt so much for Khai the second time I watched it. That train station scene just lives in my head. So for rewatch factor, this deserves a honorary mention.
The Good Place, Word Of Honor, We Best Love, Stranger Things, RE:Mind
Tagging: @highwarlockkareena , @eohachu , @markpakin , @fangrui , @fuujiikaze , @gege @seawherethesunsets @gaiamochi (no pressure)
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goldenavenger02 · 2 years
Do you have any stalia recs on ao3? Really struggling to find fics that focus on them that don't end up being stydia or sterek
I totally get this and I feel your pain. Admittedly, there just aren't many on Ao3 but I have found a few gems.
Five times Stalia told someone they loved each other and the one time they told each other
But he wasn’t the only person in the car, no, Malia was here with him. Carefully Stiles turned his head, the muscles stiff and bruised, only to find Malia’s seat empty. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. The seat itself was shredded to pieces, the marks starting human before they turned into something decidedly claw-like.
Malia’s side of the jeep was crushed even worse than Stiles was, and for a moment his heart stopped. What if she was dead? What if- what if Stiles had accidentally killed her?
OR: On their way back from a date, Stiles and Malia end up in a car accident - unable to free themselves, they have to wait for help to get to them.
Malia is shot by poachers while in her coyote form.
Day Twenty-eight of Whumptober 2020 - Such Wow. Many Normal. Very Oops - Hunting Season
One night, Stiles can't sleep but he realizes something in this unoccupied time.
“I used to come here. When I was a little girl.” A shiver goes through her. The rain is a lot colder than it was only a few months ago. She misses her fur coat. “With my sister.”
“You miss her.” It’s not a question.
She shrugs. There’s a sticky feeling inside her, kind of like the way her wet clothes stick to her, but far more painful. 
And because I have to self promote myself
Stiles comes out to Malia, and she unknowingly comes out to him too.
Despite what he said aloud, however, he still couldn't stop shaking; that's when he saw the sharpie laying in the slightly open drawer in the bathroom. So before he could stop himself, he uncapped it and drew a backwards "5" on his wrist, so it was staring him in the face. "You're yourself."
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2022 Art and Fic Round-up
Oh! Belated but this a good time to reflect on 2022, now that most end-of-the-year stuff is mostly wrapped up. Thanks for the tag, @danpuff-ao3! Rules:
Post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
Your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year
Your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
Your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year
And your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
Tagging: If you’re reading this, haven’t done this yet but want to, considered yourself tagged! Since I'm an illustrator AND a writer, I’ll be covering both art and fic, because apparently, that’s what my life is these days (and I’m okay with that!). In 2022, I created just shy of 47 works (a few that have yet to be revealed rn!).
24 of those were art only
18 of those were either microfics, drabbles and/or fics
5 of those were drabbles/fic AND art combined
3 of those were collaborations
I also dived into the Teen Wolf fandom in the autumn, which had me contributing 6 Sterek pieces. The amount of WIPs I have rn...is kind of ridiculous, but since they spread across HP, TW as well as Merlin and Good Omens, we’ll see if any of those get finished for 2023. For now, let’s dive into 2022 details and rambling, shall we?
5 Works I’m Most Proud Of:
1. There’s a guiding light (HP- Perciver, T, 2.5k)
This was the story that started the Where do we from here? series. I wrote this back in 2020 just before lock-down, and kind of put it on the back-burner for a bit because I wanted to do justice when it came to describing and showing Patronus magic. When I picked it up again, I chipped away at what I had to make this story as genuine as possible when it came to growing up, feeling insecure, and of course, romantic friendship. It’s totally possibly to have the latter, and I’m glad I was able touch on that topic for these boys.
2. Things I Never Knew (HP- Flintwood, M, 1.5k)
First time writing Flintwood! Trying to write something mature with a set word count was really hard, but I’m glad I accepted that challenge! I had a lot of fun exploring the dynamic between Oliver and Marcus after they’re a little more grown up, still trying to figure out what they want, and then somehow finding that from each other. Also, mixing in hooking up, lingerie, feelings gave me a lot to play with.
