#Stucky x Angel
bucksangel · 8 months
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i'm having mob!stucky thoughts😳🤤
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marvelfanfics1 · 2 months
ohhh could i please request super soldiers little angels au where reader is in babyspace while peter is regressed maybe to around 4 or 5 so steve & bucky teach him how to take care of reader and be a good big brother🥺💕
Pairing: daddy!stucky x little!reader x little!peter
Warnings: age regression
The Super Soldiers little Angels AU Masterlist
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ♡ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Steve was bouncing you around in the kitchen while Peter and Bucky were already sitting at the table eating their breakfast. Whenever he tried to set you down you would start whining instantly and demanding to be held again.
Steve and Bucky exchanged glances and both knew you were in a smaller headspace today given your current behavior.
Peter stopped shoveling pancakes in his mouth to see how you were sucking mindlessly on your paci, your eyes dropping close here and there.
"Yes, buddy?" Bucky stopped looking through the newspaper to give him his full attention.
"Is bunny otay?" he asked pointing at you and Steve.
"Bunny is in babyspace today. You know what that means?" Bucky asked him and Peter nodded his head quickly.
"She baby?"
"Correct, she's feeling a lot smaller than usual and that means you have to be more careful with her today. Dada and I are gonna show you how to take care of her, okay?" he explained and took you from Steve's arms, moving you so you're facing Peter.
You babbled happily and made grabby hands for your Petie. As your daddies were talking with each other Peter made it his mission to entertain you, doing funny faces or letting you play with his hands.
"We have to go grocery shopping soon." Steve reminded his husband, closing the fridge with a sigh. "Oh, and I-"
Both caregivers attention got drawn to you and Peter when they heard him yelp, seeing you pulling on his hair slightly.
"Ow ow ow! daddy help!" he winced and Bucky de-tangled your hand from the poor boys hair.
"No pulling, Doll." he chided you, making you flat your hand and pat Peter's head gently a few times.
"Can we go pway now?" Peter asked, his breakfast already finished.
"Sure, buddy, but remember to be gentle with her."
He nodded and got up from his chair to pick you up from Bucky's lap, carrying you to your guys playroom.
Throughout the day Peter was determined to look after you, carrying you everywhere, talking with you even though he sometimes doesn't understand your babbling.
Sometime around lunch you were both watching inside out in the living room, cuddling on the couch. You were laying between Peter's legs with your back against his chest while he had his arms wrapped around you snugly.
Steve and Bucky had just finished making you both some lunch, small cut sandwiches with some fruits for Peter and for you a bottle since you're too little today for solid food.
They entered the living room, completely in awe at the sight of you both snuggling peacefully.
"Time for lunch." Steve announced in a quiet voice, not wanting to disrupt the current atmosphere as he and Bucky approached.
Peter perked up at that, smiling. "Can I feed bunny?"
"Sure. If you don't forget to eat yourself you can hold the bottle for her." Bucky smiled, handing him the bottle as Steve placed Peter's plate on the armrest beside him.
Peter adjusted you a little, pulling your paci out of your mouth and quickly putting the rubber of the bottle between your lips before you could protest. Steve corrected the way he held the bottle for you, raising the boy's hand a little so the bottle is tilted upwards. As you began to suckle he started eating as well, focusing back on the tv.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ♡ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
For everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight @yoruse @kissforvoid
For stucky:
@almostcontentcreator @stuckysgirl27 @th4saapobangpo
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bigtreefest · 2 months
Chapter 1: The President’s Son
From: Guardian Angel Series
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Pairing: (future) Mafia! Stucky x Bodyguard! Reader
Summary: A longtime client snubs you, causing you to leave the life you know
Word Count: 3,629
Content/Warnings: swears, patriarchy, weaponized incompetence, borderline mansplaining, yelling, fighting, mentions of nose picking, misogyny, secrets, explosions, mentions of weapons, strong female characters, no Steve or Bucky yet
A/N: Okay, here’s the start of something long-anticipated by me. I hope you enjoy! Your feedback is greatly appreciated, can’t wait to hear what you guys think!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Next >
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You stood in the back of the banquet hall, eyes surveying the room like they did any other, as you tried to appear as nonchalant waitstaff for the function. That was your specialty: blending in to the background, and you were damn good at it. Tonight’s job was to do so as your were protecting the most important individuals entrusted to you: the First Lady and her son.
You moved with ease throughout the evening, keeping mobile with your head on a swivel, eyes never leaving your two clients for more than a couple seconds. After a cocktail hour, everyone had sat down for dinner and a round of awards and speeches, leaving you here for a relatively easy period.
You didn’t work alone, no. You were here as part of a group. Part of a company, actually, and it belonged to your father. He ran a security conglomerate which focused heavily on government contracting, ranging from secret service duties, to vehicle brigades, to protection and procurement of goods, virtual and physical, and you knew every single part of it. You loved your job, and you loved working with your dad. For as long as you could remember, you would spend all of your free time in his office with him as he went through schedules, and escape plans, and all sorts of strategies to keep his patrons and their assets safe. You were always flitting around, learning new things, earning you the nickname ‘tweety bird’ from him, which correlated to your codename Redwing.
You’d picked it all up so easily, you were a natural, which earned you your first presidential-adjacent gig much younger than anyone else around. Sure, it started as you going to school and posing as another student to protect the president’s son, even thought you were a few years out already, which wasn’t necessarily glamorous, since you were meant to fly under the radar, but it was an independent job. One that was coming to a close, though, as this was your eighth year of doing the same. Soon, the president would be out of office, and the security detail on his family would be greatly reduced, likely no longer requiring your services.
Even as you let your mind wander, blocking out the droning speeches and rich people backstories, you remained on high alert. If anything bad was going to happen, you had a feeling it would be at an event like this one. An event where everyone had their guard down because it was for a universally agreeable good cause. But for some reason, heading into it tonight, something was churning in your gut.
After not being able to ignore the way your stomach twisted and turned, you had gone to speak to your father about tonight, requesting backup in addition to your other two friends, Natasha and Daisy, who often accompanied you to guard shifts associated with larger crowds.
Usually he was on the same page as you, but lately, your requests had been met with more protest, likely due to your little brother’s input buzzing in your father’s ear.
Your brother, Dylan, had just freshly turned eighteen, and with it came more responsibility in the agency. For being so much younger than you, your father was giving him mountains of control, including this event of your two most important clients. With your request of a team came the the caveat that your brother would be leading it.
Dylan was, to put it nicely, an oaf? Incapable of performing a task without crashing and burning, which made your blood boil. Probably from the fires he created and you subsequently had to put out. You had no room to complain, though, as your father dismissed you from his office.
So Dylan ‘led’ your team this evening, packed with his twerp friends who were more capable, but just as reckless as him. They’d listen to some of your orders, but not without the confirmation of your brother, who knew better enough sometimes to listen to your input.
You let him think he was in the lead tonight, executing a plan you had essentially spoon fed to him in your meetings leading up to the event. There were several backup plans and exit strategies that had their own code names, made by you, of course. All Dylan, or ‘The Chief,’ as he liked to go as over coms, had to do was keep an eye out on the cameras for any suspicious activity around the venue, and be prepared to drive away if he called for extraction due to suspicious activity. That was it. You and your two trusty companions would take control of everything inside the banquet, while two of Dylan’s friends surveilled the outside. Should be easy, right?
