#TCW younglings live on!
testingforgravity · 4 months
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"'I’d just like to point out that you called us your family twice,' Petro said with a grin."
Huge thank you to @felinae-felidae for these incredible illustrations! It's Katooni, Petro, Zatt, and Ganodi all grown up and exactly how I picture them in my fic, "We Were Just Kids." They look so awesome, and this was the first piece of fan art I ever received. It's so special to me, and I love it so much!
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gffa · 4 months
Disney, hire me as your Attachment Advisor, I will shove so many George Lucas quotes at your producers and writers, I will shove so many context-laden clips from the movies and TCW at your creatives, I will make powerpoint essays about how it's more Buddhist-aligned, not Attachment Theory-aligned, I will cite literally every time attachment has ever been discussed by Lucas AND in the show itself and show you that it's always aligned with fear, possessive feelings, and selfishness, I will do this work for you for free, I can even literally just point you to my Jedi Citations collection, DISNEY, HIRE ME AS YOUR ATTACHMENT ADVISOR, I CAN HELP YOU.
Everything I saw in the show aligned perfectly with my view of what the Jedi mean by attachment from the movies (especially with Episode II). You fail to understand that George Lucas words outside of the movies mean shit. You cane have the largest collection of words that has come out of Lucas's ass and it still does not change the movies. Look at the poster for AOTC. A Jedi shall not know love. Obi-Wan speaks beautifully about the undercurrent of remorse he feels for not being able to have an attachment with Satine because he lives by the Jedi Code which forbids it.
You people are so delusional.
Hi! You are so right bestie it has been way too long since I've talked about my love for Mace Windu! You are so right to have brought this up and I will meet your challenge! He is the Force's strongest soldier because the absolute nonsense he has to put up with every day, as someone who deals with the rest of the Council being hilarious assholes, who deals with Kenobi and Skywalker's nonsense, who has Yoda as a friend, and yet he seems to genuinely like all of these people?? Even when they're bonkers?? My man is stronger than I could ever be.
Not to mention, he goes on a whole ass mission with Jar-Jar, has to watch him make out with his girlfriend, the queen of the planet who told falsehoods about your family, and you have nothing but patience and kind words to say about them, and you only roll your eyes a little at Jar-Jar's antics, something even Padme does and she's worked with him even longer than you have, and by the end, you're friends with him, you like him and would probably hang out with him again if the chance arose???? Mace Windu is on ANOTHER LEVEL from what I would have done in his position!
And he's a former theater nerd! "The Council's gain was the theater's loss." Jocasta Nu says about how he didn't have time for it anymore after he got so busy with the Council, like can you IMAGINE Mace Windu doing plays? I want to know sooooooo bad how Jedi plays are different from non-Force-sensitive people's plays, I want to know what kind of cool effects they create with the Force, I want to know if they use their psychic empath abilities to literally connect with their audience! I want to know DOES MACE WINDU HELP THE YOUNGLINGS STAGE CUTE LITTLE PLAYS IN THE CRECHE? BECAUSE I BET HE DOES.
Because that man is so good with kids! Remember that Star Wars Adventures comic where he was so gentle and sweet with the little Twi'lek girl? Reaching down to help her up, smiling openly at her, walking with her back to her village to make sure she was safe, talking with her to make sure she understood how important and valuable she was in the galaxy? Because I'm still not over that!
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His relationship with Anakin in canon is pretty great, too, like, yeah, Anakin should take a seat and stop borderline pitching a fit about getting a rank he didn't earn, and Mace still offered to believe him, despite that Anakin had accepted Palpatine's forcing the Council to put him on it. He still trusted Anakin to help him in that fight against Palpatine! Plus, oh, man, their banter on the Endurance when they're teaching the cadets? That was such good-natured teasing, that was exactly the kind of banter Anakin would have had with Obi-Wan, and by the end of that whole fiasco (do you ever think about when Anakin was in danger and Mace yelled, "Anakin!" and desperately yanked him to safety, because he was worried about him? because I think about that a lot), Mace complimented Artoo by saying he saw what Anakin saw in him, that he was complimenting Anakin at the same time? Or pretty much EVERY interaction between Mace and Yoda is absolute hilarity, the side-eye they give each other, the teasing Yoda does when Mace is on a mission with Jar-Jar, the way Mace holds his hand out in the comics for Yoda to springboard off of into the middle of a fight? ICONIC FRIENDSHIP, I WOULD TAKE A WHOLE NOVEL ABOUT IT, DISNEY.
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Or that time even AT THE END OF THE CLONE WARS, like they are just a MONTH out from Revenge of the Sith, if that, and Mace is STILL trying to get the droids to stand down, that he's destroyed thousands of them, none of them have listened, but he's still trying, offering them a better life away from the war, a purpose again, even if he knows it probably won't work, that man still believed in compassion for anyone and everyone. Like, baby Boba Fett TRIED TO KILL HIM and Mace STILL argued for leniency and rehabilitation, rather than jail, because he saw a young child who was hurting and he wanted better for him. He was direct with Boba, he didn't try to befriend him, Boba would never have accepted that, but he told him, you're going to have to get over your hatred for me, he says this for Boba's sake, not his own, because he knows what poison the desire for revenge is, look at the path it's already leading Boba down.
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Or EVERYTHING WITH THE ZILLO BEAST, he tried so hard to rescue that poor creature, he fought the Senate so hard, he was so gentle with the hand he carefully pressed to its face, even when the Zillo beast was dangerous, even when it had attacked them and could so easily kill more, he wanted leniency for it, he wanted to save it because he understood where it was coming from.
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Or EVERYTHING WITH PROSSET DIBS, that guy tried to murder him, was ranting about how he would dance on their graves or whatever, and Mace looks at him and says, we need to help him, it's our duty to help him find the light again. And his big punishment is literally just library duty, because when Mace can decide the outcome, that guy always goes for helping people, always goes for the option that would bring them back to the light.
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Even as a young Padawan, his greatest struggle was to temper his anger, which was sparked because PEOPLE WERE BEING HURT by the false prophet on Mathas, he was angry because he saw how many people were suffering and the people in charge just let it happen, his heart hangs heavy when he witnesses people in pain, because Mace Windu deeply, deeply cares about the people in the galaxy.
