#Steve’s love language is irritating people until they like him back
artiststarme · 1 year
Will really thought Steve liked Jonathan in a “I’m going to pull on your pigtails” playground sort of way. It was the only thing that made sense to him. He heard about Steve messing with him when he and Nancy were “dating” (she could’ve been his beard for all Will knew) and then suddenly, Jonathan was dating Nancy and Steve was leaving him alone. In Will’s mind, Steve stopped trying to get Jonathan’s attention once he was taken.
He liked having someone in Hawkins to commiserate with, even though Steve didn’t know he knew. It made Will feel a little bit less alone in a lonely world. However, he felt a little sad for Steve. He must’ve felt so isolated being the only queer kid around.
He did try to comfort him one day. Will pulled Steve aside after their second experience with the Upside Down and told him he understood what it was like to like someone and not have them like you back. All he got were blank eyes and a dumbfounded face in return. Will departed with an awkward pat on the shoulder and didn’t look back. Steve would know he was there when he was ready to talk.
A few years later when he saw Steve poking at Eddie Munson while he attempted to DM for the premiere of a new campaign, Will knew he was spot-on in his assumptions. Steve was picking on Eddie just like he’d picked on Jonathan. And unlike that entire shipwreck, Eddie was receptive and throwing shade back. Will knew that unlike Steve and his brother, those two would get together and wreck havoc on all they crossed.
And he was right.
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alchemistc · 2 years
Eddie practices his arguments with Steve.
The thing is -
Here's the thing. It's not that he's expecting an argument. So far every time either one of them have been irritated with one another, or pissed off about something, they usually just, like, talk about it and shit. Healthy-like, which is -
Totally fucking weird for Eddie My-Parents-Fought-As-A-Love-Language Munson and Steve Still-Figuring-Out-Its-Okay-To-Be-Loved Harrington. It's weird, it is, and Eddie can't help but wonder if Steve is just bottling shit up until it explodes out of him and he realizes that this thing they're doing just isn't worth it anymore.
So Steve does this thing, right?
This thing where he rolls his jaw and sometimes it pops and it makes Eddie want to stick a curly straw up his nose and scramble his own brains. And he's such a fucking neat freak that every time he's over, he ends up rearranging Eddie's room - not even in purpose, just. He likes to touch things, and Eddie gets it, he does, but touching things usually leads to picking things up leads to setting them back down and before Eddie's had time to look up, Steve has swept empty beer cans into the trash and lined up Eddie's models in a neat row like they're troops readying for battle and since he's like a war buff they're always lined up like a little battalion which is cute but also frustrating as hell because - because Eddie's chaos is organized and now he can't find his fucking lyric journal with the song he's very much not ready for people to see, or know about, or -
The point. The point is Eddie has been gearing up to talk to Steve about it for three days now and he's now at the stage where he practices. Works out the scenarios, muddles through possibilities, tries to anticipate every way it could go tits up.
He's never - Steve is most of his firsts, and he knows it's dumb and romantic but he'd like Steve to be all of his lasts, too, and so what if that means he's pacing the length of the trailer (all the while perfecting his Steve-voicr, which has been a tough one to nail but he feels like he's getting there. He's smarter and more eloquent than he lets on, is Steve.) and arguing with himself. Resetting, back to the start, working through a disastrous turn where Steve accuses Eddie of cheating on him (nope, reset, Steve's well aware Eddie wouldn't, cut that from the options).
"And seriously, Eddie, how could you think I'd do that shit to you, you know -."
"What the hell?"
Eddie whirls.
Mike Wheeler is standing in his living room, staring at Eddie like he's grown a second head. Which. Shit. They haven't actually, like, told anyone that they're...doing whatever it is they're doing (There's things Eddie wants to call it, but he hasn't brought them up yet because they're terrifying and super fucking telling and even though he's pretty sure he and Steve are on the same page he doesn't want to presume) so the kids don't know. No one except Robin knows, and she's states away and busy so.
"What the hell right back, Wheeler, what are you doing here?"
"I left my chem textbook here last night. You said I could come get it."
And - sure, he definitely had, but he'd sort of been staring at the hollow where Steve's neck and shoulder met and imagining biting it when he said it, so -
"So you broke into my house?"
"The door was unlocked."
"So you walked uninvited INTO MY HOUSE?" And he's maybe hamming up the annoyance as cover, but Wheeler just stares at him.
"Are you practicing breaking up with Steve?" Wheeler asks without preamble, with zero inflection, not even a quirk of his brow, and Eddie -
Flounders, is a generous term for it. Really what he does is shriek, and cackle, and then cover it up with the weirdest laugh either of them have ever heard which covers nothing at all. "What are - why would you - what makes you think - listen, Michael, you can't just break into people's homes and accuse them of - of - what exactly are you accusing me of?"
"Of having really terrible taste in men, Eddie, where's my textbook?"
"I don't fucking know, Wheeler, Steve rearranges shit all the time so who the hell knows where he would have -."
"It's probably on the bookshelf, then," Mike says, and then squints. "Are you...practicing arguing with Steve?"
"How do you even -?"
"Neither one of you is subtle."
"Shut up, Wheeler."
"If that's how you talk to Steve it's no wonder you have to practice your arguments."
"I'm not - you're infuriating."
Mike squares him with a look that reminds Eddie of when he's calculating hit points and strategizing his next move. He frowns. Sighs. "I have like ten minutes before I have to leave. Steve doesn't think you're cheating on him, so let's start from the top."
"The kids know," Eddie tells Steve, fingers shifting in Steve's hair, and Steve's lashes flash as he looks up from Eddie's lap. Mike had been - well, Wheeler might be half a decade younger but he'd been pretty instrumental in helping Eddie nail down the right approach to "Please stop cleaning up my messes you're ruining everything." so another non-argument is in the books, and Steve had looked confused about it but he'd agreed to try not to move shit around at least.
("I'm still cleaning up all the trash, though, you live like a goblin."
"It's hot that you know what a goblin is, baby."
"Are you...okay with that?"
"Are you?"
"I asked first."
It's not that he doesn't want to answer, it's just.
Okay he doesn't want to answer. Jesus Christ, he'd used Mike goddamn Wheeler as his Steve stand in to practice an argument that hadn't happened and he's still scared to call Steve his -
"I... don't really know. What to tell them." And that's - shit, not what he meant to say, Jesus.
"What do you mean?"
Steve crinkles his nose, and Eddie hates how goddamn cute it is, because he really wants to just, like, boop the tip of it and then suck Steve off but -
Where's Mike Wheeler when he needs him?
("If you ever tell Steve about this I'll tell Will to TPK your party for the next ten campaigns."
"Why would I tell Steve I'm helping you save your relationship?"
"Brownie points. So you can hold it over Henderson's head. Blackmail."
"I used to be terrified of you, but you're actually super lame, honestly."
"Preaching to the choir, my friend.")
"I mean, what...what do we tell them we...are?"
"Are you freaking out about calling me your boyfriend?"
He shifts, and Eddie's fingers slip through the strands of Steve's hair as he shuffles, scoots, sits up and twists to face Eddie.
"I am, right? I mean...you want me to be?"
Eddie hasn't practiced this conversation, because - because it's presumptuous, because it felt sort of like jinxing it, because -
"Yeah. Duh. Of course I - shit. Yeah. Yes."
Steve's smile is bright and a little knowing. "I have a confession."
"I'm not sure I want to hear it."
"Trust me, you want to."
"Okay fine," Eddie tells him, eyes on Steve's hand as he slots their fingers together. Eddie hooks his pinkie along the edge of Steve's sleeve. "Twist my arm, why don't you?"
"I'm actually kind of glad they already know. I've been trying to figure out how to tell them for a while. I've been, like - creating scenarios in my head to try to figure out how they're going to take it."
There's - okay, so Eddie's thinking a lot of things, right at this moment, like how Steve apparently also creates mind-scenarios to play out before a situation happens, and how they might want to test out their creativity in other areas, actually, and that derails his whole train of thought for a moment, but "How long?"
"How long what?"
"Have you been trying to figure out how to tell them?"
Eddie's not insecure, exactly, but he is a big fan of knowing what people he cares about think of him and how often they think of him and -
"I mean, since, like, the first time I kissed you?"
Eddie is stupid crazy about Steve Harrington. He's fully fucking feral for this man, honestly, it's dumb. Absolutely ridiculous.
"I'm in love with you," Eddie tells him, and the tips of Steve's ears are pink.
"I know," he says, with a smarmy little grin because Eddie had admitted (under duress, and screw anyone who doesn't think a naked Steve Harrington in your lap is duress) he'd been obsessed with Harrison Ford for like a full year in his tweens, and Steve takes every opportunity to remind Eddie he knows.
"I'd also very much like to circle back to you creating scripts in your mind about telling the kids about us."
"Henderson's always a nightmare, I swear to god."
"We gotta teach him some humility."
"He respects you more than he respects me, you teach him."
"You gonna say it back?"
"Well not now," Steve says, and Eddie wants to bite him.
"I love you," Steve says, while Dustin and Mike and Max argue about who knew first.
Eddie hasn't practiced this one. "I know," he says, and Steve's brow quirks when Dustin catches the exchange and groans.
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Title: Patience
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Rating: 18+ Only! Minors DNI!
Word Count: 2,934
Tags: SMUT, angst, fluff, cockwarming, submissive Bucky, handcuffs, drinking, flirting, pet names, maybe slight degradation if you squint, slight dom/sub, masturbation, fingering (female receiving), clit play, permission to cum, edging, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, begging, crying, explicit sexual content, explicit language, and I think that's it.
Written For: @buckybarnesbingo, @sebastianstanbingo, and @anyfandomangstbingo
Square(s) Filled: Y1 - Kink: Cockwarming for Bucky Barnes Bingo // G5 - Submissive!Bucky Barnes for Sebastian Stan Bingo // G2 - Handcuffs for Any Fandom Angst Bingo
Dedicated To: @buckyalpine - I love you, bby ❤️ I really hope you like this 🥺 It's a thank you for all of the amazing content you've put out for us.
Beta(s): Just Grammarly
A/N: I'm so sorry this is bad... I've been so busy these last couple of weeks with Thanksgiving and yesterday was my stepdaughter's birthday and today is my daughter's so I've had basically no time to write. I really hope this isn't terrible, but I'm so sorry if it is. Also, have I already used the below GIF before for one of my fics? Yes. Am I using it again? Yes. Will I probably use it for a future fic? Also, yes. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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You sip your drink as you watch Bucky from the bar. Currently, he's smiling at something Steve said, his flesh hand patting the blonde super soldier on the back while his metal one holds his glass of Asgardian mead.
You're not one for parties, but you know it means a lot to Bucky that you're here with him. He's finally rid of the Winter Soldier, the assassin side of him that he's battled to overcome for years, and in true Stark fashion, he threw your boyfriend a party.
It feels like everyone Tony has ever talked to is here, and crowds make you anxious, so the bar is where you'll be until Bucky's ready to go.
Natasha refills your glass and smiles at you warmly, "he's come a long way."
You swirl the amber liquid around a bit before taking a healthy drink.
"He has. I'm so grateful to Wakanda and the Dora Milaje for helping him. It took a while, but we're finally here."
She nods and pours herself a shot, "it's been a long time coming."
"Speaking of coming, I feel like everyone and their mother came to this thing. I don't even know half the people here..."
Nat snorts, "it's Tony, what did you expect?"
A comfortable silence settles between the two of you and you feel yourself starting to unwind.
You finish your second drink and motion for Natasha to refill it again. She sets the bottle down and glances over your shoulder shaking her head.
"Looks like one of the secretaries has taken a liking to Barnes."
Well, so much for being able to relax.
You turn in your seat and watch as a pretty blonde touches his arm softly, batting her eyes at him like a giddy schoolgirl.
Bucky doesn't reciprocate, but he doesn't shoo her away either. He looks up at you momentarily and bites his lip before smiling at the girl in front of him. You know he's not really interested in her. He'd never cheat on you. It still doesn't change the fact that he's deliberately flirting with her in front of you though.
Your fingernail taps on the side of your glass as you grow more and more irritated. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and trails her index finger down the front of his shirt.
You grip the glass so hard that your knuckles turn white.
"I'll pay you later, Natasha," you down the rest of your whiskey and slam the glass down on the bar top. "Right now I've got something to take care of."
You push through the crowd and tap the blonde on her shoulder. She whips around and gives you a pointed look, "can I help you?"
"Yeah," you raise an eyebrow, "you can help me by stopping yourself from eye fucking my boyfriend."
Her eyes go wide as she looks from you to Bucky. He shrugs and she huffs before walking away.
You glare up at him and he takes your hand, "oh, come on doll. I was just teasing you."
"Don't doll me, James. You know I don't like seeing you giving someone else that kind of attention."
His free hand wraps around your waist and pulls you into him, "come on, baby. Don't be like that."
Steve chuckles, "I don't know, man. That girl was looking at you like you put the stars in the sky, and it's not like you pushed her away when she touched your chest."
"Who's side are you on, pal?" Bucky narrows his eyes at his best friend.
You've had enough. This party, that girl, Bucky's attitude, all of it, and it stirs a possessiveness inside of you that you haven't felt in a long time.
"It's time to go."
Bucky's eyes go wide, "go? But the party just star-"
"I said it's time to go."
Steve whistles as you drag Bucky toward the elevators, "good luck!"
Once you get him back to your shared bedroom, you shut and flick the lock.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., please tell anyone who comes to our door that we aren't taking visitors."
"Yes, Miss Y/L/N."
Bucky leans against the wall and looks down at you softly, "I swear I didn't mean to upset-"
"Well, you did. Take your clothes off and lay on the bed."
"Y/N, please just let me properly apologize to you."
Your hands move to your hips and you give him a stern look. To anyone who isn't familiar with your relationship, it would be quite comical seeing your tall, muscular, super-soldier boyfriend being so submissive to you. You know he needs this though, to be able to let go and give himself completely to someone he knows won't hurt him. And who are you to deny him that? Especially since you love the rush of taking control sometimes.
"Don't make me ask you again, James."
Bucky bites his lip as he stands up straight. He pulls the red henley he's wearing over his head, and you watch the movement of his well-defined muscles with hooded eyes. He undoes the button on his jeans and slides them and his boxers down to his ankles before stepping out of them.
"I really am sorry, baby"
"I know you are." You gesture behind him, "I've changed my mind. Sit with your back against the headboard."
He turns to walk over to the bed and you groan at the unimpeded view of his ass. Fucking hell, he's perfect.
He settles on the comforter and looks at you with curious, blue eyes. You don't say anything to him as you walk into the closet. Moments later you return with two pairs of silver handcuffs dangling from your fingertips and you watch his cock twitch in interest.
"Y/N, I don't see how this is a punishment," he drawls.
You smirk and cuff each of his hands to the small metal hoops that jut out from the side of the headboard. These were no ordinary handcuffs either, they were made with raw vibrainium which means he can't get out of them easily.
"Trust me," you step back and reach behind you to pull the zipper on the back of your dress, "you'll see."
Bucky watches as the little black dress falls to the floor and pools around your feet, his eyes darkening with want.
"God, you're so damn gorgeous, baby."
You smirk, "and it's too bad you won't get to touch me." You smooth your hands over your soft skin, your fingertips barely catching your nipples making you gasp. "I was really looking forward to those big, strong hands all over me, Buck."
He groans and watches you take off your bra and panties, "come on, pretty girl. Please let me touch you...please?"
You climb on the bed and straddle his chest, his cock beginning to leak in anticipation of your touch. You ignore the urge to and slide two of your fingers between your soaked folds instead.
"Mmm, you should have thought of that before ... fuck ... before you flirted with that secretary.
He watches you circle your clit slowly, his eyes nearly black now as he tugs harder at the cuffs.
"Baby... fuck, baby please!"
"Shit, I'm so wet for you, Bucky...feels so good..."
You bring your glistening fingers to your lips and close your mouth around them, licking them clean of your arousal. Bucky whines and raises his hips in frustration.
"Let me have a taste, please baby? Please! I'm so sorry for even looking at her... God, please...need you so bad..."
You tilt your head to the side and look down at him. His eyes are desperate and you almost give in and undo the handcuffs.
"Aww, do you need a taste? Do you want me to sit on your face, baby boy?"
Your tone is teetering the line of sincere and condescending, and it makes another bead of precum spill from the head of his cock. Your words alone are making him fall apart. You've never been this dominant with him and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like it.
It's merely a whisper, but you hear him nonetheless and decide to take a little mercy on him.
"Lay on your back for me, baby."
Bucky scoots down, his arms suspended slightly upward and out to the side as he lays flat. You move so your legs are on either side of his head and hover your dripping pussy over his lips.
"Since you love using that pretty mouth to tease and flirt so much, why don't you put it to good use and make me cum. Maybe if you do a good job I'll let you fuck me."
Bucky licks his lips, "I'll make you feel real good, doll. Please... just please let me taste you..."
You lower yourself down to his mouth and he immediately begins ravishing you. His tongue skillfully slides between your folds, alternating from your hole to your clit making you moan.
He's always been so good at this. Taking you apart over and over again until you're a shaking, quivering mess. But this? The way he's delving his tongue into your dripping cunt, devouring you as if he needs you to survive, it's another side of him you've never seen before and it's one of the hottest things you've ever experienced with him.
"Fuck... yeah, baby just like that."
Bucky groans and moves back to your clit, sucking it and flicking it with the tip of his tongue. His untouched cock is leaking profusely now. He's determined, desperate to feel you cum, desperate to make you fall over the edge and taste you.
It isn't long until the familiar coil begins to ignite and your legs start to shake from the amount of pleasure your boyfriend is bringing you. Your hands tangle in his hair, pulling it as your hips rock against his mouth.
"Oh, Bucky! Don't stop, baby! Don't you fucking stop... oh, my god...fuck, you're gonna make me cum!"
He moves his tongue faster, tugging at the cuffs and wishing he could grip your luscious thighs.
Your eyes flutter closed and you throw your head back as your orgasm shoots through you like a bolt of lightning. Bucky doesn't stop, and you let him work you through your high until it becomes too much. Finally, you climb off of him and lay on the bed at his side, moving your fingertips up and down his thigh slowly while he breathes heavily.
"Did such a good job for me, baby. You made me cum so hard."
Bucky turns to look at you, "does that mean I can fuck you now?"
You bite your lip and just barely graze his thick shaft.
"Oh, sweetheart, you didn't think it would be this easy, did you? You thought giving me one orgasm would warrant forgiveness for deliberately flirting with someone else in front of me?"
Bucky gasps and whines from your touch, his cock twitching in need.
"Doll, p-please...," his eyes shine with tears and his fists clench and unclench, "I'll never do it again, I promise! Please I...I need you so bad...so bad, baby..."
You kiss his lips and shush him, before carefully straddling his hips. His eyes are wide and needy as he looks up at you, and your heart thuds hard against your ribcage. He's so fucking beautiful like this. All spread out for you. Needy and begging for your touch.
Bucky is so good at being in control when you need him to, but at times like this, he's the prettiest submissive you've ever seen.
"Sit back up for me, honey. I'm going to give you a reward, okay?"
He nods and scoots back up so his back is against the headboard again. He watches as you rise on your knees and reach behind you. His eyes roll back into his head as you wrap your fingers around his cock, and you immediately pull them away.
"Ah, ah, ah...keep those eyes on me, baby."
Bucky nods and you curl your fingers around him again before lining him up with your entrance. You're so wet that you don't even need him to prep you.
Ever so slowly, you sink down on his thick, hard cock. Bucky's so worked up that you can feel him throbbing as you take him to the hilt.
"You're so fucking big, baby. Mmm, you fill me up so well. Does this feel good, sweetheart?"
He shudders and resists the urge to raise his hips so he'll go deeper, "so good...feels so good."
"Is this what you wanted, honey?"
Bucky swallows thickly and lets out a shaky breath.
"Wanna...wanna feel you ride me. Please...please just wanna cum for you."
You cradle his face in your hand and brush the pad of your thumb over his stubble, "only good boys get what they ask for, baby. Besides, I love feeling you just like this. So deep inside me, the head of your pretty cock kissing my cervix, you make me feel so full."
Bucky whimpers and you lean forward to kiss him again, your mouth moving against his slow and sweet.
He kisses you fiercely and you reciprocate with just as much fervor. Bucky could stay like this forever, just drowning in the way you feel around him, in your touch, and your taste.
You pull away and smooth your thumb over his bottom lip, "if I uncuff one of your hands, are you going to be good for me?"
The thought of being able to touch you makes his eyes fill with tears as he nods enthusiastically.
"If you can be a good boy for me I'll ride you, baby."
You reach for the handcuff keys on the bedside table and uncuff his metal hand.
"Rub my clit, baby boy. Make me cum around your cock."
Bucky reaches down to where the two of you are joined and touches the cool metal of his thumb to your bundle of nerves. You gasp at the contrast of temperatures as he begins making tight circles.
"Fuck, Bucky..."
You rock your hips slightly back and forth, cupping your breasts as hot sparks of arousal shoot through you. A low rumble sounds in Bucky’s chest when he feels you clench around his cock, and he has to force himself not to cum.
"God, baby...can feel you squeezing me. Wanna watch you come undone with my cock buried inside of you. Please, princess? Please come for me..."
The way he's begging for you, the feeling of the smooth metal of his gold and black thumb moving over your clit, and how fucking good it feels to have his thick cock stretch you open sends you falling over the edge for a second time. His name tumbles past your lips over and over and spots dance in your vision as you cum hard for him.
You're both panting when you finally open your eyes again. Bucky's shaking, his eyes are still wide and shining as he silently begs for release and you finally, finally give in to him and plant your palms on his chest.
"You've been such a good boy for me, honey. I'm gonna ride this beautiful cock and I want you to tell me how good it feels, but you can't close your eyes. I want you to look at me when you cum."
You know he's not going to last long. Not when you've worked him up this much, so you don't bother starting slow. You move up and down at a steady pace, listening to his needy, desperate moans.
His metal hand grips your hip and helps to guide you as you start to go faster, and you can feel how close he is, his cock throbbing inside of you as his lips part in a silent scream.
"Oh, my god, babydoll... feels so good... m'so close! Gonna cum so hard for you, pretty girl. Please! Please am I allowed to cum? Can't hold it anymore...s'too much...feels too good... please ... please!"
You brush away his tears and lean down to capture his lips in a passionate kiss.
"Fill me up, baby boy. Come on, let go for me. Show me, sweetheart."
Bucky slams you down on his cock and holds you in place as he groans loudly into your neck. His orgasm crashing into him like a tsunami as he nearly sobs in ecstasy.
You pepper kisses all over his face and shush him as he shakes in your arms, sweet nothings falling from your lips as he comes down from his high. Eventually, you move to get up, but he whines and pulls you closer to him.
"I need to uncuff your other hand, honey."
"But I wanna stay inside you...please? Just wanna feel close to you."
Your eyes soften and you free his flesh hand, rubbing his wrist gently.
"We can stay like this as long as you need to, Buck. I'm not going anywhere."
He moves so you're both on your sides and slides his softening cock back inside of you gently. He sighs happily and buries his face in your neck.
"Love you, princess... love you so much," he whispers sleepily.
You kiss his forehead and rub his back tenderly, "I love you too, baby. Close those pretty eyes and sleep for me, okay? I'll be here when you wake up."
It isn't long until you feel his breathing even out, and you continue to hold him close as sleep begins to take you too.
You're happy and safe inside the embrace of the love of your life.
You're home.
Tagging: @buckyalpine @madashatters18 @sarahrogersevans @chrisevansdaughter @nerdygingermoose88 @brandyywar
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
the modern!eddie blurb. contains: drug use, language, mature themes, 18+
eddie sat on the leather couch of steve harrington's mcmansion, bass booming from the bluetooth speakers, blunt hanging loosely out of his mouth. his eyes were half lidded, drooping with every inhale of the weed, inked fingers wrapping around the rolled blunt, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke in front of him.
eddie had been selling in hawkins since he was fifteen. since rick approached him in the park, and offered to help him make some money of his own, selling to some high school kids. he'd get in a lot less trouble if he got caught than rick, plus with the cut he was getting he couldn't turn it down. plus, it was easy. eddie would post a snapchat, a bag of weed and some rolled joints, and his phone would blow up, everyone begging to buy some from him. he'd always charge the rich assholes, like jason carver, more and they were too stupid to know they were being ripped off. most high schoolers were, honestly. he used to overcharge steve too until they became friends, then he sold it to him at regular price, telling him he gave him a 'discount' and steve thought he was the greatest.
eddie had stuck around high school, purposely flunking twice his senior year to keep up his clientele. eddie genuinely believed dab pens were the greatest invention on earth since pornhub. he sold carts left and right, all over hawkins and beyond, making enough money to set him up and keep him rolling steady. once rick started dealing in with some heavier shit, eddie's bank account just kept climbing, venmo balance always full.
that's why he was here tonight. surrounded by a bunch of his 'friends' and people he didn't know or care about. they wanted drugs, and that he had. weed, molly, oxy, adderall- whatever, he had it.
he felt the couch move, a figure moving out of the corner of his eye. he turned his head slowly, exhaling his blunt, eyes trained in a daze on her. he didn't know her, had never seen her before- which was weird for hawkins. she was pouting, nose scrunched in displeasure, furiously typing on her phone, acrylics clacking against the dim screen.
"hey," eddie called. she ignored him. he groaned slowly, scooting down the couch, towards the opposite end where she sat. "hey." he repeated.
"what?" she snapped, eyes narrowed and furious with irritation.
eddie grinned, lazy. "what's the matter, huh?" he asked, throwing his hands out. "you look upset. are you upset?"
she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "do I know you?"
eddie let his eyes roll over her frame, slowly, taking in her features. her little black dress that rode up her thighs. he shook his head, curls bouncing. "nah, I don't think so. do I know you?"
she snarled, looking back down at her phone. eddie smirked. she was mean. god, he loved it. "you're not from here, are you?" he asked.
"obviously not." she huffed, not looking up from her phone.
"where you from?" eddie asked, inhaling his blunt slowly. he offered it to her.
she blinked up at him, unimpressed. "not from here." she scoffed, looking around.
eddie grinned. "yeah, I can tell." he muttered slowly. "you don't look like you're from here." she ignored him. "but you look familiar. like I've seen you before."
she rolled her eyes. "look, I'm just trying to find my friend, alright?" she huffed, looking around. "she's giving me a ride home."
"who's your friend?" eddie asked, inching closer and closer.
she eyed him carefully. "shina." she snapped.
eddie grinned. "I know shina." he smirked. "I know shina real well. went to high school with her."
