soupie · 2 years
SOPHIE im sry 4 sending u so many asks eugh .. but hello! what do u think about van cats pls look them up let me know ur thoughts feelings etc ^____^
SEND ME AS MANY AS U WANT WTF!!!! and oh my god theyre so cute ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ their eyes ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ this ones my favorite and i need it right now
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also tessa question: did u name him tessa or was he already named. my sisters name is tess btw do you also want my last name and address
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elettralightwood · 2 years
Jonathan Morgenstern (red head one (tv show), not Sebastian), Jem Carstairs, Alec Lightwood
Hii anon, thank u sm!! I already did my boy Alec and i’d prefer to do book characters in this game (so so sorry😭) so i’m gonna do Jem my bb🥺
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
Too pure for this world🥺
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
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hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: purest man ever existed
worst quality: ??? None detected
ship them with: Tessa :)))
brotp them with: Will, Charlotte, Sophie, Emma and Jace
needs to stay away from: it’s fine, Tessa got it covered 😌
misc. thoughts: literally loved him from the first page of tid and if u didn’t… w h y
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immortal-enemies · 3 years
Livvy couldn't say that being a ghost was nice. It was alright most of the time. An in-between 'meh'. She liked that she could look over her family, that she could search for Irene when she disappeared. What she didn't like though was that she couldn't talk to her family, that whenever she found Irene, the lynx couldn't see her most of the time.
But, Ty could see her, could talk to her. It was enough. It had to be enough. He was her twin, her other half. She knew him inside out. His mannerisms, his peeves, how he had a glutton for knowledge, how he was curious about everything.
She knew how he thought about things. And he knew the same for her.
So, that was why, she didn't need him to tell her what he was thinking when she saw him looking at himself in the mirror. He was just standing there staring at himself. Seeing how much he had changed.
'I look so different,' he said.
Livvy had to agree. He had changed. He had grown taller by a few inches. His shoulders were a little broader, his collarbones just a little more defined. The panes of his cheekboneswere elegant, his jaw sharp. His hair looked curlier and his eyes more striking and intimidating. The heron necklace on his chest looked delicate and ethereal, just like the boy who had given it to him.
But the thing that made him look the most different was the lack of emotion in his eyes. His eyes were distant. Always thinking ahead. Not not - feeling emotion, just — not showing it.
Livvy wished she could stop him from thinking so ahead, tell him to stop and enjoy life in the present.
But she couldn't. Because it wasn't her job to tell him that. She couldn't tell him the joys of life, not if she herself was dead.
Before she could reply, a knock sounded on the door and she started. She looked to see Dru standing in the doorway.
'Ty,' she said, 'I think you have some mail from the Scholomance. You should check it out.'
Ty nodded. Livvy saw Dru open her mouth, then close it. Livvy wondered if Dru had noticed the distantness in Ty's eyes .
When they reached the Dining Room, Livvy was met with a beautiful sight. She had forgotten today was pancake day. There were pancakes of different flavours, plain vanilla, chocolate, banana and oats, lining the table with different syrups and toppings like, maple syrup, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, different berries and fresh fruits.
Livvy couldn't eat. She missed eating (obviously), but she didn't think about it that often. But, looking at Julian's handmade breakfast now, it made her heart and her stomach ache.
She saw Emma showing Julian a letter and a few photographs. Curious, she went toward them.
She saw the letter first, in Julian's hand. She didn't read what was in it, she just saw the last few lines.
Jem and Tessa Carstairs
(P. S: Kit and Mina have sent their love in a different way, look at the photos)
She did look at photos and the package that had come with the letter.
The photo was taken in a classical looking kitchen. It was way too huge for a family of four, but in the photo it was being completely used. There were pots and packets on the counter, a tray of cupcake molds, silicone chocolate molds and all that stuff. Mina was sitting on the counter, her mouth stained with eating too many chocolates, Tessa was behind the figure standing in the middle, looking like she was chastising him.
And in the center was Kit. He had also changed, more so than Ty. His shoulders had become way broader than they were before, and his biceps were flexed as he was holding a bowl full of chocolate batter and whisking it. His skin had darkened, making the mole below his left eye more visible. It was a candid shot, and he was in the middle of laughing, his head thrown back, his eyes crinkling with mirth.
She looked up from the photo to see Ty coming. Saw his eyes run up and down the photo, saw his eyes tighten and his mouth flatten as he looked at the boy. Not from anger, but from sadness and sorrow and loneliness. She couldn't do anything but watch as Ty took his pancakes and slipped out of the room, without looking at the other photos or the package full of sweets, somehow most of them being Ty's favorites.
She could tell him that Kit hadn't forgotten him. Hadn't left him. That when she had seen Kit after almost six months, the first question Kit had asked was whether Ty was okay or not. That he had given Ty the only thing he had of his mother. Hadn't thought twice about it.
But she didn't. Because it wasn't her job. Because Kit was just as much as her brother as Ty was and she wouldn't reveal his secret.
So, she let Ty think that Kit had left him. Had grown tired of him and left him. She let Ty think that Kit didn't love him.
Sorry if this is way too long, I didn't want it to be, but this hc just came to me that Jem writes Emma letters throughout the years and sends photos of Tessa, Mina and Kit doing shenanigans. And one day, when Ty is back in LA, a letter, some photos and package comes from Jem and yeah.. Anyway I totally think Kit would learn how to cook from Tessa and Jem, and them send the two of them on weekend dates and cook food for Mina.
Something that's kinda random that caught my eye was how in the first paragraph, you said like, two things that she liked (watching over her family and she liked to look for Irene) then named the downsides of those two things. Idk why it just was something I loved so much.
Also- She couldn't tell him the joys of life, not if she herself was dead. Was absolutely beautiful I just- there are no words.
I also like how Livvy didn't tell Ty something that wasn't her secret to tell. That was very nice to read for a change 😸
And, one last thing, "delicate and ethereal" is how we shall describe Kit from now on thx 😌
Overall, I completely support this and am honored that you gave me the ask 😄 tysm this was amazing ♥️
Also so sorry that this took so long to answer oops-
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hello everyone!
here is part 2, as promised! also, @liasan-stuff asked to be tagged so here you go! if you ever want to be tagged in any future writing i do, just ask! i’ve never made a taglist, but if that’s something that you guys would like i have no problem with doing one- as long as you let me know you want to be on it!
that being said, happy reading!
Cordelia entered the large room in the Institute that Christopher had chosen to use. She didn’t know why it was so big; this event was only the few of them having some fun together. But it boded well for her plan, considering there was a piano towards the top end.
“Cordelia! Those clothes...well they are certainly a different look,” said Matthew, with a tone of either admiration or surprise; she was not sure. She considered telling him they were Alastair’s but she did not want anyone to be suspicious of anything- should he show, it had to be a total shock. Christopher grinned at her, pleased that her arrival meant they could begin soon.
“Terribly good to see you, Cordelia! Now all that’s left is for Lucie to appear.”
Cordelia was puzzled. “Is she not here?”
Christopher gestured to James. “She will be here, but James knows what she’s doing right now. Unfortunately I cannot quite recall, though I myself have been busy.”
“Preparing your talent?”
“Yes, actually! If you remember, a few months ago I mentioned that I was in the process of developing a new way to send messages via fire. Well, with some extra help I have been able to finalise it! I have not told the others; which is why I am debuting it tonight!”
Cordelia watched Kit’s lilac purple eyes light up through his round spectacles as he spoke. Such an odd eye colour; but so striking. “What extra help did you receive?”
Christopher’s eyes lost their sparkle for a fleeting moment as he looked down. “I do not want to say. James and Matthew do not like who helped me.”
Cordelia wondered if it was Alastair; after all, Kit seemed to get on with him. Though James had grown more tolerant towards him recently. “If you do not wish to say, I will respect that.”
He took a breath. “No, it is alright. I trust you won’t say. It was Grace. She and I spoke once on the subject of science; one day when I was working she had turned up through the window of the laboratory. I cannot recall why or what she was actually doing, but she asked me about what I was doing and when I told her she liked it! She was actually the one who discovered the purpose of that odd stele. I thought I would ask her if she would like to help me with a project and- voilà!” Kit finished, brandishing a piece of paper from his jacket. Cordelia couldn’t decide whether to be shocked, or smile at how sweet it was. If this had been a month or two earlier, her reaction would be different- but after everything with Grace being sorted, she felt better. She did notice one thing, though.
“Kit, that’s only paper.”
“Yes, well, that is what your eyes want you to think. But when pen is set to paper, you will see the magic!”
Cordelia laughed as she walked away and over to James. When he was talking about Grace, his eyes regained their sparkle. He perked up. She almost rolled her eyes internally; Goodness, someone else in love with Grace? But she felt happier about this time. Maybe because the person in love with her was not her husband.
“Hello, Mrs. Herondale,” James said, bowing to her in mockery. “Or do you prefer- what is it again?”
“It’s Miscellaneous Lover number 3 to you.”
James cocked an eyebrow. “Three? Does he have a name?”
“No,” Cordelia continued, “but I believe the Beautiful Cordelia has to kill him. That happens to be the scene we are acting out actually. Kit sent me here because he says you know where Lucie is?”
James made a face not lacking affection. “She’s been with Anna all day. She told her about our little show and Anna immediately took it upon herself to not only take Lucie dress shopping, but to help practise her lines with her because you couldn’t.”
“Oh goodness. Then we can expect the dress to be-“
“A whirlwind of beauty and extravagance?” a voice called. It was Lucie. She had just burst through the doors, Anna following closely behind with a look of pride on her face. Lucie headed towards Cordelia.
“What do you think? Anna had it tailored for me earlier today. It is incredibly accurate to the one you were wearing in the scene!”
“Is that so?” Cordelia smiled inwardly. She adored Lucie’s enthusiasm. Usually, Jesse would be by her side, but he went out with his sister often and tonight was one of their nights.
“This is everyone, isn’t it?” Thomas asked. This was the first time he’d spoken since saying hello to Cordelia. He’d been quite quiet; absentmindedly running his hand over his left forearm, where the tattoo was. Cordelia held back a grin as she put the pieces together. He always seemed to do that when he was stressed or worried- albeit rare he felt that way. But it had been Alastair who had convinced him to show them the tattoo, and knowing what she did now she thought it was endearing that he thought of her brother when he was stressed.
“Unfortunately, yours truly can’t stay. I have something important to attend,” Anna said, gesturing dismissively as if to say she wouldn’t answer any questions.
Christopher frowned. “I did want you here,” he muttered, seeming hurt.
“Oh don’t worry your sweet little face, my brother,” Anna replied, ruffling Kit’s hair. “I have already decided on my replacement.”
“Who?” James queried. Anna left without a word, smirking. After a few seconds, Will sauntered in looking extremely pleased with himself. James and Lucie promptly buried their faces in their hands; he had clearly had a drink or two with Tessa- who, being smart, had not came with him.
