#Dad Issues
witchyykitten · 2 years
everyone talks about cutting off a toxic parent
but no one ever talks about the pain of wanting a parent but knowing yours cannot love you the way they should
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madamecoffin · 11 months
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fallothemillet · 2 months
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Invader zim comic strip #28
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7nvk · 1 year
nothing makes you more thirsty for affection than an emotionally absent father
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Like Father, Like Daughter
When I look into the cracked mirror, I see the remnants of you. I hate how my nose is exactly like yours. I hope I can get it fixed one day. Your sister once said I had your eyes. You don't know how much I wished I could gouge them out. But you don't exist only on my face. I can feel it in my bones, and oh, they're too heavy for a girl. I hear it in my voice, and I speak as if I'm you. I run away from my problems, just like how you did years ago. Sometimes, I pretend they don't exist. You knew how to do that so well. Who was it that said that I was too loud? Did they not know it was the only way we communicated? Each time I stand in front of this mirror, I realize that I've become terribly lonely. My father never knew how to love, and I, who always messes up, know that too well. And I hate it, I truly hate it. I'm not my father, I'm not my father, I'm not my father, I repeat. But like father, like daughter goes the proverb… right?
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formula-red · 1 year
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I tried to be good, am I no good? Am I no good? Am I no good?
untitled, Geloy Concepcion // Seventeen Going Under, Sam Fender // untitled, traumatizeddfox // Two People, Sam Fender // The War of Vaslav Nijinsky, Frank Bidart // Hard Times, Ethel Cain // Child Wearing a Red Scarf, Eduoard Vuillard // Complex, Katie Gregson Macleod // Funeral by Phoebe Bridgers, malaak // Too Much Wine, The Handsome Family // untitled, milklump // untitled, dying-weeds // Strangers, Ethel Cain
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lvvebug · 13 days
older bf that calls me his daughter? <333
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sirius-you-know · 6 months
you think you've broken the cycle but then you notice yourself scrolling Tumblr looking for posts relatable to share your trauma
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burgirrrr-rants · 11 months
"when little girls can't fix their fathers they will spend the rest of their lives trying to fix their lovers" SICK TO MY STOMACH BRO
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w3brot · 3 months
pls someone give me attention im dying here
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witchyykitten · 2 years
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butterflyinthewell · 1 year
Behind a cut so people don’t have to see me rant about my disabled, emotionally abusive dad.
So my dad fell twice in the last five days due to not listening to me and mom. He has Parkinson’s and if you dig through my posts you’ll see me talk about it, so I won’t go into it.
I don’t hate disabled people, just him. I don’t hate him for having Parkinson’s, I hate him for the abuse he inflicted on me and still inflicts on me with his disability as a crutch to get away with it. And I call out ableism when the problems we have with him are caused by the medical care system, because sometimes it’s not his fault.
But THIS situation IS his fault.
Last Friday, he fell because he wouldn’t stop rocking sideways every time he got up. He gets up with help and uses a walker, but he throws his weight around when he knows me and mom are two tiny women compared to a hulking huge man.
And he fell.
We had to call my aunt and uncle over to get his ass off the damn floor and onto his toilet commode so he could take a shit. Then they got him into bed. He claimed he was fine, and then on Tuesday he started griping that his lower back and buttcheek hurt on the left side. But he could walk and didn’t complain much after the initial gripe.
Today, he was all scrunched up in bed in a way that guarantees his back will hurt and made his pain worse, like I told him it would (and he wouldn’t listen to me).
Mom took him out into the living room and he fell on the way, AGAIN, because he kept rocking his weight around.
Now get this, he doesn’t throw his weight like that when therapists would come over. Dad will be an angel for them, but a nightmare for me and mom. He cooperates for professionals, but not family. He does everything in his power to make life as hard as possible for me and mom. I’m not kidding when I say that.
He goes to the doctor on Monday to find out what the fuck he did to himself, but it’s going to be a nightmare.
My birthday is coming up and of COURSE he does this right before it, and ruins any excitement I had.
Before you attack me for that, keep in mind that he pulls shit like this all the time. He knows everyone will be sympathetic to him while looking at mom and me like we’re evil for being exhausted, angry and burnt out.
The fact that we can’t afford to put him anywhere or get help into this house means we have no lives outside of caregiving. Every waking moment until we sleep is him and all his emotionally abusive bullshit, every day with no breaks, forever. He has ruined holidays, birthdays and plans because his only joy in life is making everyone around him as miserable as he is.
I’ve managed to eke out a few moments of joy here and there, but for the most part my life is a slog that never ends.
I laugh at the people who acted like COVID lockdowns were depriving them of life. I won’t deny that it was a traumatic experience, and this is not aimed at people who got sick anyway and now have long covid. This ain’t you, don’t worry.
But the people who acted so inconvenienced that their social lives got interrupted? Fuck off.
I’ve lived something like the COVID lockdowns for over a decade. No life outside of my house, no life outside of being a caregiver for someone who is sucking away all my compassion and love.
I can’t leave because I’m disabled too and all the legal shit is inaccessible to me.
I’m trapped, mom is trapped, and we are eventually going to die from the stress while he sits there yelling at us for not jumping to his every whim.
My only escape is writing fanfics and staring dead-eyed at my ipad screen, interrupted constantly by him demanding things.
I have accumulated so much trauma from him, and COVID, and mom having medical crises that were resolved, and my needs not being met, that I’ll be surprised to see 45. I will be shocked if I wake up alive on my 45th birthday.
I turn 43 this July 29, 2023, so yeah.
If I don’t die, my mom is going to, and if she goes we’re all dead.
I just hope I go first. Either heart attack or stroke will probably do it, but I don’t want to outlive her and be alone with him.
No child should be trapped as a caregiver for a disabled abusive parent, but it happens and nobody talks about it.
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madweather · 5 months
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spicylove4ever · 2 years
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"Who's that"
"Oh, her? That's just Loona. What a nightmare. Serious attitude problems. She'll be out of our hair next month when she ages out."
"Good riddance if you ask me. She'll never amount to anything much."
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aphrodites-serenade · 4 months
My father is a small child in a man's body
I say a lot of things about my father. He's aggressive, dismissive, and self-centered. And yet I can't help but pity him. I see how his eyes look when he sits alone at the dinner table. This wasn't the life he envisioned for himself when he was a young man. He likes to say he doesn't need to prove himself to anyone but lies to his coworkers for validation. He puffs his chest and criticizes himself in the mirror. He swears it's a habit he wants to break. I'd like to think that that's what he sees when he yells at me and my brother. His father taught him that real men don't cry. I guess what I mean to say is that he's still a small child trying to be a man. He's failed. And I could try to hug him, give him the comfort he's never felt, but he'd push me away. He's a scared boy who doesn't know what he's doing here.
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andresmounts2 · 1 year
If I ever have kids, I want to be the parent I never had.
I want to support my kids if they realize they're LGBTQ+.
I want them to feel safe talking to me about anything.
I want them to feel safe crying near me & know that I'll comfort them.
I want them to never hear me scream/yell.
I want them to randomly hug me or talk to me without fear of me being in a bad mood.
I want them to see me express my anger & sadness in healthy ways.
I want them to never know how it feels to have your feelings invalidated by your parents.
I want them to actually like living with me and not want to move at immediately at 18.
I want them to feel safe & loved because I wanted to feel safe & loved.
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