#i think the gold on the eyes made them super intense and striking which really fits what i was going for!!
eyenaku · 2 years
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Im super proud of how this piece came out, especially as it's my first ever sculpture!
The concept is as follows: The dusk warden is a gentle protector, but it's face is off-putting so it wears a mask so as not to scare anyone. Despite this, the true face is far more interesting, and mask or no mask the creature has just as sweet a personality!
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jungshookz · 4 years
ok so like y/n hanging out with her friends at an ice cream shop and super cute employee kook so happens to make y/n very nervous
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➺ pairing; jeon jungkook (birthday boy!!!) x reader
➺ genre; marshmallow fluff level fluffy!!!! if u have a sweet tooth then this drabble is for you, jimin and taehyung are nightmare friends and i don’t know why u insist on hanging out with them all the time, *clown nose honk* 
➺ wordcount: 3.5k
➺ what to expect;  “i’ve been giving you free ice cream for the past four months, y/n. you really didn’t think, at any point, that i liked you like that?”
                                      »»————- ♡ ————-««
“oh, god. i think you’re going to have to roll me into the car.” you groan as you place a hand over your bloated stomach, “also, i’m… pretty sure i’m nine months pregnant.”  
whoever came up with the whole ‘all you can eat buffet!’ concept must’ve been a psychopath because you feel like if you take another step you’re going to projectile vomit all the way across town
you let out a huff as you bend down and place your hands on your knees
you’re going to be siCK
“no one asked you to eat like seven servings of mac n’ cheese balls.” jimin raises a brow before rubbing your back in comforting circles
“i’m sorry, do you not hear yourself?” you twist your head before looking at him as if he just sprouted two heads on each shoulder, “mac n’ cheese balls. deep-fried balls of macaroni and cheese. all you can eat deep-fried balls of macaroni and cheese. with a tangy chipotle-ranch dip on the side!”  
“alright, i get it.” he snorts before rolling his eyes, “i’m guessing this means you’re not in the mood for dessert anymore?”
you immediately stand up straight before giving your stomach a couple of pats, “where are we going for dessert??”
you’re ALWAYS in the mood for dessert
your first stomach might be full of food but your second stomach is completely empty
the monster inside your second stomach demands something sweet!
“well, scoops is right across the street. i heard the ice cream there is pretty good!” taehyung chirps before pointing at the ice cream place
you immediately feel your heart fall out of your ass
you usually never say no to ice cream but uh
there’s one reason why you’d prefer to go someplace else
jimin glances back when he notices you’re not following them to cross the street
he raises a brow before tilting his head, “if you actually need to puke, the garbage bin is right the-“
“i’m fine, i just-“ your voice cracks and you clear your throat quickly, “why do we have to go for ice cream?? there’s a frozen yogurt place a couple blocks away… and frozen yogurt is just as good!”
jimin and taehyung exchange glances before the two of them look back at you
“weren’t you the one who said that frozen yogurt was just a sad, watered-down version of ice cream and that the day you asked to go for frozen yogurt was the day we should execute you via cruel, unusual punishment?”
“yeah, and the cruel, unusual punishment was to force you to eat frozen yogurt?”
you poke your tongue against the inside of your cheek
they’re right
you friggin’ hate frozen yogurt
“ooh, check it out!” jimin gasps, his eyes lighting up, “strawberry-rhubarb pie. i wonder how they turned a pie into an ice cream flavour!”
“uh-huh, yeah…” you mutter absentmindedly, eyes flitting around behind the large counter
this is fine
everything is fine
maybe today is his day off something!  
hopEfully today is his day off because you are literally about to pop a button on your jeans and the last person who you’d want to have witness that would be-
“good evening, folks!” you practically jump out of your skin and you instinctively duck behind taehyung when he seems to pop out of thin air
he smiles brightly as he props his arms up on the top of the display case, “just give me a holler whenever you’re ready.”
we should probably rewind a little bit
‘he’ would be… well, the person you’re currently hiding from.  
you don’t know much about him besides the fact that his name is jungkook (the name tags here are comically large, by the way. it’s actually a little ridiculous. it’s like the employees think all the customers are blind and that’s why they made their name tags the size of a baby’s head.) and every time you come here he gives you extra hot fudge on your ice cream and also he’s very veRY cute
you usually come here after you finish submitting an essay or doing a live presentation as a way to reward yourself
because why live life if you’re not going to treat yourself every now and again??
you started this tradition at the beginning of the year and originaLLy you went to the only ice cream place on campus
unfortunately, the ice cream place on campus isn’t super great
their waffle cones are always stale and the ice cream pretty much melts as soon as you take a step outside of the store
and you werE going to give up and just find another place (your second option was the ice cream at mcdonald’s but that’s actually kind of sad now that you think about it) but!!!!
you felt like you deserved to have good ice cream!!!
so you googled the best ice cream parlours in the city and scoops was one of the only ones that was the closest to campus
only a ten minute bus ride away and you didn’t even have to transfer to another bus or anything
it was pretty much a dream come true!!
and you still remember the first time you wandered in here because you were greeted veRy enthusiastically by jungkook
you were pretty much the only person in the store on that day because it was like 2pm on a tuesday which made it hard to believe that this place was as popular as it sounded
to be fair, 2pm on a tuesday isn’t really the normal time to grab a cone of ice cream so there’s that
“you’re not striking me as the cookies ’n cream type. that seems a little too basic for you…” jungkook mutters as he stroked at his chin thoughtfully, “and i’m not getting a rocky road vibe from you, either…”
“is that so?” the corner of your mouth twitches in a smile and you cross your arms as you begin to make your way down the counter, jungkook slowly following you from where he’s standing, “what kind of vibe are you getting from me?”
“red velvet cake!” jungkook stops in his tracks to point at the tub of red velvet ice cream sitting in the display case, “in a brownie waffle cone… with hot fudge on top.”
your brows perk up in interest
red velvet cake ice cream
in a brownie waffle cone
with hot fudge on top?
…that sounds like something you’d devour in three seconds flat.  
you obviously ended up enjoying the ice cream, and from that moment on, you promised yourself that this would be your place to celebrate your little victories
so, yeah!
the ice cream was good and the cute boy was just a bonus
of course… there is one tiny detail that has to be addressed
if it wasn’t already painfully obvious by now - jungkook makes you extremely nervous.
you’re not sure how it started, because you were literally fine when you first met him
the nerves appeared without warning of any kind!!
it was very strange
one day jungkook’s smile suddenly made your heart skip a beat and you had nO idea why because it had never done that before
and another time, when he told you that you were his favourite customer, your stomach started doing somersaults which was also something that your stomach had nevER done before
ooh, AND that one time when he said that he’d make a fresh batch of brownie waffle cones just for you… well, you were pretty much ready to marry him right then and there.
sure, when you saw the occasional attractive person on the street, you’d have the usual ‘oh, they’re pretty cute!’ thought, but that’d be it and then you’d never think about them again
but it was different with jungkook
it was more intense with jungkook
this wasn’t just a little schoolgirl crush.,,. this was,.., this was a schoolwoMAN crush
you initially thought that all these brand new feelings combined with the tingly feeling of chocolate syrup pumping through your veins should’ve been enough to scare you away from scoops forever, but…
the only reason why you keep swallowing your nerves and coming back is because the ice cream is really good here (five gold stars on google reviews!!) aND you can’t say no to extra hot fudge on the house!!!
sometimes jungkook surprises you with a couple brownie chunks or marshmallows or even cheesecake chunks on top without ever charging you which is also really nice of him
not to mention, on the days that you end class a little earlier, you like to come here to get some studying done
you have your own little table in the corner and jungkook always brings you a little treat to enjoy during your study session
nothing huGe like your usual red velvet brownie waffle hot fudge combo because you told him that you were only allowed to eat that if you were celebrating something, so he usually brings you a little cup with a random flavour of ice cream in it
strawberry shortcake
cinnamon toast crunch
banana milk is a really good one
and you can’t noT mention the chocolate-covered strawberries ice cream
the ice cream is a tangy strawberry base with swirls of dark chocolate in it and it is truly.,,. truly one of the best things you’ve ever put in your mouth
you just don’t understand why your knees get so wobbly and your palms get sO sweaty every time he flashes that handsome smile of his in your direction
you see plenty of attractive people every day on campus!
you see plenty of attractive people every day in your lectures!
your two friends are a couple of attractive people as well!!
at one point you even had crushes on boTh jimin and taehyung!! 
(you will be taking that information to your grave because if they find out.,,. you’ll never live it down)
so why is this any different??
“so, i’m gonna go with the strawberry-rhubarb pie in a cup… and-“ jimin turns to look at taehyung (and you, currently peeking at jimin over taehyung’s shoulder), ��what are you guys getting?”
your eyes widen and you duck down again when jungkook leans over to look at you and taehyung
“i’m gonna go with… the dark chocolate and caramel swirl… in a plain waffle cone.” taehyung nods affirmatively, “yeah. take the order now before i overthink it.”
“one strawberry-rhubarb pie in a cup… one dark chocolate and caramel swirl in a plain waffle cone…” jungkook mumbles to himself as he rinses the ice cream scooper in the little bucket of water before tapping it off on the side, “-and one red velvet cake in a brownie waffle cone with hot fudge on top, right, y/n?”
boTh taehyung and jimin’s heads nearly snap off when they turn to look at you
taehyung steps out of the way and you freeze like a deer in headlights
maybe if you just… stay very still… jungkook won’t see you…
a good two seconds ticks by before you figure that you probably look like an idiot right now
“um-“ you straighten up a little before smoothing your sweater down, “i… yep! that… yep. sounds good.”
jungkook smiles brightly before nodding, “alright! just give me a couple of minutes to get that ready for you guys.”
your heart starts to drum away in your chest as you watch the back of jungkook’s head
even the back of his damn head is attractive
it’s not fair!!!!
“…i feel like there’s something we’re missing here.” taehyung is the first one to speak up and you force out a chuckle before shaking your head
time to do what you do best
“there’s nothing you’re missing here!” you snort, “he just- i’ve been here like, once or twice, so-“
“red velvet cake in a brownie waffle cone with hot fudge on top sounds a little too specific for you to have only been here once or tw-“ jimin pauses and his eyes widen to the size of saucers, “oh my god.”
your brows knit together in concern, “wh- what?”
a smile begins to creep onto jimin’s face and your mind begins to race with what he could possibLy be thinking when suddenly- “you slept with him!” jimin gasps before whacking tae’s arm multiple times, “she slept with him!!!”
“wha- NO- no, i did not sleep with jungk-!” you lower your voice when you realise that there are children in here and you lean in, “i didn’t sleep with him. i just- i come here a lot, and- i don’t know. he’s nice! a-and he’s cute. he’s- he’s nice and he’s cute. and he gives me free things, sometimes.”
“…yeah, i think she’s telling the truth. she definitely didn’t sleep with him.“ taehyung shakes his head and you let out a sigh of relief
at least someone’s on your side here
you jolt when taehyung suddenly gives you a hearty sLAp on the back, “she’s just in love with him and doesn’t know how to tell him-“
OH my go-
“hey, your ice creams are ready for you!” jungkook, once again, seemingly pops out of thin air and the thrEE of you immediately split up the mini football huddle, “i have them for you at the cash register if you wanna come over and get them! y/n, i tried something new with your cone - i wrapped marshmallow fluff around the top and then caramelised it so it’d turn into, like, a s’mores situation-”
“y-yep! i’ll be right there-“ you hold a finger out and jungkook nods before heading over to the cash register
you turn to look at jimin and taehyung and scowl when the two of them begin to make kissy noises at each other
“oh, y/n, come to the back so i can show you my cone-“
“you can fluff my marshmallows any day of the week, jungkook-“
oh, god
this was exaCTLY why you didn’t want to come here!!!!
in case this happened!!!!!
“oh my god, lemme drizzle my syrup all over your face, baby-“
“okay, c’mon, that’s enough-“
“roll me up like how you roll those waffle cones with your big, strong arms-“
jesus christ
they are both chiLdren!!!!
boys are so GROSS
jungkook waits patiently by the cash register as his fingers drum against the marble countertop
he leans over to peek at you and your friends and smiles lightly when he sees you whaCk at one of them
to be honest, he liked you the moment you stepped into the shop for the first time
he still remembers how excited you were when you were looking at all the different flavours
according to the company policy, customers are only allowed to try four samples but jungkook’s pretty sure he let you try twenty samples on that day
after the first time you came here, he was actually pretty worried that he’d never see you again??
he was pretty bummed about it for a while because he wished that he would’ve asked for your number or something while you were here but he was too busy trying to be the charming ice-cream boy anD he was also pretty busy admiring your cute face
so he was very much pleasantly surprised when you came back a week later and was fully ready to let you go ham on the samples again
but, again, he didn’t ask for your number that time around either because he couldn’t figure out a smooth way to ask you
and he wasn’t worried about you noT coming back because you seemed like a pretty big ice cream person
the point is: jungkook’s had plenty of opportunities (practically handed to him on a silver platter) to ask for your number so that he can finally ask you OUT and… he hasn’t.
but today!!!!
today will be different!!!!
today he’ll finally make his move!!!
he’s not giving himself an option!!!
he actually wasn’t expecting you in today because you usually pop up every two weeks or so and you came in last week
at first he thought that maybe you were dating one of the boys that you came in with but from the looks of it, the vibes are very much platonic and not at all romantic
so he thinks he’s in the clear here
jungkook straightens his posture and puffs his chest out a little bit when he sees you walking over
operation: finally ask y/n for her number, you pussy is undERWAY
“well, i’m going to go and pay for your guys’ ice creams and you can just continue to make fools of yourselves-!”
by the time you make your way over to the cash register, jimin and taehyung are stiLL going at it but you’re hoping that jungkook won’t pay it any mind
“alright, how much do i owe you?” you ask as you pull your debit card out of your wallet, “this ice cream is the only thing i’m willing to break my wallet over-“
“actually, all of this is on the house today.” jungkook bounces on the balls of his feet for a second, “it’s the special birthday discount!”
you tilt your head
what special birthday discount?
“birthday discount?” you ask dumbly, “it’s not my birthday, though.”
“no, it’s not your birthday… but it’s my birthday.” jungkook clears his throat, “and… you know, i wanted to do something nice for you!”
“okay, well, first of all- happy birthday!” you smile brightly before that smile immediately drops from your face, “and, second of all- i can’t take this for free, jungkook- you even sprinkled those fancy toasted pecans on top of taehyung’s ice cream! i have to give you something-“
jungkook swallows his nerves
it’s now or never!
“there is… one thing you could give me…” he trails off, his voice starting to grow a little quiet
the confidence is beginning to dwindle a little so he should probably get to the point 
“yeah, i can think of one thing- like money??” you stick your debit card out again and jungkook rolls his eyes playfully before whacking your hand away
just say it
just say it!!!!!!
“no, not money…” jungkook swallows thickly before shaking his head, “i was thinking more along the lines of… you know, your number.”
you drop your debit card on the countertop with a clatter
“my-“ you cut yourself off mid-sentence and you feel your cheeks immediately turn bright red, “you- you want my number?”
jungkook… jungkook wants your number?
you feel like money would be better than your number, but that’s just your humble opinion
“i mean- you obviously don’t have to give it to me if you don’t want to! i-i’m not trying to imply that you owe me anything, i just-“ jungkook pauses for a second and his tongue pokes out to swipe over his bottom lip nervously, “i just, um, i don’t know! i… i really… enjoy your company, whenever you come in for a visit, you know? and i think you’re really pretty, so there’s that. i dunno.”
well, he can safely say that his self-proclaimed boyish charm flew out of the window as soon as he opened his mouth
why’s he so nervous all of a sudden??
he’s practiced this in front of the mirror a doZEN times
and every time he hits on himself in the mirror he’s tempted to give himself his number
that’s how good he is at flirting!!
but here he is!!! 
fumbling over his words!!! 
shoving his clammy hands into his pockets!!! 
diverting his gaze from the pretty girl who he’s been dreaming about ever since the first time he laid his undeserving eyes on her!!!
“no, no-! i just-“ you smile shyly as you slide your debit card back into your wallet with clumsy hands, “i would absolutely love to give you my number! it’s just that i- i didn’t- i didn’t think that you… liked me like that.”
jungkook looks up at you before scoffing playfully, “i’ve been giving you free ice cream for the past four months, y/n. you really didn’t think, at any point, that i liked you like that?”
you press your lips together before flashing a sheepish smile at him, “i mean… i was probably paying more attention to the ice cream than to you.”  
jungkook snorts
he should’ve seen that coming. 
(p.s. he heard every single word of what your friends said earlier and this is just his dumb icky sleazy boy brain speaking but he’d be down to drizzle his syrup on ur face if you allowed him to) 
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
Pokemon Gold/Silver Beta Pokemon: The April 2020 Leak
Look, 2020 was a rough year. So maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised that the April 2020 Gold/Silver source code leak flew almost entirely under my radar. If you Google about it, you’re find it’s very rare for news outlets to cover it. This is probably because many folks are hesitant to cover leaks. Also, the US was warming up to a truly awful pandemic around that point, not to mention other civil unrest, so it’s no surprise some people were a tad distracted. 
But the fact is, another leak turned up in April of last year, following a recent trend of huge Nintendo leaks. And this one was a doozy. I’ve only truly realized its full extent in the past few days. As such, I’d like to do a post that covers some of the new information. In particular, I’m focusing on beta pokemon that were cut or heavily reworked.
Now, back in 2018, the Spaceworld ‘97 Pokemon Gold/Silver Demo was leaked online. I made a post about some of my favorites. So, from this leak, we already knew of a while slew of beta pokemon. However, as it turns out, there were still more new faces to find-- and a lot of them! I list 45 new beta pokemon here, in fact!
In the April 2020 leak, several sprite sets were found as internal files, each at different phases of game production. The sprite sets were dated May 6, 1998, June 13, 1999, June 21, 1999, and September 17, 1999. The August 17, 1999 Spaceworld ‘99 Demo build was also found, so we have information on that as well.
Essentially, if you want to see this information at The Cutting Room Floor, then head to this page for the sprites discovered as internal backups/sprite banks. Head to this page for the Spaceworld ‘99 demo information page. And, if you need a refresher for the older leak, you can go to this page for the Spaceworld ‘97 demo build.
For this post, we will focus on the May 6, ‘98 set of sprites, which contain the vast majority of new faces. So, without further ado, onward to the pokemon!
(#300) Kokopelli Pokemon/Celebi
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(May 6, ‘98)       (Spaceworld ‘99 Demo)
This first pair of sprites looks very much like Kokopelli, a fertility deity of some Native American cultures. This deity can be seen in ancient Native American petroglyphs, as a humpbacked flute player with feathers on the head. Surprisingly, we find that Celebi in the Spaceworld ‘99 Demo seems to be an updated version of this design, making Celebi’s design origins much different than expected. However, its fertility diety inspiration is still somewhat apparant in the modern Celebi, as a creature that causes plant life to flourish.
(#301) Eel Pokemon
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While the sprite files did not reveal a name or other data, this eel’s sprites were numbered right beside the Gurotesu (Grotess) and Ikari (Anchorage) sprites, suggesting it once was the start of their evolution chain. 
(#304) Fire Fox Pokemon
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This little fellow is a fox that seems to have a fiery tail. It’s possible this fire fox was inspired by kitsune (just as Vulpix/Ninetails were) and that it was later redesigned as Fennekin. 
(#305 - 308) Snow Bunny Evolution Line
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These four pokemon seem to belong to the same evolutionary line. The second one seems to based on the Yuki Usagi, a ‘Snow Bunny.’ In Japan, these cute little critters are made in the snow (using leaves for the ears). They also sometimes make these Yuki Usagi as little marshmallow or mochi treats. So this pokemon line could be inspired by either of these. Considering the leaves and the snow, I would guess these would have been Grass/Ice. 
(#309) Elephant Pokemon
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You might wonder if this chonky boy-- looking tough with horns on his head and back-- was an early version of Donphan, but Donphan and Phanpy were present in the Spaceworld ‘97 demo. Indeed, this elephant and Phanpy/Donphan both exist in the same set of sprites from May ‘98, so it was simply a case of two types of elephants. This pokemon also calls to mind a glimpse of a cut beta pokemon we saw from Generation 1 (from ‘Satoshi Tajiri: The Man Who Made Pokémon’):
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Same fierce eyes, at any rate! Alas, these both never saw the light of day. However, it’s possible this elephant was reworked into Piloswine, which is not in the May ‘98 collection but does appear in the June 13 ‘99 collection (although Swinub is absent). While Piloswine and Swinub are more akin to wild boars, there is also some relation to mammoths (an inspiration more heavily leaned on with Mammoswine in later games). Then again, there’s another pokemon you’ll see a little further down this list that might have inspired Piloswine instead.
(#311) Natu/Xatu Mid-Evolution
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What is clearly a mid-evolution (its file number sits between the two). Has a peacock-like tail. Honestly, I think this works really good as a mid-evolution, and I don’t know why it was cut. I want to name it “Watu.”
(#313) Drunk Kiwi Pokemon
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This one is just hilarious to look at. It appears to probably be a kiwi-bird? A very crazy-eyed, loopy one. I can see why this one was cut. The goofy, simple design kind of looks like a knockoff cartoon character for children. 
(#314) Scorpion Pokemon
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A pretty badass-looking scorpion, although a rather basic design. I dig the funky head, though. It seems like it has a single, beady eye and is rather menacing. This pokemon may have been later reworked into Gligar, a pokemon that first appears after this sprite set, in the June 13 ‘99 group:
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Admittedly this is rather different from the Gligar we know, but it is an early design.
Or, who knows-- maybe this little fellah was later reworked into Skorupi. (If so, it’s a shame, as I don’t dig the weird accordian-like design of its limbs and its evolution.)
(#315) Quail Pokemon
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A pudgey little quail pokemon. Doesn’t seem related to the kiwi pokemon. It’s a very cute little thing, and has lots of potential to evolve into something interesting, but it seems they scrapped it pretty quickly.
(#316) Music Note Bird Pokemon
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Although these sprites are numbered right after the quail, and they are both birds, the designs are very different, so they seem unrelated. It seems the beta pokemon were simply blessed with a lot of birds. This little bird is in the shape of a clef, giving this bird a musical theme. It seems very likely it was later reworked into Chatot, a bird with a music-note shaped head and metronome tail.
(#319) Boar Pokemon
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A cute, grumpy little boar with antlers. Probably what eventually led to Piloswine found in the June 13 ‘99 group. A bit of a shame, in my mind, as I kind of prefer this design.
(#325) Spikey Dog Pokemon
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The curious thing is that this dog looks very similar to “Pudi,” a pokemon we saw in the Spaceworld ‘97 demo, which was intended to be a pre-evolution of Growlithe. But Pudi is also in this same collection of sprites!
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Perhaps they were toying with the idea of re-designing Pudi (and had already scrapped a bunch of baby pokemon) and just hadn’t bothered to remove the old Pudi yet. It’s hard to say. Ultimately, these both were scrapped, but at least we still have Subbull/Granbull.
(#331) Yūrei Ghost Pokemon
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This little ghost has two things that are common in Japanese folklore: the hitaikakushi (the white cloth headband it wears) and the two little balls of fire called hitodama. It is unknown why this ghost pokemon was scrapped, but perhaps they thought the little fellow wouldn’t translate well overseas? 
(#344) Viking Ship Pokemon
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Look at this beauty! A pokemon based off some sort of Viking ship. I absolutely adore this one. It’s creative and charming. I hope to see it in the future.
(#349) Wooly Dog Pokemon
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This canine-like creature is fluffy as all out. Honestly I think it’s a tad odd, with how tangled and disheveled its fur looks. I can’t help but compare it to the early desings of the three Legendary Beasts, since they also are very canine-like:
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These three designs are present in this same May 6, 98′ sprite collection as the representations of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. Were they possibly playing with a different design idea for the Legendary Beasts? Perhaps Suicune. The Wooly Dog is just such an imposing sprite, that I can’t help but wonder. All pure speculation, of course. 
(#350) Rabbit Pokemon
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This rabbit has a rather intense look about him, and it makes me curious what the ideas were behind it. TCRF suggests it’s a possible pikachu clone.
(#351) Snake Pokemon
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This cute little worm or snake seems to be wearing a feather headdress, suggesting its design may also be Native American inspired, like the Natu line. On the other hand, this could be inspired by Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent deity in Aztec culture. I would have loved to see this little guy’s evolutions.
(#352) Scarecrow Bird
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A bird with a hat that kind of looks like a scarecrow. Honestly, it’s a super-cute idea.
(#353) Gargoyle Pokemon
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This crouching beastie sort of looks like a gargoyle with a long, sharp tail. I can’t quite tell if those bits on the side are little wings or just a part of its legs. It would be interesting to see this creature standing in a different position-- I feel like that would give us a better understanding of what it looks like. Interestingly, there are striking similarities with Aerodactyl:
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I wonder why they are so similar?
(#354 - 356) Manbō Evolution Family
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The first of these three fishies was someone we already met in the Spaceworld ‘97 demo-- it was named ‘Manbō 1.′ In the demo, it evolved into  Ikari (Anchorage) and then Gurotesu (Grotess). It seems it’s now been split off from those and given a new evolution family here. While I find that neat, and I quite like the expressions on these fish, they are admittedly a little bland. 
(#360) Flying Squirrel(?) Pokemon
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TCRF guesses this is a flying squirrel, and it seems to be wearing a sheathed sword. Not sure about the headgear it’s sporting. Is that a ninja star? 
(#364) Early Cyndaquil
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So, this May 6, ‘98 collection is really exciting. The original Gold/Silver fire starter line we saw in Spaceworld ‘97 (Honooguma’s line) is still present in this collection (as is the water-type ‘Cruz’ line and Chikorita’s line). So, what we have here seems to be an early Cyndaquil before they decided to turn it into a fire type and make it the fire starter! In fact, those spikes might even be icicles (like Alolan Sandslash), for all we know. If so, Cyndaquil’s typing pulled a 180.
(#377) Early Furret?
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Possibly an early Furret. Looks pretty awkward, not gonna lie; I’m glad it was probably refined into modern Furret, with more body definition between the head and tail.
(#378) Stork Pokemon
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It’s a stork, based on the myth of where babies come from. A cute idea, although its curly ‘hair’ looks a little funny to me. 
(#380) Squid Pokemon
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A squid with drills for its mantle and arms. Since that’s kinda Beedrill’s thing, I’m glad they scrapped the idea. The backsprite lacks drills so it’s probably from a different design stage. 
(#382 - 383) Early Burmy/Pineco
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Burmy/Wormadam/Mothim is based off the bagworm. Bagworms are grubs that use silk and lots of bits of leaves, bark and other objects to create a camouflaged cocoon. When they turn into adults, some species of female bagworms just look like their larval stage, while the males turn into winged moths. That is why Burmy/Wormadam/Mothim have their unique evolution situation. Clearly, these two beta pokemon are playing around with the bagworm idea. They probably went on to inspire both Pineco (another pokemon based on bagworms!) and the Burmy line in gen 4.
(#386) Koala Pokemon
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It’s so cool to see they were thinking about a koala pokemon this early. We would not finally get one until gen 7′s Komala.
(#387) Tanuki Pokemon
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A Tanuki that is carrying campfire kindling on his back, but the kindling has caught fire. Apparently based on the Kachi-Kachi Yama folktale, which is a surprisingly violent story, but I suppose folktales often are. Who knows why it was cut, but Sentret is the closest thing we have to a tanuki pokemon for now.
(#392) Megaphone(?) Bird Pokemon
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Yet another bird pokemon! There sure were a lot of beta birds. This one appears to have a megaphone-shaped beak. Or, possibly, its head is shaped like a gas mask (the strange eyes seem  to support this idea). Honestly I really dig the look of this one.
(#397) Frog Pokemon
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It’s tough to tell but it has a small horn on its head. It has a long tongue and is probably shouting “ribbithhhhhh!” It’s cute, but a little plain.
(#400) Tiny Hippo Pokemon
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Look at this little weirdo. I think it’s a tiny hippo? With a mohawk and a big grin and wild eyes. It doesn’t really seem to have a head, its mouth/eyes/ears are just stuck directly to a body. Looks pretty awkward, probably needed some polish. No idea what they were going for with it, but it’s interesting.
(#401) Skeleton Pokemon
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A very spooky, bipedal, living skeleton beast. It has a long snout and sharp teeth, almost like a crocodile or a dinosaur-like creature. Its head and shoulders have bony spikes and the front of its snout has markings that seem to be a nasal cavity. Very detailed. It also reminds me of Missingno, as some Missingno used the fossil skeletons as their front sprites. I would have loved to have this pokemon, and it’s a real shame they didn’t use it.
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(#402) Rodent Pokemon
A mouse or bunny with gigantic, spotted ears and no arms. Those are some serious ears; it almost looks like it could fly with them. 
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(#403) Fly Pokemon
A bug-type!! It has a huge, creepy face, curly antenna and wings strangely really close to its head. I love it?? But it’s a bug, so of course I do.
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(#404) Plant Pokemon
The Snow Bunny was likely part grass-type, but other than that, this is our first grass beta! It has one eye, a spikey head, and almost foot-like roots. I love how grumpy it looks. There’s a possibility it was a pre-evolution for Sunflora, before they had created the idea of Sunkern (which is not present in this collection).
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(#405) Ant Pokemon
Another bug!! This one looks a lot like a winged ant. (Those do exist-- usually a temporary thing for mating flights) It’s possibly related to the fly pokemon above, sporting very similar wings. However, it doesn’t really seem like an evolution.
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(#406) Dinosaur Pokemon
A little dinosaur-like pokemon, looking up at you. It’s unclear if that’s a tough, bony skull, or if it’s maybe a hat. The clubbed tail makes me wonder if it’s related to #415 below, but it’s probably unlikely. However, it is pretty likely that this later became Cranidos.
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(#407) Early Cherrim
This clearly was a design that was picked up later, in gen 4, to create Cherubi/Cherrim’s sunshine form. I am glad the design was improved, because the lips on this one scare me.
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(#412) Early Dunsparce
Dunsparce looking quite different. No wings, no drill tail, with a much more typical snake-like face. 
(#415) Dinosaur Pokemon
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It looks like an aquatic version of an Ankylosaurus or something similar. It’s possible it’s related to the Viking Ship pokemon (as a pre-evo), but there’s no way to know. I quite like it, though.
(#416) Flying Fish Pokemon
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This magnificent beast, this miracle of creation, is surely my favorite beta pokemon of all time. Revel in its glory. You may not like it, but this is the ideal pokemon body. What a perfect way to round off our collection of betas.
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yungidreamer · 4 years
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Summary: The holidays are finally over and she Mingi and Yunho can finally come home. They exchange their gifts and share an unforgettable first under the Christmas tree.
Word count: 8.3k
Content warnings: warm, fuzzy, intense smut. Double penetration, oral sex, finger sucking, mild restraint and control. Cuddly aftercare.
