penandprompt · 2 months
Meet Cutes
In a music store, two strangers end up playing the same instrument and start an impromptu duet. 
During a city-wide scavenger hunt, two competitors team up by chance when they're both looking for the same item. 
In a language class, two people partner up to practice conversational skills. As they fumble through words and phrases, they find that the language of love is universal and needs no translation.
In a cooking class, two strangers end up sharing a kitchen station. While cooking together, they discover they have similar tastes, not just in food but also in life.
On a rainy day, a person shares their umbrella with a stranger caught in the rain. They find refuge in a nearby café and end up spending the entire afternoon chatting, laughing, and getting to know each other.
At an open mic night, two performers are scheduled to play back-to-back. They have picked the same song, and the crowd insists they perform a duet.
Two people mistakenly board the wrong bus and find themselves lost in an unfamiliar part of town. They navigate together, and in the process, they also find something they didn't know they were looking for - love.
In an art museum, two strangers find themselves captivated by the same painting. They end up touring the entire museum together, sharing interpretations and discussing their favorite artists.
Both characters end up on the rooftop of a building seeking some peace and quiet. They share the stunning city view and strike up a conversation that goes from city life to their dreams and aspirations.
On a beach vacation, one of the characters doodles something in the sand, and the other character spots it and adds a playful message in response. This sand-sculpting exchange becomes a delightful tradition during their stay.
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lizardchameleon · 1 year
Story introduction, Honey:
[Note: this was for my language arts class so I hope to make a real story out of this.]
By. Lizard.
The sun shone through the tall spruce and evergreen trees; a young girl looked out the sun reflecting over her blue eyes. She giggled softly as the early morning dawned upon the land around her. She ran up to a loft where her father lay and shook him.
“Dad, wake up!” She shouted as she shook him. Her father, Podzol groaned as she did. “Dad, it is time to wake up and get on the horse!” Podzol tiredly looked over at his daughter, “Yeah, I heard you, Honey” Pozdol sighed as he sat up. Honey, her full name was HoneyComb, chuckled and went down the ladder. Podzol sighed, “How long have you been up for?” He asked, rubbing his face.
“I dunno, before the sun rose,” Honey giggled hopping over trip wires around the entrance. “You said we would leave as soon as the sun rose.” Podzol rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle. He got down from his bed and ruffled Honey’s head. Honey scoffed, getting her father’s hand away from her head.
“Come on, I just brushed it!” she complained.
Podzol smiled at Honey and then showed her her brush. Honey took it and fixed her hair.
“Got to look pretty for Mom right?” Podzol asked teasingly. Honey did not seem to find amusement in Podzol’s teasing; she stuck her tongue out at him. Podzol was quick with his hand and pinched Honey’s tongue.
“And keep that in your mouth missy” He scoffed before snickering.
Honey whined at Podzol pinching her tongue. She covered her mouth. Podzol patted her back as he walked past her to get their supplies ready. Honey came over to help him after she noticed he was getting prepared.
“Dad, can you help with my ponytails?” Honey asked. Podzol looked over at her, holding a finger up as he packed up their supplies of food, gems, gold, treats, and a few things from the Farming District. He looked over at Honey once he was done he put his hand out for the hair ties. Honey handed them over after digging into her shorts’ pocket. Podzol twirled his finger and Honey turned around so he could put in her twin tails.
“Are you excited to see Mommy?” Podzol asked as he brushed Honey’s pink hair back so he could collect and part her hair in half for each hair tie. He loved the look of Honey’s hair. It was so strange but he did not mind if she did not share the same hair colour. Honey looked up at Podzol with a smile on her face as Podzol tied her hair up in twin ponytails. She ran around to find her black and yellow sweater, she was excited to get going back to see her mother. Podzol chuckled softly and picked her up. “Now you are ready to see Mommy after a whole two weeks in the Farming district with Daddy right?” He asked Honey.
