#Sure he killed his mother but he went to therapy for it because he never wanted to do something like it again
crocchompers · 4 months
I love u artist
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Smooch for the boys and flowe for u :3
(Beta doesn't want a mwak mwak 😔😔)
ack sorry I haven't answered asks in quite a while! I've been very busy lately and haven't felt like posting anything, but I'm here now!!
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uhhhh have this little drawing I made of Beta!
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usedtobecooler · 8 months
isn't that so sad | steve harrington x eddie munson 1.9k
summary: steve struggles with his mental health and no longer being needed by his friends in the wake of vecna's defeat.
tw: 18+ minors dni, post season four, everybody lives. poor mental health and its direct impact, general sadness with a happy ending.
Steve feels himself begin to spiral once everything happens, and there's nothing he can do to stop it.
After Vecna, the Upside Down, Dustin crying and begging for Steve's help. Dragging Eddie out with nothing more than determination and strength brought from the pits of his stomach.
He looked after everybody on autopilot, threw himself into protector mode and ran around like a mother hen to make sure everybody was safe, looked after and protected. Until one by one everybody got better and moved on, and the only people left who truly needed protection were Eddie and Max.
He spent almost all of his free time at Hawkins Memorial Hospital, at one of two bedsides as induced comas continued on. Took to sleeping in Eddie's room at nights whilst Wayne continued to work at the plant, because the Government hush money didn't go very far once medical bills were needing paid.
Hell, Steve was the only person there when Eddie awoke from his coma three months later, and knocked Steve off of his feet when Eddie grabbed for his hand and pleaded with him to just stay. Didn't want nurses or doctors or even his own fucking family to come in, he just wanted Steve.
New normal began soon after Eddie awoke, Steve's days that were once dreary and pointless were now filled with driving Eddie to therapy and rehab appointments, going grocery shopping for Wayne so he could sleep after his shifts. Checking in on Lucas as he prayed at Max's bedside, taking visits to Dustin and his mother, who had a habit of making enough dinner so that Steve could eat. Claudia knew Steve, knew he didn't look after himself, was too busy making sure everybody else was healthy and alive. So, she made sure he had the same courtesy, and he was forever thankful.
Things had routine, normalcy, until suddenly they didn't anymore. Eddie was back to (mostly) full health, school restarted so Steve didn't see the kids much unless they wanted a ride or a place to crash at the weekends — he wasn't needed anymore.
Robin left. Her parents hauled ass to the other side of the country, and she went, too. He couldn't lie to himself, say it didn't hurt, because it near enough fucking killed him. Broke his heart in two to watch his soulmate leave without a trace. She wrote often, called occasionally, but to not have her hand within grabbing distance when things got tough — well, that's something Steve would never come to terms with.
His parents never checked in, never asked about what happened in Hawkins, he doubted they knew much beyond the vague tellings that the news broadcasted. They sent money, they always did. But the house was empty, void. Steve longed for his mothers hugs, his fathers stern voice carrying through the halls. He hadn't wanted those things since he was fifteen and left on his own for the first time, but the loneliness crept in painfully quick, everything felt dark.
Steve still slept with the nail bat next to his bed. He'd seen this before, ever since the fateful night that he stepped in to help Jon and Nancy fight that fucking demogorgon. Just when they thought everything was over, something would happen. Whether that be Demodogs, Russians, Vecna. There was always something new to get them, and he could never rely on the fact that everything had gone quiet once they 'defeated' him.
He feels himself fading, but he's too proud to call and ask for anything. Blames it on the one too many knocks to the head, that's clearly what's causing this imbalance in his feelings. Doesn't want to call Nance and ask her how things are going at college, doesn't want to pester Dustin now that he's sixteen and old enough to drive, doesn't want to stop by Eddie's new government issued trailer for a smoke. He's far too sure he'd be considered more of a nuisance than company.
It's March. Spring Break, the one year anniversary. Steve can't remember the last time he ate, or showered, or left the position he curled up in on his mattress. The phone next to his bed rings on and off for days, and Steve chooses to leave it unanswered.
He didn't want pity calls.
He falls asleep finally, sometime after the second or third sunrise. Succumbing to exhaustion, heavy eyelids drooping shut, slipping into the first dreamless sleep he'd had since that fateful night in 1983.
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"Harrington! Steve, Steve c'mon, wake up!"
A panicked voice rouses Steve. Firm, bony fingers shaking his bare shoulders as his bleary eyes struggle to open.
He's just so tired.
"Steve, man, please," the voice tries again, desperate and pleading. Steve's fuzzy head knows that voice, can make it out even in the state he's in, has heard it in his thoughts and his dreams for a year now.
"Eddie," Steve's voice is gruff, painfully dry, lips tacky from lack of saliva and fluids, "how... how'd you get in?"
Eddie barks out this fucking incredulous laugh, holds his hands up in defeat before slapping them down on his thighs dramatically, eyes wild and brows up behind his fringe, "I broke in, Steve! Nobody heard from you in four days. Four fucking days! I thought I was gonna come in here and you were gonna be— fuck!"
Steve tries to process what he's saying, feels this horrific pang of guilt in his chest when he realizes he's upset Eddie. He'd never even thought, not even for a second, that people would be worried he was dead.
"I'm sorry, m'sorry," Steve apologizes groggily, tries so hard to lift his heavy head from the pillow but fuck, if his neck won't allow it. He feels so useless, can't even find the fucking strength to pull himself up from his slumber. It's embarrassing, he's mortified.
"Hey, don't," Eddie scrambles, wraps ringed fingers around Steve's slender wrist, almost in a feeble attempt to pin him in place on the mattress, and Steve goes willingly, "you... you're not yourself, man. We should've known, I should've known. When you didn't answer the phone to Rob—"
"Robs called?" Steve winces, pained and choked. He doesn't want to fucking cry in front of Eddie Munson, not after everything. A missed phone call shouldn't be the hairline trigger.
"Yeah, Steve," Eddie sighs, the pad of his thumb running along the veins on the back of Steve's wrist soothingly, almost like he's trying absently to stop the freak out that he feels impending, "don't. Don't beat yourself up, okay? It's our faults, we didn't check in. I'm so fucking sorry, we all are. Things have just been—"
"Busy, I know." Steve sighs, still curled in a goddamn ball on his side, like he's frozen in place, held down and imprisoned by nothing but the weight of his own thoughts. He feels his eyes grow hot, teary, "Nobody needed me anymore."
There's a beat of silence, then Eddie rips the comforter off of Steve, exposing his body to the chilly air. Steve winces, half expects Eddie to try and haul his ass out of bed, give him the tough love his dad used to when he was given a telling off for something and would hide under the covers to cry.
Harrington men didn't cry.
But, Eddie Munson was always surprising Steve. Ever since that fateful day in that fucking boat house at Rick's, when the scrawny kid Tommy Hagan used to beat up for fun used his brute strength to pin Steve to a fucking wall.
He clambers into bed with Steve, Reeboks still on his feet, leather jacket on his shoulders, not a care in the damn world. Those wild curls fanning out over Steve's pillow as he lies down, face to face.
Steve's suddenly self conscious, knows he probably fucking reeks. Hasn't brushed his teeth or washed his hair in who knew how long, deodorant long worn off from the cold sweats he lay in. He cringes, embarrassment creeping up hot on his neck — he never wanted anybody to see him like this.
"When my old man used to come home drunk, my mom would lay in bed with me like this, gimme hugs and run her fingers through my hair til I fell asleep," Eddie explains, voice quiet as he shuffles in close to Steve, their knees knocking, "I was scared of him. She didn't want me to be alone. She died when I was six, then it was just me an' him, nothing to comfort me when he came home and yelled, blamed me for his loss on whatever card game they played that night."
