avenirdelight · 9 months
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cosmosnout · 4 months
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In this essay, I will be explaining how Roger was into blondes-
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mangostarjam · 3 months
sparring accidents — kaiju no. 8, fluff, kissing, hoshina soshiro x female reader, use of "sweetheart" as a pet name, 1.3k words — part one and two
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"Did you… get a haircut?" 
Your Vice Captain — no. Your boyfriend — freezes in the act of reaching out to tug you closer, one calloused hand wrapped around your wrist loosely. 
"... No?" 
You peer up at him. "It looks like you got a haircut. Your bangs are kinda… choppy? What the heck?" 
Hoshina Soshiro finishes tugging you closer and basks in the easy grin you flash at him, relaxing in your presence as he smiles back. "Wanna check?" 
He's teasing. Soshiro likes the way you get flustered when he does things like this — when he gets into your personal space and invites you into his, when he navigates the new lines around your relationship and you draw some of your own. 
For instance: pulling you closer? Perfectly okay, except when in front of the Captain or any higher ups, because you get worried they'll transfer you to another platoon. Any public displays of affection in front of higher ups are actually off the table entirely. In fact Soshiro sometimes wonders if Captain Ashiro even knows the two of you are dating. 
In front of the others, though, you don't mind the occasional hand touch or his arm draped across the back of your chair. You seem to have a thing for touching his biceps, too — your hands always seem to drift towards them when you're passing him in the halls or tugging him closer to look at something on your computer screen. 
And if both of you are off duty, you'll hold his hand freely. Soshiro likes that the most. You've gotten so comfortable with it, too — reaching back somewhat blindly for his hand, always knowing he'll lace his fingers with yours as soon as he notices, even when he's watching the way your eyes light up over some new book on display or a new dessert you want to share with him. 
It makes his chest ache something fierce, thinking about that trust that he'll be there to hold your hand. 
Man, he really likes you. 
"You'll have to bend a little if you want me to check," you say dubiously, and Soshiro laughs. 
"Need a lift, sweetheart?" 
"Don't you dare," you say flatly, stretching up on tiptoes and cupping his face in your hands. 
The movement brings your face very close to his face, but before he can even glance at your lips you've tugged his head down. You hum as you examine his hair, flipping the strands this way and that, and Soshiro pretends like his heart rate is normal. 
"What's the verdict?" 
"It looks like you got a silly uneven haircut while sparring. Were you guys using real blades?" You drop back on your heels, but your hands drift down to rest on his shoulders and he clears his throat nervously at the way your chest brushes against his — you're standing so close. 
The study room isn't empty. Soshiro can hear officers nearby, the shuffling of papers, the gentle ribbing between teammates. He found you among the shelves, though, and nobody's close enough to see him settle his hands on the gentle dip of your waist beneath your lab coat. 
"You think my hair looks silly?" 
He doesn't keep the pout from his voice, and he's rewarded when you giggle and lean closer. His thumbs rub soothingly along your shirt and skirt, basking in the warmth of you so close to him. 
"Hoshina-kun, don't avoid the question!" 
"Aw, alright," he sighs, "we were usin' real blades, but I swear to ya that we were bein' careful!" 
"I know you're fast, but I guess your hair wasn't fast enough to escape, too," you say. Soshiro snorts. "It's unfair, though, because even with a silly haircut you still look good." 
Your shirt is loose, untucked after the long shift. His thumbs slip beneath your shirt and rub along the bare skin of your waist. He freezes for a split second, but you just sway closer to him. You're blushing. Oh. Your chest is pushing up against his, now, and your skin is so warm and soft and — 
"Can you please kiss me already?" 
Ah. Yeah, he can do that. He can definitely do that, no problem, you've been dating for a few months now and he's been wanting to kiss you and this is a perfect time to do that since nobody's around and you're already in his arms and your hands are shoving him downwards and — 
Oh. Your lips are soft. A little chapped. He can feel his heartbeat in his ears. 