“I am to be your judge!” he declared. “Cordelia wins!”
Lucie stared. “She’s with me and it hasn’t even started yet.”
“I do not care. You two will probably be the best anyways; I have little faith in these four. Except you, Christopher. As long as you don’t blow anything up, of course.”
Will winked at Cordelia. The group decided among themselves who would go first; Lucie and Cordelia said they would. James and Matthew were to be next, doing God knows what, leaving Christopher and Thomas.
“I’d like to go last, if that’s alright. Kit, if you want to go last I don’t mind-“
“Nonsense, Thomas! Go last if you wish. I am eager to show you all my proudest project yet!”
Cordelia was feeling bold. She knew no one else would understand why, but she asked Thomas why he wanted to go last.
“Let’s just say...I don’t believe any of you are aware of this talent and I do feel quite nervous.”
Matthew pretended to be offended. “My goodness! What else haven’t you told us? There’s already a secret talent. Give us a hint, please?”
Thomas’s eyes widened briefly as Matthew inquired about what else hadn’t been told to them- not enough for Matthew to notice, Cordelia observed.
“I don’t believe I can without giving it away. It is not something I’ve heard or seen any of you doing though.”
“Can we stop discussing Thomas and his secrets and start letting Cordelia and I perform, please?” Lucie demanded, mouthing sorry to him.
“Ooh, let’s,” Will exclaimed, clapping his hands together excitedly as his daughter and daughter-in-law took the...well, the middle of the hall.
hey guys! so i think i only need to do one more part. i wasn’t sure if i would, but i need to bc the last part is the thomastair heavy part!! i did mention having drunk charles coming in; that may be briefer than i had wanted because i don’t want to make this any more than three parts. mainly because i’m going to be totally back to school on tuesday and i’m going to be super busy with a LOT of testing, and i don’t want to add on to my work load lol. but yeah!! like i said the next part will really (hopefully) get into the thomastair! i have my plan for it ready and i’m going to start figuring it out soon. have fun and i hoped u liked this!
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
Teach me something 3
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The Bruins winning the series means another part of this fic (I’m so sorry to my canes followers [if I even have any wait do I?] I still love you pls don’t hate me but as someone from Connecticut we’re still bitter that the Whalers left and went to Carolina in the first place again don’t hate me)
Will I ever write the requests that y’all have sent in? Who knows (JK you know I will)
I hope you like this! 
ALSO a warning, this partially takes place in the hospital
Read the other parts:  part 1 // part 2 // part 4
“Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Chemistry class!” you say in what was probably perceived as an overly chipper tone, but you were genuinely excited to start the new school year, especially after missing the end of last year. “I’m Mrs. Tkachuk, and I know that most of you probably hate ice breakers, especially since you’re going to be doing them all week, but today is just going over the syllabus, getting to know me, and then we’re going to spend the rest of class doing a little chemistry-related ‘get to know you’ activity.” Some of your students roll their eyes, some even groan. “It’s chem class, guys, what did you expect?” 
You spend the first part of the morning with the boring stuff, the class expectations, listening to them groan over the fact that you give what weren’t technically pop quizzes, but were something very similar, having them break into chatter when you said you gave one partner test per quarter, and that they got to pick which unit was the partner test expect during the third quarter, and then have no reaction at the chemistry jokes that you made throughout the class. 
“So, do you guys have any questions for me?” you ask, glancing over at the clock. You had half the period left to go through your little PowerPoint, then have them do their activity. One of the boys in the back of the room raises his hand. “Robbie, right?”
“Yeah, are you related to Matthew Tkachuk?” A few of the boys around him start to murmur over whether or not you were, definitely excited by the possibility, especially since they were all wearing jackets for the hockey club they were part of.
“I meant about the syllabus, but I’ll answer that in a sec, ok? Any questions about the syllabus before I tell you about myself?” you ask the class, none of them raising their hands in hopes of knowing whether or not Matthew was related to you. God, you hoped not. “Ok, then.” 
You turn on the projector, the screen filled with a short PowerPoint that you showed every year, updating every so often. You started telling them about where you were from, where you went to school, even that you used to dance with the Stampede. “So, I’m not related to Matthew Tkachuk,” you say, the boys seemingly deflated by that fact. You switch slides, a picture of you and him on the ice after their most recent Stanley Cup win, the one from your wedding that was your phone background for so long, one of you, Matthew, and your son, Oliver when he was a year old, and the newest one, the two of you with you a now three-year-old Ollie, and your newborn daughter, Tessa. “He is my husband. You might have heard that I was out for the last two months of last school year because of maternity leave, and I’m also surprised that you didn’t already know I was married to him considering he’s come with me to school events plenty of times. Maybe you’ll even get to meet him.” 
The rest of the class goes fine: the students making ‘their elemental symbol,’ which they surprisingly like doing; their initials were the symbol, and they decorated it with things they liked and things that represented them. You told them you would be making a class periodic table on the windows behind them, leading to all the hockey boys begging to be together so they could do one coherent background image. You couldn’t help but laugh, thinking of how Matthew would get his friends to do the same thing if given the opportunity. 
Every period brought up the same questions about you and Matthew: the girls wanted to know how you met (you met at a bar but that seemed a little inappropriate to tell your high schoolers, saying you met at a charity function was what you went with), how’d you come up with the names for your children (weird, but fine: you came up with Oliver just because you’ve always loved the name, Matthew came up with Tessa because it was the closest name to his sisters that he could think of without actually naming her Taryn as well, and he adores his sister, so why not?), the boys asked how much of his team you knew (all of them), how many games you went to (as many as you could but it was hard with children), can you get them free tickets (no). Teachers weren’t supposed to share a lot about their personal life, but the students could probably find enough of this information out on social media, even though you kept your own accounts private. 
You have one more period before the end of the day, luckily you had a prep time, even though there wasn’t much to do since it was the beginning of the year. While browsing through your roster for your last class, your room phone starts to ring. 
“Chucky’s room,” you answer, using the nickname your husband’s teammates used for him.
“Hi, Y/N, your husband called. He said he needed you to call him back and that it was urgent. Margot said she would cover your last class,” the school secretary says from the other end.
“What? Is everything ok?” you ask, trying to stretch the chord of the phone long enough to reach your phone at your desk. 
“He didn’t say, he just said to call him. I’m assuming you have to leave, so you’re good to just go.”
You hang up, starting to panic. What happened to him? What about Ollie? What if it was Tessa? Oh my god, what if something happened to all three of them? You start to panic, preparing for the worst as you dial Matthew’s number and pack up your bag as fast as you can. “Babe, what’s wrong?” 
“You need to meet us at Alberta Children’s Hospital as soon as you can, ok?” you hear him say, the same panic in your voice that you started to feel. 
“Matthew, what happened?” you say, Margot standing in your doorway, sensing your panic. ‘What’s going on?’ she mouths to you as you hold up a finger to her, waiting for Matthew’s answer.
“It’s Oliver, don’t worry, just get here, please. I need you.” He hangs up before you can say anything else.
“Telling me don’t worry and get to the children’s hospital because of Oliver in the same sentence is oxymoronic,” you say to Margot, not really knowing what else to tell her, “Just tell them they can hang out or something, not to get too loud. Hand out the syllabus, tell them don’t worry about it because I’ll see them soon. Tell them I’ll be emailing them tonight so to check their school accounts, but I had a family emergency,” you spit out to her as she just nods along.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but he’ll be alright. Let me know if you need anything.” 
She brings you in for a hug, trying to calm your nerves even though it didn’t really work. You run out of the door right before the bell rings, students swarming around you as you try to beat them down the staircase. The upperclassmen who had study halls this period were also allowed to leave, a privilege none of them had lost yet since it was the beginning of the year, which means you had to battle with them to get out of the single entrance your school had. 
You were shaking, trying to plug in the directions to the hospital as you were walking to your car, praying that it would save you some time to just get the hell out of there and go see what happened to Oliver.
Why didn’t Matthew tell you what was wrong? How bad was it that it could only be said in person? Or was it something trivial and he just didn’t want to say it over the phone? Either way, why didn’t he tell you? What was wrong with Oliver? Your mind was racing the entire drive there, nothing that you could think of or listen to could take your mind off the fact that your husband was waiting in the hospital with your son, for who knows what reason? 
You rush into the hospital, bag on your arm, hands shaking, ready to cry and just wanting to find your son. “I’m looking for Oliver Tkachuk? T-k-a-c-h-u-k. I’m his mother,” you frantically say to the lady at the desk. 
“Sorry, I can’t give you any information right now, the doctor is still with him,” she says, trying to give you a reassuring smile. 
“Is there anything you can tell me? Where he is? If his father is here? Where his father is? Anything about how long it will be?” you start to spit out, a constant stream of panic running through you, “Sorry, sorry, that was a lot. Are you sure there’s nothing you can tell me about my son? If I can where my husband is can I go to him?”
You didn’t mean to panic at her, if that was a thing, but it just kind of happened anyway. “Yes, if you can find him that’s fine. If you take a seat right now, I can tell you something as soon as I find out if you’re still here,” she says, reassuringly. You do as she says, digging out your phone from the bottom of your bag to see if Matthew has sent you anything.
‘Hey, I’m in the emergency waiting room, where are you?’ you send him, just in case he’s in the middle of something with a doctor. Your phone buzzes immediately, him telling you where to find him. You get up, the lady at the desk nodding at you, probably assuming you were going to wander to find Matthew. 
“Y/N!” you hear Matthew call once you get up to the floor. You run to him, the panic in his voice pushing you to the verge of tears. He takes you in for a hug. You can feel his body shaking.
You look up at him, tears filling his eyes. “What happened?” 
He buries his head in your shoulder, the two of you standing in the middle of the hallway, probably in the way. “We were outside playing after lunch and I turned my back for two seconds because Tessa was crying and then I look and Oliver is crying and there’s blood everywhere because he fell, and,”
“Matthew, Matthew,” you say, trying to get him to stop. 
“I feel so bad. I can’t believe I let our son get hurt. And then I couldn’t get a hold of you because your phone was off and I just panicked and brought him here” You can feel tears soaking through your shirt. 
“Babe,” you say, pulling him off your shoulder. You’ve never seen him so upset before. He looks just like Oliver did when you told him he couldn’t have dessert before dinner. “Kids get hurt. That happens. He’s probably going to need some stitches, yeah?”
“I can’t believe I let this happen,” he says, the two of you walking to go sit down. 
“You were watching two small children at once. It was going to happen at some point, and it could happen to either of us,” you tell him, trying to get him to calm down. “There is no way you never busted your lip open or something like that when you were a child. He just takes after his father.”
“Oh no,” he says, the color nearly draining from his face as he realizes Ollie was practically going to be his mini-me.  
“Speaking of: where is our daughter? I really hope you didn’t leave her alone.”
