#Stop being mean we aren’t condoning it
bitches will be like “don’t like don’t read” AND THEN ITS FUCKING PEDOPHILIA
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Forgotten Demon Twin 7/?
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“So, does that mean you can get us that sweet, sweet new Wayne tech,” Tucker asked.
Sam hit him in the back of his head.
“Ow, what was that for?”
“Thanks, Sam.”
“No problem,” she said.
“Betrayal from my only two friends!”
The three teens were in Sam’s basement/entertainment room. Danny had just finished giving them an unabridged version of his family’s history. Barring a few things. Like the fact that Bruce Wayne was Batman and his kids were the other Gotham heroes.
“So, what now,” Sam asked. She still couldn’t believe it. Danny was raised by assassins! She wanted to be disgusted; she couldn’t condone any life-taking, but she was also aware enough that it wasn’t Danny’s fault.
Besides, he has stopped, and he was a hero now.
“Now, I tell my parents the whole truth about Phantom.”
Sam and Tucker stared at each other.
“Are you sure, dude,” Tucker asked.
“Yeah, what if they don’t accept it and attack you?”
Danny shrugged, “They took it just fine when they found out during the whole reality gauntlet fiasco.”
“Yeah, but that was then; this is now. Danny, you just told them a cult raised you. There’s only so much you can dump on people before they break. Especially parents. Why can’t you accept me for who I am, mom?”
Sam was breathing hard at the end of her little rant.
“Okay,” Danny drawled, “Your parents aren’t my parents, Sam. I would have to tell them eventually. I might as well get it over with.”
“Are you going to tell them about the Ghost King thing, too,” Tucker asked.
“I’m not the Ghost King yet,” Danny said. Tucker rolled his eyes, “Fine, crowned prince.”
“Yeah, I am,” Danny said. For it to work, he had to be fully honest with his parents about Phantom and everything it entailed.
Sam and Tucker looked at each other.
“If you’re sure,” Sam said, “Just know we will always be here for you.”
“Yeah, dude, the three of us are a team.”
“Thanks guys.”
The three friends sat in silence for a while.
“So, are you really not going to ask for that sweet new Wayne tech?”
“Seriously, Tucker?”
“Boo,” a pillow hit Tucker in the face.
“Hey! A guy should be allowed to ask.”
Vlad Masters sat in his office listening in to the three friends.
He was glad he had the foresight to bug more than the Fenton’s home. (Daniel always found the bugs, anyway.) What he had just learned had him reeling. Daniel wasn’t Maddie and Jack’s biological son. Not only that but that buffoon Bruce Wayne was Daniel’s father.
What’s more, Daniel had been raised by assassins.
This changed things. He got up and looked out the window.
Daniel was a valuable asset just for being a half-ghost like him. But now, he was not only the crowned prince of the Infinite Realms, but he was also the biological son of Bruce Wayne. If he could get Daniel on his side, Vlad would have more power than he could have thought possible. Daniel would be his son, and Maddie would be his.
It was time to scheme.
Damian got out of the car and left as soon as they got to the hotel room. Bruce was glad he had called Dick to meet them in front. His eldest followed Damian, even if it was from a distance.
Bruce sighed. He had no idea what to do. How do you deal with a long-lost child forgotten by his mother and brother? A child who had been abandoned by the only family he had ever known? A child who Bruce had no knowledge of?
“God, I wish you were here, Alfred.”
As he exited the car, he could’ve sworn he heard the older man speak, “I’m still here, Master Bruce. Always.”
He turned and saw an empty car.
The city must be getting to him.
Tim had not slept since he got to Amity Park. Now that the firewalls were gone, he had done research.
What he found disturbed him.
“Duke, come here for a moment,” the newest member of the family walked up.
“Tim, you should really sleep.”
Tim took a gulp of his energy drink, “Read this.”
Noticing her brothers’ tense posture, Cass came up to read whatever had caught their attention.
“That can’t be right,” she said, “that violates the Protection Meta Act.”
“Well, it’s there and it exists.”
The Anti-Ecto Act laws were laws that carried out government-approved genocide. They allowed ecto-entities to be hunted down, studied, and exterminated without prejudice. Not only that, but the way the laws were written allowed for any ectocontaminated human to be classified as an ectoentity and stripped of all rights.
How had the Justice League missed this?
“Bruce is going to be pissed,” Duke said.
“Our new baby brother is in danger,” Cass stated.
Tim kept the tab on the Anti-Ecto Act open and took notes to present to Bruce. He was also able to find fights between Phantom and other ghosts. The kid mostly fought in the air.
Tim took more notes of every power Phantom showed. The list was extensive. He whistled when the kid gave a well-placed kick to a vampire-looking ghost. Tim could easily see the League training. It was easy to notice when you knew what to look for.
He found blogs of teenagers praising the teenager and articles claiming that he was as big a menace as the ghosts he fought. Over the years, though, it seemed that the perspective had shifted on Phantom.
He cataloged the shift after Amity Park had been sucked into an alternate dimension and Phantom had helped save the city.
There were more articles.
Phantom Saves the City from an Eternal Sleep.
Phantom Stop Giant Plant Ghost from Eating Amity Parkers.
The more he read, the more Tim learned. The more he worried for his new brother. He was different from Damian. There were no articles of decapitated people or people stabbed by a sword. Danny didn’t seem to be as violent as Damian had been.
It made sense. Talia and the League didn’t truly raise him. He had had a chance of a semi-normal life.
Tim also looked into the other hero, the Red Huntress.
She seemed more like a ghost hunter than a hero to Time. She shot any and all ghosts. There was an interview of her saying that all ghosts deserved to be exterminated. Yikes.
There was a knock on the door. It was the secret knock Bruce had taught them. Cass opened the door.
“Hey, Bruce,” Tim looked up and saw the weariness on Bruce’s shoulders. The guy must really be going through it. It made Tim feel a bit bad for what he was about to show Bruce, but the man deserved, no, he needed to know what was going on in Amity Park.
“Tim. Found anything?”
“Oh, I found plenty. You might as well get comfortable. This is going to be long.”
So, I'm better from Covid, which means I'll start working again. I won't update as often as I did the past few days but I'll try to update at least once a week.
I hope you liked this chapter.
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nejibaby · 2 years
Pairing: Haitani Ran x Reader
Description: Haitani Ran just might be the most overprotective father.
Word count: 0.8k
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Once in a while Haitani Ran indulges in his simple pleasures in life — these being (1) sleeping for at least 15 hours, and (2) spending the day with his dear family.
Thus on his rare days off, an unofficial rule in the Haitani household is to not wake him up from his slumber. Simply because a well-rested Ran guarantees a better day.
However, on a certain Friday afternoon, what Ran doesn’t know is that his 18 hours of sleep would be a precursor to one of the most terrible days of his life.
So he smiles, stretches and almost rushes out of bed when he smells the freshly baked cookies you’ve made. And he grins when he hears his precious daughter giggling while you coo at her.
“Aren’t you two having too much fun without me?” Ran says with mirth as he enters the living room.
“Daddy!” Your daughter almost trips trying to reach Ran as quickly as possible.
He picks her up and spins her around as usual. Giggles immediately leave her mouth — an automatic response when she spends time with her father.
You watch with delight at their antics. And when he brings her back down to her chair, a smirk appears on your lips as you say, “Baby, why don’t you tell daddy what happened today?”
Your daughter perks up and begins to animatedly tell her father about all that has transpired in the previous hours at her school. Ran listens attentively and even matches her energy when he responds. She ends her narrative with her widest smile saying, “And when I was about to be picked up, a boy kissed me today!”
Ran splutters in shock. He shoots a glare at your direction when he hears you snicker.
“Wh-what did you say, darling? I don’t think I heard that right,” he asks your daughter.
“A boy kissed me today, daddy!” She giggles in glee, kicking her tiny feet in the air.
The look of horror on Ran’s face is comical and it takes everything in you to stop yourself from laughing. “Is he your boyfriend now, baby?” You tease.
“No! My baby does not have a boyfriend!” Ran answers your question in her stead.
“She’s our baby,” you correct.
“Not if you’re condoning this nonsense,” he mumbles.
“And she can speak for herself. Right, baby?”
“Mmh!" She nods as she munches on a cookie.
Ran pales and becomes rigid for half a minute and then suddenly he's standing up and leaving the room. You and your daughter are left dumbfounded by his actions but before you can even call him out, he's back, bringing a photo album with him.
He flips a couple of pages and points to your daughter's class picture last year. "Show daddy the boy who kissed you,” he says in a sickeningly sweet tone.
You’re left gaping at your husband, trying to wrap your head around his sudden interest with the boy.
“But daddy, he wasn’t my classmate last year. He just transferred a few months ago.”
Ran frowns. “Tell me his name then.”
You squint, finally realizing that he’s interrogating your daughter.
