#Strange Vol 3
mister-faltine · 2 years
Umar visiting her Daughter // Dormammu visiting his Son:
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Strange (2022) #4.
Writer - Jed MacKay.
Artist - Marcelo Ferreira.
Strange Academy: Finals (2022) #4.
Writer - Skottie Young.
Artist - Humberto Ramos.
P.S: I find it funny that the two Faltine Siblings are visiting their respective children in the fourth chapter of each story.
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burningfudge · 2 months
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“Oh, Stephen…what have you become?” 💔
New Avengers (2013) #21
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aanoia · 1 year
Reunions and Goodbyes
Peter Quill x reader
Summary; after your best friend disappeared you made a name for yourself with the help of the Avengers, what happens when you accidently find said best friend again? But in space?
Words; abt 1,300
Warnings; death 😋, not proofread
I kinda hate this but kinda love it but kinda want to burn it at the stake. Yk?
Btw yalls can manipulate metal, like magneto, but cooler
Requests are open! Requests are welcome and encouraged! (Pls I'm desperate) Fandom list is my pinned post! (REQUEST SOMETHING, ANYTHING, LEAVE ME A CUTE NOTE, PLEASE IM SO BORED WITH LIFE RN🙏🙏)
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“We might uh, um turn! Turn! Turn!” Peter P. said as the ship ran into a demolished building, causing the whole thing to shake.
“Oh Lord.” I mumbled under my breath forcing a piece of metal to lower itself in front of me and steadying myself. Peter P. grunted as we crashed onto the ground, Stephen doing his best to steady us.
The ship came to a stop and I took a breath of relief, letting go of the metal as Peter P. hung upside down on his web.
“Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you, I’m sorry.”
I shook my head with a laugh.
“I do not want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip, you understand?”
“Uh, he’s just trying to tell us someone is coming.” I warned and Peter P. nodded.
“Thank you, Y/n.” He thanked me as a little metal ball rolled in between us. In just a moment it exploded, sending us backwards. I grunted as I hit the ground and looked up to see two red eyes coming in from the fog, followed by silhouettes of other people.
A big one yelled and threw knives at Stephen, who blocked them with his shield, making the man scream in anger before getting tackled by Cape. The one with red eyes began shooting while flying up in the air, Tony following after him, his mask now on. Tony shot a blast at the guy who dodged it but ran into a piece of metal I placed next to him.
“Ah!” I heard Peter P. screech and I looked to him to see an alien girl leaning over him, her tendrils glowing. “Woah woah woah, please don’t put your eggs in me!” He shot her with webs causing her to yelp in surprise before the red eyed guy kicked Peter down.
Tony took Capes spot above the man as the guy with red eyes held onto Peter P. from behind, a gun pointed to his head. I held my hands up, hood covering my eyes as metal flew around me, aiming at both the red eyed and the big guy.
“Everybody stay where you are, chill the f out!” He brought his hand up and his mask retracted. I shivered as a sudden wave of familiarity filled my body. Do I know this guy? “I’m gonna ask you this one time, where is Gamora?”
“Yeah, I’ll do you one better!” Tony said as his mask also retracted. “Who’s Gamora?”
“I’ll do you one better, why is Gamora?” The big one said from beneath Tony. I looked at Stephen who looked just as confused as me.
“Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I’m gonna french fry this little freak.”
“Woah, watch your tone there, man.” I told him, waving the metal in the air. His eyes flashed with something unrecognizable, but I ignored it.
“Let’s do it. Shoot my guy and I’ll blast him! Let’s go!” Tony threatened.
“Do it Quill! I can take it!” The big man said and my stance faltered. Quill?
“No! He can’t take it!” An alien looking girl I didn’t even realize was there yelled.
“She’s right. You can’t.” Stephen said calmly.
“Oh, yeah? You don’t wanna tell me where she is? That’s fine! I’ll kill all four of you and I’ll beat it out of Thanos myself!” He pushed the gun harder against Peter P.’s head. “Starting with you.
“Wait what?” Stephen asked. “All right, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?”
I snorted, “What is he supposed to say, Jesus?” I said as red eyes guy said the same thing, just with “I” instead of "he.” He looked at me with wide eyes.
“Woah, weird.” Peter P. mumbled.