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He cared about civilians, he cared about clones, he cared about his fellow Jedi, he didn't have to be bouncy or super smiley to show that, either. It was in every action he took. He cared so much.
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marvelstars · 22 days
Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padawans
There´s a popular idea in fandom about Anakin feeling jealousy over Obi-Wan choosing another padawan shortly after his graduation from padawan to Jedi Khight but I honestly don´t think this was the case.
I don´t think Anakin had any bad feelings over Obi-Wan getting a new padawan and I believe it´s because he always felt like not being raised at the temple, a former slave, with no core education and being found by Qui-Gon, who died, made it almost impossible for him and Obi-Wan to get things right, he loved Obi-Wan but his rejection of him and his view of him as a father sting too much imo but as always, they never talked about it.
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As a child he probably would have developed more issues but at the time of TCW Anakin already had to grieve over believing Obi-Wan was dead(he was tortured by Ventress) and lost almost all his peers on Bespin at the start of the clone wars(legends), he is very much the only Khignt left of his age alive with the exception of Barris and he is preparing to leave the Jedi Order to be with Padme once the war ends.
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So my guess is that he wanted Obi-Wan to have a new padawan because it seemed to make him happier, one raised at the temple who would have more in common with him than Anakin and it would make it easier for him to accept Anakin leaving the Order and in fact he was smiling when he saw Ahsoka meet Obi-Wan, he only stopped when he realized it was him the one chosen to be her master because wth, he is 19?, just made a knight? he is about to leave the order? Ahsoka is 14? he doesn´t want her anywhere near a battlefield, he actually called her youngling, not even a padawan.
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So imo he was way more impacted by the idea he had to teach, raise and keep alive a 14 year old padawan in the middle of a civil war that already had taken the lives of many of his peers, some of them more experienced than him. I honestly believe that gave him nightmares but he didn´t want Ahsoka to pay for his doubts and felt rejected the same way he did as a child so he did his best to help her feel accepted, wanted and loved and it worked to help her develop into a great jedi and person which is what Anakin wanted for her.
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antianakin · 8 months
I saw a clip from TCW that supports your point about Anakin's training being poisonous to Ahsoka. It's the arc where she gets kidnapped by Trandoshans and meets the younglings also being held there; when she proposes they fight, she says, "My Master would never forgive me for running and hiding in a situation like this."
Like it's not, "My Master TAUGHT ME a different approach to situations like this." Or "I've learned how to fight enemies like this." Or even "My Master would WANT ME to fight."
Furthermore her tone wasn't lighthearted and jokey. So she genuinely seems to think that Anakin would (assuming she's at least being a little wry or hyperbolic) be genuinely annoyed with her for focusing on survival rather than taking the offensive. In general I tend to blame Ahsoka more than Anakin for her attitude (mainly because the narrative depicts her as being right) but I've got to say, that line does seem to indicate that he taught her a lot of weird things lol
Yeah, I've definitely noticed this moment and thought about it a little. In the context of the story and the narrative they present within the Padawan Lost arc, I feel like it's meant to be interpreted more as "My master wouldn't want me to give up hope of finding a way to escape because if you decide something can't be done then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy" rather than "My master would genuinely never forgive me if I did what was necessary for survival." That being said, the actual wording of the line is fascinating because it sends a really weird message when taken a little more literally.
While it's entirely possible Anakin has never once said anything like this to Ahsoka, it still tells us that THIS IS HOW AHSOKA SEES HIM. This is what she's picked up from Anakin's behavior, his teaching methods, etc. And this falls in line with the TOTJ episode where he takes her to do secret training that involves her getting shot at until she falls unconscious for an hour over and over and over again without rest or even medical attention in the name of teaching her how to "protect herself when he's not there." It's ruthless, it's merciless, and it's being excused away with this sort-of toxic attachment for her that Ahsoka, at her young and impressionable age, isn't quite picking up on which leads to her just absorbing that Anakin wouldn't approve of her doing what was necessary to survive if it meant running and hiding. She HAS to stand and fight or she's not good enough. It's better to die fighting than it is to live to fight another day, that's the message Ahsoka seems to be absorbing from Anakin, even if he doesn't always mean to teach it.
We even have instances where Anakin is trying to teach her the exact opposite of this earlier on. In the Ryloth arc, Ahsoka refuses to fall back when ordered and it has terrible consequences, something she has to learn from. In the Holocron Heist arc, Ahsoka refuses to pull back from an attack when ordered because she thinks she has an advantage that she doesn't realize is about to disappear and she gets assigned archive duty for her refusal to listen, something Anakin is upset about. So there's at LEAST two instances where Anakin explicitly wants Ahsoka to "run and hide" rather than stand and fight because it's the better strategy in the moment. It's also ANAKIN who is more insistent about leaving Ahsoka behind for the Citadel mission in order to protect her, too, so it's not like Anakin particularly WANTS Ahsoka to just go running headlong into danger all the time. Which means you could make the argument that Ahsoka is just projecting her own unwillingness to "run and hide" onto Anakin because it sounds better if she says it's her master who wouldn't want her to do this than it does to admit that SHE'S the one who thinks it's beneath her to run and hide.
There's also the comparison to the Geonosis arc where Ahsoka and Barriss get caught in the factory explosion and Ahsoka uses some mechanical tricks she picked up from Anakin to keep sending a signal, just trusting that Anakin will hear it and use it to come find her. Within that same episode, there's obviously the confrontations between Anakin and Luminara where we see Anakin getting BLINDINGLY upset with Luminara for even the implication of "leaving the padawans behind" (despite the fact that that's not what she's actually advocating). Ahsoka refuses to give up on the hope of being found and that faith is rewarded, but it's contrasted against Anakin's almost toxic refusal to even consider the idea that they MIGHT not find the padawans and he has to be ready for that possibility. The Padawan Lost arc has him facing that same possibility and this time, there's genuinely nothing he can do. He has no leads to follow, no signal Ahsoka can send that will reach him, and ultimately Plo has to come in to say that Anakin just needs to have faith that if he's taught Ahsoka well enough, she'll figure herself out and come home to them, and that's exactly what ends up happening.
