im sorry but like. Im thinking ab kasper taking Kevin to go drink gas with him again. Like they're chugging it they're having fun HARD CUT to kevin just in a fucking coma. he could not fucking handle it. charles is holding his hand kaspers like "sad. well ima go drink more byeeee" and Kevin fucking BOLTS up like "noitsfineimfineimgoingtoo" and charles has to hold him down
This ask put such a doodle idea in my head
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Kasper does not know why Kevin can't handle drinking galons of gasoline, nor does he know why he is currently passed out
Btw Kasper has DEFINITELY tried to pull Charles along too but ofc Charles declines because he is sane and will not put that into his body!!
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Reminder to dink yur oiter[no way five pebbles reference] and only do as much as yur able to or else I will personally GET YOU
thank you but i’m in class so i cannot Rest. i will dink some oiter once i’m in the cafe though
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outlying-hyppocrate · 2 years
I now have 40 followers?????????
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
I think English is more efficient than French in a lot of ways but if you guys would just let us donate a few diacritics, I swear it would change your life. Imagine having an accent to indicate which syllable in a word is stressed. You look at it and you immediately know. It’s more efficient than guessing or remembering, you have to admit. Spanish does it because Spanish loves you, while English revels in confusion and fear. What about an accent that tells you if the ‘read’ you’re looking at is the one that’s pronounced read instead of read, or one that lets you know if the letter i in a particular word is pronounced ai or ee. I’m still not over that time I had to talk about Pride & Prejudice in English class and couldn’t remember which one was pronounced which way. Just add a little circumflex. Prîde and Prejudice. The word even looks more prîdeful now that it’s got a hat!
French is such a nanny state of a language in comparison, “a is a verb and à is a preposition and cote is pronounced with the mouth slightly more open compared to côte, we MUST dispatch our best accents to provide assistance and prevent panic.” We’ve got 15 accented letters and special characters (é, è, ê, ë, à, â, ô, ù, û, ü, î, ï, ç, æ and œ) and many of them are just here wringing their hands hoping that thanks to them you won’t be confused re: pronunciation or meaning, or even slight nuances in verbal mood. French is gently guiding you by the hand around potential pitfalls of meaning like “it’s vital for the past tense of ‘have’ to be spelt eut in the indicative mood and eût in the subjunctive else you might be confused as to whether the verb carries a connotation of conjecture or doubt <3”, English is driving you home in reverse down the highway with broken headlights at night like “had had, who cares! I guess homonyms and syllable stress might trip people up once in a while? thoughts & prayers”
Then again not all of our accents are terrifically useful, some of them are more like people doggedly holding on to a job that modern life has rendered obsolete, like the circumflexes that are just here to tell you that an s used to live here (forest -> forêt, haste -> hâte). We keep them around because they make the word more interesting (bonus etymology!) and nicer to look at but I wouldn’t mind giving them away for a good cause. French is lying down next to a pond fascinated by its own reflection while English is racing by with such efficiency it sometimes trips on its own feet and faceplants but together we could be normal. Ish.
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holy3cake · 2 days
The Last Kingdom Alphabet Tag Game!
How it Works: If you are tagged, post a gif/pic of a character whose name starts with the letter you are tagged with, then tag two more people with the next letter. If you don’t wanna play, no pressure. And if you wanna join but weren’t tagged, just hop in with the next letter!
Hi all! Just a silly little tag game for you all! I'm going to start with: Æ!
We'll be skipping N, V, X, Y, Z just as there are no characters with these letters!
Æ is for Æthelstan!
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Gif made by @lord-aldhelm (Thank you!)
Who doesn't love our problematic King? 🤣🤣
Okay so as this is a bit different, I won't be tagging all my mutuals otherwise this will get out of hand! But sending love to all of you, and I don't doubt you'll get tagged eventually 🥰🥰
@lord-aldhelm and @grinningkatz, your letter is A!
