#Super slash cat claws
superbug06 · 5 months
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Why so catcore /lh /pos
Little thing for @sun-ea-sports!!
Claws' design is literally so cool, I really used to be really invested in the whole 'object head' thing so your design just spoke to my past heheh..
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sun-ea-sports · 5 months
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kamalemons · 27 days
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@sporesgalaxy! I saw your really cool TV cat woman art recently and decided to draw her with my own electric cat oc! Hope you don't mind :3
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greentrickster · 11 months
It's going to be interesting when the kids eventually find out that Hesperia has a sword in that cane of his. While it'd be fun to see him reveal it for the first time in a fight, he seems too committed to not hurting his opponents to use it in one unless absolutely necessary. And, given that Volpina and Jack Badbit's powers are illusion and super speed, it would be way too easy to cause serious harm against them by mistake if he was using a bladed weapon.
Therefore, I think it's far more likely that the sword would come out for something more along the lines of escaping a trap. Lila's devious, and I wouldn't put it past her, in a setting like this where she's probably thriving, to up her game and use illusions to disguise actual traps, or even put an illusion of one trap on top of a different one, to trick her enemies into getting caught in the real trap.
So say that that's what happens one night - I'm going to go with a classic net trap because why the heck not, and it's in a pretty open space, with the implication that Badbit's around as well, waiting to pounce and reclaim their miraculous as soon as their timers run out. So using Cataclysm or Lucky Charm could be catastrophic, but also if they don't get out soon then Volpina will arrive and take their miraculous herself. And the worst part? Both kids are absolutely aware that they're not even the main targets of all this - the end goal for the Supreme is Hesperia, and they're the bait.
(As for why the Supreme hasn't targeted them and their families yet in spite of the implications of the special... screw it, breaking the restraining spells on Tikki and Plagg had a side effect of allowing the magic that protects their holders' identities to restart, and the Supreme no longer remembers who he gave the Black Cat and Ladybug to. The Supreme's focusing on Hesperia more than the kids because Hesperia is the one who defied and stole from him, and the Supreme is of the belief that Hesperia is the lynchpin of the resistance - capture the butterfly, and the rest will fall easily. Whether or not that would be true remains to be seen, but it's what he believes.)
So anyway, Shady and Claw are forced to call for help or put themselves, their families, and their allies at risk, as well as lose the resistance two of their four (working) miraculous. They're expecting advise or a plan, not for Hesperia to go, "Right I'm on my way." Like, no, you were supposed to tell us how to use Cataclysm or Lucky Charm in a way that's sure to help us escape, not come here yourself, Hesperia a cane or a kamiko are not going to help here, HESPERIA, PAY ATTENTION YOU STUPID BUTTERFLY-!!!
Only then he's there, hanging onto the rope over top of them, and he sticks the end of his cane through the rope like, "Could one of you hold this, please?" And the kids are expecting him to reveal some weird new butterfly power or technique or something, except Hesperia just gives the cane a twist after Shady grabs the end, tells them to be ready to land on their feet, pulls a gosh-danged sword out of the cane, and just slashes the net open so they can drop free.
Shady: (stunned but already running) How long have you had that-?!?
Hesperia: (catching up to the two of them, reclaiming the sheath of his cane from her, and resheathing his sword while running) The whole time. Why?
Shady: And you never used it?!?
Hesperia: Of course not - bladed weapons are very dangerous, even in the hands of an unskilled user.
Claw: (also in shock) So what, you can't actually use the danged thing?!
Hesperia: Oh, I wouldn't say that exactly - I fence, but I'm not the best at it.
(He's being modest, he picked up fencing again soon after he got the butterfly and discovered the sword, he and Hawkmoth would be absolutely even in terms of raw skill if it came to a sword fight between them.)
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qsmpcensusbureau · 1 year
The eggs dramatically rping as warrior cats is so fitting. Do you think they get waayyy too into it , cause actual drama and parental intervention has to happen?
YES. I absolutely think they do. It’s probably so bad that certain warrior characters are banned. Darkstar (Dapper’s super-powerful starclan God cat), Slimegoop (gegg’s illegal slimecat oc), Geggstar Pro (gegg’s second oc, also illegal) so on and so forth. I couple keep going listing my funny list of “banned” egg cats.
Minecraft sign that says “claw slashes no dodge” as a memoir to a battle once fought
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viscari-a · 5 months
MariClaw AUs
AU thinking let's go. Bad boy x sunshine is a classic dynamic and I saw MariClaw (marinette x claw noir) and the possibilities are endless. Since I'm a love square shipper this is going to be MariClaw and Marinette x Emo!Adrien! Highkey I headcanon that Adrien became emo because Marinette did it first so I'm not going to dive into mechanics of why Adrien is emo but Marinette isn't. I would say 'maybe he watched too much anime' but the brand of claw noir feels a bit more more wattpad bad boy (back in 2016) than shoujo bad boy, depending on the shoujo. He's been pining for literal years AU
maybe she once gave him a bandaid, maybe he's always seen her from afar and curiousity became love, who knows! Point is, he's liked her for SO long and when he's given the chance to go to school, he's super excited because that's the school she goes to!! Cue manga cliches and the title is probably something like "The New Delinquent is Actually a Softie at Heart and He's is in Love With Me???" It could be so cliche, with very lighthearted and cute romcom moments. maybe a secret admirer AU!!
It could also be super angst/fluff. Marinette thinks the whole thing is a prank, or doesn't think he actually likes her, and it's the slowest burn or the most comedy romcom. OR it's the first person who appreciates her slash doesnt bully her (the standards are low here, kids, cause i'm going on the assumption she's heavily bullied), and it's a story of self-acceptance! All of these ideas assume that Adrien has the bravery to approach her and talk to her though :> (not quite romantically, thats up to you. Personally, I think he's too shy to be able to blatantly flirt) Integration of Claw Noir is possible is so many ways that I'm not going to go into it. He joined the Supreme to get back at her bullies + protect her AU I once read a villain!chat blanc fic where he and her are soulmates and he does questionable things like follow her around and is kind of wary but also curious. This would have the same vibes! Could also be more wholesome/pining where he stays in the shadows. Plus hurt/comfort when she realizes, plus the fact that his powers are corroding him! Sick fic potential Can also be a lovesquare enemies to lovers (+ mistaken/secret identity), if Ladybug is part of the Resistance and Claw Noir is with the Supreme ;) The Balcony cliche AU
Marinette has mixed feelings on the Supreme but there's one hero who she sees a lot (potential for pining on Claw's part) and it bothers her so much that one day she meets him on the balcony and gives him food and it becomes a Thing! Traditional Marichat vibes but with a more kuu/tsun-dere Noir
Reverse crush AU There's a certain brand of danmei where the MC is really really shy and it's a lot of angst until the ML realizes that the stoic MC is just shy and is actually the cutest, kindest person ever. This! Is! EmoAdrien x Marinette!! One of the potentials, anyway. Marinette thinks Adrien hates her because he keeps glaring/staring at her (and all the stares she's used to are judgemental ones), only talks to her in clipped sentences, and never goes near her. Then, something happens!! Maybe he gives his umbrella to an abandoned cat or something, idk. Point is, she gets more interested and it's a slow burn-ish progressive romance :) Now the above [she thinks he hates her] except he keeps partnering her with projects and events and everything and she's really confused by the mixed signals so can he please stop. I think everyone collectively died when EmoAdrien realized + quietly blushed in the movie so flirting would be SO fun here because both of them would get really embarrassed.