Steve furrows his brows, chest tightening at Eddie's story. He doesn't understand why Eddie's telling him this, curses his stupid brain for being slow to tack on to what this all means, but he understands, to an extent. His own mom used to love him and comfort him, too, once upon a time.
She wasn't dead, but sometimes it felt like she was.
Steve doesn't realize he's crying until Eddie's eyes widen in shock, his gangly body flailing a little as he moves in closer to scoop Steve into his arms, pulling him into his torso. Steve's whole body freezes for a split second, goosebumps littering his skin at the feeling of Eddie's warm body basically engulfing his own fragile one.
"Fuck, sorry, man. Didn't mean to make you cry. Was just a stupid little story, my way of saying — fuck me," Eddie panics, struggles, stumbling over his own words as Steve sobs quietly into the soft material of his worn in shirt, "I get it. Feeling like you have to be on your own, and work it out on your own, because you've only had yourself for as long as you can remember. But you're not alone now, Steve. We're not alone."
Steve cries until his throat is raw and he's soaked through Eddie's shirt with his tears, tightly fisting the material because he won't allow himself to hug Eddie back. Eddie anchors him, buries a hand in his hair and strokes soothingly until Steve's doing nothing more than dryly hiccupping into his chest.
"I— I'm sorry," Steve apologises again, struggling to get the tiniest of words out past the hyperventilating, "I didn't— didn't want this t-to happen. Wanted to be — be strong for ev-everybody."
"Stop fuckin' fighting your feelings, Harrington. Let us look after you and love you. It's time somebody took care of you, you've done it for us for long enough." Eddie's stern but still soft, chin hooked atop Steve's head, "We can start slow, okay? I need you to drink some fluids, before you end up in the hospital."
Steve agrees tentatively. And it's not long before just drinking fluids turns to showering, eating a full meal, stepping outside in the daylight. Sleeping through the night, going to the movie theatre with the gang. Getting a new job, visiting Robin across the country.
Eddie's by his side through it all.
Steve falls hard but Eddie falls harder.
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hurt my own feelings with this one my guys <;/3
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soapyghostie · 1 year
Hi! I’ve never sent a request so I’m not fully sure how it works, but I love your account! I was wondering if you could do some headcanons on how Jason Voorhees and Micheal Myres would react to an autistic reader who vocal stims a lot? (ie, screeching out of the blue, making stupid noises, repeating phrases stuck in their head etc), if not that’s completely fine :) thank you!
Hey! I had to do a little research on this so I hope I got it right. Hope you enjoy!
Jason Voorhees
Are you okay? Are you having a seizure? Are you gonna die?! Jason is very concerned; he thinks you're gonna croak. He doesn’t know what autism is. His mother never explained what disorders are or the many different types of disorders: she never needed to. You’re probably gonna have to explain it to him, when you calm down, because his mother has no clue that you have autism and probably thinks you’re on drugs. If in any case she knew, she’d have probably explained it to him already. 
Jason doesn’t know how to help you. All he really knows is to sit with you and listen to you squawk like a pterodactyl for 5 hours straight. However, his mother teaches him some techniques to help you cope with your autism and sharpen your communication skills. 
One thing for sure is that you never have to worry about bright lights and noise; Jason only lights his cabin by candle, which isn’t too bright, and you guys live out in the woods so, over all, it’s pretty quiet. Also, from what his mom told him, Jason knows you don’t understand sign language so he writes simple sentences on pieces of paper as a way of communication.  
Jason is pretty patient. If you don’t understand something right away, he’ll just wait until you do. He’ll give you a thumbs up as a source of encouragement. You got this! Jason believes in you! 😊 
As for your random outbursts, it scares Jason. You guys will just be sitting there in peace and then all of a sudden you start yelling random shit: it startles him. Again, he’ll just sit there and let you yell rant because what’s his business to shut you up. Just don’t get up and yell all in his face though: it hurts his ears.
Michael Myers
Let’s start with that you absolutely annoy the crap out of him. Sometimes it gets to the point Michael is questioning his own sanity and wishing he’d of killed you a long time ago. Yeah, that’s how bad it is. 😂 He’s always wondering how the hell he got stuck with you. If he could kill himself, he would, but you know… he’s immortal. 🤷‍♀️
Michael doesn’t know what autism is so he thinks you're on drugs. You can’t change his mind, even if you try to explain it to him: he’s not convinced. He’ll literally trash your room to see if you're hiding anything and stalk you a lot to make sure you aren’t buying anything that you shouldn’t be inhaling. Well, I guess you aren’t taking drugs, but you definitely are a weirdo. 
Your random outbursts and screaming make him wanna sock you in the face. Michael really likes his peace and quiet; you making all those loud noises just pisses him off. He almost has himself convinced that you do it on purpose. There was this one time when you randomly started screeching; you were screeching for almost 30 minutes and Michael had enough of it. He grabbed the closest small object he could find and jammed that sucker in your mouth. Though, he wished it went down your throat so you would choke and die. 🫤 
Even though Michael is pretty mean to you, he still loves you in his own way. When he found out that you’ve had a disorder this whole time, that he probably found out when he was stalking you while you were at a therapy session, he decides he’s going to learn tactics to help you cope with your autism. Finally… 😑 Even if it is so you stop screaming at the top of your lungs all the time.
Michael will steal crafts, coloring books, paper, and anything you may want from the store to keep your mind busy. If you're focusing on a craft, you won’t randomly screech right? He’ll also steal a whole bunch of prescribed medication from the pharmacy in hopes that one of them will cure your autism. I don't think ibuprofen helps with autism Michael. 🤦🏼‍♀️ He just really wants you to stop being so annoying all the time.
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leoleolovesdc · 6 months
I would love to write a TTS essay explaining why Gothel isn’t Cassandra’s mother and Frederick and Arianna aren’t Rapunzel’s parents and the show’s insistence on pushing parent/child struggles into those characters is kind of really forced so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do:
(Disclaimer: this got really messy and is kind of a bunch of nonesense glued together, so read it with a bit of patiece lmao)
Rapunzel grew up for the first 18 years of her life with Gothel, when TTS starts she has been living with Fred and Ari for 6 months and it’s wild to me how Raps already calls them mom and dad, but I won’t judge this part, she wants to be their daughter and wants to be a family so it makes sense that she would call them that way regardless if it feels natural or not, but I think where the series really fails is when it starts (by the very first episode) to give Rapunzel and Frederick father-daughter struggles, which is complete bs if you ask me, those two don’t know each other. Rapunzel shouldn’t have a “oh, I can’t disobey my father” train of thought because she doesn’t even know him and therefore he isn’t her father, at least not yet. She shouldn’t be so trusting of his judgement of love for her because they don’t have intimacy and the fact that they are fighting and disagreeing so much after having just reconnected is wild. Arianna is not that important for the plot, but her relationship with Rapunzel being so unapologetically perfect also rubs me the wrong way. Rapunzel was ruined by her mother, she was abused her whole life and I don’t think she would just let anyone fulfill the role Gothel did without getting some therapy to unpack everything wrong that her mother, the one that actually raised her, did.
Rapunzel had a narcissistic mother, an awlful one who never loved her, but that doesn’t mean that she didn’t love Gothel. Raps lived her whole by that woman’s side, she loved her more than anything in the world and realizing the manipulation and abuse wouldn’t just immediately stop a person as kind and forgiving as Rapunzel to still love her like a mother, because like it or not Gothel raised her for 18 years. She wasn’t a good mother by any means but she was her mother nonetheless.