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extendedcyrillicblog · 4 months
Е́ꙅтендид Сири́лик ѣ́лфъбет фор И́нглиш Юз - Вържън 1.0
Extended Cyrillic alphabet for English use - Version 1.0
Hi, I'm Max. Whoever reads this (thank you!) might have noticed that my blog is currently a complete, confusing mess, which I promise is not intentional. My intention with this project was to create an alphabet that could be used for multiple languages, including but not limited to English, Spanish, my native Portuguese, and of course, Russian, however that's way beyond whatever a potential audience for the blog would even be interested in for the most part. As such, I am making this list of characters and phonemic examples which may be more useful than the previous tactic of throwing a complete list of letters at you and hoping you know which ones you'll want or need to know. You will notice some new decisions that are different from the ones I made before, these were made after much consideration of what has been useful and practical for me, both in my own physical writing and while using a few of the many available Church Slavonic keyboards on my cellphone and computer. Enjoy!
P.S.: As a basis, I've generally used the Shavian alphabet, which has a list of phonemes George Bernard Shaw thought needed to be distinguished through letters. I did take the liberty of slashing most diphthongs, except for those that occur most frequently.
P.P.S.: Sidenote, if you want to evaluate if a letter might have been a good choice or not, try writing the words provided as examples using this alphabet.
This was the hardest part, any corrections and suggestions are welcome :)
А as in Art
Ѣ as in Axe
Ъ as the E in The
/ə/ /ʌ/
Е as in Enter
/e/ /ɛ/
И as in Inner
/i/ /ɪ/
О as in Option
/o/ /ɔ/
У as in the oo in Good
/u/ /ʊ/
Vowel length is marked through use of a macron (ex: “ooze” becomes “у꙼з”) or by simply doubling the vowel letter (ууз), as convenient.
Є as the the A in Maid
Ю as the U in Use
Ѧ as in Ice
Ꙋ as the O in Social
/oʊ/ /ow/
This was the easiest part, if you disagree with me you should simply explode :) /s
In all seriousness, it was pretty hard to decide how to present the consonants, and some choices did have to be made (гуудба́і, һ :( ), but in the end this is what seemed best:
Пп as in Peer, Бб as in Bright, Тт as in Trust, Дд as in Dream, Кк as in Care, Гг as in Good, Ꙅ as in NecKS, Фф as in Ferry, Вв as in Veil, Ѳѳ as in THistle or THat.
Сс as in Sum, Зз as in Zoom, Шш as in Sure, Жж as in aZure, Чч as in CHeck, Ꙉꙉ as in Judge, НГнг* as in thiNG, Хх as in Help, Іі as in maY, Ѵѵ as in Work
Лл as in Luck, Рр as in Realm, Мм as in Much, Нн as in Name
* НГ is a tricky bitch. You might ask yourself, why would you use a digraph as a single letter? And the answer is I don't want to! A ligature of these two exists in Unicode! But the Gboard Old Church Slavonic keyboard, which I'm using for the moment, doesn't have it :(. This does highlight the problem of different keyboards not having it as part of their system, so if you want to use them as a ligature or as separate letters, it's fine.
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kittycataphora · 2 years
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First and foremost, this idea was all @allthingslinguistic ‘s.
She made a post and an excel sheet back in 2012 that was literally the only reason I could figure out how to balance this etc so thank you so much Gretchen for doing all of the mathy stuff for me!
This is a modified standard travel Scrabble set containing 104 tiles, with 4 of them added by me made out of polymer clay!
How to play
It’s Scrabble but with the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Okay fine more detail
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‘Sound guide’ for all the tiles is on the back of the box for reference during play
Sounds are all from British English (as that is where this will be played lol) with common dialect divides merged into one phoneme e.g. TRAP/BATH would both use <æ>
Point values and frequency of phoneme tiles are based mostly on how often they occur in speech
Stress and length do not need to be marked
<tʃ> does not have its own tile and must be made using the separate <t> and <ʃ> tiles next to each other. This decision was made mostly because I was short on tiles but also because I thought it could make for some interesting plays - if /tiːt/ was played on the board someone could add /ʃ/ to the end to make /tiːtʃ/ and then continue down.
Quite a few adjustments had to be made based on me running short on tiles :/ Some other notable mergers here are:
ð into θ
uː and ʌ into ʊ
ɑː into æ
I also did not have enough for any blank tiles, HOWEVER, I managed to get hold of some oven bake clay which I turned into Wug Tiles!
