#Superior to baking soda
usproducttrader348 · 5 months
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Highly Effective Refrigerator Deodorizer Review: Say Goodbye to Fridge Odors!
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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
As a diligent homemaker, I’m always on the lookout for products that simplify my kitchen maintenance routine. The Refrigerator Deodorizer has been a game-changer in my household, effortlessly tackling stubborn odors and keeping my fridge smelling fresh for up to 10 years!
Firstly, let’s talk about effectiveness. This little powerhouse of a deodorizer lives up to its promises. No more unpleasant smells lingering in my refrigerator! Whether it’s the remnants of last night’s seafood dinner or the forgotten leftovers, this deodorizer swiftly eliminates odors, leaving behind a clean and refreshing scent.
What sets this deodorizer apart from other solutions like baking soda and bamboo air purifying bags is its longevity. With a lifespan of 10 years, it offers unmatched value for money. Gone are the days of constantly replacing deodorizing agents or worrying about their effectiveness wearing off.
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levisolace · 1 year
[1] Expendable Hearts (Levi x F!Reader)
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Chapter 1: Windex and Baking Soda
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WC: 7,182 Chapter Warnings: slight angst Summary: Everyone in Levi's life knows he only ever dated one girl and that she left him wrecked, bitter, and heartbroken. Many years later, she's back in his life and he doesn't know what to do. story masterlist > next chapter
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“It’s always my pleasure, Mr. Brown.”
The corporate smile on your face drops as soon as you hit the end button in the video call application on your laptop. It was the first meeting of the day with a client and you were already exhausted, wanting nothing but to go home and curl up in bed, heavily surrounded by your pillows and weighted blanket for hours. But you know that’s a dream that would remain a fantasy for a while. Why? Because it’s a Monday. It’s only the start of the week and judging from the pile of paperwork delivered to your desk this morning, you would have to work overtime again for the third week in a row. 
Being recently hired by one of the top leading firms in the country is a blessing you will be thankful for every day but as the week goes by and you’re on your fifth pile of paperwork, more than ten meetings in one week, you can’t help but think what would it be like to work for a small, quiet firm. You shrug those thoughts away as soon as they come. You’re grateful for the more-than-average salary the firm provides, at least.
The day went on as it always does: hours of you trying to ignore your back pain. It was becoming unbearable and you can’t even use the ointments your grandmother used to insist you use because it would no doubt infest the building with its smell—your reputation and first impression from your coworkers is at stake. 
As you’re typing back an email from your superior, Atty. Dot Pixis, you halt when you feel the buzzing on your table. You pick it up mindlessly, checking to see the notification. A smile spreads on your face to see that it’s your previous boss, Vanessa. 
hey. how’s working with the big leagues?? pixis is not tiring you out too much is he?? i can give him a word if you want.
pixis is treating me really well, nes. thank u for checking up on me! i miss everyone there at the firm and little ian :(( 
Vanessa, besides being your former boss back in Olsen & Associates, is also your friend and self-proclaimed older sister. She's a well-known attorney, and Olsen is a legend back in law school because she’s an alumnus who’s actually cool and doesn’t have their head up their asses. However, after deciding to settle down and start a family, she opened up a small firm in her hometown. 
i might just have to visit bc i miss my little sis :(( should’ve never let u leave
technically, it’s your fault i left 
i know :( don't remind me
Two months ago, Vanessa told you that ODM is hiring and Pixis contacted her to see if she knows anyone to take the job. Your jaw dropped to the ground when she told you she recommended you and you can send in your resume if you’re interested. It was an offer no one could pass up so before you knew it, you were being hauled into a hours-long bus ride and then anxiously seated for an interview in the city you used to live in. And after about a week of being a nervous wreck waiting for their response, you were contacted that you’ve been selected for the position.
Now here you are, finally settled in your office. You still can’t believe you have your own space in this huge building. You would’ve never thought you’d be working here in the firm you only used to stare at in awe while passing by years ago. 
Although, you have to admit that you miss the warm feeling of the small firm where you all know each other, exchange heartfelt greetings, and gossip when there are not too many clients. Now, you pass by a new face every now and then, most not even bothering to greet you or spare you a look. You can’t blame them. The work here is drastic. 
By the time you left the office, it’s already dark and way past office hours. As you were driving home, you remembered you still needed a few supplies in your apartment. You haven’t exactly settled yourself in, prioritizing work more. God, you even still had a few boxes to unpack. 
You stopped by a 24-hour supermarket that you spotted on your way to work this morning when you had to reroute because of the traffic. It was a little out of the way but it would do. It was still two hours before midnight, anyway.
As you drag your feet through the aisles and drop whatever you felt like you needed in the cart, unwanted memories come creeping in. The air in Paradis City is still the same. Even if a few buildings might have changed or some stores you used to frequent have closed down, it was still the same Paradis you knew—a buzzing city filled with dreams. The streets are never empty, famously congested by students from top universities or office workers. 
When you got the offer for the job, you weighed out the pros and cons. There were only two cons you were able to determine:
You don’t want to leave Olsen & Associates and Vanessa’s hometown, Trost, and
You’d be going back to your hometown, the one you promised not to go back to. 
The pros outweigh the cons, obviously. That weight being the thick fat salary you would be getting. Besides, Paradis is huge and has like three million residents. It’s not like you’d cross paths with him. And it’s been years. He probably forgot all about you anyway. You barely think about him. It was just a silly puppy-love relationship. No biggie.
Keep telling yourself that.
Shut up. 
“That one’s better.”
A voice directed to you made you snap out of your thoughts. It made you painfully aware of how you had been staring at the two options of green tea in your hand for probably more than the normal minutes it takes one to decide. The tall brunette had on a face mask covering half his face, his hair parted in the middle, and he wore a simple light blue button-down and black slacks. He was about two feet away from you when he pointed at the tea canister in your right hand. 
“Oh. Thanks,” you replied sheepishly. Desperate to run away from the embarrassment of zoning out in the middle of a public space, you take his advice and put down the canister on your left hand back to the shelf. 
“You’re welcome. I see my friend drinking it all the time so it has to be good,” he nods and you see his cheeks prop up, probably sporting a smile beneath the mask. You smiled back and thanked him again.
“Can you grab that one for me?” He points at a sweet one, a flavor in contrast with the green tea you chose. It was on the shelf being blocked by your cart beside you. You quickly mutter an apology and reach for a can. 
“My fiancée prefers her tea fruity,” he explains even if you didn’t ask, his ears tinted a bit red from his own statement. You immediately find it endearing. He seems very fond of his partner as he continues to babble about her. “Well actually, she prefers coffee with an unhealthy amount of espresso shots but I eventually persuaded her to drink tea once in a while.” 
“Moby! I know we usually don’t get this brand but guess what? This has a free pink sponge!” 
You freeze at the sound of that awfully loud and familiar cheerful voice heading towards you at a fast pace. You couldn’t turn your head. Your fingers unconsciously grip the can you’re holding harshly with wide eyes. Silently, you were wishing that the person just had the same voice as the crazed tall woman with glasses you used to know or the man beside you isn’t named ‘Moby.’ The former would hardly be the case because from the sound of the voice, the personality of being uncaring of the silent atmosphere of the supermarket, and the way she ran excitedly from your peripheral vision, you were sure that this person was your old friend Hange. For the latter, your last hope dies down as you see the stranger turn his head at the sound of his name and reply with a sigh.
“What the hell are you gonna do with a sponge, babe? We have lots of sponges.”
“Okay but imagine! We swap out Levi’s sponge with a pink one.” 
“I don’t think Levi cares about the color as long as it cleans.”
The fight or flight response in you went crazy at the mention of the name you haven’t heard in years, heavily leaning on the former. You could just hand this guy named Moby’s tea and make a run for it. You doubt Hange would care while being heavily invested in her free pink sponge. 
But why would you run? You only run when you’re scared or did something wrong. Which is it? It can't be the latter, right? 
I did. 
Oh? So you did. You’re scared, huh? That she’d get angry at you for what you did back then. 
I am. 
Run then. That’s all you know to do anyway.
Shut up. Leave me alone. 
“Miss? Are you okay?” 
For the second time in front of the same stranger, you were snapped out of your trance and find yourself gripping the can so hard that you think you’ve made a light dent on the can. Damn, you should really get a decent amount of sleep. You’ve been losing it a lot lately. 
You shake your head and slap your cheek lightly with your free hand. “Sorry. Lack of sleep. I’m fine. Here.” 
You turn to him and hand him the can, hoping he wouldn’t mind the barely noticeable dent you made. Purposely, you don’t stray your eyes away from the man. You don’t want to be the first person to acknowledge Hange. Maybe she doesn’t even remember you. Maybe she doesn’t even want to acknowledge you. 
It was more of a mutter. But with how loud Hanji’s voice is, you and Moby clearly heard it. 
That’s when you look at her and actually see her. She looks the same as you saw her last. Her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail and her brown eyes were covered by thick-rimmed glasses. Nothing much has changed from her appearance except for the disappearance of the youthful look now replaced by maturity. Her gaze is fixed on you, slack-jawed. Her reaction doesn’t surprise or faze you, having expected that much. It’s what would follow that you’re nervous about. What would she say? Will she get angry at you? Or will she even remember who you are? Somehow, you dread that last possible outcome worst. 
“H-Hange,” you breathily let out. You wonder if it’s audible. 
