#Swiss is a little shit and doesn’t like Nihil
Swapped it…
Swiss:*strolling casually into the ghoul common room*
Aether: *without even looking up from his book* Hey Swiss. What did you do?
Swiss: I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about?
Aether: You’re doing your smug walk, I could hear it from halfway down the hall
Swiss: I don’t have a smug- wait, do you have like, a mental Rolodex of how each of us walk?
Aether: Don’t change the subject, what did you do?
Swiss: *grinning* Weeeeellll *pulls something from behind his back*
Aether:… that’s Nihil’s mitre**.
Swiss: Yup.
Aether: How did you get it?
Swiss: Swapped it.
Aether: *deep sigh* With what?
Sister Imperator: *walking into Nihil’s office* Papa I have some papers for you to si- *looks up to see Nihil sitting behind his desk wearing a huge paper hat with “ASSHOLE” and a giant penis drawn on in black marker*….
Nihil: *oblivious* Yes Seestor?
Sister:…*drops files on the desk and leaves*
(**mitre= pope hat. I had to look up what the damn thing was called)
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reversesymmetry · 2 years
Mephisto master post!
I figured I’d make a pinned post with quick info and shit about me, and where to find all my stuff since I’m solely posting the majority of my writing and shit on AO3 now for formatting and my own spoons.
If you want, you can buy me a ko-fi here to help with expenses. Please read the post there as that’s currently standing!
So hi there, I’m Owen. You can call me that, or Mephisto, either one, or any other nickname that tickles your fancy. I write, shitpost, and occasionally doodle, mostly surrounding the Ghost universe.
Hard rules:
I am so deathly serious about this. This is not a space for you. It will not be a space for you until you’re an adult. Ideally, everyone will have their age in their bio but I understand not everyone really wants to do that. This is for my protection. And yeah, I’m an asshole about it, but I have to put me first.
RP blogs: be normal please.
Just please don’t. I’d prefer you just make your own content. You can like and reblog stuff but don’t turn anything I post into an RP thread. I have issues with internet RP communities so I’d just like to be left out of it if possible. Thanks.
You can find me here on Ao3. Currently I only have one ongoing work that isn’t on a permanent hiatus
You can find my HCs here. Anything not marked as ‘defunct hc’ is something that I would consider to be canon in a piece of writing.
I sometimes post short blurbs on here that aren’t long enough to go on Ao3. You can find them here.
I’m always willing to take prompts or ideas on for short writing! You can always send those to me via ask. I also love seeing other people’s writing or HCs, so feel free to send that my way too, or tag me! Please note that I DO practice discretion when it comes to prompts, so if I don’t write your prompt particularly, don’t take it too hard! I promise it’s not you, it’s just what I’m in the mood for. If you send me something and it hasn’t been responded to, that means I’m either working on it, or I want to do the prompt but I have either writer’s block or am busy at the time of receipt. I try to reply to everyone!
There are a few things I won’t write. These will be under the cut because some of them are triggering topics. This list is always subject to change (probably not be removed from but stuff may be added) so always check if you’re unsure.
If anything on this post is unclear or you have questions, please let me know and I’ll be happy to answer them and correct/add to this post!
I have a couple of OCs that get mentioned on occasion in my writing:
Cardinal Fabian Cromwell— he handles event planning, finances, and PR for the Ministry as a whole (the band has their own staff for that, he just handles the church side). He can be finicky and a bit rude at times, but he doesn’t mean to be. He’s “Terzo’s husband” in any HC posts that I write. He has a huge heart, you just have to be willing to do a little digging to get to it.
Salem— Fabian’s assistant and the true youngest Emeritus brother (though he doesn’t know that). He’s half human, half quintessence ghoul, but was raised by the ghouls in the Abbey given that at the time, ghoul and human relations were forbidden. This has since changed, but at the time he was born, Nihil knew he would be executed, and he was given to the ghouls to raise. He can be found doing fetch quests and other side missions throughout the church offices.
Meadow— an ftm earth/fire hybrid ghoul. He can usually be found assisting setup and tear down at shows. In some verses he’s Swiss’s mate and in others he’s Mountain’s, it just kind of depends on my mood. He’s very shy and rarely speaks up. He was originally summoned as a scribe, but was shuffled around to the band. He’s far too afraid of crowds to be on stage, despite the fact that he would make a skilled multighoul with the band, so he works behind the scenes instead.