“Oh, god, no. She’s with Rory.” You look at him, shocked that he would leave her with Rory of all people. “Ok, she was the only one within a ten-mile radius that I would trust and could reach. Out other option was Johnny. Do you trust him with our newborn daughter?” 
“Point taken,” you say, suddenly thankful for Rory. “Has the doctor said anything?”
“Just that it’s going to be a while and that he’ll come get us when he’s ready to,” Matthew says, looking down at his hands. 
You take his hand in yours. “Ollie will be alright. I promise.” 
“How are you so calm? How am I the one who’s freaking out? God, being a parent has made me soft.”
You can’t help but laugh: his last game of the season he got flat out ejected from the game because he was fighting. If that’s soft, you don’t want to see him any other way. “If both parents are freaking out that never ends well. So I’m just freaking out internally,” you say, leaning your head on his shoulder.
He kisses the top of your head, “God, I’m lucky to have you.”
“I know.” You look up at him and smile, him rolling his eyes at your modesty. “Ollie’s going to be fine. This happens to kids all the time.” 
The two of you sit there in silence, watching doctors and nurses walk by, parents and siblings going around probably trying to find their child. Matthew seems to have calmed down, a little at least. You both knew Oliver was going to be fine, but shit, was it scary to not know anything. 
You lean down to your bag, digging through it to find your computer. You might as well start drafting an email to your students now while you have time. “What are you doing?” Matthew asks, curious as the family picture you used in your slideshow pops up as your lock screen. 
“I have to email my last class. They should be out of school by now and I told Margot to have them watch for an email from me.” Matthew looks almost angry, but why? “You should come into school one day if we can get Rory to watch the kids; the boys went crazy when they found out we were married, I think they would love it if you did an experiment with them.”
“We’re literally in the hospital for our son, and you’re thinking of your students, instead?” he snips, his face starting to turn red.
You weren’t thinking of your students instead of Oliver, you were thinking of them and Oliver, just not at the same time. “Sorry that in addition to our two children, I also have, what, four class rosters of thirty students each? And my junior homeroom class? And a study hall section? My entire life is occupied by children, so sorry if I have more than just ours on my mind.” You knew this anger was coming from his worry of Oliver, but that doesn’t mean he has the right to take it out on you. “Matthew, I’m just writing them an email, and then I don’t have to worry about them until tomorrow.”
“I mean, it’s getting a little annoying that I have to stay home with the kids all day while you’re at work. I couldn’t even reach you because you don’t check your phone, and then the school said I would have to wait to hear from you until you have a free period because they couldn’t find anyone to cover your class. Do you even care about Oliver and Tessa?” He can’t believe he just said that to you. He knows your two kids mean more to you than he probably does. Before he can say he’s sorry, you start. 
“Ok, four things. One: we talked about me returning to teaching and both agreed that it was something that we were comfortable with me doing. You only have to stay home with the kids for another week before Tessa starts at daycare and Oliver starts preschool. Two: you know that I can’t have my phone out during the day. It’s not like I can call you in the middle of practice or during a game, so you being irritated about that is ridiculous. Three: the school being understaffed isn’t really my fault. Yes, they were wrong to not get a hold of me, but that, again, is not my fault. And four: the only reason you are acting like this is because you are worried about Oliver, which I understand, because, and this may shock you: I am, too. But that does not mean that you have the right to turn your worry into anger, and then take it out on your wife,” you say, surprising yourself by staying calm the entire time. “So if you excuse me, I’m going to go call Rory and check on Tessa, unless that’s something you think you should do because maybe I don’t care enough about my own children.” 
You get up and go to the end of the hallway before he can say anything. “Hey, Rory, it’s me. How’s my girl doing?”
“She poops. So much. Did you know babies poop this much? I think I’ve changed her diaper three times since Matthew dropped her off.” Maybe Johnny would have been better than Rory, but then again, you could see Johnny using a curtain as a diaper a la Uncle Jesse and Joey in Full House. 
“Yes, remember, Tessa is my second baby. Oliver pooped a lot, too,” you say, laughing. 
“I don’t remember pooping this much as a child,” you hear her say, obviously switching her phone to speaker. “Like I see why you love because she is just so cute,” you hear Tessa laughing as Rory is probably tickling her or making a stupid face as she does baby talk to her, “But the poop!” “Ror, you wouldn’t remember pooping as a child, you don’t start forming explicit memories until you’re two, but implicit memories when you’re seven. But other than the poop, how is she doing? Is she giving you any other trouble?”
“You know too much about science for a teacher,” she says, you rolling you eyes at the comment, “But, nah, she’s great. She’s probably going to nap soon? Matthew had mentioned that she normally naps around now?”
“Yep, she’s typically asleep when I get home, so put her down for a nap and keep an eye on her, please. I don’t need both my children in the hospital.” 
“Well, who else would you trust with your child?”
“Most other people I know.”
“I said most.” You finally hang after she reassures you four times that Tessa is fine with her, telling her that one of you will call when you’re leaving the hospital, whichever parent doesn’t have Oliver will go to Rory’s, and that you’ll text her with updates on Ollie if you have any. 
You walk over to Matthew, sitting in the chair with his head in his hands, his fingers intertwined with his curls. He looks up when you sit down, the look on his face saying that he was sorry for what you said. 
“You are the best mother our kids could have,” he says.
“Mr. and Mrs. Tkachuk?” a man in a white coat, stethoscope and clipboard stands in front of you. You stand up and go to him, both of you hoping for good news as Matthew puts his arm around you. “Your son is fine; he just needed stitches and a cast on his left arm. If you follow me I can take you to his room.”
“A cast? You said there was just blood,” you look at Matthew, wide-eyed and unsure if you were confused or shocked.
“There was blood! I don’t know, you’re the science teacher, you should know this stuff,” he says, trying to defend himself.
“You do understand that biology and anatomy are different from chemistry, right? Like, I love you so much, but how do you know nothing about science? I never stop talking about science.”
He just shrugs as the two of you stand outside the door of the room your son was in. “I went to school in America, babe.” You roll your eyes as he takes your hand. “Ready?” 
You nod, both of you walking into the room to see your so sitting on the bed. He looks so small with the blue cast on his arm, stitches stretching across his chin. “Mommy! Daddy!” he screams, “Look! It’s blue!” 
You can feel yourself start to cry at the sight of your son hurt, even though his curls are going in every direction as he tries to jump off the bed to show you his cast. “Oh sweetie, your chin,” you say, tilting his head up so you can get a better look at it.
“Aren’t they cool?” he screams again. “And look! They gave me a lollipop!” he holds up the yellow candy in your face, you not even noticing that he had to begin with.
“He really is your son,” you say, looking at Matthew as Oliver squirms around on the bed. 
“The stitches can be taken out in five days, so you’ll need to bring him back here to have them removed. Then for his arm, I’ll want a check after two weeks, but it probably won’t be coming off for five to seven,” the doctor starts spitting out. He hands Matthew a piece of paper from his clipboard, Matthew looking at it like it’s written in a foreign language before stuffing it in your bag. “You can take your son home, just sign the discharge papers,” he finishes, leaving the room.
“You sign the papers and get Tessa from Rory’s, all take Ollie home?” you say to him, picking up Oliver in your arms. 
Matthew nods, kissing Oliver on the head. “Daddy, can we have ice cream for dinner?” 
You both laugh, Matthew’s mini-me giving you the same puppy dog eyes that Matthew gives you when he wants something. “Only if Mommy is ok with it, but only because you got hurt.”
“We’ll get some ice cream on the way home, bub,” you say, kissing Oliver on the cheek as he squeals with joy. “See you at home, babe? With Tessa.” 
“See you at home.” 
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tomhollandisabae · 4 years
hey can you do 54 74 98?? Love your writinggg😍😍
Thank you darling!!💕💕
054: "I think I'm in love... I'm not talking about you Tom."
074: "Is that time of month?"
098: "I love you and it's killing me."
Summary: Tom has to wine you over Tessa.
warings: pure fluff, compo w/ tessa and tommy😍
Masterlist  Prompts
She's Mine - Tom Holland x Reader
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You and Tom were relaxing in your bedroom as a matter of fact that you can't go out because of the coronavirus lockdown. You were actually trapped in your own house. Funny innit?
Tom was watching a new show on Netflix, while you were petting Tessa who was sitting in your lap.
"Baby, do you want some cocoa?" He asked you when he finished the episode.
"Sure." You said without looking at him. You felt the bed moving as he sat up and left your room while you kept olaying with Tessa.
You were so greatful of this dog. She was so cute you could easily die for her.
When your boyfriend came back with two caps of hot cocoa he placed one next to you while he jumped back into your bed, trying to get comfy in your lap while you were trying to rescue Tessa.
"Babe, be careful with Tess." You cried.
"I'm sorry love but I really need your attention." He said with pouting lips.
"Ugh Tom you're such a baby." You laughed as he tickled your belly.
"Heyyyy, T-TTooomm... hehehehe... p-pleaseee s-s-sto-opp." You were laughing so hard that you couldn't breath.
"Okay." He said and he grabbed Tessa from you and turned his back to you while he was kissing her.
"You bitch. Why did you stole Tessa from me. We were having fun. How dare you do such thing. You should be sad about that because... because you... I... I dont... I want Tessa back anyways." You had sat up still on your bed while you were complaining. Tom was looking at you so confused.
"Is that time of month?" He asked sinply whick made you "mad".
"TOM!!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!!" You said as you jumped of the bed and started chasing Tom.
"Please, no, I take it back pleae!!!" He screamed while you were running around the bedroom.
"Tessa is mine." You said as you stopped chasing him and sat back down on your bed as you took Tessa again and started giggling.
After that Tom settle down too, still afraid though that you would freak out again.
"I think I'm in love..." You sighed.
"Awwh baby..." Tom said as he hugged you from behind.
"I'm not talking about you Tom." He said stenrly.
"Baby, you hurt my feelings." Tom said with his hand on his chest.
Then you let go of Tessa and turned around to face him as you wrapped your legs around him and laid on his torso.
"I'm so sorry Tommy. I just thiught that it would be funny." You cried.
"It's okay baby. It was funny, though you were a bit scary too, but it was okay." He laughed as he petted you head.
"Mmhmm" You got comfier in his lap squishing him even more.
"I love you so and it's killing me." He whispered in your ear.
You looked uo at him with a soft smile playing on your lips.
"I love you so much Tommy." You said and you pecked his lips.
That's it guys!!! I think I'm gonna leave this world today. I had been written another imagine for at least an hour and somehow the app decided that it was okay to play with my feelings!!! Ughhhh....anyways thank u for reading and please send me your requests!!!💞💞💞love ya xx❤️
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amwritesitall · 4 years
Audrey Tindall Playlist
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With Audrey’s playlist a lot of this is based on vibes, so I’m just going to put a little excerpt from the song :)
Playlist link
“Biggest Fan” by Voxtrot
I've never had much hope for my insecurities, but I love that you do. And everything that I lack and could never be, The other half is you, it's always been you. So hold on, hold on this means a lot to me. Cause I know, I know that you will always be. The one, the one, the one that I can count on for anything, anything. And I'll always be your biggest fan, and I'll always be your biggest fan.
