#exterior care
techdriveplay · 2 months
How to Protect Your Car from Sun Damage
Sun damage can wreak havoc on your car’s exterior and interior, diminishing its value and aesthetics. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies to shield your vehicle from harmful UV rays and heat. Did you know that UV radiation can fade your car’s paint by up to 60% within just five years? Additionally, prolonged exposure to sunlight can increase interior temperatures by over 30…
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Get Ready For Storm Season: Essential Steps To Protect Your Roof And Property
Get Ready For Storm Season: Essential Steps To Protect Your Roof And Property - #homeimprovementreferral #Cleaning, #HomeImprovement, #Roofing, #Tips - https://www.homeimprovementreferral.com/get-ready-for-storm-season-essential-steps-to-protect-your-roof-and-property-2023-05/
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problemduetest4life · 2 months
jerejean with the “I’m a lover not a fighter” quote but Jeremy is a fighter who became a lover and Jean is a lover forced to be a fighter
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stardust-falling · 8 months
SVSSS fandom really needs to learn what “white lotus” really means because I feel like that would clear up a lot of arguments tbh.
Hint: it probably doesn’t mean what you think it means.
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youchoseeachother · 1 year
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Sam, getting to know Dean in season 1.
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l3irdl3rain · 3 months
Do you plan on adopting or fostering flat one or is he just a little guy you see at work? Either way, he's adorable!!
i just see her at work........ that's all we are. just work friends. idk why you're grilling me like this (jesting). i just like... want to bash my head into a wall over her. you know?
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arsene-fixates · 2 months
Informant Really Does Care (About Family)
I got brain worms the other night so (arms stretched wide) hi everyone thanks for tuning in to yet another analysis of this guy
this one's a combination of a continuation to my older 'he cares about the townspeople' analysis and also a third parter to my analysis about his family
spoilers under the cut as always ^_^
Initially i had thought that Informant didn't truly like his family, with how dismissive he was when he first revealed himself to felix in the forest-- his words being 'i had to leave my friends, home, and family' with family being the last in the list (mild hinting at how he wasnt really a fan of them from the start)
or how when informant and felix first reunited, they had almost gotten into 2 arguments, first one due to felix almost resigning as the mayor and informant trying to convince him not to do so, which led to informant revealing that felix has never really listened to him when they were children and was always making decisions for him
the second argument being how felix wants informant to come back and throw away his life of being the informant and just live as his brother which leads to informant cutting himself off from the family
but in the scene where he decides to cut himself off from his family, he says this
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but the thing is that even with how detached he acts towards felix, he genuinely does care still
like.. informant was going to sacrifice himself by becoming the wolf forever for the sake of felix, to put his worries at ease, and just before he was going to do it, he asked me to give him a locket which contained a picture of him and felix when they were young and he says this
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'it reminded me of what truly matters'
or when he had to submit to the witch to figure out why he was acting so recklessly, (the thought parasite arc) the thing that calmed him down was a childhood memory and he has also kept keepsakes from their childhood. I Am Crazy
I feel like this strained behavior that he has around his family is connected to an inferiority complex he has, similarly to how he doesn't talk about himself much, he also tends to brush his own issues aside
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note how he says it has a passing remark, lets it linger for a bit and then just moves on as if it isn't a big deal
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"i still bring my loved ones so much trouble" and "i thought felix would be better off with me"
i think this was a product of the thing that felix had said to him just before informant disappeared
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"I have no time. There's a pile of papers i have to deal with" and while felix did admit that the paperwork was more important to him than informant at the time, his disappearance was a burden on his shoulders <- his words
and reminder, informant was already a pretty solitary person (and frankly, quite lonely) before he became the werewolf, a person who had always kept to himself
i imagine felix saying this was also a blow to his self esteem. He never felt he fit in with the people around him, and now his own family is turning him away? it must be hard to have to warm up to family again after being apart for so long
he misses him, but he acts detached, arguing as if they were young and then cutting himself off from the family... Informant feels too kind for his own good if i could be honest, kind and independent to a fault.
i was absolutely fooled by him.. he truly does care...
