#Stiles Stilinksi icons
seriesxwriting · 1 year
Giving in to you
W stiles stilinski
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𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮- 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 (𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫)
Series- tw (teen wolf)
Paring- stiles and McCall fem reader
Warnings- kissing, t-shirt removing, swearing, um cliff jumping??
Summary- you can’t tell stiles how you feel. He’s your best friends brother, surely he wouldn’t even look at you twice. But on the anual camping trip you realised that he’s struggling to not give in to you just as much as you are him.
The anual camping trip. It was that time once again where me, my family and a few family friends all packed up the cars to the brim just to camp out in a cold, boring woods. Needless to add the fact there was no wifi or electricity, even working toilets didn’t accompany us on the trip. I knew it was going to be a weekend of my mum trying and failing to catch fish, stiles and Scott ditching me, made up camp fire stories and uncomfortable sleeping.
Still, i couldn’t get out of it. So here I stood with my hands on my hips biting my lip trying to figure out if my orange, wonky tent was supposed to be wonky or if it would fall down and suffocate me in my sleep. I guess that would be a way out of the trip. 
“Y/n- that doesn’t look right” my brother observed as he walked over holding his backpack with one strap on his shoulder. “Yeah.. I was just thinking that” “you didn’t pull the strings tight enough” stiles chuckled joining us, he began pulling the strings out the ground. “Pass me the hammer” he pointed to my hand with a smile. He was so cute.
Shut up y/n, that’s your brothers best friend don’t be selfish he wou- “hellloo? Earth to y/n” stiles called out pulling me from my day dream. “Shit- here” I passed him the hammer and using his strong muscular arms pushed it into the ground making my tent look somewhat normal. “Thanks” I smiled when he stood back up. “Well i don’t want it falling on us when we’re asleep” he laughed giving me the hammer back. When his hand touched mine I felt electric sparks fly off.
“Us?” “Yeah, my tent was wrecked so Scott said i could just crash with you guys” stiles explained looking down at it. “Not a- problem Right?” “N- no no not at all” I practically shouted feeling nervous, stiles looked at me with one eye closed. It felt like it was just us here, even though everyone was clanging around us. “A-are we okay? I dunno it’s just felt like you’ve been a bit off with me recently” stiles asked turning to look at me once more.
Yeah because I realised I liked you more than I’m supposed to, more than I’m allowed to. “Yeah we’re fine of course we’re fine” “good- good, your the last person I wanna fall out with you y/n” stiles told me lowering his voice as if we were talking about some secret drug deal that was about to go on. You’d think Scott would be the last person he wanted to fall out with, right?
I couldn’t tell if he was flirting EVER. He was quite hard to read. It was stuff like this that he said to me that made me fall for him. I wonder what he was thinking. “No we’re- fine, Im just- I don’t really like these trips so I’m a bit off I guess” “why don’t you like them?” He wondered with a little laugh. “Because- I’m in the middle of the wood with no phone and I stick to my mums side like we’re magnets because there’s nothing else to do”
“What? There’s loads to do why don’t you ever come with me and Scott to explore and mess about?” Stiles jerked his head back in shock, my lips pressed together looking at stiles. “I didn’t get an invite” “yes you did, I always tell Scott to ask if you want to join us- always”. I took a second to swallow that information. Fucking Scott. I didn’t want to bate out my brother but that had really pissed me off. “Maybe I wanted an invite from you” I shrugged softly smirking still holding eye contact with the boy.
“Did you now?”. I hummed in response keeping my thoughts a mystery, stiles let out a breathy laugh breaking our eye contact for a second. His cheeks turned slightly pink almost as if he was nervous. “Well you’ve got an invite, trust me i wouldn’t turn down spending any time with you”. I watched his eyes carefully, so when I saw them flick to my lips I knew for a fact he was thinking what I was thinking. We gave each other a look both knowing exactly what we were both imagining right now.
“Stiles! Come help me with the air bed” Scott shouted over from the famous jeep breaking the tension between us. Stiles looked across at Scott and then back to me “you coming?” “No I’ll leave that to you men” my hands shot up in defence and a laugh tumbled out of my pink lips. “The quicker it’s done the quicker we can get away from camp” he wiggled his eye brows at me before his arms stretched out and pressed down on my shoulders.
Stiles turned me around and walked me over to Scott as I giggled and tried to escape his grasp. Us three on our own carried the bed into the tent and managed to blow it up to an adequate level of comfortableness. After that was done we filled the tent with everything it needed, that being the flasks, the cool box, blankets and pillows and our bags with some change of clothes and activities to keep us occupied. It was much more fun doing it with stiles and Scott instead of just my brother this time.
“It looks perfect, shall we set off?” Stiles looked to Scott who had gotten comfy in one of the chairs. He had a flask of tea and a pink flowery blanket sprawled across his lap. But that didn’t matter, he was the alpha he could do as he wished with no questions asked. “Yeah sure, let’s go that way” he pointed behind our tent “mum, we’re going off to have a look about” Scott called out grabbing his mum’s attention, she stopped her conversation with Noah to wave at scott.
“Alright hun, will you bring some sticks back with you for another fire” she pointed to the pan sitting on the chard sticks. “Yeah will do, here y/n you can finish my tea” Scott said clearing making the assumption that I wasn’t coming with them. “She’s coming, just leave your tea there it will still be hot” stiles explained pointing at the ground. Scott’s eyes flicked towards me. “Come on” I told him with a sarcastic smile knowing he didn’t want me there. “Fine” he muttered putting his drink down in the grass and bouncing up, heading into the woods.
Stiles turned his head to give me a soft smile and nodded me along. He waited until I got to his side and then we followed scott into the woods. “I shouldn’t have worn shorts and a crop to these mozzys are killing me” i snarled slapping my leg trying to kill the blood sucker. “Gonna have to disagree, I like your outfit” stiles shrugged lightly looking down at me “this is just stuff I usually wear nothing special” I giggled shaking my head.
“I know, I remember when you wore that top to school because the boys wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it all day long” stiles rolled his eyes. What was going on. “I-m sure they were just- messing around” “i don’t care either way they shouldn’t have been saying it they shouldn’t have even been looking” stiles told me in a much more serious tone making my heart pound against my chest. “Stiles it’s really not that deep” I shook my head making my hair fall into my face. “It is to me” I heard him mutter under his breath.
“Why” “Because i couldn’t stop them- no one, I couldn’t stop their thoughts about you i couldn’t stop them looking at you” he told me stopping in his tracks making me stop too and look directly into his baby brown eyes. Was he jealous? No he couldn’t be it, couldn’t it? “Because your not mine and that felt shit”. I blinked at the boy towering over me as the air pulled it’s self out of my throat and my heart nervously pumped out of my chest.
“Guys! Come check this out!” Scott yelled from up ahead. “We should- go” stiles began walking putting a defensive wall up between us. I watched him walk off for a few moments before I made my own move. I was so confused. We trudged through the sky scraping trees before we got to a clearing and there stood a huge lake with a sort of waterfall coming down from some rocks. “Looks like fishing is on the table” Scott told us as we took in the view. “It’s beautiful” “yeah, beautiful” stiles agreed, but when I looked across at him he wasn’t looking at the view. He was looking at me.
“Let’s go see if there’s any rocks at the bottom of the water, if there isn’t we should be able to jump in” Scott wriggled his eyebrows up and down. He bagan to wade his way in after removing his top. Stiles copied throwing his top onto the the floor and removing his shoes. I had to grit my teeth together so my mouth didn’t hang open or I started drooling. Scott turned around splashing at stiles beginning a water bending fight. “There’s no rocks over here” stiles called out ten seconds before he disappeared under the water.
“And it’s pretty deep too” he yelled when he came up for air. His hands ran through his hair and the moment felt as if it was played In slow mo. “Come on y/n, climb up” stiles shouted as he began pulling himself out the water onto the rock formation. “I don’t really- like hights!” I yelled back across the water. “Don’t be a baby!” Scott cackled as he climbed up behind stiles. I let out an annoyed sigh before taking off my shoes. I went round so I didn’t have to get into the water.
When I reached the top the boys were lying on the grass laughing and panting. “I won! I beat the alpha!” Stiles howled out and he fist pumped the air. “You got out first” Scott laughed shaking his head while standing. He looked down at the water before backing up. “Your just jealous j-e-a…” Stiles chuckled sitting up with his legs dangling down. Scott whizzed past us cutting stiles off, taking a large leap into the air and then plummeting into the water. I gasped covering my mouth but relaxed after I heard a splash and then a very excited scream come from my brother mouth.
“Come On” stiles looked my way laughing a little. “I’m not sure sti” I chewed on my lip looking down. “Do it with me then” he told me pushing up off the floor. “You can close your eyes if you have to” he leant his head to the side playfully “come on I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, you just have to hold on” “fine” I rolled my eyes trying to hide my smile. “Get on” stiles tapped his back, slowly walking over I held onto his shoulders and then jumped onto his back. He caught me tightly holding me against him.
“You okay?” He asked gently turning around to me, my chin was resting on his shoulder so our faces were now inches away from each others. “Y-yeah” I gave him a breathy answer. “Good” he answered looking at the side of the cliff that we were edging towards. “Stiles i don’t….” And with that he leaped far off the cliff. I felt the air rushing past my whole body. I couldn’t breath. And then we hit the cold water. Letting go of stiles I splashed about panicking, but I felt a hand on my wrist pulling me up to the surface.
“You okay?” Stiles laughed attaching a hand to my hip bringing me towards him so I was sturdy until my memory of treading water was triggered. “That was fucking awesome! Let’s go again” I rushed swiping my wet hair out of my face. Stiles left out a laugh throwing his head back, I looked at Scott who was looking at us suspiciously. “You coming?” I quizzed pulling instantly away from stiles and swimming to rock wall. “Yeah” Scott nodded. And that’s what we did for what felt like hours. Messing around in the water.