3. It’s Enough for Now (TW- Sterek, G, 300 with art)
This was my very first Sterek piece I made for an official fest/event. How could I not be proud of this one? I’ll admit, I was kind of intimidated making art for a new-to-me fandom and a ship, but I’m glad I took that chance. The overall support and reception from folks...OMG. I’m still blown away by all the love this has gotten and how welcoming people have been (thank you so much <3)! When I think of Sterek, my mind always wanders back on this piece, which carries that hurt/comfort I associate with them. They’re two people who have been through a lot of crap, feelings are difficult, and the future always seems a bit grey and bittersweet. Also, being able to add some mixed media flair and playing with patterns was definitely my favorite thing about making this piece. And writing Derek and Stiles?! Super fun. Am I planning to write more of them in the future? Yes! See more below when it comes to my current WIPs. :D
4. A Sudden Change (HP- Cho/Ginny, T, 200) and So Little Time (HP- Pansy/Hermione, E, 200)
Okay, so I know I chose 2 drabbles here, but overall, writing for the HP Saffics Summer Exchange, was really fun! I ended up pinch hitting and also writing a treat, and if you know how I am with word counts, I wanted to see how much I could squeeze in 200 words or less. I love both of these ships, so writing two completely different things from my norm was a breath of fresh air. I would definitely be up to write more in the future!
5. Put My Mind at Ease (TW- Sterek, T, art)
I absolutely loved drawing this one for Sterek Secret Santa. Honestly, this whole thing came together so beautifully, and during the time I was making this, I was reminded of why I draw and why I like making art. All I have to say is the more I draw Sterek, the more I love the process and ideas that come along with each piece. And well, it’s a 1000% given it makes me love these two even more. I have no idea what it is, but Derek and Stiles are really awesome to draw. Once I nail down an idea, drawing them seems to flow naturally (that’s probably my sign to keep going!). You’re probs going to hear me keep saying this over and over, but it’s true!
4 Current WIPs for 2023
1. Snapshots in Time (TW- Portraits for the McCall and Hale packs, G, WIP 2/? posted)
My first go at drawing Teen Wolf characters was when I started this series. I wanted to see what I could do with portraits, and I started with Stiles and Derek (because duh, reasons). Turns out mixing in random colour palettes was a great way to get the creative juices flowing, and each one only took a few hours (that’s actually pretty quick for me). I’ve got a queue of other characters I’d love to add to this series, so I’ll just need to find the right palettes and the right time to continue these as I go. Hoping to see if I can get either Scott, Lydia and/or Kira drawn up this year!
2. Thoughts That Count (HP- Perciver, T, WIP 5/6 posted, 2.8k so far)
Okay, so technically I was this is soclose to being done since I have one more letter I need to illustrate and write. I wanted to finish this up for 2022, but RL didn’t let that happen so I am going to aim to finish this up between now through March. I just need the muse and time to coordinate so I make it work! P.S. Writing letters that depend on art being made definitely shakes things up! I’m pretty sure the letters were actually easier to write vs. making the art (bc drawing and painting flowers...yeah, that was new for me).
3. Bringing Out A Different Kind of Me (TW- Sterek, M or E, WIP multi- chaptered- this should start posting up in mid-Feb, hopefully)
Okie dokie...title revealed! I actually just came up with that today (and I’m using the old title for one of the chapters). I posted a little excerpt from this fic not too long ago, and it feels real now? This was supposed to be light, cracky and fun when I came up with this idea back in October, but it transformed into this gigantic beast with crack taken seriously, angst, plot, and lots of music thrown in one. I even have a playlist all ready to go (hint: the purpose of a playlist will become important later on in this fic).
I’m currently writing this as fast as I can and whenever I have time, since this fic is going to be the longest thing I’ve written in a while (my estimate is 20-25k rn, but that could change). It’s a multi-media fic where texts and Instagram messages drive the story, but there will be narratives in between that tie everything together. Trying something new and different can be super scary, but also pretty exciting! I’m also taking things up a notch by using multiple AO3 skins. So far, I’m really surprised how much coding has helped me with writing this (I guess I’m glad I code for fun/partially for my RL job). If this fic actually gets done on time, I will be super amazed. And if not, be on the look out for new updates if you’d like to join my crazy journey! P.S. I also have a sequel in the works that follows up. ;D
4. Where do we go from here? (HP- Perciver, WIP 3/13 posted + 1 bonus fic, 9k so far)
This series is always going to be my passion project and baby. It’s the reason why I started writing again, and the number of ideas I’ve come up for this universe is insane! But I love the idea of trying to fill in these missing moments and scenes we haven’t seen yet between Percy and Oliver, trying to figure out the what-could-have-happens and how things might have progressed between them from Hogwarts all the way to adulthood and after the war. I know the writing is slow-going (and yeahhh, each one shot has a word count limit, since this is part of a rare pairs challenge prompt table), but I’ve found having this kind of structure has helped me figure out how to show and tell better, and how to be clear and concise. I’ve got at least two parts I’d like to write up and post, so we’ll see what traction I make there.
