#Sulfur bar soap.
swansoapandsuch · 2 years
Why Do People Use Shower Fizzies Along With Sulfur Bar Soap?
Fizzy shower gels are great for cleaning your body after a long day at work, but they're not the best thing to use if you want to keep your skin clean and moisturized. While there's nothing wrong with using a normal bar of soap to wash yourself off, shower fizzes and gels are particularly good for adding moisture to your skin while you're washing away dirt, oil, makeup, etc. That's why we put together our list of the top seven worst things you can do to your skin while showering.
Use Too Much Soap:  If you've ever noticed your skin feels tight and dry after taking a shower, don't blame the soap! It's possible that you didn't use enough soap. You need to make sure you lather up your entire body, including your underarms, feet, neck, and face before rinsing off.
Don't Wash Your Face:  Your face is one area of your body that requires special care. Unlike other parts of your body, the skin on your face isn't designed to shed dead cells all of the time. Instead, it sheds its outer layer once or twice a month, so you only need to lather up your face with water and Sulfur bar soap.
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Skip the Body Scrub:  When you get out of the shower, you should be left feeling smooth and soft. A gentle exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells, giving your skin a fresh start each morning.
Rinse Too Long:  Many people think that they can save time by skipping the rinse cycle. Unfortunately, this won't do much good for your skin. When you rinse your hair and body, you remove natural oils that protect your skin from drying out.
The last thing you want to do after a shower is wrapping yourself in a bath towel. Doing so can lead to over-drying your skin, which causes it to feel tight and dry. To keep your skin moisturized throughout the day, try applying a thin layer of conditioner directly to your wet skin instead of wringing out a towel.
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leathfaic · 9 months
Ghost is a man who never needed to do much to draw attention when he goes clubbing. His impressive frame ensures he gets plenty of attention. That natural air of authority honed over years as a commanding officer ensuring he has his space if he wants it, unwanted approaches stopped before they even begin.
Still lots of eyes stick to him casually leaning against the bar. Always had an easy pick of those brave enough to approach him. Even before the scars in his face he attracted a certain type, the twinks that wanted to be thrown around, bears wanting to play with someone in their own weight class they weren't sure they could out-wrestle and everyone in between who just likes tall, strong blondes. Ever since the scars that has only intensified, might be that he loses out on some vain types, but the daredevils flock to him even more now.
So really he can't complain. He's not the biggest fan of the places, avoids scrungy punky ones altogether for very personal reasons, but they serve their purpose. Finding a quick lay mostly. Sometimes just enjoying a space where he's not the only gay man for miles and miles.
When he starts to go clubs with Soap though, it becomes a very different experience.
First of all he's not looking to take anyone home or to a convenient dark corner.
No, he's here because Johnny likes dancing and what Johnny wants he usually gets. Simon could never deny him anything.
So there is no one Ghost is looking at but Soap. And bloody fucking hell it is worth looking.
Johnny's easy confidence bleeds off of him and mixed with his natural charm he commands the entire rooms attention. His body helps, sure, sculpted muscles barely hidden by a mesh shirt and jeans so tight there's nothing left to the imagination, but there's plenty of good looking men around.
None of them carry themselves like Soap does though.
He watches as Soap enters the dance floor, seeming to melt into the beat. Dancing as effortlessly as he cleans an entire building of hostiles. A fucking vision in strobing lights as he let's the rhythm dictate his movements. Wide fucking smile painted on his face.
People flock to him, wind themselves around him in more or less proficient dance moves, probably hoping to leave an impression over the gaggle of obvious suitors.
Soap toys with them, dancing with those he finds entertaining, neatly sidestepping those he doesn't. Bathing in the attention of wandering hands and lips.
Ghost wonders if they can feel how dangerous of a man he really is. If they can smell the slight hint of sulfur from the demolitions workshop he's been crammed in all day. If they can see the edge in his eyes, that predatory glint of a man trained to kill walking through a crowd of unaware civilians.
Most probably can't.
Some who can probably find it exciting.
In the end none of it matters anyways.
Because it is Ghost's gaze that Johnny seeks when another man winds around him, littering his neck with kisses. And it's on Ghost's wordless command that he abandons the crowd of hopefuls. Meandering over to him, well aware of all the looks following him as he sprawls himself in Simon's lap unabashedly.
It's a unique rush of power having the man they all want at his beck and call. To take a sip of whisky and shamelessly kiss it into his mouth. Making sure just a little spills over painting a golden line for him to lick up.
Keeping his eyes on the crowd and bathing in their envy, their hunger and their shock.
He indulges for a few minutes, let's Soap shower him in affection while keeping him and the room in check with his dominance over the situation.
It's a game they both know Ghost will lose down the line, will drag Soap out of the club like his life depends on it. Maybe throw him over his shoulder just to make a point.
But not yet. Now he makes sure Soap drinks some water and sends him off again with a well aimed slap to his arse.
And Johnny smiles bright and wide. Drifting into the crowd, the crowd that is apprehensive at first but before long they can't help themselves. There's some wary glances shot at Simon, but his ongoing indifference seems to embolden them. Crowding Soap like moths would a light.
And Ghost finds himself suddenly enjoying clubs a whole lot more. Revelling in Soap's obvious bliss and the knowledge that the man who drives the whole dance floor senseless will follow him in the blink of an eye.
Let them get their hopes up, he's got nothing to fear, to be jealous over because he knows the only thing that matters:
Soap commands the whole room without even trying, but Ghost is the only one who commands his attention.
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softagenda · 9 months
silver linings (leander)
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leander x reader(f)
clothes sharing/boyfriend shirt trope / leander thirsting
originally posted on ao3
Leander taps his thumb against his glass, staring into the amber liquid. “A rare catch requires good bait, timing, and most of all: patience,” he murmurs.
Thinking of you in his rooms: naked, those long limbs and lithe muscles submerged beneath the hot water, your hands stroking his soap along your skin, your hair wet and draped around your shoulders, clean and soft and smelling of his herbs and oils…
He’s an excellent fisherman, but at this moment, he finds his patience tested to the limits.
“See, this wouldn’t be near as irritating if you hadn’t moved out.”
Lingering on the threshold of the Wick, sopping wet with sticky, putrid slime, you shoot him a withering glare. “Watch it. Haven’t cleaned my sword yet.”