Dylan had been instructed to give an update through your earpiece every three minutes, on any action seen in the camera footage. Every time he did, though, it was accompanied by music blasting in the car, and the increments kept getting further and further apart. Almost like he was forgetting about his responsibilities and the importance of this event on your shoulders, should something go wrong. You rolled your eyes and kept a watch of the room. If you had such little backup, it was on you now to do this job, without the team you had specifically requested.
Dylan’s friends seemed to go quiet, too, which you were hoping wasn’t due to capture or something worse, but when you heard conversation about a fantasy football draft in your ear, you knew they were at least alive, although not helpful at all.
You were sick of running blind, though, so you casually made it look like your were scratching your ear and turned away from the crowd.
“Chief, status report.” Nothing. You waited thirty seconds. Silence.
You turned back to the room, the gnawing feeling in your stomach growing as you looked out at the crowd. Natasha, code name Widow, was making her way around with a tray of champagne flutes. Daisy, codename Blossom, sat in a vent somewhere, watching from above and monitoring everyone’s trackers. The three of you sighed and continued on, hoping this night wouldn’t be every eventful, but that’s never how life goes, is it?
“Blossom, report on coms. Is everything working?”
You waited a second for the response.
“All is good, Redwing. It’s a human, not technology error.”
You rolled your eyes for the thousandth time that night, but were pulled out of your annoyance by a searing sound. In the next moment, just as you were about to ask for any other possible news from Daisy, a crackling took over your ear.
You fought the urge to wince and draw attention to yourself. It was probably Dylan finally getting back to you, but the voice that came through was one you’d never heard before. It was low and urgent.
“Get them out of there.”
You couldn’t help the way your eyes went wide and you whisper yelled, turning into the fake plant you found yourself nearby.
“Who is this? This is a secure line! What’s going on?”
You were surprised by the warning firmness of the speaker, it was menacing, who did this person think they were? Was that a threat?
“This is Bootleg. Your clients are in danger. What’s about to happen isn’t meant for them. Find a way to get them to leave.”
You sighed and nodded, although the disembodied voice named ‘Bootleg’ wasn’t reassuring. You knew to never turn down a tip, though. You weren’t going to risk it with clients like this. So you let out a sigh and made eye contact with Nat across the room.
“Execute plan beta sixteen alpha.”
She gave you a curt nod and increased her pace in a way only someone with your type of training could pick up. She was circling to make her movements seem undetectable, but she was ultimately going towards the First Lady and her son. Nat tripped, spilling the tray of champagne on their laps, causing them to gasp and look down. You could tell they were ready to yell, but they looked to your face and you nodded, signaling them to get up, brushing away anyone with apologies or offers for help, saying they were just going to clean up. The rest of the rich party goers didn’t pay it a second thought besides whispers of clumsy waitstaff. It’s not like they would bother to remember the face of one of them, though, and were too busy watching a fumbling Nat to see your approach to take your clients out of the venue. You did your best to move slowly to the same exit as them, and as soon as your bodies were behind the closed ballroom door, you were rushing them towards the back service door to get in Dylan’s getaway vehicle.
You ducked their heads under your arms as you rushed them out, and shoved them into the back of the town car, only giving a quick, breathless word to your clients and your brother.
“Take them home, Dyl. Fast. Don’t let yourself get tracked. I’ll take the decoy car. Go, now!”
He nodded like a bobble head, shifting the car in gear and peeling out of the lot as you jogged over to the other vehicle where Daisy and Nat were already waiting in the front seat for you. They moved fast.
You hopped in, Daisy expertly backing out until she hit the street. Just as she put it in drive, you flinched at a sudden noise and looked out the back window to where an explosion happened in front of the venue and soldiers dressed in all black rushed in through the cloud of smoke. This would definitely hit the news tomorrow, but you were sure your father would commend you for the safe delivery of two of his most important packages.
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Daisy and Nat had been by your side for as long a you could remember. When you were in elementary school, you remembered a brooding girl sitting at the end of the lunch table, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed, with the angriest pout you’d ever seen. You walked over and plopped down with your tray.
She looked up from her meal and to your smile and simply gave a blink of acknowledgment, face unchanging.
“Are you okay? Something wrong with your lunch?”
She shook her head and took a deep breath, sitting up to eat a tater tot.
“No. Something’s wrong with my shirt.”
You tilted your head to the side. “What about it? I think it’s beautiful. I love Daisies.”
She shrugged and continued to pick through her food. “Yeah, I guess they’re alright. But my mom forced me to wear this. I had a plain black shirt picked out and she gave me this. I don’t wanna wear daisies.”
You giggled and looked down at the plain black shirt on your body. “Trade?”
For the first time, you watched the corner of her lip reach a smile, your new friend who would soon earn the shirt flower as a nickname. That little grin was huge compared to the tight line her lip previously held. That was the start of a bunch of mini smirks and teamwork.
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Nat had been around since you were in diapers. Her parents had worked for your father’s organization their entire lives, so when they passed as she was in her teens, your family took her in.
She was always incredibly smart, her wit challenging you and Daisy, but the two of you would hit her right back. The timeline of her moving in with you, too, was a few years before the presidential gig started, but she rose through the ranks with you, through every single job, the two of you bringing Daisy on board who caught on quickly. Your grouping was nearly unrivaled. Nearly.
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Daisy and Nat physically stood by your sides as the three of you looked on to your father talking on a podium. Your best suits were pressed and tailored perfectly for the special occasion. It was his retirement party in your family’s backyard garden where he was noting the successes of the company under him, including the recent incident from which the two important clients had been saved.
The three of you lightly nudged each other’s arms in commendation for the quick act despite your lack of backup, a small smile on your face, a smirk on Nat’s, with Daisy looking as composed and stoic as ever. You father continued in his speech, noting the valiant effort that needs to be maintained in a generational business like this, one that should be rewarded and carried on for the generations to come. You stood straight, chin up with pride at your hard work and dedication finally paying off.
“I was a young pup, only in my early twenties when I took this business over from my father. He deemed me most fit for the job, so it is my pleasure to do the same, keeping this line of work led by my family. I’d like to name my replacement, someone who valiantly saved the president’s son and wife. Someone who the son has raved about for returning them home to the White House safely. My wonderful child…”
You were ready for the culmination of years being under his wing. He gestured his arm out to the side and you braced yourself for the good news, except the arm wasn’t outstretched towards you. It was directed towards the other side of the stage and everyone’s eyes followed. “Dylan.”
Dylan was jerkily shoved forward by one of his friends, having been zoned out for the entirety of your father’s speech, but at the sound of cheering and clapping, a smile grew on his face. He waved at the crowd, walking over to the podium to shake your father’s hand and give a word of his own.
Meanwhile, your face fell. It was dragged downward in defeat. You quickly pulled yourself together, though, at a squeeze to your arm. You couldn’t even tell which side it came from. Your body was going numb. Shifting to plant your feet and fighting the burn in your eyes, you looked straight forward, no longer at the podium, although you had no way to shut off your ears.
“Wow, wow. Thank you. This is such an honor. At eighteen years old, I will be the youngest to ever run this organization.”
It seemed like he’s was at least doing well and presenting a strong face. That was rare.
“Haha, I beat ya, gramps! Okay, let’s party!”
You outwardly cringed, but your legs were paralyzed as his friends let out a whooping cheer and the party erupted in confetti. It was getting caught in your hair as Nat and Daisy dragged you away and inside, up the stairs to your childhood bedroom, jostling you like a rag doll. You felt almost catatonic.
