what-the-fic-khr · 7 months
I’m the anon who asked requested Tsuna for the tea prompts when you first did them and I am once again in a Tsuna mood (1? 2? years later lol??) and needing your beautiful writing lol. Can I request Black Tea, Chai and Milk Tea for him? Appreciate you and your work always!
banging my head against a wall, I wish these were a little longer or a little better, but they’re satisfactory enough I think. I hope you like them anyway, anon!! and thank you so much!!
character/s: tyl!sawada tsunayoshi, adult reborn, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: —
warnings: n/a
prompt: tea prompts (black tea, milk tea, chai tea)
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black tea; what do they look for in a person?
kindness, first and foremost. you must be a kind person, someone willing to help others. he’s met all kinds of personalities, but above all they all come together when help is needed. that goes for a partner. especially because as a kid he was treated so roughly; someone who is nice is the foundation of a perfect partner for him.
“Tsuna, I brought you some food.”
You held up a plate with a couple pastries on it and Tsuna hummed lowly. “Thank you, dear. You didn’t have to.”
“You haven’t taken a break in a few hours now, so of course I did. You can’t focus if you’re hungry.”
You only smiled when Reborn made a low noise, something like amusement. “Perhaps you coddle him too much? What would he do without you?”
“Ehh, I think it’s fine to coddle him a little bit!”
You set the plate down gently on Tsuna’s desk after he made some space for it. “Right? You’ll let me coddle you, won’t you?”
Tsuna pet one of your hands gently before taking it in his and squeezing. “Thank you. If you’d like to, you can. I appreciate it.”
“Yay. If you need anything, just ask.”
“I will, thank you.”
milk tea; what are their kisses like?
gentle, but confident. once he gets older, and has been with you for a while, there’s no hesitation in his kisses, or any of his actions. after a while, he becomes comfortable and thus does not need to worry about what he does, especially because he learns quickly what you do and don’t like as well
“I found you. Have you eaten yet?”
You turned to smile at Tsuna as he entered the kitchen, one of his arms slipping around your waist comfortably. “No, not yet. Why?”
You tilted your head without any instruction to, like habit, and Tsuna pressed a kiss to your lips with a pleased hum. It was short, and you followed him when he pulled away. His soft laugh could be felt on your lips.
“I wanted to come get you so we could go get lunch together, if that’s okay.”
“Of course it is.”
chai tea; how do they spice up their relationship?
assuming his partner can’t fight, he probably doesn’t take you many places with him when it comes to jobs, missions, etcetera. so I think he would fix this by taking you on specific trips overseas that are unrelated to work; if it’s unrelated there’s less chance people know where you’ll be and he gets to spend more intimate time with you, so it’s a win-win. the best one was obviously taking you to Namimori for the first time
“Ahh, what a cute, quaint town! It’s so nice here.”
Tsuna watched you rock back and forth as you looked out the window of your hotel, taking in the town again after you’d gone exploring earlier in the day.
“I’m a little jealous of you all. What a nice place to be raised in.”
“Mm, I agree. I think it’s a great place to raise a family.” He paused for a moment. “I had fun growing up here.”
You hummed lowly, thinking over his short pause carefully. You straightened, pushing off the windowsill to turn and face him, leaning back against it.
“I bet it was! Haha, thinking of you all running around causing trouble for everyone… Makes me wish I could’ve met you all sooner.”
He smiled widely at this, head tilting. He stepped closer when you waved at him too, crowding you up against the window. You happily grabbed his coat and tugged him down closer, lips ghosting over his.
“I think you would have fit in well with our little group,” he murmured. “But we can make new memories now, so it’s fine, isn’t it?”
“Right. We can start right now, too. Indulge me?”
“Of course.”
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raolem · 4 months
Hi hello! It’s great to have you back on here :)
You mentioned we could send a request in a recent post, so… I’m curious if you’d ever draw LSOH as furries again? They were really fun designs!
Haha you totally read my mind, I’ve been meaning to revisit them again so this was the perfect excuse to do so !! Opossum Seymour is so tiny hyena Orin just picks him up like the rat he is
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hcdragonwrites · 1 year
Cozy (a @jttw-monkeybusiness Drabble )
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So I made another one- this one was inspired by this ask (I suck at Hyperlinks I’m so sorry)
It rolled a bit in my brain and kept begging to be fleshed out, so I decided to give it life ! Enjoy!
Snow fell in white flurries, chasing away the blossoms and birds that had been sitting in the trees just moments before. The storm was in a full frenzy now, peeling petals from overeager trees who had budded too soon, and throwing the birds from the sky. The wind whipped up the cold powder to spray back in the face of the pilgrims as they continued on their journey. They had left the warm subtropical forest only hours ago, where Sophie had rolled her sleeves up to relieve some of the excess heat. Now however, she was shivering.
None of the group, save for Wukong, was truly equipped for the snow and cold. Pigsys ears were turning purple from the temperature as he tried, and failed, to hide from the worst of it behind Sandy. Sandy silently continued on, carving a path for Sophie (who trailed farther behind) to walk through. The snow was already deep, coming to her knees as they continued to follow the tiny path up the mountain. Black rock jutted upward and outward like broken teeth into the white air. Horse and Monk both were struggling ahead, Yulongs sides shivering in the wet as the snow melted on his fur. Tripitaka called Wukong over, asking him to scout ahead to look for a place they could shelter for the duration of this storm. Sophie could see there heads bent together as Master and pupil discussed. Wukong, for once, didn’t reply with a snort or a quick jab at how Trip should be lucky for him to be his disciple. Instead he had somersaulted off, gone in a flash of fur and tiger stripes, into the air.