Secret Identity AU Maybe the secret is that he's Claw Noir or the secret is that he's Adrien Agreste but either way it'll be fun :> Maybe she hates his alt persona so he dies a little inside everytime she makes a comment or a jab and this can be either very comedic or very angsty or both Dengeki Daisy AU, same scenario, enough said. Would probably be more interesting if its Claw Noir + OG Adrien / Chat Noir + EmoAdrien, just to have more of a switch. (In Dengeki Daisy, MC has online friend A who she's never met, and a classmate B who she kind of hates. She talks to A about B, where she rants about B and A comforts her. A and B are the same people).
Manhwa style
Sweet, strong, feminine, girlboss MC? With a the stoic, rich, powerful, smitten ML? say less. He might be more of a tsundere than stoic, though. Gabriel Agreste is definitely the hidden boss. Could be the above but also a villainess/reincarnation/transmigation AU. Reincarnated into a game like an RPG or Stardew or something could also be fun, and bonus points if Mari liked him (as a character) before transmigation!
Gaming AU! Gaming AU. Maybe they meet in a game, on Discord, or because they're always playing at the same time and get matched? This is so beautifully canonical. Especially when Adrien is home schooled, he probably gets really attached to his online friend. And if they're both bullied?? they're each other's comfort (be careful to not let this be co-dependent, unless you're going for that). Can have secret identity AU. But, in my personal opinion, the super cute option is to also have them realize on their own! Maybe they've been doing discord calls for ages and recognize each other's voice. Maybe he's been telling her about the school and they realize they're going to attend the same one! Tbh this doesnt have to be mariclaw but the vibes are cute
Extra notes
Yeah Claw Noir doesn't have to have superpowers in all/most of the AUs
Marinette is a loner/bullied in most of these AUs because otherwise it feels a bit too much like a Mary Sue/self-insert (cute competent popular girl meets famous pretty emo boy who hates everyone except her). Can it be done if she's friends with Nino and Alya? Yep. Heavier themes on friendship where Alya (and maybe Nino) are more wary at first but grow to like him and help him be more self-confident. Less romance focus, more character development/trauma healing
If we're going with canon then for all of these, a true happy ending would involve the Supreme being dealt with, but I don't want to deal with that (plus I don't think we know who he is, anyway)
I realize a lot of these are a flavor of Chat Blanc but I had already written it all anyway
Personally, I am a sucker for smitten x insecure and EmoAdrien x OGMari fit that to a tee. Emo x Sunshine I have mixed feelings on because boi have I read a lot of that, but if it's done well it's super cute and MariClaw does that really well!! I could probably think of more AUs but I've already spent at least half an hour purely typing I pretty highly doubt I'll write any of these since they feel like longer fics + I don't have enough canon info on Claw Noir to comfortably characterize him; if anyone wants to write or draw something based on these then feel free to!
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tigirl-and-co · 11 months
Middle-Aged Man (But Not a Dad (Probably))
Heyooooo, back at it again with a super rough draft for a fic!
inspired by @dballzposting but especially THIS post!
Basic plot summary is Trunks accidentally imprinted on Yamcha like a baby bird but is too emotionally stunted from growing up with the least familial family in all of classic anime to realize that he's being weird as hell about it.
To nobody's surprise, it's a character study! Woohoo!
And before we begin, I wrote almost all of this while dead tired, so it's probably even rougher than my usual rough drafts, but good god I wanted to write this sooooo bad.
Obsession ran on both sides of his family. This was an issue for Trunks, as he'd really fucking rather be thinking about quite literally anything else. But here he was, at the get-together-slash-party-slash-ritual-to-appease-a-big-purple-cat-with-food-so-we-don't-get-blown-up, staring at his mom's ex from the other side of the dessert table.
And praying said ex wouldn't look up from the eclairs he'd never be able to afford otherwise and see Trunks' stupid, stupid eyes staring at him.
But he did.
"Hey, Champ! How've ya been, Buddy?" Yamcha said, in his stupid fucking aging dudebro voice that filled Trunks with an overwhelming sensation of warmth and comfort. He hated it. Yamcha smiled at him the way, Trunks thought, a dad smiles at his somewhat estranged son.
It was probably a kinder smile than his real dad gave when he hugged him for the first time. Not that Trunks would know. Couldn't really see Vegeta's face, too busy experiencing every emotion he could name and also being shoved against Vegeta's inhuman, statuesque form.
It fucking felt like being shoved face-first into a statue, too.
Not like Yamcha probably felt, with his all-too-human physique. There was a softness that covered his features, even though he was still as tough and muscular as ever.
He kinda reminded Trunks of the big blue guy from Monsters Inc. But like, less serious. And very slightly less hairy.
Trunks had been staring too long, but apparently Yamcha was willing to write off the icy glare as a genetic thing and not an actual threat, because he approached the teen with no hint of trepidation.
He stood in front of Trunks and hucked a thumb at the spread of confections behind him. "Yo, you tried the weird cream cake thing? The one covered in chocolate? No idea what it is, but it is good!"
Trunks tried desperately to claw himself out of this conversation with "It's called an eclair cake." He wasn't sure whether or not he had meant to sound that gruff. Either way he sounded too much like his dad, and it pissed him off more.
"Yo, what? They can make eclairs into cake? That's crazy!" Yamcha took pause and then nearly busted his gut, laughing a bit too loud like guys that age tend to do. "But I guess when you're rich, you can pay people to cook up just about anything!"
There! An opening! Trunks knew how to win this conversation and then make his getaway!
"Actually, Yamcha, I think it's just graham crackers, pudding, and chocolate. Pretty simple recipe. I can ask the cooks to give it to you."
Yamcha blinked. "R-Really? That's it?" He sighed. "Well, as much as I'd love to eat cake all day, I really shouldn't." He slapped his gut, which jiggled slightly. "I'm at that age where I've gotta start watching what I eat or I won't be in any shape to show off to the ladies, haha!"
Trunks immediately threw his gaze to his shoes. He fucking lost that interaction, and now he'd have to talk to Yamcha for however long the older man could stand him. Fuck. Well, Trunks knew how conversations worked. He'd seen the guys at Kame House get into it sometimes, and since Trunks was no longer a child, he figured he should talk like that. The ball was in his court.
"Ladies, huh? What... sort of ladies are you into?"
Fuckin' killed it.
Now it was Yamcha's turn to be cornered. Was it okay to be talking about that kind of stuff with a kid? With someone else's kid? With the kid of somebody he dated?
