grecoromanyaoi · 6 months
(NOT HATE IT'S ME UR MUTUAL) brother what in the name of all things holy is happening in your inbox rn
i literally have no idea jdkekdieisidjdksks ppl r just obsessed w me its insane
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relentless-endurance · 8 months
asking them about their family for wolmeric!!
"You know, Lauri, I've been meaning to ask..."
Aymeric softly cut in to the silence of the morning, pulling Lauriene from idle thought. Many a morning she spent overlooking Ishgard, watching the sun rise, but not nearly as many were spent in his company; so she did not mind the interruption.
"Huh, what is it?" She'd shift, leaning against the bench as she faced him, tilting her head.
He'd turn to look at her, smiling a bit. "I know you're from Ishgard, but the family name is only vaguely familiar to me; I was curious to learn more about them."
She would smile a bit, glancing outward over the view briefly before turning to look back at him apologetically. "Sure, though I hope you forgive me for dampening the mood a bit."
He looked at her quizzically, leaning forward a little bit and gesturing for her to continue. "It is alright. I asked."
"Well," A pause and a sigh. "As you're well aware, I am a daughter of Ishgard. A child of the Brume, no less."
A nod, a bit of a smile. "I remember - that history has been instrumental in many of our efforts."
She'd nod in turn. "Mhm. Well, it was me, my mother, and two elder brothers growing up. Never knew my father, I was always told he died before I was born, but the way my mother and brothers talked about it - I think he abandoned us."
Aymeric's expression would darken briefly - but he said nothing, gesturing for her to continue. A request that she would oblige.
"At any rate, that meant it was up to my mother alone to care for us growing up - she worked in the Crozier as a seamstress, though she could never find anything steady. So when each of us became old enough, we had to start working what odd jobs we could as well. My brothers mostly took up hunting, but I usually did odd jobs for the craftsmen in the Crozier." She'd tap her foot. "Hence why picking up a new craft is pretty easy for me."
"I'll spare you the worst of it, but essentially - we had to work, or we would go hungry. And we often had to choose between eating and other necessities. We managed to scrape by, but never really thrived. My mother - bless her heart - still did what she could to allow us space to be normal children, but we never really were."
Aymeric's expression had hardly changed, though there was clearly sympathy there; but again he did not interrupt.
"And when I was about sixteen, my mother  took ill. Working and working with little rest, little time to care for yourself properly, took its toll. The sacrifices she made to ensure our well-being had caught up with her. She died before my seventeenth birthday."
At this point, her hands were in her lap, clenched tightly into fists. He took one of them, squeezing gently and not letting go. Bold, but welcome. "And what of your brothers?"
"They were men grown who could hold a blade, so they'd gone from hunting to mercenary work. It was better coin than we were used to, but it was also rather dangerous. There was a contract they'd taken that had gone badly; and they never returned to me. I was bout eighteen - and that was about the time I decided it was time to leave Ishgard."
"And thus you set on the journey that took you down the Path of the Twelve all those years ago..."
She stared at their hands, nodding. "There was nothing for me here at that point. I would have lived and died the same way my mother did. I- I yearned for more."
Unintentionally, she was pretty sure, his thumb would stroke the back of her hand. Softly, he said. "That path brought you full circle, though. And for my part, I am quite glad it did."
"As am I." Lauriene felt heat rise in her cheeks. She was never certain if he did that on purpose or not. "And building a better life for my own daughter to boot. I think my family would be proud of me."
A squeeze of her hand, and he would let go, locking his gaze onto her and smiling warmly. "I think they would be."
"You might be biased." She laughed softly. "After all, I am your favorite."
"And I still believe what I said." He would laugh in return, and she was reminded once again how much she loved that sound. "But it is true. You are very much my favorite."
Her face would flush bright red yet again.
"You stop that, Ser De Borel, or I might just fall in love with you."
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blighted-elf · 10 months
Thank uuuuuu for posting abt wrath of the righteous I super need to play it! Bought it a while back and never got around to it despite rly liking Pathfinder as a system
You are very welcome! :) I played it for the first time at the beginning of the year and haven't shut up about it since. Feel free to tell me about your playthrough once you do start playing!