"yeah, so did everyone else here apparently." she scoffed. "god, is this all you guys do? just hang out with the same people all the time?"
eddie shook his head slowly. "nah. not always. I'm hanging out with you tonight. you're new."
her lips twitched, pressing them together in a tight line. "we are not hanging out."
eddie held his hands out. "I think we are." he grinned.
she snuffed, turning away with a little huff but she didn't get up, din't walk away. eddie grinned, he knew he had a chance. chad walked up before he could continue, wad of bills extended towards him, begging for a cart.
"this is a good strand?" chad asked, slurring slightly.
eddie nodded slow. cool. "yeah. fresh one. new from out in oregon. gotta lot of good feedback. shit's strong tho. cost a little extra tho."
chad shook his head, fisting out more bills. "that's fine. I-I just need something. thanks." he grabbed the pin, hurrying away as eddie pocketed the bills, sliding them in easily into his pocket.
he could feel her eyes on him, trying not to make it obvious that she was watching him. he turned back to her, small grin on his face. she looked over at him, meeting his eyes for the first time of the night. "so you're the drug dealer around here, huh?"
eddie shrugged. "gotta make a livin' somehow baby. only fans wasn't cutting it, had to go to this."
she snorted, a small smile pulling on the edge of her lips. "I'd say so." she bit, but her eyes trailed down his physique, grazing a bit longer than she should.
eddie bit back a smirk, arms spreading on the back of the couch, hand near her shoulder. "so what do you do, huh?" he asked sweetly. "what brings you here?"
she rolled her eyes heavy, grunting. "I work at the mac store in starcourt." she grumbled.
eddie's brows lifted slowly. "the makeup store?" he asked. she nodded. "that's cool. went in there once to get eyeliner."
she lifted a brow, curious and eddie felt himself blush. "I-I mean not that I wear makeup all the time, obviously." her brow lifted even further, accusation. eddie grimaced, straightening his posture. "wait, not that there's anything wrong with guys that do. I- fuck, I'm in a bad and I needed it for my band."
"a band, huh?" she asked, tongue rolling on the inside of her cheek. "eyeliner wearing drug dealer in a... my chemical romance cover band?"
eddie laughed loudly, head tipping back onto the couch. he could see her grin through his lidded eyes, trying to bite back her own smile to keep up her tough, mean appearance.
"shit, that's funny. you're funny." eddie pointed at her playfully with a lopsided smile. "nah, it's called corroded coffin. we play like every once in a while for shits and gigs, honestly. nothing serious just for fun, but... we are on soundcloud so." he shrugged playfully.
she sputtered out a laugh, mean girlish and nasally. he'd gladly be the butt of the joke if it meant she'd stay talking to him. that's why he loved the mean girls, because once you got them laughing they were always so sweet.
"oh god, not soundcloud." she cringed.
eddie smirked, tongue rolling in his mouth. "so, you're a makeup person?" he asked, she nodded. "I can tell. your face looks real pretty." he bit back a smile when she blushed, pretending to look at someone behind her to hide it. "your eyeliner looks a hell of a lot better than mine. I watched a million fucking videos on youtube, and I don't know how they do it. I always stab myself in the eye or my eyes water the whole time after." he was talking exaggeratedly, bubbly and funny in a way that had her smiling, reluctant and a little guarded but genuine.
she was relaxing a little more, moving closer so he could hear her better. "you gotta pinch your nose and sniff." she said simply, tilting her head to the side. "stops the eyes from running."
eddie's brows furrowed, plugging his nose with his fingers. "like this?" he asked, voice nasally and a little high pitched from pinching his airway shut.
she laughed, shaking her head. eddie grinned, dropping his hand. "no, dumbass, you have to... here," she took her manicured nails, reaching over and pinching the bridge of his nose, right on the bone, she squeezed lightly as eddie didn't take his eyes off her, trained on her concentrated gaze. "then you sniff." she said, applying a little bit of pressure.
eddie sniffed hard, making her laugh. "wow, you really are a pro." he grinned. his face was close to her, her full lips nearly touching his.
she shrugged, eyes darting from his lips back to his eyes. "I guess."
eddie could feel his phone buzzing in his pocket, knowing it was probably max asking him where he was- she probably sold out of her supply already-but he ignored it. "you want me to give you a ride home?" eddie suggested.
she scoffed, pulling back. "no thanks. I'll uber."
eddie laughed loudly. "jesus, you really aren't from here are you?" she furrowed her brows. "baby, there is one uber driver in this whole fucking place and he," eddie pointed a long, tattooed finger towards the man, propped against steve's wall, struggling to stand while his friends filmed him. "is right there."
she pouted, hesitating for a moment. eddie stood. "c'mon, I'll give you a ride. pretty sure shina left an hour ago anyways."
she looked at him carefully. "you don't need to stay here? do more business?"
eddie shook his head. "they can come to me if they need it that bad, but I'm straight for the night." he stood slowly, reaching out his hand to her.
she looked at it, unmoving. "I don't even know your name."
eddie grinned. "I'm eddie. what's your name, angel?" her movements stuttered for a moment before she reluctantly told him. "pleasure to meet you. now, you gonna let me give you a ride home?"
she narrowed her eyes at him, glaring before reluctantly taking his hand. "I have my location on, just so you know." she snarled. eddie laughed, leading her through the crowds. "and I'm texting my group chat right now. if I go missing, I'll make sure they go on all the true crime podcasts and make the world hate you."
eddie laughed. "alright. fair enough. you want me to text shina for you? would that make yo feel better?"
her eyes squinted, lips rolling slightly. "maybe." she admitted.
eddie grinned, pulling her out towards his mustang, all black down to the rims and seats. he'd given the van for max when she started working with him, he knew she'd earn herself up to a spot like he did, the way she was raking in cash right now, he was sure she'd pass him.
eddie opened her door, watching her slowly climb in. his phone plugged into the aux, ozzy osbourne's war pigs screaming through the speaker. she lifted a brow again. "wow, I'm shocked."
eddie mimicked her reaction. "yeah? what'd you think I'd listen to?"
she scoffed. "I thought you'd play drake for sure." her eyes rolled over his frame again, legs pressing together at his arm, inked up and flexing against the wheel. "you give kanye vibes honestly."
eddie winced exaggeratedly. "ouch. that's a low blow, baby." he grumbled. she grinned wide. she liked that response. "is it at least old kanye?"
she grinned. "sure."
"graduation?" eddie asked hopefully.
she snorted. "you wish. 808, maybe, that's being generous."
he smirked, looking over at her. she looked back at him, her eyes were softer now, sweeter. they were pretty, lashes framing them through heavy eyeliner. "am I taking a left or a right?" eddie asked at the stop sign.
she shook her head slightly, blinking a few time before turning forward. "right." she pointed.
eddie turned the wheel slow, engine purring when he pulled out. she pursed her lips, studying him for a moment. "you do this a lot, huh?" she asked. he looked at her. "you usually pick up girls at parties, or are you more of a tinder guy?"
eddie barked out a laugh. "baby, I'm only a tinder to sell molly to the sorority chicks before formal and spring break." he purred easily. his eyes met hers, she wasn't convinced. "seriously. I-I don't do this, really."
she hummed, unconvinced. eddie shrugged. "I don't. I don't even let anyone in my car." his eyes cut to hers. "you should consider yourself lucky."
she nodded slowly, contemplating. "I ask shina, is she gonna tell me the same thing?" she challenged.
eddie snorted. "ask your whole little group chat, they'll tell you the same thing." he said.
she scoffed. "what's that?"
"that they buy weed from me. I'm nice, not scary or creepy. I'm sure you'll ask them if I fuck around or if I've ever hit on them, and they'll say no. you'll ask if I have a girlfriend or some other girl, and they'll say no. you'll try to stalk me on instagram or get one of them to send you my shit, because I'm private, and then you'll still be unconvinced." eddie rambled, head rolling to look over at her. "left or right?"
"right." she said, tone back with an edge. he could see her blush in the dim street lights, even through the tinted windows. "so you are a psycho killer then?" she asked, but her tone was playful, teasing. eddie looked at her curiously. "private accounts? what kind of psycho is private on insta?"
"the kind of psycho who doesn't want people in his shit." eddie grinned.
she smirked back. "so if I requested to follow you, would you accept my request?"
eddie snorted. "how do I know you're not the psycho?" he teased.
"because my insta isn't private." she laughed.
eddie smiled. "yeah, I'd let you follow me." he nodded, hands gripping the wheel tight, he felt his heart race. "I'd even follow you back."
"how sweet." she cooed playfully, pointing towards her apartments.
eddie pulled into the spot in front of the building, putting the car in park. she hesitated for a moment, looking down at her hands. she didn't want to leave, he could tell. it made his heart leap a little, he didn't want her to leave either.
"thanks for taking me." she said, eyes meeting his with a softness he was surprised to see. "thanks for not killing me too."
eddie grinned. "you're welcome." he tilted his head to the side. "you need a cart, a blunt, anything before you go? last chance before me and my goodies are gone for the night."
she smiled. "would you roll it for me if I got a blunt?"
eddie swallowed hard. her voice changed into something sweet, intoxicating. her eyes rounded, batting when they met his. he was sure she was trying to get something for free, that's what the rational side of him screamed, but his heart was hammering.
"I'll roll it for ya, yeah." eddie nodded.
she giggled, looking up at the apartments. "you wanna come up with me? we can share it if you want." she offered. eddie froze. "if you don't have other girls or drug lord things to get to, I just..." she sighed heavily. "I like talking to you. you're like the first guy I've met here who isn't a total gross loser fuckboy." she snarled her nose.
eddie smirked. "that's high praise coming from you." she giggled again, and eddie's stomach turned. "I like talkin' to you too." he admitted, head tilting to the side sweetly. he could see her blush.
eddie pushed out of the car, quicker and more eager than he meant to, waiting for her to get out before he locked the door, following her up the creaking wooden steps.
they sat on her couch that night, he rolled the blunt and she opened the windows, passing it back and forth slowly, exchanging little stories and details about each other between them. she put on rick and morty, and eddie was sure she was his soul mate.
when he kissed her that night, slow and sweet on her couch, the glow of the sunrise peeking in through her shades, he was sure she was his soul mate. his twin flame or whatever weird shit machine gun kelly said; he kinda got it now. she fucked him nice and slow, riding him on her couch before she brought him to her room, letting him sleep there for the night, their shared blunt dwindling down in the living room, her back on his chest in her small bed.
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unamused-boss · 1 year
Good energy
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Okay. This is my first ever fic on here, so I do appreciate polite criticism pls! Plus I've read almost everything for every character I am unhealthy obsessed with... sooo here we go!
Billy Hargrove x Fem Reader
(Billy might be a bit OC in this)
Warnings: strong language, under age drinking
Summary: When Billy moved to Hawkins Indiana he expected rednecks, hicks, and cows. Which he did see and was very much disappointed with. But that was until he sees some color pop out of no where one night in Hawkins.
Billy was spending his time in Hawkins as patiently as he could, which was close to none. The people were bland, the school was bland, and the weed was bland. 'God I want out of here' was a common thought that crossed his mind through out his day. Between having to deal with his shit-bird of a step-sister Max and with the ass kissing wannabes that do nothing but stick to his ass. All Billy wanted to do was go back to California. The sunsets, the beaches, the waves, the girls, all of it he wanted it all back. The only slight enjoyment he got was when he took the title as 'King' from 'King Steve'.
Currently Billy is walking out to his camaro, wait on his bitch of a sister, drive as fast he can home, hopefully avoid everyone in his house, then go out and get drunk in someone else's backyard. But the universe had other ideas... those idea's being Tommy fucking Hagan. He saw him running up to him from a mile away.
"You gotta be shitting me." Billy muttered irritatedly leaning against his car. Billy to a long drag of his cigarette, hoping for some relief.
"Hey Billy!" Tommy slightly shouted, he seemed somewhat winded from his short run. " You got plans tonight?"
"No, what's it to you?" Billy replied, taking another drag from his cigarette.
"Well there is gonna be a party down by the quarry tonight." Tommy said with a grin on his face.
"Okay? So what's that gotta do with me?" He was getting irritated now. Not only was Max running late but Tommy was still here.
"Harrington's got some girl coming with him, probably his rebound from Princess Wheeler..." That perked Billy's interest, making Steve miserable is his favorite thing to do. "So, what do ya say Hargrove?"
Billy stood still for a minute. No expression on his face only throwing his cigarette on the ground and snubbing it out.
"Count me in... Can't wait to steal Harrington's new girl." Billy laughed as he moved to the driver's seat of his car.
'little shit can skate home' He thought as his car roared out of the parking lot.
On the other side of town at the Chadwick (that will be your last name... sorry not sorry) residence...
Steve was pacing a hole into the floor as his childhood best friend went through her clothes.
"Do you seriously want to go with me tonight? I mean you moved away when you were in sixth grade now you're back... and I mean NOTHING has changed!" Steve was stressing way to much about one party, that being your first party back in Hawkins.
"Steve I'll be fine, the energy that you are putting off right now is not good." You smiled to him. "Good energy will come to you if you let it, you love parties what's got you so worked up plus you've changed for the better."
"That right there! This hippie shit is what is wrong!"
"Steve. If you're gonna worry about me like some mom don't come with me then okay." You didn't want to hurt his feelings but you wanted to have fun. "I get they are all judgy and whatever other adjective you used on the car ride over here, but I don't care. I like who I've become, so "this hippie shit" is trying to decide on the flowing warm skirt or the flowing purple pants!"
"I just don't want you to get mixed into the wrong people." Steve retorted.
"And I won't. I get the you broke things off with all of your old friends and who ever this Billy guy is but you don't have to protect me." You reassured.
"Fine." Steve sighed. "And go with the skirt it will look better with the top."
You smiled to him. "Thank you Steve... now get out I gotta change."
Steve made his way to get out of your room for you to get ready. "Yeah Yeah whatever."
. . .
The time was currently 12:39 am. While the party in the quarry has been going on for quit some time now. Many of the familiar faces of the so called popular crowd made their way in, those faces being Tommy, Billy, Tina, Carol, and among a few others. Billy was buzzed. It may not be a back yard but at least he'd get drunk at the end of the night. Music was blasting from some dude's portable speakers. There was a bonfire lighting the night away. Everyone was either dancing or talking, a few were some were throwing up in the bush. Billy was about to down another drink when Tommy came hurdling right into his back.
"What the hell Hagan." Billy shouted not only for him to hear him but also out of anger.
"Harrington's here with his new girl." He laughed. "You gotta see her, Carol come over here!" Tommy ran and in quick follow so did Carol. Billy sauntered his way over, with what little drink he had left, to where the two love birds perched themselves. And that is when Billy Hargrove saw a burst of color. There she was. She didn't dress like anyone else in Hawkins (Think Stevie Nicks Style). 'She couldn't be from this shit hole. Her hair was frizzy and a but unruly. Her skin glowed with the warm light. The clothes held to each curve of her body but flowed so elegantly as she walked. Who is this babe, not chic she's to pretty to be called a chic, and why was she with Harrington.' All these thoughts pondered Billy's mind.
"Holy shit." Carol said. Tommy and Billy can bot clearly see the shock on her face.
"What?" Tommy questioned, "Do you know her?"
"That's Y/N Chadwick! She moved in the sixth grade!" Slapping Tommy's arm. He gave no response only to be in more shock than Carol.
"Ain't no way... she looks great." That comment got a direct and aggressive response from Tommy. To which he responded with a vocal "Ow!?".
With you and Steve, you guys were just strolling by the bonfire. A cup of jungle juice in your hand with Steve was cupless due to being the driver of the night.
"So first party back in Hawkins, how does it feel?" Steve asked.
"Pretty far out, kinda better than any party from the city." You answered joyfully. To be honest you were happy to be back in Hawkins. City life was fun but it was getting to be to much for you.
"STevE!" An uneven voice yelled out across the rocky yard from us. You saw a girl with bangs and a bob cut calling over to Steve. Clearly she has had her fair share of alcohol.
"Hey Robin!" Steve responded. " You don't mind if I go talk to her do you?"
"No, go have fun!" You cheered. " Go flow, relax!"
"Good energy." Steve gritted through his teeth with a smile as he made his way over to this Robin girl. While you stayed right by the fire with your drink.
Billy saw his opportunity, you were alone and he could talk to you with Steve out of the way. Billy made his way over to you by the bonfire. You look to the guy that has just appeared beside you in the moment.
"Hey." He said it very smoothly.
"Hello." You respond with a sweet smile. Billy could just stare at you smiling. 'Come on man... you just met her get it together.' Billy thought.
"I've never seen you around before, I'm Billy." As Billy introduced himself, he took a step forward to close some space between the both of you. You ,however, stayed where you stood just smiling to the guy Steve was telling you about.
"So you're Billy." You grinned to him. 'God why do the jerks have to be so pretty'. "Steve mentioned you a few times but he didn't tell me how handsome you were."
"Well at least you get the in person experience." Billy answered, " So from what I've heard you have returned to Hawkins."
"Yes I have, what's it to you?" You questioned with a grin.
"Well sweetheart I wanna get to know you, I get you moved back but I am no longer the new kid on the block."
"Well what do you wanna know?" He is trying to be sly. You wanna see were this plays into. His eyes glance behind you.
"If you're gonna ask me if I'm dating Steve you would be wrong." You stated. "He was my best friend as a kid that I kept in contact with, plus he has a lot of stressed energy."
"So you're a hippie girl?" Billy said it as if he was fascinated by you. " Could you tell me what my energy is?"
"You're very hostile." You answered. "You are very tense, you have not relaxed since you have started talking with me. If this is some front you're putting on... I don't dig it." Billy was stunned.
"I'm not putting up any front." He retorted.
"Billy you seem like you have a lot of inner conflict with yourself, and don't try to say other wise." You said. "I already know about the stuff you've done around here and to Steve."
"What?" Billy is confused. "I thought you were into me but now you're giving me this psychoanalysis shit." Billy was clearly getting frustrated with you. So much so it was able to catch Steve's attention.
"Listen, I get some of the stuff I say is weird but I'm not wrong and you know it..." You said. "And I am into you but not if this front you're putting is what I'm getting."
Billy could not believe it. He was getting rejected, rejected by a beautiful girl. ' What the hell'...
"Billy." She cuts him out of his thoughts. "I would love you get to know you if you let me." She stepped closer this time, gently placing her fingers into his. She looked to him, he wants to answer but words aren't coming out of his mouth. 'Say something stupid... anything.'
"How about next Saturday, at 6... good for you?" He said this more gently this time. His frustration and building agitation was gone now.
"I would like that Billy." You answered with a smile, a smile that caused Billy to return. It was like a moment was set in place for you both. Billy could no longer hear the laughing or music, all he was looking at was you. There was something different about you, in a good way. Billy wants to know what that is. Your somewhat romantic moment was busted when a certain head of hair popped up next to you.
"Do we have a problem, Hargrove?" Steve asked. Not only did he get too distracted that Billy walked up to you but he seemed to have been in a sort of deep conversation with you. If you can call it that.
"No. No Harrington we're all good here, right sweetheart." Billy answered, he grinned.
"Yeah, we're fine Steve... I'll see you later Billy." You walked away with Steve. Well more like Steve dragging you to his car to leave after the interaction. You gave a small wave to Billy as you were dragged away.
"What was that all about?" Tommy asked drunk and confused.
"I think I got a date." Billy answered still looking off to were you left. In that moment Billy Hargrove had a thought he never thought he would have... 'I hope this works out.'
When you and Steve reached his car, he instantly went to mom mode.
"What was that about!" Steve shouted, frazzled at the look and thought of the two of you interacting.
"I think I have a date." You giggled. Steve paused...
Okay so I'm gonna end it right there. Please tell me what you think, I would love to hear feed back. As well as what to do to improve myself.
Thank you so much for reading!
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
Everything the Light Touches (18+) - Chapter Fourteen
Mafia!Bucky x F!Reader
chapter warnings: language, smoking, angst (obvs, and boy is it angsty.)
a/n: in response to last chapter: Bucky Barnes is a dummy. a well and true dummy. now let’s see some of the fallout.
Series Masterlist
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Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck. You let him kiss you. You let. James Buchanan Barnes. Kiss you. I thought we were mad at him!? What’s going on!? You let him. Kiss you. After he told the whole world you were engaged! After he told you that you would get to choose when and how the announcement took place. That was a public claiming!!! Are you even listening to your internal monologue right now!?!? Hellooooooooo!?!?!?
No. No you were not listening to your internal monologue. You were too busy focusing on two pillow soft lips moving against yours instead of your brain firing all sorts of warning signs to stop. That is until Bucky ended the kiss with a light peck and began to lean back, both your chests heaving as if coming up for air after a deep dive into the ocean. Yeah the ocean that is Bucky Barnes’ eyes, holy fuck they’ve gotten bluer. A small shake of your head brought you back to reality. In fact it brought you back to reality at lightning speed. You broke apart as quickly as you could without looking suspicious but continued to stare at Bucky just a little longer. He looked just as confused as you if not a little…needy? No that can’t be right. 
Another beat of silence and Bucky cleared his throat and wrapped his arm around your waist, tugging you into his tight hold his thumb rubbing light circles on your hip, causing you to hold back a full body shiver. People were starting to come up and congratulate the two of you left and right. Your brain was running a mile a minute and cycling through every emotion possible until Natasha came up and spoke.
“Alright alright, let’s give the lovebirds some space. I’m sure you’ll be able to talk to them some other time. Let them enjoy their night, move along folks. Move along,” as she ushered people away from the two of you Bucky moved his hand to gingerly take yours and started walking the two of you towards the VIP section. Two more steps and you would have made it if it wasn’t for the six foot plus golden retriever of a brick wall blocking your path with his arms folded over his chest.
Steve had a look on his face, one that you couldn’t quite read but it was one that brought Bucky to a screeching halt. An almost imperceptible shake of his head had bucky guiding you towards the back entrance of The Underworld instead of the VIP section as he muttered something under his breath that sounded eerily like “crazy fucking person” as he pulled out his phone to send a text.
Within seconds of walking out the back door of The Underworld, Peter was there with the car to take the two of you back to the apartment. When the door shut to the car Bucky dropped your hand, the illusion that you two were a happy and oh-so-in-love couple finally dropping. The two of you rode home in silence with only the light music of Peter’s choosing playing in the background. You could practically hear Bucky’s teeth grinding and you chanced a look up at him once or twice, noticing his focus was solely on the streets of Manhattan slipping by and nowhere else.
 So you sat. And you stewed. You stewed in the annoyance and irritation of Bucky going off-script and telling everyone at the club that the two of you were engaged. You stewed in the confusion of your body’s reaction to the kiss. It had been over ten years since Bucky had kissed you last and while you knew you were going to have to kiss him at least once or twice during your marriage you didn’t expect it to come that early. And. You stewed in the sadness of a life that had passed. A life of love and joy that seemed so far fetched in your current reality that you had to brush your hand over your eye to remove an escaped tear. But you sat in the silence. And walked through the threshold of your home with Bucky without saying a word, Alpine being the only one to say anything as she greeted the two of you with a chirping meow.
Bucky shut the door behind the two of you and stood there in uneasy silence. You were certain he was getting ready to dismiss you and head off to his room, when he surprised you. Bucky reached out slowly to take your hand and guided you to the living room to sit on the couch. You thought he was going to take the seat next to you, but he surprised you again. Bucky Barnes knelt to the ground in front of where you sat ever so slowly making sure to look you in the eyes the whole time. Your breathing hitched as you watched him to sink to your eye level but that was nothing compared to what he did next. Bucky cleared his throat, and spoke softly but firmly as he looked you in the eyes.
“Y/N, there are many things that I have needed to do for the last ten years, and especially these last couple weeks, that I have been too weak to do. But that ends tonight because I’ve consistently fucked up in a way that I’m not certain will ever deserve your forgiveness. But I need to do this. And I hope, that when I’ve said what I need to say, that we can at least go through this marriage as friends. That doesn’t have to start right away, but that is my end goal.” 
You swallowed hard, taking in Bucky’s words and realizing what he was getting ready to do. He was still kneeling in front of you, waiting you to give him the go ahead to continue, so you nodded slowly and he took a deep breath, eyes closed, before continuing. 
“Y/N L/N, I need to apologize first and foremost. For ten years ago, and all the years that have passed without an apology or explanation. I know it’s not enough to say that I was a kid, hardly an adult, but that’s what I was. I was a kid that was scared of the threats your parents made and how it would affect my family. Ivan had just been killed not long before and we were still dealing with the fallout of that. We’d also learned not long before the meeting with your parents that Pierce and his men were behind it,” you inhaled sharply and felt the burn of tears grow in your eyes as you took in what Bucky was saying. The knowledge that your best friend’s father had been murdered by someone your family was connected to burned even more. 
Bucky looked to you to make sure you were okay before continuing, “for some reason, I thought that by leaving you and listening to your parents that I would be able to keep all those I loved safe. Natasha, Steve, my ma and dad, and you. I thought that it would keep you safe. There was a part of me that was also angry.” His voice was trembling and his hands shaking by his side, you could see the emotions on his face and hear them bubbling up in his voice, so you reached your hand out slowly to grab his with a reassuring squeeze and he continued.
“But my anger was misplaced. Because a part of me was angry with you. The way your parents spoke about your role in their plan, it made it seem like you were involved. Like you had knowledge of their connections with Pierce, like you knew who had killed Ivan Romanoff and like you knew we were only temporary. And I took it at face value. And for that I am so sorry. I am so sorry for immediately believing your parents. For not going to my own father to try and figure out the truth, hell for not going to YOU. I’m sorry for practically forcing you into exile. If I had spent just a little bit of time and energy finding out the truth I would’ve saved you from years of heartbreak and resentment. I had no right to be angry with you since I never tried to learn the truth from you. I shouldn’t have made Steve, Sam and Natasha leave you in the dust. But at the time it felt like the only way I could save us.” His voice cracked and you swore you saw tears beginning to well up in his eyes as you felt your own beginning to spill over.
Bucky pulled his hand out of your grip for a moment to brush them away with his thumb. The feel of Bucky’s hand on your face sent electricity shooting through your body but you tried not to focus on that sensation as he moved his hand to cup your chin.
“And somewhere in my mind, I thought I was saving you too. Your parents not only threatened me and my family if I didn’t leave you but they threatened you as well. They told me they would make your life hell. And I believed them. I threatened them right back though. I told them if I found out that they’d hurt you in any way I would burn their entire world to the ground. Little did I know, I’d hurt you. Me. All thanks to them. And all thanks to my own stupidity. And I know I can never apologize enough for that. But I need to. I need you to know how much my heart has hurt ever since that day. And it’s mostly my own fault. I know that. But I have not had a moment of peace this past decade because my thoughts were constantly plagued by the fact that I hurt you. And that I would never get to tell you why. Or apologize. So in this moment, Y/N, I want to apologize. But I also want you to know how grateful I am to have this opportunity to apologize. And while it came with a massive ‘but’ I will do the best I can to try and make everything up to you. In some shape or form.” 