Grinning cheekily, Leander lifts his hands in surrender, his sculpted arms bunching beneath the skin tight mesh of his shirt. “Just sayin’.” His coat folded over his arm and boots sticking, he walks to the bar and speaks to the bartender. 
You debate making the trek back to your flat on three streets over. Your skin burns where the rank slime seeps through your clothing, exuding a thin, sulfuric gas that twists your stomach. The thought of walking through the city like that fills you with nausea and dread. “That dingonek would’ve gutted you from ass to chin. See if I step in next time.”
“For which I’m, as always, eternally grateful,” Leander cuts in smoothly, leaning against the bar and looking you over. “I think this every time we head into battle, but it continues to ring true. Your swordwork is certainly… something to behold.”
It’s another mark against the cruelty of the universe that, despite holding fast barely a foot from you, Leander had managed to leave the fight without a single scratch on him - he hadn’t ducked under the neck of the furious, armored reptile, piercing the hide of the throat and thus getting caught in the spray of acidic bile as the blade tore through its venom glands.
No, he walked away with the lightest sheen of sweat on his chiseled jaw and thick neck, windswept from the rush of the battle, towing a highly sought-after pelt of massive lizard monster back to Eridia like some heroic warrior - and he has the audacity to quip and smolder at you.
You level him an unimpressed look.
He lifts a gloved hand and spins the golden key around his finger. “My doors always open to you, of course.”
And every other simpering fan in the place , you think wryly, before snatching the key out of his hand. “I’m gonna use all those fancy soaps and oils you’ve got in there. Always wanted to smell like the lovechild of an apothecary and a brothel.”
Leander swallows once, his mouth hanging open for a moment twisting into a smirk. “Help yourself.”
“Gonna steal your clothes too.” The venom had eaten away at the fibers of your pants and shirt - there’d be no salvaging them. You pause, gripping the key and checking his expression for permission. Leander’s notoriously generous, to a fault, even - despite that, you still try not to take more than you give back.
Inscrutable, emerald eyes flash bright for a heartbeat before glancing away. His tongue darts out to swipe across his lower lip before his hand taps on the bar, signaling a request for his usual shot of whiskey. In moments, Rodrick slides a glass across the polished surface, placing the drink perfectly in his waiting palm. 
Leander takes a quick drink before meeting your gaze again. Though the flare of magic had withdrawn, a dark edge still lingers in his eyes.
“Be my guest.” His jaw clenches, a vein jumping along the hard edge, but he smiles like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. “I insist, even.”
You pause and narrow your gaze. That’s a little….suspicious. “Now I don’t want to,” you mutter, grimacing as that lying smile breaks into laughter.
“I’m afraid Rod here might insist too,” Leander adds, dispelling the strange tension and running a hand through his hair. “The smell alone will send customers running to the wastelands.”
One such customer stumbles to the back alley exit a few steps from the bar and just barely opens it in time for the torrent of vomit that spews from his mouth.
You stare for a moment before turning back to Leander, whose eyes are now full of mirth.
“Well, I’d hate to put off the fine, noble patrons of this tasteful establishment.” With a roll of your eyes, you stride off toward the interior of the inn toward the suite at the end of the hall, ignoring the weight of his gaze on your back.
A door with a familiar crest stands at the end of the hall and opened to a set of comfortable, homey rooms. Gorgeous oak furnishings carry the varied goods and knicknacks that comprise Leander’s existence: leather bound journals on the desk alongside bottles and ink pens, a trunk propped open with the hilt of a sword, a floor length mirror in the corner half-covered with another coat, a dresser with cologne and books stacked on top. More books are heaped on his bedside tables and tucked under in neat columns. Soft, green blankets cover the bed, matching the curtains drifting beside a cracked window.
You pause on the threshold before carefully stepping out of your boots and leaving them in the hall to keep from tracking the slime inside. You drop your coat on top for good measure and step inside on bare feet. 
The archway to the bathroom is tucked in the corner. You tiptoe toward it, conscious of the putrid slime clinging to your clothes and hair before finally reaching the tile floor. The fey lamps alight when you step inside, casting the room in a golden glow. 
After twisting the knobs on the massive claw-foot tub, water barrels through the pipes and steam fills the bathroom. 
You crack the window to let it escape and then strip down, mourning the loss of the clothes. The shirt you can handle the sacrifice - the pants are - were - a favorite. 
In the mirror over the sink, you check the damage to your hair. Congealed blood and drying monster venom sticks your hair in clumps. It’ll be a bitch to wash out. Bottles of various shapes and colors gather on two shelves around the vanity. You read a couple labels before finding a cleansing solution with rosemary, sage, and detoxifying oil. It’ll have to do.
Sighing, you decide to focus on getting the worst of it out now and finishing the job at home after a meal and a tall pint of beer. 
“Still out here, huh.”
Leander’s brow lifts pointedly, eyeing Rodrick over the rim of his glass. 
“Well, it’s been half a wick. Usually you’d have slipped into the hall by now, not to be seen again until dawn.” He’s wiping a clean glass down with a rag, hip braced on the back counter during a lull in drink orders. His mustache twitches below a knowing gaze.
“Not this time,” he answers simply.
“Oh?” Rod inspects him before nodding slowly. “Oh… I see. Playing the long game? That’s rare for you.”
Leander taps his thumb against his glass, staring into the amber liquid. “A rare catch requires good bait, timing, and most of all: patience,” he murmurs.
Thinking of you in his rooms: naked, those long limbs and lithe muscles submerged beneath the hot water, your hands stroking his soap along your skin, your hair wet and draped around your shoulders, clean and soft and smelling of his herbs and oils… 
He’s an excellent fisherman, but at this moment, he finds his patience tested to the limits. 
What a catch you are. All slick and smooth and tempting. A siren. 
He thinks of your bare body rising from the ocean, water trailing in rivers down your skin, dripping from your hair, opening that hot little mouth to reveal sharp teeth and a massive tail drifting in the deep, hooking claws into his flesh to drag him down, all that sharp, deadly beauty….
What a way to die.
Leander lifts the glass and tips the rest of the whiskey down his throat in a burning, sweet rush. Then he shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair, wiping them down his face for good measure, and when he opens his eyes again it’s to find a fresh glass waiting in front of him.