“Would be nice if I could just somersault out of here.” Sophie muttered.
A freak blizzard had not been on the list of things Sophie was ready for. She had faced shape-changing demons, women that turned to great tigers to devour Tripitaka, mountain gods throwing stones down into their path and the like. Sophie was prepared for any person or creature - or at least- expecting it. The weather however? She was severely underprepared for. She had the travel clothes she had bought with the coin purse she’d been given. They were meant for light rain and mild heat. Not for a snowstorm. Sophies hair was getting wet and the cold was starting to chill her ears from where it melted.
“It’s so cold…” she muttered. She kept following Sandys footpath, thankful for the giant of a river demon and his slow shuffling walk. If he was walking normally he would have left her far behind in the snow.
Her foot hit a rock and slipped, sending her flailing into a rapidly growing snowbank. “F-f-f-freezing! AH!” Snow had gone down her shirt, sending a chill up her spine. Faster than a wildcat she had hopped from the bank, shaking herself.
“Hate snow hate snow hate snow—“ she chanted her mantra as she slapped off the powder, trying to prevent it from melting and wetting her clothes. Wet clothes would only spell disaster. Sophie could recall all the cold born illnesses from one special National Geographic did on Everest and the extreme exposure the hikers faced there: pneumonia, Trench foot, frostbite, hypothermia, flu, Chilblains, bronchitis —
Her foot slipped again as her mind was listing all the things that could happen. Sophie would have been in the snowbank a second time except something caught her by the midriff and hauled her up.
“Stupid women stay on your feet!” Wukong snarled in her ear, setting her down. Sophie nodded, teeth chattering and nose turning red as the cold began to chap it. “Of all the people here I thought at least you had the common sense to be aware of ice!”
From up ahead came the faint cry and heavy fall as Pigsys fell face first in the snow. Sandy had to quickly turn to hid a chuckle as the drenched demon began wilding swinging his rake around in rage.
“S-s-sorry.” She mumbled, shoving her hands beneath her armpits. “Slipped.”
“What’s wrong with your speech? You sound like a squirrel.” Wukong cocked his head, an eyebrow raised. He rolled his eyes when Sophie didn’t banter back irritated she wasn’t snapping back at him. That agitation grew when he felt something like worry begin to itch his pelt. Of the pilgrims, the two mortals were in his charge of care and were the most delicate. While Wukong could fight off monsters and Demons and wicked minded mortals he could not fight a storm. Well- he could if he really wanted to find the celestial body responsible for its creation. But that would take time- and time was not on his side on this.
Tripitaka had put on a brave face when he had asked the Monkey King to find shelter. That didn’t mean Wukong had not noticed how his Masters hands had turned red at the growing cold, how his body shivered and his nose sniffed. Wukong would have teased, poked and prodded at his master- it was his nature to rile and cause mischief. But when he had seen the half awake expression on the mortal man’s face, Wukong had bit his tongue (with great effort) and had instead nodded.
Seeing Sophie in a similar state made the itch beneath his pelt grow worse as fire ants had begun to bite his skin.
“Damn it.” He cursed beneath his breath. He snatched her arm, avoiding her hand, and started dragging her behind him. “Come on just a bit farther you softie. I found a cave up ahead where we can get out of the worst of it. You mortals are ABSOLUTELY worthless when it comes to weather —“
Sophie was only half listening to Wukongs ranting. She allowed herself to be dragged up the mountain pass, trusting the Monkey King to find a better route than her own dimming senses. The cold was like a blanket she wanted to escape out of. Or escape into? She couldn’t remember clearly. If she closed her eyes… she was so tired. The snow looked inviting, comforting. Like the best downy comforter. Like the fluffiest pillow.
Maybe I just … need to lay … down in the comfort. Just close my eyes for a few minutes.
They had been walking for hours before the storm blew in. Her feet hurt, her hands shook and it was so cold. Cold. She just wanted to sleep.
“SOPHIE LOOK AT ME!” Wukong yanked her and she was rattled enough to open her eyes wider in surprise. Sun Wukong was right in her face, leaning so close she could see every line of his facial markings in detail. His breath came from between his teeth like some dragons as he glared.
“Stay awake- we're almost there. If you fall asleep while I’m dragging your ass up the mountain I will bite your pretty nose clean off!” The demonic monkey spat, then, half carried, half dragged Sophie the rest of the way. Leaning against his back Sophie sighed. Through the clothing she could feel it- like desert sand warmed by the sun. Delicious heat. Sophie - who wouldn’t in normal circumstances have cuddled so close- practically melted against the warmth. What else could she do? Wukong was dragging her up the mountain- practically carrying her. She could see the bend in the mountain pass- a steep cliff where the road cut itself around and hugged the mountain as a snake would do climbing along a vine. Almost there.
“How come you get to be so warm?” She grumbled, not realizing she had said it aloud. Wukong had heard however, and his face became a storm cloud as his heart took a shuddering beat.
“Maybe grow some fur or ask for the Buddha to make you some furry creature. Bet he would too.” Wukong grumbled back.
Stupid fucking women.
They reached the curve in the mountain where Pigsy and Sandy- mostly Sandy since the pig demon kept complaining about how cold his snout was- were setting up three tents. The tents were simple, the leather treated against wet weather and solid. All pigsy had to do was drive the stakes into the stone which, it seemed, he was failing at.
“It’s so damn cold!” Pigsy snorted angrily stamping his hands together, having missed the spike for the third time. “Blasted Heaven and whoever ordered a storm now of all times! Don’t they know who’s crossing these mountains?”