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These do the same job as blank tiles, and one is given to every player at the start of a game without counting as one of their main 7 tiles. This makes things a little easier for non-linguists who are unfamiliar with IPA - if they can’t figure out a sound to make a word they can just play a Wild Wug and fill the gap! Also they’re just so small and baby
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This whole thing only took me about a day and a bit! Granted I had a spare Scrabble set lying around as well as home printer access, so I imagine starting from scratch/hand painting the box designs would take much longer.
The hardest part was definitely hand-writing the tiles! They were so teeny tiny and fiddly to hold, also it’s pretty mind-numbing to sit and write <ə> perfectly 7 times over. I enjoyed the craft though, it’s been a second since I’ve had a project!
Feel free to use my set as a reference for your own if you’re as insane and nerdy as I clearly am!!
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Would anyone want to help me design a Renaissance Dottore? I wanna go as Dottore (again) to the next Renaissance fair, but for one, I wanna fit in two, Dottore wears a lot of clothing.
This is what I came up with, I wanna keep his hair in the same style it's in because honestly his hair already fits lol
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Dottores regular boots would also work, plus i already have Dottores boots, so the boots in this layout are optional, and the sholder piece is also optional because- just- Æ
(I love the sholder pice but once again the summer heat, plus the reviews on it were saying poor material)
EDIT: this belt thing works too, I leaning more towards this belt bc I don't want the glass bottle to get broken and more pockets and pouches for carrying stuff :) AND there's already alot of black in the outfit so a bit of another color would help
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librarycards · 3 months
okay congrats on debuting ur new first person pronouns, they are very cool, but how do u pronouncing &i outloud/in ur head?
hello @keytothevillage, thank you for the question. i'm recording this because i figured it was an opportunity to record all of my signifiers and how i pronounce them. and thank you for the congrats on my pronouns, i owe the sort of....vision to mix. moss @materialisnt, so, thanks to mix moss for that! anyways, i pronounce these plural first person pronouns as [the words] "and i" or [as casually spoken] "'n i", you know, like when you're saying "me 'n [and] you" it kinda gets shortened to "'n". so: &i, &me, yeah. as for my other pronouns, obviously they/them...what it says on the tin. and with the æ –– the a and the e, i don't recall what that's called at the moment –– it can be pronounced together as "ee", so that's the long e. or as [basically pronounces it in my best imitation of a scandinavian]. or, you could use "ey," which is e-y, and just pronounced as "they" without the "th". so, yeah! oh - i guess my name is also a signifier! you can call me cav [short a], or Cavar [kuh-VAHR], or sarah if you're feeling frisky. okay, have a good night!
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marklovesdonuts1 · 3 days
HELLO EDDSWORLD FANDOM!! it's my first time on this app so please excuse any mistakes 😭 I've decided to start posting more about my au "The Allied Enemies" aka the Æ au. It focuses on Tord's life after "The end" and tells a story about the army and it's soldiers. There are comics, video series and tons of art, you should be able to find it on YouTube, tiktok, Instagram, Pinterest ect ect by looking up the name of the au. To answer another question I often get: "Is this tbatf?" Nope! It used to be inspired by it, my friend got me into it at the time but I quit long ago after finding out about the creators and the comics problematic part. All characters included in the story here have massive changes in the design, backstory and behaviour and the story follows a totally different plot. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Thank you! 🧁
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hi!! one question about your I love penumbra podcast post: TERMITES??!!??!? WHY TERMITES.
SO BASICALLY, I WAS JUST LISTENING TO Juno Steel and the Soul of the People WHEN THIS THOUGHT WAS CROSSING MY MIND! the whole post was about it, actually
If you haven't heard the episode, basically there's a point where the whole incident that's happening in the episode is described as "like termites"!
also I thought I would add that i am mayhaos going to draw termite Juno inspired by that episode, i am so sorry in advance
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could we possibly see more stephbit?
Close Encounters of the Absurd Kind
Features: Stephbit, Fairmount Warnings: Light violence
Look, it’s not that she doesn’t believe in aliens or the supernatural or shit like that, but she has yet to see any proof of it. Well, at least until her host Steph got spooked by a movie and some noises in the attic, and was forcing her to hold a stakeout.
“This is stupid.”
“Hey, we both heard something up there, you can’t call it stupid when you heard it too.”
“Yes I can, this is stupid.”
“Shhh, I think I heard something.”
The pair listened quietly for a moment, only to jump at a sudden loud crashing in the attic.