The moment they walked through the door to their house they finally felt like they could breathe. Although Mingi wanted to immediately pull them into his arms, in the end, cooler heads prevailed and they did all the things they needed to do first. They unpacked their clothes, made food, and got all the presents they had received into places where they belonged. School would start on Monday, but that left them with a couple of days just for them. Everything was right in the world.
The Christmas tree was still up in their living room, just waiting for them to do their own private Christmas together. Aside from Yunho getting his suit from Mingi, they still hadn’t given each other the gifts they had bought for each other. While she finished preparing their food, the boys wrapped their presents. Her present was already wrapped in a simple bright red envelope with both of the boys' names written on the front in shining gold lettering. She stood the envelope in the branches of the tree, among their sparkling lights.
When the boys emerged from their rooms, presents in hand, they found her waiting for them in the living room with the food plated and warm mugs full of hot cider. They had made some carbonara as a quick and filling dish they could make with just things they happened to have left in the house. On her nearby laptop, soft music was playing. As tempted as she had been to put on Christmas music, it was starting to get to be too late in the year for it, and they had been listening to it on and off since Thanksgiving. Instead she had picked a little playlist of sort of melancholic instrumentals which would fade into the background of the room.
“What do you think about having a fire?” She suggested, giving her hands a little rub to warm them up. While they were gone, they had kept the heating low but warm enough to keep everything from freezing. No people meant no need to keep the house warm enough for comfort, and now it was going to take a little bit of time for the house to get back to its normal warmth.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Yunho agreed.
“Would one of you mind bringing in a little more wood while I get it started?” She stood up, heading towards the fireplace. Mingi nodded and went to grab his boots and coat, while Yunho moved to work on getting some kindling ready. She swept the last of the ashes that had been left in the grate down into the little slats that dropped into the built in ash drawer. Yunho then took the little drawer to empty it into the bag of ashes they were collecting on the porch. By the time he got back, she was stacking some of the smaller logs they had inside on the crumpled and knotted newspaper he had helped to prepare. She stood up, getting ready to reach for the super long matches they kept on the hearth, but before she could try, Yunho came up behind her, taking them off the somewhat high shelf to pass to her. He loved when he could do something for her, something simple but helpful. It gave him a deep sense of satisfaction to feel useful or needed, even just for silly things.
Mingi came in, arms burdened with an abundance of wood, just as she slid the drawer back in. Striking the match against the base of the canister, she reached the tip of the lit match to the back of the grate, lighting the kindling from the back. After a few moments, the fire was crackling and popping as it started to come to life.
They ate their meal as they watched it, making sure that it was going to properly catch and grow. With satisfying food, a warm fire, and the Christmas tree’s glow filling the room, it really felt like they were home. When she started to gather the dishes to take them to the kitchen to do, Mingi stopped her, insisting it was his turn to do them and it would only take him a couple of minutes. Afterall, she had already done the dishes they used while cooking. She smiled and let him go as Yunho pulled her into his lap.
“Welcome home, love,” he nuzzled into her hair as he spoke. “I’ve missed you more than you’d believe.”
“I missed you, too,” her fingers played with the cuff of his old, soft sweater. “I really love seeing my family, I miss them too, but home isn’t home anymore without you two.”
“Someday we’ll tell them,” he sighed, trying to reassure himself of this as much as her. “Someday we’ll have a Christmas all together; you, me, Mingi and all our families.”
“Maybe just us, your mom, and my parents,” she said after a moment’s thought.
“Yeah,” Mingi said as he joined them again from the kitchen. “Don’t make me always have to spend Christmas with my parents. Besides, when dad finds out I’m with Yunho, I’m pretty sure he is going to completely disown me.”
“Maybe...maybe when push comes to shove, he’ll actually pick his son over his prejudice,” she tried to give a half note of hope as she spoke.
“Even if he does,” Mingi shook his head as he sat down beside Yunho, pulling her legs into his lap. “I don’t know that I want him there to ruin my happy moments. Even if he can get over the fact I love another man, nothing I do makes him happy anyway.”
“He’s a sour moron,” she stated without a shred of doubt. “If he can’t see what an amazing person he managed to raise, he’s too stupid for me to tolerate.”
“As long as you see it, that’s all I care about,” Mingi took one of her hands in his and pressed a kiss to the back of it.
“We see it,” Yunho confirmed, looping an arm around Mingi’s waist.
“Who is ready for gifts?” She asked excitedly, changing the subject.
“Meeeee!” Shouted both of the boys together.
“Okay, one second,” she told them as she stood up. “I have one more thing to wrap.”
“Wait, why didn’t you do it earlier?” Yunho protested, giving her a scolding look.
“You’ll see in one minute,” she chuckled, knowing they would get it when she came back. She scurried back to their shared room and dug into her desk drawer where she had been keeping the small bag, knowing they would never have a reason to look for anything in there. In the little plastic bag she found the four pieces of silver and lace that made up the lingerie set. It was more for show than anything else, but the little satin tank top and shorts might be something she would use to sleep in when it was hot in the summer. She slipped the bra, mostly made of little lace triangles and thin satin straps, on, followed by the little satin and lace thong, then put on the more practical pieces over them before finally wrapping herself in her large, fluffy terry cloth robe.
She scurried back out into the living room having wrapped herself up for them and was greeted by both of them bursting into laughter, their faces splitting into broad smiles. Indeed they did understand why she hadn’t wrapped that present earlier. It wasn’t terribly practical for cooking or fire building. She pressed a light kiss to each of their lips before kneeling down near both of them.
“Can we unwrap you first,” Mingi questioned hopefully.
“No,” she laughed. “I’m last. But,” she pointed at the envelope in the branches behind them. “You can open that first, if you want.”
“Fine,” Yunho reached up and pulled it out of it’s perch. Both boys looked at it with an intense curiosity. The paper was a bright and vibrant red and had a fine texture to it. It was the sort of paper that begged for the use of fountain pens and sealing wax. Yunho ran his fingers over their names and made a little O face before turning it over to slide his finger under the flap to pull it open. Inside was a little card made from the same paper on which she had written a short letter.
To the boys who make every day special and who deserve the world. Someday I can give you everything you deserve, but for now, enjoy this.
Together they opened the card and found a couple of regular printer papers, folded in quarters. They put the card down and unfolded the papers to see what they were. The first page was a dinner reservation for the first Tuesday in April at a restaurant they recognized as a fancy place in the middle of Manhattan. Mingi’s eyes widened and he looked at her then back at the paper to make sure he had read it correctly. Yunho flipped to the second page to find a reservation for that week in April at a bed and breakfast in New York City.
“That will be over spring break,” she elucidated as their eyes scanned the paper. “Our first trip together. And it’s far enough from everyone so we can just be us. I also wanted a good excuse for Yunho to wear that suit you got him. It would look so good on him. I can hardly wait.”
“This...this can’t have been cheap,” Mingi protested slightly. “You didn’t have to…”
“I know,” she shrugged. “I wanted to. I want to see the world with you both and that is just the first place.”
“We could have paid for this together,” Yunho pointed out. “It’s too much.”
“No, no,” she shook her head. “You’re going to drive us and we can split the cost of everything else while we are there.”
“You aren’t paying for anything while we are there,” Mingi said firmly. Yunho nodded in agreement as he scanned the page of the bed and breakfast again. Located next to Central Park. A great location for entertainment and close to public transportation. Yunho folded the papers and let them drop to his lap. He leaned forward and pulled her into a quick, grateful kiss. She really was too much sometimes. Mingi set the papers and the card on the coffee table before he pulled her into his lap.
“I love you so much more than I can say,” he said as he held her face in his hands, keeping her looking at him.
“I can’t wait to go to the city with my two favorite people,” she beamed at him. “We are going to have so much fun.”
Mingi sighed and kissed the tip of her nose. Her expression was like sunshine and he felt a little quiver in his chest as his heart skipped a beat. She was always pretty and just looking at her could move him, but her grin, how it made her eyes sparkle and how her lips quirked just that way sometimes hit him like a freight train and he could feel the breath be sucked from his lungs. In those moments he knew pure joy and a gut churning fear all at once. It was the thing that made him sure he could endure anything mixed with the, perhaps irrational, fear that it could all disappear.
Yunho read the expression on Mingi’s face and gave him a reassuring kiss on his cheek. He knew that expression, that mix of contradicting emotions which sometimes washed over him. He trusted it more, trusted that it wouldn’t disappear, but in his worst moments he still had those flashes of doubt that he could be that lucky, that people could really love him that deeply, and no matter what might come. Yunho leaned his head against the side of Mingi’s head, silently reassuring him with his presence, his faith.
“Mingi, love, why don’t you open what Yunho got you?” She suggested, running a reassuring hand over his chest. Mingi nodded, taking his eyes from her face but keeping her in his arms. Yunho passed him the wrapped box he had put under the tree, letting it rest in her lap as Mingi began to rip at the paper. 
Mingi laughed happily when he saw what was inside. The gift wasn’t the most expensive thing he had gotten that holiday, but it was one of the most thoughtful ones. With his old headphones wearing down from his constant use of them, it was something that showed how much Yunho paid attention to Mingi’s daily life and the things that made it better. He set the box on the coffee table with the papers and guided Yunho’s lips to his in a soft and grateful kiss.
“You like them?” Yunho said self consciously. “I know your old ones are starting to become unusable so I thought—”
“I love them,” Mingi interrupted. “And I’ll think of you everytime I use them.”
“I’m glad you like them,” Yunho gave him a blushing grin.
“Okay, now it’s our girl’s turn,” Mingi excitedly reached for the small package of his gift and placed it in her lap. He had wrapped it in silver paper covered in little white and grey snowflakes. She made a little cooing noise as she admired the pretty wrapping before she found the tape keeping it closed on the back side.
“Just rip it,” Mingi teased, poking at her.
“Fine,” She pouted slightly before complying and gently ripping at the wrapping. Under it she found a simple white matte box, which she carefully righted before opening it to see what was inside. There, she found the little silver and pearl choker he had bought for her a couple of weeks before break.
“Oh, it’s beautiful,” she commented, running her fingers over the small lines of seed pearls. The central panel, a square frame with a bright eight armed star in it’s center, sparkled in the low light. She carefully lifted it out of the box to better examine it, twisting it in her hand to admire the way the little crystals glinted and glimmered. She loved the elegant beauty of it, though she really couldn’t imagine what occasion she might have to justify wearing it.
“Can I put it on you?” Mingi asked, an excited glimmer in his eye.
“If you want,” she nodded, lifting her hair off her neck to make it easier. Mingi fed the necklace around her neck and brought the two sides together in the back, carefully working the fastening closed.
“Let me see,” Mingi said, leaning back slightly. She dropped her hands, letting her hair flow down her back again and turned to let him admire his gift on her. Though it hid slightly in the folds of the collar of her robe, the cream, sliver, and bright glint of the rhinestones looked remarkable against her skin. He loved it on her and he loved that it was his gift sitting there. It marked her as his at the same time it was a statement of his love of her.
“That is beautiful, Mingi,” Yunho praised from beside them. He lifted her chin slightly to get a clearer look at it, but also to admire how the angle exposed her neck. “It’s perfect for our girl.”
“What about yours,” Mingi reminded him, hugging her tightly in his arms. 
“Here,” Yunho handed her the small blue box, tied with a white satin bow. It was long and less than an inch thick and slightly heavy in hand. She lifted it curiously and gave it a light shake, enjoying the sound of whatever it was shifting along with the slight crinkle of tissue paper. Pulling at one end of the ribbon, she undid the bow and tossed the scrap of satin off to the side. She lifted the lid off the box and folded the layer of tissue paper to the side. The hair comb, finally revealed, reflected the flickering of the fire and the color of the lights off the curves of it’s decorative scrolls and long tines.
“It’s a comb you can use to keep your hair up,” Yunho explained, pulling it off the pillow of tissues in the box.
“It’s lovely,” she took it from his hands and turned it over in her hands. “It’s real silver isn’t it?” She had taken note of the little makers' marks that had been impressed into the metal near the base of the crest.
“Yeah,” Yunho nodded, nervously watching her reaction. “I saw it and I could just picture it on you. It would look so pretty in your hair.”
“Thank you,” she pulled his face to hers and gave him a slow sweet kiss. “It’s perfect. Practical, elegant, and thoughtful.”
“Can I put your hair up with it?” Yunho proposed. “I want to see it on you.”
“Of course,” she nodded, and started to get up. “I’ll go grab my brush.”
“I can grab it,” Yunho stopped her and hopped up himself, dashing down the hall to get it. He found it on the counter and caught sight of himself in the mirror. After the long trip home he looked a little tired and his hair was a little bit of a mess, but if you couldn’t look a little like a disaster at home, what was the point?
He headed back into the living room to find her and Mingi cuddling under the tree together. They looked precious, her small form enveloped in his long arms. Mingi’s face had a peaceful relaxation to his features that had been missing the whole holiday back with their families. Their inability to be themselves there had impacted them more than they would have guessed it would have. Afterall, six months ago that was their reality full time, but what a difference those few months had made. Home didn’t quite feel like home anymore now that they had been able to live as themselves, fully and openly.
Mingi turned, catching Yunho in his gaze and flashing the other boy a smile. Yunho moved forward and joined them again. She shifted to sit between his legs, giving him her back so he could brush her hair. He really loved when she let him play with her hair. He loved caring for her and taking little moments where he could just touch her without it leading to something. Even when it often did, he had to admit. He ran the brush through her locks, carefully removing the tangles before he started gathering it up towards the crown of her head. Twisting her hair into a bun, he gently fed the comb through the knot to secure it.
“Let me see,” Yunho put a hand on her shoulder, urging her to turn to face him. Turning where she sat, she looked up at him through her lashes, keeping her head slightly down to make sure that he could see the comb and his handiwork.
“Is it pretty?” She asked him.
“It’s nothing compared to you,” he responded, capturing her lips and lifting her face up to his. Her lips were soft and warm under his, tasting slightly of apple. He wanted her, he wanted them, and felt like it had been almost forever since he had been able to touch them without looking over his shoulder.
“Do you both want to unwrap the last present since you have both given me your gifts now?” She suggested, pulling away from him.
“Are we unwrapping you?” Mingi sounded excited as he drew up behind her.
“Yep,” she wagged her eyebrows at him playfully. Mingi’s face split into an excited grin that extended up to his eyes, making them into little joyful crescents. She stood up and grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch, spreading it out on the floor in front of the fireplace. She knelt down on the floor and crooked her finger at her boys, inviting them to join her. They hurried to join her, each taking a side.
Mingi’s hands went to the tie at the front of her terry cloth robe, pulling at it until it was untied. Yunho’s hands went to the front of the robe, pulling open the sides to reveal what was underneath. He slid the robe off her shoulders with Mingi’s help, and tossed it off to the side. She knelt between them in the silver satin set and the gifts they had given her. Somehow it almost looked like they were meant to be together, a symphony of silver and pearl. She knew how to present herself in a way that made it clear she was giving all of herself to them.
“You look so pretty,” Mingi let his eyes flow over the cascade of silver colored satin the draped her curves. “You are my favorite present of the year.”
Yunho laughed but had to agree, her invitation to intimacy tonight was the best gift he could have imagined. “You look perfect, but I’m feeling a little overdressed.”
“You are,” she chuckled. “But I think you could probably help each other with that.”
Yunho caught Mingi’s eyes over her head at the suggestion. He raised an eyebrow to the other boy, as if to ask, what do you think. Mingi gave him a little nod and they both scooted forward to stand before her, where they could reach each other and make quick work of their clothing. Mingi blushed as he looked into Yunho’s warm eyes, enjoying the desire that was lighting them from behind. Yunho leaned forward and brushed his lips over the sharp angle of Mingi’s cheekbones, feeling the heat of the blush that covered them.
“I’ve missed you like this,” Yunho told him as he pulled him against him. The line of their lean bodies matched, hip to hip, where Yunho’s large hand held the two of them together. He could feel the soft bulge of Mingi’s half hardened erection press against him and gave it a teasing rub of his own hip against it.
Mingi let out a small groan and put his broad hands on Yunho’s biceps. “You’re such a tease.”
“And you love it,” Yunho said proudly.
“Shut up,” Mingi laughed, moving his hands to the hem of Yunho’s black t-shirt.
“So impatient,” Yunho teased, but still lifted his arms over his head to let Mingi pull his shirt off him. The sight of Yunho’s bare chest sent a shock of pleasure through Mingi. He loved the perfect, soft, lean muscle of his body. Ever so slightly bulkier than Mingi’s own, he loved the naturally muscular body of the other boy. He simultaneously wanted his own body to be more like that and wanted to luxuriate in the exploration of it. His fingers brushed over the hollow in Yunho’s collarbone, a silly smile on his face as he did.
“Here,” Yunho reached for the buttons on the front of Mingi’s white button up shirt and made quick and nimble work of them. He slid it down off Mingi’s broad shoulders, kissing along his neck to the tip of his shoulder on one side as he did. Mingi let the shirt drop before bringing his hands to tangle in Yunho’s messy locks as his lips moved over his body.
Keeping his lips on Mingi’s body, his fingers dropped to the button on his jeans. Yunho flicked open the button and slid the zipper down. His fingers slipped in the waistband of Mingi’s jeans and boxers, slowly lowering them over his narrow hips. When the cloth fell, pooling at his ankles, Yunho’s hands moved to cup the small tight muscles of Mingi’s butt.
Mingi stepped out of his pants and pulled back enough to be able to see as his hands worked to remove Yunho’s as well. Yunho stepped out of his pants as well as Mingi’s fingers tickled along the fine, muscular v of muscle where his stomach became his hips and more.
“You look so good,’’ he told Yunho, not able to meet his eyes as he complimented him.
“So do you, my love,” Yunho hooked a finger under Mingi’s chin, lifting his face to meet his. Mingi shrugged shyly, not sure how to answer, when he felt like he wasn’t nearly as beautiful as his two partners.
“You’re both beautiful,” she said from where she still sat on her heels in front of the fireplace. When Mingi turned, she was looking at them both with such admiration he could almost believe it himself. She motioned for them to come back, reaching out for Mingi first as he came close. Sitting beside her, he admired the soft curves of her body and the grace of her limbs as she touched him. Her gaze followed her fingers as they danced over his chest and collarbone, then moved up to brush an errant lock of hair off his forehead.
“I love your face,” she said softly, cupping his cheek. “It makes me so happy just to look at you.”
“When you look at me like that,” he softened at her smile. “I feel like I could do anything.”
“Let’s start with unwrapping our gift just a little bit more,” Yunho suggested. Mingi eagerly agreed, his hand slipping in under the hem of the tank top to tickle at her waist before lifting it. Yunho helped from the other side as they slid it up and over her head, careful not to catch it on the comb or necklace. They were surprised by the light lace bralet she wore underneath, but not unpleasantly so. The triangles of delicate lace cupped her breasts, only barely hiding her nipples behind their gauzy fabric. Mingi’s fingers traced over the seam that ran down the center of one before cupping her breast and giving her nipple a brush with his thumb.
“I don’t know if I should be frustrated by the layers or if I like the surprise of it,” Yunho joked from the other side, running the fingers of one hand along the thin strap that held it up. She came to her knees and hooked her thumbs in the elasticized band of the silken shorts and slowly slid them down to reveal the satin and lace thong beneath.
“Just a little more,” she admitted with a giggle as she saw Mingi’s Adams’s Apple bob in his throat as he swallowed past the arousal that was filling him. Between her teasing lace lingerie and Yunho’s beautiful naked body visible just past her, he felt surrounded by temptations.
She stood up to step out of the shorts and Mingi took her gently by the hips, turning her standing body to face him, and brought his mouth to the dimple of her belly button. He mouthed the soft skin there, nipping the skin of her belly as his fingers tightened to dig into the cushion of her hips. Behind her, Yunho took the opportunity to splay his hands over the roundness presented to him, perfectly framed by the thin straps of her thong underwear.
Yunho pulled the panties down and off while she stood, not wanting to wait much longer and taking advantage of the ease the position offered for doing so. He helped her step out of them before he slid two long fingers into the crook of her thighs. Her knees twitched as he teased her lips, spreading the moisture already pooling there. He licked his fingers clean, then set to work unhooking the teasing bit of lace she still wore on her torso.
Mingi was still busy licking and tasting the flesh of her stomach as he worked himself lower to the juncture of her thighs. Yunho pulled at her, asking her to sit again and she acquiesced, slowly coming to sit between his thighs. She could feel his erection at her back and went to reach for it when he grabbed both her wrists.
“Not yet,” Yunho murmured to her. “Mingi, I’ll hold our girl, you make her scream.” His voice held an uncommon sort of determination and Mingi looked at him a second before nodding and moving to lie on his stomach. Mingi used his hands to adjust her hips to an angle that let him comfortably reach her then pressed her thighs wide. He leaned forward and dragged the tip of his tongue over her spread lips, teasing them and drawing a soft gasp and twitch from her.
As Mingi teased her with kisses along her inner thigh, Yunho took both her wrists in one of his large hands, keeping her from touching either of them. He kept them captive against her chest as he held her against him. Over her shoulder he could see everything that Mingi did to her, loving the intense and pleasurable look he had as he worked up to taking her with his mouth. When he finally gave her clit that first intense brush with the flat of his tongue she tried to arch and let out a low shivering moan.
“Shhhh, love,” he teased, kissing the pinking shell of her ear. “You can’t make it that easy on him. He’s barely touched you and you’re already going to scream for him? Can’t have that. Let’s keep your mouth busy.”
He parted her lips with the fingers of his other hand, slipping two fingers into her mouth up to the second knuckle and pressing down lightly on her tongue. The intrusion forced her to suck on his fingers with each swallow as well as kept her facing to where Mingi lay between her thighs. She whimpered around his fingers, giving them periodic sucks to keep the drool that threatened to pool in her mouth from dripping out.
Mingi looked up at the two of them as Yunho held her gently captive and muzzled, a haze of arousal darkening his deep brown eyes. Her eyes met his as his tongue played along her folds. She looked dazed, almost drugged by pleasure, her lips puckered around the other boys fingers in a way that made him think of them taking in other things. Mingi watched as he locked his lips around her clit gave it a gentle and sustained suck. She squirmed as much as she was allowed under his touch, her thighs fighting against his hands to press closer around his head. Her mouth went momentarily slack and a small drop of saliva escaped before she could swallow it. The look of her powerless against the pleasure they were giving her together made him almost painfully hard and he threw himself into pleasing her. He ate at her body, sucking at her most sensitive bits and thrusting his tongue in her tight entrance until she came apart underneath him with a force that left her quivering in its aftermath.
Mingi pulled back and came to his knees between her thighs before wiping the moisture off his face, watching her squirm, still moaning around Yunho’s fingers in her mouth. The other boy only pulled them out, also releasing her hands at the same time, as she started to recover,  already relaxing again under his grip. He wiped her damp chin and the skin of her chest, where a small spot of drool had developed near where he had kept her hands captive. She swallowed and leaned her head back against Yunho’s shoulder as she caught her breath.
“Are you ready for more, love,” Mingi asked, running a hand over her shoulder.
“I wanted to try something,” she said as she nodded in response. “What would you think of maybe having you both in me at the same time?”
Yunho and Mingi shared a look, blinking for a second at each other. Of course they had thought about it, fantasized about the possibility, but they hadn’t wanted to ask. Not only hadn’t they approached the idea of doing it together, they hadn’t even tried something more than mostly vanilla sex with her.
“We don’t have to,” she followed up quickly when it seemed like the silence stretched on.
“No,” Yunho rushed to assure her. “It’s just...are you sure?”
“Why wouldn’t I want to?” She looked up at him with eyes that seemed oddly innocent given the circumstances.
“Well, I mean,” Mingi said nervously. “You’re sort of small and we’re a lot to take all at once.”
“We can try it at least,” she suggested. “If it doesn’t work then we don’t have to, but I want to feel you both.”
“Alright,” Yunho agreed, swallowing past his own nervousness. “Do you want to move back to the bedroom?”
“I kind of want to stay here,” she replied. “It’s warm and this is sort of still part of Christmas. It feels right with the tree and stuff.”
“Mingi, can you grab the things we need from the bedroom?” Yunho requested. “Maybe including some pillows.” Mingi nodded, half jogging down the hall to their bedroom. He opened the bedside table and pulled out his favorite lube and a couple of condoms, something that had made it easier his first time with Yunho. Grabbing an armful of pillows, he scurried out to the living room. They were still waiting where he had left them with Yunho holding her against his chest.
Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as Mingi came near. He tossed the pillows on the side of the blanket nearest the fireplace and put the condom and lube near Yunho’s leg before taking a seat in front of her.
“How do we start?” She sat up a little straighter and ran her palms down her legs, revealing the niggling anxiety she had bubbling inside her.
“Let’s lie down,” Yunho put a guiding hand on her shoulder, bringing her to lie on her side with a pillow under her head. Mingi lay down on the other side, face to face with her, giving her a shy, reassuring smile. Yunho stretched out behind her, putting a hand on her hip as he pulled himself closer.
“Hi,” Mingi said somewhat stupidly as he looked into her eyes.
“Hi,” she giggled back. “Would you kiss me?” Mingi nodded, scooting towards her until his face lay beside hers on the pillow. He lifted her top leg to rest on his hip and put a hand on her ribs as he leaned in to take her lips. 
While Mingi kept her distracted, Yunho tried to figure out where he wanted to start. He had to take it slow, test the waters. He waited, watching as they kissed, their lips moving with an unhurried stupor. She relaxed under Mingi’s touch in the flickering of the firelight and Yunho let his hands wander to the curve of her hips. As his hand moved to cup the curve of her ass, she pulled away, turning slightly to look at him.
“Just relax,” Yunho urged. “Kiss our boy but promise you’ll tell me if I do something that hurts or just doesn’t feel good.” She nodded and moved back to Mingi, letting Yunho slowly touch her. Mingi pulled her closer, pressing her chest to his as he explored her mouth more deeply. He knew to distract her, keep her relaxed and feeling good, it would help make everything else easier.
Yunho cupped her flesh, spreading her cheeks and letting his fingertips tease along the smoothness there. She reacted to his touch without breaking the kiss, flinching a little before relaxing into his touch. Yunho took a little of the lube on his fingers, spreading it liberally around her. She let out a slightly tense chuckle and pulled her lips from Mingi’s.
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” Yunho sighed, taking his hand back. “We can do it another night.”
“No, no,” she insisted. “I’m just nervous and it kind of tickles. Just keep going.” Yunho nodded, letting his fingers return to test the tenseness of her body as he kept his eyes on her face, trying to read her expression. Her eyebrows raised slightly as he pressed against the tight ring of muscle, but she didn’t pull back. She let out a deliberate breath and closed her eyes, concentrating on the feel.
“Does it feel alright,” he asked, keeping his fingers moving gently as he felt her loosen up a fraction.
“Yeah,” she nodded, but didn’t move otherwise, finding it hard to stay relaxed if she did. “I feel like I don’t tease you nearly enough about having big hands.” 
Yunho couldn’t help but laugh at her timely sense of humor. “Big hands? Love, I have big everything.”
“Oh, I know,” she gave a deep, breathy chuckle. “Just realizing it for totally new reasons all over again.”
“Here,” he pressed forward, getting one fingertip inside her. “How is that?”
“Mmmm, good,” she nodded and her muscles fluttered around the intrusion. “Keep going.”
“Yunho is always gentle,” Mingi assured her, kissing her forehead and stroking her upper arm.
“You both are,” she put a hand on Mingi’s chest and pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose. Yunho continued to move as Mingi playfully covered her face in little kisses until she was left a mess of testing pleasure and giggles.
When he could comfortably scissor two fingers inside her, ever so slowly, he decided he had prepared her as well as he could. He slid the condom on and covered it with lube before laying himself down against her back, positioning himself to enter her. Teasing his head at her entrance, he used his hand to steady her hips.
“Ready?” Yunho asked tenderly.
“Yeah,” she confirmed. “Please.”
Mingi looked over her shoulder at Yunho as he lay on the other side of her. His face was tense with concentration as he slowly pushed inside.  He sucked in a breath through his nose, taking in her scent and taking in the moment as he drew close to being fully inside her. She was still tight, but gave no sign of discomfort.
“How does it feel?” Mingi asked, looking at both of them.
“Good,” she answered. Behind her Yunho only nodded. He felt himself twitch in anticipation, still not sure if he should move yet.
“Should I...what should I do?” Mingi asked them, his hand massaging her waist slightly. 
“Let me move a little,” Yunho’s voice was tight. “Just to make sure it feels alright with just me.” Mingi nodded and looked to her as he felt Yunho shift in preparation to flex his body for the first time. She moved at the sensation of him pulling out half way, her eyes widening and breath catching in her throat.
“It’s okay?” Mingi asked, a worried look flashing across his face. Behind her Yunho stopped in response.
“I like it,” she let out a giddy sound and Yunho felt relief wash over him. “What’s next?”
“Always so eager,” Yunho teased her from behind but sent a look to Mingi over her, giving him the go-ahead to try and enter her from the other side. Mingi adjusted the leg she had draped over his hip, having to move up slightly to be in the right place and at the right angle. She was left between them, the top of her head reaching just past their chins, seeming so small between them. Her hands went to rest on Mingi’s chest, moving with a jittery energy as she waited for him to enter her. 
Mingi’s fingers moved to touch between her legs, making sure she was still slick enough for him to enter her comfortably. His fingers brushed over her sensitive clit, making her twitch and clench slightly with her whole body. Yunho let out a groan and bit his lip. Mingi wasn’t sure if he ought to apologize for accidentally teasing, but he couldn’t deny he liked the face that Yunho made in reaction. Mingi positioned himself and slowly penetrated into her body. She made a little breathy oh and Yunho’s eyes widened, a look of surprise coming over him.
“I can feel you,” Yunho breathed. His hand moved down to splay over her lower stomach, almost as if to test if he could feel Mingi invading her from both sides. Mingi pushed forward until he was completely inside. A shiver rode down his spine. She was usually pleasantly tight around him, but he could feel how much Yunho had already filled her. It was strange, Mingi had to admit, feeling both of them at the same time.
“How does it feel?” Yunho questioned both of them before directing a more pointed question to her. “Do you feel okay?”
“I feel so full,” she said slowly. “I want you to move.” Mingi nodded in agreement, putting his upper arm over her to hold Yunho’s hips behind her. Together, they tentatively moved, feeling the other through the thin wall of her body as they did. Within a few thrusts, the boys had managed to find an easy, synchronised rhythm. It was a strange and intimate pleasure that built between them. When they made love together it was always all three of them doing it together, chasing satisfaction as three parts of a whole. But this, this was somehow different. Between the way they could all feel each other at the same time and the way her body hugged them all the tighter with both of them inside it was a whole new experience.
Mingi would have sworn nothing could have felt this good. His hips stuttered in their movement and he felt the stroke of Yunho’s cock move along him through her body. It sent a thrill through him and his hand spasmed, gripping Yunho with enough strength to draw a hiss from the other boy. Mingi apologized, holding himself still in her as he struggled not to just let himself go.
“Mingi, baby,” she said from between them, feeling the tenseness suddenly suffusing him. “You can move. You can let go.”