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lanaevyssmoved · 1 year
hiiiii i was wondering how do u pronounce afhiri's name? love her sm
bro cannot tell you if this is how you should pronounce it because i am notorious for pronouncing shit horrifically straight up "what are you saying" levels
but i just say it like ahf-hir-ee ;w;
oh and she's lovingly called hiri + iri by her fwiends...
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vulpixelates · 5 months
I admit I don't know much about your OCs yet! So can I please know why Venus Keller is problematic?
venus is honestly one of my least problematic OCs, which is hilarious bc she actively does terrorism against the interstellar government and corporations on the regular. HOWEVER. she was on a space ship w a man for six months before learning that she was calling him the wrong name 😂
this guy's name is xander daring but she spent. SIX. MONTHS. CALLING HIM DARLING. and no one corrected her! they thought that she was just calling this random old ass man darling.
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verynonyart · 1 year
My latest artwork! (Yes, I know I’m slow with posting)
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I got to work with the fantastic @sunlian and created this piece featuring their OCs for their fanfic, A House of Two, during the Dragon Age Big Bang 2023. Check them—and the fic—out!
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jarael · 8 months
25 for......... hmm............... ghoa/magnai?
"I'll be back soon, before you know it," Ghoa had promised him.
The Sun was too proud, too bright to let show that he missed his nhaama. Yet his heart ached for her, to hear her soft contralto voice, to see her lush black hair shining in the Steppe's light.
It was time for Magnai to turn in for the night. Before he crawled into bed--their bed--he saw that Ghoa had left her favorite jacket behind. It was sheepskin, and soft enough to rival her skin.
He picked it up, and ran a hand back and forth over it. Her mother had made it, a long time ago, when they were teenagers. She'd cherished it ever since. Surely whatever business her friends had asked for help with was urgent enough to make her forget this.
Magnai brought it to his face. He thought he could smell her--always warm, grassy, with something like a hint of flame. He sighed.
He brought it with him to bed. He wrapped his arms around it, wishing it was her. The ache in his heart began to relent. She would be by his side again soon.
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anzellla · 1 year
i keep mistaking your icon for jerma in drag
i don’t know what to say, heather. i truly don’t.
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veshialles · 1 year
blue and ruby!
Ruby - you are such a gem, you deserve so much better <3
Blue - you are the sad mood. the crying moot, even. i am offering a tissue in this trying time. and maybe a hug. only if you want ofc
Thank youu 🥺😭🥰 I would appreciate the tissue and hug very much! I am doing better, has been a very rough patch but I know good things are falling into place very soon
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ranishoo · 1 year
🍨, 🥤, 🍉 and 🍰 for Dia!
🍨: how does your oc compose themselves in stressful situations?
honestly?? they really don't. they enter every situation with the intent on "winning", whatever that may mean at the time. They're a barbarian; they don't really calm down.
🥤: how does your oc feel about drama? do they start any themselves?
Dia is very uninterested in drama for the most part, aside from if it's particularly amusing. however, since they don't think too hard before acting, they're prone to starting shit quite often.
🍉: what will your oc take to the grave?
I know this is meant as a "what type of secret will they keep forever", but since Dia isn't a particularly secretive person, I'm opting for the literal interpretation. they have a little ragdoll they've kept since before they could remember, and they assume it's from their parents, so they've held onto it throughout the years. Dia learned how to stitch up the doll just so it wouldn't fall apart. I'd like to think they'd want to be buried with it.
🍰: how does your oc change as you get to know them?
at first glance Dia is the textbook definition of a barbarian: not too bright, incredibly headstrong, and all too willing to start a fight. but when you get to know them you start noticing the little things, like how they stop to hear the troubles of the local wildlife, or how they will aim to swiftly and humanely kill the animals they hunt. how they pick flowers to brighten up the camp and how they will go out of their way to cut the poison ivy back before the other companions walk through. they love in a quiet way, and they are gentle to the things and people they care about.