You turn to her, “No, baby. Don’t tell daddy his name.”
“Tell Uncle Rindou then,” Ran amends.
“Uncle Rinnie?” Your daughter repeats excitedly. “Is Uncle Rinnie coming?”
“Yes, baby. He’s on his way here as we speak. You can tell him all about the fuc— I mean, the boy who kissed you.”
You’re about to interject but your daughter responds faster, “I don’t know, daddy.” She crinkles her nose. “Uncle Rinnie still hasn’t given me the lollipop I wanted…”
“I’ll get it for you if you tell him,” Ran bribes her, which evidently works based on how giddy your daughter looks.
“Okay, that’s enough, Ran,” you shoot him a look, although it goes unnoticed as his hopeful eyes are on his daughter. “We need to talk.”
You’re dragging your husband out of the room but that doesn’t stop him from trying to get more information. “If you don’t want to tell Uncle Rindou, at least let Uncle Kakucho know!” He yells just as you both reach the door.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You raise a brow at him, putting your hands on your hips.
“What were you doing when it happened?”
“I’m just letting kids be kids.”
“Kids aren’t supposed to kiss!”
“And you shouldn’t be involved in Bonten, but I guess we can’t have everything we want,” you argue. “Now stop being a menace.”
“I wasn’t even being a menace! Just, you know… Uhm… curious.”
“Well then, stop.”
Ran huffs and then he pouts.
This fucker, you think. He’s utilizing his charms, knowing full well its effect on you.
“Whatever,” you yield. “Just don’t endanger a child over a silly kiss. Save that for when she gets her heart broken or something.”
Ran grins and salutes, “Okay, boss.”
He watches you walk away from him and try as he might, he can’t prevent the lovesick look he exhibits, knowing that he married the right one.
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feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
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dilfartist · 1 year
Oh my god stop clogging the tags with your stupid brain dead takes. Miguel is a *fictional* character, who are YOU to be the gatekeeper of how he’s characterized? You write yandere reader inserts of him for god’s sake - you really think Miguel being obsessed with some rando is incharacter? And who are you to police what other people write about him? You really think other Miguel lovers aren’t absolutely embarrassed by the kind of content you make? What delusions are you experiencing that make you think liking a kink (in an imaginary setting) is the same as condoning it and desiring it irl? By that logic, enjoying yandere content means YOU want to be abused, manipulated, and raped irl. Christ on a cross I hope you gain some brain cells.
I think you need brain cells instead of me.
I am not gatekeeping him in any shape or form. All I said was not to mischaracterize, fetishize, and make incest fics about him. I also said you can alter his character if there is a reason for it; like me and the yandere au. But you have to keep it close to his character.
The whole point of people seeking out Miguel fanfiction is to read about being in a relationship or having one with Miguel. So they want his character.
Miguel is not a violent character. While it is true we see him in the movie in scenes where he is very violent but does not make him a violent character in total. The main characters in the movie, including Miguel, are going through a crisis, so, yes, Miguel is going to be stressed, and especially violent when he is trying to stop someone who isn’t listening.
Miguel is canonly obsessive. He obsesses over work, overworking himself, he obsesses over his daughter, and he obsesses over actions people do. Does that necessarily mean he is a yandere? No, but you can alter him to be one since it can make sense to his character. I never write him as a murderer when I write him as his canon self. For other versions of himself, I might. But as you can see those are two different types of Miguel. One is closer to his canon self, and the other is him but a bit different.
Also he never wants to lose another person that he is close to again, another trait that can be used for yanderes
Miguel is a soft person. And people ignore that fact. I wanted to point it out to people who are new at making fanfiction or just look at his character’s major actions. People will criticize your fanfiction, people do it to me all the time. So I’m trying to help anyone willing to write for Miguel’s actual character.
I don’t condone the actions in the fanfiction I make. I have said this before. I make these solely for horror. I only ever make non-con if it’s important to the story I convey, not because of any kinks (that I do not have)
I do not want to be abused, manipulated, or raped. That is stupid for you to assume. Just because I like horror movies, am I going to kill someone? No. I enjoy the horror aspect and the suspension. Sorry that I don’t like making fetishizing and incest fics about Miguel.
New yandere miguel fic coming out this week, i’ll make it especially horrific for you.
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dizzydennis · 2 years
I need to get this off my chest.
I’ve been vocal about the IDW/Ian Flynn haters in the past. In fact, they’re the entire reason why I mostly left this platform. But it never ends. Whether it’s on tumblr or twitter or even in twitch chats, it never ends!
Don’t you get tired? Just go somewhere else? Just ignore the comics. The argument always comes up of “We can’t ignore it, they’ll ruining Sonic.” You can. You absolutely can!
I very much hate the Animal Crossing series now despite having liked it in the past. You don’t see me constantly writing essays about how bad it is. You don’t see me hating on every bit of news that comes out with it.
Comic books are a monthly narrative. They’re a medium very different from video games. I understand that people want Sonic to be a particular way. I do too, if I’m being honest. But I’m also aware that it’s a different interpretation as has been Archie Sonic, Movie Sonic, Fleetway Sonic, X Sonic, Underground Sonic, and so on. Sonic always changes based on the medium and interpretation. Heck, he changes between games. Sonic being “chatty” in the comics is a different interpretation and part of the entire medium of comic books. It’s how reading works.
I’m not going to claim that IDW or Ian Flynn are perfect. Is Sonic too morally righteous in the comics? Yes. Is Shadow written as an edgelord and against his growth from the game canon? Yes. Does Eggman lacking any back-up plans seem idiotic? Yes. Have the stories gotten a bit too repetitive with them constantly going to the Eggperial City? Yes. Is this something worth exploding over every month? NO!
All media is going to have things that aren’t perfect. You’re allowed to dislike it, but where is the line drawn in how much you need to vent about it?
The reason I want to write this post is how the “opinions” against the comics and Flynn have gotten to this unavoidable, venomous point. I’ve seen haters say how they’re excited to see the IDW sales fall so the comics eventually get canceled. How they want to take this particular faction of the Sonic fandom and dissolve it. I ask this genuinely: What is wrong with you!? Just because you dislike a particular part of a series means you want it destroyed even for those who enjoy it? Grow up. It’s selfish, mean, and just not what fandom is supposed to be about. The insults, the name-calling, the mob mentality, and everything coming out of this negative side of the fandom is really, really gross.
I’ve seen many haters always say that there are IDW-lovers who have also bullied, name-called, and even sent death threats. Now, I have never seen these myself besides retaliating against the haters who go too far. But I have never ever seen death threats over this (it could have been to previous writers and I may be mistaken). Now, I am stating it right here that just because I didn’t see these posts doesn’t mean they don’t exist. If they do, I obviously do not condone that behavior. It is awful! But I also see the haters bringing up these examples to justify any action they take. I’ve lost track of how many times it’s been brought up. First off, you know (if the posts do exist) that it’s a couple of bad apples amongst plenty of normal fans. But it’s brought up so often that I wonder... is it still a legitimate justification for how you’re acting? Even if it was one bad post, how much mileage can you get out of that? Does it still legitimize how you’ve been currently talking about others? Does it make your bullying fair? Your words do hurt and they do get to the ears of those you’re talking about.
And about Ian Flynn. You all need to stop. No, Ian Flynn is not perfect. No, I don’t think his Bumblekast things help a lot; in fact, it muddies a lot of the waters. But it’s a stupid podcast on the side... just ignore it. You do that with what’s actually written in the comic already. However you feel about him, Ian Flynn has contributed a lot to Sonic through Archie, IDW, and the games.
But there’s such a hatred for anything Ian Flynn puts his name on. I have a former friend who hated Sonic Frontiers before it came out simply because Ian Flynn was attached to it. The moment they heard he was the head writer, they wrote the game off. I am 100% sure that no matter how Frontiers or the story within it turned out, they would have disliked it. Just because Ian Flynn was in the end credits. The insults thrown at Ian Flynn, the artists, and writers of the IDW comics are inexcusable. If he has two characters even share a panel, you call it shipbaiting. If two female characters have a fight, you claim it’s written by a sexist man. If a villain is killed off-screen or turns out to be alive, you complain. This last point is exactly how a monthly, serialized story works. I don’t know if you’re unfamiliar with comic books outside of Sonic, but this is how the medium just is. Said villain gets killed and you shout foul about how the one “queer” character was killed. How the writers are homophobic for “leading readers on” and then killing him. There have been racists posts about the fandom praising Flynn over Japanese writers. You make posts ranting and raving how Nite and Don being a gay couple is bad because they’re “nothing characters” and then you post about how Don abandoned Nite... despite the fact that literally ONE PAGE LATER, he comes back to essentially die with his boyfriend.
