motheatenscarf · 2 years
Playing BG3, finally got through the Goblin camp again as Rose this time, I have a weird bug where apparently the first time whenever I camp in a different area other than the Wilderness, like caves or the underdark, that becomes “True Camp” where companions return to. So, whoever I had in my party at the time was who got to go to the tiefling celebration afterward.
So, sadly, I didn’t have Lae’zel in the party, so I won’t know who she hooks up with if you romance Gale, which is honestly devastating, I was hoping it would be Astarion so I could see if literally all of the men disappointed her. But I did see the Gale romance, he’s a good fit for Rose, except for the part where he’s WORSE THAN ASTARION about setting the right mood.
HOW COULD IT BE WORSE, you ask? He doesn’t strand your character buck ass naked on the bare forest floor, literally anything would have to be better than that, right?
At least Astarion took Aashi the FUCK AWAY FROM CAMP, oh my god!
Scene fades in, Rose is sitting on the little bedroll around the camp fire with Wyll and Shadowheart asleep on the other bedrolls nearby. 
Huh, weird place to start.
Oh, Gale’s... sitting down.
Wait. No. Here? NO!
Cut to under construction mindflayer. 
Okay, maybe they moved. Maybe it’ll cut to a different part of cam-
Nope, he’s gonna tell her about Mystra now and we are still... in camp... same spot where they left off...
I’m so sorry, Wyll and Shadowheart. Rose is officially your terrible college roommate. 
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golyadkin · 10 months
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Sons Of The Labyrinth or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us
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ghostsessioned · 5 months
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the priestess crushed beneath the new - laid rock.
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sebastian: “i was just following your orders”
ciel: i would kill u if i could
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grapecaseschoices · 6 months
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she a stalker FOR REAL. why she right THERE??
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morninkim · 10 months
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redrew an old oc for funsies bc i wanna revive her story and world
Ruriko Ishino - JUMP Stinger
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braskide · 11 months
been going on and off about wether or not to move to a multimuse and take yuna with me there since i feel the pull to write more of my muses / small interactions with more of them. ... .... thinkies.
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Ralph tent diagram + more little sketches of him talkin and whatnot
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johnschneiderblog · 2 years
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Rockin’ ‘The Rock’
Following the Atlanta gig, Lord Huron played a music festival called the Iceberg Alley Performance Tent in St. John’s, Newfoundland, also known as ‘The Rock.’
The mode of transportation: a private jet provided by the festival’s promoter, which, as far as I know, is a first for the Bubs.
According to its website, Iceberg Alley is an 11-day Festival “created to showcase the unique culture, traditions and heritage of Newfoundland and Labrador alongside nationally and internationally acclaimed entertainment.”
It all takes place in a 36,000-square-foot tent on the banks of Quidi Vidi Lake.
Coincidentally, son Justin, his wife Roxanne and sons Colin and Reid, are on a road trip in that same general neighborhood. Last we heard, they were in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, about to board a whale-watching boat.
The photo shows, the Bubs, plus touring musicians Misty Boyce (far left) and Brandon Walters (third from left) as they were about to depart Atlanta.
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freckleslikestars · 2 years
So, I still don’t actually know if I’m going camping next month, but I had to get a new tent for it because the tent I’ve had since I was 12 was the one I lived in when I was homeless and by the end it was mouldy and full of holes from the foxes that kept pouncing on it (I actually got it months ago and it’s been sat in my car) and, being a good guide/scout I figured I should set it up and check it over before I go and practice getting it set up and taken down in under 15 minutes (that was always the time they gave use to set our tents up when I was a kid).
And so I’m setting it up and I get hit with this sudden nostalgia for being a girl guide who much preferred to be out doors kayaking and canoeing and camping and so frequently got ‘loaned out’ to my brother’s Scout group (because my mother wouldn’t allow me to be an actual scout despite girls starting to go to scouts more, and my dad volunteered for the scouts sometimes and I was friends with all the older ones, so it was kinda just allowed) so I could go on their trips, and every year we used to kayak/canoe to this island about three towns away - leaving on the Friday evening - and we’d camp on the island in hammocks under tarps for two nights before paddling back home on the Sunday afternoon. We’d cook all our food on the campfire and play capture the flag across the entire island and god, I hadn’t realised how much I missed that yearly trip until just now.
