travisdermotts · 7 months
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Cute new Gerard pic!
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projectbatman193 · 10 months
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Getting some grumpy old man vibes from this stache!
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thenten · 3 months
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@champiionic said: “ Thank you, but I could’ve done it myself somehow. “ Gives u a Sonic
"Ah, but you didn't have to this time, my dear chap, since I was here to help!" The... mole(?) with the prehensile mustache replied proudly, arms on his hips as one end of his 'stache formed a thumbs-up. "But please, please, there's no need for thanks! It's just what I do!"
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"Now, if you wouldn't mind, my friend, could you tell me what that was all about? Those robotic rapscallions sure seemed screwy!"
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911bts · 16 days
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Eddie’s Season 8 mustache, which showrunner Tim Minear confirms to TVLine is a “manifestation of something that’s going on within him,” has taken social media by storm — but we’re sad to report that, like all good things, it won’t last forever. Minear says the emotional reason behind the ‘stache will be explored “in an episode where he shaves it off.” Speaking of mustaches, Buck has an especially difficult time bowing to Gerrard as the 118’s new captain. (“He’s awful, and he’s an awfully fun character to have in the mix.”) On the bright side, Buck’s relationship with Tommy is going strong (“They’re still getting to know each other a little better”), so at least he’ll have someone to complain to after a long day of putting up with his racist, sexist, homophobic boss. Meanwhile, Bobby becomes a technical advisor on a “ridiculous firefighter show that’s nothing like reality”; Councilwoman Ortiz will remain a thorn in Hen and Karen’s sides as they fight to get their foster care license reinstated; newlyweds Maddie and Chimney weigh the pros and cons of growing their own family; and the return of a familiar face from Athena’s past will force her to “deal with a seminal event in her canonical life.”
BONUS SPOILER!: The two recurring villains of Season 8, Captain Gerrard and Councilwoman Ortiz, are “connected in many ways,” Minear hints.
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bjornmannen · 7 months
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The stache returns!
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beiasluv · 6 months
influenced | o. piastri (81)
a/n: it’s race week babbayyyyy Piastri in da house 😘
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“Oscuh, did you see my water bottle?”
One thing Oscar adored – less than you – was Lando.
Lando was his everything in the scary, new world of formula one. To be fair, he was the oldest child his whole life…and don’t get him wrong, he loves his sisters with his whole heart. But, hell, he doesn’t like to be abandoned on the track without his extroverted Brit.
And Lando sure knows how to rub things off on Oscar.
“No?” the Australian looked up, his mouth still hooked up to the straw.
“Unfair,” he huffed before tapping the trim of the door – waddling away.
You’ve found yourself, sitting cross-legged in his driver’s room – almost biting on your lips when you watched a replay of his qualifying on the small screen of your phone.
It wasn’t every day you got to show up to his race, let alone his home race, all thanks to your busy schedule – but here you were.
Just maybe don’t mention the assignments backpack on the floor…
You saw Oscar stumbling into his room, one hand still wrapped around his emotional support water bottle. His eyes lit up immediately when they spotted yours.
“Hi,” you cooed, putting away your phone before standing up to greet him with a hug. Breathing in his scent, closing your eyes and resting your face on his chest. “You’re sweaty.”
“I know,” he huffed.
“Great session?” smiling as you pulled away, giving his lips a quick peck. No way..
"Mhm. Really good." Oscar said, rubbing his chin with his right hand. “How ‘bout you?”
“Good…good–” you quickly brushed it off.
This can’t be what you were thinking. Blinking a few times before reaching your hands to caress his chin, tilting it to get a better view. A Lando Norris-styled stache staring right back at you.
“You like?” he smirked, raising one of his eyebrows in return.
Maybe he’d like to admit how cool Lando looked with the stache. He didn’t believe his looks mattered much, he was there to race after all. And not that he has been avoiding showing his lower half of the face during your face times anyway…
But damn it…he would look cool with one.
“You were influenced.”
His cheeks flushed harder with blood, “Maybe. But I think it suits me…right?”
You winced. Lightheartedly. “Hmmm, I don’t know.”
“Come ‘on,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Do you not like it?”
You broke into a smile, shaking your head in defense. “Oscar Jack Piastri, I like you either way.”