It makes me wonder if the haters actually READ the comics or if they scan, decide they don’t like something, and then get angry. Sonic is a comic series under mandates and rules, especially after everything that went down with Archie. No, I’m not saying these mandates are excuses for poor characterization or writing, but it does somewhat explain why certain characters are handled in certain ways. The IDW comic writers are people with the freedom to take the characters in certain directions. That’s all. They’re creators working hard.
The defenses you all set up to lean back on Pontac and Graff is also bewildering. Now, if you love the “Meta Era” of games then that’s totally fine. I honestly don’t care which games you like. But retroactively praising the writing of games like Sonic Lost World and Sonic Forces is odd. Yes, Pontac and Graff are human beings and don’t deserve the massive hate and mistreatment they’ve been dealt. But their work is rightfully criticized. We went through over a decade of poor writing and canon being completely screwed up. But some of you will defend them because Eggman said he’d strangle a zeti or that the way he said the sun would crush the heroes justified so much in Forces. Why are you willing to die on this hill? For four games? For four games that have objectively more lighthearted and cookie cutter plots?
I’m not perfect in this. For a while, when Sonic Forces came out. I would make post after post about it. After a couple of months, I realized that I simply hated the game and I was harming the experience of people who liked it. I made an apology and I stopped. I still hate Sonic Forces. It’s still my most hated Sonic game, but you don’t see me reacting to the Infinite mini figure getting announced by making weeks of posts saying how badly he was written.
Just get over it. Move on. Stop hating on the aspects of a thing you’re supposed to be a fan of. Aren’t you miserable? Sonic the Hedgehog has been such a positive influence on my life. Sonic has inspired me, gotten me through bad times, and has introduced me to some of the best people I have ever met.
Why stick around and constantly surround yourself with such negativity? Again, I don’t hang around Animal Crossing things anymore and I’m personally better off for it. You’re in a fandom, but are you even fans anymore? You’ll hate everything that comes out simply because a particular writer is attached or because you’ve decided the comics have betrayed your headcanons. It’s gotten to the point where the IDW Haters really have become a joke. People see what you’re saying and it’s affecting the perception of the fandom. Moreover, you’re actively ruining the experience for fans around you and are voicing that you hope it fails.
That’s not what being part of a fandom is about. I am so, so, so tired of seeing negativity about the comics and Ian Flynn. Again, honest opinions are fine and I want people to feel how they feel. Their feelings should be valid. But having your opinions and becoming toxic to the point that you’re notorious for it... is just too much.
I love Sonic as I am sure many other fans do. Hell, there’s definitely love for Sonic with the IDW-haters as well; you wouldn’t feel so passionately about the blue blur if you didn’t care. But just take some perspective and realize what this is doing.
I had a good friend once who I thought would be somebody I could always relate to for good and bad. This friend would get angry if I didn’t agree to certain comments about Dr. Eggman and would be upset if I didn’t reply in a certain way to certain posts. It was like walking on egg shells. It came to a point where I needed to separate myself from that person. They became constantly toxic about all things modern Sonic. It made me feel depressed and guilty just to enjoy the series that I love. Toxicity is something that just corrodes you to the pit of your soul if it goes too deep. I miss this friend, but I don’t think I can ever truly be friends with them that way again. It affects me so often to this day.
Please, feel how you feel about Sonic comics, movies, games, whatever. Just realize how much your distaste for something is affecting you, your friendships, and others. I can’t stand this kind of drama anymore. I just want to love Sonic and want people to love Sonic as well. That’s what fandom is supposed to be about.
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queer-reader-07 · 1 year
ok buckle up cuz we’re talking about ✨religious trauma✨ today (i’m allowed to sparkle emoji it this is entirely a self insert meta)
ok so aziraphale in the context of religious trauma. specifically, why i think his character is one of the most accurate and real portrayals of religious trauma in media. and i want to explore that because i’ve seen it talked about a little bit but my raised catholic turned queer trans self has some more thoughts.
a lot more under the cut
i’m sure we’ve all seen the “why would aziraphale leave crowley?” “why would he go to heaven?” “doesn’t he know heaven is bad?” posts. or some flavor of the same idea.
and they seem to be coming from the same crowd who also think that aziraphale going to heaven was “out of character”. which isn’t true if i’m being perfectly honest.
when we look at aziraphale through the lens of trauma, his actions begin to make a lot more sense. he is in an abusive and toxic relationship with heaven. and we all know (or at least we all should know) that leaving toxic/abusive environments isn’t an easy feat. and more often than not, abuse victims are very likely to end up in an abusive situation again.
aziraphale only knows heaven. while he and crowley have both seen that heaven doesn’t always do the best things (e.g. killing everyone in the flood, wanting to kill jobs kids, armageddon 1 AND 2), crowley has seen first hand that heaven is bad. crowley has fallen (or sauntered vaguely downwards), he’s been told that he isn’t worthy of heaven. that he isn’t enough. and he knows that what heaven does is so often wrong. he see that, because heaven already cast him out. why would he bother defending them?
but aziraphale only has heaven and has only ever had heaven. yeah he doesn’t agree with heaven or God on all fronts but heaven is still the right side,,, right? heaven is still his side.
aziraphale is comfortable with heaven. he’s used to it. and admitting to himself that heaven is toxic or problematic or bad would dismantle everything he’s ever told himself. it would mean admitting that he is a part of that toxic/etc institution. and possibly complacent in it.
(side bar: i would argue he isn’t complacent. we’ve seen him defy the will of God or heaven multiple times. see: giving up the flaming sword & lying about it, saving job’s kids and lying about it, stopping armageddon)
speaking from a personal perspective here: religious trauma is a beast to deal with. and a lot of people with religious trauma (myself included) go back to The Church over and over again despite being burned by it so many times.
for me it was knowing that The Church didn’t care about my reproductive rights. and knowing that they didn’t condone my queerness. and knowing that they think i’m somehow sinful for the music i listen to or the clothes i wear. and knowing that they believe my friends who are wonderful people and i love deeply are doomed to eternal damnation because they aren’t catholic.
aziraphale is the same way. for him it was being shown over and over again that heaven doesn’t care about him. doesn’t care about humanity. doesn’t care about what he thinks. doesn’t care (and in fact actively hates) the one being he loves more than anything. doesn’t care about anything but “triumphing over hell” (whatever that means).
but he kept going back. and i kept going back. i kept going to sunday mass for years after i figured out i was queer. i kept going long after i settled on my leftist politics that are far too radical for the catholic church. and aziraphale kept going back. despite having worked side by side with a demon for millennia. despite heaven wanting to kill his best friend/lover/most important person. despite wanting to destroy humanity (not just in armageddon, the flood did happen).
it takes a lot of work to even begin stepping away from toxic and abusive institutions. aziraphale gets better. season 1 is very “i am an angel you are a demon we cannot work together (but also we definitely are)” but by season 2 we have “our car” “my former people” “i thought we carved [this fragile peaceful existence] out for ourselves”. he’s beginning to realize that heaven does not have his back. he is on a side with crowley. they are in it together.
and yet. he still goes back to heaven. after all this time. all the failed attempts to get heaven to hear him out. why is he going back now? after a love confession from the demon he loves more than literally anything ever.
because he wants to enact change. he wants to finally see heaven rebuilt so that humanity is safe. so that the things he loves about the world are left unchanged. and most importantly, so crowley is safe. and he can only do that if he fixes heaven, right?
i know i’m not the only one who’s thought to myself “i’d be more religious if only i could fix The Church” or something adjacent. this idea that it’s an institution that can be fixed. when in fact, organized religion can’t be fixed. the structure it’s built upon is inherently flawed. personal faith is beautiful and i value my own, but organized religion will always bear systemic issues and oppressions.
aziraphale wants to be the change. he wants to fix it. that’s why he went back. he didn’t reject crowley. he didn’t leave crowley because he doesn’t love him back. he went back because he loves crowley. he went back because if he fixes it, crowley will finally be safe.
and i for one, want to see him succeed. i want him to be able to actually fix heaven. i want him fighting tooth and nail to make the world a safe place for the love of his life.
i want him to succeed in the change the rest of us never managed. i want him fulfilling what was mine and so many others dreams.
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i need people who dont like darklina to stop attacking people who like them. it’s genuinely ridiculous. you guys do realise that this is a FICTIONAL ship right? that this has NOTHING to do with real life right? writing essays on posts about darklina, screenshotting them and complaining about them to people who like them is so ???
mind you Leigh herself was out there on her tumblr saying she’s cool with ANY ship. writing posts about how being anti darklina is for the survivors as if there aren’t survivors of SA and grooming amongst the darklina stans as well is baffling to me. we don’t need to talk about our history of SA for our experiences to be valid. like bffr please. it’s a ship. a fictional ship. people shipping them does not in any way mean we condone that irl.
i love enemies to lovers as a trope. i love judecardan. i love romajuliette. i love red and blue. i love torydarius. all these are ships that have tried to hurt each other or kill each other or do sth terrible to each other. BUT DOES THAT MEAN ILL BE OKAY WITH THESE THINGS IRL? NO??? BE SANE???