As soon as you flopped down on your bed, though, you turned over and screamed into your pillow before sitting up, realizing this act of melodrama was going to wrinkle your suit.
You sat up and sniffled, rubbing your eyes and taking a deep breath to give yourself just a moment to think. You looked between your best friends and started pointing.
“Daise, can you pack up anything you think I might need from here? Whatever I can’t live without.”
You then looked to the redhead who was peeking out the window, watching your father enter the outdoor entrance of his home office.
“Nat, can you gather some home essentials? Food, first aid, some of the hidden and spare weapons. Only the ones they won’t sense are missing, okay?”
She nodded. “Yeah. We better do it quick. Your pops just came in.”
You bit your lip and your nostrils flared in anger and thought, rubbing your hands over your face. “Okay. That’s fine, I need to talk to him anyway. That should give you enough time to grab everything. Then we’re heading back to the apartment to get some essentials.”
The three of you were roommates in the city, renting out a place Daisy’s distant uncle owned, which allowed you some freedoms, as well as independence from the possible tracing of your location on government records. Even under a security conglomerate, you could sense things were going downhill, so it was a good choice to move out and detach yourself. At this point, you were barely traceable. Only one thing tethered you here on a paper trail: the company.
You stormed out of your room and down the stairs to the hall that held your father’s office. You were furious. You had no patience left for formality or kindness, this was all rage. You kicked in the strong oak door, splintering the wooden frame, and were met with the view of your father and brother clinking whiskey glasses, an old celebratory reserve poured in them.
You stomped over to the filing cabinets where your file, thick as a novel, was stored. Next to it, you pulled out two more, no less impressive. Your dad, even though he possessed several methods for tech security, still kept employee information on paper in case he accidentally hired a mole. Everything was under lock and key and 24 hour surveillance.
You dug around in the left side drawer of his desk until you found the cigar lighter, hitting the edge of the folders until they caught and throwing them into his metal trash can. It was only then that he and your brother let words come out of their dropped jaws and awestruck faces.
“Tweety Bird, what’s the issue, kiddo? Didn’t wanna celebrate with your old man and little brother?”
You scoffed as you put your hands on your hips.
“Celebrate!? Celebrate what!? Being snubbed? Overlooked for something I’ve dedicated my life towards!?”
Your father’s bushy brows furrowed in confusion, your brother’s face mirroring it in a mini version. “What do you mean? You haven’t been snubbed. Dylan and I agree you’re meant to run teams and operations. You wouldn’t want to be in charge. Plus, it’s tradition that the first son takes over.”
You threw your hands up in exasperation. Smoke was filling the room, but partially getting swept out the cracked windows that pointed toward the back yard. “You didn’t think to ask me, the one keeping your business afloat, to run it!? No one knows it better than me, but it’s so ridiculous. Just because I’m an older sister like Aunt Kay, doesn’t mean I don’t wanna be in charge! She wanted to leave this life, but I don’t!”
You heard a chuckle rise behind you. “What, Dylan?”
He shrugged with a smug smile on his face. “Aunt Kay didn’t want to leave this life. She wanted the company, too. But Gramps gave it to dad. That’s why she fucked off to who knows where and started that bank vault company.”
You gasped in shock and looked to your father but he seemed unaffected. You turned to him now, disgusted with the sight of your little brother. “What!? Do you hear yourself right now!? Just because we aren’t men!? That’s insane!! I’m the one who saved the president’s family. Not Dylan, me! He was too busy sitting on his ass and picking his nose to be of any help. Maybe we would’ve seen the team coming to attack the venue sooner if he would’ve done his job!”
Your chest was heaving and your face was warm from the yelling. Your father still calmly continued. “Dylan returned the family safe and sound. You were nowhere to be seen. He deserves this step of responsibility, but I have no doubt you can guide him like an invisible hand.”
You shook your head, moving back towards the door between the leather couches of the sitting area, pacing on the Persian rug. “No, no. Absolutely not. I refuse to keep performing thankless service. You’ve made a mistake. I no longer want to work for you and I no longer want to be a part of this family. This whole thing is fucked. I’m out.”
Your father sighed, about to speak up. “Bird, we-“
He was cut off by the arm of your brother, though. “No, dad. If she wants to leave, I think she should. I don’t want anyone here questioning my leadership. The president’s son will back me on that. He’s upset the extraction ruined a designer suit and thinks that I’m the best fit, too. I can run this without her.”
Your dad gave a hmph of affirmation, which sent you over the edge. After all those years of service, both your father and the president’s son still didn’t credit your work. You couldn’t stand this anymore, especially not when Dylan was fabricating lies in his own head about the greatness you performed.
“You know what, Dyl? Yeah, let’s have it your way. You guys will never need to see me again. Good luck not running this thing into the ground.”
You turned on your heel and marched out the door. When you turned the corner, you saw both Nat and Daisy waiting for you, double fisting duffel bags. You motioned for both of them to head to Nat’s car, walking quickly, but they were more than capable of keeping up. You heard Daisy speak from over your left shoulder.
“Bird, where are we going?”
As you barged through the glass front door and put on your sunglasses, you took a breath in of the air that marked your new life, outside the stuffy patriarchy of what you thought would be your legacy.
“Somewhere far. And don’t ever call me that again.”
Next >
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Bonus A/N: Bruh, could you imagine being betrayed by your own father like that? Also, we’ll be seeing more of Daisy as the reader for Jake’s storyline in the future.
Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly
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natsskydivingcrew · 2 years
Bucky: You look me straight in the eyes and tell me-
Steve: You can’t expect me to look at those eyes and be straight.
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
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📖"Cupids, Valkyries, Heralds, & Seraphim"
Rated: Teen
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Tags: wing fic, angel Steve, veterinarian Bucky, supernatural, hurt/comfort, humor, meet-cute
Summary: Apparently there are all sorts of angels, and Bucky has been saddled with Steve: a terminally incompetent Cupid.
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(Oh wait, I should probably go read Part 1 first)
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Bucky stood there, arms crossed and blank-faced, staring, for maybe a full five seconds. “God smited you,” he repeated slowly. “... By throwing shrapnel in your wing?”
Steve sighed. “No. The shrapnel was from the fall. God just hit me with lightning.”
“'Just' some lightening?" Steve glared a little bit at Bucky from where he still sat—thankfully no longer naked, as Bucky had located some scrub pants—on the clinic’s exam table. "And yet somehow that didn’t hurt you?” Bucky checked.
“I told you: normally I can’t get hurt.” 
“Riiight. Because you’re immortal.”
“Because I exist on another metaphysical plane, yes. And God took me off of that plane and put me onto yours as a punishment. Temporarily,” he added after a moment. “I hope.”
Bucky squinted. “Uh huh.”
Steve, bless him, actually seemed rather embarrassed about what had happened, because apparently it was like a work mistake or something for the guy.
“I was out on a job,” he explained. “I missed my mark. Hit the wrong guy.”
Hit? “Your ‘mark’,” Bucky repeated. “What are you, some kind of angelic hitman or something?”
Steve’s lips twisted. “I mean, you could say that. I’m a Cupid.”
“A what now?”
“A Cupid. It’s a—”
“Yeah I think I know," Bucky cut him off. “So, what? You missed your mark and God got angry and, and smote you? … Er, smited you … smote you?”
"Yeah." Steve stared glumly down at his lap, as if God smiting him was the equivalent of him getting a bad performance review on his employee evaluation or something. "It was an easy job, okay? I got distracted when I shouldn't have, wound up impaling the wrong person."