He made a pouty face, the one you cooed at, trying to act tough. "But Lando said it’s cool."
“Of course. You always believe Lando,” you chuckled, pinching his cheeks ever so slightly.
“You sure about that?” He smirked.
“Let’s get you shave then.”
Ushshskkajajajak I have mixed feelings about his stachee
I’d appreciate any interaction if you liked it, if not…then why not 😘
– @namgification @jsjcue @c-losur3
Today’s a special day for yourself!! Take care!
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that-trans-lad · 7 months
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New phone case, no time for the gym tonight. Shaved face the return of the stache
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puppetdaily · 4 months
Sexy Puppet Tournament Round 1 SKEKSIS vs TONY THE TALKING CLOCK
Skeksis (entire species, The Dark Crystal)
Gluttonous, nasty, cruel, the Skeksis represent all the worst impulses of humanity. Their spindly, reptilian forms hide surprising power and capability, and an odd sort of beauty lurks in their haunting features. A monster-fucker's dream? Or are they far too ugly to have a chance?
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Tony the Talking Clock (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Tony seems to be a perfect archetype of a Tumblr sexyman, and is in fact one of the originals: villainous, theatrical, put-together, with limbs like overcooked noodles. He inspired hundreds of humanizations and a plethora of ship art, a shockingly low percentage of which involved moustaches. Well, it's 2024, and staches are back in fashion. Can Tony return to his former sexy glory?
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whatswrongwithblue · 2 months
The Hunt pt. 1
Read on AO3.
Part 2. Part 3.
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Summary: Alastor x Reader (reader is afab, uses she/her pronouns.) Date nights in Hell are done a little differently, especially when you're dating The Radio Demon.
Trigger warnings: Canon typical violence. Reader and Alastor in Hell for a reason. Horror with some twisted romance.
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Today had been a particularly drab day.
Acid rain had been falling all afternoon and Pentagram City was shut down because of it. And you could feel yourself shutting down as well.
These bad days used to fall on you much more often. Back when life was simpler and less stimulating. When there were less options to hyper fixate on and stimulate those delightful hormones that didn’t always help you to feel happy but allowed you to . . . feel.
But today you felt that numbness creeping in; a slithering, creeping, darker cousin to boredom. You were so tired and every forced smile and polite reply aimed at the other hotel residents drained your battery little by little by little by little . . . .
You were on your fifth cup of coffee that afternoon, the bitter caffeinated beverage the only thing left that seemed to cause any kind of chemical spark in your dead gray matter, but unknowingly, you had stopped sipping it several minutes ago. Rather, you were just mindlessly staring down into it, watching the little tendrils of separated creamer swirl around the top. At least it was far more interesting than anything else going on in the lobby.
“Are we having a bit of a . . . down day?” Alastor’s voice said remarkably close to your ear and you jumped, turning to find him bent over at his waist, his head right next to yours.
“I’m fine,” you insisted, turning away from him.
He had pampered and fussed over you too many times on days like these, even when – no, especially when they became so bad you couldn’t get out of bed. But things were different now; since his return to Hell, Alastor was busier than ever and you didn’t want to bother him. The guilt would be worse than the emptiness you were currently struggling with.
“I think not,” came his sing-song reply and you shut your eyes against the enthusiasm you heard in his tone.
“Don’t I look fine?” you challenged and when he stood up straighter, his smile pinching just a little at the corners, you heard how snippy you sounded with him and sighed. There was the damnable guilt you had been trying to avoid.
“You look beautiful as always, darling,” came his quick reply. “I just thought you could use a little cheering up.”
He leaned back in, whispering conspiratorial into your ear now. “I was hoping you would join me . . . on a date . . .” His eyes glowed as he let his words sink in. “But if you’d rather sit in here and sulk the rest of the night, I’ll leave you to it.”
“Like . . . a date, date?” you asked, feeling a little bit of the weight leaving your chest as hope bloomed in you.
“Precisely.” His smile stretched ear to ear. “There is someone I need to collect a debt on and the weather tonight seems just perfect for such an occasion. I would more than welcome your company.”
