#Suneater fluff
dira333 · 6 months
Muscle Memory - Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
@nenes-numberonefan & @alienaiver because of the amnesia Quirk
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Getting this kind of call will never get any easier, no matter who’s on the other side of it.
“There was an accident at work. Tamaki got hit-” “How bad is it?” You cut Mirio off, already grabbing your keys. “Where are you?”
“Hospital. He’s got a few bruises, nothing more, but he’s got hit with a quirk. Recovery girl is currently with him, but he’s talking and he’s fine, okay?”
“Okay,” you take a deep breath, fight against the quivering of your heart, “I’ll be there in five.”
Tamaki’s hiding under a blanket.
You crouch down, eyes on level with the tiny hole that he kept, no doubt to keep an eye on everything - especially the man that claims to be his best friend.
“Hey, Tamaki… You probably don’t know who I am, but Recovery Girl told me that you got hit with a quirk that made you forget a lot of stuff. I get that everything’s a little confusing right now, so me and Mirio are going to sit back a little and let you ask the questions, okay?”
It’s only when your back is turned that you can hear him rustling, whisper out the question that seems to be plaguing his mind.
“Who is she?” Tamaki asks. “Your girl,” Mirio explains simply.
“My… girlfriend?”
“Wife, actually,” you correct him, turning back with a fresh cup of water. “Quirk’s superhearing.”
He looks up at you as if he’s questioning the existence of the Universe - before realizing that you can see him and diving back under the covers.
Tamaki doesn’t know who you are - not really. He does not remember how you met or who confessed first - you - or who proposed - he did - but he’s drawn to you in a way he cannot explain. Which he tries to explain to you in minute detail while holding your hand in the car.
“I don’t know,” he repeats for the nth time, “But I feel safe with you.”
Mirio snorts from the driver’s seat, but you lean into him, glad that he’s open to it now.
Twenty-four hours of Amnesia, they predicted, when they discharged him.
It’s a bittersweet spectacle. Tamaki is painfully anxious on his best days, though exhaustion seems to ease his mind a little as he clings to you.
He doesn’t even register the wall of pictures in the living room, sinking into the mountain of pillows he insisted on when moving together. 
He’s asleep in seconds, leaving you awake and unsure. Are you allowed to cuddle him like you would if today was a normal day? Or should you stay away, let him set the pace?
There’s a difference between memory and muscle memory.
You’ve known about it, but knowing is not experiencing. 
And it’s an experience for sure, getting surprised by a sleep-walking Tamaki who pulls you from your desk with ease, carrying you back to bed.
“Can’t sleep without you,” he murmurs into your skin so you hold him close like you always do, amnesia or not.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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crimsonredfeathers · 8 months
Imagine having a sparing session with Tamaki. When he's activating his quirk, two huge chicken wings start sprouting from his back, and he's more or less ready to attack you. "Aww," you squeal, staring at your boyfriend in awe, "you look like an angel." Taken off guard, Tamaki lets his wings droop and buries his face in his hands. "Don't say that," he mutters, his cheeks burning against his palms, the training completely forgotten.
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frickingnerd · 2 months
tamaki tutoring a flirty reader
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pairing: tamaki amajiki x gn!reader
tags: wholesome & silly fluff, flirting (one-sided), flustered!tamaki
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tamaki has a hard time saying no, so when you asked him if he could help you study for the upcoming exams, he couldn't help but agree to it
though as soon as you arrived at his dorm room, tamaki began to get flustered and slowly regretted that he agreed or didn't bring anyone else along…
you were being very nice to him, but perhaps a bit too nice!
telling him how cute he looks when he's flustered, gently touching his arm when you want his attention and all those things only made tamaki more flustered!
he could barely focus on tutoring you, when you were sitting so close to him and kept saying things that made his cheeks turn crimson red
by the end of the study session, tamaki had barely taught you anything, as you were busy flirting with him and flustering the poor boy instead…
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mtchee · 2 months
Silence is Silver, Your Voice is Gold - [Tamaki Amajiki] SOULMATE SERIES | GN
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As your schools decide to team up for a term long integration project, you're eager to prove your worth as an aspiring young hero. LOUD AND PROUD! That's who you are! So when you're paired with none other than one of U.A's Big Three, Tamaki Amajiki, your heart shatters when he flinches away from you before you can even utter a word. He gives you a brief, stammered apology--and that's when you realise that maybe, just maybe, your dearly fated had been a cruel mistake. Your own soulmate is terrified of you without even knowing you. So perhaps, it's for the best that you pipe down and let him find someone else to better suit his needs.
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, tamaki is a sweetheart, [name] is outgoing and loud, minor angst, fluff!!!, mentions of two non-canon side characters, smitten [name], anxious but doting tamaki, ugh [name] and tamaki are so cute smh, idk how i feel abt the ending i hope it's okay T-T
| masterlist | boku no hero academia collection |
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"Shut up, [name]," One of your classmates, Kaori, scrunches his nose at you disdainfully, "you're the reason no one talks to us."
Karina, his sister, snorts while you deflate, "It's okay to be excited, [name]. Ignore him. Let's show U.A what we're made of!" She fist pump the air to distract you, and it evidently works when you copy her with a happy whoop.
All third-year hero course students have been gathered to battle ground A and B where they would mingle with the other school's class.
One of the teachers, Miss Midnight, claps her hands and swiftly garners the attention of each student.
"Alright, everybody~" She grins widely with lidded eyes, "time to pair you off with a new buddy! Don't be shy now~ We'll be calling out your names and pitting you against another duo. Now-"
You bound your way over to a tall, spiky eared U.A. student who stands with hunched shoulders and a lowered head once your name is called. Just moments prior you saw him with two others, a broad set blond and a pretty aqua toned girl, both of whom nudged him in your direction before heading to their own partners.
Oh! How cool! He's one of the big three in U.A!
Excitement courses through you at the prospect of working with him, after all, you're not bad yourself!
Taking ground beside him, you stick out a hand and take in a breath before your heroic introduction--when he flinches away at your sudden movement.
A squeak escapes him and he quickly puts more distance between you. Before you can even blink, he's bowed sharply by the waist, murmuring trembling apologies at how your loudness had startled him--but the ringing in your ears has long since drowned him out.
Your wide smile sits stiff on your lips, features frozen as a cold wave drenches you at the feeling of your soul words tingling on your right shoulder.
He's... I-I scared him..? Your heart shatters at the realisation that in your boister, he's never once lifted his head to look at you, and you notice him trembling ever so slightly.
I'm... my soulmate's scared of me..? And then a hopeful thought crosses your mind, oh! I'll just be quiet then! Then he'll like me, right?!
Instead of replying to his flurry of apologies, you take a step back as to respect his space and bring your outstretched hand down to your side. You mimick his bow, smile softening as to not seem so overbearing.
When your shadow moves, Amajiki shakily glances up, eyes wobbling when you stand upright again and make an effort to give him a small, hurried wave, as though restraining your energy.
Ah! Yes! He's looking at me now! You positively beam, aura brightening tenfold and he looks panicked, swiftly diverting his anxious gaze. R-Right, you sweatdrop to yourself, keep it toned down...
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"You're so quiet, it's weird," Kaori deadpans, eyeing you skeptically from across the lunch table as he sips through the straw of his milk box.
You look up from your half bitten chicken katsu sandwhich, cheeks buldging with food, "you fink sho?"
He grimaces at you, disgusted, "chew your food first, scrub."
You pay him mind, chewing thoroughly and swallowing before speaking again, "I met my soulmate today! He doesn't like loud things though, so I'm practicing."
Karina gasps, dropping her chopsticks in her udon, "Wait--you met your soulmate!?" You bark a laugh at her incredulous look, the noise loud and reverberating.
"Yeah!" Feeling giddy, you take another big, aggressive bite of your sandwhich to quell it, "he's shoooooo cute!"
"I said chew, you neaderthal!" Kaori pegs his empty milk box at you, at his wits end with your brash manner. His sister retaliates by throwing her full one at him, and he yelps, barely dodging it and it goes scattering across the floor behind him.
"We were talking!" She hisses before turning back to you with sparkles in her eyes, "really!? Ohmygod, what's he like?!"
You barely open your mouth before someone interrupts.
"Hey there!" The large blond from before stands at the end of your table with a wave in greeting. A sheepish smile sits in his face at having disturbed your conversation, "hah! Sorry, mind if we joined you for lunch?"
"Hi, Mirio!" Karina smiles back, "sure! The more the merrier." She ignores her twin brother's protesting grumbles, "[name], this is Mirio, he's my collaboration partner this term."
Behind the broad blond pokes out a recognisable head of wavy aquamarine hair, and Kaori grumbles even more, sinking low into his seat with a grumpy frown.
"Oh, hey! Kaori!" The girl gasps happily, bounding over to steal the seat beside him, "what a coincidence, huh?" She giggles.
The dark haired male rolls his eyes, "More like a curse..."
She turns to you, ignorant to his brooding, "Hihi~ I'm Nejire Hado! How cool! Kaori and I were partnered up too! Oh, and that's Tamaki Amijiki!"
When a familiar head of indigo hair is forcibly thrust into the centre of attention, your face erupts with warmth and an ecstatic smile quickly crosses your lips. You perk up in your seat with a gasp, though you swiftly silence yourself and instead give an aggresively friendly wave.
The elf eared student only really glances up at the table briefly before his nerves get the best of him, and his back hunches lower. He sends an acknowledging nod in your direction though, and your heart skips a beat.
Karina looks at you worriedly at your sudden silence, though your excitement is extremely palpable. She can practically see the giddy flowers dancing around you. Kaori couldn't care less.
"Oh, [name], do you already know Amijiki-san?" You nod frantically, and that's when it clicks for her. Karina's mouth drops and the looks between you and the former, and her eyebrows raise in understanding.
"A-Ah..! He's your project partner?"
"Wow! What a coincidence, huh?" Mirio gasps, bouyed by the revelation, "we promise to do our very best!"
"Us too!" Karina fist pumps the air, you copying with a happy mhmph! Nejire giggles, leaning in to participate while Amajiki trembles in the corner.