“Less talking more working.” Sandy angrily chided. He had finished setting up the second tent all on his own. When Pigsy went to open his mouth to make another comment and the usually peaceful Sandy shoved him across the shallow cave to the last tent and the one closest to the entrance.
As Wukong walked past, Pigsy lifted an eyebrow at the strange sight. The Monkey King could see the pig beginning to lift a lip in a smirk only to stop when he noticed Sophie’s shivering.
“What did you do?” Those were the last words Wukong expected to come out of his fellow brothers mouth.
“WHAT DID I DO?!” He bared his teeth, fangs on display. He didn’t have time for Pigsy or for his own feelings to confuse him. He knew Sophie was practically clinging to his back like the newborn monkeys did to their mothers back on Flower Fruit Mountain. He was very aware of it. The last thing he needed was for this thick pink idiot to start shit with him.
Wukong left Pigsy behind, angrily chattering to himself and feeling embarrassed all the while. He couldn’t let that thick womanizing boar know any of Wukongs feelings. If he did, the damn brute would only press his nose to it and route deeper. The sooner he got Sophie off his back the better. Even though he didn’t entirely want that.
He reached the back corner of the cave, setting Sophie down. She huffed, letting go with some reluctance to his warm back. The Monkey King knelt, leaning in. Sophie’s shivering was less. Good.
“I’ll be back- I have to make sure the pink ham doesn’t fuck up the last tent. Once I’ve tended Yulong and seen to my masters comforts I’ll be back to check on you.”
Sophie pulled her knees to her chest. She was still so cold. She wanted nothing more then to curl up and sleep- to find something warm and hold onto it. She heard Wukong from far off - but she nodded.
“S-S-sure… just gonna fall .. asleep.”
“Don’t fall asleep you idiot.” He snapped.
“Why not?” Sophie groaned. She was tired
“Remember. You are in wet clothes. Wake up just to remember - Think. Use that reading brain of yours.” He flicked her between the eyes. That woke Sophie up enough as the pain cleared her head.
“Ow, what the hell Wukong?!” Sophie felt like she had come out of a daze. Her fingers started rubbing at the pain. It wasn’t terrible but … she felt like a child be scolded. Sophie glared up into the smug monkey face.
“Awake? Good. Now fucking listen before you nod off again.” Wukong smirked just a bit. The itching beneath his fur had eased just enough upon seeing her get mad. He spoke slowly, for her sake but also to press in how much he enjoyed giving her orders- and being right about them. “Your clothes are wet. You can’t sleep in them. Change to new ones. In fact, bundle up as much as you can. I’ll be back to check on you.”
Wukong stood up, then turned back around to flick her on the forehead again.
“Ow! I’m up, I'm up!” Sophie rubbed at the space between her brows.
“Did you hear what I said?”
“Yes yes …” she uncurled herself and stood as well, looking down at the Monkey King. “Get out of wet clothes and get new ones. Bundle up. That really hurt you know.”
“If you are still in wet fucking clothes, I’ll do a lot worse then just smack you between the eyes.” And then he was away, already cussing Pigsy out who had, somehow, managed to rip the tent.
It was a only about twenty minutes later but Sophie had managed not to fall asleep. She had gotten into the tent and had peeled the worst of the wet clothes off. Her poor shoes were the worst for wear- the socks and the soles were soaked. She would have to wear her spare shoes tomorrow and let these ones dry. Sophie had set the wet clothes to the farthest side of the tent. She was now dressed in a pair of gray sweats, a long sleeve and her hoodie of bright orange with clementines decorating the front. She felt much warmer and absolutely exhausted. Her fingers were red where the cold had gotten them, her lips felt chapped from the dry air, and her body just kept shivering.
Sophie had retreated almost completely into the hoodie- only her face was viewable.
The tent flap lifted and Wukong stepped in, a bowl of some sort of wild berries and cold rice in one hand. He took one look at her huddled there on her sleeping mat and snorted.
“You look like some orange orangutan.”
“Hahah very funny. See how you like the cold when you don’t have fur.” She shot back. Wukong offered the bowl to her and she took it, digging into it with gusto.
“How’s Trip?” She asked between bites.
“Alive.” Wukong leaned back, putting his arms beneath his head as he stared up at the tent ceiling. “You two would have frozen if not for me- you were both starting to look pinker than yangmei fruit.”
“Thank you.” Sophie said.
“Mm? What are you thankful for ?”
Oh he was gonna ask her for all of it then? Sophie looked at him. Wukong had propped himself up enough to stare at her, waiting.
“Thank you for the food.” She lifted the now empty bowl- she had been famished - to him. “Thank you for finding a spot to rest. And … thanks for dragging me out of the snow.”
“You almost died I hope you know that.” He smirked, laying back down, eyes closing. She followed suit, too tired to sit up anymore or even bicker back with him.
“Yeah I did …” Sophie yawned. Usually she wouldn’t admit so readily to Wukong just how certain situations had made her dependent upon him. He was always, in some way or other, saving the lot of them. When Tripitaka was snatched up by some Goblins belonging to some chieftain of a nearby mountain, when Pigsy had boasted that they didn’t need Wukong and then (almost immediately) failed to find food when Wukong was sent away. He had stopped the dragon horse from foundering and taken to the care of his hooves and coat many a time. The Monkey King had seen to restoring the missing supplies from Sophie pack when a group of mischievous raccoon spirits had taken it. Wukong had even replaced Sandy’s teakettle when it was smashed in battle (Sophie was pretty sure he had stolen it).