“Good man.”
“Patience should be rewarded,” Rodrick quips back before glancing above his shoulder for a moment. A smirk hides beneath his bristly mustache. “Seems the night has proven very rewarding for you indeed, hound.”
Leander follows his gaze. The glass lands on the counter with a thunk .
Gonna steal your clothes too . 
You’d warned him. He’d known. He thought he was prepared.
You’re striding toward the bar, your hair still damp and sticking to your face and shoulders. Skin flushed and dewy from the bath, you look so - unguarded - so much more vulnerable without your armor and cloak, sword strapped to your hip, the gloves over your hands. That sight alone would have stolen his breath, but oh ….
You’re wearing his shirt. 
The black mesh that once molded over his body now hangs loose on you, the fabric draping over your hips and hovering at mid-thigh. The neckline gapes open too, exposing the ridges of your collar bones, a tantalizing view of your neck and chest. You’d even nicked one of his leather jackets - the midnight leather swallowing you up so completely that you’re rolling the ends of the sleeves up to find your hands. 
Rodrick clears his throat nearby.
Leander’s jaw snaps shut. His mouth is dry.
Not prepared. Not prepared at all .
“Hey,” you greet them, and a cloud of distinctly familiar smells infuses the air. 
Herbs. Mint. Rosemary. Leather. A hint of his cologne that lingers on all his clothes.
Ye Olde gods, have mercy on this sinner .
A strange, garbled sound escapes his mouth before he wrestles back control of his body. “Drink?” he asks, desperately ignoring how breathless his own voice sounds. “My treat.”
You don’t seem to notice. To Rodrick, you say, “I’ll have what he’s having.” 
This close, he can see a drop of water coalescing behind your ear and trailing down your neck, journeying down warm flesh until it wicks into the shirt collar.
You turn toward him. Leander wrenches his gaze up.
“Think the punctured venom glands will depreciate the carcass’s value?”
“What? Oh. Probably, but not by much.” He clears his throat, tries to look anywhere else for a moment, before his gaze is inevitably drawn back to the way his shirt clings to your front, dipping between the valley of your chest, the full shapely mounds tucked behind the wings of his jacket. 
He’s never going to wear that jacket again without thinking of you.
“The other set of glands was intact. If it’s a problem, we’ll just sell it to Kuras. He’s always in the market for monster venom.” He dropped more of his weight on the counter, leaning a little closer to you. 
“I’ll take over negotiating in that case. Kuras run’s circles around you at the bartering table.”
Leander laughs, hears the strained quality of his own voice, and quickly stops. “What can I say, the good doctor can be very persuasive. Think you can do better?” 
Your mouth curls into a smirk, mischief alight in those dark eyes, your face framed by the damp strands of your hair, all wrapped up in his clothes, his scent, and his brain grinds to a halt. 
Tilting your head, you say in a low voice, “I know I can.”
Leander looks at you and believes it. If this vision stood opposite him in the market, he’d fold like a palace of cheap cards in a hurricane.
Rodrick returns and hands you a glass of whiskey. He pauses behind the counter as you tip it back and swallow it all down, then asks, “Another?”
“In a bit. I’m gonna head back to my place and get dressed.”
Snapping out of a sudden, intense fantasy of licking trails of whiskey off your neck, Leander sits up. “Right now?” He flicks a look over you, heat licking his insides. 
“Mm. I’m not about to sit on those stools like this.”
Like this ? He glances down. Thin chausses meant to prevent chafing from armor hide away your skin. It’d be a little cold, perhaps - he could offer to warm you up personally if that was the problem - but it’s not that unusual for hunters to wear them in place of everyday pants.
You notice the confusion and, to his surprise and delight, blush . “Back in half a wick. You’re buying dinner. Steak.”
With that, you stalk off into the pub, draped in his jacket, as his hounds and other patrons part ways around you.
“Sure, happy to…oblige….” he trails off, leaning off the stool to keep you in sight as long as possible, before the front door closes on your shadow. “Steaks on the menu tonight, Rodrick?”
“It is now. Make peace with your coin purse.” 
Leander slowly turns back around and looks at the empty glass. I’m not about to sit on those stools like this . But you were wearing pants, however thin, so… 
He slowly lifts his head as the realization slams into him like a runaway carriage.
You have no underwear on.
a/n: comments and likes appreciated!
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fates-calling · 6 months
CW: Sexual assault mention/illusion + discussion | victim blaming (?) 
Note: no one outright victim blames anyone, but Soren has very messy and complicated feelings about what happened!
Featuring: Soren (OC) & Astarion
Word Count: 2, 226 
Other Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort | Astarion is pinning the poor guy | Mentioned Tav x Astarion | Implied Tav x Gale
Soren knew that breaking into the House of Hope was a risky gamble. He was prepared to give his life to get that hammer. He never thought he would have to give his body...
He scrubbed at his skin, blood, and soot turning the clear water of the tub beneath him a murky color. Usually, his baths were so much more than just hot water inside of a wooden basin, but he didn't have the patience to do this right. No bubbles and no scented aromas were added to this one, the way the bard liked it. He just needed to be clean. Soren wasn't even concerned about washing away the blood and soot, no, the reason he was scrubbing his arms raw: was to get rid of its touch. He knew what was at stake when he agreed to lie in bed with the succubus. Soren had known exactly what he was getting himself into, he was well-read on all things demonic and devilish. 
It didn't make his skin crawl any less. His stomach was still twisting itself into knots of guilt about it, Gale was still giving him the silent treatment. It had been the only way to avoid a fight! The easiest way to gain access to the hammer. Lae'zel and her people needed Orpheus. So what if Soren lost a bit of bodily autonomy on the way? He has given more for less. There was no way he would agree to a deal with Raphael, so, breaking into his house had been their best choice. The bard just never thought - he would lose so much. He grits his teeth and drags the soap impossibly harder along his arm. He can feel phantom hot hands on them still. 
He was pissed too, which didn't help as he white-knuckled the poor soap bar. It was threatening to crack beneath his hand. He has tried to explain to Gale a thousand times why he did it! To all of them. Lae'zel was the only one who seemed grateful. She had looked, shocked, afterward. As if she couldn't believe someone would give up so much for her. For a cause that wasn't even his own. He had gotten lectured and told off by most of his other companions for being foolish. For doing something reckless, and that they could have found another way. 