So if you wanted to be really kind about this, you could say that Ahsoka is projecting some of her own stubbornness onto Anakin and that Anakin is learning his own lessons about trusting in Ahsoka's own abilities over the course of this season, culminating in the Padawan Lost arc. It's not meant to be that Ahsoka thinks Anakin will genuinely be upset with her for running and hiding but that Ahsoka doesn't actually LIKE running and hiding and her partnership with Anakin has allowed her the confidence to refuse to back down until she has absolutely no other choice.
I imagine that this, like in the TOTJ episode, is intended to be a good thing overall. Anakin might be pushing Ahsoka, but he is pushing her to be the kind of person who can survive things nobody else could. The other kids there are all Jedi trained, too, and they don't seem that much younger than Ahsoka herself, which indicates that Ahsoka has a leg up on them SPECIFICALLY due to her training with Anakin and that Jedi training alone isn't good enough. It's Ahsoka's connection to Anakin that makes her great. Which, you know, take that how you will, obviously. It's definitely something we know Filoni pulls on a LOT and is very important in how he chooses to write her.
If you wanted to be a little LESS kind in your interpretation, I do think it would be fair to say that Anakin's own temperament has perhaps... exacerbated the issue, that there COULD be things Anakin has done in his teaching that have led Ahsoka to believe he'd genuinely be disappointed in her if she didn't live up to his standards (again, TOTJ really highlights this aspect of their relationship), and that combined with her own stubbornness is causing her to say what she says in the Padawan Lost arc. If Anakin were able to send her a message, he MIGHT have actually told her to run and hide until he could find her, it seems pretty likely that that's what he'd do, but Ahsoka's interpretation of his behavior seems to be slightly different. So Ahsoka is someone who's very stubborn already before she meets Anakin, yes, but Anakin's way of teaching her makes her even WORSE about this rather than better because even though he does sometimes order her to retreat in battles, he's done other things that indicate to Ahsoka that he wouldn't accept this from her in other situations. That maybe the only reason he was upset in these other instances was because she didn't FOLLOW HIS ORDERS and in the absence of those orders, he expects her to fight as long and hard as she can instead of retreating.
You can of course continue to compare this to his line to her in the film where he says she'd never have made it as Obi-Wan's padawan but she MIGHT make it as his, indicating that she will always have to work for his respect and to earn her apprenticeship with him. I imagine that places some pressure on her as his student, she always has to be THE BEST, better than everyone else, or he might decide she's not worth it after all and decide to just drop her. It might not even be something she actively thinks or worries about, but just something that subconsciously sits with her all the time and invades their dynamic like a disease.
So yeah, I guess ultimately I think that this unwillingness to "run and hide" is a part of Ahsoka's personality from the beginning, I think that it would be very fair to assume that she HAS picked up on Anakin's disrespect for people who "give up" and that this has exacerbated her own stubbornness into something that could be considered arrogant and even potentially dangerous. If we take TOTJ into account, then it's something Anakin has pretty literally drilled into her rather than just something Ahsoka has picked up through his behavior and interactions with others.
And we can take this a step further and look at her behavior in the Ahsoka show and the way this dynamic is almost step for step repeated in Ahsoka's relationship with Sabine. Sabine has clearly picked up on Ahsoka being disappointed in her, that Ahsoka's willingness to train her can and will be taken away if Sabine doesn't act correctly, but that Ahsoka herself DOESN'T FOLLOW HER OWN ADVICE. So this leaves Sabine in a position where she clearly believes she has to work to earn Ahsoka's respect and training but she also knows Ahsoka doesn't even believe half of the things she tries to teach Sabine to do, so why bother following what Ahsoka says. This gives us a Sabine who is a complete and utter brat, whose worst tendencies towards stubbornness and selfishness are exacerbated instead of curbed, and who constantly feels like someone she should be able to completely rely on is always waiting for her to fail. Ahsoka herself doesn't like giving up and will always push a situation further than it needs to go in search of victory, but when Sabine does the same, Ahsoka condemns her for it. It's an immensely unhealthy dynamic and we know EXACTLY where she learned it from.
And while she claims she's going to "support" Sabine later on, she also says she's following in Anakin's own image here, that she's doing what Anakin did for her, which... I know what the show WANTS us to believe, but Anakin did NOT actually support her all the time and Ahsoka probably would've benefited from a master who was more willing to force her to face her own flaws and work on them rather than a master who just brushed aside her flaws so long as they didn't get in his way. Sabine isn't going to flourish under Anakin's type of "support" any more than Ahsoka did and this dynamic would just continue to be unhealthy because Ahsoka SHOULDN'T support Sabine in literally everything she ever does. Sabine SHOULD be told when she's made mistakes and be forced to acknowledge them and work to overcome them, otherwise she's just going to keep acting like a selfish asshole. Anakin passed down more of Palpatine's teachings to Ahsoka than he did the Jedi's, and we see that continuing with Ahsoka and Sabine. This isn't the "disaster lineage" as people like to call it, it's the insidious lineage. It's Sith training making its way insidiously into people who claim to be Jedi, infecting their every choice towards selfishness instead of compassion.
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passionat3 · 5 months
obi-wan, anakin, obikin and my thoughts under the cut
so the surface-level textual conflict of obi-wan and anakin's relationship is that anakin sees obi-wan as a father, while obi-wan sees anakin as a brother. but the fact that they said that, indicates to me that they didn't know how to express their relationship in words, because it lived as an unspoken feeling.
in the early days, they must have become attached so quickly. obi-wan had lost qui-gon, anakin had lost his mother. obi-wan was a young master, hardly knighted, anakin was a padawan too old to be a youngling and young to be a padawan. not to mention that he belonged to the chosen one prophecy. they must have latched onto each other, not quite feeling like they belonged anywhere but with each other.
im reminded of what andromache says to hector in the illiad:
"You, Hector – you are my father now, my noble mother, / a brother too, and you are my husband, young and warm and strong!"
andromache has of course lost her parents and her brothers, and so hector is all for her. so it goes with anakin and obi-wan. they need each other, and they need to be needed.
this need could so easily become romantic as they grew older -- anakin was not so young and obi-wan was not so old. perhaps it would not ideal, but relationships are strange and complicated. and at some point anakin is not a child anymore. at some point they do become equals in the eyes of others, if not each other. this we see throughout tcw, where they stand shoulder to shoulder.
of course in canon we have padmé, and I think there's a pretty simple reason for that. anakin wants unconditional love. he doesn't want criticism or to be told that something is wrong, even when it is necessary for growth.
we see time and time again that he wanted this from obi-wan! he loved obi-wan first, so to say. but he didn't get it from obi-wan because he wouldn't give it, it wouldn't be right or healthy or something a jedi could even give. obi-wan instead did what someone who loved anakin would do, help him be better.
padmé on the other hand accepted all of anakin's wrongdoings. killing a bunch of children! fascist ideas! that's fine, I guess!
and obi-wan wasn't hard on anakin, not really, we see that he made exceptions, was softer when it came to anakin than anything else. and we see too, that anakin is better with obi-wan than without him.
so that's why I like obikin, even if it's a little weird. because there's something very compelling and strong about their relationship, and there's definitely love.