“Wait, you’re from Earth?” Tony asked.
“Not from Earth, I’m from Missouri.”
“Hey, that’s where Y/n’s from.” Peter said quietly, but apparently only I heard him as everyone continued talking. 
“Yeah, that’s on Earth, dipshit. What are you hassling us for?”
“Wait, so you’re not with Thanos?” Peter asked shakily.
Red eyed guy looked at Peter P. incredulously, “With Thanos? No, I’m here to kill Thanos. He took our gir- wait, who are you?” 
Peter’s mask retracted. “We’re the Avengers, man.” 
“You’re the ones Thor told us about!” The alien girl said and the red eyes guy looked at me in thought.
“You know Thor?” Tony asked.
“Yeah, tall guy, not that good looking.” Red eyes guy said, not breaking his gaze. “Needed saving.”
“Where is he now?” Stephen asked.
My metal dropped to the floor with a loud bang, making everyone jump.
“Y/n?” Peter P. asked and I lowered my hood, looking straight at red eyes guy with teary eyes.
I walked closer to him, my heart thumping heavily.
“What is it? Y/n?” Tony asked.
“Peter?” I whispered to red eyes guy who stared intently at me.
His eyes widened, “Y/n?” He whispered back.
“They know each other?” Peter P. asked Tony and Stephen who shrugged, just as lost as him.
I laughed in relief and tackled him in a hug, squeezing tightly as a few stray tears left my eyes. It had been years since I had last seen him. We were eight. He disappeared right after his mother died and I never fully recovered. It had been a while, and we were only eight and it was so dumb, but I loved him so much.
“I can’t believe you’re alive.” I said to him quietly, finally letting go to look at him. “What happened to you?”
“I was literally abducted by aliens.” he said and I laughed.
“What’s going on?” Tony asked.
“I know this guy. He’s a good guy.” I told him, not providing an explanation on purpose.
Tony nodded, knowing it was pointless to pry. I would tell him when I was ready.
“Okay, have your little reunion thing, I’m gonna make a plan.” He said and walked off with Stephen. 
“So you’re telling me that after you left you literally joined a superhero team with Captain freaking America?”
I laughed, “You work with a tree! And a racoon!”
“Speaking of, I hope you and Rocket get to meet. I feel like he’d like you.”
“I hope I can meet all of your new friends.”
Peter Q. grabbed my hand, “I’ve really missed you, Y/n. You’re the reason I almost came back to Earth so many times.”
“I’ve missed you too, Peter.” I said and he leaned in slowly. My eyes flickered down to his lips as fast footsteps came towards us.
“Y/n! Help! He’s gonna kill me!” Peter P. said, out of breath as the big guy, who I now know is Drax, ran behind him. I laughed loudly before looking back at Peter Q.
“Sorry, sister from another mister duty calls, Peter Q. Gotta go save my brother.” I said and stood up, quickly pressing a kiss to Peter Q’s cheek before running after Peter P. and Drax.
“Peter! No!” I yelled with teary eyes as Peter Q. began turning to dust. I ran up to him, placing my hand on his slowly disintegrating cheek. “No, I just got you back!” I cried.
“I love you, Y/n/n.” he whispered before disintegrating. I cried harder at the use of the nickname he gave to me when we were si
I heard the other Peter cry and desperately beg for help, I turned around quickly, running over to the other Peter who was laying down while holding tightly onto Tony.
“No, not you too.” I said, holding tightly onto his hand.
“I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go.” He said over and over and I shushed him through my own tears, gently pushing his hair from his face.
“Shh, it’s gonna be okay, Peter. You’re gonna be okay, alright?” I said and softly hummed him his favorite song. The notes turned into sobs as he disappeared, not paying attention as yet another person I loved disappeared, leaving only Tony, Nebula, and I. All alone.
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mint-mumbles · 2 years
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What did I walk into?!
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ladywynne · 7 months
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Disney Movie Insiders Digital Keys - Marvel Feature Edition
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l-egionaire · 9 months
Considering the stories of Wenwu, Monica, Wanda, Strange Supreme, Drax, Peter Quill, Captain Carter, Bucky, Thor, Andrew Garfield Spider-Man and even Shuri, I feel like there's some theme you could find among these phase 4 MCU projects regarding grief and support systems and how having one during the grieving process can help you move past it whereas not having one or shutting yourself off from one ends up causing you to get worse.