Kaori rolls his eyes at the amount of sunshine in the group, "riiiight..."
Over the following weeks, your school and U.A. continue to work together, occasionally switching partners in combat training to simulate on-sight collaboration with other heroes you'd meet on field.
Though for the majority, you worked with Amajiki. He's strong, incredibly so.
His usual demeanour would've had you underestimating him if you hadn't been paying attention. But particularly since he was your soulmate, you knew he was powerful from the get go. You want to be just as strong.
You like being around Amijiki; he's quiet, but he's very observant. He doesn't really talk to you all that much outside of training, though sometimes you tail him around break time and he doesn't seem to mind.
That, or he's too scared to tell you off.
He cares though! Like that one time where you were sparring Mirio, you were awed by the the power of his quirk--the power that he gave his quirk, and simultaneously overwhelmed by it. You were fired up from the challenge, determination burning in your eyes, and you spent the remainder of the day pushing yourself.
That same energy pushed you throughout that week, and by the end of it, you were burning yourself out. You didn't let it stop you though, testing the limits of both your quirk and physical capabilities even when others retired for the day.
You hardly gave your bruises the time to heal, only slapping on a salve when you let yourself have a water break before getting back to it again.
In-class training had you beaming beside him as you worked together, though he noticed you tanking too much all at once.
Eventually, he mustered up the courage to look you in the eyes with a fearsome glare and sat you down with some mineral water and tasty snacks from his vest. Then he deflated and apologised in a panic before scurrying off to get Recovery Girl to see you before you moved.
You repaid him in a flurry of grateful bows and a bag of some of your favourite treats that you forcefully thrust into his hands before running off.
You never directly spoke to him, knowing you often had a hard time controlling your volume. So, you settled for vast, obvious movements--like a big game of charades.
You made sure to keep this up at lunchtimes too, where you'd talk boisterously with the twins before immediately silencing yourself as soon as Amajiki came into your sights. And you'd always greet him with an elated smile and a frantic wave.
Mirio and Nejire are quick to catch on to your switch ups, where you happily explain: "Amajiki-kun doesn't like a lot of loud noises, so I've been practicing on quieting down."
They looked rather confused while you hummed, unbothered, and then excused yourself to brush up on your training. You didn't think anything of it, they're his friends after all! Of course he doesn't mind them being loud.
Besides, he's warming up to you now! Just, slowly.
Very slowly.
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By the end of the term, most of your energy has dwindled, and the signature light in your eyes has hazed over.
You've immersed yourself in your training, tossing yourself into the throes of it all with minimum breaks as a means to extend your limits. With every new task, you volunteer to be the first. When there's a new optional training segment, you're up at the crack of dawn, rearing to go.
Your drive has always been phenominal, but it's gotten dangerously extensive.
"[name]?" Mirio and Amajiki spot you on training ground B way before the day's classes even begin. You perk up at the sound of your name, seeing them in turn and grinning widely, waving them an obnoxious greeting.
Mirio smiles back, though Amajiki's brows crinkle upward worriedly.
"The day's barely started yet, you know? You're here early."
You can't help but give Mirio a sheepish grin and a shrug, your skin glossed over with a thin layer of sweat from exertion.
"...Have.. have you eaten yet?" Amajiki's quiet question has your gaze snapping towards him; he doesn't flinch away this time. You beam inwardly at that.
You give a polite shake of your head, no, and then wave off their looks of concern with a fluid gesture of your hand--you'll pick up something later.
Everyone notices you dozing at lunchtime, your presence not as exuberant as usual. Your motions aren't quite as energetic, and sometimes you stare off into space with glazed eyes. Kaori chalks it up to an off day, and Karina reluctantly agrees.
But then the pattern continues, and your light seems to dim while your silence grows dull.
You look... sad.
It's nothing you won't be able to get over though! At least, that's what you're trying to convince yourself. Gradually, over weeks of silent pining, you've come to realise that--maybe, it's useless after all.
Since meeting Amajiki, you've done everything you could think of to get him to like you a little more.
While before you were loud, you're quiet now!
And everyone likes friendly people, you don't see yourself as someone mean, so you've made sure to be as approachable as possible.
He often startles at your sudden movements, so you've taken to bottling your energy and restraining your movements to more gentle, fluid motions.
Sometimes, when you smile a bit too brightly, you noticed he'd turn around or look away, so instead, you'd cover your mouth and crinkle your eyes--that way, he'd still know that you're happy without having to see such an uncomfortably wide smile.
Oh, and he'd get all red and uncomfy when you subconsciously lean into his space, stumbling over his words with a trembling frown, so you try and place yourself away now--you know he likes his own space.
But... he still doesn't seem to like you all that much.
Maybe the whole soulmate thing was a mistake this time around. He still looks away when you smile at him, and he turns away and shakes even when you sit across from him.
Amajiki will talk to you during training, but only really because he has to since you're partners.
You must just not be his kind of person, you think. You've always been told that you're a bit too much, so, you guess they're not really wrong.
Wow, you must look so silly following after him like a puppy, when he's clearly trying to keep his distance.
Amajiki is shy and quiet; he's determined, but thoughtful. He's powerful, but gentle.
While you're loud and shameless; excitable, but stubborn. You're kind, but impulsive.
Amajiki is everything that you're not, and you see that now. Despite your will to change, you'll never be what he needs. You think, he'll want someone who's more subtle. Headstrong, but understanding. He'd like someone who can stand strong, but isn't overbearing--someone who can calm his nerves and help him see the positive in things with a gentle tone.
You respect Amajiki. It's why you still refer to him so formally while the others have given you permission to call them by their given names. He hadn't given you explicit consent to either, so you suppose it makes sense anyway.
There's only a couple weeks left in the term.
You don't mind staying silent now, there's nothing to say. The light in your eyes isn't the same anymore, and any remainder of your energy only trickles into your presence.
You like listening to Amajiki talk. He doesn't say a lot, but when he does you like to listen. That's a perk to your silence, you suppose. If you were still as loud, you probably wouldn't hear him.
"Um, [name]..?" Amajiki tugs you aside after conjoined training in one of your remaining weeks, "a-are you okay? It's just, you've been... kind of quiet, recently..."
Quiet? That's a good thing, right? You perk up hopefully, though it shatters just as quick as it comes. When you look up, Amajiki's features a curved into a frown.
Right, nevermind. Don't be so stupid. You make sure not to look him in the eyes when you give him a carefully placed smile--not too wide, so it won't scare him away, but not too subtle so you look ungrateful--and nod your head softly.
"You-..-you used to talk a lot, y-you know," his shaky voice stops you in your tracks after you turned to head to your next session, "at least, you did more before I showed..."
Your brows pinch in concern at the hitch in his voice, and you look back to see him with a bowed head, nervously clutching the fabric of his hero costume. His shoulders are tense, trembling with the urge to run, but he steels himself.
"U-Um..." and then he glances up, eyes connecting with yours and he forces himself to stay. His pupils dilate, and he gasps sharply, lips thinning. He swallows anxiously, and then furrows his brows in determination.
"If I've done something to offend you, I-I'm so sorry..! But... I'm..-w-we're all really worried about you." Amajiki bows his head, resolve wavering and he's unable to retain eye contact, "and... I'm really worried about you... it's just, you haven't been the same, fo-for a while."
Oh. Your heart drops, so it really was all for nothing. You hum softly, looking off to the side dejectedly before deciding well, it doesn't matter anyway.
"I like you, Amajiki-kun," Your words have him snapping his head up, eyes impossibly wide while his left calf tingles, "um, I'm not... speaking too loud, am I?"
Your voice rings like a melody to his ears despite your nervous tone. At his stunned silence, your heart pangs painfully inside your chest, and you swallow thickly. Your head lowers, "sorry... I shouldn't have said anything."
"What?" The sharpness of his tone startles you, and when you look up again, shocked, and he looks just as surprised. He carries on nontheless, softer, though with an unusual firmness.
"You... why shouldn't you have said anything?" Amajiki looks pained as he repeats your words, "do you... you don't want--"
"No!" You interrupt, wide eyed at his doubt, "I-I just mean that, it'd be easier that way. And you wouldn't have to deal with such a noisy soulmate, and you could find someone you'd like-"
"W-Who are you to determine who I like?" He stands straighter now, his voice holding a certain finality that you find hard to refute.
I'm your soulmate! Is what you find you want to say, but the words die in your mouth at the hypocrisy of it.
Amajiki's gaze is fierce and unwavering, and you feel both honoured and fearful. This may be the longest he's looked at you for.
"You've known for so long, an-and were willing to leave me after this? Without me knowing?" He takes in a shaky breath, fist whitening with a grip exuding both his frustration and worry.
"You're my soulmate... m-my soulmate," he sounds awed at the fact, "...I've been waiting to hear your voice--for months, you know," his voice cracks, and it seems his courage has started to dissipate as his shoulders shrink. His cheeks flush pink from his admittance.
"I... You've been so friendly since we were partnered up. And, y-you get along so well with everyone... I got scared that you wouldn't like me because I was too... too quiet for you."
Your world stops at that. He thought what?
"I-I mean," he panics, "you were always laughing with your friends, an-and then we started hanging out and you didn't say much but you were always smiling, and then whenever you looked at me it'd make me too nervous, and when I get nervous I'm kinda sweaty so I look away. B-But then you started covering your smile, and I didn't know why, and then I felt bad because I wasn't seeing it anymore, and you started overexerting yourself so I got even more worried and then--"
"Amajiki-kun-" A bright smile had crept onto your face during his panicked ramble, and a familar red hue bursts onto his cheeks and he clenches his eyes shut. God, it's so obvious now!
"--and you don't even call me by my name," he almost seems to whine, pulling down the hood of his costume to hide. He starts trembling again, and you can't help but gasp before cooing at him.
"You want me to call you by your name?" Your eyes sparkle, and suddenly your light have been rejuvenated, "Tamaki?"
The male stiffens before slowly nodding, peeking out from beneath his hood with lidded eyes and wobbly lips. He can only make eye contact briefly before shying away--and it seems all your worries were for naught.