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telltalebatman · 1 year
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jemandthesingalongs · 4 months
My hc is that Tabris can't swim so whenever the party needs to cross a stream or small river on foot, she gets carried by Leliana (since Leliana is tall for a woman, has a strong back from archery, and bc Tabris feels safer with her even if she won't admit it). The mental image of Tabris clinging to Leliana like a little koala, obviously terrified of the water, while Leliana hums little songs and talks idly to distract her was too powerful not to share
any of those videos with the baby seal or otter making the biggest distressed noises their little bodies can make after being put in water for the first time is live studio footage of tabris being even close to water so good think leliana has the patience of a saint (and a strong core)
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relentless-endurance · 11 months
4, 7, 19 and 29 for Nature's Weave pls
thank you for indulging me because i have BRAIN WORMS
4. Does this change over time? What will always reliably make them melt with how much they adore the other character?
Its the little things for Zalia, those are the things that will always soften her. The small gestures and considerations, especially when it comes to her traumas/triggers. Those especially, even.
For Gale it is the fact that she loves the parts of him he does not, that he would sooner discard. The things that he thinks would turn her away, she embraces as readily as the rest of him.
7. Do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
They did but took different approaches. Zalia is quick to own her desires, and even her feelings, but opening up is a difficult thing. The moment they shared at the party (context: when he shares the magic trick, you can select an option to visualize kissing him, and that is. the one i picked) was an impulse, and I think if given a second chance she would have approached it a little more thoughtfully. That being said, she sort of said fuck it and just. Was straightforward about her feelings from then on.
to her credit, she did try to be more. flirtatious about it, but she had so little experience with traditional courting that it just. always came off very straightforward, which, for a man willing to admit watching you murder things is hot in front of the GODS and everyone, still flustered the shit out of him.
and Gale he. Gale he - okay. aside from the (romance spoilers). He's a romantic at heart so his side of the dance was a lot more. Skillful, all things considered. But beyond that again - its the little things. Its the patience and understanding. The things that ended up being the most romantic for her were just. Showing extra consideration for her comfort and sense of safety.
this is word vomit does this make sense?
19. Are they okay with public displays of affection? Do they like them?
In spite of all her bullshit, Zalia genuinely is. She doesn't ever take things too far, and really intimate or serious stuff she prefers privacy for, but otherwise she does not give a fuck who knows or who sees. At least not by act 3!
Again Gale was willing to admit in front of god and everyone that watching her fight was hot so I think that speaks for itself, though I think he maintains similar boundaries to Zalia's, and is mindful and attentive of hers regardless.
29. What compromises are they making in their relationship?
(Stares into the middle distance as I think about Gale's personal quest and sob). For real though, I think for Gale it does come down to what happens in his quest, but particularly acknowledging that what he had with Mystra was deeply fucked. Cause like yeah okay getting over an ex is one thing, but admitting that you were taken advantage of and that it was not a healthy thing at all is. Another. He had to confront it.
For Zalia specifically, it was the learning to trust but particularly the learning to just open up. She had to let go of the idea she was the only one who could protect him (and also the others, mind, this is something she had to compromise for them too) from whatever wrath she'd incur from her past; she had to accept that she needed help and support if she ever wanted to end that cycle.
hope that made sense
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blighted-elf · 1 year
💯 🔱 ❤️ for ry'on!
Thank you!! 😄 (OC ask meme)
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
- She speaks 4 languages! Deep drow, undercommon, common and elvish - She's ambidextrous - She relates to Astarion a lot more than the game allows you to via dialogue
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
She's actually still learning how to swim! The water in the Underdark is almost always deadly, and she's only been on the surface for a few years by the start of BG3.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
- Optimism, adaptability and resilience. Given her past and the way she was raised, there's genuinely not a lot that scares her. She's always encouraging those around her to live as fearlessly as well. She usually has the mentality that even if something doesn't work out as planned, it'll probably still be good for a story or song regardless.
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lanaevyssmoved · 11 months
never apologise for lady butterfly posting gilf of the fucking decade
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grecoromanyaoi · 3 months
☁️ tell me abt.... a secondary character from wotbeotl that ur attached to!
ty <3
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