futurride · 9 months
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techiespage · 4 years
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Strategy Analytics posted an analysis on the 2019 tablet application processor market. Apple got 44% of the $1.9B pie thanks to the dominance of the iPad in the niche. Of course A-series processors are quite expensive so the actual share of sold tablets is somewhat lower, but Apple slates are still the runaway leader. Qualcomm and Intel got 16% each - the first one mostly thanks to its partnerships with various Android OEMs, while the second because of its strong positions in the Windows tablet market. Mediatek and Samsung are also in the game, rounding up the Top 5. Two companies that increased their sales were HiSilicon, Huawei’s chip division, and Samsung LSI. They grew on a yearly basis for two major reasons - one is brand loyalty and properly working internal ecosystem, while the other is “cellular integration capabilities”, meaning support for LTE and 5G. . . . . #techies_page_apple #techies_page_qualcomm #techies_page_intel #techies_page #techies #tech #technology #strategyanalytics #analysis #tablet #tablets #tabs #tab #processor #ipad #ipadpro #qualcomm #intel #android #oem #windows #mediatek #samsung #hisilicon #huawei #lte #5g #usa #uk #australia https://www.instagram.com/p/B_UIQTMggRd/?igshid=1ney4wrm1ox44
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alkandery75 · 6 years
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... هواوي #Huawei تتربع على المركز الثاني في الاستحواذ على السوق العالم�� للهواتف الذكية بعد سامسونج #Samsung بحسب احصائيات #StrategyAnalytics للربع الثالث 2018 او #Q318 ، و هي أيضا تقلص الفارق بينها و بين صاحب المركز الأول و تهدد عرشه. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpuMZ4BBXPX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c398ra11te3h
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ct3ch · 6 years
Huawei supplants Apple as the second largest smartphone seller
Huawei supplants Apple as the second largest smartphone seller
While Huawei was already a smartphone giant, analyst numbers released today show that in the last quarter it sold more smartphones than any company in the world other than Samsung. IDC and Strategy Analyticsfound that smartphone sales slowed overall, a trend that hit Samsung the hardest of the big companies with its sales dropping off by more than 10 percent from last year. In its earnings…
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captainjajajthings · 3 years
原創2021-09-15 08:28·找靚機
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campplay · 3 years
Smartphone market reached $100 billion revenue in the first quarter
Smartphone market reached $100 billion revenue in the first quarter
Muhammet Karal / Special Content The smartphone market, which had a difficult time at the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, showed a rapid recovery towards the end of last year. According to the incoming data, the recovery in question continues rapidly in the new year. StrategyAnalytics According to the analysis made by the smartphone market, revenue reached $ 100 billion in the first…
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futurride · 9 months
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craftyeaglebeard · 4 years
《中國新能源汽車供應鏈白皮書2020》顯示,在中國每年2800萬輛的汽車市場,中國汽車半導體產值佔全球不到5%,部分關鍵零部件進口量在80%-90%。另有統計數據顯示,2019年全球汽車芯片市場規模約為3100億元,國內車規級芯片產業規模不足150億元,而同期我國汽車產業規模佔全球市場達30%以上。壯陽助勃  老中醫  韓國奇力片  鱷魚增大軟膏  黑馬Dark Hors  美國BIG PENIS
針對這種情況,國內車企中的比亞迪、上汽等已經先後入局車規級芯片領域。今年9月,由國家科技部、工信部、新能源汽車技術創新中心作為國家共性技術創新平台牽頭70餘家企事業單位成立了“中國汽車芯片產業創新戰略聯盟”,旨在建立中國汽車芯片產業創新生態,補齊行業短板。壯陽助勃  老中醫  韓國奇力片  鱷魚增大軟膏  黑馬Dark Hors  美國BIG PENIS
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techiespage · 4 years