On the way back we collected some stick for the fire but it was pretty hard as the moon was coming up and our source of light was no more above us. When we got back to camp our food was ready, apparently Noah got tired of waiting for us and went off to get sticks himself, so we now had a surplus of sticks. We told them about the body of water we found and surprise surprise my mum said we can go fishing tomorrow. And as if somebody was reading what I was saying, the camp stories began after dinner.
“Dad you didn’t see a ufo on one of your calls” stiles rolled his eyes laughing. “Were you There stiles? No, so how would you know what I saw?” Noah raised an eyebrow at his son who still didn’t believe him. “We dunno what’s out there” Scott shrugged looking up at the stars. “We’ve seen things that no one else would believe” “yeah but… aliens?” My mother chewed her lip nervously, clearly frightened of that idea. “I think I’m going to go and get comfy, if I don’t come back out Goodnight everyone” I smiled pushing up from the fold up chair.
“Night sweetheart” my mum beamed at me. I unzipped my tent, it was quite big it had two compartments one for sleeping and one for living in. I spent what felt like hours sitting in the corner with a blanket reading my book before I decided to get changed into my pjs for extra comfort. I climbed into some gym shorts and I was just about to put my top on before stiles stepped into the tent. “Shit- shit I’m- sorry” he swallowed nervously turning around quicker than I’d ever seen him move.
“It’s just a bra stiles” I laughed shrugging it off while trying to find the top I wanted. “No I- should have knocked” “we’re in a tent” I told him feeding my head through the hole and my arms after. “Where is everyone?” “Everyone’s in the car listening to some music, most of the adults are drunk” “as per, You can turn around now and stop complaining” i sniggered while zipping up my bag. “Oh that wasn’t me complaining, that was me respecting you- and boundaries” he said when he looked back at me. “Well next time Don’t be so respectful”.
Stiles watched my smirk from the floor as he tried to figure out what I meant by that. “Don’t start something because I will finish it” stiles told me as flick of excitement flashed in his eyes. “I don’t know what you mean by that- I don’t know what you mean half the time” I scoffed looking at him with my y/e/c eyes. “Stop it because I’m trying so hard here…” he sighed looking upwards. “Trying hard to do what” “keep control- but that’s not something I have when I’m around you” he admitted. I was bored of messing around.
I needed to know what he was thinking, what he felt. “Then give in, why are you trying?”. Stiles looked back down at me hungrily, I saw the exact moment he gave up the control. He darted towards me lowering to my level. I knew exactly what was about to happen. Stiles latched his lips onto mine holding my face close as if he didn’t want to let me go. I pulled myself up so my body could be closer to his and an arm went around his neck, my hand pleasantly found his hair. “I’m so fucked” stiles whispered against my lips.
I kissed him harder “Why?” “Because I’ve fully lost control now and I have no intention of trying to get it back” he told me pulling away for a second to look at me. “I don’t want you to get it back, this is what I want stiles” I whispered before pressing our lips together again. The boy pulled the top off that shouldn’t have been put on in the first place and then he lowered me to the ground kissing me again moving his tongue into my mouth.
“Stiles is y/n asleep i w…” scott pulled open the tent door. His eyes locked with mine before stiles’s seeing him over the top of me wearing no top. My face instantly turned red, stiles didn’t exactly get off me either because of my bra being on show.
Scott’s eyes flashed red.
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imagineseclipse · 2 months
A Pack Of Hearts- Stiles Stilinski x Reader PT2
part one - part three
-a/n this is the slowest of burns
-warning of strong language
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The next morning, you woke up in a haze, the events of last night feeling like a distant dream. The sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across your room. For a brief moment, you almost forgot about the not so wild adventure in the woods.
The memories slowly come back to you as you got ready for school. Pacing around your room, growing increasingly frustrated as you searched for your missing phone. It's nowhere to be found, and the longer you couldn’t find it, the more irritated you became.
You opened drawers and rummaged through your belongings, muttering to yourself as the minutes passed by. "Where did I put it? I swear I had it last night...”
Just as you're about to toss aside one last pile of clothes, there's a gentle knock on your door. You look up as the door creaks open, revealing your mother on the other side.
“Y/N?”she says, her voice gentle but firm. "Are you okay in there? You've been making quite a racket”her mouth falling open as she noticed the mess you had made.
“Uh- yeah I’m fine, Goodmorning mom”you flashed her a quick convincing smile before returning to your empty pockets. A brief silence fell over you both as she watched you scan your room.
“S-so, I spoke to Noah Stilinski this m-“
“Mom, please don’t”you felt your cheeks heat up slightly as you avoided eye contact.
“I think it’s brilliant darling, it’s nice that you are making friends- I think that this will be good for you”she perked up, trying to reassure you.
“Mom I don’t need friends, I know you just want the best for me but I’m honestly fine being just… on my own”you shook your head.
“Everyone needs a friend”she uttered out softly, making you hesitate for a moment.
Your mother's words hit a nerve. You paused your frantic searching for a moment, her statement echoing in your mind.
She always meant well, wanting nothing more than for you to be happy. But you'd grown accustomed to being alone, and you'd always been content in your own company.
You let out a small gasp, realizing the time as you caught sight of your watch. You’d spent too much time searching for your phone, school would be starting soon, and you were going to be late if you didn’t hurry up.
"I love you mom, I have to go to school I’m going to be late”you spoke aloud as you quickly shoved the clothes back into your drawers, no longer caring about the mess. You bounced towards her placing a small kiss on her cheek before disappearing down the hall and away from that conversation. You DID NOT need any friends.
Fifteen minutes later and you were pulling into the school parking lot, your heart racing. The lot was already nearly full, and you cursed under your breath as you scanned for any available spaces. Every minute counted and finding a spot seemed almost impossible at this point.
Finally, you spotted a small opening near the front of the school. It was a tight squeeze, but there's just enough space for your car. With a quick prayer, you try to maneuver into the spot.
“Dude, watch the paint job?!”you heard Jackson Whittemore shout across at you, jumping out of his car to give you the nastiest look known to man. Dickhead.
“Fuck all the way off Jackson?!”You shot back, flipping him off before nearly bumping into Scott who had just pulled into the spot on the other side of Jackson’s flashy car.
“Seriously, are you guys that incapable?”He motioned over to where you stood with Scott as he checked the other side of his car for scratches. Jackson sent you one last warning scowl before disappearing into the crowd.
You and Scott shared a brief silent stare before you turned on your heel, quite intent on not starting a conversation.
As you walked away, Scott called out your name, causing you to stop slowly. You let out a frustrated sigh and turn around.
"Yeah, what is it?" you reply, barely trying to hide your annoyance. You just wanted to get through the day without any additional problems or distractions.
Scott held up your airpods, a sympathetic look on his face. "You dropped these last night in the woods”he says, offering them back to you.
You let out a deep breath as you realized you'd once again forgotten something important. As you approach him, you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.
"Thanks Scott”you mutter, your eyes briefly meeting his. You quickly swipe the airpods from his hand and avoid his gaze.
“You don’t happen to have my phone? I think i dropped it aswell”you asked curiously.
Scott gave you a small smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Oh, I didn't find anything else, sorry," he replies apologetically.
You let out a soft sigh, disappointment settling in the pit of your stomach. "Damn it," you mutter under your breath. The silence between you and Scott grows uncomfortable as neither of you know what to say. Every passing second making the silence more pronounced.
Finally, you cleared your throat, breaking the awkward silence. "W-what happened to you last night, you kind of just disappeared?”
Stiles parked his jeep a few rows away from your car and steps out, scanning the packed parking lot for any sign of Scott. As his eyes finally landed on his best friend a wave of surprise washes over him. To his surprise, you were talking to Scott, the two of you deep in conversation about last nights events.
A mixture of emotions swirls within him - surprise, hope and a twinge of jealousy. Why wouldn’t you approach him this easy?
Without a second thought, he starts walking towards you both, his pace quickening as he gets closer. Stiles pops up in front of you and Scott, his eyes darting between you both as he tries to gauge the situation.
As Stiles had gotten closer, he had the opportunity to observe you more closely in the daylight. The sunlight that glistened through the trees casted a warm shine over your face. He couldn’t help but notice how your eyes glistened, and the small freckles spaced out perfectly on your face.
“You’re staring”you uttered out blankly side eyeing him, adjusting the bag strap on your shoulder.
Stiles is broken out of his thoughts by your sudden words. He blinks rapidly, realizing he's been caught. A blush creeping up his cheeks as he tries to look nonchalant.
“Okay, let’s see this thing”Stiles changed the subject, leaning towards Scott.
Despite every voice in your mind telling you to just leave, you found yourself superglued to the spot that you were stood in. Your curious mind is piqued, and you wanted to know what it is that Stiles and Scott were talking about. You try to act uninterested as they talk, but you can't help but steal glances at the two boys, wondering what they're discussing.
“Let’s see what?”you sighed out in defeat.
Stiles looked down at you, a satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He could sense your growing confidence despite your initial attempts to appear disinterested.
Scott lifted up his shirt, pulling it taut to reveal a bite wound covered with a gauze dressing. Stiles leans in for a closer look, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. Noticing the small amount of blood leaking through.
"Ooh-Jesus, Scott," Stiles mutters, eyeing the injury with unease.
“That is just horrific”you muttered out, covering your mouth as Stiles poked the bandage making Scott flinch backwards.
“It was too dark to see much, but I’m pretty sure it was a wolf”Scott pulled his shirt back down as the two began their walk into the school, you trailing behind slowly.
“A wolf bit you?”Stiles looked at Scott with disbelief.
“No, not a chance”Stiles shook his head violently, giving Scott a determined look.