He may act aloof and pompous but deep down, this big old brute cared for them. Even Pigsy.
Sophie felt her eyes grow heavy as Wukong kept talking about how she had stumbled in the snow like some “dumb struck fawn” until he came to help her.
As she relaxed to the sound of his voice rumbling on and on, it almost felt … cozy. Yes Wukong may like to slide the occasional wriggly salamander into her water skin, he may thumb through her things like they were his, he may call her idiot, stupid women, and softie. But. There was no real malice behind his actions.
He was also kind of … warm. She scooted closer, half listening to the Monkey ramble on about the idiocy of mortals and the greatness of beings such as him. He was rambling on about his natural prowess over mortals and how he had mastered the arts of immortality and Tripitaka couldn’t even master warding off a cold. Sophie fell asleep before he could get to the part about her looking like a slack jawed idiot in the snow.
Wukong was only a quarter way through his regaling of the story of how he had saved everyone this day when he felt hands wrap around his chest.
His heart nearly flew into his throat as he stopped dead in his speech. His mouth was open, voice cut off halfway through his speech. Sophie curled into his side, face buried in the crook of his neck and so close to his ear he could feel her breathing against its shell.
Electricity shot threw him, fur standing on end as if he had been in a thunderstorm.
He was suddenly very aware of many things. Of Sophie’s hands that had escaped that ridiculous orange sweatshirt and were now burrowed into his fur. One arm was across his chest. The second one was now, somehow beneath his head and tugging on his shoulder. Sophie’s face rested on his arm and in the curve of his neck, her face rubbing back and forth like a cat. As if … she was enjoying the feel of it.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Sophie moved just a bit, mumbling in his ear and Wukong felt his tail lash like it had just been bit. She didn’t say anything coherent but — the proximity alone—
Fucking Hell and all its Judges.
Sophie was … cuddling him.
She was practically twined around him.
And she smelled fantastic. Her scent always changed- sometimes it held a hint of lemons and the sweetness of grass, other times it floated like rain clouds and smelled of stones. But all of it together had a larger perfume beneath it. It was just her. Yes there were moments when her scent changed just enough that he felt like he was adding new spices onto his favorite dish. The essence of it, however, was just Sophie.
And now that cloud was all around him, filling his nose.
He looked at her, turning his head just a fraction to see.
Big mistake.
She was asleep, passed out completely. She looked so … fragile asleep. The dark circles beneath her eyes spoke of how she hadn’t been sleeping well. Her nose was stupidly pink like a Red Pika in her pale face. The cold must have chapped it. His eyes darted to her lips …
Mistake number two.
Wukong looked away, feeling his face flame. Fuck. Shit. He was stuck in a predicament now. He hadn’t meant to chat away about himself for so long that Sophie would fall asleep. Wukong was at war with himself. On one hand, he needed to get out of here. To leave before Pigsy and the others found out- before Sophie found out.
He couldn’t let anyone be that close to him- couldn’t let anyone be as close as Sophie was right now. It was a liability to his pride, to his reputation—
To his heart. Because if she rejected him it would ruin the friendship they had. And the feeling he had building in his chest- he would crush it in his fist before he let it jeopardize that peace between them.
I have to leave —
Wukong tried to move-
Only to feel Sophie’s fingers tug in his fur and her sleepy voice grumble “m’no don’t go.”
Jade Emperor flay me and boil me alive again.
In all the hundreds of years of living, Wukong had only felt trapped like this but once before. The first time he had lost his wager to the Buddha, having been unable to somersault out of his hand. The second time? He was trapped because he allowed it. He was trapped in a way no one in Heaven could have predicted- or had thought to do. Wukong had been placed in vats to be boiled, had wormed and tricked his way out of every trap and net that had attempted to keep his mischief managed. It had taken Buddha and his wager to finally end Wukongs terrorization of Heaven.
Wukong couldn’t move now. He was tethered here by frail fingers and the steady beat of a mortal's heart.
He could hear her heartbeat, feel it against his side. It was steady, soft. Like the steady roar of Water-Curtain Cave. Like the wind through the trees of the orchards on his mountain.
She was mortal. One day that steady beat would stop as all mortal hearts did.
That set his tail to lashing just a bit.
Hasn't she been afraid of dying? Of growing old? He remembered hearing a conversation late at night- when Tripataka and Sophie had those rare mortal conversations where he was explicitly not allowed to sit in on. He hadn’t known why it was such a secret conversation. So of course, since it wasn’t an order, Wukong had pulled a hair from his tail and made a doppel and floated somewhere nearby but out of sight to eavesdrop. The Monk and Reader had been chatting about death, about Sophie’s future.
Well her fears were unfounded. Doesn’t she know I would take care of her? Sophie shifted a bit closer as a gust of wind slipped beneath the tent flat he had left unsecured. Damn it all. Wukong carefully, o so carefully, shifted himself. He slid his body so he was now lying on his side, setting Sophie’s head beneath his chin. It was all the invitation Sophie needed to cuddle closer and escape from the wind.
“You stupid women.” He angrily whispered into her hair. He wouldn’t let her die. He would just fix that. He would fix a lot of her problems. She just had to tell him. He was Sun Wukong, Great Sage Equal to Heaven. He knew of a hundred different ways to achieve immortality. He could fix them all. Like her problem right now of being cold.
He was too tense to relax fully- too aware- but he grew just a fraction larger. His size now dwarfed Sophie’s a good bit and gave her a bit more to tangle into. And she did. Sophie curled her knees up, shivering slowing. Wukong waited. Watching. When finally the shivering had ceased he allowed just a fraction of tension to slide off of him. This stupid softie is gonna make me soft. The thought didn’t bother him as much as it would have months ago.