When you squeal and beam, clapping your hands excitedly, Tamaki can't help but smile. At the cost of enduring the attention your volume brings, he'd be more than happy to listen to you gush and spew about whatever.
Where he was once intimidated by your light, he now bathes in its warmth. And where you were once silenced by your own trepeditions, you now burst at the seams with unrestrained energy.
While you are loud, Tamaki is quiet; he likes to listen when you talk, and you are his voice when he cannot find his own.
Fate had not been mistaken.
It had just taken some fine tuning before you reached the perfect volume.
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kitsunecrows · 2 years
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when the sun loved the moon ☀️🌙 . ⋆。°✩.
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http-tokki · 2 years
Pretty sundress
~ tamaki amajiki x fem!reader ~ tags/cw: aged up tamaki, smut, explicit language ~ wc: 310
Tamaki's mouth at your neck is gentle as his teeth bite down on the tender skin. Your head is a mess as his hands traverse the expanse of your clothed torso, a pretty sundress riding up your thighs as you squirm. The leather of his car seat is sticky against your skin, summer air filling the car with the symphony of cicadas of the late June afternoon. Tamaki's hand starts to drift closer to the edge of your dress, fingers dipping under as he moves to slip them beneath the fabric.
"Is this okay?" his question is soft. "I don't want to push you."
You're nodding your head, unable to speak for fear of sounding desperate, but Tamaki doesn't move. He wants to hear those words, hear how badly you want his hand up your dress. The whine in your voice as you plead your consent.
"Tamaki…" you breathe out, hands gripping the chair under you. "Please, you can… yes."
With your permission, Tamaki is sliding his hand under and up. It's not just that he is so adamant about your consent, but he loves hearing how desperate you are for him. The pitch of your voice as you whine his name. It gives him an idea of how you might sound as he slides his cock into you or how your breath would hitch as he flicks his tongue over your clit. Tamaki feels his cheeks heat as his fingers make contact with the damp material of your panties. Shit, you were wet, and he did this to you.
"That's because of you" Your voice is soft, eyes focused on the hand Tamaki has between your legs. "Feel how wet you make me 'Maki."
Tamaki nods, falling all too nervous as he presses his mouth to yours again. He takes a few shaky breaths before he asks.
"Can I taste you?"
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whispering-ways · 1 year
•♡✧ movie cuddles ✧♡•
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✯ summary: you and tamaki have your first date and watch a movie together
✯ pairing: tamaki amajiki x reader
✯ tags: no warnings, just fluff!
✯ notes: nothing really, hope you guys like the story :)
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“Where did I put it?” you say, looking through your closet for your tote bag. It was the last thing you needed before you went to Tamaki’s dorm room for your movie date. Movie date. The words themselves made you blush.
You’d had a crush on him for a while now, since you first became friends really. I mean, you’d always had a thing for shy boys, so it didn’t surprise you but it was more than that. Although many people couldn’t look past his shyness and his introverted nature, you found it endearing.
He’d grown to have a little confidence though; it honestly made you proud to see him be able to speak up for himself and be more outgoing but at the same time keep that same old timid personality that you adored so much.
It surprised you when he texted you last week asking whether you’d like to go out on a date with him. At first, you two were going to the theaters, but Tamaki seemed a little apprehensive about the crowd given that it was a really popular movie.
Eventually, you’d both settled on just having a comfy movie night at his apartment so he wouldn’t have to worry about spiking his agoraphobia. After what seemed like ages, you finally found your bag. You put your share of the snacks that you were bringing to the date along with your water bottle and sent Tamaki a quick text telling him that you were on the way.
Tamaki was making his bed when he heard his phone chime from his desk. He reached over to see it was you texting to let him know you’d be over in 15 minutes and suddenly his nerves shot to 100. He wanted everything to be perfect. He’d set up his bed with the comfiest blankets he had and even got your favorite snack: Chocorooms. Although you both were originally going to see the new All Might movie coming out in theaters, you both agreed on just staying inside and watching an old Barbie movie.
Frankly, he had never watched any Barbie movie, but he knew you loved them since you were a little kid, so he suggested that you both watch Barbie of Swan Lake. He was so excited for this date; it’d taken him weeks to build up the courage to ask you out. When you said yes, he was on cloud nine for the entire day. He was lost in thought thinking of you and the soon-to-be date, when he heard you knock at the door. He tried his best to calm his nerves before heading over to the door to let you in.
“Hi Tamaki! Thanks for inviting me over!” you say, as cheery as ever. Tamaki thought you looked adorable; you had hoodie and sweatpants on, but somehow you made the simple outfit look so lovely. He gave you a shy wave and let you inside.
“H-hey, just uhh...make yourself..um...comfortable and you know what’s mine is yours. There’s a couple snacks on my desk if you maybe wanna eat,” said Tamaki in his soft voice as he went over to his TV to set up the movie. You went over to his desk to look at your snacks and to your surprise he had your favorite snack! You don’t even remember whether you told him or not.
“Aww Tamaki, how’d you know these were my favorite? Did you get these just for me?” you say holding up the bag of Chocorooms.
“Y-yeah, I think you mentioned it once when we...umm...went to the mall and I-I thought you’d like these for the movie,” he said still meddling around with some cables trying to hook up his laptop to the TV. Finally after couple moments, he had the movie up and loaded. He walked over to the light switch. After asking whether you'd like the lights on or off, and you saying you prefer them off, he switched the lights off. Then, he sat next to you on the bed, albeit a couple inches away from you, but you chocked that up to his shyness. In all honesty, you were a little glad. Maybe if he was closer he’d be able to see how much you nervous you were.
As the movie progressed, you both got more comfortable with each other. You’d point out small details in the movie and funny moments where the animation look a bit wonky and you’d both share a laugh. Tamaki slowly started inchin closer to you until eventually his shoulder was barey touching yours. Well, not quite touching your shoulder; you were both wrapped up in individual blankets and you couldn’t quite feel his shoulder anyhow. That didn’t stop the blush from creeping up your cheeks.
After a while, Tamaki looked over to you as if he wanted to say something, but chose to not to say anything.
“Did you want to ask something Tamaki?” you ask, feeling his eyes darting back and forth between you and his twiddling thumbs.
“Well...uhh...I was just wondering whether you’d maybe want to share a blanket? It’s okay if you don’t, but like...uhh... it’s winter so w-we’d be warmer if we shared a blanket, you know?” he said nervously.
“Of course that’s okay! Here, let me rearrange the blanket real quick,” you say, shifting the blanket so that it rested around you two, bringing you both closer than before. Tamaki was right, it definitely was warmer now. The warmth was making you a little sleepy, so you carefully laid your head on his shoulder to get more comfortable. Tamaki immediately froze up, unsure what to do and incredibly grateful that the darkness of the room hid how beet red he was. But after a while, he was able to ease into it and laid his own head against yours.
Slowly as you both got more and more relaxed, you both ended up cuddling. By the end of the movie, Tamaki had his arm wrapped around your shoulders pulling you in close and you were holding hands. You were more focused on being able to be so close to him than watching the movie at this point, so it surprised you to see the credits playing. It seemed like you’d just came to his room and now the movie was over and you’d have to head back to your room.
You’d gotten a bit accustomed to his warmth that you frankly felt a little sad when he had to get up to turn the TV off. He started cleaning up the snacks from the bed before turning towards you, a rosy pink blush dusting his cheeks.
“W-would you maybe wanna sleep over?” he asked hesitantly.
You’d never said yes quicker in your life.
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tamikofilmz · 1 year
⌗ TAMAKI AMAJIKI — ꒰ 🍮 “cutie patootie” ☆ ꒱
code 𝟽𝟽𝟽 : in which … miko gives you soft tamaki headcanons (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)*
ᶻ z⠀𝘇⠀𐰁 ˎˊ˗ miko's note ! 𑁯 ᰍ ◌ ive always loved tamaki, so i really worked hard on these. i hope you enjoy them!
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﹙★﹚he’s a great listener
﹙★﹚like you could talk to him about anything under the sun, and he will quietly and eagerly listen to you
﹙★﹚one day, you come home from patrol in a really bad mood. tamaki senses it right away and after greeting you, he asks you in the most gentle voice “you wanna tell me what's wrong?”
﹙★﹚and the way he says it is so inviting, like he's ready to listen to you, so you just start ranting about your day and how absolutely unbearable it was
﹙★﹚while your venting, he's playing with your fingers absentmindedly while giving you his full attention, eye contact, nodding, occasionally asking questions, all to show you that he is truly paying attention to you
﹙★﹚his phone could ring, cutting you off in the middle of your rant. he looks at it, while you smile and say “go ahead, it's probably important.”
﹙★﹚all he does is turn his phone off and say to you, “not as important as you.”
﹙★﹚(⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠) (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)
﹙★﹚because tamaki is such a great listener, he's also a great gift giver
﹙★﹚he’ll give you a gift at the most random time and when you ask him how did he know you wanted it, tamaki would smile sheepishly and admit that he had heard you talking about it at one point
﹙★﹚pda isn't really his thing, he's too shy
﹙★﹚but when he's feeling a little bold, he would definitely gently link pinkies with you while walking
﹙★﹚flowers. he loves to give you flowers
﹙★﹚sometimes he will eat your favorite flower just to see the pure happiness on your face when it blooms from his palm
﹙★﹚it hurts him, but seeing you happy is enough to eradicate his pain
﹙★﹚the perfect date to tamaki? a picnic in an open grass field or in a butterfly garden
﹙★﹚forehead kisses 24/7
﹙★﹚when you two are alone, he is the clingiest little bean omfg-
﹙★﹚he will not let go of you, and no, you can't go anywhere
﹙★﹚”tama, I'm just going to get some snacks. It won't even take that long.”
﹙★﹚”nope, I'm not letting you go. The snacks can wait, I can't.”
﹙★﹚his jealousy is quiet. he doesn't openly express when he's jealous, he kinda just side eyes whoever's drooling over you
﹙★﹚if the situation escalates, though ( someone's being a bit too pervy or flirty for you or tamaki's liking ) best believe that tamaki's protecting you in an instant
﹙★﹚tamaki isn't ready for a fast moving relationship, but he'll ask you occasionally if you're okay with the pace that your relationship is moving at
﹙★﹚he genuinely wants to make sure you're comfortable and doing well
﹙★﹚"you know I love you right bunny? Always and forever."