Except. Astarion.
 Soren paused in his vicious scrubbing, as he recalled how the vampire reacted when not five minutes after they left the House of Hope: the bard had felt what was his new curse. Had felt those phantom hands. He had tried to enjoy the sensation, but, soon bile had risen in the back of his throat. His head had spun. This would be forever. He was owned. Not his soul, but his body. The white-haired man had taken notice of the sound that slipped from him.  The way he had been so angry on his behalf. Told him that he shouldn't have to deal with it. How Astarion had looked so sad when Soren emerged from the room, roughed up and marked. 
He knew what it was like. The bard combs a hand through his wet hair and winces. Inside of his chest, further guilt stabs through his being. Swirling thoughts of regret and disgust with himself form. Forgetting all about his pain. It's his nature. He likely reminded his closest friend of all kinds of horrible memories. All the time he used his body to lure victims back to Cazador. How many hands haunt Astarion's body…? The tips of the elf’s ears twitch as he hears footsteps. Soren turns his head to look, catching sight of Astarion. A towel is draped over his arm, he leans against the wall of the bathroom. Staying in the tavern has been a godsend. 
Soren doesn't bother to cover up, even as he feels the vampire's eyes trace over his top half that is above water. He has seen him naked before, and vice versa. Astarion also has soot all over him, and the scent of sulfur hangs in the air. The bard turns away, “I'll be out in a moment, you won't have to wait much longer.” 
The vampire shakes his head and seems to steel himself a bit. He stops leaning against the wall and approaches the tub, Soren eyes him with a bit of wariness. Questioning his motives. The towel is laid on a rack. 
“How are you feeling?” These are not the words that Soren expected to hear. His brows furrowed as he looked at the rouge, who absentmindedly fiddled with his nails. Cleaning blood out from under them. 
The bard shrugs and gives him a cheeky smile. A classic disarming, and well, avoidant one. “Clean.” 
“That's not what I was asking about.” there is almost an exasperated tone to the vampire's voice. Soren begins to stand up, reaching for the towel. The bard's face has twisted up into a bit of a frown. He doesn't want to do this right now. What he feels doesn't matter. It never has. Lae’zel got what she needed. She will be able to help free the Githyanki people. That is what matters. The vampire places his hands on the side of the tub and stands in front of Soren, blocking the taller man in. 
“You don't get to run from this.” There is a demand in his voice and features, his eyes blazing with a strange anger that Soren has only seen on rare occasions. The man is usually so cool-headed or pretends to be. Tries to always be aloof. “Not this time, darling, sorry.” 
He doesn't sound sorry at all. Soren huffs and splashes back down into the tub, smirking as he watches Astarion crinkle his nose as he gets wet. But the vampire doesn't move from his guarding position. His camp leader simply crosses his arms over his chest, and huffs staring off out the window before him. The sun is beginning to set, casting warm yellow and orange light over everything. Astarion can't help but admire the man before him for a moment, before reminding himself why he came here. 
He can still see strange red marks in the form of fingerprints on Soren. As if mildly burned. How there are lines from blunt nails running up and down his arms, those, clearly from Soren himself. Trying to claw it away it seems. He swallows. He knows the feeling too well, and he has a twisting feeling inside of his gut: it isn't the first time. Soren took it too - well. As strange as the thought is. Too easily gave over his body without so much as a flinch. Without fight. Just took it. 
The silence is broken as the bard speaks, “This wasn't the first time I have used my body to get out of a tight spot. I'm fine.” 
His tone is bordering on anger, clearly meant to tell his companion that this conversation: is over. There will be no more discussion. Astarion almost winced. He knew it. He had seen that strange disassociated look that had come across the bard's face when he stripped down before Harleep. It was a look the vampire knew he had carried. He had seen it on his fellow spawn before. So different than when Soren had been with him in the woods. How his different colored eyes had been lit up, moonlight dancing off the bright yellow and blue. 
He brings himself back to focus again, “I don't fucking care if it wasn't the first time. It -” he chokes.
 Everything telling him to back out of this. To stop before he ends up exposing himself. He pushes through his thoughts. Soren needs help. Soren needs someone. But, oh, why the Hells does it have to be him? Where are all his morally good and mushy campmates now? More importantly: where the fuck is Gale? He looks down at the floor as he speaks, his voice a soft whisper. 
“No matter how many times it happens, it never gets better.” he can feel Soren's eyes on him, weeping with his ever-present empathy. Never pity. Not once has he ever seen the man pity someone. No, he only feels for them. Understands and listens. And when he can, no matter the cost to himself, he helps. He gives so much and asks for nothing. Except, maybe, coin. Around all of his sharp words and clever jests. Every leer and joke he makes at others' expense is a man who just wants the world to love him. A man who is always performing. Astarion doesn't need a mirror, Soren was right about that. He is his mirror. 
He doesn't know what the bard sees in him, but, Astarion has never been more determined to keep someone in his life. To - ew - help someone. 
Soren swallows hard, feeling as if the silence between them suffocates him. 
“It doesn't.” He admits and there is a crack in his voice. He tries to hold back the tears. How long has it been since he cried? Decades? Perhaps even more. “I - I just… I never thought - I just wanted to - I needed to -” 
He stares at the murky water beneath him. Staring at his reflection, still frazzled and mostly dirty from their entire escapade. Probably the most unkept he has been the entire adventure. He closes his eyes and takes a shaky breath in and out. 
“I feel guilty.” The words leave in a hushed rush, and waves of nausea seem to crash through the elf. Why did he say that? Why did he admit to his weaknesses? "Everyone is pissed at me for it. Gale is - fuck, Gale is beyond pissed. But I had to, Astarion. We were already risking a fight with Raphael I couldn't have us risk another and because I wanted to help Hope we were already so tired and injured…” he tries to lighten the weight of his words a bit. “I mean, I was also dreadfully curious, to be honest. Raphael is my type.” 
Astarion tries for his sake to be a bit amused, but, he can't. His long ears are pinning themselves down to the sides of his head. 
