buddiedaydreamer911 · 4 months
bucks apartment smells like smoke.
buck is now alone in said apartment with christopher.
eddie is not there.
reasonably i know there is still an episode between now and Ashes Ashes/All Fall Down
but what the fuck
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saras-almanac · 4 months
Being under the assumption that both Eddie’s and Bobby’s storylines will feature heavily in the last few episodes of the season with fallout and some consequences set up for season 8, I have some thoughts about what I want to see for the show since I’m procrastinating doing anything today…
Bobby – Having to actually physically face someone from the fire, I want that to be a big sign for Bobby to actually start working through his trauma and guilt in a way that doesn’t necessarily lead to a potential relapse story, but some tension with Athena because she can’t understand what he’s going through, how he feels really (similar to when he was helping that drunk driving woman after the pileup from Blindsided). Another thing I want is to see him taking more of an active role in his AA meetings—I want him to really start focusing on that so he can have friends outside of people he’s Captain of, plus it’ll help set up what his endgame should be: focusing on his meetings and helping people who have been at or are at rock bottom because he is someone who can really understand. And he doesn’t need to be a first responder to still help.
Athena – I literally just want her to interact more with Buck. (Though I literally want Buck to interact with everyone so much) If his apartment does burn down or he moves, maybe Athena offers him to stay at their place since Maddie and Chimney are dealing with their own stuff, Eddie’s off on his own, and it’s a bit too soon to fully move in with Tommy). But just imagine the talks they could have over tea late at night, both of them being night owls. They could talk about their careers, how to know when to keep trying for advancement or when it’s okay to be content where you’re at. Plus let’s say Athena gets drafted to help on a case of some sort, bringing home some files along with her notes, only to wake up in the morning to see Buck on his third cup of coffee and a full red string makeshift pinboard set up on the table going through all the potential theories. (Athena wants to be annoyed but also, maybe he’s on to something? And it’s not like he went out and started doing his own sleuthing and digging through someone’s trash so… )
Buck – Obviously next season I just want him and Tommy to still be together and their big storyline is working on continuing to build their relationship, especially allowing Buck to really be there for Tommy in a way that we’ve already seen Tommy do for Buck. I want their relationship to be settled and steady, even with the bumps and hiccups, but ultimately something that settles Buck so he can really focus on his career and what he wants outside of being a firefighter. (Obviously my endgame for Buck is being Captain at a different firehouse, or well on his way to actually being Captain). But there’s so much angst and humor to be had in the background where Buck/Tommy doesn’t have to take up too much space. Obviously the angst of if Tommy gets hurt or just learning about his past (which I have lots of thoughts about) and Buck learning to cope with that, still growing and getting better at direct communication. Which could lead into a funny runner in an episode where Buck goes around asking everyone (Bobby, Athena, Maddie, Chimney) how they handle it when their partner is hurt and how is the best way for him to comfort Tommy after a rough shift because he obviously wants to do it the best way possible because Tommy is the best and always seems to know what to do and Buck just wants to be the same for him—only for him to get his real answer from Karen (because I also want more Buck with Karen and Buck and Hen being siblings next season). Plus Buck could be in random scenes because he’s obviously getting kicked out of Bobby and Athena’s house at least twice a week for their roleplaying nights that Buck doesn’t want to really ask about but accidentally knows too much about, which also leads to him showing up at May’s one night when everyone else is at work or busy and they have that weird “do you know what I know about mom and dad” conversation about what their parents are getting up to. (Plus leaning into May and Buck developing a relationship could also show us a lot of both of those characters because it’d be in different roles than we’ve seen them—May as the younger sister, Buck as the older brother) Plus I absolutely need to see Buck and Carla being friends again.
Tommy – I absolutely want him to stick around and for them to start filling in the gaps of his life a bit more because he is a really friendly person and has buddies and people to hang out with, but he’s also really lonely and I think that’s why jumped all in with his friendship with Eddie and putting his best foot forward with Buck. Just want him around lol
HenRen – My most beloved ladies. I just want them to keep going and having them face outside challenges together, as a team. So next season could be them wanting to officially adopt Mara but it’s their first adoption (where the kid is not a baby) and they want to do this right, not making Mara feel pressured or like she has to accept this. Obviously them juggling Mara and their still complicated feelings about Denny reconnecting with Nathanial behind their backs is a really good story for them, and then what happens if they get more kids, or another case similar to Mara where it’s a slightly older child and it upsets the balance a bit more? I just love the idea of them as foster parents and want to keep exploring that, even if it is “repetitive” because it’s wonderful to see such amazing parents who are actively trying to be the best they can be and making sure to put their kids first. (Endgame for them, adopting a baby girl, which doesn’t make them love their other children less, but it’d be a really nice full circle moment of them with Denny and Nia, to this full-scale family) Would also love to see Karen interacting a bit more with people—I think at least starting with Chimney and Buck would be a really quick and easy way—Buck could be babysitting a bit, coming over for game nights, showing up randomly. Just a way to start getting Karen more featured because she is literally sunshine and I think it’d be really cool to see her talking about her job and Buck’s excitement and how he’d be super interested in it. (And maybe she’s starting to question if she wants to stay at her job, now with the kids and she’s not sure if she’s as excited about it anymore, or maybe she hasn’t fully been herself at work since the explosion… anything for Karen that’s not sad or too angsty because I can’t handle it. Or one of her brothers comes to stay for an undisclosed amount of time causing hijinx.)
Madney – Oh my god… These two need much less angst and just pure happiness forever. But obviously, that’s not going to happen. So what I would love to see is their storyline centered around the next steps for their family, namely whether or not they want more kids. Jee was a happy accident and they’d never not want her, but it does bring up the question of do they want more children? They both have some issues surrounding parental relationships, and while they’ve been working through them and are incredible parents themselves, would they feel ready or able to have another child or more children? Not to mention physically, for Maddie, would she be willing and able to put herself through that again? I don’t know. It’s something that could really give them a lot of meat in a story while not being needlessly overdramatic—Like my hopes for HenRen, I want them to face things as a couple and still support each other.
Eddie – I need him to be getting help. I want to see this story completely blow up in his face because he doesn’t really have a lot of storylines that deal with the fallout of his actions. And this will hopefully be something that is just him making the worst possible decisions ever and then seeing him lash out at people would be peak writing for this character, to watch him build himself back up and really allow him to have relationships outside of Chris and Buck. I know they’re all friends, but Eddie literally doesn’t really interact with anyone else. Would love to see him and Buck on the outs for a bit so they could both have scenes with some other people. Plus I’d love this story to lead to a happily single Eddie, realizing that he doesn’t need to have a partner just for Chris’s sake and that he’s not really interested in dating right now, despite the fact it feels like everyone in his life (his family) keeps pushing that on him. He honestly needs to do a lot of work on himself to be ready and able to be in a romantic relationship because Eddie is actually the worst in relationships—and whether that’s only because he’s still dealing with Shannon’s death and the way he’s clearly romanticized their past or because he genuinely doesn’t want to date or doesn’t know how to date, we can explore. I want to know more about Eddie because from the beginning he’s basically just been Single Dad Veteran and I don’t feel like they’ve really given him much else until this season. Let Eddie be alone so we can actually learn who he is more before he gets into another relationship—or crazier yet, allow for Single Representation Eddie where he ultimately decides he’s happier alone and doesn’t need anyone.
Josh – My endgame for Josh is obviously him taking over Sue’s position at the Call Center—which would obviously lead to Maddie officially taking over Josh’s spot. But like Buck, I want Josh to have a little more stability in his life so he has stuff outside the call center to help balance himself when he does take on that role. Could be a really great way to sort of mirror Buck and Josh—both of them knowing what they want to do and being really great at it but having no real idea of what to do if that’s taken away. Josh sort of stumbled into this job and excelled at it immensely, but sort of at the expense of his own personal life (plus the trauma of his last “official” experience with dating). Whereas Buck’s never really set aside his personal life for his job but hasn’t ever really found that balance of both with someone who really gets him. So there could be a lot to explore with them as an option. I just want to see a bit more of Josh and maybe he gets a boyfriend or at least starts to date again.
Ravi – I have no idea what I want for him other than for him to be around. In my ideal endgame, he’s obviously taking over Buck’s role at the 118, so maybe just keeping him involved in the crew more. Maybe he has a big dramatic storyline for season 8, dealing with his past or getting injured or showing how he withdraws very quickly. I don’t know he’s sort of a blank slate so they could really do anything with him. I just want to see him around more.
Basically I just have a lot of thoughts and wanted to write them all out here because why not.
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
Caught (a 9-1-1 fic post-s3 finale)
Photobooths are prime for catching special moments and making them last forever, even if they are less both and more open spaces with a backdrop. When Athena, Bobby, and Michael stumble upon one such moment between Buck and Eddie, what will they do?
And how will it affect Maddie and Chimney?
T, 3.7k, Athena/Bobby, Buck/Eddie, Maddie/Chimney
           Athena finds operating a laptop with only one hand maddening. Typing up an e-mail takes double the time, she needs breaks when shopping online, and scrolling through social media becomes dangerous when she accidentally likes pictures she didn’t mean to. If she had her choice, Athena would be on her phone. But the hired photographer from May’s party e-mailed the pictures from the photo booth, both Bobby and Michael nearby when her phone pinged. Instead of having her husband and ex-husband crowded at her shoulders, Athena pokes her password into the given space while the men gather snacks. When she finally has the first picture loaded, Bobby places the bowl of popcorn by her sling and Michael hands off a soda.
           “I think we’ve never looked better Bobby,” Michael laughs, pointing at the screen.
           Athena snickers into her drink, studying the picture. Bobby’s jaw dropped in a faux yell; guitar hugged tightly against his chest. Fingers hooked as if he were playing something. Michael’s expression mirrored his except the tinsel wig on his head making it immensely funnier. “Don’t you be trying to steal my man from me, Michael,” she warns, attempting severity, “You already got a doctor eating out of your hand.”
           “Okay you two,” Bobby settles his arm across Athena’s chair, chuckling, “we’ll never get through these if you two are bickering. Athena, click onto the next picture?”
           They kill the next half-hour like that, pausing every so often to laugh at a few pictures. Like Maddie with May, the two women back-to-back and imitating an old spy poster. Or Chimney and Hen battling with the inflatable guitars like they were axes. Although not every picture was funny. Michael and Athena thought May and her boyfriend gravitated closer than necessary for a simple photo. And Athena needed a moment, collecting herself from the sheer adorableness of Buck and Christopher’s faces pressed cheek-to-cheek.
           The next few pictures included Buck as well, except Christopher’s father joined in the fun in his son’s place. Eddie sipping a drink while Buck played the guitar. Him raising a leg mid-kick while Buck locked eyes with the camera. Smoking on a corncob pipe as Buck runs wild behind him. Flexing, playing the guitar, and jumping. One picture had half of his face cut off.
           Buck must have landed closer, because Athena clicked on and they occupied the same breadth of space. Eddie, non-plussed, while the younger man messed with him. Grinning, swinging beads in his face. Then wincing when it struck the soft spot between his brows. Brushing gently over his nose in a cursory inspection, too close. Followed by –
           “Oh, my,” Athena gasped, hand over her mouth. She felt Bobby tense at her side and Michel mutter a curse under breath.
           The photographer, with perfect timing, captured the briefest of pecks. Buck’s lips on Eddie’s, both puckered. Expectant. None of them can decipher who initiated the embrace. Only that it happened and there was no mistaking the intention
           “Well I’ll be damned,” Michael says, “this is…”
           Athena glances at her husband, “Did you know about this?”
           Bobby shakes out of his stupor, turning to her. “No, I… I had no idea,” he says, “I mean, they’re close but I always thought it was more like… brothers?”
           Michael snorts, drawing Athena’s attention. “Do you have anything to add?”
           His mouth thins, and he inches back. “No, I’m as shocked as you both are… A little intrigued… and embarrassed I didn’t notice those boys swung on my team before… But shock is at the forefront.”
           She sighs, sagging in her seat. Her finger scrolls onto the next arrow except she cannot continue. Athena finds herself staring at the picture again. “What should we do?”
           Bobby hums and squeezes her shoulder. “We can pretend this didn’t happen and let them come to us in their own time?” He nods at the screen, “For the first month at least. If they don’t say something past then, I will have to bring it up anyway seeing as fraternization between coworkers requires tons of paperwork.”
           “Okay, then I guess we keep this to ourselves until they own up on their own,” she says, moving on, “or you need evidence if they try and deny it altogether.”
           “Always thinking like a cop,” Michael laughs, nudging her, “you’ll be back on the streets soon enough.”
           “We’ll see.” She finally clicks onto the next picture, another Eddie and Buck. More bashful and with ruddy cheeks. If there were any confusion about the prior scene, this added the final layer of context. “They do make an adorable couple.”
           “And a hot couple…”
           Athena elbows Michael with her good arm, scowling. “Hush up. Think about your doctor.”
           The mood returns, not at the same level it was before the discovery but there the same. They finish viewing the album and then spend more time dividing it. Creating folders for their friends and family so they can have their pictures. Athena finds the kissing scene again and immediately puts it, and the accompanying aftermath shot, in its own folder. She forgets it when they start compressing the files for ease of sending.
           Unfortunately, when attaching Buck’s pictures to the e-mail, his zip file contains two folders.
           Buck find Eddie in the kitchen, pouring milk into two bowls of cereal. His heart skips a beat at the scene of pure domesticity. The way sunlight streams through the thin curtains and makes Eddie glow in its beams. Makes him look more irresistible than he already is. He tugs his shirt down over his chest and walks over, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s chest. “Breakfast? Really?”
           “What – not a fan of Fruit Loops?”
           “I love Fruit Loops,” Buck chuckles, kissing at the bruise on Eddie’s neck he made earlier. “But I don’t know if three o’clock is the perfect time for them.” Still, he takes the bowl from off the counter and opens a nearby drawer.
           Eddie grabs spoons for them both. “Breakfast isn’t a meal… it’s a state of mind. It’s the first thing you eat when you get out of bed. And since we haven’t left the bed since now…”
           “We could’ve left earlier,” Buck reminds him, “If you weren’t so damn horny.”