Her fiancé also looks shocked, staring at you and then back to Hanji with widened eyes. “This is Greenie? The Greenie?” He points at you while asking Hange who was still frozen. His tone and reference to you immediately tell you that you have been discussed with people you never met, no doubt now knowing your past with them. 
Greenie. You haven’t heard that nickname in a while. 
It was silent for a few seconds, eyes not straying from each other. You probably look apologetic—scared, even. The man beside her is waiting too. You think he’s having a mini breakdown in disbelief. 
When you see her start to lunge at you, you shut your eyes, expecting her palm to collide with your cheek. You expect her to slap you and scream at you in the middle of the cold supermarket. You expect her to ask you where you got the nerve to come back to the city after all you’ve done. 
Instead, what she did broke down all your expectations. 
Long and slender arms wrap around your figure, pulling you tightly to her chest. Your face is squished against the fabric of her fluffy parka jacket. Even if you suddenly have trouble breathing with how tight her hug is, you were thankful that it covered your face and how you were biting your lower lip, trying to suppress the relief that comes with tears.
“Where the hell have you been?!”
You couldn’t even answer. Or move at all. Not that you even know what to say. 
“Hange. You’re killing her.” You hear her partner say. Hange instantly loosens her grip on you, muttering an apology with a slight chuckle. When she looks down at you, you give her a gentle smile.
“I missed you too, Hange.” And you meant it. 
The tall woman was still not letting you go, arms wrapped just below your shoulders because of the height difference. Even if you were caged in her arms, you can still tilt your head up to look at her. Suddenly, tears started streaming down her face as she tilts her head down to you, her mouth quivering. Then it turns into full-on sobbing. You chuckle as she starts swaying you with her, going side to side like a pendulum as she sobs while wailing your name repeatedly. 
There was no stopping Hange when she gets like this. So you let it happen. You let her hug you like she did many times before. You relish the moment, wanting to pass out and let loose in her hold. Maybe you’re dreaming and you’ll wake up in your bed, filled with disappointment and yearning for some warmth.
When she was satisfied, she let you go and introduced you to Moblit, her fiancé and coworker. They walked with you as you continued to shop, telling you stories about her and Moblit. Thankfully for your sake, she didn’t ask you much about yourself or what happened when you were away. She just asked how you were doing right now and what you were doing in the city. Although you were scared that the news would get to him, you told her the truth that you recently got hired at the law firm. 
“So you moved back then? Like permanently?” Her brows raised in excitement. 
“Well, I have a temporary contract for six months before I’m permanently employed there so hopefully,” you shrug while heading to checkout. As expected, Hange doesn’t care that you practically explained that it’s technically a ‘not yet,’ she shrieks and jumps up and down anyway. 
“Oh my god, this is perfect! Greenie, one of my bridesmaids had to back out but we already had the dress paid and it’s a no-refund. Can you step in for her and attend our wedding? Would you? Please? Please?” Hange begs you, hands clasped together as she stares at you with puppy eyes and a pout. 
You stop in your tracks and feel your heart sink to the ground. She wants you to attend her wedding knowing that many, if not everyone, you used to know will be there. And if his name was so casually mentioned earlier, that meant that they were still very much best friends and he would definitely be there.
And a few minutes ago you were convincing yourself that you wouldn’t accidentally run into him in this city. Now, you have to actually see him and be in the same room for a few hours? 
You start with a chuckle. “Oh. I wouldn’t mean to impose—” 
You were abruptly overpowered by her loud negation. “No, you wouldn’t! Everyone would be ecstatic to see you! I swear.” 
Hange sighs dramatically, shoulders slumping with a pout on her face. “I guess it’d be too much, wouldn’t it? You’re probably busy, right? Right. Sorry, I just got excited.” She turns to her boyfriend. “Moby, can you pay for our stuff and Greenie’s too?” 
Your eyes widened but before you could protest or take a strong hold on your cart, Moblit was already dragging it away and sending a flying kiss to Hange who giggled like a schoolgirl to catch it with her fist. You turn to her in disbelief as he turns his back. She catches your face, knowing what you’re about to say. 
“It’s fine. That won’t make a dent in his bank account.”
Just like that, you were painfully reminded how no one could get a word in with Hange. 
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Niccolo, the training chef, flinched from behind him when the silver-eyed man let out an unprovoked profanity as he entered the restaurant. Connie, his loyal secretary, doesn’t even bat an eye at the unprofessional behavior of his boss, only following behind him with a straight face. 
“Shithead. Call Nile later. Tell him I want a new team on this…” his words halt in disgust as he sees the unfinished, poorly done walls of what was to be a new branch of Kuchel’s. “or I’ll fire his stupid construction company out of every damn project. Verbatim.” 
“Will do, sir.” Connie nods, mentally sighing. Not only is he used to hearing the profanities, but he’s also used to being ordered to say it too. 
Levi nods at his secretary’s response, eager to leave the abomination that was supposed to be at 80% progress at this date. As he turns, he’s faced with Connie and a blonde man he doesn’t know. 
“Who’s this?” 
The blonde man practically shivered at his haze, the corner of his lips twitching at the sides. It was a sad attempt at a smile. Mentally, Connie sighed at his boss’ unfocused mind when there was something that greatly irritates him. The trainee chef was just literally in the car with them and Levi told Connie to bring the chef with them on the way to check the new location. 
“This is Niccolo, sir. He was in the car with us. He’s the one highly considered by the HR,” Connie expertly answered. 
“So you’re on the last stage,” Levi addresses Niccolo. The nervous man gulps but answers. “Yes, sir.” 
Connie watches the exchange, feeling a bit of pity for the tall man cowering at the gaze of such a short guy with a temper taller than a skyscraper. He was exactly like this when Levi interviewed him for the position. 
“Sorry, I had to make a detour because some shitheads can’t do their job right. Let’s go.” 
And so Niccolo and Connie followed the grumpy man back to the vehicle they just got not even three minutes ago. 
Not that he knew what to expect or had guesses but Niccolo was utterly surprised that he was brought to the first Kuchel’s restaurant. The legendary one that went viral. 
When he passed by the reception area, his eyes widened when he saw the reservation list filled with no spots left. It was practically booked for the month from what he saw. 
The kitchen smelled amazing, each one of the cooks was busy and they actually looked happy while working. They worked with so much coordination and laughter like he had never seen before. 
He thought that he’d train or cook with them today, seeing as they’re Kuchel’s main branch’s team. He was excited too. But again, Levi surprises him when he pushes another door open from the kitchen, revealing a staircase. The man says nothing but climbs upstairs. 
Confused but too scared to ask, Niccolo only stares at Connie but who beckons him to follow him up the stairs. When he sees Levi take a glance behind him, his feet move on its own, following the cold short man’s steps.
He sees a living room first. It’s a simple home but maintained well enough to look pristine. He kept on following Levi as he eventually led him to a kitchen. Levi turned to him and he’d be lying if he said that his heart didn’t jump at his sudden order. 
“Do whatever you like. You have an hour.” 
And then he leaves the kitchen, leaving Niccolo confused as he looks around at the domestic kitchen. He sees Connie, Levi’s assistant aggressively mouthing the words ‘cook anything’ as he follows Levi back to the living room. 
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“Good job. I think he liked it.” 
Connie whispers to Niccolo before he leaves. Normally, he isn’t allowed to tell the training chefs what Levi thinks. But he’s feeling a little silly and Niccolo is his friend and his best friend, Sasha’s, boyfriend. 
Just like all the other training chefs, Levi brought Niccolo to his old home to cook something for him. Levi is hella picky with them but Connie could see that he actually liked his friend’s food. There was no pursing of lips, which was the worst of them all. Connie had to scramble and get the trainee out before he burst the room into a myriad of colorful words no one wants to hear. 
When they got back to the office, Hange was already there and most probably uninvited. 
“What the fuck are you doing here, four eyes?” 
Levi’s eyes were seething with annoyance as he sees his friend sitting at his desk on his chair, spinning around like an idiot. It was hard to believe that this woman is a professor at one of the most prestigious universities in the country. 
“Shorty! You’re here!” She exclaimed, slamming her hands down on the fine wood of Levi’s desk to stop the chair from spinning. 
“Get the fuck up before I strangle you to death, Hange.” 
Hange chuckles but stands up anyway, skipping before plopping herself on the couch in Levi’s office. “Can you relax? I was just here to remind you that I’m getting married.” 
Levi groans and rolls his eyes. “Who would fucking forget, Hange? You text a fucking countdown at seven in the morning in the group chat tagged to everyone. The mute option has been fucking useless since you learned how to do it.” 
Levi sits down on his chair and switches on his computer to return to work despite his friend’s unsolicited visit to his office. 
“Oh! I wanted to ask you something too! Do you have a date for the wedding? So I can take note of a plus one, maybe?” 
He gives a blank stare to his friend for a second before turning back to his screen. “You know you can ask me that through a phone call, right?” He began typing away on his laptop, answering a few emails Connie forwarded to him. 
“Well, you blocked my number so I thought that you’d rather see me in person.” Hange shrugs with a grin.
Levi pauses, remembering that he did block Hange’s number that one night she insisted for he come over and watch a horror movie with Erwin and Moblit. He was working and couldn’t turn his phone on do not disturb mode so he had to specifically block Hange’s calls. He then proceeds to forget to unblock her until now. 
“So, no date?” Hange presses further. 
