#Swims Like Snake
subbalakshmisastry · 9 months
AWESOME ROPE FISH / SNAKEFISH / REEDFISH ( Erpetoichthys calabaricus) HD
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mintowls · 4 months
everyday at work i hear something that makes me want to strangle rich people even more
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shortdumbperson · 6 days
baby its raining can u hold me so i wont get cold 😔
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yelmor-boots · 1 month
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@the-goose-ferret dared me
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balkanradfem · 1 month
You're so brilliant! First time I see question about magic replied in such way, but you are totally right! The narrative about magic gone is prevalent about just anywhere, in any media or story, including lost Eden, lost Atlantis, Tolkien books etc etc. But you are right that it can't be lost! (I was not anon who asked)
Thank you for such a great message, I do feel like we have the narrative of everything ancient being lost to time but the source of it all has not been lost at all, we have what people back then used to have as well. We just ignore it and assume it's gone forever. I think as children, we pay much more attention to nature (or at least it's how my childhood was), and it's at that time of life that magic very much feels real. It's only when you turn your attention away that it feels gone.
Lately we have been looking away. But we can figure it out and look back.
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minophus · 2 months
do you think they can swim
Minophus? of course! i think sisyphus is the better and faster swimmer of the two. they dont have a bunch of pools and (for sisyphus) bathing areas for no reason!
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This line from the story of An's 4 star card for Same Dreams Same Colours means so much to me.
It shows that An doesn't just care for Kohane, but Vivid Bad Squad as a whole. She wants to continue growing with the three of them, not just as a singing group but as friends and people. She wants to have camping trips, she wants to spend time with them because she genuinely enjoys their company.
It's something I don't think is often brought up with Vivid Bad Squad. Yes they are a group of talented street performers trying to surpass a legend, and yes at the beginning they had a messy start, but they've moved past that. They rely on each other as a group, not as two pairs. My favourite parts of their story up until now have been the moments where they all show how much they care for each other. When Akito looks out for the other three. When Kohane reassures An she wants to sing with her. Toya is excited to go on a camping trip with all three of them. An being the one to originally suggest they team up.
There is also the feeling of loneliness I feel like each of them has felt at some point. An declined so many people for so long because none of them believed in her dream. Akito felt for a while he would never be able to stand with the three of them and has grown within a household where the belief of "if you don't have talent don't try" is incredibly prominent. Toya has had to be alone for most of his childhood with the Tenma's as his only real friends. Kohane's anxiety stopped her from taking risks until she met An. The whole thing about how tight of a community Vivid Street is and how they all find comfort there.
Same Dreams Same Colours might just be my favourite event in the entire game currently solely for how much it shows the four of them being friends. The shopping trip before they go shows the group dynamic perfectly I think. Then there is the bit when they set up the camp and Toya shows An the pepper with so much joy and the others getting to show off each of their skills. Even the bits in the side stories with Kohane's showing the trip home and them looking through the photos a week later and An's having them all peel the mandarins and making art out of them.
I love it when the stories focus on the units all being best friends. This is the Miku Friendship Game, after all. I wish we got to see stuff like this more, both in game and in the fandom.
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lemonlurkrr · 4 months
lemonlurkrr i saw the new uniqlo and metal gear collab and thought of you. have you seen it what are ur thoughts
COOL 👍 don't think I'll be getting any for myself but 👍👍👍👍👍👍 if I did i'd probably get the msx textbox one, or the one with Two Guys in boxes
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damnation-if · 2 years
hello!! i was wondering, which of the ros are a cat person or a dog person? what kind of pets would everyone have if they could?
hmm, good question...