I will not write:
R*pe/SA scenes, or anything surrounding that, unless it is far back in a character’s past and is being discussed as a past event.
“Hard kinks”. I’m asexual and struggle writing intimate scenes unless the planets align and bless me with the inspiration. That being said if you just want something simple on the smut scale, I’ll be willing to hold onto it until the mood strikes to write it.
Any kind of -ism or -phobia, unless it is a past event that is being discussed. I also, as a white person, am not the person to be writing and discussing traumas and experiences of people of color. There might be hints of homophobia or transphobia as past events a character has suffered, as I am part of the LGBT community and those communities are ones I specifically belong to, but I’m not comfortable writing about the experiences of a group that I will never be part of and will never know the struggles of.
Abuse of any kind, unless it’s a past event, etc, etc.
XReader. I just can’t do it. No offense to those who write it but I just can’t. If you are a Ko-Fi donor, this rule doesn’t apply!
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coinofstone · 5 years
On Balls and Sticks
Just FYI I dug this out of an abandoned 14x10 post that’s been sitting in my drafts for a year.  Now, my swiss cheese brain doesn’t remember if anyone’s already covered this, so apologies if I’m rehashing someone else’s work. This was part of a much longer post analyzing the shit out of the set dec in these scenes, which I ended up abandoning because I couldn’t get the images to work. Now that I’ve solved that dilemma, I may revisit the post in its entirety in the future, but after seeing the ‘Drowning’ video Shaving People Punting Things posted, I had to dig this back up. For now, I want to talk about this shot:
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At the time it stuck out to me because it’s so deliberate, but also so seemingly odd, random, until I stared at the pool table for a while. Is it insane to analyze billiard balls to this extent? Maybe, but here we are. This is the section I originally wrote on this shot:
All hail Amanda Tapping. Now I didn’t catch this shot, other than noticing that it seemed odd for what it was shooting - but that’s because the pesky dialog and characters in the background aren’t the goddamn point. I’ve gotta give @naruhearts @thetwistedwillow​ and @castielslostwings all the credit in the world for a) bringing this up and b) midwiving this shit out of me. The first thing I’ll bring up is the (white) cue ball and (black) 8 ball being positioned across from each other, easily interpreted to represent good and evil. The three numbered balls positioned defensively, or perhaps defiantly, in a row in the middle: green stripe (Dean), blue stripe (Castiel) and maroon solid (Sam). The Dean and Cas balls are stripes, but the Sam ball is a solid. To me, it’s intentionally differentiating Sam from Dean and Cas - those two have something in common with each other that they do not share with Sam. (Hint: it’s romantic love.) This is especially notable considering the maroon color of Sam’s ball is also available in a striped ball in any given set. The cue stick between the white ball and the numbered balls indicating the divide separating TFW and good - God and his self-imposed restriction from meddling in human affairs - evil (8 ball) has no such restriction, while still being in opposition to or confrontation with the colored balls. So TFW is left to fight evil or Lucifer without assistance from God or Heaven.  Additionally, the lights above the table - notice how there is three framed together and one on the opposite side of the pillar? One off on its own. Anyone who has read my Jack Meta piece knows that this episode spent a good chunk of time painting Jack as ‘other’ in the context of TFW. I believe this also represents that, three lights (Dean, Cas, Sam) together and one, the same but separated (Jack). Dean, Pamela, and ‘drunk’ vamp are also framed together within that shot - further representing three together, as well as the three stools and the three beer taps. These don’t have the single lone figure off to the side, (though the stools might, there IS one on the other side of that post but honestly it’s not really a focal point in this shot) so I think it’s more about the unity of the three than it is about the isolation of one. There is a whole load of actual color meta that can be read from this, but I’m not going to go into that here.