ALSO i don't know if i mentioned this in the previous family analysis stuff but one thing i love about felix and informant is how they perceive each other's actions differently
Felix is protective of informant because he's his little brother, and by quite a large age gap too so its natural for him to feel like an instinct to worry and want the best for him but but informant perceives that as felix being controlling
and Informant wanting to take back that control of his life.. felix perceives that as informant rebelling and "not him" because informant had been obedient to him for so long and now that informant's doing his own thing felix feels apprehensive to it
blood is thicker than water but neither water or blood can account for separation from it's source. they've existed outside their roles as siblings for so long with different experiences that they're just different people at this point
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hooved · 2 years
honestly one of my favorite things about quark is that he's literally one of the good guys but he's just awful. he just sucks so much. everyone around him kinda hates him but they kinda love him too. they're just like yeah that's quark 🙄 he's a lying scamming selfish whore but sometimes if you're having a really shit day he'll give you a free drink and a surprisingly sincere pep talk so i guess he's not so bad actually
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mickeym4ndy · 2 months
doctor/grey’s anatomy AU where Mickey is the Alex Karev type and is an asshole to everyone at first but then unexpectedly becomes a brilliant pediatric surgeon and you see how caring he is beneath his tough exterior and he is still a bit of an asshole to everyone besides his patients (and Ian)
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midnightsun-if · 7 months
Funny ask cause you said Helena is stressed when her parents are visiting, what would be her reaction if baby or toddler MC ran up to hug them first time meeting them?
Panic. Actual panic. She’d quickly lunge for the MC and grab you, holding you in her arms so you didn’t rush at her parents.
If she wasn’t able to do so and you reached Elizabeth and Rainier?
Well… Rainier would offer you a smile, albeit a small one, and sort of give a small head nod in acknowledgment of your presence, but he wouldn’t do much more than that. “It seems your child is in high spirits, Helena.” Maneuvering away from your touch, making room for his daughter to grab you, he tilts his head. “I assume it’s something they’ve acquired from Saraya?”
Elizabeth? She’d completely stiffen up the moment you made contact with her leg and she’d get a look on her face that’d be almost impossible to decipher. She’d pat your head but then sort of shoo you away. “What a delightful—” Her lips purse, clearly trying to work over a polite adjective, ruby eyes meeting her daughter’s. “—creature you have here, Helena. Do you plan to keep this one too?”
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uris9158 · 9 months
sangsoo have such an interesting and compelling dynamic bc they're so different that the contrast between their personalities is so chef's kiss.... han sooyoung is all rough edges, anger, bluntness, tsundere, tough meanie persona on the outside (but actually so full of love) while yoo sangah is so calm, composed, kind, intelligent, perceptive, and i love the way she teases han sooyoung...
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fvkvrodani · 2 months
these days i look at arthur & wonder if he'd have changed had he not contracted tb... bc he already knew that the world doesnt allow outlaws. he already knew or at least suspected that dutch didnt have the gang's best interest. he already knew how things would turn out... or at least suspected.
bc i feel like even without tb, arthur still wouldve tried to save ppl simply bc thats just who he is; hes a responsible, caring person beneath all that tough guy act. & even if dutch was his father that man was tearing the family apart w his madness & bringing other ppl—innocent ppl—down w him too...
he might have grumbled, huffed & puffed, & self-deprecated his way through but he would have still helped people in ch5 & ch6 w/o the tb... the illness just accelerated everything...
("i aint a do-gooder" mhmhmm so why did you help albert mason even tho you had nothing to gain from his friendship? why do you keep helping strangers that have nothing to benefit you financially? why did you rescue a young girl from a murderous incestuous cult, sent her back home, & refused the money her mom was offering you for her return? why do you keep rescuing & helping ppl left right & center everywhere you go?
low honor arthur is canon but high honor arthur is even more so bc of all the things you can do in some of the stranger missions... where youre basically forced by the narrative to help them. sure, some of them do give money to arthur but some dont... some of the stranger missions he does are truly out of the goodness thats hidden in him.)
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notyixiangs · 16 days
big fan of characters who understand each other so well that they are able to use each other’s weaknesses against each other. characters who have been inseparable for so long (whether they like it or not) that they’ve witnessed each other’s crest and fall and studied each other’s dispositions like specimens beneath glass. as a result they’ve crawled into the cracks in each other’s skin & mapped out the soft underbelly hidden beneath all that confidence and pride. so now they’re calling out the other person’s most shameful flaws, sniping at the most sensitive bits of scar tissue they try so desperately to hide, digging out their most humiliating memories or those filled with grief.