Levi grunts, annoyed at the stupid question. “Who the fuck am I gonna bring? It’s not like I’m gonna bring a random girl to your wedding, Hange.” 
“You totally could. They’re called escorts,” Hange suggests like a know-it-all.
“I don’t want a random stranger in your wedding pictures, four eyes.” 
“I would rather have that than see you so depressing in my pictures with your bitch face. Oh! Want me to set you up on a blind date?” Hange’s voice rises again, something that happens when she gets excited over an idea. 
“Fuck no,” Levi spat. 
“Your last serious relationship was decades ago, Levi. Give it a try again.” 
If looks could kill, funeral flowers would be thrown at Hange’s casket instead of wedding flowers. His fingers hover over the keyboard, hanging frozen at her words. At the mere implication of you, his blood boils and his chest tightens. 
“What does that have to do with anything?” 
“Are you saying I’m not over her again, Hange?” 
Before she could answer, the door swung open, revealing a tall blonde man with thick eyebrows who was grinning cheek to cheek. Great. Erwin’s here. Maybe they could send a few more uninvited people, order greasy pizza, and have a party in his office. 
“Over who?” Erwin asks, ever the gossip man. Levi grunts and rests his forehead in his palms as Hange greets Erwin enthusiastically before answering.
“You know who.”
Erwin narrows his eyes at Levi before sitting down on the other edge of the couch. Hange tells him about getting a blind date. “You could try, Hange. I’ve set him up with surprise blind dates before and you know how that went.” 
“Can you two fucking shut up and leave? I’m trying to work here,” Levi spat in annoyance. The pair ignores his grumbling, carrying on their conversation like he wasn’t in the room.
“But I have never set him up with someone before,” Hange points out. 
Erwin purses his lips. “I doubt that you can find a girl better than me, Hange. I tried everything.” 
Erwin and Hange look at each other with mischief, clearly enjoying Levi’s suffering from their teasing. He knows they won’t stop. If anything, it only egged them on further.
Hange places a finger on her chin obnoxiously. “Maybe you could ask the girl to wear green next time.” 
Erwin nods, crossing his arms like he’s actually considering it. “Absolutely. We all know Levi still loves his greenie.” 
God, even her nickname is a pain to hear. 
Levi slams a hand down his mahogany desk so loud that people outside his office probably heard it. It didn’t faze his friends who were snickering on the couch though. They know he’s about to blow. He’s so frustrated that he almost ran a finger through his well-kept hair but caught himself before damaging it, exhaling loudly in frustration before speaking. 
“Look, you dipshits. I told you a thousand times. Forget about that damned woman. I’m not dating because I’m goddamn busy with all these expansions, not because I’m not over a girl who left us all without a fucking trace.” Every word is laced with venom and he ends it with a huff. 
“Fine. We get it. You’re over her but you’re still angry at her.” Hange rolls her eyes. 
Levi doesn’t know exactly when they started referring to her as mere stories or inside jokes. But evidently, it turned out that way. They used to be hurt at the thought of her disappearing. Slowly, they started to forget. Except him. He’s still angry and confused when he thinks of a reason why. 
“I am,” he admits.
“And if she comes to see you again? What will you do?” 
This question again, Levi thinks. 
He sighs. Like an automated machine, he answers the question as he did a myriad of times before, the first being the answer to one of your stupid games of what-if questions when you were together. Most were just ways to make him say those damn three words to you. It was usually just dumb things like “What if I was a worm?” and he would roll his eyes and tell you that he would unhesitatingly kill you before kissing you when you frown in disappointment. One question, however, deeply offended him more than anything. 
“Levi, what if I asked you to break up with me?” 
You were sitting on the couch with a blanket draped over your legs, still reeling from the sad romantic movie the two of you watched where the disabled paralyzed man still decides to die even after he fell in love with his caregiver. 
Levi, who’s in the middle of choosing another movie from your collection of DVDs, freezes in his seat. He doesn’t turn to look at you but you see his whole body tensed up having heard what you said.
“What if we break up like that?” 
You repeat the question with a pout on your lips. Levi finally looks at you with a frown on his face. He sighs and looks away, gaze lifting up for a second as if he’s thinking. 
“No,” he answers even if the question upsets him. “We’re not gonna break up.”
You noticed that his mood falters from your question.  Feeling a little bad, you wrap a hand around his bicep, pulling yourself close to his side. With a smile, you lean in and give him a peck on the cheek. “Don’t be sad. It was just hypothetical.”
He instantly leans unto you. He always does so when you’re near—like opposite sides of a magnet being pulled together by force. He always wants to be near you.
“Can you just go back to stupid questions like the worm shit?” He asks with a low voice, faces too close to each other that his lips could brush yours. 
You give him a teasing grin and hum, nodding but doing the exact opposite of what he asked. Ever his stubborn girl, you continue asking. “But what if I leave you?” 
He glares at you, not very pained this time, knowing it’s just you teasing again. Instead, his brows furrowed as he gazed down at you with his silver eyes. His eyes flick down to your lips and his lower lip brushes against yours for a millisecond. When you were sure he was about to kiss you, he shoves a hand at your face and pushes you away with a little force, making you land on the couch on your back. 
You laugh but curse him out loud for his attack. Levi huffs, crossing his arms and looking away. 
“If you do that, I will ignore you for the rest of my fucking life. You’re dead to me.” He says it with so much conviction that you know he doesn’t mean a word of it. 
You sit up again, frowning then lightly slapping his shoulder. “That’s rude. What if I come back to see you, then?” 
He scoffs loudly, still looking away from you, and spots his box of cleaning supplies. Then, he says the second thing that comes into his mind, thinking that the first one he thought of would seem desperate and pathetic of him. 
He opens his mouth to speak and the words you hear from him causes an ever louder laugh out of you. He smiles before pushing you on your back again. This time, pulling himself on top of you and sealing your lips with a kiss. 
“I’d spray her with some fucking Windex, throw baking soda on her stupid face, and kick her out.” 
Usually, the statement is so funny to them that it ends the conversation. Sometimes, he even gives them a demonstration where one of their unlucky friends gets to be on the receiving end. But this time, Erwin has a follow-up question that goes straight to Levi’s chest.
“And if she insists on staying? What will you do?” 
Levi went quiet. Hange and Erwin give a knowing sad look at each other that Levi doesn’t catch. They didn’t mean to push him this hard. But they had to know if he was ready. 
From just outside his door where Connie’s desk is placed, his secretary listens in as well. He heard about his boss’ ex. The whole office knows about it. His mysterious ex and the only woman Levi Ackerman loved. That was what everyone knew. But from spending too much time with his boss more than he wanted to, Connie had learned the following about his boss’ only relationship:
Her nickname is Greenie because she liked green tea. Levi prefers black tea but he accidentally told you he liked green tea too then ran with it for four months until Hanji revealed the truth accidentally.
The four of them knew each other for a long time. He doesn’t know if they met in high school or college. But in school, definitely.
After getting their undergraduate degree, she asked Levi to break up and broke his heart with words.
After the breakup, she disappeared from Paradis. Levi waited for her for a long time, broken and yearning. She didn’t come back. Now, all Levi has is bitterness in his body.
Those are what Connie gathered from his little detective skills to cope with having to work under the horribly mannered man. Then, he shares it with his best friend, Sasha, during his lunch break. 
He listens a little more, the email he was reading sitting idle for longer than it should. His boss still doesn’t answer. 
Inside, Erwin and Hange await their friend’s reply who is still lost in his own thoughts. Erwin decides to push him one last time. He clasped his hands together and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. 
“If she comes to you for closure, will you accept it? You’re over her, right? You can stay angry, that’s valid. She did you wrong. But will you at least hear her?” 
Levi keeps quiet but listens to Erwin. The word closure gives his stomach an unsettling feeling. It felt wrong to hear it. But it doesn’t matter. His friends were just bored and bluffing again. He can bluff too. 
“I don’t really care about her as much as you think I still do. When I see her, I’ll do what I said I would. Then it’s done. I don’t care what she does anymore.” 
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It’s been five days since you coincidentally met Hange and Moblit. Before you parted ways, you exchanged numbers and your old friend has been messaging you nonstop. You appreciated it. Hange was always light-hearted and kind. You’re glad she found someone who appreciates her and takes care of her. So when she mentioned that there was a conflict with the invitations, you offered to fix it for her, knowing a thing or two about it. You handled project management a few times as an intern. 
There was once a time when you called her your best friend. You know that’s a title you no longer hold but either way, you were glad to talk to her again. Even if you know that in the very near future, you would have to face what it holds for you. Now that Hange is back in your life, it’s only a matter of time and you’d have to see your ex again. You lie awake at night thinking of what you’d do then. 
It was Saturday. That means no work for you after lunch, thankfully. You ground through your paper works and clients like a corporate machine all week, wanting to finish them before Saturday so you wouldn’t have to go overtime on a weekend. And after about nine cups of highly caffeinated green tea, you finally finished all your work for the week. Now free from the shackles of labor and capitalism, you slung your tote bag over your shoulder and headed out of your office and onto the elevator. 
Passing by Pixis’ office, you inform him you’re taking your leave which he cheerfully allowed, wishing you a happy weekend before you left his office. You bid him to have the same and left the building, anxious to see through the next events of the day. If this was a normal weekend, you’d be content with wasting away in bed as soon as you rushed home. 
You handled the invitations over the week, using your break time to oversee how it’s going with the printing service you trust for things like this. They generously accepted your request for a rush order, knowing who you are. 