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pretty-weird-ideas · 1 year
Debunking the “Fandom Racism on AO3 should remain for educational purposes like Mein Kampf”
Comparing racist meta and harassment on AO3 to Mein Kampf as “educational content” in order to argue that it deserves to remain uploaded is so distinctly dystopian to me... Even seeing this argument at all is distinctly horrific and inflammatory. AO3 is not an educational space, and the fact that people are now suddenly advocating for it to qualify only in the case of racism is awful.
These same people would truly panic if fanfiction was held up to this standard and let me explain...
Mein Kampf is not handed out willy-nilly without context. Librarians editorialize a shit-ton about it when they give it up for public consumption. They have a bunch of historical context, it often comes with warnings, people distinctly describing why his views are awful, there’s critiques in the book itself etc. It’s mentioned in history books as antisemitic and racist as a preface. People even tear it apart logically and shit on Hitler the second the book is mentioned at all in an educational setting.
Guess what AO3 doesn’t allow... any of that. They don’t ascribe racism warnings (and the same people who make this argument shit themselves at the idea of adding one), racist authors can delete comments that add this context or critique at their own discretion, and the biggest thing of all is that this would be under the presumption that racism is called out by fandom or OTW in order for a lesson to be taught. 
Hate to say this: In order for racist screeds to even be proportionate to Mein Kampf every time this work is pulled up, it would come with a warning from a educator. It would describe every inch and detail of the author’s life, berating them in the process. The editors would say “this author is a disgusting person and we at the OTW do not condone this author’s beliefs or behavior whatsoever”, and then hand it over with annotations tearing apart the arguments outlined. 
If you aren’t advocating for no comment moderation, racism warnings + context, and for people to tear apart your works like rabid dogs, you can take your argument elsewhere. An educational space would fill your work with citations and annotations leading readers to actual Fanlore and Wikipedia pages. Dissenters would be cited in your comments. Your life would become a living hell of over-analyzed drivel. You will walk out of fandom wishing that the curtains were blue because blue was the author’s favorite color.
You guys wouldn’t survive if fanfiction became an educational space. 
An educational space is a space that puts the reader’s knowledge before the writer’s comfort, and that includes critics being put on the same pedestal that you are if not higher. The people that are arguing this are the number one crybabies about the idea of people calling their own work a type of “ism” or “phobia”. They lay awake at night thinking about critics mocking their fic in any way, shape, or form. And these people think they’re strong enough to bear the weight of educators/historians looking over their shit?
Trust me... you do not understand what you are asking for, when you imply that AO3 is an educational space in order to “gotcha” a bunch of POC who are complaining about the racism on the site.
I mean... if you want to turn your A/B/O fanfic into a discussion about your own life and sexuality Socratic seminar style the way they do with published authors, I can’t stop you....
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I believe the other blog genuinely believes she is a bad person and that by making all these posts about her, they are “protecting him”. They claimed her supporters have all developed a parasocial relationship with both her and him, when they seem to have forgotten that by running that blog dedicated to simply hating her, they also have a parasocial relationship with her as well.
I do think they genuinely believe she is, according to them, abusive. But they also seem to have forgotten that everything they believe they have learned about her is from what is shown on the internet, but they do not know her or him personally. They make their own assumptions based on what the public sees, aka what’s available on the internet. But I think, for one to come to such a conclusion that someone is abusive, they have to at least know them personally. UNLESS someone else who does know them personally comes out with evidence that said person is abusive, of course. But as of now, no one who personally knows her has publicly claimed they were abused by her.
They think they’re “protecting him” by running that blog dedicated to painting her in a negative light, but they seem to have forgotten that, IF she really is bad for him, the people who can warn him about her and “protect him” are the ones in his life; his friends, family, someone who knows him personally. They’re not protecting him by attacking his partner because they are just a fan to him. I’m not saying “just” to undermine his other fans, because I believe he genuinely cares about all of his fans and that he appreciates his fans deeply, but fans aren’t in a position to warn or protect him when it comes to his personal life and matter. And again, they have a parasocial relationship with him if they believe they can “protect him” from her.
They claimed his silence means he condones their actions against his partner, because according to them, he “never defends her when he has defended his previous partners before”. But they seem to have forgotten that maybe he has learned, from years in the industry, that the best way to deal with hate — be it against him or the people in his life — is to ignore them. Maybe he has learned that, as long as he’s a public figure, hate, lies, rumors and speculations (be it about him or the people in his life) will always follow him around. I’m not saying that it can be justified, but unfortunately it’s something that happens not only to him but also to every other public figure. It’s something that comes with fame.
They claimed she acts like she’s famous by following him to events and taking photos with his fans, but I don’t think it’s so strange for someone to tag along with their partner on a business trip. And she only took photos with his fans because they asked for a photo with her, she was only being polite by not turning them down even though she had the right to refuse; I think she was only being kind and nice and I don’t understand why the other blog says he should not be okay with her taking photos with his fans. Maybe she stopped going with him because events like these exhausted her or maybe she was overwhelmed.
In their recent post about her, they claimed “she could not be a private person if she posted a photo of herself in a bikini” and I was like ????? Genuinely do not understand their logic here. It’s sad that they resort to misogyny in order to attack her, and it’s sad that they can’t see that post like that affects other women too, not just her. I’m a private person and an introvert, but I post photos of myself in a bikini too. That doesn’t mean I’m suddenly an “attention seeker”.
I’m not saying he and her will “last forever”. No one knows that. Most of the time even the people in the relationship don’t even know if they and their partner will “last forever”. Maybe he and her will. Or maybe they won’t. Maybe things are going great with them. Or maybe they aren’t. What I’m trying to say is that we, as fans, don’t personally know them. The only thing we see is what they chose to let us see. Most of us don’t “blindly support her” just because she’s with him. We’re just being kind to her and to each other, and we don’t go out of our way to find “dirt” on our fave’s partner. IF it’s ever revealed that she’s not a good person, we’ll simply withdraw our support. But as of now, it’s just them trying to dig up anything they think could validate their belief that she’s a bad person, and it’s unfortunate how they cannot see they’re the one bringing all that negativity towards themself when he and her can simply just not care what a stranger thinks about them and choose to live their lives in peace.
Anyway, I know this is long. But if you read it this far, thank you for bearing with me. I hope you have a great day.
If I could give this message an award, I would. This is outstanding. I might add this to my pinned this actually. Thank you for taking the time to type this out, I feel like you summed up everything I've ever tried to say, but much better than I could have.
Also, "fans aren’t in a position to warn or protect him when it comes to his personal life and matter." slay, that's absolutely correct.
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clairethecutepup · 3 months
It's YOUR Fault if You Give Up Art...
Does anyone else feel like it’s more on an artist than anyone else if they gave up because of insults/harassment/etc? No, I obviously do not condone such behavior… I mean, you need to take time out of your day to write scathing messages and do other things to pick on someone, just because, “Wahhh, I don’t like the thing they made”? Honestly pretty spoiled, if you ask me: having to discourage and “punish” someone for making content that doesn’t appeal to your personal level of “quality,” like nothing is allowed to be done nor exist in this world when not to your exact liking.
I mean, I’d personally prefer to witness artwork/etc I find terrible, rather than witness a terrible tragedy unfold before my eyes… Man, how many people forced to, say, experience America’s mass shootings would’ve preferred to see poor drawings/animations/etc, than seeing friends and family get gunned down instead? Apologies for the extreme example of “there being worse things to witness and better warrant outrage,” but sometimes ya gotta get intense to make a point when claiming some social media users as “spoiled” and all.
Anyhow, back to the artists/etc themselves… People are saying what you make is “bad,” they’re not threatening to track you down and kill your entire family if you continue. … Okay, yeah, there’s the rarer cases of doxxing and what have you, but that’s a different story because you are being made to stop for the sake of your safety and those you care about. I’m talking about cases where it’s just insults, bullying and nothing actually threatening to your well-being. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but not everyone is gonna be the nicest about what you have to show. Trust me, I’d know: I’ve had multiple people on a discussion board point out how terrible my pilot of my first animated series was, I’ve had comments insulting my work getting thumbs-up (ex: “Tell me why anyone would like this…”), I’ve had a user by the name “I Fave Bad Art” do so on Deviantart before… But did I ever give up, despite that and more? All in all, I’ve seen my fair share of people going out of their way to ensure that I knew I only made crap. 