“I heard a wolf howling?”Scott replied confused.
As Stiles and Scott continued going back and forth their conversation blended into a faint buzz in your ears. You become immersed in your own thoughts. Your mind replays the events of last night, focusing on the movement you had spotted in the woods. It's as if you're back in that moment, reliving every detail and trying to make sense of it.
The two boys notice that your mind is wandering, and they exchange a glance before deciding to snap you out of your thoughts. Stiles gently taps your shoulder, trying to get your attention.
"Y/n?”Stiles says, raising an eyebrow at your distant expression.
Startled, you snap out of your thoughts and look up to find Stiles and Scott stood in front of you staring at you expectantly. They seem to be waiting for a response from you, their curious expressions making it clear that they want an answer to something.
"Why are you both looking at me like that?" you mutter, shaking your head to clear the fog.
“California doesn’t have wolves right? Not for like sixty years?”Stiles repeated, his eyes locked onto your face studying for any hint of recognition. Like you were the smartest person in the world. Like you had all of the answers.
“Uh, R-right, well no California doesn’t have wolves n-not that i have read anyway, I read somewhere that there have been a growing number of animal attacks in Beacon hills so maybe Scott just got attacked by a sc-
Stiles' eyes widened in surprise as you suddenly launched into an explanation that no one asked for. A knowing and amused smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he listened to your voice get quieter.
You catch yourself as you realize you've been rambling on for a little too long. Feeling embarrassed, you abruptly stop and deadpan, attempting to regain some composure.
“No, no wolves in California," you state matter-of factly, a bit of an edge to your voice. You feel a wave of self-consciousness wash over you as you become more aware of Stiles and Scott's gazes on you.
“Really?”Scott asked intrigued, the three of you stopping on the staircase. Stiles rolled his eyes as if he was going to burst if he had to explain it again.
“All right, well if you guys don’t believe me about the wolf, then you’re definitely not gonna believe me when i tell you that i found the body” Scott’s words sent a chill down your spine as you pictured the gruesome sight of a lifeless corpse - half of one lying in the woods. It was a disturbing thought, and you couldn’t help but grimace at the image grateful that you weren’t the one to stumble across it.
“You- You are kidding me?”You noticed Stiles’ demeanor instantly change.
“No, man, I wish. I’m gonna have nightmares for a month”Scott’s expression changed to one similar to yours, shaking the picture of it out of his mind.
“Oh, god that is freakin’ awesome. I mean, this is seriously going to be the best thing that’s happened to this town since-“Stiles hopped from one foot to the other.
His expression faltered as he suddenly lost his train of thought. His eyes dart to the side, and you follow his gaze to find Lydia Martin walking up the stairs in the distance.
Stiles tries to regain his composure, his eagerness to impress Lydia evident in how he immediately tries to catch her attention. He straightens up taller, running a hand through his hair he has a buzz cut?? Attempting to look nonchalant as she passes by.
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“-since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia! You look-
You watch as Lydia walks past Stiles without even a glance in his direction.
“-like you’re going to ignore me” Stiles' grin drops for a moment but he quickly schools his features into a fake smile, trying to hide his disappointment.
A moment passed by before you turned to Stiles, sucking your bottom lip under your teeth. His eyes immediately flickered over to yours.
“That was really painful…to watch”you offered lightly, visibly cringing
“Neo-Yeah, Thanks Y/n”he breathed out, frowning down at you. Giving you a look, telling you that your comment wasn’t asked for.
“You’re welcome”you uttered out.
“You’re the cause of this, you know”Stiles changed his attention to Scott who stood confused.
Stiles and Scott got into their usual bickering and you took that as your cue to leave. You didnt want to get dragged into their squabble, so you quietly slipped away, heading towards English class.
Stiles’ eyes flickered in your direction as soon as he felt your movement, lingering on your retreating form. You puzzled him. He thought that he had you all figured out over the years, but you kept throwing him off with your unexpected reactions and your quick retorts.
“Impossible girl”Stiles muttered out furrowing his eyebrows, causing Scott to stop complaining for a minute, clocking onto his friends words. Stiles had zoned out, his stare fixed on the place you stood last.
“Lydia?”Scott questioned.
“Y-Yeah…Lydia”Stiles rubbed the back of his neck.
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Scott and Stiles entered their first period English class, where the teacher, Mr. Curtis, immediately began the lecture without introduction.
Your head fell onto the desk in dismay. How could you have forgotten that they were in the same class as you? They were in most of your classes. It seems like you were destined to be stuck with them all day. You really had been living in your own world.
Stiles caught a glimpse of you sinking into your seat at the back of the classroom motioning over at Scott, who seemed equally pleased, they both made their way to the two empty seats on either side of you.
Stiles quickly takes the seat to your left, while Scott sat on your right, the two boys settling in their seats with a smirk, feeling very chuffed with themselves.
“As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night”Mr Curtis announced to the class.
Scott leant forward in his seat, his eyes flickering between you and Stiles for a moment. He flashed a quick wink, clearly enjoying the fact that you were all in the know about the mysterious body in the woods.
Stiles couldn’t help but notice Scott's playful gesture. He grinned at you, knowing that you were trying to ignore them.
“And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus, which is on your desk outlining this semester”His words travelled around the room, leaving the sounds of disgruntled students.
You couldn’t help but watch as Scott suddenly jolts in his seat, looking around bewildered. His eyes widen as if he's heard something incredibly loud right next to him, beside you Stiles also looks surprised for a moment before realizing that the source of the sound is not nearby. He glanced over at you with the same expression he’d given you earlier. Like you could explain this.
You shrugged, before trying to turn your attention back to the class as Scott shuffled around in his seat uncomfortably. Your attempts at zoning in on the class work failed as your curiosity got the better of you yet again. Your eyes following Scott’s, wondering what he was looking at.
Scott's remained fixed on the window, an unfamiliar girl as she's being led towards the school by the vice principal. His alarm hadn’t faded, and he seems particularly focused on her presence.
Stiles, who had been observing Scott's behavior, leaned in closer to you, swinging on his chair as he tried to figure out where both of your line of vision was centered. With a roll of your eyes you found yourself shoving him back to his own desk, sending his chair legs crashing to the ground.
He let out a playful huff as he is forced back to his own side. The classroom fell silent as the vice principal escorted the same brown haired girl into the room. Scott perked up at the sight of her, his eyes locked on her every move.
“Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome”he introduced her, you noticed her nerves as she began to fumble around with the tassels on her bag. Offering a small wave to the class.
She smiles weakly before finding the only open seat in the class, which just happens to be the seat in front of Scott.
Scott, having heard her conversation with her mother earlier How?? knows that she forgot a pen and taps the new girls shoulder, offering her one of his own. Allison looks surprised by the gesture, but smiles at him gratefully.
“Thanks”she nodded. Scott smiling back at her in a way that strongly indicated that he is already besotted by this girl.
Stiles and you find yourselves completely captivated by the interaction between Scott and Allison. The two of you had been watching their conversation intently. Eavesdroppers tut tut tut.
A silent understanding seems to pass between you two unexpectedly meeting eyes, Stiles could tell that you were just as intrigued as him by the whole situation, and the intensity of his gaze confirms it.
“We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis on page one-thirty-three”The English teacher then picks up where he left off.
An hour later the bell rings, you stayed settled in your seat watching the students file out and go to their lockers, knowing that you had to speak to the teacher about one of your assignment.
Once that was taken care of, you exited the classroom and start walking down the corridor towards your own locker.
As you arrived you noticed Stiles, Scott, and another girl named Harley gathered around. They were engaged in a deep conversation, casting occasional glances around them as if they were talking about someone.
You sighed inwardly, the annoyance and resignation evident. It's like they were everywhere you went, always managing to show up unannounced.
The group turns to you as you appear next to them- their conversation coming to a halt.
“It seems that fate wants us to be friends y/n, look at us ending up in the same place at the same time”Stiles hummed out happily.
“You’re leaning on my locker”you blinked once, an awkward silence falling over the four of you as you ignored his comment.
Stiles let out an inaudible noise before sighing, the three of them shuffling over a fraction so that you could access your belongings.
As you’re rummaging through your locker you notice the new girl down the hall, Scott also catches her onto her at the same time. Allison sent a warm smile in you directions. Your lips uncontrollably twitching up into a small smile.
Queen bee-Lydia Martin and her idiot boyfriend Jackson are not far behind approaching Allison and striking up a conversation making you turn back towards your open locker. Scott however continues to watch them from afar and eavesdrop on them with his newly-enhanced hearing??
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Meanwhile, across the hall, Harley, who was also watching the scene go down in front of them, looks at Scott and Stiles incredulously, though Scott was too busy listening in on Allison, Lydia, and Jackson's conversation to hear her.
“Can someone tell me how New Girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?”she asked loudly, catching your attention from the other side of your locker door.
“Because she's hot-“ Harley gives him a look, but Stiles still doesn't get it and shrugs before finishing his thought.
“Beautiful people herd together” Scott is so distracted by listening to Allison talk that he doesn't even react to Harley and Stiles' argument. Suddenly, you inadvertently slam your locker shut, causing all three of them to jump in surprise.
You grab your belongings, tucking your book underneath your arm and walk away without a word. They all exchanged puzzled glances as you walk away towards the bleachers where you would sit and read for some peace and quiet.
"Are you joining us for lunch?" Stiles, still feeling a bit miffed about your earlier behavior, calls out after you as you walk away. He wasn’t going to give up.
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You found yourself a quiet spot at the top of the bleachers, enjoying the peaceful surroundings and the warm rays of the sun. There's a pleasant breeze that caresses your skin, and the sky is blue even thought autumn and winter were around the corner.
With no one around to bother you, you focus on your book immersing yourself in the story, finding comfort in the silence that surrounds you.