Another point is that at the end of season one Rapunzel goes away from Corona to explore, learn about the world and her own powers. I am not exactly sure how much time passes from the beginning to the end of s1 but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t more than 6 months, so Rapunzel lives with her bio parents for about a year and then goes straight into a one year long self discovery journey and you’re trying to tell me that she missed them? Not even just missed, but when she got hold of an artifact that showed what you waned the most what she saw were her biological parents and the people of Corona who in the first episode she claims to not remember the names of? That’s some real bs right there and I have no idea how the show runners thought this made any sort of sense. She doesn’t fucking know them, maybe she respects or care about her folks, but she couldn’t have possibly built this life long parent/child relationship that the show treats like she did.
Now, with Cassandra it’s a bit more complicated. She lived with Gothel for about four years of her life before being abandoned, but she very obviously didn’t remember any of this, either because she was too young or because she repressed those memories. Gothel didn’t seem to love Cass in the slightest, but because Cass grew up with only a emotionally distant father she longed for this reassurance that she was loved by a parent figure at some point in her life, she blames Rapunzel for everything that went wrong with her life, which can make sense but also is a bit awkward to sustain once you analyze the actual facts. Yes, Rapunzel and Eugene killed Gothel, but she didn’t mean to do that, it was Eugene’s plan and he only did it because Raps had literally agreed to be used and locked up from the real world for the rest of her life. Cass isn’t dumb, she would know better than lashing out at her friends for accidentally saving her from living with a narcissist who didn’t care about her. Gothel isn’t Cassandra’s mother, Cass doesn’t have a mother because she didn’t have anyone to actually raise her.
If I was to rewrite Tangled we’d have a very different approach to how bio parents are handled, especially Rapunzel’s. I don’t think she should be close to Arianna and Frederick at all, heck, I don’t even think she should call them mom and dad. Cause bear with me, if you randomly found ot you are adopted by the time you were 18 and actually went to live with your biological family for about a year do you think you’d even have this sort of intimacy and bond with them?
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ninyard · 3 days
okay we’ve talked about Rowan but… tell me more about Bran?
bran bran bran bran let's goooooo sorry this took me so long
Bran Clancy
Final year Goalkeeper with the USC Trojans
oh Bran my baby girl my sweet lady
tw; suicide, sh, sa
Bran is the sweetest but she's really been through it. Her dad left when she was quite young and it turned her into a very angry child. Her mom tried her best to control her, putting her into play therapy or seeing counsellors, or trying medication, but everything that Bran tried just seemed to make things worse. She was constantly having these angry outbursts, breaking things, furious that the world would be so cruel as to take her father away from her. He had left on his own choice, uninterested in caring for the family he'd created, but she didn't know that.
After years of being in and out of the mental health system, she gave up on their help, but her mom thought the change in her was amazing. Her baby girl was finally happy. But Bran wasn't happy. She wasn't sleeping. She was running on fumes, high on the chemical imbalance in her brain. When she told her mom that she was going to have a sleepover at her friends house she was going out, meeting strangers, sleeping with people who she told she was 18, doing drugs, constantly putting herself in dangerous situations because she didn't give a shit. She thought it didn't affect her to be passed around a group of boys that she thought were her friends when she was too high to even know where she was. This happened in cycles, again and again, these periods of insanes highs and insane lows.
One time it went on for a few weeks too long, until the sleep deprivation and constant high caught up to her and she was found, half dressed and talking to herself, walking down train tracks, just waiting for a train to come. It was a friend of hers that found her, a real friend who she'd texted something incomprehensible to. A friend who was very lucky to have her phone's location on their phone.
Bran fought a lot of problems over the following weeks; the crash of her mental health, the lack of sleep, half-withdrawing from the cocktail of drugs that hadn't left her system in weeks. Her friend was a good friend, but not one that was particularly worried about making sure she was okay. That friend was much older than Bran was. That friend let Bran sleep on their floor, but they still kept her filled with uppers and downers to keep her awake and to stop her from shaking. It was a mess. That friend would have parties while Bran had shut herself into their en-suite bathroom to sleep on the cold tile floor and puke her guts up, before wiping her face, snorting a line, and joining the party downstairs. That friend assaulted Bran twice when she was too weak to fight back, but handed her a joint afterwards and pretended like nothing had happened at all.
Bran's mother had no idea where she was this whole time.
When Bran decided it was time to go home, she walked for a couple of hours to find her way back to her own neighbourhood, far too far away, in a house that she didn't remember being driven to. Halfway there she stood on a bridge she didn't recognise, and she only really came back to herself when her skin hit the cold water below.
It was a deep body of water, one actually not that far of a drop below the bridge. It was never going to kill her, the current not strong, deep enough that she was not going to hit the bottom and knock herself out before she could get a chance to save herself. And she'd always been athletic, although with the stress she'd put her own body under for far too long before then, it was a surprise she could bring herself to the bank, and found the strength in her arms to pull herself out of the water. She lay there for hours, in a cycle of sleeping, crying, puking or disassociating. A passerby found her, wet and sobbing, and remembered her from the missing person posters her mother had been handing out for weeks. Bran's mom cried when she heard her voice over the phone, but she didn't know what to do when her daughter came home, soaking wet and sick. She sat her up into their bath, and washed her hair, and promised her she would fix this.
She starts on new meds a couple of weeks later, and joins this DBT group where she meets Rowan - who they both actually realise they met at a party not long before, but they were both too high to remember each other - and they're like. The best things to ever happen to each other. Bran is clean, and she starts gaining weight on her meds, and shes adjusting to them too which is HELL, while Rowan is trying to get clean while trying not to kill himself either. Like, they're kind of toxic for each other, both in such a bad place and like grappling onto each other trying to keep both themselves and the other person afloat, but they survive. They make it. it's not easy, but they do.
She played Exy as a kid, and kind of self conscious about the weight she'd been gaining, and more than a handful of unkind comments from her mom, she starts playing again. She gets Rowan to join the team too, and whenever either of them finds themselves in a bad place, or thinking about doing something they'd regret. She actually doesn't feel that bad about her weight - she's a big girl, and she doesn't have a problem with it. Her weight gain is only living proof that she is recovering and doing better.
David Wymack shows up to one of their games after their coach had kindly sent in their files, knowing their history, knowing what they'd been through. Bran had sent her own stuff time and time again to USC, too, desperate to get as far away from her hometown as possible. When they both scout her, but only the foxes scout Rowan, it's an impossible decision. He's her best friend, and she doesn't know how to live a happy life without him. But she doesn't want to be defined by her shitty past, either, and that's how she feels about the Foxes. So she signs with USC, when he signs with PSU.
It's really hard for her to adjust in USC, and she finds herself lying a little too easily but.
in true nin fashion this got too long. im gonna stop here. BRAN!
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clatoera · 1 year
Let's talk about Annie Cresta.
What do you think of Annie as a character?
Do you think Annie volunteer or being reaped for her games?
What's about her condition after winning the games?
Headcanon post-Mockingjay?
Thank you 😊
Oh sweet Annie.
I think we don't know enough about her. Annie is a victor in her own right, and we do NOT know enough about her. All we get is notes on how crazy she is, and fortunately, the depth of how Finnick loves her. Finnick, the most sought after man in the Capitol, has deep incredible love for Annie. I want her story, I want to know who she was before her games, about her life in 4. I want more on Annie. I want to know all about her.
Annie Cresta, even her name is so nautical (Cresting waves?? like how cool is that).
I don't think she volunteered. 4 is a career district sometimes, not always I don't think (could be wrong, but I know in the films Haymitch described 1 and 2 as the Career Districts, so my info is from that right now). I think she was reaped but got very lucky. To me, I've always sort of wondered if arenas were designed with certain districts and tributes in mind. Katniss and the woods so much like her home district. Annie..and the flooding Arena. Annie won specifically because she was the strongest swimmer. Only someone from 4 was going to pull that off. We don't know enough about Annie to know what her "career volunteering" skill would be, which leads me to believe she was reaped and then her skill was something she could have only developed as a 4 girl.