You waited for Bucky to catch his breath, his own tears starting to spill over slightly and you focused your attention to the tracks they were making down his cheeks. When you spoke you could tell it wasn’t what Bucky was expecting. 
“Join me on the balcony for a smoke?”
Bucky looked at you, confusion evident in his eyes as he slowly nodded and moved out of the way to allow you space to get off the couch. You reached into your purse on the side table to grab your cigarettes and lighter and followed Bucky outside.
The night was quiet, well as quiet as night in the city that never sleeps can get. You offered a cigarette to Bucky who accepted it and your light with care before pulling it to his lips as you mirrored his movements. The two of you stood on the porch in silence for a moment, carefully flicking ash off the end of your cigarette before turning to face him once more. 
“I’m partially inclined to accept your apology, James. But I have a question of my own. Namely, if you have felt so guilty for so long why did you act like such a complete asshole the few times we’ve interacted with each other when I got back to the city?”
You could see the gears turning in Bucky’s head as he thought about his answer, taking a long drag on his cigarette before answering. 
“At the time, I hadn’t received proof that you didn’t know about your parents and their plot. When I saw you at the club that first night I was still under the impression that you were involved. And seeing you and Liam together? It felt like the final piece of the puzzle falling into place. I acted like a child. I acted like a fucking bully. And I can’t take back my actions or my words. They exist and at the time I said them with full conviction. But I can apologize for them. I thought I was justified in saying what I said when I wasn’t. I was still operating off my preconceived notions. And that was fucking stupid of me. I’m sorry for the things I have said and done recently, Y/N. They never should’ve been said, you can feel free to call me a huge fucking idiot.”
You huffed out a chuckle before taking a drag on your own cigarette and responding, “you’re a huge fucking idiot, James,” Bucky chuckled mirthlessly  but allowed you to continue, “and I’m going to be an adult here. I’m going to forgive you.” The words you spoke pulled a visceral reaction from both yourself and Bucky. You could practically feel your heart splintering as you allowed your body to feel all the emotions you’d tried to keep locked up over the years. Bucky was staring wide-eyed, you knew he wasn’t expecting to be forgiven that quickly. But you were fucking tired.
“Just because I’m forgiving you doesn’t mean that you get to quit trying to make it up to me. You fucked up, James. You well and truly fucked up and there’s no getting around that. But I’m giving you a chance to make it up to me. A chance to prove yourself. A chance to prove that you truly were just a dumbass of a nineteen year old who thought that ghosting the love of his life was the best decision. Because you lost me in the decision, James. But I lost my best friends. A family that loved me. The man I loved and thought I'd make my own family with one day. And you have to work to reach your end goal of us becoming friends again. Because I’m not going anywhere until Pierce and all his men are gone. We have a lot of work to do. But I’m willing to put in the work. The question is, are you?”
You leveled Bucky with your best. “Stark Industries Lawyer” stare, a stare you’d been told could probably level whole fucking towns if you tried. He gulped, audibly and visibly gulped, before nodding his head in affirmation and responding, “I am. And I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I don’t deserve your willingness to work on this. And I probably never will. But I will do my fucking damndest to change that. I really am so sorry Y/N.” You could tell he was speaking sincerely and you opened your mouth to respond when you were cut off by a banging knock on the front door echoing on the balcony. Your gaze locked with Bucky’s as he hastily put out his cigarette and sprinted into the apartment, you snuffed out yours and did the same. As you approached him you realized that Bucky had scooped up Alpine on his way to the coffee table and thrust the small white cat in your direction as he retrieved a pistol and nodded his head towards the closet, a nonverbal cue for you to take Alpine and hide.  You were scurrying towards the closet and he was walking slowly to the front door, gun raised, when the knocking started again, this time accompanied by a loud voice yelling.
Winnifred Barnes. Winnifred Barnes was threatening to kick down the door to your penthouse apartment. You and Bucky breathed out twin sighs of relief as he went to unchain and open the front door for his parents. Winnie’s eyes widened as she saw Bucky standing before her, laying the gun on the entry table, before she turned around the George and practically screech-whispered, “HE PULLED A GUN ON HIS MOTHER. DID YOU SEE THAT GEORGE!?”
“Ma, come inside. All I heard was a banging on the door, not your voice. I didn’t know who it was. It’s late. Nobody knocks like that late at night,” Bucky started before Winnie was pushing past him into the apartment, George following as he massaged his temples and looked like he’d rather be anywhere else than here. 
“Whatever you say James. We need to speak. We heard about your little act at The Underworld,” Winnie began before catching sight of you and Alpine just around the corner. Her features softened slightly before she turned her anger on Bucky again. But George interfered just in time.
“What your mother is trying to say, James. Is that we all know that you had promised Y/N to break the news of the engagement however and whenever she wanted. You forced her hand. You told anyone that would listen tonight that you and her were together without any care of how this might affect her from here on out.”
“I’m sorry, where did you two hear this anyway? Has the news already made it through the rumor mill to your friends orrrrrr-?” Bucky questioned, genuinely trying to understand where and how his parents knew. 
“Steven told us. He thought we probably needed to know about this before it ended up on some gossip pages or running through Pierce’s territory,” George spoke somewhat sourly.
You could see Bucky grinding his teeth at the news that Steve had told his parents but a part of you was grateful for Steve watching out for you. You knew that this was Steve’s way of letting George know that something had gotten out of hand and he wanted to make sure you had extra protection if necessary. 
“That was practically a PUBLIC CLAIMING JAMES. Your father and I taught you better than that! We taught you to be respectful, caring, and that is the OPPOSITE of what this is!” Winnie was working herself up again, and from where you were standing you were about two seconds from witnessing a Barnes Family Nuclear War. So you made a split-second decision to speak up.
“Jamie didn’t mean it like that!”
The room froze. George and Winnie looking at you curiously. And Bucky looking at you like you’d just proven that unicorns existed. It took you a moment to realize why they were looking at you like that. And then it hit you. 
You’d called him Jamie.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hey first off I love your work it’s soooooo good bruh
But I had this image in my head were Erwin smith is head of a huge company or organization with a little mafia or like gangster work on the side lol
But the reader is like his sweet little clumsy bubbly assistant and is kind of like the only one who understands him basically but he still sleeps around with a bunch of girls until one incident we’re he shows up to her doorstep injured and beaten and she nurses him back to health for like a week and he basically falls in love with her hard and he confesses to her and apologizes about the girls it’s all fluff and some smutt👀
I think this sounds so random😭 it popped in my head sorry if it may seem a little hard to understand English isn’t my first language😂
Hello anon, thank you so much for your kind words. This one sounds fun to make! Your English is incredible. Small change I'm making, I'm not gonna put in Erwin sleeping around as I think it is very him. We assume he does because he's around a lot of women, but he doesn't. Hope that's okay!
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My Assistant
Pairing: Erwin x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, CEO and gangster Erwin, fluff, romance, falling in love, confessions, possessive Erwin, mentions of blood, pet names, suggestive themes, some smut, on top of the clothes stuff, grinding, fem orgasm.
Concept: Erwin, your boss, turns up at your apartment in the middle of the night covered in cuts and bruises. You welcome him in, clean him up and take care of him as he heals up. While spending time with you, Erwin's feelings for you that he'd pushed deep down inside of him bubble up. He confesses his love for you and reassures you.
Note for readers: I have removed the part where he sleeps around. I have mentioned this in the above note, but I wanted to mention it again.
Tagging Erwin simp @ladycheesington
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You almost fell out of bed at someone banging on your door. You yanked on your dressing gown and danced around your excited cat a bit before rushing to the door. You unlocked it and peered around the door to see your boss standing there holding his right arm with blood, cuts and bruises on his body.
Your eyes widened. "Mr Smith?"
Erwin smirked at you as he took you in. You looked so cute to him in your night things and messy bed hair. "Hey, Doll. Mind letting me in? I need a bit of help."
You blushed at the pet name he always gave you that you just adored. "Let me unlatch." You closed the door, took the latch off and then opened it for him. "Be mindful of Steve."
Erwin always felt a little annoyed when you mentioned Steve. Erwin felt this twinge of irritation in the past and now. He was a bit jealous that Steve was the light of your life. He had told people you loved Steve a lot. He knew he probably had to wear Steve's clothes too.
He smiled when he saw a black cat running over to him meowing happily. "Oh, hello little guy."
You shouted from your bedroom. "I'm just changing and I'll be with you!"
He sat down on a dining chair and grunted. "Okay." He chuckled as your cat rubbed himself against him. "So cute."
You hurried back in a long shirt and shorts. "Sorry, okay let's have a look at you." You cupped Erwin's face and blushed under his intense gaze. "I think right now he looks worse than it is. You need a shower. I'll have a look for some clothes."
Erwin followed you into your bedroom. He looked around and eyed a few of your things. "Thanks for the help. Sorry I just turned up and disturbed you and Steve."
You hummed a laugh. "It's okay, Mr Smith."
"Erwin, please."
You smiled shyly. "Of course, Erwin."
His heart fluttered in delight. "I better wash up."
"I'll get your clothes and my medkit."
He paused a moment. "Thank you for not asking me questions."
"Erwin, you work a lot and there are things you do at work that I don't understand. I'm just your assistant and if you tell me to do something or help you, I'll do it." You saw him raise a brow. "Within reason. Don't push your luck."
He chuckled. "Naturally." He slipped into the bathroom and wondered how Steve would feel about him being there. He washed up and checked himself out in the mirror. "Hm, not as bad as I thought."
"Steve! Don't nibble on the carpet."
Erwin frowned at your voice. "Carpet?"
"My goodness, Mr, how many times."
He wrapped a towel around him and walked out. He wanted to show off his muscle to you and Steve. He wanted you to throw away Steve and pick him. Erwin had deep feelings for you and he kept them hidden because of Steve, but now he was in your home and hearing his name he couldn't fight much longer.
You turned to face Erwin and blushed hard when you saw the towel riding low on his hips. "Erwin."
He moved closer to you. "Steve causing issues?"
You gulped hard. "He's harmless." You cleared your throat. "Clothes. I got you some."
"I'll wear Steve's things."
You turned and stared at Erwin. "Huh?"
"I'll wear his stuff."
You frowned. "Uh...are you sure?"
You laughed a little before walking to a box on a shelf. "Okay, if you say so." You walked back over and showed Erwin a little bowtie and a cute cape. "Not sure which one will fit you."
Erwin stared at them. "What in the world are those?"
"Steve's clothes. He wears the bow on fancy occasions and a cape on Halloween." You giggled and looked down at your black cat. "You look like a cute gentleman, don't you Steve?"
Erwin stared at your cat. "Steve is your cat?"
Erwin felt incredibly stupid. He was an intelligent man who ran a massive company and led a gang and yet, he thought Steve your cat was your boyfriend who'd stolen your heart. He was jealous all this time over a cat. "Steve."
You hummed a laugh. "That's him."
He had pushed his feelings down because he wanted you to be happy, but his jealousy had gotten strong recently. "Steve."
You picked up your cat and put his bowtie on. "Isn't he snazzy?"
Erwin ruffled his wet hair. "He's very handsome."
You giggled and put him down. "I'll get those clothes for you. I have like guy's clothes I've bought for comfort and it should fit you, but it might be tight across your muscles."
"I'm okay with that."
You smiled and grabbed the clothes. "Here. You know, you after a shower it doesn't look too bad."
"Wait until tomorrow."
You made Erwin a nice coffee just how he liked it and made some soup as well. You brought it over and waited for Erwin to return to you. Your heart raced when he returned to you in your tight clothes. "Oh, I'm sorry it's too tight."
Erwin sat at your dining table. "It's not. They're comfy."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah." He wasn't lying. He liked your clothes being snug and it smelt of you. "Thank you."
You put his food and drink in front of him. "Enjoy while I patch you up."
"Appreciate it."
You cleaned up his hands one after another, before tending to his face. Once he was cleaned up there you had to do a lot of work to his right arm. You sighed and felt frustrated with him that he got himself so badly hurt. You wanted to tell him off and ask him to be more careful, but you had no place to say that.
Erwin gazed at you as you sighed. "Something wrong?"
You shook your head. "It's all okay."
"You sure?"
He took your hands and massaged them. "Talk to me."
You gripped his hands and pouted. "I'm just annoyed and worried. What the hell did you do to get yourself into this mess? I'm worried sick."
He smiled softly. "You're worried about me? So, you care about me."
You whined. "I do."
He kissed your hands. "How sweet."
You pulled your hands away. "You should call your girlfriend about this." You stood up and cleaned the table. "What number are you on now?"
He followed you into your kitchen. "I don't have a girlfriend right now. I've only had two and I left both because one wanted my money and the other got herself into danger on purpose so I'd save her."
You turned to him. "You're just a CEO."
"I organise a gang."
You opened and closed your mouth in thought before humming. "Right...wait, so you got hurt due to gangs?"
"Yes. I got into a fight, but I won. I needed help and all I could think about was you."
You smiled. "Really?"
He caressed your cheek. "Really."
You leaned into his touch before pulling away. "I can't fall for this like all the other women."
"What other women?"
"You sleep around, I know that. I don't want to judge your life, but I don't want to be added to the count."
Erwin walked up behind you. "There is no list. There is no number. I don't sleep around." He sighed. "I find the concept rather pointless and disgusting."
You turned around and backed up quickly when you saw how close to you Erwin was. You bumped into the counter as your heart raced. "Erwin, I...I'm sorry I accused you of...it's just...people talk..."
He placed his hands on the counter on either side of your body. "Jealous people spread rumours. I've had a lot of things said about me due to me rejecting people and proposals and just being a CEO."
"That's pretty shit."
"It is. It gets in the way of a lot of things." He sighed. "Like I heard Steve was your boyfriends and not a cat."
You nibbled your lip. "Ah."
He pulled back from you. "Do you mind if I stay over? I'll use your sofa."
"Oh, sure things but Steve might sleep on you."
"I'm okay with that. I think I can get along with him now I know he's not a boyfriend."
You blushed when you saw Erwin scoop up Steve and happily pet him. You got Erwin some blankets and a pillow before wishing him goodnight and heading to your bed.
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Erwin sat back as you changed the bandages on his arm. He was rather happy that the past few days you'd been acting like a married couple. He did a lot around your apartment and the way you doted on him made his heart skip a beat. He enjoyed cooking together, cleaning and watching movies snuggled up on the sofa. One night you even fell asleep on him.
He looked down at your work and smiled. "Thank you."
You tied it in placed and massaged his arm. "It's healing, but it is slow."
"Mm, well that's my fault."
You frowned a little. "How?"
"I'm willing it to heal slowly so I can stay longer with you."
You giggled at his flirting words. "You're a big flirt. You've been getting worse and worse."
He pulled you closer. "I can't help myself. You're so smart, cute, funny, sexy and adorable. I just want to eat you up."
He smirked. "Doll." He nuzzled the crook of your neck making you giggle so sweetly. "Mm, so warm and you smell like lemons."
"Thank you."
He pulled back and sighed. "I will get the dinner tonight, okay?"
You nodded. "If you're sure."
He kissed your neck. "Be right back."
You watched him approach your door. "Okay, see you in a bit."
He paused by the door and smirked. "You're gonna miss me?"
You looked away. "N-No."
"I'll miss you."
You whined. "Okay, I will."
Erwin left your apartment and felt like he was now your lover living with you. He had clothes there now and a few of his things. He felt like he'd moved in. He didn't want to leave you, in fact, he wanted you to live with him in his penthouse. He wanted to take care of you and shower you with love and affection. Erwin was going to confess his love during dinner tonight.
He bought a few things for a nice Italian meal, along with flowers and chocolates. He even bought you a cute necklace. He gathered his things and made his way back to you. He felt his heart fluttering at the thought of you. He wanted to kiss you and hold you all night long. He wanted to make love to you from sunset to sunrise. He wanted to hear you moan his name. He wanted you as his.
Erwin was feeling possessive of you. He wanted you all to himself. He didn't want any other men to have you. He loved you so much that it controlled all his actions. He lived and breathed you. He knew he was a bit crazy, but he didn't care because you were so incredible.
He slipped into your place and smiled at Steve meowing at him. "Hey buddy, I'm home. Where's your mummy?" He looked up when he heard you running over. "Hello, Doll."
Your eyes lit up at seeing Erwin. "Welcome home! Are you okay? You didn't get hurt or anything?"
"I'm perfectly fine."
You sighed. "Oh good. Was it a nice trip?" You took one of the bags and moved it to the kitchen.
Erwin followed you. "Was okay. Would have been better with you."
"That's the intention."
You gazed at Erwin. "Sorry?"
He moved closer. "I said, that was my intention. I am flirting with you and I have been for a while." He snaked his hand over your waist and pulled you closer. "I hope there is no man in your life because if there is I will make him disappear. I want to be the only man in your life. I will take care of you and love you every single day. I will give you anything you want and desire. I love you." He leaned closer and said your name. "I am deeply and madly in love with you."
You flushed red. "Erwin...do...do you mean that all?"
He yanked your body against his and growled. "I do. You have no idea how crazy I am about you. I want you as mine. I adore you so much." He tapped his forehead against yours. "Please say you love me too."
You gripped his shirt. "I do. I really do. I love you, Erwin. I've loved you for a while, but I held back because I thought you wouldn't. I believed the rumours. I want to be with you too."
He panted a little as his excitement took over. "Can I kiss you?"
"Please do."
Erwin crashed his lips against yours with intense passion. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and moaned with you as your tongues moved together. He lifted you up and sat you on your counter as you clung to Erwin. He hummed in happiness as you wrapped your legs around him and pulled him closer to you. He felt you move your hips against him, so he moved his.
You shoved your fingers in his soft blonde hair and tugged roughly causing Erwin to growl. You pulled from Erwin's lips and moaned in delight as he nibbled and licked your neck. You moaned as he bit and sucked hard on your skin. You squeaked when he spanked his hand onto your bum and gripped roughly.
You panted as he kept moving against you. "Erwin, you feel so good." You moaned as he rubbed so perfectly against you. You mewled as you felt your coil tighten as he kept moving against you. "Erwin, mm."
He bit your neck and angled your hips to make sure he grinded his hips against you just right. "I love you. I love you so much. You're mine, doll, all mine."
You shivered in delight. "Yes, I'm all yours."
He smiled when your moans got higher in pitch. "That's it, sweetheart, enjoy yourself."
You felt the snap and moaned out. "Erwin!" You threw your head back and accidentally smacked your head against the cupboard and causing a loud thud. "Ow!"
Erwin stopped moving and cupped the back of your head. "Crap, are you okay?"
You winced a little and fought tears. "Mm, I'm okay."
He hugged you tightly. "Poor doll."
You giggled. "I'm okay. You were just so good."
Erwin chuckled. "Guess so." He kissed the top of your head. "I'll kiss it better." He lifted you off the counter and held you close as he massaged the back of your head. "Poor thing."
You pouted a bit and leaned up. "Kiss?"
He smirked and kissed you. "I have something for you."
You hummed. "What is it?"
He pulled out the flowers, chocolates and the case with the necklace. "All for you."
You gasped. "No one has ever given me flowers, chocolates and a gift before." You hugged the flowers. "Thank you."
He opened the box to show you the necklace. "It is sad that no one has ever spoiled you before. You deserve it all."
You whined a bit. "So pretty....are you sure I can have it?"
"Yes." He put the box down and then put the necklace on you. "Stunning."
You kissed him and blushed. "Thank you."
"I am making a three-course Italian meal for you too as a date."
You looked over the food as he got it out. "Amazing."
He tied on your cute apron and winked at you. "I do hope you enjoy."
"Um, Erwin?"
He hummed. "Everything okay, my cute doll?"
You started trimming the flowers and arranging them. "Um, speaking of a three-course meal. I'm hoping what we did on the counter was an appetizer."
Erwin walked up behind you and pressed his big bulge against your bum making you shiver and moan. "Don't you worry, my darling dear. I intend to make love to you from sunset to sunrise."
You pressed yourself back against Erwin. "I can't wait."
He wrapped his arms around you and nipped your neck and spoke with a husky voice. "I need to feed you, but I want you so badly."
You mewled. "Me too."
He slid a hand up and massaged your left breast in his massive hand. "You're a delectable meal that should be savoured for days."
You whimpered. "Erwin."
He hugged you tightly. "I should behave for now. We have a wonderful dinner to eat."
You relaxed against him. "I can't wait."
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paperbackribs · 1 year
The Gift (6 of 15) (Witch Steve AU)
previous: Chapter 5 You're Doing That On Purpose (Part B) next: Chapter 7 Answering the Question Content: steddie fic, 2K words
Last chapter, Eddie convinces Steve about which film to watch on movie night, Robin reveals she bagged a date with Vickie, and Steve unexpectedly saw a vision through Eddie's sight. This chapter, Steve would really like people to stop staring at how strange he looks and he confesses his fears and doubts about his Witch powers to Eddie.
Chapter 6 Help a Friend
“Steve! We need your help.” Dustin’s voice rings through Family Video. The couple in the corner look back over their shoulders. Probably startled by the sheer volume belting out of the little butthead, Steve thinks with irritation.
It’s the end of the Friday rush and everyone and their mother should be home with their new releases and weekly specials. The purple fluorescent lights shining down from the top of the ceilings banish the darkness from the outside, yes, but they don't create nearly as hip or appealing a psychedelic cast as ownership thought they would. The strain of the lights along with the burr of the airconditioner adds to the building pain in Steve's head.
The entire day has been a wash. It was Robin’s shift off, he's not been able to eat in hours, and, on top of it all, he'd had to endure Keith’s odd looks until the lanky man had left half an hour ago.
Just ask, Steve wants to snidely say. Point to my face or neck and say, hey man, what happened to you? Instead, he had put up with Knowing that Keith was looking at him throughout the afternoon while watching the other guy’s head whip away any time Steve turned to catch him out. The hypocrisy of it was grating.
Now he’s an hour from getting off and he wants to, at the bare minimum, have a shower to wash off the stink of the day before Eddie comes over to watch their movie.
Lucas follows behind Dustin with the embarrassed expression of someone who understands what an inside voice should sound like. But it’s Dustin who slams his open backpack on to the counter, pencils and two spare batteries rolling out to drop on the floor.
“Fuck,” Dustin disappears in front of the counter as he bends over to pick up his mess.
“Language!” Steve rubs at the headache pushing behind the bridge of his nose.
“Sorry Steve,” Lucas says before lighting up. “Hey, do you have Night of the Creeps yet? Max saw the trailer earlier this year and El says she thinks zombies are funny.”
“That’s not the important thing here, Lucas.” Dustin stands up with a fistful of pencils and batteries only to shove Lucas to the side, who then pushes him back with his gangly arms. The stouter boy looks like he’s about to ram into his friend, so Steve does the responsible, mature thing and pulls Dustin back by the collar and shakes him like a disobedient puppy.
“Yeah, look over in the Horror section. It should be in New Release, but no one wants to rent it out.” Lucas follows Steve’s thumb to stroll over to the direction he gestured towards. Pointedly ignoring his friend squirming by the tips of his toes.
“Now, what’s this about,” Steve asks, releasing him.
Dustin clears his throat, conspicuously looking over his shoulder to see if any customers have come closer. The lone couple have long since lost interest. Nevertheless, Steve wants to smack him when Dustin hisses, “I need you to do a love spell for me.”
Steve drops his head into his hands. He just needs a moment, in the dark, away from this fucking day.
“First of all,” he mumbles, glaring out between his spreading fingers. “Don’t talk about this in public, you little dickhead.” He leans in further, “What I told you all is private and should stay that way.”
“Sorry,” Dustin looks appropriately chastened for all of three seconds before he perks up. “But, ah, could you do the thing.”
“No, I can’t do the thing. Even if I could, I wouldn’t do the thing. Because whatever you’re thinking about has got to be sketchy as fuck. Aren’t you dating Suzie, anyway?”
Lucas slides over his chosen VHS, which Steve notes has a big fat R sticker at the top of the case.
“Come on, Steve. You got us The Shining.”
Steve crosses his arms, “That was for movie night. And I was able to watch over you guys when we saw it.”
“It’s just for me and the girls, we’re responsible,” Lucas tries, winningly.
Steve grabs the case and goes into the back to get the cassette, grumbling. He knew he was going to give in, why’d he even try to talk Lucas out of it? At least, out of all of them, he can probably trust Lucas, Max and El... Huh.
He returns, renting the movie under his name on the computer but watching Lucas from the side of his eye. “So, you don’t need the same help as Dustin, then?”
Lucas purses his lips, “Nah, I’m okay. Max explained it to me, and I just have to share her with El. But me and El aren’t together. We have a schedule; it all works out.”
“Ah, okay,” Steve replies, uncertain about whatever is going on with this group but deciding the blame lies with him: he never should have asked.
Dustin, in the meantime, looks a bee’s dick away from pulling out his tightly curled hair. “Steve,” he whines. “Suzie hasn’t talked to me in a week. A whole week! She’s clearly fallen out of love with me now that the honeymoon phase is over. I need to — you know, get a thing.”
Steve wonders if he should have just let Dustin use the word spell. It’s wrong on so many levels; he’s not Elizabeth Montgomery, he doesn’t twitch his nose and make people fall in and out of love. But it might be better than having Dustin repeatedly and in the most grating tone keep saying thing.
“Have you tried talking to her,” Steve asks, patiently.
“She’s not responding to the radio.”
“Have you tried calling her, on the telephone,” Steve clarifies, even more patiently.
Dustin blinks. “But her dad?”
“You don’t know what’s happened, Dustin. Rather than panicking, try calling her. If that doesn’t work, send her a letter. If that doesn’t work, we’ll talk more. Not,” Steve points an officious finger in Dustin’s face as he starts to open his mouth, “about that.” Steve pushes the R-rated film into its case, slaps it into Lucas’s waiting hands, and directs that finger again towards the door.
“Good night!”
As they leave, Lucas looks pleased, and Dustin looks like he’s brewing up a plan. No matter what they throw at him, Steve congratulates himself, he’s a pretty damn good babysitter. He turns to the approaching couple with a practised smile.
His satisfaction lasts through the drive home and past his shower. But it’s when he’s wiping his sweaty hands over his jeans one last time that he’s stopped as he catches his reflection in the hallway mirror.
The amber of the wood frames his square face, forcing his gaze front and centre. Making him unable to avoid the white globe on his left or the red ring below his jaw.
He’s always been a little vain, having a healthy appreciation for the work he'd put into his well-coifed hair and the muscles that playing basketball and swim meets had put on his bones. If he puts the effort in to look good, then he should at least get to appreciate the results, right?
But Keith got into his head, and he can’t stop picking at the thought that between his cockeyed features and the fading line around his neck, he must look unpleasant to some people. People like Eddie. Who, even as the self-proclaimed master of all that is weird and wonderful, hadn’t been able to look away from Steve’s eyes when he’d first gotten out of the hospital.