Now, the benefit of hindsight here is that I can pat myself on the back for the stuff about Jack being framed as ‘other’, but the real treat is that now I can look back on this and go ‘Wait! the fucking pool cue is Jack too!’ - I’ve specced that the ultimate endgame move for the show will be to have Jack resurrected at full power and use those powers to defeat a weakened Chuck, possibly locking him away like Chuck had once done to Amara, but more likely just locking him the fuck out of our universe. Looking back at this, I think it’s plausible that however it’s done, Chuck is going to be cut off from the rest of our world by Jack, much like the cue ball is cut off from the others by the pool stick in the shot above. While this does slightly alter my original perception of the visual narrative in this shot, foreshadowing God being cut off from the rest of our world deliberately by Jack versus Chuck cutting himself off from our world and the boys’ fight against evil, one thing remains the same - it’s still TFW vs evil, unrestricted. I’m taking this to indicate that by the end, they’ll not have sealed off Hell completely, or permanently rid the world of monsters, but they will still be there to fight them, or (hopefully) advise and assist others who choose to do so, in a more supervisory capacity. Interestingly, now that we know Rowena sits on the throne as the Queen of Hell, given her own character journey it’s entirely possible that there is a further layer to the positioning of the balls in this shot. Evil, or in this case, the Queen of Hell herself, could very possibly be read to be... on the same side as TFW against Chuck, you could say, backing them, even... Now there’s an interesting thought. Well, time will tell, anyway.
Now, I know you’re saying, ‘But Coin, why the fuck are you rambling about a shot of balls from over a year ago, now? What’s this got to do with the Drowning video? Why are you posting two separate analyses in one night when you usually average about one post per year?’ WELL. I’ll tell you, since you’ve asked so nicely. It was another blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shot from the Drowning promo video, but I would’ve shot up from my seat in triumph when I saw it, had my sciatica not been acting up. Behold, my validation:
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What’s that you say? I’m insane you say? Well, you’re not wrong, but neither am I:
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Look I spent like three days teaching myself to make gifs from blu-rays I haven’t figured out how to make the words I add to pictures shrink legibly when I resize for tumblr and I’m not gonna figure that shit out tonight, so just - it’s the fuckin balls again. The TFW balls are positioned with Dean and Cas together and Sam slightly off on his own, one space away from Dean. Maybe the orange solid ball between them is Eileen, GASP! maybe it’s Rowena because GINGER, maybe I just need to go to bed, but I’m NOT seeing things.
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I’m just sayin’, man. The fuckin DeanCas balls wanna be together.The Sam ball wants to be slightly off on his own. Who is Sam even playing pool with he has no friends. I’m not going to sit here and suggest they set up like a trick table or something to get the balls to do what they wanted them to do - but, you know, as long as Jared hits it consistently they really only need a couple takes to realize placing all three of the relevant balls on the back line isn’t going to work because they will mostly scoot off on the break - leaving the Cas ball on the back line where it’s sitting sort of, say, on top of, or under, the Dean ball (ahem.) while still being visibly next to it, doesn’t hurt the metaphor/visual at all while also adding that layer about Cas going off on his own sometimes, which is something he, ya know, does. Sam’s ball not moving much could indicate that he intends on staying in the bunker or in the life, or it could very well just be where it ended up. This isn’t mean to be a conspiracy theory post and I really don’t want to dive any deeper into the possible machinations behind this shot - but I do want to point out that Sam’s initial rack is not how I learned how to rack, and contrary to what this post suggests I don’t actually spend a lot of time analyzing the pool tables in this show, so I don’t know if they normally follow any kind of method or if they just throw the balls in all willy-nilly every time. What I do know, is that this little blip in the promo made me think of the shot from Nihilism, and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
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ghouls-dream · 5 years
YALL THAT’S THE PROMISED SMUT uhhh :’))) from the depths of my filthy mind.. Behold. Swiss army one-shot 🖤 (hella NSFW, +18!!!)
“Seestors… And Witchees…” Papa Nihil mumbled as he clapped his hands once, putting a big smile on his face. He was happy or at least he seamed that way because of our progress in being part of the weekend rituals. And he was right, we really worked hard on all the worshipping and dancing parts as well the spells. “I told you my girls wont disappoint you, Papa!” Imperator smiled proudly as Papa Nihil and the Ghouls started applouding us. This caused a lot of us to feel a little embarrassed and anxious… But most of all - powerful! We bowed in order to respect Papa’s opinion and Sister’s words as The ghouls made their way to the scene. Some of the girls had blood smeared around them, other mud… Thankfully I was one of the “spellers” in the ritual so all I had on myself was a bit of black wax around my fingers. 