"Hoshina-kun," you pull back slightly to huff a laugh, tilting your head. Soshiro can feel your lips move against his own as you whisper and it makes his head spin. "C'mon, kiss me." 
You kiss him again and he groans, blood rushing through his body as he draws you closer, follows your lead and tilts his head, moves his lips against yours firmly as you kiss and kiss and kiss. 
You taste a little sweet, like that strawberry pocky you like to snack on. He makes a strangled sound when you part your mouth and nip softly at his bottom lip, the slight pinch going straight south in a way that'd be concerning with how closely you're pressing up against him except you just sink your fingers into the soft fluff of his hair and sigh. 
Oh, he'd do anything to hear you sigh like that again. Soshiro chases your lips when you try to pull away, snickering as you laugh and scratch at his undercut. "Someone might come by," you whisper, pressing a quick, fleeting kiss to the tip of his nose. 
"I'll order them to leave," he whispers back, fingers loosening on your waist. He's left marks, probably, from how hard he was holding you, but you don't seem to mind. "We're off duty, anyway, ain't we?" 
"Yeah, but we're still at work," you point out. Your eyes are sparkling under the study room lights and you're a little breathless. Soshiro wants to memorize the way you're glowing from the inside out. "It's almost time for dinner." 
"But what about my hair?" 
Your smile tilts into something fond as you scratch at his undercut again, sliding your fingers into the silky strands further up his head. "Don't worry, I don't think anyone else will notice your haircut." 
Soshiro grins. "Are you fussin' over me right now?" 
"Shut up," you say, but there's clear affection lacing through your tone. "I might've… been a little too enthusiastic. Stay still and let me fix your hair." 
He obliges, keeping his hands lightly at your waist to help you balance as you comb his purple strands back into place. The calm between the two of you is peaceful. Soshiro likes moments like these, holds them close to his heart and lets them shine in his mind's eye as he breathes before heading onto the battlefield. 
He feels your nails dig slightly into the back of his neck as you pull yourself up to kiss him again, a sweet, smiling kiss that makes him grin. "Careful, sweetheart, or we'll be here all night." 
"No way, mister," you say, "they're serving oyakodon tonight with your favorite Mont Blanc for dessert. I asked Captain Ashiro if we could get it on the menu this week." 
"For me?" Soshiro can't keep the surprise out of his voice. You tug at his collar, pulling it back into place and smoothing your hands along his shoulders and chest. Your hands are trembling, just a little bit. 
"Yeah. You've been working really hard and I thought you could use a boost." 
"Hmm," he leans down to kiss you lightly, basking in the ability to just do this now. "You're all I need for a boost, sweetheart. But thank you, I appreciate it." 
"Don't expect kisses before you go into battle," you say, but you're giggling as he leans down for another sweet kiss. He admires the sweep of your lashes against your cheeks and nearly misses your next words. "I won't be held responsible for distracting you." 
"What about as a reward?" 
Your lashes flutter and he kisses you again, warmth curling and settling deep in his chest. His jacket crumples as you clutch at him for balance and he grins back at you, soft. 
"As long as you don't come back with any weird haircuts." 
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smokersbaby · 5 months
Big, “scary”, “mean” men from One Piece blushing>>>>>>
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nosnexus · 2 years
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Binx is Gwyn and Gwyn is Binx!
I know!
You knew?!
Of course I knew, yeah. I figured it out yesterday.
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recurring-polynya · 2 months
It has been 14 hours since I found out that, according to Kubo, Byakuya calls Renji by his given name "because Rukia does" and I am obsessed with this information.
This is both the best and worst possible answer to this question. I feel like if you asked Byakuya, this is exactly the reason he would give. However, if Rukia were present, she would lose her damn mind. While I do think Rukia's assertion that Byakuya didn't look at her even once in 40 years is hyperbole, over that time I can imagine Renji's name coming up in conversation once, maybe twice tops.
