tangledinink · 6 months
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uhm excuse me this is not an honest depiction of the current happenstance. as such i've created an accurate recreation of the above, for the sake of historic integrity.
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yari-saber · 4 months
I wanted to make the Problems and Solutions characters as pixels! So here ya go
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I’ve never done a set of pixel art characters so fast
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admiralgiggles · 3 months
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“Bamboo Betty”
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A slightly closer look at the nose art.
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columboscreens · 2 years
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lepetitfruit · 7 months
I start eating berries and suddenly I am a beast shoveling them into my mouth with no regard to restraint or the future
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killugonficlibrary · 1 month
all the pretty lights by blueberryberet ( M | 47,633+ | 12/16 )
Killua is a rockstar with some… messy habits. That’s how he tells it to his sister when she calls, the reality of it is a lot more destructive.
Except now she’s not calling, she’s in his hotel room writing on his arm cast (no, he doesn’t remember how he broke it) and demanding to join him and his band for their cross-country tour. He can’t send her home for obvious reasons. He needs someone to keep an eye on her, or more accurately, keep her eyes off the disaster that is his life.
And when his band manager Bisky says she knows the perfect person he thinks that maybe, he’s finally got lucky, and maybe it will all be fine.
Except things are never, ever, fine with him.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Uploads every Thursday and Sunday ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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fate-defiant · 6 months
Mytho should've had a battle at the center of the mind with his ravensona. There shouldve been a key moment where the raven part of him makes some damn good points about how harmful it is for them to be the prince. abnd also a bunch of other stuff
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arggghhhsstuff · 5 months
conspiracy theory: @france-unofficial isn't actually french and is just faking it. i have nothing to back this up i'm just sleep-deprived and on a roll pls don't mind me
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proustianlesbian · 8 months
they have that autistic lesbian swag.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 10 months
PA walked into the Main Floor Kitchen where he saw Gov standing and making coffee. The younger seemed to be frantically sending texts to multiple different people, and the Keystone State tried to ignore how tired and exhausted and just- done. Gov looked. It hurt to see his son like this, but PA wouldn’t admit it.
He walked over to the cupboard to grab a cup, and he noticed that Gov, who was right next to him, flinched when he raised his arm up to grab a cup. Huh. Weird.
"Gov? Ya good dumbass?" PA asked with a slight snort. He looked to Gov when the younger didn’t give an answer. Gov seemed to be zoned out, look at the kitchen counter if all places. He roughly poked the taller in the ribs, trying to gain his attention. Which he did, but Gov flinched and gave a small yelp. PA gained a more serious (CONCERNED-) look on his face and started prodding around random areas of Gov’s torso, seeing if maybe he was hurt.
"Eep!- Pa- - I mean- P-Pennsylvania stop!!-" Gov squeaked out, trying to get away from his father’s hands.
"Shut up and tell me where yer hurt!!!" PA shouted, grabbing Gov’s shoulders. He tried to ignore the terrified look in the younger’s eyes when he raised his voice.
"I-I’m n-not hurt! I just thought that-….” Gov cut himself and trailed off, which only made PA more annoyed.
"Well?? Spit it the f*ck out!!" PA shouted again, not realizing that his anger and shouting was scaring the taller personification, who had backed into a corner. PA simply followed Gov into said corner, awaiting the younger’s answer.
Gov teared up a little and flinched again, putting his arms up a little as if to protect himself. "I-I thought y-you were g-gonna hit me…..”
PA’s face instantly softened a bit, and he gave Gov a confused/annoyed look, "Why the hell would I bother with hurtin’ you?? Are ya stupid or some sh*t?"
Gov at this point looked like the equivalent to a small frazzled kitten as he responded:
"Y-yes- w-well no I just thought- I uh….. i don’t know I don’t know…-" Damn. His breathing sure sped up a lot.
