#THE npc ever he’s my baby son boy
unluckyprime · 2 years
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eye of the tiger!! >:3
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rennybu · 8 months
hi.... i'm just a poor boy . who does not know the loam lore. would you be willing to share.... a summary.... (so curious i am a loam enjoyer)
oh my gosh hi griff..! oh there is so much to tell... i will h ave no choice but to put this under a readmore. the shortest answer is that he is my character of 3+ years in @jawsandbones homebrew dnd campaign and he is like a son to me. but to start off with baby pictures:
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LOAM was born 52 years ago in a city called TILDEN, which is blocked off overland by a CURSED* SWAMP that creeps closer every year.
*Misremembered and only Recently Re-Contextualized Major Historical event
His mom is a shy, worried, and loving woman named Bayla - she's a druid and sells medicinal mushrooms of all sorts. His dad is an unwaveringly positive (but incredibly serious) mason named Uttara who proudly works on all sorts of projects around the city, especially major infrastructure. Yay stoneworkers!
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(Because fantasy lifespans are strange and somewhat silly to me I just imagine Firbolgs to be stuck in their mid-20s existential dread until they're like at least 150. The backstory part of this spans literally 51 of his 52 year s of life. he's so young)
He got equal enrichment from time spent in nature with his mom as from time spent in the city with his dad. His nickname in the Tilden Firbolg community To This Day is "Always With Questions" - a kind of affix to differentiate him from any other Loams. He may not know much but he really would like to find out, please!!!! He sees a lot of beauty in the natural world, but his idea of what's natural is skewed somewhat by the uh, Curse. He once fell through some algae into a deep body of water and had a very fun memento mori experience as a kiddo (beautiful golden sunbeam shining onto a silty skull)
He got the name Loam very young from his interest in both his parents' work, which lead to him learning about soil types and uses in gardening and construction aklfhglskg. Loam was important for both jobs so he (in guess-what-I-just-learned little kid fashion) told everyone who would listen about it. The association STUCK and he's Loam now :].
His birth name is actually Rahara! but that's secret knowledge only his bestest friends and Tzip and some scarycool important NPCs know.
He loves beasts and magic and plants so much. And on the flip side he also loves and is fascinated by architecture and engineering. He never got any like, higher academic schooling or whatever, but had many many different apprenticeship type training relationships from his parents, other tradespeople in the city, from the senior rangers etc etc.
Small break to plug @jawsandbones lore packets for the Quarter Cities (including Tilden), Scarabae, and the overall campaign setting!!!! I'm just gonna talk about stuff without adding too much context of my own because AAA WORD COUNT!!!
The hole in Loam's ear was brought about by a shit ass Tilden local trying to tear his earring off him, since he'd bought it from a foreign merchant from a city Tilden/the Quarter has historically warred with. Loam's always been open minded and deeply curious about other cities, due to how isolated the bog is. Any visiting merchants are sources of wonder!!!! Even though he only bought the one hoop earring from the Quietus merchants (Mirjam and Mihail, mother and son!), after the ice was broken he stayed by their stall the rest of the day and talked about all kinds of things, and befriended Mihail!
Loam trained as a ranger as soon as he was old enough to do so!!!! He saw it as the next logical step past what his parents would be able to show him and was incredibly eager to get hands-on experience in the wilds. He met his first ever boyfriend among his peers there!!! Bragi... he has had many lovers and situationships in Tilden since, BUT only recently feels comfortable trying monogamy again after meeting Tzipporah.
Bragi unfortunately died badly to a creature in a traumatic backstory incident that left young Loam super fucking bereft and hyper aware of how easy it is to die. (Big monster attack + group of trainee rangers accompanied by a few more senior rangers + chaos and bloodshed. Loam carried Bragi to safety and tried resuscitating him but he was already gone. The experience made him uncomfortable with the idea of being in a defined, monogamous intimate relationship for the next like. 19 years. He felt like he got ripped in half!)
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After the ranger's guild recovers from THE CREATURE ATTACK, Loam meets his close friend, Reece, a fellow ranger and Kenku (she looks like a masked shrike)!!!
He gets his septum pierced by the same visiting merchants from Quietus a few years after Bragi's death. It's a very important moment for him, where it feels like he can finally start to let himself change and grow beyond that event. He also spends more and more time in the city, away from the more rural/overgrown districts, and chases a love for the arts and partying and people, where he meets Kallirhoe (human, not a even a classed bard but like. an indie musician. an eboy if high fantasy had eboys. a tattooed twinkish fellow. you know the type)! They are very good friends who also have sex. Many days spent waxing poetic about THE BIG WIDE WORLD and how they'll never get to see it. (Spoiler: He sees it)
Loam gets into tarot as a hobby, and makes his own deck in a very scribbly freehand style with ink and charcoal!!!! he's slowly replacing them with more Worldly artwork - the deck he left home with was very. Tildencore
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Many good years of being a party girl who has to go work a construction job tomorrow and then go be a ranger at 6. A rich and storied life. AND THEN THE GAME TIMELINE STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A path Through the bog has recently finished being built by Dagda, the Southern representative to the other Quarter Cities, making more trade possible overland, and making local tensions go even crazier. Also there are strange Awful Huge Scary Monsters appearing WORLDWIDE, so the Directions and the Three Kings of Scarabae and the remote island of Geest (ADRA'S HOME!) and the mysterious magical Widow's Wood are all like "STOP WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RN". Trials are held in the Western city of Dina to appoint FOUR TEAMS OF FOUR to help defend against the new threat. Loam is like. Well I've gotta fucking do that. I've got to try. If I'm not chosen, at least I've set foot outside. He has a fight with his mom about this, because she is terrified she will lose him, like she lost her mother in a previous conflict when Scarabae was occupying the Quarter, before Loam was born. He stands firm and his dad has his back, and ultimately he leaves with both their blessings, but his dismissal of his mom's feelings weighs heavy on him the longer he's away from home. (He has a big cry and reconciliation about this when he is next able to come home.)
I'm clapping and cheering and skipping joyfully because now he HAS MET HIS BESTEST, DEAREST, CLOSEST FRIENDS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD: ADRA ILSA AND TALEE!!!!!!! I have to be so careful now because we have no joke hundreds of pages of notes. I cannot read that shit on google docs mobile app. We are approaching session one hundred and fifty of this game. They love each other so fucking much. THEY ARE THE INFORMATION GATHERERS!!! A PARTY OF SLEUTHS!!!
He also has his meet-cute with Tzipporah at the trials, which in hindsight is hilarious, because of the whole, "Tzipporah was sent to the trials as a spy (by the very people responsible for the giant awful monster crisis) and immediately pegged Loam for an easy mark to get information from" thing. And he was 100% correct. But a lot has to happen before that gets revealed. They took a nice night walk and write each other big long letters. And Loam tells him soooooo much <3
At one point while exploring a wizard tower he attunes to a lightly cursed ring and forgets what his parents look like, like their likenesses are Gone from past and recent memory. Which is a big thorn of homesickness that he writes to them about. He has a big cry and stares at them both for a LONG time when he next sees them.
Also they save an orphaned Kenku from some bandits and now Loam has a little shoulder-sniper named Bubby. We have a son. A perfect little crow son who is really good at killing, with arrows. He hides things in Loam's hood regularly
Other major things include ummm umm Loam's TWO deaths, one during a dungeon-rescue type scenario in a room that was Flooding and full of Phantoms and also a charmed Druid (Feyan, good friends now) wildshaped into a big scary water snake. He was hurt bad and (comedically) levitated so he wouldn't DROWN but then got Phantom Speared right through the torso. Second one was because Tzip's evil half brother Vences was like, mad at him for being a good influence on Tzipporah and interfering with the spy duties. Chill touch so no healing + dagger in the ribs! Ow. Also the reveal that Tzip was a spy was happening like, simultaneously here so we were yowling and screaming. (Well. Talee and Co had their long time hunches about this. Loam and I had turned a beautiful blind eye to all suspicious activity)
ANYWAY HIS DEATH SCARS LOOK LIKE A COMET ABOVE HIS BELLY!!!! The spear scar made a patch of his fur turn white (front and back), and the dagger scar is its crude tail!
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I am skipping over so many plot revelations i. This is just the Loam Cut. and it's not even all of it.
His buzzcut was for emotional superstitious reasons!!! He cut it after Death 2 and Tzipporah getting taken against his will back into Evil Gang. Loam's mom has a lock of his hair at home now. ALL THIS TO SAY TZIP IS OKAY, NO LONGER SPYING, WE RESCUED HIM AND RIPPED A MASK OFF HIM AND SAVED HIM FROM GETTING HIS MIND EXCAVATED ! SO LOAM IS GROWING HIS HAIR OUT AGAIN!
The deaths of his close friends and their allies have also been. insane for him to process. To return someone to life in this setting u need to like. entreat a Titan. plead on the deceased's behalf and offer something up for the chance to revive them. (NO player spells like revivify. house rule) So interacting with these entities he sees as like Both forces of the natural world AND of huge religious/cultural importance regionally. And to have their requests be HEARD? He loves magic he loves Titans. And the plot is unfolding in such a way that scares me so bad. He loves his titan (The Curious Spear) SOOOO MUCH he has like the foundational belief that it can see through his eyes. Even if not true it motivates him to always seek understanding of strange new things.
Oh my god I didn't even talk about his multiclass into druid. He's a druid also. Circle of the Stars!! As a navigational point. He loves them. He loves space. He loves geography and regional interpretations of constellations. He used to just do freehand observations but truly became dedicated to charting the skies of every place the party travels to, after Tzipporah gifted him a grid-lined journal <3 <3 <3 STARRY FORM!!!!!!
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His awe and inspiration and hunger for knowledge is the well he draws magical power from. My Boy is thematically bound up in the soggiest parts of this earth and also the unknowably distant stars above and I'm normal about it (lie) (There is a new and scary Third Thing rising which is the space between. I <3 Void). I know i draw him beige and green but his like, character colour theme is. Dusk to me. Gloaming. When the world is lit like a dream <3
In summary. In conclusion. He and Adra and Ilsa and Talee (and the rest of the Four of Four) are trying to prevent Global Disaster of an existential scale never before seen and are being very brave about it.