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ᶻ z⠀𝘇⠀𐰁 ˎˊ˗ miko's note ! 𑁯 ᰍ ◌ and that's it! sorry this one is so short, this is my first time writing headcanons. definitely will be writing a part two. thanks for reading!
🥞﹒⪩﹒©️ TAMIKOFILMZ﹒✦﹒♡﹒﹢
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emissecret · 4 months
Tamaki cuddling you after you both had a long day of hero work. All he wanted was to get home so he could see you again, your perfect pretty boy.
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Prompt: TamaNeji; Tamaki accompanies Nejire to the hospital following the Paranormal Liberation War; en route, Nejire's heart gives out from a combination of overusing her Wave Motion Quirk and her burn injuries from Dabi and Tamaki tries to revive her
Waaaait! It’ll be a angst mix fluff, right? That’s okay? Cause I don’t want Nejire to diiieeee! Sorry, this is bad again!
Can I Save You?- TamaNeji
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Tamaki sobbed outloud hysterically, fingers feeling for the unresponsive Nejire’s heartbeat on the soft skin of her neck as his hands quickly ran up to her chest, leaning up in preparation and pushing down to try ignite her heart again with CPR. The poor young woman’s heart suddenly gave out upon the machine’s alert, yet, he needed to make sure the machine wasn’t buggy
All the exhaustion, quirk overuse and the many nasty burns caused Nejire’s senses to shut down after only a few hours of being treated in the hospital after that horrible fight with the villains. Recovery Girl nor Mirio was in the room as everybody, except Tamaki left to speak with All Might at the man’s request. Tamaki couldn’t leave Nejire alone for longer then seconds, somebody needed to stay with her. Protect her, ensure she’ll push on
Tamaki kept working, ignoring his arms beginning to sting in pain. His eyes flooded with tears as his heart cracked apart, not wanting to believe his longtime crush was dead as his head tried just as hard to gaslight himself. He couldn’t bare the idea of Nejire kicking the bucket, he cursed himself and went off at himself! Why couldn’t he have been the one who suffered injuries this bad, she didn’t deserve to be in such pain but he, for sure, did
To Tamaki, Nejire was completely unstoppable and her defeat shattered his world. Her stamina was endless, he had never seen her falter once and her character intrigued his heart. Her bravery, her skill, her good nature, he fell head over heels for her but was far too self-conscious to express it. He stayed in the background as Nejire willingly grew closer to him and his dear childhood best friend, Mirio
Tamaki was completely unaware of the fact Nejire had mutual feelings for him. She is always impressed by his quirk, she had always found the shy guys the best and she always wants to squish his cheeks, she loves kittens and he was just like a kitten to him. A tough, skilled but kind timid little kitten! Nejire’s soul broke into pieces when she felt herself slipping, Tamaki’s calls growing fuzzy
She didn’t want to leave Tamaki yet and her subconscious screamed at her breaking-down mind to keep fighting, stay alive. Don’t across the rainbow bridge yet and like a real life miracle happened, her eyes shot open suddenly and her hand clutched his wrist like she felt unsteady and needed support. She swore she saw death’s doorstep but a flame of heat chased away the cold darkness
The heartbeat monitor fluttered and the line weaved back to a faint state. Her heart’s beating stably again! Tamaki felt a mix of pure relief and joy overwhelm him, his slightly puffy dark eyes glaring at the monitor humming with each beat. His muscles screamed out in exhaustion with how fast and hard he was submitting CPR. He didn’t care for himself, he just needed to keep Nejire alive until Recovery Girl returns
Nejire begun breathing heavily in sync to the pushes as to try keep her heart beating for the two of them, both of her hands holding onto his wrist and eyes gazing up at him. They radiated life, colour and beauty as they always did before. Nejire was getting a hold of herself quickly. Tamaki couldn’t help but croak out his wails, removing his hands from her chest altogether and ignored the sharp pain shooting through his senses, he leant down and pressed his head into the nape of her neck without a second thought
“You’re okay… you’re okay” Tamaki chanted mindlessly, carefully placing his arm over her waist as to not hurt her. Nejire’s face flamed as she ran her hands through his hair slowly, her strength recuperating at a surprisingly fast pace as her heart returned to a usual pace. The CPR worked! It brought her back to the land of the living. It was silent for quite some time as she listened to Tamaki pant, sobs breaking through on occasion, and looked inbetween the hospital roof and Tamaki’s dark purple hair
A small group of people suddenly entered the room moments later. Recovery Girl, Yuyu and Mirio all arrived silently, the two teens’ were thrown back in shock whilst Recovery Girl rushed over to her chair to get to work as the three could sense the relief and love flowing around the atmosphere. Mirio quietly approached Tamaki and gently pulled him off, patting his hair in attempts to ease him as Yuyu grabbed Nejire’s hand, her eyes flooding in happiness. Her best friend is alive, thank the gods above!
Recovery Girl immediately hovers her hands over the first burn of choice to begin heal them and dispose of the pain as fast as she could. Tamaki grips Mirio’s hand a bit tighter, tears overfilling his eyes as he truly couldn’t help himself but let his happiness overwhelm him. He thought she was going to die, his emotions flood out like a mighty waterfall as Mirio smiled besides his best friend, patting his shoulder
Nejire managed to make herself smile rather calmly and lightly whilst Yuyu moves out of the way entirely for Tamaki to take her spot besides Nejire’s laying form, his hand slithered through her shoulder-length bangs to twirl them inbetween his fingers, smooth like silk. So beautiful, her face may be drenched in burns but he could still sense her unbreaking smile and feel silky smooth skin. He could never be disgusted by her, no matter how destroyed she may look, she’ll always be beautiful to him
“You’re so beautiful…” Tamaki whispered shakily, making Nejire jolt slightly in surprise. The girl laughed gently, wincing in pain at the action seconds after. It did hurt but she couldn’t argue with admiring her longtime crush and her longtime crush admiring her. He was worried about her like all of her friends, he missed her and she felt her now sensitive heart ping
“I’m fine, kitten” Nejire chirped cheerfully, leaning her head to the side slightly to press a kiss on Tamaki’s hand when she felt it gently brush over her burned cheek, her eyes basically formed into love hearts as Tamaki locked his to hers, his cheeks flaming rosy red. That gaze, it was full of love
Did she… love him the same way?
I don’t know the artist name but credit, of the art above, goes to him/her/them!
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shxtodxroki · 2 years
Tamaki Amajiki Masterlist
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Here is where you will find all of my writing for Tamaki! I hope you enjoy, and if you like these feel free to drop a request in my inbox at any time! <3
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♡ Headcanons ♡
- What Sleepovers With MHA Characters Are Like (1.7k)
♡ Fake Texts ♡
- Tamaki As a Boyfriend (1.8k)
- MHA Boys Taking Care of a Super Sick S/O (1.6k)
- MHA Men When You Send Them An Accidental Confession Text (Pt. 2)
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dira333 · 9 months
Caught a kiss - Amajiki x Reader
for @missalienqueen - hope this was the vibe you were looking for - Follower Celebration Request
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You are going to lose your job.
It’s as easy as that and just as painful to accept.
You have less than 24 hours to deliver your final draft; all you’ve got so far are the villain's design, the hero’s parents and best friend, and a rough draft of what you want to happen. Oh, and about twelve crappy drafts of the hero, every single one worse than the one before.
The hero with the strength quirk is just a cheap version of All Might and has been overdone for ages. The hero that looks dark and sinister but is actually a sweetheart reminds you too much of former Pro Hero Eraserhead and you don’t want anyone to accuse you of using your former teacher for your work. 
One should think that coming up with new ideas comes easier after three successful book deals, but the opposite is the problem. 
After more than six months of creative block, you cannot hide it any longer from the publisher or your writing partner, but you will be damned if you give up before your time has fully run out.
You get up with a heavy sigh, hoping against all odds that another cup of coffee will solve your problems. 
Just as you push yourself up, an explosion goes off outside, its force strong enough to leave the floor trembling. You stumble, but your balance is off and you knock heavily into your table. Your hip and thigh hurt from the impact but you try to get up, only to be knocked to the other side by the second blast, the explosion even closer this time. 
“Here.” Someone cushions your fall with their body. You look up into a pale face, almond-shaped eyes filled with worry as they take you in. Right. It’s the person who always sits ducked into the corner booth, fully engrossed in a book every time you come in to write. So far you’ve never seen more of him than the messy indigo hair that is not hidden behind his book. You can’t help yourself but take him in now that you’re this close. His mouth is a tight line and his ears… your heart lurches at the sight of their pointed tips. It makes him look like an elf.
“A-A-Are you okay?” The man stutters and you nod, blink yourself out of your stupor only to realize that you’re leaning way too heavily into him. All he did was keep you from falling over and you’re repaying the favor by putting all your weight onto him.
“Oh, oh, I’m sorry.”
“I-It’s o-okay.” His mouth pulls into an even firmer line and he looks past you. Whatever he sees has his eyes widening and you turn to see for yourself, only to be pulled down.
“Stay here.” He insists, voice suddenly firm. “Hide in the booth.”
Another explosion rings out, the sound deafening this time. When the ringing stops, he’s gone from your side. From your new hiding space, you can see him, walking upright to the door. 
He’s a dichotomy, soft indigo cardigan wrapped around his lanky figure as if trying to protect him from the harshness of the world, but his steps are firm and his posture speaks of determination. You can tell that he knows what he’s doing in the way he utters short commands to the other people in the coffee shop.
The next time you see him is half an hour later when the police are taking statements.
He’s standing a bit to the side and someone must have brought him his hero costume, but you’d recognize that indigo hair everywhere, even if it’s partially hidden by a white hood. 
“I didn’t see much.” You say, eyes never leaving the guy who, in your eyes, saved the day. “After he… I’m sorry, I don’t know his name, but the Hero in the white tunic… After he stepped out, I briefly saw a group of men with black suits and black face paint. And then, a few minutes later, one of them ran this way.” You point down the street. “But he was wearing something else. Something red on his head, like a wig, maybe?”