You felt your first genuine smile of the day grace your features, nearly matching the wickedness of Alastor’s own features, and that little spark you had felt turned into an entire flood of dopamine.
“Where to?” you asked and Alastor took your head, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, before leading you out the front doors.
The prey dragged itself up the stairs, stumbling on every other step and grasping the handrail for balance as he went. Although the rainstorm had kept him from the bars that night, it hadn’t kept him from his personal stache of liquor and in his lonely anger, he had downed several gin and tonics before his stomach began to protest and he had passed out in his armchair. He’d woken up a few minutes ago, his bladder protesting the diuretic effects of the booze. By some miracle he had made it to his downstairs bathroom to relieve himself and then decided it was time to crawl into bed.
He made it to the top of the landing after a considerable struggle with the staircase and almost forgot to the turn the lights off behind him. Fumbling with the switch, he just happened to glance down the stairs as the lights flickered out of existence.
The prey blinked in the darkness, trying to adjust his eyes, as he thought he saw a strange shadow at the bottom of the stairs.
He was sure he was alone in the house and he couldn’t quite be sure of what he was seeing, so he flipped the lights back on.
Shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, he turned the lights back off.
And there it was again.
A shadow. Taller and definitely there.
Feeling his heart begin to race, the prey flipped the lights on, certain he wasn’t imagining it this time but as the staircase became illuminated once more, the shadow was gone.
He had perhaps had too much to drink.
One last time, he flipped the switch, inviting the darkness back in, and this time when the shadow came back, the prey swore there were faint glowing green eyes and the hint of a smile playing across its features.
And was it a little closer this time? He had sworn it was at the bottom of the stairs but now it seemed to be a few steps up.
“Now that’s enough of that!” the prey shouted and flipped on the lights.
He breathed a sigh of relief when once more, there was nothing.
Maybe it was best to sleep with the lights on tonight, just to be certain.
The prey turned away from the stairs, leaving the switch flipped in the on position, and came chest to chest with The Radio Demon.
“Good evening, Daniel,” Alastor said, smiling wider as the prey’s face turned several shades whiter. “I see you’ve changed residences.”
“Hey there, Al’ . . . I-I mean, Alastor . . . sir. M-Mr. Radio D-demon,” the prey stuttered, stumbling backwards and just barely catching himself on the banister. “You uh . . . you like my new digs, huh? Paid a pretty penny for it but you know, it’ll be good for business.”
Alastor remained at the top of the stairs, watching his prey make its slow decent down and away from him.
“And who’s business would that be? Certainly not mine, I don’t deal in real estate after all.”
“You know, ha, it’s funny you would say that because I’ve been meaning to talk to you- ”
“You made a mistake, Daniel,” Alastor told his prey, all the politeness leaving his tone, although his smile remained.
The prey swallowed audibly.
“Did you really think going to Zestial, of all demons, would save you from our deal?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re . . . talking abou- ”
“You see, Daniel, Zestial and I may not necessarily be friends, but we are colleagues. And we have an understanding. A certain level of respect for each other, if you will.” Alastor narrowed his eyes and his voice turned cold as ice. “And neither of us like having another Overlord’s leftovers.”
Daniel turned and fled, racing down the rest of the steps with a grace that only adrenaline could provide in such a state of inebriation, though he did fumble quite a bit with the locks of the front doors.
Alastor let his prey make it out the front door before he went in pursuit, though he let his deep laughter follow Daniel the whole way down, enjoying the sweet tangy smell of his fear as it spiked at the sound.
In his panic, the prey forgot all about the inclement weather and dashed thoughtlessly out into the rainstorm and ran down the deserted street. It took a minute for the effects to kick in but eventually he started to feel the itching on his skin and then the burning set in. The prey stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, beneath a streetlamp, and watched as the skin on his hands began to turn red and break out in a terrible heat rash.
With a sob, he dashed under an overhang of a nearby business and shook at the doorhandle, but it wouldn’t budge. He thought about breaking the window to get inside but then he heard that laughter again and the streetlights above flickered and then went out, one by one.
Looking down the street, he watched as The Radio Demon stepped out into view, his antlers now wide and pointed above his silhouette, and turned his head down the street, looking in his prey’s direction.