           “I wasn’t the one practically crying for dick in my ass –“
           “Hey, hey!” Buck cuts him off, cheeks burning hotter the longer Eddie laughs. “I wasn’t crying, I was… heavily suggesting.”
           He scowls, sticking his spoon in Eddie’s bowl and stealing a bite. “If you didn’t want a second round, all you had to do was say so. But don’t go complaining because I was making sure you were having a great time while Christopher’s at camp.”
           “Oh, no,” Eddie shakes his head, grimacing, “please don’t quote my son’s card while we’re talking about sex.”
           “You started it,” Buck smirks, pointing with his spoon. “Your fault if you can’t handle the heat.”
           Eddie shoves at him, jostling the milk and spilling some onto his shirt. A soggy Fruit Loop dove from his bowl and landed on his foot, near his big toe. Buck retaliates with a push of his own, although Eddie catches his wrist and drags him into a kiss that makes him forget about the milk stain, dropped Fruit Loop, and Eddie’s teasing.
           They break for air, foreheads pressed against each other. “We should really be eating.”
           It’s another five minutes standing there. Balancing bowls of cereal and trading kisses. When they finish, Eddie guides Buck into the living room. They cuddle on the sofa, Buck crossing his legs under him and flicking the television on. Flipping through channels until he finds a cartoon he likes. Halfway through the SpongeBob episode, he feels a heavy stare. Buck turns, cheeks stuffed with cereal, to find Eddie watching with a small grin. “What?”
           “Maybe I should have sent you to camp alongside Chris,” Eddie says, “that way you could have had fun with all the other kids.”
           He swallows, glaring. “Shut up…” Eddie leans forward and brushes his lips across Buck’s cheeks, halting any further protest. Unwilling to let Eddie win, however, Buck redirects his attention elsewhere. Namely his blinking cell phone, resting on the coffee table since last night. Buck must have forgotten it sometime between Eddie kissing him and Eddie carrying him out with Buck’s legs around Eddie’s waist.
           Buck opens it, wincing at the number of messages.
           Eddie peers over his shoulder, spoon in his mouth. “Popular?”
           “Something like that…” He scrolls through the notifications. At the tagged pictures on Instagram and the missed calls, choosing his texts first. Sees five from Chimney asking about where his is and if he can come over. Then twenty from Maddie progressively growing angrier the longer Buck didn’t respond. Buck types back on the last message. Answers her ‘Buck I am not kidding you better answer me asap we need to talk’ sent at one-twenty-three with a ‘Sorry b there soon’ at three-thirteen. “I gotta go to Maddie’s…”
           “What for?”
           Buck scans through the texts again, shrugging. “Doesn’t say. But it must be important if both her and Chim were on my case.”
           Eddie knocks shoulders with Buck. “Want me to tag along?”
           “I’d appreciate it,” Buck tells him, “but if we’re supposed to keep this low-profile, I doubt showing up together will help.”
           “But we always show up together,” he argues.
           “Not after having fantastic sex.”
           “You’re right,” Eddie concedes, thoughtful expression transforming into one more devious. His fingers tickle Buck’s thigh before he squeezes Buck’s cock. “I’d rather show up after mind-blowing sex.”
           “Eddie, you’re killing me,” Buck whines, “I’m too tired.” Except he lays his bowl on the table alongside Eddie’s and happily relaxes onto the couch. Lying underneath the other man while he licks at his collar bone. Buck giggles while his friend’s stubble rubs against his skin. Absentmindedly Buck looks at his phone, scrolling through more apps. He opens his e-mail and sees the message from Athena labelled: ‘May’s Graduation Party Photos’. “Hey Eddie, the photos from May’s party are here.”
           “What?” Eddie asks, rising momentarily for air.
           “Another time, Bucky…” he presses a sloppy kiss at his jaw, smirking. Toying with Buck’s shirt. “Be with me now.”
           “Let me take a quick look.” Buck ignores Eddie’s pleading, opening it. Downloads the file and clicks the icon, switching apps. He opens the first folder, a photo of Buck and Maddie greeting him. “Oh, these came out nicely…”
           Eddie continues dropping kisses on different points of his body while Buck scrolls through each picture. “Really, Buck,” he gasps after sucking a mark onto Buck’s hip. A feat that usually leaves him panting, sweaty, and writhing in Eddie’s embrace. “Can’t this wait? Feeling unappreciated…”
           Buck threads his hand through Eddie’s hair, patting it. “Almost done,” he tells Eddie, “There’s another file here… looks like it’s only two –“ He cuts off, eyes widening.
           Startled, Eddie raises a brow at him. “Buck? You okay?” Nothing. Eddie crawls up and forces Buck’s gaze away from the phone and towards him, tilting at his jaw. “Speak to me. What is it?”
           He cannot speak. So he shows Eddie his phone, watching the blown pupils retract as the mood shifts.
           It’s a photo from the party, one they hadn’t realized was captured. Their first kiss. When Buck was so overwhelmed with happiness and warmth and, staring at Eddie, crossed the divide without thought. A quick peck that left them stuttering and blushing and unsure where they stood. Buck ran away, not waiting for Eddie. Moving until the other man dragged him into an empty room to explain himself.
           Buck had nothing. No reason why he kissed Eddie except that it felt right. Which he proved by pressing him against the wall and kissing him again. Eddie answered in kind, flipping him around and hauling his leg up. Thumb brushing his kneecap.
           They broke, muted sounds of the party filtered through the door. Eddie cleared his throat, “We still need to talk about this.”
           Both men said their goodbyes, five minutes after the other. Promises that when Christopher left for camp, they would restart their conversation. Eddie drove straight over, card still in hand when he knocked on Buck’s door.
           Buck hung it on the fridge before they tripped up the stairs in hurried excitement, shedding clothes and tumbling on the bed.
           Talking came after the sex.
           “What do you think it means?” Buck asks, “Why would Athena send this?”
           Eddie shrugs, mouth flapping worriedly. “I don’t know,” he finally says, “Maybe she… maybe she sent without looking?”
           Buck rolls his eyes. “Karen and Hen had their photos taken but I don’t have any of theirs. She definitely saw this.” His mind works double time, connecting loose threads into a makeshift sweater. “Wait,” he says, pushing Eddie off him and onto his knees. “Wait, hold on… do you think this is what those texts were about?”
           “Texts? What texts?”
           “Chim and Maddie,” he reminds Eddie, “the urgent texts that – that didn’t mention what made them so damn urgent. Do you think… Athena sent this photo to them, too? To Hen? Everybody?”
           Eddie sighs and runs his hands up and down Buck’s shoulders, added warmth like a candle fighting an iceberg. “Athena wouldn’t do that,” he says, “I’m sure this was nothing. Maybe even a… a simple way of letting us know she knows and she supports us?”
           As if seeing the smoke billowing out his ears, Eddie stands and offers a hand. “Come on.” Buck squints up at him, curious. “You think Maddie and Chimney know about us. You won’t know by sitting here spinning out. When we get there, we can see what they have to say.”
           Buck fights his smile, but a tiny smirk still appears. “We?” he asks.
           “Yes, we,” Eddie tells him, “So let’s move. I think I have a shirt that’ll fit, but it might be a little short?”
           “What about my clothes from yesterday?”
           “Please,” Eddie matches his smirk, “we’re not sure if they know about us. Why make it obvious by doing that.” Most of the tension from moments ago disappears with their laughter, Eddie ridding him of the rest by hauling Buck into a tender kiss. “Hurry,” he whispers, “because if we stay here any longer, I won’t want to leave the house until tomorrow.”
           “Tempting…” Buck pushes off, smiling. “Very tempting, but I already promised Maddie. She’s mad enough at me as it is.” Eddie tries catching his wrist one more time but Buck, aware of this trick, dodges at the last second and bounces off. The other man chases with great speed.
           The playfulness helps distract Buck from the impending appointment with his sister and their friend. And leaves him grateful that he and Eddie crossed over in their relationship, onto the next level. Into what it was always meant to be, what it kept building towards over the years. Abby’s return the final push giving Buck the clarity he needed in understanding his feelings.
           When the hurt finally stopped, the loneliness he expected to follow didn’t. Because Buck had his sister. The one-eighteen. Christopher and Eddie.
           Especially Eddie. Especially when his lips tickle his neck, and delays them further.
           Maddie paces the floor, chewing on a bite of pickle. “What’s taking him so long?” she asks Chimney, her boyfriend watching from a nearby couch. “I swear, if he isn’t in this room in the next five minutes…”
           Chimney stands, walking towards her. “I’m sure he has his reasons,” he tells her, “he didn’t answer his phone until – what? Three? Maybe he was busy.”
           “Too busy to answer a text?” She pokes his chest, huffing. “Too busy to get his ass over here and learn that he’s about to be an uncle?”
           “Well, you didn’t tell him he was going to be an uncle in the text so he probably didn’t think it was that urgent.”
           She glares, readying another onslaught. Luckily for Chimney they hear the buzzer for his apartment ring. Maddie shoves the rest of the pickle in her mouth, nodding at the door. “Let them in and bring them into the dining room.”
           “Anything else, my queen?”
           Maddie ignores him, setting at the table with her hands folded. Listens while Chimney speaks into the intercom and lets Buck up. In the minutes between that and Buck arriving, she thinks. About what it felt like seeing both plus signs appear on the pregnancy tests and the cocktail of emotions erupting within like a volcano. Happiness and excitement, but also fear. Worry over whether she was ready, or if she would be a good parent. Memories of her own childhood flooded and distracted Maddie until she broke free from their chains and realized Chimney spoke to her in the living room.
           He tried, but in the days that followed Maddie’s party her nerves only shredded further. She needed her brother. And when Maddie mustered the strength and reached out, he kept her waiting.
           Anger won out when she laid eyes on him, incised further when she notices Eddie. “Is that why you weren’t answering me? Too busy ‘hanging out’?” The exaggerated quotes make Buck flinch in a way he hadn’t in years. Not since he was a little kid. And she finds herself back in Hershey once more. And Maddie’s doubt in her skill doubles.
           “Sorry Maddie,” he says, stepping into the dining room, “time just got away from us and… we came as fast as we could?”
           She glances between them, both men with reticent expressions. As quickly as it arrived, the fire inside fizzled into embers. “I’m sorry,” she says, kneading at her temple, “I’ve just been… a little stressed.”
           “Stressed, why?”
           Chimney answers, “Because of recent developments. Recent developments that we wanted to speak to you about.” He glances at Eddie, frowning. “Eddie…”
           Eddie points at the living room, shrugging. “I can wait in there while you talk –“
           “No,” Maddie stops him, “no you can join.” She looks at Chimney, smiling. “I don’t see why he shouldn’t be here, right?”
           “I guess.”
           Buck and Eddie share a cryptid look, slowly sitting across from Maddie and Chimney. Her brother fidgets, tugging on his fingers in the nervous way he would when mom or dad lectured him after landing in trouble. Although why he did it now, Maddie was unsure of. She reached across and grabbed his hand, waiting for when their eyes met to speak. “There’s something we need to tell you.”
           His brows scrunch up, “Yeah… I get that.”
           “It’s about,” Maddie searches for an entry point, unsure where she should start. “Well… you know at May’s party?” He tenses in his seat. “How we left a little early? That’s because Chimney noticed something and I – I put things together, and we had to go –“
           “Maddie I can explain –“
           “Because all these signs added up and,” Maddie stops, blinking. She pulls away from Buck, “What?”            Buck stares at the table, shoulders hunched high. “Look, I was going to tell you but, well, we know what would’ve happened if this came out so soon after Abby showed up. And the party was the worst place if we wanted to keep this secret, I didn’t mean for it to happen there it just did! We thought it was better to take it at our own pace and – and let people in when we were ready, y’know?”
           “Slow down Evan,” Maddie grabs his hands again. Squeezes until he gives her the floor. “What are you talking about?”
           He pouts. “I was… you brought me here because you and Chimney saw us, right? At the photo booth?”
           “No,” she says, “I wanted you here because I found out I’m pregnant.” Buck chokes, seizing under her grip. “But what are you talking about? Us? You and who else… and why should it involve Abby?”
           “You’re pregnant?” he asks, eyes glistening with unshed tears. Buck tries closing his mouth but he cannot force his jaw shut. “I’m… I’m gonna be an uncle?”
           “Yes, Buck, you are,” Chimney adds, leaning over the table. “But can we go back? What happened at the photo booth?”
           Maddie studies her brother slowly shed his shock. Replaced with cheeks redder than his birthmark, failing at subtlety when glancing at Eddie. Eddie hides his face, Maddie imagining it in a similar state. With nothing there, her attention drifts and latches onto the first clue she finds.
           A circular bruise on his neck near his collarbone. There’s no mistaking what it was.
           “Oh my God,” she says, “Oh my God!”
           Chimney sighs, “What? What is it!”
           “Buck. You and Eddie?”
           “Buck and Eddie – oh,” He sees them in new light, understanding dawning. “Oh my God, you two are dating!”
           Eddie reveals his own ruddy cheeks, hands switching tactics from shielding to squeezing Buck’s shoulder. “And you thought they knew!”
           “I, I – uh…” Buck splutters, cornered. He points at Maddie, “You’re pregnant! I think that’s more important!”
           “But you and Eddie,” she insists, “you and Eddie!” Maddie laughs, stress from the past few days seeping out of her. “I can’t believe – you and Eddie!”
           “Yeah, yeah, me and Eddie…” Buck slumps into his seat, glaring. Clearly uncomfortable with the attention.
           She sees where his thoughts drift, though, and tosses a lifeline. “I think it’s great, Evan,” Maddie says. Waits for when their gazes lock again. “Really.”
           His stiffness eases the longer they stay like that, until a gooey smile spreads across his face. “Talking about great things,” Buck says, gesturing at her and Chimney, “a baby? You’ll be a mother and – and you have to tell me how it happened.”
           “I think you know how it happened, Buck,” Chimney chuckles, “Plus, I think we should be asking that of you two.”
           Eddie rolls his eyes, slinging his arm over Buck’s shoulders and pulling him closer. Buck instinctively leaning into Eddie’s side. Maddie pauses, stunned by how well they fit together. Hindsight makes everything obvious but she should have seen this coming. “We can compare stories,” Eddie says, “but since baby trumps new relationship, you two can start.”
