#Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter
ethvn-torchio · 8 months
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i remember that dreamlike candlelight like a dream that you can't quite place
steggy secret santa gift for @userghouls <3 so so sorry for the belated gift.
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pink-concorde · 1 year
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Draw Six Ships – Full Set
I’ve wanted to do one of these for years now, and now I finally did! Enjoy this sampling of ships I love.
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nifolution · 25 days
Letters 6
Warnings: Heartbreak, Angst, Manipulation, lies, threats, arguments, mention of pregnancy/getting pregnant, allusion of smut
A/N: This is a revised copy of my oc fic. It is still written in 3rd person. Steve was rescued from the Valkyrie crash. He became a world hero and came back home with Peggy to start his life. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated. Reminder that chapter 5 & 6 have been reconfigured.
Chapter 5  Series Masterlist     Main Masterlist
Chapter 6
Peggy was not a simpleminded woman, she saw Steve sneak out in the dead of night. Phoning an associate, twelve hours later she got the answer to her husband’s whereabouts. The bastard had been playing house with his old flame. He left her bed to warm someone else’s, and according to the information in front of her, it had been going on for some time now.
She would not stand for this embarrassment, Steve needed to remember his place. He was no longer the pitiful thing he was before the serum. So sickly that if he were a pet, they would have drowned him. Captain America was the embodiment of perfection, and belonged to her. Clearly his mind had forgotten that and slipped into bad habits. She would put an end to it.
After verifying Steve’s location well outside the vicinity, Peggy arrived at his paramour’s residence. She refused to be made a fool of by some low class floozy. After successfully charming the landlord, she made her way up to her destination. Three knocks and she came face to face with the woman occupying her husband’s time.
Y/N didn’t know what she expected when she answered the door, but it wasn’t Mrs. Captain America. Nothing good could come out of Steve’s wife at her apartment. “Can I help you?” She ignored the dread that prickled up her spine.
“I see by the look on your face, that you know who I am.” Peggy smiled when the other woman nodded. “I would like to have a chat, woman to woman.”
She noticed how Peggy looked at her as if she was something she stepped in. Y/N’s anger simmered below the surface, she’d seize this opportunity to confront her uninvited guest. This spiteful, entitled, British lunatic doesn’t get to screw with her life and not expect her to fight back. “Please come in.”
Peggy sat down at the small table and asked for a cup of tea. While the other woman obliged, she looked around the tiny home with distaste, humming to herself, “Not very cohesive is it.”
Y/N returned to the table carrying the requested beverage, mentally preparing herself to have it out with this woman. As she set the tea tray down, her blood froze. Peggy was right where she left her, poised and proper, not a hair out of place, like she jumped out of a magazine… if not for the pistol casually sitting on the table.
The corner of Peggy’s mouth turned up at the clear fright in the other woman's eyes over the small firearm. “Milk and two sugars, please.”
Y/N surprised herself when her voice didn’t shake, “I do not have any milk.”
Her red lips pursed, “I suppose this will have to do then.” Peggy flashed a fake smile, taking her cup and placing it in front of her. She had no intention of imbibing whichever subpar tea was being served. “I’ll get straight to the point. I’m here to discuss my husband spending so much time with you, instead of where he belongs.”
Y/N couldn’t take her eyes off the weapon, sure she was about to breathe her last. “Steve has been a good friend to me. He’s been trying to help me out.”
“I’m sure he has. However, I must insist that whatever fun you two have been having come to an end. He should be at home with me, we are having a baby after all.” Peggy sighed, a dreamy look on her face as she held her flat stomach.
Her demeanor changes once again, looking Y/N up and down with contempt, “I admit, I've been working a bit much as of late, yet I do not see the appeal. You must be very easy for him to have turned to you.” She smoothed down an nonexistent wrinkle in her skirt, then turned her dark gaze back to the other woman. “He is mine. He will never be yours. I'm all he needs. I am his love, his best friend, his home, his safety, his WIFE. You are just a hole he uses to pass the time.”
Shocked by the language and accusation, Y/N stuttered, “No we ha- haven't. I w-wouldn’t…”
Peggy held up her hand, “I do not wish to hear your excuses. Imagine if a reporter caught wind of your inappropriate relationship. His reputation would be tarnished, and you, dearie, would be ruined… You will stop seeing my husband immediately lest the consequences be swift and severe.” She placed her perfectly polished fingers on the gun, angling it toward Y/N. “Do we have an understanding?”