“Don’t want to hurt you,” he shook his head.
“I’m okay,” she insisted. “It feels so good; just let go.”
“It’s okay,” Yunho echoed from behind her. Both the boys let go, finding tempos that only occasionally matched, but each sent bliss cascading through her body. Mingi reached his orgasm first, the excitement and novel sensations proving difficult for him to resist for terribly long. He spent himself deep inside of her, his cock twitching as he released the pent up cum that felt like it had been building up in him for weeks. He stayed inside her, enjoying the near overstimulation of Yunho stroking against him through her.
Reaching between them, Mingi began to stimulate her, hoping to bring her again though he hadn’t been able to wait for her. Her breathing quickened and he could feel Yunho thrusting still, though he was getting less steady in his movements. Around his softening erection Mingi felt her walls flutter and knew she was getting close.
“Come for me, love,” he begged, loving his fingers against her. “I’m sorry I didn’t last long enough.”
“‘s okay,” she panted, her breath hitching as the pleasure the boys were giving her began to overflow in her. “‘m so close.” Her words had taken on a lazy slur and her skin shimmered in the low light, having developed a fine sheen of sweat, sandwiched warmly between the two boys. Mingi moved his fingers faster and ground upwards with his pelvis.
Yunho moved faster in her, chasing his pleasure, knowing that she was close. He no longer felt the tight squeeze of sharing her body with the full, hard erection of Mingi, but she still hugged him tightly as he moved. The softness of her ass against his hips along with the light slap of flesh against flesh was heavenly. She let out a moan and her legs twitched and straightened as her muscles tried to flex when the pleasure washed over her. The pulse of her internal muscles finally pushed Mingi out of her body and Yunho felt the odd sensation of them squeezing, though not around him as they usually did. He felt them flutter against the base of his cock as he continued to thrust in her from behind. Seating himself as deeply in her as he could and tucking her tightly against his chest, Yunho came, filling the condom in long spurts.
Though he wanted to stay like that for as long as she would have allowed, he carefully pulled himself out and removed the condom along with him. She let out a sound of surprise and quivered again as he removed himself. Suddenly, it felt as though she was emptier than she had ever been and she struggled with the need to pull them closer to make up for it. It was an odd and overwhelming feeling after such an intense experience. Mingi started to pull away, just to get up and start cleaning the mess they made since he had had the most time to recover, but she caught him, her fingers clawing at him with their confused desperation.
“Don’t go,” she told him with a muffled distress, the tone catching the ears of both boys. Mingi scooted close to her again and sent a look to Yunho, still panting behind her.
“Everything okay?” he breathed, rubbing his palm over her chest.
“Yeah, yeah,” she said a little too fast and with too high a pitch to her voice.
“Babe,” Mingi’s hand went to her face, stroking the backs of his knuckles over her cheek. “Were we too rough? Does something hurt?”
“No,” she was quick to object. “I don’t know how to explain it. I just...don’t want to feel alone.” The boys looked at each other, blinking at her somewhat baffling answer.
“We’re right here,” Yunho soothed, giving her an extra squeeze as he did. “We just wanted to clean up a little, love.”
“I know,” She admitted, looking down a little.
“If I promise not to let you go,” Yunho proposed. “Can we move into the bath?”
After a moment she let her fingers drop from where they clung to Mingi and she nodded. Without a word, Mingi slipped away to start running the bath. Yunho held her, tucking her body tightly against his in the moment he gave Mingi to get things started in their bathroom. He rocked her gently, slipping his other arm under and around her as he whispered words of love into the quiet room. Finally he could feel her relax against him a little and he decided it was best to carry her to the bathroom, rather than ask her to walk back there with him. Standing up, he lifted her into his arms, facing him with her legs wrapped around his waist. She looped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck as he made his way down the hall.
The tub was half full by the time they got there and Mingi was in the shower rinsing himself off quickly. He poked his head out when he heard Yunho enter, still worried about their girl. Yunho stepped carefully into the large tub and lounged against the back of the tub as best he could, still holding her tightly against him. She didn’t say anything, but ever so slowly began to settle down in his arms until she seemed to almost go slack. Yunho gently dribbled water down her back where it was above the line of the water, trying to gently wash her without disturbing her.
Mingi, having finished his shower and gotten them all something warm to drink, returned to find her draped over Yunho’s chest as he carefully cupped water onto her back. Mingi set the drinks down, offering one to Yunho before kneeling down on the tiles beside the tub. Yunho, more thirsty than he had thought, downed a few gulps before passing the cup back to Mingi. Unencumbered by another body on him, Mingi decided it would be easiest for him to help by washing her as much as he could without disturbing her. He sponged down her back and along her upper arms, surprised that she didn’t really react, even to look at him.
Is she asleep, Mingi mouthed, catching Yunho’s eyes. Yunho placed his palm against her back to feel the rhythm of her breathing. It was slow and steady, seeming to indicate that she had, indeed, fallen asleep against him.
“What should we do?” Yunho asked, trying to get a view of her face, though it was tucked tightly in against the crook of his neck.
“Get her clean and tuck her in bed, I guess,” Mingi shrugged. Yunho could only agree, letting his hand move under the water to the apex of her thighs to swish and rinse her clean as best he could from that angle. She didn’t move as he gave her a light wash, only protesting slightly when he shifted her to pass her to Mingi who wrapped her wet body in one of their towels.
Mingi placed her in their bed and tucked her in under the covers before climbing in beside her. He pulled the comb out of her hair and slipped the necklace from her neck, putting both of them on the bedside table for the night. He spiraled her hair up and over the pillows in the hopes of keeping it out of the way for the night. Yunho emerged from the bathroom, clean and dry as Mingi finally settled down, spooning against her side. Yunho turned out the lights then joined them, pulling the covers high over all of them.
“Thank you for giving us so much,” Yunho whispered to her in the dark. “Thank you for giving all of yourself to us.” On the other side of her, Mingi gently nuzzled her cheek, giving it a little kiss before closing his eyes. Yunho reached across her, taking one of Mingi’s hand in his before finally letting his own eyes close. 
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p1harmonyofficial · 3 years
[📰] Get to Know the Members of K-Pop Group P1Harmony With These 10 Fun Facts! (Exclusive)
P1Harmony is a rising global K-Pop troupe, but we wanted Just Jared readers to get an exclusive chance to know them a little better!
The talented six-member boy group first arrived on the scene back in October of 2020, embarking on their international music career with the release of their first mini album DISHARMONY: STAND OUT and feature film, P1H: A New World Begins, which positioned the group as a force to be reckoned with in the music scene.
Amid the pandemic, the group continued to make new music for their fans with the release of their second mini album, DISHARMONY: BREAK OUT, including their slamming, hip-hop infused title track “Scared,”” along with an accompanying music video full of street-style dancing and intense visual effects.
Watch “Scared” and check out these 10 Fun Facts about P1Harmony inside!
1. I have more eyelashes on my right eye than my left. Right after my debut, I didn’t really know how to remove eye makeup, so for a while, I used to just rub my eyes really hard with soap and now, I have more eyelashes on my right eye than my left. 2. I used to love oysters, but now I cannot eat it. I was an oyster fanatic, until very recently. I ordered raw oysters after watching a TV show at night with JONGSEOB, and after one bite, I couldn’t eat it anymore. The taste of the “sea” was so pungent. Now, I’m too traumatized! 3. I saved a man’s life. I went chestnut picking with my dad, and found a guy hanging on a cliff and struggling to get back up. We immediately helped him get up. He was really grateful and I remember feeling so proud to have saved someone’s life! 4. I have a small horizontal scar on the right side of my face, and I kind of like it. I got this scar when I was about four or five, and although it’s not that visible now, sometimes I like it because it makes me feel like a charismatic, bad guy! 5. I love dogs. I love dogs, so I have been watching a lot of dog-related videos but I’m terribly allergic. I can’t stop myself from petting them when I see them on the street, and always regret it afterwards because I turn all puffy and itchy! 6. I fantasize a lot about time travel. I even tried and feel like it can really happen one day! I lie down in my bed, put my blanket over my entire body and focus really hard on the idea, but this brings me nowhere but to the future. [Laughs] 7. I have a gold tooth. 8. I have a brown spot (mole) on my middle finger. 9. I love my Crayon Shin-chan character earphones. I get happy just looking at it. 10. I go to the convenient store so much that there isn’t anything I have not tried!
1. My right shoulder is more developed than my left. I used to play volleyball and would strike with my right arm, so my right shoulder is more developed than my left. 2. I have a red mole. I recently got a red mole on the side of my right neck, but I have no idea where it came from and why but it’s not going away! 3. I can’t burp, literally. I don’t know how to burp and have never burped in my life 4. I only drink carbonated drinks. I rarely drink anything that is NOT carbonated. 5. I don’t like lettuce and tomatoes in my burgers. 6. I had a burst appendix and didn’t know it for a while. I was hospitalized for two months, because they couldn’t find my appendix. Apparently, my organs are shaped and structured differently. 7. I love slippers. Unless I am going to an official engagement or doing promos, I am always in slippers, (even during winter)! 8. I have never cried in front of people until I turned 20. I was watching a very emotional episode of “Animal Farm,” and got caught crying in front of KEEHO, SOUL and JIUNG. Since then, I think I’ve gotten more emotional. I once cried watching JONGSEOB cry, too. 9. I can’t stay still when I’m on the phone. I have to walk around or do something when I’m on the phone. 10. I love singing songs to my friends over the phone.
1. I love Tonkatsu (pork cutlet). I have been addicted to tonkatsu these days and have been eating it almost every day for the last few months. 2. I have the same birthday as my younger brother. My younger brother and I share the same birthday, which is Oct. 7. We were also born around the same time. 3. My younger brother and I have a similar birth time as well. I think he was born like 8 minutes before me or after! 4. I love raw garlic and don’t like kimchi. 5. I only drink flat coca-cola. I purposely decarbonate my coke by shaking it and letting the air out multiple times until the bottle doesn’t expand anymore and the coke is completely flat. 6. I still fit into my hats from my adolescent years. My head is so small that I still fit into all my hats from elementary school. 7. I think too much. I make daily memos and write down almost everything to organize my thoughts. 8. I like to dance and sing when the streets are empty. When no one is around and I’m in a good mood. I love walking down the empty street thinking I’m shooting a music video. I sing, dance and act. Last time, I bumped into someone and I ran away in full embarrassment! [Laughs]. 9. I have a scar on my eye. 10. I may look picky, but I’m not a picky eater! I love trying a lot of different cuisines.
1. I love collecting sunglasses and glasses although my eyesight is near perfect. I love wearing glasses even though I don’t need them to see. I also have been collecting a lot of sunglasses lately. 2. I talk during my sleep, apparently! According to my members, I sleep-talk a lot (almost every night), but I don’t remember any of it and I never have dreams. 3. I have the same birthday as my dad! 4. I can eat salads all day. I love salads! I love eating vegetables, especially celery and carrots, and prefer dressings like ranch and oriental. 5. I am not good at smiling. I have a hard time smiling so I’m still in the process of learning how to smile naturally! I have to make sounds out loud to smile [during photo shoots]. 6. I used to hate wearing sweatpants. I don’t know why but I hated sweatpants and never wore them when I was younger― even if I had to wear something more uncomfortable like slacks or jeans.. Now, I wear them all the time! 7. I rarely cry alone or in front of people. The only person who has seen me cry is INTAK. I was going through something heavy and was alone at a park by myself when INTAK came to pick me up. He started crying as soon as he saw me, and that made me cry. 8. I used to pull all my loose baby teeth. I hated having something loose in my mouth, so instead of waiting to go to the dentist, I used to pull them out on my own. 9. I have a light (barely noticeable) mole on my big toe. 10. I have curly hair, so unless I blow dry it, it goes wild.
1. I used to collect beetles. I think I had up to 30 beetles in one big box. 2. I only wear Air Jordans. I only wear Jordans and my favorite design is the Air Jordan 1s. 3. I love dolls! I love buying and collecting dolls. I like anything that is cute and fuzzy. 4. I don’t like taking pictures of humans except KEEHO. I only take pictures of nature, architecture or like a beautiful scenery. The only time I would take a picture of a human is of KEEHO. 5. Me and my younger sister found an important historical stone artifact. We were just digging stuff up and found a stone artifact. We later learned it was a historically valuable artifact, so we donated it to a museum. 6. I wear my pants backwards. 7. I don’t like electric fans. I don’t like when wind blows in my face 8. I once had the same dream three times in a row. I had the same dream three times in a row, but every ending changed depending on the choices I made [in my dream]. 9. A bird pooped on my head while I was on my way to school. Without having much reaction, I just walked to school and waited until I had to go to the bathroom to wash. 10. I don’t get scared or surprised easily. I used to get yelled at for bowing down and saying hi to all the actors playing zombies, monsters or ghosts at haunted houses in theme parks.
1. I like books that are thick and with small letters for no particular reason. I tend to buy books that are thick, whatever the genre is. I think it’s because I’m a fast reader. 2. I never had cavities! I love eating sweets like jellies and candies. I can go through a whole pack in one sitting, but I’ve never had cavities! 3. I have something called a “knee hyperextension and/or back knee. My knee bends backwards in a straightened position unlike many people. 4 I love the dark. I usually don’t turn on the lights unless I really have to. 5. I could sleep for long periods of time. I once slept up to 16 straight hours, and I barely have dreams. Maybe like five times a year?! 6. I don’t like/eat seaweed or seagrass. 7. I love walking into a room that is super cold. I turn on the A/C and close the door for about 30 minutes so it can be ice cold before I walk in. 8. I want to learn how to play bass guitar one day! I watch random videos of jam sessions, and one day would really like to play bass guitar. 9. My eyesight is different on both eyes. I am near-sighted on one, and far-sighted on the other. 10. I am pretty good at playing games on my phone.
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polaristranslations · 3 years
Shinobu Mustard Episode 1
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This spring, Harimaze Kie was a first year that had just enrolled in Naoetsu Private High School and a part of the girls' basketball club, and naturally, she was extremely regretting both of those decisions. She was regretting having enrolled in the university-focused Naoetsu High that had a high standard score, and she was regretting having joined the girls' basketball club that was too Spartan for a school that was supposed to be university-focused.
After all, the Naoetsu High girls' basketball club had previously had a super high-school level superstar, and the team had actually competed on a national level. But, as mentioned above, that senior had already retired, and what remained for the next generation to inherit was simply an intense training regimen.
A sports club with intense training, even though they weren't good.
That was the worst.
It was an ancient style of training that was influenced by images of a golden age—a bloated self-projection of, "we're both human beings, so I should be able to reach her level".
In the first place, this superstar senior had ultimately sustained an injury to her left arm and opted for an early retirement, so a Spartan training regimen was really meaningless, or rather, it could even prove to be backfiring on the team... So why was the club still forcing its members to do bunny hops?
Having said that, she wasn't exactly willing to quit the club of her own accord. If the coach or the captain were to give her the cruel verdict of, "You have no talent so you should just quit," then she'd happily resign with that as the reason. But unfortunately—and perhaps this was also a remnant of the era in which a superstar was a member—the Spartan girls' basketball club had a strong sense of solidarity.
And a strong sense of solidarity meant a heavy sense of collective responsibility.
If quitting of her own accord could end up influencing her teammates in some way, then it was hard to even bring up the subject... If she even said a word of "wanting to quit", then it would stop being just her problem alone.
Even though it was a tradition that couldn't be right, she didn't want to be the cause of putting it to an end... She wanted the evil tradition to come to its natural end, praying that it wasn't made out to be her fault. Stemming from the collective responsibility was a desire to shift the responsibility onto someone else. And probably, the other teammates were also continuing to endure the hard training with similar motives, their hands tied by similar ropes, all being foolish together.
And with that, it was today as well that Harimaze Kie had unwillingly participated in club activities right up until she was allowed to leave, dragging her two legs that ached with unending muscular pain down the dark evening path as she'd done for the past few months.
Her teammates all left in different directions, and obviously the time she left from school didn't coincide with her friends from class (in fact, her club activities had been so intense that she'd fallen out of contact with her friends from class), so she was returning home alone in a way that couldn't possibly be considered safe. She was even wondering if some bad guy wouldn't just come up and attack her already.
Even though she'd be able to triumphantly quit the club if she were to get badly hurt.
Even as she realized her thoughts had gone in too serious a direction, she could no longer control her thoughts anymore... She had become utterly exhausted from taking over the awful legacy that had meaninglessly remained, even as she knew it was backfiring.
Even her grades continued to decline.
It was true that practice was stopped before exams, but she'd found it hard to escape from the unspoken pressure of "training on your own" and "training in secret", and so her first midterm exams had resulted in awful scores that would been unthinkable for her in middle school. And at this rate, her rank for the final exams was sure to fall in the triple digits.
Well, not all of it could be blamed on club activities.
The students that had gathered at this private, university-focused school had simply had grades so excellent it made her embarrassed for having evaluated herself as a prodigy just a few months before... She'd gotten depressed, thinking things like, "Won't I end up becoming the first dropout since Naoetsu High was founded?"
Ah, that's why I want to be attacked.
Someone attack me. Beat me up.
Turn my life into chaos.
It could become an excuse for me to quit the club, and I might even get exempted from final exams... Then I can study while in the hospital and catch up on what I've fallen behind on. That's right, even if I wasn't a prodigy, I should be diligent enough to do that.
I can still redo everything.
Was this way of thinking just escapism?
(Escapism... Did that mean escaping from reality? Or did it mean managing to escape to reality?)
To throw away her hopes and dreams, and focus on reality.
In a sense, that was also a form of escapism... But in any case, there was no bad guy that conveniently appeared to strike her head in on Harimaze Kie's way home. No matter how many times, how many days she prayed.
Ah, then it's fine even if it isn't some bad guy.
It's fine if I get run over by a car at some corner, and it's fine if an airplane crashed onto my exact location... If it can make it easier for me, then anything's fine.
Even if it isn't reality... Even if it's a fantasy.
Yes, even something like a monstrous apparition—
"This is something I think every time I come to this country, but... There isn't a phrase that makes me less thankful than 'Thanks for the meal'... And saying 'It was delicious' is practically the opposite of delicious."
As she came near a three-way intersection, and as she walked—no, as she painfully dragged her legs while looking at her smartphone to make it even easier for a bad guy to attack her from behind, Harimaze Kie was, very openly, approached from the front.
And, as if a self-introduction was a form of etiquette that could never be forgotten—
"I'm the great Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicidemaster. The death-prepared, death-inevitable, death-certain vampire."
Her hope had been granted. Or perhaps, her despair had been granted.
Thinking that, Harimaze Kie raised her head.
It had been a while since I'd been to a hospital.
However, it wasn't that I, Araragi Koyomi, was particularly afraid of syringes, nor did I have a fear of lab coats—in fact, I actually loved them. This is just between you and me, but there'd been one time that I'd made my girlfriend wear a lab coat... We'd roleplayed using a mechanical pencil as a syringe.
Regardless (as much as it made me fall into some frustrations), the reason I'd stayed away from hospitals regardless of anything was that, during spring break when I was still a 17-year-old high schooler, I'd had my blood sucked by the gold-haired and gold-eyed, iron-blooded, hot-blooded, cold-blooded vampire, beautiful enough to send chills down my spine, and spent about 2 weeks as a vampire. And, because of the aftereffects, I had become completely free of injuries and diseases.
I was in such good health that I was almost tired of it.
Or rather, if I found myself getting examined at a hospital, then my aberrant regeneration abilities or superior eyesight could come to light, and I could end up being used as a sample for human experimentation... As a result, I'd even come up with an excuse to skip out on the physical examinations that occurred when entering college.
For the sake of my rose-colored campus life, there was no end to the caution I'd need to take... Regardless, the reason I came to the Naoetsu General Hospital this time was because I'd been personally called there by an adult that I owed more to than even my own parents.
By Gaen Izuko-san.
"So, what do you think, Koyomin? About this patient," said Gaen-san.
In a room on the fifth floor of the fourth ward, she spoke almost as if a doctor would—as if she were asking for my opinion. But I was in the science department and not the medical department, and if we were saying that, then not even Gaen-san was a doctor, either. Although, if it was her, it wouldn't be surprising if she had multiple doctor's licenses... Of course, while I had no intention of pretending to be a doctor at this point, after being prompted, I decided to give the bedridden "patient" a look.
Actually, because the single room wasn't all that big, that "patient" had already been in my field of vision since I'd entered, but it was just hard for me to look directly—I'd averted my eyes on reflex.
It felt like I'd seen something I wasn't supposed to.
The "patient" that was lying on the bed was,
"...A mummy."
While it had been made to wear a patient gown for hospital use, at the very least, it did not seem like a living being—or so it seemed.
"This is a mummy, isn't it? A human one, at that."
When I was a high schooler, there'd been a time that I witnessed something like a mummified monkey, but from the physique, and from the hair that was still left on the head, even if they'd gotten completely dried up, I could tell for certain that this mummy was a human.
Even if they weren't a living human.
They were certainly a dead human.
"No, no, this isn't even a dead human, Koyomin."
"...Um, Gaen-san. Isn't it about time for you to stop calling me 'Koyomin'? I'm already a college student now."
"A college freshman is practically the same as a newborn baby, you know. It was the same for me. I would say, goo goo ga ga."
She was totally unapproachable.
Well, it was a waste of breath. Considering this woman of unknown age, even once I became a fully-fledged adult, she would probably still affectionately call me "Koyomin"... But anyway, what did she mean by, "this isn't even a dead human"?
"It's alive. Still. Even in this state."
Gaen-san spoke without a moment's hesitation—it was a composed, not overly dramatic way of speaking very much like a specialist, or rather, very much like the administrator of specialists.
However, as someone who wasn't even close to being a specialist, it was a line I couldn't overlook.
This mummy was still alive? Really?
I would've guessed this was some kind of sokushinbutsu, some kind of mummified monk, that had been brought from some temple... Although, thinking about it, it would be in bad taste even for Gaen-san to lay someone like that to rest in the bed of a hospital.
"Its heart is still beating, and it's still breathing. Its bodily functions are almost disturbingly normal. Though there's certainly no consciousness, it's not dead yet... If you think it's a lie, you can check for yourself."
"Check for myself..."
Being told that, I nervously reached out a hand to feel the sleeping mummy's heartbeat—but just before I touched it, I was rebuked with a, "Hold on, Koyomin".
"That's a girl, you know. Touching her chest is off-limits. You could at least take the lady's arm to get a pulse like a gentleman."
A girl? Considering it had gotten all dried up, it was impossible to tell the gender of the mummy—however, regardless of whether or not she was a lady, I couldn't ignore the fact that she was a girl.
"...Then, if you'll excuse me."
I touched the left wrist of the mummy. Since she was a mummy, I was worried that she'd crumble into bits if I touched her, so I'd tried to be as gentle as possible, but that dried-up skin was still surprisingly resilient.
And I certainly felt a pulse. Thump, thump, thump.
"I'll just say this right now, but there's not actually any blood flowing—though her heart is still beating, there's no blood circulating."
It's just air circulating—said Gaen-san.
"Just air in a hollow body. Like it's completely empty."
As I listened to Gaen-san speak, unsure whether the line was supposed to be a joke or a fact, I pushed aside the mummy's hair to carefully check the girl's neck—and, as expected.
Two small holes had been pierced into her neck.
As if she'd been bitten by a snake.
Or, as if she'd been taken in by an oni.
"Harimaze Kie is the name of that mummy. A female student of the school you used to go to, Naoetsu High... But since she's a freshman that started this year, I don't think she's an acquaintance of yours."
"...Was she attacked by a vampire?"
Though I'd internally gotten flustered at the name of my alma mater suddenly showing up, I confirmed with Gaen-san something that didn't need to be said. It was so obvious that it definitely could've been left unsaid, but even so, I couldn't go without asking.
I gradually began to understand why I'd been called here.
"It seems so. On the way back from club activities, it seems she ran into one with a bang."
"Even though it'd been peaceful."
That was all I could say.
I had no intention of pretending that I understood anything.
However, everything started when I was attacked by a vampire during that spring break—the turmoil that ensued should have been brought to an end with my graduation ceremony, but to think that, just a few months later, a case like this would occur.
Well, it was possible that incidents like this occurred frequently across the world that I just didn't know about—if not for that, then Gaen-san, "the onee-san that knew everything", would be out of a job.
It was a terrible business opportunity.
It was a very niche livelihood—or rather, a niche death-lihood.
"So you're saying, this girl... Harimaze-chan? Did Harimaze-chan turn into a vampire?"
"Well, it seems that she failed to turn into a vampire."
Gaen-san shrugged.
"This is a fairly common occurrence. Successes like your case, Koyomin, are actually rarer. Although, with what happened, from the side of the vampire that sucked your blood, it was a huge failure for her."
Saying that, Gaen-san lowered her eyes to the linoleum that was characteristic of hospitals... That is, to my shadow on the floor.
Of course, there was no response from my shadow.
We were in broad daylight.
"Even though she's still alive, she's just barely not dead... Just a mummy with all its blood sucked out. Not on the verge of death, but still more dead than alive. Is that it..."
Even I could've become like this at that time... However, while a part of me was trembling, another part of me was relieved.
I had no intention of saying that it was fortunate that Harimaze-chan had her blood sucked by a vampire and turned into a mummy where it wasn't clear whether she was alive or not—but, as long as she was still alive, there was still hope.
And because of that, just like there had been for me, there must be a way to turn her back into a human—so the fact that her vampire transformation had failed was a blessing in disguise.
In my case, I had no choice but to do something about it by myself through my own efforts and self-education, but in this case, the omniscient specialist Gaen-san was presiding over it... I wasn't exactly optimistic, but there had to be a way to help this girl out.
"'Help her', huh? Didn't my very own Hawaiian-shirt guy say something about that?"
"...I've already completely forgotten what your Hawaiian-shirt guy has said, but Gaen-san, it's not something you say, isn't it? You don't say anything like, 'You can't help her. People can only help themselves.'"
"It seems like you remember it, though."
Gaen-san gave a sarcastic laugh.
"Of course, I'm here to help this girl, Harimaze-chan. However, Koyomin. If you simply think that a homebody like me being out here from the beginning is 'dependable', then that would be troublesome for me," she said.
What did she say?
"Huh? What does that mean? If you're saying you can't be depended on, Gaen-san, then who else is there that we can depend on?"
"That's a very nice thing to say, but before I explain, let's change locations."
"Change locations? To where?"
"We'll be making our rounds. Since it doesn't seem like you hate playing doctor, Koyomin, let me introduce you to the next patient."
It was a mystery how Gaen-san, who was neither a doctor nor a staff member of this hospital, was able to walk around as if she owned the place, but after seeing that a similar-looking mummy had been laid down in the bed of the next room over, I decided to come to the conclusion that the director of this hospital was the one who made the request to this specialist.
With these patients who had had all the fluids sucked out of their bodies and yet for some reason were still alive, if two were brought in in quick succession, it wasn't exactly something that modern medicine could do anything about... It had to be the work of the occult.
"This girl is called Honnou Aburi-chan. Another student of Naoetsu High—however, she's a second-year, so it's possible for even Koyomin to know her."
During my high school days, I wasn't exactly the sort that interacted much with my juniors.
Or rather, I hadn't even gotten accustomed to school enough to remember the names of students in other years... If she was currently a second-year, that meant that when I was a third-year, she was a first-year.
It was possible that I'd at least seen her face before, but because she was a mummy, and because she'd been made to wear a patient gown, I had no way of identifying her by her appearance... If I had to be completely honest, I couldn't even distinguish her from the mummy in the previous room.
"Harimaze-chan's mummy, that had been lying on the road, was discovered by a passerby the day before yesterday. Honnou-chan, who'd been found as a mummy at home in her own futon, was discovered last night by her mother."
"One person a day? That's quite a fast pace."
"It's not necessarily one person a day. There could be more that just simply haven't been discovered yet. Right now, it may just seem like only female students from Naoetsu High are being targeted, but there's a possibility this is only two out of a hundred victims."
Two out of a hundred. And that wasn't totally an exaggeration.
As for the vampire I personally knew, she boasted that she could stay alive even if she only drank the blood of a single person every few months, but on the other hand, she still had an appetite where she could suck the blood of all of humanity if she lost self-control.
However, in this case, I suppose I had to consider things based on Gaen-san's conjectures... There was some unidentified vampire targeting female students of Naoetsu High.
Unidentified... No.
The vampire I personally knew.
"Um, Gaen-san. Could it be possible that you're suspecting Shinobu? It's true that she'd been the subject of a rumor among the female students of Naoetsu High once before—"
"No, no, I've never once thought that to be the case. I only just realized when you asked me. It's not for that reason that I called you out, Koyomin, when you're enjoying your college life. I was just hoping to cooperate with you, as you know the lay of the land. So that we can prevent a 3rd victim, or perhaps a 101st victim."
Of course, you aren't a stranger to helping out a girl that you have absolutely no relation to—said Gaen-san, as if she were making fun of my personal history. Although I had nothing to say in response... It was because I got so desperate to help those I saw within range or within reach that I would end up troubling those who weren't within range and weren't within reach.
But, what should I do now?
After suddenly being shown not one, but two mummies in quick succession, and hearing that they were mummies of high school girls, I would inevitably be driven by a sense of moral obligation to help them, but fundamentally, a request made by Gaen-san wasn't something I could accept so readily.
For an adult that I couldn't know the true nature of, in a sense, she was scarier than a vampire.
Seeing that I stayed quiet instead of giving an immediate response, Gaen-san spoke.
"To be honest, the state of the board is such that I'd like to depend on Koyomin, too. A dependable Koyomin," she said. "It's a situation where someone like me, who likes working behind-the-scenes, had to be dispatched, you see. And if that's not enough, I can even say this... Right now, I'm taking measures to call that Yozuru back here."
"Eh... Kagenui-san?"
Perhaps I shouldn't be too surprised at that. However, I was still more than surprised—I was more surprised than I'd been after seeing two mummies in quick succession. At the very least, my reaction to Gaen-san's statement had to be more than what she'd anticipated.
To call that Yozuru back here.
Certainly, Kagenui-san, Kagenui Yozuru-san, was an onmyouji that specialized in immortal oddities, although it was hard to say that she was a respectable specialist. If anything, she was the specialist in this world that strayed furthest from the correct path—once, in my high school days, when I'd worked with together Gaen-san on a job, even in spite of the fact that an immortal oddity had been involved, Gaen-san had stubbornly refused to rely on Kagenui-san.
That meant that Gaen-san was predicting that this current situation was worse than that time.
In that case, was this something I couldn't ignore? It's not like I particularly had any love for my alma mater (in fact, when I'd still been attending school, I'd absolutely hated it), I'd feel guilty about pretending that I was unrelated to it.
Plus, though I had had almost no interaction with students of other years, it wasn't like there was absolutely no one I knew among my underclassmen... If I imagined one of them becoming the victim of a vampire and turning into a mummy, I couldn't exactly keep calm.