The police officer gives you a skeptical look. “Are you sure? You’re the only one who pointed that out.”
“I mean, I could be wrong, I’m not sure if it was a wig or not. Did no one else see someone running?”
“They did, but they all agree it was a civilian.”
“No, it was definitely not a civilian. I saw his face and while it didn’t have any facepaint on, it was clear that he wasn’t frightened. He looked pissed. No civilian would run around looking like that after such explosions and a bank robbery going on at the same time, don’t you think.”
“We’ll look into it.” The officer says, noncommittally and leaves you in favor of talking to someone else. 
Your eyes immediately wander back to the hero who saved you and your legs seem to take that as an order to get you over to where he stands.
“Hi.” You start, surprised to see that he blushes instantly, head pulling back into the safety of his hood. “I-I’m sorry.” You start to stutter, “I’m normally not that forward, but I-I just wanted to tell you how amazing I thought you were.”
“T-thank you.” He whispers back and you wait, hoping for something more for him, but if he does say something, it gets swallowed by the booming laughter of a much larger man.
Fatgum, you know him from TV, steps closer. One of his hands lands heavy on the first man’s back.
“Don’t mind Suneater here. He’s a great hero, just a little shy with words. I heard you’re the one who’s convinced she spotted someone fleeing from the scene?”
“Uh, yes.” You try to catch Suneater’s eye but he’s looking at the floor as if he suspects to find the secret to immortal life down there. “But I told the police everything. I’m just good with faces, I guess. I just… I just wanted to say thank you. To Suneater, I mean. Because he saved me, in the coffee shop before.”
“Oh, he did?” Fatgum seems to find that incredibly funny because he laughs again, pulling Suneater into his side to the point that he almost swallows him whole. 
“I think he’d gladly do it again. Nothing too much for my guy. Hope we did not keep you from anything important.”
“Oh, just my draft.” You sigh, before realizing that your drawing pad is still in the shop and you have even less time now to save your job. But, there’s an idea forming in your mind just now.
“Would it… would it be okay, to use you? I mean, your hero persona, or your… likeness, for a manga?”
Suneater freezes up, elbows locking tightly against his ribs. He looks like a wooden puppet, unable to move.
“It’s supposed to be a story about a boy overcoming all odds to be a hero and when he meets the evil villain, he realizes that what he’s learned makes him the most capable to deal with him. I’ve struggled to find a story to tell but if I could… draw a hero that’s a bit shy and didn’t like attention all that much, that could resonate with a lot of children, you know? We’d call him differently, of course, and I could change the looks, but I kinda.. well, I really like your costume, it’s very…” You clear your throat awkwardly, too aware of Fatgum’s growing grin and Suneater’s growing stiffness. “Aesthetically pleasing. Yes, hmm.. It’s the aesthetic.”
“That’s a big honor,” Fatgum speaks up on Suneater’s behalf when the latter seems unable to open his mouth. “As his boss, I give you the okay. But you should leave your card or something with us so that we can have a look at the product before it gets published.”
“Oh, absolutely.” You pull a card out of your blazer pocket and hold it out to Suneater who eyes it as if it might come alive and eat him any moment. So you offer it to Fatgum who takes it with a wide smile.
Your drawing pad is still where you left it. You grab a new cup of coffee from the jittery barista and insist on paying for it even though she offers one for free after today’s events. 
“I’ll feel better if I pay for it,” you insist, knowing that there will be enough people taking advantage of it as it is.  
The drink grows cold next to your pad as you draw, engrossed in the story you’ve got to tell now. It’s only the time crunch you’re in that keeps you from going overboard on your hero’s features. You want to stay on the page, take your time until you get his ears right or the exact shade of his hair. In some drafts, it turns out too messy, in others too neat and you wonder if you could ask him to stand model for you, just to get a hang of the way it falls. 
Then it’s the color of his eyes. You thought they’d been a deep purple when you looked up into them hours ago, but it had been but a brief moment and you long to see them again.
It’s way past closing time when the friendly barista is finally annoyed enough to throw you out. You stumble home, eat a sandwich from the vending machine on the way up to your apartment, and get back to drawing. 
Your alarm goes off right after you put down your pen.
Your draft is finished and you lay down for a quick nap that is filled with a now familiar face. 
If anyone knew he was here again, Tamaki would surely lose his hero license. 
There had to be some rule against stalker behaviour but he wasn’t going to go up to HR to ask about it. 
The barista nods when he comes in, accustomed to his presence by now.
Thankfully it isn’t the same one as yesterday and this guy doesn’t seem to know he had been involved in yesterday’s shenanigans. This is embarrassing enough without people recognizing him.
He grabs his lavender tea and takes his usual seat, burying himself in the book he brought along today. “Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot - How I came to be” isn’t exactly his top choice of literature but Kirishima had urged him to read it and he might as well.
Nine o’clock comes and goes without any sign of you. 
He has to leave around half past ten and he can feel himself grow more and more anxious the later it gets.
Maybe you are breaking your habit of coming here after yesterday’s events.
He certainly can’t blame you for that. 
Or you realized that he’d been here every time you went there too and connected the dots. 
Surely it has to be that. No one can blame it on sheer coincidence for this long.
He should have just bitten the bullet weeks ago when he noticed you and asked you out then and there or stopped visiting when he felt his interest grow. 
Like a man, his inner voice reprimands him, sounding vaguely like Kirishima.
At ten o’clock on the spot the bell over the door chimes. He turns to look on instinct and feels the book drop into his lap without being able to catch it.
You look tired, to the point he wonders if you’ve even slept at all. Even with makeup, it isn’t hard to tell that you’re going to keel over from exhaustion any second, but still, there is a smile on your face that can rival the sun.
Your eyes move through the coffee shop, shoulders relaxing at the tune that is coming from the speakers. 
Out of habit he moves to pull his book higher to cover his face but finds his hands empty. Before he can realize why that is, your eyes cut to his. 
One, two, three seconds he feels time freeze and his heart stops beating. 
Then, just like the sun rises, your smile changes… into something almost shy and private, something he’s never seen on you before.
You duck your head and walk over, making his heart skip from non-beating to beating too fast. His blood soars in his ears and he still can’t find the damn book to hide behind. And now it’s too late for that anyway because you’re standing in front of him, the shy smile curling around your lips in a way that makes his knees feel way too wobbly.
“Can I sit with you?” You ask and he nods before he can stop himself. 
Your knees knock against his as you slip into the booth.
He takes in a breath and regrets it immediately when he can smell your perfume again. 
“I was hoping I could meet you again.” You say, pulling something from your bag. “I wanted to show you what I draw… I was… so blocked, I couldn’t draw for months but when I saw you, something clicked and I…” You stop your movements, something like a tablet in your hands. You look down in what he recognizes as embarrassment. He’s too familiar with that feeling not to recognize it on sight.
“It’s okay.” He can hear himself say. He’s not sure what he’s even trying to say, but he can feel his lips move and that’s better than what he does most days. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I should say sorry anyway. I’ve been sitting here for weeks trying to talk to you and couldn’t get over myself.”
Wait, he thinks, panic bubbling in his stomach. Did he just… say that?
Your mouth is open, your eyes wide. You certainly look like you heard what he just thought out loud.
“You were trying to talk to me?” You ask. “Why didn’t you-” You seem to realize that he’s starting to sink into himself, that he’s actively trying to merge with the booth and stop speaking. 
That’s it, he thinks. He knew it would turn out this way, he should have gotten over himself sooner.
“Here.” Your voice cuts into his miserable thoughts again, pulling him away from trying to sneak out of the booth. “Look at this.”
You turn your pad to him. There he is, or at least, someone looking a lot like him.
It’s a rough sketch of him, mid-fight. He recognizes the tentacles coming from his hands immediately. When his hands meet the monitor, the page turns and there’s the villain, telling his story of origin. There’s no text, but his face makes it clear that it’s a sad story. 
But there he is again, Suneater saving the day, hugging the villain in the end to prove that even the bad guys can be friends if you treat them nicely.
“If you want,” you say, your voice low as if you’re letting him in on a secret. “I’d like to get to know you better. Not just for this project, but… like… on a date?”
You wave your hand in front of his face. “A-Are you okay? You’re not blinking?”
“Sorry,” he chokes out, digs his fingernails into his arm to pinch himself. Yeah, he’s not dreaming. “I’m…”
“I meant it.” You assure him, put your hand where he just drew blood. “If you want. No pressure though.”
He’s still looking for words when you pull back your pad, clearly trying to give him some space.
“I… have to leave in a few minutes.” He points out, glares at the tabletop to keep his nerves. “But do you want a coffee?”
--- one weeks later ---
You’re already there when he steps into the coffee shop. You’re at work, which he can tell by the fact that you don’t even look up when he slips into the booth and puts a fresh cup of coffee next to your pad.
“Hey.” He gently pats your thigh. A few days ago that wouldn’t have been possible, but you pointed out that it’s the safest way to get your attention without messing up your work and he’s actively trying to get over himself, so there…
“Oh, hey!” You smile up at him, lean back to stretch your back out and move to press a kiss to his cheek. 
His face bursts into flames. Not literally, but figuratively and you giggle against he hot skin before pressing another kiss on his other cheek.
“Missed you.” You say nonchalantly as if that doesn’t make his heart lose a few beats.
It takes him half an hour of passive cuddling to get his heart to calm down and his brain to unmelt before he remembers what he’s supposed to tell you.
“They caught the last member of the group.” He points out when you move to take a sip of your now cold coffee.
“The guy you saw, the one wearing a red wig? They caught him. Detective Tsukauchi said your hunch was too good to ignore and they caught him. Turns out he was the head of the gang after all. So you’re the real hero of that day.”
“What? No. It was you. Or Detective Tsukume.”
“Exactly. I just pointed out something obvious. Like that.” You press your thumb against the corner of his mouth. “You’ve got something caught there.”
“What is it?” He asks, already anxious as you lean in.
“A kiss.”