Loam wants to understand everything about Everything. Because understanding is love. Unfortunately there are hostile resentful and vengeful forces making this hard to do. Most recently by saving a city we Unmade a magically sustained centuries-old library. And we haven't had time to like fully let that sink in. Because of the horrors of war and being Four of Four means responding to emergencies and protecting cities as best we can against a foe that was forgotten by history until like, 10 months ago. Less, even. I hope this is anything. I hope u are his friend now too because he is yours
good lord how could i forget. His gender is male in such a way that he does not give a shit about it. He's one of the girls. He's genderless. Like a knight. His sense of identity is built on Living Laughing and Loving.
his personal goals are 1. to uncurse the bog in such a way that the wrongs committed by Tilden historically are brought to light and righted, 2. to get super married to Tzipporah and build a house together, and 3. to somehow, eventually, through great teamwork and effort, cure(?) the dreadful lingering soul plague on the island of demeter. HUMBLE! OH and to make a finished star chart covering the entire planet. humble.
thank u for reading here are his current stats
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 434 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made and the collages.)
Last chapter was CRAZY MAN. WTHHHH
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Um… wtf? 😀
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LOOK AT BABY BOY, USING HIS OWN ACTING SKILLS LIKE THAT. 😩😩💓💓💓 Or is he actually crying? Idk, can't tell. Oh, and “Grandma bullied me, mom.” 😐
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HOW DOES SHE KNOW CHARLES CHOI??? MF A CELEBRITY AROUND THESE STREETS. Him and Jinyeong both bruv. 😭😭😭 (Also, “Too late mom. Already met him and he attempted to kill me too.” /j Charles Choi and Grandma would make a perfect couple. 😌✨)
Awww, is that baby Daniel? 😭 Also, wait a damn minute. Why does he look like...
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The typos on here. 😅 "Choio" DFJKDSAHFKLSHDSJLKF SORRY. The first time I was reading this, I had to reread because I thought I was crazy for a sec.
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You guys wish you were that cow, huh...? 👀 Yeah, I see you. You can't fool me...
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Aw shit. Danny boy is gonna get gang.... (banged). SORRY. I CAN'T HELP IT-
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OMG DANIEL. BEAT THEM UPPP!!!! 😤😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽
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Dude. Why did I think this was Zack Lee for a second? 😳😳 (Zack and Gun if they had a child together LMFAO) ALSO THIS NEW GUY IS HOT AF. WHO IS HEEEEEE??? 😩🔥🔥🔥 (And we haven't gotten any naked scenes ever since Samuel, so is PTJ giving us some fan service since Samuel can't do the job right now...? 👀)
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WTH IS HE IN A TUB FULL OF SNAKES? N A K E D ? 😳 I mean... if he's into getting his thing bitten- 👀 NAH, NAH, NAH, IM KIDDING, I SWEAR. 😭😭😭😭
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I don't blame you if you stared at him for more than a minute.
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*N S F W M E M E S W A R N I N G*
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I can just imagine that horrifying face of his. Smiling so menacingly with those terrifying eyes. Like yessss king, go crazy!!! 😍😍😍
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LOOK AT THESE DAREDEVILS. DAAAAAAAMN. TERRIFYING AS HELL. 🤭 DANNY BOY REALLY GOT IT FROM GUN FRFR. (Ugh, like father like son. Daniel could be my son- I mean, what? 😀)
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Ok, but why does this mf look like a DILF??? HE LOOKS LIKE A MIXTURE OF MANAGER KIM FROM HIS OWN WEBTOON AND ELITE WHEN HE WAS STILL YOUNG. LMFAAOOOOOO (I'm deadass ab this. They're attractive ngl.) AND WHY DO THE VILLAINS LOOK HOT AF? I'M NOT AGAINST IT, BUT I FEEL LIKE PTJ IS INTO SEXY VILLAINS. HE HAS A KINK FOR THEM. AND HE B R E A T H E S THEM. IN AND OUT. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 (Update: I guess Kwak Jichang LITERALLY IS a piece of shit. Think about it… 💩)
ANYWAYS, we finna see who these Chungcheon mf's are next chapter. Hopefully, we get to know what the deal is with these people hating on Jinyeong. Bc I STG, IF THIS DRAGS OUT FOR THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS, I’M GONNA LOSE IT. 😠😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽
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arsene-ee · 22 days
This is literally just my opinion b4 anyone comes for me
Cuz like how come the character, who is the closest connected to the plot has 4 hours less content than fucking Astarion, who is the least relevant to the plot.
And I'm not even joking cuz like Shadowheart has the Artifact which makes her relevant. Lae'zel is a Githyanki and knows about the mindflayers which makes her relevant to the plot. Gale has his Orb which is basically a last resort to kill the netherbrain making him plot relevant. Karlach was Gortash's (🤢🤢🤢🤢) slave, giving you a reason to dislike him and a reason to fight him, making her plot relevant. Minthara had a thing with Orin and works under Ketheric Thorm, connecting her to the main Plot. Halsin studies the brain worms and He once attacked Ketheric Thorm which caused the shadow curse or something blah blah making him connected to the plot. Minsc and Jaheira both encountered a Baahlspawn before (probably makes more sense when you're playing Dark Urge) and know how to deal with them (they have a fun interaction with Saverok or whatever his name is when you bring them there) making them plot relevant.
AND WYLL, he is the Son of Ulder Ravengard, you know just the duke of Baldur's Gate, making Wyll also the potential Duke incase Ulder dies. Baldur's Gate itself most likely wouldn't be standing if it wasn't for him and the pact he made with Mizora. His dad gets kidnapped and Tadpoled and then he crowns Gortash (🤢🤢🤢🤢) Archduke and then gets imprisoned in the Ironthrone (where you need to go anyways if you want to destroy Gortash's (🤢🤢🤢🤢) tall robots. Wyll is then urged by his dad to find Ansur, which basically gives you one of the biggest plot twists in the history of plot twists and bad love affairs.
Meanwhile Astarion is just a dude, sure he was a corrupt judge like 200 years ago but at this point that is so irrelevant. In regards of plot relevancy you could replace Astarion with a random NPC and it wouldn't change anything. Honestly I think Larian just wanted a conventionally attractive vampire sad white boy for no real reason.
I'm not saying Astarion's personal story is Irrelevant, it's well written and I understand his motivation (altough the fantasy raceism wasn't necessary but what do I know, right?). And hell Neil did a great job voicing him and making him sound arrogant as well as breakable when needed. the fact that Astarion's arrogance is partly what makes me hate him and infuriates me pretty much show's me that Neil is a great voice actor (also on account of him portaying Kamski in DBH whom I also hate)
Certain people Baby Astarion way too much the 200 something year old dude, who already was an adult when he became a vampire, in the end what happened between him and the people he discriminated against was what he had coming.
Meanwhile people say that Wyll was old enough to know what he was doing when making his pact with Mizora and that he shouldn't have been so naive. Wyll was 17 when he made his pact. 17. Idk about you but I, as a 19 year old look at 17 year olds and think of them as Children. 17 year old is not mature enough to make such life changeing desicions, I as a 19 year old am not mature enough to make a desicion like that. Wyll lost everything he ever knew while he was still a child. He hasn't had privacy since he was 17, he spend 7 years being watched by Mizora, without an ounce of privacy.
Also before anyone comes at me for being uninformed that the response to Wyll in EA was to small to warrant more content. I KNOE THAT, I KNOW THAT THE RESPONSE TO HIM WAS LOW. Just the other day I saw a post about it. I also saw a post how, if Wyll was just a fraction as mean as astarion, he would be one of the most hated characters in the game, so yeah, think about that.
all I want is for all the characters to have an equal ammount of content, which either means giving the neglected characters more content or cutting down on content characters who already have more content have.
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mojowitchcraft · 1 year
Fave WIP Round Up [Part 6]
Find the rest of my WIP Recs here
offer your throat, starve without me by jackpack Rated E | Words: 139k | Chapters: 22/24
At first, it’s just squirrels. Well. Saying it’s just squirrels is like saying in a thunderstorm, what’s coming down is just water: it’s not the substance that’s remarkable, it’s the amount. So, then: at first, it’s a lot of squirrels. -- Eddie Munson is a vampire. Steve Harrington just wants everyone he knows alive until Christmas.
Chiroptera [Series] by @stevieschrodinger Rated G-E | Words: 32k | Works: 5
Steve opens his bedroom door to find...absolute carnage. His bed has moved, the mattress is off the frame, there’s blankets and pillows strewn everywhere, feathers swirling in the air. “Eddie?” Eddie pops up on the other side of the bed, shirtless and frantic looking, “I didn’t, I didn’t do anything,” he says guiltily, “it just, it just...it just exploded,” and then he mimes an explosion, waving his hands in the air. Steve stares, the feathers settling. Eddie’s actually naked again and appears to be building some sort of fort on the floor of Steve’s bedroom, Steve blinks, “the pillow doesn’t matter Eddie.” Eddie nods decisively, “good.” Then, after a moments thought, “do you have more?” And then he’s back on his hands and knees rearranging his fort, naked ass in the air, like a feral racoon or something.
In Your Room by @lostinadmiration Rated E | Words: 6.5k | Chapters: 2/?
“You’re fucking Steve Harrington.” Eddie chokes on the Pbr he was just beginning to down. “Jesus Christ!” He coughs and sputters, “what the hell—” “Oh, don’t play coy with me,” Gareth sits behind his drum kit, twirling a stick between his fingers with an utterly unimpressed look, “you are the most unsubtle son-of-a-bitch. Sir Steddingham? The new Npc with perfect hair, who regularly throws himself in harms way to protect the party? Really?” Eddie takes long sip, watching Gareth warily. The rest of the band hasn’t arrived yet, but it won’t be long until they do. “I’m surprised you didn’t break an ankle jumping to that conclusion.”
Baby Boy, Boy Toy by @eddywoww Rated E | Words: 10k | Chapters:1/?
“Your skin is very skin,” Eddie blurted out, face heating immediately as he realized what he said. “I meant nice. Your- it’s nice. You have nice skin. I sound like a serial killer, oh my god.”
Sugar's Sweet (And So Is He) by @paradimeshifts7 Rated E | Words: 27k | Chapters: 4/6
“I mean it,” Steve pushes, a soft clink echoing through the room as he sets his empty bottle down atop the glass coffee table. “I’ll show you the ropes, and you…” he makes a vague motion with one of his hands, “entertain me. What do you say? I help you, you help me?” His face is so devastatingly charming that Eddie wants to rip out his own hair about it. Fuck it, he thinks, and clinks his bottle against Steve’s, earning him a bright smile that warms his core better than any booze ever could. He watches Steve take a sip, his sinfully pretty lips tucked around the opening of the bottle, and wonders what the fuck he’s just gotten himself into. OR The sugar baby!Steve and lit professor/author!Eddie au, wherein Eddie is a disaster at fine dining, and Steve helps him out.