Honey nodded at Podzol grabbing her bag, “Yep, and I can show her the new signs I learned from Bucket” She told Podzol eager to head out the door as he shopped over the tripwires.
“That would be nice but hold your horses I need to get the stuff in the chests just in case okay?” Podzol snapped at Honey as he put down some liquid inside of the drawers. He turned around and walked over to Honey stepping over the tripwires and opening the door. Honey rushed out to the outside and around to the back of the cabin to the horse stables. They only had one horse, and Honey quickly got up onto them. Podzol gave a carrot to the horse, he got up onto the horse and helped Honey get her belt on to keep her strapped to the horse.
“Ready Honey?”Honey nodded her head, bouncing eagerly to get going. Podzol smiled and snapped the leash, kicking the horse gently on the side.
As the horse moved Honey squealed excitedly. They went on across the evergreen forest. Honey looked up at Podzol before she spoke, “Daddy why can’t Mom come with us to the Farming District?” she asked.
Podzol sighed, “You know why Honey, she isn’t welcome there” Podzol explained to Honey. Honey looked down, upset by the answer.
“You can only go there because you are my daughter, you’re special, Honey.” Honey still seemed upset and Podzol understood that. He gave her a gentle pat on the head.
“But you can still tell Mom about your time there, right?” Honey smiled up at him and nodded her head.
They continued their commute until they came upon a giant cement wall. Honey let out a soft whoa sound. Podzol chuckled and ruffled Honey’s hair. Honey smacked his hand away so as not to ruin her hair. Podzol guided the horse over to a giant gate made of metal. A line of guards blocked their way from the gate.
“State your name.” A guard shouted at Podzol and Honey. Podzol took out his wallet from his pocket and pulled out an ID. He came close to the gates and showed the guards his ID leaving Honey on the horse. Honey smiled and waved at the guards. The guards glanced at Honey and then back at Podzol taking his ID from between the gate’s bars. The guards stared at him hard then threw back over his ID into the dirt. The gate began to rise after a guard waved down someone from above in the pillars. Podzol picked up his ID, let out a scoff and got back onto the horse with Honey. Honey looked at the guards as they slowly passed through the gate, she gave a smile to the guards. One of the guards leaned over and gave her puffy cheek a gentle pinch. Honey gave a slight whine and pushed their hand away. Podzol gave Honey a gentle pat on the head as they passed the guards. They went into the town inside and passed the gate.
The town was full of people who looked almost identical to each other. Honey took notice of her surroundings, how the people had pale skin and beady eyes, and the people as well were rather short. Honey looked back at Podzol, Podzol had long black hair, he was rather tall compared to the others, as well his skin was tan. Honey reached and placed her hand to compare herself to Podzol. Her skin was just as pale as the other people around them. She looked up at Podzol.
“Daddy, why is your skin a different colour than mine?” Honey asked as she looked at his hair, “Same with your hair.”
Podzol looked down at Honey, “Well, you look like your mother. Like someone from here in the Archery District.” Podzol explained to Honey as he looked around at the houses around them. Each was a different type of colour under the red spectrum. Podzol’s eyebrows pinched together as he looked. Honey looked down at her hand, her eyebrows as well pinched together. “Be happy you look like your mother, okay?” Podzol told Honey as he slowed the horse.
“What about my hair?” Honey asked, looking back up at Podzol. “My hair is pink while you and Mommy have blonde and black hair.” Honey stared at Podzol, her eyebrows pinching closer together. Podzol sighed as he got off the horse. He helped Honey down from the horse after he unbuckled her.
“It just means you’re special, Honey” Podzol gave her cheek a little pinch. “You have pink hair, your favourite colour right?” Podzol asked, he chuckled as Honey smacked his hand away from her face. Honey puffed up her cheeks. Podzol smiled down at her and then went off toward the back of the house they stopped at.
“Go ahead and head inside, Honey,” Podzol told Honey.
