#T gel
angelic-transsexual · 3 months
If you’re someone who says testosterone gel “doesn’t work,” please stop saying that.
It’s not true whatsoever. I get that not everyone has the same reactions to it and some people don’t fully absorb it but it has worked wonders for me. It has improved my life x10. I used to struggle and DREAD doing my weekly testosterone shot.
The night before I was going to start gel, I decided to go on Reddit to see what people were saying about gel because I had no experience with it. All I saw was people talking about how it “doesn’t work.” It was hurtful to see all that shit. So please stop saying these things.
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softbutchthatlovesyou · 6 months
Brb gonna strip naked and slather on my whole bottle of t gel and go rub on all the busses and subways of america to forcetrans kids and cis women. tgirls/those who are on estrogen stay safe for a couple days 🧡but feel free to add e gel and see what rlly fun hormone concictions we can make. i love being a gross evil transgender btw. i also love bio terrism through forced hormones.
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lymanthrope · 4 months
Gently massage your boy with t-gel. Work the knots out of his shoulders with the cool fluid as you listen to his soft moans of appreciation. He’s thanking you for your kindness. The kindness of making him a man. Make sure to languidly rut against his ass as you do this, he’ll be grateful.
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archrries · 7 months
Things They Don't Tell You About Testosterone:
When they said horny I didn't think it would be this bad
Hair. Hair everywhere. You thought you already had hairy legs? Boom. More hair. Thicker hair. Darker hair.
Phantom Dick. I'm not joking, the longer you're on T, the more your brain will feel it. It's there, I swear to god.
Bottom growth hurts?????? I was under the impression it just happened but NO. Within the first 2 weeks that shit hurted
Your facial hair is gonna be patchy I'm sorry 😞 same thing happens with teenage boys. Welcome to your second puberty.
Voice cracks are NOT the same as normal voice cracks. It just feels like the absence of sound rather than a crack?? And, at least for me personally, it's worse when trying to sing than it is when speaking. But don't worry! You'll have plenty of cracking while speaking too!! 😀
Speaking of singing, there is gonna be a point in time where you just can't really sing comfortably because your voice is not low enough for songs but also cannot physically go higher. So you're just kind of stuck in a very limited range.
"You can expect some acne" I was expecting acne on my FACE, chief. Tell me why I found a pimple on my fucking calf????? What reason did it have to be there?????????? Yeah it shows up in odd places. But also! For some, testosterone can make acne better!! Me, personally, it hasn't been bad at all. Just confused about the shoulder pimples.
You're gonna suddenly like cars, trains, graffiti, sports, or woodwork. I don't make the rules. Choose your Pokémon. Mine was graffiti.
Please. Please please please please please apply deodorant more than once a day. You sweat more and have more body odor. I'm so serious. PLEASE re-apply during the day.
I'll add to this if I think of more
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genderqueerdykes · 22 days
Hi, I'm not sure if you'll have personal experience with this but maybe it will reach a bit further this way?
I've been approved for testosterone recently but because of medical reasons I'm unable to have injections and will be prescribed gel instead. Reading the info about it on here, most people seem to say to put it on the arms but I have eczema up there and I'm pretty sure the alcohol would irritate it and not be good. Is the shoulders/upper arms recommended for any reason in particular?
good question! i have psoriasis so i have to be careful what i put on my skin and where, as well
usually, if a formulation is meant to be applied on the upper arms, it can also be applied on the stomach, as well! a lot of people end up applying it to their stomach for a variety of reasons, it can be easier for a lot of folks and also it's a larger surface area so it makes it easier for it to absorb properly. if you want to be absolutely sure, if you were given one, take a look at the instruction sheet that came with it. if you were not given one, google the manufacturer's name plus the dose of the gel and see if you can find that manual or a page on their website that tells you where specifically they advise you to apply it
but typically, the stomach (don't use your chest) is recommended by most formulations of testosterone gel. that's where i applied it when i took it! good luck! i know dealing with eczema isn't easy, it's hard to deal with dermatological conditions. if you have a dermatologist this would also be a good question to ask them, as well. if you have any more questions feel free to ask!