The bard's face morphs from this sad, broken look to anger quickly. Switching on the dime. “I would do it a thousand times over for that hammer. I just wish…wish it wasn't me. Or that I didn't have to at all. But then… I - I would be a failure. Break my promise to Voss and Lae'zel. But everybody is acting as if I fucked up somehow! Like there were better options!” he slams his hand against the side of the tub rattling the wood. “I give and I give and I give! For all of you! To all of you! I -”
His anger deflates and he sinks, looking so much smaller than he is. “You'd think I would learn.”
The tears have fallen now. Sliding down his face silently, leaving tracks of pain down his features. Suddenly, cold arms made of stringy muscle are wrapping around him from behind. He doesn't even react to the strange temperature of the vampire's body. He feels chills go down his spine, as Astarion buries his face into his neck. His soft curls brushed up against Soren as well. The vampire doesn't even know truly, why he went for a hug. It felt right. Though he has nothing but observing other people to understand how to comfort someone. He was happy it worked, as he felt the elf shift and heard water splash as he spun around to face him. Returning the hug in earnest. 
Astarion mumbles into the man's neck, “Don't worry about Gale or any of the others. They don't - get it. They'll come around and see their mistakes, I'm sure of it, and give you sappy apologies for how they acted.” A bit of a sharp grin flickers into his features, a dangerous gleam of mild threat in his eyes. As he squeezes the man in his arms a bit tighter. Oh, he is such a fool. He should have realized he would fall for him. “They better. Or, I'll cut it out of them for you.”
Soren laughs, “You'd do that for me?” 
Astarion pulls back from the hug a bit to look at the bard’s face, “You'd do it for me and then some. So, oddly enough, yes.” 
“I'll make a hero of you yet!” Soren chirps back and the vampire groans, pulling out of the hug. He instantly misses the warmth of the elf's body. 
“Ugh, don’t say that. If you were anyone else I wouldn't even be here.” Astarion points out of the bathroom, “Now, darling, do get out of the tub. Other people want to bathe, you dragged us through Avernus and decided you got to take one first.” 
Soren shakes his head, knowing the words were in good spirits. Not taking the jab personally at all. He grabbed the towel the vampire had brought for him, and stepped out of the tub. Wrapping it about his waist, he went to leave, he could grab his gear later. He paused and dragged the vampire into a quick hug again as he passed him. 
“Thank you,” he whispered.
Astarion swore his heart fluttered inside of his chest, as these strange cozy-warm feelings filled his body. Every nerve felt like it had been stroked with a delicate hand. His face flamed with pink, as Soren drew away and walked out of sight.
He's doomed. 
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hauntedhookah · 10 months
travel notes
Athens: Athens was not incredibly memorable. I thought of it as a city to live in. 
Naxos: in naxos my hair was curly again, i wore a 2 piece los angeles apparel set and walked around an infuencer's backdrop for 5-10 minutes at a time. i met mormon and canadian assorted girls on the beach, i followed one of them to the top of the hill at the windiest sunset since Albany Bulb winters. in another part of naxos i visited a bustling beachside bar alone one night after a martini at a neighboring beachside restaurant. the bartender was curious about how alone i was, he liked me. i, drunk, was likeable in my giant skirt and silk blouse. i left silently
Santorini: Santorini was an existential crisis. The room I stayed in during the last two days was Peace embodied. Not much else mattered, and the window view of the caldera from the mezannine cannot be captured in any photograph
Crete: in crete i waded through the thigh-deep water, my silver canon tied firmly around my wrist. i marveled at the quite silence of the hotel, at night i went out to sit in the sand. i swam in crete, i sat and read deborah adele's book in crete. i felt lonely and utterly bored in crete. i loved that everyone was allowed to look the way they wanted as they walked aimlessly from one end of the beach to the other-- no one was hiding anything from sight. no body was unwelcome, all bodies were represented. most were burned, even mine got close. in crete we remembered my grandfather and dreamed up the paths he took through the island. in crete we traveled to the pink sand beach, where i hope to have learned a valuable lesson about Wanting What You Don't Have, and Replacing A Feeling of Lack with An Object.
Austria: in Austria we stayed at a hotel with a winding staircase and ate a continental breakfast in that odd room, hushed voices and european stares. Though I care not for the history, for the first time since the start of the trip, I felt good. I felt open to new experience and full of wonder. i kept repeating to myself over the smallest novelties, "fascinating", and stepped out of the smoke-filled echo chamber of the hotel alleyway every day with a sense of calm preparedness. We walked to a big gothic church and that was beautiful, I'll admit. The gargoyles looked friendly against blue sky and in sunlight. 
Armenia: in armenia one of the first nights i spoke to a million people at the new trendy russian bar, of course after harassing the russian bartenders for not speaking armenian. first dea and aleen, then kristik's group of russian repats, then the diaspora mix at the round table and later still walking towards polygraph with Mushegh and his talkative friend who's name i forgot.  it was a marvelous night of speaking in all languages, i enjoyed it very much after weeks of no social interaction. another one of those nights we visited an exhibit in an underground stone cave, spoke to a kind man nextdoor about the power of diaspora contribution to armenia and he gifted us handmade soap. we met kristik's friends on Cascade around midnight and i learned so many different armenian folk dances. we danced around the fountain until we were sweating and tired at 3am, it was marvelous. many full, endless nights full of conversation. so much more social than anything in the US
Georgia: in georgia i disliked the folks. on the second day I walked up the hill, stopping for 2 individual khinkali, and heading up through the forest to the waterfall. I climbed down again, now through sulfur smelling rivers to the baths. I decided to head home as my phone died and stopped by the first place i see to charge it in order to get home-- a little wine bar. I end up staying there from 8pm-3am with ilia, one of the bar's founders. we talked about everything, he had armenian words and when i tried to pronounce georgian ones he was impressed. i haven't had that much wine possibly ever. what a lovely way to get drunk. and what a lovely way to realize after days of lonliness that connection is always out there, especially when you seek it the least. 
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crawfishtits · 20 days
What sounds or scents calm you down? (From the 50 questions post)
Ooooo ok so I’m very sound and scent oriented & could just list smells and sounds I like forever but I’m going to try to keep this to just the really comforting stuff.
petrichor (basic I know)
orange blossoms
sulfur (there’s a lot of sulfur in the water where I’m from so you can just kinda smell it ambiently sometimes)
the smell that lingers in bars and clubs that employ the heavy use of fog machines
that train smell. like the metallic electric ambient heat smell that wafts through train stations and roller coaster loading areas
The way Club Cool used to smell at EPCOT when it was in that igloo
Any smell that becomes strongly associated with a close friend or family member or loved one; eg: a specific laundry detergent, bath soap, perfume, cologne, deodorant; if their car has a specific scent—whether that’s just “hot car” or an air freshener they keep in the car; even some body odors. I’m in my 30s and still think of my childhood bestie from elementary school every time I smell whatever laundry product his mom used to use.