"'Impaling'? Don’t you mean ‘shooting’?" Bucky's eyebrow rose. "As in people, with arrows?”
“Bolts,” Steve corrected. “I impale people with bolts."
"Yeah, that sounds way less violent."
"Well they don't feel it," he defended. "I told you: I operate on another metaphysical plane.”
His shoulders slumped in defeat. “It doesn't matter if you believe me or not," he mourned. "Doesn't change anything. I'm still stuck here. I still missed the shot. Still impaled the wrong guy—”
“Could we maybe stop saying ‘impaled’?”
“—And now he's going to fall in love with somebody he wasn't meant to be with. Don’t you see?”
Bucky shrugged. "You must mess up all the time then, ‘cause I hate to tell you this, pal, but that's very common." Steve glared at him and Bucky shrugged. "I mean, have you seen the divorce rate?" 
"Well that's not my fault," Steve argued. "It's not like I'm the only one."
"The only what?"
"Cupid!" Steve exclaimed. "There's tons of us."
"Oh." Bucky nodded after a beat, because what was the benefit in arguing, at this point? "Okay. I didn't know that. So ... God's pissed at you and he threw you down here?"
"Yeah," Steve grumbled. "He put me on your plane of existence as punishment. So now I can get hurt—obviously. And people can see me."
Bucky's eyes widened. “Oh, shit.” He’d been taking out the trash when Steve had suddenly crash-landed in the alleyway out back. It was currently the middle of the night and the clinic was closed (thank God—or wait: no, this was God’s fault!), but so far Bucky hadn’t thought very far past which color Coban the angel wanted his wing bandaged with (he’d chosen the roll of hot pink with purple pawprint pattern on it). He certainly hadn’t considered what he was going to do with the guy after this. "Did anybody else see you?" he asked worriedly.
“No,” Steve said, his cheeks flushing. He looked back over his shoulder at the bend of his bandaged wing. “I need to hide out somewhere. People can’t see me.” He turned his big, stupid-pretty blue eyes on Bucky. “Will you help me? Please?”
"What am I supposed to do with you?” Bucky complained. “I can't exactly conceal those."
Oh God, the clinic would be opening in a few hours. Steve couldn’t still be here when Yelena and Peter showed up for work! Bucky ran his hand through his hair in stress, looking over Steve’s very conspicuous form sitting on the metal exam table. Aside from the friggin’ twelve foot wingspan issue, Steve was also a big guy in general: very blond and perfect and half-naked and eye-catching. Bucky would’ve given him a scrub top to wear along with the pants, but: wings.
"How long until God unsmites you?" he asked. “Like a day, a week, a year?”—Oh God, please, please don't let it be a year.
Steve shrugged, then winced when the motion made pain flare in his injured wing. "I don’t know yet. I'm waiting on a Herald."
"A what now?"
"A Herald: Another type of angel."
Bucky squinted. "Wait, how many types are there?"
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Bucky brought his car into the alley and made Steve throw a blanket over his shoulders to cover up most of his wings. He told him to lie down in the back seat, drove them back to his apartment building, and anxiously hustled him upstairs. 
Steve said they should be getting a visit from one of God’s messengers soon, and to just sit tight. Bucky resigned himself to a night of no sleep and put on a pot of coffee. He showed the half-naked angel on his couch how to use Netflix.
Only there was no relaxing. Certainly not for Bucky. He was getting increasingly antsy when, after another two hours, the mysterious “Herald” still hadn’t arrived. He made sure that Steve knew he couldn’t just live on his couch watching Bridgerton indefinitely: “I can’t just keep you here, Steve. My lease has a forty pound pet limit!”
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Steve suggested that they make their way up to the roof, which Bucky fiercely argued against but lost the battle over anyways. The city was still mostly asleep, but Steve kept the blanket draped around his shoulders and his wings tucked in demurely—or as demurely as he could—so that if they did run into anybody, it wouldn’t be outside the realm of explainable, why Bucky was sneaking around with this oddly-shaped, half-clothed, smokin’ hot blond guy. 
Steve went over to the building’s edge, watching the minimal activity of the night time streets. Bucky stood beside him and asked about the Herald again, and thus began Steve’s very long-winded explanation of how there were four main types of angels, with each type serving its own purpose. 
Cupids were exactly what Bucky thought they were, 
Heralds served as God’s messengers and harbingers, 
Valkyries served as warriors,
and Seraphim, as far as Bucky could tell, were the closest thing to actual “angels” like most people thought of them.
Steve clearly wasn’t under celestial a gag order of any type, because he was all too happy to tell Bucky all sorts of stuff. He talked about God like he didn’t know the guy very well, but also made it clear that God did not tolerate “stupid” mistakes from his servants—which apparently Steve's mistake was. God had certainly told him so to his face, just before smiting him right out of the sky with a bolt of lightning. 
Bucky winced as he thought about that, looking out on the city with Steve at his side. “So … God’s kind of a dick, huh?” 
Steve laughed. “Eh, sometimes. Not always though. I mean I did mess up pretty bad. It’s embarrassing. And now at least a couple of other people are going to have to get shot too, wind up with different romantic futures than they otherwise would have, just to get everything back into the right order again.” He sighed. “It was an avoidable mess.”
“Well why’d you miss?”
“The shot.” Bucky looked over to find Steve looking at him. “Earlier, you said you’d gotten distracted from the shot. What distracted you?”
Steve’s lips parted and his cheeks began to turn pink. He started stuttering over an explanation, but before he could eke out any real response, a loud whooshing and clatter came from the roof behind them.
Bucky spun around—his eyes the size of dinner plates, probably—and immediately clutched his chest at what he saw. “Shit!”
Standing only a few yards away, was a massive, gleaming white horse. … with wings. Riding it was what Bucky could only assume was another angel. 
“The fuck,” he exhaled, all the adrenaline leaving him at once as he realized that they hadn’t just been caught by other apartment dwellers come up to the roof for a smoke or something. The woman hopped off the horse and walked over to Steve like this was a totally normal occurrence. Bucky glared at her. “Christ. Do ya think the people on the floor below might’ve heard that?!” 
Given that she’d arrived on a flying horse, Bucky felt pretty safe in assuming that this newcomer was also an angel; though she didn’t have wings like Steve did, and she wasn’t naked like he’d been. In fact she seemed to be wearing a bunch of badass looking white armor.
“Brunn, hey! What are you doing here?”
“Checking in on your dumb ass, of course. That’s him, isn’t it? God, you’re so predictable.”
They greeted each other as friends, with smiles and ribbing and big, back-clapping hugs, so Bucky figured he was safe to turn away to go and block the roof’s access door with an old chair that was sitting nearby. Once he’d done that, he walked back over—making sure to leave a wide berth between himself and the unnaturally large horse. 
The horsewoman looked Bucky up and down when he got over there, her mouth ticking up faintly at the corners. “You must be James ‘my-friends-call-me-Bucky’ Barnes.”
Bucky blinked. He wasn’t caffeinated enough for this. “Uh huh.” He looked over at Steve. “Is she the Herald?”
The woman snickered and Steve explained that no, she was one of the Valkyrie-types of angels. The warrior types. Okay, Bucky thought. The armor made more sense, then. As did the swords and daggers he was noticing on her person, now. Damn.