“I Think We Danced (But I Can’t Be Sure)” by Ran’d
Go put your best dress on I'll meet you at your door And maybe tonight's just the night to take chances I've waited this whole week To sweep you off your feet And I swear I won't let you go 'til we're dancin'
“Pretty Girl” by Clairo
I could be a pretty girl Won't ever make you blue And I could be a pretty girl I'll lose myself in you 
“Falling for U” by Peacy!, mxmtoon
But I can't help it I'm falling for you And I can't quit it 'Cause I'm stuck on you And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical But I just want to be with you 
“Cleopatra (Acoustic Demo)” by The Lumineers
I was Cleopatra, I was young and an actress And you knelt by my matress And asked for my hand And I was sad that you asked it, as I laid in a black dress, with my father in a cascette, I had no plans, And I left the foot prints, the mud stained on the carpet, and it hardened like my heart did when you left town But I must admit it, that I would marry you in an instant, damn your wife I'd be your mistress just to have you around
“Fool” by Cavetown
Call me on the phone at three, I talk to you while half asleep Complaining 'bout your mother so I take you to the cemetery Rant to me I like the sound, I like your voice, I like your mouth
“Astronaut Kids” by Hotel Fiction
Cause I don't need to be an astronaut who sails the sea As long as I can just hold you forever And I know I'm too old to dream and I should try to be something real And I don't need to be the man inside of the TV As long as I can just hold you forever, And I know I'm too old to dream and I should try to be something real
“Mona Lisa” by Valntn, Peter Fenn, Tray Haggerty
She's a Mona Lisa Everyone's lining up to see her There must be something 'bout her features You'll find her beauty goes much deeper Once you get to meet her
You see her walking down the boulevard She got the posture of a superstar She looks so fly in those Gucci Slides I wonder what she hides, under her disguise
“All My Loving” by The Stairwells
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, Tomorrow I'll miss you; Remember I'll always be true. And then while I'm away, I'll write home ev'ry day, And I'll send all my lovin' to you.
“Silly Girl” by chloe moriondo
'Cause I'm just a silly girl in a stupid dumb old world I'm just a silly girl in my stupid dumb old world And he was perfect He was supposed to be
I made him perfect 'Cause I wanted him to be
“Crush” Tessa Violet
You make it difficult to not overthink And when I'm with you I turn all shades of pink, I wanna touch you but don't wanna be weird It's such a rush, I'm thinking wish you were here
“Crush Culture” by Conan Gray
Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out I know what you're doing, tryna get me to pursue ya Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out Spill my guts out, spill my guts out
“Classy Girls” by The Lumineers
She spoke of places I had never been That she had traveled to And we slow danced along to faster tunes
And I made her laugh, I made a pass I showed her my half-dollar ring She said, "That's pretty cool But classy girls don't kiss in bars, you fool"
“Build Me Up Buttercup” by Lara Anderson
Why do you build me up buttercup, baby Just to let me down and mess me around? And then worst of all you never call, baby When you say you will but I love you still I need you more than anyone, darlin' You know that I have from the start So build me up buttercup, don't break my heart
“Girlfriends” by The Academic
She's only 20 and she's driving a Bentley She's only 20 and she's driving me crazy I'm coming up, she's coming down I let your feet touch the ground She's my girlfriend
“as good as it gets” by sophie meiers
I remember the way the light fell On your shoulders that day I remember the face you made When you got the call Just throw your hope away
I type out too many messages A million things I wish that I could fix I wonder if this is as good as it gets As good as it gets
“Channel Orange In Your Living Room” by Charlie Burg
But now I can't stop thinking about you Each moment passes and my thoughts return to you And the memory of us too As we listen to Channel Orange in your living room
Even when you're away That album makes me feel like you stayed To listen now would make me a fool again for you
“Sea Sick” by binki
Sunken overboarding, I'm so sick of floating At least I'm sinking right beside you See there's no one like you It's not an obsession I just need to find you 'Cause
You could be my sunshine even when it's grey
“7PM” by Lilacs, Lizzy McAlpine
I don't usually do this But baby tell me that you love me and prove it I'm just so far away it's easy to lose it So tell me you're mine, oh I'm so stuck and I need you to pull me back out Say you love me and maybe I'll stop having doubts
“PlantedInMyMind.Memo” by Charlie Burg
You're stuck in my head But I only think of you Will we be together soon? I'm thrown on the wayside You're planted in my mind But I don't wanna be ok without you
“24 / 7 / 365″ by Surfaces
Met, this girl down by the vine Had long tan legs and big brown eyes Seemed the type I would wanna make mine
She said, I can tell you're not my type You're Mr. Wrong, I'm Mrs. Right This could never be what you wanna be tonight
“She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5
I don't mind spendin' everyday Out on your corner in the pourin' rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile And she will be loved, and she will be loved
Tap on my window, knock on my door, I Want to make you feel beautiful I know I tend to get so insecure It doesn't matter anymore
“Hey There Delilah” by Plain White T’s
Hey there, Delilah Don't you worry about the distance I'm right there if you get lonely Give this song another listen Close your eyes Listen to my voice, it's my disguise I'm by your side
“If I Die Young” by The Band Perry
And I'll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom I'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger I've never known the lovin' of a man But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
“Be My Mistake” by The 1975
I shouldn't have called 'Cause we shouldn't speak You do make me hard But she makes me weak
And don't wait outside my hotel room Just wait 'til I give you a sign 'Cause I get lonesome sometimes
“Letter From Last Summer” by Charlie Burg
I can't remember the name of the place Where I bought this backpack But I know it was somewhere with you in a city Where memories live of our love
Don't be a nuisance Just kiss me for longer 'Cause we have been crying as much as we've laughed Read aloud the letter from last summer So I can recall why I wrote it to you
“INC.” by Dori Valentine
My lady don't care 'bout no money She love me 'cause I'm cute She think I'm pretty funny now And all of the times we going broke It mean nothing to me now 'Cause she say that she want me She loves, loves me She loves me
“Burn Slowly/ I Love You” by The Brazen Youth
I love you like the forest loves the rain Like the water loves the drain, I love you
I love you like the wind, it loves to scream Like the child loves to dream, I love you
“Pretty Face” by PUBLIC
Do you know her? The girl that looks to you And would you love her The way that she loved you?
Such a pretty face You see her walking around It's the middle of the night And nobody makes a sound Says that she can do it but is she lying?
“Electric Love” by Mikaela Astel
Candy She's sweet like candy in my veins And baby, I'm dying for another taste
And every night my mind is running around her Thunder's getting louder and louder Baby you're like lightning in a bottle I can't let you go now that I got it
“Alignments” by Paige
I'm a liar if I told you I was coping To be honest its hard I'm a child if I cry over the small things Slowly breaking apart
And I won't blame the alignments for this one Eventually the bad days come And we run don't we?
“Just Like A Movie” by Wallows
Sneaking out, I'll try to meet you there White lights, now we're running down the stairs Everybody's wasted, throwing away their lives It's all the same 'cause no one ever tries
Through all the sounds that we're laying on the ground Don't ever care and the rest is hidden now How can it be that we are just the same? Or can it be that, can it be that?
“Million Bucks” by Smallpools
I used to be a skeptic non-believer But now it's changed, you're worth your weight in gold The richest love ain't growing on the trees out here But confidently, I can say I'm sold
Stay all-in right now Salt drips from her brow No more days without Makes me feel so right I can do no wrong We'll keep going strong
“So Far Away” by Carole King
So far away Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore? It would be so fine to see your face at my door And it doesn't help to know that you're just time away
Long ago, I reached for you and there you stood Holding you again could only do me good Oh, how I wish I could But you're so far away
“Beautiful” by Jessie Mueller, Beautiful Ensemble
You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face And show the world all the love in your heart Then people gonna treat you better You're gonna find, yes, you will That you're beautiful as you feel 
“Explain It at the Coffee Shop” by Ashton Edminster
Take my hand And hold it tight Look at the paintings I'll be your guide Don't stop looking in my eyes Are you cold Do you want to sit down I've been here a million times So I know my way around Don't stop looking at me now
“My Dude” by Litany
I hope you don't think I'm being cruel Only I'm a better match for you Oh what I'd give to be in her shoes Don't you know that
I really like you And if you liked me too I could be your girlfriend You could be my dude
“Runaway Man” by Olivia Willhite
So, baby, glide Right through the sky 'Cause you didn't look back when I said I loved you Baby, goodbye And leave me with a sigh You'll eventually hit the ground, and even then I'll be waiting for you
“Calvaire” by spill tab
Chiant tu m’exaspères Quand tu pars et tu me déserte Pres de toi chui jamais fière On finit toujours en guerre
You might like:  Sally McKenna Playlist or  Sarah’s AHS Characters (+Alice and a Ship) as Songs I’m Vibing With
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The Lockdown Letter Part 3 - Tom Holland x Best Friend!Reader
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Summary: Before leaving back to Washington days before the quarantine, Y/N sends her best friend Tom a letter. But what he received was a folded, white blank piece of paper.
a/n: Knives Out (2018) SPOILERS!! if u haven’t seen it WATCH IT iz dat good also can we talk about how weird it is to see Chris Evans on other movies like im not mentally stable for that 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Brows knitting in confusion, Tom stared at the blank piece of paper on his hand. He looked back at envelope and back at paper again.
His name was written with cursive hand writing. His heart sped up, mind racing.
Paddy called out from the hallway to his room asking him to help with something, taking him out of his reverie. “Yeah, give me a sec.”
He stashed the paper back to the envelope and placed it on his desk, looking back at it once before leaving his room. He passed by the living room and found Harry laid out on the couch, watching TV with difficulties, Tessa sat on his face. He placed her on his stomach, and she kept licking his face.
“Where’s Paddy?”
“Outside,” he rubbed Tessa’s stomach.
Tom turned his head to the disregarded TV where a familiar voice spoke. He looked to see Daniel Craig on the screen, sitting on the passenger seat of the car - earphones on, oblivious to the ambulance behind him. He remembered seeing the movie last year with Y/N, laughing at that scene. “That’s Y/N’s favorite movie.”
Harry rolled his eyes and muttered, “Whipped.”
Paddy’s loud voice called him out again. He went to the back door. “What’d you help with?”
Paddy held up a lighter.
“What are you doing with a lighter?” Tom asked.
“I wanted to burn my school homework.” He shrugged. “I’m scared of using the lighter. It could burn my hand.”
Tom took the lighter to his hands. “Why didn’t you ask Harry? He was sitting on the couch.”