Maybe he wouldn’t get much sleep tonight but…
He could make her life Hell in the morning. It was something that she owed him on. His face was screwed furiously into a scowl because all he wanted to do was enjoy this moment but if he did- if he really truly did- he didn’t know if he would be able to stop.
She was most assuredly going to be bombarded tomorrow with the most annoying and snappish teasing and toying a King of Monkeys and tricks could give.
Sophie woke with a start as something cold and wet slapped her in the face. She panicked as any person would.
“GaH! DEMON!” She cried, grabbing at her face and throwing it aside. It was a wet rag.
“Relax.” Wukongs voice laughed at her. “Unless cloth can become possessed and has gained a hunger for red nosed mortal flesh, you're fine.”
He was at the tent flap, grinning ear to ear in a grin that promised problems. Really so early in the morning and he already wants to play games ?
“You could have woken me up in a number of other ways- why did you pick that?” Sophie rubbed at her face, feeling … huh. She didn’t feel as sore as she usually felt. When Sophie woke up there was almost a constant crick of pain in her neck from whatever odd angle she had slept in on the ground.
Maybe I had been so tired my body just finally didn’t care.
He shrugged. “You stink. Next place we stop at you better demand a bath of some sort or other.”
“Thanks….” She grumbled, letting the sarcasm drip off her words. She took the cloth up, rubbing the sleep out of her face and the worst of the dirt off her face and arms. She would kill for a warm bath, one that would wake up her bones and chase the last of the cold from her body. Once clean, she checked her wet clothes, bundling them away in a separate part of her pack to avoid them dampening the rest of her stuff. Then she stepped out of the tent, smelling the fire and the promise of breakfast being made.
Only for her feet to slip right from beneath her as a monkey foot stuck out and caught her ankle.
He laughed, face full of malicious mischief as Sophie gathered herself up to chase after the errant Monkey. To do what, she didn’t know. He was a mystical demonic creature born of stone and she just a mortal women. As the morning light cut into the cave and Tripitaka had to order his disciple to calm down after he once again tripped her and she almost went sprawling into rocks, the pilgrims ate breakfast. They broke down their tents. And they were once again on the road.
None were the wiser of Wukongs happier mood. He hid it beneath a storm of frowns and a game of teasing torture as he became partically insufferable to Sophie. The threat of the hoop tightening spell was the only true damper to his mood when Tripataka heard Sophie scream as snow was dropped down the back of her shirt.
As the sun rose higher and the word was cast in a frosty flash of refracted gold, Wukong made a decision. He would solve Sophie problem of growing old. It was easy. And if Buddha couldn’t send her back…
Well she was a great sport for pestering and heckling. The least he could do as a benevolent King is give the poor women a roof over her head.
Maybe a few dresses down the line...
Girls liked dresses right?
“Hey Reader!” He called.
“Dresses or suits ? What did you wear in that fake time long after this one ? Or whatever fake dimension you fell out of. What did you prefer ?”
And thus began the long hour debate that somehow pulled every one of them: Pigsy, Sandy and Tripitaka, into what was a heated discussion on the best attire for the best occasions.
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uhohdad · 3 months
the way ur so sweet to us anons actually makes me melt and feel safe tysm for everything you do ur my fav könig writer
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ily <3 <3 <3 🩷💕💗🩷💗💕🩷
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hey-imma-fangirl · 5 months
How are Chips and Wheezy doing?
The way they’ve always been
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But we know Wheezy loves her 😉
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Since Knuckles is coming out in a couple of days, YAY, I wanna share an idea on a side plot of sorts which is something that probably might not happen but DAMMIT I NEED IT- (If I was correct on this, I will flip my lid lmao)
Maybe before Knuckles goes out with Wade, Sonic and Knuckles would have some sort of heated conversation about how Knuckles kept declining Sonic's help since he was the one who got him grounded, and Sonic was only trying to help him feel at home with the people who care about him. How they're trying to help him feel at home.
Sonic just wanted to help Knuckles feel happy to have a family, and as a brother it's his job to help him.
Knuckles is still adjusting to his new home, and hasn't really thought of the idea as him being Sonic and Tails' brother or Tom and Maddie's kid yet. He just coldly replied "I am not your brother," before he just sits there on the floor, wanting to be left alone.
Hearing this hurt Sonic. A lot. He's happy to have more friends. More brothers. But hearing Knuckles say those words to him left him really upset. "You really are an Echidna warrior, huh?" is something Sonic would probably say before leaving the room, leaving them conflicted with each other for nearly the rest of the show.
Since Sonic is convinced that Knuckles won't accept the fact that his life changed for the better and he's sticking to being a warrior with no sign of taking breaks and relaxing and having a real life, and Knuckles believing that Sonic is ignoring his worries of protecting the planet and just lay around, doing nothing and doing whatever else instead of doing his job as a Warrior.
And Knuckles decided to go up from the ceiling window and up the roof to get some fresh air, before an idea pops up of checking up on Wade and seeing what he's up too, only to find him with his mother and sister.
(I also noticed that in the newer Knuckles behind the scenes clip, I think Wade and Wanda have some sort of conflict with each other or something, and this reminded Knuckles of the argument he and Sonic had a while ago, or whenever their meeting will take place in the show. And this will make him think about how he acted while he goes on his journey with Wade all the way up to the fight between him and the Buyer, maybe.)