“I heard through the grapevine that Saint Steven had fallen,” the Valkyrie was saying. “I volunteered myself for messenger duty, just so I could pop down here and take the piss out of my favorite fallen angel.”
“Aw, you shouldn’t have."
“You’re fallen?” Bucky blurted, alarmed. “A fallen angel?"
“It’s not as serious as it sounds,” Steve muttered, embarrassed, and Valkyrie continued to tease him about what a clutz he was and how he had a ‘penchant for pretty boys’, whatever that meant.
“Let’s see the damage then, Stupid-Cupid,” she said, trying to get at the blanket to yank it off from Steve’s shoulders.  Steve danced around trying to prevent it,
“Stoppit! I’m not that hurt. It’s nothing.”
But eventually Valkyrie won. “If it’s nothing then you can let me see it.” Steve squirmed self-consciously as the blanket fell and she peered at his bandaged wing. “What happened?” she asked. “Bad landing?"
“Yeah. Some shrapnel from a junk pile I fell into,” Steve said, shrugging sheepishly when the other angel raised a brow at his bright pink, purple pawprint bandaging. “Um, Bucky’s a veterinarian.”
Valkyrie pursed her lips and nodded. “Well, he was gonna need you sooner or later," she said to Bucky, surprising him. "Thanks for looking after him."
“Oh, um, you’re welcome.”
“So what’s the word?” Steve asked. "Has he told you? Did he say how long I'm banished for?”
'Banished?' Bucky mouthed
“Negligible," Valkyrie said. "Just a month."
Steve gave a big sigh of relief at the very same time that Bucky yelped out, “A month?!”
Valkyrie snorted. “Oh trust me, that’s hardly even a slap on the wrist. You fuck up bad enough, sometimes you’ll get a decade or more. A month is nothing.”
Bucky’s eyes bugged out at that. A month wasn’t nothing! A month was a month!—Well, at least it wasn’t “a decade or more.” Yikes. Still, Bucky protested, “Hey, I have a job, you know. A life. I can’t just put that on hold to babysit an angel. And–and I live in the middle of New York City. There’s like nine million people here!” He gestured wildly at Steve’s hulking, winged mass standing only feet away. “How the hell am I supposed to keep this hidden for a month? He’s got a twelve foot wingspan!”
"Fourteen," Steve muttered petulantly.
Valkyrie rolled her eyes. “It doesn't matter. 'Cause God smited him and cast him down, not anything else. Why do you think he was butt-ass naked when he showed up?"
Bucky frowned, looking back at Steve in confusion. "What?"
"His wings," Valkyrie clarified. "They're of Heaven. They don’t exist on this plane. Just like my armor doesn't, or like Icarus back there. doesn't.” She nodded at the horse. “Humans don't perceive those things. It’ll be fine.”
Steve glanced down at his own naked torso. “Ah … might need to to get some shirts, though.”
“Well I hate to break it to you, Angel Lady, but I can see all of those things.” Behind Valkyrie, the very large and visible horse scraped its hoof impatiently against the rooftop. “Yeah,” Bucky said. “Definitely see ‘em.”
Valkyrie walked back to her horse and mounted it in one, graceful leap. “You can see them,” she corrected. “Because you’re the human he’s tied to. You're still perceiving his true form. But everybody else on this plane just sees his fallen form."  
“What? 'Tied to'?" Bucky frowned. "What are you talking about?"
She ignored him and looked back to Steve. “Toodeloo, Butterfingers. Have fun with that.”
In a very unangelic way, Steve flipped her the bird as she kicked the horse into motion. It spread its wings with a great 'whoosh' and beat them up and down: once, twice, three times as it ran across the roof. It went airborne, and in seconds they were gone.
Bucky watched them flying, shrinking further and further away. He felt Steve approach at his side, and they stood there together in fraught silence, until finally the Valkyrie was indistinguishable from any other flickering star in the night sky.
“Okay, buster,” Bucky said. “Spill. What the fuck was she talking about, you’re ‘tied’ to me?”
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This has been a fill for:
Event: @mcukinkbingo
Card: sarahyellow
Square G1: Impaling
Event: @steverogersbingo
Card: SB3088 "stark-contrast"
Square E5: Valkyrie (character)
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mars-in-a-cup · 1 month
Hello darlings! I've decided I've had a long enough break from Tumblr so welcome to my new account!
Some stuff about me:
•As you can guess, my name's Mars
•Pronouns vary but They/Them is usually good
•Cool rock lover (strawberry quartz has my heart)
•Queen fan
•Dog parent (and hopefully also a cat parent soon 🤞)
•Fav color is red ❤
•Coffee lover
Fandoms I'm a part of:
•Lord of The Rings
•Angels of Death
•Avatar: the Last Airbender
•My Hero Academia (kinda)
•Stardew Valley
•Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Other platforms you can find me on:
•Pinterest - Mars_In_a_Cup
•TikTok - mars_in_a_cup
•AO3 - Mars_In_a_Cup
•Wattpad - _a_strang3r_
•Highrise - LaLiviaX
Some things I ship and the fandoms they're from:
•Stony (MCU)
•Stucky (MCU)
•Stuckony (MCU)
•Clintasha (MCU)
•Lokius (MCU)
•Spideypool (Marvel comics)
•Bakudeku (MHA/BNHA)
•Zukka (ATLA)
•Mai x Ty Lee (ATLA)
•Aragorn x Legolas (LOTR)
•Sam x Sebastian (SDV)
•Maru x Abigail (SDV)
•Shane x Elliott (SDV)
•You x me ;)
I think that's about it, though I'm sure I'm forgetting a ship or two, but oh well. If we happen to have a couple things in common and you're looking for another friend, I'll probably be here for a while so feel free to send a message! :)
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buckyismybicycle · 1 year
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Title: I'm the futhest thing from heaven but the closest to him (Chapter 1/5) Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Explicit (eventually) Tags: Major character death, Major Character Undeath, Temporary Character Death, Wingfic, Guardian Angel Bucky Barnes, Alternate Universe - Guardian Angels, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Memory Loss, Masturbation, Wing Kink, Wing Grooming, Pining, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm Summary: When Steve loses Bucky in Kreischberg, he’s lost the only thing left he cares about. He crashes the Valkyrie into the Arctic, ready to be reunited with his love, but instead, he’s saved by an angel.  Except this angel isn’t like the ones he’s read about — no, his angel is armed to the teeth and has wings the colour of blood and night. Yet, there’s something eerily familiar about this angel.
>> READ ON AO3 <<
This is for @buckybarnesevents Connect 4: Alternate June-iverse (C3 - Guardian Angels), @allcapsbingo B1: AU - Guardian Angel and a small, belated bday gift for @circaclementine 💗
Thank you to my betas/cheer-readers @controlofwhatido & @mxaether for making this coherent 💕
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Wing Me Back
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Click Here to read and see the art on Ao3
Artist: 22strs
Author: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy
Beta: Lou2
Word Count: 3,170
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Teens and Up
Pairing(s): James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Character(s): James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers
Tags: Canon Compliant, Wingfic, POV Bucky Barnes, Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Angels, Guardian Angels, Angel/Demon Relationship, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Allegory, Captain America Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Implied/Referenced Torture, Hydra (Marvel), Best Friends, Jealousy, Anger, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Recovery, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery, Recovered Memories, Healing, Protectiveness, Protective Steve Rogers, Protective Bucky Barnes, Pre-War, Post-War, Embedded Images, Inspired by Fanart
Summary: Steve Rogers has always looked like a member of the heavenly host, while Bucky Barnes is firmly earthbound. Despite being opposites, they’re best friends, two men who love and protect each other at all costs. As far as he’s concerned, Steve’s an angel, but Bucky wrestles with demons every day. At night, he’s haunted. Thankfully, the flutter of wings soothes his soul and keeps him safe.