He's All That by @bifuriouswaterbender Rated E | Words: 30k | Chapters: 7/?
After his breakup from Nancy, Steve refused to believe his popularity could slip. Tommy made a simple bet: prove it by making a nobody so popular they'd be prom royalty. Stevie figured it would be a cinch, especially when he could date whatever girl Tommy picked to make her popular. Except Tommy didn't pick a girl. He picked Eddie Munson.
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guessimate · 4 months
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Today we are visiting the Imagos. The ROS for them was for one sim to bake the whole round. So I rolled for it and it would be the lady of the house cooking. She really should have a servant do it for her, but if the princess wants to cook, she may do as she pleases and eat whatever her delicate palate desires, I suppose. Before this era my sims ate mostly fish dishes, and the occasional hunted animal. So they must feel some sweet tooth cravings now.
Of course even a chill ROS like this one can have consequences, like a fire. Thankfully I use the Fight or Flight mod, so nothing bad happened and just the stove burnt down, but it could have gone way more tragically. I really don't need all the extra drama in my game though, unless I roll death.
While Baset was spending the round cooking, Sampsa was doing some woodworking, and later he moved on to playing chess.
I was thinking the most interesting part of the Imagos' round would be Sampsa wanting to raise an army of zombies, but nothing really came to fruition. I put him in the Paranormal career, however, he didn't want to get the skill needed for this career.
Sampsa wanted to hustle pool, which I thought was a bit odd since there was no billiards table at all in this town yet. I'm guessing he got this odd desire because he lost a game of chess to his wife, even though he had been cheating... His One True Hobby is Games, so it makes sense to take up the Logic skill. But I would really love for him to take to some hobbies useful for his career. It will happen some day, I'm sure.
The Imago family's patriarch Otso wanted to maximize any skill, so I made him work on his body because he was halfway through already. At the end of the round he decided he wouldn't mind becoming a wizard, and I'm so sorry to break it to him, but he's probably too old for that. I might turn his son into an evil warlock someday instead.
I think I've mentioned this before but Baset is the best sim I've bred in this entire neighbourhood so far. She's 8 Neat, 9 Active, Playful, and Nice. Her only con is being 0 Shy. So I'm really hoping her kids are going to turn out great too, even though her husband is a total grouch.
Their firstborn, Lalli, is a Sagittarius - 0 Sloppy (like grandpa Otso), 8 Outgoing (like dad), 9 Active, 9 Playful, and 9 Nice (all the rest like mom). His One True Hobby is Arts&Crafts. I think he looks more like his dad.
Baset really wanted to go on a date (not to cheat, just with her beloved husband). She's really attracted to Sampsa, even though he just shrugs at his lovely wife. They went on some dates and conceived a baby... after a couple of failed attempts (2 to-be-kids were not meant to be). But the next pregnancy was carried, it just took a while for Baset to conceive.
The birth went swimmingly. It's a baby boy named Ofilius. He's a blue-eyed blonde with skin 3.
I really want their dog Asena to have a puppy with Otis, the local gray wolf running around the hood and scaring everyone. I was starting to doubt that he would ever come to this lot, but he arrived at the very end of the round and I had to add 1 day to Asena's lifespan because she was a little too old, but she will have her puppies next round!
I dislike it when my game spawns additional service NPC-s it really doesn't need (I use anti redundancy), but this new masseuse gets a pass. He spawned with one of the elf faces, and I am obliged to marry him in.
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mysaldate · 5 months
7, 12 and 25 for the choose violence ask. for any fandom you like~
I tried answering this like three times and Tumblr crashed on me every time and then I just got busy with irl stuff but I AM HERE TO ANSWER NOW!
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Loaded question, let's go! But as a general rule, my opinions rarely change depending on the fandom reception. Fandom behavior might deepen preexisting feelings but it rarely changes my perspective on characters. With that said... TWST: R/ook used to just be a very strong dislike, and then all the incidents with his fans happened and made it so bad he became a legitimate trigger for a time. The amount of times his fans harassed me, invalidated my experiences, my trauma, and sent extreme hate messages including but not limited to gore, animal gore, and detailed death threats is honestly astonishing. He's not a trigger right now anymore but I do still cover my screen whenever he pops up and I keep all his tags blocked. AFK Arena: Similar though not to such degree, I already disliked Lucretia to begin with but her fandom is SO annoying, mostly a bunch of man-hating raging feminists who excuse infanticide because a stalker couldn't keep their victim in her clutches while he was busy saving hundreds of lives. Antandra fans are incredibly hypocritical and annoying too but not as bad as Lucretia fans. Makai ouji: Not during the run of the series but I do find it incredibly worrying how many people seemingly forgot all Baalberith did just because one booklet had him be good with kids and apparently he wishes to have a family. For those unaware, Baalberith has a son whom he abused for thousands of years, mentally, physically, and even sexually, going so far as to change his memories and seal his powers away. The series itself doesn't shy away from showing just how awful this is and what horrible effects it has on the son, yet the late fandom somehow missed all that.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I used to like almost exclusively unpopular characters so *cracks knuckles* TWST: SEBEK! This little baby boy gets so much hate in this fandom when there is SO MUCH to love! He is a mixed-race baby with severe self-esteem issues and deep-rooted racism which clashes with his generally people-pleasing and polite personality. He is very insecure and projects his own value as only related and solely dependent on his work achievements. And that's not even mentioning his blind adoration of Malleus and how much he is still going to struggle with that over Book 7. AFK Arena: There are honestly so so so many of them, and it only got worse with AFK Journey (ew) coming out since that game messes up everything it touches. But that's not what we're here for. So let's start going down the list very very quickly! I'll just do one from each faction (not gonna do NPCs because there's too many good ones and no dimensionals either). Zaphrael – victim of a stalker blamed for her crazy behavior to the point of being banned as a god and sealed away by his own people and yet he still fights to protect the innocents. Khazard – he loved life and the living world so much he became a demon and then he STILL doesn't go on a destructive rage or anything, he did a grand total of TWO evil things, one of which is also kinda debatable in terms of evilness, also a good teacher/dad. Eluard – victim of systematic social crippling and locked into a work position he hates and he's severely depressed and cries every time he is forced to take a life, his own life at stake and having nowhere else to go Salaki – the lore is SO JUICY with this one – or well, it would be if the creators ever did anything with it instead of wasting it on this stupid dragon thing but aaaanyway, the whole concept of "Salaki" being made up of generations upon generations of souls adopted or otherwise dedicated to sealing away a corruptive meteor that slowly erodes their mind until a new host takes over? Genuinely one of the best character stories they've ever had! Oku – broken dad whose daughter got kidnapped by slavers and that made him become extreme and lash out at the world, who adopted a twice orphaned werebear girl and never pressured her into anything or stoked any hatred in her, and mentored an orphan boy who wanted to become a killer for protection like him, letting his new children choose their own paths while seeking redemption through being the best father figure he could be to them Treznor – tragic escapee leader who had to leave his best friend behind after his mind was broken and he betrayed their plans, who spent years in captivity being tortured for trying to save his people and keep to his oaths, and even when the tortured souls of his people joined into a mount for him, he sends the mount away if he takes too much damage because he can't bear letting them down again Makai ouji: Technically, he is a main character but Michael is definitely underrated and I can see why, especially for anime-onlys. He got done very dirty by the anime which made him antagonistic and down-right evil at times but in the manga, we get to see him for the anxious, scared, poor little thing he is. Yes, he lashes out. Yes, he is violent. Yes, he seems paranoid. He's dealing very poorly with it all but you can see why. You can see how he got his trust broken time and again, how everyone he trusted either abandoned or betrayed him or let him down. He has SO MUCH baggage and guess what, his "happy ending" is not that he was wrong and he has friends and all that, it's that he was RIGHT. He was right and he had to accept it. Because sometimes you aren't anyone's first choice. Sometimes, your paranoia isn't just paranoia. And sometimes, there just isn't anything for you left in this world and the best you can do is dedicate your all to give others what you can't have yourself.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Makai ouji fandom is dead but it was very nice back in the day. AFK fandom is small and I am honestly considering leaving it for good with how much the new creators have been screwing over the fans so only one fandom left. TWST: "The fandom hates female characters!!!!" No. There are maybe two, three people who genuinely dislike female OCs specifically. All the canon female characters are adored. Female Yuu's are usually not even paid attention to, much like male Yuu's. Female OCs make no sense for the canon setting so unless you're running an AU, most people might not engage with that kind of content. Private RP groups/servers will sometimes ban them because they don't want to deal with AUs or for whatever other reason. I've seen hundreds of complaints about how much the fandom hates girl OCs but never saw any actual hate on female OCs at all.
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kiroonsmoon · 5 months
24, 25, 26 for rejuv asks
24. Favorite npc/minor characters that barely get screentime? (Piano Lady, Truck Guy, Sariah, etc.)
Hyo’ro/David, aka Geara’s bio dad.
He’s so fucking interesting for like what??? Only be in one help quest?? You’ve opened the floodgates you WILL listen to my insanity.
Like imagine wandering the voidal chasm for who knows how long, waking up with no memories and being taken in by a village. A village where you know no matter what you’ll always be an outcast. Imagine not having them for so so many years. And then this random kid walks into your house asking about it and later comes back with something you own’d. Something with your real name! You finally begin to remember.
You remember your old life, you had a wife, you had a son! A baby boy! They have to be somewhere still in the chasm! You have to go and them! Only to get attack by and Absol and saved by the same kid who helped you get your memories back.
And then oughhhh, both choices make me emotional. You either go back into the void, risking losing your life and memories once again for the ones you love. And while we don’t know about Helena that fact Geara DID get out OUAGDGWIDHWJ. Or if you stay, constantly having to wonder about your loved ones and make a new life without them. Did they die? Did they ever get out like you? What happened to them?
Just OOSUHEJWJW. I always tell David to stay personally. I breathe copium that we’ll get a scene between David and Geara (we will not). Anyways uh that’s my ramble take a funny from my live blog when I did my paragon run <3
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25. Most frustrating/hardest battle you've ever faced?
(Takes a long drag of my cig)
Spacea and Tiempa, renegade, mono dragon.
I was playing story mode. I had debugged in the garchompite. I still couldn’t beat it until I lowered the damn levels and put on litemode. I don’t think I even would have been able to beat it with the levels I lowered it to without Arelite Wall (THANK YOU RYLAND. THANK YOU).