Or maybe it’s just that the uncanny, which has always sat comfortably inside of him, is now visible to others. Shining through in a manner that compels even the most mundane of people to stop and stare.
After The Sacrifice, he thinks that perhaps the white threads of fate are reflected in his left eye. That anyone looking at Steve can see that he decided to play God and manipulate Eddie’s destiny.
What, he wonders, separates him from Vecna? Henry must not have started out as a sinister bastard; even as a child, he couldn’t have been purely evil from the get-go. Did getting his way, by using his powers, corrupt the child until the adult thought that torture and murder were justifiable as long as they were in service to what he believed was right?
He thinks back to Nancy's instant suspicion and, even though it was more subtle, Eddie's initial tenseness around him. Did people like Nancy and Eddie see a connection between the well-meant intentions of Steve to the malevolent actions of Vecna?
Out of the corner of his right eye, he sees a shifting body behind the frosted glaze of the front door before the bell rings.
Steve looks back at his reflection for a moment, unclenching his jaw and making sure that an easy smile graces his face when he pulls open the door. The warmth of the night air gently rushes against his body and the stars twinkle with a golden shimmer behind Eddie.
Eddie, who startles back like he hadn’t expected Steve to answer so quickly.
Christ, it must have looked like he was waiting by the door like some desperate loser. Steve runs a hand through his hair as he starts to stammer out an excuse, but the other guy is looking increasingly bewildered, so Steve takes a moment to pause, blow out a breath and try again.
“Sorry, weird afternoon, come in.”
Eddie crosses the threshold to follow Steve through, gently placing the six-pack on the table in front of the couch. “Are you okay?”
Steve thinks back to his promise on the kitchen counter, the truth. “Just struggling with looking like this,” he waves a hand over his face and neck, trying to encompass what ‘this’ is.
Eddie leans in to nudge him with an elbow, “A total smoke show?”
Laughter bubbles out of his chest and Steve looks on at Eddie fondly. “You’re right, what was I thinking,” he asks wryly.
“Hey, no, Stevie. I mean it,” Eddie grabs his wrist, a warm band connecting them. He raises his other hand to rest a finger on the skin by Steve’s left eye; the exact spot he had touched after he had been pulled back to life.
Eddie continues, sincerity ringing through his words. “Even if this is weirding you out, it’s a badge of honour. You made the world shift. You raised me from the dead. If you like me even a little, then you have to like the eye. Thems the rules.”
Steve chews on the inside of his cheek before admitting to the heart of what is bugging him. “I don’t regret it; I never will. But I forced an unnatural path and maybe that’s too much power for anyone to really wield.”
“So what?”
Steve blinks, “What?”
Eddie looks back at him, mismatched eyes unconcerned yet frank. “So what that you’re powerful. Good for you.”
He leans forward, gently tucking a lock of Steve’s hair behind his left ear. The tip of his finger trails the curve of his haircut to the base of Steve's neck, which Eddie loosely clasps, speaking earnestly into their shared space, their foreheads almost touching. “If anyone is going to be able to do good with what they have, it’s you. Have you ever harmed anyone?”
Steve opens his mouth to protest; he’s done plenty.
“No,” Eddie firmly stops him, shaking him in a gentler echo of Steve to Dustin earlier that night. “Anyone weaker than you. Or made someone do something they didn’t want to do, with or without powers. And I don’t mean that pissant peer pressure crap. We’re all guilty of that at some point or another. I mean, in your heart of hearts, if you had the chance to force someone to do something for your own gain, no matter whether it hurt them or not. Would you?”
He wouldn’t, realises Steve, taking comfort in Eddie's plain-spoken tone. He may have done some shit he wasn’t proud of back in high school, but he’s not that guy any longer.
The thought of what Eddie describes is repugnant and he gratefully holds onto that feeling; because that was what Vecna was missing, Steve suddenly understands. The utter repugnance and disgust at hurting the people around him, strangers and friends alike.
“You’re the babysitter, right? The protector. You don’t have to worry about any of that shit,” Eddie's expression is sweetly earnest and the clean relief of his words has Steve's head falling to rest on Eddie's shoulder. Who tentatively brings his arm up to embrace Steve.
Steve leans further into the hug, taking what comfort he can from Eddie and feeling the weight of the day falling away. Eddie’s woodsy cologne soothingly envelops him while the scratch of his recently shaved jaw catches strands of Steve’s hair as if to join them further together.
“Thank you,” he says softly into the warmth of Eddie's neck. “I had a shit day and I suppose it just piled up.”
“No problems,” Eddie murmurs lowly into his ear before drawing back, smiling into Steve’s face. “Now, how about we watch a true battle of good and evil?”
Steve nods in agreement before heading to the phone to call up Pizza Palace; thankful that he has Eddie in his corner and anticipating a night just for the two of them.
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Thank you so much for all the beautiful fics, I love your writing!
Hope I'm not bothering you with this request but could you write Izzy x Calico Jack x Reader? Even something nsfw if you feel like it. Maybe they had known each other for years because Reader works in Nassau 🤔 whatever you want, I'm sure I'll love it!
(Sorry for my writing, English isn't my first language)
Thank you for an excuse to write Izzy x reader x Jack!
Paramour in Nassau (NSFW)
Word Count: 5177
When Calico Jack Rackham sauntered back aboard the Revenge a couple of weeks ago, the crew wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Buttons obviously wanted him dead and ended up with half of the crew holding him back while Frenchie hurried to hide his fangs.
Of course, when he first appeared, he and Edward had a full out brawl in the middle of the deck, ending up with various cuts and bruises by the time Izzy was chastising them and snapping at them to separate. Then it was like nothing happened, Ed and Jack were friends again, much to Stede’s dismay. 
Thankfully, Jack wasn’t as unbearable as he was when the crew last met him, since he wasn’t there to get Ed off of the ship and sell Stede out to the British. Jack seemed more interested in following Izzy around like a shadow than partying with Edward, a confusing but welcome turn of events. He was even helping out around the ship, Izzy and Stede agreed on the first thing ever, that Jack would need to work to stay aboard the ship.
Jack had been aboard for a couple of weeks and had made himself at home, and there was no sign of him leaving anytime soon. eseseAs the Revenge steadily approached the republic of pirates, Izzy stood by the railing, watching the island take form in the distance and slowly approach.
Large hands clasped over his shoulders from behind, giving him a small shake. “Nassau, Iz…” Izzy could hear the smirk in Jack’s voice, the almost giddy excitement.
“Fucking hell,” Izzy grumbled but still found himself smiling a little.
He couldn’t lie, he was looking forward to the visit just as much as Jack was. They hadn’t been to Nassau since the duel with Bonnet and plotting with the British, and that hadn’t exactly been the most fun visit. But they were going back now, they would be there soon.
“What’s in Nassau?” Lucius appeared out of the blue, a habit that he was getting increasingly comfortable with much to Izzy’s irritation. “It was not fun last time I was there,” he recalled, possibly expecting one of them (most likely Jack) to ask for further details.
Neither of them did.
“Mind your own business, Spriggs,” Izzy huffed, smile disappearing immediately.
“Iz and me have a bit of a paramour in Nassau,” Jack told him with a proud grin, rubbing firm small circles into the back of Izzy’s shoulders with his thumbs.
“A paramour, really?” Izzy raised an eyebrow, looking over his shoulder at Jack, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
Jack laughed, digging deeper into Izzy’s shoulders, forcing the smaller man to hold back a small groan. He would not let that slip in front of Lucius Spriggs of all people. 
“Learnt it from Steve. Did I use it right?” Jack asked, letting his hands drop from his shoulders when Izzy shrugged them off and turned to face him and Lucius.
“God, I sure hope you did,” the scribe grinned, looking just as excited now, maybe even more so. “So…a shared paramour…are we all going to be able to watch a fight for their hand? Oh, I bet on Izzy!”
“Really?” Jack huffed, pouting while Izzy smirked.
“He’s scrappy,” Lucius shrugged.
Izzy rolled his eyes, assuring him that, “there won’t be a fight.” 
“Confident or giving up?” Lucius questioned, seemingly both teasing and serious.
Jack laughed again, throwing an arm around Izzy’s shoulders. “What Iz means is that our little paramour wouldn’t be satisfied with just one man.”
Lucius looked between the two men until he was satisfied that Jack wasn’t just pulling his leg. “...holy shit, really?” His grin grew even wider. “Really, Izzy?” He wanted every little detail.
Izzy knew that his face was heating up under the interrogation, with how excited and suggestively the scribe was looking at him. “Why do you look so excited about this?” he asked petulantly.
“...I knew about the two of you but a third?...that’s tasty.” Lucius couldn’t help but reevaluate everything he thought he knew about Izzy Hands. Now he was rethinking the whole ‘we don’t own each other’ conversation he had with the older man. What did his relationship look like? How long had he been involved with Jack? How long had either of them been with their other mysterious partner?
“I fucking hate you,” Izzy muttered, unable to feel too angry when Jack gave him another little shake and squeezed him closer to his side.
“Can I meet them?” Lucius asked, eyes bright and hopefully.
“Absolutely not,” Izzy scoffed. Why was this man always involving himself in everyone else’s business?
Lucius looked between them both again, looking more curious this time. He was still always taken back when Izzy allowed Jack to touch him like that in public, all casual and affectionate. “And the two of you…they have an interesting taste…”
“Fuck off,” Izzy sneered.
Jack frowned a little this time as well. “What’s that mean?” He wasn’t sure if he should be offended but he was ready to defend the honour of both his partners.
Lucius shrugged before smirking. “Just interesting…kinda hot, though.”
Jack was grinning again, grip on Izzy tightening. “It’s really fucking hot,” he agreed.
“Jack,” Izzy said his name in that stern way he does when he needs Jack to pay attention.
Lucius was also always a little taken by that, the way Jack’s expression would change when his gaze turned to Izzy. Becoming all soft and attentive.
“Shut the fuck up,” Izzy grumbled.
“Yes, sir,” Jack beamed, shooting Lucius a playful wink.
Once the Revenge was docked and Izzy’s duties were carried out, he let Jack drag him towards Spanish Jackie’s. Normally, Izzy would feel a little lighter while he was in Nassau, but the fact that Lucius and Black Pete were so obviously following them was pissing him off.
“Are you even allowed in Jackie’s?” Izzy called to the two men following behind him and Jack.
Lucius and Pete scampered forward until they were walking beside the other duo. “Stede was barred. Technically, I wasn’t,” Lucius explained. 
“Uh-huh, I’m not saving your ass if she wants your nose,” Izzy shrugged.
Lucius gulped but steeled himself as Pete took hold of his hand. He thought it was worth the risk.
When the four of them walked into Jackies, they headed to the bar, Lucius and Pete sitting a few stools down from them when Izzy threatened them to leave them alone.
The man behind the bar handed Jack and Izzy their drinks seconds before Jackie walked out of the backroom. Lucius purposely kept his head down and shuffled closer to Pete’s side, but kept his attention on the unexpected couple a few seats down the bar.
“Fucking hell, you two,” Jackie adressed them, warningly.
“Good to see you too, Jackie,” Jack smiled, wide and a little goofy. Like he was purposely trying to piss her off. “Don’t worry, I have my safe entry pass,” he flinged an arm around Izzy. 
The three of them had come to an agreement a long time ago, Jack was only allowed inside Jackie’s when he was with Izzy. The shorter man would be responsible for keeping him on enough of a leash to keep Jackie pleased.
Jackie eyed them both before rolling her eyes. “They’re picking up a delivery, they’ll be back soon. Behave,” she informed them.
“Thanks, Jackie,” Izzy gave her a small nod.
Jackie just shook her head at them before continuing through the bar.
You moved through Jackie’s with a practised ease, crate in your hands. You headed straight for the bar, handing the delivery to one of Jackie’s husbands who was tending the bar. “Was told to drop it off with you.”
Jackie’s husband took the crate. “Probably the good liquor Jackie likes,” he hummed.
“Well, she usually had pretty good taste,” you joked, shooting him a playful wink.
He huffed a small laugh as he left to put the delivery somewhere safe. You lent against the bar, thinking you should probably buy yourself a drink for your troubles before heading out again.
“Work more important than us, baby?”
You let out a little surprised gasp at the familiar voice, a smile taking over your face when you turned to see both Jack Rackham and Izzy Hands standing from their seats.
“Izzy! Jack!”
Jack caught you in an embrace when you rushed to them, lifting your feet off of the ground and spinning you around just for some dramatic flare. Just enough to have Izzy shaking his head at the two of you. Once Jack placed you back on your feet, you turned to Izzy and planted a kiss on his cheek.
“Both of you in the same place, it must be my lucky day,” you couldn’t suppress your smile as you took the two of them in. It had been so long since you saw either of them, even longer since you saw both of them together. You were very committed to not counting their last visit to Nassau since Izzy always invited members of the British Navy.
“Has been a while, hasn’t it?” Jack was smiling right back, teeth on show.
“Too long,” Izzy agreed. His smile was a little more subdued but just as sincere.
Jack must have noticed that too because he gently gripped the back of his neck in his hand. “Aww, always so sentimental,” he teased.
“Fuck off, like you aren’t worse,” Izzy huffed, pushing his hand away. Jack just rolled his eyes fondly.
“I missed you both,” you confessed, planting more kisses on their cheeks.
“We missed you too, sweetheart,” Jack snaked his arm around your shoulders, pulling you against his chest.
“How long are you in port for?” They never stayed for too long, it was just part of the job, but you always hoped they’d give you some extra good news from time to time.
“A couple of days,” Izzy said as you took his hand, pulling him a few steps closer to the two of you.
It wasn’t the best answer he could give you but it was enough.
“We’ll have to make the most of what we got, then,” you shrugged, earning another smile from Izzy and a pleased little groan from Jack.
Lucius watched with wide eyes and his mouth slightly agape as Jack and Izzy left Jackie’s with the mysterious person. He had never seen anyone so happy to see either of the men, not Jack to see Izzy, not even Ed to see Jack that first time on the Revenge. Then again, he had never seen Izzy so happy to see somebody, actually properly smiling. It was almost a little unsettling, but also a little nice.
Lucius and Pete looked at each other, Pete mouthing ‘oh my god’ before they turned back to their drinks. Izzy and Jack really were seeing somebody in Nassau, and it looked kinda serious…
Your men walked on either side of you as you led them through the streets of Nassau, leading them to the less violent side of the town. They followed you up to the familiar apartment above a dusty bookstore that was definitely a front for something else, something you hadn’t actually figured out yet.
As soon as you were through the door to your little home, Jack was on you. He had you pressed against the nearest wall, his mouth capturing yours in a deep and characteristically messy kiss. You couldn’t find it in yourself to complain, clutching at his shoulders to keep him close and to keep yourself standing upright.
Izzy shook his head, smiling to himself, as he was tasked with shutting the door. Jack was not known for his patience but Izzy couldn’t blame him, he had missed you just as much, he just prided himself on having a sensible amount of self restraint.
Once the door was securely closed, Izzy grabbed Jack by the back of his shirt and tore him away from you.
“God, I fucking missed you both so much,” you panted, letting your hands fall away from Jack as he stumbled away, muttering his complaints.
You barely got to move away from the wall before Izzy was in front of you. You slipped a hand into Izzy’s hair, fingers curling and tugging gently. Izzy whined at the slight sting, pressing his forehead against yours.
“Promise me we’ll never go so long without seeing each other again,” you whispered against his lips. “I promise,” Izzy whispered right back.
“Not going to let it go this long ever again,” Jack came up to the side of you both, a hand against your back and another at the nape of Izzy’s neck. “Can’t be away from my sweethearts for that long.”
Jack could be a difficult man to properly understand, never really letting anyone see his true self. He was an arrogant jokester but also a total sweetheart, at least when it came to the people he actually gave a damn about. Even when he was looking at you both with that dopey smile.
“Shut the fuck up, Jack,” Izzy mumbled but there was clear fondness in his tone.
“You’re such a softy,” you teased Jack, playfully fiddling with the edge of his moustache.
Izzy rolled his eyes while Jack just beamed at you. Jack wrapped an arm firmly around your waist and pulled you close, something hard pressing against your hip. “Nothing soft about me right now, baby,” he said against your ear.
Izzy groaned at the terrible joke but you gave a little laugh. “Can you just get his mouth busy or something so he stops talking?” Izzy pleaded with you.
You smirked, grabbing him by his cravat and planting a kiss on his lips. “Well, give me a hand, will you?” 
You had to be the one with the cognition to pull them both to your bedroom, laughing as Jack threw off most of his clothes on the way, tossing them around your apartment until he was just in his pants.
Jack huffed a little, being the most undressed out of the three of you. He was quick to set his mind to stripping you both down.
“You wear way too many layers, babydoll,” Jack taunted Izzy, pressing up behind him and gripping his hips.
“It is a lot of black and leather for the caribbean,” you agreed, rubbing your hands over his chest.
“It’s practical. Doesn’t have to be comfortable,” Izzy rolled his eyes, hands finding your waist.
“Kinda hot though,” you hummed, popping open the buttons of his waistcoat.
“Those tight leather pants,” Jack pressed a little closer, nipping at Izzy’s ear. “Cute little ass.”
“Fucking hell,” Izzy groaned, unconsciously pushing his hips back against Jack’s while tugging you closer.
Jack groaned against his ear. As much as you both loved how sweet and pliant Izzy could get when the right type of attention was showered upon him, both men had come to your apartment with the attention of spoiling you. They had the last couple weeks to reconnect, missing their missing piece. They had you back and intended on showing you just that.
“It is adorable,” you smirked, slipping a hand around to squeeze his ass.
Izzy grumbled to himself but made no protest as you and Jack stripped him of his waistcoat, cravat, and shirt.
You stepped away to place his ring and cravat down safely on your vanity before hands were grabbing at you again. You were pulled back into the centre of the room and manoeuvred until you were between the two men.
They worked in tandem, quickly having your shirt pulled over your head and thrown somewhere over Jack’s shoulder. Izzy was already stroking calloused hands over your abdomen and unlacing your pants.
The only reason it took so long to get your pants off of you was because the two men kept turning you around to take turns kissing you. Finally though, Izzy had your pants properly unlaced and Jack was on his knees, tugging them down your legs and helping you step out of them.
Finally, after far too long of being apart, you were all back together and undressed. Large hands on your hips spun you around to face Jack again, you only got a second to see his beaming grin before he had hoisted you off of your feet.
You yelped, clinging to his shoulders and wrapping your legs around your waist. You didn’t complain though, nuzzling against his jaw and nipping at his neck as he carried you over to the bed.
Jack dropped you down onto the bed, the mattress being at least good enough quality for you to bounce a little when you landed. Jack was standing over you, teeth on show, as Izzy climbed onto the bed and crawled over your body.
“I’m beginning to think you’re teaming up on me,” you accused, sighing pleasurably as Izzy kissed down your neck, his facial hair pleasantly scratching against your skin.
“We’ve missed you!” Jack thought that was plenty enough reason to gang up on you just a little, they both just wanted to get their hands on you after so long.
“Yeah,” Izzy lifted his head to look at you. “Let us spoil you a little.” And, well, how could you say no to that when he was looking at you like you were the only damn thing that mattered.
“Hell yeah, I get to be in the middle,” you joked. Well, half joked. You really were thrilled by the prospect of once again being sandwiched between the two men. 
“Damn right you do, baby,” Jack laughed.
“I’m ready,” you announced dramatically, flopping back on the bed with your arms and legs spread.
“You two are as bad as each other,” Izzy tutted from above you.
“Take that back,” you tilted your chin down to glare at him.
Izzy could only chuckle fondly to himself before kissing you. He had missed that light, warm feeling he felt when he was around the two of you. You wrapped him up in your arms immediately, kissing him soundly, like you never wanted to forget what he tasted like.
Jack took a moment to just admire the sight the two of you made, bodies flushed together. He was one lucky bastard and he knew it. The mattress dipped slightly as he knelt up on the bed, pressing up behind Izzy.
“You two having fun?” Jack asked, resting his chin on Izzy’s shoulder.
“Feeling left out?” Izzy mused as he pulled away from your lips, turning his head slightly to see Jack out the corner of his eye. 
“Thought I got to be in the middle?” you pouted.
Jack’s chuckle vibrated through him as he slapped a sloppy kiss on Izzy’s cheek and slapped his ass. “Go sit against the headboard, babygirl.”
Izzy rolled his eyes at the pet name, even though it managed to make him blush every time, giving you another kiss before extracting himself from between you both. Neither of you made it easy for him, you couldn’t stop touching him and Jack was still plastered to his back despite being the one who told him to move in the first place.
Jack grabbed you by the legs and pulled you down the bed so that your thighs were sitting on top of his. You couldn’t help but laugh fondly through your surprised shout, he was always so impatient.
Doing as he was told, Izzy sat back against the headboard comfortably, legs outstretched in front of himself.
Jack lent down to capture your mouth with his own, the kiss a desperate mess of lips and tongues. Jack always kissed like that, completely uninhibited, with his entire being.
You barely got a chance to breathe when he pulled back, already flipping you over onto your belly. You cursed quietly to yourself as you landed with a tiny bounce.
You swore you could hear Jack chuckling softly behind you as he tapped your hip. You got the message, lifting yourself up onto your hands and knees before inching forward. As you moved closer, Izzy parted his legs so that you could settle between them.
You smiled up at him, sure your lips were swollen and bitten and your face was flushed. Much like his own.
He gave you a small smile of his own as he took hold of your chin, keeping you still as he kissed you again. You gasped into his mouth as Jack ran a calloused hand up the inside of your thigh. You hadn’t dared let yourself dwell on your last meeting with them both, or lament how much time had passed since you could be touched by them, but now it felt like an eternity since you had felt their touches or shared their kisses. It was almost too much but at the same time it wasn’t enough at all.
You could feel the larger man warm and heavy against your ass, and it had you squirming.
“Eager?” Izzy cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Getting impatient. You’re both taking too long,” you taunted breathlessly.
Jack retorted by rutting against you. Once. Twice. Making you feel even more needy for him. “Won’t make you wait any longer then, sweetheart,” he promised.
You snuck one more kiss from Izzy before lowering yourself onto your elbows, nuzzling against his hip before moving further down to kiss and nip and suck marks into the inside of his thighs.
Behind you, Jack continued to tease, but you set your mind to doing the same to Izzy. Licking a broad stripe over him, making him gasp.
You smiled to yourself at the response before giving it your all, nose nested against coarse hairs, feeling utterly pleased with yourself when he choked on his breath and gripped your shoulder.
“There we go. Give them a nice little distraction,” Jack cooed behind you.
“Fuck, ah, off,” Izzy gasped back at him, not as menacingly as he might have liked.
“Ready?” Jack asked, directed at you now as he gave your hips a squeeze and angled them better.
You nodded the best you could, purposely pushing closer into Izzy to hear his breath hitch.
Then, without any more warning or fanfare, Jack pushed in. He entered you with one fluid thrust, slower than you expected from him. You gasped and moaned at the feeling of him filling you, making Izzy moan in turn.
Jack folded over you, his body blanketing yours, and pressed his forehead between your shoulder blades. “Yeah, been way too fucking long,” his breath was warm against your already flushed skin.
You removed your mouth from Izzy with a lewd, wet sound. “You’re fucking telling me,” you panted into his thigh.
Jack kissed the back of your neck quickly, searing the skin like a brand, before pulling back and slamming his hips back against your ass.
Izzy cradled the back of your skull as you got your both back on him, making sure to look up at him through your lashes in the way you knew had his stomach twisting with desire.
You lost yourself in the sensation of being pulled back and forth between the two men, of the two pairs of hands on you, clutching and caressing. Your body rocked between them both like you were made for it, giving and taking in equal measure. The feeling of warm bodies pressing together and the sound of heavy breathing.
You could hear Jack’s low moans behind you and you could just imagine him tipping his head back, eyes fluttering shut as he dug his fingers into your hips and waist. Izzy was panting above you, gaze flickering between you and Jack like he couldn’t quite decide which to focus on. When his gaze dipped down to where you were connected, he groaned low in his throat. From his position he couldn’t quite see Jack repeatedly entering you but he could make out just enough to have him twitching against your mouth.
“Fuck, looks like you’re treating Iz real nice,” Jack rumbled, having the perfect view of the two of you. The slope of your back to where your head rested in Izzy’s lap. “Best show in the Caribbean here and I’ve got the best seat,” he rambled, punctuating his words with jolts of the hips.
Jack was always the most vocal in bed. He loved hearing the sounds he could get you and Izzy to make but he always talked the most. At first you had thought that he had just liked the sound of his own voice but now you knew that he wasn’t as conscious of it as you first thought he was. He just said whatever came to mind, not caring much about what it was.
“Look so fucking pretty, the two of you. Fuck. Feel so good, I’ve got you.”
Izzy began to rock against your face and you knew he was close. He was always so careful to take what he was given when you went down on him like this, even when you assured him that you wanted him to take what he needed instead. He always lost that control when his orgasm was close.
“Think you can come with him, baby?” Jack asked, seeing the same signs as you.
You just nodded the best you could but the way you clenched around him gave him more of an answer than your actual response. Jack groaned and cursed at the feeling, his own thrusts faltering and jolting a few times.
Izzy came first, on hand clutching a pillow and the other on the back of your head, just touching, not holding. You followed right after him, making sure to savour the taste of him on your tongue first. You came with a cry of their names, possibly mashed together incoherently, you weren’t sure but Izzy was petting your head lazily as you muffled your sounds with his thigh.
Jack managed to hold out for a few more trusts, riding you through your high before pressing his hips flush with your ass, groaning his own release.
The room was filled with heavy breathing as the three of you caught your breath, Izzy muttering something about being too old for all of this excitement but not complaining about the sweaty press of your three bodies.
With a few tired groans and complaints, the three of you slowly manoeuvred yourselves into a more comfortable position. Jack lay in the centre of the bed with both of you on either side of him, your heads laying on his chest.
Your dalliances usually ended like this, both of you cradled to each side of Jack. His arms wrapped around you both to hold you close, you and Izzy touching hands over Jack’s stomach. He was just that little bit bigger, that little bit broader, and really fucking warm. He made a surprisingly good pillow and he liked being pressed between you both.
You closed your eyes and smiled softly to yourself, feeling Jack running fingertips against your arm and shoulder while Izzy played with your hand. You had slept in this very bed so often, alone. It was nice to have them both by your side again.
Once enough time had passed for Jack to deem conversation appropriate, he spoke. He never could stay quiet for too long, especially when something was on his mind.
“Eddie talked about me signing on with you lot properly,” Jack said up to the ceiling.
You just allowed yourself to drift comfortably, assuming he was talking more directly to Izzy. “Bonnet was alright with that?” Izzy asked, voice a little gruffer than usual.
