#Storyboard Shots
As a follow-up to the script, here's my shot list! I had this written into the script at first, but I wanted to get a little more familiar with camera terminology. Also, this will be an interesting documentation of what I thought would look good vs. what I end up using. Once again, I'm sure this is full of mistakes and inaccuracies, but it serves my purposes! By the way, this blog has excellent resources for this sort of thing:
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mindfogs · 1 month
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You are Harrowhark Nonagesimus. You are 17. They just killed your only friend.
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neunhofferart · 21 days
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"Darius... you said you'd be here."
Just a little trailer fanart- reverse shot
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mayapetersen · 6 months
Carol & The End of the World is out now on Netflix
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While I find my digital boards from 2021, here are some early post-it thumbs for Throuple. Great ep. Grep.
Carol is pretty much exactly the kind of adult animated show I wanted to work on and see in the world. Watching it in its completed state today – finally – I thought of a timeline in which this show was culled like so many others in this dark-ass era for the industry
I particularly love the episodes our team – Bert, Sam, Seo, and myself got to work on. They're all weird and arthouse-y but sweet in a way that's totally in my wheelhouse. Maybe this wasn't Dan Guterman's intention, but I don't think it's unfair to say that there's something of a Steven Universe-esque spirit to these eps, if that interests anyone here haha.
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spinjitsuburst · 3 months
since @icy-watch has finished seabound (my condolences btw a heartbreaking season finale to get through) I feel I should remind us all of one of the BEST FIGHT SCENES IN NINJAGO
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midnightfire830 · 4 months
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Hehehe. I’ve been given a wonderful opportunity to help lend a hand in the creation of Inky Mystery pilot episode!
(Pete is so cussing hard to draw cussing hell man)
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inbarfink · 8 months
Okay, you know what, let's talk a little bit more about Simon Petrikov's ears
I already made a silly little post pointing out how the Winter King is drawn with visible ears, while Mainverse Simon is always drawn without them.
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And I've gotten a few replies on that post saying that it's probably just a difference in hairstyle. Y'know, the Winter King tacks his hair behind his ears, Simon doesn't. But... I don't think that works if you look at Simon's design. I mean, it does seem to be the case if you look at this one screenshot I here - but usually....
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Simon Petrikov's little glasses are very helpful here, because they literally form a line with where his ears should be, and you can see that his hair typically ends just above that point and no matter how much he turns his head there are no ears.
In a back shot you can even see where his glasses handle end, and there's no ears anywhere to actually hold them.
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(this is also true when he's Ice King btw)
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It's kind of a Whole Thing. The Adventure Time artstyle has some general guidelines of how to draw humanoids' face, but it's fully willing to break them to make someone more goofy and distinctive. Like, some characters having noses or more detailed eyes or even lips. And ears are already kind of a Weird Subject considering how many AT characters wear hair/hats in a way that hides their ears anyways.
Princess Bubblegum is another earless characters, but it's actually pretty hard to notice because most of her hairstyle obscure her Perfectly Spherical Head.
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But she's like, Made of Gum, so it's less Weird for her to be earless compared to Simon Petrikov who's meant to be a Perfectly Normal Human Man.
(although Prince Gumball somehow does have ears. Even when he IS in his Magic Candy Form)
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(Which is like... lowkey Weird. But still, Magic Candy People's physiologically can be whatever)
Meanwhile, ears IS something pretty consistently drawn for human Adventure Time characters. So it is pretty weird Simon doesn't seem to have them. It's probably a matter of, like, Simon being one of the first not-Finn Human characters added to Adventure Time and with the aforementioned matter of most characters not having their ears/lack of ears visible either way they weren't really sure of how Humans should look in the AT style at that point.
Or maybe they wanted to keep it consistent with Ice King's "Loyalty to the King" look and decided that a Magic Evil Crown that makes your ears fall off is a step too far. Or maybe having his ears hidden by his hair is what was originally intended in his design, but was misinterpreted as being straight-up earless so consistently by the shortboarders and animators it eventually just became his canon look.
But I think also... characters having certain non-typical facial features on Adventure Time is generally an indication that they're particularly prominent. So characters who are drawn with noses generally have large noses. The smaller a facial feature is, the more likely it is to get simplified into nothing.
Therefore, looking at it from an in-universe perspective, I think the most logical conclusion is that Simon Petrikov is not straight-up literally earless - he just has weird freakishly-small ears
And the Winter King was so insecure about them he literally enlarged them with magic.
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min-play · 2 years
One of my rough storyboards for LEGO Monkie Kid S3. Deep dove into Red Boy’s lore before tackling these!
Thank you Sarah Harper and Ashe Jacobson for the opportunity and guidance!
Awesome edit done by Andrew Emmerson
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milkcurdles · 1 year
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handlinepic · 8 months
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uhhhhhhhhh fish n chips. is this anything?
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ghostoffuturespast · 11 months
Love Like Fire - Part I - The Hammer
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freakadr0id · 2 years
Okay, I'm going through the movie looking to get good screenshots for an upcoming post and I HAVE to share this frame I happened to pause on.
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This might be the single funniest Donnie screenshot I've ever taken. I spent a solid ten minutes laughing hysterically at this. He is just so f***ing weird (in the best way possible).
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creaturefeaster · 3 months
I wanna eat ur animations,,, they’re so nice to look at 💙
thank you so much & I appreciate the comment. also just funny to be saying this about an animation of a fly crawling on a bird's dead eye.
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chdarling · 1 year
I feel like I’ve probably rambled before about how I’m a writer because it’s the only way I could ever figure out how to most accurately get the images in my head out into the world. But can I just vent for a second about HOW ABSOLUTELY ANNOYING IT IS when said images are a perfectly cut trailer for a fanfic that currently only exists in my own head with film footage that almost certainly doesn’t exist at all. I can see it so clearly in my brain, why isn’t that enough to wish it into existence!!!! 😭😭😭
Someone give me a billion dollars and the rights to HP, I’ll make it worth your while I swear 🥺
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midnightfire830 · 3 months
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Another day another panel. And another angy boi.
Idk how to do depth lines so I did it like I do with my building drawings.
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