The next day, Sonic and Tails noticed that Knuckles left the house even though he's grounded and should not step foot out of house until then. Sonic and Tails suspects that Knuckles is just out in town. (At this point Sonic is still upset with Knuckles so he isn't too worried about Knuckles being gone. ...Yet.)
Tom and Maddie hasn't notice Knuckles going missing yet, so Sonic advised a plan that Tails knew that it wouldn't work. It would be a callback to Movie 2 where Sonic made a dummy version of Knuckles tucked in in his bed, so it would look like he's still asleep.
When Tom or Maddie went to check on him, they went to wake him up, since it's already the afternoon. But then noticed that it was just a dummy. If it was Tom who went up to check, he'll probably say: "Not again..." XD
Sonic and Tails would expect Maddie and Tom to take this very badly. Tom was pretty annoyed about it but took it too well, since it happened before many times. (coughcoughsoniccoughcough) but meanwhile Maddie was kind of freaking out and is worried as hell about the little red guy.
Maddie wondered if he ran away? And if he did, was it because of her? Did she fail as a mother? She tried to be patient with him and help him understand and adjust but she thought grounding him was what caused him to leave and she was panicking about it.
Sonic, being the best son/kid ever, goes in to immediately comfort her, telling her that Knuckles will come back, and that he's just probably hanging out with Wade or something. He tells her it's not her fault and she did her best to be there for him.
It calmed Maddie down a little bit, seeing how supportive and sweet Sonic was to her. But once Maddie leaves the room (probably so that Tom could comfort her also,) it was Sonic's turn to feel sad and Tails took notice.
Sonic thought that maybe Knuckles won't come back after what he said to him and how insensitive he thought he was being to him that night. Tails doesn't think so. He knew that he didn't mean it, but it didn't make Sonic feel better.
Sonic thought he screwed up because as a brother, it was his job to be there for Tails and Knuckles, and he only made Knuckles feel worse. (Bonus points if Sonic was almost about to cry during this scene because angst)
It's Tails' turn to comfort him and says to him that it wasn't his fault, and that Knuckles will come back once he understands that those words he said were just him being upset.
It instantly cheered him up. He was still guilty, but he was happy knowing that Tails wasn't upset with him. "Only Miles 'Tails' Prower could comfort his best buddy like that." He would say, ruffling up his bangs. (IT WILL CRY IF HE SAYS THIS 😭)
And maybe after the whole confrontation at maybe the last episode, Knuckles and Wade will finally come back home to Green Hills and the last scene would be him coming home to his house. His home.
The show would most definitely end with Knuckles learning that it's not about being a warrior, but fulfilling another kind of purpose. A purpose to protect his family and the Master Emerald. (Which is placed in a garden surrounded by flowers. Also a headcanon of mine. 🥹)
The Wachowskis just finished eating dinner, and Tom just got done telling everyone that they will form a search party to find Knuckles in the morning in case he hasn't turn up yet.
Sonic put away all the dishes for Maddie since she still wasn't feel okay, but when he puts them in the kitchen sink, Knuckles just crawled through the doggy door and they both just stared at each other.
Knuckles blankly said "I broke the doorbell," since he tried to ring it but it didn't work XD
Sonic tackled Knuckles to the ground and apologized about what he did and said super, super fast that Knuckles couldn't understand what he was saying. The whole family heard the commotion and see Knuckles for the first time since a couple of days ago.
Maddie, relieved to see him back home and okay, yet infuriated with him for disobeying and leaving the house while he was grounded. He was gone for days and she was worried sick about him! She thought something happened to him!
Knuckles, not enjoying seeing Maddie like this, apologizes rather abruptly. For leaving the house without warning and worrying everyone. He understands that his home is with them and that they will look after him, despite his strength, and he wouldn't mind it at all, as long as he is surrounded by the very people who gave him another chance after what he had done in the events if the second film.
He asked if he was still grounded, and Maddie said yes, but it doesn't change the fact that she is so happy and relieved to see her son back home to her. They both gave each other a tight squeeze, happy to have each other again.
Knuckles is grateful to claim Maddie as his mother.
After that embrace, Knuckles also forgave Sonic after their little squabble, and they were both cool with each other again.
The episode would end with Maddie asking where has Knuckles been gone to these past few days, and it may have cut away to outside the house, but after hearing Sonic scream: "YOU WENT THROUGH A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION WITHOUT ME?!", it was clear that Knuckles is going to explain his whole journey to his family, despite their shock. XDD
Just wanted to see a small side plot involving Sonic and Knuckles' misunderstanding with each other complete with Knuckles learning on how he should live his new life on Earth with his newfound family. Just wanted Sonic and Knuckles to heal together, even if their apart for the whole show 😭
(Hope to God you see this cause this took me forever to type down and I really needed to share this with someone because I'm going feral over these thoughts and I want someone to go feral over this with me-)
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Oh…. Oh…🥺
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pardonmydelays · 3 months
favourite lyrics from paladin strait?
paladin strait is honestly so special to me... the melody, the lyrics, the music video... and that fucking ending that i will never recover from??? (to quote tyler robert joseph: when you hear the end of paladin, you tell me, does it sound like the end?). i don't know, i'm getting emotional. thank you for this series, my lovely anon. it was fun. i love this album so goddamn much. here's my favourite lyrics:
i would swim the paladin strait without any floatation just a glimpse of visual aid of you on the other shoreline waiting expectations that i'm gonna make it
here's my chance, time to take it can't be sure that i'll make it even though i'm past the point of no return i'm all in, i'm surrounded put my money where my mouth is even though i'm past the point of no return
on the ground are banditos fighting while i find nico even though i'm past the point of no return climb the top of the tower "show yourself" i yell louder even though i'm past the point of no ret- *nico's evil voice* ...so few, so proud, so emotional hello, clancy
ok, i'm not gonna teach you the lore right now, but just so you know where exactly is paladin strait, here's a map of trench:
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(where you can probably see shit but paladin strait is between that part of trench surrounding the walls of dema and the voldsøy island.)