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voodoo-writer · 1 year
Found Family in Star Wars
What I really love about Star Wars is how much of the fandom is fully into the found family trope.
Like, lots of people may complain that Din and Grogu is the most generic trope that Disney could have gone for, but that’s how it always was. How a lot of the fandom truly sees Star Wars for.
Aliit ori'shya tal'din – «Family is more than blood».
The Vode. The biggest family you could have asked for. Thousands of overprotective for each other brothers, who are ready to make anything possible for each other. Waxer and Boil almost adopting Numa (yes please). The Bad Batch that are literally five older brothers taking care of one little sister.
True Mandalorians. Like Jaster Mereel, Kal Skirata, young Jango, Walon Wau, Mij Gilamar, Vhonte Tervho – all of them stay true to Resol'nare, be it an au with no Kamino or with it. You get 1 True Mandalorian within a radius of child in distress and now you have an angry buir ready to kill. It is literally in the marriage vows – We will raise warriors.
The Jedi Order. They have their flaws (who does not?) but they are one huge dysfunctional family. From Crèche masters, Knights, Masters, Guardians, Younglings and Padawans. They protect their own. You can say anything about «no attachment rule» but I feel like having an amazing lineage with lots of padawan-siblings, masters, uncle/aunt-masters, grandmasters that ground you must be an amazing feeling. We do know that the Jedi still fail their own in lots of ways, but like if there were no Sith and they were living not in the middle of the Republic imagine how more peaceful and truer to the code their lives would be?
The Corps. We don’t get a lot of information about them but I adore everyone who writes, shares headcanons, draws them. They are still Jedi, though they have different specializations. They give aged out younglings new purpose and they stay true to the Force. To be honest, since the Corps do not live on Coruscant I believe before 66 they were definitely even more attuned to the Force then the Order (cause again, one annoying Sheev)
The Ghost Crew. Do I even need to say anything? They are an amazing family that pulled through a lot of obstacles (and sadly losses). They all lost something even before getting together but staying together was their biggest strength.
The Opress brothers. Even though we did not get a lot of Feral in TCW we got enough of Maul and Savage. Even with all of the evilness and full sith-crazy mode they were brothers till the end. If it was not for Dooku and Sidious (and well mother Talzin and nightsisters) they would be still together and be strong.
The Original Skywalker/Solo family. Han’s and Luke’s brotherhood even before romance with Leia started. Leia and Luke bonding even before they knew they were blood family. Chewie protecting his family, even the Droids like C3PO and R2.
And the list goes on. I probably missed out on a lot of families so if you want to add some to the list – do reblog/comment!
 In the end I just want to say that even though a lot of people say that our fandom is one of the most toxic ones I still adore everyone who spends their time writing, drawing, doing cosplay – literally anything fandom related. Even if you don’t create and just read – supporting creators makes all of this worth it.
Please, continue creating more stories about any characters, any family, anything that you love in this fandom. There always will be people who will appreciate anything you do to help our fandom thrive.
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do u like ahsoka? I think shes neat
I think she's neat too!
(too lazy to go grab some more pics, so just from what I've got on hand:)
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love her earnest face and lovely color scheme
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and how relatable she always was! I just feel those poses
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she was lovely as a kid and she was lovely with kids
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obi-wan thought she was neat too! (and obviously obi-wan's opinion is the important thing in any context)
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Her fighting style was always awesome.
To go more into it, I love TCW!Ahsoka. I'm slightly more ambivalent towards her Rebels self (mainly because it can be a bit hard to connect the two since they have pretty different designs and stories), but this girl right here? She's the absolute best.
She was always spunky, sassy, smart and extremely compassionate, and she had a plethora of great character flaws to go with all her amazing qualities. She was reckless, stubborn, naive and impulsive - all perfectly normal attributes given her age - and it took nothing away from how likable she was.
Her presence in TCW was a great way to supplement Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship, and I always loved what we saw of the Order through her connection with so the Masters, Knights and younglings (wish we'd gotten more of that tbh). She matured very believably over five seasons, and every time she got to do something a little more badass it felt like a big victory. She's also great for kids to connect with. (My younger bros and cousin absolutely love her, and they're watching the show in French, where she has the most incredibly annoying voice. If they can love her even then, she's really dang loveable.)
Now, it's gotten just a tad tiring how big of a deal she is now. Imo, blowing her importance out of proportion and trying to slip her into every major project has considerably undermined the strength of her character because she's all over the place and her story is in pieces - plus live action is a completely different tone from animation and she just doesn't feel the same at all. But while I may not like the direction newer content has been taking, it never in any way lessened my love for her in TCW. Even in season 7 (which handled her extremely badly imo) I feel for her and my heart just broke watching the finale.
So yeah. I do like her. She is neat.
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ebisul · 2 months
TCW Rewatch: Season 2 Episodes 1-4
Finally made it to Season 2 i would say might stop posting these daily but that implies I had a schedule at all.
Im almost caught up to where I actually am in the series so itll definitely slow down then. In the meantime enjoy this while I dread uploading the Mandalore episodes
Episode 1: Holocron Heist
* The jedi are forced to retreat from battle on Felucia
* Ahsoka wants to stay and fight but Obi Wan and Anakin are retreating with their men
* “Master Skywalker taught me never to let up when the tinnies are on the run” baby thats a warcrime
* “You’re putting your troops’ lives in danger” we love when the jedi care deeply about the lives of their men
* Also disappointed dad obi wan
* She does not enjoy following orders, its arrogance
* Ahsoka gets benched
* Are non jedi allowed in the archives? Bc otherwise that sounds suspicious if its the largest collection of knowledge in the galaxy
* Only the jedi council is allowed access to the holocrons makes sense
* Palps recruiting Cad Bane to steal a holocron
* I love Cad Bane and Todo’s dynamic
* That’s unfortunate
* Oh… Bane’s job is to get the list of force-sensitive kids
* I still dont understand how that works and im a HUGE fallen order fan, like does the list update itself or does it know who will and wont be jedi when theyre born? Is it the same list as Cal’s? This also brings forth the questionable ethics of the jedi taking in children. I do understand why the Sith are after the list and especially Palps and his ultimate goal
Episode 2: Cargo of Doom
* Bane has captured Bolla Ropal and has the memory crystal with the list of children
* Ropal is dead
* Bane escapes with the holocron and crystal?