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disengaged · 2 years
bro camping was so fucking fun
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Just watched Repo! The Genetic Opera for the first time because YouTube has been trying to get me to listen to Zydrate Anatomy for months and I finally gave in. Listened to it on repeat for two days before I figured out it was from a musical, not just some incomprehensible song that also happens to slap.
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dutybcrne · 24 days
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@voidlesslove said : I'd love to see Kaeya with the traveler as his mate. They'd immediately clock his scent as Inteyvats and depending on which it is would share theirs with him. (Side note I can totally see the traveler as a beta) 『 Related to this || Accepting 』
YES! 🥹
#voidlesslove#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#answered#//Love the idea of him panicking over them clocking his actual scent; even if they bring it up in private#//Trying to brush them off; trying to scramble out of it bc who KNOWS if they'd hold it against him#//Only for their own scent to waft over him and calm him (bonus if it's smth similar or has an Odd edge to it; bc they are an Outlander#but that very detail abt it is what HELPS bc it almost feels familiar to him (he'd dare even say it almost felt as though they were#'True Mates'...but how prepostorous would that be? An Omega being True Mates with a BETA? It's unheard of! And yet he almost dares HOPE-)#//He can't immediately identify it; is too caught up in them reassuring him they won't say anything abt it; in steadying himself#//Maybe it's not until they're closer; perhaps around the time of his 'hangout' or after Cari.bert when they decide to become proper 'mates#//And THAT'S when Traveler shares their scent with him; what it is; lets him Properly bask in it rather than indulge faint traces of it#//Because ever since he's gotten a soft spot for them before they left Mond; every time they saw him; he was Exceedingly clingy#//Longing for that little scent that seemed to set his restlessness at ease–as if his body really CHOSE them as his mate#//Kae prolly brushed it off like nothing at first; thinking he was just clingy for a new friend. Never minding how much he Hated them#smelling like others they'd encountered (esp Venti; who likes to scent them for friendship And bc he wanted to play matchmaker for em)#//Prolly helped lead them to tentative courting; over letters; during festivals Traveler would return for. Long distance being so PAINFUL#//And every reunion feeling like the most powerful sense of relief; like finally able to release a bated breath held fast#//I like to think they are VERY bitey mates. Bc Traveler can't really 'claim' him in a traditional sense; but they can sure Mark him#//& vice-versa. & he absolutely leaves them utterly covered in his pheromones each time they part; hoarding things they left their scent on#//Heats get really tricky for them; bc being a Beta; they can't really Satisfy his Urge at the time#//But he doesn't care; would ask them to utterly flood his nest/the place with their pheromones and help him through it anyways#//He'd rather do that and feel a little discomfort than have to resort to bringing an Alpha into the mix. Would LOATHE that#//Still; Traveler being with him Definitely helped him through his heats better than other Beta partners he's had before#//Okay; this was a hc spam whoops fjgbfg. Okay last one; he ONLY ever nests in their teapot. & prefers to spend his heats in there#//THAT'S how comfortable he would feel with them; even before they properly courted/became mates
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santhihillviewresort · 4 months
Experience peace and quiet at the best hill view resorts in Munnar. Our Munnar budget friendly resort offers unparalleled views of the hills and ensures a budget-friendly vacation in the natural beauty of Munnar. Spend yourself in the serenity of Munnar while enjoying comfortable accommodations and excellent service.
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pieflavorpie · 4 months
To all my online shit stirrers out there:
Top tip. Want to make them quake? Not know how to respond back? Make them look like a complete buffoon?
Quote sources! I started doing this around 2 weeks ago. Before, responding to [blatantly false] facts would always end up in a virtual spitting match. Since Quoting Sources, I have had a 0% response rate!
A response denying that uterine transplants of trans women have no use? Source!
A response saying that a flying coaster is dangerous because "all it takes is one thing to brake and you're having a belly flop no one wants."? Well that's absurd. Why? No source!