"Hey hey hey….. shhhh….. breathe okay? Can yer dumbass do that?” PA said, gently (or at least as gentle as he could-) guiding Gov into a sitting position on the kitchen floor. Sh*t- what next- PA didn’t necessarily know what to do here. So he just opted to gently rub Gov’s back and try to get his son to do some breathing exercises to calm down. That sorta worked, but Gov was still panicking and crying a bit. PA sighed and pulled the taller man into his lap (dw PA ain’t that tiny. He’s 5’8 and Gov is 6’1-) and hugged him close, laying the younger’s head on his chest.
Gov eventually calmed down, and only a few tears were rolling down his face as he was held and hugged by the man he called his father. He sat there curled up and closed his eyes as he listened to PA’s heartbeat, which aided in calming him.
"Kid? Ya good now?" Asked PA, who was trying to make his voice calmer and quieter.
"I-I think s-s-so…..” Gov squeaked when he felt a gentle hand rubbing his arm in a soothing manner.
"Okay….. Good enough to answer more questions?"
PA moved his hand up to gently run his fingers through Gov’s hair, a tactic he always used with Massachusetts (YES I SHIP THEM LEAVE ME BE 😭) to calm him down on a rough day. "Alright….. Why the f*ck didja think that I was gonna hit ya?"
Gov was silent for a few seconds, but he answered: "I-I dunno….. you always act like yer gonna….. and you were mad and yelling I just t-thought t-that y-y’know-“
"Hush…. Yer gettin’ worked up again moron." PA said, giving a small not-very-well-hidden chuckle. "As for the…..hittin’ ya thing….. I know, I know I act like I’m gonna hit ya…. But ya know that I would neva’ actually hit ya right?"
"Gov, yer my kid. I would neva’ physically hurt you unless it was absolutely necessary. Like- if ya were attackin’ someone. Which- you wouldn’t do. So ya don’t need to worry about me hurtin’ ya. Ya got that?" PA asked, switching to gently scratching Gov’s scalp. He smiled a tiny bit when he heard and felt Gov’s little purrs of bliss.
"Mhm…." Gov sounded rather unsure of his answer, and PA could tell.
"Do ya actually get it?"
"…..*sigh* yeah…."
"Okay. Good. Glad I got that through that thick skull o’ yours." PA said. He gently nuzzles the top of Gov’s hair, and he continued to hold him until Gov fell asleep. Good.
@greatinternetllama :)
And @misery-has-no-company-now I tortured him :3
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dans-lily · 3 months
thinking way too hard about how the tour coincides with wwwy fest
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tmos-time · 3 months
ever since pokemon black and white first released i have confidently assumed patrat was supposed to be said like "pa-trat" like. patrol. because watchog is a watching groundhog. and never considered anyone would call it "pat-rat" but every goddamn algorithm-focused pokemon youtuber i can remember coming across has called it a pat rat. why is it a pat rat to them
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superiorkenshi · 3 months
Ça fait littéralement 3h que je suis téléphone avec la Caisse d'Epargne car je suis tomber dans une arnaque (DE RENOUVELLEMENT DE CARTE VITALE VUE QUE JE SUIS CON) En gros comme j'ai eu récemment des changements de mutuel et que ce matin j'avais la tête dans le cul et j'étais extrêmement fatigué car je reviens de 2 semaine ou j'étais pas chez moi (Reims puis Londre) donc je me suis dis que c'était normal et cohérent ET BAH NON ON TA PIRATER ET ON TE PREND TON ARGENT KENSHI heureusement la dame de la cause d'Epargne est très mimi et fait tout son possible pour m'aider mais du coup je suis en pique d'anxiété et d'angoisse j'ai envie de crever et le dessin de ce soir pour le pride month sera sûrement en retard du coup car je suis le plus gros clown du cirque 🤡
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izumith · 6 months
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misión #003: the silence breaks with a thunderous roar.
izumi toyohama asistiendo acorde a 1920 al palacio estoril hotel
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dazai-mackerel · 3 months
i’m really tired of people almost dying and people actually dying
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surprisebitch · 2 years
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