I’ll admit, I ironically hate the, “I was in the same boat and I didn’t do what they did” argument: it completely nullifies the concept of searching for even the slightest difference and just blatantly spouting, “It’s not an excuse!” when we should instead be asking, “What made them turn out different and how can we avoid it repeating?” But still, I think I have a right to say this time: “If I didn’t give up and kept creating things, no matter how mean people got, what’s making you do different?” I get you’re more sensitive about things when you’re a young teen or older one, as that was when I experienced these things, but are you really going to give up on your artistic and creative dreams entirely…? If that’s the case, you honestly never deserved the “artist” title to begin with. After all, it sounds to me like you really wanted gratification and praise more than to actually bring your dreams to life.
You got the keyword of, “entirely,” right? As in, not taking a break to recover and rebuild confidence, but never creating anything ever again-- drawings, stories, etc --right? If you got your heart broken as a young teenager and tried again as a more capable adult, you definitely still deserve to be considered a true artist. It’s when you decide to never do it again that you don’t, as in never again and up to when you finally die. After all, why are you letting these people decide whether or not you can create things: just because they don’t like it? Okay, then find a way to improve and make something that can be more appealing if you need others to like it so badly. “Negative criticism” is a real thing, and people aren’t always going to be so nice about pointing out how you can improve-- nor will they care if you want it or not.
Case in point, I want to one day make original series that can appeal to a wide audience. You think I’d be able to do that if I still drew in the lesser quality I did as a teen or if I still had the worse writing quality I did back then? No, I needed to learn-- and still am --how to provide enough quality to not only create something others enjoy, but also be the best possible way to bring a vision to life. Not gonna happen if I don’t pull a “Scott Cawthon” and open myself up to what aspects might suck about my work… I mean, I want to make something I’d like and be proud to know I made, too! Like, I finally managed a drawing style that I like and wanna keep doing: that hybrid look of Western (American) and Eastern (Japanese) animation! Even if not many people do end up appreciating it, I can still feel happy I draw in a way that makes me like what I bring into the world. Plus, there’s something just generally satisfying to me about making my ideas reality and simply sharing them, anyhow. 
Overall, stop crying, “Boo hoo, I don’t wanna do art/etc anymore because everyone’s so mean about it…” Instead, focus less on your hurt feelings and on continuing your journey. Back to Scott Cawthon: do you think Five Nights at Freddy’s would have ever gotten made if he gave up game-making because of how badly Chipper & Son’s was chastised? I know a friend over in Canada who also learned to draw better than “simple MS Paint shapes” and whatnot, after years… And let’s just say that she’s familiar with insults and even accusations of being “underaged” for Deviantart because of how bad her drawings admittedly were back then (her “being” under 13). Don’t worry, I’m only brutally honest because she’d be fine with admitting they weren’t of the highest quality.
So, just block people who get too spam-happy, find ways to tune out those who mock you-- and if someone actually is trying to doxx you or something over what you make, get the police involved. Even if they just threaten it, you have every right to still make a report because that’s a serious crime… 
But typically, at the end of the day, it’s you who decides if you continue with art, so what’re you going to choose?
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stargazeraldroth · 11 months
Okay okay okay, so- Hear me out. I’ve got an AU (…AM? Alternate Multiverse?) idea that could go the way or horror, humor, or both, spawned by your mention of the evil team in your Pokémon AU. I’m never gonna do anything with this, but it made me laugh and I wanted to share it and see where you’d go with it (your AUs/AMs are fun sue me!!!).
So. Consider this, if you will- Dream and Blue decide to try and be a lil silly with Ink for whatever reason. Payback for a prank? April Fool’s? The reason isn’t important, what’s important is that they decide “go big or go home” and enlist a few AUs to pretend to worship Ink as a god in some weird, Ink-oriented cult. Why a cult? Who knows, maybe they got drunk and ran with it. Maybe they were feeling chaotic. The idea is that Ink will go to these AUs, find the “fake cult,” and try to figure out what the hell happened, this isn’t in the script??? Before Dream and Blue eventually reveal their Dastardly Prank (and they intend to reveal it, they abide by the confuse don’t abuse rule!) and have a good laugh together!
Except there’s one teeny tiny… Itsy bitsy little problem with that.
Somehow, someway, the AUs didn’t get the memo that the cult was meant to be pretend, and now there’s a real, actual Ink Cult spanning the goddamn multiverse that’s rapidly growing. There are rituals and prayers going around, they’ve heard whispers about sacrifices (of what, they aren’t sure- art supplies???), someone started a goddamn holiday, it’s all a mess, really.
Depending on how you take it, you could go a humorous route and have Blue and Dream frantically trying to hide this from Ink while fixing the entire mess, or at least mitigating it somewhat (stop trying to sacrifice actual people- they don’t care that it’s willing, use cupcakes or paints or something!!!), to varying degrees of success… Or you could go a more horror oriented route of Dream and Blue frantically trying to keep their friend out of the grasp of his rapidly growing worshippers, all while wondering how everything went so damn wrong and stars, they’re so sorry, Ink-
Anyways yeah, Accidental Cult AU/AM go brrr.
Ah, splendid. I just call all of my alternate multiverses AUs, it helps me with consistency and everyone knows what it means. I don't know which idea I like better, the funnier one or the more horror-oriented one. So! I'm going to address both of them separately!
Also I'm glad to hear you find my AUs fun to read about, making AUs is one of my biggest hobbies rn-
~Funny Version~
For once, Ink's not the one who caused the problem. This is already going wonderfully, my baby's innocent
The idea of the cults trying to sacrifice actual people to Ink is hilarious. I can picture Dream and Blue trying to discourage it by saying that Ink doesn't condone this kind of behavior, which is true, but with varying degrees of effectiveness. Ink will, however, accept food and art supplies any day of the week
They have to enlist CORE's help in tracking the cults' activities, much to CORE's displeasure. How did they let the situation get so out of hand? They're sorry, CORE! They didn't think this would happen!
I can't tell what would be funnier: Ink being painfully oblivious of their involvement (how did the AUs even find out about him? He keeps himself well-hidden, he thinks!) or Ink being entirely aware, but pretending to be dumb. He wants to see if they can handle it on their own, first
Just the image of Dream and Blue trying to keep the cults hidden from Ink is golden. Especially if they eventually cave and tell Ink about it, expecting him to freak out... only for him to either wonder how they did it or him laugh and tell them he already knew about them
Imagine the cults have like, shrines dedicated to Ink. Little Ink statues
What if, in this version, the cults aren't even all that dangerous? Their rituals are more along the lines of "We must pray to the Protector and give him offerings, so that he may ward the Destroyer off from our world!" Just silly things like that
~Horror Version~
Dream and Blue's efforts to stop the cults from using live sacrifices are less successful here
You mentioned they're trying to keep Ink away from the cults, so let's take a look at what might happen if they were to get him
They wouldn't do anything bad to him, of course, but it's a very... odd situation. Ink's being surrounded by these cloaked figures showering him with praises and worship. And when he tries to leave, they won't let him, so he kinda... has to resort to extremes
Maybe the cults start treating Dream and Blue as Ink's messengers or heralds, of sorts. Not just to "deliver his words", but to also relay the cults' prayers and wishes
Alternatively, maybe some cults start going even more rogue and scheme ways to capture Ink and use him to change things about their world. Surely, if anyone would have the power to change things, it would be their lord? They didn't get the memo that Ink doesn't create or control AUs, only protects them (like half of the fandom)
Maybe a cult tries to force Ink out of "hiding" and answering their summons by capturing Dream or Blue and preparing to sacrifice them
I wonder how they might react to PJ and Gradient...? Being the children of Ink, surely they'd be respected. But being Error's children, too... maybe some groups don't take too kindly to their existences
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introvertedlass · 1 year
Hiya I’m sending this to a bunch of blogs I check and you’re one of them. First of all I want to say thank you for all the entertainment and the safe space you have always provided. I became a fan of him around 2020 and in all honesty I never bought the whole Disney Prince image but I thought he was a decent guy and enjoyed his films and his persona. I understand that his job comes with a variety of different problems and requirements some which we will never be able to comprehend or understand so I’m not going to pretend to be an expert. Personally I’m team pr because of all the proof that’s been provided and personally it doesn’t seem real even the general public have agreed when making odd comments. After the article last night however I’m not a fan and ik I don’t have to announce this or make a big deal but I’m out completely. I wish him and you guys the best but they aren’t going to pull this bs. Ironically the podcast comment cemented it more to me that this is pr which I’m sure the purpose was the opposite. I understand plenty of fans have taken it far but this is unfair. They did the same thing with Jenny and that stuck with us. So if this is for a build up of a bua it’s absolutely disgusting. They are fine with us making him money, the dick pic situation us defending him and all the fans do for him but regardless it seems like they wanted to tar the fans with the same brush and ik Scott didn’t say anything but implied it and even then it’s a minority. He could’ve skipped over that’s why to me it doesn’t make sense. The privacy aspect was lost with his Instagram dumps. With the premiere with all of that. They aren’t private at all. With other relationships he has ALWAYS been private but ironically was seen with his exes. He uses the facade of being private to justify the fact that he doesn’t talk about her or isn’t seen with her and that’s because it most likely isn’t real. Let’s face it whoever he ends up with will get hate by a small minority but that’s every fandom not that I’m condoning it. Also she’s not being hated because she’s with him she’s hated because she’s shown she and her trolling cronies are not nice people and ik we don’t know them but we can only judge by what we’ve been given and those things aren’t good. I wondered the past few months because I’m ashamed to admit for some reason this really did affect me so I wondered what this pr was for. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s for her image I mean sure he can benefit from it in many ways and I’m sure he has for example the image shift in itself but the purpose of it was mostly for her. Whatever this is and however it ends I’m not interested anymore and I feel like this was the cherry on the cake. I’m annoyed at the situation because when I look back to the time I sort of joined the fandom and became a fan of him I’ve got a lot of good memories and it was during a time when things were difficult (covid etc) and I’m not really someone who cares too much about celebrities that’s why I’ve been confused as to why this situation affected me so much because everything seems to have fallen apart he was going in an amazing direction with knives out dj.  I even remember reading about a rumour regarding him and aly raisman I was sooo happy for him truly if that had been true. That being said he doesn’t owe anyone anything but neither do we. He’s not Leo dicaprio or someone of that calibre he’s an actor who relies on fans. Sure with marvel he got away with it but generally he can’t. I feel like I’m just completely done and I’ve wasted a lot of time with this situation but for some reason I really got into this whole thing I was a bystander I don’t really use social media never followed him or anything but this aspect of it affected me which is my fault and I’m not sure why I continued to care this much. Wish you all the best thanks for everything !