The lacrosse team spilled out onto the field, where the players started warming up by passing the ball back and forth as other students congregate in the bleachers further down to watch the team play.
You peered up from your book and unfortunately your eyes betray you, noticing Scott and Stiles amongst the crowd. They are in the middle of a conversation as they quickly jog toward the field. In a change in dynamics from the previous night, it is now Stiles who was out of severely breath and trying to keep up with Scott, who seems unfazed. Seeming to have boundless energy. Hmm.
They seem as though they are talking about something deep when Scott’s attention is diverted by the sight of Allison and Lydia walking along the bleachers so they can watch the team play.
You continued to watch as Allison and Lydia approach, your heart sinking as it becomes increasingly clear that they are heading in your direction. Your hope for a quiet and calm afternoon is quickly fading.
You resign yourself to the fact that they're about to sit right next to you, effectively crashing your peaceful spot on the bleachers as the seats filled up with students.
Allison plops down on the bleacher next to you, flashing a friendly smile. She seemed completely oblivious to the fact that she and Lydia were intruding on your private time. Lydia, on the other hand, takes the seat on the opposite side of you, her expression remaining cool and aloof as she settles in. Your eyes widened when you realised that you were sandwiched in between the two. You felt like you were being ambushed.
She turns to you, as if she is about to say something but pauses, seeing Scott down on the field. Allison smiles at him, but before he can smile back, Coach Bobby Finstock appears in front of him and yells his name.
“McCall”his voice echoes around the pitch somehow.
“Yeah?”Scott calls out running towards the Coach.
You and Allison observe as Coach roughly tosses a lacrosse stick with a much bigger net and a bigger helmet to Scott, who catches them after they smack him on the chest. Scott's eyes narrowed in confusion.
You do your best to block out the feeling of being trapped between Allison and Lydia on the bleachers. You focus on the words on the page in front of you, trying to lose yourself in the story to distract you from the uncomfortable situation.
Stiles, who has been running drills with the rest of the lacrosse team, couldn’t help but notice your unusual predicament on the bleachers. He’d known that to be your favourite spot to sit and you were usually alone. His eyes widened when he saw you sitting there, bobbing your leg up and down with nerves between Allison and Lydia.
He shook his head in disbelief, wondering how you ended up in such an awkward position. Part of him wanted to laugh, while the other part was concerned because you looked so anxious.
“Hey” A small voice made your head snap up out of your book, your eyes darting around until they landed on Allison who was smiling gently next to you, her eyes flickering from you to the book you were holding.
You hesitated for a moment, turning your head to the seat next to you to see Lydia in her own world, adjusting her makeup in her little pocket mirror. So Allison was talking to you.
“H-hey?”you offered, closing your book. You struggled to make eye contact.
“The names Allison, Allison Ar-
“Argent, you’re uh- in my English class” You accidentally interrupted quickly your mouth taking over, kicking yourself seconds later for cutting her short.
“You’re Y/n right?”she grinned, holding out her hand. You feel both surprise and disbelief that Allison not only knew your name, but was also being friendly with you. It was rare for anyone other than Stiles or Scott to pay you much attention at school, so this unexpected interaction catches you off guard.
“Y/n Y/l/n”you slowly took her hand, shaking it gently.
Scott, who has been practicing on the lacrosse field, can't help but tune in on your conversation with Allison. He secretly listened with a small smile on his face as he witnessed the interaction unfold.
He was glad to see that Allison was being friendly and trying to connect with you. It was nice to see someone other than himself and Stiles try to bring you out of the shell you had hidden yourself in, even if it was just for a brief moment.
His smile dropped slightly as someone else finally chimed into your conversation.
Lydia, who had been preoccupied with her makeup, swivelled around directing the question towards you.Her fluttering eyelashes and tone conveyed a false innocence, which was typical of her behavior.
“I’ve never seen you around before, are you new?”she asked seriously.
You struggled to respond, feeling embarrassed by Lydia's question.
“Lydia, we've been in the same class for six years?”you manage to choke out, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion and frustration. The strawberry blonde letting out a high pitched ‘Hm’ as the three of you sat in silence.
Before the uncomfortable silence can linger for too long, the sound of Coach Finstock's voice rings out across the field, signaling the start of the game.
Suddenly, all eyes shift towards the field as the game begins, effectively diverting everyone's attention away from you. You glance over once more at Allison and see a sympathetic smile on her face, perhaps signaling her understanding.
You watched as the lacrosse game got underway, your eyes scanning the field. To your surprise, Scott is playing and not sitting on the bench as usual. You found it weird, considering he rarely got playing time, if any at all.
In the stands, Lydia peered at Scott curiously, as though she had never noticed him before, Allison watching aswell as you quietly tried to recover.
Scott reluctantly took his place in the goal and prepared for the practice game to start. As if on queue, his superhuman hearing kicks in once again, allowing him to listen in on Allison and Lydia's conversation.
“Who is that?”Allison’s head followed Scott as he saved goal after goal. Lydia leaning forwards to get a closer look.
“Him? I'm not sure who he is. Why?” She eventually muttered. Surprise, Surprise.
Scott cocked his head in confusion as he stared at them, but they didn’t seem to notice. You did though. Could Scott hear you from all the way over there?! Allison smiled in response to Lydia's question as you rolled your eyes at her ignorance.
“He's in my English class”Allison noted loudly.
With curiosity piqued by Scott's attentive behavior, you decide to test an intriguing theory. Seizing the chance to conduct a little experiment,
“His name is Scott McCall”you informed her, her eyes widening noting that she had seen you around school with him a number of times. Your pupils fixed on Scott’s position across the field. As soon as you mentioned his name he seized up slightly. What the fuck.
Allison snapped you out of the shock you were experiencing at this recent development.
“You’re friends?”she questioned.
“Oh uh- no not friends”you responded quickly, absentmindedly packing up your belongings. Referring back to the times you had bumped into Scott and Stiles over the past day unwillingly.
Feeling somewhat bewildered by the revelation that Scott had somehow gained superhuman senses overnight, you quickly stood up from your position, sliding past Allison as your brain focused on leaving.
“Nice to meet you…”Allison’s voice trailed away along with her wave as you started to feel your ears ring, the beating of your own heart drowning out all of the noise. Your two feet began moving faster beneath you as you brushed past everyone sitting in the bleachers hearing Lydia and Allison resume their conversation regarding Scott.
You were mentally and physically panicking, your mind racing. Thinking about all the normal possible explanations. Maybe Scott hit his head or something and it’s making him act weird? Maybe the bite he got is infected and it’s making him act delirious. Maybe he just had a really good set of senses?
You spluttered around trying not to drop the contents of your bag as you practically sprinted down the stairs towards the exit.
Stiles, who had been keeping the bench warm watching the game, noticed a body out of the corner of his eye speeding down the stairs. You were finding it difficult to keep your belongings from falling all over the place.
He found himself uncontrollably rising from his seat when he caught sight of your state, your hair flying out behind you as you continued to run down towards the field.
The Coach blew the whistle loudly, causing everything to come to a halt including yourself, your eyes immediately darting over to Scott- a part of you knowing that if what you thought was correct. He’d be suffering due to the noise.
Stiles’ lips parted as he followed your line of sight, the two of you watching as Scott flinched over and covered his ears in pain. Letting out an audible groan. You took in a sharp breath, Stilinski once again turning back to you just in time to see you walking briskly out of the exit towards the car park.
Once you reached the safety of your car, you hurry to get in and quickly close the door behind you. Stopping to take a few deep breaths, you tried to calm your racing heart and gather your thoughts. The enclosed space of the car offered a moment of respite from the chaos around the lacrosse field.
In the quiet confines of your car, you struggled with conflicting thoughts. Part of you wanted to dismiss the strange incident as a coincidence or a fluke, but the curiosity within you was too strong to ignore as. Despite trying to resist the temptation, you found yourself unable to let go of the mystery that had unfolded before you.
You didn’t want to get involved with anyone, but there was something wrong. Scott had gone from wheezing and being unable to function during sports, to really fucking good with superhero type hearing abilities.
“I’m so going to need my phone for this”your head fell against your steering wheel, a destination set in your mind.
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reidiot · 2 years
"Green is for the things I understand."
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he never doubted his love for her ONCE.
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tvshowsiconsmovie · 1 year
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Dylan O Brien as Stiles Stilinski season 4 icons from the show “Teen Wolf”
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voidsbabe · 7 months
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People being people
Pairing: Stiles x reader
Summary: Stiles meets a stranger in a coffee shop. Just people being people.
Warning: English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best.
Hey guys, this is something new. I guess I had to put my feeling somewhere and well this story is just it. I don't know if you are going to like this. I hope you will. Enjoy ❤️ and let me know what you think!!
„I met someone” you hear and suddenly the time stops. First punch in your face. You don’t hear how the glass shatters, you don’t even feel dropping your wine glass. You look at the man that was yours for the past 3 years and suddenly you don’t recognize him.
„And she’s pregnant…” Second punch in the face. You gasp desperately for air. You feel your throat closing and sudden burst of tears coming up but you can’t say anything. You just stare at Theo  for whoever know how long. It may be minutes or hours. It definitely feels like years to you. 
„W-what?” You whisper unable to speak louder.
„I know it just…I don’t know what should I tell you. I know that nothing I say will ease your pain. I just…I’m so sorry y/n” he says. You look him in the eyes, but there’s nothing. Just void. And suddenly you realize that he has never loved you. Especially not in the way that you did. Not with his whole heart. 
Theo stands up and kiss you in the forehead  „goodbye y/n”.