The invitations were piled into a box on your coffee table by Friday, ready to be sent out to Hange’s guests. When you texted Hange that they were ready, she sent over her apartment’s address, telling you to personally meet her there on Saturday after work. She argues when you tell her you can just send it in the same day through an app, whining about how she wants to hang out with you. 
Hange, ever the persuasive and persistent person, got you to agree. That, and you still feel guilty for declining her invitation to her wedding. 
After you press the doorbell, you wait patiently with your left hand holding the small box of invitations. Her apartment was apparently a penthouse. An apartment in this building already costs an arm and a leg. Hange is smart and talented, one of her research must’ve been really successful. You also remembered that she was probably living with Moblit here. Ah, the wonders of having a partner in life—shared rent. Maybe you should get a roommate. 
When the door was taking too long to be answered, you shoot up a text for Hange. 
hey i’m here outside ur door ! :)) 
ok! just wAit a bit
It didn’t take Hange long to reply, easing your anxiety a little. When it takes more than a minute after she sends her text, you tilt your head in confusion. Are you at the correct address? Maybe you’re at the wrong unit. You were pretty sure you were on the right one, though. You rechecked it a few times. 
You wait a little bit more before ringing the doorbell again. You assume she’s probably grossed into something and can’t take the door at the moment. With a sigh, you wait a few more minutes, turning away from the door and deciding to scroll through your social media accounts that you barely use. 
A smile involuntarily plasters itself on your face when you see the posts of your coworkers from Trost. Warmth spreads to your chest as you see the office through the pictures, reminiscing your time there. It’s suddenly frightening, the realization that you’re alone in this huge city with no one to turn to. It’s a feeling you’re awfully familiar with, a state you’d rather not return to. 
When you feel yourself drift away to those thoughts, you pull yourself away immediately, figuring that the time you waited should be enough to press the doorbell again. 
But as you turn around to press it for the second time, the door swings open harshly in a swift motion, making you jump a little in surprise and fear as you hear an annoyed groan from a man that is most definitely not Hange coming with it. 
“For fuck’s sake. Did Hange give a woman my addre…”
The two of you froze. 
The raven-dark hair parted in the middle. The undercut. Those gray eyes and his beautiful piercing gaze. Those high cheekbones and soft cheeks. Those furrowed brows and scrunched forehead that was softly dissipated from his face when he sees you standing behind the door. Those delicate pink lips, now parted in awe and mirroring yours.
Neither of you can move like you were frozen in time. Every muscle in your body refused to move. Your brain stopped functioning and wasn't even able to conjure a coherent thought, much less a response. The only thing you could do was stare at the man you once called home. 
He still had dark under eyes but they were more prominent than before. You hate how it still suited him even if you hated how little he sleeps; they make his gaze heavier, willing you to get lost with him. A few strands of his fringe fall over his eyes. They were a little longer than what you were used to but it was still the same haircut you used to run your hand over when you were cuddling. It was a little unkempt. And even though his white shirt is a little crumpled, it still smoothly falls over his frame. It drapes from his defined shoulders to his waist until the hem of the shirt goes over the band of his gray sweatpants that hugged his legs loosely. 
He breaks the gaze spell when his eyes go over you, top to bottom. He stares at your shocked and devastated countenance, the casual but decent clothes that you changed into after work, the box in your hand, and the way your right foot has stepped further back than your left when he opened the door, ready to run away at the thought the man who opened the door was angry. 
You open your mouth to speak. You know you have to say something. Anything. Hi? Hello? How are you? Is this where Hange lives? Why the fuck do you still look so hot? 
But none of that comes out.
Levi’s face hardens before you can speak, wiping off the bewildered eyes and replacing them with his infamous glare, silver eyes glistening with specks of anger. His mouth closes into a frown but not before scoffing at you. The scorned expression on his face shuts you right up for a second but you try and carry on.
This time, before you can speak, he slams the door shut in your face with an impact so loud it booms through your whole being enough to raise all the hair on your skin, leaving you standing there in his floor’s corridor appalled and deeply belittled.
Your startled brain is more confused than ever. As you decide to slowly process what happened and not even ten seconds after he harshly shuts his door, it swings open again, revealing the same man who not-so-gently shut it, with a hand still on the knob and the other holding something blue.
His arm outstretched towards you and you were faced with a nozzle of a familiar spray bottle. With a straight face, he sprays the fucking liquid right on your face. You immediately shut your eyes and mouth, leaning your face away from the spray. Although it’s far enough to not cover your face if you hadn’t moved, you still cringe when you feel the tiny droplets on your skin.
You lift one eye open, scared that he’s about to spray again. He puts the bottle down to his side, looking satisfied with his work. When you open both eyes, he shuts the door again, leaving you in the corridor with heightened emotions from the first time he did it paired with an itching aggravation. 
Was that a fucking Windex? 
Hold on. Windex? 
The door swings open again and he fully reveals himself without a hand on the knob like the two times before. This time he’s holding an orange cardboard box labeled Pure Baking Soda and reaches into it with his other hand. 
You shut your eyes close immediately, realizing what was happening when you remembered his words to you years ago. 
“I’d spray you with some fucking Windex, throw baking soda on your face, and kick you out.” 
The baking soda hits your face, making your nose involuntarily scrunch up because of the fistful of powder he threw at you. When you guess that he’s satisfied after successfully throwing you the promised baking soda, you blink your eyes open, finding him still standing there with a straight face. 
“Are you done?” you asked with a deadpan face, covered with baking soda.
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© levisolace. please do not copy, translate, claim any of my works. my works are cross-posted only on my ao3 account. thank you.
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Please watch Spenser. Spenser has everything.
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Boston in the 80's!
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A long-term established romantic couple who are also best friends who just actually fucking like each other and have fun together!
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Hot Boston Townie who offers you baking soda to drink!
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Hawk, being Hawk, asserting his superiority and laughing at Spenser smelling like a fire!
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Also Hawk, avoiding eye contact and not being able to appropriately modulate his tone or facial expressions because you don't actually have to learn to mask when you're a professional gunman!
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samirant · 1 year
a damned good chocolate chip cookie
12 oz all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp kosher salt (not table, that’s all wrong for this)
cinnamon to taste
dash of nutmeg
1 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1 cup brown butter, softened to room temperature
2 eggs, room temperature
1 cup toasted walnuts
1 cup chopped chocolate
the method (which is BY FAR worth the effort):
first, toast the walnuts and let them cool. how much walnuts? measure with your heart. my heart says one cup. chop them up big and small and set aside. (don't know how to toast walnuts? put them on a baking tray, stick them in the oven at 400F for three minutes. take them out and give them a good toss and put them back in for three more minutes. that's it. keep an eye on them in case your oven runs too hot. nobody wants burned walnuts)
second, chop up some good 60-70% chocolate bars. splurge on guittard or ghiradelli. don't do nestle. fuck nestle. they're bad. i mean, the chocolate tastes fine, but the people behind the company are terrible. so fuck nestle. chop about a cup of hopefully morally superior chocolate into little slivers and big chunks, the variety is good. want more chocolate? do it. (sometimes I’ll also use chocolate discs or chips to vary the final look of the cookie because why not?)
get onto the brown butter. don't know how to do it? watch and learn
okay, got that? cool. brown the butter. let it resolidify before you keep going. sometimes i prep it a day or so in advance.
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blend the butter and sugar until that stuff is whipped. turn it pale and fluffy and gorgeous with little brown specks. takes you more than 5 minutes to get there? awesome. makes it even better.
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Look at how fluffy!
(if you use melted brown butter at this step, i don't know what will become of you, because i only did that once with messy results. go with god if you choose to make that decision, but i won't take any responsibility for it. also, having a stand mixer would help here, but handheld won't hurt you)
is it fluffy and beautiful? excellent.
add the two eggs one at a time, whip it really well. great, that part is done.
dry ingredients:
whisk them together. that’s pretty much it.
the dough:
add the dry ingredients to the wet. in two or three separate batches, mixing slowly, that's a good approach.
add your mix ins. i hope you toasted the walnuts. infinitely better that way. my apologies to those with nut allergies.
once it barely comes together (even if it's a little crumbly), stop.
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the next important bit, the really, really important bit, is:
some will say for an hour in the fridge, i say overnight. at least 6-8 hours. i've eaten stuff just after mixing the dough or waiting the single hour and it's just not the same.
(little tip: i smush the dough into a quarter sheet baking tray and wrap it with plastic before putting it in the fridge; this step takes care of the crumbly bits and then i just cut it into little squares when i'm ready to bake. round off the squares between your palms and it comes out pretty well)
(Like this!)
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bake at 350F for 14-16 minutes, depending on your preference of doneness
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there you have it. the best chocolate chip (walnut) cookies i've ever made.
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Things I have learned over the past eight weeks:
90% of my anxiety is OCD based. I latch onto a thought and can't let it go and just keep getting more and more anxious.
Having adequate information helps with that a ton, but boy are people reluctant to give you any information about anything.
Not having adequate information leads to google deep dives which leads to more confusion and questions which leads to increased anxiety which leads to further rumination which leads to panic attacks.
The second any medical professional clocks onto the fact that OCD is a factor they just fully stop listening to you and decide you're crazy and stop giving you any information at all. Also they will lie to you outright to try to "manage" your anxiety for you. This does not help.