Cat People in General
Suchebh, Malkorath
Cat People in a Specifically Cat vs Dog Debate Where They Must Choose One
Heluur, Twilit
Dog People
Lithiana, Arianis
in terms of what pets they could have if they could have pets... Malkorath would probably still pick a domestic housecat. Suchebh would probably go for something ostentatious and showy, like a peacock or maybe a tiger. Heluur would love to keep fish... I'm not sure about Twilit; they'd probably change their mind a lot. Maybe something with a short lifespan so that they aren't tied down for too long. Lithiana would probably be happy with a dog, although she also likes cats and snakes and a lot of other household pets, and Arianis would most prefer to have a songbird as a pet, specifically one that can be trained to some extent so that they can play music together.
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danidomain · 2 years
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reading her girl letter with her girl stuffed animal
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angeltannis · 1 year
My brain after taking a few weeks off in between shifting from group to private sessions: Hey, why’d you stop swimming? 🥺
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ambermarkoto · 2 months
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Day 19 Pool
I thought it would be fun to make another photo to go along with the original Pool illustration.
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pikminapplebloom · 3 months
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Ok whoever made this doesn’t know that Christianity isn’t a thing in Hyrule (before you say anything about the downfall timeline, that could just be Miyamoto and Aonuma trying to experiment with Christian imagery before dropping it to prove Hyrule is polytheistic)
Or they just wanted to make this implying that the traditional response to getting pinched on Saint Patrick’s day is stabbing
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getreadytosmash · 7 months
❰❰ TACKLE ❱❱ sender hugs the receiver so hard they almost fall over / do fall over for Leader
Being eaten wasn't new for Samuel, a thought process that was unfortunate to have, but true nonetheless. It made anyone with a vore kink envy him viciously, but it was an agony for his clothes and senses, not to mention the risk of being crushed to death by internal muscles or burned alive by acid....
In any case, the green man blinked and winced when the monster's stomach was cut open and he fell out, the enchanted stone gripped tight enough in his hand that he just knee would leave marks later. Next to Samuel, Hulk sighed in relief before frowning down at the smaller man.
"Did you really have to get eaten?"
Samuel shrugged, "It got the job done, did it not? Besides, I would have simply jusy come back la-OOF!"
He barely had another second to think before something, or better yet, someone, slams into Samuel, making him gasp loudly from the impact. His only saving grace of not falling is both the fact that his boots were made to not loose grip as well as Samuel having incredibly dense bones.
"Mattie?" He blinked and stared at the girl with a raised brow, ears flicking in concern, "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
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coryosbaby · 6 months
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synopsis: your jealousy gets the best of you.
♡ content warning . Mentions of murder, possessiveness, oral, cum play, plinth! reader
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“I want to know why you did it.”
Your boyfriend’s voice rings out through your shared room in the capital, an octave lower and in a teasing lilt— maybe not a tone that a normal person who’s discussing murder should have, but nothing about your or Coriolanus’ relationship can be defined as normal.
You know the answer to Coriolanus’ question, though you don’t want to say it. A pout glazes your plump glossed lips as you think back to the scene that has started this conversation.
You remember Clemensia’s stupid ponytail, her stupid face, and the way her stupid sharp nails dug into Coriolanus’ shoulder the day before. She was asking to be in that room with you the next day— literally.
It was a class project. One that was for advanced students only, a one-by-one sort of assignment. You were Dr. Gaul’s personal assistant, the youngest ever— although, partner seemed to describe your dynamic with her better. You and Dr. Gaul went way back, and she trusted you.
You and Clemensia were in that brightly lit room you were oh so familiar with. Papers and folders were strewn around a desk nearby— and you and her were both alone. The body of snakes swimming throughout the small pool in the middle of the room had been enticing to stick your hand into. You remember Clemensia’s surprised look of awe as she watched you take one of the snakes trustfully into your grasp. It dripped water but it was beautiful. Its fangs scraped against you, almost teasing. It wanted to stick its teeth into your skin— you knew it did. But you trusted the snakes, and they trusted you. They would not be eating their handler anytime soon.
But maybe they would be eating something else.