Episode 3: Children of the Force
* With the list of children Bane could inflict devastating damage
* So they can detect the children theough the force
* “Among the children of the jedi there are no innocents” Bitch what??? Theyre children???
* They were really going to just abandon saving the one baby because of uncertainty??? Let windu save a baby
* Bane disguising as jedi to steal children is so fucked up ironic
* Also the mother saying that she had more time with her child before he went to the jedi is interesting. What is the process of inducting the younglings? Theyre collected young enough to not form attachments to their parents but also have some time allotted before going to the temple.
* The forcing out the information with the force is surely frowned upon especially knowing his mind could be fucking destroyed
* Thats like torture right? Is torture a warcrime?
* It is
* Is he willfully complying now? Or is he leading them further away?
* Old man palps is grooming again
* He wants to raise them as force sensitive spies
* Cody crumbs!!
* Bane escapes bc ofc he does
* Palps wants to destroy the evidence of his plans, i see where ani gets the babykilling
* Babies are saved
Episode 4: Senate Spy
* The Jedi suspect Rush Clovis is conspiring with the Separatists
* Is this THE toxic anakin episode? Oh god
* Aw it starts off kinda sweet with anidala cant wait to watch this end poorly
* Padme refuses to spy on clovis for the jedi
* Ok so hes from the banking delegation thats why he’s suspicious makes sense if that is connected to the banking clan
* They want ani to convince padme to spy
* Ok so padme is also kinda toxic here like rightfully disappointed but didn’t she do the same thing to him about duty coming first? And he at least tried to make a romantic gesture bringing home dinner
* Obi wans expression after the “they were… good friends” “I… didn’t know that” exchange
* He so knows
* They are asking him to weaponize his relationship with her thats bleak
* Shes still hostile toward him for putting his job first when she does the same
* Ani’s getting jealous
* This has become way less politics and way more gossiping about anidalas relationship problems lmao
* She really missed the big IF in that sentence immediately assuming he absolutely is conspiring?
* God theyre both so toxic no wonder things ended… like that
* Shes being so spiteful when Anakin just wants her safe? Bc hes seeing the horrors of war first hand constantly
* This episode is rough as a padme fan
* Clovis is a weirdo with those unsolicited advances like bro shes cowaring
* So he is conspiring thats not surprising
* Another assassination attempt? These never work when will they learn
* Padme finds the evidence
* The password was her name that loser
* Tactical coordinates for a droid foundry given to R2
* Clovis is helping them escape
* Not questioning whether or not it was actually the antidote is wild to me like he really just injected it and hoped for the best? Is this another trust in the force thing? YOu couldve killed your wife man
War Crime Counter:
Separatists: i think still 7
Republic: 3
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hi, so, there's this headcanon I've had about Gungi for a little while and seeing him in the bad batch trailer prompted me to share it :)
(btw go watch the trailer, it's SO good)
So, do we all remember that arc in tcw where Ahsoka gets captured by the Trandoshians? If not, quick recap. Basically, they capture her during a mission and drop her on this island to hunt her for sport. She meets former Jedi younglings there and they try to escape together. One of their plans is ambushing the drop ship when it comes in to bring more prey. They fail, but the prisoner on the ships just so happens to be a Wookie (Chewbacca, actually, if I remember correctly). Now that's all good and well, but you know what surprised me? Ahsoka spoke Wookie.
I mean I get that Jedi learn different languages in order to understand different species and people around the galaxy but Wookie seems awfully specific for me. We never really see her on a mission on Kashyyyk (unlike Obi-Wan who spoke the Twi'leks language and is regularly seen with Orn Free Ta and on a mission on Ryloth) or interacting with any other Wookies. Except for Gungi.
We see them interacting in the Kyber Crystal arc and it got me thinking.
Supposedly Ahsoka is nearing the end of her Padawan Training and expects to soon become a Knight. Which makes sense if you think about it. When she first became a Padawan Anakin thought she was too young, but Yoda disagreed. Despite her age she was ready to be a Padawan on a skill-based level. Throughout the show we see people saying how she's more skilled than her peers. An early knighthood is just as plausible as her early padawan training. Take the Wrong Jedi arc. by the end (at the age of 17) she was offered knighthood. she turned it down, but that's not my point
Long story short? My headcanon is that Ahsoka was scouting Gungi, hoping to make him her student when she becomes a knight and he a padawan. And I would have LOVED to see it.
Just think about it!
Ahsoka seeing this skilled youngling and immediately learning to speak Wookie so she can give him proper training.
Her watching him extra carefully during his Kyber Crystal Trial (or whatever its called)
eventually it's time for her knighthood and for Gungi to be assigned a Master and she just nags and nags and nags Obi-Wan about bringing it up in a council meeting till he finally concedes but you can't just become a knight and then immediately get a padawan ahsoka
but anakin did, Master, why am I any different? he trained me!
*sigh* I am aware, knight tano
anyway eventually they become master and padawan and suddenly Gungi has ETERNAL bragging rights, because his master is Ahsoka Tano, former student of Anakin Skywalker, part of Yodas goddamn disaster lineage
eventually he grows taller than her, but it takes a while because her montrals also still keep growing so it doesn't count, my young, inexperienced padawan and everytime Ahsoka has to interrogate a perp she is good cop and just talks all nice and calmly to them until they eventually do something incredibly disrespectful, so she calls her student for help in handling this perp. They fully expect a small togruta child to show up and suddenly this massive Wookie is just absolutely TOWERING over them
First time Mission with the rest of disaster lineage + Rex goes absolutely south and there is an endless amount of arguing, meanwhile Rex and Gungi stand off to the side like yeah its always like this kid
Rex thinks there's finally a second reasonable person there but PLOT TWIST, Gungi lives for the drama and is spilling tea with Obi-Wan in 2 days time (he also began learning Wookie as soon as Ahsoka started nagging him)
Even Rex learned the language, but SOMEHOW Anakin just,,, didn't get the memo and never learned it so everytime they're in a room together it's just,,, uh... u good bro
*responds in Wookie, telling him he's having a rough week*
nice to hear trainings going well, pal, keep it up
*stares into the camera like he's on the office*
and somehow they kill palpatine, destroy all the chips and are a disaster family till death doth them part
the end
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testingforgravity · 5 months
Petro: Also, from now on we'll be using code names. You can address me as Kyber One.