Read Here on Ao3
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granatkoroleva · 2 years
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Divine Lesson
Day 6 - Angel x Demon
A meeting between the holy and the damned, one Archangel only has one thing on his mind, and it’s in the office down the hall. Dressed in black and tempting enough to break the most holy of vows.
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marvelavengerspovs1 · 6 months
Double Trouble
Pairing: Stucky x F!reader
Warnings: MDNI (SMUT 18+), dom!Bucky, soft dom!Steve, sub!reader, dry humping, spitting, masturbation, double penetration, degradation kink/name calling (slut to reader), praise kink, threesome, I think that’s it but lmk if I missed something
Length: 1.5k
Summary: Bucky will only allow you to let go if you have been good.
A/N: Thank you so much for the support on my last Stucky post!
MDNI! 18+ ONLY! I cannot control what you consume so you have been warned!
I do not give consent for my work to be translated, copied, or sold!
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You never imagined your life would turn out this way. You never imagined that you would be an Avenger, that you would have some sick ass powers, or that you would be in a relationship. The best part is that you didn’t have to stick to just one man, you had two very handsome super soldiers to keep your bed warm at night.
You gasp as you feel Steve bite the small area where your neck and shoulder meet. He quickly licks over it and places a small kiss to relieve the pain.
“Steve…” You moan out his name.
Steve silences you with a kiss on your lips. You lean into him, pushing Steve to sit on the edge of the bed. Once he sits down, you straddle his lap. You push your pulsing core onto his hard and clothed cock.
Steve hisses, pushing you down by your hips and lifting his. “There you go Honey, you’re being such a good girl.”
You moan at his words. “Please Stevie, I need more!” You whine.
“Don’t listen to her Steve, she has a whole lot more begging to do.” Bucky chimes in from his spot on the bed.
Bucky lays on his typical side of the bed, the left. He has his left arm propped behind him, his shirt off, a pair of gray sweatpants on, and his right hand in his boxers. His long hair is pulled back into a bun and his beard is long from not shaving in weeks.
You turn your head to look at Bucky. You can see the small movements his hand is making. He’s jerking himself off but he doesn’t want to come just yet.
“Please Bucky, Stevie said I was being a good girl!” You beg.
Bucky tilts his head to the side as Steve continues to kiss your neck. “You haven’t proven anything yet, Doll,” Bucky smirks at you.
You continue to grind down on Steve’s dick, chasing your orgasm. You weren’t close by any means, but any movement would bring it closer.
“Doll, you look pathetic trying to get off on Stevie.” Bucky laughs at you.
You moan at his words and feel Steve get harder. You lift your arms and Steve lifts your shirt off. He continues to lift his hips to meet yours as he rips off your bra and looks at your breasts. Steve licks his lips before putting his mouth onto one of your tits. He lightly grazes your nipple with his teeth before licking it and then gently sucking. You moan and arch your back, pushing your breast further into Steve’s mouth.
“Please Stevie, please make me feel good!” You moan, sounding breathless.
“Be a good girl and I’ll let Stevie make you feel good,” Bucky tells you.
You look at him and see that he’s moving his hand faster, a sign that you were being a good girl. You continue to roll your hips onto Steve, allowing him to be the one in control. Steve switches breasts, making sure to give it the same treatment.
You feel the familiar knot in your stomach. You know you can’t let loose without Bucky’s approval or without Steve feeling equally as good.
“Stevie…. Bucky… I’m about to-!” You can’t let the words out, too focused on moaning.
Steve releases your breast from his mouth and turns to Bucky. “Should we let her?”
“Hmmm…. Do you think she’s been a good enough girl?” Bucky asks as he watches your hips move more erratically, trying to find some relief.
Steve lets out a moan as you rub him in the right spot. “Mmh… She’s been an angel Buck. Maybe after I’m done with her you can try her out.”
You moan at the sensation. The boys talking to each other like you weren’t there made you feel something. As well as his hard cock hitting your cunt in the most delicious way.
“Ok, you can let her come.” Bucky finally agrees, moving his hand at the same speed you’re thrusting your hips.
“Yes! Thank you, Bucky! Thank you!” You moan in excitement as Steve goes back to kissing your neck, this time massaging your tits with his hands.
The room is filled with your impatient moans, Steve’s heavy breathing, and Bucky jerking himself off. You start to feel your orgasm coming, the familiar pull exciting you.
“Stevie, I'm so close! Yes right there! Keep going! Yes!” You moan.
Finally, you snap. You feel your orgasm course through you, your toes curling with pleasure, and the most filthy moan escaping your lips. Steve and Bucky follow behind you, feeling the relief you feel.
“Come here Doll,” Bucky motions for you to come to him.
You obey him, leaving Steve to ride out his orgasm. You crawl to Bucky and let him help you straddle his lap. One thing about these super soldier men, they can go all night.
“Are you going to be a good girl again and let me claim the sweet pussy?” Bucky asks, cupping your cunt.
You push yourself down harder, wanting him to take you. “Yes, Sergeant.”
“Good girl.” Bucky lifts you and walks over to Steve who already has his boxers off. “Stevie, why don’t you help our girl?”
Bucky sets you down and makes you stand between Steve’s legs. Both men help you out of your jeans and underwear before Bucky makes you widen your stance, placing your hands on his chest. Then you feel it. Steve’s long and thick finger is stretching your hole. Slowly but surely he stretches you out, adding one finger after the other until you are prepped for his cock.
“She’s ready Buck,” Steve says from behind you. You turn to Bucky and see that he is naked now.
Bucky helps Steve get his thick cock in you, making sure that the two of you are comfortable. You moan as his throbbing tip is at your entrance, feeling how good Steve is stretching you. Bucky then pushes you back onto Steve before settling above you, thrusting into your pussy without any warning. You let out a loud yelp that is followed by a moan.
Both men slowly pull out until only their tips are inside of you. They thrust back in, their hips flushed against yours. They repeat their movements, changing their speeds. Bucky would go fast while Steve would go deliciously slow, and vice versa. You moan pornographically, their movements being everything you want.
“Look at her Stevie, she’s a slut!”
“Makes me wonder why we fuck her and not each other, we don’t do around acting like a porn star, right Buck?”
“Mhm, that’s right Stevie!” Bucky wraps his left arm around your neck and gives it a light squeeze.
“Yes! Please! Treat me like a slut!” You moan.
Bucky leaves his hand around your throat but doesn’t squeeze. He gently moves your neck to the side before leaning down to kiss Steve. Bucky forces his tongue down Steve’s throat and he hums in approval. You moan at the sight. The super soldiers thrusting into you, treating you like a toy, but being into each other.
Bucky gently squeezes your throat once more. “You like that slut? Do you like us treating you like you’re not even here? You like that we’re fucking you because no one else will ever be allowed to touch you?”
You nod your head quickly, your breaths coming faster. You start to feel your orgasm coming again. Hearing Bucky degrade you and the slapping of your skin against both men brings you closer to the edge.
“We’re going to fill her Stevie. We’re going to make sure that the slut knows she belongs to us and only us.”
They both start to go in sync, almost as if they practiced it. Like they knew you would be a goner. 