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I appreciate you doing what you need to do to keep your peace.
Be well, Anon!
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Oh my god I’m still writing I genuinely didn’t expect it to be this hard to stop writing???? Please I have homework help /goofy
*Clap* MARK!
We open on Michael — literally the head archivist — gone without a trace or any leads regarding his location.
Jon… isn’t too thrilled.
The tape that got recorded, however, was still recording when everything had gone down. So he heard what Jurgen had said to Michael. And every single bit of emotion in his voice.
Needless to say, he’s… no longer quite as afraid of Michael as he had been before.
Jon doesn’t get hunted by police this time, although Daisy obviously still thinks that he was somehow responsible for Gertrude’s murder and all that crap.
Michael is also a prime suspect, for many reasons, but… Daisy’s less inclined to believe that he did it.
Meanwhile, the archivist himself… doesn’t actually really know where to go.
(Bonus little detail: Elias has started referring to Michael as “the archivist” and “archivist” more often without really thinking about it, which he sees as a “promising development”.)
Martin and Jon get to talk, Tim and Sasha aren’t dead, but Tim isn’t that much better than he was in the original season 3. Definitely won’t accept Jon’s apologies, even though Sasha has. (Which, by the way, is very reasonable, because honestly what the fuck, Jon. I understand your motives, and still do NOT condone your actions.)
Sasha being there is nice, though.
It’s… also one more person whose continued existence might start messing with things.
I think she probably got marked by the stranger because of the initial encounter with the table.
I don’t know what that means for her yet, though, sooooooooo… ✨yeah✨.
OH, ok actually Jon was trying to get in touch with Michael —with martin’s help, perhaps— and then he got a tip??? Possibly from Elias? That daisy was coming and he should take his business elsewhere if he didn’t want to be followed or caught.
So he HAS to go to Georgie’s anyway.
Meanwhile Michael’s just… travelling.
He’s not actually going anywhere in particular, at first. But soon he finds himself wandering around places he’s heard referenced in statements.
He’s stopped trying to look to the traces of Gertrude’s footsteps for answers.
So instead he’s taking a gamble and… well… trying to figure out what’s happening to him. Asking people who know. Trying to stay in control, though almost halfheartedly at this point.
He hasn’t given up… he’s not going to just stop caring and go full mirror-man… he’s just…
According to that “vision” he’d had, Gertrude was going to send him to die when they got to where they were going. To “sannikov land” — which, by the way, he’d looked up and found didn’t exist.
He had been insignificant to her. His entire life hadn’t even mattered to her.
So what if a strange man with a liking for shaping weird spirals out of clay wanted to make something terrible happen.
It hadn’t worked.
It hadn’t completely failed, either, but it hadn’t worked.
And if he’d been thrown out into the door… if he had died… what then?
…Four years.
He had worked for her for four years up until that point. What had it even been for? Had he just sentenced himself to death ever since he set foot in the institute? Had it just been planned for him since the very start?
No, that… that wasn’t quite it… and it wasn’t really what had been making all of this hurt so much, either.
Too many years had passed since then… but he remembered a time when he was someone else.
Someone he hadn’t wanted to be.
It wasn’t his voice, it wasn’t his name, it wasn’t even the little dresses and skirts he wore, as he had been forced to. It was who he was, and he didn’t like it.
He wanted to take it off. Take all of it, and switch it out for something that fit.
And he had. After almost seven whole years of painful reminders of who he appeared to be… he finally fit.
He was him, and the he that he was was named Michael, and that was he. That was his name. He told the world who he was, and that was what they’d see, and he loved to be he.
But now… the mirrors did not show that reflection which made him smile just a little bit each time he saw it smiling back.
It didn’t fit.
It wasn’t his.
He was no longer he, and that made him feel very, very afraid.
And… lost.
Like a man being pulled along by strings he cannot see.
Expected to blindly take one step after another towards… well, he imagined it would most likely be his doom. Or perhaps something even worse.
To… simply trust that he was going somewhere important, to fulfill some… greater purpose. Some destiny.
…he didn’t want to have a destiny.
He just wanted to be.
Whoops, accidentally explained his thought process instead of implying things, my bad- well, at least this is just a draft…
*ahem* Anyway-
Michael’s just moving between mirrors in places as best he can without accidentally scaring people. He’s unaware that he’s currently wanted by the London police. He’s just terrified of hurting the others at the institute the way he’d hurt Leitner, and wants to get as far away as possible from them so that he can’t do that.
(Honey, they consider you a friend, you’re allowed to call them that :( )
But his “coworkers” (friends) have other plans.
Tim may now be more sarcastic than punchy, but Sasha’s being insanely helpful and good at this.
Whatever uh. “This” is.
…I may actually have to reread the transcripts and make a “plot-detail” timeline or something, I’ve completely forgotten when everything happens in season three-
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soullessjack · 1 year
hmm how do I put this. all media is inherently problematic in some way because the world is what it is and has the history that it has and every societal norm, belief and value pertaining to the past eras of the film industry—and even music and art and writing—will forever reflect in the products and as unfortunate as it is to have the history we do, we fundamentally cannot change that. there is no such thing as unproblematic media and there probably never will be and that’s okay and it doesn’t make you a bad person for enjoying media that might have some problematic or outdated elements, bc again, pretty much everything that we as a society created is going to have some problems.
sometimes media is problematic on purpose, like the entirety of TKAM, but with the intent on addressing the real life problems it reflects within the narrative. same goes for horror films or gore films. like, shockingly you don’t condone murder by watching or enjoying slashers. the point of the entire horror genre is to be scary and disgusting; the point of slasher villains is to be evil and wrong. but at the same time, sometimes you have to take a step back and wonder why a specific person or concept in a horror movie is being depicted as scary and disgusting and wrong and evil, like amputees or mentally ill people and queer people, and see how that reflects the real world—which is basically what the entire point of media literacy and critical thinking and purity culture is.
media literacy and critical thinking and purity culture don’t mean you have to avoid engaging with or enjoying problematic media at all costs. it doesn’t mean completely removing problematic elements from preexisting media and erasing the topics it might address— in fact, both of those things actively dull your critical thinking skills in general—and it especially doesn’t mean you’re suddenly justified in engaging with genuinely morally abhorrent content like lolicon or bestiality (both of which are examples of things typically portrayed in media as gross and wrong, and rightfully so). as much as anyone wants to pretend otherwise, fiction and reality go hand in hand as reflections of one another; reflections of society over time, of a person’s own experiences, etc, and to say that they don’t or that one doesn’t affect the other is quite literally the opposite of media literacy. lastly, to say media literacy or critical thinking aren’t important skills to have or that media should just stop depicting problematic things like violence or death is very very painfully wrong, as again, fiction and reality go hand in hand, and understanding a fictionalized version of reality serves us to better understand our actual reality.
thank you and goodnight
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anemoi-i · 2 years
I don’t think it will be the Archons so much as Celestia and the Heavenly Principles that is in the wrong (but even then…), which the Archons are just as much subject to as anyone else. Though I’m sure the Archons took part in mass murder, I’m pretty convinced that by the time they were called to step in it was more of a mercy kill/necessary to stop something from spreading (which it was widespread, seeing as Inazuma, Mondstat (via Durin), and the Chasm were all under attack at the time of the cataclysm). Which, not great, but still not the same as pointless slaughter. But of COURSE the victims of something terrible like that will despise who did it, no matter why. Like if a zombie plague started in your hometown and then it was nuked to stop it from spreading, you probably wouldn’t like the people who nuked your home and family no matter why. Like why didn’t they try to help? Why didn’t they look for another option? No one likes being the ‘the price’ for the greater good.
