#Sun and Moon show Golden Freddy
Golden: Studies show that keeping a ladder inside a house is more dangerous than a loaded gun. That's why I own ten guns. In case some maniac tries to sneak in a ladder!
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auzzyash · 1 year
The fandom: Who's your favorite SAMS/TSBS character? Me: Obviously it's Lunar. The fandom: That's such a basic fucking bitch answer. Me: Alright, you wanna real answer?! The fandom: Yes! Me: The god-wizard brother-issued single father of two children that founded the company that gave animatronics rights and has had 57 ex-wives who also only shows up once every few months. The fandom: ... Me: Look it up!
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the-faketiccit0by · 1 year
Weird idea I had for the sugar baby Lunar AU
Lunar going to Golden's house shortly after being resurrected. In need of comfort that he knows only Golden can provide
"comfort" was really just screaming about how much of a bitch Eclipse was while throwing daggers into dummies...
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poppyseedoncaffeine · 2 years
In character and out of character all at the same time
Golden Freddy, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Monty: Hey. Sun: Hi. Moon: Hello. Lunar: Hey! Golden Freddy: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Monty: We were out of Doritos.
Moon: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Monty: >:O language Lunar: Yeah watch your fucking language Eclipse: Okay, who taught Lunar the fuck word?! Bloody: 'The fuck word'. Sun: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Lunar: Oh my god they censored it Bloody: Say fuck, Sun. Lunar: Do it, Sun. Say fuck.
Lunar: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Moon and Monty's convo? Sun: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. Eclipse: I'm in the washing machine. Bloody: I'm in the closet. Sun: We accept you Bloody. <3 Bloody: No I'm literally in the closet. Sun: Love is love. <3
Earth: Wait. Where's Monty? She loves Dungeons and Dragons. Sun: I thought you invited them. Lunar: Uh, I thought Moon invited him. Moon: 'I thought Moon invited them.' Moon: I never invite them.
Lunar: You know, Bloody, when you generalize, you tell general... lies. Bloody: ... Bloody: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns?
Eclipse: I’m having salad for dinner! Sun: Eclipse: Well, fruit salad. Eclipse: Actually, it’s mostly grapes. Sun: Eclipse: Okay, it’s all grapes. Eclipse: Fermented grapes. Sun: Eclipse: Sun: Eclipse: It’s wine. Eclipse: I’m having wine for dinner.
Monty: If I had a face like yours, I'd put it on a wall and throw a brick at it. Moon: If I had a face like YOURS, I'd put it on a brick and throw a wall at it.
Earth: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life. Lunar: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back... Eclipse: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this. Sun: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years. Monty: I knew I lost that potential somewhere. Moon: Mental stability, my old friend! Earth: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Eclipse: Silence is golden. Lunar: Duct tape is silver.
*In the chip aisle at Walmart, doing a late-night grocery run.* Moon: *Minding their own business, looking for tortilla chips.* Moon: *Finds tortilla chips.* Sun, to Monty: See, they know what they're here for. They know what they're doing. Be more like them. Make a decision, Monty!
Lunar: Though I admit I don’t know much about you, I am feeling pretty confident in my assessment that you are probably some sort of sick deadly fuck. Bloody: Who told you my secret? Lunar: you.
Sun: Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Monty: Why start now?
Moon: What's worse than a heartbreak? Sun: Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Monty: Sun told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
Lunar: How do Monty and Moon usually get out of these messes? Sun: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.
Moon: You think you're smarter than everyone else. Eclipse: I don't think I'm smarter than everyone else. I know I am.
Lunar: Moon and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us. Sun: What did he do? Lunar: He chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and- Moon: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
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ikamigami · 2 years
I'm glad that finally someone said that to Sun! That what he did for Moon was enough! He was always there for Moon when he needed him!
I love Golden Freddy so much! And please give Sun therapy, GF! I'd appreciate that! ☺️💗
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(Warning: Possible spoilers for The Sun and Moon Show)
So to anyone that has watched The Sun and Moon Show most likely watched "Finding Golden Freddy in VRCHAT with Sun and Moon", and If yes than you might've remember that Golden Freddy reveals that animatronics are bio-organic and Its all thanks to him, which allows animatronics to do things only organic beings could do, including but not limited to procreation, hence how Golden Freddy even started a family with his wife, I bring this up cause I started to wonder... What would happen If an animatronic and a human have a child together, would they be 100% human, an animatronic, or would they be a hybrid, like some kind of cyborg?