“Yes, Bucky! Yes Stevie! Yes! Yes! YES!” You start to moan louder and louder. “Please, I'm so close! Let me come! Please!”
 Steve starts to kiss your neck again, biting hard. You moan and Bucky silences you, his tongue pushing past your lips. You lean further into Bucky, tasting Steve on his lips. Bucky kisses you like he’s starving and you’re his next meal. Bucky leans back and grabs your chin with his left hand. He tilts your head back and makes your mouth stay open. He then spits into your mouth, ordering Steve to do the same. Both men spit in your mouth multiple times before Bucky forces you to close your jaw.
“Swallow and I’ll let you come.” You gladly drink their spit.
Bucky nods at Steve and her reaches between your bodies until he gets to your clit. He plays with your clit, making sure that you can only feel pleasure. You feel the pressure in the pit of your stomach build up. Your toes start to curl with anticipation. You can tell that both men are close as well, their thrusts turning sloppy.
“I’m going to come! You moan out.
Bucky and Steve thrust three more times before you unravel. You yell their names as you feel your orgasm wash over you. Both men stay in you and thrust until they come. Bucky and Steve come at the same time, Steve holding the back of Bucky’s neck to pull him for a kiss. They kiss until every last drop of their come is in you.
“You are a good girl.” Bucky praises you.
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bucksangel · 1 year
milk and honey - masterlist
pairing: alpha!steve x alpha!bucky, alpha!steve x omega!reader x alpha!bucky (poly)
word count: ongoing
summary: though Steve and Bucky are both alpha's, their bond and love for each other transcends designation. However, that doesn't mean they haven't thought of courting an omega, bringing in another person to their relationship. After several failed attempts with other omegas, they seem to meet the perfect one in the form of a very shy and nervous artist.
warnings: fluff out the asssss, reader is a little awkward, there are bits where it's just steve and bucky, 18+, will add more warnings as I upload
a/n: this isn't technically a series with a thought out plot, just individual fics in the same universe
main masterlist | tip jar
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milk and honey
“Are you sure about this, Steve?” Bucky just needs to be sure, needs to know his boyfriend is certain before they try this again. And by the way Steve nods eagerly, he knows this time might be different. “Okay, we’ll give it a shot." or - alphas bucky and steve decide to bring an omega into their relationship.
milk and sugar
“Are you nervous?” Steve asks, voice soft and caring. His hand settles on your arm, and Bucky appears beside you to place his hand on your back, as well as take one of your hands in his metal one. And despite your earlier anxiety, you mean it wholeheartedly when you say, “no.” or - it’s your first date with your alphas
“Oh, honey,” Bucky sighs wistfully, falling into your embrace while Steve stands behind you with his arms around your waist and helping you not fall over under Bucky’s hulking frame. You don’t mind though, you’d happily die by being crushed under their weight if it meant you could touch them, and have them touch you. Caressing you, kissing you, adoring you the way only they can. And despite your earlier hesitation, you wouldn’t pass up the chance to brighten up your Alphas day for anything. And their grateful kisses and pleased rumbles let you know that you did just that. or - your Alphas take such good care of you. their mere presence brightens up your day, so when your Alphas have a rough day you take it upon yourself to show them how good of an Omega you can be, that you can provide for them too.
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marvelfanfics1 · 2 months
The Super Soldiers Little Angels Moodboard
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ♡ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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bigtreefest · 3 months
Guardian Angel Masterlist
A Mafia! Stucky x Bodyguard! Reader Series
Part of the Galvanized AU
Main Masterlist
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Series Summary: You thought you were going to be the heir of your family’s long-running security empire, only to get snubbed at the last second. Where are you supposed to go now except into the field you know best?
1. The President’s Son
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angelbaby-fics · 2 months
Okay so i have tonsillitis rn and cant eat bc it hurts like hell.
Cg stucky x little reader x little Peter where the reader has tonsillitis and dont wanna eat so Papa Steve needs to hold her while baba bucky feeds her even though her cries and sobs Broke their heart they need to do it bc she dont even wanna eat soup. Big bro petie wanna comfort her and give her, her favorite blankie and plushie😻
I love your fics!!
A Welcome Distraction
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Word Count: 500
A/N: Aaah I'm sorry this took so long! Hopefully your tonsillitis is all better now 😅 I hope you like this 💕
Steve and Bucky were more than worried for you. It was nearly dinnertime and you’d still refused to eat all day. They knew what was wrong, your doctor's appointment was scheduled for the very next day, but there wasn’t much they could do to comfort you in the meantime. You’d even denied your bottle full of warm milk, something you usually couldn’t get enough of. Your daddies’ hearts ached just knowing how uncomfortable you must have been. Even Peter was concerned, hardly able to pay attention to his toys while you were suffering.
The discomfort in your stomach grew worse, but it was still no match for the white hot pain that came every time you tried to swallow. You’d spent all day long either crying or on the brink of tears, handed back and forth between your daddies so you’d never be left alone. The sun was nearly setting when they decided something must be done. Bucky carried you to your highchair, but you only clung to him harder. Your baba immediately understood what you needed, sitting down at one of the dining table chairs with you still in his lap, still gripping tight to his shoulders. Peter watched from his booster seat across the table. 
Steve entered the dining room a moment later, a bowl of soup warmed up to just the right temperature in his hand. It was your favorite kind, with not too strong of a flavor or too many spices since he knew you were already overwhelmed. You hid your face in Bucky’s neck as Steve approached you with a spoonful of warm broth.
“I know, angel. Just a couple tiny bites for daddy?”
Bucky lightly massaged your scalp, an excuse to gently maneuver your head to face Steve a little better. You parted your lips just enough for him to slip the spoon in and guide a little bit of soup down your throat. It didn’t feel good, but the taste was satisfying as it washed over your dry tongue, and the warmth spilling into your tummy woke up your appetite. You whined for another bite. Bucky continued to comfort you as Steve kept the spoonfuls coming. Both of them were focused on you, making sure you didn’t start crying again or coughing up the soup. You continued to whine and wiggle for a bit, until you stopped. 
Both of your daddies looked down to see Peter seated on the floor next to the table. He’d gotten up from his booster seat all on his own and snuck away to your playroom, retrieving as many dolls and stuffies as he could carry. Now he sat cross-legged before you, acting out funny little scenes with your toys to try and cheer you up while you ate, and it was working. For the first time all day long, you cracked a hint of a smile. Steve and Bucky were so proud of the sweet relationship between their babies. Your big brother Peter had saved the day once again.
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(this is how i imagine them watching peter & reader interact so sweetly hehe 💕)
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bucks-babe · 10 months
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
All fics are with a female reader unless stated otherwise. All fics will be posted on my side blog as well @bucks-babesideblog
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Banner by the amazing @buckys-wintersoldier
Updated: 7/24/24
Requests/asks are always welcome
I don’t have a tag list but I post all fics to my side blog @bucks-babesideblog
Smut - 🔥
Fluff - 🌸
Angst - 🌧️
Dark - 😈
One shots
Friends Don't Lie 🔥🌸- Wanting to know if your crush likes you, you go to Bucky for help, the only problem is, Bucky is your crush
Not One of Us 🌸🌧️- Being new to the compound isn't easy, good thing there is a supersoldier on your side
Be Mean To Me 🔥 - After a long day at work, you just want to lose all control and have your boyfriend fuck you into oblivion
More to Love🔥🌸🌧️ - Bucky wants to take care of his girl in every sense of the term; so what if she gains a little bit of fat because of it?