Honey rubbed her cheek, “Okay” She called out before going inside. She slowly entered the house glancing around.
“Mommy?” Honey walked around the house before she heard a few voices in the living room. Honey was quick to walk into the living room to see her Mom. Honey stopped when she saw her Mom talking to another woman. Honey stopped by the doorway to listen to her mom and the other woman talk.
“Bee you know I love you but you know you cannot have your daughter around once Sword comes around.” The other woman told Honey’s Mom, Bee.
Bee looked down and began to talk slowly as she signed, “I am aware… Of the dangers for my daughter. My husband already knows”.
“You married Podzol?” The woman asked.
Bee’s eyebrows pinched together, “Yes, five years now.” Bee told the woman. Bee glanced over at Honey and smiled at her. She reached out her arms toward Honey. Honey smiled and ran around into Bee’s arms.
Honey could hear the other woman scoff and say, “Not even married before she was born.” Honey looked up at the woman, and the woman seemed to widen her eyes when she saw Honey look at her. Honey looked back at Bee and signed to her to greet her. Bee gave her a soft smile.
“Well, I should get going. I will see you later Bee,” The woman told Bee after tugging at her sleeve to get Bee to look at her. Bee looked at the woman and waved as she left. Bee let out a sigh and held Honey close. Honey was excited to see her Mom again after so long. Honey looked up at Bee and climbed up onto her lap. She shows Bee her hand as she crosses her index and middle fingers as well as bending her ring finger down. Honey smiled at Bee. Bee looked in awe and did the sign back, she asked what it meant.
“It means I love you!” Honey exclaimed. Bee let out a giggle before showing Honey the sign multiple times. Honey giggled as Bee pulled her in and started to kiss her all over her face. Honey squealed.
“Gosh, is there a murder happening here?” Podzol came in, setting down his backpack. Podzol came over to the giggling girls and kissed each on the head. Bee looked up at him and greeted him, giving a smile. Podzol kissed Bee, “I missed you too, Love”. Honey let out an overdramatic gagging sound pointing at her parents.
Podzol looked down at Honey, he had a smirk on his face, “What a man cannot love his wife?” Honey giggled and shook her head.
Podzol smirked, “Well too bad” Podzol continued to kiss Bee all over her face. Honey let out another gag and then started to laugh. Bee let out a laugh as well.
They all talked together, Bee listened to every word that Podzol signed as he and Honey talked to her about their trip to the Farming District. How Honey got to meet some of Podzol’s old friends from there, Bucket, Mutton, Beans, and their kids too. Honey enjoyed talking about it as she tried to copy the signs. Honey was happy with this but it all stopped when there was a knock on the door.
Podzol had gotten up to respond to the knock, “Hello?” He greeted them once he opened the door. There was a person outside that Honey did not recognise she looked up at Bee, she had gotten up to go with Podzol. Honey peeked around the corner to the hallway. There was a guard outside that the Minister always had around their District’s Ministry. Honey watched as Podzol talked to the guard but the guard put a hand up to Podzol.
“Where is your wife?” the guard asked.
Podzol scrunched his nose and his eyebrows.“I’m sorry my wife is hard of hearing, do you know sign language?” he asks the guard. Honey watched as the guard came into the house, going over to her mother. The guard did not answer Podzol’s question. They went straight to Bee and started to talk to her still with their helmet on. Honey ran over to help Bee trying to sign to her so she could understand. Honey noticed the guard’s hand as they went to shove Honey away from them.
“Move it filthy halfling.” the guard snarled and looked back at Bee, “Now I do need to take your husband and child into custody. There have been too many reports of suspicious behaviour from the other districts.”.
“I told you my wife cannot hear you!” Podzol shouted at the guard. Honey started to feel a pit inside her stomach form. What did the guard mean by taking her and Podzol into custody? She thought to herself. She looked up at Podzol, all she could hear was yelling as well seeing her mother look so fearful. Honey covered her ears from ass the noise.