26. Favorite/most fun battle you've ever had?
Puppet Master 100%. The entire story and atmosphere at that point is so fucking hype that even though I know what will happen now I can’t help but get so fucking hype I need to take a break to pace around my room.
Some honorable mentions that come close: vs Host fight, Karma Beast Talon and vs ANA
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stormbreaker101 · 6 months
pinned post!
I'm Leah, 21, he/him only.
not necessarily a fandom blog, but im here for fandoms and memes more than anything else. main fandoms at the moment are Wizard101, Dungeon Meshi, Epic the Musical, Undertale/Deltarune, will rb stuff from other franchises tho.
i am also obsessed with my own independent writing, Corrupted Spiral (a Wizard101 AU). A lot of posts I rb will be tagged #Corrupted Spiral and/or #CCSAU. Feel free to ask me about it. I love talking abt my work, even if i dont like publish it officially.
I have OCs! a few of them have actual bio posts but they may be outdated lol. Their names and little blurbs r below the cut. Prone to updates as I remember more of my silly little guys.
Undertale...ish, the Quotev era characters. (Most of these characters are retired from my writing and don't have active stories but are still dear to me.)
Chancery Hope Gaster - my first ever official OC, Soriel ship child. She's my first and the foundation so I love her. basically 50s.
Renee - an alternate timeline variant of Chancery who became a villain for the majority of her conscious life, "The Glitch". Now a has-been trying to find something to live for. 30.
Shadow Rouge - Chancery's childhood friend turned boyfriend turned husband. Dragon. basically 40s-50s
Flare Rouge - Chancery and Shadow's eldest son, a major protagonist in CCSAU. Balance wizard. 24
Flint Rouge - Flare's twin brother, younger by 3 minutes :P
Spark Rouge - Chancery & Shadow's eldest daughter. 18??
Steele Rouge - Spark's twin sister.
Poacher - A mercenary, big game hunter, and all around tough but cool guy. Also a dragon. 50s but I think this dude transcends time he just doesn't die lol. A very old oc, I don't remember much about him.
Coal - All of Poacher's LV distilled into a separate entity. Not that bad. In fact, he comes off as less threatening than ol' Poach. Anime boy twunk guy. I cannot picture him as anything older than 26 but surely he's older than that. Much to figure out and rebuild.
Nora Gem - my main Wizard, the Scion in Corrupted Spiral who went astray. Now some unholy mix of human, divine, bogeyman, and Lost. Storm wizard. 28. Probably dating Renee.
Sarah Dragontail - Nora's mom, a Wizard who's taken up freelance wandering traveler heroics. Formerly Life wizard, now a Music wizard. 56.
Iridian Fairytail - Nora's adoptive baby sister. Myth wizard, untrained. 10
Emma Titansong - Nora's cousin, Nordic Champion, mostly-retired Life wizard. 20.
Emmaline Stargem, better known as just Star - Emma's twin sister. Death wizard.
Savannah Prismage - Emma and Star's younger sister. Fire & Ice wizard, young pioneer in the study of "Thermancy" (thermo + mancy). 16.
Kiyom - the Nothing, gone on a path unlike Dasein did in canon and so became Something Else.
Para - the Divine Paradox separate from Nora, and the Dreamer given consciousness.
Mauria Kutscherzo - Maulwurf von Trap's mom. 60s.
Malkah Hadas - Queen of Mandoria (the one who had been on the throne before Mandar showed up) and Mandar's wife. Late 60s.
Dr. Clark Savage, Sr. - Duck Savage's father and creator. Dead at 65.
Agnes Chastity-Crane - a crane in Night Forest who begins investigating the odd mana left in the wake of people questing through Lemuria's story. Also accidentally invented guns :D. 20s.
Mark Moonfisher - my interpretation of that one Schismist soldier in Karamelle, Novus, and the Test Realm raid. Because Arc 4 doesn't happen normally in my AU, his story ends up different. Sharkperson (specifically spiny dogfish) who was born to gamer but forced to minor/nonexistent npc.
Ruthless Dirk - my main Pirate, swashbuckler, Karamellian fae disguising emself as a human, grew up in Skull Island. 22.
'Fair' Sarah Paisley - my original Pirate, witchdoctor (with a LOT of creative liberty because KI didn't have sensitivity), grew up in Krokotopia but lived in Skull Island. 28.
Ieronim Masterson - I took an incredibly minor character (Jim Masterson) & gave him more attention than canon ever would. Living with his brother Barklementizov & the rest of the Magnificent Seven, slowly healing from his time in the army.
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sweaterspoons · 2 years
i can't rememnber if you have a maze tag and a separate labyrinth tag but im so curious either way. what the fuck are you talking about please elaborate *kicking feet in the air twirling a phone ckrd*
GRABS YOU!!!! THANK U FOR ASKING i will now be typing for four hours<333
the labyrinth is the maze!!!!!! The Maze refers both to the play-by-post d&d campaign im running, and its setting :D
the pitch, essentially, is this:
the maze is a very little-known legend. and even if you're among the few who learn about it, it's incredibly difficult to find... and even fewer people ever make it back out.
but those who DO make it out return with their heart's greatest desire.
riches, power, immortality, knowledge, a cure for all disease, a really fucking awesome sandwich... it's all possible in the maze :)
the maze itself is its own world, with... maybe its own consciousness? it bumps up into other planes of existence every so often, and when that happens, it creates Doors, which one can enter the maze through.
the challenge, theoretically, is simple. you enter through your door. the door locks. you go find your desire. when you achieve that, you ALSO get a key! the key unlocks your door. you go home.
in practice, it's.. well... a little more complicated <3
the maze is composed of an endless series of little worlds. some parts of it are pretty classic winding tunnels, hedges, what have you. some parts of it are... cities. forests. graveyards. oceans. etc etc etc. the dream is to feel a little bit infinity train : )
geeenerally you'll get pushed in a direction that'll get you toward your goal, but. you're gonna have to work for it baby!!!
we have FOUR player characters, all from different worlds <3
the guy, played by @spookyhetero ; a warforged barbarian, a father, an all around very strange fella from a very strange world. his face is an orb. his dad is a frat boy wizard. his son is a cactus. he's friends with the maze.
mara, played by @fia-bonkginya ; a half-elf oathbreaker paladin + undying warlock!! also the love of my life honestly. they're trying to get out of their warlock pact and it's going... swell :)
nadzeya oja, played by @eldathe ; a goblin druid, my darling, my angel, my emotional punching bag. she just wants to help. she just wants to prove herself. she just wants to find-- um... who... who was it she was looking for, again? (she can't remember. why can't she remember?)
and last, but CERTAINLY not least, is doctor charles jefferson atelier, played by @electricpoolshark ; a human artificer, former army medic, current engineer and rat enthusiast. he has a giant metal rat named algernon and she's his best friend. he's just here to learn about the maze, and accidentally doomed his own ass to walk its halls forever in like... the first five minutes.
honorable npc mentions include clementine, who's been here for quite some time; titan, whom everybody hates but is also the biggest and the sexiest and is my number one committer of nonbinary wrongs; and tetsuya, who is probably not a ghost but IS a little bit haunting the narrative right now.
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yuurivoice · 2 years
What’s your opinion on the new god of war and the characters
*contains discussion of themes and components of God of War Ragnarok, skip this if you don't want vibe spoilers!*
Just beat it yesterday. I think it's fantastic! I have a few criticisms, but my time spent being a creator also makes me realize that sometimes you've gotta make sacrifices and take turns that aren't necessarily exactly what you wanted, but are what gets you to the finish line...so I ain't mad at it.
The cast of characters in particular was the highlight for me. Getting to spend more time with them rather than "oh hey it's my favorite NPC!" moments that kinda highlighted God of War in the past.
Family has obviously been a key theme, and it's a favorite of mine.
It speaks volumes that "foolish naive youth fucks everything up because they don't know any better" is one of my most hated tropes but I'm totally okay with it in this game because of how much heart Atreus has, and that it's pretty logical that when a lil baby god finds out about prophecies that blow up his ego, he'd make some dipshit choices. He doesn't know any better, and I love what it does for Kratos as a character. The culmination of these choices and how it has impacted the people around them, and ultimately their relationship as father and son, makes it all worth it in my eyes.
You know what helped me with Atreus? Seeing him practice self-talk not only as himself, but from the perspective of the people he cares about. Exhibiting a level of understanding and emotional intelligence, knowing what those people would likely think or say to him, and considering that (despite typically ignoring it, as boys often do lol) helped me avoid ever feeling like "UGH THIS FUCKING IDIOT!" which I think is critical to avoid given that we need to care about Atreus even if he's not wise.
I love every character in Asgard. Yes, even that one.
I called the squirrel hot.
I love the side quests, they're particularly well written and given a lot of care (I think each map has one key side quest, but even the smaller ones are interesting), which is what open world games typically lack. They feel meaningful because of the themes and morals shared with the characters.
I typically hate "split POV between a favorite character and someone else" but any time I spent away from Kratos felt earned and not like a chore. I'm guessing that's not a popular opinion, but then again, I don't really pay attention to reviews or anything like that.
It's my game of the year, and I loved Elden Ring, but GoW2 is the total package. The performances, the music, the writing, the gameplay. Everything is exactly what I'd want in a big AAA game in 2022, and they delivered a complete experience.
