#THANK YOU for the question and the opportunity to absolutely go off about an issue i have been drooling over for YEARS.
is-this-tf · 8 months
Most underrated type of tf, GO!!
Oh my GOD- okay first off to be clear: everyone has one of these. Everyone has an opinion on what kind of TF is underrated, what kind they want to see more of and what they think deserves more love, and they're all right. TF is a wide as hell interest, and like god damn we're insatiable, but that's alright because it really IS good. (so long as it isn't hurting people but that's a given.)
That said.
Fucking. OC TF. I want to TF into your OCs. I WANT TO TF INTO SO MANY OF YOUR OCS SO BAD THEY'RE SO COOL OR HOT OR CUTE OR GENDER OR WELL CRAFTED OR ALL OF THE ABOVE AND EVERYTHING, and holy GOD I wish people made more TF content for their extremely extremely TFable OCs. Fursonas or sonas in general, dnd characters, original content characters, in-universe self inserts or other OCs made for canon material, the list goes on and on and on and ON. OC TF IS SO, SO UNDERRATED.
(I suffer from what I like to call 'chronic fast TF mood metabolism' and it's terminal. It's forever. I'm in this for the long haul. I see a hot character or a fat OC or a fuzzy AU of a character or a goddamn cool half-finished sketch of a design for something (usually ANYTHING) and I pick that TF mood up so fucking fast. I'm so FUCKED, you have to understand. Please, please make TF content of your extremely TFable OCs I am STARVING.)
OC TF is the Best TF, and you can quote me on this because I am RIGHT!
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fun-k-board · 4 months
AAAA YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!! :3333 could I maybe request CG Storm and CG Rogue? Maybe them and a little reader who’s a bit on the fussy/ tantrum-y side?
Thank you!!!!! ^^ (u probably know who this is but I’m too scared to come off anon 😭)
X-MEN '97 - Little reader who's fussy and tends to have tantrums
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Note(s): HEHHE I KNOW!! It's alright tbh I'm terrified of coming off anon too (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
Powered through writing this because you're cool as hell and I like you! 💪 I don't and didn't really have the most idk 'attentive' family, so I'm not the best judge on how to take care of kids or people in a kids mindset, I may be a little bad at writing for caregivers and age regression in general because of this.
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'Hey, hey now sugah, let's calm down, you don't want to go in time out and I don't want to send ya. Explain to me why you don't like the food, I'm perfectly alright gettin' you somethin' different, there ain't no need to get upset.'
Anna can sometimes tell when you're about to have a tantrum or become more fussy than usual, even if you tend to take a while to throw a full fit, she'll watch you carefully and try to prevent one from fully forming. Gently kissing you on the forehead and brushing back your hair, asking what's wrong with a worried look on her face.
The moment you start yelling, kicking, or even crying, maybe after ignoring her question, she finds it hard not to just fold and give you what you want, after all, you're just so cute. However, her sense of responsibility and care for you overwhelms her need to coddle you.
Anna will say your name firmly, getting you to pay attention to her, and only her. She'll get a tissue for you and wipe your tears away, and ask firmly what you're sad or angry about and if you could possibly explain it to her.
If you can't verbally, for whatever reason, she'll give you the opportunity to write it on paper or she'll play a guessing game with you, the guessing game is only for when you're extremely upset and need cheering up though.
If you explain, in whatever format you need to, that you're upset because of an issue that's causing you distress, maybe food triggered sensory issues, someone was mean to you, etc, then she'll let you off the hook because you clearly didn't mean to cause any harm and you were just acting out.
Rogue will give you a bit of a talking to, telling you that crying and throwing things makes it difficult to help, but that's about it. Given it's not your fault she isn't actually too mad, she just wants you to understand that she won't know how to help if you're kicking and screaming.
If, however, your outburst was because of a silly reason, say you don't like the colour crayons and you throw them at her, she won't be as quick to accept it and move on.
She's still very sympathetic and won't ever raise her voice at you, even when you've done something especially terrible for no apparent reason.
Anna is very lenient and her 'punishments' usually just include a minute or so sitting in the corner, maybe withholding drawing from you for the day, but she always makes sure to explain in detail why you're being punished and it's usually only a last resort.
Rogue is very sweet even when she's being stern, her eyes can't help but go soft and her tone slips from that firm scolding one she uses when you're being bad, to a sweet almost coo-like baby voice.
Afterwards she comforts you like there's no tomorrow, telling you that she didn't want to hurt your feelings by taking away something or sending you to the corner, but you just need to learn some manners and how to handle yourself.
If you're fussy in terms of only liking clothes of a certain colour, food cut or made in a certain way, or things being done in a particular order, she absolutely doesn't mind doing these things for you! When it comes to cooking Rogue tends to ask for Gambit's help, she's not the worst cook in the world, but she can't do it like Remy can.
When it comes to removing parts of food, maybe you like to remove the crusts of bread and have them separate or not at all, she'll happily cut them off for you and maybe even eat the crusts while talking to you.
Sometimes she matches clothes with you! After all, 'If you like these clothes, they must be the best ones they got!' She says with a grin.
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'My child, it's important to remember your manners when speaking to those around you. I am not angry, but you must tell me what is wrong if I am to correct my mistake or you are able to grow.'
The moment she notices you starting to throw a tantrum, which is fairly fast even if your signs are just a deep frown, asking you if everythings alright and most of the time avoiding any tantrums before they begin.
However, sometimes you refuse to tell her what's wrong, perhaps you go straight to throwing toys or food, pouting, yelling, in replying she will simply hold a gentle hand on your shoulder and kindly repeat her question on what the matter is. Her tone is gentle and her face is one of genuine concern.
Like Rogue, if you're in distress because of something that's not your fault, or maybe you're just overwhelmed, she will never hold it against you at all. If you're comfortable with it and it's something you need to calm down, Storm will pick you up and give you a tight hug, if not, she's alright with just holding a hand on your shoulder, or even removing her hand and only speaking to you.
Ororo will get on one knee, bending down to speak to you in a hushed whisper, she'll tell you that it's all okay, that she'll help you and make it better, give you different food, turn off the lights, whatever you need, she can give it to you.
However, if you're just being fussy to perhaps get a reaction out of her, she'll raise her brow in an almost amused action, as if she finds your attempts to be aggravating as cute as a cat nibbling on its owner's hand. If you're throwing a fit just to throw one, she will definitely tell you sternly that you cannot do such things, at least not in her care.
I don't think that Storm is the type to use the corner or naughty step as a punishment, after all, she has her own fear of tight, dark places, you may fear loneliness, or abandonment, she does not wish her own troubles onto a mind like yours.
Instead, she talks to you, more importantly, she'll help you figure out what you did wrong, how to improve next time, and reflect on her own actions to see if the trouble was caused by a mistake on her part. It won't be an in depth conversation, she tends to use stuffed animals as an aid to show you an outsiders perspective.
If you're struggling with saying your words out loud, never fear, she has tons of paper and crayons, or pencils, pen, markers, etc if that's what you prefer, just for you! She keeps them in her room for whenever you regress and want to keep near her when doing so.
Ororo will advise you to draw your feelings, maybe even write a letter if that's more what you're comfortable with. She doesn't mind bad spelling or handwriting, she's quite good at deciphering even the most atrociously unintelligible handwriting.
At most, and only if you've been really bad, she'll lead you to your room, or hers, just to make sure you don't get embarrassed and act out further. Storm will tell you what you did wrong as firmly as she can so that you'll understand. It's only a light scolding though, she never ever raises her voice when you're around unless you need or want her to.
If she ever does raise her voice and it startles or frightens you, she will apologise, regardless of if you've done something wrong or not. It's never her intention to harm you, you've entrusted her to care for you and she will do anything in her power to achieve that goal.
If your fussiness is about certain clothes, textures, toys, etc, she absolutely doesn't mind exclusively getting you certain clothes or toys, and she won't be angry at all if you throw a tantrum over texture or taste, because she's fully aware it can be distressing to have an unfavourable texture of clothing of food.
Ororo will always ask questions about something before she gets it for you, after a while she knows pretty much all of your likes and dislikes.
She's a great cook and can switch the taste or texture in something with just a flick of her wrist, something she doesn't mind doing, especially if the food she's already making is something that causes a lot of stress.
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trashyrosie · 2 months
Leona, talking about the fountain as he gives a tour: So, he built it when his son was born-
Yuu: So, he built what is essentially a pretty thing to look at, but he couldn't have used that money towards better things? Like putting an effort into rebuilding the slums?
Grim: Henchhuman-
Vil: Could you be any blunter, potato?