Honey closed her eyes for a split moment before she heard a large noise, something she had never heard before. She opened her eyes to feel her vision blurry and her ears ringing. It was brightly lit with orange and red around her. Honey looked around feeling her vision was running in slow motion as her arm was grabbed by something hard. She was picked up and held tightly, she could not see who it was. She started to cry out. Honey felt a hand on her head, it rubbed her head gently. Honey could feel her skin burn with pain as if it was scorched.
It did not take long for her to start to see, she looked at her arm, it looked red and torn. She felt her mind start to spiral again before she looked up, it was Podzol with tears in his eyes. Honey had her head pressed against Podzol’s shoulder, she could hear his heart pounding. She began to worry and grow curious about what was happening outside and why was it so hot around them. It was never this hot in the Archery district. Honey could hear other people yelling and screaming, it hurt her ears just as much as her arm. She could feel Podzol hold her tighter as the screaming came closer. She could not make out anything that anyone was saying, she could not hear her thoughts.
There was another large noise coming from who knows where. Honey fell over with Podzol. Honey looked at her faster, his face was a lot more red than she remembered as well there were not as many holes in his clothes as she remembered.
“Dad?” She uttered as she shook him. “Dad, it’s time to wake up”. Honey felt her eyes feel relieved from her tears. She blinked as many times as she could to moisten her eyes. Honey looked up at the bright light, she considered it the sun due to how bright it was.
“Dad the sun is up you need to get up!” Honey shouted before she looked over and saw an armoured person before her. The guard, she did not recognise them. They had a different district symbol on their armour. The guard grabbed Honey and dragged her away, all she could hear under the guard’s breath was, “Halfling”.
Honey looked at her companion as they sit close to the fire, she kept her hair up in the twin tails Podzol had done that day. Her face was cold and her gaze felt lifeless.
“ And that is how I ended up here, alone. “ Honey told her companion. “ All because I was a halfling. “.
“ Why did you tell me this? “ Her companion Potato asked.
“ Because I wanted you to know, and see how you reacted. “ Honey told him as she stared back at their campfire. “ I wanted to see if you would attack me for no reason as well “. Honey saw Potato shake his head he reached over and hugged her, and he embraced her tightly.
“I would never, you are like me,” Potato told her, “You’re half Farmer”.
That was not true. Honey thought, but she did not mind. She smiled at him and relaxed in his embrace.
[I hope this becomes a story at some point this just a taste of a story I built up about 3 years ago]
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inventingreality · 2 months
Four writing prompts: Race #WriteMap #FromOneLine #StoryStarter #amwriting #writingcommunity #writers #authorsky https://inventingrealityediting.com/2018/03/13/four-writing-prompts-race
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bonki28 · 4 months
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Here we go again ✍🏻💪🏻
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ecemersons · 5 months
Something Strange Happened on the Subway
“Hey,” a gruff voice said. “Hey, kid.”
Someone poked my shoulder roughly.
I opened my eyes. There was a man sitting next to me. Unkempt beard, rancid breath, and unwashed clothes. Homeless. Probably.
“I don’t have any change,” I said. He wasn’t the first homeless person I’d seen on the subway, but he was the first to sit so close to me. Probably high, I thought.
I looked around the car. The man and I were the only ones inside. Not surprising; it was pretty late at night.
The man chuckled. His teeth were brown. “I don’t want change.”
“Then what?”
“I got a question,” he said.
“Look pal, I’ve had a long day so I think I’ll pass.”
“You sure?” He sounded like I’d just turned down the last donut in the box.
“I’m sure,” I said. To make my point clearer, I put my earphones in. Not bothering to play any music, I leaned my head back and shut my eyes again.
The train stopped at two more stations. I didn’t open my eyes, but I didn’t hear anyone get in the car, and I could still feel the homeless man sitting next to me. One more stop and I’d be home.
“Hey,” the homeless man said.
I ignored him.