You close your eyes trying to control the wave of sadness that’s filling your heart but it doesn’t help at all. You burst in tears right where you are. Right here. In your favorite place in the whole world. In yours and his coffee shop. Yours and his spot. Right where he asked you to be his girlfriend. You sit there, tears dropping at the table and you just can’t move. 3 years of beautiful relationship just died. Like it didn’t mean anything. 
„What the hell am I supposed to do?” You whisper to yourself.
„Well, I think that you’re supposed to heal from that” you hear someone saying behind you. You slowly turn around and see HIM. 
„I know you don’t really know me but let me buy you a tea and maybe a couple? Ok, a few boxes of tissues.” He says and smile at you. „I’m Stiles by the way”.
You look at him „I’m y/n.”
„It’s nice to meet you y/n but I wish the circumstances were better.” Says Stiles and sits next to you. „I know that I’m just a stranger but maybe if u tell me what happened and why such a pretty girl is crying right in the middle of the coffee house on Monday. You will feel a little bit better. Im guessing it has something to do with that guy who just left. Inferring from the fact that you are crying, I’m guessing he probably broke up with you.”
You sigh in disbelief. He’s really good at reading the situation and people.
„Well. Technically he left me because he has met someone AND got her pregnant. Can you believe this?” You say. You don’t know him so whatever. You are just a random girl in his life and so is he in yours. So yeah, what the hell.
„Wow. I DID NOT expect that. What an asshole. I’m sorry y/n. You deserve better.” He says and smiles at me. I rub the tears out of my face.
„Yeah I do. You are absolutely right. I hope he catches chlamydia” you joke and then magic happens. He laughs. He laughs so beautifully. It’s like music to your ears.
„You have a nice laugh” you say without thinking. Two red stains appears on your cheeks as you realize what you’ve just said. „I’m sorry. It’s not really an appropriate things for me to say especially in my position.”
„No, no. It is appropriate because we are just people being people.” He says and looks at you smiling.
„We are just people being people. That’s what you’ve told me 5 years ago in that coffee house. It was at this moment that I’ve realized that we’re just two strangers who sit together. One broken soul and as I know now my guardian angel who fixed that soul and heart. After that one meeting was many more. There were just some random meetings like going to movies or going skating. But later our meeting weren’t really meeting of two friends. They were dates and we both knew that. I remember that one particular date or as I should say not-a-date where Stiles texted me at 3 am to dress up and sneak out of my apartment to go out as I thought. He took me on a late night drive and we were singing our favorite songs. Suddenly my life came together and I was feeling it in every cell in my body. I was and I am so happy. Little did I know that Stiles will randomly in the middle of the song ask me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes just like I said yes when he kneeled on one knee in Paris. I guess If I said no I wouldn’t be standing here in white dress.” You laugh and look with tears of happiness on your husband. „To the point, after that stupid day 5 years ago I NEVER imagined myself with someone else other than my ex. I’ve never imagined myself that happy again. Alive and happy. But here I am. A short conversation led me to the most amazing, beautiful and caring human that I could ever met. I have never thought I will find myself completely and utterly happy and in love with someone but here I am. Stiles, baby you are my everything and I’m so grateful that I have you in my life and right now that I can share my life with you till death do us parts. I love you.” You end your monologue and see Stiles raising his glass 
„To us my love” he says and drinks his champagne.
„To us” you repeat after him.
Who thought that people being people would let to dating and marriage? Who thought that being just kind to a stranger would led to that? Well, you definitely didn’t. 
Thank you for reading!!
Love, Sue <3
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dylanobx · 2 years
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stiles stilinski icons
fav se salvar :)
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strawdae · 8 months
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☁️ dyl !!! ♥︎ 💭
☆ Like or reblog if u save
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stereksouls · 1 year
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Stiles Stilinski Icons
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seriesxwriting · 1 year
@idkam33 requested part two!!
Giving into you- part 2
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𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮- 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 (𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡)
Series- tw (teen wolf)
Paring- stiles stilinski
Warnings- Physical fighting, use of an axe, loss of blood, fainting, hospitals, swearing, kissing.
Summary- request!
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“What! The hell is this!” Scott yelled out in complete rage. “Scott don’t shout” I told him as I reached for my top. “I fucking knew it!” He laughed removing himself from the tent. “Wait- Scott” stiles crawled off me and raced out of the tent after his best friend. “Scott!” “Do not talk to me! I don’t even want to look at your face- I want you to go” he ordered.
As I came out the tent I caught sight of his eyes flashing red yet again. “Can you at least hear me out?” Stiles asked in a calm manner. “Nothing you can say can validate that! I want you gone get out of my face” Scott yelled, his veins in his forehead pulsed with rage. “You can’t send him home- this is a tradition” I frowned stepping over towards them.
“Your lucky I’m not sending you home too” he frowned at me, as if he expected me to just stay quite. “Well If stiles is leaving im going too” “the hell you are” Scott chuckled rudely. His attitude was disgusting. “It’s fine y/n- I’m going to go but you can’t come back with me” stiles shook his head vigorously. He didn’t even look me in the eyes. I was embarrassed. I wasn’t worth this argument for him. I didn’t know what we were now.
“What’s going on? Why are you yelling?” Melisa came wondering over trying to stay balenced and hide her drunken feeling. “Don’t worry about it mum, stiles is just leaving we’re saying our goodbyes” Scott eyed his ‘best friend’. “What? Leaving- heavens why?” “I just need to get back, things to do, people to see” stiles fake smiled at Melisa. “Do you think I was born yesterday? What the hells happened here?”.
“For once mum will you just stay out of it” Scott growled, the way our mother looked at him made him uncomfortable. He turned around with a grunt and ran off towards the woods. “I um, need to go tell my dad the plan” stiles smiled weakly before heading off leaving my mother looking to me for answers. “Are you okay?” “I’m going to bed” I stated turning on my heels and going back into the tent leaving her gawping at the tension.
It wasn’t until about ten minutes later that I actually stopped staring into space, re thinking about everything that had gone down right in this very spot. My phone dinging pulling me out of my daydream. Or day nightmare. My heart skipped a beat when I saw stiles’s contact pop up telling me to bring his bag by the car. I took a deep breath before exiting the tent, nervously making my way to him.
I brought his bag out to him but other than that he was all packed. “Hey” I called out gently wiggling his bag. I felt the tension, I felt awkward because I didn’t know how he felt. “Thank you” he answered in quite a neutral tone taking it off my hands and putting it in his car. He then turned to me. This was the first time he’d actually looked at me since. His hand came out brushing my hair behind my ear before he took a step closer to me.
My heart threw itself against my chest as if it was trying to get out a locked room. “So beautiful” he breathed. “Forbidden things always are”. My chest raised up and down looking up at him without knowing what to say. He slowly bent his head down and planted a kiss on my lips. I was so taken back my head moved away. “What are you doing- I thought- I dunno what i thought” I whispered as my brows knitted together.
“I’ve given into you y/n, I told you I’m fucked- I’m all yours now” he told me in a low voice. My stomach dropped and I’m surprised my jaw didn’t follow. “Even though- you’ve just fallen out with Scott?” “I’m not giving up on our friendship but I’m not giving you up for our friendship either” he replied. My eyes widened and my hand came up to his face. My thumb rubbed his cheek. “That is the most attractive thing anyone has ever said to me” I giggled like a five year old child.
Stiles let out a tiny laugh and lifted my head up by my jaw to meet his lips. I kissed him back this time, gently. Closing my eyes and just enjoying the peaceful moment. “I’ll see you soon” I whispered putting my forehead against his. “Keep me updated” he whispered before planting a kiss on my cheek. Stiles drew away as I nodded robotically and gave him a beam as he drove off away from me. I missed him already.
“Is that what Scott is so upset about?” “Jeezus mum!” I squealed as she appeared out of the trees. I practically jumped out of my skin. “Is it?” “Yes- yes he caught us kissing and- it’s a mess” I shook my head not allowing myself to cry over this situation. “Oh hunny, for what it’s worth I’m really excited for you it seems so real so natural” “god how long were you there for” my head jerked back as she made her way over to me.
“Of course Scott’s going to be upset that’s his best friend but I’m just as hopeful as you that the situation will grow on him” she fluffed out my hair before hugging me seeing I was clearly upset. “I’ll speak to him tomorrow” mum whispered to me.
And she did speak to him. Yet it resolved nothing. In fact the whole time we were camping Scott ignored me, blatantly ignored me. Barely even looked at me and when he did it was full of anger and almost disgust. He wasn’t hearing my side or stiles’s side when he tried to text him or even mums side. His hostile behaviour didn’t stay at camp either, he took back home. The atmosphere was awful, tension was always high.
He even braught it to school with him and not just towards me. He’d practically kicked stiles out of the group, he wouldn’t let him within five meters of them or me. So me and stiles had to meet in private. Which kinda made it more fun. Sneaking into supply closets, the changing rooms. Even the girls bathroom once.
“Stiles?” I hissed opening up the cupboard door. He put his finger to his lips smiling but nodding for me into come in. I closed the door silently behind us. “Have I told you that top really brings out your eyes?” He greeted me pulling me towards him by my waist. “Mm no, but you said that about my necklace last week” I giggled wrapping my arms round his neck.
When I looked into his eyes I saw the happiness he felt when we were together but I also saw the sadness when we wasn’t. When he looked at Scott. “Stiles? Are you okay?” I asked holding his face in my hand. “I’m with you, I’m ecstatic” he whispered dragging a finger down my cheek. “Not right now- in general- I really thought this was going to blow over but it’s been weeks”
He sighed pulling away but still holding my hand, he took a seat on the floor dragging me down with him. I giggled falling on his lap. “I thought it would blow over too- he’s really upset I just don’t know why because he won’t talk to me” he chewed on his lip before correcting himself. “I mean I know why generally but like why is he this upset about it”
“I dunno- it just doesn’t seem like Scott you know?” “Yeah, I do- he’s too busy looking into those home invasions the murders anyway, I heard him talking to Lydia about it on the phone” i nodded squeezing his hand comfortingly. “Mm my dad was looking into them- does Scott think it’s supernatural?” Stiles frowned gently. “I think so- but it doesn’t matter, it will be sorted out” I shook my head looking down
“Mm, but thank you- for checking on me” he smiled kissing my lips softly. I looked back into his eyes and pulled his face back to mine kissing him slowly. “Your done for the day huh?” He asked me afterwards. “Yep, so excited to go home and- just sleep”. Stiles giggled shaking his head.