“He took my Snickers. I’m not talking to him.” 
Tom laughed at his brother’s antics. “What if you still need your homework though?”
“Nope. The world is ending. Homework is the last thing I need.”
“Don’t blame me on this if you still need it.”
“I won’t.” Tom took a paper and lit the lighter. He watched as the paper caught the flames, and casted it on to the pile of papers on the pavement.
“Wow that feels good.” His brother’s eyes glazed in amazement. “I feel like burning the world now.”
“Getting worried for you there, buddy,” he ruffled his brother’s hair, chuckling. “But maybe learn to light a lighter on your own first, I guess.”
Paddy ignored him. “So are you and Y/N still together?”
“What?” He whipped his head to his young brother. “No were not together together. I mean ...”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know? She likes someone else?” His stomach twisted at the thought. His brother raised his eyebrows. “She likes this … Chris Evans guy - I don’t know!”
His mind drifted off to the time she confessed her undying love for the actor that time they watched his film, Knives Out last year. She was buzzing with excitement, even when they stepped out of the theater. Always ranting about how good it was, and how clever it was laid out. When she asked him what part he liked most, he said the ending.
And then suddenly, it hit him like a bus. A literal light bulb appeared on his head. The pieces of a puzzle, it was all connecting together.
The blank letter, wasn’t blank.
“Paddy, you’re a genius.” Tom bolted towards the house.
“You’re welcome?” Paddy shouted in confusion.
With the lighter on his hands, he reached his room. His heart beating rapidly in chest. Excitement meshed with anxiety raging through him.
He grabbed the envelope on his desk, flinging it to the side and held the edge blank paper on with hands. He only hoped it would work. He flicked the lighter on and swished it underneath the paper, careful not to have it too close to burn it.
Faint words written in neat, small cursive started to appear.
He knew only one person with such lovely handwriting.
You must’ve remembered something about me and my love for mystery movies because here we are. Gotta keep it short. I don’t know how you’ll react act after reading this but the world’s ending so what the hell.
These memories we’ve spent, Tom; the laughs, and the inside jokes, they’re all priceless. I never gave them a thought, until that one day. You were just smiling at your dog ... and then I went into cardiac arrest. I just melted. (Cliché and cringey I know)
You are a great friend. My absolute best friend. And if you ever consider me, too, then that’s why I thought we can never be more than that. Because, you, my friend, are one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. They say take the risks or lose the chance, but this one was the risk I was not yet willing to make. To lose you for silly emotions is worse than catching a cold; because a cold will eventually get better, but our friendship would never be the same if you don’t feel the same.
You understand me and my thoughts. I understand you even without words. We fit, like hands clasped together. Take the chance and lose all of this?
That’s what I was thinking all those times.
Then I saw that one episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Meredith Grey spoke to me. She said,
“So, do it. Decide.
Is this the life you want to live?
Is this the person you want to love?
Is this the best you can be?
Can you be stronger? Kinder?
More compassionate? Decide.
Breathe in. Breathe out and decide.”
So I did. And I decided, this is what I choose. You. You’re my best friend, my light, and everything else. I don’t care about the consequences of our friendship anymore.
To put it simply: Hi, you are my person.
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kissryuwuji · 4 years
ok so i have no clue how to send the song things like you did so i’m just going to tell you some of the songs i’ve been listening to, uh but it is not as upbeat as your stuff give us a little love —fallulah i can’t handle change —roar you know it —colony house replay —lady gaga feel something —bea miller take a walk —passion pit daddy issues —the neighbourhood crush —tessa violet play with fire —sam tinnesz DREAMERS is also vv good too imo, then all the other songs on my tag game are good! ily
Lee!!! Ehrjfuucifirejdjjxicjjcirjjejwjsnndnckgiriieiwjenndjfirr thats how long it took me to calm down LOL also for inserting music into the ask, u gotta update the app which i admit is a pretty damn cool feature but adding tags is sTILL WONKERS alsO ALSo its ok i listen to a lot of depressing sounding music anyway lmao
Ok i love the instrumental and tempo on this and i wrote a whole paragraph abt this but it did not save in my drafts 🤡 i love her voice and the song!!!
First off i relate to this title and its lyrics LOL love the instrumental build up and reminds me a bit of hippo campus's newer songs (and some other band too buT IDR WHICH) so yeah id hum along to this when im drawing bc its just such a nice song man idk i feel like u just get me
COLONY HOUSE!!!! I recognize them uh ok as u can see im that person who will b like i listen to this band but really only know one of their songs LOL i love their song silhouette so yeah i love this too ofc
Omg lady gaga 😳 i havent listened to her since idk telephone i forgot how good her music is omg i couldnt stop smiling listenibg tk this bc of the sheer thought of it being lady gaga LANDNXJFB def sharing this w my sis so we can jam to it in the car
This song did in fact make me feel smth 🤧 u just reminded me of like how good female artists are like ive been deprived of their works anyway idk how to describe it but im obviously listening to this again LOL
aGAINNNNN the instrumental !!! His singing is good too i just like it im adding this to my car playlist (haha get it im not gonna explain bc i tried and it sounded dumb)
I admit this is the second song ive heard from the neighborhood besides sweater weather LOL i do be liking this tho 😳 the beat and tempo are so nice
Omg this song,,,,so cute,,,, could not stop bopping my head to it no words needed but ok this brought me back to pre teen yrs LOL
Whoa this gave me imagine dragon vibes i love this and the back up vocals but also why does it feel like u took a peak into my 6th grade plalist omg
DREAMERS DJDJFJCJR I LOVE THEM TOO my fav songs r die happy and fake it til u make it and teddy bear and thats what i can think of rn LOL
Ok i noticed the reviews were getting shorter but i didnt want to repeat but just know i added all these songs to my playlists and i love them 😌 omg also i love that u sent songs uve been recently listening to bc the songs i sent were also songs ive recently listening to too (except careless whispers) LMAO might send u my fav throwback songs tho
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naturallytom · 5 years
I’m sorry for the baggage but I’ve been fighting with my brother a lot lately and like we’re both adults so our parents never get involved now and it just kinda feels like no ones on my side and like i feel super alone and like I never wanna bug my friends about it so I was just wondering if you could write a blurb that’s just like Tom noticing someone’s off and being supportive and like loving idk I need my trusty white man to get me through this one idk is this dumb?
hey no need to apologize!! i totally understand what this is like, im sending u love & support💞
tom walked into the apartment, frowning when he noticed how quiet it was.
“darling? ‘m home!” he called out, expecting you to greet him like you usually did, but instead tom was greeted with silence. he made his way to the bedroom, seeing you curled up under the covers with tessa at your feet. 
he gave tessa some attention before climbing on the bed, wrapping his arm around your waist and pressing soft kisses to your head. 
“hey, what’s wrong, my love? something bothering you?” he whispered, frowning when you shook your head, your back still facing him. 
“nothing, tommy. ‘m fine.” you tried to convince him, but the way your voice cracked and you refused to face him told him otherwise. 
“hey,” he soothed, moving to crouch down next to you to see your face. “you can tell me, y’know.” 
wordlessly, you opened the covers for him to join, immediately filling with warmth as he climbed back into bed with you. 
“just fights with my brother. ‘s stupid.” you mumbled, tom cupping your cheeks softly, smiling when you leaned into his touch. 
“hey that’s not stupid. wanna talk about it?” he comforted, pressing a soft kiss to your head.
“no,” you shook your head. “can you just hold me?” 
“absolutely, my love.”
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
2x01: In My Time of Dying
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Sam and Dean Winchester: Monster hunters
We pick up right where we left off last season, only this time Netflix got the rights to the proper music. Bad Moon Rising, indeed. Sam, Dean, and John are all unconscious or dead in the now destroyed Impala. The possessed trucker jumps out to double check. Sam’s actually awake (aw, baby Sam Fucking Winchester emerges!) and threatens the demon with the Colt. The demon smokes out leaving Sam to call for his family while the horrified trucker looks on. 
Cut to Rescue 911. The Family Winchester is airlifted to a hospital. Dean wakes in the quietest hospital ever. He starts wandering around trying to find somebody only to find the world’s rudest reception station. It dawns on him that the woman can’t see him. He races back to his room, only to find himself with tubes everywhere and monitors beeping. Oh dear.
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Sam rushes in and Dean starts talking to him, but just like the receptionist, Sam can’t see or hear Dean. A doctor comes to tell Sam that John is awake. Sam wants to know about Dean though. He tells Sam they won’t know the full extent of Dean’s injuries until he wakes up --if he wakes up. Dr. Doom and Gloom doesn’t know Dean’s love/hate relationship with death. If he’s alive, he often wants to be dead and if he’s dead nothing is stopping him from coming back alive. 
Sam visits John and discusses Dean’s status. He’s as determined as Dean to save him. (Go, codependency, go!). John says that they’ll look into alternative medicines and then he asks for the Colt. 
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That doesn’t sit so well with Sam. But he tells him it’s in the truck of the Impala and Bobby’s on his way to tow it back to Sioux City. John tells Sam to get the Colt and to pick up some things for protection (Oh, how young Sam had NO CLUE what the ingredients were for.) Sam asks if John knows anything about what the demon meant when he said he had plans for him and children like him. John doesn’t know. 
Dean was watching the whole exchange through, and he ain’t buying it.
For Skeptical Son Science:
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Sam and Bobby meet by the Impala and Bobby, needlessly cruel, admits, “This just ain’t worth a tow.” DEAN’S SOUL IS ALWAYS WORTH REPAIRING! (Natasha: Preach!)
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Sam then gives Bobby the list of ingredients and tells Bobby they’re for protection from the demon. Bobby ain’t buying it. 
John visits Dean. Ghost Dean starts pleading with John to help. He hasn’t called anyone, hadn’t done a thing but sit there. “I’ve done everything you have ever asked me. Everything. I’ve given everything I’ve ever had. And you’re just gonna sit there and you’re gonna watch me die?” 
He hears a noise outside the room and checks it out. A flash of something rushes by and Dean heads to investigate. 
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He finds a woman choking on the floor. No one responds to her weak calls for help, and no one can hear him yell. (What kind of hospital is this, just letting a lady die on the floor like that?) 
Sam comes back and Dean keeps trying to talk to him, with no luck. John notices Sam’s mood. Sam tells John he knows what those ingredients are for --summoning a demon. John’s got a plan (Good lord, Sam is his father’s son.) Sam is GOING OFF on his dad, and I mean, in retrospect, oops (but you kind of deserve this for not telling Sam your plan). Dean gets so frustrated watching the exchange he knocks a glass of water off the table. And then lets the audience know that he TOTALLY watches chick-flicks (I know, I know, Swayze always gets a pass). He starts to glitch out and people rush past John’s room. Sam follows them to Dean’s room where he’s flatlined and they’re trying to bring him back. 