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According to the latest report from Strategy Analytics titled “Consumer Purchase Intentions Post Covid-19”, a large chunk of Chinese users will postpone their next smartphone purchase. The survey recorded the purchase intentions of 1,300 smartphone owners in China between March 23-25. An estimated 37% of the surveyed will delay their next smartphone purchase in light of the pandemic. In addition, 32% of users planned to upgrade to a 5G device but will wait out instead. Around 28% will proceed to buy a new phone as they had planned before the coronavirus outbreak while 9% answered they won’t buy a new device under any circumstance. On the other hand, the report mentions that 41% of the Apple users in the survey are planning to upgrade to the new iPhones when they release regardless of the current situation. According to Strategy Analytics, while supply chains, factories and retail shops are slowly getting back to normal working conditions, consumer demand will take significantly longer to recover with no set time frame. Vendors and telecom operators will also have to incentivize consumers with tempting offers on new devices in order to see a return to previously estimated sales goals. . . . . #strategyanalytics #strategy #report #covid19 #chinese #china #smartphone #purchase #delay #pandemic #planned #5g #outbreak #apple #factories #supplychain #retailshop #consumer #techies_page #techies #tech #technology ##telecom #sales #usa #uk #postpone #russia #northamerica #southamerica https://www.instagram.com/p/B-uXfZdgRyV/?igshid=qc3zp8a6x6ml
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ivansolis1989 · 4 years
IT之家4月29日消息 今日中午,Strategy Analytics发布的最新研究报告表示,2020年第一季度,全球5G智能手机出货量激增,超过2400万部。
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▲ 图源:StrategyAnalytics
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itechblogco · 5 years
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🔥Global Smartphone Shipments See Biggest Fall Ever in February 2020 👉https://bit.ly/399ytns #news #tech #computer #game #live #news #strategyanalytics
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baillieslf-blog · 6 years
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LG移动部门连续15个季度亏损 官方重申不放弃手机业务 2月5日消息,据GSMArena报道,LG最新的财务报告显示,LG移动业务连续15个季度亏损。 报道称LG移动部门连续三年亏损接近25亿美元,其中2016年亏损11亿美元,2017年亏损6.44亿美元,2018年亏损4.4亿美元。 与此同时,LG市场份额也在不断下降。市场调研机构StrategyAnalytics统计数据显示,LG 2018年第三季度在全球智能手机市场份额仅为1.9%。 尽管如此,LG重申不会放弃手机业务。LG副董事长兼CEO Jo Seong-jin对外表示,LG业务组合包括汽车和家电,这两个行业都与智能手机有关,因此我们没有考虑退出智能手机业务。 Jo Seong-jin重申,物联网技术已越来越多地应用于许多行业领域,智能手机在LG物联网(IoT)生态系统中扮演者着重要角色,因此LG不会放弃手机业务。 业内人士表示,LG移动部门正在积极布局5G和可折叠智能手机,希望借此扭转困局。 纠错 WorldTech-科技新闻汇总
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pcfans · 5 years
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from 新聞 - PCNow https://pcnow.cc/p/MyBlP1cd81.html via https://pcnow.cc
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digital-transfo · 5 years
Location Platform Benchmark Report 2020 from StrategyAnalytics compares the features of Google Maps, Here, Mapbox and TomTom via @HERE
Demand for location services and location intelligence continues to expand across multiple sectors, including automotive, enterprise and IoT, mobility services, mobile apps and digital advertising. Location platforms which can meet the needs of key sectors and use-cases will be best placed placed for growth.
Farid Mheir's insight:
WHY IT MATTERS: maps are and essential component for many digital transformation solutions. This detailed report provides a comparative study between the major providers. Sorry not to see openStreetMap or others.
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jffc-in-blog · 6 years
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Xiaomi, Samsung Top Indian Smartphone Brand Consideration: Strategy Analytics
https://jffc.in/2018/06/18/xiaomi-samsung-top-indian-smartphone-brand-consideration-strategy-analytics/ #Samsung, #StrategyAnalytics, #XiaomiSamsungMostConsideredSmartphoneBrandsInIndiaStrategyAnalyticsReportXiaomi
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party-hard-or-die · 6 years
Memory boost: How chipmakers are weathering slowing smartphone sales
SEOUL/SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Investors in global chipmakers have had a rocky ride in the last few months on worries about a slowing smartphone market, but a clamor for more video content from consumers is underpinning buoyant sales for memory-chip makers.