His mind goes blank way before your lips meet. 
But, he supposes he doesn’t need his brain for a few more minutes anyway.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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crimsonredfeathers · 1 year
Imagine spotting Tamaki sitting in the cafeteria opposite Mirio and Nejire. You're sneaking up behind him, your index finger pressed against your lips, as you're making eye contact with his friends. Once close enough, you're covering the unsuspecting student's eyes with your hands, softly biting down on your bottomlip to contain your laughter as his whole body abruptly goes rigid. "Y-y/n...?" Tamaki stutters after a moment of silence. That's when you can't keep your laughter in anymore, removing your hands from his eyes and kissing his cheek. You're moving over to the unoccupied chair beside him, plopping down next to your blushing mess of a boyfriend.
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frickingnerd · 8 hours
love triangle with mirio & tamaki
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pairing: mirio togata / lemillion x gn!reader x tamaki amajiki / suneater
tags: wholesome fluff, supportive!mirio & tamaki, idiots in love, hint at a potential polyamorous relationship, open ending
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tamaki is the one to fall in love with you first, slowly developing feelings for you and pining for you over months, while mirio only realizes that he likes you romantically much later!
mirio doesn't even realize that tamaki has a crush on you as well, since tamaki keeps his feelings for you to himself, but his stuttering and overall nervousness around you eventually give it away!
while mirio likes you too, he's still tamaki's best friend first and foremost! he won't just steal the person tamaki likes away from him, so he wants to help his friend get with you!
sure, mirio likes you! a lot, actually! but he's the type to put other people before himself. afterall, if tamaki is happy, then mirio will be happy too, right…?
well, tamaki doesn't like that mirio so easily discards his own feelings for you, in an attempt to help him get with you!
tamaki is pretty insecure, so he believes that you'd be happier with mirio! mirio got everything anyone could want! compared to mirio, tamaki is nothing…
both boys are willing to let their friend have their chance with you, despite their own feelings for you!
for months, they'll both give up so many chances to be with you or confess to you. until eventually, mirio decides that the only way to solve this is for tamaki and mirio to both confess to you at the same time!
maybe then you'll make your choice and choose which one of the boys you want! or maybe, you'll even want both of them…
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theplaguewriter · 2 years
-Ahem- Er, I mean-- >∆>;;;;
Umm... Ifit'sokay,canyoupleasedotheSFWalphabetwithMoonbeam-bby? 🥺🥺
Hello my sweet Plagueling! With much delay, for which I am very sorry, here is the SFW alphabet.
I hope you like it <3
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Tamaki Amajiki (MHA) - SFW Alphabet
Affection - What do they do to show affection?
Tamaki is very awkward, even within a relationship he needs some time to adjust before he can show affection properly. He likes to little things, and build it up. Brushing his hand against yours, liking pinkies, bringing you some water or asking if you slept okay, it’s subtle at first but if you know where to look you will see it. And eventually he will be bolder and hold your hand, brush a lock of hair behind your ear (if applicable), or tell you look look good. He will also make sure to be in your vicinity, while he doesn't like PDA much he loves to be generally close to you.
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them
Physically? He can’t really pick something, or so he thinks when asked right out. However, his eyes often drift to yours, and the little lines at the corners which appear when you laugh. He also likes to make note of how different lights affect your eye color. He really loves your eyes, they are very expressive to him.
Emotionally, he loves how he can rely on you. It’s not as if he is dependent per se, but he needs some security in whichever form since his anxiety makes life pretty hard. Even if you have your own battles, you being there and fighting with him is already enough.
Cuddles - How to they like to hug their s/o?
In public he has his difficulties with hugs, he likes to wrap one arm around your waist and sort of pull you into his side. It’s a half-hug but it’s as much PDA as he can handle. But what counts to Tamaki is to have you at his side.
In private he is a little more bold. He will use both arms, sling them under yours and put his head on your head/shoulder. He wouldn’t ask for it, but he hopes that you wrap your arms around his neck and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck.
Discrete - What’s their opinion on PDA?
Tamaki is absolutely no fan of PDA, he is just too awkward and shy. He wants to show off this beloved, he’s super happy and proud but the anxiety makes PDA his personal nightmare. The most he can do without imploding is holding hands and the aforementioned half-hug. You may get a small kiss, if you just completed a more difficult mission and he was very worried. It won’t be a makeout session, just a wee peck. For Tamaki standards that is a lot.
When he’s in a more comfortable setting, like you guys are hanging out with common friends, he doesn't mind holding hands or sitting squished together. He’ll even go as far as you throw his arms around your shoulders and lightly trace patterns on your arm.
Everything - You are my ____. (Ex. World, Life, etc.)
“You are my anchor.” And you really are, even if you think you’re someone who needs a lot of support yourself, for Tamaki your existence in his life is like a lifeline. Especially when he gets super anxious, all he has to do is take your hand and breathe with you, and like a miracle he will be calm within minutes.
You’ve come into his life and suddenly everything made sense, a lot of things were less scary. You have become Tamaki’s safespace, no matter how hard his day was, you are there to anchor him and make him feel like the world is alright.
Family - Do they want a family?
He absolutely does, however, he will be very anxious about everything. Will he be a good Dad, will the pregnancy be without issues, and the birth? Will he be able to provide a good and stable environment for the kid? He has a lot of doubts, but after a lot of talking and preparation he will feel ready. Tamaki will be incredibly supportive, from the very first day of pregnancy all through raising the child. Tamaki will be an amazing Dad, as soon as he holds his kid, it’s like his anxiety melts away. While he’s not a natural immediately, he adapts super fast.
Gifts - What type of gifts to they give their s/o?
At first Tamaki will be unsure about what to give you. He feels like it should always be very thoughtful and maybe even on the expensive side. This doesn’t last long, Mirio talks him out of this mindset. Once he has passed this hurdle, he will be the one to give you little trinkets here and there, like a cute keychain he saw on patrol or that one book you mentioned early in the week. For holidays and anniversaries, he will go a little more out. It depends on what type of special day it is, it could be a necklace or a special edition of a book or game you like. He will vet you for months, trying to find the perfect gift.
Hands - Do they like to hold hands?
He does! As mentioned, it’s one of the only forms of PDA that doesn’t make this shy bean explode. He likes how warm your hand is in his, it’s also an emotional warmth that spreads through his entire body. To Tamaki it’s a sign you’re still right there next to him, and that he doesn’t have to worry (as much) about anything. It also keeps unwanted fans of yours at bay, everyone can see you’re with him.
Since his anxiety sometimes makes his hands sweat, he prefers to not interlace your fingers when in public, it’s uncomfortable for him, he feels insecure about having clammy hands. In private he will interlace though, he’ll be less nervous and to him it feels like nothing can pull the two of you apart.
Injury - What do they do if their s/o gets hurt?
This can go two ways if it is a minor injury, he will be a little worried and make sure to bandage you or put a bandaid on you himself. He is a hero after all, so scratches or a bruise won’t send him into a full panic. He will ask about what happened, but in general he will be pretty much okay in the situation.
However, if you get seriously injured he will go absolutely insane. If you are a hero/villain/civilian and get hurt during an attack, and Tamaki happens to be present, he will go on autopilot and make sure the threat to your safety is eliminated or contained. Only then will he go into panic mode, he won’t be able to control his nerves, and he will insist on staying right by your side. He will try not to cry or blame himself, but depending on the degree of your injuries he will fail.
If he is not present, and you get hurt by a villain or in an accident, he will also go into panic mode and be utterly useless until he is with you and can be sure that you’re safe and being treated properly. It’s most likely he’ll need one of his friends with him to help him get through the panic attack.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Tamaki will get jealous rather easily, even if it is rooted more in his own insecurity than in any distrust in you or the other person. He simply often thinks that you can do better, that you would maybe thrive more with someone who is less anxious. He would never start a fight because of it, and neither would he accuse you of anything.
You will notice pretty much immediately if he is jealous, because he won’t seek you out to get reassurance. He will avoid you too, a dead giveaway. Be patient, tell him for the umpteenth time that you’re there for him and won’t go. He just needs this, and honestly you knew this was gonna be a thing, so you don’t mind.
He will need a lot of, private, affection for a couple days.
Kisses - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Tamaki is a solid kisser, once you get through the awkward stage of him being super nervous around you. He doesn’t really have experience, at all, so you may have to teach him. He will be very attentive and will learn quickly. So be prepared for a few very blushy and short kisses, that leave him a mess, and for some very sweet and gentle ones that follow. His kisses are always on the gentle side, light and soft, he never adds much pressure.
The first kiss was super sweet and very awkward. He wanted to kiss you, he really did. He’s been hyping himself up for days. When the moment came, he froze up. Both of you a breath width apart, Tamaki has his hand on your hips, you got one hand on the side of his neck, and the other on his chest. The actual kiss was short, only lasting a couple seconds, but the emotions were there and no teeth clashing or the like. The awkwardness came after, when you pulled away and smiled and Tamaki was just standing like Tamaki.exe has stopped working. You laughed it off, patting his cheek and pulling him along to walk for a little.
All in all, a sweet first kiss.
Love - When did they know that they loved you?
Tamaki wasn’t actually looking for love or a relationship, he had trouble enough with platonic interactions and relationships. He fell in love slowly and gradually, the more he met with you, the more he realized how safe and good he feels when he is with you. Before he knew it, he kept thinking about you basically all day, wondering what you were doing and when he would see you again. He didn’t want to admit his feelings at first, when Nejire pointed it out, because of his insecurities, but in the end when you confessed/asked him out, he was overjoyed and stuttered out an affirmative response.
Memory - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Since romance wasn’t immediately high on his list, when Tamaki falls in love it’s for real and he wants to think that he will marry you one day, the only thing holding him back is his insecurity. As mentioned above, he does want a family, he may be a bit more traditional in that aspect. It’s the whole idea of having a spouse and kids, that is appealing to him, he would never judge people who are having kids out of wedlock.