           Maddie nods, sliding one hand free from Buck’s hold and to Chimney’s. Tangling their fingers together. Uniting their family as they take their next steps into unfamiliar territory. Maddie expects the next nine months will be difficult and taxing. Not only with the baby but working while pregnant and then planning what comes after.
           With her family at her side, Maddie feels confident in handling whatever challenge comes her way.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
7x04: Defending Your Life
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Sam’s crazy, and Cas is dead
A man runs from a speeding car and into the quiet of an alley. Only the car’s right there! He takes off running again. The car gets ON THE SIDEWALK --AND UP THE STAIRS...okay, not, but the dude runs to his apartment and the car is INSIDE THE HOME! 
Sam and Dean are on the case! 
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This episode comes on the heels of Amy, and Sam thanks Dean for not killing her. Coolcoolcoolcoolcool. They head to the crime scene and get the low-down on the victim, Matthew Hammond. He was crushed to death by a car. EMF is crazy, there’s weird dirt on the floor, one sobriety chip, and receipts to a place called Jane’s. The brothers split up. 
Sam learns more than he probably should from Matt’s AA sponsor. Dean finds that Jane’s is a flower shop, and Matt pre-paid for flower deliveries for 3 years right before he died. 
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The flowers were going to an Elizabeth Duren. Dean gets the address --it’s a grave. It seems Matt accidentally backed over her while she was on her bike ten years ago. Dean wonders if he was drunk when he hit her --as he drinks his own grief beer. Sam moves to go burn the bones. 
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Later, a man runs into a diner, with a dog in hot pursuit. He runs to the bathroom screaming, “Get that thing away from me!” He calls 911, but it’s too late --the dog is in the bathroom!
After a night of grave digging, Sam reads about the latest death. They ponder if dogs have ghosts. 
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The guy ran dog fights, got caught, worked as a dog shelter volunteer, and continued long after his probation ended. “People change,” Sam clarifies. Dean doubts it. AHEM. A quick visit to the coroner reveals more red dirt. 
Cut to the boys driving to an apple orchard. Suddenly, an old man pops out into the road. The brothers get him to safety. 
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At the motel, the man tells the brothers that he was just put on trial and sentenced to die for robbing a liquor store and killing the owner back in 1981. He just got out of prison. Dean’s brain hurts. Turns out the court was in a barn at the apple farm. 
The brothers talk privately about the case. Dean isn’t so sure they should be helping these people. Sam doesn’t think it’s fair to judge so quickly. They split up again, with Dean heading to the bar where Matthew and the older man were before their trials. 
Sam asks Warner, the older man, to draw some symbols he saw at the barn, and then puts him in a salt circle before heading out to the barn. 
At the bar, Dean orders a double Scotch and then another. 
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The bartender doesn’t have any answers for him, but asks, “Love life or job?” BOTH. He talks to her about Amy, and she keeps pouring the drinks. 
Sam gets to the barn and finds red dirt, but not much else. Bobby calls to report on the symbols. They’re Egyptian and from the Book of the Dead. They’re dealing with the God Osirus. He looks into the human heart and weighs the guilt. If he sees more than a feather’s worth, you’re dead. Bobby tells Sam they need to get out of there. “This guy hones in on people who feel guilty.” 
Cut to Dean “Guilt is my default setting” Winchester, leaving the bar. He gets a call, and before he can talk, gets snatched into the shadows. 
Sam keeps calling Dean until the waitress picks up. Dean was supposed to meet her, but he’s not there. Sam runs to meet her. 
Warner continues to wait in his salt circle, until the lights start flickering. He inadvertently scatters the salt. He runs, and the ghosts of his victims catch up to him.
Dean struggles, chained to a chair in a highly decorated barn. There are Egyptian statues and torches, and Osiris himself chilling out on his throne. Osiris tries to shoo Sam from the building, but Sam insists that Dean has the right to an attorney. This seems to amuse Osiris, and he allows it. Don’t worry, Dean. Sam was pre-law! He watched a lot of legal dramas on TV so he’s pretty much an expert. 
Sam manages to squeak in a good objection at the start of the trial: Osiris is about to call in witnesses, but they haven’t had time to prepare! Osiris laughs at this. He’s the judge and he makes the rules. 
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Jo appears, ghost-pale. She greets the Winchesters. She testifies, and we get a supercut of Jo and Dean’s past episodes. They hunted together and Jo fondly describes Dean as “kind of a jerk.” Dean looks ashamed, so the trial is off to a GREAT START. Osiris asks if it was hard to work with Dean since she felt so strongly about him - strong enough to follow him into any battle. GUH. Jo tries to call out Osiris on the case against Dean that he’s trying to build, but Sam steps up to save the day. He cross examines Jo, asking her about her relationship with her dad. “Why’d you start [hunting]?” Sam asks. “To impress some loud mouth ass you just met, or ‘cause you wanted to be like your dad?” It’s definitely the latter! Jo tries to tell Dean something else but Osiris flashes her right out of the barn. 
Osiris allows the Winchesters to talk briefly - Dean professes no clue about who Osiris will call next. Osiris calls Sam to the stand. 
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Osiris brings up Sam’s failed attempt at normalcy. He was going to be a lawyer, marry Jess, and leave the hunting life behind until Dean pulled him back in. (What the Winchesters NEED right now is a good ol’ fashioned fan with encyclopedic knowledge of the books to tell them that Hell’s minions would have always pulled Sam back in one way or the other.) Sam has no such fan to help him out. Instead of denying Dean’s role in pulling him away from his apple-pie life, Sam says “It’s complicated.” OOF. 
Dean watches all this, and his mind assembles a supercut reel of Dean is The Worst Human Who Gets Everyone He Loves Killed. DEAN BEAN! Osiris asks if Dean would rather have Sam damned with him, than be alone. Sam treats this with the proper look of disdain it deserves. 
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Dean, however, looks like a sad lamb who just learned he’s getting served for dinner. Sam swears that Dean had nothing to do with him being back in the hunting life. He tries to convince Osiris, but the god tells him that convincing him isn’t the task. Sam has to convince Dean that he isn’t guilty and MAN if that isn’t ever a lost cause. “I don’t decide anything,” Osiris says. “I just weigh the guilt that’s already there.” 
Sam wants to call Dean to the stand. The chains break with a wave of Osiris’s hand and Sam begins his questioning. He asks if Dean could have predicted what happened to Sam and Jess, and Dean admits that he couldn’t have done so. Sam moves on to Jo. Dean admits that he didn’t kill her. He’s just sad she’s dead. 
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Osiris is hugely amused at the show. Sam tries to move on past Osiris’s commentary to ask if Dean’s heart is heavy with guilt - or just plain heavy. And if that ain’t a good line right there! Osiris tells them that he was SO amused, he’s granting Dean a boon. He gives Dean the choice of allowing Osiris to call his last witness or move straight to judgment. Dean sees a montage of himself killing Amy. He buckles like a cheap tin can under a heel and begs for the trial to be over rather than call Amy to the stand. Osiris hands down his decision: Dean is guilty in his heart and is sentenced to die. 
Sam and Dean arrive back at the hotel to find the guy they tried to save dead. Dean greets that news fatalistically: Osiris always gets his victims. Sam and Bobby haven’t given up, though! Bobby found a way to stop Osiris: stab him with a ram’s horn. 
Sam hops online and finds out that an instrument made out of a ram’s horn is blown during services at synagogues. Time to desecrate a house of worship! Dean eyes Sam sadly and tells him that Osiris is going to send Jo to kill him. Sam shrugs it off and tells him to prepare against ghosts and he’ll be fine. When Sam leaves, Dean lays out a circle of salt and then tells Jo to come out. She materializes. 
Sam breaks into the synagogue and finds the shofar. Just a short while later, Sam’s got the shofar in his car, and he speeds back to find Osiris.
Back with Dean, Jo apologizes for what’s about to happen. She tells him that she liked her life, and he’s not to blame.
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Dean tells her that both she and Sam were just kids tangled up in his destructive wake. “Hunters are never kids. I never was.” We stop and gently dab handkerchiefs to our eyes thinking about little four year old Dean. He tells her that he didn’t want to hunt alone, and that’s why he didn’t fight harder to keep her away from the hunting life. 
“I’d like to have seen you try,” Jo says. 
Iconic Dialog Alert: 
Jo: You carry all kinds of crap you don’t have to.
Dean: I am ninety percent crap. If I get rid of that, what then?
Jo: You really wanna die not knowing? 
Jo tells him that it’s time, and she flashes over to the stove to turn on the gas. Dean remembers how Jo died in an explosion and this look passes over him like, YES this is fitting and just. 
For You’re Killing Me Dean Science:
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A woman leaves the tavern. Osiris lurks around the corner waiting to abduct her….
Jo flashes up to the salt line and tells him in somber amusement that she used to hunt ghosts. A simple salt circle? Plz. Ice cracks the window, shatters it, and a sudden breeze blows the salt away. She tells him sorrowfully that Osiris is making her do all of this. “It’s okay,” he assures her. Jo pulls out a lighter from Dean’s pocket. 
Outside the tavern, Osiris is busy trying to abduct his next victim when Sam swoops in from behind. One stab with a ram’s horn later and Osiris starts smoking up a storm, tumbling into dust.
Jo gives Dean one more caress and then the lighter drops. Jo disappears.
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The next morning, the birds are chirping. The flowers are nodding. And the Winchesters are talking about Jo.
For Beautiful Everything Science:
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Dean asks why Sam tried to defend him, and then compliments him on his lawyering skills. Good job, Sammy! Sam wonders who the third witness was supposed to be. Dean dissembles: it could be just about anyone dead they know - and ain’t THAT the truth! In turn, Dean wonders why Osiris didn’t go after Sam. “I just don’t feel guilty anymore,” Sam tells him. But Hell was a kind of penance for him. “My past is my past and I can move on with my life,” Sam says, robustly healthy in that moment. “I feel good, Dean.”
Dean eyes the beer in his hand with exhaustion. “Well, you are going to be a pleasure to ride with,” he deadpans.
My Soul is Lighter Than a Quote:
“Ghost dog?” “No weirder than ghost car”
One simple friggin' day on the job. Is that too much to ask?
Sam? You're not a lawyer
People want to be judged
Hunters are never kids. I never was
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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huntertales · 5 years
Part One: Be Careful Who You Make Deals With. (Sacrifice S08E23)
Episode Summary: With Crowley poised to undo all the good they’ve ever done as hunters; Sam, Dean and the reader find themselves cornered. But with Kevin’s help, the Winchesters and the reader bound into one last play against the king of hell. However everything comes with a cost. What must the three sacrifice to seal the gates of hell for good? Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 4,544.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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In the few times you made deals with demons and the devil himself, you learned you needed to give something they wanted. For some it was a soul, perhaps your body for them to do whatever they pleased with. Other times it was your complete and total submission to them. Crowley wanted none of those things, he wanted something much more. He wanted you exactly where he could keep an eye on you; right under his thumb, defenseless and holding a slab of stone that was the key to shutting him and everything else like him away for good. You needed the demon tablet in order to keep your end of the bargain. And the only person who knew the whereabouts of the tablet was Kevin Tran himself. 
You told him what you and the boys were planning on doing, the kid was on board. He told you the location where he stashed the tablet after he started growing paranoid when the king of hell started messing with his head. It was out in the middle of an empty stretch of road, a perfect spot for the word of God to be hiding. You saw Mrs. Tran's car with a new set of license plates parked on the side of the road where the Impala pulled up from behind as Dean parked. Across the way you spotted a sort of ironic billboard above Kevin as he continued digging for the demon tablet. You found yourself staring at the devil with a slightly confused expression from the backseat window. 
You got out of the car and made your way across the street, catching sight of a painted devil to greet you. It was an advertisement for some restaurant, why they chose Satan himself dressed in a chef's hat and apron was beyond you. You brought your attention over to Kevin who was shoving more dirt out of a shallow hole until he pulled out a dirty backpack from the ground. He took out the other piece of the tablet, your only bargaining chip if you wanted this to go exactly how you had been working towards for the past six grueling long months. 
"You hid the demon tablet underneath the devil?" Dean asked the prophet, finding the irony in all of this himself. It was a little on the nose for his taste. "Seriously?"
"What? I was delirious." Kevin said. He dropped the backpack to the ground so he could place both pieces of the demon tablet together after they were accidentally broken apart months back. You watched as by some force they were mended back, as if they were never broken in the first place. Kevin handed over your bargaining piece over to Sam for safekeeping. "You sure this is gonna work?" 
Sam examined the tablet to make sure that it looked exactly as the demon would remember, wanting nothing to go wrong. "What other choice do we have?"
"All right, listen, this is a secret lair. You understand me?" Dean took out the box that held the key to the Men of Letters and handed it over to Kevin for him. He was getting an upgrade in his living status. There would be no more houseboats. You had a room ready for him in the bunker. However there came some rules for the kid. "No keggers."
"I don't have any friends." Kevin reminded you of the sad fact about his life.
"Yeah, well, just lay low. Who knows?" Dean tried cheering the kid up, reminding him of the possibility that he could go back to his old life and have a little fun if this all went according to plan. "You'll be a mathlete again before you know it." 
Kevin tucked the key into his pocket for safekeeping until he got to the bunker. With everything that you needed, you and the boys started to make your way down the hill and back to the Impala. Before you could get too far, Kevin stopped you to say one last thing. "You guys? You're doing the right thing." 
You gave Kevin a small smile from the encouraging words. All of his hard work over the past several months weren’t going to go to waste. Sooner than he thought he was going to be able to go back to a life he once had before all of this started. Without worrying about a demon wanting to kill him or the people he cared for. And hopefully without being bothered with prophet duties. Once was enough. You had one shot at making this work. You weren’t doing this just for you and Kevin. It was for the people who lost loved ones because of demons. And for the next generation so they wouldn’t have to suffer in ways that you did.
+ + +
Trying to find a location to do this trade off was harder than you thought it was going to be. There was no way you were letting Crowley anywhere near the bunker. The both of you agreed the trade off needed to be on neutral territory where no outsiders were allowed. No extra hunters to help you keep the peace. And no demon bodyguards to protect the king of hell if things were to go south. If you were going to do this, you were going to do it right. The property you agreed on was in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Crowley was in the neighborhood and decided to use a piece of property that had been deserted for a few years. He figured the owner wouldn't mind. He’d been dead for quite some time now, after all. 