But he couldn't just say that! Trunks was at the age where he was starting to go after the ladies himself, and Yamcha didn't want to discourage that! He had to find a middle ground, hopefully there was an avenue in this conversation that wouldn't lead to either of Trunks' parents hitting his head clean off his shoulders.
"Um. Your-" NONONONO CAN'T MENTION BULMA. "I m-mean, I like women who..." and how is he supposed to word this? Obviously he's not gonna say 'pretty women' because that would sound so damn shallow, coming from him. "I like. When girls. Can stand on their own... but enjoy having someone around to make their lives easier? I guess?"
He ran his hands through the hair on the back of his head. "To be honest, kid, I'm not really sure anymore! The more I think about it, the more I realize that sometimes people you think should work don't, but the real crazy shi- the real crazy stuff ends up better." Yamcha laughed the kind of shitty laugh you let out when you're nervous and stalling for time. "What about you, Trunks? You a ladies' man? Got a preference?"
Well, Trunks had been expecting an answer like 'I like redheads' or 'I'm a boob guy' so he was a little unsure of his next move, but he had to think of something to say!
"Um idk there's this one YouTuber I like." Trunks crossed his arms. "So you like women like my mom, right? It kind of sucks that she ended up with my dad."
Yamcha couldn't move. He wasn't sure he was breathing, either. "H-Huh?"
"Yeah 'cuz you probably woulda been a way better husband. All my dad does is train all day and then sit at the table and stuff his stupid face." Trunks put his fist on his hip. "You like watching movies and being nice and shit. I dunno."
Yamcha was desperately hoping Vegeta wasn't going to manifest behind him and reduce him to ashes. The things Trunks was saying were weird, sure, but the whole family had always been blunt. Trunks probably didn't mean anything by it. Not that that would stop either of his parents from hunting Yamcha down if they heard.
And Yamcha wasn't stupid! He had issues with his own parents, way back when. It's what eventually led him to become a bandit out in the middle of the desert for Chrissake! But he had just wanted to be a dude Trunks could come talk to if he was having the sort of human troubles an ex-evil alien dad couldn't help him solve, and apparently he had been too approachable. Or Vegeta really did just suck that bad.
Either way, oops.
"Hey kid, l-listen! You can't just say things like that!" Yamcha sighed deeply, trying to compose himself. He was still looking around like a raccoon that could hear hound dogs braying, but at least he stopped stuttering.
And then he saw Trunks' face harden even further, scowling angrily. The tykebomb looked like he was barely resisting shouting his next statement, and Yamcha was very glad for that.
"I'm not a fucking kid! Goddamnit, I'm just trying to have a normal fucking conversation, why are you being so fucking weird about this?" Trunks would have been a truly intimidating sight to behold at this point if he wasn't three-foot-five with lavender hair. "And I was gonna apologize for suckerpunching you that one time when you stayed over, but you can fucking forget it! I'm glad I punched you!"
The older man knew he had to take responsibility here, because apparently he was right and neither of the kid's parents bothered to teach him the difference in how you're supposed to talk to people outside your own home.
...Thinking on it, neither Bulma nor Vegeta had ever deferred to authority in their lives. Vegeta had a habit of trying to kill anybody stationed above him, and Bulma either screamed until listened to or flashed her tits at someone until she got her way.
Fuck him, maybe he would have made a better parent! Too late now, though.
"No, Trunks, that's not what I meant," he reassured the stunted youth. "I want you to know you can talk to me about stuff, alright? But maybe- maybe not out where your parents can hear? The earth dragon balls can't bring me back again, y'know?"
Trunks looked back up, waiting to hear the rest of the statement.
"And I mean, actually you probably shouldn't say that sort of stuff, because it makes people uncomfortable, but-" here he took the chance of fucking it all up even worse and ruffled Trunks' hair. Trunks didn't even flinch and Yamcha didn't know what that meant. "We're already friends, right? And friends can totally say that sort of stuff. In private."
Trunks met him dead in the eye, unblinking and unemoting. "Okay."
Yamcha chuckled unconvincingly. It fooled Trunks, though. "So, were you actually gonna apologize for that gut punch, or...?"
"So, what? You were just gonna feel like shit about it your entire life? Until you died?"
"Haha, okay then! Did... you want a slice of this, um, eclair cake? There's not a lot left!"
"Sure. Can I call you 'Uncle?'"
Yamcha tensed up just slightly, before letting it drain out of him. "Not where anybody who might tell your parents can hear, okay?"
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ihopesocomic · 1 year
On the topic of Vicious's characterization, let me know if I'm extrapolating too much here (Vicious reminds me of my own mother so I may be biased/projecting my own experience onto her a lil), but I noticed the subtle detail of her looking horrified for just a moment after slashing Hope. It illustrates how some* abusers aren't incapable of basic sympathy. In fact, they have to actively suppress their natural sympathy and the guilt they'd feel for their abusive actions by building up walls of justifications, victim-blaming, and denial. Like in this instance, Vicious is visibly shocked by what she's done at first, but she immediately leaps back to justifying and victim-blaming ("she should've backed off, it's her own fault") to shove down the guilt she otherwise rightly would have felt. Though of course, much of that guilt may also come from Vicious's own self-esteem wrt seeing herself as a "good mother", rather than truly caring about the pain she caused Hope.
This is an aspect of abuse I don't see portrayed super often in media, but it can be helpful to understand - I've known many survivors (myself included) who initially thought their loved one "couldn't be abusive, because they're not a totally heartless monster" but plenty of abusers aren't totally heartless monsters, they're just people who have extremely harmful attitudes and patterns of behaving. They are capable of feeling sympathy, guilt, regret, etc., they just choose to override or deny those feelings when it comes to how they treat their victim.
(*Disclaimer: every abusive relationship is different, so if this isn't accurate to your abuser you're still valid of course. I mean, even Jasper is quite different than what I've described above. Abuse is never justifiable regardless of how it presents.)
Thank you for your input, anon. I think you worded it better than I could.
And yeah, I'm so pleased with how Cat managed to capture that moment of Vicious having a split second moment of realising she had gone too far before then trying to shove it down and play the good ol' game of blame-shifting onto her victim.
Because yeah, Hope should've 100% expected her own mother to legit claw her face. How could she not have seen that coming? /sarcasm - RJ
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notstinky · 10 months
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TIMING: Sometime recently idk who knows FEATURING: Felix (@recoveringdreamer) & Thea (@notstinky) LOCATION: The Grit Pit SUMMARY: With the help of a mysterious hair growth serum purchased online, Thea is no longer bald! With renewed confidence she accosts the coolest fighter ever (Felix) in the locker room. Unfortunately, there's something that's an ever bigger fan of Felix than Thea...
The Hair was bored. The Hair had tried pinching people during the match, but the imbecilic container of flesh it was attached to wouldn't stop squirming. The Hair demanded entertainment. The Hair was growing and growing minds needed more than just shampoo and conditioner. The Hair would find a way. But the hair liked the transforming cat person. As a cat, they had been covered in hair. The idea was appealing to The Hair. The Hair wanted that for everyone. The Hair would find a way for that too. 