Y/N could only nod, terrified of the unspoken threat. She’d die, and be forever shamed as Captain America’s mistress. As the woman that came between America's perfect couple. The homewrecker, the whore. If she managed to survive, she’d lose her job and her home. Her family would disown her. She’d have nothing after such a scandal. Living on the street or dead in a box.
“Marvelous.” Peggy stood, placing the pistol back in her purse. “Oh, and I wouldn't mention a word of this friendly conversation to Steve. Stress isn't good for the baby.” She took one last look at Y/N, shaking her head. “You really are a weak thing. I do not see the appeal at all.” She closed the apartment door behind her and waited. Smiling at the sound of Y/N sobbing, she left, satisfied her first objective was completed.
Humming to herself, Peggy slipped into her best lingerie and matching robe. Admiring her image in the mirror as she let her hair down and applied her favorite shade of red lipstick that she knew drove her husband wild. The perfect trap.
Like all men, she knew Steve would step out of line from time to time. It was their nature. Men needed constant guidance. Could not be relied on to make correct decisions on their own. It made it all the more important to put Steve back in his place. He had been more resistant than expected. She needed to use her ace in the hole; allowing Steve to impregnate her.
It would not derail her career. She dared them to try to push her out of her position. Peggy knew she could do both successfully. A few months of desk work through the pregnancy, then hire a nanny and everything would work itself out. What was important was getting her husband on board with her agency and remaking the world in the name of the greater good. He would learn to see things her way. A child would ensure his cooperation. Hearing Steve’s car pull up, Peggy poured two glasses of champagne and waited.
Steve walked into his house, head hung low. Far too much on his mind. It had been two days since he last spoke with Y/N. Her request for space was killing him. He left her apartment on friendly terms, but it still felt like he was losing her. He couldn't go through that again. Steve wanted to respect her boundaries, but he missed her too much. That hollow spot inside him ached, the one created when he thought she left him for another man. He needed her. It all felt wrong. This didn't feel like coming home. It felt like hiding.
"Welcome home, Captain."
He looked up to a sight that would have once felt like it jumped out of his fantasies. Peggy in a robe that covered very little. Her come hither eyes trained on him as each slow and sensual step brought her closer. He couldn’t help but stare, accepting the glass she handed him without question.
Peggy wrapped her arms around his neck, careful not to spill her drink. She gazed into his eyes, smiling seductively as she spoke, “I’ve missed you terribly.” The words were innocent, but the tone sounded like 'take me now.' Leaning in, Peggy placed a teasing kiss on her husband's lips. A taste of what was to come.
Steve was momentarily stunned. "I um…I- I need to tell you something." He gently removed her arms, escorting her to the couch to sit beside him. There were many things he wanted to say to her, but was finding it difficult to start. So he picked the first topic that came to mind. Told her how he wanted to retire, put down the shield. Captain America was done.
She chuckled with feigned amusement, "You are being ridiculous. You're nothing if you're not Captain America... These last weeks have made you cranky and irrational, my poor dear. Let me make it better." Slowly opening her robe to expose what was underneath, she watched his eyes slightly dilate. "I was wrong, Steve. I want to have a baby now. I love you and I know you love me. Waiting seems silly. Can you picture it, a little boy playing ball in the yard, a little girl with her dollies. Our perfect family. Do you see it, darling?"
His breath caught when Peggy pushed herself against him, bosoms barely contained by thin lace. The smell of her perfume and her soft skin hypnotizing. Her hands cupped his face, pulling him into an unwanted kiss. He pulled away, “I'm not in the mood, Peg.”
“I’ll make you feel so good,” Peggy began kissing up the side of Steve’s neck while her left hand rubbed him through his pants, “you’ll forget all your troubles.” Her breath tickled his ear as she whispered, “I'll even use my mouth like on our honeymoon.” Resting her head on his chest, Peggy grasped his manhood through the fabric smiling as he began to swell. “I know we’ve hit a little snag in our marriage, but that happens to every couple. Come on, Captain, your wife needs you.”
Swallowing hard, Steve stopped Peggy by holding her hand in his. He had to live with his choices. That was his ring on her finger. Did he still love Peggy? He wasn’t sure. Thinking too hard about it made his stomach churn. She was still his wife, but he could never trust her again. Everything out of her mouth seemed to be a lie. She tricked him, pursued him, used him. However, he basked in the attention, reciprocated her advances and forced himself to forget Y/N. Maybe he deserved this, a life under Peggy's thumb. He had to make this work.