The ghouls started examining all the work, they were fascinated by the ways we worked and worshiped the Lord because it was way more different than theirs. My eyes locked with those of Dewdrop who was touching some of the blood on the ground. I smiled shyly, bowing slightly, as he growled “Impressive really. Very cool but very sad, cos I lost a bet with Aether.” I raised my eyebrow. “You bet on us?” I asked confused as he nodded and stood up next to me. Believe it or not I was shorter than him which made every other ghoul look like a giant to me. “I bet him that this time you’ll be leading. Guess I got it wrong” Dew explained coming closer to me as I started feeling more and more uncomfortable, sensing the sexual pressure. I looked down to my feet, but before this happening my peripheral vision spotted a very well known figure. Wide arms, tall man and long legs. Swiss… I looked at him standing next to us as I was speaking with Dewdrop. He was looking at us… Somehow weird. I could feel the buzzing around him - something wasn’t right, he was furious and no wonder. I knew he had a sweet spot for me just like I did for him. I smirked at the masked man and looked at Dew provocatively and went for a hug, closing my eyes and whispering “We really appreciate your support during the rituals. I’m so glad you are here…” . And just before he could say anything I heard Swiss’ voice behind the ghoul, which made me jump a bit. “Dew, Cardinal wants to see us” he mumbled. Hidden, quiet rage could be felt in his words. “Now?” Dew looked confused. “Now.” Swiss confirmed, looking angrily at me and smiled and watched them go. As the ritual was completely over all of us started walking towards our rooms. Most of us needed a really long shower and others - just to lay in our beds.
I was going through the corridor of the Ghouls’ rooms to get to mine, as I heard a door opening and a hand grip on my arm. I quickly turned around as I saw the same angry face of before. A smiled started forming on my lips as the man pulled me agressively into the room and gripped my wrists into his hand. Wait that wasn’t Swiss’ room… His perfume was a lot stronger than this one. It was Dew’s chamber! Soon after that I heard a door locking and after that.. “You thought I didn’t notice what you were doing, huh?” Swiss’ voice whispered into my ear as his hand was gripping both my wrists behind my back. I could feel his hot breathe next to my cheek, mixed with the coldness of his mask. It was intoxicating, being so helpless yet having so much power over one man. A beast. The human for of the word “seduction”. I bit my lip as I smirked and whispered back rubbing my butt against him “And what exactly was I doing? Innocently flirting with Dew maybe?” And with that sentence I felt how his grip got tighter. I was getting him pissed of. Swiss was about to explode, he hated sharing. Especially went it came to personal attention and adoration. 
The ghoul growled into my ear and forcefully turned me to face him as I panted. Chest going up and down, heart racing like crazy and body temperature reaching newer highs. Every single cell in my body wanted that guy. They craved him as much as I did, while I was staring into his dark blue eyes. They were now filled with lust and anger I could tell and this couldn’t made me more happy. Before I was able to do anything else I felt both of Swiss’ hand on my waist, as he literally “glued” me against his body. He was pressing me thightly, his lips were moving in sync with mine. That kiss had nothing to do with romance. That was a primal instinct, that was lust. Soon after one of his hands gripped my butt as the other one got tangled in between my locks, pulling my hair down, breaking the kiss. I was breathless once again, heating up and waiting in anticipation for his next move. I didn’t even feel the “pain” from the hair pulling. My senses were way to aroused for that. Swiss’ lips came next to my neck, just where my pulse was beating wildly, and whispered… Almost growled “Dewdrop is just a boy. A horny, little boy who doesn’t know how to fuck. But me… I can screw you senseless” These were the only words my knees needed to instantly become soft. I was a mess. 