“Come on, I’ll drive you home before I have math” “oh you don’t have to- it’s out of your way” I shook my head feeling bad. “No one I want to spend time with more than you anyway y/n” he told me as we stood up. “Are you sure?” I checked again, biting my lip. “Meet me at my car” he smiled pressing a kiss on my forehead. He hesitantly left the cupboard checking no one saw him.
I couldn’t remove the smile on my face, the butterflies wouldn’t stop fluttering. Stiles did that to me. I was so sure I was in love, that he was it for me. Then I thought about Scott. Why did it have to be so difficult. Forbidden things really are so much more tempting.
Stiles dropped me home and kissed me goodbye before speeding back in time for maths. He was so good to me. Now I planned on going through with my idea of having a nap before mum and Scott got back. Treading up to my room I got into my pjs and was just about to slide into my covers before I heard a loud sound coming from downstairs. A window smashing? A wave of fear washed over me as my stomach dropped. I stood still not moving, just listening.
The silence was awful, my heart pounded at a mile a minute. Footsteps ascended up the stairs. I grabbed my phone with sweaty hands and sprinted over to my wardrobe trembling with fear. In the pitch black I pressed for Scott’s contact. It rang once and then cut off. The bastard put the phone down on me. There was someone in the house and he’d put the fucking phone down. So I called stiles. I wanted to call him anyway but I felt obligated to call Scott.
He answered on the third ring with his normal cheery voice. “Hey, What’s up? I just got back to school” “stiles” I whispered on the verge of tears. “There’s someone here” I told him as quietly as possible. “What? Who- where?” He ranted stopping in his tracks, desperate for answers. “In the house- there’s someone here” I whispered clutching the phone to my ear. “Okay- okay hide- did you tell Scott?” “He hung up on me- I don’t know what to do” I sobbed quietly.
“Im going to get him okay- stay on the phone” he told me. But as he did my door opened. I heard the familiar squeak. I automatically ended the phone so i would make no sound at all. Shit it must of been one of those home invasions Scott was looking into. Shit. I wasn’t about to be murdered by whoever this was. In that moment the doors flew open. A tall man stood in front of me. He had no hair and he was missing a mouth too. His eyes looked so cold, so evil. He had an axe in his hand which he threw down at me.
I moved out the way and dug my claws into his leg. He jolted and brought his axe back towards me. It sliced across my side and up across my arm. I cried out In pain but managed to get my claws into the arm that held the axe. It fell. I scrambled up trying to get away. He grabbed an arm and pulled me back and now has a knife in his hand that he tried to cut my throat with. He only managed to get my collar bone as I struggled not saying still.
Just before I clawed his face. His grip on me loosened and I ran. Out my door. Down the stairs. Out the front door which I’d never unlocked so fast. As I ran down the side of the road I found myself drifting in and out of consciousness. My running slowed and I fell to the ground. Black. That’s all I remember seeing.
Five minutes later driving down the road
“What the hell is that?” Stiles asked breaking the silence. The two boys peered out the window screen squinting their eyes. “That isn’t…” Scott started, batting his eyes to refresh them. “That’s y/n!!” Stiles made apparent, emergency stopping the car. The two boys opened their car doors quicker than the speed of light. “Holy fuck, that’s a lot of blood” stiles panted trying to keep calm. Scott didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what to say. Deep down, he felt so guilty.
Stiles lifted my body up and over his lap, identifying the wounds. “It’s too deep, It’s not healing fast enough- we need to get her to my mum” he ordered really! really! fast. Stiles hesitated looking down sadly, his mind was racing. “STILES! Now! she’s dying!” Scott yelled getting his best friends attention. He nodded, blinking waking himself up before pulling me into his chest bridal style. His eyes were full of tears he could hardly see straight.
He laid me in the back, where Scott got in to keep an eye on me while stiles hit the accelerator. He probably had so many tickets after the speed drive to the hospital but he didn’t care. He only cared about me right now.
“MUM!” Scott screamed as they carried me into the hospital. “MUM!” He cried out again when she didn’t come running. It wasn’t long though. She blinked in horror at the sight of me in stiles’s arms. Her chest going up at down watching the blood drip onto the floor.
5 hours later, 11pm
Melissa came out into the waiting area. The two boys jerked their heads up at her. “You can see her but don’t make it obvious I shouldn’t be letting you- y/n’s out of surgery she’s going to be okay” she nodded smiling clasping her hands together. They both stood up at the same time. Scott looked at stiles. “You gonna try and stop me from seeing her or something?” He scoffed eyeing up the Alpha. “No” he answered with a guilty look in his eyes.
“You two better sort this out- preferably before she wakes up which could be any minute” Melissa told them leading the way to the room. The two boys went inside and sat down on opposite sides of the bed. They looked at the bruises, bandages and machines, but knew I’d be okay. Stiles grasped my hand gently, watching me. “My mums right- we should sort this out- for her” Scott began. “I have no interest in doing that” stiles half laughed at the absurdity.
“Maybe before- but after what you’ve just done to her- forget about it” stiles shook his head. “I didn’t know!” Scott pounded his knee in anger. “You almost let her die because of your stupid attitude to us dating” “I know stiles and I feel guilty enough so thanks for rubbing it in” “your welcome” he replied in a snarky tone. It was silent for a while. “So what’s your deal? Why won’t you allow it- it’s not like you think I’ll treat her bad” “no” Scott shook his head.
“I know you’ll treat her good, that’s the problem” he answered, stiles screwed up his face and looked at Scott for an answer. “You’ll treat her right- she’ll fall in love and want to spend every second of the day with you, vise versa” he started before swallowing. “They’ll be no time for Me” Scott said quietly. “That’s! What Your so mad about? You think we’re going to ditch you when we’re a couple?” Stiles laughed shaking his head.
“The two people Im closest with in the world! You’d come round my house for her not me, you’d offer to pick me up because you were already coming for her, you’d come to pack meetings for her! I’d lose you and I’d lose her at the same time” Scott yelled, but his eyes weren’t red or angry. They were sad. “She almost died because of that selfish ass reason” “i know!” He chocked out as a tear slithered down his face. “And I’ll regret it for the rest of my life”.
Stiles sighed looking up at the ceiling away from Scott. “That would never happen anyway- your my best friend” he admitted finally. Scott looked over to him with tearful eyes. “She looks up to you so much- she’d never lock you out”. Scott put his hands on his face. “I didn’t want to cause this but- It was easier to lose yous on my terms than on yours” “you don’t have to lose us- but you have to get over it”.
“I didn’t want to hurt you and maybe I didn’t handle it the best way” stiles admitted with a huff. “I didn’t mean to give into her but once I had I fell in love with her” stiles smiled over at me. I squeezed stiles hand and he double took for a second. I opened my eyes adjusting to the light. “I love you too” I whispered out moving my lips into a smile. I closed my eyes again because the light hurt.
“Y- I- your okay- did you- mean that?”stiles stuttered sitting up leaning close. “Of course I meant it” i croaked, moving his hand up to my lips then tucking it under my neck. “We’re in love?” He questioned smiling, making me nod and let out a small laugh. “How long have you been awake then” “hm- most of that conversation if I’m going to be honest- didn’t want to disturb it” I answered looking over at my brother who was smiling at me for the first time in weeks.
“Welcome back sis” he smiled nodding. “That’s not what I want you to say” I told him honestly. “I’m sorry, i should have been there for you I…” “…no that’s not it either” I shook my head slightly. He looked over at stiles and then at me again. “You have my blessing, I hope it works out for you two and I’m- I am sorry” he took my other hand bringing it up to his mouth. “I’m so sorry y/n” he cried letting the tears fly out. “Stop apologising- I just wanted your blessing” I smiled rubbing his hand.
“Y/n- tell me, was it a home invasion?” Scott asked me a few second later. “Oh I can’t wait to tell the pack about this guy- we need to get him- it’s our thing” “it’s supernatural?” Stiles quizzed, raising an eyebrow. I nodded looking at them both.
“Welcome back to the pack, y/s/n”.
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imagineseclipse · 2 months
Pack Of Hearts- Stiles Stilinski x Y/n PT4
part three - part five
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It had been half an hour since Scott had left Stiles’ house. Half an hour of you and Stiles going back and forth, trying to agree on the next plan of action.
“So you really think it’s a good idea to go after him, when he did…this?”you shook your head, pointing to the leather seat that was now shredded.
“He’s my bestfriend Y/n”Stiles got up from his seat on the end of his bed, searching around his room with a purpose.
“Yeah and look at what he did, look at what he was going to do to you”you replied quickly.
“I’m not going to give up on him, just because he might be a-a” Stiles’ voice trailed away, not knowing what to say. He snapped out of his thoughts resuming the rush around his bedroom.
“So for the love of god would you get your jacket on because we’ve got a party to go to”He stopped in front of you, shaking his car keys around excitedly.
“Have you lost your mind?”You asked genuinely, staring at him with empty eyes.
“Not recently”he mumbled under his breath.
“You’re insane, I’m going home”you laughed out, absolutely convinced that he had lost brain cells. There was no way in hell that you would be attending Lydia Martin’s party that night. Never.