You remembered the last time you stepped foot on Bobby's property. It was almost three years ago. Right after you learned the truth about why you were pulled out of the cage. You spent your last night in Bobby's study, the exact same room where you spent countless nights sleeping and researching ways to solve your problems. Now all that remained of the place was a graveyard of abandoned cars and a burned down home. The sight of all, what came of Bobby's place, made your heart sink. It was like you were reliving all of your grief for the man again. 
You found yourself staring at Bobby's old car that was a piece of junk from the beginning you first laid eyes on it. You were surprised it still ran half the time when he got it on the road. It was beat up and old like the owner. Now all that remained for the vehicle was nothing more than a place to collect dust in the junkyard. The driver's side window was broken and certain parts of the car were already rusting. It was good for nothing more than for weeds to grow and a critter to call home. You reached out a hand to trace your fingers over the metal. Bobby was in a better place thanks to you. He might have given you hell for doing these trials, but you had a feeling he would be proud of you for making this far. You were doing this for him, and everyone who had been screwed over by those black eyed monster. It ends today, you thought to yourself.
"Hello, boys. Kitten." Crowley had a way of appearing out of thin air. He greeted you and the boys in a particularly happy voice. You turned your head to see the king of hell in all of his glory. You stared at him straight on with a blank expression, giving him the idea that you were trying to hide your anger at how all of this was ending. Dean scanned the area to see if there was anyone else around. When all that remained was the four of you, all of you began taking a few steps forward. "What's that old expression? Success has many fathers. Failure is a Winchester." Crowley thought his joke was funny from the laugh he let out. You responded with a dirty glare, knowing exactly how the quote went and the implication he was making. "Where's the stone?"
"You show us yours, and we'll show you ours." Dean suggested to the demon.
"Really, Dean? I'm trying to conduct a professional negotiation here, and you want to talk dangly bits? The stone." Crowley always had a knack for twisting the simplest of words into something more different, He skipped right to his demands, wanting to see the very thing he'd been working tirelessly to keep in possession. After all, the demon thought it rightfully belonged to him. Sam attempted to reach inside his jacket to do exactly that, however the demon stopped him, wanting to use the most extreme of caution. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slowly." Sam did exactly as he was told. He cautiously slid a hand inside his jacket and pulled out the stone you had retrieved from the prophet himself. The sight of the demon tablet made Crowley smirk in delight. "There she is." 
Crowley promised you he was going to play fair when he opened up his jacket to show you the angel tablet that was tucked safely in the pocket of his own jacket after Dean demanded it as a fair exchange. While it was refreshing to see a demon trying to conduct business, this wasn't no ordinary deal. You raised your brow slightly, knowing he was one thing to make it official. You needed to sign on the dotted line in order for this to be complete. 
"And the contract?" You asked him. Crowley pulled out something from his jacket that resembled just that. However it seemed you underestimated what you were getting yourself into when the contract wasn't in the form of a piece of paper. Not even in a packet. You watched as he pulled out a scroll and tossed it, letting the paper roll all the way out, until it stopped right at your feet. The contract had to be at least ten feet long. You let out a frustrated sigh. "Yeah, I'm sure there's no hidden agendas in there." 
"The highlights—we swap tablets, you stand down from the trials forever." Crowley told you the key components all of you agreed to on the phone.
"You stop killing everyone we've ever saved." Sam reminded the demon about the most crucial part of the deal he might have forgotten about. It was the reason why the three of you were here in the first place, stooping so low just to keep a few lives still breathing. 
"Agreed." Crowley reassured the younger Winchester.
You and the boys exchanged glances, wondering one last time this was how you really wanted all of your hard work to end up. Backing down and taking a plea deal to stop from anymore innocent blood shed. It wasn't how you wanted this to go if you were being honest, but you knew it was the right thing to do. You nodded your head. Dean pulled out a pen from his jacket, deciding to be the one to read the fine print and sign his life away. Before he could bend down and grab the contract, Crowley immediately yanked it back by a few feet, stopping the older Winchester from doing such a foolish thing. 
"Unh-unh-unh. Nice, try squirrel." Crowley told the hunter. "Kitten is doing these trials. Kitten signs." 
"No, no, no.” Dean said. “She's not signing anything until I read the fine print."
You rolled your eyes in annoyance at how he was treating this whole situation and your role in it. Dean was always the one who took over and tried to save the day. It would come as no surprise to Crowley when you acted the way you always did, wanting to take control yourself. You snatched the pen out of his hands when he wasn't looking, wanting to do exactly what Crowley said to make sure this went properly. "Pretty sure I'm capable of reading it myself, Dean." 
"Hey, you wanted us here. We're here. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him screw us even more." Dean whispered his frustrations to you about how you were handling this situation more casual than he was. He did it just at the right level so the demon heard everything, exactly as you planned. 
"What's this? Trouble in paradise?" Crowley found himself chuckling at the sight of you two disagreeing. The both of you turned your heads to give the demon a dirty glare for poking his nose into a conversation that didn't concern him. "I don't mean to turn away from whatever domestic dispute you're having, but I'd like for things to keep moving.”
Dean grabbed the pen back from you before you could so anything stupid like you always did without thinking. He didn't sign the contract, instead, he took his sweet time reading every single word to make sure Crowley wasn't planning on doing something stupid. Along the lines of trapping your soul in hell when you die. Killing everyone for the hell of it. All around screwing your lives over for his personal benefit and entertainment. Dean made it halfway through the contract with only a few more feet to go through until he was finished. 
“You’re gonna move your lips up the whole way up here, aren’t you?” Crowley asked the man. Dean ignored the remark and continued on skimming the contract, taking another step forward to the demon so they were only about a few feet away from one another. “You know why I always defeat you? It’s your humanity. It’s a built-in handicap. You always put emotion ahead of good, old-fashioned common sense.” Dean looked up at the demon, knowing soon enough he was going to regret saying those words. “Let’s have Mommy Dearest sign it now, shall we?”
You began making your way over to Dean and the demon, Sam following behind. You knew the easy way out of this was to sign your name and hand over the tablet. You could go on with your life without worrying about the trials and having innocent lives in danger all over again. You could focus on more important things in life you had been put on the back burner. That would have been the easy option...but you weren't the one for shortcuts. You liked to stick to things until the very end. And there was no way you were quitting when you were so close to the finish line. You looked over at Dean when the both of you made eye contact. You nodded your head.
In one swift motion, Dean took out the handcuffs from his jacket pocket and slapped it on Crowley's wrist without having him realize until it was too late. All of this worked out easier than you thought it was going to be. Crowley's arrogance was always his downfall. He always thought of the big picture, never the little details that went into a plan. You were always one step ahead of him the entire time. He stared at the cuff around his wrist and the other one occupied by the older Winchester. Both of them were trapped together. 
“Is this a joke?” Crowley asked the three of you. You answered him by giving a smirk, knowing this was your turn to gloat in your victory at how you had him cornered. The demon thought you were stupid enough to put him in regular handcuffs. It seemed he didn’t notice the details in the metal. “You realize all I have to do is…” Crowley snapped his fingers, thinking that was going to be his key to escaping this situation. However you noticed he remained where he was. 
“Unh-unh-unh. Demonic handcuffs, jackass. No flicking, no teleporting, no smoking out—oh, and...no deal.” Dean told the demon about the real negotiations about how this was gonna go down. The poor bastard was never going to make it out of this deal with what he wanted. Because if you also learned anything about making deals with demons, it was that you screwed them over first before they could screw you. "Which pretty much means that you're our bitch." 
"Fine. You want to play chain gang? Let's." Crowley wasn't the least bit afraid about how all of this was gonna go down. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty every once in a while, especially when it came to getting something he desperately wanted. He swung his fist right at Dean, landing a sucker punch to the man's face. "You saddled yourself to the wrong bull, mate." 
Crowley thought one punch was going to be enough for a man to break down a man who took beatings almost every week. Dean wasted no time in seeking his own revenge when he threw a punch at the demon after recovering from his own. He quickly grabbed the angel tablet from Crowley's jacket and handed it over to Sam for safekeeping. Dean grabbed the demon by the sides of his jacket so he was staring at him straight in the eye, wanting to make it clear a few love taps were nothing compared to what all of you were going to do to him. He’d get the crap beaten out of him if it meant he got the demon exactly where he wanted him.
"I can do this all day, 'cause you know what? Damn, it feels good! But sooner or later, you're gonna have to face it—you're ours." Dean told the demon about how it was going to go down. He might have kept every demon in hell away from you, but there was still one he didn’t take in account for. Himself. "Which means that your demon ass is going to be a mortal ass pretty damn quick." 
"What's he mouthing on about?" Crowley asked you, still not getting how screwed he was. 
“You can thank Y/N for what you got yourself into.” Sam said. “You’re the third trial, Crowley.”
You thought the demon should have known better than to try and mess with you. At least keep a promise he could fulfill. Crowley made it quite clear he wanted to seek a little revenge for how many times you screwed him over. However it seemed he was going to have to eat those words at the predicament he landed himself in by the sheer of his own confidence with how he thought he had a grip on things. Now the tables turned on him, and it was time for your to seek a little revenge of your own. 
+ + +
You and the boys already had a plan set in motion long before you had a demon in your grasp to complete the third trial once and for all. An abandoned church not too far out of town was the perfect location to cure a demon. Not only was it consecrated ground, there was nobody around for miles to disrupt you for the journey you were about to embark on. Six months of translating and putting your neck on the line to complete the first two trials, endless fights between you and Dean for what you were doing, all of it lead you to here. You sat in the passenger seat of the Impala while Sam drove, leaving Crowley and Dean to ride in the back. There wasn’t a chance you were going to risk of letting the demon get away. The handcuffs were working like a charm to keep him exactly where you wanted. And that’s how you were going to stay that way. 
When you saw the church pull up, you felt a sense of nervousness come over you at what you were about to do. This was really happening. By tonight you were going to have cured a demon. And you were finally going to be done with these trials forever, hell locked away for good. You felt a shift of movement in your stomach, a little punch from what it felt like. You hid the smile that wanted to spread across your face at feeling the baby move. They were giving you encouragement that everything was going to work out just fine. After tonight it was going to be all about them. How you were going to spoil them by giving them the best life they deserve. 
Crowley could pretend all he wanted that he wasn't the least bit scared at what was happening. But he had no chance of escaping. You had him chained down into a chair, extra tight from restraints on his hands and feet, along with a collar around his neck that had a chain to the floor to keep the demon from bashing his skull against yours. Or even biting for that matter. Dean finished up the final touches of the devil's trap to seal the demon for good, just in case he somehow escaped from the bonds, there was no way Crowley could get out from the circle. 
“You really think this is gonna hold me, that you’re gonna cure me, or whatever it is?” Crowley asked the older Winchester. Dean didn’t feel the need to respond to the demon considering the state that he was in right now. He tossed the spray can across the room, letting it hit the wall and land with a thud, slowly rolling back to the demon with no chance of him to kick it away. 
Dean made his way out of the church and headed over to the Impala where you and Sam had the trunk open, gathering all the supplies you need for this to work. While Sam poured some holy oil into a jar, you looked up to the cloudy sky when you heard a rumble of thunder. There was a storm brewing in the near distance, it had already been raining for quite some time now, considering the ground was reduced to nothing more than mud. You weren’t going to let a little rain ruin the good mood you had going for yourself. 
“He’s primed.” Dean said. “How you feeling?” 
“Honestly, for the first time in a long time, it feels like we’re gonna win, boys.” You admitted to them about your well being. You gave a small smile to reassure them you were going to be okay throughout all of this. “I’m good.” 
“All right, well, no dancing in the end zone until we’re finished. What’s the good father’s playbook say now?” Dean asked, curious to what the next step was for all of you.
"Well, now that we got the consecrated ground, I just slip Crowley one dose of blood every hour for eight hours and seal the deal with a bloody-fist sandwich." You told him the game plan, grabbing a small container from the trunk and pulled out a clean syringe. "That should do it." 
“Your blood’s supposed to be purified, isn’t it?” Dean asked you an important question. You knew the only way around this was to have you give Crowley your own blood. There was a risk of doing this, considering what you went through years back. But it was a risk you were willing to take. Sometimes all you needed to do was go to confession to be pure in the eyes of some religions. If it were only that easy. You might not have been born a human, but there was nothing a good old confession that couldn’t wash away your sins. "You ever done the 'Forgive me, father' before?"
"Well, once, when I came back from hell. The first time. And another time...a few months back after we worked that case with Prometheus and Zeus.” You admitted to them. Your hand reached up to clutch your locket that you always wore, wondering if that was truly a confession. And not along the lines of bargaining for help when you were desperate for it. "I don't know exactly what to say now.” 
"Well, I mean, I could give you suggestions if you want." Dean tried to be helpful. You didn't see any harm in it, wondering if he might be able to come up with some past mistakes you might have forgotten about. "Well, I'm just spit-balling here, but if I were you, uh...the whole deal you made with Crowley way back to stay a demon. The deal you made with Cas. The demon blood you gave to Sam while under the influence of Famine. Trusting Ruby. You helped free Lucifer. Not telling me you were alive when you came back from the cage. Sleeping with Sam behind my back—”  
“Okay, okay! I get it.” You stopped him from listing off any more of your accomplishments over the past handful of years that lead to failure. You had to admit you didn’t exactly take into consideration how much damage you inflicted. You stared at the church for a moment, suddenly realizing again what you were getting yourself into. Not only were you locking away every demon out there, you were also facing against your own. "Let's see how this goes."
"How about what you did to Sammy in the eleventh grade when we stayed with you that one summer?" Dean kept on throwing suggestions out there, bringing up some old prank that ended in a disaster. "Why don't you lead with that and trickle in with the big stuff later?"
“Wait, that was you.” You knew exactly what the man was talking about. You had your fair share of pranks over the years, however what happened was all on him. Dean realized that you were right, causing you to roll your eyes. “Dummy.” 