My mind was a chaos of lust and seduction. I couldn’t even think properly so my brain didn’t do great filtering my next words, sounding more like a desperate moan “Then do it”. “Oh, I will!” Swiss chuckled as he let go of my hair and once again put me against the cold wall. I could feel how my almost bare skin was covering with goosebumps, but it definitely wasn’t because if the chilly bricks… Before I was able to anything I felt a grip on my white thin dress and soon after a ripping sound. Swiss just destroyed my ritual white dress and if I made it out of here alive, Imperator would have finished me. “You wont need that anymore.” Swiss whispered against my bare shoulder before kissing it and gently bitting it, causing me to gasp as his palm hit my butt. His other hand tho traveled down my stomach to the most sensitive place of mine. This sent shivers down my whole body as I whimpered “Please… Please stop teasing…” “Stop teasing? After all day of getting me bat shit crazy because of some skinny pervert?!” I could hear the rage in his voice. That was turning me on even more! I bit my lip harder as i felt his leg going between both of mine and spreading them slightly. Swiss’ fingertips started playing with my most sensitive part as I whimpered. This was agony. It was enough to feel the touch, but far from being enough to give you any pleasure. “Please!” I almost cried out as I heard his low chuckle, before being turned to him. I was panting. My pulse was once again jumping like crazy as I whispered “Please fuck me.” Swiss smirked before kissing me roughly and pinching my nipples. This was getting even harder to me! “I will. All with time” he whispered as he started placing butterfly kisses all over my neck, and chest, spending some special time around my breasts. 
At this point I was A) helpless B) aroused as hell and C) absolutely incapable of taking charge. I was left at his Mercy. My thoughts were soon interrupted by the surprising feeling of the ghoul’s lips next to my lady parts. Just his got breathe and small blows were enough to send my over the edge. “Pretty” he whispered against me before I could feel his lips pressed against my sensitive spot. His tongue was dancing  around, creating a sensation I’ve never felt before. I was so close, I knew I wasn’t gonna last longer as I started whimpering and grabbing small locks of his hair, beneath the mask. “Please…” I cried out as Swiss stopped and quickly took my in his arms, throwing me on the bed. If that was his way of showing anger… I loved it! “Is this the part where you screw my brain up?” I asked panting as put his hand around my throat and squeezed it slightly. Swiss placed a kiss on my cheeks before undoing his own pants and whispered “You have a big mouth. Should I make it shut up or put into use?” “Shut me… Up..” I whispered reaching for his boxers. I could see what I was about to deal with and my eyes widened slightly. Each one of my senses was aroused at this point. I couldn’t think. I slowly started rubbing the tip of his manhood as I felt his grip around my neck becoming weaker. I smirked against his lips and whispered “Fucking me in Dew’s bed? You’re nasty” . And with those words I felt the buzzing again. Swiss was jealous of Dewdrop! But why? The little firecracker was everyone’s favorite psycho he had nothing to do with the sexual intoxication of Swiss! (lol yeah right) the ghoul then pinned my hands on both sides of the bed before positiong himself between my thighs and growled “He won’t be able to get you in his bed. So I will do it for him”. And with that being said I felt a sweet pain going through my body. Shivers covered all my skin as I was taking in all of Swiss inside me. This never felt better! Before becoming part of the Church I had boyfriend’s, I had sex with them but nothing like this… Not even close! “Y/N… I think… You don’t deserve to come.” The ghoul whispered, thrusting harder into me as he felt the tightness around his member. “What?! No! Please…” I whimpered as Swiss out a hand on my throat and squeezed. He bit my neck, sucked jt, kissed it… I was lost. Lost in sensations and thoughts. “Please who?” he grunt in my ear as I managed to moan “Swiss… Please make me come..” After that I felt his right hand reaching down to my woman’s parts, rubbing them agressively. That was too much… Too much for me. The bed was moving in Swiss’ agonizing rythm. With every single hard thrust he was sending me closer to the edge.. “I can’t hear you” Swiss whispered as I grabbed the black bed sheets and shouted “Make me come, Swiss, please! Please fuck me faster!” I saw his sudden smirk as he increased his speed. I could feel his breathing becoming harder, groans were coming out his lips as he put his forehead against mine. My legs instinctevly wrapped around his torso as I whispered against his lips “Swiss…” but before I could continue he moaned loud “Now! Do it now!” And I did as I was told. I wasn’t waiting a second invitation. The sensation that was ruling my body was pure pleasure, Bliss and release. 
I was trembling, my heart was going to rip out my chest as I panted… Swiss was still resting his forehead against mine still not being able to move as he whispered “Stop being so flirty around him… He’s a good guitarist I don’t want to break his hands” This made us both chuckle as I kissed him gently and ran my nails on his back, whispering “Alright. But you will explain to Imperator why my dress is in pieces” . Swiss shook his head giggling slightly as he stood up and looked at the white… Nothing at this point and joked “Well rituals might become more fun. No clothes is the best clothes.” I threw a pillow at the smartass as we both laughed.