Yuu, crosses arms: What? Oh and this whole "being one with nature" thing and allowing some of the natural resources to go untapped-
Kifaji: It's because we don't want to drain the land of what they have given us-
Yuu: No one said you were draining it. Just think of a more eco-friendly way of handling things. Leona said you guys have the greatest concentration of sunlight, right? Turn that into solar energy. Convert some of the heavy smog machines into ones that run on solar.
Lilia, hums: She might have a point...
Kalim: Wow, Yuu! You're so smart!
Yuu: Thanks. On top of that, it'll create jobs for people, especially those who work in high poverty areas. You guys can still be surrounded by nature without having to sacrifice nature for it. *Sighs* I'm done, sorry for ra-
Leona: Marry me.
Yuu: You get Grim in the process if I do.
Leona: Deal.
Kifaji: My Prince!
#twisted wonderland#twst yuu#yuu homura#lilia vanrouge#twst grim#vil schoenheit#twst kifaji#kalim al asim#leona kingscholar#cloudcalling on the savanna
No but like as an economics student AND a Leona stan hearing about the way they're handling their economy in the Sunset Savanna ... was sure..... Shocking to say the least
I hope I’m not being to forward but your comment has me thinking, as an economics student how do you think they could improve their situation, what policies can they implement, I would love to hear your ideas💡please
...fam. I'm about to yammer. Also this is my favorite question ever
As an economics student and mind you I might come off as abit harsh or even cold but I want to keep things factual. I don't think the game itself even recognizes what a big of a deal it is to purposely not develop the infrastructure. Underdeveloped infrastructure is one of the things that we take in consideration wHEN MEASURING POVERTY. This is what threw me off, in a way it sounded like they were INSISTING on having poverty related issues. AND WE KNOW THE SUNSET SAVANNA HAS PEOPLE LIVING IN POVERTY. The slumps being the biggest proof.
Leona's ideas ARE actually great solutions, he's completely right in my opinion. I just I think a lot of people don't exactly understand what he means when he talks about industrialization.. And I don't blame them. I too thought industrialization is just big factories go brr pollution and that's what the game seems to be sitting up but... I'm about to "um actually 🤓☝"
So, why is industrialization the solution (that AND developing the infrastructure bECAUSE OH MY GOD people don't have basic needs like water in 2024 ..??? I don't even feel the NEED to explain why that's bad at this point oh also the renewable energy idea is just PERFECT chief kiss) .. Now industrialization doesn't mean 100% destroying the environment.. Does it have a bad effect on the environment.. Yes but it doesn't means absolute destruction of the environment especially in this case..
Think about it...if the products they should be producing depend on natural resources as their input..would they really go, is Leona really presenting that they should go and absolutely DESTROY the sources of their inputs.?, even looking at it from a greedy economical perspective it makes no sense. Also industrialization provides ✨job opportunities✨ and this is very important. Job opportunities and providing the people with income "moves" the economy and improves people's living conditions, people now can afford education and health (which we know the people of the slumps have next to no access to, Ruggie's mom died while giving birth to him and it was mentioned there's a lot of crying kids in the slumps that means women in the slumps don't have access to good healthcare for giving birth a common thing found in countries suffering from whaaat? Poverty.) Providing people with an income improves their living condition (no sh*t) and the best way to provide them with that is by providing them with jobes and yOU DO THAT THROUGH INDUSTRIALIZATION (also side not here, governments can GIVE their citizens "monthly allowances or icomes" these amounts are usually small but better than nothing .. My country is doing this as of now and it's for this exact same thing "moving the economy" aka the people selling, buying, getting married reproducing... Basically living)
Another solution I really like is tourism.. Which Leona mentioned.. twice. .. I think? Okay so they don't want to mass produce? Okie dokie. Then lean heavy into the cool epic greenery you got. A lot of countries irl do that actually and it would also provides the people with the needed jobs (I'll never stop shouting about the importance of income and job opportunities)
but this time in the tourism industry.. and the sunset Savanna really can make banks out of this that place is gorgeous and they should use their beliefs and pride in what they've got as a force to move forward not being all like "the circle of life😍"... As a justification for Underdevelopemt. I really adore the tourism solution like personally like it. I actually I'm an average environment enjoyer myself and I don't think we should destroy nature.... But mothers are dying in the slumps and children are getting no food... And we don't even NEED to destroy nature... We simply need to IMPROVE the way the economy is going NOT DESTROY IT AND CHANGE IT.. Just modernize it a bit.. A region in my country is actually doing this. Leaning heavily into the old castles and mud houses we got (we old as heck) modernizing things a bit to make it tourists friendly while also keeping our history (that I love) intact and BOOM tourists destination and more jobs for the people
in conclusion, I love this ask so much thank you so much so much so much for asking.. my field of study + my favorite lion boy. I'm on cloud nine.. Hands down made my night..i think I gave three solutions.. I'm very sorry if I didn't go in more depths or if this isn't what you wanted I'll clearly be more than happy to answer more stuff about this because I'm a giant nerd. Also I should rule the sunset Savanna. Thank you.
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thecountesstribe · 2 months
I knew after coming off an action packed episode, the pace would've slowed down and I'm not mad at it.
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The Targtowers parading around Meleys head this episode has got to be one of the dumbest shit besides putting bbq Aegon on the throne they've ever done. Yes let's galavant the one thing that keeps us in power and the realm in order for a petty show of arrogance. That makes sense. The small folk immediately being “nah this ain't it” is so funny and a sign of all the things to come for them. They're idiots! Meleys wasn't no traitor you bums, you were. Get all the greens off my screen.
Aegon's suffering, I used to pray for times like this. It's highly unlikely Sunfyre is dead. Alicent and Crybaby Cole aren't together anymore..... Fuckin yes. I told you guys Alicent is delusional as hell, she really thought the same council that she helped usurped Rhaenyra's birthright because she's a WOMAN, would've let her, a woman rule them? Criston, Larys and Aemond not backing her had to taste like gravel going down. It's deserved. She had the opportunity to do the right thing and she forfeited it again and again and again. Fuck Almond today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the next day after that and the day after forevermore. If I was him I would take Haelena's words as an ill omen.
I felt for Corlys man. Like he pisses me off don't get me wrong but that's still my guy and he's lost a lot. Rhaenys was Corlys practical to his idealistic delusional. That man never listened to his wife until it was too late. Him trying to name Baela his heir, when Rhaenys wanted Rhaena to be his heir at first, can't do that now anyway, Rhaena's not around right now and Baela absolutely refusing and gagging tf outta him in the same breath , I cheered. Baela is upholding her grandmother's last wishes. No more but “BaElA hAD MoRe ClaIm to Driftmark” discourse, she's “FIRE AND BLOOD!”, Driftmark should be passed to “SALT AND SEA”. She said it herself. Now a certain demographic could stop equating her being a poc to her Velaryon roots. She every bit a Targaryen. Don't start with the Rhaena discourse either because she's the same as well. The only reason Rhaenys wanted her to have Driftmark is because it would've gone to Rhaena either way had she married Lucerys and Corlys had no intention to claim those boys atp in time. Corlys is trying to honor Rhaenys wishes, I could respect that but do it in the way she wanted it in her final moments Corlys. He's still my guy though.
I am sick of this Harrenhal plot. That scene with Daemon and his mom....... Just why? He never even met his mother either. I am so sorry Mama Alyssa. Even for the incest in the Targaryen lineage, did the writers have to take it that far? That shit was egregious. The only good part was seeing Laena again. Answer the question though Daemon. “Are you taking care of her girls?!” Get Daemon out of there now. Alys has that man gone off his rockers. I'm over it. I love how Simon is sick of Daemon's shenanigans though, he's real asf for that 🤣😭. Caraxes sighting 🥺. I miss my chaos noodle boy.
Rhaenyra comforting Baela. We won. Look she mightn't have had the best relationship with the girls in the show and it's not developed on screen properly, thanks for that HBO, but she does love and care for them. Her telling Baela about her Grandma (I still refuse to believe Rhaenys is gone💔😭) and we got an explanation for why Rhaena didn't try to claim a dragon on Dragonstone (she almost died and Rhaenyra wouldn't allow her to do it again), that was for me. In the books those girls were close to her and Rhaena was her “Realm's delight” namesake, I'll never forgive them for taking that and the team black family dynamics away from me. We got a Luke mention 😭. Her and Jace working out their issues and she knowing he snuck away to be a diplomat, more of that please. She's finally acknowledging her strengths and weaknesses and starting to move and think like a leader. I love it here.
