#Striking Gold
open-era · 11 months
California Gold Rush: Journeying West in Search of Riches
California Gold Rush: A timeless testament to human ambition and adaptability. A beacon of hope, it unleashed prosperity and innovation, shaping the Golden State's bright future. #CaliforniaGoldRush #GoldenOppotunity
In the heart of California’s rugged landscape, an irresistible siren call echoed through the canyons and valleys, drawing pioneers from every corner of the globe. The California Gold Rush, a euphoric chapter in human history, ignited a spark of relentless ambition that blazed across the Wild West. It was a riveting era of dreams forged in gold, where fortunes were won and lost, and the spirit of…
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falgaia · 8 months
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Hisuian Hex Maniac
>animated ver.
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doodlingwren · 3 months
For scientific purposes I need to know what kind of rizz Deathmask has.
I drew some examples of what I believed would happen:
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Now, it's time for you to
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badboyfriends · 1 year
every single thing i see about the new scooby doo show is SHIT. fuck the velma show and stan Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated.
Normally i WOULD say "i have respect for anyone willing to try and make changes to a landmark series" but when that creator is a JKR stan? hmmm.... significantly less so.
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ilovemarkhamill · 4 months
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sonicexelle-junkary · 6 months
A few things to clarify for the next part of My Brother.
Everyone can see Tails’ brother.
Only you can verbally communicate with Tails’ brother.
Only Tails can hear all of you.
Tails can’t see him.
Tails doesn’t want to see him.
Don’t let him come up.
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briebysabs · 2 days
No one spoil me for future chapters I finally reached chapter 150 of ORV and it will go down in history. This is the first time orv has made me cry bc of how hard I’m laughing. This is one of the chapters of all time. Ok so fuck first of all, I reached the iconic panel. I’ll circle back to this later cuz too much happened YJH you lying bitch. Nirvana is canonically non-binary and orv is using they/them pronouns which I’m so happy to see. Then this entire chapter is basically Nirvana wanting to be with YJH, YJH being the mixed signals mf he is, and the constellations losing their minds.
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“I’m not interested in men” YJH I am never forgetting that. I will bring this up as many times as I need to bc what the fuck is this LIE. I will make this quote haunt you mark my words. Both here and when I’m reading the novel I will bring it up to show how untrue it is.
Maturing is realizing orv is just one long k-drama. Meanwhile, Uriel having a heart failure LMAOOO
Uriel: Bestie I just went to get some cinnamon tea what did I miss?
Secretive Plotter: You better pour some for me cuz GURRRLLL-
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robin-with-a-pen · 2 months
Okay I’m having ideas I need someone to stop me-
Anyways, so we all know that Chilchuck probably doesn’t have the healthiest relationship with food? Right?
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I don’t think he has an eating disorder but more so disordered eating- that hellish middle space, right? I mean “maintaining his body weight at an acceptable level” really sticks out to me
So picture this- my man retires, he doesn’t need to control his weight anymore, no worry about setting off or anything, but he realizes that the unhealthy habits he’s developed over he past ten years are harder to break than he thought
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slocumjoe · 3 months
How do you think Nick's questline could have changed if all he found at the end was a skeleton inside that room?
lets go boys more reason for me to go off about
Nick and his purpose
So, Nick's purpose is to finish off the last thread of the guy he's a ghost of. It isn't, actually, but he thinks it is. He thinks he must tie up Valentine's loose ends so the guy can rest knowing that someone carried out his revenge.
Nick is not a man who cares for revenge. He isn't that cold, or eye-for-an-eye. This is not a moral he carries. Nick is not a "get them how they got you" kind of person. But Valentine is someone he feels he wronged by existing, fundamentally. This cop gets abused by the system he thought was supposed to protect him, which he thought was protecting others, and then they violate him further by scanning and copying his brain. Nick is the result of this ethical violation and betrayal. Nick could not exist without this. This is a guilt he carries.
Nick doesn't care for revenge, but he does believe in doing right by people. Valentine is someone he wronged; when Valentine died, he died never getting what he wanted, in a time of extreme hurt and trauma. He didn't get his revenge. So, Nick, a walking freeze-frame of all this pain and probably discomfort (Valentine was in a sketchy university, undergoing a sketchy procedure he didn't want to do), and he thinks this is what he has to do. This is what Valentine wanted, and he owes it to the guy.
Some people like to think Nick is an exact copy of Valentine, but I think circumstances, context, and experiences are what make a person. If I was put in different circumstances, I wouldn't be the me I am now. Valentine was not a robot in the post-apocalypse struggling with identity issues. Nick and Valentine cannot be the same. Valentine was the baseline Nick was built off of.