Nurses are 1,000 times better than 99% of doctors out there at doing their job patiently and with kindness while actually assisting.
When things are already sensitive, lidocaine hurts a lot until the numbing agent kicks in. Like a bad chemical burn. Not a fun time.
Hydroxyzine makes the crying stop (sometimes) but it doesn't make me tired. The stress relief gummies help with the more mild stuff.
Doctors really really want to push daily medication instead of addressing the actual issue. And a lot of the time in trying to convince you they will just wind up insulting you and hurting your feelings.
Ear seeds don't really do much, but they are pretty.
Baking soda baths are superior to Epsom salt baths in every way.
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carbo-ships · 11 months
Chapter XXXIII
Beginning: Chapter I Previous: Chapter XXXII CW: This chapter includes references to sex (in very broad and general terms).
The tour bus stopped for lunch in a small town in a German valley. It was a beautiful day and a fairly short drive to the next day's venue, so the band decided to take an extended break from the road and spend the rest of the afternoon in town. Aether and the rest of the ghouls had on their old silver masks and changed into casual clothing. Their tails were hidden up the backs of their jackets. They certainly looked odd as they wandered through the outdoor market, but not enough to cause a panic. Ardis had similarly changed out of her uniform and shut off her projections, appearing perfectly human in a pair of skinny jeans and a sleeveless shirt.
The angel followed Aether as they weaved through the bustling streets. It seemed as if the whole town had come to the market to enjoy the pleasant weather and bright sunshine. Locals sold produce and baked goods from stalls that lined the village’s winding paths. "Here," Aether finally said after almost losing sight of her for the umpteenth time, offering her his hand. "I don't want you getting lost in the crowd."
She hesitated, looking at him in surprise. "Are you sure? What if people see?"
Aether smiled behind his mask. "I don't mind if you don't. Besides, I don't imagine we have very many fans in a place like this. I'm unlikely to be recognized."
She grinned at him bashfully before taking his hand in hers. A buzz of excitement shot through her as they continued on their way. They were holding hands – in public! She had to make a conscious effort to keep her halo and wings from appearing.
He glanced at her over his shoulder as he led her through the throng and chuckled when he saw the giddy smile on her face. "We can do this more often if it makes you this happy!"
“Yes, please!” she giggled. They explored the market together, admiring the colorful stalls and wonderful smells. After buying a few snacks, they decided to find some peace and quiet on an isolated hill that overlooked the village.
Once all the townspeople were nothing more than little dots below them, Aether sat down on the grass and removed his mask to enjoy the warm breeze on his face. His tail slipped out from under his hoodie and stretched itself out as he let out a pleased sigh. Ardis followed suit and allowed her halo and wings to light back up. This was nice, she thought to herself. No pretense, no disguises, just the two of them. She wished every day could be like this. She’d never admitted this to anyone, but she often daydreamed about what life would be like if she and Aether were both humans. She liked to imagine it might be like this. Aether used one of his horns as a bottle opener to uncap the foreign soda he’d purchased, making her giggle. "It really is a treat to see you out of uniform,” he said, a grin tugging on his lips as he looked her up and down.
Ardis cocked her head, nibbling at her pastry. “What’s wrong with my uniform?” She’d never heard him comment on it before. In fact, it was hardly worth commenting on, she thought to herself. It was rather plain.
"Nothing’s wrong with it, per se,” he mused, “but if you don't mind me saying so, it does nothing for your curves."
“My curves?” she laughed, giving him a strange look. “What curves? I’m scrawny!”
He chuckled and took a sip of his soda. “You’re certainly petite, principessa, but you do have a nice figure.”
Her cheeks flushed slightly. “Oh. Um, thank you.” She’d never thought about her body very much – at least not regarding whether a man might find it attractive. That had never mattered before.
“You know I like your waist,” he reminded her. “I’ve made that clear on more than one occasion. And seeing you like this… Well, it puts ideas in my head that your superiors would not approve of." A sly smirk appeared on his face, revealing the rather salacious undertone of his confession.
Ardis was rendered speechless for a moment. "I–" Her eyes quickly scanned his face for any indication that he was kidding and found nothing. "Oh. I– Aether, you know that I– There's rules. I can't, um…" Certainly he knew that... Right?
"I know, I know. Don't worry. I'm not suggesting that we do, dolcezza," he assured her quickly, thinking back on how flustered she'd become while kissing him that morning. "I know that would be too much for you. Just know that I would if I could."
She stared at him with wide eyes. She had no idea how to respond.
"Oh, don't look so surprised. I've been prepared to bed you since the day we met. You know that."
"I– But– But that was different! That was your assignment!"
He offered her an embarrassed smile. "It's not like anyone was twisting my arm, tesoro. I was very willing. I’ve told you, you’re cute. I mean, the motivations behind it are different now, but I've always been attracted to you.” His eyes flicked up to her halo and his brow raised. "Is, er… Is that normal?"
"Is– Is what?"
"You've gone pink."
"Huh?" She glanced over her shoulder at her wings to find that their usual yellow hue had been replaced with a burning magenta. She gasped, mortified. She frantically tried to make her wings and halo vanish completely. They flickered erratically for a moment before finally disappearing.
"What does that mean?" Aether asked curiously with a chuckle.
"Nothing!" she said quickly. Truth be told, her projections had never done that before. Not once in all her years. She'd heard rumors that it was possible, but she'd never seen it herself and had certainly never experienced it.
"Did… Did I do that?" His tail began to swing side to side, showing just how delighted the notion made him.
She looked away, embarrassed, and refused to answer. It was clear he had.
His expression turned more sympathetic. "Really? The mere mention of intercourse?"
Ardis could only give him a slight nod. It was a topic she’d never really discussed with anyone, except for that first night in Aether’s bed.
“Oh, cara,” he tutted, “come here." He set down his drink and opened his arms to her, inviting her to cuddle. She immediately accepted his offer, climbing into his lap to hide her face in his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Ardis, I didn’t mean to cause you any sort of distress.”
“It’s okay,” she mumbled. “I just… didn’t realize you felt that way.”
He kissed the top of her head. "Of course I do. I confess, I'm flattered that you don’t seem repulsed by the idea," he chuckled softly.
“It’s not something I’ve ever given much thought to,” she admitted.
Aether smiled. “I can tell. But that’s alright. I just thought you ought to know. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that you look particularly lovely today. Is that a bit easier for you to handle?” He felt her nod, and kissed her temple. Her projections hesitantly flickered back to life, still bright pink. He admired them silently, refraining from commenting on them for her sake. The color suited her, he thought to himself – or perhaps he was just proud that he’d made her so flustered. Either way, he secretly hoped to see them like this again. “So when I’m up there on stage, thrusting my hips at you, what’s going through your mind, if not sex? Something makes your cheeks go red.”
She sighed and finally looked up at him. “Just how strong and handsome you are. I’m– I’m not oblivious, of course, I know that’s what you’re miming. But I guess I just… When you do that, all I can think about is how badly I want to sit on your lap and kiss you. My imagination doesn’t make it much farther than that.”
He supposed that didn’t surprise him. The sight of his bare biceps seemed to elicit the same reaction from her as the movement of his hips. It was sweet. “Well,” he chuckled, gently taking her chin in one hand, “you’re already in my lap…”
Next: Chapter XXXIV
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aramis-dagaz · 8 months
One of my New Year's resolutions is to cook meals from scratch (well, from "scratch") once a month. My first foray this month was trying out ice cream bread since it seemed extremely simple, and it turned out pretty well. Kinda like a denser angel food cake. Not bad for a first try at baking.
Since I have left over flour, I think I'll try making some Irish soda bread in February. I also want to give roasting vegetables a try, as I've heard that's the superior way to eat vegetables and I do have a lot of olive oil on hand (been slowly changing my diet to the Mediterranean diet for health reasons).
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friezaglasiencold · 1 year
This one may sound strange, Lord, but I'm feeling somewhat curious.
Since you mentioned meeting Cell before, who would you pick as genetic donors for a hypothetical superior Frieza Approved version of the bug?
Nobody at all. I'm not going to willingly donate my genes to some mad scientist's glorified baking soda volcano.