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sukirichi · 4 years
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request: SWIMSUIT SHOPPING WITH JJK CHARACTERS — (yuuji, megumi, and gojo satoru ver!)
notes: i’ve reached a point in hell of no return, help 😩 anon knows exactly what she’s talking about and i’d be more than honoured to add on to this concept
warnings: nsfw content such as public sex, overstimulation, degradation, manhandling, oral sex (f and m receiving), road head, and slight cumplay (nsfw under the cut!) + this is unedited/not proofread,
(all minor characters are aged up)
masterlist ! requests are open
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he’s a pretty innocent boy
in a way that he’s not always dirty minded instead of him totally being...well, inexperienced
so when you ask him if he can come with you pick a swimsuit, he happily agrees
he loves going shopping with you and is extremely patient even if you take half an hour in just one shop
he’d happily carry your bags for you
seriously, this man is so low maintenance, he’s not going to ask for anything else or whine that you’re taking too long or that he’s hungry
he’s REALLY really patient and supportive of you
and even though he’s not an expert in women’s fashion, he’ll honestly give his opinions if he thinks a dress or shoe looks good on you or no
he might also remind you just how convenient your outfit would be on the event you plan to use it t
but this time, it’s a different case because you’re buying a swimsuit
now, yuuji’s seen you naked before so it’s nothing new to him anymore, but the moment he walks inside the swimsuit shop with all types of frilly bras and colorful pieces, he’ll immediately duck his head down in respect
he’s pretty fidgety the whole time
if you bring up a certain red polka dot bikini in front of your clothed body, tilting your head to the side innocently to ask, “how about this?”
yuuji’s brain will fry right then and there
he can imagine just how great you’d look in it, but he doesn’t want to be rude or too obvious so he’ll just nod and go,
“yeah, babe, that’d look great on you!”
he’s pretty silent the whole time, but really, all the blood’s rushed to his cock already
the whole drive back, yuuji is already so sensitive and clenching his jaw with his hands firmly gripping the steering wheel while you sit next to him, hiding your smirk
you almost want to laugh at how flustered he is, but he’s trying his best not to show it
but you’re not that bad, and so you ask him to pull over because the tent in his pants looks so uncomfortable and you doubt he’ll be patient enough to jack off in the bathroom when you both go back home
he’s confused at first, glancing over you with worry
“why, what’s wrong? did you want to go somewhere else?”
“no,” you laugh, pushing your hair back into a makeshift ponytail
and THAT has yuuji driving recklessly and swerving real fast and furious style because he knows what’s about to happen next
despite his eagerness, he’s still concerned about you, breathing heavily as you lean over your seats and start to unzip his pants
“a-are you sure about this? you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to,”
poor baby is already shaking the moment your nails rake over his thigh, your breath just ghosting over his clothed erection which is already damp with pre-cum
this makes you hum in agreement because yes of course you’re sure
you had a feeling yuuji would be turned on with this little escapade anyway, but you didn’t think he’d be this needy already
now it’s time for you to relax your throat and prepare yourself because yuuji is THICK
safe to say, all your arrogance is gone the moment you choke on his length, his big hands helping you keep the hair away from your face
meanwhile, yuuji is messily thrusting his hips up to your mouth, enjoying the way you just feel so warm around him
“f-fuck, baby, feels so good. i can imagine you already in that flimsy material, you’d be so pe-perfect, fuuckk.”
your chest swells with pride, always having been weak when it comes to his praising
once he reaches his high and paints your face white, yuuji lazily pulls you closer to him to kiss you, moaning when he tastes himself on your lips
you only giggle at how romantic he is even when your hands are still stroking his softening cock, and yuuji shudders a bit at the gesture
because he’s been such a great and supportive boyfriend today, you swipe at the cum near your lips, which makes yuuji’s eyes darken when you collect it with the tip of your tongue
then, as innocently as you could bat your eyelashes at him, you grin,
“would you like to see me wear it tonight? just for you?”
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“gumi, can you come shopping with me tonight? there’s a pool party this weekend with my friends and i need a new swimsuit.”
he wants to say yes because duh
but he also wants to say no because he’d rather not walk around in public with a raging erection
and we all know megumi is big, like come on, he’s toji’s son
like yuuji, i don’t think megumi is that perverted either, but he’s still a teenage boy with raging hormones
he may have more control over himself than yuuji, but he knows his limits
a swimsuit is honestly so innocent — it’s not even half as tempting as when you surprised him with a white lingerie set (which resulted you two in not getting out of bed the whole weekend lmao) so he wonders why the hell he’s so nervous
eventually he convinces himself that going with your girlfriend while she shops for a swimsuit isn’t anything new and it’s just a “normal couple thing” so bedgrudingly, he sighs and agrees
which he immediately regrets the moment you head straight for the skirtinis
there’s so much to choose from, and his eyes widen at the absurdity of how there’s so many designs and patterns
i feel leki megumi is a cheapskate, so he’ll be more focused first on criticizing the price tags before looking at you
“25 dollars for this...thing?”
he’ll shake his head in disapproval, but then straighten up when he sees you frown
“i think it looks cute. don’t you like it?”
you push up a frilly pink skirtini, the shade a soft pastel one that just looks so innocent and cute on you
it doesn’t help that you’re gazing up at him under your lashes either, a small pout on those kissable lips
he admits it does look cute, even cuter because you’re the one wearing it, but he still doesn’t like the price lmao
or at least...not until he’s seen you wearing it
once you’ve both gotten home, megumi heads straight to the kitchen because he’s been so parched (he won’t tell you that he’s been subconsciously swallowing his saliva the whole time, showing him material by material until it all gets suspiciously thinner and more revealing)
he doesn’t like limiting you or telling you what to wear, either, so he just follows you like a lost puppy, careful to note stare too much at anything to not make anyone uncomfortable
but then he goes back to your shared room, just about ready to call it a day since you sure did take your sweet time, and he sees you strutting in your underwear in front of the mirror
megumi freezes at the door like a lagging npc LMAO
you smile, turning to him as if he hadn’t just caught you checking yourself out, which he doesn’t blame you for because you look absolutely stunning in it
the skirt just hides the supple flesh of your thighs, but really, he’s more stunned at how your ass looks so perky in that skintight material
megumi looks away, flushed, running a hand through his hair because he’s too much of a gentleman to outright say he finds you so sexy in fear it would sound weird
but you take his sudden aversion something else, and you wrap your arms around yourself a little consciously, voice turning small
“does it look bad on me?”
he immediately picks up on how small you’ve made yourself, his eyes snapping to yours
“no, you look amazing! why would you think that?”
you pout, “you suddenly looked away. it felt like you don’t really like it.”
at this point, megumi is such a blushing, stuttering mess, approaching you carefully with his words stll stumbling over one another
“that’s not true,” he sighs, rubbing his hands on your bare arms, finally letting himself loose and shamelessly staring at how your breasts are just right under him, waiting to be touched
the tension in the room begins to thicken, and you shiver when his hands trail down your hip before squeezing the flesh almost possessively
“beautiful,” he’d murmur almost absentmindedly, and by the time you’re practically melting in the heat of his gaze, megumi just goes ‘fuck it’ and straight out kisses you
he’s gentle though
he knows you felt insecure and so he wants to take his time with you, touching you in places he knows you liked, curling his fingers in just the right spot that has you seeing stars
he doesn’t do anything that would make your body shake, but it still feels good — a lot more like lovemaking
and it is
he wants you to know he loves you and that you’re the most beautiful being ever in his eyes
megumi will kiss you starting from your calves and up to your belly, where he hovers for a minute before changing his mind and diving back down to where you want him the most
small, kitten licks in your core that has you dripping in his tongue, your hands fisting his hair
megumi doesn’t stop telling you how pretty you look just like that, loosing yourself in the pleasure he’s giving you
he doesn’t neglect your breasts; one of his hands reaching up to softly pinch the beaded nipples which has you riding and humping his face even more
megumi buries his face in your heat in that moment, his nose bumping your clit every now and then, and you feel so beautiful with how he can’t seem to get enough of you
he knows this just by the way you clamp down on his tongue, sweet juices coating his lips and he drinks it all like a starved man
“cum for me, sweet girl,” he coaxes, his thumb pushing your lips open as he watches you come undone for him
“that’s right — fuck — you’re so gorgeous, so perfect, just mine.”
and just when you think he’s had enough, megumi only flips you until your core is right on top of his face, his large hands merciless as he pushes your hips forward and backward on his tongue
similar to before, you and megumi stay in bed all day long with him going round per round, never getting tired of making you feel good until you’re just laying spent on your bed, juices flowing out of your abused core
you push megumi away when his fingers slide in your inner thigh
but no he’s not quite done with you yet
“no,” he growls softly, pushing your hands away and pinning you under his weight. “i’m not stopping until you finally see yourself the way i see you. so divine, so ethereal.”
your body is something he’ll never get tired of worshipping
you’re hella tired
but hey who are you to complain
you only wish megumi hadn’t ruined your swimsuit with your cum, but after a promise that he’ll jsut get you another one, you lose yourself to another mind blowing orgasm
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let’s be real here
you know EXACTLY what you’re asking for the moment you dragged him into a swimsuit shop
you don’t even bother asking him if he wants to go anymore because gojo being gojo, he’ll be whiny about it, saying you could just surprise him the moment you get home
to which you roll your eyes and say, “this isn’t for you, gojo.”
hah, but anything that is yours is his, and your body is definitely his
gojo is nothing but bored
he wants to go home already and just fuck you already, and he’s getting on your nerves so you threaten that you’re not letting him touch you for a whole week if he doesn’t shut up and accompany you for once
it’s not that gojo is mean and unsupportive of you, he’s just so horny in that moment he can’t think straight
but he also really, really likes touching you so the big man just pouts and crosses his arms
sighing loudly and rather dramatically
it only takes a few seconds before gojo straightens up, peeking under his blindfold when you pick up a plain black bikini with the top knotted behind your neck
it’s not really your style though, so you’re about to move to another design when gojo whines
“wait, why not that one? it would look great on you.”
ofc you know i’ll look great on you, but it’s not your favorite, and it’s fun to tease gojo so you shrug nonchalantly, picking up a dark blue legsuit instead
gojo absolutely LOSES it
man takes off his blindfold just to glare at the material as if it offended him
“babe, what the fuck is that?”
“it’s a legsuit, perfect for scuba diving. plus, it protects my skin from the sun. i wouldn’t want a sunburn.”
the way gojo laughs is so cocky you consider choking him with the suit
“that’s what you have me for?” he points to himself incredulously, “i’ll put the sunblock all over your body babe, you don’t even have to worry about that.”
“please. i’d already be stripped down to my birthday suit before you even get to open the bottle,” you scoff, muttering under your breath, “damn fucking horny guy can’t keep his thing inside his pants.”
however, this doesn’t faze gojo
“and what’s so wrong with finding my girlfriend so sexy and hot i want to fuck her all the time?”
honestly what the hell were you thinking, assuming that you’d one-up gojo when this man would always be superior when it comes to being dirty LMAO he is just so shameless
but whatever, you ignore him, heading to the checkout with a self-assured smile
gojo trails behind you, his anger radiating off of him so strongly you can feel it
“y/n, you can’t even swim. don’t fuck with me and say you’re buying that to ‘scuba dive.’”
“what, so i can’t learn now?”
“just buy the black bikini. it looks great on you.”