Peggy used their entwined hands to pull her husband to their bedroom. She knew he couldn't resist her. He would always be a puppet and she knew just how to pull his strings.
Steve sat in his high back chair, sipping his drink, trying to quiet the voices in his head. The pleasure Peggy provided fixed nothing. In fact he felt worse. A touch once longed for, now made his skin crawl. This is not what he wanted. The love he once held for Peggy was gone, forever tainted by her actions, but he was stuck. So even though he couldn't get drunk, he let the burn of the alcohol distract him. Lamenting that no matter how much he consumed, he would never be granted numbness from these feelings. His Ma would be ashamed.
Downing the last of his glass, he poured himself another. Wishing his best friend was still around for him to confide in. Steve laughed, knowing Bucky would swipe the whiskey from his hand, tell him to stop being a punk and do something, then finish the drink himself. Maybe give him a swift kick in the ass to get him moving faster. And he’d be right. Steve couldn't undo the past, but he could change things starting now.
In the bedroom sat Peggy, scowling. “How dare he?” she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest, positively fuming. She degraded herself playing the whore for him and he couldn't finish. His mind clearly elsewhere.
She didn’t like this at all, she was losing control over him. Peggy had enough of the back and forth, he needed to move out of New York with her and join SHIELD, end of story. If that homewrecking hussy interfered she would squash her like the measly insect she was. Her husband would be none the wiser, accidents could be arranged. They had no idea what she was capable of.
Steve flew into the bedroom with his overnight bag in hand. Paying no mind to the woman on the bed, he began stuffing clothing and personal items into it. He had to leave and didn't want Peggy clouding his judgment. She put enough ideas in his head as it was. He wasn't going to let her control him anymore.
Peggy pushed up her breasts, prepared to continue. “Come back to bed, love.” It sounded more like a demand than a request. “We must try again. Proper insemination is required for procreation.”
Releasing an exasperated sigh, Steve turned to his preening wife. He saw her now, could peer through her illusion to the darkness and rot within. Disgusted with himself, he never wanted to touch her again. “I need to go.”
She responded with a sardonic laugh. Here she was giving him everything he wanted and that insolent man had the nerve to deny her. “I’m sorry, no. You are not going anywhere. I forbid it.”
Defying her orders, Steve walked out of their room and into the bathroom. Peggy followed at his heels. She was determined, he'd give her that. Determined and heartless. He continued to ignore her.
“You will do as I say!” Losing all composure, she shoved him with all her might, but to no avail. He continued putting items into his bag. She pushed hard at his cheek to force him to face her. “I am Captain America's wife. What good are you to me without the moniker? Without that you are worthless.” Each word punctuated by her finger stabbing into his chest.
“I have NEVER been worthless.” Finished, Steve closed the bag and headed to the front door.
Peggy ran after him. “Where do you think you are going, you ungrateful bastard!? To that waitress’ home? Your lover that cowers at the sight of a tiny firearm.”
That got a reaction. He froze in his tracks. Lifting her chin, her lips twisted into a sinister smirk, “Didn’t think I knew? You were not exactly discreet.”
Steve should have known she was still spying on him. Another one of her lies. Through clenched teeth he growled, "What did you do?”
“Only what I had to.” Peggy half shrugged, “No harm has come to her.” The silent ‘yet’ hung in the air. She attempted to take the bag out of his hand, but his grip only tightened.
She looked up at him through her lashes. “Steve, my sweet husband, we have a beautiful life together, don't spoil it. Don't disrespect everything we've built together. We were made for each other. We can get past this little hiccup.”
Placing a tentative hand on his arm, Peggy spoke with a soft voice, “I can understand your confusion, darling, and I forgive you. You run into an ex-lover and old feelings resurface, but that is all they are. Old. Dead. Feelings. Only memories. You would do well to pay them no mind.”
“We are only apart because of you.”
Peggy rubbed her brow, “Always so melodramatic. You are apart because you’re not a match. WE ARE. I believed you were bright enough to figure that out. That's why you married me. We're perfect together… Remember our vows, Steve. Remember your duties to me and your country. You were made for big things. Much too great for some lowly waitress with dirt under her fingernails. She could never run in our social circles…”
Steve interrupted, taking a step back, “Your circles, your friends.” 