“Yep. I have been on good behaviour.”
“And you’re going to do it?” 
You listened to their voices, just happy to hear them. It didn’t really matter what they were talking about, you liked listening.
“Might do. Might stick around…if you want me too.” You could hear the vulnerability in Jack’s voice and frowned a little when Izzy didn’t answer straight away, likely due to his own vulnerability rather than dismissal.
“Fucking hell, your pillow talk kinda sucks,” you mumbled into Jack’s chest.
“I’m trying to get to something!” Jack huffed, jostling you and Izzy a little.
“Then get to it,” Izzy grumbled at him.
“Right so, if I sign on with Eddie and Stebe, then me and Iz will be sailing together…” You lifted your head to look at him properly when you realised he was talking more to you now. “...so if you sign up with Eddie and Stefe…”
“...are you serious?”
Jack gave a guilty little smile at your question, though you didn’t sound angry with him, just surprised, an edge of seriousness to your tone.
“Why didn’t you say something before?” Izzy demanded, lifting himself up to look down at Jack.
“I just thought about it!” Jack defended himself.
You sat up a little, hearing Jack’s grumbled protest, to look between them both properly. “Do you…both want me there?”
“Wouldn’t ask if I didn’t,” Jack scoffed.
“And you, Izzy? That’s something you’d want?” you turned to the other man for his answer.
“...yeah. ‘Course, I would,” Izzy shrugged, trying to play it off as unimportant, like it didn’t matter what he wanted. “Thought you were kinda happy here, though.”
“I’m content here. It’s…not perfect but it’s enough for me,” you responded honestly. You had a comfortable little life here but…but they were always so far away from you and if they were serious…“I would be a whole lot happier being wherever the two of you are though,” you confessed.
“Fuck yeah,” Jack launched himself up and pulled you into a messy kiss. You giggled against his mouth, kissing him back, laughing more when he flipped you onto your back and pressed you down into the mattress.
Izzy huffed at being thrown off but recovered quickly, moving to your side as Jack sank down between your legs, trailing kisses down your body the whole way. He hooked your legs over his shoulders and got his mouth on you, making you twitch a little with overstimulation.
“You’re sure?” Izzy asked, quiet and serious, as he cupped your face in his hand, forcing you to look at him. He wanted to make sure he didn’t see any hesitation or uncertainty.
“More than sure. No more waiting for moments like this,” you promised, placing your hand over his. 
“No more waiting,” Izzy agreed, kissing you like he needed it to breathe.
Jack popped his head up from between your legs, grinning and his moustache obscenely damp. “Gonna have to get a bigger bed though,” he commented.
“I know a carpenter that could probably do it,” you grinned back down at him, combing fingers through his hair.
“Love when you have all the answers, babe,” Jack winked before dipping his head back down.
Izzy chuckled and shook his head at the two of you. When Jack pulled a moan from you, Izzy silenced you with his mouth again, greedily swallowing any sounds you made.
74 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 3 years
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Ch10. Watch Your Six
Episode Summary: Hydra make their move…
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. Precarious positions…
Episode Pairings:  Alpha Cowboy Steve Rogers x Omega Reader.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
W/C: 5.1k
Rawhide Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 9
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"I want to go. I can help!"
“No. Out of the question,” Steve shook his head at you as he walked towards the jet, flexing his knuckles.  He pulled slightly at the collar of his navy-blue combat suit, the white star glinting in the early morning sun. Somehow, it felt tighter than last time he had worn it.
"Steve, please. These people cannot be trusted."
“Which is exactly why you’re going to the tower.”
"You think that's safe?" You scoffed, flailing your hands out. "Tony might have top notch security, but it's flawed. If they were able to get to Erskine, they'll breach the tower. I might as well be here at the Ranch!" “Y/N, they don’t know you’re here and that means they have no interest in Stark Tower.” Steve stopped to look at you, “the reason they went for Erskine was for the serum.” You glared at him, your face positively mutinous and he emitted a little growl from his throat. “Now is not the time for your petulance, Omega. Please, just…”
"I'm scared, Steve." You finally admitted the reason you wanted to go, there was nowhere in the world you felt safer that with your Alpha. But the thought that Steve was going back into the battle field scared you, not least because he was leaving you, but something might happen to him.
You watched as his face softened as he locked onto the fear and worry you were emanating and he took a deep breath, “I know, ‘Mega, I can feel it. That’s why I want you there. It’s the safest place in Stark Wood. And Commando will look after you too.”
The loyal dog gave a little whine as his tail thumped the floor, almost as if he was agreeing. You inhaled a deep breath, your Alpha’s scent calming you, "okay."
“Look, Sharon is gonna be with you, along with Pepper and a couple of our men.” He licked his lips, “Hydra are not gonna get past our border, not with the numbers they’re bringing. You said it yourself that Rumlow would try and get the drop on us, and this is it. If Wakanda falls, then Hydra have a clear path through the mountain, which so far has been our biggest defence. T’Challa keeps Wakanda as neutral as he can but he stood with us last time, we have to do the same for them.”
You couldn't say anymore. The jet was lifting and he needed to get on it.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed, his forehead pressing to yours, “but if you need me…” you blinked up at him and then inhaled as he pressed his fingers to your mark. “That’s all ya gotta do.”
You nodded, squeezing your eyes shut as he bumped his nose to yours before letting you go. As he caught the jet's cargo ramp lifting, closed, Steve touched his neck, "I love you."
Despite everything, you couldn’t help but smile as you touched your own, “love you too.” You watched as the jet streamed up into the air and you sighed, eyes tracking it until it disappeared from view through the mountains. “Y/N?” You turned to Sharon as she gave you a sympathetic smile. “Time to go.”
You gave a short nod and followed her as two men flanked you, Commando trotting behind. You felt like a prisoner, but this was Steve's way of keeping you guarded, of keeping you safe. You climbed into the SUV and Sharon got in the back seat with you, Commando safely in the back. “Don’t worry, the guys are trained for this. Hydra won’t make it over the Wakandan border or through the mountains.”
"It feels like we’ve been saying that for the past three weeks since we first deployed, but they made it as far as the border with Wyoming.” You shot back, irritation lacing your tone.
“Yes, but it was an easy win for SHIELD, too easy.” Sharon shrugged.
“Rumlow wasn’t with them, nor was my brother.”
“We know,” Sharon nodded, “Which is why when word hit us they were approaching from the East, it made Fury and Steve suspicious. We sent out troops East and West, covering all borders to be safe, and sure enough, they came from both sides.”
“Like I said, I know them both…I just wish-”
“Steve listened, we all did.” Sharon looked at you, “don’t think we didn’t. When you said we shouldn’t be complacent about the mountains and Wakanda, Fury sent Natasha and Clint north for recon.”
You took a deep breath. You looked down at your hands, not challenging any further as what the blond Alpha was saying was true. Four days after going off on their deep cover mission, word came back that Hydra operatives had been spotted on the Canadian border. But these ones were undercover, unlike the rest, doing the same as Natasha and Clint- recon. Since then it had moved at a hundred miles an hour, gearing up to help Wakanda and to defend your own state.
But, would it be enough? You knew Rumlow, and you knew he had a stubbornness to rival Steve’s. And, he was ruthless with it, he wouldn’t stop at anything and would take out anyone in his way, Shield, Hydra or other. Which made him dangerous.
"He's gonna stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.” You whispered as you looked out of the window as the SUV sped down the road towards Stark Wood.
Sharon looked at you, “who? Rumlow?”
“He doesn’t know you’re here.”
“So you all keep saying, but me aside, Brock wants power. He wants to be at the top of the heap and he won't stop. He's a mean, ruthless piece of shit who needs the world to bend it's knee." You spat and you felt an aura of amusement spread from the Alpha at your side.
“Don’t hold back, Magpie,” her eyes twinkled and you scoffed at her use of your nickname. “Say what you really think.”
When you merely rolled your eyes in response, she let out a small sigh and lay her hand over yours, giving your fingers a squeeze. “Look, we’ve beat him before. We’ll do it again. It’s different this time, it won’t be a full-scale war. Some of Hydra’s staunchest supporters have turned against them after they marched. The WSC have condemned their actions and  issued an appeal world-wide for troops to stand by if we need intervention…this will likely spell the end of Hydra as a legitimate political party for once and for all.”
“Cut off one head, two more shall take it’s place,’ was all you mumbled in response. Sharon fell silent, and the conversation ended, you simply not wishing to discuss it any further. When the tower came into view, you inhaled deeply, not knowing when you'd come back out and have Steve safely in your arms. The convoy pulled through to the underground levels, speeding through the deep caverns until they stopped outside industrial elevators, Pepper waiting for you, Happy stood by her side. She greeted you with a warm and comforting smile, hugging you. "I'm glad you're here."
You gave her a small smile as she then nodded to Happy, “we’ll be in the penthouse.”
“Of course.”
“Sharon, you joining us?” “No, I’m gonna help Happy, check we’re in order then I’ll get onto Fury. If you need me,” she tapped her ear, “patch FRIDAY.”
You followed Pepper to the elevator, Commando at your heels.
“Penthouse,” she spoke clearly and as the doors shut, the last thing in your line of vision before they did was Sharron, giving you a quick nod. The lift carried the two of you, your canine guardian, and an armed guard up to the penthouse floor.
You glanced at the huge gun in his hand, nervously swallowing.
"Don't worry about these guys," Pepper looked at you, “Happy set them through the tower as precaution."
You nodded, unable to say anymore. Because really, what was there left to say?
"We're three clicks out from Wakanda," Sam informed them, and Steve nodded.
“Thanks Sam. Everyone, grab what you need.”
The team bustled about, Bucky heading towards a rack at the end, pulling it out from the wall as he began to select various knives, slotting them into the pockets and holders on his belt. He then grabbed his preferred rifle, ammo, and a few other shorter guns.
“You got enough there, Manchurian Candidate?” Tony scoffed as he himself began to calibrate his suit.
“I’m not the one that hides in a suit of armour, Iron Man.” Bucky shot back and Thor laughed.
“Barnes is correct, Stark.”
“I’m an inventor, I invent shit to keep me, and you, safe.” Tony merely arched a brow as he slotted the programme chip into the suit.
“And the hot rod red and gold?” Sam snorted.
“I do it in style.”
“I think it’s cool, Mr Stark.” Pete grinned and Tony pointed at him.
“Spider Kid likes it, and he has the most taste out of any of you.”
The team all began to heckle Tony, who started to argue back and Steve merely rolled his eyes as he returned to the front of the jet.
“Never fails to amaze me how beautiful this place is,” Sam sighed as they rounded the mountain and crossed into the Wakandan airspace.
“Let’s hope we can keep it that way. Any sign of Hydra?”
“Negative, but that doesn’t mean they aint there.”
Before long, the jet landed on the runway of Wakanda’s northernmost airbase, and led by Steve, the group descended. Steve beelined straight for T’Challa, the Wakandan leader known as Black Panther and shook his hand, nodding to Natasha and Clint as they headed to greet the rest of the team.
“Thank you for standing with us, Captain.” The man greeted him.
“Well, I promised you we would after you helped us last time.” Steve gave him a tight smile before he turned to T’Challa’s second in command, a strong and athletic female, General Okoye. “How are we looking?”
“Most of our troops are currently stationed along our northern most border thanks to your intel. So far we have nothing,” she spoke as the team made their way into the base, “but we could use your expertise, our other sides remain a little exposed and this concerns me.”
“Me too,” Steve mused, “It might be worth moving some of your soldiers down from their current positions.”
“And weaken the North?”
“Rather weak defences on all sides than none on some.” Steve took a deep breath, “let’s take a look at the logistics and then I’ll have Fury send up as many men as we can spare.”
Bucky and Sam followed behind, Bucky’s eyes flashing side to side as he went. “I got a bad feeling about this, Sam.”
“Yeah, me too.” The beta mumbled, tapping at the wrist controls for his jet pack, before he gave his mate a slap on the back, “come on, let’s at least check it all out before we panic.”
Bucky gave a slight nod, before he took another look around, and followed the team into the base.
“More coffee?” Pepper offered and you nodded. “Yeah, thanks.”
"It may not seem like it, but it's all going to be okay." She sighed, as you followed her into the kitchen. She reached across the counter for the carafe, pouring you a mug. "The team is going as a show of muscle, a final stance in Wakanda. Hydra have failed on all other attacks, and they will on this one too. It'll be over soon, and Rumlow will know he's wasted his time, energy and resources.”
“Yeah, I know…and I know it’s different from last time, but…oh, it doesn’t matter.” You shook your head, accepting the mug she offered with a soft thanks.
"What doesn't matter? You can tell me, Y/N."
“I just have a feeling,” you swallowed, “and in all my life, when I’ve had these sorts of worries, they’ve rarely been wrong. I can't explain it but it's, I suppose, part of my Omega abilities or traits, whatever you wanna call them. I’ve been working on tuning it with Natasha, you know, using it to anticipate people's movements a split second before they do? But I can’t always do it on command. And I can’t always make sense of it either.”
"Fine tuning abilities you have learned or haven't used that come naturally takes time. If something doesn't feel right, tell me and we'll look into it. I promise."
“It’s Rumlow. I can’t figure it out but since we guessed that he wanted the serum to enhance the Alphas they have… why hasn’t he? Surely, we would have seen that already at the border fights?”
"I don't know.” Pepper shrugged. “But, if you want to poke around and look at the intel we have, see if you can make sense of it…FRIDAY, execute Morgan Protocol."
The AI spoke back, "Morgan Protocol initiated, you are secure, Miss Potts."
“What’s Morgan Protocol?” you asked, absent mindedly scratching behind Commando’s ear.
"My way of hiding behind FRIDAY and looking up things without Tony knowing I’m doing it." Pepper tapped her nose.
“What? Why would-“
“Sometimes I just like to be able to check things without him asking me a million and one questions.” She chuckled, “don’t worry, I have access to everything and he knows I do, this just lets me do it on my own time and stops him annoying me.”
You smiled, “I don’t know if we’ll find anything, Steve couldn’t answer when I asked him. No one knows bar Hydra.”
"It's worth a shot," Pepper popped a shoulder, taking a seat with you at the conference table in the open kitchen. "FRIDAY, allow Y/N voice access controls." "Welcome, Y/N. How can I help you?"
“Erm…” you floundered a bit, not sure what to ask. “Can you show me what we know about Hydra's anticipated plans so far?”
Your eyes scanned the images and articles quickly flashing on the clear panel in front of you and Pepper. It was old Intel, current satellite images and next to nothing else. You bit your lip, before you had another idea, “FRIDAY, can you show me everything you have on the Pseudo Serum please?”
More files popped up along with articles, photos, experimentation notes, and more. Again, it didn’t appear to tell you anything over what you already knew. You were about to give up until an unnamed folder caught your eye. You reached out to open it and frowned as a load more notes and diagrams sprung up in front of you. “Is this…oh my god…” you blinked as you took in the information, “Pepper, look at this.”
Pepper stood to get a closer look. "What the…”
“Has Tony ever mentioned this?”
“No, but it's a deep state SHIELD file. There were stories, rumors...."
With a shaky hand, you pressed the bond on your neck.
"Y/N." His voice was calm, yet commanding as it filled your head.
“Ask Tony if he knows anything about an Anti-Serum.” Your request was more an instruction.
You continued to read as you waited, hoping Steve and Tony would have something, anything. And then a guard came in about two or three minutes later, accessing the comms controls. "We'll discuss your Morgan Protocol later, Miss Potts,” Tony’s voice carried a hint of amusement over the speakers, “for now, talk to me, Goose."
“So, Hydra took the alpha genome for the Pseudo serum, but left the omega one, right?”
"That is affirmative"
"Cut to the chase, Doll." Steve's voice but in over the comms.
“We just left the briefing room to come back to the jet to talk to you, and Cap wants to get back to playing soldiers, he really likes pushing the little men around the board…”
“You know what, Tony? I swear to God…”
“Did anyone bother to test it, to check that they’d actually left behind what we thought they did?” You cut across the argument, “because there’s a formula here for an anti-serum. A serum that can render an Alpha's powers useless and the Omega genome is the key component.”
Silence gave you the answer, before Banner’s voice cut in.
“I’ve never heard of that, where did you-“
“Buried in a secret SHIELD file,” Pepper replied, “one that seems to have been uploaded when Tony was on one of his hacking missions, but never accessed.”
“You know anything about it, Romanoff?” Tony’s voice was accusatory in tone, but Natasha’s response was in her trademark, bored drawl, the one she always reserved for Tony.
“I only act like I know everything, Stark.”
“You think that might be their play?” Steve spoke. “Not simply supercharging the Alpha’s they have?”
“As far as we know, they haven’t even done that,” Thor’s voice boomed out. “We’d have heard reports from the front line.”
Pepper looked at you, “That’s exactly what Y/N said.”
“Huh, your girl’s smart, as well as pretty, Cap.”
Steve growled a little at Tony, before you cut over his display of Alpha possessiveness.
“I don’t know for sure, but…it makes sense, this is probably the reason they killed Erskine. Not just because he was the only one who knew the formula, but because he knew about this. According to his notes, Fury sanctioned this and kept it far off the radar…”
“Son of a- “ there was a loud bang.
“Watch it Cap, this console is worth more than you!”
“Always with the secrets.” Steve spat out.
“I told you, his spies have spies,” Tony scoffed.
“It’s so clever…I mean, Hydra have done exactly what we would never dream they would,” Banner sighed, “Using an Omega genome as a potential way to weaken us...”
You didn’t hear the rest.
There was shattering of glass behind you, before some form of gas clouded your vision. Yells and gunfire filled your ears, along with loud snarls and barks, and then a loud whimper from Commando. Before you could even attempt to obey Pepper’s command to run, you felt a prick in your neck, and instantly your world went black.
Steve's knees hit the deck of the jet as the air was sucked from his lungs. A searing pain coursed through his veins, and his bonding mark was white hot, like bubbling lava against his skin. He pressed against it, hard, as his other hand lay flat against the metal of the floor.
“Cap?” Tony dropped to his knees by his side as Thor did the same. “Come on, Spangles… Banner, get over here!”
Painfully red, as if he was being choked of air, and sweaty, Steve's head snapped up. An air-filled gasp clogged his throat, "no."
Thor spoke loudly, "it's the bond, something's happened." Banner looked on helplessly as Steve began to emotionally react. Panic, worry, fear, upset, he felt everything.
And then, as soon as it started, it stopped.
Steve took in a huge gulp of air, as he sat back on his heels. Immediately he pressed his fingers to his neck again. “'Mega…” He was met with nothing. “Mega!!“ “What is it?” Thor looked at him. “Y/N, I can’t hear her. I felt… pain, like I was struggling to breathe but…” he got to his feet, waving help away, “it wasn’t a bond breaking pain, not like last time…it…was worse.” “Pepper….” Tony spoke, and got nothing but silence. “Shit, FRIDAY! Patch me through to Happy!” There was nothing but static on the comms as not even the AI herself replied.
“We need to go back.” Steve demanded.
"But the front line," Sam spoke, “they need us.”
“And they need us back home,” Tony looked at Sam, “Pepper’s in danger! They all are.”
Steve felt like the ground beneath him was spinning. Something had happened to you, something painful… “We go back," he snapped, "that's an order."
“Steve, let us stay.” Natasha looked at him. “Me, Buck, Sam, Clint and Peter. You, Tony and Thor head back.”
"Sam and Nat are right, they need us here, Steve, the only answer is to split the team," Bucky added.
Steve stared at his one-time sergeant, and all-time best friend before he took a shaky breath. “Okay, Bruce, you stick with us. We might need you.”
“Okay, I’ll calibrate our controls, the rest of you, you’ll have comms on four whilst FRIDAY is down.” Tony rushed to the front of the jet. “As soon as I get back, I’ll try and fix it so we can speak to you.”
“Watch your six,” Bucky placed his hand on Steve’s shoulder as he passed towards the open ramp.  “This could be a trap.”
Steve nodded, "I don’t doubt it, but I can’t let them…”he trailed off, his throat closing as he choked on the lump that had appeared, his eyes stinging with painful tears.
“I know.” Bucky nodded.
"Alright, Bravo Team, let's go," Nat called.
The team made their way to the ramp and as soon as they were gone, Thor closed it. Tony guided the jet off the floor, banked them round, and then pulled the throttle back fully.
"Steve..." Banner sighed. "You do realize that if FRIDAY is down and the tower has been compromised, long range comms are done. We're in this alone."
“I know.” He looked at Bruce, then glanced at Tony whose jaw was twitching as he sped the jet forward, the Billionaire was as anxious about his mate as Steve was.
"We have no choice but to turn back," Thor reminded them.
“Auto pilot engaged, ETA forty minutes.”
“That’s too long-“
“It's as fast as I can get it, Rogers!” Tony snarled, standing up, “you’re not the only one who’s-" And then suddenly, he stopped. He scrambled for something in his pocket and pulled out his phone. “Pepper? Oh, thank god… what….” He paused as he glanced over the jet, his eyes meeting Steve's, “that’s…that’s impossible.” Another pause, “Okay, if Happy feels well enough then tell him to reboot from the ground up, get FRIDAY back on line. Then call Rhodey, bring him in. We’re on our way home, ETA 40.”
Steve looked on expectantly for an explanation. But Tony's eyes told him everything that his pain confirmed. Y/N was gone. "I'm sorry, pal."
With a feral growl, Steve’s hand slammed onto the wall of the jet. He took a deep breath, his fingers tracing his mark as he repeated your name, calling to you over the bond again and again. Nothing.
"Tell me everything, Pepper told you," he demanded.
“She doesn’t know much. They were attacked in the penthouse. Pep got the upper hand on one of them, but the other stung her with a taser, took her out then whacked her over the head. When she came to, the power was completely out and Y/N was gone. She said it happened so fast and nearly all at once. They were hit with a team, one got to Y/N before Pepper could."
“How did they get round the security?” Steve yelled, “you told me it was safe! I left her there because-“
“Inside job.” Tony shook his head, “they must have been there under our noses this whole time."
Steve's blood boiled and his temper raged. His fist hit the weapons locker, denting the metal door.
“Okay, Steve, kicking the shit out of the jet ain’t gonna help buddy.”
“No, but maybe kicking the shit out of you will.”
“What, why- this isn’t my fault!” Tony squared up to Steve as best he could given the Captain had a good three inches on him height wise.
“Nothing ever is!”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“Enough!” Thor boomed out, making them both stop. “Captain,” he gently pushed between them both and guided Steve back, “you are worried about Magpie, we all are. But you can be assured of one thing.”
“What?” Steve snapped, his hands balling into fists at his sides.
“That she is alive. If she wasn’t, you wouldn’t be able to function right now.”
It was small comfort. Thor might be right, but the fact he couldn’t feel or hear you, and that he’d felt your pain earlier, meant you were hurt, possibly badly. He felt the tears stinging his eyes and he turned away, flopping into a seat, wiping his face.
He couldn’t lose you, he couldn’t.
The journey home was almost completely silent, all four men contemplating in their own minds what they were going to walk into. Tony called Pepper a few times, thankful for the fact the jet carried its own cellular service that made it possible, and Bruce took over at the cockpit.
And it was he who broke the silence.
“What?” Steve’s head snapped up as Banner nodded through the windows at the front of the jet.
They all gathered round to look, and Steve took a deep breath. Clearly, the damage leading up to Stark Wood had been done. As they began their final approach, pockets of turmoil were seen. "What the fuck happened here?" Tony shook his head. "Distraction." Came Thor's answer.
“Distraction for what?” Banner frowned, “it’s not like they needed it. They were already in the tower!”
"Not to get in, but to get out." Steve growled, leaning over Banner's seat and peering into through the windshield.
As outlining buildings burned and a Hydra symbol torched a wheat field, the jet touched down at the tower. As soon as they stepped inside, Pepper ran forward to hug Tony and a loud bark alerted Steve to his dog’s presence. “Hey, pal…” He whispered, reaching down to tangle his hand in his dog’s fur. There was blood around his mouth, and he was limping slightly, but other than that he seemed okay.
“Thank god you’re alright.” Tony muttered as he pressed a kiss to Pepper's cheek.
"We're a little banged up, but..." Pepper sighed as she turned to Steve. "I'm so sorry, I tried, I..."
“It’s….it’s not your fault,” Steve hoped his voice sounded more convincing than he felt. Whilst he knew deep down Pepper wouldn’t have given up without a fight, part of him couldn’t help but feel angry that as an Alpha she hadn’t managed to protect the Omega in her charge.
The tower lights flickered and the sound of power rebooting filled their ears. "It's his fourth try." Pepper said of Happy, clearly in the generator and core reactor room, attempting to recover the tower's power and ultimately their biggest weapon, FRIDAY.
“It’ll take a while for it all to come back online fully,” Tony sighed. “Is Happy okay?”
"Took one to the chest, but he's alright. He actually remembered his vest this time," Pepper sighed. "I'm more concerned about our Omega."
Steve ran his hand over his face and then to his neck. “I can’t… I can’t hear her or talk to her…” “What do you mean?” Pepper and Tony both asked at the same time. Banner also turned to him, curiosity on his face.
Thor stood by as Steve went on to explain their bond and how it had evolved.
“Wow ,” Tony raised a brow “It’s… it’s not important, we need to find her.”
“I’ll go speak to Heimdel and my men, see if they saw anything that might help.” Thor nodded, before he left.
“Rhodey’s been coordinating with him,” Pepper looked up, “he’s downstairs with Happy.”
As the rest of the room cleared out, Steve's façade faded and the part of him that was forever an Omega came forth. He fell into the chair at the table. The room around him thrashed. Desperately, he held his head in his hands, running them over his ears as his thumb skated over his bond, seeking a connection. Still there was no answer. ********************
Your head was pounding. With a groan, you blinked, your eyes adjusting to the dim light of the room. It felt like the worst hangover you'd ever had. A. Combination of the flu and what it might be like if your veins froze from the inside out. Pain radiated in your neck, from your bond mark down through your chest and arms. Your entire body felt aflame. You took a deep breath, trying to focus on a spot on the wall in an attempt to stop the room spinning. Once your vision cleared, you saw you were in a small room, led on a single bed. There was a toilet and basin in the corner, but no windows. It looked oddly familiar. The walls were a plain, clinical white. No artwork, but a small TV on the wall. And then it hit you. It reminded you of the basement at home, the room your dad would throw you in as a kid if you stepped out of line. Swallowing you stood up, then checked your watch. You couldn’t be home, you’d been in the tower with Pepper less than two hours ago. It wasn’t possible… Pepper! Oh, God! Was she okay? What about everyone else, what about… Steve! You instantly reached for your mark, your shaking fingers pressing to your skin. “Alpha?”
There was nothing. It frightened you. Your body shook and your heart raced as your breath came in broken pants. You clamped your eyes shut. 'Focus.'