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nrcnewspaperclub · 6 months
A tropical thumbprint is a recipe I came up with. I called it a Hawaiian thumbprint for my marketing chunk of the project, but it's like a traditional jam thumbprint cookie but it has tropical flavors and is encrusted with coconut and freeze dried pineapple!
anyways, recipes;
Almond Spice Version 3 2 cups flour 1 tsp baking soda 3 tsp cornstarch 4 tsp almond extract 1 tsp salt 2 Tbsp cinnamon 2 Tbsp nutmeg ⅔ cups chopped almonds 1 cup butter ¾ cups brown sugar ½ cups granulated sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 egg Preheat oven to 350°F Cream butter, sugar, and extracts. Add egg and stir to combine. Sift dry ingredients into the bowl mix to combine. fold in ⅓ cups chopped almonds, Roll dough into log press ⅓ cup of almonds into sides of dough log and wrap in parchment paper. Slice into 32 slices. Bake for 8-11 min
Hawaiian Thumbprint Cookies Version 3
3 and ½ cups flour
¾ cups butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
11 teaspoons pineapple jam
16 macadamia nut kernels, cut in half
2 Cups freezed dried pineapple, powdered
1 egg
4 oz unsweetened coconut flakes
¼ tsp salt
¾ cups sugar
½ cup monk fruit sweetener, divided
Preheat oven to 350°F Cream together one egg, vanilla extract, butter, sugar, and 6 tablespoons of the monk fruit sweetener. Sift in dry ingredients. Combine. Fold in one and a half cups freeze dried pineapple powder. Place onto parchment paper and roll into a tube and wrap in parchment paper. Chill in the fridge for half an hour. While the dough rests, beat the egg in a small bowl. Mix together coconut flakes, chopped macadamia nuts, monk fruit sweetener and remaining pineapple powder in a small bowl. Place some of the coconut mixture into a small plate.Cut dough into 32 equal disks.Dip each disk into egg mixture, then dip into coconut mixture and place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Repeat until all discs have been dipped, refilling coconut mixture when depleted.Press your thumb or the back of a rounded teaspoon into the disks. Fill holes with 1/3 tsp of pineapple jam, then press a macadamia nut half on top of the jam, flat side down. Repeating for all cookies. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes
Orange You Glad Cookies Version 3 2 and ½ cups flour½ tsp saltThe juice of 1 and ½ navel oranges3 Tbsp of orange juiceThe zest of 1 and ½ navel orangesThe zest of ½ navel oranges3 Tbsp orange extract1 cup butter3 Tbsp powdered monk fruit sweetener1 and ¼ cups sugar ½ tsp baking powderOne eggPreheat oven to 350°f Beat one egg, extracts, butter sugar, and flour, add juice of 1 and ½ oranges and zest of 1 and ½ oranges. Sift in dry ingredients and combine. Split into 32 parts. Flatten each segment into a disk. Put on a parchment lined pan. Bake for for 9-11 min. While cookies are baking, mix monk fruit sweetener with a Tbsp each of orange juice and orange extract. Once cooled, glaze cookies and top with a pinch of orange zest.
they were all designed to be low sugar, but you can substitute monk fruit sweetener for powdered sugar if you wish
🍋, oranges are clearly the superior citrus, source; My last name is a kind of orange, and I'm clearly superior to you (🍋) :p
frantically scribbling all of this down, these all sound delicious.
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an-asuryampasya · 2 years
get to know me(me) (heh)
tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @wizardofgoodfortune and @themirokai. many thank for the tag! :D
three ships: ah, oof. idk what to answer this based on, so I'll go with three ships that I've read a lot of in recent history: Zoscar (Zolf/Oscar from Rusty Quill Gaming), Marvin/Whizzer from Falsettos, and Dream/Hob from Sandman. (That also quite neatly sums up the different mediums I primarily follow now, heh.)
first ever ship: okay wow this took me back! Probably Dannyl/Tayend from the Kyralia series by Trudi Canavan. It was reading them during The Traitor Spy trilogy that helped my baby ace self first see the appeal of shipping. (man, I miss those books :') )
last song: probably Epic II from Hadestown. Was listening to that on repeat while baking earlier (I canNOT get enough of "the pickaxe flashes / the hammer falls" and the music during "king of mortar / king of bricks" <3)
last movie: 18 Pages, although tbh the movie was just an excuse to meet up with some lovely folks for the first time in yearssss :)
currently reading: mostly fanfic of late, but I'm also attempting to wrestle my attention span into letting me finish What Matters In Jane Austen by John Mullan. It is a delightful read digging into how Regency society functioned in order to better appreciate just how brilliant Austen's writing is, and I am LOVING it.
currently consuming: is this about food? media? idk, but I just finished dinner so my answer's going to be uppudu pindi with avakai. (I am. very telugu in some ways, yes.) (avakai is the most basic mango pickle and I have no idea how describe the former, so take my word for it when I say it is the superior low-effort comfort meal.)
currently craving: some direction in life would be nice, but I'll settle for some piping hot chocolate slab cookies. tried baking some earlier but they turned out brittle instead of chewy since my baking soda stabbed me in the back :(
zero pressure tags: @averythepirate, @shewantsitall, and @rosettarants! [and @permanentlyspacedout >:) ]
Not sure who else I can tag that I know doesn't mind getting tagged and hasn't done this already - so this is me @ing anyone else who feels like doing this!
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chadwick211 · 1 year
6 Best Rum Brands in USA
There are many different rum brands from all over the world, each with their own unique flavor profiles and characteristics. Rum is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane byproducts, such as molasses or sugarcane juice, which are fermented and then distilled. It is believed to have originated in the Caribbean during the 17th century and has since become a popular spirit worldwide.
There are many different types of rum, each with its own unique characteristics, flavor profiles, and production methods. Some of the most popular types of rum include white or silver rum, gold rum, dark rum, spiced rum, and aged rum.
Rum is a versatile spirit that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, including as a base for cocktails or mixed drinks, served neat or on the rocks, or used in cooking and baking. Some popular rum-based cocktails include the Mojito, Daiquiri, Piña Colada, and Mai Tai.
Sendgifts offers online liquor delivery service in USA that delivers alcoholic beverages to customers’ homes or other locations with its fastest liquor delivery service. It also offers liquor delivery to Canada.
With more and more brands entering the market, it can be quite intimidating in choosing the best. Check out the top best selling rum brands in USA. The best way to choose a rum brand is to try a few different ones and see which you prefer.
Top Rum Brands
Bacardi is a rum brand that was first produced in 1862 by Facundo Bacardi Masso in Santiago de Cuba. The company is now headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda and is one of the largest producers of rum in the world. Bacardi is known for its smooth, light-bodied rums, which are aged in oak barrels and blended to create a consistent flavor profile. Some of the most popular Bacardi rums include Bacardi Superior (white rum), Bacardi Gold (amber rum), Bacardi 8 (aged rum), and Bacardi Black (dark rum). The brand is also known for its signature cocktail, the Bacardi Mojito, which is made with Bacardi Superior, lime juice, mint leaves, sugar, and soda water.
Captain Morgan
Captain Morgan is a brand of rum produced by the British alcohol company Diageo. The rum is named after Sir Henry Morgan, a Welsh privateer who became a famous pirate in the Caribbean. Captain Morgan rum is made from a blend of Caribbean rums and is available in several different varieties, including original spiced rum, white rum, black rum, and flavored rums such as coconut and pineapple. The brand is well known for its distinctive bottle, which is shaped like a squat, rounded flask with a handle, reminiscent of the bottles that would have been used by pirates in Morgan’s time.
Mount Gay
Mount Gay is a rum brand that has been produced in Barbados since 1703. It is one of the oldest rum brands in the world and is known for its high quality and distinct flavor. Mount Gay rums are made from a blend of column and pot still distillates and are aged in oak barrels.
There are several varieties of Mount Gay rum, including Mount Gay Eclipse, Mount Gay Black Barrel, and Mount Gay XO. Eclipse is the brand’s flagship rum and is a blend of rums aged between 2 and 7 years. Black Barrel is a small-batch rum that is finished in charred bourbon barrels for a rich, complex flavor. XO is a premium rum that is aged for at least 8 years and is known for its smoothness and complexity.
Mount Gay rum is enjoyed around the world and is often used in cocktails such as the Rum Punch and the Mai Tai.
Appleton Estate
Appleton Estate is a Jamaican rum brand that produces high-quality, premium rums. The brand has been in operation since 1749 and has a reputation for producing some of the best rums in the world.
Appleton Estate produces a range of rums, including the Signature Blend, Reserve Blend, Rare Blend 12 Year Old, and the 21 Year Old Jamaica Rum. Each of these rums is made from a blend of rums that have been aged for different lengths of time in oak barrels, giving each one a unique flavor profile.
The Signature Blend is a medium-bodied rum that is perfect for mixing in cocktails, while the Reserve Blend is a smooth, full-bodied rum that is best enjoyed neat or on the rocks. The Rare Blend 12 Year Old is a complex and rich rum that has been aged for a minimum of 12 years, while the 21 Year Old Jamaica Rum is a luxurious and indulgent rum that has been aged for at least 21 years.
Ron Zacapa
Ron Zacapa is a premium rum brand from Guatemala. The rum is named after the town of Zacapa, where it is produced, and is known for its complex flavor and smoothness.
Ron Zacapa rums are aged using the Solera system, which involves blending different rums of various ages to achieve a consistent flavor profile. The rums are aged in a combination of American whiskey, sherry, and Pedro Ximenez wine casks, which contributes to the distinctive taste of the rum.
Ron Zacapa produces a range of rums, including the Zacapa 23, which is aged for a minimum of 23 years, and the Zacapa XO, which is aged for up to 25 years. These rums are highly regarded by rum enthusiasts and have won numerous awards for their quality and taste.
Flor de Cana
Flor de Cana is a rum brand produced in Nicaragua. The company was founded in 1890 and has since become one of the most well-known rum brands in the world. The rum is made from sugar cane grown in Nicaragua’s volcanic soil and distilled using traditional methods.
Flor de Cana offers a range of rums, from their classic 4-year-old rum to their ultra-premium 25-year-old rum. They also produce flavored rums, including their popular coffee-infused rum.
In addition to their high-quality rums, Flor de Cana is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The company has implemented numerous initiatives to reduce their environmental impact, including using renewable energy, reducing water usage, and implementing sustainable farming practices.