"...However, the practical issue is, if Kagenui-san is going to come, then I don't think that really gives me a chance to act. Or rather, I'd probably just become a hindrance to her. Maybe if I were still a high schooler with stronger aftereffects of my vampirism, but due to various reasons, I've gotten a lot more subdued after entering college."
"That's true. Though you were such an enthusiastic boy back then, it makes me feel lonely to see you all subdued like this."
Yeah, yeah.
"However, Yozuru isn't exactly nimble enough in her footwork to come as soon as she's called. As you're well aware, there are some special circumstances for her. No matter how much she hurries, it'll still take a few days until she arrives at this town... And those few days could very well be crucial to the number of victims."
I see.
If we went that far, then I was now a college student with more than enough time on his hands. If we were speaking of nimbleness in footwork, then I was even better than when I was in high school. Even today, I'd voluntarily skipped my algebra course to respond to Gaen-san's summons.
To tell the truth, there were a lot of circumstances with Kagenui-san that made me feel that it was simply difficult to face her right now, but in that case, it was possible that we could end this oddity phenomenon before she arrived at this town.
And, needless to say, doing that was preferable for Gaen-san, as well.
"Oh yeah. If Kagenui-san's coming here, then I'll have to let Ononoki-chan know, as well... Or rather, Gaen-san, aren't you going to inform Ononoki-chan about this?"
"Well, she herself is in the middle of work on a different case. But it's a secret from you, Koyomin."
I wonder what it is.
It seemed that Ononoki-chan had recently been hanging out with Sengoku a lot, but if that was the case, then it was hard for me to probe into it... Especially after being specifically told that it was a secret.
"It's important to not sweat the small stuff. If anything, this is just foreshadowing for the next installment. Nonetheless, I have no intention of pressuring you to work with me like I'd done before. If you can state in minute detail a legitimate reason as to why you'd like to flatly refuse getting involved with an incident that could possibly be traumatic, then I'll quickly drop the matter. If that happens, I'll call Kaiki."
"Leave it to me!"
No matter how I saw it, it didn't make sense for Gaen-san to think that that con man would make his entry for a phenomenon of this type, but if she brought out that name anyway, then I didn't really have a choice in the matter.
If it was to keep him as far from this town as possible, I'd do anything.
Con men were prohibited from entering this town.
"Well, con men are prohibited from most towns. Of course, I won't have you be working for free. In exchange for the considerable risk you're about to take, Koyomin, this friendly onee-san will be sure to offer the right amount of compensation."
A considerable risk, you say?
Well, it was quite likely that I would end up facing off against a vampire, and it wasn't like I could nonchalantly linger in safe zones... Not to mention, if I was going to get involved in a case estimated to be more dangerous than the revival of Shishirui Seishirou, I would need to be prepared for that much.
However, if you asked me whether or not I wanted compensation that corresponded to that level of risk, then honestly speaking, I didn't really want it... Frankly, receiving anything from Gaen-san was scary.
The deeper our relations or obligations get, the further into the depths I'd fall.
Being called out each and every time like this was almost like not being able to graduate from high school no matter how much time passed—but as I thought about it like that, Gaen-san spoke as if she'd accurately guessed the contents of my mind.
"If you decide to cooperate in the resolution of this oddity phenomenon, Koyomin... Until you graduate from college, that is, for the next four years or so, I won't appear in front of you again, and I won't even try to contact you. I swear it. You'll be able to go ahead with your bright and happy campus life, free from oddities and specialists," she said.
"For... For real?"
"Yes, for real. You'll never catch me in a lie or in twintails."
If it was Gaen-san in twintails, then I felt like I'd do anything to see that form, but this was a proposal that was even more attractive than that... Well, in another point of view it almost sounded like she was declaring that she'd cut ties with me, and if she swore that much it could even be a bit lonely (which sounded a bit selfish, even for me). But if it meant I could cleanly wash my hands of a life where I would be spoken to with an air of condescension whenever the chance arose, then there was no better compensation for me.
Well, it wasn't exactly clear how credible an oath made by the senior of that con man really was (it was even possible she'd done her hair up in twintails before), but, well, regardless of whether that promise was there, this certainly wasn't a situation that I could ignore.
All my reservations had been cleared up.
In the first place, for Gaen-san, I wasn't exactly a card that was easy to use. And it wasn't the same as with Kagenui-san. It was a problem of being too nimble in footwork. When it came to not moving within Gaen-san's predictions or directions, high school third-year Araragi Koyomi had been especially bad, if I do say so myself—now that I was remembering it, I had better repent for my behavior back then.
If an incident that forced Gaen-san's hand into using this worthless card was occurring in my hometown, then I absolutely couldn't just overlook this... That's right.
Sometimes, it was fine to help out people I didn't know.
"Understood. I'll do my best to work with you, to the extent that it doesn't interfere with my schoolwork—however, I don't want to cause trouble for my family, so I'd like for you be considerate in that respect."
"Ah. Of course, I can do something about that. I'd be well aware of the relationship between Yozuru and Tsukihi-chan even if I wasn't an onee-san that knew everything—oh!"
Just as Gaen-san managed to successfully gain my cooperation, her cell phone began playing a ringtone—well, considering we were inside a hospital, the thing that received a call could be her PHS, her Personal Handy-phone System, instead. She was an onee-san that carried a large number, with various kinds, of telecommunications equipment.
"Hello? Yeah. Yeah. ...Yeah."
As she spoke on the phone, Gaen-san's tone grew lower with every nod.
She was fundamentally an onee-san with a carefree style that didn't suit seriousness at all, but it seemed that the radio waves had managed to deliver information that could make this onee-san stop smiling.
"I have some unfortunate news, Koyomin," said Gaen-san after hanging up. "A third victim was discovered. Once again, a female student from Naoetsu High."
If you asked what would be the most striking difference, or perhaps transformation, between the Araragi Koyomi that attended Naoetsu Private High School and the Araragi Koyomi that attended Manase National University, then the most appropriate answer would be the method he took to go to school. Though I'd fundamentally spent my high school days going to school on a bicycle and otherwise on foot, when it came to college, my hands instead gripped the steering wheel of a car.
It was a Volkswagen New Beetle. It was after grueling hours of hard work at my part-time job that I managed to procure a used one in good condition, and I'd further restored it on my own—well, saying so would make a really good impression, but actually, it was a new car that was gifted to me by my parents to celebrate my high school graduation.
I was really being pampered.
Surprisingly enough, the fact that I so easily accepted that amount of pampering without resisting as part of my rebellious phase could actually be considered the biggest difference, or transformation... But putting that aside, after exiting the hospital, I had Gaen-san sit in the back seat of that New Beetle and headed towards the scene of the oddity phenomenon.
If you were wondering why I had her sit in the back seat, it was because a child seat had been affixed to the passenger seat—my passenger seat was reserved for a certain young girl.
"By appearance, isn't Shinobu-chan about 8 years old...? Though it's not even comparable to her in her complete mode, isn't she old enough to not need a child seat?"
"That feeling of having a slightly older kid fit tightly in a child seat is what I like."
"Mm... That's something you'd be better off not telling other people, Koyomin. Even me, an onee-san who knows everything, would have preferred not knowing that."
As we lightly exchanged such witty banter, we headed for our destination, which, as expected, was the school road to Naoetsu High—it wasn't a place that was too far off from the hospital, so we arrived fairly quickly.
Because it was immediately following the discovery of the mummy, I had thought there would be a crowd of onlookers that had formed or police officers that had rushed in, but the area was surprisingly unpopular... Even if it wasn't the time when people were going to school, could a normal road like this really be so deserted?
It had made me a bit suspicious, but it turned out that that was a result of Gaen-san's arrangements.
A way of keeping people out through some sort of barrier, the domain of specialists.
It should have been obvious from the beginning, but I wasn't the only person at Gaen-san's beck and call at this case—Gaen-san's forte was working in a team, and it could be seen as a good outcome that the search party had already managed to discover another victim that had been mummified in the same way as the two that had already been carried to the hospital.
Already. And yet, too late.
It couldn't really be said that finding the third victim was a good thing.
"I know you have some anxiety around strangers, Koyomin, so I had the search party leave the area, too. So you can perform your on-site inspection at a leisurely pace," said Gaen-san.
I was happy for that concern, but my stranger anxiety wasn't that extreme.
Well, from Gaen-san's perspective, she probably didn't want to introduce a temporary member like me to her subordinates, or her "real cooperators"—I could understand that.
Since my education wasn't very good.
"Even so, there's a limit to putting up a paranormal barrier in a residential area in the middle of the day, so let's move quickly. I expect this to have a strong visual impact, Koyomin, so make sure you prepare yourself mentally for that."
And Gaen-san exited from the back seat of the New Beetle... After being shown not one, but two mummified high school girls in quick succession, why was she telling me this now? That was what I'd been wondering as I followed her out, but immediately, I realized the importance of that advice.
Where the third victim had been discovered was, to be precise, inside some kind of shack that I didn't really understand, built on the other side of the guardrail alongside the school road.
Well, it had probably originally been some sort of wooden structure made for some purpose, but now, it could only be seen as some unidentifiable pile of wood... Though I'd said she was inside, it could at best be seen as some sort of awning, and with this many gaps in the woodwork, it likely would be able to keep out neither rain nor wind.
And, at the dried-up mummy inside it, I was rendered speechless.
Comparing the mummy that had been made to wear a patient gown and been laid down on a hospital bed, with the mummy that had been found in this mysterious incomprehensible shack wearing a high school uniform and collapsed on her side as if she had just dropped dead, the visual difference was striking.
Her shoes had fallen off, her clothes were a mess, and her bag had been thrown to the side.
Those details insistently nagged at me that this was the actual reality of things... Even if it was an oddity phenomenon, it was a reality that couldn't be passed off as fantasy.
There was no distinction between reality and delusion.
I was starting to regret having entered a domain that amateurs shouldn't lay a hand on—if it hadn't been Gaen-san that I'd made a promise with, I would probably turn tail and run.
However, it wasn't good to have my whole body tremble in fear.
In fact, it almost made me want to put on airs like a specialist... I tried to act as composed as possible and began to approach the mummy.
"This one also looks like a failure from a vampire transformation," I said, saying something I'd just learned as if I'd known it all along.
As I'd done earlier in the hospital, I took her wrist to feel for a pulse—and then.
"Koyomin, look out!"
It was unusual to hear Gaen-san shout, but it was no wonder she did.
When I'd squatted down near the mummy, she sprang up as if a spring had been installed in her back, and reached her arm out towards me—no, not her arm, but her finger.
And not her finger, but her nail.
The mummy tried to scratch me—tried to tear me to shreds.
"Wh-whoa! Ah..."
Being held down by a high school girl could be considered exciting and pleasurable depending on the circumstances, but if the conditions were that it had to take place inside an ominous shack and the high school girl had to be a mummy, then it definitely wasn't something I could feel happy about—though I'd carelessly approached the mummy to take her pulse, I'd ended up grabbing both of her arms for different reasons—for self-defense reasons.
I was able to somehow defend myself against the girl's ten unpainted nails, but I couldn't do anything about her fangs—by grabbing both her wrists, that also had the effect of sealing my own arms from being used.
And if the mummy, while holding me down, tried to come and bite into me, it wasn't like I could try and bite into her to defend myself.
Though I'd managed to perform all kinds of different kisses in my life, a mummified girl was way out of my strike zone—but ultimately, it was the work of a specialist that sealed the lips of the mummy that came onto me so passionately, and more importantly, the fangs that glinted within those lips.
Rather than sealing them, it was more like Gaen-san unleashed it—and what she unleashed was a cloth-like curtain that had covered the window of the shack.
And with that, the rays of the sun entered indoors, shining like a spotlight onto the mummy, and stopping her movements—like the opposite of a doll that moved using solar cells, as a result of bathing in the sun, the mummy ceased functioning.
As if her soul had been taken from her—if that was even possible—she collapsed onto me. That in itself was pretty frightening, but it seemed I'd just barely managed to escape from the predicament I'd carelessly stumbled into.
Although, considering that Gaen-san had cleaned up the predicament of this amateur college student with the most minimal of actions, perhaps it could hardly be considered a predicament... I see, even if the transformation had failed, the mummy was still a vampire, and was weak to sunlight.
Come to think of it, the hospital rooms where the mummies had been lying had also had the curtains open... And there were probably various other measures in place in that hospital room to seal the mummies' movements.
Even if they had no consciousness, even if the transformation had failed, a vampire was a vampire.
Even drawing near was dangerous.
"So... Sorry, Gaen-san. For acting on my own accord."
Rather than acting on my own accord, this was the result of me acting pretentious.
It was surprising how little I'd grown... Though I didn't know if getting my blood sucked by a mummy that had failed to become a vampire would turn me into a vampire, this had come dangerously close to eerily reproducing the events of that spring break when I was a 17-year-old.
Feeling ashamed of myself, I crawled out from underneath the mummy... But to that, Gaen-san said, "No, it's a great achievement, Koyomin," with some sort of consolation that I didn't understand.
An achievement?
"The name of this girl is Kuchimoto Kyoumi-chan. A first-year of Naoetsu High. Because of how tall she is, I'd thought she was a third-year, but it seems kids these days are growing very well."
Without showing any more concern for me, Gaen-san had taken the bag that had been off to the side and looked through her student handbook and wallet and other belongings to obtain the victim's personal information—the first mummy had been a first-year, the second mummy had been a second-year, so the third would be a third-year... But there was no such clever progression.
"Um... Gaen-san. What do you mean by it being an achievement?"
"When Kuchimoto-chan went after you to try and scratch you, Koyomin, she dropped the set of flash cards that were in her hand, you see—you're not a high schooler anymore, Koyomin, but you remember what vocabulary flash cards are, right? The pieces of paper that you use to memorize English words."
Without turning to face me, she promptly tossed me those flash cards—of course I remembered. They were a huge help when I'd been taking entrance exams.
I caught them—it seemed Kuchimoto-chan wasn't particularly studious, as the flash cards were almost brand new. Among those flash cards, only the first one had been used, and what had been handwritten on the surface in red pen wasn't even an English word.
"...? What is this?"
"I wonder. By the way, there was a pen that seems like it could've written that among the writing materials right next to it—the cap of the pen wasn't even on. It was as if, when being attacked by a vampire, Kuchimoto-chan panicked and grabbed whatever she could to try and memorize that vocabulary word."
Gaen-san spoke carefreely as she fiddled with a smartphone with a strap on it, likely the high school girl's—unfortunately, it seemed a lock had been placed on it, which meant the contents of the phone could not be analyzed by even a specialist proficient with telecommunications equipment.
But anyway, the flash cards.
She tried to memorize vocabulary at that point... There's no way.
If anything...
"By the way, it seems Kuchimoto-san was an avid reader, which is admirable for this day and age. There was a work by Ellery Queen in her bag. You know, that Ellery Queen, famous for her 'Challenges to the Reader'."
And that Ellery Queen was famous for her dying messages as well—although, Kuchimoto-san had failed in a vampire transformation, so she was neither dead nor murdered, so the term dying message wasn't exactly accurate—but, "B777Q".
"It's a code that would elate that mystery maniac Ougi-chan. Although it would be impossible to go and depend on her now."
"Indeed. And she is still a student of Naoetsu High. She may even pull us further into the dark... At least during her stay of execution, I'd like to have her stay quiet."
During her stay of execution, huh? It had a nice ring to it.
Although it didn't particularly seem like she was going to stay quiet, there was no way I should further stimulate her curiosity—although, if more students of Naoetsu High were going to become victims, then that dark girl would very likely start acting on her own.
I was at a loss. If I were still in high school, I'd be able to depend on Hanekawa without hesitation, but... No, wait.
"Gaen-san. Will you please give Koyomin a chance to redeem himself?"
"Hm? What's that?"
"This dying message... Well, maybe we should be calling it a living message, but I think I have an idea about how to solve it. Please allow me to hold onto these flash cards for a bit."
"If you're going to say that much, then I don't mind. Living message, huh? How clever. It's common to make a joke that turns 'dying message' into 'dining message', but going for 'living' is fresh. And discovering that bit of evidence so early on is all thanks to Koyomin, after all—meanwhile, I'll be in charge of this."
Gaen-san had so disappointingly left the task to me that it felt less like she was giving me a chance to redeem myself and more like she'd discovered an even more important clue in her investigation—Gaen-san's line of sight was still resting on Kuchimoto-san's smartphone.
To be precise, what the specialist's keen eyes were looking at was not the locked smartphone itself.
It was the item that was literally connected to it, the strap.
"...Is there something wrong with the strap, Gaen-san?"
To an amateur like me, it looked like nothing but an ordinary strap. It had two accessories in the shape of the alphabet letter "K" dangling from it—without even needing to think about it, they were most likely the initials for the name "KYOUMI KUCHIMOTO".
Even if you locked your cell phone, if you left that personal information dangling out in the open, then it felt pretty meaningless...
"Of course, with just this, it would just be cute accessories that you could see anywhere. But if the second victim known as Honnou Aburi had a similar strap attached to her smartphone, wouldn't the story change?"
"Eh? ...A similar one?"
"Accessories with her initials. For Honnou Aburi-chan, it would be 'A H'... The lettering was the same. Of course, it could just be a coincidence. It could be a simple trend that this onee-san past her prime is unaware of."
The smartphone of the first victim, Harimaze-chan, wasn't decorated with any accessories at all, too—said Gaen-san, making a prudent excuse, before continuing with a "However".
"However, if the victims have something in common besides just being female students of Naoetsu High—there's a possibility that that missing link can tie back to the identity of that unidentifiable vampire as well."
Gaen-san called an ambulance to transport the third mummy, Kuchimoto Kyoumi-chan, to Naoetsu General Hospital, as the previous two mummies had been. And afterwards, I drove my New Beetle and headed for Manase University.
It wasn't anything like the admirable attitude of a college student to at least attend his afternoon lectures—it was to follow up on the idea I'd had with regards to solving the living message that had been left.
Conveniently, the 5th period course for today was the cryptography course I'd been thinking of—and undoubtedly, Meniko was sure to attend.
Hamukai Meniko.
She was a new friend I'd made in college. Considering she'd become a friend of mine, she was as usual a bit of an oddball, but what was important was that Hamukai Meniko was my first friend in a while to be completely unrelated to monstrous apparitions or evil spirits, urban legends or oddity stories—to be honest, just this made enrolling in university worthwhile.
I was glad I worked so hard to study.
Anyway, when I arrived at Manase University and entered the cryptography lecture hall in a bit of a late fashion, as usual, there was some good news and bad news.
The bad news: class had been canceled.
This was something that happened in college, after all.
However, the good news—there was a single person sitting in the lecture hall, neither reading a book nor playing with her smartphone nor draped over her desk asleep. And the one that was sitting while staring vacantly off into space was the student I was looking for.
"Yo, Meniko."
"Ah. Araragi-chan. Hola. Class is canceled, you know?"
"Hola. Seems like it, huh. But then, what are you even doing here?"
"Because I planned on spending my time here—I guess?"
As if she was wondering for the first time as to why she was sitting in a lecture hall for a canceled class, she responded as if she were playing dumb.
Thinking about it, it had been something like this when I first spoke to her, too—I'd come late to a class that had gotten canceled, and I'd ended up meeting Meniko, who was sitting in the classroom not doing anything.
In short, Meniko was decidedly bad at making changes to a schedule that she'd decided upon—even if a class was canceled, if she decided that she was going to spend that hour in that classroom, she'd move according to that schedule.
She was definitely an oddball. Although not as odd as I was.
But it was thanks to that that I could find her like this—because her personality was like this, it was pretty difficult to make plans over text as a result.
"There's something I want you to take a look at."
Finding it fortunate that the classroom had no one else in it, I took a seat next to Meniko and got straight to the point.
"All ri~ight. I'll look at anythi~ing. If it's a reque~est from Araragi-chan."
"It's about this flash card."
Since it was my first friend in a while with no involvement with oddities, I took special care not to get Meniko tangled up in my various oddity-related affairs, as I'd done with Oikura, while trying to maintain friendly relations with her, but in this case, it probably wouldn't be a problem—or rather, there were certainly many kinds of people in college, and among them, a female college student like this, with such a leisurely atmosphere, that it almost seemed like she was living in a different flow of time, and her hobby was deciphering codes, even when she wasn't a mystery maniac—she was quite an eccentric one.
She'd enrolled as a mathematics student as a result of her code maniac growing intense, and she was a promising ray of light among the first-years, valued highly by even the professor in charge of this cryptography course, although it had been canceled today.
And she was aiming to get a job in the police department's cyber security division or something... So, if I couldn't rely on Hanekawa or Ougi-chan, then I couldn't think of anyone else better than Meniko to ask for help—of course, I didn't reveal the fact that this was, not a dying message, but a living message left behind by a mummy that had failed to become a vampire.
I absolutely wouldn't introduce her to Gaen-san, either.
If I wanted to protect my precious friendships, I had to draw the line there.
"'B777Q'... Hmm?"
It seemed she'd been intrigued by it. It was hard to tell by her facial expression, but fundamentally, if there was something Meniko didn't find interesting, she'd ignore it as if she didn't even see it.
If you took in the fact that she'd so carelessly promised to "look at anything", then her words didn't match up with her actions at all, so it was good that I got her to look at it.
"Flash cards, hu~uh? How nosta~algic. Hm? There's something written on the back, too."
"Huh? The back?"
When I flipped through the cards back in that shack, I had judged that the rest of them had been completely blank, but right, since it they were flash cards, there was a space to write on the back, as well...
I definitely wasn't cut out for the role of a detective.
There were too many things I overlooked.
Nonetheless, when I inspected both sides of the flash cards dropped by Kuchimoto-san that I'd thought to be blank, both the fronts and the backs of almost all of them turned out to blank after all, without anything strange appearing—however, as Meniko had pointed out, on the other side of the very first card with "B777Q" written on it, the numbers "231" had been written in a manner even messier than on the front—"231"?
"B777Q" and "231"?
Absolutely nothing seemed to click for me—but what about the code maniac?
"Yeah. I have no idea."
"So you have no idea, either?"
"Yep. I have no idea. Why Araragi-chan, who's so much smarter than me, couldn't solve such an easy code like this—I have no idea."
So basically, did that mean she solved it?
I told Meniko that I could treat her to tea or something as thanks, but she politely declined, saying she had the next lecture to attend—well, that was the case for me as well, but unlike Meniko, I was flexible. The fact that I was not in the least reluctant to skip out on lectures was the same as in my high school days.
And, more simply, I had no time to waste.
Because it was an oddity phenomenon that involved a vampire, I needed to do as much as I could before the sun set—it's good to have a shelter against every storm.
After all, I'd even nearly been torn to shreds by mummies standing on the boundary line of life and death, unclear whether they were living or dead.
If I was going to have to confront the vampire itself—well, since I was under Gaen-san's management, it probably wouldn't develop into a battle, but it would still be better if I could resolve things before Kagenui-san arrived.
As such, I followed my navigation and traveled from Manase University to the Naoetsu General Hospital using the shortest paths possible. After arriving, I called the number of Gaen-san's PHS that I'd gotten from her when we'd parted ways, and had her tell me where Kuchimoto-chan's hospital room was—I'd foolishly wondered if, now that a third victim had appeared, it would be better to put them all in one large room for the sake of convenience, but it seemed Gaen-san wanted to keep them separate.
Well, if those related to the female students (mainly their families) ended up sharing strange information, it could cause a huge uproar—it was probably better to deal with each one of them as its own separate case, with "cause unknown", under the pretense of confidentiality, so as to keep this terrifying supernatural phenomenon behind closed doors and not cause a panic.
Of course, there had to be limits to that, but...
"Hey, Koyomin. You got back pretty quick, didn'tcha?"
Next to Kuchimoto-san, who'd been changed into a patient gown and laid on the bed like the two before her, Gaen-san, who was placing some sort of charm (vampire-sealing?), turned to look at me.
"Did you solve the code? I'd be happy if you said you did. Something a little inconvenient happened on my end, so I'd love to hear some good news."
"Huh. It's pretty unusual for something inconvenient to happen for you while I wasn't there."
Though she wouldn't offer any details, it seemed something truly inconvenient had indeed happened—although, unfortunately, I hadn't been able to return with good news that could make up for that.
Thanks to Meniko, the code I'd been assigned had indeed been solved, but that didn't change the fact that I had no idea what it meant—of course, this was just an amateur's judgment.
Perhaps, if I presented Meniko's solution (decryption) to Gaen-san, a specialist, it would be something immediately recognizable for her.
"My friend, who's planning on majoring in cryptography, solved it in 10 seconds. It was actually a bit too quick to be satisfying, but it was a code that a high schooler thought of, after all."
But it wasn't a code that couldn't be solved.
I put the flash cards on the shelf by the bed and tried to make my explanation brief.
"'B777Q'. If we take it apart, it's made up of a 'B' and a 'Q' with three sevens in between them, but what characteristics do the 'B' and 'Q' have in common?—although, I shouldn't need to start showing off like that in front of you, Gaen-san."
"No, it's fun. Keep going like that."
Even if you encouraged me...
Well, I was happy that she was going along with my self-redemption, now that I noticed it. It seemed she had some good points, when I actually could speak to her like this.
"Well, to sum it up, for the capital letters 'B' and 'Q' that look completely different when written in uppercase, they end up becoming the same shape, but rotated, when written in lowercase as 'b' and 'q'—and, if we think of them having the same shape, then there's a pair of Arabic numerals that also have the same shape."
"That's true. I'm well-aware of it from playing Uno."
"Um, it doesn't matter whether you know about it from playing Uno or not."
It was "6" and "9".
And, as you can see, "6" and "9" more or less had the same shape as "b" and "q"—in other words, after substituting them, we could come up with the equation that "B777Q" equals "67779".
"B777Q" = "67779".
"Oho. I see, I'm following you so far. But what does the number '67779' mean exactly? Do you have an interpretation for that?"
"Though she's aspiring to major in cryptography, that friend, like me, is a mathematics student, so when she sees a number lined up like this, she's the kind of person that thinks of prime factorization first, you see."
"What an annoying kind of person."
"Indeed. However, without even needing to do prime factorization, it should be clear as day that we can split '67779' into three prime numbers. That is, '67/7/79'."
"How is that even clear as day? Something like that is fainter than looking at a ghost."
Gaen-san shrugged her shoulders as if she was astounded.
Even an onee-san that knew everything couldn't know this as thoroughly as a code maniac and a prime number maniac could.
"So? How do you interpret '67/7/79' next?"
Of course, without even needing me to explain what prime numbers were, Gaen-san sought out the next step of the decryption—she was certainly good at using people.
"Well, we had a step where we converted the alphabet into Arabic numerals, right? So it's an orthodox method of doing the opposite now and turning the Arabic numerals back to letters of the alphabet."
"Hm... So is it 'S/D/V'?"
She was sharp.
Yes... "67" was the 19th prime number when you counted from "2". Similarly, "7" was the 4th prime number, and "79" was the 22nd prime number.
"67/7/79" = "S/D/V".
"If she managed to figure that out in 10 seconds, then I can't look down on college students these days, huh. Well, I don't have any complaints so far, but I still don't understand what 'S/D/V' is supposed to mean. You still have more, right?"
"Yes... I'm sure you probably realized this, Gaen-san, but for every piece of a flash card, there's always a backside... In the same handwriting as the front side, the numbers '231' were written."
"I hadn't realized it, though. Don't overestimate this onee-san too much, because I'd hate to disappoint you youngsters. '231'? Since it's obviously divisible by '3', it's naturally not a prime number. Although, among the titles of Maurice Leblanc's works, I think there was something like '313'."
"Since it had been specifically written on the back side, we should take this not as another code, but a sub-key to use as a hint... That is, it could be pointing out the order."
"The order? So, we should take the three letters pointed at by the code on the front side, and put them in the order of '2-3-1', like an anagram? So basically, 'S/D/V' becomes 'D/V/S'..."
"S/D/V" = "D/V/S".
It was likely that, in order to give off an air of perfection, the code had been rearranged to show the three sevens, "777", and this was an operation to put everything back.
Even I thought that "B777Q" looked better than "77QB7".
Putting it all together...
"B777Q" = "b777q" = "67779" = "67/7/79" = "S/D/V" = "D/V/S".
That was it—I was happy that I was being overestimated with her saying "Araragi-chan, who's so much smarter than me", but really, Meniko, arriving at something like this was impossible for me.
However, for a code maniac like Meniko, her decryption only went as far as this—just because "S/D/V" was "D/V/S", it still didn't change the fact that it was completely meaningless.
We could only decipher up to here for now.
However, if Gaen-san continued to say, "I still don't understand. You still have more, right?", then I'd have to throw my hands up—but the onee-san that knew everything stayed silent.
Without pressing further, and without even stating her own thoughts, she put a hand to her mouth, quietly behaving as if she were deep in thought.
Was there an interpretation that a specialist could make, as I had hoped? Could "D/V/S" be some sort of specialized term used by specialists... For example, something like "Dracula vampire soulless"...
But, as if chiding me for thinking something so stupid, Gaen-san said, "This is indeed an abbreviation, but these are initials, Koyomin. For example—the initials of a name like, 'Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicidemaster'."
It was an awfully specific name to use just as an example, but it seemed as Gaen-san had no intention of explaining any further, as she said, "Thanks, Koyomin. It seems like we might have something to go off of now," cutting short the conversation with her gratitude. "Give your friend my thanks, as well."
"Ah, yes..."
If the leader wrapped it up like this with that much force, I couldn't exactly go against it... Well, the fact that Gaen-san wasn't explaining it could mean that it was better off for me not to know. At least, for now...
In any case, for now we could put aside the deciphering of the living message that the third mummy, Kuchimoto Kyoumi-chan, left behind... As for me, I was more curious about Gaen-san's gloomy face that she'd shown when I entered the room.
Something inconvenient happened. That was what she'd said.
That's why she wanted some good news.
Even though she had said thanks, it didn't necessarily dispel the gloom from Gaen-san's expression, so I wondered if what I had brought was not good news but bad news. However, I couldn't just pretend to ignore whatever inconvenient thing happened while I'd been out.
"It might have been a bit of an exaggeration to call it inconvenient. Or rather, if it's like this, then I should say I'm glad I called you in in advance, Koyomin... In a way, this is fate. Well, because of the cell phone straps, I was wondering if there was another point in common between the victims aside from just them attending the same school, so I did a little invasion of the girls' privacy."
"When you put it like that, it makes it really hard to understand what exactly you're a specialist of, Gaen-san."
"As a result, I uncovered a completely unforeseen fact. All three of them were a part of the same club."
"The same club?"
Ah, then even if they were in different years, it would still make sense for them to be connected by having the same kind of strap... Although, I'd never been a part of a club, so I'd hardly associated with anyone who wasn't in my year.
Then, it wasn't just Kuchimoto-chan and Honnou-chan, but even the first mummy, Harimaze-chan, that were connected by a common missing link—but what was inconvenient about that?
Wasn't that a good thing?
It seemed much more concrete than the information I'd gone all the way to my college to bother a friend for, and it seemed like a much better clue that would take us a step closer to the resolution of the incident...
"And that club happens to be the girls' basketball club."
I understood. I understood very well.