You scolded yourself. Your bond couldn't be broken, you knew that much. But something was blocking it. It had to be whatever was coursing through your veins.
Pepper said you had to try harder at new things or traits you'd never been taught to use. This was the same. Steeling your nerves, you relaxed your face, inhaling deeply and slowly letting it go. You touched your neck again and waited.
And then a voice broke through the fog, it was faint, nowhere near as strong as it had been, but it made you sob with relief.
“Jesus, Doll, I’ve been so worried!” You couldn’t feel his pain, but you could hear it as he continued. “Where are you?”
"I dunno, it looks like the basement in my dad’s old house."
“That’s not possible, they can’t have gotten you to Texas so fast.”
"Then I have no clue. I merely came to. I don't... There's someone coming."
“Okay, Doll, listen to me. Whatever you do, do not let them know you can talk to me. Don’t touch your neck unless you’re sure they’re not watching, don’t give anything away. But keep your eyes sharp, anything that might help…no matter how small. Wait until its safe and then contact me again. You got that? I love you, and I’m gonna find you, I promise.”
"I love you, Steve."
You stood still, waiting to put up a fight as you listened to the sounds of a key code being typed in on  a pad outside the door. That was another indication this wasn't Texas, or at least it wasn't home. You let your hand drop from your neck and your arms crossed over your body as you hugged your chest, Steve once more gone.
The door opened and you rose to your feet, your eyes widening as a familiar face became visible in the light of the room.
“Hey, sis.” Bryce grinned at you, “long time no see.”
Ch 11
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Hello! I would love to submit a prompt for Steve's birthday prompt celebration: Reader is a new shield agent who has caught Steve's eye, reader figures he isn't interested. Tony throws a party and is talking to some other shield agents and Steve's makes his move .
Thanks in advance!
Smut prompt
Smut dialogue prompts
#34 I'm afraid I can no longer remain professional
#22 can you feel what your doing to me
There’s no rule against it
Warnings: SMUT! Language! DomSteve!
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You thought you were great at reading people
It was an asset that SHIELD wanted, the ability to read your enemies and work out their next move
But clearly you and SHIELD were wrong because when you met Steve for the first time you were pretty confident he liked you
Yet the second time you met and every other time since it was the complete opposite, almost like he couldn’t be in the same room as you, every conversation strictly professional
You were a big girl though, you could get over it, it still deeply frustrated you though
It all changed the night of a Stark party
You decided to get over your crush on Steve by getting underneath someone else
You had been talking to some cute agent, whose name escapes you now, when Steve suddenly appear behind you
“Agent I need to speak with you”
You went to say no but he interrupted “urgently”
You sighed giving your conversation partner an apologetic look before saying you’d be right back
“Now Agent!” Steve snapped
You followed him through and out of the party, through the corridors of the tower until you reached a deserted kitchen
Glancing around you realised this must be the personal kitchen the Avengers used
“What are we doing here Captain?” You asked looking back over at him
He remained silent, staring over at you, one hand on his hip, the other resting on the counter
As the silence drew on you got more irritated so decided to leave
You’d gotten so far when he grabbed your elbow stopping you from taking another step
“I’m sorry agent, I’m afraid I can no longer remain professional”
You scoff hearing that ripping your arm from his grip “please Captain we both know you want nothing more than a professional relationship”
You stormed passed him only getting a couple of steps when he grabbed you again, hands on your arms as he stepped closer, his chest pressed against your back “you’re wrong agent, I want so much more”
You went to argue again but his hands travelled down to your hips, harshly pulling them back into his own, his erection clear as day as it pressed against your ass “can you feel what you’re doing to me?”
“C-Captain” you muttered as you tried not to squirm, heat pooling between your legs
“Say you want this, want me, not that pathetic agent” Steve growled in your ear, hand moving up your stomach to your breast
“Steve I-“ you gasp your back arching
“Say it, say you want this” Steve presses, his other hand reaching underneath the skirt of your dress, cupping you core through your ruined panties
“Yes, fuck yes I want it” you moan, hips rolling desperate for friction
“Good girl” Steve nips at your earlobe
You barely had time to react when Steve quickly spun you around, bending you over the kitchen counter, pushing the skirt of your dress over your hips, ripping off your ruined panties and kicking your legs apart
The chill of the marble counter nipped at your skin as you waited, hearing the sounds of his belt buckle as he freed himself.
You let out a gasp as you felt him run himself up and down your fold “I promise i’ll treat you right babygirl, better than that agent, better than anyone, no one else deserves you”
“I don’t want anyone else” you moan hips bucking trying to get him where you needed him
“That’s right babygirl” Steve whispers lips pressing against your shoulder as he slips inside you, the both of you moaning at the sensation of him filling you up to the point it was almost painful
You would be embarrassed at how quickly you came undone beneath him but you couldn’t deny it, Steve was just that good, drawing not one but two orgasms from you before finishing himself
“Such a good girl for me” Steve whispers as he repositions your dress, his spend still dripping down your legs
He gently turns you around to face him, brushing your hair from your face, thumb gently brushing over your lower lip
“You won’t be going back to that agent now will you?” He ask, his voice much gentler than before as if he wasn’t certain
You shake your head “no, not in a million years” you say your voice barely above a whisper
Steve smiles down at you, pressing a gnt kiss to your lips “good, now how about we ditch the rest of the party and head to my room?”
You grin up at him nodding your head as you kiss him once more
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Send me some Stevie prompts!
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Harrington!Reader x Eddie Munson (1/?)
"Reader is Steve’s sister and Eddie asks her out on a date at school when she agrees to go with him but needs to tell her brother who is picking her up from school that she is going on a date so he should just go home Steve sees that it’s eddie and refuses to let her go but she goes anyway" Request by @amelia-2003
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Thank you for being my first request :) I hope you enjoy and I made the reader a cheerleader if that was okay? (Just let me know),just to fit this oneshot , or rather 2-shot?
(Warnings: Mentions of weed , Age-gap , language and suggestive themes)
(Y/N) Harrington was always in the shadow of her older brother ,the Steve Harrington . The captain for the basketball team when he attended Hawkins High School. It didn't help that she was expected to be just as great as Steve when people found out she was related to him . Her parents suggested , meaning she had to do it or they'll just be even more disappointed in her like always , that she could do cheer , so she sucked it up , gave a big fake smile and here she was.
It was a Pep Rally for Hawkins Basketball team . They were celebrating previous games they've won and had another game coming soon after school today . So all the cheerleaders were wearing their uniforms and school colors of green and orange with their hair up and makeup on to celebrate the team's accomplishments. Right now all (Y/N) wanted to do was get this routine over with so she can leave , finish classes and go home so she can sleep . They were performing a cheer rountine where they do their little dance and form a pyramid and the itching material of the skirt was sure to leave irritated marks on her skin later on as the material skratched her thighs when performing.
Finally they were done with their last act and then Jason Carver went up to deliver a speech about the upcoming championship and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. But when he mentioned Jim Hopper , a man who was like a father figure to you , you were brought back bittersweet memories of the police chief . Whether it was him telling you not to date boys or whenever he'd invite you to his home to feed you eggo waffles with whipped cream and candy with him and El . You tried your best to not let any tears fall down you cheek . You sighed as you listened to the end of his speech and now all you wanted to do was go to the locker rooms to get out of your sweaty uniform. The band left as the sound of their instruments died down when they were walking back to the band hall. You then turn to see the other cheerleaders walking towards the jocks. You took this as a que to leave .
You were rushing towards the girls locker room which was passed the bleachers and another couple halls down. And it didn't help that may people were around you. You didn't even realize what , or rather who ,you crashed into . You gasped as you were about to fall , but you were caught . You then saw dark , brown eyes with an amused look as they stared into your own (E/C) ones . You then realized you were caught by Eddie Munson . You quickly blushed as you realized what position you were in. You were pressed against his chest and his arms were awkwardly wrapped around you.
You quickly straightened up as he did the same , letting you go. You looked around to see if anyone noticed you were with him. You looked to see no one surprisingly .
"Soo , does this count as you falling for me princess?" , Eddie gave a small smirk.
You gave a laugh at the statement , "You wish Munson . But seriously, thank you." Then proceeded to give him a hug . Eddie tightly wrapped his arms around you then let go.
You knew Eddie Munson since middle school , he was two grades ahead of you and really were aquantinces . It wasn't until highschool you both became friends . You were crying in the library one day , because of some other cheerleaders and he found you there. It was a bit akward, but he stayed there and made sure you felt better . It turned out you both had similar interests even if you both looked like exact opposites. You loved dungeons and dragons , thanks to certain kids you babysit . And you never told anyone but you did enjoy a bit of metal music , so thus a friendship was born.
And Eddie wouldn't admit it but on several occasions he has asked Dustin Henderson , Mike Wheeler and Lucas Sinclair about you and favorite things you liked. It was a bit embarrassing that they relentlessly teased him about you but they always gave him what he wanted at the cost of making their ranks higher for a day or two . He would always deny Jeff and Gareth's whines of protest about why he always let them in that position. But they quickly found out why. So now his club meetings always consisted a talk about you , to where Eddie would be flustered , but he'd never tell you about that.
"Soo. I'll see you at the library later on today?" You softly whispered, with a gleam of hope in your eyes .
"Sure princess , also I've got to say . You look really nice today." He smirked as he eyed your body up and down. That small skirt was doing things to him .
You felt your cheeks heating up as you saw what he was doing. "You're such a pervert." You muttered as you tried to ignore his staring.
He gave a nice chuckle and as he opened his mouth to speak . Chrissy Cunnigham passed by and saw you two. Her eyes immediately lighted up . "Hey (Y/N) ! And hey Munson." He nodded at her as a greeting. He faced you again. "So prince- (Y/N)! (Y/N) uhh . Here ." He quickly shoved a hand in his pocket to pull out a folded piece of paper that was slightly crumbled up. You took it . "Yeah . So meet me in the ...woods. The usual.", He lied . It was hard to keep your face straight as you tried not to smile. "See you later Munson." He gave a small smile and quickly walked away as he saw Jason walking by , you quickly hid the paper away somewhere in your shorts.
Jason wrapped his leather covered arm around his girlfriend as he pulled her close to give her a kiss on the cheek. You looked the other way. His face scrunched up at the smell of faint weed . "What was the freak doing here?" He asked with hate in his voice. "I asked to buy off of him." You said . It was of course no secret the jocks and cheerleaders buy off drugs of him . "How would Steve Harrington feel if he were to find out his baby sister did drugs bought from the freak?" He smirked. "How would your mom feel if she saw her baby boy doing the same thing?" His smirk quickly faltered away . "You're lucky you're Chrissy's friend" , he scowled. You rolled your eyes . You walked towards the locker room and heard Chrissy trailing behind , you both had just enough time for a showerand head to class. As you both went inside , Chrissy grabbed your hand and brought you to a more quiet area.
"(Y/N)" , she gave a small smile.
"..Yess?" Your voice trailing out , not liking the gleam in her eyes.
"Soo ... was Munson about to call you what I think it was." , she smirked.
"I think he forgot my name for a second ." , you lied.
"Listen (Y/N) , I don't care if you're dating him, it's cute . Although maybe a bit obvious-"
Your cheeks once again felt warm , it didn't help since you've got a major crush on him . "Chrissy! Listen we're not exactly dating." You whispered. Chrissy's smile fell. "But you two looked like you were. You know what? Doesn't matter , I'm gonna help you two out since you're both clueless-" your eyes widened in shock as you didn't believe she was willing to help you out , you expected the opposite actually, considering who she was dating. Then the coach entered. "Girls . Either shower or get out." You both scurried to get in the showers.
You were once again in the same smelly uniform but that smell was covered with lotion and a bit of Chrissy's body spray . It was your science class which you were supposed to be at but what your parents don't know won't hurt them , besides you have an A in that class , so you were at the library waiting for Eddie. Technically he should be in class right now , but he's skipping it as always just to spend some time with you , you both see eachother like this at least once a month to not raise any suspicions. You then remembered the note in your backpack that Eddie gave you so you took that out .
'Hey Princess,
Was wondering that if you had time today during lunch, you could go to the cafeteria . I've got you a surprise.
- Eddie'
You were curious what it was , but then you put the note back in your backpack. There you saw Eddie rushing in towards you . You gave a smile ,"Soo . Gonna tell me what the surprise is?" "Nope , you're gonna have to find out what It is If you show up."
"Eddieee . Please?" You moved your hands on his chest pleading with adorable puppy dog eyes . He chucked at the sight . "Wanna start another rumor?" He smirked . You quickly put your hands back . The rumor about a month ago was that you were sitting on Eddie's lap in the library . It was purely by accident as your face was stuck in a book and you thought you were about to sit down on your chair but instead it was his lap. But then a jock saw you both and immediately spread the word . But no one believed him . The (Y/N) Harrington sitting on the freak's lap? Yeah right. Besides , he was high out of his mind anyways . And you've never given any guys the chance to date or anything . It was confirmed when some of your teamates tried to set you up with jocks but you always declined. Instead having your eye on someone else . However Eddie recieved backlash especially since you were only 16 when that happened and he was 18 , a considered adult . Earning the title of liking underaged girls .
You sighed at that memory. "So how's the club?" , you asked . He smiled as he explained the new things that were happening and how the boys were doing . As you both were done talking , the bell rang . You said your goodbyes and headed to your next last classes of the day.
Finally it was the end of class and you were off to lunch . You walked towards the cafeteria , which was full of people in lines waiting to get lunch . And you didn't spot Eddie anywhere . 'Maybe you were too early?'you thought.
Just then Dustin was at the corner and he walked up to you. "Oh hey Dustin!", you gave a smile . He didn't reply . "Uhh. Dustin are you okay or-?" Still no reply . "Dusty come on answer me ." " Yeah , answer her Dusty" , a voiced called out. You laughed at Mike's response. Dustin's eye twitched as he tuned to look at him. "Goddamn it Mike , you ruined it ." "Ruined what?" "I was making this have a mysterious vibe to it you know?, like Eddie sai-." "You call that mysterious?" And then their bickering began . You chuckled at the scene displayed infront of you and finally Erica was there . "Here (Y/N)" She passed you a note. You chucked and gave her a sweet 'thank you' and that just led to the boys arguing more as they wanted to give you the note .
'Go to the band hall. You'll find Gareth and Jeff will be there.'
You quickly walked towards the band hall to see people crowded around but then you finally spot the two boys as they looked your way with a smirk on their faces . "Harrington." They gave a slight nod as one of them gave you the paper . "Thanks."
'I'm sorry I'm putting you in circles sweetheart , but please go to the library .'
You chuckled as you rolled your eyes playfully , luckily it was pretty close . So it wasn't too far of a walk . As you walked inside you then spotted Eddie with a huge grin on his face as he spotted you with one arm behind his back . "Soo . What am I here for?" , you smiled. "Well first this is for you." He revealed a (F/C) flower behind his hands and you thanked him for the sweet gesture. Suddenly he took your hand and led you to a more quieter spot. Thankfully mostly freshmen were there and didn't pay much attention to you two . As you both were in a more quieter space he grabbed your hand .
"Listen (Y/N) . You mean so much to me and I'm so glad to call you a friend . You're one of the sweetest , funniest and most beautiful person I've ever met . I've realized now that for years I've liked you more than just a friend. And I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date with me . I understand if you don't like me or if I'm too old for you . But I love yo-."
Finally you crashed your lips against his and he quickly returned the favor as he wrapped his hands around his waist with yours around his neck . You broke apart with a flushed look on your face . "I love you too Eddie Munson." You smiled . And then you both continued kissing with the horrified site revealed to a freshman as he awkwardly walked away . Yup , totally not the book aisle he needs to access.
*Part 2 coming soon :)*
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widow-maximov · 3 years
You just need to feel it
Pairing: Natasha x Fem Reader
Warning: Language, fluff, angst
Summary: Being hidden away from the Avengers definitely brings curiosity when you are accidently discovered by one of them.
Word count: 5.6k
Being one of the most rich people in the world daughter, definitely has its own benefits along with flaws, one of them being that when people heard your surname they instantly think you are the most spoiled kid on earth, when in reality you practically don't even know your parents.
People think you overexaggerate, like how can you not know your parents? But it's the truth, at a young age you have been practically given up to Tony Stark, he is intelligent and has his weakness when it comes to sponsoring his businesses to which your parents agreed to with one condition.
That Tony takes you as they never had time in the world to babysit you, so Tony became the father figure you always lacked. He taught you many things along with his passion of building, with each lesson you become better which is why you are currently working for Tony.
You practically have the same knowledge as him so when he is busy or needs another person's perspective he asks you to help and you do it with gratefulness.
When your parents noticed that you are starting to become a potential, they asked Tony to keep you discreet but would regularly check up on you, not that they would even try to interact with you but you didn't really care.
You were fine with Tony being the only father figure, soon when Pepper came into Tony's life, she was like the mother you always dreamed off, she always supported you and loved spending time with you when Tony was busy with his meetings.
Since you were stuck in the same place at all the times, you wanted to explore but you were forbidden from doing so, you knew no one could find out about you or Tony could get into big trouble with your parents.
You heard of the Avengers and their work, but you and Tony were behind the inventions so they could succeed against enemies three times their size.
It would've been one of those days where Tony would disappear from the team and spend some of his time with you, catching up or helping you with studying.
You was sat at your desk, the room was connected to the lab where you and Tony would come up with creations, the lab had a window that was tinted so only the person inside could see outside of it which was useful, as you could watch people walk past and no one would know you are even there.
The room of course was filled with things that could never bore you but it did bore you. You couldn't leave anywhere because if there was a picture leaked, your parents would be furious, so you were basically locked like Rapunzel but you couldn't escape.
"How are you, kid?" Tony asked as he walked inside the room, taking a double look in the hall to make sure no one saw him.
You nodded as you looked at him "Like any person who is locked inside a room their whole life"
He laughed a little as he made his way towards you "I'm sure it is very entertaining"
"Yeah, I'm so entertained as you can see" You pointed towards your books.
He sat on the desk as he leaned over to see what you were studying "Biology? What's so fascinating about that?"
You rolled your eyes, you would think someone like Tony would be somewhat interested in facts about science "It's interesting, like the human body has 12 systems. Don't tell me this isn't impressive?"
He smiled at you "You need another hobby, kiddo"
You playfully rolled your eyes "And you need to let me explore this building"
His smile fell a little, he knew that this is inhumane to keep you in a room locked and no one could find out about you "Under different circumstances, that would be possible"
You stood up from the chair as you kept your gaze on him "I know, it's okay though, as long as you keep hanging around I'm sure I will be fine"
He nodded slightly with a sad smile "If it only was up to me, you would be able to just walk freely"
"I don't understand, why don't they just let you adopt me, they barely even talk to me, you have been more of a parent to me than they ever were"
He looked at you, he always cared about you, even if you weren't his daughter by blood, he always considered you as one along with Pepper "I wonder that as well.."
The silence started to settle but he cleared his throat, throwing one of his famous smiles and pulling you into him with his hand over your shoulder as he walked towards the lab "I started to come up with this prototype and then I noticed something and I wanted to ask you about it"
The time with him went by so quickly, he didn't even notice that he was gone for so long, he gave you a hug which was something that was so foreign to you until he took you, you still wasn't used to it especially since you barely received them but you grew fond of them.
The team started to get suspicious of Tony's disappearances, at first they thought he was sneaking off to see Pepper but that went out of the window when she walked into the Avengers tower and asked about him, indicating that she had no clue where he was.
They wanted to find out what he has been doing all that time, they checked every room they could possibly think off, but it came back short. They even asked Friday but that programmed thing always gave the same answer 'It's confidential' which only just fuelled the team.
Correction; Most of the team, by most that was Sam, Bucky, Thor and Natasha and the rest didn't really care until the four never came up with any explanation to why Tony had to disappear.
Steve only took interest when Sam really insisted and came up with some theory that Tony has a second woman on the side with a whole family, obviously there was no evidence to support that.
"I still think Wanda should look into his head" Thor came back with some sort of drink in his hand as he reclaimed his seat.
There was a slight laugh "There is no way I'm doing that, I respect that man too much, you guys are on your own"
All of them looked towards Wanda who heard Thor and they just sighed knowing that she won't do it, no matter how much they would beg.
"Natasha is a spy, can't she like follow Tony one day and just see where he always wonders off to?" Wanda asked as she sat down next to Steve who was scribbling something down on his notepad.
Sam and Bucky looked at each other with a slight smirk as they both looked at Natasha, who already knew that there would be no way out of this "Natashaaaaa..." Sam dragged her name out in an attempt to get to her " The witch is right, just follow him, you are like a super sneaky spy."
Natasha rolled her eyes as Thor spoke up again after taking a sip of his drink "That could save us a lot of time"
Natasha looked at Wanda who had a small smirk across her lips "You welcome" The witch mouthed which caused a glare to be thrown her way from the Russian.
She eventually agreed, especially when they would follow her everywhere, annoying her until she would crack. The famous black widow for once didn't threaten her team mates since she was as curious as them.
She has been following Tony all day, sneaking around, hanging from the ceiling and just watching his every move, she was close to giving up but that's when she noticed a door appear from the wall, from the outside it looked like any wall but that's where you would be with Tony all the time.
Tony looked around and walked inside and then the door disappeared. Natasha, feeling of satisfaction washed over her, had a smirk across her lips, finally that's where he has been hiding all this time.
She expected, some embarrassing place where Tony stored away his secrets that she could tease him about, so when he walked out again couple minutes after, she took the opportunity and snuck inside the room.
She was slightly disappointed when she just found a lab but her eyes caught a movement from the opened door, across from where she was, she quietly made her way there as she looked around. It was just a bedroom with a lot of fun stuff.
She observed you as you was sat on your bed with a book in hand so she decided to speak up "Now who can you be, gorgeous?"
Natasha never failed to notice how attractive you were, the way your hair would be pushed behind the both of your ears, in her eyes you looked young but old enough.
You jumped up from the unfamiliar voice, eyes fixated at the redhead in front, you knew this was bad, she shouldn't be here and now that she has seen you, this will only be a big problem.
Just like you jinxed Tony walked in and his eyes widen at the sight of the redhead "Romanoff what the hell are you doing here?"
She eagerly span on her hill as she faced him with a smirk "So that's where you have been hiding out"
"How did you even get in?" He narrowed his eyes as he looked at you, you looked clueless as well.
"The door closes too slow, I just walked in. But who is that?" Natasha simply explained but her attention changed towards you with a smile.
He stood in front of her as he covered you "That's not your business, you shouldn't even be here-"
Natasha walked around, making her way towards you as she extended her hand towards you "I'm Natasha but you can call me Nat, sweetheart"
Her attempt at flirting with you only irritated Tony "Romanoff, I swear if you don't take a step back from her, you'll regret it" He tried to stick to his threat but Natasha knew him too well.
You looked at Tony "Dad, does that mean am I in trouble?"
Natasha's eyes widen as she repeated what you said "Dad?!"
Tony rolled his eyes and looked at you with a small smile "Of course not" His eyes darted back to Natasha "But she will be"
You would be lying if you didn't think that some of the Avengers were pretty good looking, you never was in a relationship for obvious reasons but there would be times you would imagine yourself in one, not that you knew much about them but the films and books seem to give you some sort of an idea.
Natasha mumbled as her eyes narrowed "Maybe Sam was right about you having a secret family"
"Secret family? Have you guys been creating some sort of theories about me? What the hell are you guys doing?" He sounded more than irritated.
"Does Pepper know about you having a secret daughter?" She asked with her arms crossed.
Natasha might have been viewed at scary and unlovable for not more than her body but that doesn't mean she didn't have her own view on some subjects, she just never voiced them.
"She knows-" He paused as he huffed from irritation "I don't have to explain myself to you"
You watched as your eyes darted from one to another as they spoke so you decided to interrupt them "I'm trying to read..."
Natasha's gaze fell on you, she had a small smirk playing across her lips "You know that bed looks more than comfortable-"
"Out!" Tony shouted over Natasha as he pointed towards the exit, she finally given in and with a smirk she walked out and Tony followed but not before he sent you an apologetic look.
They both made it to a private room, out of hearing from anyone. Tony leaned on the door as Natasha stood not far from him, he sighed with a defeated look "Can you keep this to yourself? I will pay you or something"
The redhead with a hint of genuine emotion "You don't have to pay me, I will keep this to myself you don't have to worry but"
He dread that 'but', he knew there was a catch, Natasha continued "Who is that?"
He pushed himself off the door and sat on the table as he looked at Natasha "It's not my place to say, but her parents decided to give her to me and here she is, no one can know so just make up a lie or something"
He seems upset in a way and just like that walked out of the room and went back to you, Natasha's eyes followed him as she felt a little guilty for invading his privacy.
Everyone from the team apart from Tony were waiting for Natasha to return with some hopeful news. She wasn't expecting literally everyone to be tuned in.
She was taken back as she made it into the living room, they were waiting with excitement written all over their faces "So?" one of them spoke up.
The redhead crossed her arms as she raised her eyebrows perfectly "You guys just sat here and waited for me to come back?"
They shrugged and just said 'yes' which just made Natasha shake her head at their nosiness "Well I found nothing, he was busy with his meetings all day." She paused as they all groaned "Maybe there literally is nothing"
Wanda tilted her head at Natasha, she knew she had an advantage over the team, especially if they tried to lie, so when Natasha excused herself the witch took the opportunity to follow her.
"Wait up, Natasha" Wanda spoke from behind her as she caught up to her.
She turned to face Wanda as she raised her brows at her "What's up?"
Wanda looked around and with a swift motion, pushed them both into a room that wasn't familiar, from the sudden move it caused Natasha to slightly gasp from shock as this wasn't what she expected.
"What the hell Wanda!"
Wanda looked with an innocent smile "Sorry, I just wanted to be out of range of everyone"
"Why?" Natasha simply asked, not sure to why Wanda suddenly wants to talk.
"What did you find out?" The witch didn't beat around the bush, she came out with it straight away.
"I'm not sure what you are referring to?" The Russian tried to play dumb.
Wanda rolled her eyes "You might be able to fool them but remember I can still read your mind"
Natasha sighed as she crossed her arms and leaned on a little table that was behind her "Not much, there is hidden room where he keeps some girl who claims to be his daughter, the thing is that is definitely not his daughter. You can't say anything, he asked me not to and I'm only telling you because I don't want you to go inside my head"
Wanda liked the fact that she was somewhat feared by the Widow, she powerful but she would never try to hurt her team mates; scrap that, her family so she just nodded.
"We have a new addition!" Wanda clapped her in excitement "If you need help or anything, I'm here"
Natasha smiled at the witch and nodded and thanked the witch, they both went back to what they were doing; Natasha coming up with a way to find out more about you and Wanda went back to pity the boys.