“You were so cool out there!” Thea bounced in place, clapping her hands. “When you took out your claws and you went—“ Thea mimicked the actions of Felix, completely with comic book ‘swish’ and Wolverine’s ‘snikt’ sound effects. “You really showed that uh…whatever that thing you were fighting was… But you really showed it who’s in charge!” Thea beamed, technically she wasn’t supposed to be in the locker rooms unless she was cleaning them but if she went around authoritatively with her janitor’s cart, who was going to tell her she wasn’t allowed to talk to Felix? “I, uh, found this by the ring.” Thea reached into her pocket and pulled out a tuft of Felix’s fur. “I don’t know if you want this back to like… super-glue on your fursuit or whatever.” 
The Hair twitched at the mention of fur. As the inane conversation between the meat sacks went on, it lengthened down Thea’s back, curious about what mischief it could dip its split-ends into. 
The fight hadn’t been a particularly hard one, as far as Grit Pit fights went. It was a weeknight, so there was no need to up the stakes to draw in a big crowd, and the Pit didn’t want to ‘waste’ Wildcat by getting the balam injured before the weekend came and brought the more profitable fights with it. Tonight’s ‘work’ had been almost monotonous in a way — slash here, punch there. They asked Felix to play it up for the crowds, and they did the best they could if only to avoid the lecture that would come with disobeying. There were areas where rebelling made little sense; Felix would rather save their energy for the big stuff.
They settled onto the bench in the locker room, pulling their shirt over their head. Senses still enhanced with the jaguar close to the surface, they heard, smelled, felt Thea enter the locker room before she spoke and smiled as they pulled their head through the loose t-shirt. “Hey, thanks,” they replied. They didn’t really like the fighting, but it was nice to have a ‘fan’ when the fan was as kind as Thea. She wasn’t like the people in the stands who cheered when Felix bled on the mat — she was their friend. 
Reaching out hesitantly, they took the tuft of fur. “Uh… I don’t really need that back. But I appreciate it, anyway!” In spite of their claim and the fact that they really did have no use for the fur, they tucked it in the pocket of their gym shorts, just to be nice. “Um, did you change your hair? It’s — It looks cool.”
“My hair?” A flare of defensiveness ran through Thea, before she remembered that she wasn’t bald anymore—the miracle tonic she bought online had really done wonders! Of course, when she tried to look at the ingredients, it was just a winking face and when she tried to go back to the website, it was gone, but small businesses came and went all the time; such was the woes of capitalism. “Yeah! My friend cut it!” She had cut it a little too much, she wanted to say, but felt bad about it. Cass had done a good job and it was her fault for squirming around on the stool. 
But, at the mention of being cool, the hair waved all at once, as if a breeze had swept through the room. The hair was cool. The hair decided that it liked this cat person—no—it loved them. Did they need hair? They could have always used more hair. The hair continued its descent and slithered up towards Felix’s bag. 
“Your hair’s pretty cool too,” Thea said, just to be polite. Mostly, it was covered in sweat. “Do you use gel or anything? Actually, when you put on your big cat fursuit, how do you get your fur all silky? Do you shampoo it?” Despite Felix explaining to her that the cat was a real creature they transformed into, Thea didn’t believe it. Rather, she had simply chosen to ignore that it had even been said and move on with her life as though there were no such thing as Lip Balms (she’d purposefully forgotten the word Felix used) or girls that turned into wolves. She thought she was doing a pretty good job of it; denial was her strongest skill. 
Meanwhile, the hair decided it enjoyed Felix’s stink. It didn’t have a nose—it was hair—but that didn’t matter. The hair knew good stink. The hair curled into Felix’s bag, spreading itself in the smell. 
“Well they, uh… They did a really good job,” Felix said, offering Thea a thumbs up. Growing up, one of their sisters had been incredibly self conscious. They remembered how every change to her appearance had seen the entire house holding their breath, waiting to see if she’d fall apart over it. Thea reminded them of her sometimes. Naturally, the inclination to ensure that she was happy with changes to her physical self existed just as much here as they had with Felix’s sister all those years ago. 
It wasn’t as if they were lying, though. Thea’s hair did look nice. It was… flowing, somehow, despite the fact that they were indoors and there definitely wasn’t any wind or anything in here. And it seemed like it was… growing? But that couldn’t be right. Hair grew slowly, Felix knew that. 
Reaching up, they absently rubbed at their own hair. It was sticking up in every direction the way it always did after a fight, when the mixture of sweat and blood turned it wild. Felix didn’t really know if the shifting had an effect on it or not. Did the jaguar’s ears mess up their hair when their body shifted back into its default state? They tried not to think about it too much. It was a little too weird. Which… might have been why Thea still refused to see the jaguar as anything more than a fursuit. Felix wanted to explain it to her again, wanted to insist that the jaguar was so much more than that, but they were tired, and they didn’t want to overwhelm her. 
So, rather than explain again, they only shrugged. Fiddled with the towel around their neck, wrinkled their nose a little. “I just wash it normal.” Felix figured the jaguar got clean when they did, since they shared a body and all. “Uh, normal shampoo. And conditioner.” 
The socks were especially stinky—deliciously, juicily stinky. They were like little grapes of stink, bursting with stink flavour the more the hair wrapped itself into them. The hair needed to have the socks; the hair wanted to possess that beautiful stench. 
“Really?” Thea ‘huh’ed with surprise; she’d thought different materials needed different shampoos. No one dumped Head & Shoulders on a carpet and no one would think of using Pantene on their dog. Well, maybe people used Pantene on their dogs, she didn’t know; she tried not to think about dogs. “But like, are we talking Herbal Essences? OUAI?”—which Thea pronounced as ‘ooh-ey’—“Old Spice? Don’t say Irish Springs. If you say Irish Springs I’m going to lose respect for you.” Thea tried to sniff the air but regretted it the moment she did as a marching band of scents paraded into her nose and shot up into her brain. There was sweat, sour and stale; there was blood, sharp and metallic; and there was the sweet aroma of Bonbar shampoo, her hair’s signature scent. Her hair that was….
Aloft, clutching in its dark tendrils several spherical wads of fabric. Thea squinted. Was that…socks? “Uh…” She turned to Felix, sweating down her face and into her blue jumpsuit. “I think my hair is…I think it’s…” The hair was frozen, the only strands that moved slipped into and around Felix’s socks, writhing in the air like molasses in zero gravity. “Um…” She didn’t know what to say. 
They could have sworn they saw Thea’s hair moving, but they kept their eyes planted firmly on her face rather than look. It would be silly, wouldn’t it? Her hair moving around on its own. And if she’d just gotten it cut, she was probably self conscious about it, so looking at it — gaping at it — would only make her feel bad. The last thing Felix wanted to do was make her feel bad. They didn’t have a lot of friends, especially not in the Grit Pit. With things as tense as they were with Samir following the blue moon’s Razor/Wildcat showdown, Felix couldn’t really afford to lose any more allies in here. 