Katooni, code name– ‘been there, done that.’
Zatt is– ‘currently doing that.’
Gungi is– ‘it happened once in a dream.’
Byph, code name– ‘if I had to pick a different dude.’
Ganodi is– ‘Kyber Two.’
Ganodi: Oh thank god.
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questforgalas · 2 years
Tay Writes The Bad Batch
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One Shots
We'll be waiting for you Crosshair doesn't flee back to the outpost by himself Characters: Crosshair, Echo, Tech, Hunter, Wrecker Tags: Hurt/comfort, Brotherly support Possible triggers: mentions of buried alive
An Unexpected Enemy Crosshair's new armor is causing some...problems Characters: The Bad Batch pre Echo Tags: brothers being brothers. This is just silly fun. Swearing
Passing the Time Hunter and Crosshair pass the time during watch by reminiscing Characters: Hunter and Crosshair. Tech, Echo, and Wrecker are mentioned Tags: soft bros, brothers reminiscing, pre order 66 Batch
Thank you for coming back The Bad Batch rescue Crosshair from Barton IV before he's transferred to Mt. Tantiss Characters: The Bad Batch Tags: as much brotherly affection as you can fit in 3k words, canon typical violence, AU, family reuniting and crying
March on the Temple As the Batch flee the newly formed empire and head to take shelter on Saleucami, Tech discovers some news that will greatly affect Echo Characters: Tech, Hunter, Echo, Rex Tags: Angst with comfort, post Order 66, 501st flashbacks Possible triggers: Youngling deaths mentioned
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Uncle Batch Order-66-didn't-happen AU. One-shots of the Batch being uncles and aunty to Hunter's family Characters: The Bad Batch including Omega Tags: Fluff, Uncle!Batchers, Dad!Hunter, Hunter's partner is gender neutral Possible triggers: parenthood, children Best Sniper in the Galaxy - Crosshair and Nina Nina's Special Secret Vacation City - Tech and Nina
We Don't Leave Our Own Behind (Series Masterlist) "And Crosshair is one of them". One encrypted file. Six words. The Batch's galaxy is completely rewritten. Knowing Crosshair has defected from the Empire, the Batch only have on focus: bring their brother home once and for all.
Playing Monopoly - includes Omega Who Says "I love you" first PDA Favorite spot to smooch Reuniting with their Jedi partner (includes Rex)
Sibling Moments that Live Rent Free in My Head
TCW: The Bad Batch A Distant Echo On the Wings of Keeradaks Unfinished Business
TBB S1: Aftermath Cut and Run Replacements Cornered Rampage Decommissioned Battle Scars Reunion Bounty Lost Common Ground Devil's Deal and Rescue on Ryloth Infested War Mantle Return to Kamino Kamino Lost
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gffa · 9 months
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LET ME YELL ABOUT WHY I LOVED THIS MOMENT from Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi | "Brotherhood". I have long argued that the "Jedi Code" is more of a meditation mantra, because almost every single time it comes up in supplementary material (it doesn't exist in the movies or TCW) it's used during a moment when a Jedi is trying to calm themselves down or meditate in the Force. And I have long argued that I don't think it's a literal guideline for how to live their lives, but instead a description of the Force. Because the prequels Jedi taught two different versions of the "Jedi Code": There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force. Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force. The second is from the Kanan comic, where Depa is leading a meditation with the younglings, while Obi-Wan and Mace and Yoda watch over them. So, if both of these versions are taught by the prequels Jedi, how can they both be applicable? Because they're not describing Jedi--they're describing the Force. They're describing what it's like to interact with the Force. That's why they use it as a meditation mantra! The Force itself has no emotion, it has no ignorance, it has peace. The Force has no passion, it has serenity. The Force has no chaos, it has harmony/ The Force has no death, it is the Force. Yet, when a Jedi interacts with it, they have emotion but they seek peace. They have ignorance yet they seek knowledge. They have passion yet they seek serenity. They have chaos yet they seek harmony. They have death yet they seek the Force, they become one with it when they die. Then this short story is about Anakin becoming one with the Force when he dies-- A warmth without temperature. An embrace without touch. A belonging despite isolation. A quiet that revealed. It's so evocative of the Jedi's description of the way they interact with the Force via the "Jedi Code"! It's the Force versus what you're bringing to the Force, it's about what a Jedi seeks in the Force--Anakin has no temperature, but he seeks warmth. Anakin has no touch, but he seeks an embrace. Anakin has isolation, but he seeks belonging. There is quiet in the Force. This is what the Force is, this is how the Jedi interact with it, they bring their own experiences to it and work to shed those things to find what they need in the Force, this is why the "Jedi Code" is structured the way it is and Anakin experiences that exact same thing when he steps into it. And I am legit emotional because I think of how much comfort and warmth and clarity the Force can bring when you let it move through you, when you let it embrace you, rather than trying to dominate it.
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toomanybandstocare · 1 year
💙 💙 💙 Happy One Year, Mythos! All your prompts are so good it was hard to pick one! Sooo I’m going with Cabin Confessions or Polaroid Album? Whichever you prefer 😊
Cabin Confessions:
Would you rather work with the 501st, 212th, or the Wolfpack?
Polaroid Album:
Or if you’d prefer to make a moodboard of Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe living on Seelos?