Jace finally got a chance to do more than just mew, tweak and brood. I understand why Rhaenyra wasn't sending him out, that boy is out for blood, as he should be and he's inherently going to be reckless if he did go out to scout instead of Baela. Just listen to him last episode and tell me if he sounded like he had a clear head on his shoulders. I wish we saw more than that shot of Vermax and him actually riding his dragon but a win is a win. Him subtly threatening the Freys with Vermax, he's a diplomat alright. His mother needs “bent knees” and that is exactly what he got her. Proud of him. Baela going about her duties and whacking the men that are being annoying as she goes. Proud of them. Diplomat husband and battle wife is just *chef's kiss*. I'll say it again I absolutely adore his relationship with Baela. It's so healthy and I don't get into fandoms to “ship” but I love them your honor. Their soft way of speaking to one another, even when they're disagreeing. Him confiding in her about how humiliating it is that he thinks he's being coddled because of his standing as prince and her getting to go out and scout and fight but her still understanding and trusting him on his secret mission (that's what it was, he snuck out to go treat with the Freys), him being considerate of her at all times, “Rhaenys is dead and Baela can't face the burden alone” yeah I love them. Plus she has him trained 😩🤣. One look, then she grabbed him and he stopped immediately in his tracks and he backed up and started paying attention. Whew. The greatest King and Queen that could've come out of the 7 realms.
We had a Rhaena sighting. Look I love Jeyne but I'll need her to watch her tone with Rhaena please and thank you. Rhaena you're not powerless love. She's been through enough, I just need everybody to get out of her way and give her everything that she wants, it's what she deserves. I didn't like how she found out about Rhaenys though💔. I think they're really scrapping Nettles though 🙃. Wtf Sara and Ryan. I'll not get into that, it's literally grinding my gears though.
Next week we'll see Silverwing and Vermithor!!! I'm excited. Until then guys.
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tartigglez · 1 year
HELLO!! the bubble emoji anon here. on pc.. so no emojis for me today [heart breaking emoji]. what do i do without emojis??? die?? yes.
ANYWAYS. saw u in need of fluff. me too.
diluc and reader who r absolutely pining for each other but aren't together. the little things. omg. the long hugs. the quick glances. the denial to coworkers/friends.. "no we are nOT together!!" (pls date me diluc) brushing of the fingers in public. trying to squeeze out every last minute together. SECRET EYE CONTACT AT THE SAME TIME!!! BLUSHING!!!! aaAAAAAHAHAHAHAH
per standard, i went off prompt, forgive me.
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"if you need me"
diluc x gn!reader
genre: fluff (ish)
word count: 1.4k
tags: kaeya jumpscare, also venti kajhdjfak, farts (don't ask), diluc probably has problems with his emotions (if i write him, when does he not?), lil kisses cuz why not
tw/cw: alcohol, reader refuses to address their emotions (oops), also reader cries at one point (immediately comforted)
a/n: when will i ever stick to a prompt...
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when you discovered that angels share was hiring, you were the first to jump upon the opportunity. after all, who wouldn’t want to work somewhere with decent pay, such a social environment, and under such a handsome boss…
1 day
“you’re the new employee, right?”
“uhm, yeah! that’s me!”
“right… your résumé is… impressive”
“thank you, master diluc”
“just diluc is fine”
“most of your shifts will be shared with charles, but i will be working alongside you too. remember to wipe down the bar often, check the stock after each shift et cetera, i’m sure charles will keep you right”
“yep, okay!”
as he turned to go out of the bar and back to the winery, he snapped his head back towards you while you were putting your apron on. 
“oh and, if a little green man with a lyre comes in here, kick him out by eleven, lest mondstadt experiences some sort of unfortunate wind”
“unfortunate… wind?”
“no it's- not like that”
diluc seemed to turn a little red, having accidentally suggested that lord barbatos had some sort of issue with his bowels.
“haha, no worries. i’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“yes, good luck. if you have any questions, ask charles”
3 days
“y/n, are you settling in well?”
“ah, hi! i've started getting used to the customers, that’s for sure.”
“have you run into any problems with them?”
“no, no, not at all. it can just be rather busy in here sometimes. between the knights and the guild, people really drink like crazy”
“hm, i suppose that’s one thing the knights are good at. if you need me, i’ll be in the back”
2 weeks
this is your fifth shift with diluc. he can be quite tense at times, but once you manage to initiate a good conversation with him about something he’s interested in, he can be quite chatty. you had encountered this the last time you had a shift together, when he began talking about some specialty wine that the winery was producing, it was actually quite pleasant, watching the man talking about this interest of his, although he did get a little embarrassed when he realised he had gone off on a rant. 
the events of todays shift however, included…
diluc accidentally making eye contact with you, at least four times (it was not an accident, he was very intentionally looking at you)
the pair of you touching hands multiple times whilst trying to serve customers
and also, for some reason, diluc getting somewhat annoyed at a random knight captain who happened to waltz into the tavern and begin trying to sweet talk you. 
4 weeks
by this point you’ve already learned that diluc and kaeya -as you now called him- were brothers, but had some sort of tension between them, which you also figured would be best not to meddle in. they were always at each others throats, but when they were apart, were both quite pleasant to be around. you had even hung out with kaeya once, sharing a meal at good hunter. 
this would prove to be a mistake though, because he did nothing the entire time except continually asking if you were “canoodling” his brother. of course you denied it, feeling rather flustered. why on earth would someone date their boss? even though things did seem a little flirty between the two of you, it was a definite that nothing could happen, right? of course diluc made you only seem more suspicious, as he saw you and kaeya at lunch, immediately approached you both, and sat way too close to you, almost as if he was jealous or something! what an awkward meal. 
2 months 
personal issues were not something you had to deal with often, but when you did, you tended to shut them down, ignore them, and continue with life. you weren’t one to dwell. however, on the particular day in question, you were pretty upset, and this only seemed to get worse the more people asked you how your day was going whilst ordering a drink. you also knew that diluc would be coming in for his shift later, and you really didn't feel like dealing with his stoicism today. of course he’s nice to be around, just… a little awkward? he doesn’t make you uncomfortable or anything, he’s just not very chatty, and wouldn’t be great about distracting you from your feelings.
you could eventually hear some noise in the back, and realised this was diluc, probably sorting stock, or taking inventory, something along those lines. you, however, were still serving customers, taking drink orders, the usual. 
of course, the later it got, the drunker customers became, your mood began to slowly get worse. you were exhausted, and honestly just wanted to go home and cry. it's been a rough day. you also happened to notice that the fridge below the counter was running low on bottles, so you’d best go stock it. 
as you entered the back room, you saw diluc at the desk, filing paperwork. he’d been there for hours, and still hadn’t gone out front to say hello to you. 
gosh, the silence could be cut with a knife. 
“y’know, it's common practice to greet your employees when you feel like gracing them with your presence”
“i know, i'm sorry, it's just that i got caught up with something and i- are you okay?”
“huh- what? yeah, yeah, i’m fine”
so it seems that the tears in your eyes were still noticeable after all…
he slowly got up from his seat, coming to stand beside you at the shelf.
“i’ll ask again… are you okay?”
this time, you were choked up. you feared that if you spoke, the lump in your throat might dissipate, and you may just begin spilling tears. so, you opted for shaking your head, thinking this would work better, but it didn’t, you still began crying anyway.
“hey, hey, it’s okay. whatever it is, it's okay, i’m here”
he pulled you towards him, allowing you to sob into his chest. what on earth…?
“you should’ve told me, y/n”
“i know but, i thought maybe i’d get distracted and i-”
“it’s okay. i assure you. do you want to go home?”
you just nodded against his chest, breathing in his scent, because you knew you’d have to let him go.
“alright, you can go out the back”
he somewhat awkwardly let go of you, before sending you on your way. how strange. how is he so nice one minute, then as cold as to send you home the next? 
“see you tomorrow, y/n”
“s-see you…”
2 months, 1 day
a ringing of your doorbell woke you up, as opposed to your alarm, which was worrying in itself. you quickly checked the clock in your room. shit! 1pm? late for work... how on earth could you have slept this much? and what did this mysterious person at the door want?
you slothed your way out of bed, hair awry, pyjamas…wrinkled, going to the front door to see what this person could possibly want at this time on a tuesday. approaching the door, you saw a tall figure, clad in a red jacket, with something in hand… it couldn’t be… is it…
“diluc? hi- yes- diluc- me!”
he sighed at himself, meanwhile you were wondering what he was doing with such a massive bouquet of flowers.