It was one of those days for the team, where there would be no missions as Stark had a lot of business stuff to take care off with his company. He needed someone to keep an eye out for you, he would've asked Pepper but she was busy for that day so the only person that popped in his head was Natasha.
He walked into the area where everyone had their own get together to just relax after a chaotic week, he spotted the redhead sipping on beer "Looks like everyone is getting comfortable today"
They looked at Tony who was in a suit rather than something more comfortable "Shame you can't spend it with us" Steve spoke first, he was the only one who wasn't exactly drunk but he wasn't sober either.
Tony shook his head as he smiled "Well, nothing I can do unfortunately. Which reminds me, Romanoff I have a mission for you actually"
The team groaned at his words, Natasha was really liked as she would be able to drink so much and not get drunk, she would barely even reach the drunk state, so having her attend a mission made the team a little moody.
She nodded as she finished off her beer and stood up to follow Tony, she remembered not having any missions, she always double checks so she is never behind anything.
"What mission?" Those were the only words that left the Russian.
Tony sighed, knowing that this is the only way out "I need you to keep an eye out on that room"
The redhead crossed her arms as she listened to him "What do you want me do?"
He handed her a card "I want you to be causation, in case something happens and I'm not here. Do not go in there and disturb her, she has some stuff to do"
Natasha nodded as she looked down at the card "This is to open the door?"
He nodded and smiled at Natasha as he reached for her shoulder and squeezed it "Good luck"
Natasha watched Tony disappear and sighed, she never was the one to break rules but she really wanted to hang out with you, there was something about you that pulled her in and there wasn't a waking second that she wouldn't want to spend with you.
The Russian did as she was told, she kept an eye out for the room and observed it in a distance to make sure that everything was okay, it was quite boring, but she had her phone to occupy her time, she received some messages from Steve and Sam, showing her what she was 'missing'.
She was going to reply until she heard footsteps, she peaked and saw you with a hood up, waiting for the elevator to come, she smirked as she leaned on the door frame "Where do you think you're going, gorgeous?"
You didn't jump this time, you looked over at her and rolled your eyes as you whispered "Are you stalking me or something?"
The Russian crossed her arms, she knew what to do "Wouldn't you like to know!"
You raised your brows at her shouting, it would attract attention of people close by, meaning you would be spotted, so you marched your way towards her as you walked inside where she was camping out to hide.
"Can't you be quiet?" The way you spoke to her as if you knew her would straight away be a death wish for you but somehow you wasn't scared of her.
She looked out to see if anyone was coming and closed the door behind, trapping you inside with her "I could've been if you were nicer"
You sighed defeatedly as you looked down "Right, I'm sorry.." by the time you were done speaking, you looked up at her as she was analysing you.
"Where were you going to go?" She asked with no hesitation in her tone, she was a little different to the people you met, she wanted to find out why you did what you did rather than punish you straight away.
"I wanted to just leave that room, I never have the chance to do that and I thought today was my chance but" You paused as you eyed her "Clearly not"
The redhead felt hot as you eyed her but she hid it well "Okay, come with me"
You raised your brows at her but smiled as you put your hood up and you followed her like a puppy, you didn't know the place and if the worlds most deadly assassin was going to take you around, you knew it would be best to stick with her.
The two of you made it to the roof top, you never went anywhere your whole life, always stuck in that room or met your parents in some plain white meeting room to discuss what would be best for you.
As you stood near the door, you looked around to see the city and how beautiful it was, it was the first time you saw anything that pretty, usually you would only stare at one view from your room and that eventually got boring.
The Russian chuckled at you and made her way towards the edge of the building, placing herself on the floor, you did join her but sat a little further away from the edge.
You looked down and saw multiple cars go by but from far they looked like toys, the way you observed everything melted Natasha's heart, she never witnessed anyone being so happy whilst looking down a huge tall building.
Natasha shook her head a little with a small smile which caught your attention "What you smiling at?"
She looked at you with the same smile "I never seen someone be so happy whilst looking down to potential death" She teased a little.
You looked away from her and bluntly responded "If you were locked inside a room for your whole life, things like this would amuse you as well"
There was a pause in between, the Russian tried to come up with something to say without wanting to invade your privacy "How did you not go insane?"
You laid down on your back as you stared at the stars above "Hope"
You replied with one word which only interested Natasha even more "Hope for what?"
"For this.." You pointed up at the sky and she understood. You hoped one day you'll be able to just walk around.
She took a deep breath as she laid next to you and looked at your side profile "Why are you not allowed to leave that room?"
You looked at her, meeting her eyes trying to embed into your memory the way her eyes looked at you "Because that's my life"
"Surely Tony wouldn't be this cruel to not let you leave his side" She spoke trying to crack you a little bit more.
You chuckled "No, Tony is the best father figure you could ask for. It's just that my parents have a tight hold over him and if I mess that up, they will literally lock in inside a prison or something"
Natasha's eyes never left your face, it was like she was in some trance "So Tony isn't your biological dad?" The redhead asked, she knew that he wasn't but she wanted to know more from you.
You shook your head from side to side "I wish, he has been more of a parent to me than my own ever were"
"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to" Natasha stated softly, making sure you didn't think she was forcing you.
You gave her a smile "I know, but you seem like you want to know unlike everyone else"
She frown at your answer "What do you mean? People don't listen to you?"
You shook your head "Nope, no one cares either"
"I do" It was the most quietest 'I do' you ever heard.
"You are the only one"
She was quiet as she was processing your words, so you continued "My parent's never actually cared about me, but I don't really care, what I care is that they locked me and don't allow me to do whatever I want"
"You talk about your parents as if they are really powerful, who are they?" She asked curiously, not to be nosy but to know more about you.
You looked away, scared about the judgement from her "My name is Y/n Y/l/n"
She looked at you with disbelief "So you're the spoiled kid of the Y/l/n family?" She asked with a surprised tone.
You knew this would happen, the news never shut up about you and your weird disappearance so you nodded and she sat up from the disbelief "That's bullshit, you don't seem to be spoiled"
You raised your eyebrows at her "Am I not? Have you not seen my room?"
She rolled her eyes "Well do you expect to be locked in a room with just a bed and couple books? I think that's a reasonable room for someone who has been forced to stay in it"
You sat up as you listen to her defend you as if she knew you, so you simply smiled "Thank you"
She looked at you as her emotions were quick to cool down "For what?"
"For taking me here and listening to me, I never had friends before, to be fair I never met anyone near my age" You nervously played with your fingers as you admitted it to her.
She smiled as she stood up and extended her hand towards you so she can help you stand up "Well we aren't done.. that's if you still want to hang with me"
You took her hand as she pulled you up "Please, anything to not spend another minute in that room"
She smiled as the both of you slowly started to walk towards the exit of the roof "If you want, there is a small get together with the Avengers, we can tag along with them"
You looked at her side profile this time, if you didn't have to reply to her, you would most likely be speechless by her beauty "Do you think they will know who I am?"
She waved her hand dismissively "Don't worry, I will put them back in their place if they say anything rude"
And that's how it started, you both attended the get together, you met wonderful people and for the first time in your life you tried alcohol. The team was more than happy to have you in their circle and shortly they learnt who you were, it wasn't possible to hide anything from them plus you were on the news practically all the time but they never judged you but more opposite, they loved you.
Thor even called you Lady Y/n and you really liked it, they treated you like any other person and you could've been more grateful for that, Natasha walked you to your room and stayed until you fell asleep, she stayed to ensure that you would actually fall asleep but also to watch as you slowly relaxed every muscle in your body.
From that moment, she only started to fall for you even more, the more you opened up the more she was in awe at how brave you had become but it was the moment when you stood up to your parents in front of her that she realised she really likes you.
It was one of those days where she sneaked inside your room and you loved it, the two of you would spend time watching movies that she loved and movies that you loved, or watch movies the both of you hated and just made comments on it.
You gotten comfortable around Natasha and she respected you like you respected her, you wasn't sure whether what you felt was friendly or romantic, your heart would always skip a beat when her arm would brush against yours or when she laughed so hard at something you said and she gripped your arm or hand it just made you miss her touch after.
"I don't understand why they even go towards that stupid sound, I would turn around and just walk off" You commented as you were irritated at the scene on the TV.
The Russian chuckled slightly "That's because you are a wuss, of course you would run away"
You rolled your eyes at her as you looked over "Please, as if you wouldn't. Just because you are THE Black Widow, it doesn't make you less of a human"
She looked over at you curiously "So you're saying everyone would be scared?"
You nodded confidently "Oh for sure, if someone just barged inside here, you would jump for sure"
And that's what happened, someone DID barge in but it was someone you didn't expect, the way you gripped onto Natasha's body as if she would somehow make it disappear and the way Natasha held onto you as if she could make that disappear was more adorable.
"Y/n Y/l/n! What do you think you're doing!" The voice spoke that was familiar yet at the time not really.
You felt a blush across your cheeks as you realised you were still holding into Natasha, you let her go and looked at her, she had a slight blush as well but she quickly looked away from you to mask the blush.
You stood up from your bed and walked over to where the voice was, it was your mother, she stood there with her arms crossed and that's when Natasha came out from behind you, she crossed her arms as she narrowed her eyes at the woman.
Your mother held the phone out as it displayed your newly social media "I don't see what's wrong Mother"
She huffed "You are unimageable disrespectful!"
Natasha raised her eyebrows at her, she understood what you meant now but you continued "No, I'm being respectful, it's you who barged into this room throwing a fit over a picture"
"You are doing this on purpose, you are trying to ruin our imagine! You must delete that now, this is unacceptable" She looked at the phone and at the picture, it was you with the team, the next picture was with Natasha as she leaned on your shoulder and made a cute little kissy pose.
You shook your head "No" it was all you said which caught Natasha off guard but she felt proud, so there was a smug smile across her lips as she observed the woman in front of her.
"Unbelievable" She paused as the redhead finally caught her eye so she pointed towards her "You are the one who corrupted my daughter"
Natasha's smile was gone as those words left her mouth so she decided to speak up "If she was your daughter you would treat her better"
You looked over at Natasha, the way her gaze was on your mother so firmly, make your stomach do flips "She never corrupted me, she was always here for me" She looked down at you with a smile that met her eyes, you looked at your mother "Unlike you or Father"
Her mouth dropped opened at your words, she never expected you to ever talk to her like that, so you continued "I'm old enough to decide for myself, so I'm no longer your daughter but Tony's, he adopted me and I will happily call him my dad and Pepper my mom, they deserve those names so if you don't like it, leave the same way you came in"
She was boiling inside as Natasha chuckled at her expression, she huffed and walked out not saying anything back, you let out a breath that you didn't even know you was holding and turned to face Natasha, a squeak came out of your mouth as you jumped into Natasha's arms.
She held you so tightly but you quickly pulled away realising what you did, you were still in her arms but just facing her "Oh god! This is bad, she will take revenge"
Natasha's voice always seemed to calm you "Hey, hey. She won't do that, Tony won't let that happen and frankly I won't either"
You always seem to be oblivious to Natasha's feelings towards you, she wasn't very open with them which is what caused your obliviousness. The both of you were scared of rejection but something with the way Natasha comforted you and held you tight against her, making you look down at her lips.
She caught on and with every courage that was left in her body, she leaned closer, before her lips reached yours you looked into her eyes "Thank you Talia"
She smiled as she kissed you, she finally did what she always wanted to do, she felt as if there was fireworks going off, the way butterflies would grow just at the touch of your lips, she loved it and she was intoxicated.
You were the first to pull away, resting your forehead against hers "I like it when you call me that"
A grin broke out on your face "Talia, Talia, Talia-"
She kissed you again, this time with hunger as she backed you into a wall, you tangled your hands into her hair as you matched her pace in the kiss.
Even if it wasn't long since you knew each other, the want and the need was stronger than self control for Natasha, especially when you did things like this.
"You really don't want to walk tomorrow" The way her voice was low and her eyes would fill with lust just at you teasing.
"I'm not sure I understand what that means"
Natasha smirked as her lips made their way towards your ear "You don't have to.."
"You just need to feel it" her lips latched onto your skin within seconds, causing a moan to escape your lips.
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thatfanficstuff · 3 years
Impossible - 18
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Pairing: Eric Northman x reader
Warnings: mentions of unwanted touching and assholes thinking of rape (no sexual assault takes place beyond groping)
A/N: This is longish. I'm lazy and didn't edit. If anything is glaring let me know.
It was decided that you and Sookie would present as friends looking for a new church. You intended to play quiet and if necessary you would pretend you were the puppet Stan thought you to be until you escaped from your horrible vampire boyfriend. You thought he loved you. Sob. So on and so forth.
Part of you wanted to go with Stan’s idea. Hell, if there was a way to be rid of the Fellowship without it pointing back to the vampires, you’d jump for it in a heartbeat. They were the epitome of everything wrong with so-called religions. Standing behind their gods to justify their hate and prejudices.
You sighed as you pulled into the parking lot. A perky blonde signaled for you to park and you frowned.
“Why does she look familiar?” Sookie asked.
“That’s Sarah Newlin, the reverend’s wife. I’m not happy that it appears we were expected, Sookie. I doubt she greets everyone that pulls in the parking lot.” You clenched your teeth together. Your gut was telling you to just pull right back out of the parking lot, but this was still your best bet to find Godric. “Just be on guard.”
Sookie nodded her head then slipped out of the car with a grin on her face, ready to greet the Mrs. You followed along behind her playing timid.
“Hi,” Sarah exclaimed. “I’m Sarah Newlin. I saw y’all pulling in and thought I’d come out and greet you myself.”
Sookie walked right up to her and shook her hand. “I can’t believe I’m actually getting to meet you. My name is Heidi Merlotte. This is my friend Sylvia North. We’ve recently moved to the area and are looking for a church.”
Sarah shifted that smile to you and held out her hand. You took it gingerly and kept your other arm wrapped around your waist. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sylvia.”
You just nodded in acknowledgement.
“Well, you’re a quiet thing aren’t you?”
Sookie wrapped her arm around you and leaned forward as if sharing a great secret. “We moved to get Sylvia out of a situation, so to speak. She’s still recovering.”
You could almost believe the look of sympathy Sarah directed your way. She turned and motioned for you to follow her. “Well, follow me and we’ll see if Steve’s available. I’m sure he’d just love to meet you.”
“The reverend himself?” Sookie enthused. “That would be amazing.”
The two of you followed Sarah to an office where Steve Newlin sat behind a large desk. “Honey, we’ve got a couple of friends here looking for a church. Heidi Merlotte and Sylvia North.” You shuffled in and took the offered hand, nodding at his greeting before looking around the office. Sarah bent over to whisper something in her husband’s ear that you weren’t meant to hear. “They insinuated they moved to escape some sort of trauma.”
Steve made a sound of agreement before gracing you with that megawatt smile he was so famous for. You settled into your chair, content to let Sookie do all the talking. She always chattered when she was nervous anyway.
“Sylvia and I met in church actually, but we left when we discovered that the pastor was…well he was…” Sookie trailed off dramatically and you managed to resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Homosexual?” Steve suggested.
Ugh, just when you thought you couldn’t hate this guy more than you already did. What an ass. “A sympathizer. He was a sympathizer,” you said before he could say something else that made you want to punch him in the face.
“Now see, that really makes me mad. How can you claim to love God if you love something God hates?” Too late. You wanted to punch him.
“Well, given Sylvia’s history, we know just how horrible vampires are,” Sookie added after a pause and you wondered what she’d heard in the asshole’s head. “No one will ever convince us that they have any sort of control. They are just evil.”
The Newlins’ attention turned to you with her words. You’d curse her, but this was the plan. You unbuttoned the top button on your shirt and pulled it open to show Eric’s marks. Normally you just wore one, but he’d given you a couple of extra the night before to add to your story. Once they’d seen, you buttoned your shirt back up as if you were ashamed.
You cleared your throat. “He was my boss. He was nice enough at first but then he started catching me in the backroom and feeding. He glamoured me into thinking I enjoyed it. That he loved me. I didn’t know until he came to my house one night and Heidi caught him doing it. She told me everything and helped me escape.” You reached over and grabbed Sookie’s hand. “She saved my life. I truly believe that.”
When you finished with your fantasy, you bent your head forward and wiped away a non-existent tear.
“I am sorry that such a horrible thing happened to you. But that’s what we’re here for is to help people like you. None of this was your fault,” Sarah’s voice comes.
“Thank you. I appreciate that.” You kept your head down so you didn’t have to meet their gazes again. Frankly, you were tired of looking at them.
Steve clapped his hands together. “Well, let’s take a little tour, shall we?”
A tremor of unease crawled down your spine. You were pretty sure the Rev. Newlin’s job description didn’t include giving tours to the peons. You looked up at them, attempting to appear upset instead of untrusting. Sookie and you followed the couple out of the office to what you assumed was the door of the sanctuary.
Steve stopped before opening them and turned to face you. “Now, be careful when I open the doors.”
You arched a brow. “Careful?”
He grinned. “Sometimes when we open these doors, so much love comes flowing out it just knocks you right over.”
You were pretty sure that was the flood of bullshit actually.
“We’ll be sure and brace ourselves,” Sookie responds with a chipper smile.
When they opened the doors, you were actually impressed with the sight that greeted you. The large wall of windows at the back of the church allowed sunlight to flood the sanctuary. It was quite a stunning display. “It’s beautiful.”
“Isn’t it? I just love this room. It just seems to glow in the afternoon light,” Sarah said, obviously meaning every word.
“It’s just so inspiring,” Steve added.
Sookie fidgeted beside you and you knew whatever the reverend was thinking, it wasn’t pleasant. You reached over and hooked your arm with hers.
He looked between the two of you. “Say have you two ever been to a lock-in?”
“A l-lock-in?” Sookie stuttered out.
You gave your brightest, fakest smile and channeled your inner Sookie. “Not since I was a kid. Gosh, those were good times.”
“Well, we’d love to have you join us,” Steve offered.
Whatever he was up to, Sarah didn’t like it if her body language was anything to go by.
Sookie tugged at your arm. “We should go home and get our stuff so we can do the lock-down.”
You looked down to cover your smirk. They were definitely behind Godric’s disappearance then. You understood Sookie wanting to get out of here, if she’d confirmed that, but in all honesty you were the best option for getting Godric out of here without causing a scene.
“You have plenty of time. The lock-inisn’t until tomorrow. Besides, we haven’t finished the tour yet,” Steve said.
“You wanted to see me?” a voice interrupted and Sarah only looked more concerned. A large bald man came to stand by the Newlins. He was obviously their muscle.
“Oh good. Heidi, Sylvia, I’d like you to meet Gabe, one of my aides,” Steve introduced.
Gabe shook your hands while running his gaze over both of you. He licked his lips and you wanted to kick him in the nuts. Maybe later. It would give you something to look forward to.
“Gabe will be joining us for the rest of the tour,” Steve said, patting the other man on the back.
The tour continued far longer than necessary. “I’m sorry but we need to be going. I don’t like to be out after dark,” you said.
“Oh there’s just one more thing I want to show you. It’s a very special part of the tour. Most people don’t get to see it. My father’s tomb.” He sounded entirely too happy about that.
“Steve, are you sure?” Sarah asked.
“I just don’t see why we need to go down there.”
“Not to be rude but I really don’t want to see someone’s grave,” you said.
Steve looked at you. “You have to see it. You can really feel his spirit down there. It’s the cornerstone our church is built on.” He opened a door that led down a steep set of stairs. Creepy basement. Check. And probably no windows. Perfect place to keep a vampire.
Sookie grasped your arm. “Sylvia?”
“What’s the matter?” Steve asked.
“She’s a little claustrophobic,” you lied.
“Well, at least take a little looksee so you can say you saw everything and you can make an informed decision,” the reverend argued.
“But we’ve already decided to go here so I don’t think it’s necessary,” Sookie said, her voice shaking. “We should go, Sylvia.”
“No,” Steve said. “Gabe!” Steve dived for Sookie and Gabe came after you. He grabbed you from behind, crossing his arms over the front of you, copping a cheap feel as he did so. Fucker. Irritation and Anger flooded through you and you knew Eric would pick up on it. He wouldn’t give you long before he came in after the two of you.
It wouldn’t take much for you to get free and to free Sookie as well, but you wouldn’t get a better opportunity to explore the basement. You feigned fighting and let the asshole carry you down the stairs with a firm grip on your breast.
You heard Sookie fighting behind you. “A little help, Gabe. I think the fucking banger’s on V,” Steve yelled.
“Quit fighting, Heidi. You’ll only get hurt,” you called and heard the commotion die down. At least she trusted you enough to do what you said.
They carried the two of you into a storage cage and locked you in after taking Sookie’s purse and searching both of you. As soon as they were out of sight and you heard the door shut upstairs, Sookie turned to you. “I sure as hell hope you have a plan because that Gabe guy is a total asshole.”
You hummed in agreement and pulled your lockpicking tools from your hair. They looked like barrettes and bobby pins to the untrained eye. “My plan is to find Godric before Eric gets here to rescue us.”
“You seem sure he’ll come,” she said, sounding surprised.
“I am. And if he doesn’t, I’ll get us out. Don’t worry about it.” You moved over to the gate to see the best way to go about getting the two of you out. The chain link configuration complicated things a bit but you’d figure it out.
“You’re always so sure about things. I wish I was like that.”
“A little bit of uncertainty makes life exciting,” you said with a grin before grabbing the gate and shaking it to see how sturdy it was. Keeping your grip you leaned against it. “Little god, little god, it’s time to go home,” you said in a singsong voice. Godric would hear you if he was anywhere in the basement.
“Little god?”
“Long story,” you assured her and shook the gate again. “Good news, the gate is designed to keep people out, not in. Also good news, I’m not completely human.”
“What’s the bad news?” she asked.
“This will be loud.” Unfortunately, the only top to the cage was the ceiling so there was nothing above you to grab onto. Instead, you grabbed onto the chain link beside the gate and used it to swing your body at an angle so your feet hit right where the lock was. You repeated the action two more times before dropping down so you could check the lock.
“Little god, I’m not leaving without you. I know you like me too much to let me die,” you said distracted as your focus was on the gate. You’d definitely done some damage but you decided to keep your feet on the ground and see what kind of damage side kicks could do.
After the second kick, you heard the door upstairs open. “What’s going on down there?” Gabe. Good.
“Nothing,” you called back even as you kicked again and the lock gave way. You grabbed the gate and pulled it shut as his feet thundered down the stairs.
He glared at the two of you before finally settling on you. You had no idea what Sookie looked like behind you but you were giving your best evil grin. “What are you up to, you little bitch?”
“That’s no way to talk to a lady,” you taunted, waiting for him to get closer.
“You’re not a lady,” he said. “You’re just some vampire’s whore.” He licked his lips and looked you over again as he pulled keys from his pocket. When he caught sight of the lock, he frowned and moved forward, “What the hell?”
Once he was within striking distance, you slammed the gate forward so it cracked him in the head and shoved him back. You didn’t give him time to recover before you attacked with punches and kicks. He got a couple of hits in as he tried to take you down. To regain the upper hand. But you weren’t about to let that happen. Finally, you got in position to put your arm around his neck. You kept the hold up until he dropped to his knees. When you would have continued until he quit breathing, a hand dropped on your shoulder.
You looked to Godric. He wasn’t your sire. You had no loyalty to him, but he was a friend. You released Gabe and took a step back. Your gaze ran over the little god. Other than being paler than usual, he looked good. The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. That was all the invitation you needed to wrap your arms around him.
He returned the hug. He moved his nose near your neck and inhaled. “You smell like my child.”
He held you at arms length and looked at you in surprise. “He’ll come for you then. Not that he wouldn’t have anyway.”
“Oh, yeah. I figure we’re about out of time.” You gestured to the cage. “Godric, meet Sookie. Sookie, Godric.”
Sookie gave him a smile and a little wave. “Nice to meet you.”
His mouth set in a firm line and his gaze settled on you. “You brought a human with you to rescue me?”
“She’s a little something else, if that makes you feel any better.”
“Not particularly, no. Especially considering what this one would have done had you not been who you are,” he gestured at Gabe.
“Speaking of, you should let me kill him. He groped me.” Reminded of the earlier incident you moved over to the prone form and nudged him so he was laying on his back. Then you kicked him in the balls as hard as you could. “Asshole.”
Godric’s lips twitched. “Feel better?”
“Much.” Sounds of a fight came from upstairs. “Eric.”
“Yes. I am here, my child. Down here.”
In a flash Eric was there. He stopped in front of you first, holding your arms as he looked you over. “I’m fine.”
He nodded once before turning to his maker. “Godric,” he said almost reverently before kneeling in front of him.
The moment was interrupted by Sookie’s laughter. The three of you turned your attention to her. She had a hand over her mouth as she tried to quiet herself. She shook her head. “I’m sorry. It’s just Eric is all respectful and kneeling while you hugged him and called him little god. It’s just funny.”
Eric got to his feet and gave you a look. “Of course, you did.”
“What? Godric likes my hugs.”
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After All
Character: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Just because Bucky pushed her away doesn’t mean he knows how to let go.
Word Count: 2,100 - One Shot
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She looked beautiful. Too beautiful. Bucky didn’t know why she put in such an effort for this schmuck. She didn’t need to put in any effort at all to be beautiful. And if some guy didn’t know that, then he didn’t deserve her. 
The bar had giant windows with no curtains or treatments to hide its patrons from outside observation. They did it on purpose, to hypnotize the people walking by and pull them into the romantic and dark lighting…and overpriced cocktails. 
But Bucky didn’t just notice how beautiful Y/N looked. He could also see how bored she was. Her smile was forced. He could almost hear exactly what her voice sounded like as she talked to him. Bucky would tease her about it, always knowing when she was being polite but wanted to find an out from a conversation as soon as possible. She called it her “customer service voice.”
She was probably smarter than him, Bucky thought. She was smarter than most people – maybe not Stark or Shuri, but she had her own genius that neither of those two possessed.
The only thing that could possibly make the people on the street notice Bucky’s lingering was the white vapor that appeared from his mouth every time he sighed. Which he seemed to be doing every time he noticed another piece of body language from Y/N that further proved her disinterest in this man.
It was cold, making everyone hurry to their destination, not paying him any mind. But Bucky didn’t feel the weather’s coldness anymore. Once you spend a lifetime frozen, nothing really compares.
Bucky stood up straighter when the two started making their way out of the fancy bar.
Y/N shifted her weight, not sure what the man’s next move was going to be.
He awkwardly went in for a hug.
She gave another one of her fake smiles, said her goodbyes, and started walking away.
“Not even gonna get her a cab or walk her home, you bastard?” Bucky breathed with irritation.
Men these days. Him and Steve still didn’t get it.
But he figured Y/N was glad to be done with him.
Bucky walked in the shadows of night as he kept his distance behind her. They were only a few avenues away from her apartment.