Because, even though Gaen-san had almost nothing to be afraid of, specializing in all sorts of monstrous apparitions, she happened to have a single weakness, an organization that reminded her of her older sister... The Naoetsu High girls' basketball club.
Gaen Tooe.
That was the name of Gaen-san's sister, the onee-san's sister, and that onee-san's sister's daughter's name was Kanbaru Suruga—currently a third-year high school girl at Naoetsu High, and the former captain of the girls' basketball club.
She was one of the few juniors I'd interacted with—more precisely, she was the junior of my girlfriend, but, anyway, the keyword "mummy" was something that really had a bad affinity with Kanbaru.
And even if that weren't the case, the Naoetsu High girls' basketball club was rather unique... It was on quite a different level for a club that was in that uptight university-focused school.
Even if there were no oddities, it was still an odd organization.
If all three victims were members of the girls' basketball club, then it seemed impossible to just pass off as a coincidence... Although it was also dangerous to assume that that was the source of the incident.
Though I didn't remember when, a specialist had once said this.
Oddities have their own appropriate reasons—indeed.
Even the vampire that sucked out my blood during my spring break as a 17-year-old had inevitably had her own reason for doing so.
And if it happened that this case was also inevitable...
"We'd have to keep digging into it, right? Um, so basically... It would be better if I was the one to do that, right?"
"Right. I shouldn't get any more involved with Suruga, after all."
That was probably what she'd meant by when she said she was glad she'd called me in in advance... Once before, during an incident that wasn't just oddity-related, but also vampire-related, Gaen-san had needed to make use of Kanbaru's "left arm", and had operated under a fake name to do so.
She'd needed to do that much, because it was that taboo for her to step on her sister's shadow.
Though she was someone that was fuzzier than Oshino, she was strict about at least that much.
"Not to mention, Suruga has lost her 'left arm' now—or should we say she 'recovered' it? Really, Kaiki did something so unnecessary. Because of that, I lost another one of my successors."
"...Thinking about what happened before, I feel the same way in not wanting to get her involved. But, well."
I looked towards the bed... The third girl to be mummified, Kuchimoto Kyoumi.
After seeing her dried-up form once again, I knew I couldn't say that.
"In the first place, since it's been a while since Kanbaru retired from the basketball club, so it could be doubtful whether or not she has any useful information."
"Even so, I'd like you to do it. Since she's sociable like her mother, there's no way she wouldn't know even a single one of her juniors—if possible, I'd like to get a list of all the club's members."
And, though I accepted it, I couldn't reject the feelings of reluctance that followed. Because no matter how much caution I took, if I came to her with a weird approach, then Kanbaru would be sure to recklessly poke her nose into these affairs... At the very least, I didn't want a repeat of the events of the previous incident.
I checked the watch on my right wrist, confirming that it was currently in the middle of 6th period at the high school—at this rate, it should be possible to meet up with Kanbaru before the sun set.
Unlike Meniko, since Kanbaru was preparing for entrance exams, it was probably better to set things up over text beforehand... Or should I just handle everything by calling her? Although, considering the circumstances, I did want to meet up and talk to her directly...
"Also, I may as well let you know what I've ascertained after going through her belongings, Koyomin. From the on-site inspection, I had come to the conclusion that this girl had to have been attacked by the vampire this morning, but it turns out that she'd become a victim as early as dawn of yesterday."
"Yesterday? Um, then... She was the third person to be discovered, but Kuchimoto-san was actually the second victim?"
"Yep. That's how it is. She'd been missing for almost an entire day—that's what I learned after contacting her family. Putting it all together, Naoetsu High first-year Harimaze Kie-chan was attacked in the evening of the day before yesterday—and, before daybreak, the vampire attacked another Naoetsu High first-year, Kuchimoto Kyoumi-chan. It's still unclear whether the vampire sucked her blood in that shack or the vampire sucked her blood and then moved her to that shack, but regardless, it was done in the night—as a vampire does, it took a break during the day after the sun rose, and when night fell again, it bit into the neck of the Naoetsu High second-year, Honnou Aburi-chan, in her own home."
The permutation had changed, but, if anything, it broke down the hypothesis, high-paced as it was, that one victim was formed per day—by now, it wasn't exactly good news to hear.
This vampire was quite a glutton.
"Speaking of which, didn't vampires need permission to enter the houses or rooms of others? The second... that is, the third victim, Honnou-chan—wasn't she discovered in the futon of her own room?"
"There are variations to that idea, so I can only say that it depends on the circumstances. There are times when that's the case, and there are times when it isn't—however, if the culprit was some extremely handsome man with a well-proportioned body and an annual income of 500 million yen, like Shishirui Seishirou, then there's probably no high school girl that would not let someone like him enter their room."
Well, I wasn't sure about Shishirui Seishirou's annual income being 500 million yen, but, well, that was indeed a truth, or perhaps divine providence... It was also possible that, as was conjectured with Kuchimoto Kyoumi-chan's case, the unidentified vampire sucked the blood of the girl in an alleyway, turned her into a mummy, and then carried her into her room after that... Although I had no idea why it would do something like that.
"Of course, there might be even more victims, so I'll keep an eye out in this town for more dried-up mummies, not just limited to the female students of Naoetsu High—really, it feels more like searching for an ancient civilization, instead of just an oddity story. It's fortunate for now that the search range is just within this town, but depending on the situation, we may need to expand it even further."
"...Would it help if we asked Hachikuji for assistance?"
If we were talking about this town, then that lost child had become this town's god, so she'd probably be aware of troubles that were occurring in town... It was possible that she knew something.
"Hmm. I wonder about that. There's certainly a high possibility for that, but since she's become a god, that means by now that she's firmly on the side of the oddities."
"I see."
I wouldn't exactly be able to deal with depending on my old friend and putting her in a dilemma between humans and oddities.
Even gods had their own positions to keep in mind—if I appealed to her using my friendship and ended up toppling her from the seat of a god, that lost child could end up falling straight to hell without getting lost on the way.
After all, the road to the Kitashirahebi Shrine had become a throughway to hell.
And that was something that—well, it didn't really pain me to say it.
"Well, in any case, I'll set up plans to meet up with Kanbaru for now. And while I'm at it, I'll go and clean up her room really quick."
"That's a pretty incredible task to just do while you're at it. My niece is really causing trouble for you."
Although she wasn't as bad as you.
Well, I suppose it ran in the family.
"What will you do now, Gaen-san?"
"Though I feel bad because you and the search party are all working hard, I'm going to borrow an open bed in the hospital and take a nap—since I'm going to have to be active at night. No matter how young I dress myself up as, at this age, pulling an all-nighter is rough."
Well, that made sense.
As long as vampires were nocturnal, you'd have no choice but to adjust your biological clock to deal with their movements—even sleeping was part of the job.
Incidentally, a benefit of my aftereffects was that I didn't need to plan my sleep schedule like Gaen-san—it didn't put too much strain on me if I lost one or two nights of sleep. My vampire constitution had been modestly useful during my exam period.
"Oh yeah, by the way, Gaen-san. What should I tell Shinobu about this case? There's no doubt she'll wake up once night falls, after all."
Like with Kanbaru, during the case of Shishirui Seishirou, Oshino Shinobu had also been put to work, but I couldn't say that that weak-minded little girl had been totally useful.
If anything, she'd totally gotten in our way.
Well, I could sympathize with her situation, so I couldn't one-sidedly criticize her for her actions, and I had no intention of doing so, but if this was going to revive her feelings of remorse from that time, then perhaps we'd be better off excluding her from this case from the beginning.
After being sealed in my shadow, she had become not quite a half-vampire and more of a half-slave, but she wasn’t the kind of person that worked the way I wanted her to.
"After all, since they're both vampires, it could end up being someone she knows. That in itself would put her in a dilemma."
"For sure. It could be someone she knows. That would put her in a dilemma," repeated Gaen-san, nodding suggestively. "Well, we can think about that while she's sleeping. For now, focus on getting as much information as you can before tonight."
As I stepped on the accelerator on the way to Kanbaru's house, I pondered the possibility that the note that had been jotted down on that flash card was not actually a living message.
"B777Q" = "D/V/S".
It seemed Gaen-san had come up with some sort of hypothesis, and I believed Meniko's decryption had been right—however, for a code left behind just before the victim was transformed into a mummy, I felt that it was a little too elaborate.
Because, even if the cryptography was correct, this wasn't a mystery novel... Perhaps Ougi-chan would be convinced by it, but if you were being attacked by a vampire, or some other bad guy, would you really have the luxury of considering what the 22nd prime number was, or thinking that putting the three sevens together as "777" looked better?
No matter how much of a hard worker she was at school...
To be honest, even for me, who I could only recognize as having made it into college through his math skills alone, counting the prime numbers wasn't something I could easily do in my head, especially when I was driving like this... And if I were in a panic from being attacked, I was sure it would be close to impossible.
Well, it would be possible if it were Hanekawa, or even Meniko... Perhaps we could leave open the possibility that Kuchimoto Kyoumi-chan was one of those rarely seen child prodigies, but looking at those blank flash cards, it was hard to see her as anything but a studious honors student...
Especially if she was a member of the girls' basketball club known for its intense training... It was the same for Kanbaru, but that club had a system where you wouldn't be able to keep up if you didn't do your duties.
In that case, perhaps it wasn't a living message, or even a dying message—wasn't it more appropriate to deduce that this was actually the "signature" of the "culprit" vampire?
Signature, a declaration of crime, a proclamation of war, a self-expression.
It didn't matter what you called it, but it supported the theory of it being "initials" like Gaen-san mentioned briefly, or maybe even carelessly—it wasn't that the victim left behind the initials of the "culprit", but that the "culprit" left behind their own initials in the hands of the victim?
As if—making themselves known.
...If that was the case, the first (for now) victim, Harimaze Kie-chan, or the second (to be discovered) victim, Honnou Aburi-chan, could have something hidden among their personal belonging that involved such a self-inflated signature.
Should I let Gaen-san know about that? No, if it was a possibility on a level that I could come up with, then there was no way that Gaen-san didn't already hit upon it... And even if she hadn't, it wasn't a hypothesis worth waking her up, when she was trying to recharge herself for the coming night.
For now, I would focus on my own duty.
And as I pondered, the New Beetle arrived at the Japanese mansion where Kanbaru lived... I hadn't completely gotten free of the appeal of bicycles, but in the end, cars were on a completely different level in terms of mobility—I barely had the time to guess at deductions while I was traveling.
As if working as parking attendants, my junior stood outside the open gates, still in uniform on the way back from school—but, oh? It wasn't just one junior that was there.
Next to Kanbaru stood another female student, naturally wearing a Naoetsu High uniform as well—by the color of her necktie, she was a third-year, but who was she?
"Let me introduce you, Araragi-senpai. This is my friend from when I was in the basketball club, Higasa. After I retired, she took over as captain."
In a somewhat rushed greeting, Kanbaru introduced her classmate and friend to me when I left my car—her friend, who had been the captain of the girls' basketball club until very recently. I see, so when I let her know about the general idea of my business over the phone, she'd made some arrangements.
What a capable junior. I was unworthy of her.
"It's nice to meet you, Araragi-senpai. My name is Higasa Seiu. I've heard rumors about you for some time now."
"Haha. I'm sure they weren't any good rumors, right?"
I was laughed at in an almost unnatural way. It seemed they weren't good rumors.
"Come inside, Araragi-senpai. No point in standing around here. Grandpa and Grandma are out on a trip, so they'll be away until the day after tomorrow, but even I can at least make tea for you."
"Eh. Um, but, your room..."
"It's fi~ine. I already know about it."
Though I'd been in a panic, Higasa-chan spoke up as if in total understanding—it seemed my capable junior had a capable friend. I felt a bit of relief at learning that Kanbaru had a friend among her peers that could tolerate such a chaotic room—but, anyway, I didn't want to overstay my welcome.
The problem in Kanbaru's left arm had been resolved, and it seemed she was lively and in high spirits, so let's quickly finish up my business here and take my leave—before she found out that I was playing around with her aunt.
"Here, have some tea, Araragi-senpai. I haven't put anything suspicious in it, so drink up without any worries."
"You don't need to add that remark!"
Perhaps she was just someone who simply got drunk on laughter, but it seemed Higasa-chan didn't particularly mind sitting with and relaxing with a senior she'd just met, in this room whose mess seemed almost like a lie—as expected of Kanbaru's friend, she sure was easy-going.
"No, no, I'm actually very shy. Unlike Ruga, who's so boorish."
Although she certainly didn't seem like it.
Also, so Kanbaru was called "Ruga" by her friends...
For a moment, I'd been about to lean into the description of my cute junior as boorish, but in terms of our relationships, Higasa-chan was much closer to Kanbaru than I was, so it would be weird to condemn her evaluation.
"However, Araragi-senpai, you feel like someone I've known for a long time, so it doesn't really feel like we've just met for the first time."
"Really, what kind of rumors are floating around about me...?"
She was speaking as if I was someone like Lieutenant Columbo.
"You were the only delinquent among Naoetsu High's graduates, after all."
So that wasn't just Hanekawa's own misunderstanding?
Aw man.
"Although, just from hearing the rumors, it makes me quiver with fear. I'm so awestruck, so please forgive me if I end up being discourteous in any way out of my nervousness. Oh yeah, and I want to brag to all my friends, so could I please have your number?"
She didn't even hesitate.
Attached to the cell phone that was cheekily yet amiably presented to me was a strap with the letters "S H" as accessories... Hmm, it seemed that she had still left it on even after retiring.
What about Kanbaru?
Ah, that's right, her getting a cell phone was something that happened after she met me—it ended up being like that.
"So... About the girls' basketball club."
"Yes, yes. I have the data prepared right here."
From her school bag, Higasa-chan deftly pulled out a file that looked rather thick—it looked almost like a class's attendance record, but considering the context, it was most likely a register for the club.
"Since I joined the club, it's always been Higasa that kept records of all our activities, you see. If it were me, I wouldn't have even thought to make a list like that, and even if I did, I probably would have lost it somewhere," said Kanbaru.
Indeed, seeing the wretched state of this room that I had cleaned just the other day, I could see that she wasn't just being modest to praise her friend.
Though Higasa-chan had retired after she'd become a third-year, she'd still been present during the recruitment for the club in April, as she seemed to be completely aware of the affairs of the current second-years and the current first-years—however, when I reflexively reached out, she suddenly raised her hands in a banzai and kept the register out of my reach.
Like a basketball player trying to prevent a steal—or not.
"What is it? Nobody said, 'put your hands up!', Higasa-chan."
"Yeah. We-ell, Araragi-senpai. I shouldn't even need to say this, but this is the personal information of a hundred high school girls, after all," said Higasa-chan with a smile, holding the register in the air.
A hundred?
I turned to Kanbaru—and she nodded.
Wow, so the girls' basketball club had a hundred members.
A hundred members just from the first- and second-years... So were there at least fifty from each year? With a concrete number being defined, it put me at even more of a loss than when we had hypothesized an unspecified large number of victims.
Gaen-san had said something like "two out of a hundred", but that should have been just an example...
Well, for a sports club that competed on a national level, it could even be considered a fewer number of people than usual...
"To be exact, it's not fifty from each year. There are 76 second-years and 24 first-years, for a total of one hundred," said Higasa-chan. "So, even if this was something I made personally, if word got out that I leaked something like this, it wouldn't exactly end well for me."
"Right. Yeah, that's true."
I couldn't do anything but agree—I knew that, as someone who'd already graduated, and as someone who'd been part of the go-home club with absolutely no relation to the girls' basketball club, it was from the beginning a rather selfish request to ask for a hundred girls' worth of names, addresses, and contact information.
"Yes. If that happened, my blood will be spilled."
She was probably joking, but just today I'd laid eyes on three mummies with the blood sucked completely out of them, so I couldn't exactly go, "Ahahahahahahahahaha".
"Yes. It's not something to laugh about. It's not just their names and addresses and contact information—it even has their height and weight and three sizes and whether or not they have a partner."
"I'm sorry to take up more of your time, but Higasa-chan, would you mind blacking out those parts for me?"
"Even though it wouldn't end well for me, if I handed these records over to that Araragi-senpai infamous for being a hentai..."
"Infamous for being a hentai?"
"No. I said Araragi-hentai, infamous for being a senpai."
If that was what you said, that sounded even more cruel.
Should I go to Naoetsu High starting now to try and fix my bad reputation?
"Higasa. Being a hentai is my territory. And don't act all buddy-buddy and have fun with Araragi-senpai."
From off to the side, "Ruga" demonstrated the narrowness of her dignity.
Really, I couldn't feel any star power from her at all... And yet, they still called her the legendary ace of the basketball club.
However, if her intention was to protect the personal information of her members as an ex-captain, then Higasa-chan surely would not have even bothered to bring the register to this mansion on Kanbaru's request in the first place.
"I see. Understood, Higasa-chan. If I want to get that register, then you're saying I have to defeat you in a game of street basketball, right?"
"Um, no, that's not what I'm saying."
So it wasn't that? But I'd already taken off my jacket.
"Rather than that, the reason I'm risking becoming a bloody mess to lend you this top-secret register, Araragi-senpai, is in the hopes that maybe you'll be able to break down the current state of the Naoetsu High girls' basketball club."
"...? The current state of the club?"
"Higasa. If you ask that much from Araragi-hentai..."
While I was tilting my head at the rather unsettling wording, Kanbaru rebuked her friend—you're also calling me Araragi-hentai, aren't you.
You absolutely can't lend out the personal information of a hundred high school girls to someone like that!
"No, no. Even you feel some responsibility for it, though, don't you, Ruga? For the girlsbas right now. Perhaps even more than me."
"That's... Ah, Araragi-hentai. 'Girlsbas' is just a shortened form of 'girls' basketball club', and, most assuredly, does not mean the girls' bath."
"Could it actually be you that's spreading around my bad reputation, Kanbaru-kouhai?"
In any case, it seemed that, even between the two ex-captains, they didn't share the same opinion. And hearing that much, I wasn't the kind of Araragi-hentai that would back down so easily.
Not to mention, if there was some sort of trouble in the girls' basketball club right now, then, surprisingly enough, it could have some connection to the cause of the current serial mummification incident.
"Let me know what's going on. After all, I didn't come here to ask for help without doing anything in return. If there's something bothering you, I'll do my best to help."
"I'm very happy you feel that way, but it's enough to have you come over to clean my room every week or so, Araragi-senpai."
"Isn't that actually more than enough, Ruga...?" said Higasa-chan, scowling as if saying, don't say things that will make it harder for me to rely on Araragi-senpai. She then turned to me and said, "It's kinda in big trouble, the girlsbas after we retired," in an informal tone.
Really, what part of you was shy?
"It's not really a matter of there being any specific reason, but the atmosphere feels awful... When I visited the gym to try and be senpai-like and have them let off some exam stress, it almost felt like I put more stress on them instead."
Perhaps it was because of that that this girl was joking around in order to not make the atmosphere around here heavy as well—if so, she had a pretty good personality... Kanbaru had been acting as if she was embarrassed by her friend's behavior, but really, what you should be ashamed of is the state this room is in.
"Does it have to do with them getting weaker? Like, they fell out of the golden age that had the two of you in it."
I probably should have chosen my words better for that, but as someone with a small vocabulary, I couldn't think of another way to express it—they got weaker.
Although, well, that could just be inevitable, in a sense.
In a sense, Kanbaru was just too extraordinary.
To be even called a superstar, she was a student that was far more out-of-place than I was at Naoetsu High, a private school that was university-focused...
"That's true. Since I just worked really hard at my studies to chase after Senjougahara-senpai who I yearned for so much."
"Incidentally, I'm a sports-minded girl who can study without even needing to work hard at it."
Higasa-chan boastfully puffed out her chest, still keeping both her arms raised.
Well, there were those sorts of people, too.
"But I don't think it's because they got weaker. If anything, I'd say that would be even better for them... But, the atmosphere turned bad."
"The atmosphere—"
"The girls' basketball club stopped being a club that's bright and fun with a sense of solidarity," explained Kanbaru, almost unwillingly, in a way that was very much unlike her. "They lost their sense of solidarity—and all that was left was a sense of collective responsibility. And, to be specific..."
Kanbaru Suruga paused, then continued.
"Out of the hundred members listed in that register, five of them have gone missing."
According to Higasa-chan, saying that they'd "gone missing" was a bit of an exaggerated take from my rash junior, but to sum it up, among the first- and second-years, there were five members who couldn't be contacted.
Surprisingly enough, I was already familiar with three out of the five names they gave—although it wasn't that surprising.
Harimaze Kie. Honnou Aburi. Kuchimoto Kyoumi.
I could understand up to that point.
Thanks to Gaen-san's deft manipulation of information, and perhaps even an embargo of information, the various mummified girls were being treated as having a "strange disease", so their matters weren't publicized—as such, the three of them were seen from the outside as absent for some vague reason, the actual circumstances imperceptible.
"Gone missing".
Up to that point, it was a pre-established harmony, in a sense, so it wasn't worth getting shocked or taken aback—the problem would be the fact that two more names were included in the group of "missing" girls.
It was a fact that I didn't want to face.
It was a bit premature to assume that both of them had already fallen victim to a vampire, but even if that wasn't the case, five students going "missing" was more than enough to be a huge incident, wasn't it?-although, that was just what I thought as someone who'd already graduated, but, thinking back to when I'd still been enrolled, I had to conclude that that wasn't necessarily true.
I'd already mentioned that I'd skipped class in high school a lot, but it wouldn't exactly be right to say that, at this university-focused school where people "going missing" was rare, everyone but me was an honors student.
If you wondered what happened to the students that couldn't keep up in class, that weren't suited to the school tradition of having the top standard score, that ended up falling behind... Well, in short, you'd say they—"went away".
They'd transfer, or they'd drop out.
Or, like Oikura Sodachi, they'd shut themselves in their own home—they "went away".
What Higasa-chan had said was certainly right, and a "delinquent that graduated from Naoetsu High" like me was certainly rare.
It had to be an exaggeration to say that I was the "only" one, but most of them didn't make it to graduation.
They'd go away—they'd disappear.
As if they'd never been there in the first place—so, at Naoetsu High, becoming "unable to see" a student was not an especially unusual affair.
What the school was turning a blind eye to was not the students that fell behind themselves, but the idea that the school even had students that fell behind to begin with. That was the reality—the real problem.
Well, it wasn't just Naoetsu High. All private schools probably wanted to avoid scandals like that...
But, in terms of the trouble occurring in the girls' basketball club this time, what was different about it was that it wasn't trouble that stemmed from the intensity of class or exams, but trouble that stemmed from training and teamwork.
"Ruga herself will probably deny this, but to be perfectly clear, Naoetsu High's girlsbas was a club made around Kanbaru Suruga, because of Kanbaru Suruga, for Kanbaru Suruga, after all... Even from when I joined, I proactively worked to lead the club in direction, as well," said Higasa-chan. "I don't think doing that in itself was wrong, and it was because of that that we could make it to Nationals, after all. The problem was that, even after Ruga hurt her left arm and had to retire, that arrangement ended up being passed down as is... At least when I was captain, I did my best to fool the club to somehow keep things going, but after retiring in April, it fell apart all in one go."
A goal that was too far, training that was too hard, peer pressure that couldn't be escaped...
Not a sense of solidarity, but a sense of collective responsibility.
"Sports isn't something people should be suffering through, so if it's that harsh, then I feel like they'd be better off resigning, though."
Since the club was formed around her existence, it was hard to deny it completely, but Kanbaru, who was usually a straightforward person, spoke instead with a weak tone of voice.
"Even if they did want to resign, they probably don't want to be the first to do so."
"That's something I can't understand."
"Well, of course you can't, Ruga." And, as if exasperated, or maybe to sidestep the subject, Higasa-chan said, "There were kids that did resign, of course. Not that they sent in with an official notification of their resignation, since they resigned after getting hurt during practice."
Higasa-chan made it sound like they got hurt on purpose to resign... And I couldn't say that I didn't understand how they felt.
Although I couldn't say it was exactly the same, when I'd been studying for exams, I'd been tempted by the idea of hurting myself in order to avoid tackling a problem set for hours on end—of course, because of my vampire constitution, it didn't actually go well, but I could only say that there had been something wrong with me at the time.
In other words, there was something wrong here.
With the girls' basketball club right now.
Because they'd lost the support of the Kanbaru era—or rather, they'd lost the core.
"So, we knew we needed to do something about it, so we had a meeting of the OG third-years and debated over what to do, and, well, it's not like we didn't try to put some of our countermeasures in action, but it was like they backfired, since over the past few days, more and more members have stopped coming to school—and because it looks like there are no problems on the surface, it feels even worse than it should be. Even the ones that are having a hard time feel a sense of fulfillment or get filled with euphoria when they reach a stopping point, so they get stuck in place. And if someone carelessly complains about something, everyone else gets together and enjoys criticizing that person."
"It's hard for us to change that structure from where we are, Araragi-senpai. Or rather, it's because our generation is the one that made that structure in the first place, so what they're doing is almost exactly the same as what we're doing."
"Yeah. The difference is just how they feel about it. ...Um, it's possible that maybe we were wrong to set that up in the first place. Our advisor, who'd lived in an age of corporal punishment and a prevalent pecking order, had given us the opinion that 'it might not fit the current generation, but it was still good in its own way', and we didn't want to ignore that. Well, from the day I joined to the day I retired, I'm pretty sure I had fun every day, right?"
Well, who knows.
It was true that it was hard to deny a process before seeing the results, but the undeniable reality was that, even if they said and did the same things, if the people doing those things changed, then the impression would also change—however, in that case, I could understand how Kanbaru and Higasa-chan felt, about how it would be hard to guide their juniors that were just imitating them.
"The school itself is keeping us from saying anything, so we were basically at our wits' end when you approached us, Araragi-senpai. I almost thought this was a godsend."
They must have really been at their wits' end if they thought being approached by a pervert was a godsend, but anyway.
It was true that the timing was good.
Considering the current era, if it weren't for this timing, I doubted Higasa-chan would've even told me about the register's existence—however, I still couldn't say if this was inevitable or just a coincidence.
If the trouble in the girls' basketball club had a direct connection to the vampire turmoil occurring in this town—for Higasa-chan, she probably would never have guessed that I was already busy trying to resolve that trouble.
However, I still stopped to think.
I stopped to compare things with my experiences from last year... or not. What I was actually remembering were the words of my classmate, Hanekawa.
At the time, she had certainly been having some trouble, even though she didn't show it. And Hanekawa Tsubasa, whose worries had driven her up to the wall, had thought, during her spring break as a 17-year-old, that she "wanted to meet a vampire".
It was an earnest desire [setsubou].
It was despair [zetsubou].
To meet an incomprehensible monster that could burst through the immovable walls of reality, of real problems, in a single blow—even after graduating from high school, the Hanekawa that had spread her wings overseas was like that.
In that case, was it really so farfetched to infer that the students troubled over their club and worried about their school life thought, in the same way, that "it would be so much easier if a vampire came an attacked me"...?
And if that strong, earnest desire—or perhaps, that strong despair—was the missing link that connected the victims.
I couldn't afford to not determine the whereabouts of the remaining two names that had gone missing—especially if they hadn't been mummified yet, but no, even if they did already have their blood sucked.
"I got it, Higasa-chan. I don't really think a blockhead like me can do anything about the delicate problems that girls face—but if you can lend me that register, I promise I'll do my best to make sure that no more members go missing among your juniors, at the very least."
"Just you promising that is enough for me."
And though I knew that my words wouldn't give any peace of mind, Higasa-chan still said that and lowered her arms that had been raised all this time, handing over the register to me.
"By the way, Araragi-senpai, do you have a girlfriend?"
Nervously wondering about what would have happened if I had said that I didn't, and feeling embarrassed at myself for allowing myself to be teased by a high school girl that I'd met for the first time, I once again headed back to the Naoetsu General Hospital.
I'd ended up feeling a lot gloomier as a graduate of Naoetsu High, but just from the results, I'd managed to obtain the member list of the girls' basketball club fairly easily, so I assumed Gaen-san would still be in the middle of her nap in preparation for the night, and I started thinking about how I might be praised for my quick work, but when I arrived, the specialist was already awake.
Didn't she only sleep for about 30 minutes?
Even though she'd said that pulling an all-nighter was rough, was this woman also a short sleeper, like other eminent figures were...? In any case, I returned to the first hospital room I'd visited that day, containing the mummy of Harimaze Kie-chan, first-year of Naoetsu High and a member of the girls' basketball club, and relayed the information to Gaen-san in much the same way as a carrier pigeon would.
"I see. You're really living out your youth, huh?"
Those were her first words.
Well, for Gaen-san, who was from a completely different era, and had never even attended Naoetsu High, that may be how it seemed.
As someone who'd known firsthand of Kanbaru Suruga flourishing as a versatile superstar, it honestly pained me just hearing about the state of affairs in the current girls' basketball club, but it was useless to try and have those feelings be shared by an unrelated third party.
It was surely the same as how, for a fresh-faced college first-year like me, the concepts of employment or marriage were something I still couldn't understand.
"That's a little upsetting to hear. Even this onee-san had a period where she was in her youth, you know? A youth spent with Oshino and Kaiki and Kagenui... And a youth spent with my sister. Indeed, just as how youth is written with the kanji for 'blue' and 'spring', it was a springtime that turned me blue with shock."
"...I'm very sorry about that."
However, it was absolutely true that I couldn't picture Gaen-san and company in their teenage years... Especially not a teenage version of Kanbaru's mother, Gaen Tooe-san.
"From what you're saying, Koyomin, so far, there's no evidence to conclude that this has anything to do with the girls' mummification, but there is equally no evidence to dismiss it as irrelevant, either. So the members of the girls' basketball team were feeling depressed, wondering why they had to sacrifice their studies and devote themselves to grueling practices, when the seniors that would aim that high were already gone—and perhaps the vampire was attracted by the darkness in their hearts. That hypothesis does have a certain degree of plausibility."
"Oddities have a fitting reason to their existence—right?"
"Well, let this onee-san that knows everything tell you that the period of time that Suruga was a member of the team wasn't necessarily a healthy and beautiful adolescence, either. Putting aside the other girls, it wasn't as if that niece of mine got faster for a positive reason."
The superstar hadn't been a superstar from the moment she was born. Rather, circumstances made it so that she had to become a superstar.
Because she made a wish to a monkey.
"Even if she was freed from that monkey, it doesn't mean she's been freed from the worries of her adolescence. Well, it's the fate of upperclassmen to be bothered by their underclassmen. We'll just have to roll with it in order to uphold the cheap promise you made, Koyomin."
First off, why don't we focus on searching for the remaining two "missing" members of the club?—said Gaen-san, deciding on our plan of action after riffling through the register I gave her.
"Of course, we'll also be confirming the locations of the remaining members, too. Kanguu Misago-chan and Kiseki Souwa-chan—both second-years."
"Hypothetically, if those two have already had a run-in with the vampire, then out of the five victims, there would be three second-years and two first-years."
Not that I could draw any conclusions from that, and I might have been getting ahead of myself considering their mummies hadn't been discovered yet.