So, all this to say, Nick probably doesn't have the best, clearest idea of what he's meant for, or what he owes to the world. His idea is built off how he knows Valentine felt. But Valentine was going through it when his brain was scanned. His ideas of morals and justice were skewed. That's how anger and grief work.
Considering this, Nick walks into the bunker, and no, Eddie wasn't a ghoul. Just a guy who died God knows how long ago.
There is no thread for him to tie up.
There is no way for him to make it up to Valentine.
This is a wrong he has no way to right.
I think Nick is a lot more emotional than people give him credit for. He just keeps it all inside. Emotion you don't see is still emotion. Pain not expressed is still pain. I think in the moment, he'd try making it a joke. "Well...would'ja look at that. Something did the job for us and didn't even leave a note to save ourselves the trouble. I guess courtesy went out the window long before the bombs."
If Eddie Winter is already dead, Nick has nothing to do, functionally. He thinks that was his ultimate goal. His goal was done long ago. It was never something he needed to stew over. Valentine got what he wanted even if it wasn't by his hand or the ghost of it. But the thing with revenge is that it has to be you. If the person you hate most, who hurt you most, tripped on a weed and ate shit, is that revenge? Or is that just life not playing favorites?
Is it enough if life goes on?
Is it enough to say you don't have any obligations and can live despite someone else? Whether it's someone you feel you owe, or someone who owes you? Moving on without that gratification is not satisfying. You want an answer. You want "It's okay" or "I'm sorry."
Nick sees he has no end. There is no Eddie Winter. Valentine's only mark on this world, the only person who remembers him, is Nick. Nick is the only one to grieve him, or know his pain, or what he would think of all of this. Maybe, deep down, Nick wanted to find Eddie Winter not just to kill him, but to prove to himself that he isn't the only ghost. That it wasn't just him, keeping a good man from a good rest. That Eddie was what was really keeping that book open.
But if Eddie is dead, it's just Nick. Nick is all that's left.
You go in the bunker and Eddie Winter is dead.
From here, Nick has a different goal, whether he likes it or not; move on. Be Nick. Figure out who Nick is and accept himself as such. See that he is more than a copy of memories because he's made his own. That looks like a lot of things. Finding family in Ellie and the Survivor.. Finding community in Diamond City. Finding purpose in helping people. Finding himself in what he does now, how he does it, what he thinks of it.
Before he can do any of that, he has to accept that Eddie is dead, and so is Valentine, and just because they are doesn't mean he has to be..
His only path is to accept that he has no answers, and owes no answers. For someone who holds himself so responsible, who thinks he has to fix whatever he comes across, who hates that someone had to hurt for his existence...this seems impossible. To accept that he doesn't have to fix anything.
That there is nothing he can do for what he has of Valentine. That he can't take a dead man's anger away.
That he has nothing of the man he remembers being.
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lolplushart · 15 days
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I’m so glad this meme didn’t die
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ivymarquis · 4 months
How am I supposed to go out into the world and attempt to date, knowing that John Price is a figment of our imaginations and not real. What is even the point
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clown-owo · 4 months
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its fine
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valkariel · 5 months
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Gilded Araya
I just really liked the scenery and thought it would look pretty framing a glamour. I did need to use New Game+ to get back into this intermediary area leading into the trial though, since the trial itself doesn't include the floating details after clearing.
Head: Rinascita Hood of Striking - peacock blue Body: Ascension Cloak of Striking - peacock blue Hands: Fierce Tyrant's Gauntlets - rhotano blue Legs: Augmented Lunar Envoy's Trousers - rhotano blue Feet: Gliderskin Thighboots of Striking - ink blue
Earring: The Emperor's New Earrings Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Augmented Lunar Envoy's Sainti - default Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Mount: -- Location: The Gilded Araya (New Game+)
Shader: Faeberry Gaussian
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156l · 9 months
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might have been too excited and painted a bust for one of my dragons that will be wearing iicaaruus @ FR's new sandsurge skins! check out the series in his shop!
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eyenaku · 2 years
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Im super proud of how this piece came out, especially as it's my first ever sculpture!
The concept is as follows: The dusk warden is a gentle protector, but it's face is off-putting so it wears a mask so as not to scare anyone. Despite this, the true face is far more interesting, and mask or no mask the creature has just as sweet a personality!
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respectthepetty · 19 days
I know y'all hate going through the tags and reading comments because "oooo, it's so scary seeing what other people have to say," but I need y'all to go the I Feel You Linger in the Air special episode page on My Drama List - Scent of Memory.
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Then go through the comments.
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Like, just fucking do it.
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