Though several of the Archons are technically complicit in whatever the Cryo Archon is up to, even if they aren’t directly involved. Most of them did just hand over their Gnosis either to clean their hands of fault if it goes under, the Fatui are actually that big of a threat and they don’t want to be targets (unlikely), they don’t care and also don’t like Celestia, or because they backup what ever her end goal is (if maybe not the means, seeing as the means /are/ severely messed up).
I don’t think it will be the Archons so much as Celestia and the Heavenly Principles that is in the wrong (but even then…), which the Archons are just as much subject to as anyone else. Though I’m sure the Archons took part in mass murder, I’m pretty convinced that by the time they were called to step in it was more of a mercy kill/necessary to stop something from spreading (which it was widespread, seeing as Inazuma, Mondstadt (via Durin), and the Chasm were all under attack at the time of the cataclysm). Which, not great, but still not the same as pointless slaughter.
Yes! I do fully believe that the Archons had to either do what they did at the Cataclysm or face the wrath of Celestia. We know from Sal Vindagnyr, Enkanomiya, Chasm, etc, what happens when Celestia feels threatened. Again, Ei's circumstances fully support the whole fear of the Heavenly Principles + Celestia.
And you're right, there isn't anything we can say here to condone the fact that there was a mass murder + the cursing of Khaenri'ans (but the latter is Celestia's doing, not the Archons) and it could be as you say, a coup de grace from further suffering.
But of COURSE the victims of something terrible like that will despise who did it, no matter why. Like if a zombie plague started in your hometown and then it was nuked to stop it from spreading, you probably wouldn’t like the people who nuked your home and family no matter why. Like why didn’t they try to help? Why didn’t they look for another option? No one likes being the ‘the price’ for the greater good.
Yup, and the new Archon Quest Interlude confirms this (I'd go into detail on this but spoilers. Perhaps I'll come back to it when we're deeper into the new update). The Archons must bear the weight basically for something that was not their decision. Perhaps there was "another option" but Celestia wasn't having it, especially in a godless nation.
Though several of the Archons are technically complicit in whatever the Cryo Archon is up to, even if they aren’t directly involved. Most of them did just hand over their Gnosis either to clean their hands of fault if it goes under, the Fatui are actually that big of a threat and they don’t want to be targets (unlikely), they don’t care and also don’t like Celestia, or because they backup what ever her end goal is (if maybe not the means, seeing as the means /are/ severely messed up).
The Gnosis situation confuses me. On one hand, you had Venti's ripped out by force by Signora (and therein, the countless theories that Venti let it happen, which is an entire post in itself), but then the other Archons give it up freely (as freely as a contract, bargain to save the Traveler's life and an exchange for knowledge is...) as if it will not cause them pain. We don't see the Archons weakened by this (and if someone believes Venti saying he's the weakest, well, that again is an entire post in itself because Barbatos is... an enigma...) and they're not... angry about it.
The Fatui's means is why I cannot support the whole "the Fatui are actually the good guys" theory, because why do things like Osial in Liyue, incite war in Inazuma, the incident at Tatarasuna, etc? It doesn't make sense to me. I have a theory myself about these incidents that stem more on the lines of trying to deviate from the Cryo Archon's actual goal, which is the Gnosis. Perhaps these events serve to be out in the open while the taking of the Gnosis goes unnoticed except by the Traveler and close companions to the Archons (like Yae is to Ei). Perhaps Celestia will focus more on the Fatui's actions rather than realizing the true reasons behind them.
Between the attempt to make Scara a God, that's one thing that should have definitely alerted Celestia, but it didn't. I can think of other instances where Celestia would have been alerted or should have which again, is why the Gnosis stuff confuses me.
The Traveler & those companions know what the Gnosis are, but not the people of each Archon's nation, if that makes sense. Still, if there is some truth to that, it's still barbaric to cause such events.
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kingsofhellfire · 2 years
Drunk Eddie and Robin part 2
I think I might use the dice rolling thing to get Steve to try and beg Eddie to put pajamas on and go the fuck to sleep and Eddie just keeps trying to seduce him even more in such an endearing way that Steve would like to die
Because drunk Eddie would just pull fistfuls of dice from nowhere and Steve would just be like HOW
Turn him upside down and shake him and dice falls out
kesbird :
“Why do you have those???” “In case we need to play a stripping game duh now take your shirt off”
drunk eddie who forgets they aren’t actually boyfriends yet because wtf? you’re so hot steve why aren’t we boyfriends???
lettersinthesand :
Buff Muggin:
I’m sorry but truly I cannot stop thinking about what was said earlier of Eddie just licking Steve’s neck, with the context of they aren’t even together
that's what makes it hot!!!!
Buff Muggin:
Like that’s so fucking delicious yum yum
lettersinthesand :
Alternatively drunk Eddie who forgets they are boyfriends and freaks out when Steve says he isn't single
Eddie - “aww my boyfriend’s so cute” Stev- “we’re not boyfriends” Eddie already crying “are you breaking up with me???”
mid hand job “wait who are you cheating on????“ lmfaoo
Why haven't I hit that yet Stevie
lettersinthesand :
THATS WHAT IM SAYING I lost it at that!
Omg him using the word boyfriend and Steve chalking it up to being a joke
Gorgeousgreymatter :
It's going in the fic you all can scream about it later I promise lol
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
It's like that one video where the guy is coming out of surgery and his wife is there and he's like"you better stop putting your hands on my chest I have a wife" and she's like "I am your wife"
the pet names would get sooooo ridiculous, eddie’s poorly trying to climb steve’s back like a koala and he’s just slurring “stevie, baby, darlin’, sweetheart. light of my life. my sweet lil cinnamon peach pie banana nut muffin—“
“okay dude are you proposing or just hungry? get off me!”
and then eddie’s like “yeah kinda” and fuckin bites him on the shoulder
"We're married?! Holy shit, i hit the jackpot!"
kesbird :
Eddie- “I wanna climb you like a tree stevward” steve-“You ALREADY ARE”
Jfjshhchd accidentally kinky biting you get me
ok but is it a steddie fic in this house without biting
Joke until it isnttttt
lettersinthesand :
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
He do be biting
All I’m saying is that drunk Eddie would have a little nibble
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie] :
Just a taste
Gorgeousgreymatter :
He already had a lick so might as well
Buff Muggin:
Grey I am already screaming and I will continue to scream until the fic is done and I will still scream after
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
Steve is like "even if I wanted to, I'm not taking advantage of you while you're drunk and I'm sober"
"You mean this entire time I just also needed to get you drunk ? OPEN THE CABINETS THEN I KNOW YOU HAVE THE GOOD SHIT"
Disc:I don't condone getting someone drunk just to sleep with them
But this is fanfiction
I also want Gareth to like deliver Eddie to Steve to take home with Robin from the party. "Sorry to dump him on you man but he will not shut up about you and I simply cannot hear these things"
"...okay...wait what do you mean things?????"
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
God that’s so fucking funny
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
Gareth, long suffering Gareth
kesbird:Like GARETG is beat red and it’s not even about him!
Buff Muggin :
Gorgeousgreymatter :
Steve eventually says sth like "If I cuddle you will you go to sleep? If you remember this and still wanna have sex when you're sober, ask me again"
lettersinthesand :
Omggg and he thinks Eddie won't 😭
Consent king Steve
Oh i legit thought that was supposed to say consent kink and i was like oh relate
Gorgeousgreymatter :
I was tempted to write both tbh lmao
But the pun
Eddie waking up and slowly remembering everything but steve's not there. he feels like he's gonna die of embarrassment but then steve comes out of the shower
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
Eddie:you don't understand man, the absolute unholy crimes I would comitt to just bite his ass-
lettersinthesand :
"Listen man. Gareth. My dude. Do you know how mad i was when I found out what a good guy he was? And hot? I mean he's so fucking hot Gareth look at him!!!"
"I absolutely will not be doing that"
Eddie: listen. LISTEN. He is. So sexy
Gareth: :yellsteve:
true ally Gareth :slurrrp: :EddieSIMP:
Buff Muggin:
Eddie- I want to… MOUNT him
Gareth- That’s the third time you’ve said that since I walked over to you. It’s been two minutes.
“but Gareth, his HANDSSS”
"Tell him, not me! I don't need to hear this!"