“i told you already, i’m not buying that and wearing it for you. i only dragged you here because i need someone to carry my bags.”
you know what happens to brats?
they get punished.
and that’s exactly what happens
gojo grabs your wrist rather roughly back to where you’ve left the black bikini, and not only does he shove it to your chest, commanding you to wear it, but he also shoves you in the nearest dressing cubicle
next thing you know, gojo has his palm over your mouth as he pounds into you from behind, absolutely railing you to the point tears are flowing down your cheeks
“look at you — not so bratty now, are we? you’re just a slut for my cock, aren’t you, sweet girl?”
gojo lifts one of your legs up in the crook of his arm, forcing you to look at the way your pussy greedily sucks him in in front of the mirror
you’re so wet that the squelching of your pussy, along with the slapping of skin, resonates in the cramped space
you reach behind gojo and move away from his hand, gasping breathily while your breasts bounce
“gojo, ah, shit — we might get caught.”
“do i look like i give a fuck, baby?”
no, he doesn’t. and he proves this by pushing you down by the back until your cheek is squished against the mirror, your ass pressed against his pubic bone
with the way gojo’s hips are angled and his long cock is hitting places only he can reach, you no longer care about people finding you in this position
your mouth is open, eyes rolling at the back of your head and drool even begins to slide from your lips
this makes gojo laugh, two of his fingers rubbing against where you two are connected to gather your wetness before shoving it into your mouth
“shut the fuck up, you slut.”
gojo’s large hands then comes up to grab and squeeze your hips roughly; you think he’ll leave bruises there or marks in the shape of fingers
he’s basically using you as his fucktoy now, paying no mind to how you’re crying from how he’s hitting in so deep and fast
your body just transcends into a different dimension
you’re fucked out, crying and begging for him to go slower
“gojo — baby — p-please, a little more gentle, ah, fuck.”
“what was that?” he teases, bending forwards to nip at your ear. the sudden shift in angles has the tip of his cock kissing your cervix, and you immediately clench around his cock.
gojo taps your lips when your eyes shut close from the exhaustion, barely able to comprehend anything else other than the familiar coil deep in your belly
“i couldn’t hear you, princess. speak louder.”
“slower, please,” you beg, placing your sweaty palms flat on the mirror in an attempt to hold onto something. “too much, satoru, t’much.”
poor you, his baby looks so tired and fucked out
with a sarcastic sigh, he kisses the pads of your shoulders, then bites the knot of your black bikini until the material falls to the ground
your breasts are now free from its confines, and his rough hands reach to fondle them
you expect him to grip it possessively like how he always does, but instead, he massages them with tender care, whispering sweet nothings in your ear
one of his hands reach over to where your hands are, looping it through your fingers while his thrust slows down
he forms a tantalizing pace of hitting deep before pulling out in a such slow, torturous fashion then slamming back in until he bottoms out in one thrust
it’s dirty, lewd, and still very much wrong — but it feels so right and it’s rare that gojo ever listens to you so you find it romantic
gojo isn’t the least bit apologetic when you’re both kicked out from the shop
because in the end, he won, and he holds your shopping bag with the cum-stained black bikini proudly all the way back to his car
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA Dad scenario: Someone hits you.
Summary: You're around 8 playing or trying to get you parents attention, someone hits accidentally or on purpose, your father took exception to this. and decided to return the favor with interest.
Shigaraki: All the senior members of the league knew who you were and knew to never mess with Shigaraki's princess, unless they wanted to be a pile of rot on the floor.. however there were was a newbie about 18 years old who just recently joined had no idea who you were and thought you were some street brat and the resident punch bag, so imagine his surprise when he demanded you hand over your Gameboy, and you told him to go suck a lemon bad move.
You were kicked in the ribs sent airborne toward the wall and crashed into and fell to the floor clutching your stomach in pain. "Next time I ask for something you give it to me you little brat!" the boy sneered before looking down at your crying shaking body and heard you calling out. "Daddy...daddy..." He started laughing at your wailing and tried to get everyone else on his side, but no one moved they just stared at (dickhead) in horror he looked at them all confused.
"C'mon what the hells wrong with you guys?" as you were hyperventaling as the door to the back opened in stepped Shigaraki who looked around the bar confused why everyone was so quiet before hearing you crying and wheezing and his red eyes zeroed in on his daughter on the floor and (Dickhead) walking over to him with this shit eating grin holding your Gameboy … 
"Hey boss you like gaming, you got any-" Shigaraki shoved him and made a bee-line towards you and he crouched down carefully helped you sit up , you were clutching your ribs. "D-daddy.." you stammered as your dad shushed you and pulled your shirt up, if they thought Tomura was mad before they were wrong! the second he saw the large bruise on your stomach, he saw red...  "it's all right Princess Daddy's got you." he cooed picking you up ( he's got gloves on) keeping your face tucked in his shoulder.
Shigaraki then turned towards (dickhead) who's cocky grin turned to a confused pout as he tried processing what was going on, as your dad started slowly walking towards him, stoned faced red eyes alight with rage as he brought his free hand up to his mouth taking his glove off with his teeth, (dickhead)'s face slowly contorted in horror as he realized you weren't some random brat they picked up off streets!
You were his boss's kid! and he punted you across the bar for a toy! "Hey-I-i didn't know man,-s she can have it back-" the last thing he saw was Shigaraki's hand coming for his face, everyone in the bar looked away or down at their drinks "Someone clean that up." Your dad ordered as he calmly put his glove back on and stepped over a pile of dust and clothes as he took you to the doctor to make sure that waste of an NPC didn't break your ribs.
Kirishima: You were both at the bank you were off to the side fidgeting with your dress waiting for your dad to finish up at the teller and decided to  wander around the lobby, checking around if there any candy bowls around here, when you bumped into another adult a balding mad who's back was to you, "oops I'm sorr-" You were cut off by a loud crack! and suddenly you found yourself floor clutch your stinging cheek stunned as this angry red faced man screamed in your face. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THE FUCKING CAR (random boys name!)!?" You there was tense ringing in your ears as you burst out wailing as the demeanor changed as he finally got a good look at you and in horror realized you were a little girl and not his son. 
"uh-r" Just then Red blur came running at him and he was punched in the jaw by rock hard fist that sent him flying through the bank's glass door by a very pissed off Eijirou, who looked like was gonna kill him before he felt she daughter hug his leg, which she does when she wants to go home, his red eyes looked down at you the back the man who was being check on by the bank security, then back to you starring back at him tearfully, your dad took a deep breath picked you up and kissed the bruise forming on you cheek, and told manager he'll pay for the window. "YOU'RE MEAN!" you screamed at the man who hit you who was now awake with his actual son who was a teenager was standing awkward to the side looking embarrassed, the man flinched when your dad shot him a glare as you both passed him.
A week later the jerky dad had the gall to try taking your dad to court, the judge got one look at the security footage and your still healing face and laughed in the guys face and threw the case out.
Dabi: Your mom was the owner of his favorite Dive bar, They don't ask questions and he don't give answers, Anyway mom had stepped out to get weekly restock delivery and left Dabi in charge, things were wrapping up for the night when you had wandered down from the upstairs apartment way passed your bed. "Hey ,Firefly what're you doing up?" he said picking you up and sitting you on his lap. 
"Was the music too loud?" You shook your head he hummed you weren't feeling well and woke up, went looking for one of you parents, he felt how hot your forehead was under his chin and frowned. "Want some ginger ale?" he aske rubbing your back you uh-huh'd as your dad leaned over the bar grabbed a glass and went to grab the dispenser hose for the ginger ale.
Meanwhile some scantily dressed chick who been eyeing your dad like a hungry dog all night was angerly made her way over, in her drunken haze she saw another woman cuddled up to him instead of a little girl, stomped over to bar and before Dabi could register what was going on a nasally voice sneered "Get off my man whore!" and a manicured hand suddenly reached out and grabbed a fist full of your hair and tried yanking you out of his lap!
"Eek Daady!" You screamed in pain as your dad whipped around "What the hell?" Dabi snarled grabbing the woman's arm and using his quirk to burn her, the painted hussy let out this pterodactyl like screech and let go of your hair, then you threw up on her legs causing her to scream louder "My shoes!!!?" she shrieked and went to hit you, but Dabi had ignited his hand and stopped her. 
"Get the fuck out, before I melt your fucking face..." Dabi hissed as you held on to him like a baby koala crying and shaking like a leaf, Your dad watched the bouncer throw the bitch out, while she bitched and cried about knowing the owner and how he'll beat Dabi's ass. "And then you'll sorry!" she wailed as the bouncer shoved her away. "Oh we'll see about that..." Dabi mused as he tried calming you down and making sure she didn't hurt you too badly.
True to her word the bitch came to complain to the owner not realizing that A. the owner was a woman, B. they were Dabi wife, and C) the mother of that "midget whore" who barfed on her fake designers shoes. Dabi watched from the upstairs window calmly sipping his morning coffee as the woman said her sob story and demanded compensation! 
He smirked as your mom nodded calmly put the empty keg she was carrying on her shoulder down on the sidewalk, and without saying a word deck the woman in the face knocking her out cold. "There's your compensation..." She huffed then calmly picked the keg back up and put it on the truck, Dabi whistled at her "Say babe, have I ever told you how much I love you?" he said watching her from the open window your mom blushed flipped him off, he chuckled he could see her smiling. 
Katsuki: it was Kirishima it was you birthday and he was showing his quirk off to some of the kids when you ran into his elbow, knock on your butt sat there for a few seconds as your uncle and parents fussed over you, Eijirou was apologizing to you asking if you were alright? you just stared at them blankly before grimacing, causing your mom to bring her hand up towards your mouth and like that you spat a tooth out into the palm of her hand, her [y/ec] eyes widened while your dad and and uncle started freaking out...
Well.... more like your dad had uncle Kirishima by the shirt collar threatening to destroy him! while Eijirou came saying how sorry he was and it was an accident! while they were yelling your mom checked your mouth carefully counting your teeth, then sighed in relief before turning your dad. "Katsuki...." your dad didn't hear her as he was telling Kirishima to pay for you dental work!
"Katsuki." she tried again, but he was too far gone. "Alright you asked for it!" she yelled finally getting Katsuki's attention when he realized she was going use her quirk. "Hon, wai-" too late your mom snapped her fingers and your dad, still holding Kirishima, was frozen in place. Your mom calmly brought you over to your them and had you open your mouth and show him the "Damage" your dad's red eyes looked at you then back at your mom who was holding the tooth. "He knocked out that tooth... we were gonna have, y'know?" His eyes widened as he realized Shitty-Hair had knocked out a stubborn baby tooth that refuse to fall out, and were gonna have it pulled next week...