“i um… wanted to… bring you flowers… because…”
“uhm… would you like to go to dinner tonight? I mean- we can- just- not... if you don't want to... i mean-”
“i’d love to.”
“oh, um… okay! great. here you go…”
he handed you the flowers gently, looking beyond anxious at this point, a blush to compete with the colour of his hair dashed across his cheeks. 
“they’re beautiful, diluc”
“you’re- uhm… never mind”
“hah, see you tonight?”
“see you tonight”
he smiled into the words he spoke, before turning around to depart from your doorstep. this however, was interrupted when you grabbed his wrist, turned him around and pecked him on the cheek. he was about to explode. literally. however, his spontaneous combustion was interrupted by someone yelling across the street…
“i knew it!”
of course, you and diluc responded in sync…
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lutawolf · 1 year
"Stay by My Side" Ep 1-4
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It's a college rival to love story. You have Bu Xia who is brought up by his grandfather and older sister, both are spiritual mediums. But that isn't the life that Bu Xia wants, after his grandfathers passing, that changes due to a mishap. He can suddenly hear ghosts. The only time he has peace is when he is with his rival Jiang Chi, the boy he kissed to win an arm wrestling contest. To cover for all the touchy feeling, Bu Xia declares to Jiang Chi that he is special to him. Unprepared to reveal that he is being 100% truthful.
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I had low expectations at the start of the episode. Maybe because it felt so cliché? I mean, we have the usual, bad boy meets group of sports kids and the one true love accidentally trips. The romantic fall troupe showcased exactly what this pairing was going to be like. The characters quickly grow on you though.
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Jiang Chi to me at least, comes off as a confident gay that doesn't need to tell everyone he is gay. He can find you attractive and simultaneously be annoyed by you. Which is clear in his first meeting with Bu Xia. He is giving eyes and snarling at the same time. He then finds out he is rooming with him and the disgust begins. To be fair, he has reason to be, honestly, Bu Xia reminds me of my daughter. Super sweet, friendly, playful, cuddly, needy, clumsy, clueless, unsure and messy. While Jiang Chi is the absolute opposite of all that.
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Yet, in all the fighting, Jiang Chi doesn't walk away. He easily could, and you see that is typically what he does with everyone else, but not Bu Xia. And Bu Xia for his part is so stupid as to why he is following Jiang Chi around and teasing him. Homeboy is telling himself it's to know his enemy and so on but give him have a chance to throw his mack down, and he is doing it without thought. Then freezing when he realizes what he has done. Homebody is clueless to himself and it's adorable. How could Jiang Chi not be charmed, even as he initially tries to hide it.
Side note, pay some attention to side characters because they are always giggling and taking pictures of the two.
Episode two is for sure, having Jiang Chi questioning himself. For the first time, he is sliding into a land of being completely unsure of himself. And Bu Xia cluelessly unaware of the havoc he is reeking while at the same time making comments like "You taste delicious." The boy is stupid and I love him.
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The thing to understand about Bu Xia is that while he can be annoying in his playfulness, but he is extremely kind and caring. So while he pushes Jiang Chi to help him with his report, he also makes sure to send him a thank-you. He knowingly operates around Jiang Chi's schedule as to not disturb him. He'll happily annoy Jiang Chi for his attention, he doesn't really want to cause him issues.
Halfway through episode two is when the mishap happens and Bu Xia begins hearing ghosts. Boy is afraid and losing his shit, which causes him to run straight into the arms of Jiang Chi. Leaving Jiang Chi baffled and charmed. Boy is really being effected now, and I'm here for it.
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Jiang Chi gives me the impression that he still doesn't know what to make of Bu Xia's affections. It's clear that he isn't used to being this close to anyone and maybe doesn't have experience and is floundering.
Episode 3 shows a clear thawing of ice. To the point that those around them are taking notice as well as taking pictures.
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"He's actually quite cute when he's not being sarcastic."
When pictures are hung in the common area of them both. Bu Xia takes the opportunity to say that Jiang Chi is his special person. It comes off as both a gag and confession. Especially with the way he hugs and runs off afterward.
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I found it refreshing that Jiang Chi chased after him to get clarification. He didn't get it, but I found it refreshing that he tried to get communication. Over the course of episode 3, Jiang Chi begins to understand that his boy is shy. Once this realization is made, Jiang Chi is clearly all in.
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There is a scene that I wish I could find a gif set for. But Jiang Chi runs into a girl that know Bu Xia and he decides to ask some questions.
Jiang Chi "I have a friend who is always being harassed in some varies ways. He finds reasons to be around him, often stares at him, and even touches him intentionally and unintentionally."
Girl "Didn't your friend fight him?" As in, did he tell him to stop or no. Smack him.
Jiang Chi seems to reflect and shakes his head no.
Girl "Then it's not harassment. It should be considered flirting." So, basically telling them that both of their asses are flirting.
I was giddy the rest of the fucking episode. It was cute how Bu Xia was so rattled but unable to run away. The way Bu Xia talks, you can tell he isn't just there to silence the ghosts. "I find it very comfortable being with you." He's just so clueless about himself. But Jiang Chi, ugh, Jiang Chi is now subtly chasing his confused boy.
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Which is what epside 4 is all about. Jiang Chi chasing his confused boy, it was so fucking adorable! Ahhhhhh!
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It was sweet like cotton candy. All the feels. All the flipping feels, I tell you.
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I'm so fucking excited for episode 5 guys. Just go watch, so I have other people to scream with! 💜💜💜
All gif credits go to @bl-bam-beyond and @ellsieee
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anawrites3 · 1 year
Hi, Ana! I hope you have a good day! I remember you've said Slade's people love Dick but I wonder wether were there any who wished ill for him? Or saw him purely as King's glorified fucktoy and made a mistake of suggesting something like that around the King himself?
Hi, anon! Thank you, I hope you're having a great day as well ☺️💕 And I absolutely love your ask, thank you for the opportunity to talk about this!!
The short answer is yes, of course some of Slade's people wish ill for Dick. A bunch of them want to get rid of him too, but let's not focus on that now. Actually, there are Defiance's common people that wish ill for Dick! Just a few weeks ago Defiance and Gotham were at war so obviously there are people who still perceive Dick as an enemy.
I could try to draw this out but I'm shit at drawing 🤣 so let me do it this way: I'd divide Slade's people in three groups - ones that love Dick right away, ones that are uncertain and wary of him, and the ones that straight out hate him. That last one can be split up into another groups - into those who literally just wish Dick ill and nothing more; those who are spitting hateful words at him whenever they can; and those who'd try to make his life harder and attempt to physically hurt Dick to show him how below them he really is.
I won't divide them even more cuz that would get messy but I'll just add that yes, some of them see Dick just as Slade's little slut, others see him as a pawn in Slade's plan for more power and even Gotham itself; some even think of Dick as war trophy. You get the drill.
About those that spit out hateful words at him - Dick just allows them to swear at him and call him bad names. They're not stupid and they don't touch him so it's not like they're doing anything. Besides, he's already used to mean words, being called a bastard child and bastard prince in Gotham, so ignoring them is easy. He's not going to lower himself to their level and try to make them stop doing it - it didn't work when he was a kid and it won't work now.
Slade, on the other hand. Slade has ways of making them shut up.
Hope that answered your question alright! And now (who would have guessed it?) a little story :3
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Dick liked Slade's men, those closest to his husband. All of them were very polite, treating him with respect and they always made sure he was comfortable with what they were doing. Sir Wintergreen reminded him of Alfred, with being in charge of most things and the way he was fussing over almost everything. He also wasn't afraid to tell Slade off if the man did something wrong, which was a trait very rare even in Defiance.
"You can come to me with any problem you have." He assured Dick quietly one day when Slade wasn't there. "We both know that His Majesty is the one you should report all issues to first but if you ever feel uncomfortable with telling him anything, I'm right here at your service."
Dick really appreciated it. Slade had a lot more important matters to take care of than what little problems Dick could have. Sir Wintergreen, while still being Slade's right-hand man, assured him that he'll always find time for him and if not take care of the problem himself, then he'll know who to talk to.
But there was something Dick didn't dare to tell even him.
"Look where the hell you're going." One of the men sneered at Dick. His hands twitched, as if he wanted to shove Dick at the wall for standing in his way. "You shouldn't even be in this part of the castle."
Dick straightened immediately, raising his chin. He was just walking around the castle, admiring portraits that adorned its stone walls, when they walked from around the corner and almost bumped into Dick, too busy talking to notice him. But it was all Dick's fault, of course.