“Hey,” he said again.
I sighed and pulled out one of my earphones. When I opened my eyes, I saw that he was still sitting next to me, but I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw two other people were in the car. A woman in her late thirties, and a little girl with pigtails were sitting across from me. The woman – who I assumed was the girl’s mother – was reading a magazine with bored disinterest. The little girl was sucking on a sucker – cherry-flavored, judging by the red smear around her mouth. Her blue eyes were fixed on me.
I hadn’t heard the two come into the car.
Weird, I thought. Must’ve dozed off and missed it.
“Hey,” the homeless man said, drawing my attention away from the little girl’s eyes.
“What?” I said.
“You wanna hear my question?”
“No,” I said. “Would you leave me be?”
“Suit yourself,” he shrugged.
I scowled. The guy was really starting to annoy me.
I made a show of putting my earphones back in and starting my music, just loud enough to drown the guy out. The little girl was still staring at me intently.
We came to another stop. I started to drift off. Then, about ten minutes later I felt someone shove my shoulder.
My annoyance was brimming over into anger, and I sat up to tell the guy off.
There were four more people in the train. I hadn’t heard them get on the train either, but I’d had my music blasting pretty loud. Still, something didn’t feel right.
The little girl was still staring at me. Her cherry sucker and red smeared lips twitched slightly. Her blue eyes had a strange depth. It seemed if I stared too long, I might forget to breathe. It was a ridiculous thought. I knew this, and I scoffed at the idea. But there was a little voice in the back of my head, a worm of doubt.
The homeless man waved his gloved hand in front of my face. I actually did jump, and tore my eyes from the little girl.
“What?” I snapped.
“Do you wanna hear my question now?”
“Fine,” I said. “What? What is your question?”
The man barred his rotten teeth in a grin and leaned in and said in a conspirator’s whisper. “Do you believe in monsters?”
“Do I... what?” I said. “No, of course I don’t. Are you high?”
The man chuckled. “Oh ho! A skeptic!”
His breath really was terrible.
“Look, I’m really not in the mood to talk, so –”
“So you don’t believe in monsters,” the man cut me off. “What about ghosts? Ghouls? Angels? Demons? God?” He lowered his voice. “The devil?”
“Do you have a point?” I asked. I wasn’t about to talk about my spirituality or lack thereof to a hobo who was – in all probability – tripping angel dust.
“The thing about monsters,” he said, ignoring me. “Is that they’re nearly perfect hunters. I mean, ghosts are stuck to one place. Ghouls hunt alone. Monsters, though. . . they’re like wolves. They have a hierarchy, they’re organized. But, do you know what makes them most dangerous?”
Before I could answer he continued.
“They hunt in packs. They set up traps. Their prey seldom know what’s happening until it’s too late. But they don’t kill their prey straight off, oh no that’d be too easy. They toy with them first. Get their scent. Monsters love the chase, see.”
“Where are you going with this?” I said. I wanted to sound angry, but the guy was starting to creep me out.
“I just want to ask you one more question,” he said. He nodded to the rest of the train. “How did these people get here?”
The train was packed. Every seat was taken. Men and women of all ages filled the space. And each one of them was staring at me. The little girl with the pig-tails and the red-smeared lips still had her blue eyes fixed on me. The sucker she held in her mouth made her cheek bulge on one side.
The train was slowing down, arriving at my stop.
“How...?” The word left my lips in a breath.
The train came to a stop, and the doors slid open. I felt the need to run, to push through the staring strangers and sprint home. Instead, I stood and calmly made my way to the door. As I walked passed the little girl with the pig-tails and red-smeared lips, she pulled out her sucker and smiled at me. The sucker was blue.
I wanted to smile back, but instead pushed through to the exit. I stepped out into the night air and sighed in relief as I watched the doors to the train slide shut. I watched as the train slid away on the tracks, eventually swallowed by the darkness of the night.