You left the brothers alone to discuss the prank that went south, you had to do a little confessing of your own. It felt a little strange when you stepped inside the church and made your way over to the confessional. You inhaled a deep breath and opened up the door, forcing yourself to step inside and shut the door behind you. Normally you weren't afraid of enclosed spaces, but for a moment you felt like you were back in the coffin again when you came back from hell the first time around. After you took the deal with Lilith that ended with you watching Dean get torn into pieces. Another thing you needed to confess to be forgiven from your mistake. Another sin you made. Your punishment was fighting for your life to get out of the box. 
You felt your breathing slowly turn into shallow breaths at the memory. The complete darkness, the pain in your fingertips from banging on the top of the coffin for hours. Confessing to anyone for a way out of there before you died again from the lack of oxygen. How desperate you were to be forgiven for your mistakes. Now this was your chance to do it right. You got down on your knees and folded your hands together, wanting to make sure you were doing this correctly. This was your only and only shot to do this right. You needed to make sure you got everything off your chest. You knew the big guy upstairs was listening, it was your turn to make sure you were going to give Him something worthwhile of His time. 
[Next Part]
Rewrite Taglist:
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beatlejuice64 · 5 years
Destiel: Season 5 - A catalog of Supernatural episodes
A catalog of each episode in Supernatural that features scenes related to Destiel. This includes scenes between Dean and Castiel, scenes with other characters that address their relationship with each other, and scenes that allude to Dean’s bisexuality.
Season 5 Summary Analysis:
Castiel is frustrated that his rebellion against heaven to help Dean ended in failure. He spends time with Dean while Sam is away and they become close friends. Cas develops a strong respect and affinity for Dean, and he resents that Dean gives in to his fate after trying so hard to help prevent it from happening. Cas takes Dean’s resignation as a personal slight and acts like a spurned lover. Throughout the season, Dean exhibits slightly homophobic behavior, especially with regard to Cas. 
My interpretation: Cas has developed unrequited romantic feelings for Dean. Dean cannot reciprocate because he’s still closeted about his bisexuality, and he’s hyper focused on saving the world, not on his personal happiness.
5.01 Sympathy for the Devil 
Dean is bummed to find out Cas was killed by an archangel: “Cas, you stupid bastard.” 
Cas comes back and saves Sam and Dean from Zachariah, marking their ribs so that they’re hidden from angels. Dean is pleasantly surprised to see Cas again.
5.02 Good God, Y’all! 
Cas is back with renewed vigor because he feels like God is on his side. Cas is frustrated that Dean failed to stop Sam from raising Lucifer: “I killed two angels this week, my brothers. I’m hunted. I rebelled, and I did it—ALL of it—for you. And you failed. You and your brother destroyed the world, and I lost everything for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself.” 
Dean lets Cas borrow his necklace to find God.
5.03 Free to Be You and Me 
Cas comes to Dean for help to find Raphael. They seem much closer than they were before, but there is some tension between them (possibly sexual?): “Cas, we’ve talked about this. Personal space.” 
Cas resents Dean’s thanklessness: “I need your help because you are the only one who’ll help me.” 
When Cas and Dean go visit the sheriff’s office, Dean fixes Castiel’s tie for him. Cas learns people skills from Dean as they’re on the case. 
Dean takes Cas to a brothel: “There are two things that I know for certain: One, Bert and Ernie are gay. Two, you are not gonna die a virgin, not on my watch.” 
Cas is very uncomfortable in the brothel and accidentally upsets a hooker. When they leave, Dean is cracking up: “It’s been a long time since I’ve laughed that hard. It’s been more than a long time—years.” 
Cas is upset to learn from Rafael that God’s not around. He also takes a page from Dean’s book and dishes some trash talk: “Today you’re MY little bitch.” 
Dean consoles Cas: “There were times when I was looking for my dad when all logic said that he was dead. But I knew in my heart that he was still alive. Who cares what some ninja turtle says, Cas. What do you believe?” 
Cas makes sure Dean is ok before leaving. Dean appreciates having someone to connect with other than his brother: “I’ve had more fun with you in the past 24 hours than I’ve had with Sam in years, and you’re not that much fun.” 
5.04 The End 
Castiel waits four hours by the side of a road so Dean can sleep: “I’ll just... wait here, then.” 
Zachariah sends Dean 5 years into a dystopian future where Dean never said yes to Michael. Future Dean is a hardened soldier. Future Cas is a hippie sex guru. The two appear to have a history of closeness: “I thought you’d gotten over trying to label me.” 
Future Cas laughs at past Dean’s sarcasm: “What? I like past you.” 
Future Cas seems to butt heads with future Dean but goes along with his plans anyway (possible because they have built up trust over time). 
Past Dean calls out future Dean for lying to his people and singles out Cas: “You mean you’re gonna feed your friends into a meat grinder? Cas, too?” 
Back in the past, the waiting Cas grabs Dean right before Zachariah can get him. Dean is glad to see him: “Don’t ever change.”
5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future 
Cas wants to kill the antichrist, Jesse, but Sam and Dean want to help him. Cas tries to kill Jesse and gets turned into a plastic toy. Dean asks Jesse to return him to normal: “Truth is, he’s kind of a buddie of mine. Is there any way you could turn him back? He’s a good guy. He was just confused.”
5.08 Changing Channels 
Dean fanboys over Dr. Sexy, MD. He seems to have a crush on Dr. Sexy, even moreso than Dr. Piccolo or Dr. Wang. He knows everything about the character, including what kind of shoes he wears: “I swore part of what makes Dr. Sexy sexy, is the fact that he wears cowboy boots, not tennis shoes.” 
Dean forces Gabriel to release Cas: “Cas, are you ok?”
5.11 Sam, Interrupted 
Dean talks with a therapist (who is actually in his head) and we find out he’s never been in a long-term relationship (more than 2 months).
5.13 The Song Remains the Same 
Cas meets with Anna on behalf of the Winchesters to protect them from her. Cas regrets turning her in. Anna comments on his determination to protect the Winchesters: “You’ve changed.” “Maybe too late, but I have.” 
Cas sends the Winchesters back in time at great personal risk to himself. 
Dean demonstrates faith in Cas: “He’ll wake up. He’s, you know, tough for a little nerdy dude with wings.”
5.14 My Bloody Valentine 
Dean is “not feeling it this year” for picking up a girl on Valentine’s Day, and Sam is concerned: “It’s when a dog doesn’t eat. That’s when you know something’s really wrong.” 
Dean calls Cas and they just stand there staring at each other for a minute. 
The naked Cupid makes Dean feel uncomfortable, but he can’t stop checking him out. 
Famine causes Cas to start eating burgers and Sam to crave demon blood. Dean is amused by Cas’s hamburger eating and calls him the hamburglar. Cas comments on Dean’s lack of hunger: “You’re saying you’re just well-adjusted?” “God no. I’m just well-fed.” 
Famine doesn’t affect Dean because he’s given up on life and feels dead inside. Cas tries to comfort Dean when they lock Sam in Bobby’s panic room for detox: “You know, it’s not him in there, not really.” 
5.16 Dark Side of the Moon 
Sam and Dean are killed and sent to heaven. Cas guides them to Joshua, and he is extra touchy when talking to Dean. 
Cas is upset to learn that God has left and returns Dean’s necklace. Dean throws the necklace away because he‘s lost faith in his brother.
5.17 99 Problems 
Cas shows up drunk because he’s despondent about God’s absence. Dean gives Cas some pain pills for his hangover, and he commiserates with Cas: “I’ve been there. I’m a big expert on deadbeat dads, so yeah, I get it. I know how you feel.” “How do you manage it?” “On a good day you get to kill the Whore [of Babylon].” 
5.18 Point of No Return 
Dean decides to say yes to Michael, but Sam and Cas stop him. Cas is pissed off that Dean would do this and keeps glaring at him: “Maybe they wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them.” “Alright, you know what? Blow me, Cas.” 
Cas brings Adam to Bobby’s, and they stick Dean in the panic room. Dean seems surprised at how angry Cas is and taunts him with a wink: “Cas, not for nothin’, but the last person who looked at me like that, I got laid.”
Dean says he’s tired and doesn’t believe in Sam. When Cas goes to talk to him, Dean blows him away with the blood sigil and escapes. When Cas finds Dean, he beats him up in an alley: “I rebelled for this? So that you could surrender to them? I gave everything for you, and this is what you give to me?” 
Dean taunts Cas to kill him, but Cas doesn’t. When Dean comes to, he’s still irreverent: “Word to the wise, don’t piss off the nerd angels.”
Sam tells Dean he believes in him. Cas continues to verbally burn Dean, and Dean looks visibly taken aback by it: “You’re gonna take on 5 angels?” “Yes.” “Isn’t that suicide?” “Maybe it is, but then I won’t have to watch you fail. Sorry, Dean. I don’t have the same faith in you that Sam does.” 
Cas carves a sigil into his chest to help Sam and Dean save Adam. Dean ends up not saying yes because he didn’t want to let Sam down.
5.21 Two Minutes to Midnight 
Cas apologizes to Dean for being so hard on him: “You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be.” 
Cas saves the Winchesters from Pestilence, despite having lost his powers. Cas is super bummed that most of his powers are gone, but he believes in the Winchesters: “You and Dean have a habit of exceeding my expectations. He resisted Michael. Maybe you could resist Lucifer.”
5.22 Swan Song 
Cas falls asleep in the back seat and Dean comments: “Aw, ain’t he a little angel.” 
After Lucifer gets away, Cas and Bobby are fatalistic and Dean refuses to accept it. When Dean heads for the cemetery, Cas is concerned: “I just want you to understand. The only thing that you’re gonna see out there is Michael killing your brother.” “Well then I ain’t gonna let him die alone.” 
Cas is inspired by Dean’s love for Sam and shows up to help: “Hey, assbutt!” 
After Sam jumps in the pit, Cas heals Dean and Dean says, “Cas, are you God?” “That’s a nice compliment, but no. Although I do believe he brought me back, new and improved.” 
Dean asks Cas what he’s gonna do now: “Return to heaven, I suppose. With Michael in the cage, I’m sure it’s total anarchy up there.” “So, what? You’re the new sheriff in town?” “I like that, yeah. I suppose I am.” “Wow. God gives you a brand new shiny set of wings and suddenly you’re his bitch again.” “I don’t know what God wants. I don’t know if he’ll even return. It just seems like the right thing to do.” “Well, if you do see him, tell him I’m coming for him next.” 
Dean is angry, but Cas tries to help him see the situation as a success and reminds him what it was all for: “He helped. Maybe even more than we realize.” “That’s easy for you to say—he brought you back. But what about Sam? What about me, huh? Where’s my grand prize? All I got is my brother in a hole.” “You got what you asked for, Dean. No paradise, no hell. Just more of the same. I mean it, Dean. What would you rather have? Peace or freedom?”
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fionnthebandersnacc · 6 years
Finally (Stefan x reader)
Summary: The reader has a big, fat, life-disturbing crush on Stefan, but is too shy to talk to him (at all), so Colin, being the good friend and wingman he is, steps in and takes matters into his own hands. (god I'm terrible at summaries).
Pairing(s): Stefan x reader, Colin x reader (platonic)
Requested: Nope.
Warnings: Cussing, cheeky Colin, innuendos, some kisses ;).
A/N: I uploaded this to my Wattpad but I thought I should upload it here too because why the fuck not? I promise I am working on the requests I have in my inbox!! Almost finished the first one and I’ll hopefully get it up later tonight (or this morning depending on where you are??). This is an AU where Bandersnatch was successful, but without all of the bad stuff, ya know, Stefan killing his dad and getting arrested (or dying). Also lmao Colin is in this a lot more than I intended, but I just love his character so much. Also the reader and Colin have been friends their whole lives in this fic, that's why they're so close (don't take their encounters the wrong way!) Also (y/n/n) just means "your nickname"
Word count: 1,955
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Colin had known you since before he could remember, but he had never seen you in such a state as this. All day, every day, for the past two months, all you could talk about was Thakur's newest employee, Stefan Butler, who'd been hired as a permanent game developer after the success of his first game, Bandersnatch. Colin had told you about Stefan, but you hadn't met him yet. The moment you saw him walk nervously into the office, Colin saw the stars in your eyes. At first he was worried, thinking he'd accidentally slipped you one of his tabs, but it wasn't long before he realized: you had a crush. This wasn't unusual, you'd had crushes before of course, but never one like this. Normally, you were fairly confident around your crushes, but when you and Colin were introduced to Stefan, you barely uttered two words. Something about him made you nervous beyond measure. For weeks following their meeting, Colin watched you pine over him from afar, never once approaching him or making any sort of attempt to talk to him, to the point that you practically ran out of the room whenever Stefan came around.
Of course, although you never talked directly to Stefan, you'd always pin Colin down after work, walking home with him, going on and on about how cute Stefan was, asking never ending questions about Stefan, and crying that you'd never be good enough for him, to which Colin always rebutted "(y/n) mate, you are more than good enough for him." One night, after a strangely relaxed day at work, Colin asked to walk you home. You accepted, glad for the company, and glad to have someone to vent to. "Col!! He is so adorable, I think I might die. I just want to run up and kiss him. Oh my god, I could never do that, what am I saying?" Colin walked beside you silently, highly enjoying listening to you ramble on about Stefan. "Did you see how cute he looked today? I love that green sweater." Colin chuckled as your eyes glossed over the way they often did when you talked about Stefan.
"I suppose it is a nice color on him. You should tell him that." At this you scoffed, smacking Colin lightly on the arm. "I'd sooner lock Thakur in the maintenance closet and throw away the key than tell Stefan that I think he looks cute in green. Let alone talk to him at all." you replied.
Colin chuckled at your dramatic comment, tapping his chin in thought. "You know, I'd pay good money to see that (y/n)."
"Yeah well, as amusing as it would be, I like my job, Colin." Just as you reach the steps to your apartment building, you look up and see him deep in thought. "What's on your mind? I can see your wheels turning." Colin just shrugs, giving you a mischievous smirk. You frown in concern, slightly worried about what he could be planning. "Colin..."
"Don't worry about it! It's nothing, I was just remembering the episode of the Brady Bunch where Bobby locks himself in the closet." You squint at him, causing him to throw his hands up defensively. You roll your eyes and ruffle his hair. "You are such a weirdo." He smirks, and pats you on the head. "And yet I'm your best friend. What does that say about you?" You scoff at take a swipe at him, whining as he easily dodges your attack. "I'll see you tomorrow (y/n/n)." You shake your head and give him a quick hug. "See you tomorrow Col." Colin watched you walk inside, before turning around and walking briskly down the street, grinning as he started planning for tomorrow.