“I told you-” “KILL!”
Steph yelped as her body bolted forward without her input, scrambling up into the attic to see what was up there. What they hadn’t expected to see was Evan. Or at least, the thing had Evan’s face.
“Ev?” “That’s not Evan dickass, that’s a Habit.”
Evan, or rather, the guy who was wearing his face, tilted his head with a laugh. “Wow, okay, wasn’t expecting to get instantly clocked… Wasn’t expecting to see myself in a Steph either though, but I’m not complaining, you’re pretty.”
“Wha- Pretty!?” Stephbit spluttered, bringing her fist back and punching him square in the face. “Get out of my attic!”
“Fuck no, you punched me in the face!”
“That’s cause’ your face is ugly.” “Rude.”
Stephbit stared at him quietly, tilting her head. “Sooo… You still go by Evan or?”
“Fairmount.” He offered a hand, grinning over at her as his nose slowly healed from being broken. “You’ve got quite the punch.”
“Thanks.” She rolled her eyes with a grin. “Hey, think fast.”
“Why- Æ-!!” Stephbit laughed as his nose cracked loudly.
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annikathewitch · 2 years
Let's Make A Conlang Poll #2!
In order to make a phonemic inventory, we need to decide whether the length of time a vowel is said will vary in our language, and if so, whether it will be Contrastive or Allophonic.
If vowel length is contrastive, it makes a difference in what word is being said. For example, in Australian English, "cut" is pronounced /ˈkɐt/ while "cart" is pronounced /ˈkɐːt/. The only difference between the two words is the length of the vowel /ɐ/. (The ː following /ɐ/ in /ˈkɐːt/ indicates that it's a long vowel). Therefore, changing the vowel length changes the word's meaning.
If vowel length is allophonic, that means that it does change, but changing it doesn't alter a word's meaning. For example, in General American English, the word "bat" is pronounced /bæt/ while the word "bad" is pronounced /bæːd/. If you tried to say "bat" with a long /æː/ or "bad" with a short /æ/, it might sound slightly "off" to a native speaker of General American English, (depending on context, since vowel length is often used for emphasis), but neither of the words' meanings would change.
Please note that vowel length in this context refers to how much time you spend saying a vowel, not the "long" versus "short" vowels you may have heard about in English classes.
This poll is to create a phonemic inventory for a constructed language made (as much as possible) entirely with tumblr polls! More information on this project can be found here!
Please reblog for larger sample size! Poll # 1 can be found here. Poll #3 should go up in 48 hours!
Taglist: @writing-with-olive
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ae-park · 1 year
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Æ PARK — a writeblr re-introduction;
sending a hello to the wide blue yonder of writeblr! i'm back after a long hiatus, so please bear with me while i reacquaint myself. i'm æ, previously iusiurandums, a thirty-year-old qpoc creative looking to connect with writers and readers who love provocative, diverse fiction. nice to meet you (again, for some)!
— you can also find me at patreon !
about æ;
— i'm fond of typing in lowercase, studying classic literature, lo-fi music, and embracing lacunas, also known as untranslatable words.
— my favorite tropes are academic settings, "it's complicated" romances, anti-heroines, sub-textual doublespeak, and lovable fools.
— my digs are speculative fiction, emphasizing late young adult/new adult contemporary fantasy. throw in some intergenerational trauma and found family healing, and beware of characters who will do anything to achieve their goals.
— expect experiments with typography and transtextuality within my works! i love playing with language, narration, perspectives, and mediums.
wips under the cut! ⤵
⛓ on oaths and omens
dark academia contemporary fantasy medical drama set in 199X dublin, ireland
a historic clan's legacy, a vengeful plague, and a slaughtered family are all on the line as talented curse breakers compete for their school's most prestigious award to change their destinies. for what is a curse if not a promise tainted? status: drafting
🌊 seaward bones
high fantasy sea-faring pirate adventure
divine and gigantic monsters live beneath the ocean. called 'sea hags,' these sinister creatures sink islands, cause whirlpools, and have the maritime nations of kiticitam at their mercy. when a girl hell-bent on revenge enlists two "sail-for-pay" shipmen to track down the monster who drowned her homeland, she discovers a dangerous network of corruption as deep and myriad as the undiscovered seas. status: brainstorming
🛐 of savants and saints
dark academia contemporary fantasy murder mystery set in 201X new york city, new york
the brightest halls of academia cast the darkest shadows. of thirteen undergrads studying at the illustrious st. iendor university of divine arcana, one will lose their head. twelve will lie to keep theirs. the arbiter of duels is dead, and the culprit hides behind sorcery and cunning. for magicians never reveal their secrets, and witches never confess their sins. status: brainstorming
( to be added to a taglist for any of my works, reply to this post with the project you're interested in! )
& please like or reblog this post if you think we'd vibe! i'm always looking for more writer and reader friends, especially those who like writing experimental and diverse fiction. thank you for reading!