Her condition after winning the games is trauma. PTSD with severe trauma. People say she went insane, that she went mad. I think she had severe, unresolved, and untreated PTSD. She saw her district partner Beheaded in front of her, and frankly that would traumatize anybody. She panics onstage at the reaping because she could relive that trauma. I think she actually is representative of the trauma of the victors. We don't talk enough about the trauma of Victors, and I think she represents the culmination of what could happen, what happens when it's not addressed and treated. These kids come out as Victors and are paraded around and treated like queens and kings...but no one acknowledges these kids just watched 23 people died. Theres no therapy or counseling to deal with trauma, and I think Annie represents a significant and severe case of PTSD. I actually think all of the Victors have PTSD. I think it's evident in Katniss, Annie, Finnick, and Haymitch especially, but I do think it extends to them all. I think Enobaria, Gloss, Johanna, etc etc etc...they have trauma from their own games but also from watching their own tributes go in and die year after year.
Noone comes out of the arena unscathed and I think Annie exists as a caricature of that trauma. Everyone is one more kill, one more loss, away from Annie's madness.
But like I said. I don't think she's insane. I think she is traumatized.
Post Mockingjay?
Annie is a widow and single mother to a very young child. I can't imagine that was easy for her. I think she was at very high risk of post partum depression, Post Partum anxiety, and even Post Partum Psychosis, and I hope she had the support somehow that she needs. She would desperately need the support.
I think she keeps up to date with Peeta, Katniss, and maybe Johanna/other surviving victors from 13. Especially Peeta and Katniss, we know from the letter and picture she sends of him. I think they do visits a few times a year. Exchange letters on their children. They watch Finnick's son grow up and make sure he knows how remarkable and brave his father was. They support Annie since he is not there to do so.
I think knowing her son now lives in a world without the games helps heal her. She will never watch her son go through what she and Finnick did.
Most of all, I hope Annie received mental health support. She now has added trauma of losing her husband in a terrible way, and living through a war. Not to mention the Capitol torture she witnessed and faced herself. Annie has extra trauma to process now. I hope she has guidance and counseling like Katniss/Peeta get. I hope she gets help. She deserves it. AND she would be able to recover and move forward with joy.
Annie Deserves that.
Thank you!
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authorofthemoon · 2 months
Alright I wanna catalogue all my thoughts on Persona 3 Reload but it's gonna start with an info dump. I rescued Fuuka and about halfway though the revenge website arc. So first done teammate thoughts.
I think the protagonist is pretty boring I just feels like he's less present than Yu and Ren. All his answers are either boring, polite, or really mean. Not a lot of opportunities to be a silly goose at least so far. I get the feeling he's meant to be a little emo and possibly apathetic to others due to the game's themes.
Junpei is cool, really silly goofy guy. Sucks he falls victim to Persona idiot guy syndrome and is kinda treated poorly by everyone and is kinda perverted. It's not insane but it's their.
Honestly love Takebe so much. She is such a normal person and it's so refreshing. And I mean normal normal like she is trying her fucking best even though she's kinda lame (affectionate) at times. Like the Ace Defective line made me laugh solely because of her pause beforehand like she tried so hard. And her random beef with Kirijo is so good. It's probably explained later but day one she did not get a good vibe from her and is constantly like 'Idk she gives me the ick' is so funny to me.
Speaking of Kirijo. Love her. Queen shit. Mother. Actual group mom. She's trying her best and again she's so funny. Her thinking that someone broke into Junpei's room when he's simply a slob is peak to me. She is THE Empress.
Akihiko. We love a good gym bro himbo. Him and Shinji have messy exes energy. Not much to him yet honestly but I'm excited to know more.
Same with Fuuka she seems really cool. Normal shy girl character but I'm sure we get a lot more depth with her social link.
Speaking of which social link rundown.
Kenji had me questioning my sanity bc why am I so supportive of this guy getting groomed? I can say it's a bad idea to ask out your teacher but I can never be like 'hey, she's a pedo.' I literally have been speed running his link bc I need to know if she's a creep or if he's delusional. I'm at 9 so it seems to be delusional.
I took one look at Odagiri and went 'ah yes, he's a little bit fucked up.' only halfway through so curious where it goes.
Would die for the elderly couple I need to advance their link.
Miyamoto, go to a fucking doctor do you not know how injuries work?
Chihiro I would kill for you. Not that far into her link but her dad can catch these hands.
Maya is cool. Not that engaging of a link tbh.
Hiraga is very cute and sweet so I wanna advance his link I'm only a couple in.
Yuko is cool I'm only at 4 with her. She's funny and quick witted.
I will fucking kill Maiko's parents and adopt her myself. I'm only at 5. The moment I saw she was hanged arcana I was worried for her.
Pharos is cool idk how to advance his link I assume it'd natural.
Haven't done much with Bebe. Will at some point.
I just started the monk. He's interesting.
Suemitsu my sweet summer child go to fucking therapy. About halfway through and the tea is piping hot. Bro is literally like eating himself to death or something. I do think he's very sweet though.
That's about it loving the game despite a few nitpicks bc it's Atlus and my grudge against then is eternal.
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burned-lariat · 4 months
Dex Heller is a sad, sad creature.
I've talked at length about how underwritten he is and how little the writers care about one half of a couple they supposedly really, really like. I've also talked about all the wasted potential he has and how he's a glorified Benson prop. But this one's gonna be different because after watching Friday's scenes, I find something quite...nasty in what Dex has become.
So, according to Dex, his two elder brothers beat him up constantly and hospitalized him more than once. His parents were bystanders throughout all of it. And with his parents specifically, with his philandering father and "cowardly" mother, he had a shitty image of love presented to him. While it would be logical for him to think that 1) betrayal and hurt equates to love, and 2) no one will save him - he needs to save himself because of his upbringing, he's actualized that his childhood was, indeed, shitty. So one would think he'd make sure not to emulate a single second of that (AKA one would think he got help/therapy and healed as well as he could).
Friday's scenes...they were rancid. It made feel a bit ill.
Like Dex, I grew up in a terrible household. My upbringing was all about survival, specifically from an emotional standpoint, and I'm still reeling from it to this day. It's affected my mental well-being (duh), my relationships with people, everything important like that. And with those desperation scenes, of having Dex willing to martyr himself so openly so to not cause further pain, I understand it just a tiny bit and I'll give EH a kudo or two for an attempt to display that desperation.
But here's the thing - what Dex claims he can't without is the thing that hurt him all those years ago.
Josslyn was never good to Dex. She belittled him and his thoughts/feelings, stalked him, talked down to him, guilted him, played on his fears of getting caught to keep him attached to her, went behind his back and disrespected his wishes, literally almost killed him, and has as much pleasantry as nails on a chalkboard. Dex is an abuse victim stuck in another abusive cycle, and this show treats it as romantic foreplay. This couple never got actual development. They got a plethora of sex scenes, which is fine if they were meant to be fuckbuddies, but not fine if they're meant to be a real love story. They need actual development beyond sex and that never happened. The "I love yous" and the arguments about needing each other to live are flat and empty because there's no grounded support.
Hearing Dex say that no one loves him like Joss does, that he can't lose her and she makes his life worth living...it just hurts my soul.
I hear that and think about how abused he was, how the only difference between that and how she treats him is the physical violence (or lack thereof). I think about how she harassed him when he didn't want the PCPD involved after the meat hook. I think about her giving him an infection when she didn't back off and adamantly refusing to get him proper help until the last second. I think about her trying to get him fired from his job with Sonny and how she barked at his disapproval, on top of how quickly he forgave her when he was right to be mad. I think about how she disregarded his feelings on working for Sonny and how sick he felt when Sonny got arrested, and expressing contempt for that to his face. It's all these things and more that make the case that she doesn't love Dex as a person. She loves what he can do for her benefit.