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knightfuryvawannabee · 2 months
Safely navigating DIY T – acquisition and health
A lot of the safety tips in terms of navigating online will come from this video, which is actually about safely navigating reproductive procedures post the overturning of Roe v Wade, but the safety advice works especially well here. If any questions are not answered here please feel free to shoot me an ask. Google Doc for easier navigation, says all the same stuff as here.
First off if you haven't already, check the transmasc guide on the DIY HRT Wiki, this post is made with the assumption you have already read that. -      General internet safety
When searching for and purchasing DIY T (especially injections), use the TOR browser with a VPN. This will keep your internet privacy as secure as possible, and the VPN will change your IP enough to make it look like it was accessed from a different location.
I personally use Proton, it’s a free VPN with an optional paid upgrade. The free version will connect you to either the US, Netherlands, or Japan.
Proton also has its own email service. Some of the sources where you can receive DIY T from may require you to make an account. I recommend using an email through Proton for this because it is end-to-end encrypted. If the site asks for a phone number just put in a repeating order of 0 to 9. 
-      Safety when purchasing T
Some sites where you can get DIY T will only allow the purchase through use of bitcoin or other forms of cryptocurrency. I know and understand we all have our thoughts on crypto and it’s use in the modern day, but unfortunately this is just how things are when navigating this.
The least scam-possible way I have seen when purchasing bitcoin, is to go through CashApp. They have an option to purchase and sell bitcoin in the app. I personally used this when buying DIY T to stock up in the case shit hits the fan. It’s pretty direct in purchasing and selling, sending is where it may get a bit tricky.
The source for DIY T listed on the DIY HRT Wiki will send you an email once you confirm your order, and you will be prompted to send the bitcoin through either a QR code or directly to a bitcoin address. I had a bit of trouble with the QR code, so what I had to do was type in the direct address. This will not bring up the company’s name, it will just allow the option when the address is fully typed.
If you are able to use a credit/debit card, what I recommend is using cash to purchase a prepaid visa and using that to order your T or otherwise online. This will make sure the transaction is not attached to your bank account.
-      Receiving T safely
I highly recommend getting your DIY T sent to a PO Box, and not your home address. The United States Postal Service is in personal experience – really secure and discrete. And even if your package does not fit in your box, you will be given a slip to take to the counter, and they will give you your package there.
When ordering, try to order from a warehouse based in your country. This is to avoid the hassle of it going through customs. But if you must order abroad, it is still very unlikely that your order will be stopped in customs. They do not open packages to check them, instead they use an x-ray machine. If your order does get stuck in customs, it’s likely because there’s an issue with paperwork, and not the order itself.
-      Administering T safely
When performing a T injection, make sure your supplies are sterile. Not just clean, sterile. Inspect the packaging of your syringes, needles, etc. If there is a tear or hole, do not use it.
For your T vials, yes, it is okay to draw from them multiple times. You can sterilize the vial by using isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) or an alcohol swab. You’re likely to not use the entire vial in one injection, so just keep it in a safe place, many even recommend keeping it refrigerated between doses.
Most if not all T vials will say to administer only via intramuscular, but you can still administer this subcutaneously. Even the vials I get through my doctor say For IM Use Only. It’s okay to administer it SubQ.
If you have trouble administering injections like I did for a while, I recommend this auto injector. You load the syringe into the device and press a button. The needle will go in and you just push the plunger down. This device is technically intended for insulin injections, but it works just fine for other injections.
My recommendation is to use an 18g needle to draw, and a 1/2in 25g needle to inject. This has left me with the least discomfort and uneasiness with injecting.
-      Blood work
If you’re on T, it’s recommended you get your labwork done at least every 3 months.
As someone who’s been given the run around in the medical field for reasons unrelated to my transition, I forever recommend ordering labs from Request a Test. This is something that is very common to do, I even ordered my own ANA test when I had to get other labs done for my work. Request a Test does not take insurance unless it’s through an HSA card. When ordering from RaQ, you will be prompted to select which LabCorp or QuestDirect facility you want the order sent to. I personally recommend LabCorp, especially considering the QuestDirect Testosterone test is only available for males. 
You will want to order at a minimum, a T level total test or a T level free test, and a CBC and CMP. The CBC is to help check for polycythemia, and CMP is to help check your liver function.
If you are worried about you ordering your T levels and that being found out, you can also order an at home testosterone test kit. The blood samples are collected through lancets similar to what is used by diabetic patients.