I turned and walked home. The whole way, I thought about the train ride. How did those people get on the train? Who was the homeless man? And the little girl. . . had I imagined it, or did her teeth seem a little too pointed?
I was ready to shake it all off. I was ready for my bed.
I took the elevator up to my floor and tiredly made my way down the hall to my apartment. Once the door was in sight, I noticed something strange. There was a piece of paper tacked to the wood of the door. A note scrawled in messy handwriting, with only three words written.
Got your scent.
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plotandelegy · 11 months
Unleashing Creativity: Top Ways to Generate Unique Fantasy Story Ideas
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Photo: Standard License- Adobe Stock
Welcome back,
There's no denying that fantasy has been at the core of some of the most enchanting, daring, and downright unforgettable tales (for one reason or another) that have shaped the literary landscape. Who doesn't love the thrill of journeying to some new adventurous place with otherworldly creatures and epic battles between the forces of dark and light? Personally, I'm all about the dark side. Even for the most seasoned writers sparking the imagination can be difficult. Things like inspiration seem elusive as a dragon hiding in a mist-covered mountain. Today, I will cover a few ideas to find your muse. My muse sometimes hides in a dumpster...so let's find better ways to do this, shall we?
People Watching, with a Twist: Observing people in everyday situations can be a great source of inspiration. Now, add a layer of 'What If?'. What if the barista at your local coffee shop could control elements? What if the older woman feeding pigeons in the park was a retired warrior queen? This exercise allows you to create complex characters with intriguing backstories, ripe for the world of fantasy.
Travel Through Time: History is brimming with periods that, with a little twist, can become fantastic settings for your story. Victorian England's social hierarchies, the Renaissance's scientific innovations, and the fierce battles of Feudal Japan offer fertile ground for fantastical tales. Weave in elements of magic or mythical creatures, and you have an intoxicating cocktail of historical fact and enticing fantasy.
Bioinspiration – Fantasize with Flora and Fauna: The natural world is a veritable treasure trove of inspiration. Let's call this approach 'bioinspiration.' Start by exploring Earth's biodiversity's peculiar traits, behaviors, and survival mechanisms. Why not envision a species that communicates like whales but hunts like a pack of wolves? Or perhaps a plant that blooms under the moonlight and has the power to manipulate time? The possibilities are endless when you fuse the wonder of our world with a dash of fantasy.
Take a Hike (Literally!): When was the last time you truly engaged with the wilderness, the mountains, or the sea? Natural landscapes are rife with potential for fantasy storytelling. As you walk through a dense forest, consider the creatures that might inhabit such a place in a fantasy realm. That murmuring stream could be a water nymph's dwelling, and the wind howling through the canyon might be a dragon's call. Try to visualize your surroundings through the lens of fantasy — you may be surprised at what your imagination conjures up!
Harness the Power of Music: Like music, few things can stir the soul and spark the imagination. A piece of music can evoke many emotions and images depending on its rhythm, melody, and harmony. Try listening to music without lyrics (like classical, orchestral, or ambient music) and let your mind wander. Picture the scenes that the music evokes. Is that tranquil harp melody the song of a peaceful elven village? Does the tumultuous symphony represent the climax of an epic battle? Use these mental images as a springboard for your fantasy narrative.
So there it is, everyone. Five unique ways to draw up some inspiration. Go find your muse!! Probably shouldn't have said mine hides in a dumpster. I'm all about being superstitious, so I'm sure she'll never speak to me again.
Happy Writing,
Indigo Everly 
P.S. Need more? Check out this post!
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latest-info · 3 months
The Quantum Thief
Synopsis: A hacker who can manipulate quantum information is hired by a mysterious client to steal a secret from a powerful corporation. However, he soon discovers that he is not the only one after the secret, and that his own identity and memories are at stake. The hacker known as Qubit was sitting in a dark and dingy cybercafe, surrounded by rows of screens and wires. He was wearing a hooded…
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uppsnappat · 4 months
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Damp disparity
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“Enticing” {Damien Wayne}
It’s been a while, things have been super hectic over on my end and inspiration is running dry. lol.