But I didn't want to turn away from unpleasant possibilities just because the pessimism would bum me out—I wanted to think of everything I could, so that I could deal with the worst-case scenario.
3:2... That was the ratio of the club members.
"Oh yeah. Gaen-san. I only thought of this afterwards, but do you think it's possible that the living message that Kuchimoto-chan left behind on that flash card was actually the vampire's signature?"
"I'd say it's very possible."
It seemed that it was a possibility that she'd already considered, as she responded to my question in an instant—the initials, huh?
"However, there was nothing of the sort in the belongings of either Harimaze Kie-chan here or Honnou Aburi-chan in the next room. Of course, there were no living messages either. But if the 'B777Q' on the flash card is actually a signature, it would make more sense if a similar code was left with every mummy."
That was true... But for her to have already verified that—did this person really take a nap while I was gone?
"In Kuchimoto-chan's case, instead of being on a public street or in a private house, she was in an abandoned shack. Maybe the vampire felt that they could work leisurely without worrying about being seen?"
As I said that, I couldn't help but feel uneasy.
Without worrying about being seen? Work leisurely?
A vampire worrying about being seen sounded like some sort of slapstick comedy... In that case, it would make more sense that they had left a code behind with the mummies of Harimaze-chan and Honnou-chan, a code that didn't seem like a code.
"There are a couple more things that don't make sense, Koyomin. If you explain this as a vampire leaving their signature in much the same way an artist signs their name on a work of art, it's pretty hair-raising and very appropriate for an oddity story—but in that case, don't you think they would have added it to a work that they'd be more proud of?"
At least, they wouldn't be doing it on a failure... —said Gaen-san, looking up from the register and towards the mummy on the bed.
I see.
As an ordinary person, my thoughts came to a standstill when I lay my eyes upon such a gruesome mummy, but in the end, a mummy like this was something that had "failed" to become a vampire—no matter how much they longed to be in the limelight, there was surely no artist that would sign their name on a failed work.
Then, should I simply assume that it was just a living message left behind by Kuchimoto-chan?
"I did do a handwriting analysis. I compared the writing in red pen on the flash card with the writing in her notebook that I found in her bag—however, I couldn't come to a definite conclusion. There didn't seem to be any matches in the handwriting, but if they were scribbling it down while being attacked by a vampire, it would make sense for it to be messy."
"That's true... Well, in the end, whether it's a living message or a signature, it doesn't really matter."
"Although, from our perspective as the pursuers, a vampire that longs to be in the limelight is much easier to find, so that would be helpful. But anyway, as the commander, I'd like to give you a command to follow, Koyomin."
"Ah. Yes. What is it?"
The sun was about to set. Time was running out.
We were entering the world of the night.
It seemed that, after the reconnaissance and discussion, it was finally time to come up with a practical response to this oddity phenomenon—thanks to talking with Kanbaru and Higasa-chan, my motivation to solve the case had increased as much as my mood had decreased, but now, what did I need to do?
"I was really unsure about whether or not I should ask this of you... But it seems I'll have to after all. Koyomin. This is only something you can do."
Gaen-san spoke with a serious expression.
"I'd like you to hold Shinobu-chan back for tonight."
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goldafterglow · 4 years
The scent (cologne, body wash, sweat, etc...) for each of the above listed man's, and why you think so. 💋
A/N: This is such an interesting prompt. Thanks for the thought generator anon💕 Also I just don’t even know what weird group of boys this is, I just know that I love them :)
Also some of these are literally just from my synesthesia like I can just smell these boys’ pictures; it’s ✨mental illness love✨
Send me headcanons!
Word Count: 862 bc ig I just don’t know how headcanons are supposed to work
Warnings: bad explanations lol, mentions of death
so a bitch named @glowingpena​ made me realize that apparently Carrillo does smoke even though in my memory of the show he literally never touches a cigarette but whatever, I guess he smells pretty strongly of tobacco
Carrillo smells like a Dove soap bar. Not even men’s Dove, just like a normal ass bar of Dove soap because he doesn’t need men’s soap for everyone to know he is a man of authority. Idk what they had in the 80s, but this man uses a body wash to wash off his sins - even better if you do it for him because our beautiful baby needs a reminder that touch doesn’t always mean pain - and he smells strongly of it because he uses a lot of it. So he smells like that mild cinnamon-honey scent. I feel like Carrillo doesn’t really strike me as a cologne man because there’s a good chance he’s going to be getting sweaty that day anyway, but he does clean up.
smoke and tobacco we been known
Gustavo just smells expensive. He’s got a lot of money to blow, and in the same way that it is very unlikely his wrist isn’t looking icey, his shelves are lined with luxury men’s cologne. If you were to bury your face in his neck and take in a lungful, you’d get Armani and cash. Also that bitter smell of gold from his chain if you’re close enough to him.
I don’t actually know how to place the scent of wealth. Men’s cologne scents are always weird, they’ll be like ✨night sky✨  or like ✨gravity✨  or some whack ass shit.
If we want a little of my bullshitTM: he smells like bad decisions and the rocks off the side of a river where he’ll leave you and your broken heart for one reason or another (probably bc he d*es but anyways)
smoke again, I don’t make the rules I just enforce them
He smells like cheap cologne for sure. He puts a little bit on his collar, neck, and the insides of his wrists. And maybe he does the spritz and sashay
He picks his cologne carefully though. He smells like cloves and cardamon, a scent so spicy it stings your tear ducts but it’s good. Javier cares about how he presents, he just doesn’t really care about how much he paid for it.
He also smells faintly minty, like he was chewing gum a couple of hours ago, but never a couple of minutes ago. He strikes me as the kind of person that spends a solid 5-6 minutes brushing his teeth and staring at himself in the mirror.
And he definitely smells like super shitty instant coffee. It’s all they have at the embassy, and he’d probably lose his job if he didn’t overdose on caffeine some days.
this baby definitely smells not like laundry detergent but like dryer sheets. He just kind of smells clean. Especially if we’re talking post Colombia. He likes keeping it a little domestic after everything he’s been through, and for him doing the laundry makes him feel human.
He smells like sugar, like barbecue sauce. I just think that’s his natural scent. Like the sweetness of the icing on a cinnamon roll and peach cobbler on a summer day.
He smells like the leather of his pilot’s seat and a little bit metallic from leaning on the outside of his helicopter (since we’ve all decided that this muffin man gives copter tours for a living)
AND HE SMELLS LIKE DOG. He definitely strikes me as a dog man, and he always has a treat or two on the inside of his jacket pocket because he just can’t say no to his buddy, so that dog treat smell comes off sometimes.
Okay I’m going to try to not be canon here, because canonically bitch there’s just no way this man smells good. He’s literally in that fucking space suit all the time, and he gets so sweaty and worked up from digging. And he?? doesn’t shower?? Like there’s no shower in his tent, he can’t unsuit into a lake. Noncanon thots only.
I feel like Ezra’s natural scent is strong. The way freshly cut grass can hurt your eyes because it’s just filling up your senses and your pores to the brim until you hurt - he smells intoxicating.
He smells like books. If he had the chance to, he’d definitely stock up on his favorite literature, and the scent of the pages and the ink always seems to linger on him.
He smells like smoke, but not like tobacco. He smells like charcoal and hickory and applewood. He’s a wooden man, and he just gives me wood vibes, you know?
He definitely throws some cologne on, and it’s gonna be a nice bottle too. He only owns one or two scents, but he makes sure he walks out of his home smelling like twine and spurs.
The felt from his Stetson. It smells intense.
I never watched Game of Thrones but this man smells like sweat and fruit.
He is constantly eating (which is not my headcanon but I saw it somewhere and it makes a lot of sense), and the sweetness of grapes and berries gets on the skin of his chest.
And you can’t tell me this man isn’t always sweating. His pheromones poison the air before he even walks in.
When he bathes he smells like gold and expensive furs. A little bit like flower petals.
Max Phillips:
this idiot owns one (1) bottle of cologne and it cost him $3.5K
he fucking does it up with that shit literally catch him rubbing it like on his navel and his forehead like he’ll put it anywhere he will get his money’s worth before he ever admits that he got conned
On the bright side, he walks around smelling like a vanilla pod and grapefruit so maybe it was worth the investment????
He’s a vampire so when he doesn’t smell like luxury parfúm he smells like body wash because he doesn’t want to smell like human flesh and blood.
if anyone wants to be tagged in headcanons you can definitely ask, I just automatically assumed no one wanted to lmao. But tbh are these headcanons or a whole ass novel i can’t seem to distinguish the two
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onceuponastory · 4 years
Coming Back Home - Chapter Five: The Time of My Life
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“So I'll tell you something This could be love, because I've had the time of my life No, I never felt this way before Yes I swear, it's the truth And I owe it all to you” - (i’ve had) the time of my life: bill medley and jennifer warnes (aka the song from dirty dancing)
Plot: Six years ago, Y/N left her hometown and all its bad memories behind, and never looked back. But now, she’s come back to be the maid of honour in her sister’s wedding. Returning ‘home’ means she has to confront her past, the last thing she wants to do. When she meets the handsome best man Nick, she feels more comfortable…until her sister asks her to show Nick around town…a town that Y/N fell out of love with a long time ago.
Can Y/N fall back in love with the town she left behind, and maybe find love of her own along the way? (based on prompt by @orphicodysseywrites​)
Tag List: @shinydixon​, @baker151910​ and @thesundrop​. Let me know if you want to be added!
Warnings: Some mentions of alcohol
Note: I’m so sorry this chapter took so long! I’ve been super busy during Christmas because I work retail, and when I got home, I was so drained and unmotivated to write something, but here we are! I hope y’all enjoy the emotional roller coaster this chapter will take you on ;) Also, this chapter has some parts told in Nick’s POV for the first and definitely not the last time
Read the other parts / Read this story on Wattpad!
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Nick or his character! I just used Nick bc he’s the only character of Dacre’s that fits this prompt. Aside from Nick being in this, this fic has NOTHING to do with The Broken Hearts Gallery. But you should all see the movie if you can, because it’s adorable!
Later That Day
“How about this one?” Nick suggests. I scrunch my nose up. We were both trying to figure out what song to dance to at the wedding. Yes, we’ve left it late, but given everything that’s happened since we got here, can you blame us?
“Absolutely not.” Nick sighs. “What?”
"It’s a fun song! It’ll get people dancing.”
“Nick, even though we both look good, I don’t think dancing to Sexy and I Know It will be a good idea. Unless we want to give our great aunts a heart attack.” Sighing, Nick nods, crossing it off his list. “Now, I have made a playlist for this very occasion, so let me put it on...” I announce, crossing over to my phone.
“Of course you have. Katie’s told me about how many playlists you have Y/N. How many do you have now? Fifty?” Nick teases. Ignoring him, I hit play. Soon, the sounds of Waterloo by ABBA fills the room. Nick gives me a look. “ABBA? Seriously?”
“What do you mean, ‘seriously’ ?!” I ask. “They’re iconic! This song won them Eurovision!”
“That’s true, but no. No ABBA." I roll my eyes.
“No taste.” I shake my head. Ignoring me, Nick hits skip. The Time of My Life from Dirty Dancing starts playing. Nick and I look at each other. My mouth drops open, and he raises an eyebrow. “What?! This song is iconic! This scene is iconic! Patrick Swayze is an incredible dancer in this scene!”
“That’s true. He’s a great dancer. But I’m not that good.” 
“I can’t judge that Nick, I’ve never seen you dance.” Nick laughs.
“That’s a good thing. You’ll see at the wedding.”
“Come on! Get some practice! Dance with me.” I urge, holding out my hands. “Please?!”
“Oh, no. Did you hear what I just said?” Ignoring him, I take his hand, gently leading him into the centre of the room. “Y/N. I’d only ever do something like this for you, but I’m telling you that I’m going to stand on your feet and you will regret ever asking me to dance with you.” He sighs, taking my other hand. I start dancing, whilst Nick stands there, awkwardly moving. 
“See! This isn’t so bad!” I smile. “I’ve had...the time of my life....” I start singing. Nick laughs. “I get to endure your dancing, and you get to endure my singing. It’s only fair.”
“Guess that’s true. In that case, I should dance properly.” Nick moves closer, places his hand around my waist, and takes my other hand in his. I gasp. Did not expect him to be so close. Nick twirls me under his arm. 
“I’veeee, had the time of my lifeeee...” I sing to myself. Nick laughs. “What? I know I’m not that good at singing, but this song is SO good, can you blame me?!”
“You’re not that bad.” Nick smiles, continuing to twirl and dance with me around the room. “Do you even remember the dance from this film?” He asks.
“Kinda? To be honest, all I remember is the lift. You don’t have to lift me by the way.” Nick frowns.
“I think...he dips her like this.” Nick mumbles, and before I can even do anything, he gently but effortlessly dips me. I let out a little squeal, and he quickly pulls me up, asking if I’m okay. Still breathless, I can’t even reply.
“For someone who says he can’t dance, you’re...really good.” I gasp eventually.
“Guess I’m full of surprises.” He grins. As the song draws to a close, Nick continues to hold me close. It was nice...really nice. I could stay like this forever. The music changes in the background behind us, but neither of us notice. “So...” Nick begins. “Which song do you think we should choose?”
“Well, if we pick this one, everyone will expect you to lift me.” He nods. 
“We could try if you want?” He asks, dropping his hands to my waist.
“No, no, no, no, no, NICK!” I squeal as he lifts me off of my feet. “I’m ticklish! No!” I start giggling and squirming, so much so that Nick drops me. As I fall, so does he, and he lands on top of me.
“You okay?” He asks, his voice husky. I nod, breathless. He moves some hair out of my face, gazing into my eyes. “Good.” He smiles. His face has never been so close to mine before. I can see little flecks of gold in his eyes. They’re beautiful...like he is. Nick sits up and gently helps me up onto my knees. “Sure you’re okay?” He asks, and I nod again. 
“Nick, it’s okay. Honestly. Thanks for today, though.” I smile, scooting over and hugging him. “Sorry you had to endure my singing though.”
“Sorry you had to endure my horrible dancing.” Nick replies. The two of us sit there for what feels like forever, but is probably just a few minutes, holding each other. Reluctantly, I pull apart.
“I better go. Katie wanted me to help finish up some of the stuff for the bachelorette party.” I announce, getting up and picking up my phone. “Bye, Nick.” I give him a small wave before walking out of the room. As soon as I’m out of his eyeshot, I lean against the wall and sigh. What is it with me these days? I had suddenly started to feel an intense desire to stay close to Nick, and spend as much time with him as possible...but gotten way more awkward at the same time. Sighing, I walk upstairs to meet Katie.
It’s probably nothing...right?
A Few Days Later: The First Night of the Bachelorette Party Weekend - 6 Days til the wedding.
“Okay, so this is the number for the hotel, even though you’re not meant to be texting or calling me....but I won’t tell!” Katie talks to Adam as I carry my suitcase towards the stairs. It’s finally here: the bachelorette party. Katie, the rest of the bridesmaids and I were travelling to a nearby town to go drinking and dancing. To save driving back to Saint Chase in the middle of the night, we were all staying in a local hotel. Sighing, I pull my suitcase towards the stairs, ready to walk down them one step at a time, whilst also trying to keep a hold on my other bags. I stifle a yawn. Since Katie and I were going down early to set up the hotel rooms, it meant we all had to get up super early, and I was nowhere near close to functioning. Not that I was usually, but today was worse.
“Need some help?” Nick asks suddenly, popping up behind me, causing me to jump and almost lose my balance. My suitcase is close to tumbling down the stairs, nearly taking me with it. But Nick holds his hands out and catches it as best as he can.
“Shit, Nick! You need to stop sneaking up on me like that!” I scold. Even though I liked seeing him, I did not like it if it meant a heart attack came along with it.
“Sorry, I just saw you were struggling, and I saw those stairs, so I thought I could help.” He shrugs. I sigh. I mean, he was right. I did need help.
“...Yeah, you’re right.” I nod. “Can you take these?” I ask, passing him most of my bags.
“God, what is IN these things?” Nick asks as he gets increasingly more laden down. “I thought you girls were only going away for the weekend?”
“Yup.” I nod, popping the p. “These bags have our sashes, some balloons, other accessories like the mini veil and tiara, headbands....the photo booth props....” I trail off when I notice Nick looking at me like I’ve grown an extra head. “Yeah, bachelorettes are intense. And Katie and I are going down early to set up, so I have to bring everything now. Hence...all this.” I gesture around with my free hand. “And this suitcase has our makeup, outfit changes, and spares, just in case.” Nick still looks horrified. 
“We’re just gonna stay here, play some video games and drink some beers.” He states, making me laugh.
“Welcome to the world of the bachelorette party, Nick. Trust me, I was the same when I first started planning. Now...I am the master.” I strike a pose, and Nick laughs. “And besides, if you think this is bad, wait till you see our stuff for the day of the wedding.” Nick’s eyes go wide again, making me laugh. Nick helps me down the stairs with everything, and he and Adam help Katie and I pack the car full of our things.
“Okay, that’s us all loaded up! Bye, handsome.” Katie tells Adam, pulling him into a kiss, whilst Nick and I stand around slightly awkwardly. 
“Well, uh...have fun. Be sure to...show me pictures?” 
“Only if you show me some from the bachelor party too.” Nick nods. “Well...bye Nick.” I smile, giving him a small wave and walking towards the car. 
“Y/N, wait!” He calls, and I turn around. He walks up to me and gently takes my hands in his. I immediately feel shivers up my arms. Nick speaks again, his voice now hushed. “If you have a nightmare again, or if you need someone to talk to, give me a call, alright? Doesn’t matter how early or late it is. I want you to know I’ll always be there for you.” I feel tears rising in my eyes all over again.
“Nick...are you sure?”
“Positive.” He pulls me into a hug before I can even react. “Have a fun weekend.” He whispers, squeezing me so tightly that I swear my heart stops. In a good way, though. Nick and I pull apart, and as I gaze into his blue eyes, I realise that I don’t want to go. Even though I knew I had to support my sister, and I knew I did want to go....a stronger part of me just wanted to stay and hang out with Nick.
“Come on, Y/N!” Katie orders. “We need to go if we’re going to have any chance of setting up before the girls arrive!” Blushing slightly, I turn back to Nick. 
“Bye Nick.” I smile. He wishes me goodbye, and I get into the car besides Katie. The two of us wave as we pull out of the driveway, Nick and Adam waving us goodbye as we go. As the house fades out of view, the feeling from before, the desire to stay, returns. I try and ignore it, but it’s intense. “What is wrong with me?!” I think to myself. Whatever it is, I better forget it soon, or I’ll be thinking about Nick for the whole night.
That Night
Pushing open the door to the karaoke bar, the six of us walk in. 
“YAAAAAY! KARAOKE!” Katie calls, slightly tipsy already.
“I cannot believe you’ve talked me into this. I’m not even that drunk or a good singer!” I hiss. I know I’ve already sung in front of Nick, but this was different. I was comfortable with Nick, but there were people here. People who could hear me. People who I don’t know.
“Come on, Y/N! It’ll be fun! And don’t you worry, once you get some more shots in you, you’ll be right up on that stage.” Sam grins. Sam was another member of Katie’s bridal party. Altogether, there was me, Caroline, Sam, Sam’s wife Vanessa, and Katie’s college roommate Brooke. I was so thankful that Katie has such a small bridal party. It makes my life so much easier. 
“And besides, you don’t have to be a good singer...to be honest, most people aren’t.” Brooke smiles.
“If you say so....” I mumble. The group of us sit in a booth and order some drinks to get started. I’m going to need a lot more of these to get through this karaoke. If they think I’ll be up on that stage, they have another thing coming.
Two Hours Later
“Cause tonight for the first time....just about half-past ten....for the first time, in HISTORY....it’s gonna start raining meeeeeen!” I sing into the microphone. The girls cheer from the table. “IT’S RAINING MEN!” Brooke and I both sing/shout into the microphone, our arms around each other.
“I mean we’re gay but yessss!!! Love that!” Vanessa and Sam shout. It turns out it only takes a few more wines to get me up on the stage. Who knew? Brooke and I continue the song and finish to thunderous applause, mostly from the rest of the girls. 
“You’re right!! That was so fun!!!!” I grin, jumping up and down. “I’m sorry for doubting youuuuu.” I pull Brooke into a hug, which she returns. The two of us sit back down at the table. “Katie! Katie! Did you see me?!” I ask. “Wasn’t I good?! Can you believe....Nick had the cheek to say I wasn’t that bad. I’m a star in the making.”
“Who’s Nick?” Sam asks. 
“Well. He’s Adam’s best man. And he is cute as hell.” I grin. Fumbling with my phone, I open instagram to Nick’s profile. “SEE?!” I exclaim, showing them my phone screen. 
“Babeeee, your thumb’s in the way.” Katie tells me, trying to swat it out of the way. I move it, and soon a chorus of ‘awwws’ and ‘wows’ fills the air. 
“You’re right, he’s gorgeous!” Brooke nods. 
“Right? I wish he could see me now. I’m so hot.” The girls agree. “Wait. Katie...I have an idea.”
A Few Hours Later
Nick’s POV
Yawning, I put my phone on charge and place it on the nightstand. The boys and I had had a fun night together, but I was exhausted, so I decided to go to bed. As I close the curtains, I hear my phone start buzzing on the nightstand. I pick it up, and a bunch of text notifications from Katie pop up on the screen. Chuckling to myself, I open the texts. If I know anything about Katie, I know she’ll most likely be drunk by this point. A picture of Y/N flashes up on the screen, accompanied by a text saying: 
“LOOK HOW GORGEOUSSSSS MY SISTER LOOKS!!!!!!! BET YOU MISS HER, HUH?!” and about a million emojis. I tap on the picture of Y/N, enlarging it. Katie obviously took it whilst she was getting ready, unbeknownst to Y/N. She’s smiling as she applies her makeup, and is looking over at one of the bridesmaids, probably laughing at a joke or something. I smile. She looks so...natural? I’ve been so used to seeing Y/N being fake happy to appease either myself or her sister, and seeing her naturally, with a big smile on her face, not knowing anybody’s watching or taking her photo...she looks beautiful. I mean, she always looks gorgeous, but this time...she looked even more gorgeous. Radiant even. I didn’t even know that was possible. And Katie was right. I do miss her. It was crazy, I’ve only known her for two weeks at this point, but she was quickly becoming someone I cared about, and someone I wanted to see after the wedding. I mean, we had almost kissed...which I initiated...and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t wished that we had kissed. I don’t think I’ll be forgetting her that quickly. 
I scroll down, and notice a video, which Katie has helpfully captioned with “4 u ;)” I hit play. Y/N Is standing by a karaoke machine, wearing a black sequined jumpsuit, a pink maid of honour sash, and a tiara. She looks great.
“This is for youuuu Nick!” She calls, sounding pretty drunk, pointing directly into the camera. The music starts playing, and I start laughing as soon as I recognise it. It’s Dancing Queen by ABBA. Of course. Y/N immediately starts singing and dancing around the stage. She told me earlier on she couldn’t sing, but she was actually pretty good. I find myself softly singing along as she sings. Soon, the song ends, and she takes a bow to thunderous applause from the bar. She comes running up to Katie’s phone. “Were you filmin?” She asks, before looking right into the camera. “NICK! I hope you enjoyed that, even though you have NO TASTE!!! See you on Sunday!” She blows a kiss to the camera, making me smile. “...Oooh is that more champagne?” She asks, immediately walking away, making me laugh. I type out a text to Katie:
“You’re right. She does look gorgeous. Tell her I enjoyed the song. Enjoy the rest of your night girls x” I put my phone back on the nightstand and get into bed. Sighing, I look up at the ceiling. What is it with me? Y/N has been occupying my thoughts ever since she and Katie left, and I have no idea why. “You know why, you idiot.” Part of me tells myself. “It’s because you like her.” No, that can’t be it...can it? I mean, I had almost kissed her. Oh shit. Maybe I did like her. I prop myself up on my elbow and pick up my phone again. I start scrolling through my photos from the past two weeks. Y/N’s in almost every one. I feel butterflies within as I see her face smiling back at me. Oh god. I think I do like her. But there’s no way she feels the same. 
The Next Morning
Groaning, I sit up in bed. My head is starting to pound. Getting out of bed, worming my way around the pairs of heels and accessories left on the floor, I walk into the bathroom, gasping when I see myself in the mirror. My mascara is running, my eyeshadow is smudged, and there is glitter all over my face. Sighing, I get undressed and hop in the shower, letting everything wash away with all the soapy water. Once I’m out, I hear Katie’s voice from the other side of the door, and she frantically knocks. 
“Y/N! Y/N! Are you in there?!” She asks. I open the door and see her shocked face on the other side. 
“What? Do you need to puke?” I ask, standing aside.
“NO! LOOK!” She thrusts her phone at me. I take it and look down at it. It’s displaying her texts to Nick. 
“You sent him the video of me singing karaoke?!” I exclaim. Katie frowns. 
“You told me to? And no! I don’t mean that!!” She snatches her phone back and scrolls down. “Look what Nick sent!” She orders. Taking the phone back, I read the message.
“You’re right. She does look gorgeous.” I immediately block out the rest of the message. Those words replay in my mind. Nick....thinks I look gorgeous? Katie is staring at me, clearly waiting on my response...but I can’t think of anything to say. My mind and my heart feel like they’re racing at 100 miles per hour. I mean, it’s not like he outright admitted he was in love with me or anything...but in a way...he kind of did? Holy shit. I don’t even know how I feel about him. I mean, we have almost kissed already, but that doesn’t mean anything, does it? Who am I kidding, of course it means something. It means that I must like him too, or I wouldn’t have almost kissed him. My mind immediately flashes back to the times people thought Nick and I were boyfriend and girlfriend, or telling us we would make a cute couple, how I didn’t want to leave Nick for this weekend...and realisation dawns on me. The reason why I liked being told that, and why I enjoyed being with Nick...is because I wanted it. Do I...like Nick? As in...like, like? ...I think I might?
“Y/N...are you okay?” Katie asks. “You’re kinda spaced out.”
“Yeah, I’m wonderful.” I lie. I feel like my world has been turned upside down, or like the rug has been pulled out from under me, and I might collapse at any moment. Katie raises an eyebrow.
“Y/N...you promised me that if something’s going on, you’d tell me what it was. I can tell something’s up, and I want to know what. Please? You’re my sister. I want to know if something’s bothering you.” She reminds me, and I sigh.
“Fine. We’ll go for some coffee before brunch, and I’ll tell you. Now, will you PLEASE let me get dressed in peace?!”
I take a sip of my coffee, letting it soothe me and my slowly developing hangover. Katie sits across from me, looking expectantly as she waits on me admitting what’s been going on with me...that I think I have a crush on Nick. Sighing, I meet her gaze...and start telling her everything. How close we’ve grown, how everyone we’ve met thinks we’d be cute together, our almost kiss, how excited I was to see him again, and...how I think I’m falling for him. When I’ve stopped, Katie stares at me silently for what feels like an eternity. I knew she’d need some time to process this...but not this long. “Uh...Katie?” I start, and she immediately cuts me off.
“I KNEW IT!” She gasps, letting out a squeal that makes some of the people in the coffee shop stare. I flush pink, but she doesn’t even notice. “God Y/N, I thought it was going to be something worse than this.” She admits. She sees my pink face and continues. “Y/N. A few days ago, I told you that I’ve seen how happy he makes you, and how it’s like when Adam and I first met. It’s SO OBVIOUS that you like him. Actually...” She giggles, stopping only to take a drink of her coffee. “I didn’t tell you, but last night you were talking about him all the time. Like for the whole night. I think the rest of the girls were too drunk to notice, but I wasn’t. Every five minutes, it was ‘do you think Nick would like this?’ ‘Nick said this...’ ‘Nick said that...’ ‘He’s so cute!’ ‘I want Nick to know how cute I look tonight!’ And now, he does! All thanks to me.” She grins triumphantly. “But seriously Y/N. It’s so obvious. To be honest, I knew that you probably liked him from that first meal in the diner, when you kicked me in the shin.”
“Sorry about that by the way.”
“No, no, don’t be silly! It’s fine. You did that every time I almost spilled your crushes to Grandma. I know you too well. BUT, I did NOT know about this almost kiss though!!!” She squeals again, thankfully quieter this time. “My sister’s getting with the best man!” I quickly shush her.
“No! Nick cannot know. At least, not yet.” She frowns at me. “For one, I have no idea if he even likes me in that way, and second, I am not doing anything to jeopardise your wedding.” Katie scoffs.
“Who cares about my wedding?! My big sister’s finally found the one!” 
“Okay, that’s a bit much, I don’t even know if-”
“Oh, please. I have a feeling that he likes you too, and that you two will be happy for many years to come.” She taps the side of her head as if she’s made a breakthrough, before going back to her coffee. “So...when are you gonna tell him?”
“Katie, did you not hear what I just said? I’m not going to. At least not yet. I do want to know if he likes me back, but I don’t want to take away from your wedding.” She reaches over and takes my hand. 
“Y/N. As your little sister and the bride, you have my blessing to declare your feelings to Nick before my wedding. Seriously. It’s okay. I just want you to be happy.” I smile.
“Thanks sis.” I sigh. She gets down off her seat and hugs me.
“I love you.” She whispers.
“I love you too.”
“...Oh by the way, when I said ‘who cares about my wedding?’ Yeah, well I still care about it. Even though you have my blessing, please don’t let anything go wrong.” I chuckle.
“I won’t. I promise.”
The Next Day: Sunday - 5 Days til the Wedding
Nick’s POV
Adam’s practically bouncing on his heels as the two of us wait on Katie and Y/N coming back from the bachelorette party. It was cute, though. I had seen his relationship with Katie grow over the years, and was honoured they asked me to be part of their special day. It was so clear how much they loved each other. 
“Dude, calm down.” I smile. “They’ll be here soon.”
“Sorry.” He blushes. “I’ve just been missing Katie, and it’s so close to the wedding now, I’m just...I’m excited to be her husband! I’ll try and calm down.” I smile.
“It’s okay. I just don’t want Katie to come home and find out her fiancé got so excited I had to scrape his body off of the ceiling.” Adam and I laugh.
“So...how about you and Y/N, huh? You excited to see her again?” I nod. Of course I was. “And then you two can finally have that talk.” I frown, looking at him. Did he...did he know? “Oh please, Nick. I’ve seen the way you talk about her. You don’t make it very subtle. You like her, don’t you?” He raises his eyebrows suggestively.
“Well, yeah, but-”
“Not as a friend, as in...that way.” 
“How did you know?” I ask, not even trying to deny it. He chuckles. 
“It’s pretty obvious dude. Both Katie and I have noticed.” Before I can even say anything, he holds his hands up, stopping me. “Don’t worry. Katie and I don’t mind if you and Y/N get together. We just want you both to be happy.” I stand there in silence for a while, not knowing what to say. I mean, he was right, of course...and he gave me his blessing to be with Y/N if it came to that, so what was the issue? Well, of course, she might not like me back...but it was worth a try. “Are you going to talk to her?” Adam asks, looking at me expectantly. 