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brandonwayneb · 2 years
white trash genocides
🇺🇸🇩🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: America German England
🔵⚪️🟡: Blue, White, Yellow
🔵 Blue: ❄️🐟♿️🧢🪣 America
⚪️ White: 🦷🦴🐁🥼☠️ Germany
🟡 Yellow: 🍋🧀🌽⚠️🔕 England
List of white genocide primary catalysts
Summarized at “Goose”
illegal public genocides
“Goose Factory Resets”
Bar Code Fist Pumps
Fat Plums, Stupid Bums
Cash Dumps, Breast Lumps
In Test Ten Tin
Silver Surf Ring Shoe Laces Speed Death Races Tin Foil Foul Goose Eggs 🪺
PodCast Post Cast Radio Radiation Cancer 📻
Micro Mouse 🐭 Rat Pellets
💊 Pill Pro Gram Bread 🍞 🥖 Basket 🧺
Bastard Kits, Sea 🌊 Turd 💩 Raft
Turtle 🐢 Dove 🕊️
Blended in a micro cow patty pie shit glove
🧤 🐮 💩 🥧
quadruple bypass
Quadruple Bypass Fire Hydrant 🧯💦
Circle ⭕️ Jerk Key 🔑
Sir Alpha Eat Old Goose Egg Shit
Alpha Troy 🥴🤮
Alpha Office Pet Desk Toy
Alpha white Roman 🍆🥀
Alpha Flat Tire 🧦🛞
Alpha Stupid Ass False Superiority
🚽 Racist toliet agendas
🚽 Prejudice toilet agendas
🚽 The Holy White Throne
The Toliet Commode
“White Racists WHITE ONLY World Agendas”
Ro MAN MANIA, 🤑🤑🤑🤑🥀🥀🥀🥀
Romeo & Juliet
“White Genocide Commonalities”
“GOOSE” summary
Current status, “world repeats blame about everything, until only white supremacy gimps, limps, and simps, everyone, except themselves
“Public Norms” stolen to saying NORTH WALL
“Public Ease” stolen to saying EAST WALL
Easygoing normal life!
Long as your white :) wink wink,
“screw a pink winky, and talk about Temple Wish”
“Holy Temples”
“Brain Temples”
Lovely white antics, LOVELY respects for privacy
LOVELY honors!
Absolutely ADORABLE “ace race” lol
Nothing else to say! Keep Healthy!
If anyone wants to assault you, slander you, or have you committed on medical or terrorism,
just sneeze 🤧 into white snot rags,
and dont accept “white false microphone assault programs.”
If anyone tries to insult you, or have you fight in “law bending” unlawful world practices,
than just realize, the ones doing such, ARE ONLY WHITE
or therefore of under “white influence”
or “white byproducts”
there is no other enemy in existence,
otherwise everyone does their own life
Zero white agendas
Zero white racism agendas
Zero white prejudice agendas
Doesn’t matter the amount of slanders.
Zero “white genocide crimes” from your own home, and your own personal space
Pray for all lives ProLife99.
and keep healthy regardless of the LOVELY assistance of the totally invisible “non existent white crimes”
Hah…. as if nobody has ever made any sense about that topic…
and dont accept “FACTORY RESET”
The word “Factory” is used for a covert RAFT
“Factory” “Genocide Paper Shops”
“Factory” is always ACT STORY
“Factory” is always FA FAT
“Factory” is always STOLEN FACTS STORY
“Factory” is always used by “white agenda” to send “REBOOT DRAFT WAR RAFTS”
FAT FAT :) Draft Raft
Fat Fat :) “Pleffa” “Plead for FFA”
“plead for FAT”
“plead for FA POOP FA”
“Pleffa Plethera Pet Fuck BEAR RUGS, Office Buddy BEAR HUGS.”
Awwww such a lovely white world retainer lol
Such an honor to be apart of ALL this worth!
Sooooo much honorable wealth!!
Lol white people… please quit ur jobs!
Give back the public positions to NON SECRET SADISTIC leaders please :)
Kk thanks!
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quantumblast · 3 days
Eco-Friendly Soda Blasting Equipment for Effective Surface Cleaning
Soda blasting is an innovative, environmentally friendly surface cleaning method that uses sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as the abrasive media. Quantum Blast offers a comprehensive range of high-quality soda blasting equipment, catering to various industries, including automotive restoration, graffiti removal, marine maintenance, and industrial cleaning.
Why Choose Soda Blasting?
Soda blasting is renowned for its gentle yet effective cleaning action. Unlike traditional abrasive methods, soda blasting does not damage the underlying surface, making it ideal for delicate substrates such as aluminium, glass, and wood. This method is particularly effective in removing paint, grease, oil, and other contaminants without leaving any residue or causing environmental harm.
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Key Features of Quantum Blast Soda Blasting Equipment
Versatility: Our soda blasting equipment suits a wide range of applications, from heavy-duty industrial cleaning to precise tasks such as graffiti removal and surface preparation.
Eco-Friendly: Soda blasting uses non-toxic, water-soluble media that is safe for the operator and the environment. Sodium bicarbonate is a natural, biodegradable substance that leaves no harmful residues.
Cost-Effective: Designed for efficiency and economy, our soda blasting equipment reduces the need for expensive cleaning agents and minimises cleanup time.
Easy to Use: User-friendly design ensures maximum efficiency. Whether you're a professional or a DIY enthusiast, our soda blasting systems are straightforward to operate.
Applications of Soda Blasting Equipment
Automotive Restoration: Remove paint, rust, and grease from car bodies, engine parts, and other components without damaging the underlying metal.
Graffiti Removal: Safely and effectively remove graffiti from brick, stone, glass, and metal surfaces.
Marine Maintenance: Clean boat hulls, decks, and other surfaces without harming the gel coat or causing environmental pollution.
Industrial Cleaning: Maintain machinery, remove coatings, and prepare surfaces for painting or coating applications.
Why Quantum Blast?
Quantum Blast is committed to providing high-quality blasting equipment that meets the modern industry's demands. Our products are Australian-made, ensuring top-notch craftsmanship and reliability. We also offer the best prices in the market, making it easy for you to access superior equipment.
Explore Our Range
Quantum Blast’s soda blasting equipment is designed to enhance your cleaning and surface preparation tasks effectively and efficiently. Visit our website to explore our range of blasting equipment and discover the advantages of this eco-friendly, effective cleaning method. For more information, contact our team today. Let Quantum Blast be your trusted partner in achieving exceptional cleaning and surface preparation results.
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/soda-blasting-equipment/home
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arfathbaig112 · 22 days
Elevate Your Culinary Experience with the Stainless Steel Wok Pan with Brass Handles
In the world of culinary arts, the right tools can make all the difference. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, the cookware you use significantly impacts the quality of your dishes. One such essential tool that deserves a spot in every kitchen is the Stainless Steel Wok Pan with Brass Handles from Nine Ventures. This versatile pan not only boasts a timeless design but also delivers exceptional performance, making it a must-have for any kitchen.
The Importance of Quality Cookware
Before diving into the specifics of the Stainless Steel Wok Pan, it’s essential to understand why quality cookware is crucial. High-quality cookware ensures even heat distribution, reduces the risk of burning food, and can withstand the rigors of daily use. Furthermore, durable materials like stainless steel prevent harmful chemicals from leaching into your food, promoting healthier cooking.
Why Choose the Stainless Steel Wok Pan with Brass Handles?
The Stainless Steel Wok Pan with Brass Handles from Nine Ventures is more than just a cooking tool; it’s an investment in your culinary journey. Here’s why this pan stands out:
1. Superior Material Quality
At the heart of this wok pan’s exceptional performance is its construction from premium-grade stainless steel. Stainless steel is renowned for its durability, resistance to corrosion, and ability to retain heat. These properties make it ideal for a wide range of cooking techniques, from stir-frying to deep-frying and even steaming.
The brass handles add a touch of elegance to the pan, while also being highly functional. Brass is not only aesthetically pleasing but also offers excellent heat resistance, ensuring that the handles stay cool during cooking. This feature is particularly important for maintaining safety in the kitchen.
2. Versatility in Cooking
One of the standout features of the Stainless Steel Wok Pan is its versatility. The wok’s design, with its wide, slightly curved sides, makes it perfect for a variety of cooking methods. Whether you’re tossing vegetables for a quick stir-fry, searing meat, or simmering sauces, this pan can handle it all. Its deep design also means you can use it for frying or even as a substitute for a sauté pan.
The pan’s versatility extends to the types of stovetops it can be used on. Whether you have a gas, electric, or induction cooktop, this wok pan will perform flawlessly. This adaptability makes it an excellent addition to any kitchen, regardless of the type of stove you use.
3. Elegant Design Meets Functionality
In addition to its superior performance, the Stainless Steel Wok Pan with Brass Handles is a beautiful piece of cookware. The combination of polished stainless steel and gleaming brass handles creates a sophisticated look that complements any kitchen décor. It’s not just a pan; it’s a statement piece.
The ergonomic design of the brass handles ensures a comfortable grip, making it easy to maneuver the pan even when it’s full. This feature is particularly beneficial when tossing ingredients or transferring the pan from the stovetop to the table.
4. Easy Maintenance
One common concern with high-quality cookware is the maintenance required to keep it looking and performing its best. Fortunately, the Stainless Steel Wok Pan with Brass Handles is relatively easy to care for. Stainless steel is known for its resistance to staining and rust, which means this pan will maintain its appearance with minimal effort.
To clean, simply hand wash the pan with warm, soapy water and dry it thoroughly. For tougher stains, a mixture of baking soda and water can be used to restore the pan’s shine. With proper care, this wok pan will remain a staple in your kitchen for years to come.