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[ ◉¯] ✧˖° - Polaroid Album
Mood board of a character and situation of your request. @thefact0rygirl requested desert life with our three favorite commanding officers. Thank you for celebrating with me!!! <3
Counselors: Captain Rex, Captain Gregor, & Commander Wolffe
Counselor Notes: I had trouble finding info on Seelos and what it's like to live there, so I apologize if this isn't completely what you had in mind! I haven't gotten that far into TCW yet (I only just saw the arc with Ahsoka helping Chewwie and the younglings survive the hunting island :0 so good). But...Gregor's kinda cutie though. I'm going to be down so bad when I get to that arc, I just know it. Thank you for celebrating! It's been lovely getting to know you <3
Accompanying Cabin Confession.
-> Celebration Announcement Post <- -> Celebration Masterlist <- -> Camp Resolute Masterlist <-
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
MY THOUGHTS ON AHSOKA- Part 3 "Time to Fly"
My first thought: it was much better than the first 2. Altho, I wish it had been a tad longer, even if the length is somewhat consistent with the Mandoverse shows.
As a Rebels fan, I feel fed. I finally got to see 1 character out of the 4 I want to see, so there's hope that soon I'll see the rest. Right, Filoni? RIGHT?!!
Hopes aside, let's get to the details of this episode.
I loved Sabine's training session, both with Huyang and Ahsoka. It reminded me a lot of The Trials of the Darksaber. The constant callbacks are impossible not to have them. And Huyang, please!! 🤣
Also, I loved the music during that scene (and throughout the whole episode). Well, is Kevin Kiner, what else could I have expected but greatness?
Honestly, I knew that the meeting with the senators and Mon Mothma was going to go as exactly as it went. I knew Hamato Xiono was going to be that jerk, and the rest of the senators wouldn't be any better. What I did love was Mon asking for Jacen (!!! which gave me hope to see him soon) and joking about the chaos the kid and Chopper surely were causing. My headcanon is that Mon is just remembering their shenanigans in Yavin 4 or Hoth or whatever else Hera has been stationed since then.
And I'm glad that they pointed out that even Hera believed Ezra is dead, she still looked for him. As I said in my review last week, I think Hera made herself believe that, otherwise she couldn't have lived her life, and raise Jacen and fight in the rebellion and now help with the new republic. The uncertainty of someone's disappearance is much harder to bear than their death.
Oh my gosh! The scream I let out when Jacen appeared!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭 He's so precious!!! With his green hair and saying Aunt Sabine (that means he calls Uncles Zeb and Alex/Sasha/Kallus, right?) and wanting to be a jedi just like his dad was (Would have been too much to name Kanan, just once??!!) Anyway... we got live-action Jacen!!!!!!
I love the conversation about the force between Ahsoka and Sabine. It put to rest some of my doubts about the whole Sabine being Ahsoka's padawan thing. How they explained it is pretty much how I think the Force works, so it felt good to have it explicitly confirmed in canon. And like it has been said, just talent isn't enough, just like in real life. Some people have a natural talent for an art or anything really, and if they cultivate it, then they'll excel at it. But that doesn't mean that other people less talented cannot reach the same level of excellence; they just need to work harder to get there.
And the opposite is also true. If a talented person doesn't work on their talent, it can become stagnant or even lose the ability altogether. With the Jedi, we've seen it with many Order 66 survivors. Obi-Wan, Kanan, Cere, Cal, Grogu, etc., they cut themselves from the Force either on purpose or as a trauma response, and all had to work to gain the control of his powers back.
Also, I think seeing the Force this way, it recognizes the different religions and presentation of the Force throughout the galaxy. People like Sabine or Chirrut Imwe or even Han Solo, or entire species like the Lasat or Chiss that for whatever reason the Force works different for them.
About the comment about the standards that Jedi had to accept younglings in the Order, I mean, I get it. The jedi couldn't accept everyone. They had to focus on those who had better chances to keep up with the training. Not just that, those were also at a greater risk to misuse the Force if they managed to gain some control over it on their own or under bad influences.
Huyang mentioning the disaster lineage was the best!!
The dog fight was great. Marrok finally spoke, and as expected, the baddies in fighting couldn't be left out. And I love that when Ahsoka and Sabine started to work together is when they shot down the fighters. And Ahsoka going outside in a space suit felt taken out of an episode of TCW. Really cool!
PURRGIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have Purrgil!!!!!!!!!!!! I love those space whales/squids things so much. My only complaint is that they should've destroyed at least one of the fighters. I mean, aren't the Purrgils famous for destroying ships that come in contact with? I'm just saying!
Like I said in the beginning, I love this episode, and it has my hyped for what will come next! 👉👈 Is it Tuesday yet? 🥺
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thepatchycat · 2 years
Commanders and Children
So @existentialscientist, you mentioned the youngling arc of TCW a while back; took longer to get around to this than I intended, but here's a rough outline of a Youngling Arc AU where Cody actually gets to go pick up the Jedi kids and inevitably gets drawing into the shenanigans!
Plot Stuff:
-Unlike in the show, Cody manages to set out with the pick-up car shuttle before Grievous pops out of hyperspace, but Grievous does still show up to cause problems for the fleet. This prevents Cody from simply returning to the Negotiator with the kids in tow, because it's not a good idea to bring children straight to an active warzone.
-However, it would take a lot longer to get them all the way back to the Temple or the next-nearest Jedi not currently in active combat, and Ahsoka is still stuck with the pirates, so Cody decides to wait for word from the battalion (since the combat could potentially end in just a couple hours, making the original plan still feasible) and help the kids try to fix their ship in the meantime.
-Said ship is still venting coolant and needs to land. On Florrum. Cody is not thrilled by this, and he does his best to make sure they're not close to the pirate base, but the pirates don't exactly broadcast their location so they probably end up landing about where they did in the show.
-The kids want to go rescue Ahsoka. Cody tells them firmly that they are not to perform any heroics and his first priority is to get them home safely, though in the back of his head he's strongly considering sending them to safety on the shuttle he arrived with because he knows R2 is a remarkably capable little droid that could probably pilot that one a lot more easily than the old Jedi ship, and also if they get Professor Huyang fixed they'll have a responsible adult chaperone. Cody could stay on Florrum and start on some recon, because Rex would kill him if he was here and didn't do anything to try to help Ahsoka. Cody himself also does not want to leave Ahsoka with the pirates longer than necessary if there's something he could do about it.