My Guardian, My Angel, My Love 🔥🌸🌧️- For the first time, Bucky gets to experience peace with his sweet angel
Heated Punishment 🔥 - Omega Bucky goes into heat, but his alpha isn’t too happy with him when he tries to hide from her
Change My Ways For You🔥🌸🌧️- One of the only girls in school that didn’t want Bucky Barnes was somehow the one he fell in love with
Fuckboy!Bucky NSFW Alphabet 🔥
Let Me Be of Service🌸- With your growing belly, it's a lot harder to take care of yourself. Luckily your husband is willing to do it for you
See What I See🔥🌸- Duckie shows you how much he loves your body after giving birth to little Bug - Part two of Let Me Be of Service
Plastic🔥 - Bucky uses a fleshlight for the first time
Let Them Hear🔥🌸 - Secret relationships are only fun for so long, so why don't you show everyone who you belong to cumming soon
How Can I Forget You🔥🌸🌧️ - Steve needs to get his best girl and best guy back Stucky x reader
Not Like This 🔥🌧️ - A night at the bar doesn’t go the way Bucky or you expected
When At First You Don't Succeed🔥🌸- Sometimes getting to the finish line is hard, but luckily you have the perfect partner to help you get through it cumming soon
Take It Off, Baby🔥- You made Bucky the happiest man alive when he finds out you started birth control cumming soon
Virgin Bucky Gets His First Blowjob 🔥- You give your boyfriend his first blowjob
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sarahowritesostucky · 9 months
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📖"Angels Are Avian-Adjacent"
Rated: Teen
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Tags: wing fic, avian creatures, angel Steve, veterinarian Bucky, supernatural meet-cute, fantasy au, injury and medical treatment
Summary: Unlike Bucky's regular patients, Steve was going to need a bit more reassurance than a simple belly rub or placating scritch behind the ear.
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(A last minute fill to grab a B-I-N-G-O on Stucky'Verse Bingo!)
A fill for @stuckyversebingo
card: sarah-writes-stucky / sarahyellow
Square D1: "Creature: Avian"
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“I … I don’t think I can do this,” Bucky stuttered, hands fluttering about nervously, hovering over one of the massive wings and then pulling away again, too freaked out to touch him. “You’re hurt. Y-you need a doctor.”
“You’re a doctor.”
“I’m a veterinarian!” 
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” Steve said, voice coming out strained due to the pain he was in, “but don’t you still receive a fair degree of medical training for that?”
“For animals!” Bucky blustered. “N-not, not humans! And certainly not for … whatever the heck you are!”
Steve huffed in frustration. “I told you, I’m an—”
“An angel. Yeah, you said that.” Bucky still didn’t want to believe it, even though the proof was in the pudding, and the pudding was currently lying face down on his clinic’s exam table—all two hundred pound, six foot tall, approximately twelve foot wingspan of it. Bucky laughed slightly hysterically. “This is insane!”
“Be that as it may, this actually hurts like a motherfucker, so if you don’t mind, isn’t there something you could give me?” Steve grit out. Bucky hesitated, until the creature turned to face him, a wince taking over his—sweaty and visibly pained, but also admittedly angelic—features. “Please?” he breathed, fear and pleading in his eyes. “I can’t go to a regular hospital. Please. You understand, don’t you?”
Bucky nodded after a beat. “Yeah,” he whispered, though he really didn’t understand a fucking thing at all. “O-okay.” He swallowed nervously and looked around, trying to gather his wits. “Um, do - do you know how meds affect you?”
Steve shook his head and tried to shrug, but when his shoulders moved his wings did too, and he gasped sharply, his pearly white teeth bared in a pained snarl—though far prettier than any made by Bucky’s usual patients. “I don’t know,” he said tightly, voice clipped from the pain of trying to hold himself still. “I’ve never needed medicine. I don’t usually get sick. or hurt.”
Bucky made a dubious face. “O-kaay … well ... how much do you weigh?” 
Steve gave him his best guess, and Bucky decided that he probably wouldn’t kill a roughly two hundred-twenty pound, avian-adjacent humanoid creature with a conservative amount of ketamine. Despite the wings he had sprouting out of his back, Steve did still appear to be mammalian in nature. The guy had nipples, leastways.
 “Okay,” Bucky said, sighing as he pulled out his phone. “Hang on for a sec.”
“What are you doing?”
His lips twisted as he started typing. “You’re just a tad heavier than my usual patients, bud. I’m consulting Dr. Google for your dosage conversion.”
After navigating past a slew of search results promoting crisis hotlines and addiction recovery centers, he was able to find the information he needed to calculate how much of the drug to give Steve. “Okay,” he breathed, still wildly nervous and freaked out over what was going on. He went and prepared an injection of the medication and came back to prep the angel’s arm with a tourniquet and alcohol swab. Steve didn’t make a peep when the needle went in, and a minute later, his body was visibly relaxing from the sudden relief of pain. 
“Oh,” he breathed, blond eyelashes fluttering against his pretty cheeks. “Oh, thank you. That’s … that’s much better.”
Not knowing where to touch him, Bucky tentatively patted the angel’s hair. “You’re welcome,” he said, eyes sliding down to the injured wing. There was a shard of metal wedged up between the secondary convert and marginal convert feathers, the blood that stained their white color indicating that whatever the object was, it’d likely pierced Steve in the humeral portion of his … his wing. 
Bucky licked his lips and moved his hands down Steve’s back, hovering, afraid to touch something so foreign. “Um, okay,” he hedged. “There’s some sort of shrapnel. I can see where it is, but I need to get a better look at the point of entry. Can you …” (Jesus, what the everloving fuck was he even doing?) “Um, can you move your wing at all?” He gingerly touched the coracoscapular joint, watching as Steve worked up the nerve to give a tentative movement. He hissed at the motion, but was able to slowly unfold his left wing out from his back. “Good,” Bucky praised, gloved hands gently guiding him. “Okay, easy. Good, right there. That’s good enough.”
Steve stopped moving, panting from the exertion, a slight sheen of sweat on his brow when he turned his head further to look at Bucky out of the corner of his eye. “How bad is it?”
“It’s not gonna be life threatening,” Bucky said after a moment of carefully moving the feathers out of the way to examine the site of penetration. “Unless you’ve got a major blood vessel in a place where birds don’t.” He inspected the injury, mentally cataloguing the supplies he was going to need to perform the extraction. “Okay,” he muttered under his breath, talking more to himself than he was to Steve. “Okay, yeah. I think this is gonna be okay. I think we can do this.”
“You can?”
Bucky’s attention shot back to Steve, who sounded very anxious. Bucky was abruptly reminded that unlike his regular patients, Steve was going to need a bit more reassurance than a simple belly rub or placating scritch behind the ear. “Yeah,” he promised, firming up his voice into something more confident and professional. “Yeah. Your anatomy is basically human, with avian anatomy in the places where I need to work."
“You operate on angels often?” Steve joked nervously.
“Nope. But I know birds, and it’s more a matter of basic principles than anything else,” Bucky reassured. “Don’t worry. I know what to do.” 
Steve exhaled in relief, and Bucky didn’t feel too guilty for making a promise he wasn’t a hundred percent confident on. “Kay,” he said, turning around to go gather what he’d need for the procedure. “We’re gonna do this under a local anesthetic, so you’ll be awake. Just give me a few minutes while I get ready.”
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