Stomping her foot, she screamed, “I won't be a party to your childish fantasies... You need to calm down and forget this squabble. Bury the past and appreciate what we have now.” Peggy held out her hand for him to take, “Come back to bed.”
He stared at the appendage as if it was a snake waiting to strike. 
“I will not tolerate this behavior any longer. I allowed it before, knowing you needed to let off steam, but no longer. This ends now. Know your place.”
“I do.” Steve walked out the front door, and out of her life for good.
Chapter 7 (coming soon)
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sparkliingdust · 1 year
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My submission for Steggy Week 2023 (Day 2 - WIPs & updates)
The Scars That Remain Summary: Even though the serum protected Steve through several world wars, and Peggy is resolved to maintaining a stiff upper lip, some scars can start to heal with time and each other. RATING: R (mature – for slow build / sexual content, angst, comfort). Potential trigger warnings dealing with topics of harm/scars from graphic violence. NOTE: The visibility of Steve’s scars are not brand new as if they were made yesterday. They have faded because of the serum, but I guess I always wondered what Steve’s scars would be like after the Winter Soldier’s shooting in CA:TWS and the last battle against Thanos, where he definitely took a beating. I consider them to be faint but noticeable - Peggy is a spy afterall. Nothing gets past her.
This is only a sneak peek -not the whole fic. Hope to have it fully posted in a week or so (if I can update it at work enough this week)
With her hair up in a net, Steve caught a better look at the bullet wounds on her shoulder. They had been trudging through the endless woods clearing out all of Hydra hiding in and above the tree line. Their adversaries mastered how to be invisible before they even could. Falsworth had given the all clear when the scene was anything but - resulting in an array of gunfire in what felt like from all angles.
“I often don’t know who to thank for how clean those came out,” Peggy murmured.
“Dugan, or how much he picked up from his wife’s hobbies as a seamstress,” Steve quipped, remembering the scene as Peggy was hit in the shoulder. How everyone rallied together sterilizing what they could, the blood that seeped onto the torn rags, and holding her hand as Dugan worked his magic. He kissed her shoulder where the three bullet wounds were as if they hit her yesterday.
Peggy wrestled in her mind, a delicate way to bring it up. “And, what about you?”
“What about me?”
“You have a few speckles on your abdomen,” she uttered, pulling him closer.
He should never underestimate Peggy’s power of perception, and yet he always did. “It was an accident. He wasn’t who he thought he was, who he needed to be, to kill me.”
“Load, aim, fire seems like a pretty conscious choice to make,” Peggy noted, in a soft voice almost like a whisper.
“For him, it wasn’t. He didn’t know what he was doing at the time.”
It was the sharpest intake and slowest exhale Peggy took all day. “The Winter Soldier?”
Steve nodded his head, leaning his on hers. Peggy’s fingers trailed down to the light line on his right thigh, as her other hand wrapped her fingers between his other that still had a considerable jagged white-colored slash near the wrist lightly disrupting the random pattern of freckles around it. She lay patiently in the middle of the history, or future, he didn’t know how to tell it all.
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ramen-flavored · 2 years
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Steve: Peggy, are you hurt? Peggy: No, I’m just bleeding to death! How are you?
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stargaterevival · 2 years
romance 💕 | fluffy 🥰 | sexy 🔥 | hurt/comfort 🥺 | mystery❓
Elle's Fics (blog)
Steve Rogers/OFC - What was Lost 💕 🔥 🥺❓
Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter - Fetish 💕 🔥
Marvellous Men of Marvel (blog)
Stargate Revival (blog)
Daniel Jackson x gn!reader - You and Me (wip) 💕 🔥 🥺❓
GIF by super-gates-blog
Sam Carter/Martouf/Lantash:
Worlds Colliding 💕🥺
Capturing Samantha 💕🥰
Rewrite planned at some point for old fics that are a long Sam/Martouf adventure and Sam/Martouf vs Sam/Rodney romantic comedy, if there's any interest.
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finnicks · 2 years
( fic ) waiting
mcu | peggy/steve; teen; 200 words Peggy was waiting for him at the end of the line.
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pink-concorde · 1 year
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Draw Six Ships – Steggy
Third entry from my drawing six ships is the OTP that has me actually loving the ending of Endgame: Steve/Peggy from the Marvel Cinematic Universe!