A smell wafted off of him, even from this great distance. A dank, swampy, animalistic smell. The musk filled the prey’s nostrils and burned his sinuses, and he knew it was the smell of a predator about to pounce.
“That’s alright, Daniel, go ahead and run. Please do.”
To the prey’s horror, Alastor began walking quickly down the sidewalk, completely unaffected by the burning rain.  His limbs and entire body stretched out and elongated with every step, closing the distance between them faster than previously possible, until Alastor was a towering demonic presence chasing down the street after him.
“I like my meals warmed up!” he shouted, and the prey screamed as he took off again.
It was either face the rain or be eaten and the prey chose the rain as it sprinted down the street, screaming and crying out for help but not a light flickered on in the buildings as he passed them.
Eventually the burning became unbearable and the prey darted blindly into the nearest alleyway, praying to Roo herself that there would be some shelter to hide in and protect him from the rain.
And there it was, a small overhang by a bar’s backdoor, with a conveniently placed dumpster to hide next to that blocked his view of the street.
That was where the prey found you, standing innocently by the door, shielded from the rain, and he didn’t question why you would be there on a night like this. He only fell at your feet, clinging to your legs and shaking, his hands and face now beginning to blister, his tears hot and stinging his flesh as they fell down his cheeks.
“Please! Please, help me! Let me in! Please! He’s going to eat me, please!”
“Who is going to eat you?” you asked sweetly, tilting your head as you considered the pathetic demon at your feet.
“Alastor. Th-the Radio Demon. He . . . he . . .” the prey fumbled for words, his sentence trailing off as he risked peaking up over the top of the dumpster and seeing nothing but an empty street at the end of the alleyway.
“Oh, right. Him,” you said, nodding. “Well, that’s his thing, isn’t it? Going after demons that try and break their deals. Especially ones like you, who preyed after helpless young women when he was alive. Isn’t that right . . . Daniel?”
The prey’s breath caught in his throat as he glanced over his shoulder at you, a new kind of fear lighting his eyes.
“Who . . . who are you?” he asked in a quiet voice.
“That’s not important,” you scoffed. “Who was the girl you raped and left for dead in the park on the night of your 18th birthday? Or the sex workers you then tortured and killed and left their bodies out in the desert? Do you even remember their names? Do you know how many family members are still looking for their daughters, sisters, mothers?”
“I don’t . . . I didn’t . . .” he stammered, getting to his feet now.
“You did. No use denying it now, Daniel. Not when Alastor and I are so . . . very . . . hungry.”
A crackling noise, like the sound of several joints popping at once filled the air, and the prey looked up and up and up as he saw Alastor’s gigantic form peeling away from the darkened side of the building, turning from nothing but shadow into a very corporeal and deadly form before his very eyes.
Behind him, you shoved at his back, forcing him to fall onto his knees into a puddle of acid rain.
Then you stepped out from under the cover of the overhang, letting the rain soak your hair and clothes, and the prey looked up at you with renewed horror as he realized the acid water had no effect on you either.
“Please,” he whimpered and then began to scream as Alastor bent over and lifted him into the air.
You watched as the prey’s tiny body was lifted higher and higher until the rain and the shadows hid him mostly from view but you could still hear him screaming. Then there was a crunching noise and a wet sound, followed by a thin stream of blood that fell from the sky.
The screaming continued.
“This will be quite unpleasant until it’s over,” Alastor’s voice said from high above you. “But my darling companion does love the taste of demon heart.”
Another sound of stretching and tearing and then you saw it; the warm mass of your meal falling towards you, and you reached up and caught it with skilled precision.
With the prey’s heart now in your grasp, you brought it to your lips and took an eager bite, never minding the blood that ran down your forearms and coated your lower face.
The screaming above you came to a sudden halt with the sound of one final loud crunch and just as you were taking the last bites of your own meal, Alastor was standing before you.
His antlers were still larger than usual, their six points gleaming beautifully in the dim light of the alley, as rain ran down them in rivulets, soaking the red and black hair beneath them.
Alastor gave you a loving smile as you swallowed the last bit of heart.
“Feeling better, my love?” he asked.
“Much,” you said with a satisfied sigh. “Thank you.”