From what he knew, those men still worked strictly for his husband but not as directly. Slade still saw them frequently, at meetings and what not, but they mostly took orders from other knights, such as sir Wintergreen or sir Isherwood.
Dick absolutely despised them.
"I'm allowed to be here." He said, because despite whatever they were thinking, Slade never forbade him going into certain parts of the castle or exploring it on his own.
"You're allowed to stay on your knees by our King's bed." another one of them snarled. "And that should be enough for you, Gotham whore."
"Watch your tone-"
"Or what?" The first one stepped forward, towering over Dick with a nasty grin. "You're not even married to our King yet. What can you do?"
"Nothing." The third one offered lazily with a smirk of his own. "Even after you marry him, there still will be nothing you can do. Wanna know why?"
"Get out of my way." Dick hissed out through clenched teeth.
They stepped away and let him through, cackling loudly behind him even as he forced himself to walk down the hall in calm steps. Arguing with them would be useless and won't change a thing.
“Look at that, he doesn’t wanna know!”
“Oh, I’m sure it’s because he already knows well that he’s nothing more than just our King’s glorified fucktoy!”
Breathe. Breathe, Dick.
He did his best to ignore the way they kept calling after him, yelling insults and names and turned a corner as soon as it was possible. It wasn’t very likely that they’d follow him but Dick still wanted to get as far away from them as he could, as far away as it took to stop hearing them. He disappeared behind the wall with his eyes closed, taking a deep breath and managed to take only a few steps before bumping into someone painfully.
He bounced off a strong chest with force and supported himself with the wall, desperate not to fall to the floor. Not in front another one of them, not after all the talk about him staying on his knees-
“I apologize-” he started, straightening. “I’m-”
His Majesty Slade Wilson stood in front of him, dressed in all his regalia with a sword strapped to his hip. He looked at Dick with a face that betrayed no emotion and suddenly Dick couldn’t utter another word. He could just look his future husband in the eye, with his lips slightly agape and fingers shaking. His chest began to hurt and only then he realized that he stopped breathing.
“Are you hurt?” Slade asked lowly. His voice was tinted with contained anger and Dick violently lowered his head.
“Your Majesty-” Dick said, gasped out the words, but he didn’t know what else to say. Slade heard them. Heard what they said about Dick, still could hear the laughter and comments coming from behind his back.
“That was quite a force you walked into me.” Slade continued. His voice turned more gentle as he reached to cup Dick’s jaw fondly and raise his head for their eyes to meet. “I shouldn’t be standing in the way like that, my prince, I apologize. Are you alright?”
Dick swallowed, throat bobbing nervously. “I’m fine,” he whispered.
Slade nodded.
“Good.” he said, stroking his thumb against the skin of Dick’s cheek. He leaned down to kiss him and Dick… Dick let him, eyes fluttering closed when their lips pressed together. Usually, Dick tried to stop this sort of affections as they weren’t married yet but this time he allowed himself to forget and find comfort in the sensation.
The kiss ended as soon as it began, and Slade stepped away with the last brush of his lips against Dick's temple.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me.” Slade said. His eye burned with anger again as he looked over Dick’s head. “I have a matter to take care of.”
He started towards the source of still-ongoing laughter. To do exactly what, Dick didn’t know, but he knew one thing - that Slade was a man that didn’t shy away from any fight and that he just heard someone insult his fiance.
There was a sword at his hip.
“Please-” Dick started. His voice trembled but it was still enough to make Slade stop. “You don’t have to-”
Slade looked over his shoulder at him. He no longer looked like a man that could softly cradle his face like he did just a moment ago and kiss him so gently he forgot about anything else.
“It’s not your choice to make.” Defiance’s king said. “It was theirs.”
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 months
Oh my god I have to say that! I just adore your your answer to the "love question" between Griffin and Valtor! It's so it is so accurate and I can totally see it!
I love the way you discribe Valtor being head over heels with her and that he calls Griffin's defection to the enemy a "silly stubborn phase". Because he would totally do that!
And in general everything fits perfectly with both of them! Griffin would totally wait until she says it. Gosh and the fact that he was so confident in himself that he just knew she would never not love him back. That's so him. But also that he knew "their love will last forever". Idk it just touches something in my heart. Because besides his big ego it also means that he sees her as worthy enough, that he trusts her enough to keep her by his side forever. That he sees a future with her. That's just- wow.
I also like the last paragraph. The way Griffin feels kinda vindicated when he talks about what they had/about his feelings after she left. And btw does that mean that some of the CoL members denied that there were real feelings between them? Bc if yes then I would love that even more when that would mean that Valtor literally threw it in their faces.
Thank you so much! Considering how long it took me to figure this out, I'm glad you agree that it makes sense for them!
He just has to be a dick. She may hate him now but he's saving both their image (and maybe getting back at her a little for betraying him because he knows how much his behavior is pissing her off). She will be grateful to him once she comes back to her senses and rejoins him. It's better to go with this than admit that there's a serious rift between them and she might have some genuine reason to prefer working with the people who despise them both over staying with him.
His ego might be a bit too big for anyone's good, really, but he does absolutely include her into his sense of superiority. She is better than anyone else and the only one for him... so of course she'd see it that way too and stay with him forever. The opposite hasn't even crossed his mind. (*looks at camera like I'm on The Office*)
I think that some of the Company members (at first, it was pretty much all of them) cannot handle the implications of Griffin and Valtor's love being real so they prefer to deny/ignore it. Which is, of course, hard to do when Valtor so obviously treats her differently from anyone else but well, if that's the case, it was clearly because she was unhinged enough to match even him somehow. Unfortunately, after she joins them, it becomes clear that that was not the case so they all have to deal with the realizations that maaaaybe they were wrong and the love is real. But that's too much especially in the current circumstances so they (mainly Oritel and Hagen but everyone else also pointedly plays blind to certain things) prefer to not pay it any mind thus giving Valtor absolutely golden opportunities to mess with them. Everything would be so much easier if they just worked their way through their own issues but hey, it's war time. You can't blame them for trying to preserve their energy for the life-or-death stuff. And well, you also can't blame Valtor for being a petty bitch and a brilliant strategist and throwing it in their faces every chance he gets. Griffin certainly finds no fault with his actions.
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queenjunothegreat · 2 months
i'd love to hear any of your 2, 25, 29 and/or 32 for the most recent ask!
Thank you SO much for the opportunity to absolutely yap. 💖
2 talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
Ooooh, that's actually a tricky question! I'm actually pretty good at sticking to my outlines, especially these days. I think the closest I get to characters going off script is in regards to their emotions, specifically how emotional something gets. Specifically, recently I wrote a scene between Annabeth and [REDACTED] and I meant for it to be solidly platonic and when I read it back I was like, "MA'AM. You know you have a boyfriend, right? 🤨" Jason in HoJ is also very guilty of this exact thing because I'm over here trying to keep this a not ship-forward fic and Jason is just yanking at the leash SO hard.
25. what’s your revision or rewriting process like?
I actually have several stages to my revision process! I have a text-to-speech app that I use to listen to it throughout the writing, which lets me pick up on some glaring issues as I go. Then, when it comes time to edit, I print it off and listen to it again, looking out for any grammar mistakes, and highlighting any bits that I think could use rewording. Then, I go back and rewrite all my highlighted bits by hand, and then, of course, I get to type it all out, which gives me another chance to change anything. Then, right before I post, I do one final listen to sweep up any crumbs.
29. give us a spoiler for one of your stories.
Oooh, a SPOILER, huh? Let's see... I don't really have that many fics I'm working on outside of HoJ... Well, one wildly out of context spoiler for that is Piper and Leo get to go on a solo quest type thing together, which is neat, because we don't get much of just the two of them in canon. A more specific non-HoJ spoiler is that Beryl tries to drown Jason in my upcoming Baby Graces fic.
32. do characters influence your writing style?
Oh, for sure! I don't think it's particularly NOTICEABLE to anyone but me, but I definitely feel it in my bones. I have an audio book of TLH on my phone where Jason Piper and Leo have their own narrators for theor respective chapters, and I try to write from their POV to match the cadence of that narrator. Also, when I write Leo specifically, I allow myself to go on little ADHD tangents. This leads to him having a few more unhinged metaphors than the other two lol.
Ask list
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saint-bestial · 5 months
Pre-relationship 4 and 5
General 2 and 8
Love 7, 8, 9, 13!