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ethvn-torchio · 2 years
soooo i'm starting a new steggy longfic and it'll take me a bit to complete but im hoping the first two chapters are complete and ready to post by the middle of this month! i'm really excited about this honestly
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You know what I love about this scene?
Peggy and Steve BOTH look at Bucky like “sooo, can we have some privacy??”
And this little shit looks over his shoulder to see what they’re looking at, turns back, and proceeds to do everything in his power to prevent their flirting while staying professional. He knows he’s not supposed to be there, but this -frankly amazing- woman is this close to winning over his boy and like hell will James Buchanan Barnes take it lying down.
His audacity just kills me and I love it.
This is a sad scene to me too. Because Bucky is just standing there, right after being tortured by Zola, and watching the person he loves most in the world fall in love with someone else. You can see it on his face. He’s in pain, but the only thing he can do is stand there, because you can’t look away from a train wreck (in his world). Steve and Peggy are clearly already falling, but at least Bucky can slow it down by making the situation less romantic.
He can’t do anything else, but he can stand there, so he does. It will break his heart, but it’s the only thing he can do.
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youronebraincell · 9 months
Natasha while Steve and Peggy have a reunion
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Natasha when her mother told her girlfriend that she wanted to kiss, kill or dissect her
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Melina squaring up with her daughter after she knocked out all the other widows
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The watcher when The watcher when
Peggy and Nat Peggy disappears
have a moment out of thin air
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sparkliingdust · 9 months
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Happy Steggy Secret Santa gift for @littlereyofsunlight!
Hope you enjoy this a bit of angst, a bit of comfort fanfic - Just In Case. The four times Steve and Peggy share a kiss, just in case it’s their last one spanning from The First Avenger to their Post-Endgame story. Their love language is touch - in this essay I will -
Sneak peak: Life seemed timed down to the nearest second. Just as Peggy walked through the dining room to the kitchen, Steve whistled while filling their plates with egg, toast, sausage, a saucer of tea for her, a cup of coffee for him. He offered a smile no Cary Grant or Clark Gable could ever copy. Close enough to smell her orchid perfume, she pulled out her seat and watched as he placed her tea down before joining her. Is this what normal was? Two unsung heroes loving each other into forgiving what the war had done to them? 
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pararave · 6 months
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one lucky guy from Brooklyn
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cece693 · 1 month
We Belong Together (DARK! Steve Rogers x M! Reader)
Just something that came to mind and couldn't help but write it. Please tell me if you like this style of writing more or prefer my original one. Thanx for reading!
Summary: Dating Steve Rogers was more difficult than you'd imagined. He was a man riddled with insecurities and, unfortunately, this affected your relationship.
tags: dark Steve Rogers, manipulation, the Avengers are no help, toxic relationship, not Steve friendly, gaslighting, no happy ending and ambiguous ending
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Your relationship with Steve was rocky, to say the least. And you know it sounded stupid because you're dating Captain America, the epitope of male perfection and respect, but you weren't dating him. You were dating Steve Rogers, the man who was always beaten to a pulp behind alleyways before the serum took over. The man who did everything to fit in, but was neglected due to his health problems and scrawny appearance. And in a way, you sympathized with Steve—he was still the boy seeking acceptance from everyone, and you, who he'd let into his heart after the whole Peggy fiasco, couldn't desert him. But there was a line between what you would label as love and obsession.
It would be fine if Steve wanted to spend each weekend lazing about in bed, arms wrapped around you, not wanting to let you even use the bathroom, but it was another story if he had your location turned on and was texting you hurtful messages implying infidelity. You'd let it pass one time, but when it became a routine, and Steve became more suffocating to be around, you realized you'd fucked up. No breakup was easy, but when you're doing it to Steve Rogers, a man who was known for his determination and unwillingness to change his mind, it would be near impossible.
With his job as a full-time Avenger, there was never a good time for you to sit down and talk to Steve. He was either tired or stressed, with the latter making you squeamish to even interact with. No Steve was pleasant to deal with, as of late, but a stressed Steve was walking into enemy ground. If the damage to the punching bags was any indication. However, it seems whatever God above favored you when your boyfriend announced he'd asked for a week off to spend it with you. His smile was genuine, but you noted the strange twinkle in his eyes when he casually noted that it would be your anniversary.
"Who knows what surprise I have in store for you." He said, but those words, said with so much innocence had you fretting. You hated to do it, but it seemed you'd be breaking up with him before his plan could come to fruition.