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Has anyone asked for the ghouls and papa ii and iii going through a really scary haunted house? If not... there’s my ask XD
No one has!! i love halloween asks and im procrastinating my reading for school so here u go!!! I combined some of them because i wanted to and it made sense.
Aether and Rain: Aether the dad, so he would be the one making sure everyone else is okay. Even if parts of it really scare him, he doesn’t show it. he’s the person who’s hand you reach for when you’re terrified, and the person who will hold you while you walk through the entire thing so nothing can touch you. He’s the best person to go with. Rain would be shitting bricks the whole time, screaming at the top of his lungs with every scare, but he would still be laughing and smiling about it when they left, and remember it fondly. Aether also just loves protecting the little ones, especially Rain, so he would be dad-ing him a lot and if anyone tried to jump out at him he would punch them in the face. And then feel suuuuper bad about it because its just an actor doing their job.
Swiss and Dew: Much like i mentioned for the hayride ask, nothing is scary enough for these two. They HAVE to leave wetting their pants or it wasnt good enough. They will literally travel across country to find a good haunted house - its kind of yearly tradition now. Dew and Swiss terrorize young children on this haunted road trip. They take off their masks, and show their true face, if they really wanna get the adults. “Silly people, how could they think all those stupid costumes and jump scares are frightening? we’re what’s really scary?” Swiss says. from then on Dew makes it his mission to turn the lights on and remove all the props from every haunted house he goes to, and just be himself. he says he can really get them. If it weren’t for the band, Dew and Swiss would have opened their own haunted house halloween attraction YEARS ago, but theyre always on those pesky tours. The Papas says that Dew is a horror attraction all year round, and should be treated as such. Swiss, well, maybe he’s a little haunted, but they leave that alone…
Mountain: Simple. Has a good time. Leaves decently scared - got exactly what he paid for - and ends the night with a candle apple, and handing out miniature chocolate bars to the children that knock on the door. but he has to go to his s/o’s house because one year dew and swiss made it home from their roadtrip early and scared a kid so bad they had to move, and the new neighbors heard, and no one is allowed to knock on their door for any reason now. theyre something of a local legend, and mountain cant stand it. if he doesnt have a s/o at the time, he’ll bring a load of candy to work and hand it out to the clergy members, and the other ghouls, and maybe even nihil and imperator if he’s around.
Papa II: he doesn’t much understand the allure of haunted houses. when III was merely a boy, he asked if his older brothers would take him to a haunted house. Papa II replied casually “whats wrong with the one we live in?”. III stopped asking questions around that time. He thinks the idea of monsters and zombies and other things that don’t exist aren’t whats scary, but its the real things. he would walk through the whole thing sullenly, and every time he saw someone dressed up like a ghoul he would say “as if, they take MUCH better care of themselves” and if he saw someone dressed up like the devil hed casually mention that you are offending the old ones with your heinous costume and will burn for all eternity for your crimes against the dark lord. II is the king of ruining things for everyone that isn’t a girl he’s trying to fuck and i mean it. That actor in the devil costume goes to therapy now. he’s seen things. bad things. he says. he has to take unemployment benefits cause he cant work. hes spiraling. he will die alone at a young age from liver failure.
Papa III:What’s most scary to him about haunted houses is how ugly all the costumes are. I mean, it’s like theyre not even trying! He offers to work for the haunted house, in exchange for nothing, to help make their costumes look more believe able. all the costumes end up being sexy versions of everything else and require hours of makeup. All the actors quit and III is ousted from the haunted house community. He decides to start a rival business, similar to a haunted house, but closer to a bar, where all the employees where sexy - and anatomically accurate - costumes, and serve expensive aged whiskeys instead of scare you. but they can scare you if you like, in one of the back rooms, with the doors closed. Papa III quits the clergy and being a papa to run his haunted brothel in piece. it becomes a pretty successful business and a popular place for the local goths, and the brothers and sisters of sin to come after a long day at the clergy. Papa III is waiting for Nihil to beg him to return because they cant run the church without him, but that call hasn’t happened yet, so for now he’ll stick to his bar business.
- Judith, a haunted house liker, haunted brothel lover 
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the-red-cassock · 6 years
Alright I'm just started listening to Ghost and while I'm completely fascinated already, I need to ask how do you guys even recognize the ghouls like how do you know who is who specially now with the new lineup omg
We know them by their hands and personality.