3 Biggest Improvements (for writing and art)
1. Writing more in general
2021 was when I first started writing and publishing fic again after taking a damn long hiatus. 2022 actually had me writing so much more! So, I’m hoping 2023 will let me get back into the flow of making stories in general, no matter how big or small they are.  Scrivener was such a blessing to my writing game in 2022 since it helped me keep my thoughts organized, and my gods, did that help with writing microfics and drabbles! I’d love to see what I can come up with a writer to not only improve this craft, but also to just explore different character journeys and ways of writing. And if I can come up with more microfics or drabbles, maybe that will help me explore some different ships!
2. Making things for multiple fandoms
So, I’m a multi-shipper and I love soooo many fandoms. HP has been with me the longest and I will happily still create for the many ships I love. In 2022, I’ve found I was in a headspace where I wanted to play in other sandboxes again. I’ve already started doing that (hello, Teen Wolf!), and that got the gears turning for creativity when I felt like that spark was drying up. Also, poking new characters and a new universe let me explore so much! I got in touch with spooky lore, mythology and supernatural geekiness I find fascinating and that ignited a lot of inspiration. I’m hoping to make a dent in making things for Merlin (which I once did a decade ago) and Good Omens (I'm working on a WIP art piece rn). The more I’ve broaden my horizons, the more I can see how my skills have improved over the years, no matter what I’m drawing or what I’m writing. I suppose that’s what creating is all about, right?
3. Using generated colour palettes in art
Okay, so this is not going to be obvious in my art, but when I first started using colour for my lineart instead of good ole black, I would pick my colours with the eye dropper in Photoshop and run with it. I’m finding that I’m using more colors not just in my lineart and shading, but also for highlights, filters, flats, backgrounds and a bunch of other things. And that also means me adding more layers to my work. Being able to use a generated palette either pulled from stock photos or a generator has helped me work with colours I usually wouldn’t choose on my own, so pieces can be either really bold or cohesively muted. I’ve really liked working with set palettes now, and having the chosen in advance gives me once less thing to worry about when I do draw a thing.
2 Resolutions
1. Writing fics and making art more for myself instead of fests/events
I know many of us always say we’ll cut back in signing up for all the fests and such (because no one wants the FOMO), but I actually want to stick with this resolution. I’m anticipating a lot of change is going to happen in 2023 for fandom and RL, so I really don’t want to feel forced in making something that I’m not 100% enthusiatic about, and I don’t want fests to feel like a burden. Also, it’s more important that I write what I want to write or draw what I want to draw instead of trying to check some boxes. I want fandom to still be a creative outlet for me that I can enjoy. Which means it’s super crucial that I can enjoy the process of writing or drawing AND also the result of each thing I finish. I’m super proud of how much I created in 2022, but damn, it was a lot! I just need to remind myself that quality always tops quantity, and that what I make should make me happy.
2. Quality, not quantity
Given what I mentioned above, I really don’t want to burn out (again). At the end of the day, there isn’t enough time to do that. And I’m going to have to prioritise what I do for fandom since there are also a bunch of non-fandom things I want to delve into (ie. learning how to crochet, get my art shop up and running again, watch more TV shows, etc.). Life is short, and I also want to make things I’m proud of and love. But most importantly, I’d love to have more time to see what others or making/working on and have a chance to squee! Sometimes, it’s nice to take that break to be comment on a fic or piece of art and just appreciate something nice.
1 Favourite line I’ll go with this Percy one from There’s a guiding light: But when he saw Oliver’s face light up brighter than a thousand suns, he felt a faint smile tug at his lips.   
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