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but I came up with this a bit ago, I figured what was the harm in posting it, anyway. Take care, be safe and stay healthy! 
Enticing. Being allured to something or someone, this was the perfect explanation for everything he felt, or acted on, he was enticed.
Her hair, her eyes, her movement, her body, her aura, her smile, her words, her incessant need for answers, even the dark ones just so she could color the world again, the whole lot of her.
It un-nerved him, challenged him, kept him up at night as he dreamt of her attention, her ability to capture perfection.
The first time Damien had come across her, she was covered head to toe in paint, emerald-green intwined with her hair, red falling down her skirt and gold splashed across her chest, blue was her shoes and stockings and her face had smudges of white.
She had smiled, taking steps back as she saw her masterpiece, paint had decorated the academy’s old brick walls, his heart had hammered un-even as he saw the bright colors and masterpiece of different worlds colliding, she had colored every brick to the roof in paint, some of it clashing violently, others gently, some blended, others simply existed in a small space with another color and it had him freeze, his eyes wide and his imagination caught between multiple ideas.
“Pretty crazy right?” she asked, turning to look at him, he caught her stare, his cheeks turning scarlet, she looked like a masterpiece herself.
“No” he objected after a few moments, she laughed, crossing her arms as the bell went for class, seeming to signal her reaction of grabbing her bag as she turned and walked away.
“You should go to lunch!” she yelled back; his heart skipped a beat before his hands seemed sweaty.
“Where are you going?!” he called out, she seemed to stop, turning back to him with a hint of a smile “To get expelled, you don’t actually think I did this with permission did you?!” she called back, before the school crowd had gathered around, the masterpiece he saw be created begin to get covered up with flashes of color and people, the artists along with it.
He was enticed.
Take care people, let me know what you think too!
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thepagewitch · 2 years
A Divorced Couple is Stuck Together
Words to Include: twister, specialist, grate, swivel, elk, arise, assertive, torment, zest, solvent
No no no no no no no. This cannot be happening. This court mandated co-parenting group was stupid anyways. Thousands of couples have figured out 50/50 custody without anyones help. These sessions are torment. Plus, I have the feeling the parenting specialist doesn’t like me. It’s in her eyes.
“Would you stop jiggling the handle? It’s not gonna open.” Zachary had already given up, sitting against the wall with his legs extended. He always had to be so assertive with taking up space, didn’t he?
I swiveled my neck around to face him. “Excuse me for being a little nervous. All the doors in this building are electric and the power goes out? Seems like an oversight.”
He tilted his head up to me, the most infuriating look on it. Like he knew he was right. I hate it when he’s right.
Zach patted the spot next to him, on the other side of the floor grate. “Come here. You’ll just work yourself up even more.” He pushed his fluffy blonde hair back from his forehead, reminding me of an expectant dog waiting for dinner. I had one of those when I was a little girl.
I headed over and slid down the wall with a sigh. I have the urge to apologize, but the pride to stop myself. I’ve already apologized to him enough already.
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monsterfloofs · 9 months
My squirrel brain sort of ran back off into the sunset again, I have the robot storystarted but I got inspired to I start a little mini project with making creetures 😳
Me and @windydrawallday had got to talking about creature taming games like Pokemon since I have been drawing some fan art from the games I have been playing— And well I got inspired to make a few of my own lil creetures inspired by the idea of cursed objects and my love of turning everyday household items into monsters (an art assignment that we did when I was in middle school and the thought of it has stuck with me ever since, also 100 year old yokai objects!) And ghosts and spirits who if you treat well will protect and guard you and your home.
I am really tempted to share the designs here.