“...I guess?” I say before even thinking about it. Adam grins and pulls me into a hug. 
“Good luck.” He smiles. Yeah, what could possibly go wrong? Oh right, everything. Soon after, we hear a car pulling up to the house, and we open the door to see the girls getting out and unloading their suitcases and bags. My stomach twists into knots. Katie and Adam spot each other and immediately run into each other’s arms. Walking past them, Y/N walks into the house, standing in the doorway. 
“Hey, Nick.” She smiles softly. The sun behind her illuminates her hair, backlighting her in a golden glow. God, she’s gorgeous. 
“Uh...Hi!” I gasp, quickly realising I hadn’t replied to her. The two of us stand awkwardly silent for a few moments.
“WELL uh, I think I’m going to take these upstairs.” Y/N suddenly announces, making her way towards the stairs. 
“Need a hand?” 
“No! I mean uh...no, I’ll be fine. Thanks Nick.” She walks upstairs, leaving me frowning in the hallway. Why is she being so weird? You don’t think she...oh no. Does she know? Does she know that I think I like her? Does she not feel the same? Oh god, she doesn’t. That’s why she’s so awkward around me. Well, more so than usual. Katie walks into the house and gives me a hug. She winks at me as she also heads upstairs, confusing me even more. What is going on with those two? Sighing, I decide to make us all some tea. As I sit in the living room, drinking my cup, Y/N comes and sits beside me on the couch. “Oh! Thanks, Nick.” She smiles, taking a cup of tea. “So...did you have a nice weekend without us?” She asks. No. I missed you too much. I want to say, but instead, I say:
“Yeah! It was good. We just played some video games.” I immediately curse myself for saying I had a good weekend without her. Now she’ll think I hate her. However, Y/N smiles at that.
“That’s good. Katie told me you saw my karaoke video. Did you like it?” 
“Yeah, I did. You know, you told me you couldn’t sing, but you’re good.” She laughs.
“I don’t think so, but thanks Nick.” She smiles. She glances up as Katie and Adam walk into the room. “I need to talk to you later.” She whispers, before greeting them both. My stomach starts twisting again. Oh god, she’s going to tell me that she doesn’t feel the same, isn’t she? Dammit. Why do I always fall too hard for a girl then end up disappointed? Katie and Adam continue talking to us both, too caught up in the excitement of seeing each other again even to notice how silent Y/N and I are. The atmosphere is shattered by the sound of a car pulling up outside. The four of us look at each other, clearly confused. Nobody else is meant to be staying here now, just us four...so who’s that?
“Did one of your groomsmen forget something?” Y/N asks. Adam and I shake our heads. “And it’s not one of us, because they’re staying in the local hotel, right, Katie?” Katie huffs. 
“It better not be one of them, because I TOLD THEM this house didn’t have enough room for anyone other than us.” A knock sounds at the door. Huffing again, Katie gets up. “Let me handle this.” She sighs. “If it’s our flower vendors, I swear to god, I told them to deliver stuff to the VENUE, NOT HERE.” We hear her voice disappearing down the hallway, and the three of us go back to our tea, expecting Katie to reappear moments later with a quick explanation. Sure enough, we soon hear: “What are YOU doing here?!” Y/N places her cup down and gets up.
“I’ll help her deal with this. Don’t want any issues, like last time.” She gives me a knowing look, and I chuckle lightly. Adam and I go back to scrolling through our phones and drinking tea, until the sound of “Oh, my GOD!” cuts through the air. Frowning, Adam and I look at each other. That was Y/N’s voice. The two of us get up and walk towards the front door. A man stands in the doorway, looking at Y/N and Katie. He hasn’t noticed us yet. Y/N is holding Katie’s hand, clearly squeezing it for dear life, but neither of them says anything. Either to us, the man or each other. Their faces are pale. The man looks over at Adam and I. 
“Ah! Hello there! Now, which of you is the groom?” He asks. 
“Um, I am?” Adam frowns. The man smiles.
“I see! Wonderful to meet you!”
“I’m sorry, sir, but who are you? Can we help you?” I ask. The man chuckles.
“Of course! Where are my manners?!” He asks. “I’m Robert Miller.” He gestures over at the girls, still ghostly pale. “And these two lovely ladies...are my daughters.”
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sterling-silvers · 5 years
Artists I’d Like to see Draw for Particular Seasons of Power Rangers II
I had so much fun with the first time, I decided to do a second one; this time with a mixture of series I love (like Wild Force) and with series I was less than lukewarm about (like Operation: Overdrive and Megaforce). 1. Wild Force – Jen Bartel
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If you’ve ever seen Bartel’s work, she always seems to capture a certain kind of mysticism with her line work and forms in harmony with her cascade of colors; it has a nice paletted spectrum, feel to it. Hence, she ideal for Wild Force because this series constantly worked themes of mother nature, earth power, and animism with the Wild Zords, Princess Shayla, Animarium, and the animal crystals. 
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The single reference that really solidified her as my choice for Wild Force (one of my personal favorite seasons of Power Rangers) was her guest art appearance in Black Panther #6 (2018). The way she was able to proficiently encapsulate the Afro-futurism (and mysticism) Wakandan visuals made Wild Force seem like a natural transition for her illustrations to lend their talents to.
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2. Jungle Fury – Afu Chan
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In truth, I have not seen that much of Jungle Fury. It was right after the abysmal season that was Overdrive – the season that, had it not been for the Retro Rangers, I would have quit Power Rangers all together – and unfortunately, it got the after affects of my disdain from that season. That being said, from the clips and scenes I have seen from the show, it really does go all in with the martial arts and wire fu, which I appreciate; it was a nice amalgamation of Super Sentai and Wushu films filmed and retooled for an American audience. 
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It is because of these core traits of the show, that I think Afu Chan’s art would do major justice for Jungle Fury. If I had to describe Afu’s style, it’s like a more refined and intense version of Dan Hipp’s and it is because of these stronger traits that Afu is able to display that the action drawn really enthralls me to the page.
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 Afu seems to know just the right panels to draw that the reader is able to weave a story of what happened before while also keeping the pace of the flowing rather nicely; the super moves, like the Rhino Blade Slash, I think Afu would truly sensationalize to great effect.  
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I definitely think that Afu Chan’s designs would sync really well with the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger and Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger, respectively, as well.
 3. Operation: Overdrive – Stefano Caselli
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As aforementioned, I did not like Operation: Overdrive. Nonetheless, I still saw the POTENTIAL it had as series and potential is a horrible thing to waste. The characters and story elements were there for this to be good season but, it seemed to consistently abyss itself instead of apex. The more niche theme of global treasure hunting for the Corona Aurora and the weapons that all had an excavation factor to it were great elements that allowed it to differentiate itself from its predecessors. Another noteworthy thing about the series is its more blatantly metallic components to the Ranger suits. 
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Stefano Caselli is good fit for this series of Rangers because his art work is no stranger to depicting technology (he constantly manages to give those more metallic and chromatic pieces of tech a nice sheen to them) and he is great at capturing the different, dynamic locales the Earth has to offer.
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 4.  Megaforce – Juann Cabal
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As stated just above, the worst thing to waste is potential and BOY, did Megaforce waste a multitude of it. This was supposed to be THE legacy series; a culmination of generations of Power Rangers being able to be used and siphoned to momentous effect in creative and exceptional ways unlike any we’ve seen before – and instead, we got less than superficial development, Zord sized plot holes, and outlines of core characters and arcs. That being said, the POTENTIAL is still there and a competent writer can quell, rectify, and invigorate the heap of loose ends and neglected prospective that was Megaforce and Super Megaforce. I can think of no better artist to illustrate this task than Juann Cabal who is more than capable to exhibiting massive splash pages filled with characters that each carry their own individuality to them.
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Honestly, it his more like a lay up because of how uniform most the Ranger suits are. While I despise Orion’s Super Megaforce Gold Battlizer (it is very much is an atrocity for those with functional eyes) the spectacle that is the Legendary Final Strike, Shooting Rangers, and Slashing Rangers makes having to see the suit more than worth it.
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5. Dino Charge – Francis Manapul
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For me, Dino Charge never got a past a surface level enjoyment and couldn’t really say why. The actors playing the Rangers were giving their all in terms of acting but, they still felt like pastiches of other characters that I’d grown familiar with in the Ranger lore. One of the only breakaways for me was Sir Ivan. I think the real reason I could never get into was because of the fact we got Heckyl turning into the Talon Ranger or, the Talon Ranger in general – the series just seemed incomplete without him. Nevertheless, still did have fun with it (even with the blatant toy commercial moments) and I think Francis Manapul’s work is ideal with his perfect balance of smooth linework and bright, bold yet charming color palette. 
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What it would really look forward to is if he was able to capture the chomp effects that come from morphing. Also, if this series DID happen, they absolutely HAVE TO BRING IN THE DARK (TALON) RANGER. So far, in Beyond the Grid, issue #35 has been my personal favorite issue and it stars Heckyl with a fantastic back story of how he became a Ranger.
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iliveonmylaptop · 5 years
(In which my I wish my DM took obvious plot hooks so I could play my secondary character oh well guess I’ll do it myself)
To say the heist went off smoothly would be a blatant lie, but it was actually successful in the very least so they couldn’t do too much complaining about it in the end. 
One tense, waterlogged night later, and Amir had his mech and his anti-scrying necklace, Navryn had a new charm to stave off her illness a little while longer, and the rest of them had some new bruises and a good amount of money.
Now the night later, Amir had bid them farewell and vanished to supposedly start avoiding Ravenwatch. Meanwhile, Gilther had nabbed a small amount of funds from the Bank of Miry and practically commandeered a nearby tavern to throw an impromptu party to the success of their mission. 
That’s Gilther for you, Alwin figured.
The others had joined in, though Nav had bowed out early to retreat to her room in the inn they were staying in. Alwin suspected that she was still feeling the effects from such a high-intensity adventure. She’d been coughing a lot more in the past few hours, waving off his concern when he asked with just a weak smile. So he had let it go. 
Alwin wasn’t really a party person in general, but tonight was going especially poorly for him. He still hadn’t had the chance to meditate yet and was nursing a nice new scar on his upper left arm; courtesy of a Child of Athos’s lucky dagger strike. So here he was. Outside the festivities, by himself. As usual. 
It was dark and cool out. The sun had set several hours ago and the taverns lights were still shining brightly, thanks to the party. Alwin sighed, resting against the stone blocks that made up the wall behind him. He was definitely feeling last nights exertions. His whole body ached with a low ambient pain and he had that exhausted swirl behind his eyes that marked him being all out of spells for the moment. 
He took one last glance at the tavern, smiled tiredly, and pushed off the wall. Maybe a walk would clear his head. 
Tent Town was quiet, even for this time of night. Alwin breathed in deeply, taking in the sour stench of misery wafting below the cooler tones of the salt air. Nethis was a city like any other. Still, something about it felt… off. It was so crowded with people, overflowing with poverty and general unrest. The city seemed to press in on him, almost suffocating in its size. It’d been a long time since he’d been this anxious about his surroundings. 
Maybe it was his upbringing talking. Trees aren’t nearly as noisy as people.
Alwin paused at the end of a row of tents, rolling his shoulders and wincing. Damn. Maybe walking wasn’t the best choice when he was still this tired. He instinctively went to tug on his bracers, getting a flicker of surprise and then irritation when he remembered they weren’t there.
He wasn’t used to roaming around without his armor on. But it had gotten soaked on the previous mission and it needed some drying out in his room before he could re-treat the leather and be able to wear it again. 
Alwin sighed again, claiming a seat on a nearby stump. He was being ridiculous, wasn’t he. Oh well. 
“Got anything to say?” he murmured, glancing up at the moon. It was a mere sliver in the sky at this stage, forcing his night vision to work for every foot of sight he got. “Am I still on track for you, Goddess? Are heists in your grand cosmic plan?”
The moon, predictably, did not reply. Alwin laughed, a soft huff in the still air. “Didn’t think so.”
“You’re out late.”
Alwin flinched with a full body motion, spinning in his seat with hands instinctively raised. What the fuck…?
Amir stepped out of the shadows, eyebrow raised. Alwin blinked and relaxed a hair, bringing a hand over his chest.
“Damn, you scared the living stars out of me,” he said. He shook his head, squinting back at the thief. “Kinda rude, actually. Weren’t you supposed to have scampered off with your prize?”
Amir chuckled. He tugged at a cord beneath his hood, giving a silver glimpse of the charm they’d stolen for him. 
“I have a passage on a ship leaving in an hour or so. My cargo is already on board, ready for some insurance. Ravenwatch won’t be finding me anytime soon with this, anyways.”
Alwin nodded, leaning back in his seat and rubbing his eyes. Something was buzzing in the back of his head, an old suspicion to not trust any thieves guilds. Amir seemed… alright, though. He hadn’t done anything super shady so far, and he was doing his best to get away from Ravenwatch, something Alwin could appreciate at the very least. 
“So, other than doing your best to put our party’s rogue to shame with your sneaking skills, what are you doing out here?”
Amir smirked, casually claiming a seat next to him. 
“I have to wait somewhere, don’t I?” He said while Alwin wondered if it would be overly rude to shift away. “Besides, I wanted to thank you.”
Alwin snorted, fiddling with his gloves. “Yeah you already did that. The gold is nice.”
“I meant you, specifically.”
Alwin paused, giving him a steady look as his instincts sang in warning. Amir’s face was still mostly hidden in the shadows of his hood, making his face hard to read at this angle. 
“Why?” He asked flatly. “You didn’t seem so thrilled about the rest of us tagging on. You only wanted Thora; for the heavy lifting. What makes me so special in your eyes all of a sudden?”
“That is a question, isn’t it,” Amir mused. “Who are you, Alwin? The wandering vagabond? A rogue cleric on a mission from his goddess, as you claim?” His voice dropped. “Or are the rumors true?”
Alwin flicked his eyes around them. It was quiet, with no one else in sight. This was… not great. He curled his fingers against the rough wood, missing his staff and wishing for maybe an extra five or six spell slots. 
“What rumors, exactly?” He finally said. Amir seemed to smile at his tight tone, a glimmer of white teeth peeking out from the shadows. 
“I may not be part of Ravenwatch anymore, but they do deal in information. Now imagine my surprise when some old contacts had a significant amount of information on you. You’re a long way from home, te’krula.”
Alwin stood up, heart hammering. He knew it this was foolish he knew people would know why didn’t his party take him seriously-
“This conversation is over,” he snapped. His hands were shaking from nervous energy, and he shoved it down. 
“No, I don’t think it is,” Amir said, soft. Alwin snarled as Amir’s hand shot out, grabbing his elbow. He whirled on him, already summoning a handful of arcane flames. 
“Don’t even think about it you piece of- ” Alwin gasped, stumbling momentarily as a sharp pain bloomed in his rib cage where Amir had buried a needle-like dagger in a lightning-quick movement. 
Amir tried to back up after his strike, but Alwin grabbed a handful of his cloak as leverage to punch him directly in the face with his flaming hand. The thief stumbled backwards with a curse, hand immediately going to the seared flesh across his cheekbone. Alwin yanked out the dagger after a moment, barely even wincing at the trickle of blood. He threw it aside with a contemptuous motion, the metal disappearing into the scraggly grass. 
“I’m not gonna give you a second shot, asshole,” Alwin spat. He reached for his magic, the beginnings of thorns growing out from the ground beneath his feet. His hands trembled, which he ignored.
And Amir- laughed. 
“I don’t need a second shot.” He wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand, grinning. “The first was enough.”
A wave of dizziness spun over Alwin and his eyes went wide in realization. The trembling in his hands stilled, along with the rest of the movement in his body.
“Fuck,” he rasped, swaying as his joints and muscles locked up. “What the fuck- did…”
“A paralytic poison,” Amir said, watching Alwin struggle uselessly against his own body with a distinct amount of satisfied interest. “ Don’t worry- it won’t kill you. It’s not strong enough to stop your heart.”
Breathing was hard, but it was all he could focus on as his body stopped answering to him. Alwin screamed internally as his jaw locked up with the rest of him, stopping the verbal component needed for his spell-casting. The vines shriveled away, disappearing with the last of his magical capabilities. 
He collapsed. 
I knew it, his frantic thoughts said, swirling around in his frozen head. I knew it I knew it I knew this would happen- 
Amir knelt next to him, cocking his head curiously. 
“I’m always surprised by how quickly that poison takes effect. Still,” he brushed a lock of hair out of Alwin’s face, calmly meeting his furious gaze. “Can’t be too careful when dealing with spellcasters. Especially not ones of… your caliber,” he chuckled. 
Fuck you, Alwin wanted to scream, but all that came out was a strangled growl. The instinctive terror of once again being helpless, flat on his back, burned into rage at Amir, at the world, at himself for once again letting his guard down when he had just started thinking that maybe he’d be ok, that just maybe he’d finally found some people he could stay with. But he couldn’t say it- just stare upwards at the man who was casually going to take it away. Amir seemed to get the message anyway. 
“You’re probably wondering what this is about,” the thief continued. He was currently rummaging through his bag, pulling out some loops of rope and something leather that Alwin couldn’t make out, frozen on the damp grass as he was. “To put it simply- you’re my insurance.” A firm hand pushed him on to his side, so Amir could start the process of binding his hands behind his back. “You’re worth a lot in certain circles. Alive, again, so don’t think that I went through all this trouble just to kill you.”
Alwin’s breath hissed through his teeth, unable to answer- not that he wanted to at this point. Amir only hummed from where he was, pulling the ropes tight with practiced ease. 
“Someone in Athos will be very happy to have the sole heir to Terranith at their disposal,” Amir said. He finished on Alwin’s wrists, moving up to his shoulders. Alwin shuddered as the rope looped around his chest, the act of breathing starting to escape him as the poison ran its course. Amir appeared to notice and paused as Alwin’s vision starting swimming into black.
He patted his captive’s shoulder, clicking his tongue sympathetically. “But that will be your problem- not mine.”
Alwin finally let go, world fading into darkness, and he knew no more.
So the storyteller in me is screeching right now.
 Also- I write these for me. But if even one person enjoys reading these, I’ll continue posting them here on tumblr. (My Burn Scars comp seems to have gotten deleted? I guess I’ll have to repost the whole thing.)
Hey if you want more Alwin and the Inhumans stuff, how about leaving a like or a reblog? (Or an ask I talk way too much about everything and will yell at you for like an hour about it)
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cinnaminsvga · 7 years
Lucky Save | PKMN Trainer!Jungkook
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→ summary: In which Jeon Jungkook is a scatterbrained Pokemon trainer who cannot catch a break and you are the saving grace he needs.
→ genre: pokemon!au, fluff
→ words: 2K
→ a/n: happy bday kook lmao this is dedicated to our hopeless dreams of becoming a pkmn master someday rip
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You would think that after six months of travelling the Alola region by himself, Jungkook should have had at least 25% of his shit together.
He had thought that he had stocked up on hyper potions and revives when he had left Seafolk Village the previous morning. 
The keyword: thought. 
When in fact, he had left the center without a second thought, not noticing how his backpack wasn’t as full as he had imagined. Now that he was already halfway across the island and with no other Pokemon centers in sight, you could say without a shadow of a doubt that Jeon Jungkook was fucked.
“Aw, this is definitely my fault,” he sighed in defeat, kicking his empty backpack in anger. His Incineroar, whom Jungkook had aptly nicknamed Blaze, only watched with concern as his trainer continuously kicked a nearby berry tree to alleviate his frustrations.
“Stupid, stupid—oh shit, another fucking Crabominable?!” He yelped, realizing belatedly that the pile of berries he had just kicked was the home to the angry Pokemon who wasted no time readying to attack the still distracted boy. Luckily, Blaze was more on top of things than Jungkook, so he quickly scared the crab Pokemon away with a powerful Flamethrower.
Watching the Crabonimable scuttle away, Jungkook only sent his partner a wry grin. “Well, that was close, wasn’t it?”
“Roar!” Blaze scolded, tapping his trainer’s head lightly in admonishment. Had he been a second too late, the Crabominable could have easily punted Jungkook across the island with one well-aimed punch. Blaze already had his own problems, and his trainer being punted halfway across the island would just add to his steadily growing list of concerns. (Half of which could have been avoided if Jungkook had the foresight to plan and think ahead before setting off without another thought.)
“Sorry, sorry,” Jungkook apologized meekly, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. “I keep messing up today, don’t I?”
The Incineroar only shook its head tiredly, assuring him that it could have happened to anyone (anyone as stupid as Jungkook, but Blaze kindly chose not to comment.)
Due to not having any healing items on hand, Jungkook was now down to only his Incineroar and Lycanroc (nicknamed Rock because Jungkook was creative like that.) He had to choose his battles carefully to avoid more unnecessary casualties, which was easier said than done. Mostly because there was so much—
“Fucking hell, why is there so much tall grass here?” He screeched, narrowly avoiding making eye contact with a horde of Ribombees. “Fuck, that was close. Blaze, stay close.”
Even had Jungkook not said that, Blaze was already trailing closely behind, making sure that Jungkook did not accidentally anger any more Pokemon wildlife. Truly, Blaze wondered whether he was the trainer in this relationship.
“Don’t worry, Blaze. We’re almost at the Battle Tree. I think there’s a center there where we can rest,” he said, grunting slightly as he tried climbing a huge rock. Unbeknownst to Jungkook, the rock was actually very much alive and did not appear to be happy being disturbed of its sleep.
Faster than Jungkook could utter a quiet “Oh fuck,” Blaze quickly grabbed his trainer by the waist and sprinted away in the opposite direction, unwilling to waste precious energy to defeat the large and angry Crustle.
And that, my dear reader, was how you met Jeon Jungkook:
Jungkook, being carried by the waist Simba-style by an overgrown fire cat, while also being chased by an overgrown hermit crab.
Who said first impressions had to be perfect?
You had been on the way to the Battle Tree yourself, although you could say that you were having less trouble travelling than your would-be acquaintance. You had been perched on a (real) rock with your Primarina, both of you sharing a cool lemonade before continuing on your journey when the screams of a visibly distressed boy made you pause from taking your next sip.
You side-eyed your partner to see that she was also watching the spectacle as well. She met your glance with a look of understanding, a silent conversation happening between the two of you after almost a year of travelling together.
“Yeah, yeah; I agree. We probably should help,” you eventually sighed, your eyes now trained on the trainer-Pokemon duo still running away from the enraged Crustle.
Standing up from your perch, you commanded your partner to aim straight at the Crustle’s back. “Alright, Primarina. Use Scald!”
At once, your trusty Primarina let out a blast of blistering water. It hit right on target, making the Crustle scream out in surprise and stopping it in its tracks. 
Coming to a halt now that the immediate danger was busy shaking off the hot water, the Incineroar and its trainer had now noticed the pair of you, both of them running to meet you.
The trainer, still raised up in the air by his Pokemon, waved at you with a genial smile, as if he was not being chased by a giant hermit crab Pokemon just seconds ago.
“Wow, thanks for helping us! But uh, don’t rest yet, because I think the Crustle is mad at you now.”
Lo and behold, the trainer was right. When you looked back, the Crustle was in the midst of preparing to launch a Stone Edge at your Primarina, but luckily the huge Pokemon was no match when it came to your partner's speed.
“Let’s finish it off! Primarina, use Hydro Pump!”
The intense jet of water produced by Primarina promptly faints the Crustle with one blow, finally sating the Pokemon. You patted your partner’s head in thanks, to which it sang merrily back at you.
The male trainer had watched the quick defeat with a look of pure admiration in his doe-eyes. “Woah, dude. You’re super strong. We should fight!”
Amidst the afterglow of a successful battle, you had almost forgotten about the person you had defeated the Crustle for in the first place. You turned to look at your newfound acquaintance, who was no longer being held up by his Pokemon. He was now standing in front of you, a large toothy grin on his handsome face. He was holding his hand out to you, offering a handshake. After your initial hesitance, you found that his hands were soft and warm.
If you thought his hands were soft and warm, then you were definitely not prepared to witness his smile. His grin was blindingly cute, his eyes squinting adorably from the pure glee on his face.
Were you gaping? Yeah, you were gaping. Man, did you strike gold or something?
“Oh right, sorry. I have to introduce myself first before we battle. My name is Jungkook! You are?”
Still busy gaping, your Primarina nudged you out of your trance, eliciting an embarrassed blush on your end. Oops. “Uhh—Y/N. Yeah, that’s my name. Nice to meet you, Jungkook.”
“Oh, Y/N? That’s a cute name! A cute name for a cute trainer. Thank Arceus that my savior happened to be a pretty girl, right Blaze?” He giggled (HE FUCKING GIGGLED), turning to his Incineroar for confirmation. The fire cat nodded its head in agreement.
That embarrassed blush from earlier? Yup, you’re pretty sure the blush had spread all the way down to your ass at this point.
Coughing the slight awkwardness away, you managed to ask, "Uh, before we battle, may I ask why you were running away from the Crustle in the first place?”
“Oh shit, I totally forgot about that!” He beamed, letting out a laugh that was almost as cute as his face. His partner shook his head, sending an almost sorry look back at you and Primarina, his eyes plainly saying ‘sorry that my trainer is an idiot.’
“Well, Blaze and I were on the way to the Battle Tree and I was trying to climb that rocky area over there to find a shortcut, but I guess I stepped on the Crustle by accident. Stupid of me, huh?”
Yeah, stupid. That was kind of an understatement, but the three listening parties chose not to comment.
“Why didn’t you just defeat the Crustle then? Your Incineroar looks pretty powerful to me.” You gestured, eyeing the fire cat Pokemon with slight wariness. If you really were going to battle the dude, you weren’t sure if Primarina could defeat it, despite the type advantage.
“Oh. That’s because, uh… I’m trying not to get into too many battles right now.”
You stared at him. “Then why did you challenge me to a battle?”
“Sorry! I just saw how powerful your Primarina was that I got hyped all of a sudden! I can never resist a good challenge—“ You had to agree with that. You were sort of itching to fight his Incineroar yourself. “—but yeah, I think I have to postpone that battle for now. My team is kinda out of commission right now.”
“Why don’t you just give them some revives?”
At the mention of revives, his bunny grin deflated a bit. “Well, about that…” he trailed off, staring at his sneakers in embarrassment.
Oh my god. Don’t fucking tell—
“You don’t have revives.” You deadpanned.
The cheeky grin on his face said it all. “Uh, yeah. I sorta, kinda, maybe, could have forgotten to stock up before leaving the center this morning. Zero points for Jungkook today, huh?”
Shaking your head at the cute, scatterbrained boy, you shucked your bag off your shoulder, already rummaging deep inside to find the items you were looking for. You immediately grabbed some revives and hyper potions before handing the items to the wide-eyed boy.
“Here you go. Take them; they’re extras that I keep on hand.”
Taken aback by the sudden kind gesture, the boy spluttered at you, with a flurry of disconnected words flying out of his mouth. “What—I can’t, no—this is too much—you’ve done—no, no, you’re a girl and I can’t—“
You raised an eyebrow at the last part. “What does me being a girl have anything to do with this?”
You noticed that tips of his ears were reddening. “NO! I didn’t mean—uh, what I meant was that I can’t possibly accept! You’ve done so much already, and we’re almost near the Battle Tree! I’m sure I can make it there unscathed.”
His Incineroar snorted at the last bit, causing Jungkook to send him a glare. You giggled at the two oddballs, not noticing the way Jungkook’s ears had perked up at the sweet sound.
“No, it’s fine. I have a bunch of extras anyway; it’s no big deal. Just take them.” you said, forcibly shoving the items into his hands. He almost dropped them out of surprise, the hyper potions almost spilling before Blaze luckily caught them.
Jungkook was still eyeing you carefully. “You sure? It’s okay?”
You found his sudden shyness endearing. “Yes. I’m sure.”
If giving him a couple of revives and hyper potions could make him this happy, then you would gladly buy all the items in the world just to make him smile so gleefully.
“Wow, a pretty trainer AND she’s kind? Why did I ever think today would be an unlucky day?”
You turned your gaze away from him, shy from his flirtatious words. You pointedly ignored the melodious giggles coming from your Primarina. “Do you always compliment girls who give you free stuff in your times of trouble?”
“Nope. Just you.” He assured you, bunny grin on full display.
You continued to ignore the high-pitched squealing coming from your partner, who was now conspicuously slapping you in glee. You mentally reminded yourself to give her the ugly-looking Pokebeans later.
“Ahem, sorry about my partner, she’s just a bit excited to battle. Speaking of,” you smiled, gesturing to his newly acquired healing items. “Now that you have your healing items, how does that battle sound now?” You challenged, already sensing your Primarina ready herself for battle.
At your words, a determined glint settled in your new friend’s eyes, the fiery thirst for battle igniting in his very being. You both already felt that this was going to be a fun battle for sure.
“Bring it."