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Dean sees a reaper hovering over his body and tries grabbing it but is pushed away. It then rushes from the room and Dean gets a pulse again. Whew. He tells Sam that he’s going to get it before it gets him. 
Wandering through the hospital, he finds a woman yelling at others. “Can’t you see me?” etc. Her name is Tessa and she wants to know if she is dead. Dean takes her to her room. He tells her that they’re spirits but if they hold on, they don’t have to die. 
Meanwhile, Sam is telling John he felt like he sensed Dean and wonders if it’s possible. John says anything it possible.
Dean and Tessa wander the Hospital of Young Adult Nearly Dead Angst. 
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Actually, Tessa is handling this whole almost dead thing really well. HMMM. “It’s out of my control. It’s just fate.” Them's fightin’ words, Tessa. Dean doesn’t take kindly to “fate”. “That’s crap, you always have a choice.” 
Sam’s back in Dean’s room with his handy “Mystical Talking Board”.
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Dean feels like he’s at a slumber party, but dives right in to talk with Sam. Remarkably, Dean doesn’t take the opportunity to immediately spell out B-O-O-B-S. He takes control of the pointer to spell the word H-U-N-T.
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Through the board, he tells Sam that there’s a reaper after him. Sam knows that if it’s there naturally, they can’t defeat it. “You can’t kill death,” Dean says rather famously. LOL those were the days. 
Sam spins into Winchester denial mode because there’s always another way! He heads in to talk to John but that little chicken has flown the coop. 
Down in the boiler room (never go into the boiler room, kids!) John unloads a bag of supplies. He takes out a piece of chalk and begins to draw sigils on the floor. 
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Sam heads back into Dean’s room with John’s journal. Dean thanks Sam for fighting to save him (as opposed to his absent dad). Dean reads over Sam’s shoulder from the section on reapers, mutters “son of a bitch,” and then heads out on his own mission. 
Dean finds Tessa back in her hospital room, but this time it’s empty and sterile. He drops some interesting facts about reapers, like that they can alter perception. A reaper can appear in any form, which is why we see Tessa in the form of Neil Gaiman’s Death. 
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Tessa explains her subterfuge as the only way to get Dean to listen to her (instead of stabby stabby knifey knifey). She’s the spectral presence he’s been seeing all over the hospital, gently reaping souls. “Death is nothing to fear,” she tells him. “You’re living on borrowed time.” Once I finish digging the knife out of my own heart because I just sat around remembering the episode Faith, we cut to John.
John has finished his craft project and slices his hand with a blade while chanting. (I pity the custodial staff who’s going to have to come clean this mess up.) His ritual appears to fail when a custodian does show up and orders him to get out of the boiler room. John levels the Colt at the guy. “How stupid do you think I am?”
Well...stupid enough to lone wolf this demon summoning.
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Two other demons flank John. Yellow Eyes mocks John, pointing out that he only has one bullet left. John doesn’t care, though. He’s there to make a deal. 
Upstairs, Sam talks to Dean’s body, telling him that he’s hit a dead end in trying to save him. “I’ll keep trying as long as you keep fighting. You can’t leave me alone here with Dad. We’ll kill each other.” Sam begs him to stay. 
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Dean begs Tessa for an exception to the reaping rule. They’re still in the middle of fighting Yellow Eyes; he can’t leave his family now. Tessa tells him that the world keeps turning no matter who she reaps. The world will go on without Dean in it. (Stares directly at the camera.)
Dean refuses to leave and Tessa drops her final bomb. Dean can’t get back into his body. He’s really almost very much mostly dead.
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She gently explains that angry spirits are created by ordinary souls who try to stay behind and eventually go mad. If Dean stays, he’s gonna join their ranks. 
John offers Yellow Eyes the Colt and its last bullet if he’ll heal Dean. Yellow Eyes scoffs at John’s offer. He doesn’t think much of Dean or Sam. He then asks John if he knows about the other children. YEAH DUDE. But John definitely hasn’t told Sam or Dean about it. John’s all business. He demands to see that Dean is healed before he’ll hand over the gun. Yellow Eyes is intrigued, but he demands one further concession.
For Vulnerable Dean Science:
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Tessa tells Dean that it’s time to go, or time to stay. Whatever his choice, it’s decision time now. Dean turns to her, about to say…………..something. And the lights flicker. Black smoke floods in and possesses Tessa. She looks back at Dean with yellow eyes and smacks her hand on his forehead. 
In Dean’s hospital room, he wakes up and gags on his life support tubes. YIKES. 
Cut to later: the doctor reviews Dean’s miraculous recovery. “You’ve got some kind of angel watching over you.” (Listen, I know this is supposed to be ironic because har har a demon saved him, but…. DUDE Dean you’ve really got some kind of angel watching over you. Wink wink.) 
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Dean doesn’t remember a damn thing about when he was near death. He just has a bad feeling about…something.
John checks in with Dean, glad to see that he’s recovered. Sam grills him about taking off but John begs for them to not fight. It’s a mark of how little gentleness they see from their father that John begging quietly for peace makes Sam ask if he’s okay. (#JustSayin) 
John sends Sam on an errand to get a cup of coffee. Once Sam’s gone, he tells Dean about something that Dean did when he was young. 
When John returned from hunts, messed up and scarred, Dean would comfort him and tell him it was all okay. (I need a minute to cry right in your FACE.) John apologizes to Dean for putting so much responsibility on him at such a young age. Dean is being SEEN. John tells Dean that he’s proud of him. Dean double checks that it’s his father. I’ve drenched my pillow. 
John gives Dean one last mission: to watch out for Sammy. He leans forward and whispers into Dean’s ear and when he pulls away, Dean looks horrified.
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John leaves Dean’s room and walks up to Yellow Eyes. He sets down the gun. Says, “Okay.” 
Sam, walking back with a cup of coffee and finds his dad lying dead on the floor.
Quotes: The High Cost of Living:
Screw you, doc, I’m waking up.
Dude, I full on Swayzed that mother.
You’re much prettier than the last reaper I met.
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justicechoii · 5 years
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ya girl is back with her tiny boy justice choi !! lowkey when i saw yall reply under the acceptance, i was just thinking about new york aka the Queen tiffany pollard saying jUSTICE????? and it made me LAUGH. anyways im still a little hurt from the new twice and kard mvs so pls be kind to me and my soft boy as im feeling v vulnerable,, anyways for those of you who haven’t experienced me ( faith, 22, she/her ) and my boy yet,,, ur in for a Wild ride of him being insanely sweet and loving no matter hOW you treat him !! enjoy ur resident nerd !!!
    kim mingyu. he/him. cismale. ╱ i am pretty sure i saw justice choi at manon’s party that night. the twenty two year old is in their fourth year at west bridge studying biology. i hear they were at manon’s party because they were invited by a friend. i wonder if they got the same restricted call as us. will they comply? + never afraid to speak his mind, round glasses as he studies, five o’clock shadow always peeking through. ◜
justice was born to daehyun and daniella choi in des moines, iowa and is the younger brother of five other children -- so a huuuge family tbh
both of his parents were lawyers and his five older sisters all followed that pathway too, but from a very young age, justice knew he didn’t want to go into law at all. it didn’t interest him like it did with his older sisters, and he would literally rather do anything else
ya know that meme that is like "how do lawyers argue without crying", um hes been asking himself that question his entire life
they moved to wisconsin when he was five~
he was incredibly clumsy growing up, which forced him into the emergency room a number of times so doctors could tend to his needs -- every time he went?? he fell in love with that idea more and more: being a doctor.
he was a people pleaser from such a young age.. so why wouldn’t he enjoy that? helping people out, helping them get better? it was like a dream come true really. the whole death thing wasn’t necessarily a thing on his mind,, which was something 16 year old justice rlly had to come to terms with after numerous breakdowns asjdfhdsj
despite him trailing off and wanting to do something other than law, his family fully supported him and if he’s not in a classroom or in a library, he can definitely be found at choi & choi, his family’s business !!! if you’ve got 7 people who are lawyers, you may as well do something with it aksjdfhdsj
because he knows it’s his final year, he’s almost positive that he’s going to go on to train to go into emergency medicine~
he’s honestly the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet?? will never have a bad word to say about anybody and can always be seen with a huge smile on his face just to make other people happy
he’s a Nerd to the extreme and only recently started wearing contact lenses but??? he ?? hATES them !! tell him he looks good with glasses and boost his self esteem pls
he got invited to manon’s party by a friend bc lord knows he would never be seen at a party unless someone he was suuuuuper close to was there. he’s honestly had a little crush on manon for like,,,, ever. but he never said a word to her just bc of how popular she was and he was highkey intimidated
despite him being quiet, and not v popular, he’s never afraid to speak up for someone. i imagine he’s always had to play peacemaker because of how he was raised and how he can’t let one person say something without another speaking up, sorta thing
he’s just always Tired, always Working, and always in need of some fun and a friend or two !!
a comic book STAN
always playing video games if he has free time too
he also doesn’t know how attractive he is,,,, just had to add that in lol
random headcanons:
he has a crush on everybody so like,,,,,, get used to that bc he’s heart eyes around everybody but ofc that doesn’t go far !!
he appears much cooler on instagram and social media than he does in real life like most people tbh,, he has his days where he looks sO good,,, but if u talk to him, he’ll be an awkward stuttering mess lmao
he has cosplayed as spiderman before,,,,,,,, but lets not talk about that either bc he will go so red SDJFHHDS
has the biggest crush on valkyrie aka miss tessa thompson and prob doesnt shut up about how much he loves her pls
ask him to sing any kpop gg and he’ll know it all,,,, and prob the choreo to it too ,,, we love a STAN
always chewing gum bc it helps with his nerves and calms him down
uncle to three nieces and two nephews so he absolutely adoooores kids
he also wants to learn japanese but he’s struggling with korean as it is so he probably gets the two mixed up a whole bunch and then is like a deer in headlights if anyone witnesses him screwing up
just such a gentleman pls bOY was raised very well !!
um he's 6'2 so falling over his own two feet??? happens more than u think
also a ps4 stan so try arguing with him and he will BOUNCE for u ,, except not rlly bc its justice
potential wanted connections:
an ex: justice is such a sweet boy and he loves and loooooves. he’s not very materialistic at all, but i imagine he would do the most for this person and rlly treat them just to make them happy. we can talk about why they broke things off but it prob has to do with him working his ass off and having no time for the other~ he still very much cares about them tho ( open to f/m/nb !!! )
best friend: speaks for itself. they could be an opposites attract situation, or be two complete nerds!!
someone he studies with: someone he can rant to in the library or literally cry to bc biology is hard man
enemies: people prob just hate him bc hes so quiet lbr
crush: either with him thinking someone else is cute ( aka everyone ) or vice versa??
tutor: he’s highkey forgetting korean and doesn’t want his parents to know so if anyone can help him out there?? that’d be perf
i’m open to pretty much everything so feel free to send me any wcs you guys have!!