“Are you sur-
“I’ve truly never been so sure of anything in my life”you cut him off, nodding violently as you grabbed your jacket and bag.
“I know your car is still in the shop so I’ll drop you off on the way, it’s getting late”he offered, holding his bedroom door open a small smirk dancing across his face.
He drove straight past your house.
“I should really call the police station and report you for kidnapping, in fact I should call your father”you hissed, slumping down in the passenger’s seat in Stiles’ jeep. If you could call it a jeep.
“If you must”Stiles sighed, tossing his phone over into your lap. You responded with silence, debating on jumping out of the car whilst it was still moving. You’d do anything to not have to go to this party.
“Hey, y/n can you pass me the-
“No”you replied, staring out of the window, a scowl fixed on your face.
“At what point do you become mature?”Stiles laughed out to himself.
“When I get to go home”you answered, sending him a glare from your corner of the vehicle.
“I hope the ground swallows you whole Stilinski”you added for extra measure.
“Honestly same”he muttered out as the two of you turned into Lydia’s driveway. Stiles jumped out of his side, jogging around to open the door for you.
You swung your legs over the side, jumping down from the seat as you rolled your eyes. The smell of alcohol invading your nose almost immediately. The sound of music drowned out every single one of your thoughts. It was extremely busy, and you were extremely terrified.
Stiles noticed the way your skin had turned a shade paler, the goosebumps that crawled up your skin as you shivered. His eyes widened when he realised, you had never been to a party before.
“H-hey, let’s just treat this as an investigation stakeout right? Don’t even stress, we’ll grab a drink- non alcoholic if that’s how you roll- a-and we’ll chill at the sides…just keeping watch”he took a step closer to you as your eyes darted around, taking in the party scene.
“If you leave me to fend for myself I swear-
“I promise i’ll be by your side the whole time”he reassured you, pulling on your jacket intent on leading the way.
You and Stiles tried your hardest to manoeuvre your way through the tight crowd without losing eachother. Him squeezing through in front and you fighting for your life in the back. A dancing stranger nudges Stiles making him lose grip of your jacket, his hands falling down your arm somehow catching your hand at the bottom.
You ignored the weird feeling you got as your hands fit perfectly together, his grip tightening as he weaved through the sweaty teenagers. The bass of the music travelling through your body to the beat. The two of you decided against letting go, you’d definitely get lost if he did.
You thought the walk through the house toward the back patio would never end but you felt relief wash over you when you felt the breeze hit your face. There you found dozens of party attendees dancing and drinking around the swimming pool and the fire pits scattered across the yard.
As you take the party in, Stiles peered down at your intertwined hands, how comfortable it felt. It was like your thoughts had caught up to his as your hand slipped out of his, becoming self aware.
He tried to brush off the cold shiver he’d felt after you let go before pointing over to the drinks table where it was quieter. As you followed Stiles across the patio you caught sight of Allison and Scott dancing together on the other side of the garden.
You observed as Allison and Scott are nose-to-nose, and just when it looks like they're about to kiss, Scott's fingers tighten around the back of Allison's jacket. He looks as if he is suddenly stricken with a terrible headache caused by all of his senses being heightened all at once.
You lifted your head, noticing the full moon blazing over the garden, gulping as you looked to Scott once more.
He groaned out as he clutched his temples with both hands. Allison stopped dancing and looks at him with concern. Over near the drinks table your arm reached out behind you trying to gain Stiles’ attention as he was pouring the two of you a drink.
Scott continued to hiss out in pain until the ache subsided slightly, opening his eyes just enough to see where he's going as he turned to go somewhere private and ride the sickness out.
“I'll be right back”he uttered out turning to walk away from Allison. Leaving her alone.
Scott stumbled towards the house, as he grows closer to where you were stood his vision started to get shaky and blurry. You nudge Stiles in the side and he croaks out at the sudden jab. Giving you a confused frown before following your line of sight. He notices Scott and looks at him with a worried expression.
“Yo, Scott, you good?”Stiles asked concerned for his friend. Scott seemed too overwhelmed to respond to Stiles.
“Are you okay?”you questioned straight after watching as Scott sway side to side, getting further away from the two of you.
You looked up at Stiles, mentally asking if you should go after him, Allison had the same idea it seemed as she appeared next to you looking both confused and hurt. Understandable.
The three of you silently followed Scott until you saw him get into his mom’s car, driving off without another word. It seemed like ten minutes passed before Stiles reached into his pocket pulling out his phone.
“I’m gonna try and call Scott”he caught your eye, telepathically asking if you were okay to wait whilst he made a phone call. You gave him an approving nod watching as he skulked away to his jeep.
You turned to the familiar face, her face frozen on the spot where Scott had parked his car.
“Silly question, but are you alright?”you ask quietly, the wind blowing her brown hair out of her face as she forced a smile onto her face.
“I’m always alright y/n”Allison turned to you, the grin never faltering, you felt a small smile twitch onto your face as your gaze fell to the ground.
“How have you been?”she added, remembering the last time she’d spoken to you and how you were in a rush to leave.
“I’ve been- I’ve been okay, thanks for asking”Your smile grew bigger. What was happening to you?
“Hey- Listen, I don’t know Scott well at all actually, but I know one thing… I know he’s not a bad guy”You offered, not knowing if you were helping the situation.
“I appreciate that a lot, thankyou”Allison blinked slowly, nodding gratefully.
Your conversation was cut short by Stiles tripping over his own feet as he made his way over to where you and Allison were stood. Kneeling down to tie up his shoelaces as he mumbled profanities.
“I had him and then I lost him”He jumped up seconds later, slightly out of breath and waving his phone around frantically.
“C’mon y/n, let’s go home”Stiles motioned towards you abruptly. You perked up when he mentioned your house. Home sweet home.
You pivoted to face Allison, giving her an expression that told her that you didn’t want to leave her all alone outside a party. She caught on quickly, almost shoo-ing you away telling you she’d be okay.
“Maybe I’ll see you at School?”She called after you waving you away.
“Maybe you will”you smiled, lifting your hand to wave back. Stiles watched the interaction his mouth falling open slightly.
“What was that, huh?”he smirked as he leant against his jeep, a smirk playing on his lips. He didn’t have to say it aloud.
“Start the jeep Stilinski”watching him unlock your door.
“Right yeah, home time”he agreed, opening the door for you so that you could climb in. Your eyes wandered across the car park over to where Allison was stood but she was now joined by yet another familiar face.
“Derek hale?”Stiles head snapped up from his wheel at your words.
“What about him?”Stiles raised an eyebrow confused.
“N-no he’s here, he’s talking to Allison…In fact im pretty sure she’s getting into his car?!”An unsettling feeling had gotten caught in your chest, the pairing already highly suspicious.
“Okay we gotta go”Stiles mumbled, speeding out away from Lydia’s house before you could choke out a “Wait”.
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When Scott had gotten home from the party he rushed upstairs to his bedroom, locking the door before sliding down into a crouching position.
Groaning in pain, he eventually stumbled into the attached bathroom and stripped out of his jacket and tshirt before climbing into the bathtub and turning on the shower so that hot water poured over him.
It seemed to give him some momentary relief until he suddenly gritted his teeth in pain and anxiously rubbed his right hand over his face to try to distract himself from it, his fingers started to ache, and when he looked down at the palms of his water-swollen hands, he was horrified to see his fingernails growing into long, sharp claws.
Across town you sat in Stiles’ jeep as it sped down the road. Stiles driving like a mad man, a determine scowl on his face as he bit his lip.
“Stiles, why do I get the feeling you aren’t actually taking me home?”you finally sighed your knee bobbing up and down.
Stiles stuttered, his eyes falling on you before switching back to the road.
“What gives you that idea?”he hummed out furrowing his eyebrows.
“That fact that you drove past my house five minutes ago”you folded your arms across your chest.
“Sorry y/n, we just have to make one more stop”He confessed.
“Seriously?! You could at least tell me where we’re going”You huffed out, winding down the window.
“We’re going to Scott’s”
Frantically getting out of the shower, Scott looked in the mirror over the medicine cabinet and was even more overwhelmed to find his canine teeth growing into fangs and his irises glowing a bright gold color. Just then, a loud pounding knock is heard on his bedroom door. Scott pressed his forehead and torso against the inside of the door.
“Go away”he growled out.
“Scott, it's us”Stiles called out from the other side, the two of you standing close to the door with your ears against it.
Scott, realizing that it is just you two on the other side, unlocks the door but only allows Stiles to open it a few inches so that Stiles can hear him but not see him. Scott continued to lean his forehead against the door as he struggled to control his breathing.
“Let us in-“
Stiles looked over to you pausing for a moment, seeing that you are already giving him a slight nod of encouragement.
-Scott. We can help”he continued, trying his hardest to get through to his bestfriends who was clearly suffering. The thought of you and Stiles getting closer to him causes him to panic, he was deathly afraid of what would happen . Instead, Scott, lisping slightly due to his fangs, pleads with you.
“Y/n, Stiles you can’t be here, you gotta find Allison”he begged.
“She's fine, all right? We saw her get a ride from the party. She's-she's totally fine, all right?”Stiles tried to calm the situation.
“Don’t worry Scott, Allison is okay I-I spoke to her”Scott perked up at the sound of your voice, that being the first time you had spoken since arriving at Scott’s.
“No, I think I know who it is”Scott uttered out.
“Know who? What are you talking about?”you asked looking up at Stiles who looked just as baffled as you did.
“Dude, just let me in! We can try-
Stiles tried to push the door once more, becoming exasperated.
“It's Derek. Derek Hale is the Werewolf! He's the one that bit me. He's the one that killed the girl in the woods”Scott revealed, letting out what sounded like a cry.
Your mouth fell open slightly, your eyes widening in fear, Stiles mirrored your expression, the horror of the situation dawning on you both.