We kind of get what Joss sees in Dex, but we don't get what Dex sees in Joss. Her treatment of him is poor, and she hasn't made any concerted effort to genuinely get to know him outside of plot-forced moments (not to mention how she doesn't care/like it anyway). One could argue he sees the same thing Joss sees (sex), and if that's the case, then there is something fairly wicked and depraved for a man closer to thirty to want a barely legal girl like that. I'd know - I was that girl at one point in time. That doesn't make him a romantic lead, it makes him someone who needs to be monitored.
Any which way you slice this, it's not good. You have a Dex who is a bit of a creep (to be nice) and/or a Dex who loves a version of the abuse he claims to despise. This character has been so underwritten, so regressed as a functional player and it's a miracle he's lasted so long. Like I said in a completely separate rant, I've come to resent what Dex Heller has become, and that hasn't changed. If anything, I also feel disgusted by what these writers have done to him, and the end of their scripts can't come soon enough.
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cookiesncreamlover17 · 11 months
Yandere!Damian Wayne x Reader Pt.3
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⚠️Warnings⚠️: Mention Of Rape/Murder, Stalking, Abuse, Death, & Anorexia
🇺🇸Word Count🇺🇸: 666
👾Characters👾: 3,631
But little did you know that none of the males in front of your unconscious form where going to keep that promise.
“Uhhh Bruce”? Cyborg spoke.
”Yes Victor” Batman sighed deeply.
“Where did you find her again”? Victor asked.
“I told you already, Joker decided to keep a few girls hostage and she was the only one who survived” Bruce answered.
“I don’t think she’s the only survivor of just one of Jokers attacks” he mumbles barely herd by Batman.
“What”?! Batman asked in a high pitched tone yet slightly shaky.
“According to her file she’s been through a lot. From rape to body damage”. Cyborg answered slightly scared of what Batman’s response would be.
“What the hell does that mean”? Batman asked.
“According to her file, when she was ten years old she was taken for two and a half years by some man named Chris Peterson. It says he brutally raped her, but she found a way to escape. He is currently spending a life time in prison. It also says this isn’t the first time Chris has taken girls and raped them. Some of them were even unfortunately killed”. Cyborg answered in a shaky voice.
Batman could only wonder to himself what more you could have gone through without a single word being brought to him, the justice league, or even his civilian form.
“What else does it say”? He questioned.
“It says that she did (s/n) since she was kid. Her coaches forced her into eating less, and she even received a few injury’s on her body from the sport”. Cyborg said with a “damn” placed after it.
“But that’s not all. Her mother went missing when she was a baby, and apparently because of that she doesn’t have the best relationship with her father at the moment”. Cyborg once again spoke.
“Maybe we could get her into therapy. Or something that will help her relax into her life”. Cyborg suggested.
“I swore to my family that we were never to meet or speak of her” Bruce said quietly.
“The kids only thirteen, Bruce. She needs a proper adult to take care of her.
Then it hit Batman. Maybe you didn’t need a parental figure, but more like a friend (or a new family). Someone around your age who could get you the help you needed. And who was better then his own son. The best of the best.
Damian Fucking Wayne.
“Boys” Bruce shouted in the house.
They all came in to the room a little confused on why Bruce was yelling at 1 in the morning.
“What’s up”? Jason asked.
“That girl we saved last night, she….., she needs our help. I know I said that we shouldn’t speak or see her ever again, but I have come to the realization that it is best for everyone if we keep a close eye on her. At least for now”.
“Why, what happened”? Dick asked.
“She is going through some pretty damaging stuff right now. I won’t get into to detail right now because when she speaks to you. All of you. That is how you’ll know she trusts you. Tim, I want you to send a letter to [Address]. This letter will include that all expenses of her new school at Gotham Academy will paid for. I want you to make it look like the government wishes for her to go there. In the letter you shall not state who the money is coming from, just make sure she comes to this school”. Bruce said firmly.
There stood all of the boys smiling like idiots (some smiling on the inside) ready to take on who might become like a little sister to them. Or more.
Written: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
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nastyavolk-cp · 2 years
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Steven Grant Rogers can be everything but his most strong trait is: being chaotic as hell.
He gives everyone white hairs because of the reckless and chaotic things he does just for the sake of curiosity and also in missions he tends to do questionable things.
But this didn’t stop his co-workers (except for Wanda, Pietro and Vision) to nurture feelings for him.
Bucky Barnes is pretty an obvious admirer, they were friends since childhood, they went through a lot together. He was there for Steve when his mother died and was basically like a brother to him.
He is protective, possessive, stalker and doesn’t really like to share. But it’s not like he has an option at all 😐
Sam Wilson is another obvious admirer, he and Steve are pretty much close friends and he even tried to support him to go to therapy.
He is obsessive, protective but overall pretty harmless. But he tends to really over question Steve’s weird behavior.
Thor really loves his Shield brother, he knows that Steve is worthy of his love, he was sure of that when he saw that Steve almost managed to lift Mjolnir. He’s a major lost puppy to Steve and that’s why Steve treats him like one most of the time.
He is protective, loves to spoil Steve with Asgardian gifts or anything that he knows that Steve would appreciate. He is not usually aggressive but he’s very needy and clingy.
Bruce Banner try to not be dangerous or scare Steve away because of Hulk. But Steve never cared, he never was scared of Bruce or Hulk, he treated them like they were normal people who deserved to be respected and seen as someone with feelings.
Overall Bruce is harmless, caring and manipulative too. He treats Steve like he’s the most delicate thing in the world and it kind of annoys the blond a bit.
So things starts to escalate to dangerous levels.
Natasha Romanova is a tough woman, she’s strong and independent, but none of that stopped her from falling in love with her chaotic co-worker. They were friends since almost the beginning, they support each other and he knows that he can trust her.
She is manipulative, possessive and extremely violent.  She won’t hesitate at all to use her abilities against others who are a threat to her or even use manipulation towards Steve.
Clint Barton is almost the same as Natasha, the only difference is that he hesitates on trying to use manipulation towards Steve, he doesn’t like to take advantage of him.
He can be very protective, observant, stalker and extremely dangerous.
Tony Stark is really dangerous and powerful, he has a lot of influence in many things and let’s make it clear that when he wants something, he gets it! He and Steve might get in conflict at times but that doesn’t stop the fact that Tony just loves adrenaline and won’t stop until he gets what he wants! And he wants Steve Rogers!
He is pretty much the whole Yandere package, he is controlling, strict and possessive as Hell. But he also loves to spoil Steve rotten, when he hears that Steve is craving something or even running out of something, a few hours later or even a few days later, there’s the thing he has been craving or running out of in his bedroom with no explanation.
Generally, all of the Avengers are pretty dangerous because of their reputation and what they are capable of. Some might hesitate to kill someone if they present themselves as a threat to them or to Steve, but others won’t even think twice.
And they decided that together they have a bigger chance to get Steve Rogers to themselves.
What I am saying is… Steve is f*cked.
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unknown-lifeform · 2 years
Sometimes I get randomly hit by the thought of how Angeal’s character is just straight up heartbreaking. Like the more you think about his whole life the more fucked up it becomes
We all remember how he grew up very poor, but like we never really mention how he was poor to the point of stealing apples to eat. He had almost nothing. A kid with a too big sword his dead father left behind and nothing else. Shinra was one hell of a propaganda machine, but aside from that, Shinra would actually feed their troops three meals a day and what not. Angeal had his own honor and ambitions plus Genesis’s ambitions on the side to push him, but like how much of a push was the idea that the army might have actually been a step up from what he had in Banora?