You walk into the office the next day to see Colin sitting at his desk, sipping at his coffee and running through his code. You wrap an arm around his shoulders and ruffle his platinum hair, causing you to wonder what it would be like to run your hands through Stefan's hair. "Morning Col." He lifts his head, smirking up at you as he wraps his arm around your waist.
"Morning (y/n/n)." His roguish tone causes you to squint at him wearily. You gently pull yourself out of his arm and walk around to your desk, squinting at him all the while, eliciting a laugh from him. "What is up with you? You're acting weird." He grins slyly, picking up a pen and twirling it in his fingers. "Nothing. Nothing's up (y/n/n). Actually, if you wouldn't mind, could you grab me the screen cleaning kit from the supply closet?" You look at Colin flatly.
"You have legs. You can get it yourself mate." you drawl.
"Yeah I suppose I could, but you're already standing up and you're closer to the closet." You groan, nodding your head in defeat and walking down the hall. Colin lets you go for a few seconds, before getting out of his chair and quietly following after you. You fail to notice this in your sleep-deprived state, and as you crouch down in front of the cabinet, you suddenly hear the door slam shut. Panicked, you run to the door, just to hear it click, followed by a small chuckle. "Colin, I swear to god if you don't let me out of this closet right now..."
"Trust me (y/n/n), I'm doing you a favor."
"By locking me in a closet? Colin!" He just laughs, and you hear him walk away. You bang your fists on the door and call out for someone, anyone, but to no avail. With a defeated sigh, you walk to the broken safe in the corner and taking a seat, head in your hands.
You don't know how much time has passed before you hear the lock on the door slide. Relieved, you stand up, waiting for the door to open. As you prepare yourself to give Colin an earful for locking you in that goddamn closet, the door opens and you stumble back in shock, at the sight of Stefan. "(y/n)? What are you do-" before he can finish Colin shoves him inside the closet and scrambles to shut the door. You take the opportunity to fling yourself forward and pull on the doorknob, but to your disappointment, Colin has already shut the door and locked it. You remember Stefan in the room, turning around sheepishly to see him looking as confused as one would expect. He locks eyes with you, making you squirm and turn away, banging your fist on the door. "Colin, I love you but fucking let me out right now or I will tell Thakur that it was you who put that sardine in his coffee."
“Nice try, but he already knows (y/n). And I love ya too. That's precisely why I'm doing this. You'll thank me later. I'll let you out once you've talked to him."
"Talked to who? Me?" Stefan had remained silent until now, but hearing his voice made you even more panicked. "Colin let me the fuck out!! Please! Colin!!" You slump against the door, listening to the sound of his retreating footsteps.
Turning around nervously, you watch Stefan take a seat on the floor, following suit by sliding down the door to the ground. "I'm sorry that Colin locked you in here with me." You look everywhere but him, your heart is going a million miles an hour. "You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault at all." Your heart warms at his kindness, making your cheeks flush. You sigh, rubbing your eyes. "Actually it is my fault. He locked you in here because of me." You finally look him in the eyes, those beautiful green orbs, to find him looking incredibly confused. "I-I don't understand. Why would he do that?" He looks down, and you miss the way his shoulders slump. "You hate me. Why on earth would he lock me in here with you?" He mutters. You flinch at those unexpected words, you hate me. "What makes you think that?" he looks up at you again, a dejected expression on his face. "You always run away from me. You barely spoke to me when we met. Hell, this is probably the longest conversation we've ever had!" He exclaims, exasperated. You turn red at his description of your conduct. It never occurred to you that your shy behavior could've been interpreted as indifference. Suddenly the nerve you'd struck up to even look at him dissipated. "I-I don't hate you, Stefan." your voice is barely above a whisper, and his face softens when he hears this. "Then why do you always avoid me?" You take a deep breath, looking away from him. "I-I just-" You can't seem to get the words out, and you sigh, burying your head in your hands. You hear him moving across the room, and suddenly you feel him pull your hands away from your face, waiting patiently for you to explain. You take another breath, steeling yourself up. "I avoid you because-" you look up and he nods, encouraging you to continue. "Ah fuck it. I avoid you...because I like you. I have since we met. That's why I couldn't talk to you...you make me nervous." You blush profusely as you finally get the words out, pulling your arms out of his hands and avoiding his burning gaze. Your heart sinks at the silence, and you blush even harder. "I'm sorry for springing this on you, I don't expect you to recipro-" you trail off as his hands gently cup your face, lifting your head to meet his eyes. You hadn't noticed how close he had moved towards you, and you shiver, feeling his breath fan your face. "Don't apologise," he whispers, running his thumb over your jaw. He angles his face closer to you, and your eyes flutter shut, right as his lips meet yours. You don't move at first, shocked that he was kissing you in the first place, but soon you find yourself melting into his embrace. The kiss is gentle and sweet, his warm lips moving in sync with yours as he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You tangle your hands in his soft brown hair, relishing in the warmth of your proximity. After what feels like forever, you come up for air, and Stefan starts trailing soft kisses down your neck and along your collarbone, nibbling gently on the skin in the nape of your neck. Just as Stefan slips his fingers under the hem of your shirt, the door opens, and Colin stands there, grinning smugly. "Well that went well. Should I've left you a pack of condoms?" Before he can register what is happening, you fly at him, slapping his arms and his chest. He tries to block your sharp blows, but you manage to get a few good hits in while you shout at him. "Don't ever lock me in a closet again you prick!" He smirks down at you, and you can't help but smile back. You sigh and throw your arms around his neck. "Thank you Col. I don't approve of your methods, but thanks."
"Any time (y/n/n)." He pats you on the back and turns you around, gesturing to Stefan. You walk over to him, and he takes your hand. The confidence he gained in the closet seemed to have dwindled, as he shyly looks up at you. "I know this is short notice, but would you want to grab dinner with me tonight? After work?" You smile softly at him, pulling him in for a chaste kiss. "Of course, I'd love to."
A/N: Feel free to reblog, I don’t mind☺️hope y’all liked it
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wanderingcas · 7 years
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Week 8: General Spn Fiction 
[Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful submissions to Week 8 of Spn Fanfic Submission Thursday!! There’s some absolutely quality fics in this list, so check them out. If you want to participate in next week’s fic submissions, check out the schedule.
If you read a fic, make sure to leave a comment and make an author’s day!]
Red and White by @expatgirl 
A pre-canon look at Rowena and how she fits into a well-known tale.
Snow White. But not as you know it.
Teen & Up. 1k words. (Complete)
[Rowena, Fairy tale retellings]
Some Like It Norse (or If At First You Don't Succeed, Try Crossdressing) by @bold-sartorial-statement
Gabriel comes back, and he has a special request for Sam. It involves dressing up as bride and bridesmaid, and fake-marrying a giant to get Mjölnir back.
Teen & Up. 1.8k words. (Complete)
[Screenplay/Script Format, Sam as Thor, Gabriel as Loki, Norse Myths & Legends, Thrymskvidha, Humor, Crossdressing]
Grocery Shopping is a Type of Family Bonding by @righteousdemondean
Sam and Dean go grocery shopping.
General Audience. 862 words. (Complete)
[bigger age gap between Sam and Dean, grocery shopping, food mention, fluff]
Not a Big Deal by @braezenkitty
An abandoned coda for 12x20, wherein Dean “accidentally” comes out to Sam
General. 487 words. (Complete)
[Bisexual Dean Winchester, Coming Out, Banter]
Grace Period by @somekindofsaviour
Dean gives Toni the head start she asked for. She goes home to England to see her son.
Teen & Up. 3.3k words. (Complete)
[Antonia Bevell, Dean Winchester, 12x22 Coda]
Warning: Off-Screen Violence 
Always Stuck In Second Gear by @thayerkerbasy
After Wendy Vincente spilled the location of her brother’s secret cabin, Agents Beyoncé and Jay-Z had a lead to follow. Tracking Lucifer while confined to a pickup truck wasn’t exactly Crowley’s preferred modus operandi, but at least he was in good company.
Teen and Up. 29k words. (Complete)
[Canon Compliant, Road Trips, Frenemies, Past Crowley/Dean Winchester, POV Crowley]
Something Special by @durenjtmusings 
What makes something special? Special enough for people to pay any price, beyond even their lives? Welcome to Lost and Found, Ltd., experts in finding very, very special things. Things that can be yours if you are willing to trade something very special in return. Well, and often even if you aren’t. [Canon-compliant possible backstory for both characters and objects in Supernatural.]
General Audiences. 11k words. (Complete)
[Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Daniel Elkins, Jimmy Novak, Ruby, Bobby Singer, Original Character, Sam’s Taurus, Dean’s colt, The Colt, The Samulet, Ruby’s Demon-killing Knife, Castiel’s Overcoat and Tie, object backstories, the Impala, Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe Trope - The Little Shop that wasn’t there Yesterday, Demon Deals, unborn souls,Impala backstory, Impala has a soul]
Everyone Needs A Hobby by @durenjtmusings
Sam has a secret - something he’s working on. And it is driving Dean crazy not to know… (Cas just wants everyone to get along.) Sam thinks Dean should a) mind his own business and b) appreciate his artistic vision.
General Audiences. 1.7k words. (Complete)
[brotherly pranking, Winchester Communication, Sam has a secret,sam has owies, serial killer statistics, dean gets pranked, Castiel is patient, Sam creates art, Sam has a new hobby, textile arts, disturbing Hannibal Lector reference, Bunker ficlet, spn season 10, after spn 10.16]
Of Hunters, Time Travelers and Angels by @nera-solani
When a SHIELD agent, who travels with the Doctor, is supposed to keep an eye on the Winchesters, things turn a little complicated when she finds her charge to have disappeared. They’re quickly found again in another universe, but the question is: How did they get there and who is responsible for this? Together they have to find out who is behind this whole mess, because something dark is lurking in the shadows and an old new enemy is making plans…
Not Rated. 9k words. (Complete)
Silence in the Bunker by @envydean
Dean’s not speaking after Mary leaves…
General Audiences. 508 words. (Complete)
[episode coda, mute!dean, Angst with a Happy Ending, canonverse]
In the Family by @lies-unfurl
While Castiel and Kelly are furniture shopping, a case of mistaken identity leads to a conversation about angels, family, and the future.
General Audiences. 1.6k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, Friendship, Light Angst, Pregnancy, IKEA, Humor, Season/Series 12, Post-Episode: s12e19 The Future]
Donna and the Case of the Haunted Cabin by @whichstiel
Sheriff Donna Hanscum investigates reports of a haunting at an abandoned cabin on a remote lake in Minnesota. What should be a simple salt and burn turns out to be something far more dangerous. A full moon, a resident werewolf, and a cranky ghost make Donna’s first solo hunt a memorable one. Can Donna survive until sunrise?
Teen and Up. 5k words. (Complete)
[case fic, ghosts, werewolves, Donna Hanscum, Werewolf Kate]
Warnings: some discussion of suicide
Lost and Found by @terence-f
AU to episode 9x06 ‘Heaven Can’t Wait’. Castiel works at Gas-n-Sip, but he does not call Dean on the possible case. He carries on his daily routine as a sales associate, for now this is all he is capable of, and does not watch the news. He remembers he wasn’t welcome to join the Winchesters— and he does not feel like taking another attempt.
General Audiences. 20k words. (Complete)
[Castiel, Dean, Nora. Castiel’s POV, canon divergence, hurt/comfort]
No Trouble with Tribble by @babybluecas
Dean brings a new housemate to the Bunker. Spoiler: it’s a bunny.
General Audiences. 757 words. (Complete)
Same by @spearywritesstuff 
When you feel like you’ve lost everything, sometimes all you have left is family.
Teen and Up. 3.6k words. (WIP Chapter 1 of 2 Posted)
[Angst, Temporary Char. Death]
Chained Down by @dreamsfromthebunker
Down in that basement, Sam decided he didn’t want to still be breathing when he finally left it.
Not if it meant a life without his brother.
Mature. 782 words. (Complete)
[Suicidal Thoughts; Episode: s12e02 Mamma Mia; Coda; Torture; Psychological Torture; Self-Loathing; Survivor Guilt; Hurt Sam Winchester]
By the Grace of God (series) by @theriverscribe
When Amara raises Mary Winchester to show her gratitude to Dean, Chuck takes a moment to give a gift to Sam. He intervenes after the gun goes off and offers the younger Winchester a chance for healing beyond the physical. Healing for a soul shredded and burned.
Using a piece of His own grace, God reforms Sam Winchester’s soul and body in order for Sam to properly process the traumas of the cage and beyond.
But the story of healing is beyond the ragtag family of misfits on Earth. What would happen if angels remembered what it meant to be angels? Heaven isn’t just a system that cares for souls. Heaven is a family. And both have been broken for a long time.
Rating: Teen. 195k words. (WIP) [hurt/comfort, trauma recovery, fledgling!Sam, adult mind/child body deaged Sam, Enochian, flock and family, Heaven, angels remembering what it means to be angels, healing the universe]
Warnings: anxiety/panic attacks, nightmares, swearing, canon-level violence (only in one story, and clearly marked) 
Darkness Cannot Drive Out Darkness, Only Light Can Do That by @youarentreadingthis
When Sam goes to Lucifer’s cage seeking help to stop The Darkness, he doesn’t get what he expects. Looking for a sword that sounds like it never existed is impossible, but Sam is still confident he has the power to defeat Amara. After all, what could go wrong? (Set in 11x09 O Brother, Where Art Thou)
Teen and Up. 3k words. (WIP)
The Wheel Has Come Full Circle by @hekate1308
After almost twenty-four months of non-stop fighting, they’d learned about the portal. The portal that could bring exactly one human back to their world.
Their home.
Without surprise, Crowley realized he would actually miss Mary. Post 12x23, fix-it.
General Audiences. 3k words. (Complete)
[Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post 12x23, Fix It]
Good Night, Little King by @justrandomspnstuff
At the age of six, Lucifer visits Sam, his future vessel.