Like, two weeks before she goes on her fateful mission to the Living World, B's been shortlisting Vice-Captain candidates, and over dinner, real casual:
B: Rukia. You know your friend?
Rukia: My who now?
B: That friend of yours who shouts too much. The boorishly tall one. With the red hair. Is he in Squad Eleven now?
Rukia (wracking her brain frantically for people Byakuya would consider 'her friend'): You mean Renji?
B: Yes, him.
Rukia: What about him?
B: Is he in Squad Eleven? The Sixth Seat?
Rukia: ...maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The next day, Byakuya's office, Renji shows up for his job interview.
B: You must be Renji.
Renji: uhhhhhhhh sure why not?
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zaptrapp · 1 month
list of things I cannot believe from tbb finale:
an actual good ending
hunter being alive
crosshair being alive
wrecker being alive
echo being alive
tech being actually dead
cody vanishing just like that
the entire “wolffe joining rex and the clone rebellion” plotline going down the drain (???)
howzer saying “aight imma head out”
rex not being in the finale
”clone force 99 died with tech” line
hunter still breathing
clone cx-2 being absolutely not fucking relevant whatsoever
clone cx-2 not being tech
clone cx-2 moving/speaking/behaving like tech but not being tech -> could have been him but sadic writers chose not to go with that plotline the very last second so they had to cut from the finale the scene where tbb (and us) get a tech/cx-2 face reveal
grown up omega being a pilot for the rebellion
hunter choosing to be omega’s dad
the writers denying us the whole “tbb goes back to ord mantell just to skin cid alive and robbing her of everything she has” subplot
ventress/fennec not being in the finale
hunter tbb alive
dead tech (I was a very skeptic tech alive truther)
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rinablet · 11 months
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sailor captains (and tuxedo suga!)
based on an AU by my friend jared and i (link to the fic in the replies!)
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wing-ed-thing · 4 months
Smoker x Pirate!Reader Relationship Headcanons
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Tags/Warnings: No Reader Pronouns, Mild Sexualization
𓆃 This... isn't going to go as well as you think it will.
𓆃 Because Smoker is one of the last people in the service who will throw away all of his deeply held views on justice and what that means just to chase the tail of an attractive pirate.
𓆃 Much of your relationship— or lack thereof— will look relatively normal on the outside with Smoker chasing you and you running from the Marines like the pirate you are.
𓆃 And any enjoyment you get out of your limited interactions will be largely up to you. It's on you whether you want to tease him, drag on your fights, and give him a firm slap on the ass before you leave, because Smoker isn't about to initiate any sort of closeness or fondness from his end.
𓆃 He's never going to make comments that resemble anything complimentary or claim his goals are anything different than taking you into custody.
𓆃 Although Smoker is a fan of repartee. So, while worming your way out of your Marine/pirate relationship is a no-go, you can warm him up to you through witty banter.
𓆃 And depending on your demeanor, you can essentially make yourself a part of Smoker's routine, and fighting you suddenly turns into a formality.
𓆃 "I suppose there's no way I could ask you to turn yourself in quietly, huh?" Smoker puffs every time, taking a drag of his cigar with his eyes cast toward the sky. He already knows how things between you end.
𓆃 You'll get away, and it'll be time for him to track you down so you can banter with him and start the cycle all over again.
𓆃 While his intentions to follow through with his orders will never quell, the more he develops a soft spot for you, the more negotiating he'll begin to do.
𓆃 First, they're with himself, as if his growing fondness and fixation for you are normal for his line of work.
𓆃 "It's a matter of pride," he'll grumble, "I'm a Marine, goddammit."
𓆃 Sticking to the work excuse doesn't last for long. After all, Smoker isn't one to lie to himself. And so the negotiations will shift to you.
𓆃 "You're wasted as a goddam pirate," "Look, if you turn yourself in, I might be able to pull a few strings to get you back on your feet after your sentencing," "We've been through this song and dance enough... c'mon now."