5. Healthier Cooking
Stainless steel is a non-reactive material, meaning it doesn’t interact with acidic or alkaline foods. This quality ensures that your food retains its natural flavors without any metallic aftertaste. Additionally, stainless steel does not require a non-stick coating, which can sometimes contain harmful chemicals. As a result, the Stainless Steel Wok Pan promotes healthier cooking by allowing you to cook with minimal oil while preserving the integrity of your ingredients.
Transform Your Culinary Creations
Investing in the right cookware is the first step towards elevating your culinary creations. The Stainless Steel Wok Pan with Brass Handles from Nine Ventures offers a perfect blend of form and function, making it an indispensable tool in the kitchen. Its durability, versatility, and elegant design ensure that it will serve you well for years to come.
Whether you’re an experienced chef or just starting your cooking journey, this wok pan will quickly become your go-to tool for a variety of dishes. From quick weeknight meals to elaborate weekend feasts, the Stainless Steel Wok Pan with Brass Handles will help you achieve delicious results every time.
Final Thoughts
The Stainless Steel Wok Pan with Brass Handles from Nine Ventures is more than just a cooking pan—it’s a kitchen essential that enhances both the cooking process and the final presentation of your dishes. Its combination of durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal makes it a worthy investment for anyone serious about cooking.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your culinary skills. Visit Nine Ventures today to add this exceptional wok pan to your collection.
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semixfenz · 26 days
Professional Leather Jacket Cleaning
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You've contributed essentially in a premium calfskin coat that has rapidly ended up your go-to piece for essentially each circumstance. In spite of the fact that calfskin is flexible, if not appropriately cleaned, it can harm a invaluable thing. This Professional Leather Jacket Cleaning offers a few do-it-yourself counsel on how to keep these enhancing components looking alluring. It's wrapped up for life expectancy and made of stow away, so small rain or a few beads for the most part roll off. How can I dodge getting stains on my calfskin jacket? Applying a calfskin defender routinely is fundamental to discourage stains, water beads, and grime, making them less difficult to expel. When your coat is brand-new, apply it liberally—ideally, some time recently you wear it for the to begin with time. When the Professional Leather Jacket Cleaning LUTON by you or somebody else, and when you see that water no longer assembles up and slides off the coat effortlessly, reapply the protection. Professional leather jacket cleaner near me
Use one of these methods to begin cleaning your calfskin coat to get freed of stains : Water and Soap ● Apply a cleanser and water combination to a clean, delicate sponge. ● Apply a dry towel to the wipe after wiping it circularly. ● Proceed, exchanging between the wipe and the cloth, until the recolor (in a perfect world) disappears. Toothpaste ● Using your finger, touch the discoloration with non-gel toothpaste. ● Gently knead in a circular movement with a delicate cloth. ● After 10 seconds, evacuate the toothpaste with a sodden towel. Baking cornstarch, child powder, or soda
● Dredge in oil or oil streaks. ● Using a soggy towel, delicately rub the influenced region. ● Allow the glue to rest for a few hours or maybe overnight. ● Using a new cloth, expel the powder and pat dry with a delicate towel. Scratching Alcohol
● Combine one portion rubbing liquor and one portion water to evacuate mold. ● Wipe the harrowed locale after hosing a cloth with the solution. ● To get freed of the mold, wipe with another moist towel. Summing up!!
It's time to get masters included if the recolor doesn't go absent. Professional Leather Jacket Cleaning Hitchin keeps in mind that not all strategies will work on all sorts of calfskin; some time recently applying any of these, do a spot test on a discrete area. Living an dynamic way of life with your adored calfskin coat will definitely lead to the experience with a few troublesome stains, whether you like it or not. Stains ought to in a perfect world be evacuated right once, be that as it may, this isn't continuously doable and a few seem take a few time to appear. Select A&Z Dry Cleaners for the superior assurance of your adored coats.
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techtired · 2 months
10 Ways to Take Care of Clothes and Make them last longer
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"Buy less, select wisely, and ensure its longevity," said Vivienne Westwood. Saving money and the environment are related to taking care of your clothes. It's important to have an ethical and sustainable closet. People are encouraged to take good care of their clothes to reduce their carbon footprint. 10 Best Ways to Take Care of Clothes and Make Them Last Longer Numerous measures can be taken to ensure that our cherished possessions remain vibrant and new. Go for Quality over Quantity Investing in clothing of superior quality is recommended. They are constructed with stronger materials and are made to last longer. As a result, they're capable of enduring numerous washings and wear. Flipkart has over 100 million customers due to its reputation for providing high-quality services and goods. You can shop for a wide range of apparel for men, women, and children at reasonable prices. It is known for its fast-fashion approach to bringing new designs to the market quickly. Current fashion trends often influence Flipkart's clothing collections. Additionally, if you want to buy quality clothes at reasonable prices, apply the Flipkart Coupon & Promo Code to avail of discounts. Wash Less Washing less is the first and most important tip for eco-friendly clothing maintenance. Frequent washing washes out clothes over time because frequent washing washes them out. It's simple. Many people throw an item straight into the laundry basket after wearing it only once. With a few exceptions, such as underwear or sweaty t-shirts, this, of course, makes sense. The clothes may be worn a few more times before going through another wash cycle unless they're smelly or dirty. Our clothes will be protected in the long run by this. Remove Large Stains Immediately Staining happens to us all. It's important to know some universal tips and tricks to tackle whatever life throws at you. Take care of your clothes if they get stained. If the stain is not at home, a first-aid measure is to rinse the stain with mineral water, which is better for most stains than plain water. It's important to remember that too hot water can cause staining and make the task harder. Olive-oil-based Marseille soap (vegan) or gall soap removes most stains. When you get home, apply the soap to the stain. The stain won't need to be removed with a longer cycle or hotter water when washing the garment in the machine. Hand wash Instead of waiting for a full load of laundry to be washed, schedule a few days a week to take care of them yourself. This is especially useful for clothes made from delicate fabrics such as swimwear, sportswear, knitwear, raw denim, and delicates. Handwashing prevents the rubbing of all different materials in the washing machine, which can lead to quicker damage and fading. To prevent fading and shrinkage, wash your clothes in cold water. Remove Pilling with a Fabric Shaver All textiles naturally experience pilling, even high-end materials like merino wool and cashmere. Clothing is thrown out too soon because the pills can make them look worn out. A fabric shaver can easily remove pilling, which is nothing more than loose textile fibres that have risen to the surface of the fabric. The sharp razor blades will trim off the excess textile fibres by simply sweeping the nozzle over the pills. It is an easy task that will dramatically improve the appearance of your most worn garments. It is also very enjoyable and satisfying to de-pill clothes. Use Environmentally-Friendly Detergent & Fabric Softener Too much detergent and fabric softener won't make your clothes cleaner. The extra chemicals only increase pollution and increase the cost of machine washing, and they can even harm your clothes. Only use the suggested amount. Adding baking soda to each load will help the detergent work more effectively. Check for zeolites and synthetic scents in the liquid detergents you use. White vinegar is an eco-friendly and easy-to-use fabric softener. You can maintain the garment's colour while cleaning the washing machine by closing the fibres after washing. Low Temperature Modern washing machines have made boiling your laundry unnecessary. New Standard clothes should be machine washed at no more than 40°. The job is done while putting less stress on your clothes and the environment. This conserves energy, as the water doesn't need to get too hot. When using an eco-program, please put the clothes in a washing bag to protect them from the longer cycle's mechanical abrasion. Steam your Clothes Steaming your clothes will make them wrinkle-free, and the steam will also eliminate unpleasant odours. Although steaming will not completely replace washing, it is a quick and easy way to refresh your clothes before going to work or grabbing dinner out with friends. Additionally, there are instructions on how to wash your clothes. You can turn to Ajio for all of your quality shopping needs, as a wide selection of luxury brands around the globe can be found there. Also, savings are another benefit of online shopping. You can get to shop for these brands at various discounts by applying Ajio Coupons at the time of purchase. Sort your clothes before washing them The laundry is a big mixing and matching game. It will throw all your clothes into the washer at once, but it isn't always the best option. It would help if you sorted your clothes by colour and how dirty they are. Certain clothes, like loose knits and delicates, should be divided into separate loads. Moreover, colouring sorting also prevents unwanted dye transfer during the wash cycle. Sorting clothes with dirt keeps grime from clinging to clean ones. It would help if you started looking at your clothes' labels before you buy and wash them, as different fabrics have different care and washing instructions. Hang your Clothes to Dry The most important choice for keeping your clothes in shape is to skip the dryer. Opting for thick hangers instead of drying racks helps keep the clothes in shape, and air drying is always the better option. The majority of garments don't need ironing if you wash them on a lower cycle and gently shake or stretch them when they come out of the washing machine. It would be best if you dried your laundry immediately and did not leave wet clothes in the machine since they will wrinkle and eventually cause mould and mildew. When they are dry, storing them in hangers instead of folding them helps keep their form. Conclusion Using these fabric care tricks, you can prolong the life of your clothing and keep it looking and feeling fresh for a long time. The benefits of well-maintained clothes can be experienced by incorporating these practices during your laundry routine. The planet and your wardrobe will thank you for this. Cashaly is a site that helps clients save money by giving them the best deals, online coupons, exclusive offers, and discount codes from top web-based stores and sites. In addition to other interesting things, customers can get extra money back and discounts from the seller. Read the full article
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