"Gareth. GARETH. His ass"
Buff Muggin:
(Gareth is talking in complete deadpan monotone btw)
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
Eddie- gym class was never the same without him, and his sweaty thighs,and his-
Gareth - do I really need this band? I can just down myself in this cup of water it wouldn't be that hard
gareth praying for his tinnitus to kick in any time now
"Gareth. GARETH. You aren't listening."
Gareth who is just LEARNING about his friends kinks in a speed run absolutely warp speeding it to Steve so that he doesn’t have to deal with this
"I really wanna touch his hair. Do you think he'd let me if I ask? Can you ask??"
Gareth- looking around for someone to beg to murder him rn
wynnyfryd :
“his teeeeth. gareth his teeth are so lickable”
“that’s it you’re banned from the tequila for life”
Gareth sees Steve walk out of the party bathroom or whatever wherever they are beat fucking red because Eddie has been saying all that to Steve and losing it
Buff Muggin (Alpha Porn Roach) — Today at 4:17 PM
Eddie - I mean, Gareth. I just want to taste him. Look at his neck. Oh, the things I would do to bite it.
Gareth - Do you think it’s possible to drown in a red solo cup?
Eddie - I don’t know man, that’s not what we’re talking about right now
Gareth - I’m very willing to find out
Gareth slowly sipping his drink and turning away
He's gonna knock on the door because everyone saw Steve and Robin go into the bathroom and Gareth is going to just be like "he's all yours, babysitter extraordinare"
kesbird :
Because that's what Eddie keeps calling him and gareth has no fuxking idea what it means but fucking here u go
Babysit his ass
“babysit his ass, apparently he’s into that too” lmfao
kesbird :
Steve just- ???? But not having time to process because now he has two drunk octopuses
And Eddie is DELIGHTED to see him
He's got two hands thankfully
Everyone watching Steve harringon the former king of Hawkins high leave with two people in his arms is objectively hilarious
Buff Muggin :
I both love incredibly supportive Gareth who tries to meddle in Eddie’s love life (to help him get the boy!!) and incredibly frustrated Gareth who hates how much Eddie talks about Steve
So he just gets practically tackled by a solid puddle of eddie
gareth going through it
Robin getting a piggyback ride to the car (we were robbed of this in the Upside Down Steve would never even attempt to let Robin try to walk over those vines you cannot convince me otherwise) and just holding Eddie's hand
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie]:
Steve sends Gareth a fruit basket at the end of it all bc he doesn't know what else to do
Which Eddie keeps swinging their arms and giggling
kesbird :
That is the most rich boy thing I’ve ever heard I love it
30 bomb of beer and a post it that says thank you
Dude fruit basket
that’s what they call their first apartment
Fucking iconic
"If you puke in my hair I'm taking off your friendship bracelet and throwing it in the dirt, Robbie" -- she starts crying
Robin is a crying drunk change my mind
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:25 PM
robin and eddie creating a feedback loop of sad wet eyed drunk idiots lmao
I'd say she's a whiplash mood drunk lol
lettersinthesand :
Eddie is all - “I wanna tie you up Steve like a pretty little present 😌” meanwhile Robin is sobbing and Steve is having emotional whiplash
Oh no now i had an angst plot bunny
wynnyfryd :
the sadness makes her nervous laugh until it turns to actual giggles
to the diary with you!! lol
I feel like she's like me when drunk, which is super happy and intense until something happens and she's bawling her eyes out instead
Buff Muggin:
I definitely see Robin as the type to get really vocal to their friends about how much she loves them when she’s drunk. Like walking up to everyone she’s close to and being like “I need you to know that I am so happy we met and I love you so much you mean the world to me”
And the opposite is true too she’ll see someone she hates and BY GOD will they know by the end of that conversation
"If you were a girl Steve I would marry you"
Cue drunk possessive argument between Robin and Eddie
but then in the cold light of day steve tries to be like “that was really nice, what you said” and she’s all “gross, feelings 🤢”
OH MY GOD a drunken passionate argument about who would be a better wife to steve
Buff Muggin (Alpha Porn Roach) — Today at 4:28 PM
Steve: Can we have a MOMENT for ONCE, ROBBIE?
Robin: Not while I am sober!
“My heart shrivels and dies the moment there’s no alcohol fueling it steve”
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:29 PM
"I love you too, Rob"
"Tell anyone I said that and your ass is grass Harrington"
"Might wanna get the lawnmower because you literally told everyone that already last night"
Buff Muggin (Alpha Porn Roach) — Today at 4:30 PM
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:31 PM
She tells everyone every single time she's drunk
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:31 PM
also quoting steve to steve while pretending not to be undying besties is just so good
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:31 PM
Like they all don't know
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:32 PM
nancy sarcastically over her drink like, “shocking news everyone, my girlfriend loves my ex more than me”
Buff Muggin (Alpha Porn Roach) — Today at 4:32 PM
You tried to “keep it under wraps” but those “wraps” were clear plastic cling film Robin. Everyone could see what was underneath it
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:33 PM
robin, starry eyed and missing all the sarcasm “i. love. him. so. MUCH”
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:33 PM
"But don't tell him!!!" In the loudest whisper whilst in Steve's lap
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie] — Today at 4:33 PM
kesbird — Today at 4:34 PM
Even better if she stage whispers that directly to Steve lol
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:34 PM
eddie making the “lips are locked and the key is thrown away” gesture with the most sincere cow eyes
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:35 PM
That's going in the car scene
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:35 PM
argyle’s so high all the time that this actually is shocking news to him at every single party
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:35 PM
When her and Eddie argue over Steve
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:35 PM
He isn't even joking he is just as drunk and is 100% in on the seriousness
kesbird — Today at 4:36 PM
Covers Steve’s ears very badly for it too before Steve bats at him
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:36 PM
"But also ill fight you for him, Buckley. I'll fight you right now in this backseat!"
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:36 PM
Man Argyle as a background character in fic is so underrated
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:37 PM
kindergarten style slap fight commences
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:37 PM
Hdjshxxb this is gonna be so fun j have so many good dialogue ideas :loveteeth: :loveteeth:
kesbird — Today at 4:37 PM
:loveteeth: :loveteeth: :loveteeth:
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:37 PM
It will be a gift for all of you :EddieSIMP:
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:37 PM
kesbird — Today at 4:38 PM
Did I mention I would kill for you I’m just gonna leave that out there again because AHHHHHH
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:38 PM
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:39 PM
...at Steve's house he has to go take care of Robin first so he takes Eddie to his bedroom and says STAY PUT all grumpy and Eddie says "I'll be a good boy for you stevie" and then Steve hurls himself into the sun
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:40 PM
Eddie is just. King of accidentally saying super hot shit
wynnyfryd — Today at 4:41 PM
AHHHHHHHHHH picturing him like, starfished on steve’s bed with his head hanging off the edge so he’s smiling upside down at steve
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:42 PM
Oh no he means it. 100% and that's what makes it part of Steve's agonies lol
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:42 PM
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:48 PM
...Steve trying to get Eddie to change clothes and he wants the yellow sweater but Steve's like you can't have it, I just gave it to Robin.
"Fine then gimme your letterman jacket"
'You can't wear that to bed eds it's not comfortable and I don't want you puking on it"
Steve is finally able to haggle and placate with the literal shirt he's wearing because it's the only one Eddie will agree to wear
lettersinthesand — Today at 4:48 PM
kesbird — Today at 4:49 PM
:loveteeth: :loveteeth: :loveteeth:
I’m gonna lose my mind dear god
At this point steve is taking a shower out of self preservation. Both to let off steam and also because Eddie was cuddling him he was no match
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:50 PM
...he's gonna jerk off in the shower and feel shit about it
kesbird — Today at 4:50 PM
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:50 PM
But it's the only way he can cuddle Eddie how Eddie wants without dying lol
kesbird — Today at 4:51 PM
And then eddie comes in sober and sees everything through the glass and is like “whelp my time to shine lmao time to make good on some promises”
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie] — Today at 4:57 PM
Steve having a crisis and Eddie just being inexplicably in love with him is my favorite steddie trope
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 4:59 PM
I'm seriously an excited puppy about writing this!!
Which means I'll get it done fast :ohreally:
hyperfixation powers activate
kesbird — Today at 5:08 PM
Gorgeousgreymatter — Today at 5:09 PM
Also RIP everyone backreading this later
kesbird — Today at 5:13 PM
Oh i didn’t even think about that lol
I’m gonna try and start putting discussions on tumble again we’ll see how that goes
wynnyfryd — Today at 5:16 PM
re: this whole conversation akdkds
Nix [Resident Eddie Kinnie] — Today at 5:19 PM
Tldr Drunk Bitey Eddie + DD Steve with a sprinkling of drunk lovey Robin and a dash of exasperated flustered Gareth
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