“Not Irish Springs,” they said quickly, wrinkling their nose. “That stuff smells so weird. Uh, I usually use Dove? It smells nice. And it’s not very expensive, which is good!” Technically, Felix could probably afford expensive, but why spend more money on something if you liked the cheap stuff just fine? They weren’t a big believer in spending money just to spend it the way some people seemed to. “What — What do you use? For your hair, I mean. It really does look…”
Their eyes finally drifted to her hair, and they blinked. It was moving. And Thea saw it, too. She pointed it out, and Felix followed the line of hair down, down, down, all the way to… their gym bag? The hair had Felix’s socks tangled in its ‘grip,’ and the balam blinked. “Is — Is your hair stuck in my socks? I don’t think that’s — they’re dirty. Dirty socks. Your hair’s gonna get dirty, I don’t — I’m sorry, let me…” They leaned down, moving to detangle the hair from the dirty socks in a way that hopefully wouldn’t hurt her.
In reality, Thea had no use for knowing what shampoo Felix used, it wasn’t like she was going to switch to their brand and smell her hair and pretend she was as cool as Felix, and that Felix was her best friend, and that they would go and get dairy-free ice cream together and, under those buzzing fluorescent lights, taking spoons from each other’s scoops, they’d discovered that they ordered the same ice cream flavor because they were just so similar; they were both so cool and normal and cool, especially. She wasn’t going to do that because she wasn’t weird, but she did think about it for several seconds longer than any normal person would have. She also imagined Felix in one of those Dove beauty commercials saying “I am beautiful” as the camera zoomed in on their soft hair. 
She couldn’t be blamed then, that when she blinked at her floating hair, she thought it was another vivid imagination fuelled by sleep deprivation. Her body ran on coffee and willpower, after all. But Felix could see the hair too, and Felix was touching the hair. Thea stared at the scene in front of her. It was probably a fantasy; any moment now, Felix would turn around and say she was cool, like in all of her best dreams. 
The Hair snapped around Felix’s wrist, sharp tendrils cutting into their flesh like metal wire. Those socks belonged to The Hair. It constricted, soaking up Felix’s blood as it wove itself around the socks, piercing the porous, sweaty fabric. It knitted new socks, ones that were equal parts hair and cotton-blend. The new socks dropped to the ground and the hair untangled itself from Felix’s wrists. The children—the socks—rose from the ground, spinning strands to form four appendages: two legs and two arms. From the writhing black cloud of hair still hovering, several balls of hair dropped like stones in a silky avalanche. 
At once, the hair-socks and the hair balls lunged at Felix, hoping to merge with their flesh. The hair-socks wanted to be on their feet—wanted to becometheir feet—and the hair balls just wanted to eat Felix—they were simple minded.
The hair wrapped around their wrist as they tried to detangle it, and that — oh, that was really tight, wasn’t it? Without thinking, Felix yanked their hand back, wincing when they remembered that this hair was, in fact, attached to Thea’s head. “Sorry!” They yelped, because the hair was tightening, and they were pretty sure it was too soon for their fingers to actually be turning blue due to lack of circulation but they swore they saw it, anyway. They really didn’t want their hand to be cut off by hair. It would be a whole thing, and it would be messy, and they’d probably get in trouble for only having one hand and it sounded like a whole thing, really. Felix yanked again, hand moving faster than his brain. “Sorry! Sorry, I’m — Thea, this is —”
The hair released him. The hair spat out a sock. The sock was made of hair. The hair sock had legs and arms and, oh, there was more than one hair sock, wasn’t that just — wasn’t that perfect? Felix stumbled back as the hair socks moved towards them, eyes wide. Hairballs joined them, the small army moving towards Felix.
And then, they were on him.
Felix let out an undignified yelp, falling backwards over the bench behind them and tumbling to the floor. There was hair in their eyes, in their nose, in their mouth. Curled up around their feet, and — was it biting them? They kicked frantically. “Thea?” Their voice was muffled by the hair. “Thea, uh — I think — I think your hair is killing me? Thea, can you — Can you stop — having — hair?”
Stop having hair? Thea almost screamed, the only thing that stopped her was the fact that she wasn’t sure if she’d ever screamed before; what if it sounded bad? What if her scream wasn’t like the girls in the movies moments before they got stabbed? Instead, she pouted. She thought that was a good enough replacement. “I’m not going to be bald again, Felix!” She’d done bald; tried it, didn’t like it, thank you very much but she was going to pass on being bald again. Anyway, if this was all a dream—which it was slowly occurring to her that it might not be—it didn’t matter if Felix died, they’d be totally fine! Right? “Maybe it just wants your fursuit? You have your fursuit around here somewhere, right? I’m sure it just wants to see the fursuit again…” Thea began pulling at lockers, trying to see which ones were unlocked and which housed Felix’s furry alter ego. 
The hairballs nibbled on Felix, like rats chewing through a wall to get to the other side, to get to the meat. The Hair knew that it was in love. It wanted to become Felix. The mother cloud, the writhing mass of Thea’s hair—still unfortunately tethered to her head—that birthed the hairballs, began a slow push towards Felix. In its angry black depths was the desire to engulf them, become them, show them the pleasures of hair. 
Thea continued to search for a fursuit that didn’t exist. 
Thea looked upset, and Felix felt a flash of guilt. You couldn’t just tell people not to have hair, it wasn’t polite. But — But they were pretty sure Thea’s hair was killing them. Yeah, actually, they were certain of it. It was in their nose, in their mouth, it was biting them. They could barely breathe, and Thea wasn’t really as concerned as Felix thought she probably ought to be. Did she think they were pretending? “Thea, I need — Please, you gotta —” But she was too busy opening lockers, looking for a fursuit that didn’t exist because it was Felix’s body, not a suit, they were a jaguar and a person and —
Wait. Jaguars had claws. 
Feeling another flash of guilt and silently apologizing to Thea, Felix let those claws push through the pads of their fingers, let their hand shift into a paw. They brought the clawed appendage up, slicing through the hair that was the biggest problem currently — the bulk of it attempting to enter their mouth and nose. With their other hand, they tore the hair away. Now able to breathe more freely, they began batting the hairballs away, looking very much like a cat playing with balls of yarn… if the cat was a half-person, half-jaguar hybrid and the balls of yarn were small balls of sentient hair trying to kill them. Totally normal stuff.
The Hair recoiled; the large, writhing mass, seemed to lose its luster as its children perished, turning into nothing more than cut strands on the ground. Still, if it could just join with its love, Felix, then perhaps…perhaps…. A world of hair was a glorious thing and The Hair’s mind was unable to move from the image of that jaguar in the ring. All that hair on that lean, muscular, killer body. It continued to move towards Felix, now looming above them. 
Thea watched, giving up on her quest to find the fursuit. It was obvious to her now; her hair wouldn’t stop until it had Felix or until Felix used their weirdly sharp nails to cut the hair up. Her gaze flickered to the strands on the ground and she sobbed softly. “Do it,” she said, looking back up. “You have to do it….” Tears continued to rain down her face. “You have to make me bald, Felix.” 