It would take a lot of time for him to actually propose. The fear of rejection sits deep, he also isn’t sure how you feel about the timing and all. Once he has decided to actually go through with proposing though, he is more certain of himself. The marriage will be very domestic, shared chores, cuddles on the couch, etc etc. It’s more or less like the relationship you two had before, except whenever he talk about you and he can call you his, you can see that his eyes light up and his smile gets wider.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Tamaki likes the more common nicknames, he isn’t very experimental. His favorites are bunny, dear and love. To him these count as PDA though and he won’t use them in public, he gets too embarrassed, so he opts to call you by your first name.
However, you may get him to use one if you tease him a little bit. He will let out a “Love please…” or “Bunny…” while blushing furiously.
In private he is less shy and uses all the nicknames he’s comfortable with interchangeably and often.
Orange - What colour reminds them of their s/o?
Whenever he sees a blueish purple he thinks of you.
(Sorry this question is confusing to me, so I won’t elaborate.)
Proposal - How did they propose?
He will vet you, just like with normal presents, what you like in jewelry and such. Tamaki makes sure to find the perfect ring for his perfect lover. He will even take months to get the one he thinks you will love. As for the actual proposal, he will take you on a date of your choice, whatever you want to do, he will be on board. The proposal will be technically planned, but he gets a little nervous and blurts out the question earlier than he wanted to. He’s a blushing mess, hands shaking as he’s looking up at you. His face and smile light up like the starry sky when you say yes, and he swears he has never been happier.
He will be all smiles, and giddy like a schoolboy for the rest of the night…actually for the rest of the month.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Tamaki’s quirk. He can fly if he eats chicken, he can replicate plants etc. But let’s focus on the wings for now. Just a nice chicken nugget for lunch and he can take you anywhere you need to be in the evening. It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free…well the flying is, you might have to pay for the chicken…in normal circumstances. It’s very useful for emergencies too, flying is much quicker than running or driving, so he can be there as soon as possible.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Tamaki is actually pretty romantic, he loves to take you out for little dates. He gets inspiration on patrols, it’s where he mostly sees flyers and such and will bring it up to you. He’s down to try most things, but he’s not into extreme sports or anything like it. Prefers calm dates over action packed ones. He’s in the middle of creative and cliché, restaurants or obscure exhibitions, he just wants to spend time with you.
He will do his absolute best to remember everything you like and dislike. Be it a genre of book, a colour combination, it doesn’t matter, Tamaki will do his best to keep it in his mind. He wants to be able to surprise you, or give you new recommendations.
Your happiness is very important to him and he will not shy away from anything to make sure you are as content as you can be. If you want or need something, he will be at your beck and call, as long as it is within his abilities.
Supportive - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Yes. Tamaki is your biggest fan and support. He will always be there to encourage you, and he is 100% honest about it. He would never half assedly say something just to keep you happy. If he has some reservations, he will gently voice them, while making sure you know that technically he is on your side. He idolizes you, he believes there’s nothing you can’t do, a little like he regards Mirio. Except he thinks even higher of you.
He will always be your first customer, your first fan, the first one to spread the word about your achievements. It really doesn’t matter what you set your mind too, he will be there for you.
Time - What are their future plans?
He wants to marry you and eventually have kids, which are plans for further down the line. He sees himself working stabley at a hero agency, you doing your thing and at some point having a kid, who if they want to attend UA as well.
But Tamaki tries to not dream too far into the future, his more immediate plans are to just spend more time with you, and just experience life with you. While he is very anxious, he’d rather worry about what’s happening right now than in a couple years time.
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He is very understanding, when it comes to you and your worries, anxieties and insecurities he almost forgets his own. He will listen to you for hours while you rant about a certain topic, without judgment and very attentively. When you’re in a state of anxiety or panic, he can even be the one to talk you out of it. After all if someone know what that feels like it is Tamaki Amajiki.
He knows you like the back of his hand. He knows what lotion you like, when you feel snacky, when you’re excited or disappointed. He knows all your likes and dislikes. Tamaki sucks up any information about you like a sponge, it’s second nature to him. You’re beyond interesting to him and the most important person in his life. He wants to support you in every aspect, so to him it makes sense to know all these things.
Tamaki all in all is a very great and sensitive partner, while he needs a lot of reassurance and guidance, he will never hesitate to do the same for you. It’s the basis for a great and long lasting relationship.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
It’s the most important thing to him, he puts you above everything. You are the love of his life, and losing you is an absolute nightmare to him. He will always be there for you first. That being said, he is still a hero and sometimes he needs to be somewhere because they need help. You’re obviously aware of this, and supportive, so usually it is not an issue when he has to ditch or be late.
You’re above his other relationships too, not that he would intentionally hurt his friends’ feelings just for you. But you’re his first address when he needs advice or anything. He loves his friends and would do anything for them and make sure they are fine. Tamaki is very good at making sure all the people in his life are content with the relationship they have with him.
Wild card - Random fluff headcanon
A little while into your relationship Tamaki starts to adopt your mannerisms. He is absolutely unaware of it. Other people need to point it out, and then he feels a mix of embarrassment and happiness. He adores you, and he sees coping you as not a bad thing at all. It’s very cute to see you both together, finishing each other’s puns or inside jokes.
Xylophone - What song describes their relationship with their s/o?
I don’t know much music, so I’m skipping this letter. I am sorry.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Tamaki’s not doing very well with it, it gets him overthinking quickly. He is capable of being apart from you for a couple days, you are both separate people after all. His missing you and becoming actually moody starts about a week after last seeing you. His mood will drop significantly faster and he’s prone to pout longer. When he’s at home he will use your items, not in a creepy way, more like he will drink his tea out of your favourite mug or use your pillow to sleep on.
Zebra - Do they want a pet?
He’s not opposed to it at all. He doesn’t really have a preference, I don’t see him as a strong dog or cat person. However, it also depends on your profession. He is a hero and often gone for an unpredictable amount of time, or sometimes has to leave spontaneously. So if it’s a pet that is very care intensive, it would be better if you had a job that would allow you more time at home. If you also have a time intensive job, he would suggest a pet that’s a bit more independant. Tamaki wouldn’t want the animal to feel sad or alone, so that would be the only thing that is not negotiable to him.
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aheckinmess · 6 months
Shelter in the Storm [Mirio] (Angst)
(One-Shot 5/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Mirio x OC, Lemillion x OC, Mirio Togata, Suneater, Tamaki Amajiki, Tamaki is a Good and Precious Bean, Mirio is a Ray of Sunshine, Anxious OC, Not the Best Home Life, But What Are Ya Gonna Do?, I Gave Tamaki a Younger Sister, Because Why Not
Word Count: 2,881 words
Summary: Tamaki and Ichijiku have been friends since elementary school, so it’s become a habitual occurrence for her to seek shelter at his house when her parents get overwhelming. In the morning, Tamaki and Mirio both walk with her to school and attempt to brighten her spirits.
Author's Note: I've noticed you all seem to enjoy minor characters a lot, so I'll try and focus on adding more as I continue writing one-shots. It's certainly a fun challenge to get to know characters who don't get a lot of screen time! I hope you enjoy!
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
Mirio, are you awake? I text my boyfriend despite knowing he’s asleep. Between the two of us, he goes to bed the earliest.
Still, for an hour and a half, I wait for a reply. When it’s obvious that I won’t be receiving a response, I stare at the ceiling as my brain tunes back into reality. The yelling down the hall amplifies and my heart races as I wait with baited breath for Mom to walk through the door. Please don’t yell at me. I don’t know what I did and if that’s why you and Dad fight but please stop screaming. When footsteps make their way down the hall, I place my phone down and hug my pillow with my eyes closed. Though internally I panic, I force myself to take deep and even breaths.
I hear the door squeak open and the heavy, angry breaths of my mother. Only the thumping in my chest is audible, and I dare not move until I hear the familiar click of my door. Even then, I pause for another two minutes until I’m sure she doesn’t stand in wait to catch me being disobedient.
When I open my eyes and she’s not there, I slip out of bed and crawl over to my window. I pull the blinds and look next door into Tamaki’s room. His dark blue eyes meet mine as he lays in his bed. I scrounge around behind my desk to find my notebook. I flip through a few of the pages until I land on the one I want, holding up the page to the glass: Can I come over?
I watch him rifle through his own notebook before holding up his response.
I tuck my notebook away and look at my door for a minute or two. She might come back. My ears tune in to every sound as I grab my jacket and stuff a deck of cards in the pocket. There’s no footsteps down the hall and the muffled sound of the TV can be heard down the hall, a signal my dad’s in bed and my mom’s still in the living room. So, I throw on my jacket and crack open my window, slow and steady.
After sneaking out and shutting it behind me, I glide across the lawn over to Tamaki’s house and through the opening he’s left me. He takes my hand and helps me into the much warmer house. I click the window lock as I get comfy on his bed.
“Hi.” I whisper.
Several minutes pass and neither of us say a word. My fingers pet the dark plum comforter underneath me, focusing my attention on the soft texture while the sound of yelling echoes in my mind. Tears trek down my cheeks while I try and think of what to say, not that it’s anything Tamaki doesn’t know. We’ve known each other since middle school. It’s unlikely that there’s anything I can tell him or Mirio that neither of them would know. They're probably sick and tired of you telling them the same stupid shit all the time. 
“Are you…okay?” My best friend’s gentle voice breaks the silence.
“It’s nothing new, I’m fine.” I sniffle, wiping my face and shoving my emotions away, all the way down to soles of my feet. “I just didn’t want to be alone.”
“Are you staying for the evening?” He asks. “Mother knows your situation; you know she doesn’t mind if you stay for the night.”
“I know. I don’t know if I’m staying, yet. Mom has started checking my room in the middle of the night.” I explain, raking my fingers through my hair as I look up at him with red eyes and swollen cheeks. “The fights have been getting more frequent and the drinking is worse.”
“Does Mirio know?” He asks.
“I texted him, but you know he goes to bed early. He’s already asleep, or I wouldn’t have bothered you. I’m sorry, Maki-kun.” I sigh and place my face in my hands. “I just don’t like being there at night; I feel so alone and afraid. But then I feel guilty because shouldn’t I want to be with my family? I sneak out just like she accuses me. I don’t sleep around and I don’t get into drugs like she accuses, but I’m still sneaking out. If I didn’t do that, would it make her and Dad fight less?”