He reached a hand out, wiping away a bit of blood from the side of your mouth with his thumb, though he had hardly succeeded in getting it all.
“You always look positively stunning like this,” he said as he brought his bloody thumb to his mouth and gave it an appreciative suck.
And there in the rain and the dark, you and your lover shared a private and tender kiss, the perfect ending to a perfect date.
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Tag list for part 2? It will be smutty.
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strawberrymothteeth · 11 months
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Lost in the woods AU Once a upon a time when you was younger. They got lost in the woods at girl scout camp. Being the loner of the girl scout group no one quite noticed that you have disappeared. Crying on one of the many dirt paths you meet young cryptid sun and moon. With their help you return safely back to your girl scout group but curious about the cryptids you would continously seek them out. Over that month you and the cryptid boys forge a friendship. But as all good things it must come to an end. But you promised you would come back soon but soon they fade into just a long forgotten memory.
Fast forward you are celebrating that Vanessa has graduated Park Ranger training and is now a Park Ranger at Fazbear's nature park; that used to be the girl scout camp you went to as a young child. (can't say national because they are a for profit.) But Vanessa has been acting strangely ever since she started the training but Vanessa would never do anything shady....right? Unfortunately your naivety your good friend Vanessa is planning to sacrifice you to her good lord and savior Springtrap. close ups and tidbits
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Cryptid Sun: 🎇The more "nicer" of the two. 🎇He hides toys in his chest cavity to help try to calm down children. He tried it with Y/N but it just made Y/N more confused and panicked. 🎇Can summon fire sprites from his chest cavity. Often times this would be how he guides lost hikers/children back to their camps versus showing himself. 🎇When angry his face will be engulfed in flames. but do not fret he will be fine once he cools down his temper. This rarely happens but moon is very good at pushing his buttons. 🎇is the less upset one out of the two of them of Y/N not remembering them. 🎇 Him and moon learned how to speak and write through reading the horse books left at the girl scout camp. So they have an unusual amount of knowledge about horses. 🎇Can sense what is happening through the forest through the roots and can travel through the roots to whatever location he pleases at the National Park.
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Cryptid Moon: 🌙The more "aggressive" one of the two. (he just thinks he is just blunt and to the point.) 🌙He is currently trying to fly under the radar ever since a hiker stumbled upon him feasting on his meal. (whether it was human or not is up for debate. Ask him and he will just chuckle.) 🌙His wings got singed back when Sun couldn't control his fire sprites. He got back on him by putting a bunch of termites in his bed. 🌙Is the more upset one out of the two that Y/N forgot them. Especially when they grabbed Y/N to play with them in the sky for Y/N to panic and get dropped in the lake by accident. 🌙Moon was the first cryptid for Y/N to stumble upon when they were young as well as adults. 🌙Moon is a huge sucker for anything sweet whether they would like to admit it or not is up for debate. 🌙If Moon is the one guiding hikers back he would usually scare them in the direction they need to go. but with children he tries his best to make himself not as threatening(doesn't work half the time) and guide them while holding hands. (big softie)
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Y/N: 🐈‍⬛ remember sun and moon a bit but more of just chalking it up to imaginary friends. They do have a birthmark on their neck which he showed to sun and moon as kids. but in general very secretive about it. 🐈‍⬛is in transitioning and uses he/they pronouns. 🐈‍⬛very prideful of their pitiful t-stache. but a stache is a stache. 🐈‍⬛has a HUGE fear of heights which is why they panicked when Moon picked them up like they were besties. 🐈‍⬛gets easily lost so it constantly keeps getting lost in the woods. and Vanessa's cryptic directions aren't helping him at all. 🐈‍⬛is training as well to be a park ranger like Vanessa. He has known Vanessa for a few years before she started acting very secretive and a bit unstable. 🐈‍⬛is a lot more chill with Sun but that might change after he stumbles upon Sun enjoying a meal. they are slightly terrified of both but Sun and moon just want to hang out with their bestie(?).