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asmodeus-682 · 1 year
A Lord Lunar AU I made
In this AU "Lord Lunar" or as he is titled in his realm "Prince Lunar" is a young kid; around 2 to 4 years old. Golden Freddy being his royal advisor and the only other person there that had been around since before the world was reset.
How the world reset
Simply putting it, Lunar had accidentally reset the world when trying to get rid of Eclipse. In doing so not only did he eradicate almost everyone else; but also got reverted to a younger age. Golden Freddy had found P!Lunar crying and hugging a seemingly normal Monty Plush. This plush actually being the star. Goldie felt bad for Lunar and chose to raise him and aid in ruling the newly made kingdom.
Prince Lunar's Powers
Lunar has 2 main Powers he can control in this AU; levitation and teleportation. Along with this he has one he is unable to control, that being reflecting his sadness onto others when he cries (similar to Blue Diamond's ability in SU) which due to his grief and being a kid is relatively common. He also has enhanced hearing but I don't count it as a power more of a small feature he has as a result of the star's powers.
Kingdom scenery
The Kingdom is different shades of dark blue and purple; along with this there is a constant cloudy sky. To the point of people never being able to tell if it's day or night. The buildings all look rather calm despite the gloomy atmosphere of the Kingdom.
That is all for now, might elaborate further and make art of Prince Lunar (and possibly Advisor Goldie too) at some point. Along with naming this au
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that-fox-thing · 4 months
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
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En entire stained glass window that will be hidden behind 80% of the wedding art hsgdgs
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moonlit-dreamers · 2 years
uhm uh sun and moon show meme go brr
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edit: I'd also like to mention that i find it very funny that the image i took of sun was from the body swap video, so thats not actually sun- but it works
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justdrawlynn11 · 1 day
Hehehe- I used 24k Magic from Bruno Mars-
This is based off of when Moon used to have magic! I wanted to do something silly and I mainly used my school notes app for the main drawings!
Of course we needed the Golden Freddy Seal of approval for Moon’s magic usage-
I just wanted to make something silly-
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Golden: People have told me "Freddy, letters are a great way of staying in touch with old friends"
Golden: At this point, when I want to get in touch with old friends I need a quija board
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darkxsoulzyx · 2 years
Haha anyways, I’ve been watching the sun and moon show aaaand
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the-faketiccit0by · 1 year
Golden freddy: *yeets Lunar at Sun and Moon* take your nasty gremlin back
Moon: uuh- what did he do??
Lunar: I bit his ass
Sun: checks out
Moon: more like cheeks out...
Golden: I'm not a harlot walking around naked in my own home Moon
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poppyseedoncaffeine · 2 years
CH. 7
A/N: Lunar is a little suspicious of Eclipse, jus' jus' little bit. just an itty bitty little bit. Also I like to think that for no reason whatsoever Earth has a light southern accent. its just a little one you can hardly notice it but its there. 
        Eclipse had fallen asleep. he hadn't meant to fall asleep on, or more accurately, in the beanbag. He scrubbed at his runny nose before attempting to escape once again, the once comforting feeling of the chair wrapping around him quickly turned frightening. His stomach churned as he attempted to roll out of the stupid contraption, his headache coming back in full force. Hot tears streamed down his face as Eclipse gagged, no no no no! Two hands picked the child up and out of the chair, further frightening the boy. Eclipse turned his head away as he gagged, not wanting to see who was picking him up.
        He was set down, a bin pressed between his legs. He gagged for what seemed like forever, only little bits of vomit coming up. When his body finally decided that there wasn't anything TO throw up, he glanced at who had rescued him. His overly warm face went cold, Lunar sat next to him, and if looks could kill, Eclipse would be dead where he sat. Eclipse shrank back, his head dipping in the bin. Lunar merely grabbed the child's wrist and guided him back to the little house, walking a little to fast for Eclipse. Wait... where was Raccoon?
        Eclipse looked behind him, there still in the beanbag was Raccoon. Eclipse stopped walking, pointing at his abandoned companion, Lunar held no mercy and didn't even look to see what his charge was doing, "you aren't supposed to be out here" his voice lacked any emotion. Eclipse wailed in defiance, he tried his best to stand his ground, his hand reaching for the stuffy. Lunar continued to drag the child along.