if you’re lovers or close friends, then you’re forced to realize that yes, to be loved is to be known, but to be known is also to flay yourself open. you cannot declare yourself above the risk of having someone take advantage of your wounds & you cannot transcend the vulnerability that comes as love’s collateral damage
if you’re enemies… then all i can say is that the sweet respite of enduring coexistence for so long is that you know precisely how to take each other apart. you know how to play the other like putty beneath your fingertips by tugging at their pain points, and that in itself is a glorious thing—but equally so, the knowledge that they can enact the exact same thing on you is inordinately terrifying
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
Every description about Nico (especially the canon ones) describing him as “cold” can personally fight me. Nico is jaded, yes, and often closed-off and sometimes stand-offish and defensive but he is not "cold”. He cares SO SO SO MUCH about EVERYONE. He loves and cares with his entire heart constantly and that is a core part of his character. He doesn’t often make public shows of his affection but he takes care to be kind when it matters and doesn’t hide that he does care (usually, the only exception really being him being in the closet, but even then he only hid his crush specifically and not the fact that Percy is important to him). He fine with hugging his friends in front of a crowd and will sit with strangers at a campfire just so they’re not alone. I mean, heck, he’s an extrovert! We know this! He actively seeks out people and gets lonely very quickly and easily! If he can’t talk to living people he will chat with the dead! That’s how much he thrives on being social!
The only time Nico has ever been actively “cold” was the couple of months between TTC and BoTL when he was actively mourning Bianca. Nico is not “cold.” He loves so much and he does show it, just in his own way.
#pjo#riordanverse#nico di angelo#analysis#brought to you by: I saw a blurb for TSATS that said something like ''Will melted through Nico's icy heart/cold exterior''#and it made me want to tear something apart with my teeth because of how Blatantly Incorrect that is#like that is a disservice to both their characters.#a.) Will did not ''fix'' Nico or ''change'' him or anything. He is just a source of joy in Nico's life#TOA even explicitly acknowledges that them dating did not ''fix'' Nico and that Nico is actively getting outside help for his trauma/etc#and b.) Nico is not cold!!! He has never been a cold person!!! there's a reason ''emo'' is short for ''emotional!''#Nico's character is ENTIRELY DRIVEN BY LOVE AND CARE FOR OTHER PEOPLE#yes he's jaded but he's only jaded in a way of being afraid of letting people into his life because he's afraid to lose them#not that it stops him because it sure does keep happening anyways because SURPRISE. HE LOVES TOO MUCH.#HE LITERALLY CANNOT HELP HIMSELF HE LOVES PEOPLE SO STRONGLY AND SO DEEPLY HE CANNOT STAY JADED ABOUT IT#he just keeps going ''Okay *THIS* time I won't let this person into my life to risk heartbreak- AW FUCK I'VE DONE IT AGAIN''#SO MUCH of his character is entirely driven by ''I care about people. I dont want them to suffer what i have suffered or suffer at all''#like really the only times we ever see Nico being actively angry/snappy at people#is like a.) He is either actively being majorly hurt or has just recently been majorly hurt (Bianca's death. Being outed. etc)#b.) Someone is hurting others is going to bring harm to others (Calling out his dad in TLO. Killing Bryce)#or c.) Someone is doubting or calling into question his lived experiences (Basically any scene where people say he's pushing people away)#other than that Nico actually tends to give people way more lenience than necessary. he will put up with a LOT#and he won't even call people out on it or hold a grudge about it (i see you alleged Nico's fatal flaw. you're wrong)#unless it's like. something A Lot Of People Do Often (ex: push him away/exclude him/etc)#at which point he might be like. mildly upset about it but not much more then that. which is just a normal measured response.#anyways Nico's not cold he's just autistic
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waitineedaname · 3 months
She would’ve expected the softness to have been beaten out of him by everything that had happened. She knew it would have been beaten out of her, if she were in his shoes. In some ways, he had hardened up. He was harsher, colder, more pragmatic. It fit him, made him seem more mature as a sect leader. And yet, by some strange miracle, she was allowed to see beyond the facade of Jiang Wanyin, sect leader. Hidden beneath those hard layers was a boy that still cared with such an intensity it would someday tear him apart.  For reasons she could not fathom, he shed that shell around her, and trusted her with the soft interior. She did not feel like she should be trusted with this vulnerable core of his person, but to explain why would be to change everything, so she took the vulnerability he handed her and did her best not to shake.
I've finally finished the Golden Core reveal part of my chengqing fake marriage au! this fic ended up way longer than I planned because I enjoyed writing Wen Qing's POV too much. oops.
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lovereadandwrite · 5 months
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happy birthday Chuuya bbyyy😭♥️
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