Clemensia crouched in your same position; you were on your knees, gently rubbing your cheek against the snake’s rainbow scales. It whispered to you, lulling with soft hisses.
“Would you like to hold it?” You had asked her. “They enjoy a good petting every now and again.”
Clemensia had chuckled nervously, and you could tell by her body language that she was on edge.
“Don’t be silly, [y/n] plinth,” she had answered bleakly. “That snake would surely kill me.”
You remember turning to her. You could remember her brows furrowing, the softness of her skin. Coriolanus liked nice skin.
“I know.” You had said, and the rest was a blur.
A restling of limbs, your hands gripping tightly in her hair. There was splashing, gurgling, snakes crowding the surface. Her whole body had become submerged in that pool, and then you remembered that you had forgot to feed the snakes that day.
Thinking about it now, maybe you were a bit dramatic. Coriolanus has made his love for you very clear. There was no reason for such atrocities because of a girl he wasn’t even dating. But they had grown too close, and it had scared you.
Not to mention her excessive gossip about your fashion choices, which really pissed you off. Coriolanus shouldn’t have become friends with her, anyway.
“I told you,” You groan, watching him take a seat across from you. His shirt buttons are undone, just how you like them. “ I didn’t do it. She slipped.”
He doesn’t reply, and you groan.
“Why are you acting as if you didn’t do the same exact thing to that boy from economics class a few months ago, Coryo?”
“He was a complete dick, [y/n]. And a pervert. That was different.”
“I’m sure it was.”
Although Coriolanus should be disturbed, or quite possibly angered with you, he isn’t. You two tell too many secrets to judge. He doesn’t exactly have room to tell you who you should and shouldn’t kill with his past history.
And even so, the boy doesn’t have any room to care for Clemensia’s passing. She isn’t you, so it doesn’t matter.
After a moment of silence, Coriolanus sighs heavily. His thighs spread, and he leans back in his chair.
“But why…” he starts quietly, contemplating, as if this is funny guessing game. “Aren’t you going to tell me why?”
He knows the reason. He’s not stupid, and never has been. But he loves to tease.
He turns his head to the side. His blonde curls have grown back, and for that you are incredibly grateful because they’re messy and make him look even more attractive. His eyes catch sight of a framed picture beside your bed— you and him, sitting at a shared desk in class. You were smiling at the camera, your favorite outfit on, and Coriolanus was only looking at you.
Smirking, Coriolanus lifts himself up from his chair. Your brows furrow in confusion as he approaches you, his tall form almost intimidating. His smell invades your senses as he leans over your shoulder to whisper into your ear.
“Was it jealousy?”
His tone is dark, flirtatious, and his breath is hot on the shell of your ear. Heat creeps up your neck— no matter how many times he speaks to you in this low tone of voice, it never fails to make your shiver.
You chuckle, your thighs squeezing together when his fingers grip tightly onto your shoulder.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you reply. Your head turns to him, and he’s so close that you can feel his steady breathing. “Besides, I didn’t do it. Like I said— she slipped.”
“Liar.” He says punctually. His fingers grip your chin suddenly, and his grip is harsh. “You didn’t like me with her, did you?”
Your teeth sink into your lower lip, and Coriolanus’ fingers stroke your shoulder softly.
“Did you think she was pretty?” You ask. The boy chuckles, slowly pressing a wet kiss to your jugular that makes something electric zigzag its way through your body.
“No. The only woman who’s pretty to me is you.”
That makes you let out a small sound, and Coriolanus’ body moves to the front of your chair. He falls to his knees, then, the candlelight near the both of you making him look ever so beautiful. His fingers ghost over your skirt, and you whine, squirming in your seat. He pinches the hem, and lifts up the cotton fabric over your thighs. Cute pink panties are shown to him, and he lets out a groan.
“You’re so perfect.” He mutters. He leans in, his breath fanning over you, but he doesn’t get as close as you want. He presses a kiss to your inner thigh.