        "Now Lunar, one would think you of all people might be better than this" Both boys were startled at the new voice, Earth leaned against the railing above them, eyes trained on Lunar. She slid down the latter and walked over to the bean bag, taking Raccoon in her green hands, "this what you want hunny?" Eclipse nodded excitedly, making grabby hands, or hand as Lunar still held Eclipse captive with the other, at the toy. Earth leaned down and handed Eclipse Raccoon. Lunar's face scrunched up at the interaction.
        "Why are you helping him?" his voice was accusatory as he shifted his gaze between the two. Earths face fell into one of understanding as she crouched down to the bots height, Eclipse was half as tall as Lunar, "ALL HES DONE IS MAKE THINGS BAD!" Eclipse flinched at the tone, he pulled Raccoon closer to his body, nose berried in the fur.
        Earth sighed, "I know its hard to understand darlin' but right now? Hes just a little thing, he couldn't get out of your chair with out your help" Eclipse bowed his head in embarrassment, "I know that big him has done some real bad things, but for now you need to try to treat him like you would to the kids who visit, and if you can't, just ignore him. our brothers and Monty are cooking sumthin' up to see what they can do." Lunar nodded as he let go of Eclipse's wrist. 
        Earth motioned to the little house, Eclipse looked at her then at the house and shook his head, arms wrapped around Raccoon. Earth let out a soft chuckle, "Well you could always sleep with Sun... or... Moon" Eclipse shook his head again and quickly made his way to the little hut, plopping down on the little mat. He could hear Earth talking quietly with Lunar, what they were talking about he didn't know.
        "Alright g'night little one" Eclipse listened to the jingle of Lunar's bells fade away. It was quiet, Eclipse peered out of the door, "BOO" Earths head poked in, Eclipse squealed with delight, his head hurt less now, "Scoot, make way!" Eclipse scrambled into the corner of the hut as Earth crawled in, "goodness, I'm a bit big for this" her head brushed the top of the roof, even with her head down, She clasped her hands together, "So!" Eclipse crawled forward, sitting in front of Earth, Eager to hear what she had to say.
        "I was talkin' to Sun and Moon, and we came to an agreement. That, and I'm not promisin' anything, when you're not sick and you're good, they might just let ya socialize with the other kids" Eclipse bounced up and down, clapping his hands in excitement. Earth put her hand up, Eclipse stopped bouncing, "don't get yer hopes up kiddo, I got them to THINK about it, we still don't know whats going on with you" Eclipse tilted his head, then let out a jaw breaking yawn, Earth chuckled as she began setting up a little nest of blankets and pillows, "such a sleepy boy, so sleepy" Eclipse's eyes drooped as Earth laid him down into the makeshift bed. 
        Soft lullaby's and warm hands lulled him back into the embrace of sleep.  
        Eclipse was taller, Moon was sure of it, the hospital gown that used to reach the child's ankles now reached his shins. He'd have to ask Golden about speed growing. Moon watched with a careful eye as the child played, still a bit sick but much better. One funny thing that had come with this new predicament was Lunar, his little brother had changed his height as well, wanting to stay taller than Eclipse. Solar stood next to him, "it seems almost impossible, such a small thing to be the cause of so much destruction" Moon scoffed, he knew Solar wasn't wrong.
        When Sun had burst into Gator golf screaming his head off, Eclipse in his arms, Moon had wanted to laugh, to believe it was a prank. Sun had sworn up and down, left and right, that it was Eclipse, he even had gotten Eclipse to say who dropped him off, KC. "Yeah, hey have you noticed something?" Moon looked at Solar expectantly.
Solar broke his intent staring at the child, "What?"
"Has he seemed taller to you?" Solar snorted, "What?!" Moon demanded.
Solar chuckled waving whatever ran through his head off, "nothing, you just sound like a grandmother, you must have grown a whole foot since I last saw you!" Solar was promptly punched in the arm.
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
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🎶I smell an endgame level event!🎶
Seriously, we should all probably start worrying about Golden cause I watched this episode and from the sound of it, Golden is either gonna pull a Ruin and start nuking other dimensions or start hunting down people who bring threats to this dimension i.e. Sun,Moon,Lunar,Puppet,Monty,Eclipse...etc etc
I think this will all turn into some endgame level event where all the shows will team up to stop Golden and any other threats he may bring.
I want an endgame level event for TSBS SO BAD!
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