Cigarettes but only outside and only as they’re burning. Cannot stand the way they smell indoors and never aquired a taste for the residual smell they leave on your fingers and clothes despite having been a social smoker for a several years in my 20s
mourning doves
Heavy rain
Distant fireworks
Distant engine and tire sounds from street racers
Muffled and bass boosted reggaetón coming from a modded car stereo. Bonus points if they’re driving past you and you get Doppler effect reggaetón.
living room conversation / kitchen noises that just barely reach your room while you’re resting (this one only works if you actually like the people in the kitchen/having the conversation lmao)
My friends’ voices (see previous bullet point)
Pet sounds (like the actual sounds animals that live with us make. I don’t care about The Beach Boys)
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citrusitonit · 8 months
i feel likg the fact that i even called using a face n body sulfur cleanser bar soap every night a skincare routine vil woug hunt me down if it means beheading me wit his own hands
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brmchemical · 21 days
Investigating the Flexibility of Sodium Hydroxide: Crucial Uses Explored by BRM Chemicals
Welcome to BRM Chemicals, your trusted chemical supplier for high-quality raw materials. We offer a wide range of products including chemicals, herbal extracts, essential oils, colourants, butters and waxes, soap bases, fragrances, and clay powders. In this blog, we will delve into the multifaceted uses and benefits of caustic sodium hydroxide, a vital chemical in numerous industrial and manufacturing processes. Understanding the importance and applications of caustic sodium hydroxide can help you leverage its properties for optimal results in your projects.
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Caustic sodium hydroxide, commonly known as lye or caustic soda, is a highly versatile and powerful chemical compound with the formula NaOH. It is a strong alkali that is widely used in various industrial, commercial, and household applications. Its ability to neutralize acids and react with different substances makes it an essential component in many processes.
The Chemical Properties of Caustic Sodium Hydroxide
Strong Alkali: Caustic sodium hydroxide is highly alkaline, with a pH of 13-14 in its concentrated form.
Highly Reactive: It reacts readily with acids, metals, and other substances, making it useful for various chemical reactions.
Solubility: It is highly soluble in water, generating significant heat and forming a corrosive solution.
Hygroscopic: It absorbs moisture from the air, which can cause it to dissolve and form a solution.
Industrial Applications of Caustic Sodium Hydroxide
Chemical Manufacturing: Used in the production of various chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite, sodium phenolate, and more.
Petroleum Industry: Used in refining petroleum products and removing sulfur compounds.
Textile Processing: Helps in the mercerization of cotton, improving dye uptake and fabric strength.
Paper and Pulp Industry: Integral in the pulping and bleaching processes, aiding in the breakdown of lignin.
Water Treatment: Used to adjust pH levels and treat wastewater.
Caustic Sodium Hydroxide in Soap Making
Caustic sodium hydroxide is a key ingredient in the saponification process, where it reacts with fats and oils to produce soap. Here’s how it works:
Saponification: NaOH reacts with triglycerides (fats/oils) to form glycerol and soap.
Versatility: It can be used to make both solid (bar) and liquid soaps.
Customization: Different oils and butters can be used to create a variety of soap textures and properties.
Safety and Handling of Caustic Sodium Hydroxide
Given its highly caustic nature, sodium hydroxide must be handled with care:
Protective Gear: Always wear gloves, safety goggles, and protective clothing when handling NaOH.
Ventilation: Ensure good ventilation in the working area to avoid inhaling fumes.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from acids and moisture.
First Aid: In case of skin contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention if necessary.
Sourcing Quality Caustic Sodium Hydroxide from BRM Chemicals
At BRM Chemicals, we are committed to providing top-quality caustic sodium hydroxide that meets industry standards. As a reputable chemical supplier, we ensure that our products are sourced from reliable manufacturers and undergo stringent quality control. Whether you are in the industrial sector, engaged in soap making, or need it for any other application, our caustic sodium hydroxide is available in various quantities to meet your needs.
Caustic sodium hydroxide is a versatile and indispensable chemical for numerous applications. At BRM Chemicals, we provide high-quality caustic sodium hydroxide along with a wide range of other raw materials to meet your diverse needs. Explore our website BRM Chemicals to learn more about our products and how we can support your projects. Contact us today to place your order and experience the exceptional quality and service that makes BRM Chemicals a trusted name in the industry. Let us be your partner in achieving excellence in all your formulations and processes.
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luxiouslemon · 1 year
Whether you are looking for yourself or someone else in your life, our Signature Self-Care Spa Bundle is the perfect special gift 🎁
Each bundle includes a full-size 🧼Bar Soap, Signature (Jumbo) Size 🛀Bath Bomb, 9 oz Pump Bottle of 🥛Goat’s Milk & Shea Butter Hand & Body Wash, 4 oz squeeze-tube bottle of Hand & Body 🧴Lotion Soufflé, and a full-size 👄Lip Rescue Butter.
👉👉👉Choose from the following 5 matching scent blend bundle options:
~ 🌸Abloom Floral
~ 💙Muscle Soothe
~ 🍯Sweet Manuka Honey
~ 💜Take Ten Lavender
~ 🍊Zing Citrus
Shop now on LuxiousLemon.com 🏵️
https://www.luxiouslemon.com/product/signature-self-care-spa-bundle/ 🧼 #luxiouslemon
All of our products are free from all harsh chemicals. We use no SLS, SLSA, phthalates, sulfates, sulfurs, detergent, parabens, or synthetic dyes. Premium and Non-GMO ingredients only. Toxin-Free, Gluten-Free, Cruelty-Free. All ingredients are responsibly resourced. 🐰
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tanvirdms · 1 year
Health Pure Liquid Soap (8 oz.) 