-He's still weighing his options while working on ship repairs (assisted by the tech-savvy Nautolan child while the others work on fixing Huyang or building their lightsabers) and waiting for word from the battalion. At some point he realizes it's gotten suspiciously quiet and his Someone's Getting Up to Trouble Sense is tingling, so he goes back inside the ship proper to find that the kids, naturally, have decided to run off and rescue Ahsoka themselves.
-Cody, naturally, sets out after them. He probably takes the shuttle at least part of the way and hides it in an outcropping as soon as he gets close to any other visible beings.
-Now, one of two things could happen here:
A) Cody catches up just as the kids are convincing the troupe leader that they're a group of acrobats. He claims to be their manager because revealing them as a group of (vulnerable and inexperienced) Force-sensitives and himself as a Republic officer might have Consequences and also he's kind of used to rolling with Jedi Shenanigans. Still, he Does Not Like This Plan. He's very skilled in living up to certain roles, but "acrobat manager" is not one of them, and these are actual children heading straight into the pirates' den. Jedi children, yes, but that just means he has no idea what kind of training they do or do not have. At least with clone cadets he'd know their respective capabilities! But Jedi pull off some wild feats, so there's a possibility this will actually work. He's very insistent that the kids stick strictly to performing and let him go find Ahsoka, which he does by either pretending to help the troupe serve drinks or pretending to join the audience.
B) Cody's just a little too late, finding the point where the kids' tracks end and the troupe's trail keeps going. He follows the troupe to the pirates' base and has to sneak in commando-style. Cue long-suffering facepalm when he sees what the kids are doing, but blowing their cover would be literally the worst course of action so he just makes his way to Ahsoka.
-Option A has more comedy potential, while Option B seems a little more like what Cody might actually do and plays better to his skillset. Also, unless Cody leaves his armor on the ship when setting out after the kids, he'd probably have to either ditch it with the troupe (Not Ideal) or disguise it with a costume coat (or possibly a very large poncho, Rex-style) and mask (in case anyone knows what a clone's face looks like). Option B has him being sneaky anyway, so this is at least somewhat less of a problem--and he could probably steal a guard's coat for camouflage.
-Either way, he makes it to Ahsoka, who senses him and manages to shuffle back behind a crate while the pirates are distracted. He frees her, and they see the kids manage to get the lightsabers, so they start sneaking around and quietly picking out an escape vehicle that they'll inevitably need to steal when the pirates notice Ahsoka is missing.
-The ensuing getaway goes mostly the same in the show, except they actually succeed in outrunning the pirates because with two Commanders around their pursuers don't stand a chance and the transport doesn't crash. Also, Cody and Ahsoka may or may not have performed a little more preemptive interference of the explosive kind on a couple of the vehicles they did not use, if Cody had detonators with him. He might not have brought any for what should've just been a pick-up, but maybe he simply likes to be prepared.
-Anyways, they make it (and Hondo gets to deal with Grievous on his own, not that they know that, but the wily pirate probably manages to escape somehow) back to Cody's shuttle, and the expedition ship meets them somewhere either on-planet or back out in space. The repairs are sufficient to get them to a rendezvous with the Republic fleet, which has made its retreat and given them coordinates to return to. And there's probably some conversations along the way, definitely including a little bonding between the Commanders; I'm a firm believer in the idea that they enjoy addressing each other by rank as a bit, and I wish we got to see them interact in the show.
-At least a few of the kids probably fall asleep on the ride home. Ahsoka definitely needs a nap, but she's probably reluctant to sleep before the kids are safely back. Still, she might doze off in the co-pilot seat.
-The Negotiator still got blown up, sadly, and Obi-Wan might be slightly worse off since Cody wasn't there to help him delay Grievous (rip the cool barrel shot) but not by much; Hondo is not here to demand payment for any generous services, but the kids probably have fun recounting the tale of what happened.
-The kids would probably be a lot more divided about running off to rescue Ahsoka, since help did actually come and at least a couple of them would probably be inclined to listen to the adult in charge. Katooni seems like a responsible type, and Byph seems like an anxious sort, but they might both go to try and keep the others out of trouble (and because I don't really wanna leave any of the kids out). Ganodi is still staying behind as back-up pilot and/or to provide distractions to delay Cody's inevitable pursuit. She does not last long against the Big Brother Commander Look, but she tries. She does finish fixing Professor Huyang, and she and the professor and R2 get the expedition ship to rendezvous with the shuttle.
-Is Cody good with kids? I like to think he's got good communication/social skills and experience being an ori'vod, so he's not terrible with them. He's not doting the way Waxer would be, but he's at least used to adjusting his demeanor for different audiences (shinies vs. veterans vs. superior officers). However, he might end up spooking the kids a little by being blunt about the kinds of risks they should not be attempting, even when trying to avoid being pessimistic. It's not easy to balance keeping up morale with imparting seriousness of a situation. There's a moment in the show where Petro brags about how he's going to defeat Obi-Wan Kenobi and also Grievous with his new lightsaber, and I think Cody understands that it's youthful bluster but he's still like "until you have defeated General Kenobi in a lightsaber duel, if you ever see Grievous, you run, do I make myself clear?"
-Cody probably scolds R2 for not stopping the kids from running off, and he also suspects that R2 is the reason their hyperspace jump landed them near Florrum in the first place; R2 whistles, innocent as anything (stranding the kids near Florrum did ensure they got in contact with whichever Jedi was closest to the kidnapped Ahsoka)
-Dunno if I have any further relevant thoughts to include here, but I'd be delighted to hear other ideas about how this arc would go down!
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minnowtank · 1 year
would the impact of anakin and padme's story have been improved if the movie had her die and imply it was due to suicide? maybe this is a weird question lol
i've thought about this a couple of times. basically, shortly after giving birth, padme would commit suicide after learning that anakin had turned to the dark side and murdered the younglings. but the movie would not show her actual suicide because a) its G-rated and b) showing that would be way too dark for star wars in general. (tcw has a one-off character kill themself, but a main character's suicide is a different case entirely).
basically what im having trouble figuring out is how ep. iii would go about having her die in order to imply a suicide. i think it could imply that she somehow killed herself in the hospital just after giving birth. but this would be offscreen, so that when obi-wan approaches her dead in the hospital, the med robot would say that she's "lost the will to live," similar to how it is in the actual movie. oh and the med bots would like prevent obi-wan from going to look at her, so she would be like partially obscured.
but like that would be such an awkward way to have it be filmed too so like ?
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