“Coryo,” you whine, bucking up your hips. “Please. Please eat my pussy.”
He looks up at you, his gaze dark and glazed over with lust.
“Kiss me.” He demands, and you have no choice but to obey. Your hands settle into his golden locks, pulling him up further on his knees so he can gain access to your plump, hot mouth. Your lips slot against his, and it isn’t long before his tongue is grazing the soft flesh. His teeth bite down, nibbling on your lips with ferocious hunger as his fingers dig crescent moons into your thighs. Pulling away, your hands rest on his shoulders. Coriolanus grabs one of them, pulling you so far down that your forehead touches his as he presses your palm against the bulge tight in his pants.
“Do you think Clemensia could make me feel this way, angel? Could make my cock so hard?” He says, and his breath is hot against your open mouth as he utters his next words. “I’m yours.”
You yank your hand away, pulling him into another hot and heated kiss. But not before he’s pulling himself away and sliding your panties down your legs, mouthing at your inner thighs again as your pussy is exposed to him. Coriolanus practically drools, spreading your thighs and shoving his tongue inside your tight, aching hole. His big hands wrap around your thighs, pulling you closer to his mouth. He drinks up your slick with vigor, moaning against your clit as he devours you. Your mouth drops open, whimpers spilling out of you.
“Coryo,” you cry. His tongue moves from your hole to your clit, and he wraps his lips around the swollen bud as your hips buck up into his face.
He hums, savoring the taste of your nectar and grinding his hardened cock into the open air. He slurps into your cunt with everything he has and when you cum around him he drinks up your spend, too. His cock is still aching when he’s done and when he pulls away and wipes his pretty mouth on the back of his sleeve your gesture for him to stand up.
He smiles, watching as you grab his hips and pull them towards your face. You undo his belt, watching the straining fabric as your mouth waters. You pull out his hardened cock, the tip flushed red and dripping precum, and press a light kiss to the tip. Coriolanus shutters, letting out a tiny breath of air as he watches you press kiss upon lipstick stained kiss to his thick length. After a moment he grabs your hair and gently pulls you back from his cock.
“No,” he murmurs, when you try to put your mouth back on it again. “This is about me now, not you. Now open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”
Brows furrowing while you try not to pout, you lean back and do as the man says. Your lashes flutter as you watch him tower over you, putting his legs on either side of the chair and holding himself up with one strong, muscle-ey arm. You let out a tiny whine in your throat as he holds his cock over your face and begins to stroke himself. You watch how swollen he is, how desperate he is to cum, the way his balls sit against his skin and look desperate to be emptied. He lets out small breathy moans as he rubs himself up and down, his head thrown back and his lip caught in between his teeth. What a beautiful sight.
He grunts when he looks down and sees drool leaking out of the corners of your mouth.
“Hungry for it, aren’t you?” He chastises. “I know. Poor little girl loves drinking up my cum. Don’t worry, baby, you’re gonna get some soon.”
Your head becomes fuzzy, your tongue reaching out to graze just a sliver of his cock. But he’s quick to use his length to slap your cheek, a warning growl sounding from his lips.
“Didn’t you hear what I said?” He asks you. “Keep fucking still, and don’t touch me.”
You pout, your mouth closing in the process, and Coryo fumes. He grabs your chin, forcing your mouth back open grabbing your tongue with his fingers. He presses it down onto your teeth, and begins to furiously jack his cock.
“You never fucking listen.”
You want to smile but you know you can’t. When Coriolanus’ hips thrust particularly hard into the open air, you know he’s about to be close. You push out your tongue even more, watching his tip begin to spew white creamy cum onto your flushed face. He grunts, the sight of your fucked out body covered in the sticky substance making his cock kick one last time before he goes soft. You look up at him with heavy breaths, your mouth open as you lick your lips and taste him on you. His thumb brushes against a puddle of his spend, and he brings it up to your mouth.