Okie dokie, I am also fairly new to the game so if any veteran Ghost fans see a mistake please correct me.
So for starters there are 4 different Ghoul Eras.
Era #1
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Lead guitar: plays a white guitar and is primarily on stage left. (The right side of the stage if you're in the audience looking toward the stage) He has rings on both middle fingers and had wing tats on both hands. He scampers a lot and makes naughty gestures with his fingers.
Rhythm guitar: plays a black (and sometimes a black and brown) guitar and is primarily on stage right. Both lead and rhythm are about the same height but rhythm is way bulkier. He stomps and throws his head around like a wild bronco.
Drummer: Very short. Spins his drum sticks and doesn't like when someone touches his cymbals. He throws his sticks into the audience after the show.
Bassist: Also small and plays a white guitar, but is clearly distinguishable from the leads white guitar.
Keyboardist: Huge. He's the tallest and most ominous looking standing behind with his hands behind his back. He plays standing up which is uncommon and he gets really into it. Which is probably why he stands.
Era #2: they get Alchemic symbols
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Lead guitar - Alpha/Fire [Alpha]
Rhythm guitar - Omega/Ether [Omega]
Bassist - Water
Keyboardist - Air
Drummer - Earth
[Not in that order]
Era #3: This is where it gets dicey.
There was some ugliness and the band broke up. Everyone was the same at the beginning of this era under Papa Emeritus iii.
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Either before or during this tour Alpha/Fire, Omega/Ether and Air split. Water and Earth stayed.
New Fire is about the same height, but build thicker and doesn't wear anything on his hands. He was no longer referred to as Alpha and has no symbol on his guitar. He is the livelier of the two and finger guns all the time (my personal fav fire). He has a lot of energy and is adorable. He didn't stay on after the tour. [Alpha on left, New Fire top and bottom right]
New Omega/ Ether goes only by Aether now. He plays a black guitar and has rings on both hands, but also wears a bracelet on his left wrist. He doesn't have the omega symbol on his guitar and isn't referred to as Omega. And he jumps. A lot. Everywhere. All the time. He stayed.
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New Air was nicknamed Chair because he sat down to play like a traditional keyboardist. He was shorter and built like a teddy bear. He didn't stay on after the tour. [Key-tar for size]
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Earth eventually left and was replaced with a tall lanky man.
Water (original bassist) became lead guitar.
New Water is also of the teddy bear physique. There was also a Lady Water in there somewhere. She was incredibly tiny and her name was Mist. Neither stayed.
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Era #4: These are our current Ghouls and Ghoulettes under Cardinal Copia. They wear tailored coat tails with suspenders and their masks kept the demonic look but removed the area in front of the mouth so new ghouls could sing and maybe breath better. They are a polished silver. They also ditched the symbols and became true nameless ghouls like the good lord intended but we still do what we do.
Lead guitar -  is called Dewdrop or Dew (original bassist, Water, because he is so small like a dewdrop) or Fire because we all know who you are talking about now. He is an aggressive little shit and stomps and licks his guitar picks and attacks Aether and fingers his own mouth. Its wild man.. Plays white guitar stage left.
Rhythm guitar - still Aether with the rings an bracelet. Still beefy. Rolls his sleeves up after intermission. Jumpy lover boy and everyone's buddy. Holds his left foot off the ground at curtain call to end the show 'on the right foot'. Plays black guitar stage right.
Bassist - this chap's name is Rain. He was the New Water, but he fell down.. like Rain. Thin like Fire, but much taller. Shy and kinda sassy. Plays white bass guitar center stage.
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Swiss - there really isn't any other way to intro duce him besides he's Swiss Army Ghoul or Multi-Ghoul. He's on the stage right platform and dances like its 1999. He sings, plays electric and acoustic guitar, tambourine and 'plays' saxophone when he fills in as Papa Nihil during Miasma. Shakes shit upstage right. *His best qualities are his wiggles.
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The Ghoulettes - these lovely ladies sing, play keyboards, Key-tar, tambourine and also dance a little. But most importantly they love us. There are a lot of names for the ladies. Smol/Tall. Pam/Karen. Cumulus/Cirrus or just Mom. Play our hearts on upstage left platform.