The hair just kept coming. Less intense now, almost as if it was grieving the loss of the bulk he’d sliced through and the hair balls that had been batted away, but still a problem all the same. Felix held up a clawed hand in a threatening manner, eyes shining gold as a little more of the jaguar came out. Of all the things the beast had ever swooped in to protect them from, this had to be the most… unexpected. The jaguar didn’t know what to make of it any more than Felix did.
Thea was crying, and the guilt swimming in his chest was almost as painful as the threat of whatever this hair was trying to do. “Sorry,” Felix said desperately, swiping at the hair again. “I’m sorry, Thea. I — I can buy you a wig! Or something!” Because they had to keep slicing through the hair as it came, and there was more and more of it on the ground and less and less of it on Thea’s head. At least it seemed to lose its consciousness when it was separated from her head and hit the floor, though whether it was ‘dead’ or not was hard to say. 
The Hair was dead. Once lustrous strands of black shrivelled into dried piles of pale string--gone was its colour, gone was its hunger. Gone was all that made The Hair.
Thea touched her head, pulling away chunks of pale thread that felt more like twine than hair. Under the fistfuls of dead hair was her pristine, hairless scalp. Heat flushed from her body, leaving nothing but the quivering husk of a girl. “A wig isn’t hair,” she sniffled, knowing in her heart that some wigs were made out of hair and that wasn’t a true statement and she should probably correct herself. She was too sad to bother with it. “It’s okay.” She glanced up at the blurred image of Felix, forcing a grin on her face. “It’s totally okay! It, um, it…” 
She wanted to explain that it wasn’t the hair. For a long time she believed that her hair was redeeming; people called it lovely; it made her feel feminine and normal. Girls had hair. Girls like her had hair. Girls like the sort of girl she wanted to be had hair. It wasn’t just the hair. Would Felix understand? It was the fact that nothing in her life ever seemed to go the way it ought to; not even something as silly as her hair. Thea sniffled. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.” 
Dazed, she stumbled to the locker room doors, digging her blunt nails into the wall. She looked back at her friend. “I’m sorry about your socks,” Thea said. “I’m not going to process the fact that you don’t actually have a fursuit and might be part-cat for real because I’m at my limit for traumas right now. Also I’m bald. I’m bald and I’m sorry.” She turned away, tears soaking into her collar. “It’s not your fault I’m the way that I am: bald.” She had more of the magic hair growth formula at home, she reminded herself. Yet, the numbness rattled through her bones. Why? Why was she like this? What was it about life and living that came so easily to cool people like Felix but completely missed her? What was wrong with her? “I’m bald,” she said, answering her question. 
The door clicked behind her as she stumbled away.
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summitclan-chronicles · 9 months
Oops it’s me a third time today
With this being an 18+ server what are your rules on swearing/violence/Warrior Cats Birthing Scenes™️ etc?
Glad to see you !!
Swearing: I think cats cussing is funny so it's allowed as long as you're not meanspirited about it. Arrowseeker says fuck, but not around the children.
As for violence, in short, no more dangerous than the books themselves are.
For ease of reference, at the bottom of this post there is a readmore. Under that readmore is Tigerstar's death, which is the absolute gnarliest I'd allow in a Summitclan post without saying something to you. But there are very few opportunities for such violence to take place, so this wil be very very rare.
as for WCBS, I think we're gonna like. Take a casual supercool "fade to black" approach on that. Like, the thread of a birth occurs immediately after the birth of the last kit in a litter, so none of it happens onscreen. Cus the erins just... assume cats are like people. In reality cat births aren't super painful, just wicked tiring (unless there's an issue). so there wouldnt be much To Say!
To that end, kittens are NPCs that are represented by the dam of the litter for the first 4 weeks. :]
From The Darkest Hour.
Blood welled out as the smaller cat ripped him down to the tail with a single slash.
A desperate scream of fury erupted from Tigerstar, then broke off with a ghastly choking sound. His body convulsed, limbs jerking and tail flailing. For a heartbeat a stillness settled over him, and Firestar knew he was falling into the trance of a leader who loses a life, to wake after a little while restored to strength and with the rest of his lives intact.
But not even StarClan could heal this terrible wound. Scourge stood back and watched coldly as Tigerstar’s body convulsed again. The dark red blood kept on flowing, spreading across the ground in a ceaseless tide. Tigerstar let out another shriek; Firestar wanted to cover his ears so he didn’t have to listen anymore, but he was frozen to the spot.
Again the massive tabby’s body grew still for a heartbeat, but again the wound was too terrible to yield to the healing trance. Another spasm seized Tigerstar’s body. His claws tore up clumps of grass in his agony, while his screeches turned from fury to terror.
He’s dying nine times, Firestar realized. Oh, StarClan, no…
It was a death he would not have wished on any cat, not even Tigerstar, and he thought it would never be over.
When they saw what was happening to the leader they had believed was invincible, horrified yowling came from the warriors of TigerClan. Firestar realized that they were all breaking rank; several cats pushed roughly past him in their mad haste to flee from the clearing. From somewhere behind him he heard Tallstar call out to his own warriors, “Wait! Hold the line!”
Firestar knew he did not have to give his own warriors the same order. They would stand with him to the end.
Tigerstar was panting now, his fight for life exhausting him. Firestar caught a glimpse of his amber eyes, glazed with pain and fear and hatred. Then his body gave one last jerk and lay still.
Tigerstar was dead.
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thegroupofalltime · 1 year
Hello and welcome to our blog! This blog is run by four people :]
Here we will answer questions about our phighting ocs and chat as well (this is not in any way canon to the phighting universe and is purely for fun!!)
people running the blog:
truth (@truthdawn) (they/them)
sin (@sinnerclair) (thou/thee)
mtd (@metdrantom) (any/he/him)
catt (@cattstep) (he/him)
TAGS: p! oc art, ask, oc asks, murderers, phighting oc, important
LIST OF OCS YOU CAN ASK BELOW!! :D (warning: kind of long)
Truth's ocs
Crowbar (He / Him) tag
Bloxy Cola / BC (He / Him) tag
Witches Brew / WB (She / Her) tag
Taser (She / Her) tag
Oni (She / Her) tag
Frill (They / Them)
X (He / Him or They / Them)
KK (He / Him) tag
Pistol ( He / Him)
sin's ocs
Dagger (she/her) tag
Interplanetary Light Sword (he/him) tag
Caution (he/him)
Heartbreaker (he/him)
Dorri Wittz {Ivory Periastron} (she/her)
Ghostfire (they/them)
Valentine's Throwing Stars (she/her)
Airstrike (he/him)
EMP Shockmine (He/Him)
Atmoshocker (he/him) tag
The Blade of Federation (he/him)
Quarterstaff (she/her)
Kerambit (he/him)
Trident (she/her)
Yamatorige (they/them)
Nagamaki (she/her)
Mythic Sword of the Tides (she/her)
Chui (she/her)
Redcliff Wings (she/her)
Redcliff Battleaxe (she/her)
Winter's Greatsword (she/her)
Paint Bucket (he/him)
Super Slash Cat Claws (she/her)
Record Player (he/him)
Gear Supressor 777 (he/him)
The Patient (she/her)
Poisonous Butterfly (she/her)
Throwing Knife Pen (they/them)
Goose (literally just a goose.)