Now we all like to laugh at good old mother hen Angeal, but again. That’s kinda fucked. Because we’re talking about someone who joined the army in his early teens, and was already a commander by the time he was twenty or so. This is a kid who has had to become obscenely responsible when he was obscenely young, because he was literally responsible of other people’s lives when he was still a teenager. Not just subordinates, but his friends too. Genesis was always a self destructive mess, Angeal had every responsibility in the world and his idiot reckless buddy too. And then Zack! Angeal was raising a teenager when he was just barely not a teenager himself
Also the poor thing and the mother hen thing also tie together. Use brings wear, tear, and rust, that’s funny too, but Angeal had nothing in his childhood. Just the Buster Sword. It’s one of the few memories of his father, and in itself that would be enough to justify him not ever wanting to ruin it. But also there weren’t many guarantees that if he had gotten the sword damaged as a child he would have the money to do any kind of maintenance on it
You can’t tell me this man wasn’t powered by anxiety for most of his life. He disguised it well surely but Angeal’s inner monologue had to be a constant stream of everything that could go wrong and how to remain in control of a situation and how to protect the few things (people) he had and keep your best friend leashed and keep your pupil leashed and be a good commander and a good SOLDIER and-
Of course he ended up suicidal when CC went down! It wasn’t just the DNA thing, although discovering he wasn’t human had to already be a massive blow. Everything was going down fucking hill and he could do nothing to stop it. Genesis went out of control, Angeal himself had no guarantee he wouldn’t also start falling apart soon, and defecting meant abandoning Zack, who was Angeal’s reponsibility, so another source of guilt. Plus the father he probably had some level of idolization for turned out to not be his father after all, and his own mother killed herself when things started going down
It’s just. His whole life did more than fall apart. Trying to make the situation better was the only thing Angeal could have done for most of his life and now he couldn’t. Even admitting that he could accept himself whether human or monster, that’s only one issue. He failed. At least he did in his opinion, and it doesn’t matter if he had been asked far more than anyone his age should have. Dying was easier at that point than fixing everything
This guy was such a weirdo!! Guy who carries around a sword that weighs as much as he does but never uses it and makes dry jokes and has that terrible teenage boy stubble despite being twenty!!! He’s the responsible one because he’s got enough trauma for an entire town and his friend group includes a literature obsessed pyromaniac, a walking ice block with his own trauma pile, and a human golden retriever
This man deserved so much and needed as much therapy as Genesis and Sephiroth but all he could do was being the therapy for everyone else and in the end he just fucking crumbled
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she-karev · 1 month
Diagnosis (Andrew DeLuca One Shot Angst)
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Grey’s Anatomy Season 16 Episode 14
AN: Hey guys I just learned that it’s Mental Health Awareness month so I decided to do one shots of Amber Karev bearing witness to Andrew DeLuca’s declining mental health in Season 16. Mental health is nothing to be ashamed of guys, it’s hard but with the right therapies and medication you can live your best life with the help of the people who love and support you. I’ve included a list of websites if you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis.
Mental Health Resources: https://www.nami.org/, https://www.aacap.org/, https://www.dbsalliance.org/, https://afsp.org/
Summary: After diagnosing Suzanne and inserting steroids in her IV without asking for a second opinion Amber confronts Andrew at their apartment where things get intense and Andrew says something he can never take back.
Words: 2014
I sip my second glass of wine so I can prep myself for the inevitable fight that is about to erupt between me and my boyfriend. I look around our apartment that we got together a year ago so I can pick out the best escape route in case he gets physical. The thought makes my stomach tighten even more and memories of my childhood flashback in my head.
The foster homes I was bounced around in when my mother had to be committed and the fear I felt every time I stepped into a new home. The paralyzing terror I felt when I saw my mom lying in a hospital bed after she drove into a stop sign convinced, she saw an alien about to kill her. And worst of all the pain I felt the morning after my brother, Aaron, beat me up and broke my jaw because he inherited our mother’s horrible illness. And now…now I have to come to terms with the man I love possibly inheriting his father’s mental illness.
For the past few weeks Andrew has been working nonstop on a single patient named Suzanne Britland. She came in for a routine lap appy conducted by Andrew but then she experienced complications after and was showing multiple symptoms that don’t usually come from having your appendix removed. He’s been working with this diagnostic specialist until his behavior sparked concerns. His function so far has been to walk and work, it’s been shown based on the dark circles under his eyes and how baggy his scrubs got telling me he’s been skipping meals.
It got so bad that Dr. Grey went to the chief with these concerns and Bailey handed the case over to Grey, which made Andrew furious given how he snapped at me when I went to him after. He told me that there are more important things in his life than me and that I should stop being selfish for once in my life. His harsh words caught me off guard, those weren’t the words coming from the sweet and sensitive man who slowly got me to let my guard down and let him into my heart.
It got even worse when he went full cowboy on his bosses and inserted high dose steroids into Suzanne’s IV without even consulting Grey or Bailey. His diagnosis was right but that doesn’t make what he did okay. It was only okay because Suzanne got better thanks to the drugs. She was on deaths door when he made that call and if he was wrong, she could have died. The thought of that happening brings me back to the day he told me about how his father killed four patients because he was manic and refused help from his coworkers. The outcome is different but him refusing to work with his superiors to make sure the diagnosis was accurate is the same. It supports Carina’s theory more and more.
Carina talked to me today while Andrew was working and told me he’s the same age his father was when he started showing symptoms. When I heard that everything in me stopped and I felt my anxiety climbing up but I was able to breathe through it and dismiss her concerns. I thought he was just being a surgeon working hard to save his patient. I was hoping that was the case but now I’m not so sure.
Suddenly the door opens and a loud slam is heard from the kitchen table I’m sitting at. I chug the last of my wine down before Andrew walks into my view but doesn’t even look at me. He just heads straight for the fridge that he slams closed loudly as well causing me to jump. From his expression I can see that he’s angry most likely at Bailey and Grey for telling him off after what he did. I take a moment to plan on how to navigate this problem I’ve had so much experience in and decide to cushion the blow with a compliment on the outcome before I point out the flaw in his actions.
“Um…good job with Suzanne you finally found out what was wrong.” Andrew heard me but he ignores me as he takes a sip from his beer and sits in the armchair in the living room with his back towards me. I take a deep breath before I stand up and approach him with back of the chair facing me, “Look I’m glad you were right but what if you weren’t? You didn’t take a second to talk to Grey and Bailey to make sure your diagnosis was accurate you just took the drugs and ran with it.” Andrew groans under his breath and leans forward on his knees clearly agitated, “If you were wrong those drugs could have wiped out her entire immune system and she would have died. And if that happened you wouldn’t have just lost your job you would have lost your license.”
Andrew puts his beer down on the coffee table with a loud thud scaring me for a moment before he speaks clearly frustrated, “You know what I really don’t need this right now and not from you. You weren’t Suzanne’s doctor I was and you didn’t know what was going on the entire time I have been busting my ass trying to fix her. I’m getting sick and tired of defending myself to people after I saved her life! Can I just get to my home without being attacked for Christ’s sake!”
“No one is attacking you, look Andrew you have always been this pillar of calm and logical thinking. We all know that and you doing what you just did understandably sparks concerns from all of us.” Andrew rubs his temple clearly struggling, “I’m just trying to tell you that you don’t seem okay.”
“And how the hell would you know?!” I am startled by his sudden need to scream as he stands up to face me fully with a furious face, “You weren’t there you don’t know what happened or what I’ve been through these last few weeks! What makes you think you have the right to judge me?!”