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madmachaca · 1 year
Me: wait... Rocket Raccoon is my favorite MCU character?
Also me: he has always been
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shironezuninja · 3 months
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Content of Adult Entertainment can be so revolting to my eyes, depending upon how low it goes. My comfort levels have been known to take several steps back from accepting those crossed lines.
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phantastragoria · 1 year
Not sure if it's okay to send you this ask but I actually feel the same way you do about the end of vol 3 and I've been feeling pretty alone about it. I haven't said much because I don't want to seem like I'm being mean about the movie. I think my issue is the team hasn't spent years and years together. Most of them were snapped for 5 years. When they came back Gamora was dead and then Peter was clearly left suffering and dealing with the trauma for a while. I can live with the idea of "we've all grown to need time apart and want to do our own things" but I don't think the build up and execution was there. Not just for those on the team but also 2014 Gamora who was literally just coming back to the story and finally getting to see who these people were and what her life was once about. Then it's over and it doesn't feel like enough of a resolution. I also don't love how Gamora was treated which is a whole other topic but I disliked how it seems like there hasn't been any issue with her death for anyone but Peter. There doesn't even seem to be any memories of her lingering with the team. I have so many thoughts around this that I'll be thinking about it for a while but man, she was murdered by her abuser and most of her family are victims of abuse and I dont think the aftermath has been handled very well at all. Mostly I think there needed to be another movie In between Endgame and vol 3 to hash out what happened in Infinity War/Endgame and to progress some of the characters more and build up to the more Rocket focused ending where they all part ways. Or vol 3 needed to not be quite as focused on Rocket. Not saying he shouldn't have the most focus, just scale it back a little because other things desperately needed attention.
Oh it's absolutely fine to send an ask about this!!! I'm always up for a discussion, and honestly, it makes me feel better that I'm not the only person not completely happy with the ending, solidarity my friend.
I want to preface this all with I DON'T hate the film, and I thought it was way better on a 2nd viewing, but I really don't think it's a crime to criticize it because nothing is perfect (Vol. 1 + 2 aren't either) But Vol. 3 really has some deeply ingrained issues that should've been dealt with, or at the very least acknowledged, because as it is they really stand out, especially on a second viewing or if you've marathoned all the films together, and they literally drag the film down.
Gunn said on Twitter in response to something that he wanted Vol. 3 to be able to stand on its own without the viewer needing to have seen the other films (and by extension IW+EG) but that is so unhinged when it's literally titled as the third in the series at this point lol. Like it's extremely weird to have let IW+EG affect the Guardians as much as they did and then not even try and deal with the aftermath of it all in the last film featuring (almost) everyone together... ???
He's made it clear Rocket is his favorite and that he only came back to do Vol. 3 because he wanted to finish his story, I don't doubt that's true even if I think having a single character be more important than the others is the wrong choice and leaves the whole story as a trilogy a bit lopsided. But even so, if that's the case then it's crazy to not even have Rocket's thoughts on all of these things that've happened in the last decade as if it wouldn't be traumatic to lose your loved ones for years, and how hard it would be to readjust to life after it all. I kind of can't see him letting everyone leave so easily at the very end, especially after he almost died, so I'm just left feeling confused at the choice at best and vaguely unsatisfied at worst.
Maybe Gunn didn't have as much control over their appearances in IW+EG as he says he did. Maybe they really did completely derail the road to Vol. 3 and he just won't admit it, but the film as it is doesn't help in any way by pretending nothing there happened at all. I don't see any logical reason for the audience to just go along with "For some reason Gamora left, she might've died but also maybe not, who knows. Peter is sad and the rest of the team want to move onto something else. " and then the only hint at that last part is... Mantis telling Peter to go see his grandpa, so that leads to everyone else having a change in goals too, huh. I know it's not meant to be forever, and we're to assume everyone keeps in contact with each other, but the ending really makes it feel like no, we'll never all be together again, so bah.