Caltrops (he/him)
Noxious Chocolate (he/him)
Bladed Tutu (any)
Poison Emperor Blade (he/him)
8-Ball (she/her)
Sauer (she/her)
April Showers "The Contractor" (she/her)
Split (any)
Mtd's ocs
Broad (he/him) tag
Sled (he/him) tag
Volcanograft (they/she)
Falchion (he/him) tag
Boar Lantern (he/they) tag
Catt's ocs
Sniper Rifle (He/him) tag
Sickle (He/she) tag
Sai (She/her)
Scythe Of Singularity (He/him) tag
Naginata (She/her)
Lantern (Any)
Paintball Gun (He/him)
Arctic Fox Tail (She/her)
Battle Ax (He/him)
Artemis Bow And Arrow (He/they) tag
Kris (He/him)
Stravant's Lightning (He/him) tag
Grapple Hook (He/They)
Tranquilizer (He/him) tag
Gravitational Radiation Hammer (He/him)
Tessen (He/they)
Spear (She/he)
Tiger (He/him)
Luger (He/him)
Stormseye (They/them)
Sentry (He/him)
Flintlock (They/he)
Gravy (She/her)
Khopesh (He/him)
Blunderbuss (He/him)
Bo staff (They/them)
Moneybags (He/him) tag
Speed coil (She/her)
Gravity Coil (Any)
The Doctor (He/him)
Spellbook (She/her)
Cowbell (She/her)
Wrench (He/they)
Abyss (She/her)
Shotgun (He/him)
The General (He/him)
"Sol" (Any)
Hyperbike (He/they/she)
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sun-ea-sports · 4 months
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Buncha school doodles
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free-for-all-fics · 2 months
ah!! im so in love with your claude rains prompts and i adore every single one of them! i just recently rewatched deception and i’m realizing how much cat energy hollenius gives lol. imagine him as this fat big-boned absolute unit of a cat(you feed him way too much regularly and he can’t help snacking on your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. what’s yours is his!) who’s always watching from his plush cat tower with the most expressive eyes. he gets bored easily, so he’ll take it upon himself to slash your drapes and give you that innocent look when you discover what he’s done. he’s obviously a purebred cat and im thinking he’s probably competed and won in lots of cat shows before. he’s also either super lazy (not moving off your bed, where he’s definitely not supposed to be) or he’ll have extreme zoomies (mostly when you’re trying to get some rest)
it doesn’t matter who you bring over, he already hates anyone who isn’t you and you’ve had quite a few visitors leave nursing claw marks
have a boyfriend? forget it. he’ll always be growling, stalking around the place, and sharpening his claws (what do you mean your boyfriend’s leg isn’t his scratching post? he’s only just a silly little cat, he doesn’t know!)
maybe im just rambling here but i’d love to hear your thoughts! 🫶
Oh my god Nonnie I love all of this!! 😂 He’d be the most spoiled, bratty, yet lovable cat ever. Here are some quick thoughts I had just off the top of my head! 🐱💛
- Won’t eat just any cat food, his palette is very refined and if you dare put any food in front of him he thinks his beneath him, he’ll stick his nose up and YOWL at you until you get him something decent to eat. God help you and give you the patience of a saint should you ever try to put him on a diet. You took his ONLY food and now he’s gonna STARVE. You’re just trying to get his body to match his head and he acts like he’s skin and bones ffs. He’s a lil Chubba Wubba.
- He’s not much of a zoomies type of cat. He’s a bit too old, so he’s more of a lounger, but is probably too heavy for a cat tree. He doesn’t climb. He waddles when he walks. He’d probably need pet stairs, but he can still jump.
- He’d do that cat thing where if he’s mad at you he’d be like, “Can you see me?” and make sure you’re watching while he turns his back to you. He wants you to know he’s ignoring you.
- Try to kick him out of your room or get him to sleep in the cat bed you bought him? It is clear you’ve left him in the hallway to die. He doesn’t know what else to do but mournfully sing the song of his people at the top of his lungs or run across the piano keys and scratch at the doors until you let him in. Try to force him to the end of the bed at your feet? Nope. He’s going on your chest.
- You gently nudge him out of the way for any reason? You KICK Alex??? You kick him like the football?? Oh jail!! Jail for 1,000 years!!
- You dare bring anyone to the house that he doesn’t know? He won’t just hide away until they leave. No, he’ll constantly be following and hovering around you and acting as a buffer or obstacle between the two of you. Will accept pets and affection from you but hiss, bite and scratch anyone else if they try. He’s a cock block.
- He’s so NEEDY if you come back home, no matter how long you’ve been gone. An hour? A day? A week? Doesn’t matter. A lifetime has passed. He doesn’t get separation anxiety per se, since he’s more annoyed and salty than anxious and scared. How dare you leave him home alone or with some other person?? Why’d you leave him for so long?? Work?? He has a solution for that! Don’t go back to work! Look at him, he doesn’t work and he does fine! So why should you? He doesn’t know these random people like that!
- He doesn’t hunt because the outside and other creatures are gross, especially when dead, but he’ll bring you random objects he thinks are pretty, like rocks or shiny buttons. He’ll puff up his chest, expecting praise and affection for his amazing find.
- Will not wear a collar unless it’s encrusted with real precious gems or something. If it’s not his favorite color it’ll conveniently go missing.
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mysmashultimate · 3 months
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Creating a moveset for Puss in Boots from Shrek as a character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate:
### Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Trailer
#### Trailer
The trailer opens with a quaint fairy tale village, where various fighters are engaged in lively battles. Suddenly, the heroic Puss in Boots appears, his trademark hat and sword gleaming as he gracefully dances into the Smash Bros. arena, ready to showcase his swashbuckling skills.
**Tagline:** "Puss in Boots: Master of the Sword!"
### Puss in Boots' Moveset
#### Special Moves
- **Neutral Special: Sword Slash**
Puss swings his sword in a quick, slashing motion, dealing damage to opponents in front of him. Holding the button charges up the attack for a stronger slash.
- **Side Special: Cat Dash**
Puss dashes forward at high speed, using his feline agility to tackle opponents and knock them off balance.
- **Up Special: Cat Leap**
Puss performs a nimble leap into the air, using his sword to propel himself upwards while damaging opponents in his path.
- **Down Special: Puss's Purr**
Puss emits a soothing purr that temporarily charms opponents, causing them to become briefly dazed and vulnerable to attacks.
#### Final Smash: Nine Lives Fury
Puss in Boots channels his legendary "Nine Lives" prowess, transforming into a whirlwind of sword strikes and acrobatic maneuvers. He swiftly darts around the stage, slashing opponents multiple times before delivering a final devastating blow with a dramatic flourish.
### Taunts
1. **Taunt 1:** Puss sharpens his claws on his sword and declares, "I fear nothing... except mice!"