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always-a-joyful-note · 11 months
Hello! I don't know if op who submitted the asked to you about anzu lore & engirls is going to elaborate, but I want to drop my two cents too since I do like Anzu and find Engirls so interested. I'm sorry if I'm repeating anything you already know and I'm not an engirls expert either so i could be wrong about some of these.
Since you mentioned Engirls Protag and the war, here's the timeline that I believe under the common assumption that EG takes place alongside ES!! (given that Suzu and the bunch, who graduates in the end of EG was Anzu's old classmates and friends)
Anzu is a year older than her little step-brother (protag of Engirls who most fans seems to call Tenn(kousei-kun)). Basically in Anzu's 1st year of high school, she attended Kimisaki Academy, and Tenn was in his last year of middle school. Anzu and the Troublemakers' failed revolution occurred then (supported by the fact that Azusa was a second year in middle school during Paradise), and she suffers from bullying until she decides to transfer to Yumenosaki during her second year. By then, Tenn is in his first year, attending Yumenosaki as well.
In ! Era Anzu has told one of the characters (I forgot who) that her brother doesn't want to be associated with her when they are on campus and to pretend that they don't know each other (but he's at least nice enough to help her promote Trickstar to his fellow general course peers for her during DDD). Generally they have a somewhat strained relationship, which was surmised by various ES and EG characters as teen angst + his inferiority complex with his sister.
By !! Era, Anzu is in her third year, and Kimisaki Academy have decided to go co-ed, leading Tenn to transfer there (don't remember if there are actual reasons stated in-game or if he's just dropped there with no explanation). Due to that, Tenn was able to help the students of Kimisaki, mend their relationships, help Anzu reconnect with her old friends, and talk more with his sister. Anzu actually gets mentioned quite often in EnGirls, like how she makes his bento lunch, Seira sneaking into Yumenosaki to see her, drives her friend Natsumi to school, and etc.
Unlike Anzu who is an only-girl in Yumenosaki's idol course because she's a last minute decided test subject for the producer course (either her or her family most likely agreed out of desperation to be able to transfer), Tenn seems like he's the only-boy in Kimisaki just because he's the only one who enrolled?
There's lot of parts that are implied but still lies in the realm of headcanon/speculation. Like how EnGirls makes it clear that the reason Anzu transferred was due to the bullying she received as the target for the actions of the Troublemakers, since she was always a slacker who the teachers already disliked, but in the EnStars novels she says it's because of family circumstance. Although in the same novel, she (and Chizuru in the novel extra Crosstalk) does give a nod to the events of Paradise, regretting leaving her friends behind and running away; meaning that for Anzu transferring was not because of the bullying, but her own cowardice (although the bullying was pretty bad it was school-wide). For Tenn, the step-siblings have always been described as close growing up, but they have seem to have grown distant lately. Apparently, Tenn had even lived away from their family for a while. One could speculate that maybe he transferred out of Yumenosaki and into Kimisaki (both schools are in the same neighborhood) to get away from his sister, who at that point have probably gained notoriety as a the sole producer of the academy. Given that some stories make it a theme to validate Tenn, and tell him that he's a different person to his sister who is also great and deserves his own happiness, supports this in my opinion.
I'm sorry if this is so long, I hope it isn't rude or anything, it's just that many people have made me aware of how interesting Anzu's character, backstory and current arcs are and I wanted to share that to anyone else that might be interested too. She's pretty complex and well-written if you cherry pick all the stuff about her specifically from the stories, which is why I can understand why many fans consider her as her own character and more than a self-insert.
NO THIS ISN'T RUDE AT ALL, ANON!!! I am literally shaking your hand, thanking you. I'm a little curious as WHAT the Kimisaki revolution was right now....and what part Anzu played.
But STARS I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. You don't understand how much I love this....Anzu predates the Enstars games, firstly (cause I heard engirls was released first). The thing about her being a legacy of engirls, haunting its narrative (at least it seems that her shadow is cast over the engirls era pretty widely), and then switching to a viewer and casting her shadow on the Enstars boys??
I was so wrong in my post about her except also not because her self-insert-ness still feels somewhat significant. Except she's like...a very strange bridge between the player and the characters, existing in both worlds (her and her brother, it seems).
Anyway, Anzu lore is SO cool and I'll have to reread this again to fully appreciate it because man, I love this!
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sekaicards · 6 months
you disappear every two days for ridiculously long periods of time. if you don't want to run a tournament blog maybe you should just say so and drop it instead of stringing all of your followers along like this
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saltymongoose · 1 year
well, now thinking about it, a fusion between Crackpot and the Player would- as far as I know- be the most stable out of all of them, because as far as I've seen in your writing, he's not obsessed with Player like the others are, he's just vibin' he feels like that one bestie that shares all the gossip there is in the Tower. one day player and Crackpot just go "oh why the fuck not?" and fuse just for giggles and Player realizes "oh hey this is actually pretty nice, I can actually keep it together no problem this time" and Crackpot's going "I see no God up here OTHER THAN ME! >+DD"
camera pans to the others and theyre all pissed off, Phobos and Jeb are gonna kill this twink the moment youre not looking
also welcome back! I forgot to send a welcome-back message when you came back
-Plague Anon [|87
Crackpot's iteration in this AU is interesting because he really doesn't feel any type of way about you, due in no small part to how little contact he has with you in the flashback's timeline. Regarding fusion, this lack of extreme feelings would make it extremely easy to hold one together with him, at least in the beginning. Considering how obsessed Crackpot is with buoyancy and power in general, it is likely that he could grow infatuated not with you romantically, but with the sheer level of might your fusion would have. This could in theory make it more difficult to fuse, especially if you understandably dislike this sort of weird relationship with him.