𓆃 You're not sure if he realizes that he's subconsciously resorted to trying to convince you to become a part of his world. That somehow you might join up or leave your life of crime behind— like that would change anything.
𓆃 Smoker will walk up to you with a sigh, his weapon thrown across his shoulder and his opposite hand in the pocket of his jacket.
𓆃 "No way you're turnin' yourself in?" he'll ask.
𓆃 "No chance in hell, Smoky," you'll tell him with a shake of your head.
𓆃 And that's how your relationship will go.
𓆃 There might be some times when he has no other choice but to deviate from your usual routine. Perhaps the stars aligned in your favor or the cards were stacked against him in a scenario where it made more sense to let you go.
𓆃 Or maybe he'll give into a lapse in judgment, giving into you a bit more but still never dropping his closely-held position in the Marines for a second.
𓆃 The only stability you'll have together is the consistent cycle of him trying to arrest you. And unless one of you gives in, that's all you'll ever truly be.
𓆃 No matter what the feelings are, what's happened in the past, or the fleeting moments of intimacy, Smoker isn't going to be the one to break.
𓆃 So it becomes a question of your freedom and if you're willing to give that up for the mere chance of a life with a man who you don't even know will truly accept you because of your past.
𓆃 Perhaps you'll see if and when the World Government crumbles...
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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sassy-kebab · 3 months
Ik there have been instances of people from outside the strawhats calling zoro the vice captain so I really wanna see luffy's reaction to someone calling zoro the strawhats vice captain . Like would he be prideful at fact he has such an amazing VP
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avenirdelight · 9 months
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you made the right decision, dad🫶🏼
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skysmadness · 8 months
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my captain and vice captain <3
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tinfairies · 8 months
Hi, It’s me the perpetual pain in the ass can I get
Yandere captain smoker headcanons
Please, Thank you your amazing
Yandere Captain Smoker Headcanons
Contents: stalking, purposeful endangerment, unwilling voyeurism, exhibitionism, controlling behavior
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As soon as you catch his eye, it's all over for you. He won't stop until he has you.
Smoker starts off friendly enough, attempting to lure you into a false sense of security.
That's all he wants to do, really. He just wants to protect you.
He'll stalk you relentlessly, and knows your schedule like clockwork. If you're late, or do something out of the ordinary, he gets upset.
Smoker will purposefully put you in dangerous situations, although you're completely unaware of course.
He wants to swoop in and save you, making you indebted to him, although he'll say it's really no problem.
Likes to touch himself during your conversations, he'll slyly grope his cock as you speak. Focusing his eyes on your lips and imagining them doing something more productive.
He has came under his desk many times, and you've been completely oblivious.
One day, Smoker wants to make you finally shut up with his cock. Shove your head down and make you gag on his length.
Watches you sleep and spreads your legs nice and wide to play with you, just to see what makes you tick. He knows your body better than you do by the time you consensually become intimate with him.
Smoker is very controlling, and will determine when you eat, sleep, shower, and even go as far as controlling your bladder.
He has a way of making you think it's your idea though, you eat healthy because too much sugar is bad for you, and you don't want to get sick and Smoker, right?
You sleep a full 8 hours because it's healthy and you don't want to upset Smoker, right?
You shower with him because it saves water and gets you both clean, right?
He just thinks you're the perfect little thing for him, and he will have you.
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smokersbaby · 9 months
Smoker, Katakuri and big men from One Piece be like:
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(Pic from Pinterest)
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97b0n3s · 6 months
Shirt my friend got me :3 I’m so ready for the next Presidential election
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Just imagining him coming up behind me, muscles raging with adrenaline. His heart pounding as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against his hard body. Breathing like that down my neck.
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Wtf is with this show. You'd think I'd never seen a man before.
@kazutora-kurokawa @supersecretsaga
@southside-otaku @manji-hoe @darkstarlight82
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