"Steve, about that..." You trailed off, looking away from him to gain courage, but found none. "I don't think we're working out. I want to break up." There, you said internally, just like ripping off a bandaid. You risked looking up at Steve and instantly regretted it. He had a look of silent fury and violence??? but then it washed over with indifference. You expected yelling, even begging, but silence stung more. "I'm sorry, but I..." How would you broach the topic of his toxicity without sounding like a total asshole?
"Is there someone else?" Steve interrupted, quite rudely. He tilted his head, mind racing with every person who'd ever interacted with you. Who had convoluted your mind into breaking up with him? If there was another man, Steve would make them regret their existence. Taking what wasn't theirs to begin with. "Is it Thomas? I knew he wasn't just a friend."
"No!" You shouted, hurt by the implication. Thomas was a co-worker who you befriended—he was like a brother to you, nothing more, nothing less. "This is part of the problem, Steve. You think I always cheat, making me feel stupid for overreacting to your jealousy when it's unhealthy as hell."
"But you always seem so close to everyone else." Your ex replied, his voice wavering between anger and insecurity. "How am I supposed to feel when I see you laughing and talking with Thomas like that?"
You shook your head, frustration boiling over. "How are you supposed to feel?! You're supposed to trust me, Steve! You're supposed to know that if I'm with you, it's because I chose you. But you keep pushing me away with all this suspicion. It's exhausting."
Steve clenched his fists, struggling to find the words. "I only act this way because I care about you, because I don't want to lose you. You know how much I love you. If I didn't care so much, I wouldn't be jealous." He knew it was a stupid reason, but Steve was desperate. He wouldn't lose you over something he had no control over. Didn't you know how handsome, pretty, and unique you truly were? Didn't you see the hungry stares people throw your way? It was Steve's duty as a boyfriend to show them you were taken; his completely.
"That's another thing, Steve! You alienating me from my friends and co-workers."
Steve's face twisted in frustration. "So, what? I should just sit back and let whomever get close to you?"
"I can't control everyone's actions, Steve! Don't try to guilt trip me into thinking your behavior is normal...it isn't. Your reaction just reaffirms my decision." Not wanting to face your ex any longer, you stood up from the table and headed to the door. After all, this was Steve's apartment, and as much as he tried to encourage you to move in, right now you were grateful you stood your ground. But not even before your hand touched the doorknob, Steve's whimpers sounded behind you.
Steve panicked seeing you near the door. You had to understand—he never meant to make you angry, he just loves you so much that perhaps his behavior did come off as overbearing. But this was for your own good, Steve thought, you were too naive, too trusting of people who would only take advantage of you. With tears in his eyes, Steve began to whimper and make himself look half his size. "I'm sorry. I'll change, I promise, but please don't leave me. I love you."
It irked Steve that you didn't face him, but when he saw you pause, his heart rejoiced. Just for it to quickly fall again when you did open the door and told him you couldn't do this anymore. Unable to do anything as you finally closed the door, leaving him alone, Steve's anger made an appearance. Grabbing the closest thing to him, he flung it to the wall and continued to do so until every single item in his living room lay in thousands of tiny little pieces.
You're acting irrationally, Steve told himself. You'll soon come to realize the grave mistake you are making. I'm the only one who could protect and love you. I'll give you space to calm down, and then, perhaps you can understand me.
A week had passed since you'd broken up with Steve, and the man wasn't taking the news well. He believed you would've crumbled and ran back into his arms once the day ended, but when you hadn't called, much less answered his messages, the man grew furious. How dare you block his number and change the locks on your door? Did you have a visitor over, taking advantage of his absence to fuck whomever you desired? Didn't he mean anything to you? The week's absence had made Steve spiral out of control.
The reasonable part of him told him to move on, respect your wishes, and cease contact, but this was you. You weren't replaceable to Steve, oh no, he would make you stand by his side until death do part. Didn't you see you guys were meant to be? It also probably didn't help that the Avengers took his side and began feeding into Steve's delusions.
"I don't get it, man. You treat him right and love him unconditionally. How could he break your heart?" Was Tony's response once he heard of your relationship status. "He's dumb to break things off. I can only hope my relationship with Pepper is as strong as yours." Yeah, Tony wasn't really a help in calming Steve down.
Meanwhile, you were picking up the pieces of your life. Reconnecting with friends Steve had frightened off and taking a much-needed vacation from New York. You couldn't escape Steve when he was a public image—Captain America basically ruled over New York and had a place in people's hearts.
