#Sun Exposure
darkangel1791 · 10 months
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simpleman193 · 10 months
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tombama · 1 year
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Lighting and Exposure comes together
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Getting sunburn on the small part of your scalp that is exposed where you part your hair is the WORST
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Got really bad sunburn on my legs cos I can’t wear sun cream due to allergies and was stuck in the sun. Fortunately had UV sleeves on my arms, might need to get some for my legs too.
Aqueous cream to the rescue, hoping it heals alright and stops hurting soon.
Update: it got worse, turns out my new meds cause bad sunburn and photo sensitivity. Only on a low dose so far so it’s probably going to get worse. :(
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harmeet-saggi · 11 months
Is Sunshine Bad For Skin? Bursting The Myths And Clarifying Sun Safety
Sunshine is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it provides essential vitamin D, lifts our mood, and gives us a healthy glow. On the other hand, it's often associated with skin damage, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. With so much conflicting information out there, it's time to clear the confusion about sun safety and determine whether sunshine is truly bad for your skin.
Know more
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beauty2day · 10 months
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What You Need to Know About Skin Care After Sun Exposure
Sun exposure can have both positive and negative effects on your skin. On one hand, it can provide vitamin D, boost your mood, and enhance your appearance. On the other hand, it can also cause sunburn, premature aging, and skin cancer. Therefore, it is important to know how to protect your skin from the sun and how to take care of it after sun exposure.
How to Protect Your Skin from the Sun
The best way to protect your skin from the sun is to avoid excessive sun exposure, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun's rays are the strongest. However, if you have to go outside during these hours, you should follow these tips:
- Wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and broad-spectrum protection, which can block both UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays can penetrate deeper into the skin and cause wrinkles, sagging, and dark spots. UVB rays can damage the surface of the skin and cause sunburn and skin cancer. You should apply sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours or after sweating or swimming.
- Wear protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, hats, and sunglasses. You can also look for clothes with UPF (ultraviolet protection factor), which can indicate how much UV radiation can pass through the fabric. The higher the UPF, the better the protection. For example, a shirt with UPF 50 can block 98% of UV rays.
- Seek shade whenever possible, such as under trees, umbrellas, or awnings. However, keep in mind that shade does not provide complete protection, as UV rays can still reflect from the ground, water, or sand. Therefore, you should still wear sunscreen and clothing even if you are in the shade.
- Avoid artificial tanning, such as tanning beds, lamps, or booths. These devices can emit UV rays that are even more intense than the sun and can increase your risk of skin cancer and aging. If you want to have a tan, you can opt for safer alternatives, such as self-tanning products or spray tans.
How to Take Care of Your Skin After Sun Exposure
Even if you follow the above tips, you may still experience some degree of sun damage after being outside. This is because the sun can affect your skin in various ways, such as:
- Dehydrating your skin, which can make it dry, flaky, and tight. This can also impair your skin's barrier function, which can make it more vulnerable to infections and irritants.
- Inflaming your skin, which can cause redness, swelling, pain, and itching. This can also trigger the production of free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage your skin cells and DNA.
- Pigmenting your skin, which can cause tanning, freckles, or dark spots. This is a result of your skin producing more melanin, which is a pigment that can protect your skin from further sun damage. However, too much melanin can also cause uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation.
- Aging your skin, which can cause wrinkles, sagging, and loss of elasticity. This is a result of your skin breaking down collagen and elastin, which are the proteins that give your skin its structure and firmness.
To minimize these effects and help your skin recover after sun exposure, you should follow these tips:
- Wash your skin gently with a mild cleanser and lukewarm water. This can help remove any dirt, sweat, or sunscreen residue from your skin and prevent clogged pores and breakouts. Avoid using harsh soaps, scrubs, or hot water, as they can irritate your skin and strip away its natural oils.
- Moisturize your skin generously with a hydrating lotion or cream. This can help replenish the moisture that your skin lost from the sun and restore its barrier function. Look for moisturizers that contain soothing and healing ingredients, such as aloe vera, chamomile, oatmeal, or green tea. Avoid moisturizers that contain alcohol, fragrance, or retinoids, as they can dry out or sensitize your skin.
- Cool your skin with a cold compress, ice pack, or damp cloth. This can help reduce the inflammation, pain, and itching that your skin may experience after sun exposure. You can also use products that contain cooling and anti-inflammatory ingredients, such as menthol, cucumber, or calamine. Avoid applying ice directly to your skin, as it can cause frostbite or damage your blood vessels.
- Treat your skin with products that can repair the sun damage and prevent further harm. For example, you can use products that contain antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, or niacinamide, which can neutralize the free radicals and brighten your skin tone. You can also use products that contain ingredients that can stimulate collagen and elastin production, such as peptides, growth factors, or retinol. However, be careful with using products that can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, such as alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, or benzoyl peroxide. You should use them at night and always wear sunscreen during the day.
- Hydrate your body internally by drinking plenty of water and fluids. This can help replenish the water that your body lost from sweating and prevent dehydration, which can affect your skin and overall health. You can also eat foods that are rich in water, such as fruits, vegetables, soups, or smoothies. Avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine, or sugary drinks, as they can dehydrate your body and worsen your skin condition.
Sun exposure can have both positive and negative effects on your skin, depending on how much and how often you expose yourself to it. To protect your skin from the sun and take care of it after sun exposure, you should follow the tips mentioned above and consult your dermatologist if you have any concerns or questions. By doing so, you can enjoy the benefits of the sun while minimizing its risks and keeping your skin healthy and beautiful.
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murkcanis · 1 year
I love the summer because it’s that time of the year where I slowly become reacquainted with my freckles.
Oh, I didn’t realize I had a freckle there!