 Pure Liquid Soap. Contains no surfactants. No coloring. Vegetable origin.It has a natural light amber color. Ingredients: Purified Water Potassium Oleate Potassium Cocoate Glycerin Sodium Chloride Citric Acid  Potassium Oleate comes from organic sunflower oil saponification, 8 OZ Liquid Soap  Potassium Cocoa comes from walnut oil saponification Organic Coconut and Glycerin comes from saponification of organic sunflower  oil and coconut oil. 
 There are many leather cleaners and many are marketed as "soaps". This can get confusing as real soap is a product made from natural oils and fats. Some "soaps" are actually synthetic detergents and can be derived from  petroleum.Even detergents made from "natural" fatty alcohols are anything but natural. The so-called "natural" fatty alcohols  use natural  oils or fats as raw materials, but these are then intensively processed into alcohols. The alcohol then  reacts chemically with substances such as ethylene oxide and sulfuric acid. The end products are anything but natural and definitely not soap! 
 Synthetic detergents have been around for about 80 years and have only been used in personal care products for  about 50 years. Hand 8 OZ Liquid Soap Soaps have a slightly longer history in personal care, having been used for at least 2,000 years. At the time, there was little to no evidence of an adverse skin reaction to soap.  Compare that to 50 years of experience making synthetic cleaners; Side effects such as eczema are well documented and not entirely uncommon. 
 How is soap made? Fixed oils are heated with  neutralizing alkalis such as sodium hydroxide for bar soap or potassium hydroxide for liquid soap.A reaction takes place in which the alkali is neutralized by the oil to make soap and the glycerin is separated from the oil. Liquid Soap 8 OZ  In our Organic Castile Liquid Soap, the glycerin remains in the soap where it can act as a moisturizing humectant; And that's it. 
 Your immune system is more important than ever. Help your body by washing your hands. Support your immune system  with  Immune Booster Liquid Hand Soap.While you take twenty seconds to thoroughly wash your hands, this powerful blend of essential oils will go to work removing dirt and germs. All-natural ingredients are gentle on  hands. Boost Your Immunity Today! 
 Made from a blend of the most potent and effective essential oils. Perfect for holistic  body and mind health. 8 OZ liquid Hand Soap
 The results show that since the outbreak of COVID-19, the number of consumers who mainly use bar soap fell from 71.8% to 51.4%, the number of consumers who mainly use liquid hand soap from 23.5% has risen to 41.3% and the number of people using and carrying hand sanitizer has increased. Frequency of use, duration of use and consumption quantity of all three products have increased significantly since the outbreak of COVID-19. 
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threehouses · 1 year
i feel like nurtuting my influencer streak today so heres my list of my winter faves
crest 3d whitening strips
niactil 4%
any sulfur bar soap will obliterate body acne
magnesium CITRATE for hormonal bloating
s curl texturizer used strategically works on my hair type idk it makes it way more manageble. its coarse but not curly if yk what i mean. anyway i can be out in humidity now
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swansoapandsuch · 1 year
How to Choose the Right Soap for Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition characterized by developing red, scaly areas. Psoriasis may be treated using a variety of soaps, but not all of them are equally successful. Consider the chemicals, the soap's pH level, and moisturizing characteristics when selecting a soap to treat psoriasis. Soap for psoriasis often contains essential oils, vital fatty acids, and other natural components like sulfur and coal tar. In general, soaps with a pH of 7 or lower are more effective than those with a pH of 8 or higher. People with Psoriasis should look for soaps with strong moisturizing characteristics to help keep their skin moisturized and protected.
How to Choose the Best Soap for Your Psoriasis
Those who have psoriasis understand the significance of using the appropriate soap. A soap that isn't gentle enough on your skin might aggravate your psoriasis. In addition to helping to keep psoriasis under control, the appropriate soap can aid in soothing your skin. The best soap for psoriasis may be found by following these guidelines.
1 Stay away from scented products
Flare-ups of psoriasis are frequently triggered by exposure to fragrances. Use a fragrance-free or mildly scented soap to avoid overpowering your sense of smell. Test out the soap's aroma before you buy it if you're concerned about it being too strong.
2. Seek out hydrating components.
One of the primary signs of psoriasis is dry skin. Choose a soap with glycerin or aloe to assist in maintaining your skin's natural moisture balance. Your skin will appreciate the added protection and comfort from these substances.
3. Stay away from any potentially harmful components.
Skin irritation caused by harsh substances like sulfates and detergents can exacerbate psoriasis. Try to find a bar of soap that says "for sensitive skin" or doesn't include any irritants.
Finding the correct soap when you have psoriasis might be difficult. One may find a wide variety of sulfur bar soap available, but not all are equivalent in quality. How, then, can you choose which soap suits your psoriasis? It can be challenging to control the symptoms of psoriasis, a persistent skin condition. Yet, if you use good soap, you can keep your symptoms under control and your skin in good condition.
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asifthoughts · 2 years
Properties of Soap Bar with Himalayan Pink Salt
Have you recently heard of Himalayan pink salt soap bars and want to know more about them? Then this article is for you because we are going to share everything you need to know about this unique salt bath product that will bring you immense benefits.
With the help of Himalayan pink salt soap bar, you can now easily access the wellness qualities of natural Himalayan Pink Salt. Every time you shower, use this salt soap to enhance the bathing experience. The high mineral content of Himalayan pink salt makes it effective in revitalizing skin tissues and leaving the skin soft and supple.
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What Is Himalayan Pink Salt Soap?
Do not confuse Himalayan pink salt soap with regular beauty soap, as it does not produce leather. This is a small bar of Himalayan rock salt, which is some of the purest salt in the world from the Himalayan salt mines in Pakistan. This salt is said to contain a variety of trace elements that you will also find in salt soap. The minerals of this pink salt also give this salt soap a natural pink color.
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Himalayan pink salt soap with its inherent trace elements and minerals offers many therapeutic benefits. These salt soap bars are 100% natural and untreated. From deep cleansing the skin to inhibiting bacteria, these Himalayan salt bars help hydrate and cleanse the skin. There is a correct way to use these salt soap bars to get these benefits.
Properties of Himalayan Pink Salt Soap
These salt soap bars are completely different from leather soaps and have the following properties.
Rich in Minerals
Pink salt is a natural mineral that contains more than 80 trace elements and minerals that are compatible with the human body, including magnesium, zinc, potassium, sulfur, iron, and many others. By demineralizing the body and balancing the pH level, these salt soaps provide the benefits of pure minerals. Antioxidants are abundant in it, giving you a healthy glow every time you use it.