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fcundwings-archive2 · 4 years
Sons of Anarchy - Erica/Juice - Juice Ortiz
fandom/ship/character + accepting + @queencfwolves​
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: opie winston
Least Favorite character: tara knowles
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): opie/lyla, chibs/juice, tig/venus, tig/kozik, tig/gemma
Character I find most attractive: jax teller
Character I would marry: juice ortiz
Character I would be best friends with: lyla winston
a random thought: lyla deserved better, everybody can Fight me on this
An unpopular opinion: jax should’ve stayed with wendy 🤷‍♀️
My Canon OTP: opie/lyla
My Non-canon OTP: chibs/juice
Most Badass Character: jax teller, unfortunately
Most Epic Villain: galen o’shay
Pairing I am not a fan of: i ship basically every canon thing? but the ship i just...really don’t care about is jax/tara like ya they’re cute but i’m just...indifferent [unless it’s kasee and sam’s jax/tara, then it’s the Cutest thing and i love it]
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): tara. she was so good in s1 and okay in the others but in s5 and s6, it just really went to shit and i know it’s to fulfill the hamlet bullshit but still....come on
Favourite Friendship: tig/kozik
Character I most identify with: probably juice? idk, i don’t really see myself in any of them 😂
Character I wish I could be: ha...none
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: whenever u were like ‘what if they were friends in queens’ i was done
My thoughts: look i’m just really mad this isn’t canon because erica is so goddamn important to juice and it’s genuinely extremely DIFFICULT writing verses for juice where erica doesn’t exist 
What makes me happy about them: they just love each other so fucking much ??? despite everything they’ve been through ??? and honestly that’s the kind of love we all need in our life
What makes me sad about them: the whole thing with nicky and erica’s bf like....u idiots the love of ur life is RIGHT THERE and ur both fucking it up 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: i....don’t think there’s any fanfics for them 😂 but i would absolutely write some if i was better at writing fics
Things I look for in fanfic: n/a
My wishlist: i think we’ve covered pretty much all of it already tbh 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: nobody ???????
My happily ever after for them: after juice is released from prison, they get married and tig walks erica down the aisle and chibs is juice’s best man and lyla or tessa is erica’s maid of honor and then they go on a lil honeymoon and then they have the twins and adopt apple and juice is accepted back into the club and the club gets out of guns so juice doesn’t get arrested anymore and they just Live their best lives as one huge family with the rest of samcro 
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: he’s a goddamn angel that deserved better
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: fuck. uh, erica, chibs, tig, happy, wendy, anna hart (jundlcndwastes), romana harris (romxna), bella ortega (belissimae), shay strickland (shxyme), ravenna astrape (diiavola), nicky to an extent, trinity ashby, i could probably put aside my feelings on chibs/juice to plot out a ship with kerrianne, i def lowkey ship him with tara don’t @ me
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: if we’re just talking about CANON and not personal ships, then hands down chibs.
My unpopular opinion about this character: he....kinda did deserve to die. as much as i love him and as much as i wanted him to have a happy ending, he was a rat, he did kill miles in cold blood, he did cover for the murder of their president’s old lady. there was no saving him. he did it all to himself and rats have to die, unfortunately. but i do think he did want to die at that point, you can just See it in his eyes as tully is stabbing him. he’s not shocked, he’s not hurt, he’s not begging for mercy or forgiveness or trying to back out of it; he’s accepted it. it’s exactly what he’d been wanting since season 4. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish him and chibs got together i wish he’d gotten the chance to redeem himself. a chance to explain why he did what he did, that it didn’t matter anyways because the rico case was dropped, because then maybe he never would’ve had to cover for gemma
Favorite friendship for this character: canonically speaking, chibs without a doubt.
My crossover ship: juice/erica reyes, clearly 
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objectloves · 5 years
heya! im rory/key! heres some stuff abt me:
🎲 im a minor (sixteen years old).
🎲 im objectumromantic as well as objectumplatonic! specifically, im totiobjectum!
🎲 im also fictosexual + fictoromantic, but i probs wont talk abt that much here
🎲 im infrequently attracted to humans - im alloaro, specifically bisexual aromantic. my most frequent attraction towards humans is just aesthetic :3
🎲 im autistic!! i feel like my autism is connected 2 my objectum identity, so i may talk abt it on here
🎲 im otherwise mentally ill (schizophrenia, hpd, depression, anxiety, madd, did, bpd, etc etc) n physically disabled (invisibly).
🎲 i am not human n being referred 2 as such is distressing 2 me! pls call me an angel or a video game character if need be :P
🎲 i make moodboards 4 os partners/relationships! just send a theme, description of the object/relationship, n maybe a pic! status of rqs is in my bio!
🎲 i collect labels, so if u see any u think might fit me, feel free 2 @ me in them!
🎲 on a similar note, pls @ me in things that u think will remind me of my crushes! it would mean a lot 2 me skshsksjsldhk
🎲 im gonna quickly describe my current objectum relationships now!
🎮 waltz is a cream/tan teddy bear from build-a-bear! hes also currently my boyfriend, n weve been together for around half a year! [he/it]
🎮 maia is a plush of eevee (the pokemon) from build-a-bear! shes very close to me n i love her a whole lot. ive got a big old crush on her... [she/they]
🎮 tessa is a nintendo switch console! it + i have been getting closer lately with my animal crossing habits, n i may be getting a small crush on it. [it/ey]
🎮 nicole (aka nikki) is a sparkly pink bear plush, also from build-a-bear! i met her when i was very young, so weve been friends for a long time!! [she/fae]
🎲 i might write up full intros for all of them later n tell our stories, but im rlly tired at the moment lol
🎲 i do have some kinds of objects i tend to be more attracted to, aka my "type" (lol)! so far, they are:
🎮 dice (esp dnd dice; probably my biggest one)
🎮 stuffed animals (esp from build-a-bear)
🎮 neon architecture (think bowling alleys/old malls)
🎮 gaming consoles (esp older ones, like gameboys)
🎮 figurines (usually of my ficto crushes)
🎮 squishies (and other stim toys)
🎲 real quick before i finish, heres the credits for my theme!
🎮 theme code
🎮 permalink pixel
🎮 cursor
🎮 background
🎮 unfortunately, i lost the credit for my header gif and icon! if you find them, please send them to me and i will link them here too!
🎲 thats all i rlly had 2 say! thanks for reading ^.^
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tomhollandisabae · 4 years
Thanks for 'Wrong Accusation' ❤️ so I have another request for Tom Holland x reader :3 where a lot of people think that reader is with Tom because she is a gold digger, so he decides to film a hidden camera to show reader's reaction (like reader doesn't care about her jewelry,etc, and just wants to see if Tessa is okay uwu)
Thats such a great idea!! Thank u again for your request!!❤️❤️
Summary: Tom wants to prove the world otherwise about you.
warnings: fluff
Masterlist | Requests
Gold Digger - Tom Holland x Reader
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Tom was so annoyed by people who were accusing you for being a gold digger. There were saying that, this was the only reason why you were with him. He had decide to shut them up by making a video, proving thay you are not a gold digger.
He bought you the lost expensive necklace he could find and he wanted to ask for your permission to buy you a new car.
Suddenly he heard the front door opening and he immediately hide his camera and laid down on the couch waiting for you.
"Hey Tommy." You said when you entered your living room.
"Hey baby, how was work?" He asked you while yiu sat down next to him and gave him a peck on the lips.
"Exhausted to be honest. I couldn't wait for my shift to end to came home, to you." You smiled while you kissed him soflty.
"Awhh baby." He said and kissed you once more, before you got off him and sat down on the couch next to him.
"So, I've got something for you." He smirked.
"Okay..." You said while you started looking around the house.
"What are you looking for?" He asked curious.
"Where's Tessa?" You cried.
"I don't know... maybe in the garden." He replied.
"I want Tessa." You pouted.
"Anyways, this is for you." He show you the necklace.
"I don't care Thomas! I. Want. Tessa!" You complained.
"Baby, will find Tess later. Now, look what I've good you." He raised an eyebrow.
"Why did you even bought it at first place Tom, its not my birthday nor something special today." You told him and sat up while you started calling Tessa.
"I bought because you're my girlfriend akd you deserve it." He said and grabbed your hand pulling you on top of him.
"Tommy if I was your girlfriend only for you to spoil me with diamonds and gold chains, then I would have told you from the begging." You said softly while you pecked his nose.
"Really? You're telling me to not buy you a new car?" He raised his eyebrow.
"Why wouod you buy me a car?" You asked curious.
"Cuz I loooovee youuuu." He sang Lizzo's song."
"Oh my God Tommy." You laughed.
"No I don't need you to buy me a new car, I'm an independent woman and I can buy myself a new car." You said proudly.
You noticed that Tom was looking at you in shock. He couldn't believe that you were saying such things. He, at least, thought that you'd wanted a new car as a matter of fact that yours is a little bit old. He couldn't be more proud of you at the moment.
"I love you." He whispered while he touched his forehead on yours.
"I love you too Tommy." You laughed confused.
"You know, a lot of people were saying that the only reason you are with me is because of my money, so I decide to film your reaction when I bought you the necklace and tood you about a new car, so I could saw everyone that we love esch other so much, no matter what and what you said right now couldn't make me more proud of you being my girlfriend." He said and kissed your lips softly staying in this position for a few moments.
"I love you Tommy and you know that. I wouod never wish to be with you because of that. I'd be with you even if you were a homeless man with no home or money. I only love you because of who you are."
"What did I do to deserve you?" He said sweetly.
"Hmm, maybe commited a crime." You laughed.
Thank u guys for reading!!!❤️❤️ Fell free to send me your requests!!💕Love ya xx💖
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saveandwin · 5 years
NOTE: some liberties taken with the lore / story, since it’s a crossover AU after all. there will be bits of BNHA lore mixed with LOZ: OOT (and some MM) lore, mainly when it comes to the hyrulean civil war. All for One takes the place of Demise / Ganondorf, and the triforce was split into four pieces not three -- with the wisdom piece split in half, one going to AfO and the other to Princess Momo. big thanks to the loml tessa / @katsubi for helping me figure out who should have the role of princess zelda and how to work afo into the triforce! ♥ lov u sm
The Triforce:
courage: Deku. 
power: Bakugo. 
wisdom (further split into two): AfO and Momo.