-      Acquiring T gel
Unfortunately there are not a whole lot of sources to get T gel from. But that does not mean they do not exist.
I personally have been using this brand called Androgenesis in between my injections, and it has been working really well. I take 50mg of T every two weeks, and when I got my bloodwork done recently my levels were >400, even when it’s really close to my next shot day.
You can order Androgenesis either directly from their site, or you can order it off of amazon. NOTE, that the standard formula on amazon can not be sent to a PO Box or amazon locker, because the site classifies it as a “potentially dangerous substance”. However the enhanced formula can be sent to a PO box or amazon locker and it works the exact same way.
Another site is Predator Nutrition (odd name but bear with me).
I am still waiting for my order, but I’d recommend either their EpiAndrogel or their Alpha Gel depending on which one is in stock at time of purchasing.
I also recommend keeping an eye out on Need2BuildMuscle. Their gel is currently out of stock, but from what I’ve seen it works quite similarly to AndroGel.
As of 08/02/2024 (Aug. 2nd), I did find sources for packets of 1% Androgel, which you can find here and here
Please note the brand name Androgel sources are ones I unfortunately have not been able to verify personally so please proceed at your own discretion, but the sources *are* listed on hrtcafe.net.
-      Who to tell?
No one *. If you doctor doesn’t know you’re on DIY T, do not bring it up. Don’t go talking about it all willy-nilly in the grocery store or whatnot.
*The exception is paramedics. If you are having a medical emergency, it’s probably a good idea to tell any emergency medical provider that you’re on testosterone so they can treat you properly. Remember, tell the cops nothing, tell the ambulance everything. The people on the ambulance are there to save your life, and I can guarantee they’ve dealt with circumstances far more severe than someone self-administering a specific hormonal medication. I say this as someone who’s on first aid at their place of work – and had to patch someone's hand after they were injured when I worked retail. 
tagging @mythical-moonlight
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library-fae · 8 months
thought id do mini updates on the changes ive experienced on hrt (testosterone) for anyone curious - will keep updating as time progresses
week one
- acne has worsened
- more saliva
- skin texture feels rougher
- heightened energy
- watery eyes
- heightened sensitivity to light
- difficultly sleeping
- increased hunger
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ilovespidermansomuch · 4 months
saw this in the shops and had a heart attack for a second lmao
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I wish testosterone gel could just be purchased in your local pharmacy 😔
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dulcedebusse · 5 months
I am a T-boy and that means lining up my empty bottles of T-gel on top of the fridge like a frat boy who is freakishly proud of how much Jägermeister he drinks
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ftm-radio · 7 months
I had an appointment with my endocrinologist over video yesterday and I am now gonna be using two (2)(✌🏻) pumps of gel every day! very excited to see how a bigger dose might speed up some of the changes I've been seeing!
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livingthedragonlife · 6 months
skimmed some research about this and it seems normal, but does anyone else have experience with T causing fatigue? i've been getting good sleep lately but i still feel more tired than usual during the day
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desastre-gay · 3 months
its so unfair my own phobias are holding me back from medically transitioning on top of fear of my parents and family like. i already have enemies. i dont need my own brain on top of that.
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knightfuryvawannabee · 2 months
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[Image IDs
1.) An orange cat with greenish eyes looking at the camera. the following text is overlayed: "This is my cat! To see more pictures, follow the link in the alt text with your favorite secure browser and VPN!"
2.) A leatherback sea turtle swimming in the water. the following text is overlayed. "Look at this beautiful turtle! To see more pictures, follow the link in the alt text with your favorite secure browser and VPN!"
3.) A stock image of Bugs Bunny. The following text is overlayed: "What’s a Looney Tune doing here?! To find out why, follow the link in the alt text with your favorite secure browser and VPN!"
End image IDs.]
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library-fae · 4 months
you would never think that you'd have to spend a lot of time shirtless when you start testosterone but you do
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quiet-in-the-wild · 4 months
I’m on a low dose of T gel (2 pumps) and it hasn’t even been a week yet & I’ve already got some changes!!
Like actual physical changes. It’s working- I can’t believe it. I feel so unbelievably happy right now. I can’t stop smiling.
I wasn’t expecting anything noticeable for at least 3 weeks to a month - and It’s only been 5 days!!
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