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penandprompt · 5 months
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alexisazria · 3 months
The Benefits Of Using LEGOs To Promote Literacy
The Benefits Of Using LEGOs To Promote Literacy https://www.teachthought.com/literacy/lego-launches-storystarter-for-improved-literacy/ From promoting vocabulary to fostering creative storytelling, LEGOs offer a surprisingly useful tool for literacy education The post The Benefits Of Using LEGOs To Promote Literacy appeared first on TeachThought.
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inventingreality · 3 months
5 SF Novum-Oriented Writing Prompts #amwritingsciencefiction #speculativefiction #WriteMap #FromOneLine #StoryStarter #amwriting #authorsky https://inventingrealityediting.com/2018/03/06/5-sf-novum-oriented-writing-prompts
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a-stary-night · 5 months
Forge your own dragon world; chapter 1: Story sparks
I'm going to be filling out this book via these posts.
#1 write down at least five things you did this week;
1. Sleep 2. Eat 3. Roleplay 4. Go shopping (got book #8) 5.read wof
#2 WHAT? Pick a conflict
The main conflict is eggs going missing. Mostly nightwing and Icewing eggs theirs also dragons being kidnapped. Although this group seems to be targeting purebreds rather than hybrids.
#3 WHO? Create a character
Name: Aquarius
Age: 5
Pronouns: she/her
Tribe: seawing/nightwing
Size: sleeker than a typical bulky seawing build and smaller than typical seawings/nightwings
Scale colouring: dark rich purple with brighter purple horns and glowing scales. She has pale pink wings and webs with mix of white and black speckled scales on her wings.
Powers: #2 animus magic and mindreading and prophecies
Home: a cave system going all throughout the underneath of small island.
Family/freinds: her family consists of an adult skywing named Amber, adult seawing called Kelp, old nightwing called Jaggedspine and a sickly Icewing called Frostmind. She was raised with and helped raise five, three year old dragonites a mudwing called Hippo, nightwing called Silvernip, sandwing called Dune, skywing called Solar and an icewing called Snowberry.
Personality; loud and adventurous, Aquarius would love nothing more than to travel and see the bigger world out there.
#4 WHERE? Build a world
Continent name: pyronaite
Environments: two deserts, jungle, icey island south from the mainland, rocky mountains, a few environments
Residents: Icewings, skywings, mudwings, rainwings, sandwings, seawings, nightwings
Magic: icewings) frostbreath, frostscales *freezes everything they touch* skywings) hottest fire breath, firescales *burns everything they touch* mudwings) fireproof scales blood red eggs have lava proof scales and can handle firescales *firescales firebreath can still injure them* rainwings) invisibility and deadly teeth juice sandwings) sand proof scales and a venomous tail bard seawings) breath underwater and bioluminescent scales and nightwings) mindreading and prophecies
History; Icewings and Nightwings have a long history of mistrust and mini wars leading to a cold war/peace where the nightwings have a small town near the icewings and vice versa.
Sandwings and icewings have a long complicated history of alliances.
Skywings and icewings have a new war over an icewing princess being killed by a banished skywing
Seawings are the most antisocial tribe occasionally seen interacting with icewings and rainwings
Rainwings seem happy to keep to themselves but have trading history with sandwings, skywings and nightwings
#5 Write your own prophecy:
Find the coldest of Sky and hottest of Ice.
Find the quietest of nights, the largest of sands and thickest of mud.
Only when brought together under brightest night will the truth unfold.
#6 Escape a tricky situation
1) escaping the cave system their in with a frostscale and firescale 2 year olds.
2) escape being hunted down by their guardians and finding a safe place to hide.
3) trying to figure out the prophecy and when the next full three moons is happening
4) finding out the truth of where the eggs are going
#7 set out on a quest. What could your dragons be trying to find?
A safe place to hide from their guardians while waiting for the brightest night.
#8 storystarter: I'm going to skip this since I don't feel like writing m an actual story right now.
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ehardy10 · 9 months
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Our first day of StoryStarter and it was amazing! Building our family and then writing about our family.
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