I'm sorry if these are too many questions 😭 I love OC x Canon so much and I wanna hear more about shivshipping
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
kiryu! he fell for sylvester as soon as he saw him standing over the body of someone who tormented him for a long time 😭 sylvester took a lot longer to develop mutual feelings.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
sylvester but. that's mostly because he didn't really understand what they were. and the whole aversion to intimacy thing that he hadn't gotten over.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
nope! their relationship just kind of happened. plus it's not like they had much opportunity to go on dates anyway :(
8. Who gets jealous easier?
they're both the jealous type, but i think sylvester would feel it more than kiryu. sylvester definitely gets territorial around the house will stay near kiryu if any of his friends are over. and while kiryu can get jealous... well its kinda shitty but he knows sylvester has few friends and isn't likely to be able to hook up with anyone even if he tried. he takes comfort in the fact that sylvester's off-putting enough to deter others.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
during the dark signer arc the answer would probably be murder. however after that they needed to get different ideas unfortunately. aside from relaxing at home, going on walks together and outings to the city are both really fun for them! any activity that gets them out of the house is great tbh. sometimes they duel to keep each other's skills sharp also!
8. Who's better at comforting the other?
hmmm, they can both be kinda bad at it sometimes but i think sylvester might be a little bit better? emotionally neither of them are that good at it but sylvester can at least provide physical safety. which is great when kiryu's feeling uneasy! kiryu is built like a dry twig and is unstable as hell so his reassurances (when he gives them..) don't always ease sylvester's mind as well as they could.
9. Who's more protective?
oh god. sylvester by a longshot. he knows kiryu's history and if anyone even so much as looks at him wrong he's growling and snarling and ready to throw hands. do not fuck with a dragon's treasure. between the end of dark signers arc and before crash town it's literally such a huge issue he's trying to start fights all the time.
13. Who remembers the little things?
honestly?? i'm going to give it to kiryu. he knows all of sylvester's weird little quirks and needs and likes and dislikes. he'll accommodate him to the best of his ability. don't get me wrong sylvester is pretty thoughtful too, so maybe it could go either way. and while kiryu probably isn't going to pitch in for housework very often he absolutely knows when sylvester's feeling off and could use more support n such!
thank you for the ask, i love talking about them so much!!!
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robbiefischer · 10 months
💭 📚 🩹 🎶 for Viola and Jamila?
Ooooh, these are such great questions anon, thank you!! And tysm for asking about my girls! Since I've never talked about them here, here are the absolute basics. Jamila (35 years old) and Viola (37 years old) are another set of my doctor wives - Jamila's a plastic surgeon and Viola's a trauma surgeon, and they both work at the same hospital in New Islington. I apologize in advance for any missing words/spelling issues - my dog's kept me up most of the night the last couple of nights because of storms (plus my partner, who she adores, has been on a business trip) and my brain feels mushy af not getting much sleep.
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
So, I don't usually do MBTI or enneagram stuff for my OCs but I decided to take a test for each of them answering as I think they would based off of what I know about them and it was a really interesting experiment, ty!
Viola is an ENTJ-A (assertive subtype, apparently) which... makes perfect sense, really. She is 100% a natural born leader, is extremely charismatic, loves nothing more than a challenge and is very goal and achievement-oriented. She has a very big personality and sort of commands attention and respect, if that makes sense. She's not obnoxious about it at all, it's just who she is and how people respond to her energy. She's also an enneagram type 8, wing 7 which seems to correspond well to her MBTI type.
Jamila is an ENFJ-A, although quite a bit less extroverted than her wife. She's closer to the border between I and E and definitely has moments where she needs time to herself to recharge her energy. She very much has the "wants to do the right thing always" trait, and loves nothing more than an opportunity to help her friends and family grow into the people that they're supposed to be. Jamila is an enneagram type 3, wing 2.
📚 BOOKS — what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?
Jamila and Viola both finished medical school, then went on to do fellowships in their respective specialities - Viola in trauma surgery, Jamila in plastic surgery.
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
Sorry, I know this is probably boring but I don't think either of them have any physical or mental disabilities.
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Viola absolutely loves music and listens to it whenever it's practical (the only time it's not blasting in her OR is when she's got another surgeon in there with her who can't concentrate with music on). She tends to be drawn to rock, especially harder rock and alt rock, punk and post-punk, heavy metal, some industrial and EDM (especially dubstep). When she was younger (as a teenager and young adult) she was a constant presence in the local scene, and spent so much of her time going to shows and being in the pit. Now, she still loves going to shows but is a lot more careful and less willing to take dumb risks especially if she could hurt herself or her hands - her job's too important to her.
Jamila's not actually a huge music person. She doesn't dislike it or anything, and has artists she really enjoys but she just doesn't tend to think of putting it on most of the time. She's another of my OCs who tends to really prefer music without lyrics - she loves minimalist, modern piano music and film scores more than anything else. If she's going to listen to music she'll probably put on a little Joep Beving, Arvo Part, Megan Wofford, Gavin Luke, Franz Gordon, Reeder, Arden Forest, Ludovico Einaudi, Max Richter or someone like that. It's soothing and helps her center herself, and she has a playlist that she always listens to before bed to help her brain wind down (it's one of the few times she DOES think to listen to music).
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oswaldsleftbicep · 8 months
hey, could you write headcanons about how Lucia, Oswald and Lucas would be like in a romantic relationship with autistic person?
lucia, oswald, & lucas +a gn!s/o with autism
big disclaimer: i am not autistic. my basis for this post lies in my previous research of asd, reading works by autistic writers, and my encounters with my lovely friends who are on the spectrum.
genre: fluff
cw: reader has high functioning autism, language as usual
❧ ok first off y'all would be the perfect adhd + autism duo, things just instantly click between the two of you
❧ that being said, shit just kinda flies out of his mouth sometimes and he says the darndest things that hardly make sense-- please feel free to interrupt him and have him explain in more,, understandable terms
❧ he probably had a special interest growing up but had to stifle it in favor of learning politics, so he feeds off of your special interest and gets just as into it as you do
❧ in fact, he sees you going about your life in tandem to your special interest as an "it's okay!" to finally start indulging in one of his own :,)
❧ he genuinely thinks that you're the smartest person in all of nightmare, going as far as to declare you an expert in your field and will come to you with any and all questions he has; please info dump to him, he loves it
❧ he's usually big on physical touch but he'll respect your wishes if you prefer to not be touched, or he'll always ask permission to touch you
❧ he's gotten used to having to hold intense eye contact for extended periods of time due to his position, so if you're the type to also make too much eye contact, you have nothing to worry about! he doesn't find it off putting at all! however, if you find eye contact uncomfortable, he'll remind himself to look at something else when talking to you every now and then
❧ before meeting you, he had no idea what stimming was, nor that it was something he kinda already did, like he'll tap on his desk with his pen or he'll shake his leg a lot; he used to have such a hard time sitting still but learned to mask his fidgeting over time
❧ same goes for fidget/stim toys, he's always on the lookout for something new to try with you, and the two of you have built quite a collection of favorites
❧ he absolutely funds more research on autism in nightmare, and he makes sure there are good facilities with quality resources and support available for all
❧ the first time he witnessed you have a meltdown, he kinda freaked out a bit; he genuinely was at a loss for what to do. but he asked questions after and learned from it, and now he's a champ! he's invested in a little care basket full of comfort items for when you come down
❧ he makes sure to adjust his room to meet your sensory needs. he's a generally kinda messy person, but he'll tidy up for you. he'll also invest in some good curtains and maybe even a canopy for his bed
❧ he's soso patient and understanding so you never have to feel self conscious or bad about anything around him
❧ he's relatively new to the issue when it comes to the medical side and the terminology, but he has some experience handling it thanks to noel
❧ if your special interest has something to do with gardening or really anything nature related he gets a little excited because that's something big you two have in common! and he takes it as an opportunity to learn from you
❧ ofc that goes for any special interest you have, no matter the topic. he recognizes that it's something important to you and wants to learn all about it as best he can
❧ he's not an especially touchy person in general, and always preferred to ask before touching you anyway which is perfect for if you're not comfortable with physical contact
❧ ngl he was a little perplexed at stimming at first, but not in a bad way, moreso in a "wow that works? interesting" kinda way
❧ he also finds it lowkey adorable when you get caught up in stimming, and he just kinda admires you
❧ he'll keep a pocket sized sensory toy in his pocket at all times in case you ever want one. he'll also make it a point to carry a small case for ear plugs when you go out in public, and a little snack in case you can't find any safe foods anywhere
❧ speaking of safe foods, he always makes sure he keeps a cabinet in his cabin full of your safe foods and ingredients to make them
❧ he's very empathetic when you have a meltdown, and he's very quick to help and find out what you need in that moment
❧ if you're prone to any harmful actions during meltdowns, or even as general stims, he'll try to direct it away from you. like if you hit, he'll have you hit him or something soft so you won't hurt yourself, or if you bite your nails, he'll hold onto your hand and give you a sensory item to chew on instead
❧ his cabin is sensory heaven, never too bright, never too loud, nothing overpowering to the senses. it's very peaceful and calming
❧ this mf speaks in riddles half the time which is hell if you have a very literal mindset. please tell him to speak right lmao
❧ he has sensory issues when it comes to clothes, like he cannot stand tight clothes or heavy fabrics; you bet he knows all the best places to get clothes that suit your exact needs
❧ he's got a deep knowledge of a lot of obscure things and is always thirsting for more, which makes him great to info dump to and with; he's such a great listener and will actually absorb what you tell him
❧ he's surprisingly not a very touchy person, and he's always super mindful about when and where he's touching you, and he's always so gentle
❧ he also always seems to know exactly what you're thinking and feeling, even when you can't express it properly, it's almost uncanny but it's mostly just insanely helpful when you feel stuck
❧ if you ever feel too insecure to stim or if you just get too tired of masking in public, he'll take the two of you to a secluded area where you can let it all out and do what you need to feel comfortable
❧ if you're prone to more harmful stims, he stops you before you can even start and suggests an alternative. he carries a little bag of emergency items for you at all times, and it's full of stuff like ear plugs, sensory toys, snacks, and even your meds if you take any
❧ he's very quiet when it comes to handling your meltdowns; he can read you well and immediately prepares what you need without a word spoken
❧ he keeps a messy house, and if that's something that causes you stress, he'll try to keep it more organized or at least categorize everything with your help
❧ he also has a ridiculously comfy bed, like something you'd only see on pinterest, and it's the best place every to unwind and relax
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residentdormouse · 2 years
Writing Questions Tag Game:
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I was tagged by: @mrsmungus (thank you - you are the absolute best!)