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highkey would love tangerine x plus size!reader, esp for smut. bet he loves how they squirm when he kisses their stomach w his moustache being ticklish and !! his strong hands grabbing them, slender but firm fingers pressing into their plushy thighs
love it. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
as soon as I posted this, it completely disappeared from my dash and tags?? this isn’t gonna get seen, so that’s fun
tangerine x fem!reader (plus size) — smut
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word count. 249
warnings. 18+ sexually explicit content mdni
Tangerine had you flat down on the bed, near-nude, your thick, plush thighs spread just enough for him - his own body flat, his face between your legs. His lips ghost the inners of your thighs, the edge of his stache tickling at your skin. 
His palms ran over the expanse of your skin in that area, his fingers grazing along the stretch marks that litter you. He's taking his time with you, absorbing the way you feel, the way you sound, the way you look. 
The kisses he peppers between your thighs travel higher, now pressing light pecks around the swell of your tummy - his lips skimming the bulge you both find beautiful. His hands also follow suit, travelling higher, now finding themselves squeezing into your hips - the grip like he was trying to control himself. Handling your love handles with love, despite his almost hateful grasp.  
And when he perches back on his knees between your thighs, his body in sight again, you peek down, noticing the bulging tent in his boxers, a small, wet little patch right beside the head of his cock. He nor you have touched him yet, and though he looked like he was only a few short minutes from blowing his load. 
You eye up his dick, a slight entertained smile lining your lips when you meet his face. 
He only returns your grin with a shake of his head, chuckling weakly. "You make me feel like a right melt."
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SNEAK PEEK of Ryan’s interview from set.
patrickstinsontv: 🚨Exclusive🚨 Story of the Stache! @/911onabc returns for season 8, September 26, but Eddie’s / @/ryanaguzman mustache has already made its debut! Love it or hate it, this @/GiveToAHero exclusive is how the stache started:) For the record, I LOVE it! #911onabc
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911bts · 21 days
patrickstinsontv: 🚨Exclusive🚨 Story of the Stache! @/911onabc returns for season 8, September 26, but Eddie’s / @/ryanaguzman mustache has already made its debut! Love it or hate it, this @/givetoahero exclusive is how the stache started:) For the record, I LOVE it! #911onabc
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umadosedepascal · 9 months
(Banners are here)
NEW MEXICO(PART IX)- Pedro asks you to spend his birthday together with you. You just go.
W I N N E R(PART VIII) - You couldn’t attend SAG awards but Pedro meets you late in the night to celebrate.
O U C H (PART VII) - You are at the Golden Globes and meet Pedro over there, he didn’t win unfortunately but still, he is a winner in bed.
B O A T (PART VI) - Today is your last day in Malta. Pedro will be back to work, and you also need to return to your routine. Pedro wants your last day to be wonderful, nothing like a surprise with a perfect end. The three most intense days of your life.
COME FIND ME (PART V) - Pedro promised you a weekend, but an unforeseen event changes everything. Maybe he's a fan of surprises, maybe he can find you.
72 HOURS WITH HIM (PART IV) - The shooting in Malta keeps going, all Pedro needs is a weekend off, well…he got it. Would you go meet him for only three days? Hmmm yes!
PEDRO SOLO (PART III) - The days are long and exhausting, Pedro has a huge hotel room, hot tub ... But he is missing something, could you help him?
LOSING GAME (PART II) - You meet Pedro again not just to take back your panties. He wants to play a game, who’s going to lose?
HIGH MILES CLUB (PART I) - After partying hard at Met Gala making out with you in the bathroom and later taking you to his hotel room in NY, he finds something inside his red overcoat pocket in the middle of the airport. But it doesn’t stop, more unexpected and hot things happens during his flight back home.
(Banners are here)
🔥CORONA, MEXICO - You got invited by Corona to be an extra on the new “La vida mas fina” campaign at the beach. Even if was only one single scene, maybe just 10 seconds of screen you would be more than happy because the main reason was him…Pedro.
MASTERCHEF FAIL - With a busy schedule, Pedro finds some time to spend with you. You promised him to cook his favorite food. Maybe things get out of hand and dessert comes before dinner.
PURPLE IS THE HOTTEST COLOR - After having a difficult day, Pedro meets you, no patience, no time for conversations.Pedro only has one desire in mind: you here and now, no matter if anyone will see you.