“I-I wasn’t trying to imply…that you were bothering me. I only…wanted to make sure Mirio was aware…of the situation.” Tamaki trembles a bit as he explains and starts wringing his hands, eyeing his wall. “H-He’s…a lot better with encouragement. B-But…I’m sure that the situation between your parents is not your fault.”
“Then why does it feel like it?” I choke out, shoving my palms into my eyes so I won’t cry anymore. It feels like all I’ve done for the majority of my teenage life is cry. Weak. Pathetic. “Why does it feel like everything I do is the reason they won’t stop fighting? Mom won’t stop drinking. Dad’s barely home trying to provide for us. I don’t know what to do to make it stop.”
When the warmth of Tamaki’s arm wraps around me, sheltering me in safety, I break. The dam bursts and I cling to him as shaky sobs rattle through his room. Thoughts surface from the first time he and I went to middle school, his body shaking as he tried to speak up at the front of the classroom. I remember being so quiet and afraid that I hadn’t been able to reassure him, my childhood best friend. Seeing Mirio do it so easily later that afternoon had humbled me, and it wasn’t until lunch time when the two boys were sitting alone that I’d decided to be brave and join Tamaki and the blonde-haired stranger.
Since I could remember, Tamaki had always been my best friend, my ride or die. Having someone new that didn’t automatically write me off as a stuck up prick was a breath of fresh air. Mom had flagrantly accused me of being a slut the moment I’d come home raving about Mirio.
This comforter has caught more of my tears than my own. I think with an ache in my chest. Gentle, familiar hands rub up and down my shoulders as I wonder where I went wrong. Was it when I first became friends with Tamaki? With Mirio? When I got my first F on an assignment? The first time I called my mom out for cheating on Dad?
“What’s wrong with me?” I whimper.
“What do you mean?”
“They wouldn’t fight if I was gone.” I cough. “If I went away their lives would be better.”
“That’s not true!” Tamaki gasps and pulls back so he can look at me. “Life is so much brighter with you. You’re like Mirio. Everything around you…everyone you interact with…your very presence makes everyone happier.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.” I say. “I feel like I bring gloom and despair wherever I go.”
“That seems more like something I would say, don’t you think?” Tamaki teases, nudging me a bit and giving me a shaky smile. “I-I…understand better than anyone…about feeling less than adequate.”
“You’re so amazing, though! And you’re my bestie, so you know I’m honest when I say you’re the best. You’ve trained and worked so hard to be where you’re at. You’ve made great strides. And I…” I go back to playing with his comforter as he continues to let me lean into his side. “All I’ve done is–”
“You’ve trained hard too.” Tamaki never interrupts, so I make sure to heed what he says. “You were so scared to choose the hero track. We both were. But you were the one who encouraged me from the beginning to take a step into the hero world when I didn’t believe I could. You and Mirio pushed me forward toward that bright future. It never would have started so early if it wasn’t for you.”
Listening to him helps quiet my mind and focus on the more positive side of life, even as the bad voices still lurk on the outskirts of my mind. I pull back and sit up, yawning and realizing just how tired I am as my body calms down.
“...is the offer to stay still available?”
“You know my mother would never turn you down. I’ll pull out the extra futon.”
. . . . .
The guest futon feels comfortable and safe. No yelling invades my dreams to feed my nightmares. My alarm goes off about thirty minutes before I need to wake up, and when I blink my eyes open I find Takara nestled against my chest.
I grunt and thread my fingers through her hair.
“Taka-chan?” I coo, my worries instantly fading at the sight of the little girl. It takes her a moment to fully wake up, but then her pretty blue eyes blink up at me. “What are you doing here?”
“Bad jeem.” She babbles, tucking her head back into me and going to sleep again.
“Aww,” I purr, petting her hair for a few more minutes until anxiety clutches at my throat. If Mom wakes up and sees I’m gone… “Come on, Rara. I have to go back to my house.”
“No go!” She whines, holding tighter. “Iku stay?”
“I can’t stay, honey.” I frown. “I have to go to school in a little bit with your brother. And right now I have to go home so my mom doesn’t get mad at me.”
Her determination to keep me here endears me to her all the more, but I give a heavy yawn with my quirk and she’s out for the count. I shift carefully and leave her bundled up in blankets on the futon. I notice Tamaki still sleeps on, so I grab his notebook and write a note for him.
Went home. Will walk with you to school as usual, though.
I get ready for school and walk with Tamaki to Mirio’s with minimal criticism from my mother before I go. To be fair, she’s too hungover to do much aside from nurse her headache with an icepack.
The second Mirio walks up to me and Tamaki, I tackle him in a hug. I squeeze him with all my limbs and exhale all of my sad. He has a way of soaking up all of my hurts, his affection a healing balm to cure my wounds.
“Good morning, Sunbeam.” He breathes in my ear. “From the looks of your texts, it seems like you had a rough night…and not in the good way.” He winks at me, before pecking my lips. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“It’s just the same old, same old. My mom’s just been drinking more and it’s made it hard to sleep at night. I stayed at Maki-kun’s last night.” I explain, letting him set me down and taking his hand as we head to UA.
“That’s been happening more frequently. Are you sure there’s nothing we can do?” Mirio tilts his head, never losing his optimistic expression.
“No. It’s our last year at UA. There’s not really a point. Besides…I don’t want to be the reason for her getting in trouble when I’m already the reason she and Dad fight.” I hold his hand tighter, betraying my fear.
“That’s not your fault, Ichan.” He leans over to smother my cheek in kisses until I’m giggling. Only then does he smile again. “My mom once said that sometimes parents with a lot of problems try to pick the one constant in their life to become the scapegoat of all their issues and insecurities. You’re the one thing they can control, so they use it to their advantage.”
“N-Not to mention…they think…you’re oblivious to all the problems…they’ve created.” Tamaki adds on.
“It’s true. They severely underestimate that beautiful brain of yours.” Mirio slinks his arm around my waist.
He makes my back tingle as part of his arm phases through me playfully so he can comfortably rest his hand there.
“Mi-kun!” I shriek out a laugh, squirming as the strange feeling sends tremors down my spine. “I’ve told you that tickles!”
“Have you told me that?” He smirks. “I don’t recall you saying anything of the sort.”
“You totally do! I can see it on your face!”
“That’s subjective evidence.”
“Mirio-AH!” He starts tickling me in the sides with his fingers this time and I bolt down the sidewalk as the school building comes in sight.
“Oh? So we’re doing endurance training now, are we? Come on, Suneater! We can’t lose!”
I hear him getting closer behind me and use his closeness as motivation to add one last burst of speed to make it to the staircase. My foot meets the first step when Mirio’s arm swoops around my waist twirling me around and clutching me against his chest.
“Gotcha! There’s no way you beat Lemillion!” He laughs victoriously as I pant and catch my breath.
For a moment, he just holds me like that and I let him, forcing oxygen in my lungs. His smile flattens into a neutral expression as he presses his ear more intently to my chest. I flush and look around awkwardly until he speaks.
“Your heart is beating so fast right now.” Mirio hums.
“Well, yeah, I kinda just ran the last two blocks to get here.” I snort, heart still pounding in my ears. “I’ll bet your heart is beating pretty fast too.”
“I like it.” Mirio states, finally setting me on my feet and cupping my face in his hands. “The more I’m with you, the more things I find to love!”
I crinkle my nose and find something else to focus on so I don’t automatically turn down the compliment. I reach up and smooth down Mirio’s uniform collar as an excuse to touch him.
“I could say the same about you, Slippery Boi.”
He drops his hands to my waist since we still have time to wait outside and presses his forehead to mine. Poor Tamaki plants his forehead against the outer wall of the school when he recognizes the intimate look on Mirio’s face. He typically tries to give us our space as a couple when we need our affectionate moments.
“I’m glad you have Tamaki next door to help you when I’m not able to.” Mirio whispers, gazing at me with so much love. “I trust him with my life. It makes me feel better to know that he’s close by in case there’s an emergency.”
“Mi-kun, it’s not like that. My family might yell a lot, but they’d never…” I open my mouth to finish that sentence, but find I can’t. Memories of intentional bruises and cuts from my father remain burned in my memory.
“They would.” He says through pursed lips.
“They do the best they can.” I defend.
“They can still do better.”
“I know.” I look away from him.
“ You deserve better.”
Again, I can’t accept something positive about myself, at least not verbally. I’ve been working on it, but verbal agreement still remains a struggle.
“Takara came to me for nightmare comfort last night.” I change the subject.
“What do you want me to say, Mirio?” I huff, tears glistening in my eyes. “I know you think I deserve better and I know Tamaki agrees. I know you both would rather I just make an appointment with Hound Dog or bring it to a staff member’s attention, but I can’t. I don’t want…”
“You’re scared for what’ll happen when you get taken away?”
There it is. I move until my face plants against him. Mirio doesn’t allow it. He knows exactly what I need. He tilts my chin up and claims my lips fiercely, tugging my lip. He pulls back and then kisses me again, harder until my mind is blank. As we both stand there breathless, he rubs his thumbs over my cheeks.
“You don’t ever have to be afraid while I’m here.” He promises. “You don’t have to tell Hound Dog about everything, but I think you’d feel better if you at least brought up how stressed you’ve been. Midterms are coming up and you’ve worked too hard to let your parents mess that up for you. And I don’t care if you believe this, but I’m going to say it again.” He puts his forehead to mine again so I have to look into his sparkling eyes. “You deserve better.”
I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and then look up at him again. It could be time for a change, Little One. He speaks the truth. You deserve a better life than constant fear.
“Have I ever told you just how stubborn you are?” I pout.
“If you have, my ears were phased and I must have missed it.” He chuckles, kissing my forehead. “But I’ve definitely been told that my whole life a time or two.”
I roll my eyes but grin. “Don’t ever change, Mi-kun.”
“Sounds like a recipe for dirty clothes.”
That earns him a jab in the ribs just as the bell rings to start the day.
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Want More Mirio? Try: Beneath a Starlit Sky
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