No Pressure Tagging: @asirensrage , @blairsanne , @verba-writing , @scienceoftheidiot , @darsynia and please OPEN TAG - '@' me if you'd like to answer. I'd love to know!!
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What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
I’m honestly not sure, is that horrible? That’s probably bad… I guess I like how the ending of 'Diving' came out, although I have no outside confirmation if it worked or not. All the groups coming together, lining up the dominos individually to finally knock them down together. That said, I do know I have an all-time least favorite idea that the characters told me happened and I had no say in. I’m still pretty bitter about it. Spoilers: (Diving - chapter 31 & Diving - chapter 34)
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you and you still think about sometimes?
I don’t think there's a particular one I’ve been hung up on, but I do keep track of all questions asked through Tumblr, and go back to visit them just as much as I do the stories themselves. I have them all listed as links on the ‘Jumping to Wonderland’ main page. Introductions, character insights, things that never really made it into the story, but certainly helped with character development. (sorry that kind of turned into a plug instead of an answer…)
What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
My favorite part is when a puzzle piece is revealed out of nowhere. You’re just minding your own business, vibing, doing your own thing and *bam*, brain is like ‘Hey, did you know about this…’. Then you just sit there in fascination for a week, replaying and zooming in to see the fine details. So much better than focusing on mundane daily life business.
I could do without the imposter syndrome and the sheer volume of anxiety that comes with being seen though; that can go fuck off somewhere.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Escapism, let’s be real. Plus, I really miss being creative. I went to college for theater, and really have no opportunity to put it to good use where I am in life right now. So writing a story, I get to do all the things I loved when directing. Character development, scene/lighting/sound design, building a setting and shoving my characters in it. Blocking out the scene, and figuring out the beats. I miss directing…
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
I took classes in college, but never really wrote anything of substance. Only started doing fanfiction here last year when I couldn’t find any Glen love on AO3. Didn’t realize I was going to like it so much, and I ended up creating a new story for these characters that I love to get shoved into. New people for them to interact with. Now that it's wrapped, I’m left to figure out my own damn story. We’ll see how that goes I guess?
What is your favorite story you’ve written TO COMPLETION? Link it if you’d like and can!
I have two full length chapter fics in my 'Jumping to Wonderland' series:
Something like a Spiral / Just Keep Diving Down
It's hard to separate them in my head because one picks up right after the other. Spiral started it all, but Diving has more of my concepts as opposed to slightly altering an existing story. So I guess Diving for that reason?
What is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
"You can't let what will be, bog you down from enjoying what is."
Not amazing, but it hit me at a time that I needed to hear it myself, so that was helpful.
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
My characters or characters I write? Because fanfiction and all - there’s quite a few problematic people I’m working with. Harold has his many issues, so does Lloyd, and Flagg… well. We need some very exhaustive therapy up in this joint. As for my people, Max has many things she needs to work on… (probably why she gets on with Harold and Lloyd so well, they are all disasters, truly). Rayna is, uh, she is rigid and unwilling to see anything beyond her own beliefs. I mean, my characters all have flaws, all good characters do because people have flaws. Nobody's perfect.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
As I mentioned above, I only started writing here like a year and a half ago? I’m pretty sure younger me would be surprised I’m still hyperfixed on the same story. Usually my fix’s last a year. These characters do not want to leave my head, and honestly, I really don’t want them too… Love these guys.
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
bee youre doing remarkably with your nano writing - i am in awe of you. i see your lil wordcount updates on the dash and i go "!!" or "thats my friend!" or "what how what the fuck (adoring)(supportive)". simply you are wildly impressive, and if you ever wanna share a scootch of what you're writing about - i think i saw somewhere you saying it was original fiction? - i would eat that shit up because im very curious. or if not, that's dope too. the mystery shall continue. ANYWAYS good job i love you keep up the good work okay byebye
i won't even lie to you, this made me tear the fuck up! this is so lovely & so supportive & so-- it's just-- aslkghalgkh. thank you. just thank you. this really meant a lot. especially because YES, I AM WRITING ORIGINAL FICTION! it's been so strange!
it's been incredibly bizarre to go from writing the boy dolls & feeling good & comfy with it, to writing another world of my own making & feeling totally out to sea & uncomfy with it. it's also been so fucking strange to sit on so many words without sharing. SO, because you asked so nicely... but i'm gonna put them under a cut for purely insecure reasons LOL. what can ya doooo?
i love you thank you please know that anything i write today will be in your honor & with the strength you've given me to continue xx
✨ new york queers with little to no context under the cut ✨
Which is how on Friday night, after switching shifts with Sam for the dear price of three weekend closing shifts, Mol ends up sitting across a hotel bar table from China.
She’s staying at The Standard, an upscale hotel on the High Line in Chelsea, right next to the Whitney Art Museum, which is where China’s “work thing” is taking place. What was said so casually before is actually a big fucking deal. She’s on a panel of people talking about the importance of diversity in art, with an emphasis on queer Black creators. As Mol listens to her share the bullet points of her research and preparations, she can’t help but think that China’s exactly where she’s meant to be.
She’s also absolutely not Anon.
“When I was asked to do the panel, I was dating this photographer. Oh my god, Mol, you would’ve loved her stuff. She was so raw. Worked only in black and white, so she played with shadows. She could make anyone’s body look like it belonged in a museum, I swear.” She swirls her martini—Beefeater gin, dirty, extra olives—between her fingers, her long, braids swirling on the tabletop. Mol can almost still feel them falling onto her back, tickling her sides as China moved behind her, inside of her.
“Anyway, I was gonna try and get her introduced to a couple of folks, use this opportunity to get her in front of some people who hold real keys around here. But we broke up.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Mol says sincerely, her fingers dancing lightly on the sides of her own glass. McCallan 15, neat.
China sweeps a hand in front of her, playing it off. “Ah, that’s okay. Some people just can’t get with the poly thing. I seem to remember you having an issue with it yourself.”
Mol flushes, and she hopes the lights are low enough to conceal it. “It wasn’t my favorite thing, no,” she admits. “But if it works for you, great. I respect it.”
“All you can do,” China says. She takes a drink, her dark eyes never leaving Mol’s. Were her lashes always this long and this inviting? “So what do you do with yourself these days? You seeing anybody?”
“Not at the moment,” Mol says, thinking about how she almost asked China that very question in her first message. “But I guess there’s this one person…”
“There always is.”
“It’s complicated.”
“It always is.”
Mol loves this rhythm, this back and forth, her grin almost vulpine when she says, “I do okay though.” All cocky and confident, like she can get sometimes.
“I’m sure you do,” China replies.