FILE PHOTO: Microchips emerge from a machine onto a roll in the clean room at the UTAC plant in Singapore February 8, 2018. REUTERS/Thomas White/File Photo
Indeed, the earnings reports of various chipmakers and smartphone companies in the past month tell a more interesting story beyond the cooling in phone shipment volumes: smartphone makers are cramming their devices with memory to satisfy the increasing demands of consumers.
A case in point is last week’s quarterly report from Apple Inc (AAPL.O). The Cupertino, California-based company said the iPhone X was the most popular iPhone model in the March quarter – the first cycle ever where the costliest iPhone was also the most sought after.
More upbeat assessments from Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (005930.KS), Qualcomm Inc (QCOM.O), and Franco-Italian company STMicroelectronics (STM.PA), have also eased concerns.
Samsung last month forecast strong sales for “high-density” chips that have more processing power and bigger storage capacity – demand that will help it weather a decline in overall smartphone shipments as consumers are willing to pay for costlier and faster models that allow them to easily watch and store large amounts of video.
“Even as the number of smartphone shipments slow down, each smartphone will contain memory chips with bigger capacity and better performance, which, for memory chip makers, makes up for a slowdown in the number of total smartphones,” said Kim Rok-ho, an analyst at Hana Financial Investment.
That puts into perspective a warning by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (TSMC) (2330.TW) of softer smartphone sales, which was partly responsible for the recent selloff in Apple and other chipmakers.
The broader concerns about a slowdown in the chip market appear to have eased as well.
FILE PHOTO: Mobile memory chips made by chipmaker SK Hynix are seen in this picture illustration taken in Seoul May 10, 2013. REUTERS/Lee Jae-Won/File Photo
The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index .SOX, a proxy for global chipmakers that fell sharply from its peak in mid-March on initial iPhone sales concerns, has stabilized in the past two weeks, posting a 4.4 percent rise so far this year.
The $122 billion memory chip industry enjoyed an unprecedented boom since mid-2016, expanding nearly 70 percent in 2017 alone, thanks to robust growth of smartphones and cloud services that require more powerful chips that can store loads of data.
The pace of growth is set to more than halve as memory-chip prices come off their highs, but the outlook remains strong for pure-play memory chipmakers such as Micron Technology Inc (MU.O) and SK Hynix (000660.KS). Micron’s shares have risen 18 percent this year and Hynix’s stock has gained 8.5 percent.
Revenue at Micron, for instance, has grown at an average rate of about 65 percent in the two quarters it has reported this year, and analysts expect it to grow at an average of 30 percent for the rest of the year, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.
Micron and Hynix both trade at roughly 4 times forward 12-month earnings against a sector median of 16.7, suggesting that the stocks have room to grow.
Other chipmakers like Advanced Micro Devices Inc (AMD.O) and Texas Instruments (TXN.O), which are less leveraged to the smartphone market, including those that sell to carmakers, industrial, bitcoin, and gaming companies are well set up too.
All the same, the slowdown in smartphone shipments is bad news for chipmakers that design microprocessors: each phone needs just one microprocessor chip versus rapid growth of memory content in devices.
Global smartphone shipments fell 2 percent in the first quarter, following a 9 percent drop in the fourth quarter, according to market research firm StrategyAnalytics.
Qualcomm, whose Snapdragon processors power many popular smartphone models, recently showed just how far it is willing to go to hedge against a slowdown after revenue from its key licensing business slumped 44 percent in the latest quarter.
The company, which charges a fee for its chip patents based on a percentage of the selling price of a smartphone, said it would cap the phone price used to calculate that fee at $400. More expensive phones, which can sell for $1,000, would still be treated as $400 for the purpose of the Qualcomm license fee.
TSMC, whose fortunes are more closely tied with the broader smartphone industry as it is the world’s largest contract chipmaker, felt the slowdown more acutely in the latest quarter.
Qualcomm and TSMC stocks are down 21 percent and 2.6 percent respectively so far this year.
“The spending cycle (by chipmakers for investment) is continuing, but there may still be volatility similar to the correction in 2015,” Tammy Qiu, an analyst at Berenberg said in a note to clients.
Additional reporting by Tenzin Pema in Bengaluru; Editing by Miyoung Kim & Shri Navaratnam
The post Memory boost: How chipmakers are weathering slowing smartphone sales appeared first on World The News.
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