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Drummer - tallest band member. Beats the living hell outa the drums and doesn't wear shoes. [Not uncommon actually. Rick Allen of Def Leppard nvr wore shoes] Since his predecessor was so small (Earth) they named him Mountain due to his towering height. And the poor kid needs a box fan because he sweats A LOT. Plays upstage right-center.🖤
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ghostbandxyou · 6 years
Movie night!
Loves old black and white movies especially old monster movies  
Will talk about the actors like he knows them “oh that's Bela Lugosi all right” also has that one actor he hates for no reason.
Falls asleep halfway through
If you watch a newer movie he scoffs “Hitchcock did that years ago!”
Newer horror movies bore him “I’ve seen scarier in the church bathrooms.”
Papa i-
Not a huge fan of movies, to be honest, he prefers to read stories where he can create his own imagery. But if you want to watch a movie he will sit through it.
Will fall asleep during the movie might as well use him as a large pillow
not If you're watching a musical though he stays awake for those   
Papa ii-
If he gets to pick it will either be something super gory and terrifying or super artsy and deep.
He's a big fan of strong visual imagery
he's one of those people who will analyze every scene for all the little details.    
Talk during the movie and he will END YOU
Papa iii-
Like his father, he loves old monster movies
He also loves super cheesy romantic movies he's a sucker for love
Will pull you up into his arms and dance with you to the songs during the credits
Is often invited to the ghoul's movie pile up and drags you with him
Cardinal Copia-
Honestly hasn't seen a movie in years so avoid series or movies with lots of pop culture references
The ghouls have tried getting him to take a break and watch a movie but he always refuses you on the other hand….. He just might accept
Era 3 ghouls:
The ghouls prefer to watch movies together in a big ghoul cuddle pile this is a ghoul only event so for you to be invited means you must be really special
He and Aether are the bigger ghouls so they end up on the bottom usually with the smaller ghouls on their laps
but when you get involved Omega would push the ghouls off his lap that's your spot now
Doesn't care what movie it is but he prefers it to be not too gory so avoid slasher flicks
Like in my weird things you find out about after moving in with them post he has breaking dawn part 1 and 2 un-opened in his room always votes against the twilight movies though...
Last one to the party. So never really has a say in what movie they watch
Loves action movies the fast and furious franchise being his favorite
Will yell at the screen gets shushed by the ghouletts  example: “Fucking Hell Hary stop being a pussy!”
Leaves immediately to avoid cleaning up  
Era 4 ghouls:
Usually, the authority on movie picking and gets everyone settled
As said before he's usually on the bottom but if you're joining he will stay close to the edge so you don't get squished
As the authority for movies, he doesn't get to pick what movie unless there's a tie but he likes light-hearted films like Disney   
Will eat half the popcorn if you let him he's a big boy
Dewdrop -
Fucking piece of shit whines for his move to get picked, talks the whole time and hordes any blankets even though he's a fire ghoul and is always warm!
That being said during movies and ghoul piles he gets very cuddly nuzzling up next to you
Like Alpha he likes action movies but he's more into super heroes not because he likes the heroes just because there's lots of fighting and sometimes they go to space. He's team marvel     
He's up for anything really but he loves horrible movies like The Room.
Will quote whatever movie you watched for the next week
He's the only ghoul that's down to just watch a movie with you he's always on the edge of the pile anyways
Designated light switcher    
No scary movies! Will scream at every jump scare.
Ends up in the middle of the pile and will pull you in with him
If it's a musical or Disney movie he sings along
The lanky lad is the keeper of the remote because he can reach it on the end table
Doesn't care what movie it is he's gonna be asleep at the end
Lays on the ghoulett’s laps and stretches out honestly he's just here for the body heat
Tall Ghoulett-
Loves Disney movies her favorite is Rapunzel  
Her and smol ghoullet make the popcorn sometimes they will make fancy popcorn with m&ms and other goodies they find the recipes on Pinterest.
Will cry on your shoulder she’s an emotional ghoul and you can't just kill Peter he's spiderson!
Smol Ghoulett-
She loves Comedies has shot popcorn out her nose from laughing so hard
Makes the popcorn with tall Ghoulett very proud of her creation so you better like it
Yells at dew and Alpha for talking
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