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Salt has been used for centuries to inhibit bacterial growth for food preservation. The same is true for the skin. Pink salt deeply cleanses the skin by inhibiting bacteria. Due to this property, salt soap can be useful in treating skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc.
No Chemicals
These salt soap bars are made with natural pink salt that has no processing or additives. Plus, they're cruelty-free and paraben-free, making them useful for everyone.
Himalayan Pink Salt Soap Benefits
These salt soap bars have many benefits for your skin and wellness, which makes them very useful. Let's take a look at some of the top Himalayan pink salt pink soap benefits.
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Gives You a Feeling of Freshness
Natural pink rock salt crystals from the foothills of the Himalayas are packed with nature's most effective trace minerals, which gently cleanse and mineralize skin for a smooth, fresh feeling all day long.
Exfoliates and Hydrates
Pink salt has exfoliating properties. The fine salt crystals gently exfoliate the skin, revealing the fresh skin hidden under the layer of dead cells and impurities. Himalayan pink salt can help you moisturize the skin by repairing rough and dry skin.
Eliminates Dead Skin Cells
Himalayan soap can also be used as a pumice stone to remove calluses and dead skin cells to reveal shiny new cells.
Offers In-Home Spa Massages
If you are looking for a quick and easy way to soothe your muscles and body, use the pink salt bar for a massage and enjoy a spa experience right in your own home. Hot salt bath soap helps your body relax and soothes your muscles. Whether it's a long hard day at work or you have stiff muscles, hot rods will relieve all fatigue and pain.
For the salt massage, heat the salt stick for 2-3 minutes in the oven at 300 degrees. Once the pink salt bar is hot, wrap it in a towel to massage your body for an instant cooling sensation. Putting on your favorite oil will increase the benefits. This salt massage is perfect for those days when you need to relax your body.
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Protects Against Bacteria
It is highly recommended for oily, acne-prone skin. Many skin conditions, including dry or oily skin, eczema, and acne, can be controlled with the regular use of Himalayan pink salt soap. It can help treat bacterial and fungal skin infections. The protective layer of salt on the skin will protect it from bacteria. It has great exfoliating qualities and will cleanse your skin.
Natural Deodorant
The salty component of the soap quickly kills germs, removes your body odor, and inhibits the growth of new bacteria, making it a great aluminum-free body deodorant.
How to Use Himalayan Pink Salt Bar Soap?
Although these salt bars can be applied directly to the skin, it is advisable to first rub the salt into your hands before applying it to your face and body if you have sensitive skin or use the soap with your children.
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Simply moisten the salt bar and rub it between your hands or you can wrap the Himalayan pink salt soap in a soft, damp towel or cloth before applying it to your skin. After taking a bath or shower, apply to the body. Dry it. You may feel a slight burning sensation for a few minutes. If you want, you can remove the salt crystals by hand or with a cloth without using water.
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digitalcombination · 2 years
Best Soap with Sulfur in 2022
Best Soap with Sulfur in 2022
Soap with sulfur is often excluded from skin care products because of its particular smell. Fortunately, sulfur soaps do not feel bad. Some of the best sulfur soaps can help clarify acne and treat other skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and dandruff. Keep reading to find out why use sulfur soaps on your skin is beneficial. How To Choose Best Soap with Sulfur ? Ingredients to…
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vixeria · 3 years
The Taste of COVID.
I’ve been living with some COVID after-effects...
I knew that I would get these after-effects after contracting the virus. Back in late December when I first caught it, it felt stinkin’ awful. And then over the course of like, a month or two, I regained my sense of taste and smell again. Weirdest sensations I’ve ever been through, to be honest. I was absolutely ecstatic to be able to enjoy my favorite foods again.
And then I drank some coffee. I don’t know if this was a trigger effect or what but I started drinking coffee at some point, and absolutely loved the taste of it. I went through about a case of those little starbucks coffees that comes in a glass bottle that you can get from like Walmart or Jack in the Box. Anyway, after I finished off that case, I went back for more. And then it happened.
I started tasting....something. I don’t know if it was sulfur or if it was something else. I’ve never tasted sulfur before, and if I have, I can’t really identify it by taste. Not really. It was god-awful. I couldn’t drink anymore coffee. “What a waste,” I had thought at the time. And I was just starting to get into that coffee, too.
But it was downhill from there. Slowly but surely, it was gradually getting worse. I can’t stand faucet water- smells like sewage. I can’t stand doing laundry- I have to hold my nose because my favorite soap that I use, smells like... COVID. All of my clothing, all of my bedding, it smells like COVID. Bar soaps smell spicy. I almost want to compare the scent of bar soaps to like leaves, the kinds you would maybe make teas out of that are a bit more potent. Hand soap smells heavenly. Everything smells like... meat. McDonald’s meat, to be more precise. All foods, taste like McDonald’s meat. I physically can’t eat meat very much anymore because the very thought of it makes me feel sick. Lots of things don’t taste right anymore. I use to describe this smell as raw meat, but it has since changed and now I can’t figure out what it smells like. The food I miss most... is bacon.
My entire diet was once burgers and fries. (I literally lived off potatoes because I’m such a picky eater. Don’t know why, it just happened that way. *shrugs*) Now, my entire diet is nothing but rice and egg. I can’t stand egg just by itself, though. Eggs in general disgust me. Oh, and squeeze cheese. That stuff is so gross, but I can eat it. Squeeze cheese, crackers, eggs, and rice. That’s it. My diet. :/
Anyways, just thought I’d share my experience here with you guys. Thought it might come in handy for those interested in after-effects of COVID. I heard that putting yourself through scent and taste training might help bring back your senses, buuuuuut I’ve been doing that and it’s only a little more bareable these days. >.<
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sedehaven · 4 years
City Bus Haiku
in the burned-out church
the body of christ is crank
dried blood stained his hands
steel bars etched safety
sigils on glass to ward off
graffiti hexes
pride smelled of soap and
fresh laundry and screams in clean
sneakers and cornrows
dewy fog rolls in
coating us all in drops of
refreshing sewage
sulfur lights shine dim
like drops of amber leaking
sap on onyx streets
-- S. E. De Haven
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