#Stronger Than Death
celebratetheclassics · 11 months
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Stronger Than Death (Herbert Blaché, 1920) produced by and starring Alla Nazimova.
The only surviving print of this film is held in the George Eastman House Motion Picture Collection.
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dijidweeeb · 8 months
Motivational Music in the Morning ... #BlackLabelSociety, #JustKillingTime ... from the album #StrongerThanDeath [Official Audio Track] (2000) #MMitM1
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stylistic-nightmare · 7 months
Black Label Society - Stronger Than Death
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howifeltabouthim · 2 years
But a wild courage sits triumphant there, The stormy grandeur of a proud despair; A daring spirit, in its woes elate, Mightier than death, untameable by fate.
Felicia Hemans, from “The Wife of Asdrubal”
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goddamnedgod · 1 year
Black Label Society
Stronger Than Death
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daenerysies · 1 month
hot take maybe but the only reason most show runners/producers/writers/etc. age up the (female) characters from book to show adaptation is to overtly sexualize them and not face mass amounts of scrutiny for it.
put 13 year old daenerys next to 30 year old drogo and the audience understands that daenerys is a victim to him and not an equal. put 22 year old emilia clarke as daenerys next to 32 year old jason mamoa as drogo and they’re seen as a budding romance with a tragic ending (by the general audience) due to their on screen chemistry.
flash forward to today, and now we’re dealing with 21 year old milly alcock playing rhaenyra from 14-19 and how her relationship with (28 year old fabien) a mid twenties criston is seen as -morally acceptable- and not a result of a degenerate pedophile taking advantage of and grooming his charge. “ser criston protects the princess from her enemies, but who protects the princess from ser criston?” rhaenyra was 14 when rumors started speculating that she slept with an almost 30 year old criston. a criston who had know her since she was 8 and had been her sworn shield since she was 9. obviously seeing a teenager in the early stages of puberty next to a fully grown man would emphasize rhaenyra being THE victim, as opposed to the show having an 18-19 year old explore her sexuality and seek out ‘consensual’ sex with her peer bodyguard. the discourse has even reached the point where certain stans try to paint the much younger woman as the perpetrator and aggressor of this event, who forced the unassuming man into having sex with her.
i’ll even take this a step farther, and bring up how if they had shown a 19 year old alicent abusing a 10 year old rhaenyra it would be identified and mutually agreed upon as a reprehensible act on alicent’s part. instead they’re of similar age, so people can attempt to paint the picture as two women of equal standing hating each other, and not a much older woman bullying a motherless child. once again however, some stans even go so far as to try and paint alicent as a victim of rhaenyra, and not the other way around. further cementing this is how both versions of alicent are younger than both versions of rhaenyra, AND how criston is still played by an actor who is younger than older!rhaenyra despite his character being the same age as daemon in canon.
they know exactly what they’re doing too, considering they aged alicent down to give her that innate compassion one typically feels when seeing children being abused on tv (something that can no longer be applied to rhaenyra). despite that never being her story; *she* was the abuser, and rhaenyra was her victim. criston’s victim. it’s a nasty cop out, and i wish more people would call out how sickening it is to flip the switch and attempt to make abusive individuals more sympathetic than the *actual* victims of said abusers.
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ladystoneboobs · 2 months
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no, but the way, cersei brushes sansa's hair with her fingers after telling her ilyn payne will kill her if stannis wins his battle, so they can all die together. this intimate, almost maternal gesture following a death threat. and then later a similar gesture is used with her actual child, when intimidating the king himself, her youngest, after threatening to have his whipping boy brought in to be beaten before them. just as she scared sansa, she scares tommen, also thought to be meek as sansa was. cersei only knows how to rule through fear but in these certain cases, she can sometimes mix in acts of tenderness too for a particularly unsettling combination.
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nelkcats · 10 months
Death Companions
It is said that all people have a partner, one that is predetermined; some are platonic soulmates, others romantic soulmates, but the main thing was that they were meant to be by your side, understand you, and not always support your decisions.
They were more like a kind of impulse control, someone to help you see beyond your choices and thoughts. While they were "meant" to understand you, that doesn't mean they supported all your decisions without complaint. Some would say they were there to help you be a better person.
But there was a catch: no one would know who their companion is until they die. Maybe it was a cruel twist of fate, that you would be forced to live your life without any clue as to whether you were doing it correctly. That you might never meet your partner in your life, that you would only have each other until all the stupid tests ended.
A way for the universe to say "fuck you" to humans who desperately wanted guidance on how to live. Or maybe, it was a way of telling them that there was no such guide, and that if they gave all the clues humans would never be free to make their own decisions.
So, maybe Jason Todd and Danny Fenton were the luckiest people on the fucking planet, for being the only ones who knew about each other, for being the only ones who could see that thread connecting them.
Personally neither of them felt lucky, dying was horrible, but at least the thread helped them feel less alone. Maybe someday one of them would be brave enough to follow it.
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whatsfourteenupto · 23 hours
They really said “Disney budget? Give UNIT Avengers Tower but make it cooler, with a better Robot character, and then speed run Infinity War plot but make it make relative sense.”
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sauronpilled · 2 months
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Gold shall be your death, O Celebrimbor.
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prismatic-ink · 1 year
can someone please check in on that guy who animates every single life series death in lego
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tommyandbuck · 12 days
I love Tommy Kinard and I’ll protect that man with my life, at any cost.
But at the same time I’m like
S8.Helicopter Crash.🤔 Car Accident. Possible coma. Buck running into a collapsing burning building with Tommy watching from the skies. Saying ILY to their unconscious partner. Thinking one of them is dead.
Angst. Angst. Angst. I need it. 😬
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moodyvoid · 8 months
Honestly I’m happy for Bakugo in this moment, because he’s carried that guilt with him for a majority of the series.
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mrsumpavasee · 1 year
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“This is.. stronger than I think…”
Uh.. so I reading draqx’s Q&A and I ran across this and my science nerd sense be like
“ So He MuSt DrUnk On Rubbing Alcohol “
So yeah
characters belong to @darqx
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vii-doodles · 3 months
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To be looked at like Jere looks at Bojan
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
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give him everything he wants
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