“Now clean it up, brat.”
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gdjyho · 2 months
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synopsis ; a late night , much needed, hot fück session. pure smut.
pairing ; jungkook x f!reader
warnings ; s€xual content, slapping [face and ass], crying, big d!ck jk, choking, unprotected, mentions of smoking, not really proofread, lemme know if there’s any more.
i love to hold close, tonight and always…
his doe eyes pierce right through yours, stare feeling as if it’s entering your soul. your mouth lays slightly ajar. your lips and tongue get drier by what feel is like the second. jungkook’s slender fingers snake around your battered neck and your head rests against the head board slightly leant back.
he grins ever so slightly before soaking your lips with his own spit. before you get a chance to react, his lips are smashed on yours and moving in all sorts of directions. your chests stick together and your rise up to claw at each others’ sweat clad necks. “ you’re always so good f’me” he whispers out.
jungkook roughly grips your shoulders, easily flipping your on top without breaking the intimate eye contact shared between the two of you. you feel the oxygen seep back into your lungs like a sponge from the release of your neck. in the silence of the room, he enters you with no words. his cock mauls your gummy walls as he navigates your sweet spot.
So we'll piss off the neighbors…
you fail to let out any words at the pleasure your receiving. in doing so, your whimper and moan along with a whole other string of sounds. you begin to move up and down on jungkook’s abdomen as the biting pain of his length subsides. you let out even more pornographic moans which make a melody with the sound of your crotches meeting and tearing away.
you lean down to kiss his mole under his soaked bottom lip. he kisses your forehead and praises you simultaneously. your eyes clasp shut as your brain digs up from the ecstasy jungkook gives you. it’s indescribable how deeply far in you are for the man under your body.
“you’re fucking me so good!” you tell him. the smell of the room, all stuffy drives jungkook insane. he begins to attack your neck and your back forms a snake shape and your hips move round. his dick stuffs your to the brim, forming a visible lump in your tummy. he chuckles, prodding the hill he’s made. your toes curl as you feel your climax.
you fight it, wanting him to fill you up first. his face scrunches up into and unreadable expression. he’s gonna fill me up you think. you chuckle slightly, finally getting the sweet release you’ve needed from him. you grip his sleeve of tattoos tightly, as your tight hole reaches max capacity.
in the place that feels the tears..
your eyes well up like swimming pools as his cum slides around inside of you. you grind your hips harder on him insatiably. you throw your head back and groan as he does. you emotionally give yourself up to him, submitting yourself to jungkook and become completely vunerable.
“ahhhhh princess look at you milking me” he sort of slurs out, being drunk on pleasure and your mixed juices. he slowly and dreadfully pulls out and places you on your side of the bed. he gets up and strides along to your en suite. your smile as you get the perfect view of his god-sent ass.
after some cluttering is heard and cupboards close, he walks out and reaches for his black calvin klein briefs. he slips back next to you, creating a dip in the bed. he toys at your bangs, swirling and twisting what’s not dampened by sweat. “oh baby. if only you knew how cute you were”
he grabs his phone from the low nightstand and steals a picture of you and fucked out and cheesing at the camera while trying to grab his phone from him. “jungkook !” you laugh out, while he pins your hands back down. he laughs at his ability to easily control and power over you.
yeah, reckless behavior
he pecks you before getting up and lighting stray cigarette from the nightstand and placing it in between his lips. jungkook has to flick the lighter a few times before managing to make a spark. he inhales before blowing out a pillar of fog into the room. you pinch it out from between his lips and place the dampened stick between your lips.
it swirls around in your lungs for a short amount of time before you let the air loose. he opens the window, letting the various smells exit the room. you get up and move closer to him. you step infront of jungkook and he sneaks his hands around your waist. his lips meet your neck softly and withdraw along with a sloppy trail. you sigh in satisfaction.
it’s our paradise and it's our war zone.
- quickly crafted this one. 😶
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