“Scott... Derek's the one who drove Allison from the party”Stiles tried to listen out for any sign of Scott, pressing his eyes to gap in the door.
“I’m sorry Scott”you offered sincerely, pressing your hand against the door. You felt terrible. You felt like if anything happened to Allison it would have been your fault you should have just gotten out of the Jeep when you’d seen him approach her.
Scott processed your words for a short moment before he quickly pushed the door and locked it again. Out in the hallway, Stiles rattles on the doorknob, and when he can't open the door, he starts to pound on it with his fist in an attempt to be let in.
You took this as your queue to start running towards the staircase knowing that Scott’s window was his only exit, you jumped down the stairs two at a time landing with a wobble before speeding towards his front door. You let out a frustrated yell as you fumbled around with his door handle.
You felt the breeze on your face as you sprinted outside of the house just in time to see Scott land the jump from his second-floor window. The air being knocked out of your lungs as he lands on his feet in front of you in perfect form.
Glancing in your direction before completing his transformation into his Werewolf form, complete with a ridged brow, pointed ears, gold glowing eyes, claws, and fangs. Saliva dripped from the tips of his elongated canine teeth as he looks up at the full moon and roars.
“Scott, stop!”you hear Stiles’ voice getting closer as he came to an abrupt halt next to you, grabbing your shoulder as he tried to catch his breath. He felt how you were frozen to the spot his eyes following your to see Scott who was fully wolfed out.
He let out a growl before hurtling down the road away from you at a speed you’d never witnessed. You couldn’t bring yourself to form full words as Stiles once again dragged you towards the jeep, sending you a sympathetic smile before opening the door for you just as he been doing all evening.
“Is there any point in asking if going home tonight?”you sighed out, buckling yourself in.
“Nope, I kinda need you tonight”Stiles blurted out, it was like he was uncontrollably vomiting up his words. Your mouth settled into a frown, unintentionally staring at Stilinski as he swerved around the corner.
No one had ever told you that they needed you, and this was completely new territory for you.
Across town at the Beacon Hills preserve Scott jumps on top of Derek's car, which is parked just out front of the entrance sign. He looks inside to see that neither Allison nor Derek are there before he headed deeper into the woods.
Scott, fully transformed, is running through the woods, using his new superhuman sense of smell to track Allison's scent in order to locate her and Derek.
Meanwhile, you and Stiles had just arrived at the Argent’s house, immediately rushing out of the Jeep toward the front door, where he frantically rings the doorbell as he mutters under his breath You cringed as he continued to ring the bell.
“Okay, you’re quite erratic right now so I think it’s best if I do the talking”you advised, watching as he shuffled about restlessly in front of you.
He sends you a brief ‘I’m fine, not at all freaking out’ stare. The door swings open and Allison's mother, Victoria Argent, finding an overwhelmed Stiles and a wary y/n on the doorstep.
Stiles wastes no time trying to figure out what is going on with Allison and your eyes widen. This was not the plan.
“Hi, Mrs. Argent. Um - You have no idea who I am. I'm a friend of your daughter's. Uhhh, look, this is gonna sound kind of crazy, um...-
“We were just wondering if Allison was home”you interrupted, saving both Stiles and yourself from further embarrassment.
“Allison! It's for you”she shouted into the house, Victoria looking at Stiles as though he's stupid.
Allison walked onto the balcony at the top of the staircase, seemingly safe and sound. You noted that she was missing the black blazer that she had been wearing that night.
Stiles looks flabbergasted by the sight of her, and Allison looked confused as to why he was so panicked. Sending you a small wave from up the stairs, you lifted a hand offering her the same, letting out a sigh of relief.
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Scott continued to run though the woods, following Allison’s scent until he reached a clearing, Allison's jacket dangled from a branch and Scott realises that this was the scent he was following, and not the scent of Allison herself. When Derek steps out of the shadows, Scott glares at him and growls in warning.
“Where is she?”McCall calls out angrily. If only he’d answer the damn phone.
“She's safe... from you”Derek hissed back.
Derek lurches forward to tackle Scott, leading to the two of them rolling down a slight hill. Once they reach the bottom, Derek pulls Scott to his feet and pins him against a tree.
“What did you do with her?”
“Shh, quiet. Too late. They're already here. Run”Derek replied in hushed tones, his eyes flickering out behind him into the woods.
Derek disappears, but Scott, takes a minute to catch on, a flash-bang arrow flies past him, blinding him momentarily. Another arrow hurtles towards him, slicing into his left forearm.
Suddenly, a group of three middle-aged male Hunters stepped out of the shadows, with the leader, Argent, holding a crossbow aimed right at Scott while Derek watches from a distance.
“Take him”
Before the Hunters can move, Derek appears knocking out the two closest to him, leaving Chris outnumbered. Derek pulls the arrow out of Scott's arm, a loud roar echoing through the preserve.
When Chris finishes checking on his men, he looks back at the tree to find that Scott is gone.
Scott, now in his human form, fell to his knees as he recovered from the overwhelming combination of transforming into a Werewolf, believing Allison to be in danger, and being shot by Hunters. He looks at Derek with an expression of anger, hurt, and betrayal.
“Who were they?”Scott breathed out.
“Hunters. The kind that have been hunting us for centuries”Derek shoved his hands in his pockets as he stood in front of Scott who was furiously glaring at him.
“Us? You mean you! You did this to me!”Scott accused.
“Is it really so bad, Scott? That you can see better? Hear more clearly? Move faster than any human could ever hope? You've been given something that most people would kill for. The bite is a gift”Derek shot out at the teenager shaking his head.
“I don't want it”Scott retorted.
“You will. And you're gonna need me if you want to learn how to control it”Derek placed his hand on Scott's shoulder.
“So you and me, Scott? We're brothers now”Derek added before disappearing into the night.
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The sun began to rise between the trees as Stiles tapped his fingers against the steering wheel along with the low volume music. He let out a quiet yawn as he reached forward to adjust his mirror, pausing when he caught sight of you in the back seat sleeping underneath his jacket that he’d placed over you not long after you’d let sleep take over.
Stiles began to slow the jeep down when he noticed Scott walking along the side of the road, still wearing only his jeans from the night before and cradling his now-healed left forearm.
Stiles' Jeep pulled up next to him to pick him up. Scott climbed into the passenger seat, putting on one of the many hoodies he’d left behind. He buckled himself in, his eyes flickering to the back of the jeep where you snored lightly.
The two boys share a look before Scott breaks the silence.
“You know what actually worries me the most?”he murmured out, trying his hardest to not wake you up.
“If you say "Allison," I'm gonna punch you in the head”Stiles lowered his voice to match his bestfriends, finally starting up the Jeep.
“She probably hates me now”Scott continued.
“Ugh. I doubt that. But you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology. Or, you know, you could just tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a frickin' Werewolf”Stiles exclaimed, his voice getting a little louder.
Scott shoots him and look and Stiles immediately backtracks.
“Look, things are changing right- just speak to her”Stiles briefly glances at Scott who furrowed his eyebrows.
“Things are changing?”Scott questioned, leaning his head against the window.
“Yeah things are changing, with you, with y/- Stiles sentence cuts short as the two boys hear you stir and move about in the back. They quickly turn to check on you for a moment before swivelling forwards to face the road.
Stiles doesn’t finish his sentence, him and Scott sitting in a knowing silence.
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lesyeuxdebb · 2 years
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Eli Hale Stilinski and his fathers.❤
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rosyrs · 2 years
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𓇼ᤱ ᩿ ᰱ ✾◜❲㽬⃞⺞❔𑚢ᦸᩚᏊ Ꭾ✽᳕𐑈t᷉ ᷍ ᷍ ᷍ 💭靐▒〪○ ◡饇𑜝៸៸ crᦸᦺ᭣ᩥt᥍ Ⓜ️ꬲ ⌑ ⟣ ⃕⬬﹎☄˽ 🍽️💤!¡ ▓␦✫◞☹。🗻🐈‍⬛🥄ぶ ⟬𗫥⃞❈ .. . 𝕷𝗶𝗸eິ 𖤓r ꢯ✼ꯦbl꩜ᦋ ꯵ ̸🌐ᤲᰱ ᩅ𑋶📘🍊◾𞋈
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elenairl · 1 year
Teen Wolf the trio 4 icon 🌀🌀
like if u using it !!!!
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gwestcyfilms · 2 years
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The reason why people didn’t like this movie was because
1 : Jeff Davis there no explanation for that if you are criminal minds fans you should know this
2 : it was a cash grab considering half of the people in this movie are unemployed such Tyler, holland etc
3 : Dylan wasn’t in it I mean stiles is a fan favorite for a reason
4 : the main reason why I didn’t watch it was how the cast / Jeff treated Arden and paying her less when it was recycled plot from season 3 which involved kira family and than to replace her character aswell
6 : holland commented about Arden not coming back saying “we do it for the love of the fans not for the money” is fucked up thing to say I mean holland roden was already problematic and racist
7 : the cast being petty towards Dylan for not coming back fans on twitter are saying that Jeff and Colton are deleting the pics that they have ok Dylan on instagram
I think I got the just of it why people didn’t like the movie
Tyler posey saying “I’m the fucking show” than start acting like your character is the show because Scott got sideline in his on movie from Allison coming back and got sideline in the show because of characters like Lydia / stiles like Tyler needs to push the writers for better writing for his character if he wants people to he the main character
Anyway there my rant on the comment he made also no hate to the comment just saying that Scott deserves better writing because Scott in my third favorite character in the show
Let me know what you all think I want other people opinions on this
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ck-15 · 2 years
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xjordyleighx · 2 years
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I guess I *could* have these covered up with a watermark or something but I don't think people will like them enough to take them lol but if you want to use these to make your own stickers or w.e go for it!
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