Teen and Up. 1.5k words. (Complete)
[Dark, Scared Sam, Manipulative Lucifer, Protective Dean]
103 notes · View notes
mittensmorgul · 8 years
The Right Thing vs The Greater Good
I’ve been rewatching the middle bits of s11 on the TNT loop today (11.14-17), and throwing in 11.10 for Dabb putting his fingerprints all over the mytharc for s11, it really feels like this chunk of episodes is really when Dabb started exerting his influence all over the major themes of the series. And this group of episodes really clearly shows the sorts of themes that s12 is addressing in another way, especially since it seems like Dabb had been in cahoots with Bobo, and still is… :D
(pffft another way)
I included some of my chattybubble thoughts to Lizbob for both clarification and some just for funsies because I think I’m hilarious. :D
There’s the extremely surface level stuff about the MoL involvement in Europe in the past, and bringing that plot to the surface (heh because those events culminated in the sinking of a submarine, I crack myself up).
I’d like to point out that 11.14 and 11.16 BOTH deal with time travel, or stories that play with time in interesting ways, THIS is how you do time travel episodes. And the consequences of 11.14 are similar to the consequences of traveling to the past in the entire history of this show (4.03, 5.13, 6.18, 7.12…) WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DREADED BUCKLEMMING TIME TRAVEL FIASCOES. Ugh. Okay. Sorry. Just had to say that.
Most of my thoughts on 11.15 and 11.16 ended up tidily summarized in our chats, so here, have a transcript of those, followed by my runthrough of the MAJOR INPORTINT THEMES in 11.17 that are still playing out mid s12. Under a cut, because I still haven’t learned the meaning of the word “brevity.” At least I’m still funny:
(edited for readability, and focus in on the main points. Y’all don’t need to hear such bits of this as me musing over the dozens of robins roosting in my birch tree or that Lizbob went out for a walk at one point...I bolded some key things if you’d prefer to just sorta skim this...)
Mittensmorgul: oh gosh mel's texting me, and I had to tell her that I'd rewound the "travel back in time" episode, she's like "ooh wrestling ep in 4 minutes!" and I had to tell her I'm "not caught up to real time yet." I hate time travel :P
Elizabethrobertajones: hahaha you're in a time loop. amazing :P are you up to the wrestling yet? Does it look any different from a Dabb vs performing Dean hindsight?
Mittensmorgul: It's a bit like an early "ghost of john winchester" preview to s12
Mittensmorgul: Heck I feel really bad for Harley, He believed in himself, turned down a demon deal, and ended up tortured and dead because of it :(
Elizabethrobertajones: yeah :< he was a Dean mirror at the time, right? I can't remember why
Mittensmorgul: He'd spent the first half grumpy at the "old guys." He was almost killed accidentally by the hangman's noose in the ring. the one whose funeral started everything. he was a suspect at first, they thought he was the demon for a bit. he was accusing gunner of being on drugs (he saw his dealer... er. demon). He was a hothead supposedly starting trouble, but really he was standing up for the "honor" (not the right word but whatever) of what they do, working for next to nothing night after night on the road. Ends up having his soul stolen by a demon against his will anyway
Elizabethrobertajones: right, he was a worst case scenario about souls being snatched, which we were worried about at the time
Mittensmorgul: and then in the end, after all Harley's yelling at Gunner about being dirty (via drugs, or via whatever...) Dean finally breaks through to Gunner with reason, with words\ Like Dean was an older and wiser version of Harley. Harley could never have guessed that GUnner's problem wasn't "drugs" but a demon... But Dean not only understood, he empathized, and talked Gunner into choosing another way
Elizabethrobertajones: heeey that sounds familiar :P
Mittensmorgul: honesty, accepting your responsibility, "It's never too late to do the right thing." ack gunner "I look in the mirror and I hate the face looking back at me. I got this coming." That hasn't been Dean in a while now
and oh my... Dean's "It's never too late to do the right thing" which he believes because "I have to." Because at the beginning his SOLE mission was finding a way to save Cas from having said YEs to Luci
And Sam's like, "If he even wants to be saved"
Dean says "He does, even if he doesn't know it yet"
RUFUS! I've been wanting to see this episode again since reading something about the parallel between Dean and Rufus via Ketch's arrival at the bunker
It's like Bobo, Dabb, and Robbie had all conspired to this theme of "fixing the past" via actions taken in the present by finding another better way
It’s literally it's the entire point of this episode
Where Dean's "better" spell doesn't just trap the soul eater, it KILLS it and frees everyone who's stuck "outside of time and space" in its nest
[we had a rambling discussion of just how much this foreshadowed everything that happened in 11.23]
Elizabethrobertajones: so Dean walked in and walked out And clapped eyes on a long-lost parental figure on the way out :P
Mittensmorgul: BUT in doing so he ALSO frees Bobby's soul, and the trapped kids from the past
Elizabethrobertajones: freeing the things from the past. yikes :P Like Mary was freed from the past
Mittensmorgul: This is literally the theme of s12… Having better tools, better info, a more complete plan for saving everything, healing the past so everyone can move forward
I remember seeing something about how 12.15 paralleled Dean to Rufus... and some of 11.16 does... literally putting Dean into Rufus's exact position as they switch back and forth between past and present. BUT THEN IT'S BOBBY WHO GOES INTO THE SOUL EATER'S NEST WITH DEAN Like Sam and Dean have flipped roles here. Or that they're interchangeably both bobby and rufus...
ACK the soul eater telling Sam "Your brother wants to go to the Darkness, NEEDS to go, but I can keep him here safe, forever." but... they ended up finding a better way through words and balance
Elizabethrobertajones: it's the only time they've seen each other since Bobby died, and Bobby's still technically alive on HIS end, so Dean STILL has never interacted with him, unlike Sam who has twice plus a dream
Mittensmorgul: We're picking at the ghost of John this season, but Bobby's a big part of "father figures" for Dean, and he's been there subtly all season too
ACK the bottle Sam and Jody found in 7.12. And the first call Bobby gets when he's free is from Dean... in the past... They're talking about Bobby maybe having been there "outside of space and time" and that Bobby had never written up his notes about that case... when Dean says "Let's get drunk and never think about this again.” Which is probably what bobby did.
Okay, that was the end of our chat because we had to run off and do other things for a bit, but I did go on to watch 11.17 again as well. And that just neatly tied everything back together again, and there were some things there I believe are KEY to what s12 is focusing on. Back in s11 all of these topics were being dealt with “externally,” applied to situations beyond just Sam, Dean, Cas, etc. Yeah, Dean was central to the Chuck and Amara stuff (pffft as the firewall between light and dark), but now all these big themes are being applied to the Winchester family directly in a sort of  “As above, so below” sort of way.
A LOT has changed since 11.15 when Dean needed to take a break from research to clear his mind, because he’d been “spinning his wheels” trying to find a way to save Cas from Lucifer. But now in 11.17 it’s Sam who’s brought him this new case. Dean’s no longer spinning his wheels even if he hasn’t gotten any traction on solving the Casifer problem yet, but his drive to succeed has taken on the KEEP GRINDING motto. He doesn’t want or need to distract himself with this werewolf case, but Sam thinks it’s time for another “clear our heads” break.
Dean drags his heels, but relents.
Like many of the other “civilians” they encounter in s11, Michelle readily accepts the supernatural. Corbin had originally “rejected” the idea that these could be “monsters”-- specifically werewolves, and in the end he’d become the monster himself.
One of the big themes of 11.17 is miscommunication. Everything from Corbin questioning why they needed a landline phone (Don’t you have a cell phone?) because there was no signal service way out there in the woods, to Corbin lying about the extent of his own injuries and making Michelle doubt the evidence of her own eyes.
Michelle: Are you okay? I thought yesterday... Corbin: Just a couple scratches.
She’d seen him bitten, but he dismissed her concerns over and over again, even dismissing her “outlandish” claims when she’s finally at the hospital being interviewed by the sheriff.
Here’s another lovely pair of themes from s12 illustrated very concisely:
Corbin: I... look. Hey, Michelle's real sick, but she's got a chance. Him... he's slowing us down. And if they find us... Dean: We saved you, okay? We saved both of you. Corbin: It's three lives versus one.
Both the “you vs ALL of you” and the theme of “the greater good.” Compare that to I love you, I love all of you, and >.>. But also that last line, “three lives versus one.” That’s The Greater Good reduced to a simple math problem, which Corbin had rigged in his favor by “killing” Sam. 
(also bizarre aside, are trees out to get Dean? Here he has a fight with a tree, and in 12.11 the spell that made him lose his memories was carved into a tree and Rowena described the spell as written in “the Language of Trees.” Not to mention the bloody handprint on the tree that spurred him to giddily remember that their best friend’s an angel… okay, end random tree-related digression)
(no I’m reopening the random tree-related digression to postulate that ALL of this is down to the Vanir’s apple tree Dean burned way back in 1.11. I swear, that apple pie was probably freaking worth it... between scarecrows,pie, apples and orchards-- thinking of 7.05 here too-- and just trees in general, I think it wasn’t the broken mirrors from 1.05 that have haunted them all these years, but that dumbass scarecrow... okay, moving on for realsies now)
First it’s Sam’s turn to try and convince Corbin and Michelle to go, to run, to save themselves and leave him behind. Corbin sees the truth of it, though. He knows Dean won’t leave Sam there to die alone. So he makes the executive (possibly influenced by his loss of humanity, that he’s already becoming a “monster”) to suffocate Sam so that Dean will have a reason to leave.
For the greater good…
And at that point, Dean still needed to be convinced to leave Sam behind, but he promised to come back. He went along with the “greater good” of saving the “innocent people” since he didn’t know that one of them was literally and figuratively a monster.
This also neatly captures all the duality subtext in s12, as well. Nephilim, MoL vs hunters, people as monsters, monsters as people, angels as humans, angels living in harmony with a human soul, angels trapped in human bodies… there’s just a lot of this in s12. There’s also the lengths someone will go to in the name of “love,” however monstrous or misguided or even unwanted by the object of that love. More on that later.
Again, like 12.12 that told the story in a non-linear fashion, 11.17 employs a similar “messing with time” storytelling device, only revealing the past through the events of the present. We only understand how the story got to this point via small glimpses of “revisiting the past” through the events of the present. This was a HUGE theme of s11 (most clearly demonstrated in 11.14 and 11.16, as described above), considering the end result of s11 was a resolution of the original “problem” that resulted from the creation of the universe. S12 is doing almost the exact same thing, but instead of being framed around the Darkness being released and eventually reuniting with God, Mary has been released, bringing that universal conflict down to a human scale.
Back to the miscommunication…
Rather than explaining that there was another injured member of their party he needed to get back to attend to, Dean fights against the sheriff and ends up tasered and arrested. If he’d just used his words, the sheriff probably would’ve let him run back to help Sam, but then Corbin would’ve likely killed/turned Michelle without Dean there to intervene at the hospital, and he may have killed many others, as well.
Over and over, cell phones either don’t work in this episode, or they’re only working well enough to get a word or two through.
Or maybe it’s actually this:
Corbin: I saved us. Look, you're hurt bad and... and I love you, Michelle. I can't lose you. I did what I had to do.
Seriously, if you hear I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO and don’t simultaneously hear Kill Bill sirens… you should be hearing Kill Bill sirens...
Meanwhile, Corbin knows exactly what bit him, and when asked directly by the doctor, he only tells her “I’m good.” He lies, he refuses to answer, he downplays the truth when someone else speaks it, even to the point of dismissing Michelle’s point of view entirely.
In the worst rendition of “unsuccessful communication,” the sheriff is unable to contact Charlie the Ranger for assistance because he’s already been killed by the monsters.
In another example of miscommunication, even between two people who are actively trying to help one another, Dean refers to Billie as a “Scary, crazy death machine,” and Michelle repeats back “Crazy, evil death machine.” She reinterpreted Dean’s words, and replaced “scary” with “evil,” and those words just aren’t synonyms, you know? Just because something’s scary doesn’t mean it’s evil. Proof that even when two people are essentially on the same page, they might very well have VASTLY DIFFERENT UNDERSTANDINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS of the situation at hand.
And… poor Michelle:
Michelle: Corbin? Corbin: Hey, baby. Please, don't be scared of me. I didn't want this. Okay, any of this, but... it's happened and it feels so... you'll see. [Michelle whimpers.] We'll be together. Michelle: No. Please. Corbin: Forever. Michelle: No! 
Forced love, or forced life, overriding someone else’s will, and yet Michelle decides what she wants for herself.
And then, a theme that’s been sort of haunting the narrative since the pilot episode, and has now been resurrected right along with Mary:
Michelle: They said I could leave... [she sighs] an hour ago. But... where am I even supposed to go? After everything we survived together... [turning back to Dean] I watched the man I love die. There's no normal after that.
This is what happened to John Winchester. He watched the woman he loved die, and there was never any normal after that. Now Mary is back, without John, and there’s never going to be any normal for her either. But that doesn’t mean there can never be anything worth living for again.
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huntertales · 7 years
Preview: Nice Girls Finish Last. (Swan Song S05E22)
Episode Summary: The showdown between good and evil is at hand. With the apocalypse looming, the reader, now a demon, abandons the Winchesters to work at Lucifer’s side to help further his plans along. Sam and Dean realize they are out of options to save her and the fate of humanity. They are forced to make heart-breaking decisions that will change their lives forever. Warnings: Demon!Reader, mentions of violence, blasphemy.  Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Very minor Lucifer x Reader) Word Count: 3,574.
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[Excerpt taken from: “Swan Song” By Carver Edlund.]
On April 21, 1967, the 100 millionth GM vehicle rolled off the line at the plant in Janesville—a blue two-door Caprice.
There was a big ceremony, speeches. The lieutenant governor even showed up. Three days later, another car rolled off that same line. No one gave two craps about her. But they should have, because this 1967 Chevrolet Impala would turn out to be the most important car—no, the most important object—in pretty much the whole universe.
She was first owned by Sal Moriarty, an alcoholic with two ex-wives and three blocked arteries. On weekends, he'd drive around giving Bibles to the poor 'gettin' folks right for Judgment Day.' That's what he said. Sam and Dean don't know any of this, but if they did, I bet they'd smile. Y/N, well, she might find the man's favorite pastime of spreading the word of God a bit wasteful. As he was in need of one himself real soon after he gotten himself comfortable with the bottle. But, when nobody was looking, she would crack a smile herself.