And concerning Gamora, I agree with what you've said. I could write an entire book with my issues of her overall treatment in the narrative and the implications of her character from the comics getting adapted like this, but I'll spare you the speech and just say the TLDR is everything starting from IW onwards concerning her (the specific framing around her murder and then time travel bringing in 2014-Gamora, and the complete lack of acknowledgement about either version of her from the rest of the team) never should've happened. It's all such a mind-boggling choice, I can't get over how much of an afterthought Gunn made her at the very last minute.
It's funny you mention the need for another film to deal with the emotional fallout of everything post-Vol. 2, because absolutely, but they kind of had the chance??? I realize the Holiday Special isn't film length and is meant to be the calm before the storm of everything that's to come, but in a post-Vol. 3 world I can't stop thinking about how it was SUCH a missed opportunity to not have that be the sobering moment for the characters to talk about everything that happened in the years everyone was snapped. It could've even been the perfect time to plant the metaphorical plot seeds of everyone wanting to go and do their own things after what happened because they just can't make life feel the exact same as it was before, and understanding things can never be the same after something like that.
Even the last lines of the song used in the Holiday Special feels more appropriate for the Guardians as a family struggling to keep it all together (and trying to deal with the sudden loss of Gamora) than it relates to Peter and Yondu, in my opinion.
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I would have preferred a more out-there story in general, something to give everyone equal stakes in the plot, but I do think Vol. 3 could have stayed overall the same if any of this was addressed or even mentioned in one or two lines of dialogue somewhere. Because as it is, it really feels like we missed something important between it all, but we didn't from what we we've been shown. I don't think it would have killed Gunn to include a quick moment where someone just says to Peter "I miss her too and I get everything's been way harder lately, but you can't let it grind your life to a complete halt like this." or something!! ANYTHING!!!
And if we absolutely had to stick with the time displaced Gamora plot... When she was snooping around on the Bowie by herself i dont get why she didn't get to see some old photos or something of the team during happier times (including 2018-Gamora specifically) and realizing that they really are going so far to save Rocket because they genuinely love him, and once upon a time they loved her too. 2014-Gamora getting to see the life she very nearly COULD have had within mere hours in her own timeline (without the threat of Thanos ever taking that away, mind you) but having to come to terms with the life she's made with the Ravagers in the present day. That would've been a more appropriate arc for her, I think, then her presence in the story wouldn't have had to only center around what Peter lost and nothing else and we'd at least get the idea that the others still had her on their minds even if they outwardly "moved on."
But also? Another missed opportunity to not have a moment when 2014-Gamora is in a battle with the other Ravager leaders mirroring the hallway scene with the Guardians that could have been when Peter (and the audience) "get" who she's currently more comfortable with in a basic sense, but... you know... it is what it is or whatever.
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saisons-en-enfer · 11 months
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mister-faltine · 2 years
Oh, Crap.
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Strange (2022) #9.
Writer - Jed MacKay.
Artist - Marcelo Ferreira.
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burningfudge · 2 months
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New Avengers (2013) #20
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moonage-gaydream · 1 year
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If you know, you know. 👌
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PIC(S) INFO: Part 2 of 2 -- Spotlight on published & textless variant cover art to "STRANGE" Vol. 3. May, 2022. Marvel Comics. Artwork by J. Scott Campbell.
Resolution at 1400x2125 & 1349x2048.
"The title of Sorcerer Supreme belonged to Stephen Strange. My husband. Which makes it mine now."
— CLEA STRANGE (story/script by Jed MacKay)
Powers & abilities include: telekinesis, teleportation, mastery of Magic, energy bolt, mind control, Illusion generation, & flames of regency allowing her powers of sorcery to reach their highest peak!
Source: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Strange_Vol_3_1.
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ladysolitaire · 1 year
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Doctor Strange and Jean Grey in Doctor Strange (Vol. 6) #3: “A Day With Dormammu”
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oceanusborealis · 9 months
The Films of 2023 That Emotionally Wrecked Us
As I have gotten older, I am not afraid of having a good old-fashioned ugly cry in the cinemas when the time calls for it, and hell, I probably got emotional just writing this list (Spoiler: I did). Sometimes, they are tears of grief or tears of joy, and even still, sometimes, they are tears of anger. Emotion is a core part of the cinema experience. If you can’t get us to respond emotionally to…
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