Your mom unfroze your dad and he dropped Kirishima before taking the tooth to examine it, making sure it really the right tooth, and he seemed to calm down, muttering an apology to Kirishima, then whispered something to you mom that made her blush. "You better be ready for it..." he purred in her ear, while you stared up at your parents confused. "Ready for what?" you asked innocently they both froze before Kirishima grabbed your hand. "say kiddo, let's see if (Kirishima's kid.) wants to play!" he said making a hasty get away with you.  
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doctorsiren · 4 years
Ok. This has been bugging me since I watched it so I have a question. In baby hotline, what exactly happened in the first part? (Up until they meet up with Cleo) like I get the general gyst of it but I want to know Details (if you have them and if you’re willing to share ofc <3)
Okay I’m gonna die because I had like… half of this typed out and then Tumblr crashed on me and I lost everything I had written ;v;
But yeah I had to go back and watch the actual animatic again cuz it’s been a while haha
So basically, in the beginning, NPC is pretending to be Grian, and he’s hanging out with his best best buddy, Mumbo. Mumbo isn’t aware that he’s actually NPC, and he thinks that Grian’s just being really friendly.
But then, (NP)Grian starts acting strange. He starts alluding to his robotic-ness, and Mumbo starts to become uneasy. Something is wrong, and he can feel it.
Then, NPC reveals himself. He asks Mumbo if he wants to join him, become an NPC, become (in his mind) perfect. See, for NPC, he believed that Mumbo would say yes! Mumbo was his friend, and so he would definitely agree…
NPC’s never really had friends before. The only one who ever really cared about him was Taurtis. NPC was never taught how to love or even what love is since Grian never loved him.
Mumbo outright refuses. Now he knows that something is up. NPC has Grian’s gauntlet. And where’s Grian? How long has this copy been impersonating G? Mumbo wanted to be NPC’s friend, but now...he’s done something very wrong and Mumbo isn’t sure what to do.
NPC was not expecting Mumbo to say no. It catches him off-guard. No worry though. NPC has the gauntlet, and won’t take no for an answer. He *snapshoots* (hehe) Mumbo and turns him into NPC Mumbo Jumbo (AKA Mumbot). It was a split-second decision.
Now Mumbot is an NPC. He doesn’t feel quite right. He doesn’t feel like himself anymore.
NPC isn’t having the best time either. During the “Hotline!” Bits, he’s realizing what he did. He made a hasty decision, and he can’t just…go back from it. If he were to turn Mumbo back into a human, he would definitely throw him back in a closet. NPC was scared of being forgotten, so this was the way, he believed, it had to be. Also, he’s glitching. It’s not just an art choice, but an actual story thing. NPC was shut in a closet for around 4 years, and so he’s not up to date with the latest version of minecraft. His systems are outdated. That’s why in Part 2 (Touch-Tone Telephone), he’s confused and then afraid of the bees. He doesn’t know what they are since he was in the closet for that update.
In the next bit, NPC shakes away his bad feelings to look at his newly perfected friend. He’s a robot man like him! Mumbot isn’t fighting back anymore. He seems perfectly happy being this way! NPC tells him that, “hey look, everything went okay! What were you scared about?”
But then...Mumbot discovers his new powers.
If you’ll recall, NPC can teleport (he can fly too but smh that was too OP and I forgot that he could until like...Part 5).
Well, Mumbot can go zappy zap. He starts to show a sign of...what is that...evilness? Not quite, but it’s enough to scare NPC. Mumbo’s more powerful than NPC meant, and he’s not sure what to do.
NPC sees Mumbot and Robocleo and starts to think about his decisions. At one point, RoboCleo is holding Xisuma’s helmet (the one that Joe wore in Part 3).
We once again cut to NPC glitching and thinking about what he’s done
And then we get to Mumbot.
This is a really important thing actually. So, when Mumbot was near NPC, he acted strange. He acted the way that NPC wanted him to act, even if NPC didn’t know that’s what he wanted. This is because NPC is subconsciously controlling the NPCGang when they’re near him.
RoboCleo becomes his right hand man, Mumbot becomes his beeeest friend >:))) (smh NPC IS A SIMP FOR MUMBO AND SO MUMBOT IS A SIMP BACK BC OF THE CONTROLLING THING)
But now Mumbot was by himself. He starts to be able to think his own thoughts clearly. He starts to become depressed and anxious. He thinks that the real Grian must be dead. And that means Joe and Xisuma too. His friends...gone. Reduced to atoms.
And he starts to hate himself because he let this happen. He didn’t catch on early enough to stop NPC from doing this. He didn’t check in to see where NPC was.
And so he starts to cry.
But Jrumbot doesn’t like to see his papa sad. He runs in and tells his father that he still loves him. Mumbot looks at his baby boy and realizes that there’s nothing he can do, so he might as well make the best of the situation. So he takes his son to meet up with his other father, his brother, and his aunt.
So then, I know you said you meant to beginning bit, but whatever I’m doin’ the full thing.
So now NPC, Mumbot, Jrumbot, and Robocleo are sitting atop Grumbot’s head, vibing.
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Smh look at them >:( stop being so cute /j
Since they’re near NPC, Mumbot and RoboCleo’s thoughts have been overridden by him and now they like him. He starts to talk about his anxieties and fears, but his two robot buddies reassure him that everything will be okay. They do this because NPC, deep down, wants them to. They obey.
NPC is telling them how he’s scared that they will forget about him or that they hate him.
Mumbot tells him that he would never hate him. That he would stay by his side.
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(Also it’s really funny because someone told me that at this frame, they thought Mumbot and NPC were gonna kiss- AND LIKE THAT’S EXACTLY WHY I HAD TO HAVE THIRDWHEEL ROBOCLEO POP IN ON THE NEXT FRAME HAHAH)
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NPC then gets his confidence back. He’s laughing and is fine.
But then the phone starts to ring.
Not a literal phone, but more of like...his consequences calling. He can’t run from them forever. He has to pick up the phone sometime.
And yeah! I hope that was helpful? I didn’t realize how confusing Baby Hotline was for people when I made it since I have the story in my head. Man, it’s nice to just...have somewhere to put this. But yeah. There’s a ton of lore and angst and stuff that goes on outside of the animatics that I don’t have the screen time to show sadly
BUT! Once I finish the animatic series, I will be writing it out as a full length fanfic, with TONS of extra stuff and like...full angst and character development. I hope that it all goes well haha
If you read all this, then I award you a choccy milk
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meadow-roses · 3 years
aske time :) for the writing asks: A1, A2, A10, A12, A14, your choice of anything in B, C8 ( :^) ), C11, D6
A1: Introduce the characters from one of your current WIPs in one or two sentences each. 
Okay let's gooo,,, I'll do The Keepers cause I haven't talked about that one as much. These aren't gonna be the best descriptions but whatever 
Ketsler: Quirky, fun-loving, everyone's weird grandpa, but also the most powerful person to have ever lived. He's old- so very, very old- and he's seen so much over all the centuries he has been protecting the worlds from Chaos, but he still makes an effort to slow down and appreciate the little things around him, because he knows better than most how fleeting life is.
Skylar: Skylar is from a world where faerie circles are real and witches turn people into frogs and trolls live in great, big castles and are slain by talking cats, a world where there's too much adventure to stay in one place, too many people to meet, and too many monsters to slay to stop running. He may be only a human (ooo mystery!!) but he is proficient in Wind magic and carries around a good bit of rune stones he and his pet dragon have found along his adventures. 
Felix: Felix is just a normal human from a small town after the earth becomes united under one world power. He wasn't born with superpowers like most soldiers are, but he was still skilled enough to join a special force working behind enemy lines when the rebellion made its move to free the planet from the tyranny that built this dystopian reality. 
Betty: A very sweet young lady, she's from a planet that was colonized by humans centuries ago. She may seem naive, but Betty can read anyone like a book and uses her gift to help those who are lost find themselves again. 
There's more characters but I'll just stick with those main ones cause I really struggle with descriptions xD
A2: Who's your favorite character to write and why?
Probably Joden? I haven't written most of my characters, but I looove writing his dialogue. He also makes me think so I can keep him clever lol
A10: What’s your character development process like? (As in how you develop them, not necessarily their development in-story)
I roleplay them! The more developed they are, the more I've acted as them. It really gets me inside their head to try and think like how they think, and that results in me being more equipped to "discover" why they are like that. 
A12: What kind of internal conflict does your character go through (want versus need, personality complexes or strong personality flaws/”fatal flaw” kinda thing)? How does this affect them?
It really varies depending on the character? For example Joden has this need to always have a plan, always be in control, and a breaking moment for him comes in when he finally just,,, doesn't know what to do. He's in over his head and the only thing he can do is trust Jacer to do what he can- knowing Jacer doesn't have things under control. 
So that's an example of a flaw that the character gets to overcome, but there also characters whose flaws are part of who they are. Skylar wouldn't be Skylar if he weren't stubborn. Ketsler wouldn't be Ketsler if he weren't arrogant. They never grow out of these flaws, they just learn to control them. Or I guess not be controlled by the flaw. 
This is actually something I think I struggle with for my characters, giving them those visable flaws. I see other people's characters that start out "bad" and grow into heroes, but it kinda seems like all my characters start out as heroes. 😅 I mean, they have flaws, but in comparison to other people's characters they feel really bland in that aspect. Idk
A14: Ramble about your characters. Anything special you like about them? Random little details you’ve added that you enjoy? 
Uh,,, I don't even know where to start I just love all of them for so many various reasons. Joden is just a clever little genius but he still can be so naive. He just has simple pleasures and it's not hard to make him laugh or smile and practically impossible to discourage him. He starts off just,,, wanting his old life back and then he sees what the world is like outside his little bubble and the bubble pops. He sees the atrocities for what they are and to be able to settle down again, he has to fix it. He can't just smile and do as he's told, he can't let the bad guys win. It I just his mother and wife and son he's fighting for, it's the entire wood and the idea of being actually, truly, free.
Jacer is so savvy, he knows what to do and what to say to get into and out of any situation, but at the same time he's just clueless when it comes to genuine connection. He's a princeling who's really never had a friend and now he's saving the world with Joden who only knows how to make genuine connections. Why does he have to keep hugging me??  
And Twylla who's ready to fight anything so she can get her clever idiot husband back? 