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Elizabeth Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 20+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/elizabeth-olsens-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Elizabeth Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, The length of this relief is retracted and fixed to the head. Leaving soft curls and waves on the front and sides to frame. The face and soften the whole style. This elegant updo is perfect for those looking for a formal style to compliment a long face, and perfect for any special occasion. Olsen family genes, success, talent, beauty it's not business savvy, but the old boy for himself, both on and off the screen watch full beauty and smart design minimalist luxury house built on. Elizabeth Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts Elizabeth Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, the drama “is building a name as a symbol. She is engaged to French financier behind the scenes to protect the. Empire and to try to say that three times faster. Elizabeth Olsen.Mary Kate and Ashley star this is a. Simple hairstyle that requires very little time for styling. Which makes it great for busy people who are thin to medium hair. The length and long layers give a jagged cut light and a slightly textured look and feel. This low-fuss hairstyle needs a small product for grip and shine, and regular fixes to avoid split ends. Elizabeth Olsen's Hairstyles and Haircuts Elizabeth Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, The transformation is a welcome change for Olsen, whose appearance is typically defined by simple tousled hair. Olsen opted for a new baby blonde highlight set a subtle change from her signature sandy blonde look and slightly wispy bangs that touched the tip of her eyelids. Olsen isn't the only celebrity to opt for outbursts this season. Julianne Hough made the final cut in September. Elizabeth Olsen's Short Hairstyles Elizabeth Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, with a super blunt bob and layered French girl-inspired fringe. Fronting the blast Dakota Johnson and Mila Kunis have become a mainstay on the red carpet in recent months. While this is certainly true of our non-celebrity folk the rule seems to extend to celebrity families too, pointing out that Elizabeth Olsen is debuting a blonde look that gives us some serious Mary Kate and Ashley vibes. Think of this as a lesson in fast-approaching New Year beauty decisions through 2020. Elizabeth Olsen's Short Haircuts Elizabeth Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, draped a camel-coloured trench coat over her dress and wore strappy heels to complete her elegant dressing style. The Godzilla actress chose to style her brunette locks in a stylish hairdo that was the perfect match for her classy and stylish dressing style for Tuesday night's event. avengers. The age of Ultron star decided to wear her brunette tresses in a gorgeous loose waves hairdo. Elizabeth Olsen's Hairstyles Elizabeth Chase Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, After an instant journey to the dark side with her brunette, The Avengers star make a red carpet hit in Beverly Hills for the holiday celebrations with the Brooks Brothers on Monday night showcasing her beachy blonde hair and perfect bang. Elizabeth's hair has metamorphosed from the cool shades of blonde to brunette and even copper many times over the years, but nothing says an Olsen sister is like this slender blonde. Her locks were parted on the left side with her locks tucked behind the ear on the same side to give her hairdo a sleek size. Elizabeth Olsen's Haircuts Elizabeth Chase Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Her loose locks were styled loose and swept over her shoulders in soft curls. Apply a smoothing serum over the towel-dried damp locks. Use scallops to spread evenly from the roots to the ends. Next bend round the ceramic brush using one inch sections and a blow dryer to create loose and easy curls in the bottom layer. The premiere of Endgame included a set of new Bang. Before walking the Red Carpet, The Star's hairdresser Mark Townsend who also has sisters Mary Kate and Ashley going hair guy gave wispy bangs with Olsen piece y tapered edges. Elizabeth Olsen's Short Hair Elizabeth Chase Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, He apparently added several short layers of facial framing to add shape and softness to Olsen's long length. Townsend styled Olsen's hair sleek and straight with a bit of volume in the crown. Her entire look coupled with new bangs and soft subtle make-up gives us ' 60s Jane Birkin vibes. The Olsen brothers are known for their covetable long wavy strands of a style that strikes a balance between bohemian and beachy. Elizabeth Olsen's Hair Elizabeth Chase Olsen's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, has been rocking at mermaid length for some time to the stunning effect of the three youngsters. So Olsen Land was pretty big when the trio's go hairdresser. Mark Townsend, took a photo of a new actress wavy bob, who was also extortionate. Highlighted blonde. Click to see the preliminary view. It is widely understood that those who bear the surname. Olsen will have some serious genetically blessed length. I'm so annoyed that I didn't get a crazy cut or colour in. Elizabeth Olsen's Long Hair with Bangs Just as she tends to keep her hair care regime simple. Elizabeth chooses a minimalist approach to makeup and instead focuses on skincare. Star Bioderma's Sensibio H2O Micelle Solution is Elizabeth Arden's Eight-Hour Cream-Intensive Lip Repair Balm and something from Biologique Recherche's series. I use 800 of their products. This is the biggest extravagance but I think as an investment in my career the 30-year-old commented on. She dressed down the ends of these blonde locks to give all the style subtle movement and bounce on in loose waves. Elizabeth Olsen haircut This comfortable style is easy to reuse with the right tools at home and your hair needs a little product to fly away and tame. Bobbi Brown uses Elizabeth company's Skin Long Wear Weightless Foundation. SPF as a brand ambassador for cosmetics 15 every day but ensures she doesn't. Always exaggerate her base by focusing instead on letting her natural skin shine. The most important thing is to prepare the skin too. Much with moisturiser or serum, especially for someone who. Like me, doesn't want to wear too much makeup, the foundation you use looks moist. Elizabeth Olsen Hairstyles, Haircuts and Colors Elizabeth Olsen looked elegant and gorgeous in a pink patterned, baggy and slouchy dress that fell just above her knees as she made a classy statement at the Stella McCartney Autumn 2020 2021 presentation held at Amoeba Music in Los Angeles in 2020 - 2021. If your hair routine in cold weather typically involves covering your head with an oversized beanie, Elizabeth Olsen's outbursts and events may persuade you to rethink your approach this year. The actor has launched his best winter hair change and will want to follow suit. Elizabeth Olsen hair color Prepare to call your stylist a little fringe, and the soft highlights will completely refresh your look. The gorgeous Elizabeth Olsen prom may be the hair inspiration for your graduation or wedding. She is cute with age-appropriate and timeless elegant hairstyles. Sisters stylist Mark Townsend shared photos of Elizabeth's wavy new style on his Instagram account. Not only is the 25-year-old's hair much shorter than. Before up to its centre earlier this year, it has returned to a lighter. Shade after being chocolate brown for months. Short Hair Alert: Elizabeth Olsen Gets a Haircut The actress has not commented or shared any photos of her style but she. Looks pretty happy in these shots so we assume she does not suffer from haircut remorse. Hairdresser Mark Townsend cut. Elizabeth Olsen's bra strap skimming her long hair into a cute. Long wavy bob and you got to see it from all angles. And while her sisters have changed her hair countless times over the years. Elizabeth retains a certain signature that lingers long in the middle, or just underlines a little Center, so if we can. Elizabeth Olsen natural hair color Somehow muster even half of its length, we'll do it completely volume shine and various other genetic advantages. Here's what we've collected from Elizabeth, who has been following her hair for the past few years. It'll keep you healthy. It also seems prone to natural thickness and texture. Because whether it's wavy or flat up or down. Its wires are always full plump and effortlessly. Seem to be playing all life in front of a wind machine. Short hair on Elizabeth Olsen We are never getting Elizabeth's enviable Mane for ourselves without the supply of a lifetime of extension but it's always texturing radiance serums and sprayed voluminous foams. They have extensions. Hey did we mention extensions? It also seems to have slightly eased another good move of colour. Events really show the way you cut. Elizabeth Olsen hair tutorial Unlike her older sister who forget her tight as everyone knows her lips the. 29-year-old has established a presence on social media. To watch on screen as a young widow upset for lost. Facebook let herself smile with her teeth and the latest. The actor showed off his brand new chops in Hamilton behind the camera Awards in Los Angeles on November 10. Elizabeth has a warm complexion with shades of gold and blue eyes. This makes it suitable for hair colors that have a yellow or gold base on them. Such as the dark honey yellow seen here.
0 notes
11, 17, 18, 21, 25
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
answered here
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
Don’t feel embarrassed by all those ridiculous plots. Just run with them and write them, and keep some sort of notes if you don’t write them so years later you can look back on what you had thought of and try to work out ways to incorporate it into fic.
And when it comes to that good old King of the Vampires, write every scene you ever imagined for him, because some of that was damn gold and you’re going to want to be able to look back on it.
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
Off the top of my head four things come to mind, listed in the order in which I read them.
The Saga of Darren Shan, by Darren Shan
Jewels, by Danielle Steel
The Subtle Knife, by Philip Pullman (specifically chapter 14, and specifically the end of chapter 14 which was a lesson in writing a tense death scene)
Nightwood, by Djuna Barnes.
What strikes me as interesting is that the first three of these were read in a span of 18 months from when I was 11 going on 12 to when I was 13. Like, there is so much I could criticise about those Darren Shan novels, but they still pack a punch, and I always remember the aching grief in those early chapters of the 10th book, Lake of Souls. I think that has had a big influence on me.
As for Jewels, it’s certainly not the best-written book in the world and the plot is cheesy as hell and overdramatic and most of the medicine in it isn’t even accurate (grrr), and everything falls apart after page 368, but it has one of my absolute favourite death scenes out of all of the ones I’ve read and studied. And that death scene is so painful and so gentle and so oddly sweet that I think it has played a big part in how I’ve written some of mine. Plus it has this whole spanning history thing going on which I adore. And there are so many similarities between my own OC William and William Whitfield, which I never realised until I re-read Jewels back in the spring after not touching it in like 7 years, and considering I only invented my William last year it was hella weird.
As for Nightwood. When it comes to Nightwood I think most of the influence has been stylistic, with run-on sentences building up to things. But Nightwood is an actual work of art and I cannot recommend it more highly. Plus lesbians in Paris in the 1920s is such a me thing to be influenced by.
There were definitely more than these, but I think these were some of the main ones.
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
Depends which work it is, really, and how old it is. Most of it I cringe over, certainly stuff written pre-late 2014/spring 2015 which is essentially everything before my Sherlock western AU. Some of it I can appreciate the ideas even if I appreciate the writing less. Really it depends which thing it is, and when I’m working on something that I’m happy with, like right now with Wraiths, I’’m inclinded to think of everything before that as a mess, even if I do still love some of it.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
Right now what I’m proudest of is the super intense scene I wrote today for the Wraiths chapter and which I’m keeping under wraps for the time being, and there are just so many different lines and paragraphs that I love from so many things I’ve written, but this paragraph from Chapter 14 of Etched with Tears is one of my absolute favourites:  
Erik was beautiful, maybe not physically, but in his music. His voice. In the way he cared for her, and talked to Ayesha, and murmured to himself as he sketched, or composed. Beautiful in his sweet, high laugh. Beautiful in how he moved, how he stood, how his fingers twined with his pocket watch chain. Beautiful in the surprise on his face every time she kissed him, in the soft, teary look in his eyes. Beautiful in how he traced her cheek, in how he made certain she would always have what she needed. He was beautiful in a hundred, a thousand tiny ways, and it was that that she loved about him even if he never truly realised that, was never able to see the beauty in himself.
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Top Anime to watch this Summer
Finally an update and I made it in time before we hit Autumn, for this post I thought it is important to watch a few episodes before I can come with a new list for this season, although we are nearly done with the summer  here is a list to keep you busy inside are my Top 5 Shows to be watching.
Even though I am late with this post, I was really thinking of you guys because I know how much you like to binge watch, haha!
Hope you guys enjoy!!!
With each post, I try to  give you an understanding of what the anime through a basic synopsis, and then followed by a  brief review of what I think of the show so far.
I appreciate any recommendations in the comments, and I will try to watch these as well!
5. Banana Fish
Nature made Ash Lynx beautiful; nurture made him a cold ruthless killer. A runaway brought up as the adopted heir  “Papa” Dino Golzine, Ash, now at the rebellious age of seventeen, forsakes the devil who raised him, however the hideous secret that drove Ash’s older brother mad in Vietnam has suddenly fallen into Papa’s hands.
A well thought out plot, with contrasting leading characters and fitting artwork this anime hits all of the right spots in my opinion, also for those of us who are amazed in magic, and enjoy a great thrill now and then Banana fish will definitely be one of your most favourite anime’s of the season.
For fans of: Bungou Stray Dogs, Hakuouki Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Shoujo You can watch it at: Banana Fish
4. JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze
English: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind
Naples, 2001. Giorno Giovanna is a small-time crook with one big dream—to become a “Gang-Star.” No ordinary thief, Giorno has a connection to the remarkable Joestar bloodline, and possesses a Stand named Gold Experience. His dream starts to become reality when he meets Bruno Buccellati, a mobster from the gang Passione and a fellow Stand user himself.
As Giorno becomes a member of Passione, and is inducted into Bruno’s squad, he discovers that it is no simple gang…
Another weird and entertaining adventure from Jojo is something that is sure to keep you busy this summer. The series exists to surprise you on every episode with its unique styling and eccentric art style and plot. Each character is very individual and does not share any similarities to that of the main character who although has noble intentions has no qualms getting his hands dirty.
*This review is based on the festival premiere and manga.
For fans of: One Piece, Naruto Genre: Action, Shounen, Adventure You can watch it at: JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze
3. Hataraku Saibo
English: Cells at Work
This is a story about you. A tale about the inside of your body… According to a new study, the human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are hard at work every day within a world that is your body. From the oxygen-carrying red blood cells to the bacteria-fighting white blood cells, get to know the unsung heroes and the drama that unfolds inside of you! It’s the oddly relatable and interesting story that is the life of cells!
This anime has a great structure and story line which makes it very exciting and pleasing to watch, with all of this being said it is scary how much you might actually learn about your body from an anime show.
Oddly enough the show reminded me of one of my many childhood shows “Ozzy and Drix”, although the concept of being inside the body is similar I can definitely say this is much more intense and engaging to watch.
I would definitely recommend this to anyone this summer because it is not your everyday anime.
For fans of: Black Clover, Ozzy & Drix, Hajimete no Gai Genre: Comedy, Shounen You can watch it at: Hataraku Saibo
2. Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger
The series takes place in the Imperial Capital of 1930. A group of people known as “Jaegers” landed on Tokyo Station. They carry musical instrument cases and came to hunt vampires. A man named Yuliy stood among them with a striking serenity and unusual aura. Known as a werewolf who had his home village destroyed by vampires, he and the Jaegers engage in battle against the mysterious holy arc known as the “The Arc of Sirius.” What truth awaits them?
Finding a good Vampire based anime are a dime in a dozen, however is one that keep you glued to the screen. Packed with action and full of excitement this is one to be watching this season. Another great reason to watch the show is for its eye-catching visuals and intense battle scenes with fluid character movements. This is something you should definitely give a go!
For fans of: Castlevania, Bloodivores, Servamp Genre: Vampire, Horror, Action, Supernatural You can watch it at: Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger
1. Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
English: Attack on Titan Season 3
So this is the third season of the Attack on Titan, which you should already know or heard about already. If you haven’t all I can say is watch all of the seasons before starting this one, because you are going to be in for a ride.
Season 3 follows up on the previous season, the story progresses with new twists and surprises. The problem this time has become very different. In the fact each character has to deal with a change in their emotions. This season I have felt has connected with me the most as all of the characters have been developed to become something new.
This season is packed with excitement, passionate voice acting and beautiful visuals, also did i mention that is super easy to watch, due to being a modern day masterpiece.
This is one of those great series which I feel is not rushed in delivering new seasons as the team behind the anime really work hard on producing something that will keep you looking forward to the next season.
For fans of: Shingeki no Kyojin!!! Genre:  Drama, Military, Shounen, Super Power, Thriller You can watch it at: Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
So that’s the end of list, if you have recommendations please put in the comments!! ありがとう
Top 5 Anime…Summer 2018 Top Anime to watch this Summer Finally an update and I made it in time before we hit Autumn, for this post I thought it is important to watch a few episodes before I can come with a new list for this season, although we are nearly done with the summer  here is a list to keep you busy inside are my Top 5 Shows to be watching.
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taehyung-rambles · 3 years
My Rankings of BTS’s Japanese Songs (Up to Film out)
For some reason, I thought there were more Japanese BTS songs than there are, but that doesn’t seem to be the case (as of the time I’m writing this post, at least); ergo, this post probably won’t be too long, but it’ll be fun anyway. I feel like my number one on this list is probably most people’s, but the middle rankings are where I’d love to hear other people’s opinions. We’re gonna be discussing melodies, mostly, rather than lyrics or production because I’m just talking about how much I like the song, not how technically good it is. Anyway, let’s talk about the category of BTS songs that everyone says “always hit hard.”
13. Wake Up
I’ve seen some people express a lot of love for this song, so hopefully this low ranking doesn’t make anyone mad. Wake Up has melodies and a production that feel really dated. It’s got a sound that reminds me of boybands from the ‘90s, and it’s not like BTS haven’t dabbled with that sound before--actually, I’d say a good three-fourths of their early music was that sound--but Wake Up sounds like one of those nostalgic tones from the past that should’ve stayed in the past. In my opinion, at least. Usually, BTS are really good about bringing new life to old foundations, but everything fell flat in Wake Up. It sounded basic and boring to my ears.
12. I Like It! Pt.2 ~In That Place~
Between this song and Wake Up, there’s not a lot of new stuff I can say. I Like It! Pt.2 ~In That Place~ has the same antiquated melodies to it that aren’t very pleasant to and haven’t held up well over time. That being said, the melodies in the chorus and verses are better in this song verses Wake Up. Mostly, that’s due to the melodic variety; Wake Up doesn’t really shake it up, if you will, in the melody line, but I Like It! Pt.2 ~In That Place~ does just a touch.
11. Wishing on a Star
So, from here on, we’re looking at songs that I actually listen to often. I don’t know if that means I’ll have more or less to say, but I know the songs better, at the very least. Wishing on a Star does have melodies that I find appealing most of the time, though I don’t consider them to be all that complex. The big difference between this song and the bottom two--of course, this is subjective--is that the rap verses feel much more substantial. Are they amazing? No, they’re still relatively flat compared to what we’ll look at coming up, but they improved from the Wake Up album, that’s for sure. 
I don’t really like that the song ended with Yoongi, though. Not because it’s Yoongi or because the verse is bad; it’s just a very awkward genre of song to try and close out with a rap. I didn’t listen to this song for a long time because it that last rap verse makes the whole song a bit clunky.
10. The Stars
I mean, I think Wishing on a Star is probably a better overall song, or at least, more unique. However, a good song is all about melodies, for me. I really just preferred the melodies in The Stars. Well, actually, that’s not true. The rap verses were better, as well. Both The Stars and Wishing on a Star are relatively similar sounding songs, but I thought the punch coming from the rap line hit harder, the transition into the choruses was cleaner, and the brighter melody works better for this type of song--in my opinion--than the sharper melody of Wishing on a Star. I’m only comparing the two because I find them similar and had a difficult time deciding which one was better. Maybe for you, the choice is more obvious.
9. Don’t Leave Me
I get the impression that this song has a large following, so maybe I should be careful with this one. Honestly, this isn’t something I say about BTS’s music often, but Don’t Leave Me is basic. It’s got kind of the same profile as Save ME, which isn’t a song I love in the first place, but besides that, the chorus is really lacking. The progression of the melody is really linear and not all that interesting to listen to. Where this song makes up it’s ground is in the verses and the bridge because I think a lot of those melodies--yes, we’re gonna talk about melodies the whole time--stand out and sound really nice.
I also wanna point out with this song--because I will with others on this list--that it’s got a hell of a vocal showcase in it for Jimin and Jin. No, BTS haven’t sung this song live, so I guess it’s different from the way I’ll be able to talk about the other songs, but to accomplish the vocal feats they did in such a high-pitched song is amazing.
8. For You
I gotta say, this song has been slipping down my list since I started listening to it. I do love that the each of the vocalists--almost--get their own choruses because it feels like everyone is valued. However, we’re still here to talk about boring melodies. Don’t get me wrong, though. The melody line in For You is basic, but it’s a really pretty foundation to build a song on. Plus, I thought the bare and simple melody really allowed the vocal line’s individual colors to shine, especially during the adlibs. I do think all the brightness and sweetness comes from the vocalists, though. The rap line’s parts in For You really slip under the tone of the song and don’t do much to stand out or support the song--which is why this song, despite being a single, is number eight.
7. Your Eyes Tell
This may be the most surprising ranking on this list, for some people. I know that this song was released in an era awash with some of BTS’s best music, but it just didn’t hit that hard, for me. I’m aware a lot of people love it, though, and I imagine that’s because the melody line is very ethereal and piercing. Though a slower song, Your Eyes Tell is definitely an attention grabber. I do like the direction of sharpness and harshness of the melody and the interesting vocal changes, but the melody itself--the notes, if you will--isn’t something I love. It’s just the personal preference of someone who doesn’t love this style of music, but I found the melody line to be a bit too abstract for me to latch onto it.
6. Stay Gold
So, I have this opinion about a few other, non-Japanese BTS songs, but Stay Gold has a mostly pleasant melody with moments that I really dislike. Like, take the pre-chorus with Taehyung--the first one--and Jungkook--the second one; it’s a beautiful melody with a lovely vocal run at the end that I love listening to. But then, every time “stay gold” is sung, I kinda hate it. I don’t know anything about major and minor keys or anything like that, but the notes changes in the chorus just feel off. Other than that, I thought everything in this song was gorgeous, including the rap verses.
5. Good Day
I know I sound like the enemy of basic melodies, but Good Day has a really strong melody--that also happens to be basic. Really, though, it’s just parts of the song that read that way; there’s plenty of variety in Good Day that I find satisfying to listen to. For example, Namjoon’s verse is an absolute blessing. It sticks out so beautifully. Then, you’ve got Taehyung and Jungkook on the bridge, and their harmonies contrasting each other and the music underneath is beautiful. Overall, though the chorus may have a standard, bright melody, the rest of Good Day brought a lot of good stuff that I think hold up today, despite the song being an older one within BTS’s discography.
4. Film out
Pay attention because, from here to the top, these songs qualify as the princesses of BTS’s music--wherein Spring Day is the queen. Obviously. So, I didn’t love Film out initially; I certainly liked it, but it didn’t strike me like some of BTS’s other singles. However, the more I listened to it, the more I came to appreciate the melody line, the rap verses, and the adlibs. I kind of think Film out is a better version of Your Eyes Tell. Not because the two have similar sounds, but because they elicit similar feelings. At least, to me.
Anyway, I like that the melodies are clear and easy in the beginning, but are complex enough that can be built on by the end to create a really in-depth mix of adlibs, harmonies, and melodies. It’s an absolutely gorgeous song, though one I don’t actively listen to when I’m choosing BTS songs. I still think it deserves the spot it’s got, though.
3. Let Go
I may be a bit influenced by the story behind this song because it’s absolutely heartbreaking, but the story led me to loving the song itself, so I guess the difference is unimportant. I feel like Let Go’s sound and tone are very reflective of the type of music BTS was doing at this time, but it still feels elevated. Maybe it’s all of the extra emotion that went into creating it, but emotion is what’s conveyed through every verse, every melody, every pause; it’s an absolutely gorgeous piece of music. The reason I haven’t ranked it higher is because the chorus is not a strong as the rest of the song melodically. It isn’t too much of a difference, but a difference it still is. I really have a special place for Let Go, though, so it’s made it to the top three.
2. Lights
Lights has got a gorgeous melody like Let Go, but I feel like it maintains that gorgeous melody throughout the entire song. The rap line, as well, have absolutely stunning portions of this song that have always stood out, to me. I think having their verses be as stand out as they were really helped to add variety and interest to the melody line, which is already quite strong.
Adding onto that, the vocal line did such an outstanding job singing Lights. Each of them went up to a C5, which is already nuts for the tenors, but for Taehyung--a baritone--that’s super hard. It’s not range that makes a good song or a good singer, but having those belts on top of the melody in Lights sounded stunning. It was another way variety got added to the song, only it was with intensity rather than melody. I love this song to bits, and I listen to it all the time, so I knew it was gonna rank highly.
1. Crystal Snow
Was anyone surprised? I mean, this is the Spring Day of the Japanese songs. I don’t think Crystal Snow is as good of a song as Spring Day, but it’s damn close. I feel like I could talk for days about this song. Obviously the melody line and the rap line’s parts are absolutely unreal, but the production and arrangement was also brilliant. You’ve got those crazy high adlibs at the end, the full instrumental underneath the members, the choice of having a soulful vocalist like Taehyung bookend the choruses so they hit harder--like, everything about the way this song was composed and put together enhanced the quality of it. It’s absolutely the best Japanese BTS song, and it’s damn near one of the best BTS songs of all time. An absolute masterpiece.
Anyway, hopefully this was a fun post to read. Let me know what your ranking would be, and if you think my number one is as definite as I think it is. Thanks for reading!
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whiskeyworen · 7 years
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Name: Tenna
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
College: Synergetics
Class: Holosmith Engineer
Allies:  Cyrus, Verula Faithbreaker, Moryggan Deralith,
Relationships:  Youngest of three siblings. Strained relationship with elder siblings Miriya and Sonnya due to personal experiments. No known relationships, though is close with all members of her team.
Weapons: Holosmith Saber and Alchemist's Shield. Has a pair of Alchemists pistols tucked away in hidden pockets for emergencies. Prefers using her battleharness with its Elixir gun, Grenade launcher and Siege Cannon mounts, though her Holosmith weapons are a delight.
Tenna is the youngest of her sisters, and perhaps the most unstable of them. She loves tinkering with things, as well as explosives, and while her skills are undeniable, she tends to alienate others with her outside-the-box lateral thinking. As tall as her oldest sister Sonnya, but as slim as her middle sister Miriya, Tenna had the unfortunate luck to be tall and lanky, even by Asuran standards. Her gangliness led her to be teased by her classmates, as well as naturally be slightly more clumsy, which earned her more derision. Even among her sisters, Tenna is still very different; with long hair the color of a deep red wine, she stood out from her siblings. A genetic quirk also flipped her skin tones, making her the figurative and literal black sheep of her family. They still love her, but in public other Asura secretly wonder if she's not of their family, and was merely adopted.
Sufficed to say, Sonnya has always managed to curtail those rumors, being the super-protective older sibling, but they still left their mark on young Tenna. Even as a Synergetics college student, she kept to herself mostly, with a small circle of friends and no actual Krewe to be part of.
Her skills with record systems and design philosophy were of interest to the Durmand Priory, who outsourced to her. A member of the Priory, she was never called on missions; her only job was to create and administer incoming data while at the same time maintaining her studies in the college. Being alone took quite a toll on her. Already edgy about being without a Krewe, she got to watch her sisters advance out of their respective colleges and go out into the world, while she was stuck in her dorm, sorting files and trying desperately to invent things that would catch the eye of the Council, or at the very least, one of her professors who might bump it up the line. Sleep was troubled, and paranoia set in; she became convinced she was so much weaker than her sisters that she was bound to die in some horrible circumstance. Whether it was a lab explosion or accident, an Inquest raid on the workshops, or the far-distant but ever present threat of a Dragon assault or something worse, her fears dug deep into her. That was when the sample rolled across her desk. A sample of tainted plasma from an unknown subject. Most of the data about it had been lost as it had bounced from lab to lab, but it finally ended up on her desk, a curiousity of the Priory. Examining it, she found potentially a solution to her problem. The blood contained a viral agent. Something half-magic, half-chaos, half-again actual virus. It was clear that whoever was infected was going to be in a lot of trouble if the virus kept up its self-metamorphic changes, but that didn't matter to her at all. All that mattered was that the virus also changed its host to suit it, to keep it alive. Stripping away the chaotic and magical aspects of the virus was simple. What was left was a crippled thing that still made genetic tweaks, but not in a fashion unmanagable. Things like enhanced strength, speed, vision... altered vision, neural modification to accomodate for those changes. It also had markers for more unique things. Like regeneration. A fully organic, non-necrotic regeneration. It wasn't long before she injected it into herself and began culturing more 'clean' virus in self-maintaining portable mechanisms. Oh, she got her wish; she was no longer weak. Not by a long shot. Wounds healed in seconds. Terrible injuries reset within minutes. Aided by an auto-injector, Tenna suspected she'd be able to regenerate from almost anything. But there was a price to pay, she found. For every injury she sustained, whether it was a cut, a burnmark, or what have you, she found herself getting hungrier. Normal food wasn't working; she could eat it and be fine, but it didn't scratch the itch. She didn't need to sleep as much anymore, but as the virus affected her, she found herself weakened again, drawn, and gaunt. Something was wrong. That was when an Inquest agent tried to raid her private dorm for Priory secrets. In a fit of fear and rage, she instinctively went for his throat. It was a horrible, terrible thing...but after it was over, she felt more alive than she'd ever felt. Was that the secret? Blood?
One quick body-disposal later, she'd checked the virus again, this time delving deeper into its structure. There it was; a marker for hemophagia, only slightly altered by her attempts to clean the virus. She couldn't remove the marker; when she tried, the virus just fell apart. It was the lynchpin. The original virus would compell its victim to seek blood to sate the virus. HER virus however, as crippled and damaged as it was, needed iron as fuel. For every injury she'd sustain, it would burn iron as a fuelsource for the regeneration, coopting the ATP production of her own body to accelerate the healing process. If she calculated right, she could lose an entire limb or more, and regenerate completely from it...but be left a ravening beast hungry for blood and meat to replace what she'd lost. At least...till she had enough. She could work with that. Easily.
By that point, a number of her inventions had come back from the Council, not with endorsements, but with strict warnings and heavy seals, Cease and Desists, and Edicts from the Tyrian Royalty as well as the Charr Imperator. Her ideas, her...weapons... were considered far too dangerous and heinous to consider. What could be used of them would be used, and she would recieve the proceeds, but her best items were under strict lock and key.
Again, that was fine. She could work with that. She didn't intend for anyone else to have her toys now, anyway. Not when she'd finally gotten the strength she needed.
She sent a note of sabbatical to the Priory, claiming 'personal issues', and left the College entirely. Already rumors were circulating about her, and the fact she hadn't slept in weeks by that point. It mattered little to Tenna. Nothing really mattered except she was finally free from her fear. It's unknown how she met the others of her group, but her contact with Cyrus is at least partially known. Both were associated with the Priory, so it's assumed she contacted him. Another outcast by choice, Cyrus agreed. He must have had some connections, because soon after Moryggan and Verula joined their team. Both seemed familiar with Cyrus, and had no issue with Tenna.
When the topic of her viral agent came up, not one of them balked. All three were outcasts of their own design, for lateral thinking, disagreement, etc. None of them were surprised or horrified by Tenna's experiment, or the price she'd pay for it. If she needed help getting meat and blood when she was low, it was just another thing that made Tenna...well... Tenna.
She had a krewe now. And for the first time, a place to belong. ---- (Notes from Me: When I made Tenna, I’d already made one of every job class. I had an extra slot and thought “Hmm...well Dhangalor is an Engie, but I kinda really specialized him as a Juggernaut Flamethrower. I wanna try out the other kits, but I don’t wanna retrait him.” Back then, retraiting cost money and time and stuff. It was before the trait trees permanently opened and stayed modifiable. So I decided to make another Engie. Choosing a race was easy; I wanted to make a demolitionist Asura. But the connection to Miriya and Sonnya... That took some thought. Initially I wanted to make a male Asura so I could keep the Male/female balance I had going. It was almost a perfect balance, but Sonnya threw it off by being one additional female. But the male Asura were just...ugly...to me. So I decided that my duo sisters were actually a Trio, and then made her. She looked exactly like them at first, until I remembered I had a Makeover kit that gives access to rare hairs and eye colors and stuff. So in a flash, gone was her chinese bun hair, her green eyes, and her skin tone that perfectly mimicked her sisters. In her place, I made the OTHER sister. The one I have grown to love because she’s so chaotic. Glowing orange-gold eyes, hair of Cabernet Sauvignon, darker completion.... Setting her story up was almost an accident. I was brainstorming for the other two, and decided that all three sisters had grown apart over the years, and that Tenna had gone through a personal breakdown crisis that resulted in her doing something to herself. When I came up with the viral infection in Maeva (who I have yet to post), I realized I had an opportunity to make a watered down version of the vampiric elementalist. Instead of being just vampiric, Tenna would also be intensely CARNIVOROUS as a result of her infection. I literally wanted her to be a cannibal, because... well, it’d creep her sisters out especially, and it made her an outcast, to be teamed up with other outcasts. It worked perfectly. Tenna in-game is a disturbingly powerful condi Engie who’s bombs, grenades, and siege cannon work phenomenally well. And when I found the trait that auto-calls an Orbital Strike laser... Oh boy, I SO had to add that to her story. That it’s a prototype weapon she designed that was kiboshed by the Council and others. That the Inquest can’t take it away because it’s too well defended in orbit, and they can’t kill her to get it because it’d wipe them out in retaliation. That, and after the infection, it’s now tremendously HARD to kill her. One of these days, I’ll commission someone to draw her, either casually lobbing an entire belt full of armed grenades, a devious, very toothy grin on her face, or in the midst of bloodthirst after a battle, armor shredded but wounds healing, and intensely HUNGRY for blood and flesh. Both images in my head are glorious. I may even commission a pic someday of her feeding more casually on someone who gave permission; neck nibbles kinda thing. If you’ve got close enough friends who are willing to do that, you treat them gently, and Tenna definitely would, if they were willing to give her a blood meal when she needed it. )
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