My anxiety is getting higher but I try to push through it and soothe him, “Okay look Andrew you’re getting hysterical let’s just take a breather and-”
“I saved her life!” He ignores my attempts to calm him down and continues to scream at me, “I did that, okay?! Against all odds, it was a one in a million diagnosis! I did the job that needed to be done!
“Listen to yourself you sound like your father!” My words definitely got through to him because he stops his tirade and just stares at me hurt and shocked by my words. I put my hand over my mouth shocked I said them too. I guess dealing with another mentally ill loved one has pushed me over the edge and my mouth says the first thing my brain thinks, “I’m sorry that’s not what I meant you’re not him but…the way your acting is alarming and…Carina thinks you are at a mental breakdown and that you inherited his illness and I’m starting to think…I’m starting to think that maybe she’s right.”
Andrew’s face goes back to being angry and I can tell I’ve hit a nerve, “I missed a couple of days of sleep and suddenly you think I have a mental problem? Do you know how crazy that is?!”
I sigh at this rapid decline, “Listen to me please listen to me you need to get ahead of this before it gets worse.” Andrew chuckles darkly as I continue, “You know the history in your family and you know what your dad was like in a manic state. You’re not yourself right now and I know what the signs of a mental breakdown are. You need to calm down so we can figure this out.”
“The only thing I need is for you to back off!”
“Back off?!” I ask incredulous over his behavior, “You’re telling me to back off?”
“Yeah, because what you are telling me right now is crazy!” I rub my face in frustration as he continues, “I did this great thing on my own without anybody’s help and you have to take it away from me. Are you really that much of a shark?!”
I reach screaming levels too as I get frustrated by my boyfriend’s inability to see my point of view, “This isn’t about me being a shark! This is about you not considering the consequences of your actions!”
“The consequences were that Suzanne would have died because of a waiting people and her kids would be orphans!”
“No, the consequences were that Suzanne would have no bone marrow at all and that would kill her before the disease did. You made that decision to risk her life when you were exhausted to death and didn’t consider what the outcome would be if you were wrong.” My emotions get the better of me as my voice quivers, “Please tell me that you can see that.”
“What I see right now is a woman whose childhood of horrors gave her serious control issues.” I almost scream out loud as I feel like pulling my hair out, “Tell me something did you go up to your brother and tell him that he was crazy before he bashed your face in?” I widen my eyes in shock at him using the worst moment of my life against me that he ignores as he continues in a tone of voice that tells me he is trying actively to hurt me with his words, “You think I need your help that I can’t survive without you well let me ask you where do you think you would be right now if I wasn’t around you and your flaws and insecurities? Let me tell you.”
I finally found my words so I can stop him from saying something else he is going to regret, “Andrew DeLuca you are angry and tired. So, you better think about what your gonna say before-”
“You would end up like your father.”
I stand in front of him frozen by his cruel statement calling into question every time he told me I was nothing like my family and comforting me when I was worried about inheriting my mother’s illness or my father’s drug abuse. I get angrier at him by the second as he continues to debase me and point out what would happen to me if he left.
“You’d get in your car and leave the people that you’re supposed to care about behind to pick up the pieces. You’d pick up odd jobs wherever you could, ignore what you did, hell you might even-”
I stop his words with a hard slap to his face before he finishes that sentence. When he brought up my father my emotions took a 180 going from sad about losing him to this illness to angry about him throwing the worst moment of my life at my face just to hurt me. He was the first person here I talked to about my brother Aaron beating me up when he had a psychotic break. And about my father and how he left me when I was a baby after abusing my mom and brothers. I trusted him with that knowledge and now he took that trust and twisted it and it angers me more than I thought I could be.
He flinched at the slap and it stopped his tirade. He turns to me and we stare at each other, a red imprint spreads across his left cheek. I inhale sharply as my whole world tilts off its axis, everything I’ve known and believed in for two years suddenly in brutal doubt. Andrew’s chest heaves his expression a mask of fury. He pushes past me. A few seconds later the door slams shut. 
I slide to the floor and sob until I can hardly breathe.
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dangermousie · 1 year
@aysekira​ I caught up with the Bearman (tm) show and it went incredibly bonkers even by the standards of a show that was already more makjang than 5 kdrama dailies, and it’s glorious!
Anyway, Gulcemal found out her ex was Mert and snapped on the whole “I am repeating my father’s life, Deva is like my mother” trigger, which is 100% designed to break him by evil mommy. He kidnapped (!) both Mert and Deva, said he’d kill them both and then as she is just metal standing there going “whatever” as her scumbag ex falls apart, said actually he’d execute them unless she married him which umm dude you literally left her at the altar, she was totally ready to marry you without blood and stuff and now she hates you. My fave is weasel ex going “come on marry him pls pls” ahahaha. Clearly he’s doing it both because he hates her/despises her AND loves her/can’t be without her, so he gets to have her and punish her at once and it makes me think of that old joke of “young man, I chased you for 20 blocks to tell you know much I don’t care about you.” Gulcemal does not need a wife, he needs a lengthy prison sentence and extensive therapy. 
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Jesus, you know she had a fiance before. SEEK THERAPY!!!!
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I love this scene so much. The only way this show works for me is because while Gulcemal is a monster (but honestly, what else was a person who knifed someone to death at 13 on purpose and we saw feeding someone to dogs would be like; it’s honestly a lot more likely than reform) but Deva is tough as hell and gives as good as it gets. All the men in this one are scum. Except Deva’s dad and her half-brother Armagan. I am kinda hoping Gulcemal is dead at the end and she runs off to run a lesbian sewing colony. Not gonna happen but a gal can dream.
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(I do love that at his monsteriest and regiest, you can see that a part of Gulcemal realizes he’s being insane and wants to stop but he just can’t, and he IS hurt but what she’s saying as much as he tries to hide it.)
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Truer words were never spoken in this drama.
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She knows exactly what to say to hit his greatest fears and it’s DELICIOUS
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I am rolling in the Bronte-ness of it all!!!
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And then he goes out and cuts off Mert’s finger as one does for touching her. God, this show is so gloriously insane!!!
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Bwahahahahah good luck crazy. In real life, this is 100% abusive hell you should escape. In safe confines of the show and being pretty sure he’s gonna die by the end (he’s gotta, come on, how could it work?), I am just enjoying the insanity.
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fakeboitherottengirl · 2 months
Just had a really intense conversation with my mom where she talked about her trauma and how my dad is abusing her and i told her id support her if she left and there was crying and now i have to take a fistful of kpins because Im pretty sure my parents are going to divorce and my dad is a fucking scary heavily armed person who very well might snap and kill us all if she goes through with it. Wouldn't it be creepy if this post wound up doxxing me to my family after my story hit the TCC? I told her Id support her in anything she did and she was always welcome to stay with me and she says all her friends want her to leave and yesterday she called my dad's bluff and went to my birthday dinner without him since he was throwing a tantrum and I told her "it means more to me that you stood up for yourself than having him there would have" but also I feel horrible for my dad he's like a child and hes an alcoholic and opiate addict (he has chronic pain from a construction accident) and he did NOT think she was going to leave without him when I talked to him last night he was like crying and apologizing and saying hed take me wherever I wanted to go and like im SO proud of my mom for leaving without him but I also am proud of him for staying home if he knew he couldn't control his behavior in public so as not to contaminate my birthday with his meltdown I love both my parents so so much but I know my dad is an abuser (and i know i make a lot of excuses for him but when hes not being an abuser, which is most of the time, hes one of the funniest most charming most lovable people I know and I worry that he wouldn't be okay without her and Id probably have to help him learn to cook which would just turn into me cooking for him and Id get pulled in as surrogate wife in every way but sexually but I didn't say that to my mom because I don't want that to stop her from leaving.) She said her line was if he ever hit her shed leave and hes never hit her but hes emotionally tortured her for 30 years and shes started going to therapy and realizing for the first time as a christian republican woman that she has more identity than being a mother/daughter/wife and shes finding her own identity and setting boundaries and I love her so much
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millyhelp · 4 months
Hi, love your work. I never come into anon boxes but I just felt somewhat strongly about your last opinions post.