But he swore she was walking slower than usual. Like she was trying to make the journey home longer.
When they finally reached the stoop of her building, she took the steps slowly. But instead of putting her keys into the lock, she just stared at the door for a moment.
What was she thinking about? Bucky wondered.
Then Y/N quickly turned around and skipped down the stairs. She hurried across the street and made her way into the park that was directly across from her building.
She walked with more purpose now. Which made Bucky realize what was happening.
“Fuck,” he breathed.
He took in a deep breath before he followed her into the park.
Y/N sat on a bench in almost total darkness, waiting. If it weren’t for Bucky’s super-soldier sight, she would be practically invisible to him.
Bucky rubbed his face and watched her for a few moments before he made his way over.
Without any warning, he slowly sat down on the other side of the bench.
She didn’t react, didn’t even act like someone had invaded her space.
She had been waiting for him.
“What did I tell you about going to parks at night?” Bucky finally asked.
She scoffed, but didn’t look at him. “Yeah…Well, putting myself into danger is always the quickest way to get you out of hiding.”
She wasn’t wrong.
“He seemed nice.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Oh, fuck off, James.”
She’d stopped calling him Bucky once he broke her heart.
“Is this the part where you try to lie and tell me you liked him?” Bucky challenged with a smirk, even though there was absolutely nothing funny about the situation.
Y/N finally turned and looked at him for the first time. “What exactly are you mad about, James? That I went on a date with him or that I just went on any date at all?”
He was silent for a second. “He’s not good enough for you.”
“You’d say that about every man,” she challenged.
“Yeah, and I’d be damn right.”
Y/N shot up from the bench and turned to face him. “I’m trying!” She snapped.
Then she paused, trying to get her emotions in control. But she wasn’t successful since her eyes glazed over with tears. She managed to hold them in. “I’m really trying.”
Bucky then stood up from the bench. His body always went into a panic when Y/N cried. He felt sick to the stomach when he was the reason for it. But these days, he was always the reason..
But he couldn’t comfort her like he used to. He wasn’t allowed to touch her anymore.
Y/N sniffed, trying to play it off as if it was due to the cold instead of her unshed tears.
“You have to stop following me,” she told him as sternly as she could.
Bucky shifted his weight, but stayed quiet.
“James, I’m gonna call Steve if you keep doing this.”
And he knew she would. What he didn’t know is what Steve would do to make sure Y/N’s commands were followed through.
And it wasn’t just Steve who sided with her after the breakup, the whole team did. Any of them would love a chance to return to Y/N’s life in some way and give Bucky a piece of their mind on her behalf.
Breakup. Is that even what it should be called?
They didn’t stop loving each other. Even though Y/N hid that with the hate she now held for Bucky.
He didn’t think it was possible for someone to hate a person as much as they loved them, but Y/N seemed to do it effortlessly with him.
“We can’t do this anymore, Y/N. I have to stay away from you.” 
The words still haunted Bucky’s nightmares. All it took was one stupid article. Her full name, where she was from, what she did for work – all accompanied by a photo of them together. If it had been paparazzi, Bucky would’ve clocked the camera. His training would’ve sensed it, noticed the signs. But it had just been some asshole and their iPhone.
“How did you figure out I was tailing you?” He asked, ignoring the threat of Steve.
“Following,” she corrected. “You look like the fucking unabomber, James. You’re trying so hard to hide that you stick out even more.” She looked him up and down, taking in his black leather jacket over his black hoodie that was pulled over his black, nondescript baseball hat.
But in reality, she knew that if Bucky wanted to be completely untraceable, he would be. Which meant that he wanted her to notice him.
He didn’t realize he was doing that.
Y/N stared at the ground, scared to look into his eyes now. “I always think that I feel you watching me.” Then she glanced up at him. “But then I realized that was just me missing you.” She shook her head, embarrassed to be admitting that to him. “It wasn’t that I could feel you watching over me, it was me hoping you’d come around the next corner.”
“I miss you, too.” He admitted without hesitation.
Y/N closed her eyes and winced. “Don’t say that to me.”
“But it is true.”
Her eyes remained closed, but not even that could stop the tears from falling this time.
“Why do you have to make this so hard, Bucky?” She whispered.
The use of that name knocked the air out of his lungs.
He took a step toward her.
But she immediately took a step back. “Don’t. Please don’t, Bucky.”
“Y/N…I’m…I’m so sorry,” he muttered.
“How does this make anything better for us?” She breathed.
“I just…I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Well, I’m not!” She bawled. “Is that what you want to hear? That I’m miserable without you? That during all of these dates, I’m just comparing them to you? Is that what you want to hear? Is it?”
“No! For Christ – no, Y/N.”
“Then what do you want me to say?” She demanded.
“Nothing. You don’t owe me anything, Y/N. I know that.”
He stepped forward, it was a risk and he knew it. But she didn’t cower from him this time. Bucky slowly reached forward and wiped the tears from her cheek gently.
“I’ll never stop worrying about you. I get anxious, thinking about what could happen.”
“Well, I stopped being your responsibility when you broke up with me.” She knew that was her broken heart speaking, but she had to give it at least one round.
Bucky nodded, knowing he deserved that.
Y/N looked around her. “It’s been almost a year, Bucky. We can’t keep doing this.”
“I know,” he mumbled as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground.
“We need to move on…if that’s even possible. We have to try either way.”
“I know,” Bucky repeated.
But he also knew he could never replace her. However, she deserved to fill the bleeding hole he left after he broke her heart.
“Goodnight, James.” She told him coldly.
He just nodded.
But she hadn’t moved yet.
Before she could change her mind, she stepped into him and Bucky immediately opened his arms to her. She buried her face into his shoulder. Her senses took him in, memorizing every detail. His cologne. The feel of his leather jacket that he’d broken in to perfectly mold around his body. His inhuman body heat.
Bucky did the same.
When Y/N pulled away, her eyes locked to his like those blue irises were magnets.
“You should get home now, doll,” he whispered as his gaze flickered to her lips. His hands were caressing her face now.
She just nodded, feeling the new tension.
Bucky leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead.
It took every ounce of strength she had to walk away. She wouldn’t let herself turn around and look back once she started walking. But she felt his eyes on her, watching to make sure she made it to her front door safely.
She knew he wouldn’t leave until he saw the light turn on in her bedroom.
Y/N counted to 1,000 before she allowed her crying to start again.
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Bucky turned the light on in the kitchen.
He had been dreading this. “What? What do you want, Steve?”
The other super soldier leaned in the doorway with his arms crossed. He was giving Bucky the look that no one wanted to get from Captain America. It was the look of disappointment.
“Y/N called.”
That was all Steve needed to say.
Bucky ignored him and poured himself a drink – vodka on the rocks. It was Nat’s hidden stash. But he’d deal with that tomorrow.
“You can’t push her away and then shove yourself back into her life whenever you feel like it. That’s not fair to her and you know it,” Steve warned.
Bucky threw the vodka back before he countered with, “You said you understood why I did it.”
“Yes, I understood it. I didn’t agree with it. And I definitely don’t agree with you continuing to torture Y/N and yourself.”
Bucky tried to pour himself another glass of vodka, but Steve ripped the bottle from his grasp.
“Are you even listening to me?” Steve growled.
“I stand by what I did!” Bucky shouted. “I did what had to be done! And I did it so she could be safe, so she could have a fucking life!”
He caught his breath and his hand rubbed across his face. “I know I shouldn’t go see her. I know that. But…But I’m only human, Steve. I can’t help it.”
Steve sighed, his sympathy now outweighing his anger.
He gripped Bucky’s shoulder. “I know, Buck.”
“I’ll stop. I promise. I owe her that at least.” Bucky bowed his head in shame.
“I’ll check on her. We all will.” They would do it so Bucky didn’t have to.
“Thank you, Steve.”
“Just get some sleep. OK, Buck?”
He nodded, even though he stopped really sleeping when she was no longer in his bed.
I wrote this about a month ago and obviously didn’t want to share it with how much everyone sucks on here. 
Figured I’d give this site a chance to redeem itself, but not getting my hopes up. 
I’m still on “hiatus” or whatever, and not really interacting with people on here. 
If you really miss me that much... One Shot – Masterlist
(Also, friendly reminder that just because a fic is old, doesn’t mean you can’t comment on it anymore.)
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ladyeliot · 4 years
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What are you doing to me?
Request: @lostaurorax : hi! i absolutely love your writing and was wondering if i could request a tony stark smut with prompts 8 and 9 from your valentines prompt list if that’s okay with you!
Anonymous: Hi for the valentines request how about a tony x reader with a smut and dialogue no 8 and 9 with a teeny bit of angst
Pairing: Tony Stark x Fem!Reader
Summary: It was your first time in years that you were going on a Valentine's date, but things don't always go your way and the plan goes completely awry.
Warnings: Smut, Smut and Smut.
Word count: 4395
A/N: Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
Valentine’s Day (Prompts)
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How had you come to find yourself in such a situation, especially on Valentine's Day?
You had started the day with a supernatural glow on your face, it was common for your awakenings to be the most irritating, but that day it wasn't. You were finally going to be able to get out of those four walls that were corralling you, to get out of those four walls that were corralling you. You were finally going to be able to get out of those four walls that had you cornered, to go out into the world, like a normal, ordinary person, which was what you needed most at that moment. No training, no missions, no world problems, just you and your date on Valentine's Day.
It had been about three years since that day professed nothing special inside you, basically since your life took a supernatural turn, never better said, and you had to say goodbye to everyone you knew to venture into a new life with a new family. Since then, perhaps for fear of not being accepted, or because your lifestyle prevented you from doing so, you had not embarked on new romantic relationships, but that was not a problem for you, you found what you needed in other ways.
But then he came along. It all happened during a mission, working alongside a CIA operative he was on. Things happened fast enough that you didn't realise you were at an advanced point, perhaps too advanced for you. Still, you tried not to fray your nerves and get too overwhelmed, because what you liked most about him was that you didn't have to hide who you were from him, because he already knew. Surely he would have made sure that he knew every step you had taken before he worked with you.
That morning you went out to exercise first thing in the morning, the new avengers' facilities were crowded, you needed time to think calmly, so you opted to go for a run in the middle of nature. You had decided to dedicate 24 hours of that day to yourself, without alarming worries, the only worries you wanted to have in mind were what to wear and where you would end the night, the most ordinary worries possible.
You wished there was a mission that week that would have sent all your colleagues away, so you wouldn't have to put up with their joking comments about it, but apparently it was the most important event of the week.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not listening," you said, raising your voice without removing your headphones from your ears, assuming that Sam and Natasha's laughter was accompanied by some joking comment about your date that night with 'Mr. CIA', as they referred to him.
You made your way to your bedroom, eager to wash away the sweat that was soaking under a stream of cold water. Back In Black' drifted into your ears through your headphones, abstracting you from your surroundings and keeping your heart rate up, but suddenly the melody cut out to hear F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice through the headphones, breaking the moment.
"Miss Y/L/N," his volume was almost louder than your melody which made you gasp, "Mr. Stark is waiting for you in his office."
"Now?!" you complained, barely able to hear your voice because of the blockage in your ears.
You rolled your eyes and retraced your steps to Tony's office in the other wing of the building. You turned the music back on, avoiding having to listen to the comments of your colleagues as you walked back through the room, who of course had not given up on making you angry, but always with a touch of humour and love. Tony's office was with the door open, you switched off the music and could hear him having a rather ironic conversation with probably some high official of the state, lately you were being bombarded with his attacks.
"I hope I never have the pleasure again," he said pacing with one hand tucked in his trouser pocket. "Sure."
As he hung up the phone he rested both his hands on the desk, apparently he was so abstracted that he hadn't even noticed your presence.
"Are you all right?" you asked as you saw Tony's worried face, which he probably would never have allowed you to see if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't know you were there.
At your words he quickly lifted his chin and stood back up as if nothing had happened, a smile on his face offering to play down the importance of the event.
"Great, you're here," he said, slipping both hands into his pockets and rounding the desk to approach you.
"Yeah, F.R.I.D.A.Y said you wanted to talk to me," you commented taking the headphones out of your ears and stuffing them into the pockets of your sweat shorts.
"Yep," he slowly rubbed his beard thoughtfully. "I hear you've got a date tonight with..."
"Oh no, please, you too..."
"Listen," he interrupted you just as you had done before. "Tonight you're meeting with... what's his name? Oh, yes! Mr. CIA-"
"His name is Fred," you cut him off, crossing your arms as you wondered what he had on his mind. waiting for what he had in mind to tell you.
"Fred," he pointed an index finger at you, arching his eyebrows. "I've never liked that name, a bit of a ridiculous diminutive don't you think? If it comes from Frederick of course..." he began to ramble, gesturing with his hands, not giving you a clue as to what you had come for.
"Tony," you interrupted him.
"Okay, never mind," he slipped his right hand into his trouser pocket and pulled out a set of keys.  "For you."
You uncrossed your arms, confusion had flooded your mind, why was Tony offering you that set of keys? Hesitantly, you slowly took the keys between your fingers and looked at them carefully. They were all quite unique, not at all like ordinary people's keys, they were full of electronic add-ons.
"Firstly, where are they from? And secondly, why are you giving them to me?" you ask without stopping analysing them.
"They're from one of the safe houses I own in Manhattan," he informed you, pointing them out."More than a flat, a building.
That information puzzled you even more.
"I don't understand," you said frankly, looking him in the eye.
"You just told me you're going into town tonight because you have a date with Fred?" he said again.
"And what does that have to do with you giving me the keys to a safe house?" you asked without finding a clear connection in the fact.
"Building," he rectified, to which you rolled your eyes. "Listen, have dinner with him, enjoy the evening, but then if... you know, things get..."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay," you said holding up your hands stopping him before he finished the words. "I got it, I got it."
"...hot take it there," he continued without paying attention to you and flashing a half smile, "don't go to Mr. CIA's house."
You nodded with a slightly uncomfortable smile for having had that conversation while collecting all the keys in your clenched fist. All you wanted to do was get out of there and take a shower to wash the cold sweat off your body.
"Thank you so much for your concern Tony," you said a little wryly walking backwards trying to tackle the door as soon as possible.
"You're welcome," he said enjoying your uncomfortable feeling. "And remember, always safe sex."
You shook your head and rolled your eyes and walked out without looking back. Putting on your helmets didn't stop those three letters from wandering through your thoughts, it had been so long since you'd had sex that you'd almost forgotten how to feel when you were possibly about to get laid again. If it had been three years since you'd joined the Avengers, exactly three years, that should be a bloody crime. But you couldn't blame yourself, you didn't even have enough confidence in yourself, how could you offer it to someone else.
The next few hours were all about you, about your self-care, gaining enough confidence to live again. That black silk dress that reached almost to the floor fell loosely over your body, leaving a plunging neckline and an open back, held up by thin straps. It had been so long since you had looked like that that you could hardly recognise yourself, you had left that time behind, but it was in your hands again. You grabbed a small handbag and after putting the finishing touches to your lipstick you left your bedroom, the longed-for walk of shame awaited you until you reached the car that was waiting to take you to the city.
"Alright, I don't want you to say anything," you informed before walking across the room, where some of your classmates were gathered, luckily some of them were preparing dinner so they weren't present.
"Wow!" exclaimed Sam, smacking Steve's chest, who just smiled and nodded at you, offering you one of his few-word approvals.
"Enjoy your evening," said Nat approaching you and giving you a little hug. "And you know what to do if you need me, one phone call and I'll break his legs."
You smiled after hearing those words whispered in your ears and headed for the exit. The car was as ready as you were to start your journey, you just got in and headed towards the big apple following the Hudson River. The lights, the big skyscrapers, the people walking through the streets, the traffic, you were definitely in New York. You looked at your watch, there were ten minutes left to meet Fred at the place he had booked and you were looking forward to, but life always has twists and turns that take us by surprise, and there was one for you.
One last last minute twist of fate had come Fred's way, informing you just as the car had pulled up outside the restaurant, completely changing your established idea of how the evening was going to go. It wasn't a feeling of anger that came over you, on the contrary, the disappointment was so strong that it was impossible for you to set off back to the avengers' compound, you would be the most embarrassed person if in less than an hour you turned up again under sympathetic glances. You had the keys inside your bag that Tony had offered you, so you would use them, and tomorrow morning you would be on your way home.
Tony's building was located in Lower Manhattan, just as he had called it, a frank building full of all the comforts and technologies, it resembled the Stark Tower but without the external façade, everything was inside. When you walked in you discovered that Tony had arranged for it to be fitted out with all the romantic necessities he thought you would need that night. The finest French champagne was on the lounge table along with a couple of glasses and a basket of your favourite chocolates.
You plopped down on the sofa with no desire to do anything, kicking off your heels, but at that moment you remembered that you had the house to yourself. You got up and grabbed the bottle of champagne along with the box of chocolates and took the lift to the rooftop. New York was really something to see from the heights and right now you had it all at your feet. You didn't know how long you sat in that armchair waiting for the hours to pass, but the bottle was half full.
"Nice view."
Your heart flipped as you heard those words behind you. Tony's figure suddenly appeared and stood beside you.
"What-what are you doing here?" you asked as you stood up, abandoning the champagne.
"The same thing I want to ask you," with his hands in his pockets he looked up at you. "Have you been crying?"
"No!" you exclaimed, crossing your arms mostly because of the cold wind that was blowing against your skin.
"Where's Fred?" asked Tony taking off his black blazer and covering you with it.
"He had...work..." you said almost in a whisper leaning against the railing to avoid looking at him. "What are you doing here?"
"F.R.I.D.A.Y told me you'd arrived," he commented as he continued to stare at you. "Alone."
You nodded biting your tongue cursing at his AI, who was informing him of every move you were making at every moment.
"Why didn't you go back to the facility?" he asked, closing the distance to you.
"Do you really need me to answer that?" you said looking at him.
"Why didn't you call me?" he stood next to you at the railing.
"Do you need me to answer that too?" you arched an eyebrow. "I wanted to be alone, well, I really want to be alone Tony."
Your companion stared at you, brought his index finger to your face to push back a strand of your hair that prevented him from fully contemplating you. Your relationship with Tony had always been complex, strangely complex. You'd known him for three years and you still didn't quite understand him, you didn't know which section of your social life to classify him in, and situations like that were the ones that still puzzled you the most. There was a time when you thought there was a deeper connection between you, your relationship with him wasn't the same as you used to have with Sam or Steve, it was different. But at no point in your lives had you decided to talk about it.
In those moments, as you had told him, you wanted to be alone, but you weren't. There was Tony beside you, looking at you, looking at your face, looking at your lips, creating a strange situation for you.
"What are you doing?" you whispered, directing your gaze to his eyes that remained fixed on your lips.
"The correct question is..." Tony's voice became deeper. "What are you doing to me?"
It was right after those words that you definitely knew what you were doing to him, when Tony furtively closed the distance to you, bringing his lips close to yours, looking for a response from you. However, that event caught you so off guard that you reacted even against your will, offering him a shove to create distance between the two of you again.
"What the hell are you doing!" you exclaimed with wide eyes, stunned, trying to analyse what had just happened.
"Kissing you?" Tony's tone of indifference, it wasn't like usual, it had a mixture of guilt in it. "Come on! We're not just friends and you fucking know it."
You were trying to connect the pieces with the sensations you were feeling at the moment, surprise and indignation mixed with sexual tension and passion, it was all very confusing. You could barely hear what Tony was saying to you at the moment, he was rambling again, but you couldn't resist him, and though you would probably hate yourself for it the next morning you silenced his words by pulling him to you, causing his jacket to slip off his shoulders and fall to the floor. It caught him off guard, but it didn't take long for him to react and bring his hands to your bare back to pull you closer to his body.
The warmth of his rough hands running over your soft skin made you shiver. Until that moment you hadn't realised the need you felt for someone to hold you in their hands, the need for Tony to hold you. His taste running over your lips, your tongue, it was just as you had dreamed, you were being completely taken in by his kisses, running down your neck softly until he reached your collarbones where he slowly slid his tongue. It was like being lost between two worlds and not finding your way out, but you really didn't want to find it.
Soft moans came from inside you, wanting to inform him of the need you were feeling at that moment for him, to have him all to yourself. It had been so long since someone had made you feel this way, you thought your body was going to explode at any moment. Gently Tony's fingers reached up to the thin strap that was held firmly over your left shoulder, letting it slowly fall down your upper arm to give him better accessibility to kiss you.
"It's been so long..." those words left your lips as if they were a plea.
"I know sweetheart," he whispered brushing his lips against your earlobe. "Come with me."
Tony's fingers intertwined with yours, guiding you into the building. You let him lead you down the steps, until finally you found yourself inside a large bedroom, returning to where you had left off, rekindling the need between you. You surrendered yourself to his caresses and kisses again, feeling alive. You tried to undo the knot of the tie that was allowing you so little of Tony's body to be seen, but his hands went faster than yours and held you back. The smile on Tony's face showed you that he intended to prolong those games, but you were thinking of going further, you needed to go further.
"Come on Tony..." you pleaded hoping he felt as needy as you did at that moment.
"Where to?" he asked, slowly caressing the silky fabric of the dress at your thighs.
"Stop teasing me," you murmured, but instantly your tone became more self-assured. "Or I'll be the one to start teasing with you."
Firmly you brought your hands to his chest to offer him a gentle push away from you, just enough distance for him to watch as you very slowly brought your hands to the straps and let them fall down the length of your arms, causing the black dress to fall to your feet. You were practically naked, except for a pair of lacy black panties, under the watchful eyes of those brown eyes that seemed consumed by what they were seeing. 
"Oh, baby. I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you forgot you ever met that asshole," you bit your lower lip, inwardly begging for him to make good on those words. Even though he had already partly done it, he had made you forget about him completely.
You approached him very slowly, it almost hurt, you brought your hands to the collar of his shirt, rubbing his neck with your index fingers, slowly unbuttoning the buttons to check the nakedness of his torso. You uncovered the reactor, which you kissed and then you got down on your knees, getting to the height of his member, which was completely erect. Tony watched your movements with pleasure, letting you express yourself freely, putting you to the test.
Having finished unbuttoning his shirt, you chose to unbutton his trousers with extreme caution, the view from Tony's height was marvellous, and you knew it, so you looked away for a moment to see how he was enjoying watching you.
"Do you like what you see?" you whispered knowing the answer as you unzipped his trousers, feeling his cock rise even more under your touch.
"Oh honey, you know, you really shouldn't tease me," his words came out along with a slight moan, which brought a proud smile to your mouth.
Without a second thought you brought your hands to the top of his boxers and with a subtle brush you pulled them down until the top of his member was presented before your eyes, completely reddened, waiting to be attended to. You closed your eyes, approaching him only to brush him with the tip of your tongue. That warmth you offered him generated a deafening noise from inside Tony's throat who kept looking at you as if his dilated pupils were going to explode at any moment, and who didn't hesitate to place his right hand on the back of your neck to encourage you to continue, but you reacted totally the opposite of what he wanted and again rose up to put yourself at the level of his face.
"You're playing with fire," Tony raised the corner of his lip mischievously, having checked how you were playing with him, "and you just got burned."
His two hands gripping your naked hips tightly was all it took to pull you to the bed and let you fall onto the white sheets. You discovered your own need in his lust-filled eyes, which watched you as he dropped his shirt to the floor and shed his trousers, leaving only his member covered by the thin fabric of his black boxers. You knew you had teased him and it came at a price, a price you were willing to pay at any time, in fact you were willing to pay it.
His body pushed you back against the mattress, you let out a small moan as you discovered that his hands were slowly undoing the only question you had left on your body, your panties, which were slowly sliding down your thighs.
"Tell me how much you need me," his rough voice against your right nipple made you close your eyes and open your needy mouth.
"I need to feel you." You requested as best you could.
"Say please." Tony commanded dropping his lips to your left breast.
"Please..." you begged watching his every action.
"Are you gonna be good for me?" Tony's mouth found itself sliding between your hips, trailing his tongue back and forth.
"I... "you paused for air. "I promise I'll be good."
"Good..." his face disappeared from your sight, moving deeper between your thighs. "Now I want you to forget everyone but me."
As if you were in seventh fucking heaven his warm breath collided with your warmth. Just as you had done a few minutes ago, Tony slid his tongue along every millimetre of your folds, taking pride in the sound it made you externalise. You barely remembered what it felt like, what the deafening pleasure felt like, making your skin burn, your insides scream with pleasure, your need present in every part of your skin, and you weren't afraid to externalise everything you felt. Tony felt himself reveling in the taste of you, punishing you for teasing him earlier, leaving you half-hearted every time you felt you were about to explode.
It was inevitable for you to start moaning his name, wanting him to make use of his hands, to let you cum with pleasure.
"I want your fingers inside me." You commanded, not caring that you sounded so needy, tangling your fingers in Tony's hair.
But recreating the same action you had done to him, he pulled his lips away from your clit to look at you with extreme excitement in his pupils.
"Tony, I need to feel you." You reminded him as he watched you while barely making physical contact with you. "I need you so bad..."
"I know honey," he whispered approaching your face and running his tongue over your lips. "I'm not done with you yet."
When he steps back he offers you the confirmation you needed, his boxers begin to slide down his legs, releasing his full erection, knowing that this was all you needed inside you at the moment. His body reaches up to grab a condom from the drawer in the coffee table, but at no time does he look away from you, tempting you with a slide of your tongue across his lips, causing you to be quicker than he is and steal the condom from his hands. As he does, you reach down and before you put it on, you place a soft kiss on the tip of his cock.
Tony doesn't hesitate to grab your hips and pull you back to the position he needed you to be, between the mattress and his body. After trapping your lips between his he uttered words you could never forget, and which caused your clit to spasm slightly, "I'm gonna fuck you until you beg me to stop." You clenched your jaw and let him thrust inside you with a slowness that you found insufferable, but which caused your moans for the first time to blend together as one in the air.
Your hands prevented his body from separating from yours, drawing him into you. Your control points were completely gone, you had been waiting so long to destroy the barriers that prevented you from having pleasure that at that moment all your senses were fully expanded, every cell in your body wanted to explode with pleasure, and Tony was getting it so easily.
"I'm so close..." you uttered between moans, making Tony's speed start to increase.
"Come for me, honey." He whispered against your lips, pressing into a tight kiss.
His words were a command to your body, who decided the moment had come, exploding, letting your lust take you over completely. You moaned the name "Tony" as you allowed your sensations to invade every part of you, closing around Tony, who relished every sound and movement you made, and who couldn't resist hearing you utter his name, causing his hips to pick up even more speed, cumming right after you.
The cumulus of sensations and feeling was mutual, causing your bodies to fall into each other after everything that had just happened that night in that building on Manhattan Island. It took you a few minutes to react, catching your breath again and realising what had just happened between the two of you.
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