Mol feels a bit lightheaded. It’s only her second drink, so it must have something to do with whatever is fizzling between them. Rekindling.
Shit, she wasn’t expecting this.
“You still writing?”
The question feels like a bucket of ice water being poured over her head. Probably necessary, but startling nonetheless.
“I am,” she says, trying to mask the obvious hesitation in her voice.
“About what?” China asks. She mimics Mol’s cadence, making Mol laugh. Reigniting the spark.
“Funny that you should ask, actually, because I, uh—“ Is she actually going to tell her the truth? Admit that she’s lured her here under somewhat false pretenses? She supposes the answer is yes, as the words tumble out, “I mostly write about my love life.”
China perks up at that, leaning back in her chair. “Essays?”
“Kind of,” Mol says. But after thinking about it, says, “Yeah. It’s all short-form.”
“Interesting.” China leans back in, puts her elbows on the table, her hands clasping underneath her chin. “Have you ever written about me?”
“Would I like what you had to say?”
“Can I read it?”
It’s likely a sickness that she should see a doctor about, but Mol’s so turned on she could combust right there at the table. The table that China is resting on, taking up space like she owns the place. And she could. God, the way she’s looking at Mol right now? Anyone would be hard pressed to deny her anything. The perfect bedroom eyes. So in a way it’s no surprise what comes next:
“You want to come up to my room, Mol? I got a Corner King that’s pretty big for just one person.”
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Well, it happened, I saw AB again June the third in Tilburg and what can I say? It was awesome. Yes, my little recap is a little late but I also had Gojira on the agenda the next Tuesday, wild week. So yeah as I'm currently suffering in front of a ventilator to bat off the heat, if you do want to hear my thoughts feel free to read further!
I arrived a little bit later at the venue than I originally planned - lets say a good 30 minutes - due to construction and Google maps not knowing what to make of that BUT at last I arrived, about three and a half hours before the doors opened, and there where only about 10 other people in line so lucky me!
I'll fast forward through the boring sitting in line in the sun on the curb turning my ass into mush, though I did get to chat with some amazing people. AB fans are the best. There were about 20 people with VIP tickets, so a spot at the rail was out of the question - also I wanted to get a shirt before the gig started because I would miss my train home if I hung around too long afterwards - but once the doors opened and I secured a tour tee, I managed to land in-between 3/4 row at the front. Sweet! (Thanks great grandfathers who gave me long legs so I could powerwalk as fast as possible. Security didn't want us to run you see.)
Mammoth WVH opened once again and they kicked ass! There were some sound issues during the first few songs, so Wolfie's voice and the guitars were kinda muddled, but that got fixed real quick and it was a great set. The crowd got pretty into it.
Mammoth's setlist;
Mr. Ed
Like a Pastime
You're to Blame
Another Celebration at the End of the World
Don't Back Down
You're to Blame was my personal favorite, a real stomper live! And be sure to check out their latest singles if you haven't already.
And then it was happening. The lights dimmed for a second time after waiting around for few and though the majority of the people around me were already in great mood, you could really feel the crowd come to life. Are there going to be more puns in here? Probably because I can't help myself ha.
I stood smack-dab in the middle, with no tall concert goers in front of me, so I had a perfect view when AB took the stage. This would have been the perfect opportunity to take some pictures but me being me, well, I'm always way too swept up in the moment and the music to even think about taking out my phone haha.
Anyhow, here's AB's set list and I'll just go through the moments that stood out to me or I will be rambling for the upcoming hours;
Silver Tongue
Addicted to Pain
Ghost of Days Gone By
Broken Wings
Sin After Sin
Coeur D'Alene
Burn it Down
Cry of Achilles
Watch Over You
In Loving Memory
Come to Life
Encore: Rise Today
Slip to the Void will likely be my most favorite opening song ever, but Silver Tongue is a close second. Just hearing that intro riff alone already hypes me up, followed by Addicted to Pain, if anyone in the venue wasn't paying attention already they sure do then!
(Warning for some flashing) Video by Dany In Flight [x] If I'm correct in my assumption this was the same lady I spoke briefly to while waiting in line, she came all the way from Italy!
Broken Wings was beautiful and hearing Sin After Sin again was a treat. The biggest surprise for me however was hearing Coeur D'Alene. COEUR D'ALENE. Yes, I was aware AB pulled this one out of the box during their US tour, but man I'm so happy they played it in Tilburg as well. ABIII is my favorite AB album so this was very special to me.
Myles took a little break and Mark took over the vocal duties for Burn it Down and he absolutely crushed it. You go Mark 💜
Video by _josdecross [x]
After the amazing Cry of Achilles, it was time to get emotional with a triple kick to the face. I'm not ashamed to say my waters were rising a little when Myles serenaded the crowd with Watch Over You, followed by In Loving Memory and then, of course, Blackbird. Boi, if I ever have kids or grandkids, I will make sure that song gets passed on down because it will never get old. What a masterpiece.
The emotional portion of the concert quickly got pushed aside by the energetic Come to Life, another all time favorite of mine (and the crowd, from what I could hear haha). A fan had requested earlier if AB could play Stay that night, and they did! Which was very sweet.
What followed were the bangers Isolation and of course Metalingus - were we all obediently went down on our knees (I fell over a few times because my legs were pretty fried at that point lol) for the classic "jump up and down like a kangaroo during the breakdown".
We got treated with Rise Today as the encore - chanting "we want more" with the crowd likely doesn't have any effect whatsoever but I like to think that it does haha.
And then it was over. Is there a thing such as post-concert depression? Man those hours went by quick. Picks were thrown out, setlists in the form of paper-planes; the usual mayhem. I'm terrible at catching anything because I'm always afraid I'll get accidentally socked in the face. There did however bounce something off my shoulder, which I assumed was a pick from Brian because a millisecond later the guy standing next to me snatched it from the ground. Better luck next time, but thanks Brian lol. And then the drumsticks were flying and I took cover once more.
Going to concerts is still new territory for me and even though it was only the second time I saw AB live, being a big fan aside, they killed it. What a band. What an amazing, talented bunch of musicians. The crowd was having a blast and AB too seemed to really enjoy and revel in the energy. Even Myles commented at one point "There's always a great vibe when we play here." My voice was gone from loudly singing along to all the songs and I probably slept for about 12 hours the next day.
Compared to the first time I saw them in Amsterdam last year December at the Ziggo Dome, I prefer this gig with the smaller venue. As much as I love that AB gets to play bigger venues in Europe, selfish me wish they could stick to smaller ones like the 013 in Tilburg.
Here's a pic of the fabulous tour tee that I scored;
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I've been a fan for over 14 years now and to be able to see my favorite band live two times in the span of only 7 months is crazy lucky to me. If you have the opportunity to see them, do it! You won't regret it.
Thanks AB for the beautiful music and I hope to catch them again on their next album cycle!
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cloudinterlude · 1 year
I would like to ask a few more questions about Howard Stark)
Do you consider him a feminist or does he not respect women?
Does he like to communicate with other people (introvert or extrovert)
P.s. had to resubmit because an error occurred
Hiii! I answered the first question a little over here, but let me answer it directly as well.
Howard is not a feminist. I'd almost consider him apolitical since I see him as the type to reserve judgement based on the individual. Let's put it like this. Howard is the type to not have a problem with women not adhering to traditional gender roles, but he absolutely makes misogynistic "jokes" and still buys into the common views of women of the time (with the exception of the women closest to him).
He knows that women have it harder than men. He straight up says this (because he's not stupid). But he also isn't going out of his way to rectify that because it's not his problem in his eyes. I mean, the only way it would become his problem is if Peggy asked for help with gender related issues. Or if he had a daughter like he wanted and she was being blocked out from opportunities because of her sex. Then it's suddenly on his radar because it's directly impacting people he cares about. I mean, I believe there are circumstances where he'd help individuals he doesn't know, but it's case by case with him. Howard would not fund a women's rights rally solely for the greater good. It's not something he thinks about unless directly confronted with it.
Now, is he an extrovert or introvert? I'd definitely say extrovert. Of course characters like Howard have hidden depths and probably enjoy their own company to a certain extent, but I think he genuinely enjoys performing and/or working a crowd the most(side note: a lot of people would disagree, but I think this about MCU Tony as well, albeit to a lesser extent). He likes meeting new people, talking to them if they're interesting, and interacting with the world. It's where his energy comes from. Nothing good comes from a man like Howard being left alone with his own thoughts for too long.
Thanks so much for the ask <3 Kind of off topic, but every time I talk about Howard, I have to physically restrain myself from talking about Tony as well. They're so similar! Lmao
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