2. **Taunt 2:** Puss sheathes his sword and bows gracefully, saying, "Behold, the greatest feline swordsman!"
3. **Taunt 3:** Puss wags his tail playfully and challenges opponents with a confident smirk.
### Victory Poses
1. **Victory Pose 1:** Puss in Boots poses triumphantly with his sword held high, exuding his heroic charm.
2. **Victory Pose 2:** Puss performs an elegant sword dance, twirling and leaping with finesse to celebrate his victory.
3. **Victory Pose 3:** Puss reclines lazily on a pile of defeated opponents, grooming his whiskers with a satisfied purr.
### Kirby Hat
When Kirby inhales Puss in Boots, he gains Puss's iconic hat, boots, and sword, along with the ability to use **Sword Slash**.
### Defeat Pose
Puss in Boots sits down with a defeated expression, cleaning his sword while muttering about needing a catnap.
### Classic Mode Name
**"Feline Fencer"**
Puss in Boots' Classic Mode route involves battling characters associated with adventure and fairy tales, culminating in a final showdown against a dragon in a mystical castle.
### Stage
**"Far Far Away Castle"**
A stage set in the grandiose castle from the Shrek universe, featuring interactive elements like drawbridges and appearances by Shrek and Donkey as stage hazards.
### Attributes
- **Weight Class:** Lightweight
- **Height:** Short
- **Speed:** Fast
### Victory Song
A lively and adventurous remix of Puss in Boots' theme music, blending Spanish guitar with playful melodies that capture Puss's swashbuckling spirit and heroic antics.
With Puss in Boots in the fray, players can embrace the agility and skill of this charismatic feline swordsman, using his nimble moves and cunning tactics to outmaneuver opponents and dominate the Smash Bros. arena with flair!
0 notes
astralcat · 7 months
(Fallen pirates op × gundam au)
(Intro post for this au:)
so i turned asl into slak and made them all set out as the straw hat pirates after the gray terminal fire
Here is the "K"
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He's the same age as luffy (9 when the Fallen Pirates get their start, 17 pre-ts, 19 post-ts)
His attacks are apl named after various celestial bodies (e.g. Deneb Strike = basic claw attack, Southern Cross = backflip/cross-slashing with claws attack, Plough (the plough is an alternate name for the big dipper) Rush = sliding/clawing attack like the one Cat Mario does in Super Mario 3d World, etc.)
When they start out as pirates, Ace, Sabo, Luffy and Kamille mostly just hang around Dawn Island bc they're kids, but around this point Kamille gets ahold of the cat-cat fruit. They really get their start when Luffy is 17 like in canon. During the proper pre-ts era the strawhats are mostly just a combo of the canon SHs and the Spade Pirates, plus a few others under Sabo and Kamille
Also Garp once got Bright to babysit SLAK once before he left the marines and formed the Fallen Pirates. They tried to use him as tiger bait :)
Also some more DFs for the Fallen Pirates: Kai gets the Rat-Rat Fruit (i always default to zoans lolol) and Hayato gets the Mud-Mud Fruit (a logia).
Rat kai doodle
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dezzysmultiverse · 1 year
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Before we can learn more about the present and future however, we must learn more about what makes modern Ataran the way it is. To do this we must go back Sixty six million years before the Holocene, and a whopping One-hundred-and-fifteen million years before modern day Ataran. The world is very...alien, to say the least, however not everything is as unfamiliar as it seems. As with Ataran's own Holocene, the Western sectors of any completed map are the most recognizable to any human of Earth.
While the continents of Ataran would never again be this recognizable to Earth's inhabitants after the K-Pg Event, for now there is a clear presence of continents recognizable to the people of Earth. In fact, these continents are very similar to their earth continents, Antarctica for example is where the south pole would be, however the space has been increased to make room for the massive super continent on the other side of the planet.
And it is not only the landmasses which are familiar, many of the flora and fauna are remarkably similar to some of Earth's own counterparts.
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In the lands furthest west on the map Tyrannosaurus Rex and it's closest relatives, such as the ten meter Cryotyrannus Rex in the forzen, and almost lightless north pole, roam around with ten plus ton bodies or eyes the size of dinner plates. Fourteen meter Alamoregina Giganotus in the swampy wetlands further south. Still further south is home to abelisaurs like Pyconemosaurus, and giant saurischians like Dreadnoughtus and the crested Altilophosaurus from which many dragons trace their ancestry to. However, moving even further east, to the more unfamiliar places in Ataran, is a very special creature.
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Based off fossil record, Altispinaxan allosauroids, are believed to have dominated the eastern continents. While there are no earth counterparts, they are descended from earlier carcharadontosaurs like concavenator and altispinax. However below them and above them were a group of very unique megaraptorans. The creatures seen above are some of Brontocheirodea's earliest forms. While they may share relation with the only recognizeable Brontocheiroid of Earth, the massive Maip, Brontocheiroid megraptorans such as the arboreal Protomegacheirus and the burrowing, flexible Cyrtocanthus, were strange in that they were unlike most other megaraptorans. They were still heavily armed and clawed, intelligent, and rather cat-like for a dinosaur, however more so they were both more blunt clawed and more focused on raw arm strength than huge slashing finger knives. Their claws were more akin to a bear's, short and strong, then a cat. Crytocanthus, needed them to dig complex underground communities, Protomegacheirus, to help climb and jump for thee to tree, more akin to an ape or lizard than a microraptor or flying squirrel. However what makes a little stranger like Cyrtocanthus or its mouthy named tree climbing cousin so special? It is something they do not even share with their extremely basal relative further west in Earth's Patagonia. While to be fair the only thing they do share with Maip is a heftier and more robust build than most other megaraptorans, the reason for their importance is simple: these will be among the survivors of the K-Pg Impact, as well as the Deccan Traps final and worst eruption that coincides. These are the biggest players in the continuing evolution of Brontocheiroidea past the Mesozoic. As such, they are ancestral to the infamous O'Zehra, a creature whose civilizations reached heights so far their capabilities seem utterly impossible until experienced first hand.
But why is this planet Ataran, so similar to Earth? It can't be possible for such a coincidence to happen, can it?
In fact, although it may seem ridiculous, there is a perfectly sound reason for this. The universe of Earth was picked for study because of it marking off all boxes on the near infinite checklist of similarities with Ataran's universe required for this study. In layman's terms, Earth was picked because it is literally the least divergent out of all the alternate Milky Way's explored. As such there are numerous similarities between Ataran and Earth from their place in an almost identical Milky Way Galaxy. down to the existence of grass, a Mesozoic Period, placental mammals, dinosaurian Archans (or archosaurs depending on whether the classification system of Earth or Ataran is used.), etc. The chances may seems remote, but compared to the immeasurable numbers of alternatives scanned with disappointing results, it is both a matter of simple probability and a seemingly impossible miracle. The exact chances of this find, percentage wise, originally is eye-rolling and somewhat tongue-in-cheek to look at. However, do anything enough times, and even the impossible becomes a certainty.
Fair use, all rights go to the BBC and all individuals responsible for this show's creation and ownership. Credit has been cited above.
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