I respect your opinion about Jason not using drugs a lot, but I believe that it wouldn't be "traumatic" for him. What I know is that Jason was young when all of that happened, sure he could be traumatized by his mother and the things she did but that doesn't mean he would be "traumatized" by drugs and alcohol in general. I'm just saying that as my personal experience because I come from a family of substance abusers and I'll smoke a little weed or drink time for time, but the most it's done for me is teach me about limits and self control.
I've been traumatized by more of my family's actions than the drugs itself. I can say that possibly, maybe , Jason would swear off ever smoking and drinking(a lot of children of substance abusers do or it's a choice thing), but seeing that he was so young and understanding Jason. Imo, he would probably find more of an understanding of why his mom did it and just practice self control.
That being said, I just wanted to share my opinion because of my personal experiences but I appreciate you being open and wanting to express your own. I hope this doesn't seem backhanded or anything because I love your work and I mean this all with good vibes and intentions!! 💕💕
Hey anon! Thank you for coming and sharing your personal opinion 🫰🏻
I just want to remind you that here is a safe space to say your opinion without being judged.
My opinion was also given as a matter of personal experience. Since you told your version, you can see that people react and act to trauma differently. And I will tell you why.
But I went through something very bad related to drugs (mainly weed) and that made me not want to have contact with them to use them.
My brother was almost killed because of this, and honestly, it's not something I like. The same thing with alcoholic drinks (I sometimes drink them but I don't like them and I avoid them a lot), depressant medications are also an option, my mum have problems with this, I hate them and I don't take them even when I need them. (I prefer to resort to therapy as I always have). I respect that prople that need to take them, but I don't like them one bit.
I've been in the therapy process and I say this because I don't deal well with my traumas linked to these things... so that's why my opinion was that. But since you told me yours we can take it into consideration.
But I completely respect your opinion and I respect the way you deal with your traumas.
I have an open mind, and since Jason is a fictional character (😭) we can add whatever we want to our hcs. It's your preference whether he smokes weed or not. But on a personal level, for me it doesn't work and I can't write about it cuz gives me trigger and I get uncomfortable.
One of the things that even though I don't like it very much but I agree with when I see people talking about it, is Jason smoking tobacco cigarettes.
For me, the only Jason who would smoke weed would be Frat!Jason AU (This is one I created when some anon sent me an ask)
Anyway, thank u sm to bring it here and tell your opinion! It really was my opinion very poorly, I should have explained why I have that opinion.
Love you and again, thank you!🫰🏻
I love talking about deep things.
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artzychic27 · 2 years
So I’ve just watched the first episode of Wednesday, thoughts? (If you’ve seen it)
And thoughts on it asthe Artist Family version?
I watched the whole damn season, and all I can say is… LATINA REP, BITCHES! I fucking LOVE Jenna Ortega! And her choreography? *chef’s kiss* Also, you can’t tell me Wednesday and Enid aren’t in love, because I will put piranhas in your bathtub while you’re in it
And now... The Artist Family 🫰🏾🫰🏾 (Also, Science Kids + Austins are in this AU)
Marinette’s expelled! And for no good reason at all!
Some guys on the water polo team shoved Nathaniel in a locker, so naturally, Marinette put piranhas in the pool while they were swimming and one of them but one guy’s dick off... Seems like they were overreacting
Fortunately, attempted murder won’t go on her permanent record. Think of the shame... Attempted murder.
Unfortunately, no other school in the district will take her thanks to the Artist’s reputation.
But fortunately again, there’s a wonderful school out in the woods, Corbeau Academy, a school for outcasts
While wandering around the woods for a while after getting chased out of their homes, Marc and Nathaniel used to go to Corbeau for about a year before... Complications. Marc was in the Eulogy Club, the Arachnid Club, and Nathaniel was captain of the fencing team and president of the Art Club who didn’t mind his “cursed paintings”
Although it’s the middle of the year, Headmistress Mendeleieve allows Marinette to attend due to her grades and the fact that Marc and Nathaniel made a good impression when they went to Corbeau and tasks Ismael, a Gremlin, to show Marinette to her dorm in Ophelia Hall
One of Marinette’s hall mates is Jean, a descendant of the inspiration for the Phantom of the Opera. He’s not entirely a phantom yet, only able to turn invisible and not do other ghost stuff. He somehow gravitated towards Marinette despite her coldness
In Ophelia Hall, she’s also introduced to the dorm mother, Irene Rossi
Before the Artists leave, Marc gives Marinette a crystal ball to call them, and Juleka gives Marinette a necklace made of obsidian
Unknown to Marinette, Nathaniel has That watch over her to make sure she doesn't try to escape. It doesn't take long for Marinette to find That and make them pledge their loyalty to her
Marinette’s not interested in being social. She’d rather figure out why she’s suddenly getting visions of the future, practice her violin, steer clear of the school’s “Queen Bee Siren,” and figure out who tried to kill her with a gargoyle
After escaping from therapy while in the town of Ville Normale, Marinette runs into some normies (Guess who) in a cafe who try to harass and intimidate her when they see her Corbeau uniform
But she beats all three of them up, catching the attention of the local sheriff and a certain brunette who likes wearing green
As soon as she gives her name, the Sheriff goes stark white and asks if she’s related to Nathaniel. With her answer, he backs away slowly while muttering, “He belongs behind bars.”
Of course, the fight gets her on the Headmistress’ bad side
Later that night, Marinette is on the balcony practicing her violin while Mendeleieve, some students, the Sheriff, and Austin Tomassian just go on about their activities
Jean, who’s also on the balcony makes their way over to Marinette just as the other Phantoms are circling around the school. When asked why they don’t join them, Jean explains he’s a late-bloomer and starts to cry as he remembers a visit to a doctor who reveals he may never become a full phantom
Marinette doesn't hold back on explaining her feelings towards crying, making Jean snap and ask if she’s ever cried.
She did... Once when she was younger. She was still living with her parents and they allowed her to have a pet tarantula she named Serafina. When taking Serafina out for a walk, a group of bullies cornered her and made her watch as they killed Serafina
That was the last time Marinette ever cried, because she knew her tears wouldn't bring Serafina back.
After Jean promises not to tell anyone, Marinette asks if she can borrow his computer to plan her escape and sends That with Jean’s number written on their palm
At a Harvest Festival, Marinette meets up with Austin Tomassian (her ride) who shows her a file she found in his parents’ office, showing Nathaniel’s criminal record prior to when the Artists became a family
Before Marinette escapes, she runs into the same guys from earlier, revealed to be Austins’ ex friends, and they chase her out into the woods. Just when Marinette thinks she lost them, she runs into Simon, a banshee and has a premonition of his death
Before she can warn him, he shows her a drawing his mother sketched when she was a student, depicting a woman who looks a lot like Marinette standing in front of fire as she faces off against an unknown figure in the school courtyard
Just as Simon’s about to use his Banshee scream to harm Marinette and prevent this future, he’s suddenly mauled by a monster
Marinette: ... I avoided death on two separate occasions, discovered Nathaniel might be more than an arsonist, uncovered the fact that I could be the one to destroy the school, and a homicidal monster might have just saved my life... I think I’ll grow to like it here.
*Marc, Nathaniel, Juleka, Rose, and Alix are calling her via Crystal Ball*
Marc: I told you so. Also, let’s keep that thing about Nathaniel to ourselves, okay?
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