After Sal died, she ended up at Rainbow Motors, a used-car lot in Lawrence, where a young marine bought her on impulse. That is, after a little advice from a couple of friends. I guess that's where this story begins.
And here where it ends.
This story ends with three people nobody really knew who would be so important to this world—Team Free Will. It was a cheesy name they called themselves over a round of some cheap beer. Dean, a high school dropout with six bucks to his name. Sam, the ex-blood junkie. Cas, who couldn’t participate in the sullen loss, but he was given the nickname of Mr. Comatose. (When told the name he was given by Y/N, the angel was all but baffled.) And Y/N, Rosemary’s Baby...all grown up. These people were the reason why this world wasn’t going to end in misery. But they didn’t do it alone. They had help of some unlikely friends they gained along the way.
Some are still here to see this journey through whatever end waits for them, others have had their time cut too early. Death is a scary ending for anyone. But it’s nothing new for the Winchester brothers and their best friend. They have been to Heaven and Hell, saw death as a lesson from a rouged archangel who posed as a trickster since the beginning of time. Y/N even split a pizza with Death himself not too long ago. The three of them still remain. Two brothers and their best friend, lost in separate parts of the world...not quite sure how they ended up here. But there was no plans of stopping here.
The Winchester brothers have always had a close family bond. Dean practically raised his little brother as his own with a father that was absent most of the time, not there to answer a six year old’s question about why they moved around so much. Mostly it was about why they didn’t have a mother. Or why they changed schools so much. Dean did the best that he could. Sure, he was tough on the guy. He was upset when he left for Stanford, fell down a path that wasn't right for him. But it was all out of love. And even when there was a moment of time where he wanted to give up on it all, there was someone holding the Winchesters brothers together. Someone who would die for them, instill a positive speech when Dean wasn’t quite feeling up to it himself. And place a slap across the cheek, if necessary.
According to John Winchester, Y/N was a spitting image of her mother—not just in looks, but with a personality to match. She cared too much for people she didn’t know and got herself lost in a world that once scared her after realizing the things in the bump in the night were real. Once she took it as a compliment, but after getting to know the real Ella Y/L/N, she slowly started to despise her. However, it never lasted for too long. Parents like John and Ella were doing the best they could considering what they knew...what they brought upon them.
+ + +
Sam Winchester sat on the hood of the Impala and observed the scenery that brought him peace and quiet for the past half an hour. The scrapyard that Bobby called a business was a sore eye from all the crushed cars and dirt roads that lead to nowhere, but it was better than staring at some dusty book, wondering if there was any other way to stop this. He was pretty sure not too long ago there was a way to make sure that at least a few people were able to have a happy ever after. Now...he wasn't so sure anymore. About anything.
The person who should be sitting here right next to him, telling him that everything was going to be okay while enjoying a cold beer was gone. Where was she? Somewhere lost in her own skin, that’s all he really knew. Some might say she finally given up and decided to let it take control. Whatever sort of tricks that Lucifer put on her was the straw that broke the camel’s back. But Sam had faith. He had to. Y/N did it for all those years. From sending him off to college and trying to make sense of his psychic abilities. All the way down to the last second of him freeing the Devil himself from the cage. She never once looked at him differently. She always offered a landing hand to pull him back to safety. It’d be selfish of him not to return the favor one more time.
The young man might have been on board with jumping into the pit and giving himself up for a life of misery, his brother had still been on the fence about the whole thing. Perhaps it was the gorey details of drinking blood from Y/N that made him a bit squeamish. But he would come around to it eventually. And he did. Dean joined his little brother for a beer from the little green cooler and finally forced himself to discuss the matter. Dean realized his little brother wasn’t so little anymore. While he didn’t agree with it, he knew it was the right thing to do. The both of them knew the fate of the world depended on this. And most importantly, if there was any reason to let Sam say yes to the Devil, it was for the sake of getting Y/N back. Safe and sound.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Saying yes to the Devil was exactly the same, as it required some gut wrenching elements Sam needed to take if he wanted to be strong enough just be considered a vessel. It was the unfavorable demon blood that once tore apart a family. And make it a double. The brothers were no strangers to killing a demon or two in their time, or even the more gruesome side of hunting. Beheading vamps and burning hundred year old corpses is not for the faint of heart. But if they wanted to get their hands on some grade a pure demon blood, they needed to lower their moral standards and risk a few lives.
Did you know the average human body contains one and a half gallons of blood? That's how much the brothers and Cas managed to get after they found a couple of low-ranking demons, tied them up by their feet like some cattle and slit their throats clean. It was enough to fill up four gallons and stuff it into the trunk for later use. Sam stood in the basement cleaning the knife with a blank expression. While Dean was no stranger to a gory sight, he found himself feeling little green in the face as he followed Cas and his brother out to broad daylight again to fill the blood in the trunk. The man reached a finger to his cheek when felt something tickling his skin. It took only a second before he realized it was a spec of demon blood.
Dean, however, averted his attention over to the older hunter who sat working diligently outside of his van as he shuffled through newspaper and important looking documents. For a second Dean thought that he saw Y/N standing right at the man's side working silently next to him, avoiding what had just unfolded at all cost. It wasn't that she would be squeamish at the sight of blood. It was the truth she couldn't handle. And seeing Sam drink a nurse clean of her blood was enough to burn a permanent visual inside her mind. She would still be looking for a way out until the bitter end. Dean blinked, watching as her body disappeared from his sight, making him feel a bit startled at the tricks his mind was able to play on him.
The older Winchester brushed off the hallucination he had as his eyes wandered over to Sam and Cas, the both of them were preoccupied in making sure the blood would stay safe. He headed over to Bobby to see if he found anything useful, and like always, a sarcastic jab was never far from falling out of his mouth. “I still can’t get used to you at eye level.” Bobby responded with a tight smile as he rolled his eyes. One demon deal that wasn’t completely wasted was getting Bobby’s legs back to normal. The hunter looked over at the building, curious to see if he had been right about his prediction. “As always, Yoda. Two stunt demon's inside, just like you said.”
“Did you get it?” Bobby asked, hopeful this hit wasn’t a wasteful one.
“Yeah, all the ‘go juice’ Sammy can drink.” Dean said. He looked over his shoulder to see his brother wiping his fingers of whatever blood that had accidentally spilled out before wiping it on his jeans. “Now we just need is chemical X. Then everything should be set.”
An grim, uneasy look settled into the oldest Winchester’s face when he began to drift off to what happened just a few days ago. The image of Y/N hovering over Sam, forcing him to drink her blood was gut wrenching just from the memory. But to know that it wasn’t her doing, that there were two other personalities taking over her actions made it worse. Dean never had the pleasure of knowing what it was like to be possessed by a demon. Having Satan himself and your own demons working against you, it was a losing battle. And the four of them gave the ammunition, thinking it was the way out of this nightmare. But he was only falling deeper, the light was growing smaller and smaller.
“You okay?” Bobby’s question broke the younger hunter out of his thoughts.
“Not really.” Dean admitted truthfully. But there was no time to talk about their feelings. “What do you got?”
"Not much. These look like omens to you?" Bobby handed over a few newspaper with a few headlines that discussed the unnatural weathers spreading across the states. "Cyclone in Florida, temperature drop in Detroit, wildfires in L.A."
“Wait.” Dean stopped the hunter when he heard a familiar city. “What about Detroit?”
“Temp’s dropped about twenty degrees,” Bobby explained. “But only in a five-block radius of downtown motown.”
“That’s the one.” Dean said, tossing the newspaper to the back of the van with the rest of the papers. “Devil’s in Detroit.”
“Really? As far as foreboding goes, it’s a little light in the loafers. And there's no sign of the usual demon omens, either." Bobby said, attempting to tread around lightly around the subject that nobody dare say. Not just yet. "You sure?"
Dean nodded his head to answer the older hunter's question. He looked back over at his little brother when the trunk slammed shut. The both of them exchanged sullen glances, knowing this is where the younger Winchester went to die. He could only hope this act of bravery would be enough to save one of their own before it was too late.
+ + +
She might have won the battle, but she won the war. For someone who was so smart, so sure of herself that she could win...she should have known better. Pride was a sin, after all. And nice girls always finish last last. And she was being punished for fighting all those years by being trapped in her own body, unable to do anything but watch. Y/N knew she was still in there, clawing and begging for her life to be let out one last time before the darkness took over and she'd be forever trapped in the confinements of her own skin. All of her memories of a life once before were slowly being…Y/N refrained herself from saying destroyed. Destroyed was such a harsh word to describe what he was doing for her. He was...upgrading. The rose tinted glasses she’d worn for the first twenty nine years of her life were finally being taken off to reveal a world that was never kind to her. 
A mother who selfishly molded her into her perfect child. Friends who always looked at her a bit differently for her interests, forcing her into liking what they liked. Two brothers who mistreated her, brainwashed her into doing exactly what they wanted. They used her like some kind of common whore. Y/N and this doomed planet was abandoned by a God who didn't care anymore, despite her best effort after she was murdered by those two hunters. Wasted all for nothing.
Y/N could feel her fists tightening as she adjusted her crossed arms to keep her anger in check. She took a step forward to the large window that overlooked the quiet city street below. They would get what's coming to them. Bobby, Castiel. The Winchesters. This whole world will. She didn't need anyone. Expect for him. And only him. He would give her salvation from the guilt and depression forced upon her from her actions. Thanks to him, she was gone forever.
The old Y/N was dead, long live the new Y/N. The old Y/N might have been able to fight off her natural abilities before, but it was impossible now. She thought before an angel’s grace would have been the golden ticket to saving her soul from rotting to the very core. Nobody questioned where it came from, nobody would have suspected Lucifer to be so sneaky. So kind to free her from a lifetime of misery if she were to stay human. Nobody would ever love her the way Lucifer did. He was the only one she needed.
In the new world he would bring, there would be no more God to worship. No figure to bring  words of a holy place. Only Y/N and Lucifer. Together the both of them would rule over this sad little planet that was rightfully theirs. Heaven and Hell at her fingertips, all the little angels and demons who did her wrong will finally suffer as they made her did. His queen. It's what he called her as he softly brought the back of her hand up to the lips when she had shown improvement. The grace he had given her and the demon blood were mixing well together. It took a little bit of effort before she was  feeling like the person she was always meant to be. No pain, no gain. Y/N peered down at the city street below of an abandoned apartment building above some little Chinese restaurant she and Lucifer have been occupying over the past few days in Detroit, Michigan. She knew they were coming, it was just a matter of time until they got themselves prepared and Sam ate his Wheaties. She head tilted to the side as she mindlessly reached to play with the locket hanging off the gold chain when a couple walked down the street, hand in hand with a matching smile on their faces. They make their way by, unaware of the person watching them. The old Y/N would have smiled to herself and thought the sight was kind of cute, as it reminded her of a certain someone that she loved once upon a time.
Now, Y/N wondered what it'd be like to slit their throat and see how the only would beg and cry for her to stop. Human emotions—it's something Y/N didn't miss anymore. Along with her clothes that were thrown in some dumpster after being stained with all that demon blood she drank. Her new clothes she was wearing now made her feel better, more powerful to match her new title. Mother of Darkness. Queen of the damned. And if anyone had a problem with it, they could face the consequences of her wrath.
“How do we know this isn’t some kind of trap her and those Winchesters are trying to pull? I mean, first it was Crowley that went off the deepend. And then Brady? Not to mention how many demons she's slaughtered over the years. She drinks some demon blood, changes her clothes and then suddenly she's the new boss around here?"
“I don’t know, man. Nobody tells us anything. They just tell us to go along with it and shut our mouths. But...you gotta admit, though. She's kinda hot a demon....Oh, come on! Don't give me that look. I seen you eyeing her ass when she isn't looking. You could bounce a nickel off that thing. What I would do if I got fifteen minutes alone with he—”
The demon's words fell short when he felt something wrap around his throat, as if someone was trying to rip him out of his meat suit, but never quite getting there, making him suffer. The sounds of shoes echoed off the walls as Y/N stepped out from the corner she had been hiding in to see what the conversation was all about. Her lips were stretched into a friendly smile as her arm was outstretched in front of her, Y/N’s hand clenched into a tight fist as she watched the demon choke and attempt to free himself from whatever she were doing to him. Y/N let him suffer for a little longer as she slowly looked over at his partner, wondering if he wanted to participate in the same punishment  However, the man seemed to be the smart one in their little duo. He straightened himself up and quickly looked away, a look of fear settled in his eye.
Y/N continued on the punishment for a few more grueling seconds before she unclenched her fist, letting the demon go from her grip she had on him. He fell to the ground as he inhaled a deep breath, but it only lasted for a moment until he felt a grip around his throat. Y/N crouched down on the ground and sank her nails into his skin, her head titled to the side slightly as she looked at him directly in the eye. She wanted to make it quite clear of who he was trying to mess with.
“Look, I understand changes are tough. I wasn’t your best friend that long ago. But you want to know what happened to the last person who talked to me like that? I’ll give you a hint. It involved me cutting out his tongue. All before I slit his throat clean. There’s dozens of you here. I doubt Lucifer would dare if you suddenly...dropped dead.” Y/N said, her tone was eerily calm as her words were haunting enough to make the demon listen. “If you have a problem with who’s in charge now, I can make it easy on you and send you back to Hell with all your buddies. Like...Lilith, Azazel, Alastair, Ruby, Brady...and all the other sad sons of bitches who got wasted. You want that?”
“No, ma’am.” The demon whispered in a quiet voice, understanding his role better.
"All right! We're here, you sons of bitches! Come and get it!"
Y/N looked over her shoulder and out the window to hear someone shouting from outside down the street below. Her tongue poked out between her teeth when she heard a familiar voice come from outside, it didn't take much of a memory to recognize who the voice belonged to. She pushed herself up to her feet and walked over to see the sight of two faces charging forward to the apartment. She shook her head, a quiet laugh escaping her mouth. It was like a lamb being lead to the slaughter after one of their own was dragged away. It would only be a matter of time until the Winchesters found out where she was to try at their usual routine of saving the day. But not tonight. Never again.
Y/N’s eyes flickered black as her lips stretched into a devilish smirk. She turned her head to face the two demons, “How about you make yourselves useful and help greet our guests?”
Rewrite Taglist:
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