Wow, my arms are very spotted! How cute!
Since when did I have freckles on my shoulder?
My legs have freckles?
Wait, this hand never had freckles before? Wtf?
Why do I have a straight line on my wrist? Not even a cluster that happens to have a straight line in it, but like an actual fucking straight line.
Man, this kinda looks like melanoma? Maybe? Oh wait, nm, just an oddly dark freckle. Nothing to fear.
This looks like an eyeball.
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When it’s time for a skin cancer screening, knowing what to expect can alleviate much of the anxiety associated with visiting a skin cancer specialist. These screenings are vital for early detection and successful treatment. Here’s a straightforward guide on what to expect during your visit to a skin cancer doctor in Palm Coast, Florida.
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familythings · 20 days
Good Health Importance: Essential Roles of Vitamins K and D
In the pursuit of optimal health, it’s exciting to discover the profound impact that certain nutrients have on our well-being, especially for women. Vitamins K and D play pivotal roles in maintaining not just bone strength, but overall vitality. Despite their crucial functions, it’s empowering to remember that many overlook the importance of these vitamins in their daily diet. From supporting…
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nancykhemchandani · 2 months
Safely Boost Vitamin D: Sun Smart Tips & Alternatives
Discover safe ways to get Vitamin D without sun damage. Tips on diet, supplements, and smart sun exposure. Stay healthy without risking your skin.
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facts1590 · 2 months
Safely Boost Vitamin D: Sun Smart Tips & Alternatives
Discover safe ways to get Vitamin D without sun damage. Tips on diet, supplements, and smart sun exposure. Stay healthy without risking your skin.
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marissadickens · 2 months
Acne and sun: hate or love?
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Undoubtedly, one of the most frequently questions is related to what kind of effects the sun triggers on the skin with acne, positive or negative? The sun is a source of benefit and resource not only for the environment, but also for our body. However, excessive exposure turns the sun into one of the worst enemies for skin health. And what about acne? Does the sun cause beneficial or threatening effects? Find out by continuing to read this article, and if you are looking for innovative treatments to have a radiant skin and at the maximum of its appearance, click here!
The sun’s positive effects on acne
The sun, with its anti-inflammatory effect, is able to dry the superficial pustules and treat seborrheic acne. However, it is important to apply adequate sunscreen to avoid sunburn and burns, which may aggravate acne. Let’s see in detail the benefits of the sun for skin with acne:
· Reduction of inflammation: Sunlight contains UV rays that can have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, and they can reduce redness and irritation caused by acne.
· Decreased sebum production: Sun exposure can help reduce sebum production, one of the key factors in acne.
· Improvement of the skin appearance: Many people with acne report that their skin appears brighter after spending time outdoors.
· Antibacterial effect: Some studies have shown that sunlight can have an antibacterial effect, helping to reduce the proliferation of bacteria on the skin.    
  The sun’s negative effects on acne
Let’s start with the observation that prolonged exposure to the sun can exacerbate the symptoms of acne. The sun increases the production of sebum, the natural oil of the skin, which can clog the pores and cause the formation of new pimples. Let’s see these negative effects:
· Dryness and irritation: Excessive exposure to UV rays can cause dryness, irritation, and flaking of the skin, worsening the appearance of acne. When excessive exposure to the sun dehydrates the skin, the sebaceous glands become overloaded and this production of excess sebum, known as seborrhea, is one of the key factors in the formation of impurities.
· Photosensitivity: Some medications used to treat acne, such as tretinoin and antibiotics, can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight, increasing the risk of sunburn and damage.
· Increased sebum production: Prolonged and unprotected exposure to the sun can stimulate sebum production, worsening acne in the long term. This also happens because hot air can promote bacterial growth and lead to infections that can cause the formation of deeper and painful pimples.
· Increased imperfections: The sun promotes the thickening of the skin, and this thickening blocks the hair follicles and prevents the leakage of sebum. This causes the formation of blackheads and microcysts that can degenerate into inflammatory lesions.
Many theories exist about the effects of the sun on the skin, especially regarding acne. It has long been believed that sun exposure could help treat acne becausepimples seemed to disappear or shrink after a day in the sun. However, as we have seen, this feeling of improvement is often only temporary and does not affect all types of acne.
So what is the right answer? The answer is that sun exposure can have both positive and negative effects on the skin with acne. It is important to find the right balance and follow the necessary precautions to get the maximum benefit from sun exposure without worsening the condition of the skin.
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I used to not care at all about wearing sunscreen. But now I have a sister-in-law who is a doctor and who kindly reminds us of the dangers of sun exposure and skin cancer every summer. Also my body is covered in scars which make my skin very sensitive. So now I always wear sunscreen even though, like most people, I hate the feeling.
Wear sunscreen, kids (and not-kids, too)
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techdriveplay · 2 months
How to Protect Your Car from Sun Damage
Sun damage can wreak havoc on your car’s exterior and interior, diminishing its value and aesthetics. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies to shield your vehicle from harmful UV rays and heat. Did you know that UV radiation can fade your car’s paint by up to 60% within just five years? Additionally, prolonged exposure to sunlight can increase interior temperatures by over 30…
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It has a great fatty acid profile, particularly Omega 9 fatty acids such as Oleic acid. This acid has several advantages; it penetrates deep into the skin and prevents it from splitting and cracking. It also contains Linoleic fatty acid, which can protect against transdermal loss, which is the loss of water from the first layer of skin caused by excessive sun exposure. The natural process of aging is unavoidable, but it is sometimes accelerated by a variety of environmental variables. Organic Karanj Oil is astringent, which keeps the skin raised and tight. This reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Its moisturizing property also helps prevent roughness and dryness of skin, which can contribute to crow's feet.
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