It’s 3 in the morning…
Hey, I’m looking at you…
What a smile…
You wearing his purple shirt…
Pedro eat pussy drawing
Pedro eat pussy part II
Who are Santa Trindade
Gringa is on her late 30’s totally addicted to Pascal for the latest years (she doesn’t know what happened) although she’s following his work since 2019 because she is a Star Wars nerd and fell in love with a mandalorian 🤷🏻‍♀️. Her favorite Pedro boy is Javi Gutierrez because he is chubby and funny (Pedro vibes almost 100%).
What makes her wet is when Pedro: slide his finger on his lips while giggling.
Good vibes: if she had a date with Pedro she thinks she wouldn’t be able to walk the next day 🥲
@missyorkswhore is on her late 20’s and noticed Pedro when her uncle was watching Narcos, she saw Javier and asked him “wow, who’s that stach guy?”. A couple years later she finally got into Narcos and you know…she still want to marry Peña.
She loves when Pedro raises his eyebrow, and when he speaks Spanish [she thinks she can get wet in a fraction of seconds if he speaks like that to her in bed] ah and of course when he screams WHAT TOWN!!! as Joel.
Fave character obviously: DAVE FUCKING YORK (killer king)
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babyjakes · 1 year
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | april '23 ddlg-themed blurb night
requested by @brandycranby | ahhh bb eu 🥺 was just thinking of ari and his thick beard aaaa 💕✨️🩷🍒 for ur blurb night if u have room, soft!daddy!ari + crying?
warnings | ddlg. ari is soft and little dark, pushing baby way past her limits (dub/noncon). oral (f receiving). clit play, real puff puff behavior. overstimualtion. mocking/degredation, praise, dumbification. forced orgasms. squirting.
word count | 531
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as punishing as the trash stache is, i’m of the controversial belief that ari is probably the oral king when it comes to facial hair. like there’s just so much of it, and he totally knows how to weaponize it against you and your poor little pussy.
maybe he’s got you spread out on the couch, arms resting over your knees and big hands holding your thighs right in place. you’re not going anywhere, no matter how much you beg and cry😌
he takes his time with you like always, teasing you with his lips and fingers, enjoying your soft moans and hums of initial approval. the first orgasm is of course a fine and grand ordeal, though it’s not the main event.
that would come after, as he’s overworking your poor, puffy folds. after cumming so hard, you’re a drippy, drooly mess, your little clit now fully exposed and engorged with blood. ari knows, he knows it’s so sensitive now. throbbing. hot. achy. needy, as your daddy puts it. which justifies what comes next: the torment of your overstimulated pussy, especially your precious little button that ari loves oh so much.
“c’mon baby, just look at it. so swollen n’ angry lookin’, needs daddy to take care of it.” using a hand to pull back the skin around it, bringing his tongue down to dip into your sore cunt as his nose and mustache scratch against the aching bead of nerves. dragging the wetness of your last orgasm up to roll over it, earning soft sobs from you as you cry into your hands.
“please daddy, t-too much, please don’t—”
he pulls back to look at you with false concern. “honey, daddy’s just taking care of you. know your little baby pussy gets so sensitive after you cum, doesn’t it?” he brings a single finger up to rub over your poor nub as he speaks, worsening your tears to his delight. “see? can feel it throbbing against me. think you need to cum again for me, sweetheart. your body’s begging for it”
you struggle against his hold but it’s no use 😖 he coos at your pathetic attempt, soothing, “shhh baby, don’t cry. daddy’ll be real gentle, promise” but he’s not fooling either of you, you both know he’s loving this. the tears, the resistance, the abuse of your poor cunt
his mouth returns to its spot between your trembling legs, his tongue licking a fat stripe up from your dripping hole to your clit as he circles in on it with skillful precision, eventually easing the bud back into his mouth as he presses two fingers against your opening
“that’s it, baby. i know, i know sweet girl,” his voice comes out so patronizing through his sucking and kissing. he doesn’t fail to notice the way your whole body’s tensing up in preparation for your next climax. “almost there, angel,” he breathes against your burning button, nursing lovingly on it as you tumble over the edge. he groans and moans against you as you cum, the vibrations of his deep voice sending pleasure and pain shooting up through you as you squirt into his awaiting mouth—
yuh huh!! yum!!😌🫶
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