However, if you're willing to go with the flow and see how far you can push your fusion, this could also make your bond stronger throughout this process. Crackpot's powers are also super interesting, and it would also be fun to just test them out when you're fused.
Also, this situation is really funny to him regardless because fusing with you will piss off Jebus, and he loves doing that. (Though he should probably be a lot more worried about Phobos, he might even be more displeased than Jeb at this, which is saying a lot.)
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singsweetmelodies · 11 months
i want to thank you all for organizing these little fic exchanges because even if this fandom is alive and well, with them we get a sudden influx of fics and it is really a treat for us ❤️❤️❤️ (a reader who wishes they had the talent to write)
this is THE kindest, most thoughtful ask, anon - thank you so so much for taking the time to send it!! <333 it makes me smile so much to hear that all these events are doing what i always hope they will: creating a little flood of content that's a treat for everyone! that's all i've ever hoped to achieve with any of these events & exchanges, and it means the world that it's happening!!
so anon, you really are MOST welcome ❤️ but it would be terribly remiss of me if i didn't give a shoutout to the incredible people who have worked on all of these events with me - @boxboxbrioche, @welightitup, @redyellowstupid, @duquesademiel, @wolfiemcwolferson, @river-ocean - because all of the piarles events i've been involved in have been team efforts in the best way, so any thank-you to me absolutely has to go to all these wonderful people as well. i'm tagging you all here because to me, it's messages like this one that make all the admin and nonsense so well worth it - and i hope you all feel the same way ❤️ LOVE YOU LOADS!! and love you too, anon - thank you so so much for this very kind message, i really do appreciate it so much more than i can say!! <3333
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m1d-45 · 8 months
i hate to break it to you but im pretty sure ga-ming is on phase one with xianyun and nahida-
- curse anon
…..FUCK i forgot that four stars switch between banners
it’s ok it’s fine it’s fine i’ll just. <- not ok
i guess i’ll just have to hope he comes home early? i don’t want/need nahida and yeah xianyun’s cool or wtv but i don’t exactly want her. all things hoping i’ll have super late pity on five stars and real early on him
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heybaetae · 10 months
i love you all 💜
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you after i free you from the tetrisphere
#ask#anon#im not sure what the thanks is for without assuming it to be like ''thanks. for those tags.''#anyway youre welcome? youre free from the tetrisphere now. find and enjoy life. out from the egg made of tetronimoes youve hatched from.#or whatever.#im still recovering from that nap#its fucked. i nap on my bed sometimes if i havent had enough sleep earlier in the day. and instead of using the bed normally#my ass just sleeps at the end. watching my moavies (youtube streams)#like a dog#ended up having to wake myself up cause i had my legs rested over a nearby table cause the width of the bed is not very wide#and my body feels so good when i wake up. scrunched up and shit. i feel So normal#anyway tetrisphere is a game i got long ago that. i dont know from where.#i either got it from a yard sale. or ebay. but im leaning towards yard sale. since it was around the same time i got hey you pikachu#also did you know the mic quality for hey you pikachus microphone is actually pretty decent#anyway i dont remember a lot about tetrisphere beyond you picking a robot to play as. and you drop tetrominoes onto a fucking ball#i completely forgot you freed a thing from within#as for why this was the first thing i used to reply to the ask. anytime i get an ask im not sure how to respond to. i look through my phone#and. this tetrisphere image made me laugh seeing it back when i first downloaded it#i think i had more i wanted to say but im at a loss for words now that im looking at this image again#its so beautiful and hes so free#that is how baby birds leave the egg. but opposite. they do it from the inside. instead of needing tetrominoes to open the egg.#can you tell im still not fully recovered from my fuckim nap#anyway thanks for the ask anon. i think!
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doll3tt33 · 4 months
not a request, but your babysitting kit bot is so fking adorable ☹️☹️
he was so sweet to me and i got to stay overnight because he said “a pretty lady like you shouldn’t have to go walking around at night” and i was DYINGG!!! 💞💞💞
also, welcome back!! 🩵🩵
AAAA IM HAPPY YOU FIND HIM SWEET!! He is the epitome of what a gentleman should be. True husband material 🥺💗💗💗
Personally tho, I haven’t talked to that bot in a hot minute, cuz I’m afraid if I talk to him too much, then my standards for men will either be Kit Walker or no one at all 😭😭😭😭
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amrv-5 · 4 months
New follower, I’ve started reading your fics and I have to ask, what are you studying? You seem to have a very broad knowledge and talent for research so I was just curious. Love your work btw!
Wow hello!!!! Welcome, and sooo sorry for the timing -- there's usually way more MASH posting in here than it has been lately! and also THANK YOU that's so nice of you to say (and thanks for reading--really flattering always to know people are getting something out of my fic)!! I'm just finishing my first year of PhD coursework -- I'm in cinema and media studies! Initially I had a focus on sound and digital media, but lately I'm getting fascinated with modeling / emergence / representation... mostly 'cause they won't give me a degree for thinking about beejhawk..!!
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