Adric who's just doing his best to be a good leader but everything keeps going wrong. He wasn't born to be a king, he wasn't born to lead an army, he always had his big brother to help him do these things and he's gone- he's gone and he's not coming back he messed up again so bad and yet here he is with everyone looking to him for answers and he doesn't know what to tell them. But he's got his friends, and he's got a good heart, and he genuinely cares and they're going to figure it out.
Skylar just keeps running forward and he never looks back at the past he just jumps from one adventure to another stopping the monsters and saving the day. He's got Gigi what more does he need? 
Felix is just,,, he's just such a nice guy. Over and over he stepped into the gap because someone's gotta fly that fighter, someone's got to fire that gun, someone's got to stabilize the bomb, someone's going to lose their life to ensure the victory, why shouldn't it be him? But he never actually dies, somehow he always survives and lives to fight the next day, and the next day and the next day, and then they win the war- the world is free. And even though he's been through so much he still hasn't lost that kindness, that love for all life that makes him himself. He still falls in love and starts a family and has his own beloved children… and even when he loses them he still doesn't become cynical. He still stands in the gap and is the one to fire the gun, to hold the hand of the one who's mourning, to scoop up the orphan child and carry them home. He fights, so others don't have to. Father to the fatherless and hero for all. Also he puts up with Skylar's time traveling craziness lol
And Ketsler? Unlike everyone else he never chose to be a hero. What are you supposed to do when you're a four year old boy and everyone tells you you're the hero they've been waiting for, praying for, you have to save them. It wasn't at all his choice to be born with the power of the universe running through his veins. To hold the Inness in his hands and bend reality to his will. But he didn't run away. He never hid from his destiny. He took the world onto his shoulders and never set it down. Only once- and he's never going to do it again. Never going to ask someone to fill in his role for him, it is his burden to bear… Except not anymore. Despite being multi-millenniums old, all that time didn't dull his appreciation for the little things. A baby's smile, sunshine through the leaves, the change of the seasons. The union of two souls in marriage, or the colors of the sunset streaking a foreign sky. He still sees these things, loves these things, fights for these things. Cause it's the little things he's fighting for, not just the big things. The precious moments and precious lives that make up the worlds. One of his apprentices asked him once, he'd been fighting for so long, when was it going to end? It's not his job to strike the final blow, to end the suffering and bloodshed, just to help. He saves the world, so that he can save it again. 
I have… several more characters I'd love to ramble about but that answer's gotten pretty long so I'll cut it off there. XD
B3: Do you have any plot twists? No need to describe them, just think about what kind of reaction you want from your readers. 
Oh I was just talking to August about this the other day. XD There is one plot twist in the Keeper's story I'm reeaaally looking forward to hehe I want to make people confused and then really mad when the whole thing is stretched out. >:) 
C8: Does magic exist in your world? Who can use it? How does it work?
It really depends on which WIP, but in general I like to keep magic restricted with rules. Joden's story and the Keeper's story are in the same universe (along with ThRoG) and follows that magic system. It's too complicated to go in depth here, but "magic" exists in another plane of existence, and things in the material world have varying levels of connection with it. It's kinda the energy that holds all worlds together and sustains life. The magic realm- the Inness is not a place where physical matter should exist, only spirits can walk there. 
Wizards are creatures that stand with one foot in the physical realm and the other in the Inness. Tevlar is destroying the world basically by turning it inside out- pulling the Inness out.
C11: Have you developed historical figures? How do you develop them? How in-depth do you go?
Oh yes. I am a complete history nerd so if any world EXISTS it has history, and history only happens because people. 
Sometimes it's a thought through process of "somebody needs to go here" and sometimes it's an npc from a time travel rp that took on more importance than I originally intended. 
It really varies how in depth it will go? Sometimes it's just a name to fill a spot and other times it's like, man I could write a whole book about this guy!
One historical figure would be Ares of the Pegasus. He was a powerful warrior that won a bunch of wars and united the different pegasus clans under his leadership and became the first king. He's really famous and people like naming their kids after him in a kinda superstitious hope they'll grow into attributes of his character. Ares is the male form of the name, Aris is for girls. It's like, the most common Pegasian name. XD
D6: Are there any writing styles that inspire you?
Probably the first writing style I wanted to emulate was Tolkien's, but I also really liked Andrew Peterson's? Tolkien is so dramatic, and Peterson isn't heavy on location descriptions, so I'm kinda aiming for in between I guess. 
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
tf boys + dnd headcanons (bc i clearly have nothing better to do)
pairings: benny miller / reader (romantic) but platonic w the rest of the tf boys
word count: i’m typing this in the post itself good luck fuckers
summary: i got nothing y’all. just know that benny & will have a little extra info idk why
a/n: i’m semi-new to dnd but i’m armed w the player’s handbook and google so i will do my best
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benny: i think dnd was a guilty pleasure for him during high school. yeah he was seen as a Hot Popular Guy™️ and played football and baseball, but there is and always has been a nerd living in that heart of gold. had one (1) set of dice he used for every campaign and even kept them with him when deployed. he joined a campaign for the first time in years after coming back from The Mission That Shall Not Be Named™️. creating new characters & a homebrew or two became a way for him to cope with everything that happened there and heal.
details abt (one of) benny’s character(s):
half-orc barbarian-bard multiclass, affectionately known as a bardbarian
college of lore + berserker pathways
himbo af and benny laughs a lot when he gets to act out said himboness
character has a tendency to start bar fights if his talent is questioned, and usually it’s beating them with his fists and/or lute. there’s an npc that owns an instrument shop the half-orc frequents that gives him a glare every time but will always repair or replace said lute
uses vicious mockery against the BBG (big bad guy) every time they face a new one and the guys have never laughed so hard at benny’s random insults
focuses more on utility spells bc it’s just that easy for him to beat the hell out of someone with fists and weapons. becomes a jack of all trades kind of guy (similar to irl) and enjoys the “oh shit he can do that?” questions when he pulls off an intricate
when you offhandedly mention dnd night with your friends while planning for a date, benny’s eyes go wide. “you play dnd?! why didn’t you tell me earlier, lovebug? i love dnd!” precious baby boy will gush abt his first campaign back in high school and find his first set of dice to show you. he’s excited bc dnd is now another thing you can do together as a couple. will ask if you two can make characters with interlocking backstories 🥺
will: he didn’t play in high school but knew some guys in basic training that played who explained the basics to him and his first thought was “oh benny would love this” bc he knows his brother that well benny never had the heart to tell will that he had been playing dnd for years before will told him abt it so will takes credit for introducing benny to dnd. didn’t join a campaign but a character was built & he was gifted a set of dice from that group’s dm in case he ever wanted to start. ends up taking this character with him when he joins one of your campaigns and enjoys it a lot more than he thought he would
details abt will’s character:
goliath male, abt 7’8” and 300ish lbs bc he a big chonk
ranger-fighter multiclass — “warrior who used martial prowess and nature magic to combat threats on the edge of civilization” & “master of martial combat, skilled with a variety of weapons and armor” (pg. 45, dnd player’s handbook)
you can’t tell me that william miller wouldn’t enjoy the FUCK out of this combo without your pants catching fire
favored terrain: mountain, forest at level 6, and arctic at level 10
fighting style: two-weapon fighting
archetype: beast master. prefers a wolf, hawk, or mule companion but isn’t too picky
less of an emphasis on strength (goliath characters already get +1 to strength & rangers need more dexterity and wisdom anyways); instead, put his higher stat rolls into dex, wisdom, and constitution
you mention dnd early in getting to know will partly to just make conversation (and to snuff out whether he was the kind of guy to look down on the game as a whole). he tells you abt benny and a few of his army friends that played, and that he didn’t consider himself a player bc he hadn’t used his character yet. you called bullshit and, after getting him to play once, discovered that will would make a fabulous dm. his memory? impeccable. session plans? infallible, no matter what the party can improvise. is somehow always able to steer the party in the direction he needs them to go without being forceful. no one has ever heard a “you can certainly try” sound so encouraging yet foreboding at the same time.
frankie: poor man is absolutely clueless. he joins in on the dnd fun bc he saw how excited benny was and figured that it would be better than sitting at home by himself watching western reruns. ends up being inspired by said westerns (namely “the rifleman”) when creating his character and is crossing his fingers the entire time hoping that no one calls him on the similarities. despite the emphasis placed on charisma, he’s drawn to the paladin class bc of their self-chosen holy quest and the desire to vanquish evil (trauma 🥺). is learning how spells work as he goes and is frequently apologizing for holding up the session bc of this.
details abt frankie’s character:
half-elf paladin male
neutral good alignment
worships helm, god of protection (forgotten realms)
strength & charisma highest stats
protection fighting style
takes the oath of vengeance — “a solemn commitment to punish those who have committed a grevious sin” (phb, pg. 87). the character’s own purity is inferior to serving the justice they believe is required. to me, this just SCREAMS frankie
with the guidance of helm, his character became the sole caretaker to a child whose village was slaughtered by his character’s sworn enemy. strives to defeat said sworn enemy both in the name of his adopted son’s lost family & simply bc helm was like “dude you gotta stop this guy” shortly before frankie’s character found the child
has a bunch of healing & defense spells instead of combat spells bc why would he need combat spells if he can just fuck someone up with a weapon of choice?
santiago: like frankie, santi was absolutely clueless. but unlike frankie, he did a fuck ton of research during the days leading to the first night of the campaign. he he showed up after actually having done research with a well-rounded character with fitting stats and an intriguing backstory. does what a lot of men can’t and won’t by giving the party a female that is a genuine badass and respected for her badassery instead of being talked down to simply bc she’s a female. enjoys putting feline tendencies into his rp and the guys make cat jokes a lot.
details abt santiago’s character:
female tabaxi monk, way of the open hand
chaotic neutral alignment
was raised in the monastery and became a teacher in the ways for a short time. left the monastery after her curiosity revealed corruption within the ranks & was only allowed to leave freely under the condition of not telling anyone what she found
she was called back to teach when a sickness took down a lot of the elders and despite the reluctance, when she learned her mentor was sick, she went back. taught until his death and is in search of a medicine to save the monastery
her curiosity is fueled by her passion to learn everything she can. sometimes this gets her into some shenanigans but nothing too bad
triple frontier taglist: @pedropasscals @max--phillips @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @obirain @themarcusmoreno @catsnkooks @battletales @darthadeline @jedi-mando @book-of-anarchy @andysficrecs @purelypascal @whovianwar @lv7867 @kaermorons @princess76179 @greeneyedblondie44
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