This is only a small peek at what Quoting Sources can do for you! It shuts them up like magic!
Also see: asking people for THEIR sources! See a person stating a person died because a 'ride was so intense'? Ask them their source! It causes an awkward virtual silence you can truly revel in. Sometimes these facts are true, but it's good to see where these people get their facts so you can practice critical thinking either way!
[Quoting/Citing sources is good practise for topics with a lot of misinformation and feelings targeted at it which can cover topics from rollercoaster safety, to transgender biology, to the Palestinian genocide. It's always morally right to be thoroughly educated by trustworthy sources - No, the news typically isn't a trustworthy source. I recommend looking at papers/blueprints/Wikipedia (as they usually cite their sources).]
[[Don't forget to always cite your source as you quote it. It has a much better impact and also Plagiarism Isn't Cool.]]
Also see: Why exactly you would be more informed on the subject than the person you are arguing with. Why should they trust you?
#lol just had this idea come to me#but gen it is so fun#also reading the sources is nicely stimulated#sadly i did give up on learning INTENSE biology after GCSE cause Me No Likey but! its nice to keep up with the advances#im so happy for trans women who are able to get their transplants and other required surgeries#go kill it queens. go make history!#on a more somber and serious note. I volunteer at a community ran book store right? and last time i was there we got this customer#a senior who always had a stern look on her face but wasnt overtly cruel. who would get annoyed if we couldnt find a book with her exact#description but who always leaned in to make sure she heard what we were saying. she came in and asked for a book on Palestinian history.#so that she could make an informed decision on the genocide on the middle east. It may not be a ceasefire - which i stand by that EVERYONE#should be calling ceasefire. The complications can be settled afterwards - but she may be. i dont know her personally. but she had an#instinct to get to the truth. not what news outlets were telling her. what the TRUTH was. It really touched me. my nan isnt like that. my#grandad isnt like that. theyll listen to what we tell them. but they wont go looking for it.#anyway#if youre reading this : dont forget to click the button today#look at all the links im reposting if u see them#donate if you feesibly can#would also like to note: revolution is not pretty. there are things to be done to increase visibility. those arent necessarily selling#lemonade at a cardboard stand. its throwing soups at protected artworks. its sitting in the way of private jets. its oiling the PMs private#home. its marching. its shouting. its making people know menstruating people in Gaza are using tents as sanitary products.#how kHamas has agreed to several ceasefire terms while Isnotreal withdrew#dont forget to spread the news. that is a form of protest by itself. your actions matter.
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thehmn · 1 year
Just read a perfectly fine fanfiction that took place in Germany but something that stood out to me was a chapter where the characters walk across a field and is approached by the farmer yelling at them to get off his land.
I’ve come across this plot point a few times and I feel like it’s worth telling writers that most of Europe has some version of Right To Roam. The laws aren’t the same in every country but generally you’re allowed to walk and rest on private property like fields and forests so long as you don’t destroy crops or leave trash, but not gardens or fenced in areas. Depending on the country you also have the right to pick mushrooms, berries, nuts and other edible things in forests but without chopping trees down or breaking branches. The owner of the land might put up a sign asking you to follow certain guidelines like no horses or keeping your dog on a leash but but there’s no real repercussions to not following the rules besides the owner eventually fencing the area off so people can’t enjoy it anymore.
I’ve personally walked around on a field while the farmer was harvesting potatoes with his big ass machine and collected the leftovers while my dog was trotting calmly besides me and he looked straight at me and didn’t care one bit because Denmark also has an old tradition of letting people collect what’s left as a form of charity (for my fellow Danes, that’s what “rev vi marken let, det er gammel ret, fuglen og den fattige skal også være mæt” means in the song Marken Er Mejet) This is just a tradition and not a law however so it depends on the farmer.
The very north of Europe like Norway and Sweden even give people the right to put up tents and camp on other people’s private land (except gardens and such). Again, the laws vary from country to country but as a rule of thumb you have more right to roam the further north you go and less the further south but if you want to write in a specific country look up the laws there.
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