Sitting down at the little cabin you rented for the month, you sipped on your coffee and rethought your plans. Initially, you wanted to just start anew in New York, forget about Steve, and continue living your life, but that was thrown out the window. You could sense eyes wherever you went after breaking things off with Steve, and you might be crazy for saying such a thing, but you knew Steve. Knew he would pull strings to keep in contact and have an eye on you.
It also wasn't unreasonable to make such a connection when Steve was the leader of the Avengers—a team of superheroes with varying skills and resources. So your original plan of staying turned into you seeking residence as far away from the U.S. as possible. Yet, when you believe you've found the perfect place, something gets in the way—your bank is unable to transfer funds, the listing immediately reads as sold, the realtor not answering your calls. Every hindrance only makes you come to the same conclusion—Steve.
Yelling when the mug shattered in your hand, hot coffee burning your skin, you realized you weren’t alone. The front door of the cabin was closed, but standing next to it was Steve. The nearby lamp cast a dim, flickering light over his figure, highlighting his state of disarray. His once clean-cut appearance was gone, replaced by stubble, messy hair, and a simple t-shirt with jeans that looked like they’d been slept in. "Get out." You hissed, but the man only stepped closer, frightening you. "Get out! I don't want anything to do with you."
"I tried to be nice, and give you space, but nothing works." Steve said, ignoring your wishes as he advanced toward you. For every step he took, you stepped back twice. You couldn't help but fear for your safety when Steve disregarded your wishes and had this glint of madness in his eyes. "I need you. Can't you see that?"
Your back hit the wall, trapping you as Steve loomed closer. You never took your eyes off him, every nerve in your body screaming for you to escape, but there was nowhere left to go. "Steve, please." you begged, your voice trembling with a mix of fear and desperation. "You're scaring me. This isn't love."
Steve’s hand reached out, brushing against your cheek in a gesture that once might have been tender, but now only filled you with dread. "You’ll see, in time. You’ll remember how good we were together. You just need to stop fighting it."
Before you could react, Steve's hand shot out, gripping your chin with a force that made you wince. In a flash, he pulled you closer and crushed his lips against yours, his kiss bruising and possessive. You struggled against him, trying to push him away, but his arms were too strong, locking you in place as he held you tightly.
Your mind raced, panic surging through you as you fought to break free. This was not the man you once cared for; this was someone consumed by a twisted obsession, willing to do anything to keep you. Tears welled in your eyes as you clawed at his arms, desperate for air, desperate to escape.
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steven-g-rogers · 2 years
//Closed Starter. @agentpeggycarterrogers
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Steve was exhausted.  It had felt like he’d been fighting for decades now.  Although that was probably true.  It had been a long time.  Just one thing after another, wearing him down until there was only Captain America and nothing left of the man before.  Ultron had told him that without war he’d be nothing, and for a long time that as all he believed.  Ever since the war every part of him had been chipped away.  Losing Bucky.  Crashing the plane.  Being pulled out of the ice only to find that the thing he’d died trying to destroy was back in the hands of people using it to try and take over the world again.  Loki.  SHIELD.  Ultron.  His own friends.  By the time Thanos had snapped his fingers, Steve had already lost everyone he’d ever had.  Some of them more than once.
But he’d kept going, because that was all he had.  Until Scott had shown up and given him a glimmer of hope.  So he fought again and won.  He lost more, Natasha and Tony, but there was hope underneath.  Hope that maybe, thanks to time travel Captain America could be handed off for good and he could be Steve Rogers again.
He’d had concerns though.  Concerns that he’d talked to death with Bucky.  Would everyone be okay without him?  What if Peggy didn’t want him?  What if he’d changed too much and he wasn’t the man Peggy had fallen in love with?  What if he messed up the timeline?  But in the end Bucky had assured him he’d be okay.  That they all would.  The timeline couldn’t be changed, if Steve went back and Peggy took him back, then that was what was meant to happen.  If not, then that was meant to happen too, and at least he’d know for sure that there was no place in this world for Steve Rogers anymore.
Even knowing that, he was frozen in place.  He had been travelling through time for weeks now, fighting and sneaking around as he put the infinity stones back where they belonged.  He was beaten up, exhausted, and terrified.  This was the moment.  He was going to see Peggy again.  His Peggy.  And if she rejected him, he wasn’t sure what he’d do next.
He brought his hand down, knocking on the door.
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