The Seven Sages:
Forest Sage: Tsuyu
Sage of Light: Nana
Sage of Shadows: Aizawa
Spirit Sage: Ochako
Fire Sage: Kirishima
Water Sage: Todoroki
Leader of Sages: Momo
Hyrulean Civil War:
The Hyrulean Civil War was bloody, but it did not leave the Kingdom in factions. They united under the leadership of All Might to overthrow the bloody Hylian King whose real identity was All For One -- the malicious being from legend that the Goddesses and Hylia had fought to destroy. And with All Might being the incarnation of the legendary hero himself, he knew it was his duty and responsibility to fight and defeat him. It was a long and bloody war, and at the height of its chaos and bloodshed, All Might urged his wife Inko to find a safe place to hide so she and their unborn son could live. So she ran, moving often to keep her and her son safe, but as those after her and Izuku grew in number and in power and they mortally wounded her one day, she was forced to leave him in the Kokiri Forest with the Deku Tree.
With the help of All Might, the Kingdoms were able to defeat All For One. Or so they thought. All Might knew better, and knew that All For One had gotten away. He had been wounded and weakened, but not destroyed. And unfortunately All Might had been grievously wounded himself, permanently weakened and unable to fight for long. He ended up passing away not long after the war’s end, and never knowing what happened to his son or wife.
Following the war, there was peace and prosperity and an increase in trade as the new King rose in All For One’s stead, alongside his Queen and his young daughter, Princess Momo. The Queen had been part of the Royal Bloodline that had ruled over Hyrule for centuries before All for One had taken over. However, under the guise of peace, All for One found a new vessel to use, and began to plot and plan again, this time to take the Triforce and controlling the Sacred Realm. 
Izuku’s story:
Izuku grew up part of the Kokiri Tribe, but he always knew he didn’t belong. He was four when he arrived at the Forest -- young enough that he doesn’t remember much of his life before then, but old enough to remember the look on his mother’s face when she’d begged the Kokiri and the Deku Tree to let him stay. He remembers the tears she had shed when she was forced to leave him, unable to follow him into the Forest. 
It was the last time he ever saw her.
Whenever he asks the Deku Tree about her, he never gets any definitive answer on her fate. He can’t ask the Deku Tree about his life before the Forest either, since the Deku Tree doesn’t know. Izuku doesn’t remember much else of his childhood, or anyone else from before his time in the Forest. Nothing except striking red eyes and the loud clash of steel swords ringing in his ears whenever he sleeps. He dreams of those things a lot, and wakes up confused and frustrated of what he can’t remember, something just out of his reach.
The other Kokiri tend to keep his distance from him. They’re not mean to him, and they talk to him from time to time, but they know he’s not one of them. There are a few Kokiri who actively bully him because of his lack of fairy though, and Izuku tries his best to ignore them. He really only has one friend - Tsuyu - and she acts as his anchor. She’s also the one who acts as his caution and voice of reason whenever he runs out of his own, whenever he cooks up half baked plans to explore the outside world. He’s not allowed to leave, after all -- something the Deku Tree had stressed greatly to him, but never explained. He wasn’t truly a Kokiri, after all. He wouldn’t die if he left the Forest --- so why couldn’t he?
When he’s twelve, he wanders into the Lost Woods by himself, and is cursed into Deku Scrub by a mischievous Skull Kid with a terrifyingly sinister mask for a year. It’s by far the most difficult year of his life, and no one but Tsuyu and the Deku Tree know of his curse. It’s how he’s able to leave the Forest for the first time since he’s arrived: not out of choice or acceptance, but necessity. The Deku Tree tells him he must find a way to break the curse, and so Izuku sets off on his journey to try and figure out how to do just that. 
If the outside world was dangerous for him as a young boy, it was even more dangerous now that he was a young deku scrub. But there was no other choice, and so Izuku had to learn how to survive and, in his own odd deku scrub way, how to fight. Deku nuts proved to be, surprisingly enough, very effective against enemies. There weren’t many places willing to accept in a Deku Scrub, and so Izuku had a lot of time to learn how to protect himself against Stalchildren and Stalfos’s in the nighttime. He continues to dream of red eyes, but his dreams evolve and sometimes even turn into a nightmare, where he meets a Princess in a courtyard, but flames begin to eat away at the grass and the stone and wood around them, until all Izuku sees is smoke and fire and then he’s standing outside Hyrule Castle, watching the Princess gallop away on a horse and a frightening man stare down at him with malice in his eyes. When he wakes up, Izuku is always shivering and trembling, and fearful.
Somewhere along the way, he meets Bakugo - the Gerudo King - and his friend Kirishima who is part Goron. Immediately, Izuku knows the red eyes in his dreams belong to the other boy, but why, he isn’t sure --- only that he wants and needs to find out. Despite the protests of the young King, he follows Bakugo and Kirishima around, unable to communicate with them verbally but trying his best to follow and help out and place a piece of the puzzle together. He’s still cursed in his deku scrub form, hence the nickname that sticks with him afterwards, Deku. 
Eventually, they run into the Happy Mask Salesman, who tells him he can teach him how to break the curse, but that he needs the right item first. A musical instrument to play, a precious one, with magical powers. At a loss and feeling helpless, Izuku leaves Kirishima and Bakugo to go back to Kokiri Forest to seek help from the Deku Tree and Tsuyu. He knew that Tsuyu played the ocarina, and had even taught him a song or two on it, and maybe she would lend it to him to use. He finds out from the Deku Tree that the ocarina is indeed the instrument he’s looking for, but it isn’t Tsuyu’s ocarina he needs to find, but that what he’s looking for is in Hyrule Castle, with the Princess. The Princess of Hyrule. Not only that, but that the nightmares he’s been having serve a greater purpose, and that it is time for his fate and destiny to be realized. He urges Izuku to go, and go quickly, and return as soon as he’s able with his courage in tow to break the curse that All for One had placed on him. He imparts a fairy unto him too, to help guide him and illuminate his way. With the Deku Tree’s blessing and urging, and his new fairy companion by his side, Izuku sets off quickly.
With all that on his mind and weighing on his shoulders, somehow he’s able to sneak in the marketplace, avoid the dogs that try to attack him, and past the guards protecting the Princess. Despite her initial surprise, she doesn’t seem too shocked to see him, and there his journey truly begins as she tells him of the strange dreams she too has been having, of the man in the window who lies of his identity and his motives, and how Izuku must find the three spiritual stones and open the Sacred Realm so that they can seal All for One away once and for all before more tragedy strikes. She’s able to break the curse on him, and he ends up with a Deku Mask afterwards to use, and keeps it just in case he ever has to use it again. She then sends him off with the help of her guardian Aizawa of the Sheikah, he learns of where he needs to go to find the Spiritual stones.
From there, he sets off on his journey to find the other two spiritual stones, armed with his kokiri sword and the hylian shield on his back. He finds the first within the Deku Tree, after breaking the Curse, but the relief is short-lived when he realizes that, despite breaking the curse, he hadn’t saved the Deku Tree. He can only watch as the Deku Tree dies, leaving Kokiri Forest unprotected, and knowing now more than ever that he has to find the other two spiritual stones as soon as possible. His journey takes him to Zora’s domain, where he meets the Zora Prince Todoroki, and helps him escape from Lord Jabu Jabu’s belly (although Todoroki had done most of the fighting, to be honest...). Despite their initially rocky beginning, they end up becoming good friends, and Todoroki hands him the Zora Sapphire. Izuku heads on to Death Mountain next, and he re-meets Kirishima. Kirishima doesn’t remember him at first, since Izuku isn’t a Deku Scrub anymore, but eventually Kirishima finds out and is excited, though a little wary and unsure, of Izuku’s promise to help defeat King Dodongo in exchange for the Goron Ruby. 
He makes his way back to Hyrule Castle, only to find out the worst has happened: he’s too late. The scene from his nightmares isn’t only in his dreams anymore, it’s happening. He watches as Princess Momo flees on her horse along with her guardian Aizawa, as she tosses the royal ocarina at him and it lands in the moat behind him, and as the looming figure of All for One stares down at him. The attempt to fight him does not go over well, and Izuku is quickly swatted away, unable to do anything but watch through his fading vision as All for One tries to follow the Princess. 
When he wakes up next, Hyrule Castle is no longer on fire, but the damage can be seen -- and smelt. It churns Izuku’s stomach, and he doesn’t want to go inside, doesn’t want to see all that has happened, but he knows he has to. He has to find the Ocarina, and open up the Temple of Time, enter the Sacred Realm and stop All for One. So he dives into the moat, retrieves the ocarina, and sets off inside Hyrule Castle. It’s quiet inside, but still full of life, with people recovering from last night’s fire and, thankfully, mostly unharmed. It kills him to know he wasn’t able to do more last night, wasn’t able to help like he’d wanted to ... too weak to fight against All for One, too small to make a difference. He arrives at the Temple of Time with the Ocarina in hand and the Spiritual Stones in his bag, and sets all three down in their respective places before playing the song that Momo had taught him. It opens up the hidden hallway leading to the Master Sword, and Izuku doesn’t know why or how, but he can hear it calling to him. It sounds familiar, and warm, and powerful, and the moment he pulls it out from the stone everything goes to Hell. He only remembers a flash of bright light, dark laughter echoing through the chamber hall, and All for One’s voice.
When he wakes up next, two years have passed. No longer is he fourteen, but sixteen, and when he looks up, he sees All Might. The legendary Hero ---- and apparently, his late father. He tells him of his journey, his destiny, the power he will come into, the sword he must wield to defeat All for One. It’s so much to take in at once, it’s so much responsibility and weight ... but Izuku will bear it. He knows he must have the courage to bear it, and so he will, and he does. All Might’s spirit helps guide him along the way, taking on various spirit forms only visible to him as he does, teaching him while he sleeps on how to fight and hone his skills and the power of the Master Sword. With his help, and the help of his fairy companion, Izuku sets off to wake the other Sages and seal away All for One, once and for all.
The Temples that Izuku goes to, in order from first to last:
 Forest Temple
Water Temple
Fire Temple
Spirit Temple
Shadow Temple
Izuku goes to the Forest Temple first because it’s familiar, and he figures it would be the easiest. It is, but there’s an unexpected difficulty as well since it’s his first temple and he’s still figuring out how to navigate them, and because he isn’t expecting the first sage to be his first and dearest friend Tsuyu. He goes to the Water Temple next because it’s the nearest (that he knows of), with a hidden path to Zora’s Domain in the Lost Woods. He meets Todoroki there again, and the Zora boy helps him through the Water Temple (although they’re separated from time to time by obstacles, traps, and/or chambers). Izuku goes to the Fire Temple next, and re-meets Kirishima. Kirishima doesn’t remember him at first, since Izuku isn’t a Deku Scrub anymore and it has been two years since they last saw one another. Eventually though, Kirishima finds out, and tells him where to go to find the Spirit Temple. Izuku has to head to Gerudo Valley, and there he meets the Gerudo named Ochako, the sage of Spirit. After he beats the Spirit Temple, Izuku goes back to Kakariko Village, where he follows after Aizawa into the depths of the well where the bloody secrets and sins of Hyrule lay. Izuku has nightmares for weeks following the Shadow Temple, but it only further reinforces the need to stop AfO and defeat him.
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