take care. -æ 🌾
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eepy-jazz-musician · 10 months
Our names + general about us:
Hi, we're Sleep Deprived Brass, and welcome to our blog. We're a genderfluid DID system of around 50. I am taken and will not shut up about our partner. Anyway, here I will list our DNI's and Names:
First, our DNI list: homophobes, transphobes (yes including terfs and exclusionists), racists, sexists, ableists, antisemites, anti-therian/anti-otherkin, radqueer, nazis or fascists (yes including IOF apologists), I hope hell is real so you can go there! Additionally, despite us being neutral on whether non-traumagenic systems exist (if you asked all of our alters, you'll get 50 or so separate opinions ranging from "hell no" to "yeah maybe,"), we generally feel aprehensive about people who identify as either Endos or Tulpas. One, because the Endo community is helmed by a lot of pretty terrible people who spread a lot of misinfo, and two because tulpamancy is a closed practice (if you think your plurality is caused by spirituality, just don't call it that. That's cultural apropriation unless you're part of the culture). We're fine with pro endos and anti endos interacting as long as there's no mud slinging. We aren't a syscourse blog, and out of respect for our alters' varying views on this, we'll say nothing more on the matter. TL;DR: don't be a prick. Finally, if you send asks begging for money, I will delete the ask and repeat offenders will be blocked. I'm sorry, but I'm not able to vet whether you're a scammer or not.
Second, we'll tag our names when one of us makes a post. If you want more info, we'll slowly be making intro posts for us. Here are some of our names (or nicknames in some cases) of each of us: Lydia: She/they/it/any neos Alistør/Ali (and the rest of his subsystem): He/they/it (ask though) Moss (And Lichen, part of fae's subsystem): Fae/Moss/They/He/Xe/She Mia: She/Xe Remi: Æ/Æm/Xe/They Adrian: He/They/She Caspian: She/He/It Maple: He/They/Fae/It Octavia: She/They/Xe Cynthi: He/It/She/Bot Other Alter: they/them (for alters who don't feel comfortable sharing their name)
Keep in mind, we have ~50 alters, so not everyone gets a tag explicitly written, but we'll still tag ourselves anyway. If you need their pronouns, then just ask.
Third, that's it so far, thanks for reading. I'll update this if things change. Edit 1-3: irrelevant Edit 4: Too many alters, just listing some names and pronouns of the (kinda) frequent fronters Edit 5: Updated DNI list and alter list.
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ohnobrooo · 1 year
Æ I love your work and it’s almost 2 in the morning and currently having severe giant Miguel brainrot but anyways here we go-
I like to imagine Miguel just sits in the back corner of his lair crisscross applesauce and the platform instead serves to lift appropriately sized monitors to his level. And if people for some reason (I’m looking at you Peter, Mayday, and maybe the Spider-Gang) actually want to talk to Miguel in person, then they would definitely use the platform, much to the annoyance of Miguel since he can’t do work.
And to add a little taste of angst, Miguel knows how easy it is to hurt someone at his size whether it be from his claws, fangs, or just any part of him in general. So when people do inevitably come and visit he resorts to tucking himself as far back as he can against the wall and refuses to put his clawed hands anywhere near his guest(s).
So yeah, small-ish rant over. You can take this as either a drawing request or just a headcanon rant whatever works (:
I love your idea!! I'll definitely draw something related to your idea. Thank you for the kind words anon!!
OOOOO I had a thought of miguel having his hands closed like a fist. Just to be sure his claws don't activate when hes getting mad at someone
Giant miguel brainrot is so real AGGGGHHH
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